Cornerstone Software
When you invoice a client, many related procedures happen automatically; you can also perform many tasks during the
invoicing process. After an invoice is processed and posted, Cornerstone* Software updates the reminder information
and the patient’s medical file, generates any departing instructions or special actions linked to the invoice items, and
adds the invoice total to the practice sales totals. For Petly* Plans subscribers, available plan items are also automatically
discounted and are clearly indicated on screen as well as on the printed invoice.
Invoice task buttons
Move selected item up
or down in the invoice
Invoice area
Accounts receivable area
Line item
entry grid
Plan status
Open the Client Invoice window
Patient Clipboard*—In the Client or Patient List area, right-click and select Invoice.
Client/Patient Search window—Right-click a client or patient result card and select Invoice.
Toolbar—Click the Invoice button .
Create an invoice
Tip: You can start the invoice from the Patient Visit List (PVL).
1. In the Client Invoice window, if the client information is not displayed, type the ID in the Client ID box or press F2 or
double-click to search for the client. The client’s oldest open invoice (i.e., saved but not posted) automatically appears.
2. In the Invoice number box, press Ta b to accept the invoice number and move to the next box (for an existing invoice).
To open a different invoice, press F2 and select the invoice.
3. (Optional) From the Invoice type drop-down list, select the invoice type. Note: This step may be required based on
your invoicing default settings.
4. In the Receptionist box, either accept the default ID, enter a different ID, or press F2 to search for and select a staff
member. Press Ta b to accept the ID and move to the next box.
Right-click a line to
view price details
5. If the patient record is not displayed, in the Patient ID box, enter the patient ID or press F2 to search for and select the
patient. Press Tab to accept the ID. If there are invoice items on the PVL for this patient, the PVL window opens.
Note: Depending on your invoice default settings, you may be prompted to open the PVL; click Yes.
6. Select or clear the Include checkbox for each status, if necessary, and make any other changes. Click Transfer to move
the items to the invoice. Add additional items as needed. To remove an item, click the item ID or quantity field and press
7. If there are additional patients to invoice, select their names from the list and add items. If you see a special action for
a PVL, double-click the Patient Visit action to open the PVL, make updates, and click Transfer. Repeat for any other
8. Perform any other tasks, such as applying discounts, verifying inventory details, processing special actions, resolving
not-requested laboratory tests or imaging results, etc.
9. Click Post and then complete any additional tasks you are prompted to perform. Note for Petly Plans: Posting will do a
final check of available plan items and apply or remove discounts accordingly.
Other Client Invoice window actions
To... Do this...
Post an invoice Click Post. Make any changes and click OK. On the Payment window, process the payment. See the Client
Account—Payments Quick Reference Guide for more information.
Save an invoice Click Save to save an invoice with an open status so you can make changes or add to the invoice. Items on
saved invoices are not counted until the revenue is posted.
Correct or void an
To correct an open or saved invoice, make changes and then save or post the invoice.
Once posted, the invoice can only be voided, not corrected. Select the invoice, click Void, and then create a new
invoice. If you need to address only a few incorrect items on an invoice, simply create and post a new invoice
containing just those items, using a negative quantity for each item.
Email an invoice From either the Post Invoice or Payment window, select the Email invoice checkbox.
Tip: To view all open invoices, click the Invoices tab of the Daily Planner .
Invoice task buttons
Rx Label—Create a prescription
instruction; select the item ID for
this item and click the button.
Special—If this button is
enabled, there are invoice
items with special actions to
departing instructions
linked to items on the
invoice and add more
Pharmacy—If you have
the Veterinary Pharmacy
Reference (VPR) software
installed, print information
Make Appt—Open the
Appointment Scheduler to make
a new appointment.
Travel Sheet—Open a travel
sheet and select items to add
to the invoice.
Copy To—Copy invoice
items from one patient to
© 2021 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 06-29153-03
* Cornerstone, Patient Clipboard, and Petly are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United
States and/or other countries.
Keyboard shortcuts
F1 Display on-screen Help for the current window.
F2 Look up values for a list, such as ID fields.
Ta b Move the cursor to the next field.
Shift+Tab Move the cursor to the previous field.
Ctrl+D Delete the selected record.
For more information
For invoicing and payment setup and detailed instructions, see the “Invoicing and Payment” section of the Cornerstone Help .
Go to to view snippet videos about many other Cornerstone features.
Find this document at
Right-click menus
Use the right-click menus for quick access to
many tools.
Tip: Double-click in ID fields to search for an