2023 Professional Masters Degree Summer Experience Report
Executive Summary
Professional master’s students seeking summer experiences in the summer of 2023 have
started to venture back out into a wider range of opportunities. Ninety-six percent (96%) of
Nicholas School professional master’s students, Master of Environmental Management (MEM)
and Master of Forestry (MF), known to be seeking opportunities reported securing a
meaningful summer experience. This report contains data on these experiences, broken down
by sector and program area.
Background, Audience, & Methods
Background: The Nicholas School professional master’s degree program highly recommends a
meaningful summer experience for current students. These experiences, historically called
internships, typically occur for 8-12 weeks in the summer between academic years when
returning to a full-time degree program the following fall semester. They could be full-time or
part-time in duration.
In 2023, summer student experiences also included project-based remote work, research
projects, fellowships related to academic coursework, and professional experiences that may
extend beyond the summer months. For these purposes, the broader term “summer
experience” is used in this report.
Audience: The Nicholas School Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC) surveyed
163 rising second- or third- year Master of Environmental Management (MEM), Master of
Environmental Management or Forestry/Master of Business Administration (MEM or MF/MBA),
Master of Environmental Management/Master of Engineering Management (MEM/E-MGT),
Master of Environmental Management/Master of Public Policy (MEM/MPP), Master of
Environmental Management/Juris Doctor (MEM/JD), Master of Environmental
Management/Master of City and Regional Planning (MEM/MCRP), and/or Master of Forestry
(MF) students. As the Duke Environmental Leadership Master of Environmental Management
(DEL-MEM) students are working environmental professionals, the majority generally do not
seek summer experiences, but those who respond to the survey are included.
Methods: CPDC created and distributed a survey that was sent to the identified audience of
163 students in June 2023 and received 131 survey responses (80% completion rate). Requests
for survey completion were followed by online research and email contacts requesting
confirmation of summer experience information. Augmented by this knowledge, CPDC
obtained information or responses from an additional 16 individuals, for a total of 147 students
(90% of the identified audience). Results Section 1 looks at trends for all survey respondents,
and Results Section 2 provides information by sector, concentration(s), and degree(s) from
students who elected to share information via the survey. Ten students were not included in
the analysis because they either reported not needing or seeking an experience, or information
on their experience could not be obtained by online research or email contact.
Results Section 1: General Trends
This section of the report analyzes the 147 out of 153 (96%) experiences students known to be
seeking experiences reported or were known to have in Summer 2023.
Figure 1: Distribution by Sector
Private sector hosts (Business/Industry = 27% and Consulting = 9%) and NGOs (39%) accounted
for 72% of 2023 summer experience hosts. Consulting firms stayed consistent to percentages
reported last year in 2022. The Stanback Fellowship Program (SFP) accounted for 67% of the
NGO summer experiences.
39%, 46
27%, 32
14%, 17
11%, 13
9%, 11
NGO Business/Industry Academic/Think Tank Government Consulting
Figure 1: 2023 Experiences by Sector (n = 119)
% (count)
Figure 2. Funding Sources
Duke University sources either partially or fully supported at least 37% of summer experiences.
For the third straight year, companies or programs providing funding for summer experiences
was a higher percentage of funding than Duke-related funds. Nevertheless, the value of this
support to individual students remains high.
In its 27
year, the Stanback Fellowship Program (SFP) provided partial funding for Duke
students matched with select non-profit hosts for ~11 weeks. The Stanback Fellowship Program
consistently accounts for 20-30% of summer experiences. Additional support was made
possible by awards from the Edna B. Sussman Foundation, the David R. Brower Fund, the
Whitney E. Chamberlain Fund, the Karen Kirchof Internship Fund, and the Kuzmier-Lee-Nikitine
(KLN) Fund. 2023 represents the last year the Edna B. Sussman Foundation funding will be
available to Nicholas School students as the program announced it is ending after 37 successful
years and over 1.1 million dollars in awards made to Duke students.
Figures 3 and 4. Physical Locations
Experiences ranged from policy or data analysis to business sustainability to field-based
experiences in a range of locations and for employers across the globe. United States locations
included California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland,
Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia. In 2023, 44% of survey question
respondents reported a remote or hybrid experience, a decrease from the 66% in Summer
2022. The work style color scheme indicates whether the student was in a state and conducted
in-person work (yellow), remote work from that state (blue), or a hybrid work arrangement
2, 2%
8, 7%
10, 8%
15, 13%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Unpaid or Volunteer
Other Duke Funding
EDF Climate Corps
Nicholas School
Stanback Fellowship Program
Paid by the Organization/Company
Figure 2: 2023 Funding Sources
Figure 4 illustrates the eight students known to have in-person international experiences (red).
These include Chile, China (3), Gabon (3), and New Zealand.
Figure 3: Locations in the United States, 2023
Figure 4. International locations, 2023
Results Section 2: 2023 Experiences by Degree and Program Area
Primary Concentration*
Host Sector
Business and Environment (BE)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
McKinsey Consulting
Summer Associate
3R Sustainability Consulting
ESG Assessment Reviewer
Children's National Hos pital NGO (EDF Climate Corps)
Climate Corps Fellow
U.S. Green Building Council Center for Green Schools NGO (non-Stanback)
Healthy Schools Com m unication and Outreach Intern
Dogwood Alliance NGO (Stanback)
Climate Fellow
Crowley Maritim e Private
Offshore Wind Intern
Land of Sky Regional Council, Waste Reduction Partners / Uchiyama Manufacturing America
Summer Associate
Matthews International Corporate Private
Sustainability Intern
Ulta Beauty Private (EDF Climate Corps)
Sustainability Strategy Fellow
Genesys Private (EDF Climate Corps)
Sustainability Intern
Coas tal Environm ental Management
NOAA's Southeast Regional Office Federal Government (US)
Protected Species Division - Marine Mammal Branch Intern
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Federal Government (US)
Junior Acoustician with the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's
Passive Acoustic Research Group
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center Federal Government (US)
Marine Turtle Ecology and Assessment Sussman Fellow
Duke University Marine Lab (Silliman Lab) Hig her Education ( Duke)
Research Technician
Unique Places to Save (UP2S) NGO (non-Stanback)
Conservation Intern
Master of Forestry (MF)
The Nature Conservancy NGO (non-Stanback)
GIS Stewardship Intern
Park Institute of America / National Park Service NGO (non-Stanback)
Climate Ada ptation of His toric S tructures Intern
Conservation International Hawai' i NGO (non-Stanback)
Sustainable Seafood Intern
North Carolina Coastal Federation NGO (Stanback)
Coas tal Policy and R estoration Fellow
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic NGO (Stanback)
Science and Policy Fellow
Three Rivers Land Trust NGO (Stanback)
Baseline Inventory Specialist
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health
US Environmental Protection Agency Federal Government (US)
Pathways Intern/Student Trainee
Superfund Centre Hig her Education ( Duke)
Superfund Center Intern
Energy and Environment (EE)
ICF Consulting
Energy Analyst
Converge Strateg ies Consulting
Energy Resilience Fellow
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Government (US)
Energy Industry Analyst Intern
Sanford School of Public Policy Hig her Education ( Duke)
Research Assistant
Summit County government, UT Local Government (EDF Climate Corps)
Climate Corps Fellow
Master of Public Policy (MPP)
NC Sustainable Energy Association NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Energy Data Fellow
SELC NGO (Stanback)
Energy Policy Intern
The Rachel Carson Council NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Renewable Energy Policy Fellow
Environmental Defense Fund NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Natural Infrastructure and climate intern
Marathon Capital LLC Private
Summer Analyst
Asplundh Tree Expert, LLC Private
EDF Climate Corps Fellow
8 Rivers Capital, LLC Private
Business Development Intern
Cerberus Capital Management Private
ESG Intern
CICC Private
ESG Intern
ARPA-E Private
Technology-to-Market Summer Scholar
NextEra Energy Resources Private
Market Analysis Intern
East Point Energy Private
Power Market Analyst Summer Associate
MetOx Technologies Private
Summer Strategy Associate
Knorr Bremse, New York Air Brake Private
Energy Intern
CICC Global Institute Private
Research Assistant
Starbucks Private
Clean Energy Fellow
Delorean Power Private
Energy Storage Development Intern
S&P Global Private (EDF Climate Corps)
Corporate Responsibility Intern
Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP)
Master of City and Regional Planning
Arcadis Consulting
Resilience Intern
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Federal Government (US)
Distribution Utility Resilience Intern
EPA Federal Government (US)
Intern with Air Economics Group
Data-Driven EnviroLab, UNC-Chapel Hill Hig her Education ( non-Duke)
Research Assistant
Zealandia NGO (non-Stanback)
Visiting Researcher
Environmental Defense Fund NGO (non-Stanback)
2023 Climate Corps Fellow
Public Lands Policy G roup of Colorado State University NGO (non-Stanback)
Research Associate
National Parks Conservation Association NGO (non-Stanback)
Duke Biodiversity F ellow
Southern Environmental Law Center NGO (Stanback)
Southeast Regional Environmental Justice Statutory, Policy &
Regulatory Research Stanback Fellowship
Park Institute of America NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Conservation Research Fellow
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic NGO (Stanback)
Science and Policy Fellow
Juris Doctorate (JD)
NRDC NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Clean Air Legal Fellow
Three Rivers Land Trust NGO (Stanback)
Habitat Management Intern
RMI NGO (Stanback)
India Program Intern
Southern Environmental Law Center NGO (Stanback)
Southeast Regional Environmental Justice, Statutory Policy, and
Regulatory Research Fellowship
League of Conservation Voters NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Government Affairs Fellow
Apex Clean Energy Private
Government Affairs Summer Associate
Intl. Farming Private
Summer Investment Associate
Propeller Ventures Private
Summer Associate
CICC Private
ESG Investing Analyst
World Bank Group Quasi Government Org - International
Changing wealth of Nations
Ecosystem Science and Conservation (ESC)
NASA Federal Government (US)
DEVELOP Interns hip Program
US Department of Transportation Federal Government (US)
Environmental Protection Specialist
Gabon Parks Network Hig her Education ( Duke)
Pathogens to Pachyderms
Nicholas Institute Hig her Education ( Duke)
Research Intern
Duke University/ANPN/IRET Hig her Education ( Duke)
Bass Connections - Forest Innovations in Wildlife Technology
Pennsylvania S tate University Arboretum Hig her Education ( non-Duke)
Plant R ecords Intern
City of Da llas Local Government (EDF Climate Corps)
EDF Climate Corps Fellow
Tar River Land Conservancy NGO (non-Stanback)
Land Stewardship Intern
The Hive Fund for Climate & Gender Justice NGO (non-Stanback)
Communications Consultant
Conservation Trust for North Carolina NGO (Stanback)
Conservation and Com m unity Resilience GIS S tanback F ellow
The Nature Conservancy NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Coastal Fellow
Apex Clean Energy Private
Technology GIS Summer Associate
Grove Climate Group Private
Summer Associate
Water Resources Management (WRM)
Master of Engineering Management
Civil Consultants Consulting
Engineering Technician Intern
City of R aleigh Storm w ater Local Government
Water Quality Intern
NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection Local Government
Environmental Education Intern
Maryland-National Capitol Parks & Planning Commission
NGO (non-Stanback)
Natural Resources Intern II
NRDC NGO (Stanback)
Stanback Clean Water Policy Fellow
Environmental Working Group NGO (Stanback)
Investigations team intern
*dual degree or secondary concentration noted if applicable