Unofficial electronic version of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation
Unofficial Electronic Version
This unofficial electronic version of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation following
this Disclaimer was produced by California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff for the
reader’s convenience. CARB staff has removed the underline-strikeout formatting
which exists in the Final Regulation Order approved by the Office of Administrative Law
(OAL) on May 27, 2020 and included the full regulatory text for the Regulation; however,
the following version is not an official legal edition of title 17, California Code of
Regulations (CCR), sections 95480-95503. The effective date of this regulation is July
1, 2020. While reasonable steps have been taken to make this unofficial version
accurate, the officially published CCR takes precedence if there are any discrepancies.
Official Legal Edition
The official legal edition of title 17, CCR, sections 95480-95503 is available at the OAL
Online California Code of Regulations:
“Title 17. Public Health”
“Division 3. Air Resources”
“Chapter 1. Air Resources Board”
“Subchapter 10. Climate Change”
“Subchapter 10. Climate Change”
“Article 4. Regulations to Achieve Greenhouse
Gas Emission Reductions
Subarticle 7. Low Carbon Fuel Standard
95480. Purpose........................................................................................................ 1
95481. Definitions and Acronyms. ........................................................................... 1
95482. Fuels Subject to Regulation. ...................................................................... 25
95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. .............................................................................. 27
95483.1. Opt-In Entities. ........................................................................................... 40
95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. ............................................................. 43
95483.3. Change of Ownership or Operational Control. ........................................... 52
95484. Annual Carbon Intensity Benchmarks. ....................................................... 54
95485. Demonstrating Compliance. ....................................................................... 57
95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits. ....................................... 66
95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. .... 71
95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure
Pathways. .................................................................................................. 77
95487. Credit Transactions. ................................................................................... 94
95488. Entities Eligible to Apply for Fuel Pathways. ............................................ 100
95488.1. Fuel Pathway Classifications. .................................................................. 101
95488.2. Relationship Between Pathway Registration and Facility Registration. ... 104
95488.3. Calculation of Fuel Pathway Carbon Intensities. ...................................... 106
95488.4. Relationship of Pathway Carbon Intensities to Units of Fuel Sold in
California. ................................................................................................. 108
95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification
Process. ................................................................................................... 110
95488.6. Tier 1 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process.
................................................................................................................. 116
95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process.
................................................................................................................. 119
95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. . 128
95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. ........................... 137
95488.10. Maintaining Fuel Pathways. ..................................................................... 145
95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. .................................................... 146
95490. Provisions for Fuels Produced Using Carbon Capture and Sequestration.
................................................................................................................. 186
95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. ........................................ 191
95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. ................................................................... 206
95492. Enforcement Protocols. ............................................................................ 213
95493. Jurisdiction. .............................................................................................. 214
95494. Violations. ................................................................................................ 215
95495. Authority to Suspend, Revoke, Modify, or Invalidate. ............................... 215
95496. [Reserved]. ............................................................................................... 218
95497. Severability. ............................................................................................. 218
95498. [Reserved]. ............................................................................................... 218
95499. [Reserved]. ............................................................................................... 218
95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification
of Annual Fuel Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports,
Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports, Project Reports, and
Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports. ............................... 218
95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. ........................... 224
95502. Accreditation Requirements for Verification Bodies, Lead Verifiers, and
Verifiers. ................................................................................................... 231
95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers .... 246
Table 1: LCFS Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for 2011 to 2030 for Gasoline and
Fuels Used as a Substitute for Gasoline. ................................................... 54
Table 2: LCFS Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for 2011 to 2030 for Diesel Fuel and
Fuels Used as a Substitute for Diesel Fuel. ............................................... 55
Table 3: LCFS Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for 2019 to 2030 for Fuels Used as a
Substitute for Conventional Jet Fuel. ......................................................... 56
Table 4: Energy Densities and Conversion Factors for LCFS Fuels and Blendstocks.
................................................................................................................... 70
Table 5: EER Values for Fuels Used in Light- and Medium-Duty, and Heavy-Duty
Applications. ............................................................................................... 73
Table 6: Land Use Change Values for Use in CI Determination ............................ 108
Table 7-1: Lookup Table for Gasoline and Diesel and Fuels that Substitute for
Gasoline and Diesel ................................................................................. 113
Table 7-2: Calculated Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis Carbon Intensity Values
for 2019 ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 8: Temporary Pathways for Fuels with Indeterminate CIs ............................ 140
Table 9: Carbon Intensity Lookup Table for Crude Oil Production and Transport. . 150
Table 10: Nelson Complexity Indices. ...................................................................... 171
Table 11: Summary Checklist of Quarterly and Annual Reporting Requirements. ... 203
Table 12: Annual Compliance Calendar. ................................................................. 205
Amend sections 95481, 95482, 95483, 95483.1, 95484, 95485, 95486, 95487, 95489,
95491, 95492, 95493, 95494, and 95495;
Adopt sections 95483.2, 95483.3, 95486.1, 95486.2, 95488, 95488.1, 95488.2,
95488.3, 95488.4, 95488.5, 95488.6, 95488.7, 95488.8, 95488.9, 95488.10, 95490,
95491.1, 95500, 95501, 95502, and 95503; and
Repeal sections 95483.2, 95488, and 95496 title 17, California Code of Regulations, to
read as follows:
Subchapter 10. Climate Change
Article 4. Regulations to Achieve Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions
Subarticle 7. Low Carbon Fuel Standard
§ 95480. Purpose.
The purpose of this regulation is to implement a low carbon fuel standard, which will
reduce the full fuel-cycle, carbon intensity of the transportation fuel pool used in
California, pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Health &
Safety Code [H&S], section 38500 et seq.).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95481. Definitions and Acronyms.
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of sections 95480 through 95503, the definitions
in Health and Safety Code sections 39010 through 39060 shall apply, except as
otherwise specified in this section or sections 95482 through 95503:
(1) Account Administrator” means the person who can establish and activate
user accounts for the reporting party organization as well as upload data
(but not necessarily “submit” reports) into the LRT-CBTS. Account
administrators with “signatory authority” may submit Quarterly and Annual
Reports; initiate and view all credit transfers and credit transfer activity;
access the Credit Balance ledger for the organization; and
select/authorize broker(s) to represent them.
Legal Disclaimer: This is an unofficial electronic version of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation.
The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 2
(2) “Advanced Credits” means LCFS base electricity credits that are issued
prior to the quarter in which credit-generating transactions have occurred.
Advanced credits can only be sold via the Credit Clearance Market, and
only retired for the purpose of meeting compliance obligation.
(3) “Advanced Credit Window” is the six-year period during which advanced
credits can be issued and after which base credit issuances will be
adjusted to account for advanced credits.
(4) Adverse Validation Statement” and “Adverse Verification Statement
means a statement rendered by a verification body attesting that: (1) the
verification body cannot say, with reasonable assurance, that the reported
value is free of a material misstatement, or (2) the data submitted contain
one or more correctable errors, or (3) both, and thus is not in conformance
with the requirement to fix such errors pursuant to section 95501(b)(6).
This definition applies to Adverse Validation Statements for fuel pathway
applications and Adverse Verification Statements for Annual Fuel Pathway
Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and
Annual Volumes Reports, Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery
Reports, and Project Reports. “Material misstatement” for each type of
report is assessed pursuant to sections 95501(b)(9) through (11).
(5) “AEZ-EF Model” means the Agro-Ecological Zone Emissions Factor model
(December 31, 2014), posted at and
available for download
which is incorporated herein by reference.
(6) “Aggregated Transaction Indicator” means an identifier for reported
transactions that are a result of an aggregation or summing of more than
one transaction in the LRT-CBTS. An entry of ‘True’ indicates that
multiple transactions have been aggregated and are reported with a single
Transaction Number. An entry of ‘False’ means that the transaction
record results from one fuel transaction reported as a single Transaction
(7) “Alternative Fuel” means any transportation fuel that is not CaRFG or a
diesel fuel, including those fuels specified in section 95482(a)(3) through
(8) “Alternative Jet Fuel” means a drop-in fuel, made from petroleum or
non-petroleum sources, which can be blended and used with conventional
petroleum jet fuels without the need to modify aircraft engines and existing
fuel distribution infrastructure.
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The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 3
(9) “Animal Fat” means the inedible fat that originates from a rendering facility
as a product of rendering the by-products from meat processing facilities
including animal parts, fat and bone. “Yellow grease” must be reported
under an applicable animal fat pathway if evidence is not provided to the
verifier or CARB to confirm the quantity that is animal fat and the quantity
that is used cooking oil.
(10) “Application” means the type of vehicle where the fuel is consumed in
terms of LDV/MDV for light-duty vehicle/medium-duty vehicle or HDV for
heavy-duty vehicle.
(11) “Aviation Gasoline” means a complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons,
with or without additives, suitably blended to be used in aviation engines.
(12) Avoided Cost Calculator” means the Excel-based spreadsheet model
(May 2018) produced by Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3)
for use in demand-side cost-effectiveness proceedings at the California
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), which is incorporated herein by
reference, and is available for download at
(13) “Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)” means any vehicle that operates solely by
use of a battery or battery pack, or that is powered primarily through the
use of an electric battery or battery pack but uses a flywheel or capacitor
that stores energy produced by the electric motor or through regenerative
braking to assist in vehicle operation.
(14) “Biodiesel” means a fuel as defined in California Code of Regulations,
title 4, section 4140(a).
(15) “Biodiesel Blend” means biodiesel blended with CARB diesel.
(16) “Biogas” means the raw gaseous mixture comprised primarily of methane
and carbon dioxide and derived from sources, including but not limited to,
the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in a landfill, lagoon, or
constructed reactor (digester). Biogas often contains a number of other
impurities, such as hydrogen sulfide, and it cannot be directly injected into
natural gas pipelines or combusted in most natural-gas-fueled vehicles.
It can be used as a fuel in boilers and engines to produce electrical power.
The biogas can be refined to produce near-pure methane, which is sold as
(17) “Bio-CNG” means biomethane which has been compressed to CNG.
Bio-CNG has equivalent performance characteristics when compared to
fossil CNG.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 4
(18) “Bio-LNG” means biomethane which has been compressed and liquefied
into LNG. Bio-LNG has equivalent performance characteristics when
compared to fossil LNG.
(19) “Bio-L-CNG” means biomethane which has been compressed, liquefied,
re-gasified, and re-compressed into L-CNG, and has performance
characteristics at least equivalent to fossil L-CNG.
(20) “Biomass” means non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material
originating from plants, animals, or micro-organisms, including: products,
by-products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry, and related
industries; the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of
industrial and municipal wastes; and gases and liquids recovered from the
decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material.
(21) “Biomass-based Diesel” means a biodiesel or a renewable diesel.
(22) “Biomethane” means methane derived from biogas, or synthetic natural
gas derived from renewable resources, including the organic portion of
municipal solid waste, which has been upgraded to meet standards for
injection to a natural gas common carrier pipeline, or for use in natural
gas vehicles, natural gas equipment, or production of renewable
hydrogen. Biomethane contains all of the environmental attributes
associated with biogas and can also be referred to as renewable natural
(23) “Blendstockmeans a component that is either used alone or is blended
with another component(s) to produce a finished fuel used in a motor
vehicle. Each blendstock corresponds to a fuel pathway in the
California-modified Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy
use in Transportation version 3.0 (CA-GREET3.0) model, (August 13,
2018), which is incorporated herein by reference. A blendstock that is
used directly as a transportation fuel in a vehicle is considered a finished
(24) “Brown Grease” means an emulsion of fat, oil, grease, solids, and water
separated from wastewater in a grease interceptor (grease trap) and
collected for use as a fuel feedstock. Brown grease must be reported
under an applicable used cooking oil (UCO) pathway, i.e., reported as
“unprocessed UCO“ only if evidence is provided to the verifier or CARB to
confirm that it has not been processed prior to receipt by the fuel
production facility.
(25) “Business Partner” refers to the counterparty in a specific transaction
involving the fuel reporting entity. This can be either the buyer or the
seller of fuel.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 5
(26) “Carbon Intensity (CI)” means the quantity of life cycle greenhouse gas
emissions, per unit of fuel energy, expressed in grams of carbon dioxide
equivalent per megajoule (gCO
(27) “Cargo Handling Equipment” means any off-road, self-propelled vehicle or
equipment, other than yard trucks, used at a port or intermodal rail yard to
lift or move container, bulk, or liquid cargo carried by ship, train, or another
vehicle, or used to perform maintenance and repair activities that are
routinely scheduled or that are due to predictable process upsets.
Equipment includes, but is not limited to, rubber-tired gantry cranes, top
handlers, side handlers, reach stackers, loaders, aerial lifts, excavators,
tractors, and dozers.
(28) “CHAdeMO Connector” means a connector and communication protocol
for vehicle DC charging initially developed in Japan during 2005-2009. It
was first adopted into international standards IEC 61851-23/24 and IEC
62196-3 in 2014 and then into USA standard IEEE 2030.1.1 in 2015.
Further updates to the protocol are managed by the CHAdeMO
(29) “Clean Fuel Reward” is a statewide program established by EDUs to
provide a reduction in price on new light duty EV purchases or leases in
California. The Clean Fuel Reward is funded exclusively through LCFS
proceeds generated by EDUs from electricity fuel.
(30) “Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)” means natural gas that has been
compressed to a pressure greater than ambient pressure.
(31) “Conflict of Interest” means a situation in which, because of financial or
other activities or relationships with other persons or organizations, a
person or body is unable, or potentially unable, to render an impartial
validation or verification statement on a potential client’s LCFS data report,
or the person or body’s objectivity in performing validation or verification
services is, or might be, otherwise compromised.
(32) “Contract Description Code” means the alphanumeric code assigned by
an exchange to a particular exchange product that differentiates the
product from others traded on the exchange.
(33) “Conventional Jet Fuel” means aviation turbine fuel including Commercial
and Military Jet Fuel. Commercial Jet Fuel includes products known as
Jet A, Jet A-1, and Jet B. Military Jet Fuel includes products known as
JP-5 and JP-8.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 6
(34) “Correctable Errors” means one or more errors that result from a
nonconformance with this subarticle and are identified by the verification
team as errors that affect data subject to validation or verification as
specified in section 95500. Differences that, in the professional judgment
of the verification team, are the result of differing but reasonable methods
of truncation or rounding or averaging, where a specific procedure is not
prescribed by this subarticle, are not considered errors.
(35) “Credit Generator” means a fuel reporting entity or a project operator that
generates LCFS credit in the LCFS program.
(36) “Credits” and “Deficits” mean the units of measure used for determining a
regulated entity’s compliance with the average carbon intensity
requirements in section 95484. Credits and deficits are denominated in
units of metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO
e), and are
calculated pursuant to sections 95486.1(a), (c), 95486.2(a)(5) and (b)(5),
95489 and 95490.
(37) “Day” means a calendar day unless otherwise specified as a business
(38) “Deficit Generator” means a fuel reporting entity who generates deficits in
the LCFS program.
(39) “Diesel Fuel” (also called conventional diesel fuel) has the same meaning
as specified in California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2281(b).
(40) Direct Current Fast Charging” means charging an electric vehicle at 50
kW and higher using direct current.
(41) “Disadvantaged Communities” means communities that are defined by
California Health and Safety Code section 39711(a) that are identified
based on geographic, socioeconomic, public health, and environmental
hazard criteria, and may include, but are not limited to, either of the
following: (1) areas disproportionately affected by environmental
pollution and other hazards that can lead to negative public health effects,
exposure, or environmental degradation or (2) areas with concentrations
of people that are of low-income, high unemployment, low levels of
homeownership, high rent burden, sensitive populations, or low levels of
educational attainment.
(42) “Distiller’s Corn Oil” has the same meaning as “Technical Corn Oil.”
(43) “Distiller’s Sorghum Oil” has the same meaning as “Technical Sorghum
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The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 7
(44) “Drayage Trucks” means vehicles as defined in California Code of
Regulations, title 13, section 2027(c).
(45) “E100,” also known as “Denatured Fuel Ethanol,” means nominally
anhydrous ethyl alcohol.
(46) “Electrical Distribution Utility” means an entity that owns or operates an
electrical distribution system, including:
(A) a public utility as defined in the Public Utilities Code section 216
(referred to as an Investor Owned Utility, or IOU);
1. “Large Investor-owned Utility” means an IOU with annual
load served equal to or more than 10,000 Gigawatt- hours
(GWh) in 2017;
2. “Medium Investor-owned Utility” means an IOU with annual
load served of less than 10,000 GWh and equal to or more
than 700 GWh in 2017;
3. “Small Investor-owned Utility” means an IOU with annual
load served equal to or less than 700 GWh in 2017.
(B) a local publicly-owned electric utility (POU) as defined in Public
Utilities Code section 224.3;
1. “Large Publicly-owned Utilitymeans a California POU with
annual load served equal to or more than 10,000 Gigawatt-
hours (GWh) in 2017;
2. “Medium Publicly-owned Utility” means a California POU
with annual load served of less than 10,000 GWh and equal
to or more than 700 GWh in 2017;
3. “Small Publicly-owned Utility” means a California POU with
annual load served of less than 700 GWh in 2017.
(C) an Electrical Cooperative (COOP) as defined in Public Utilities
Code section 2776.
(47) “Electric Cargo Handling Equipment (eCHE)” means cargo handling
equipment using electricity as the fuel.
(48) “Electric Power for Ocean-going Vessel (eOGV)” means shore power
provided to an ocean going vessel at-berth.
(49) “Electric Transport Refrigeration Units (eTRU)” means refrigeration
systems powered by electricity designed to refrigerate or heat perishable
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The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 8
products that are transported in various containers, including semi-trailers,
truck vans, shipping containers, and rail cars.
(50) “Electric Vehicle (EV),” for purposes of this regulation, refers to Battery
Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs).
(51) “Energy Economy Ratio (EER)means the dimensionless value that
represents the efficiency of a fuel as used in a powertrain as compared to
a reference fuel used in the same powertrain. EERs are often a
comparison of miles per gasoline gallon equivalent (mpge) between two
fuels. EERs for fixed guideway systems are based on MJ/number of
(52) “Environmental Attribute” means greenhouse gas emission reduction
recognition in any form, including verified emission reductions, voluntary
emission reductions, offsets, allowances, credits, avoided compliance
costs, emission rights and authorizations under any law or regulation, or
any emission reduction registry, trading system, or reporting or reduction
program for greenhouse gas emissions that is established, certified,
maintained, or recognized by any international, governmental, or non-
governmental agency.
(53) “Executive Officer” means the Executive Officer of the California Air
Resources Board, or his or her delegate.
(54) “Exchange” means a central marketplace with established rules and
regulations where buyers and sellers meet to conduct trades.
(55) “Export” means transportation fuel reported in the LRT-CBTS program that
is subsequently delivered outside of California and not used for
transportation in California.
(56) “Feedstock First Collection Point” means the facility that aggregates and
stores or treats feedstock materials collected from a point of origin. The
first collection point may be upstream of the fuel production facility, or, if
feedstocks are transported to the fuel production facility directly from the
point of origin, the first collection point is the fuel production facility.
(57) “Feedstock Transport Mode” means the applicable combination of actual
delivery methods and the distance through which the feedstock was
transported to any intermediate entities and ending at a fuel production
facility. The fuel pathway holder and any entity reporting the fuel must
demonstrate that the actual feedstock transport mode and distance
conforms to the stated mode and distance in the certified pathway.
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The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 9
(58) “Final Distribution Facility” means the stationary finished fuel transfer point
from which the finished fuel is transferred into the cargo tank truck,
pipeline, or other delivery vessel for delivery to the facility at which the
finished fuel will be dispensed into motor vehicles.
(59) “Finished Fuel” means a fuel that is used directly in a vehicle for
transportation purposes without requiring additional chemical or physical
(60) “First Fuel Reporting Entity” means the first entity responsible for reporting
in the LRT-CBTS for a given amount of fuel. This entity initially holds the
status as the fuel reporting entity and the credit or deficit generator for this
fuel amount, but may transfer either status pursuant to sections 95483 or
(61) “Fish Oil” means the fat that originates from fish processing operations as
a product of rendering fat from residual fish parts.
(62) “Fixed Guideway System” means a system of public transit electric
vehicles that can operate only on its own guideway (directly operated, or
DO), or through overhead or underground electricity supply constructed
specifically for that purpose, such as light rail, heavy rail, cable car, street
car, and trolley bus.
(63) “Fossil CNG” means CNG that is derived solely from petroleum or fossil
sources, such as oil fields and coal beds.
(64) “Fossil LNG” means LNG that is derived solely from petroleum or fossil
sources, such as oil fields and coal beds.
(65) “Fossil L-CNG” means L-CNG that is derived solely from petroleum or
fossil sources, such as oil fields and coal beds.
(66) “Fuel Pathway” means, for a particular finished fuel, the collective set of
processes, operations, parameters, conditions, locations, and
technologies throughout all stages that CARB considers appropriate to
account for in the system boundary of a complete well-to-wheel analysis of
that fuel’s life cycle greenhouse gas emissions.
(67) “Fuel Pathway Applicant” refers to an entity that has registered in the
Alternative Fuel Portal pursuant to section 95483.2 and has submitted an
application including all required documents and attestations in support of
the application requesting a certified fuel pathway.
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The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 10
(68) “Fuel Pathway Code” means the identifier in the LRT-CBTS that applies to
a specific fuel pathway certified pursuant to sections 95488 through
(69) “Fuel Pathway Holder” means a fuel pathway applicant that has received a
certified fuel pathway carbon intensity based on site-specific data,
including a Provisional fuel pathway.
(70) “Fuel Production Facility” means the facility at which the fuel is produced.
“Fuel Production facility” means, with respect to biomethane to vehicle fuel
pathways, a facility at which fuel is upgraded, purified, or processed to
meet standards for injection to a natural gas common carrier pipeline or
for use in natural gas vehicles.
(71) “Fuel Reporting Entity” means an entity that is required to report fuel
transactions in the LRT-CBTS pursuant to section 95483 or 95483.1.
Fuel reporting entity refers to the first fuel reporting entity and to any entity
to whom the reporting entity status is passed for a given quantity of fuel.
(72) “Fuel Transport Mode” means the applicable combination of actual fuel
delivery methods, such as truck routes, rail lines, pipelines, and any other
fuel distribution methods, and the distance through which the fuel was
transported under contract from the entity that generated or produced the
fuel, to any intermediate entities, and ending at the fuel blender, producer,
importer, or provider in California. The fuel pathway holder and any
entity reporting the fuel must demonstrate that the actual fuel transport
mode and distance conforms to the stated mode and distance in the
certified pathway.
(73) “Green Tariff” means a program in which a retail seller of electricity offers
its customers an opportunity to purchase electricity sourced from low-
carbon intensity energy resources. This includes the Green Tariff Shared
Renewables program established pursuant to California Senate Bill 43
(2013) and defined under the California Public Utilities Code sections
(74) “GTAP” or “GTAP Model” means the Global Trade Analysis Project Model
(December 2014), which is incorporated herein by reference, and is a
software available for download at
(75) “Heavy-Duty Vehicle” means a vehicle that is rated at or greater than
14,001 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
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The official legal edition is available at the OAL website:
§ 95481. Definitions. 11
(76) “Holdback Credits” means the portion of base residential EV charging
credits issued to an EDU that are not contributed by the EDU to the Clean
Fuel Reward program.
(77) “Home Fueling” means the dispensing of fuel by use of a fueling appliance
that is located on or within a residential property with access limited to a
single household.
(78) “Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)” means any vehicle that can draw
propulsion energy from both of the following on-vehicle sources of stored
energy: 1) a consumable fuel, and 2) an energy storage device, such as
a battery, capacitor, or flywheel.
(79) “Hydrogen Station Capacity Evaluatoror “HySCapE” means a tool
developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to determine the
dispensing capacity of a hydrogen station, HySCapE Version 1.0 (August
13, 2018), which is incorporated herein by reference and available at
(80) “Import” means to bring a product from outside California into California.
(81) “Importer” means the person who owns the transportation fuel or
blendstock, in the transportation equipment that held or carried the
product, at the point the fuel entered California. For purposes of this
definition, “transportation equipment” includes, but is not limited to, rail
cars, cargo tanker trucks, and pipelines.
(82) “Independent Reviewer” means an accredited lead verifier, within a
verification body, who (A) has not participated in conducting the LCFS
validation or verification services for the client for the current application
period or reporting period, and (B) provides an independent review of
findings and services rendered to the client as required in section 95501.
The independent reviewer is not required to meet the additional specified
competency requirements in sections 95502(c)(4) and 95502(c)(5) that the
verification team leader must meet.
(83) “Ineligible Specified Source Feedstock” means a feedstock specified in
section 95488.8(g)(1)(A) that does not meet the chain-of-custody
documentation requirements specified in section 95488.8(g)(1)(B).
(84) “Intermediate Calculated Value” means a value that is used in the
calculation of a reported value but does not by itself meet the reporting
requirement under section 95491.
(85) “Intermediate Facility” means a facility in a fuel supply chain, which is not
the fuel production facility, that contributes site-specific data for
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§ 95481. Definitions. 12
determination of a fuel pathway carbon intensity. Intermediate facilities
produce components of a fuel or intermediate chemical that may be
further processed into a fuel. This term includes feedstock-processing
(86) “LCFS Credit Broker” is a person registered in the LRT-CBTS specifically
to facilitate the transfer of LCFS credits between LRT-CBTS accounts.
(87) “Lead Verifier” means a person who has met all the requirements in
section 95502 and who may act as either (A) the lead verifier of a
verification team providing validation or verification services, or (B) as a
lead verifier providing an independent review of validation or verification
services rendered.
(88) “Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions” means the aggregate quantity of
greenhouse gas emissions (including direct emissions and significant
indirect emissions, such as significant emissions from land use changes),
as determined by the Executive Officer, related to the full fuel life cycle,
including all stages of fuel and feedstock production and distribution, from
feedstock generation or extraction through the distribution and delivery
and use of the finished fuel to the ultimate consumer, where the mass
values for all greenhouse gases are adjusted to account for their relative
global warming potential.
(89) “Light-Duty Vehicle” and “Medium-Duty Vehicle” mean a vehicle category
that includes both light-duty (LDV) and medium-duty vehicles (MDV).
(A) “LDV” means a vehicle that is rated at 8,500 pounds or less GVWR.
(B) “MDV” means a vehicle that is rated between 8,501 and
14,000 pounds GVWR.
(90) “Liquefied Compressed Natural Gas (L-CNG)” means LNG that has been
liquefied and transported to a dispensing station where it was then
re-gasified and compressed to a pressure greater than ambient pressure.
(91) “Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)” means natural gas that has been liquefied.
(92) “Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or propane)” has the same meaning as
defined in Vehicle Code section 380.
(93) “Load-Serving Entity” means any entity that (A) sells or provides electricity
to end users located in California, or (B) generates electricity at one site
and consumes electricity at another site that is in California and that is
owned or controlled by the company. A load-serving entity does not
include the owner or operator of a co-generator.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 13
(94) “Low-Carbon Intensity (Low-CI) Electricity” means any electricity that is
determined to have a carbon intensity that is less than the average grid
electricity for the region, including but not limited to an “eligible renewable
energy resource” as defined in Public Utilities Code sections 399.11-
399.36 under the California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program.
(95) “Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery” means a refinery that meets
both of the following criteria:
(A) A Modified Nelson Complexity Score equal to or less than 5 as
calculated in section 95489(d)(1)(A).
(B) Total annual energy use equal to or less than 5 million MMBtu as
calculated in section 95489(d)(1)(B).
(96) “Low-Income Communities” means census tracts with median household
incomes at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income or with
median household incomes at or below the threshold designated as low
income by the Department of Housing and Community Development’s list
of state income limits adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code section
(97) “Mandatory Reporting Regulation” or “MRR” means CARB’s Regulation
for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions as set forth in
title 17, California Code of Regulations, chapter 1, subchapter 10, article 2
(commencing with section 95100).
(98) “Material Misstatement of Operational Carbon Intensity” means any
discrepancy, omission, or misreporting, or aggregation of the three,
identified in the course of verification services that leads a verification
team to believe that the reported operational CI (gCO
e/MJ) contains one
or more errors that, individually or collectively, result in an overstatement
or understatement more than 5 percent of the reported operational CI, or 2
e/MJ, whichever absolute value expressed in gCO
e/MJ is greater.
Material misstatement is calculated separately for each operational CI.
All correctable errors identified must be fixed prior to the completion of the
verification services to receive a positive or qualified positive verification
(99) “Material Misstatement of Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use (LC/LEU)
Refinery Data” means any discrepancy, omission, or misreporting, or
aggregation of the three, identified in the course of LC/LEU refinery report
verification services that leads a verification team to believe that a LC/LEU
Refinery Report contains one or more errors that, individually or
collectively, result in an overstatement greater than 5 percent of the
regulated entity’s annual sum of quarterly reported volumes of CARBOB
or diesel produced from crude oil. Discrepancies, omissions, or
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§ 95481. Definitions. 14
misreporting, or an aggregation of the three, that result in an
understatement of the annual sum of quarterly reported volumes of
CARBOB or diesel produced from crude oil submitted in the LC/LEU
Refinery Report is not a LC/LEU refinery data material misstatement.
Material misstatement is calculated separately, pursuant to section
95501(b)(11), for the annual volume of CARBOB production from crude oil
and for the annual volume of diesel production from crude oil. All
correctable errors identified must be fixed prior to the completion of the
verification services to receive a positive or qualified positive verification
(100) “Material Misstatement of Project Data” means a discrepancy, omission,
misreporting, or aggregation of the three, identified in the course of project
verification services that leads a verification team to believe that a Project
Report contains one or more errors that, individually or collectively, result
in an overstatement greater than 5 percent of the regulated entity’s
reported total greenhouse gas emission reductions. Discrepancies,
omissions, or misreporting, or an aggregation of the three, which result in
an understatement of total reported greenhouse gas emission reductions
in the Project Report, is not a project material misstatement. Material
misstatement is calculated separately, pursuant to section 95501(b)(10),
for each Project Report. All correctable errors identified must be fixed
prior to the completion of the verification services to receive a positive or
qualified positive verification statement.
(101) “Material Misstatement of Quarterly Fuel Quantity” means any
discrepancy, omission, or misreporting, or aggregation of the three,
identified in the course of validation or verification services that leads a
verification team to believe that the regulated entity’s reported fuel quantity
per fuel pathway code per quarter contains one or more errors that,
individually or collectively, result in an overstatement or understatement
greater than 5 percent. Material misstatement is calculated separately,
pursuant to section 95501(b)(9), for each quarterly fuel quantity per fuel
pathway code. All correctable errors identified must be fixed prior to the
completion of the verification services to receive a positive or qualified
positive verification statement.
(102) “Modified Nelson Complexity Score” means a Nelson Complexity Score
that is calculated without including lube oil and asphalt capacity, as set
forth in section 95489(d)(1)(A).
(103) “Motor Vehicle” has the same meaning as defined in section 415 of the
Vehicle Code.
(104) “Multi-fuel Vehicle” means a vehicle that uses two or more distinct fuels for
its operation. A multi-fuel vehicle (also called a vehicle operating in
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§ 95481. Definitions. 15
blended-mode) includes a bi-fuel vehicle and can have two or more fueling
ports onboard the vehicle. A fueling port can be an electrical plug or a
receptacle for liquid or gaseous fuel. For example, most plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles use both electricity and gasoline as the fuel source and
can be “refueled” using two separately distinct fueling ports.
(105) “Multi-family Residence” means a dwelling unit in a building that consists
of at least four condominium dwelling units or at least three apartment
dwelling units in which each unit shares a floor or ceiling on at least one
(106) “Natural Gas” means a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons and other
compounds, with at least 80 percent methane (by volume), and typically
sold or distributed by utilities, such as any utility company regulated by the
California Public Utilities Commission.
(107) “Nelson Complexity Score” means the commonly used industry measure
of a refinery’s ability to convert crude oils to finished fuels, taking into
consideration the complexity of the technologies incorporated within the
process and related capacities as compared to crude distillation.
(108) “Nonconformance” means the failure to use any method or meet any other
requirement specified in this subarticle.
(109) “Ocean-Going Vessel” means a commercial, government, or military
vessel meeting any one of the following criteria:
(A) A vessel greater than or equal to 400 feet in length overall (LOA) as
defined in 50 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 679.2, as
adopted June 19, 1996;
(B) A vessel greater than or equal to 10,000 gross tons (GT ITC)
pursuant to the convention measurement (international system) as
defined in 46 CFR § 69.51-.61, as adopted September 12, 1989;
(C) A vessel propelled by a marine compression ignition engine with a
per-cylinder displacement of greater than or equal to 30 liters.
(110) “On-road” means a vehicle that is designed to be driven on public
highways and roadways and that is registered or is capable of being
registered by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) under
Vehicle Code sections 4000 et seq. or DMV's equivalent in another
state, province, or country; or the International Registration Plan. A
vehicle covered under CARB's In-Use Off-Road Regulation, Code of
Regulations, title 13, section 2449, is not covered under this definition.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 16
(111) “OPGEE” or “OPGEE Model” means the Oil Production Greenhouse gas
Emissions Estimator Version 2.0 (June 20, 2018) posted at, which is incorporated herein by
(112) “Opt-in Fuel Reporting Entity” means an entity that meets the
requirements of section 95483.1 and voluntarily opts in to be a fuel
reporting entity and is therefore subject to the requirements set forth in this
(113) “Opt-in Project” means a project approved for generating LCFS credits by
the Executive Officer pursuant to sections 95489 or 95490.
(114) Over-the-Counter” means the trading of LCFS credits or contracts not
executed or entered for clearing on any exchange.
(115) “Performance Review” means an assessment conducted by CARB of an
applicant seeking to become accredited or reaccredited as a verification
body or lead verifier pursuant to section 95502 of this subarticle. Such
an assessment may include a review of applicable past sampling plans,
validation and verification reports, validation and verification statements,
conflict of interest submittals, and additional information or documentation
regarding the applicant’s fitness for qualification.
(116) “Petroleum Intermediate” means a petroleum product that can be further
processed to produce CARBOB, diesel, or other petroleum blendstocks.
(117) “Petroleum Product” means all refined and semi-refined products that are
produced at a refinery by processing crude oil and other petroleum-based
feedstocks, including petroleum products derived from co-processing
biomass and petroleum feedstock together. “Petroleum product” does
not include plastics or plastic products.
(118) “Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)” means a hybrid electric vehicle
with the capability to charge a battery from an off-vehicle electric energy
source that cannot be connected or coupled to the vehicle in any manner
while the vehicle is being driven.
(119) “Positive Validation Statement” and “Positive Verification Statement”
means a statement rendered by a verification body attesting that the
verification body can say, with reasonable assurance, that the reported
value is free of material misstatement, when applicable, and conforms to
the requirements of this subarticle. This definition applies to Positive
Validation Statements for fuel pathway applications and Positive
Verification Statements for Annual Fuel Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel
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§ 95481. Definitions. 17
Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports,
Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports, and Project Reports.
(120) “Private Access Fueling Facility” means a fueling facility with access
restricted to privately-distributed electronic cards (“cardlock”) or is located
in a secure area not accessible to the public.
(121) “Producer” means, with respect to any fuel, the entity that made or
prepared the fuel.
(122) “Product Transfer Document (PTD)” means a document that authenticates
the transfer of ownership of fuel from a fuel reporting entity to the recipient
of the fuel. A PTD is created by a fuel reporting entity to contain
information collectively supplied by other fuel transaction documents,
including bills of lading, invoices, contracts, meter tickets, rail inventory
sheets, Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) product transfer documents,
(123) “Project Operator” means an entity that registers an opt-in project in the
Alternative Fuel Portal and has it approved for generating LCFS credits.
A project operator must meet the requirements of sections 95483.1 and
95489 or 95490.
(124) “Public Access Fueling Facility” means a fueling facility that is not a
private-access fueling dispenser.
(125) “Qualified Positive Validation Statement” and Qualified Positive
Verification Statement means a statement rendered by a verification body
attesting that the verification body can say, with reasonable assurance,
that the reported value is free of material misstatement, when applicable,
and is in conformance with the requirement to fix correctable errors
pursuant to section 95501(b)(6), but the data may include one or more
other nonconformance(s) with the requirements of this subarticle, which
do not result in a material misstatement. This definition applies to
Qualified Positive Validation Statements for fuel pathway applications and
Qualified Positive Verification Statements for Annual Fuel Pathway
Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and
Annual Volumes Reports, Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery
Reports, and Project Reports.
(126) “Rack” means a mechanism for delivering motor vehicle fuel or diesel from
a refinery or terminal into a truck, trailer, railroad car, or other means of
non-bulk transfer.
(127) “Reasonable Assurance” means a high degree of confidence that
submitted data and statements are valid.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 18
(128) “Regulated Entity” means an entity subject to any requirement pursuant to
this subarticle.
(129) “Renewable Fuel Standard” means the program administered by the
United States Environmental Protection Agency, under 40 CFR Part 80:
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, Subparts K and M.
(130) “Renewable Hydrocarbon Diesel” means a diesel fuel that is produced
from non-petroleum renewable resources but is not a mono-alkyl ester
and which is registered as a motor vehicle fuel or fuel additive under 40
Code of Federal Regulations part 79. This includes the renewable
portion of a diesel fuel derived from co-processing biomass with a
petroleum feedstock.
(131) “Renewable Hydrogen” means hydrogen derived from (1) electrolysis of
water or aqueous solutions using renewable electricity; (2) catalytic
cracking or steam methane reforming of biomethane; or (3)
thermochemical conversion of biomass, including the organic portion of
municipal solid waste (MSW). Renewable electricity, for the purpose of
renewable hydrogen production by electrolysis, means electricity derived
from sources that qualify as eligible renewable energy resources as
defined in California Public Utilities Code sections 399.11-399.36.
(132) “Renewable Propane” means liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or propane)
that is produced from non-petroleum renewable resources.
(133) “Rural Area” means a census tract with at least 75 percent of its
population identified as rural by the latest US Census data.
(134) “SAE CCS Connector” means a connector that supports both AC J1772
and DC Charging and created by the Society of Automobile Engineers,
which is a standards development organization for vehicle technology.
(135) “Shore Power” means electrical power being provided either by the local
utility or by distributed generation to ocean-going vessels at-berth.
(136) “Single-family Residence” means a building designed to house a family in
a single residential unit. A single-family residence is either detached or
attached including duplex or townhouse units.
(137) “Site-specific Data” and “Site-specific Input” means an input value used in
determination of fuel pathway carbon intensity value, or the raw
operational data used to calculate an input value, which is required to be
unique to the facility, pathway, and feedstock. All site-specific inputs
must be measured, metered or otherwise documented, and verifiable,
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§ 95481. Definitions. 19
e.g., consumption of natural gas or grid electricity at a fuel production
facility must be documented by invoices from the utility.
(138) “Specified Source Feedstocks” means feedstocks that require the chain of
custody evidence specified in 95488.8(g)(1)(B) to be eligible for a reduced
CI associated with the use of a waste, residue, by-product or similar
material. Specified source feedstocks are identified in section
(139) “Staff” means CARB personnel unless otherwise specified or dictated by
(140) “Station Operational Status System (SOSS)” means a software database
tool developed and maintained by California Fuel Cell Partnership to
publicly monitor the operational status of hydrogen stations.
(141) “Steam Quality” means the ratio of the mass of vapor to the total mass of
a vapor-liquid mixture of water at its saturation temperature.
(142) “Technical Corn Oil” means inedible oil recovered from thin stillage or the
distiller’s grains and solubles produced by a dry mill corn ethanol plant,
termed distiller’s corn oil (DCO), or other non-food grade corn oil from food
processing operations.
(143) “Technical Sorghum Oil” means inedible oil recovered from thin stillage or
the distiller’s grains and solubles produced by a dry mill sorghum ethanol
plant, termed distiller’s sorghum oil (DSO), or other non-food grade
sorghum oil from food processing operations.
(144) “Total Obligated Amount (TOA)” means the quantity of fuel for which the
fuel reporting entity is the eligible credit or deficit generator. The LRT-
CBTS calculates the TOA for each fuel pathway code. TOA is calculated
as the difference between the fuel reported using transaction types that
increase the net quantity of fuel that generates credits or deficits in the
LRT-CBTS and the fuel reported using transaction types that decrease the
net quantity of fuel that generates credits or deficits in the LRT-CBTS.
Transaction types that increase the TOA include: Production in
California, Production for Import, Import, Purchased with Obligation, Gain
of Inventory. Transaction types that decrease the TOA include: Sold
with Obligation, Loss of Inventory, Export, Not Used for Transportation.
(145) “Total Amount (TA) means the total quantity of fuel reported by a fuel
reporting entity irrespective of whether the entity retained status as the
credit or deficit generator for that specific fuel volume. TA is calculated
as the difference between the fuel reported using transaction types that
increase the net fuel quantity reported in the LRT-CBTS and fuel reported
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§ 95481. Definitions. 20
using transaction type that decrease the net fuel quantity reported in the
LRT-CBTS. Transaction types that increase the TA include: Production
in California, Production for Import, Import, Purchased with Obligation,
Purchased without Obligation, Gain of Inventory. Transaction types that
decrease the TA include: Sold with Obligation, Sold without Obligation,
Loss of Inventory, Export, Not Used for Transportation.
(146) “Transaction Date” means the title transfer date as shown on the Product
Transfer Document.
(147) “Transaction Quantity” means the amount of fuel reported in a transaction.
A Transaction Quantity must be reported in units, provided in Table 4 and
in the LRT-CBTS.
(148) “Transaction Type” means the nature of a fuel-based transaction as
defined below:
(A) “Production in California” means the transportation fuel was
produced at a facility in California for use in California;
(B) “Production for Import” means the transportation fuel was produced
outside of California and imported into California for use in
(C) “Import” means the transportation fuel was produced outside of
California and later brought by any party other than its producer into
California for use in transportation.
(D) “Purchased with Obligation” means the transportation fuel was
purchased with the obligation to claim credits or deficits in the
LRT-CBTS from a separate fuel reporting entity;
(E) “Purchased without Obligation” means the transportation fuel was
purchased without obligation to claim credits or deficits in the
LRT-CBTS from a separate fuel reporting entity;
(F) “Sold with Obligation” means the transportation fuel was sold with
the obligation to claim credits or deficits in the LRT-CBTS by a fuel
reporting entity;
(G) “Sold without Obligation” means the transportation fuel was sold
without obligation to claim credits or deficits in the LRT-CBTS by a
fuel reporting entity;
(H) “Export” means any fuel reported in the LRT-CBTS that is
subsequently delivered outside of California and is not used for
transportation in California;
(I) “Loss of Inventory” means the fuel entered the California fuel pool
but was not used due to volume loss;
(J) “Gain of Inventory” means the fuel entered the California fuel pool
due to a volume gain;
(K) “Not Used for Transportation” means a transportation fuel was
reported with compliance obligation under the LCFS but was later
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§ 95481. Definitions. 21
not used for transportation purposes in California or otherwise
determined to be exempt under section 95482(d);
(L) “eTRU Fueling” means providing fuel to electric transport
refrigeration units.
(M) “eCHE Fueling” means providing fuel to electric cargo handling
(N) “eOGV Fueling means providing shore power to an ocean-going
vessel at-berth.
(O) “EV Charging Grid” means providing electricity to recharge EVs
using the California Average Grid Electricity Lookup Table pathway
for a given year as specified in section 95488.5;
(P) “EV Charging Non-Grid” means providing electricity that has a
carbon intensity lower than the average grid electricity and is
obtained through an approved arrangement as specified in section
95488.8(h) or section 95488.8(i) to recharge EVs;
(Q) “EV Charging Smart Charging” means providing electricity that is
eligible to generate credits under the smart charging provisions in
section 95488.5 to recharge EVs;
(R) “Fixed Guideway Electricity Fueling” means fueling light rail, heavy
rail, cable car, street car, and trolley bus, or exclusive right-of-way
bus operations with electricity;
(S) “Forklift Electricity Fueling” means providing fuel to electric forklifts;
(T) “Forklift Hydrogen Fueling” means providing fuel to hydrogen
(U) “Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Fueling” means the dispensing of
hydrogen at a fueling station designed for fueling hydrogen fuel cell
electric vehicles;
(V) “Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) Fueling Smart Electrolysis” means the
dispensing of hydrogen that is eligible to generate credits under the
smart charging or electrolysis provisions in section 95488.5;
(W) “NGV Fueling” means the dispensing of natural gas at a fueling
station designed for fueling natural gas vehicles;
(X) “Propane Fueling” means the dispensing of propane at a fueling
station designed for fueling propane vehicles.
(149) “Transmix” means a mixture of refined products that forms when these
products are transported through a pipeline. This mixture is typically a
combination of two of the following: gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel.
(150) “Transportation Fuel” means any fuel used or intended for use as a motor
vehicle fuel or for transportation purposes in a non-vehicular source.
(151) “Uncertainty” means the degree to which data or a data system is deemed
to be indefinite or unreliable.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 22
(152) “Used Cooking Oil” (or UCO) means fats and oils originating from
commercial or industrial food processing operations, including restaurants,
that have been used for cooking or frying. Feedstock characterized as
UCO must contain only fats, oils, or greases that were previously used for
cooking or frying operations. UCO must be characterized as “processed
UCO” if it is known that processing has occurred prior to receipt by the fuel
production facility or if evidence is not provided to the verifier or CARB to
confirm that it is “unprocessed UCO.”
(153) “Validation” means verification of a fuel pathway application.
(154) “Validation Statement” means the final statement rendered by a
verification body attesting whether the fuel pathway application is free of
material misstatement, and whether it conforms to the requirements of this
(155) “Verification” means a systematic, independent and documented process
for evaluation of reported data against the requirements specified in this
(156) “Verification Body” means an entity accredited by the Executive Officer
that is able to render a validation or verification statement and provide
validation or verification services to entities required to contract for
validation or verification.
(157) “Verification Services” means services provided during validation or
verification as specified in section 95501 beginning with the development
of the validation or verification plan to submitting a validation or verification
statement to CARB.
(158) “Verification Statement” means the final statement rendered by a
verification body attesting whether the responsible entity’s report is free of
material misstatement, when applicable, and whether the report conforms
to the requirements of this subarticle.
(159) “Verification Team” means all persons working for a verification body,
including all subcontractors, to provide validation or verification services to
an entity required to contract for validation or verification.
(160) “Verifier Review” means all reviews and services specified in section
95501 that a verifier conducts, except the material misstatement
assessment under section 95501(b)(9) through (11). If some data
sources are selected for data checks based on the sampling plan, the
verifier will check for conformance with the requirements of this subarticle.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 23
(161) “Yard Truck” An off-road mobile utility vehicle used to carry cargo
containers with or without chassis; also known as utility tractor rig (UTR),
yard tractor, yard goat, yard hostler, yard hustler, or prime mover. For
the purpose of LCFS crediting an electric yard truck is considered a
heavy-duty truck.
(162) “Yellow Grease” means a commodity produced from a mixture of:
(A) used cooking oil, and (B) rendered animal fats that were not used for
cooking. This mixture often is combined from multiple points of origin.
Yellow grease must be characterized as “animal fat” if evidence is not
provided to the verifier or CARB to confirm the quantity that is animal fat
and the quantity that is used cooking oil.
(b) Acronyms. For the purposes of sections 95480 through 95503, the following
acronyms apply.
“AEZ-EF” means Agro-Ecological Zone Emissions Factor model.
“AJF” means Alternative Jet Fuel.
“ASTM” means ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and
“AFP” means Alternative Fuel Portal.
“BEV” means battery electric vehicles.
“CA-GREET” means California-modified Greenhouse Gases, Regulated
Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation model.
“CARB” means the California Air Resources Board (“Board”).
“CARBOB” means California reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenate
“CaRFG” means California reformulated gasoline.
“CCM” means Credit Clearance Market.
“CEC” means California Energy Commission.
“CFR” means Code of Federal Regulations.
“CHAdeMO” means Charge de Move, a DC fast charging protocol.
“CI” means carbon intensity.
“CNG” means compressed natural gas.
“DC” means Direct Current.
“DCO” means Distiller’s Corn Oil or Technical Corn Oil.
“DSO” means Distiller’s Sorghum Oil or Technical Sorghum Oil.
“eCHE” means Electric Cargo Handling Equipment.
“EDU” means Electrical Distribution Utility.
“EER” means energy economy ratio.
“eTRU” means electric transport refrigeration unit.
“eOGV” means Electric Power for Ocean-going Vessel.
“EV” means electric vehicle.
“FCV” means fuel cell vehicle.
“FPC” means fuel pathway code.
“FSE” means fueling supply equipment.
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§ 95481. Definitions. 24
e/MJ” means grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule.
“GTAP” means the Global Trade Analysis Project model.
“GTSR” means the Green Tariff Shared Renewables program.
“GVWR” means gross vehicle weight rating.
“HySCapE” means Hydrogen Station Capacity Evaluator.
” means hydrogen.
“HDV” means heavy-duty vehicles.
“HDV-CIE” means a heavy-duty vehicle compression-ignition engine.
“HDV-SIE” means a heavy-duty vehicle spark-ignition engine.
“HEV” means hybrid electric vehicle.
“ICEV” means internal combustion engine vehicle.
“LUC” means land use change.
“LCA” means life cycle analysis.
“LCFS” means Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
“LDV” means light-duty vehicles.
“L-CNG” means liquefied compressed natural gas.
“LNG” means liquefied natural gas.
“LPG” means liquefied petroleum gas.
“LRT-CBTS” means LCFS Reporting Tool and Credit Bank & Transfer System.
“LSE” means Load-Serving Entity.
“LVP” means LCFS Verification Portal.
“MCON” means marketable crude oil name.
“MDV” means medium-duty vehicles.
“MMBtu” means million British Thermal Units.
“MRR” means Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Regulation.
“MT” means metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
“NG” means natural gas.
“NGV” means a natural gas vehicle.
“OPGEE” means Oil Production Greenhouse gas Emissions Estimator Model.
“PHEV” means plug-in hybrid vehicles.
“RFS” means the Renewable Fuel Standard.
“RNG” means renewable natural gas or biomethane.
“SAE CCS” means Society of Automotive Engineers Combined Charging
System, a DC fast charging protocol.
“SMR” means steam methane reformation.
“SOSS” means Station Operational Status System.
“UCO” means used cooking oil.
“TEOR” means thermally enhanced oil recovery.
“ULSD” means California ultra-low sulfur diesel.
“U.S. EPA” means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
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§ 95482. Fuels Subject to Regulation. 25
§ 95482. Fuels Subject to Regulation.
(a) Applicability of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Except as provided in this
section, the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulation, California Code of
Regulations (CCR), title 17, sections 95480 through 95503 (collectively referred
to as the “LCFS”) applies to any transportation fuel, as defined in section 95481,
that is sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California, and to any person who, as
a fuel reporting entity defined in section 95481 and specified in section 95483, is
responsible for reporting a transportation fuel in a calendar year. The types of
transportation fuels to which the LCFS applies include:
(1) California reformulated gasoline (“gasoline” or “CaRFG”);
(2) California diesel fuel (“diesel fuel” or “ULSD”);
(3) Fossil compressed natural gas (“Fossil CNG”), fossil liquefied natural gas
(“Fossil LNG”), or fossil liquefied compressed natural gas (“Fossil L-CNG);
(4) Bio-CNG, bio-LNG, or bio-L-CNG;
(5) Electricity;
(6) Compressed or liquefied hydrogen (“hydrogen”);
(7) A fuel blend containing greater than 10 percent ethanol by volume;
(8) A fuel blend containing biomass-based diesel;
(9) Denatured fuel ethanol (“E100”);
(10) Neat biomass-based diesel (“B100” or “R100”);
(11) Alternative Jet Fuel;
(12) Propane; and
(13) Any other liquid or non-liquid fuel.
(b) Opt-In Fuels. Each of the following alternative fuels (“opt-in fuels”) is presumed
to have a full fuel cycle, carbon intensity that meets the compliance schedules
set forth in sections 95484(b) through (d) through December 31, 2030. A fuel
provider for an alternative fuel listed below may generate LCFS credits for that
fuel only by electing to opt into the LCFS as an opt-in fuel reporting entity
pursuant to section 95483.1 and meeting the requirements of this regulation:
(1) Electricity;
(2) Bio-CNG;
(3) Bio-LNG;
(4) Bio-L-CNG;
(5) Alternative Jet Fuel; and
(6) Renewable Propane.
(c) Exemption for Specific Fuels. The LCFS regulation does not apply to:
(1) An alternative fuel that:
(A) is not a biomass-based fuel; and
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§ 95482. Fuels Subject to Regulation. 26
(B) is supplied in California by all providers of that particular fuel for
transportation use at an aggregated quantity of less than
420 million MJ (3.6 million gasoline gallon equivalent) per year;
A fuel reporting entity that believes it is subject to this exemption has the
sole burden of proving to the Executive Officer’s satisfaction that the
exemption applies to the entity.
(2) Conventional jet fuel or aviation gasoline.
(3) Any deficit-generating fuel used in military tactical vehicles and tactical
support equipment as defined in title 13, CCR, section 1905(a) and CCR,
title 17, section 93116.2(a)(38), respectively.
(4) Any credit-generating fossil CNG or fossil propane dispensed at a fueling
station with total throughput of 150,000 gasoline-gallons equivalent or less
per year. The exemption for fossil propane dispensing stations expires
January 1, 2021, when the use of that fuel in heavy-duty or off-road
applications becomes deficit generating. The exemption for fossil CNG
dispensing stations expires January 1, 2024, when the use of that fuel in
heavy-duty or off-road applications becomes deficit generating.
(d) Exemption for Specific Applications. The LCFS regulation does not apply to any
transportation fuel used in the following applications:
(1) Locomotives not subject to the requirements specified in CCR, title 17,
section 93117; and
(2) Ocean-going vessels, as defined in CCR, title 17, section 93118.5(d).
This exemption does not apply to shore power provided to ocean-going
vessels at-berth, nor to recreational and commercial harbor craft, as
defined in CCR, title 17, section 93118.5(d); and
(3) Any deficit-generating fossil propane and CNG used in school buses
purchased prior to January 1, 2020.
(e) Nothing in this LCFS regulation (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 17, §§ 95480 et seq.) may
be construed to amend, repeal, modify, or change in any way the California
reformulated gasoline regulations (CaRFG, Cal.Code Regs., tit. 13, §§ 2260 et
seq.), the California diesel fuel regulations (Cal.Code Regs., tit. 13, §§ 2281-
2285 and Cal. Code Regs., tit. 17, § 93114), or any other applicable State or
federal requirements. A person, including the regulated entity as that term is
defined in the LCFS regulation, who is subject to the LCFS regulation or other
State and federal regulations, shall be solely responsible for ensuring compliance
with all applicable LCFS requirements and other State and federal requirements,
including the CaRFG requirements and obtaining any necessary approvals,
exemptions, or orders from either the State or federal government.
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 27
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018, Health
and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510, 39515,
39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516, and 43000, Health and Safety Code;
Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities.
The purpose of this section is to identify the first fuel reporting entities, subsequent fuel
reporting entities, and the credit or deficit generator for each type of transportation fuel.
The first fuel reporting entity is responsible for initiating reporting within the LRT-CBTS
for a given amount of fuel and, by default, also holds the status as initial credit or deficit
generator for the reported fuel quantity. The fuel reporting entities identified in this
section are subject to the reporting requirements pursuant to section 95491 and to any
other requirement applicable to a fuel reporting entity and credit or deficit generator
under this subarticle.
(a) For Liquid Fuels. Liquid fuels refer to fossil fuels (including CARBOB, gasoline,
diesel, and conventional jet fuel), liquid alternative fuels (including ethanol as an
oxygenate, biomass-based diesel, and alternative jet fuels), and blend of liquid
alternative and fossil fuels.
(1) Designation of First Fuel Reporting Entities for Liquid Fuels. The first fuel
reporting entity for liquid fuels is the producer or importer of the liquid fuel.
For liquid fuels that are a blend of liquid alternative fuel components
(including ethanol as an oxygenate, biomass-based diesel, or alternative
jet fuels) and a fossil fuel component (including CARBOB, gasoline,
diesel, conventional jet, or other fossil fuels), the first fuel reporting entity
is the following:
(A) With respect to the alternative fuel component, the producer or
importer of the alternative fuel component.
(B) With respect to the fossil fuel component, the producer or importer
of the fossil fuel component.
(C) Specifics for Alternative Jet Fuel. For an alternative jet fuel or the
alternative fuel portion of a blend with conventional jet fuel, the first
fuel reporting entity is the producer or importer of the alternative jet
fuel, which is delivered to a storage facility where fuel is stored
before it is uploaded to an aircraft in California. Conventional jet
fuel, including the conventional jet fuel portion of a blend, is not
subject to the LCFS and must not be reported.
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 28
(2) In the Case of Transfer of Fuel Ownership. An entity transferring
ownership of fuel is the “transferor” and an entity acquiring ownership of
fuel is the “recipient.”
(A) Transferring Status as Credit or Deficit Generator. An entity can
voluntarily transfer its status as a credit or deficit generator for a
given amount of liquid fuel, with the ownership of the fuel, if the
conditions set forth in subsections 1. through 4. below are met by
the time ownership of fuel is transferred. If such a transfer occurs,
the recipient also becomes the fuel reporting entity for the fuel while
the transferor is still subject to reporting requirements pursuant to
section 95491 and to any other requirement applicable to a fuel
reporting entity under this subarticle.
1. The two entities agree by written contract that the recipient
accepts all LCFS responsibilities of a fuel reporting entity
and credit or deficit generator.
2. The transferor must provide the recipient a product transfer
document that prominently states the information specified in
section 95491.1(b)(1).
3. In the case of a deficit generating fuel, the transferor and
recipient must meet the requirements specified in the
subsection below:
a. By default, the transferor’s annual credit and deficit
balance, as set forth in section 95485(b)(2), will be
updated to include the 
defined and set forth in section 95489(b).
b. By default, the recipient’s annual credit and deficit
balance, as set forth in section 95485(b)(2), will be
updated to include 
, as defined and set
forth in section 95489(b).
c. Paragraphs a. and b. above notwithstanding, the
transferor and recipient of deficit generating fuels
may, by the time the ownership is transferred, specify
by written contract which party is responsible for
accounting for the base deficit and incremental deficit
in the annual credits and deficits balance calculation
set forth in section 95485(b)(2).
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 29
4. The credit or deficit generator status cannot be passed to a
downstream entity acquiring ownership of liquid fuel below
the rack.
5. An entity acquiring ownership of fuel below the rack is not
required to report the fuel transaction in the LRT-CBTS
unless it is a fuel exporter pursuant to section
(B) Retaining Status as Credit or Deficit Generator. An entity can
retain its status as a credit or deficit generator for a given amount of
liquid fuel, while transferring the ownership of the fuel, if the
conditions set forth in subsections 1. through 2. below are met by
the time ownership of fuel is transferred. If such a transfer occurs,
the recipient also becomes a fuel reporting entity for the fuel while
the transferor is still subject to reporting requirements pursuant to
section 95491 and to any other requirement applicable to a fuel
reporting entity under this subarticle.
1. The two entities agree by written contract that the recipient
accepts all LCFS responsibilities of a fuel reporting entity
and the transferor retains the responsibilities as a fuel
reporting entity and credit or deficit generator.
2. The transferor must provide the recipient a product transfer
document that prominently states the information specified in
section 95491.1(b)(2).
3. An entity acquiring ownership of fuel below the rack is not
required to report the fuel transaction in the LRT-CBTS
unless it is a fuel exporter pursuant to section
(3) Transfer Period. For all liquid fuels, the period in which credit or deficit
generator status can be transferred to another entity, for a given amount
of fuel, is limited to three calendar quarters. This means that, for
example, if an entity receives title to a fuel along with credit or deficit
generator status in the first calendar quarter, the status as credit or deficit
generator for that amount of fuel can be transferred to another entity no
later than the end of the third calendar quarter. After this period is over,
the credit and deficit generator status for that amount of fuel cannot be
(4) Designation of Fuel Exporter. Entities responsible for reporting exports of
fuel that has been previously reported in the LRT-CBTS are identified
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 30
(A) When the fuel is sold or delivered above the rack for export, the
entity holding title to the fuel as it crosses the California border on
its way toward the first point of sale/delivery is responsible for
reporting the export in the LRT-CBTS.
(B) When the fuel is sold across the rack for export, the entity holding
title to the fuel as the fuel crosses the rack is responsible for
reporting the export in the LRT-CBTS.
(C) When the fuel is diverted out-of-state below the rack, the entity
holding title to the fuel, as it crosses the California border, is
responsible for reporting the export in the LRT-CBTS.
(b) For Gaseous Fuels. Gaseous fuels refer to natural gas fuels (including CNG,
LNG and L-CNG), propane and hydrogen.
(1) Designation of First Fuel Reporting Entities For Gaseous Fuels. The first
fuel reporting entity for different gaseous fuels is identified in subsections
(A) through (E) below. For gaseous fuels, subsection (2) below provides
entities the ability to contractually designate another entity as the first fuel
reporting entity for a given amount of gaseous fuel.
(A) Bio-CNG. For bio-CNG, including the bio-CNG portion of a blend
with fossil CNG, the first fuel reporting entity is the producer or
importer of the biomethane.
(B) Bio-LNG and Bio-L-CNG. For bio-LNG and bio-L-CNG, including
the biomethane portion of any blend with fossil LNG and L-CNG,
the first fuel reporting entity is the producer or importer of the
(C) Renewable Propane. For renewable propane, including the
renewable propane portion of a blend with fossil propane, the first
fuel reporting entity is the producer or importer of the renewable
(D) Fossil CNG, LNG, and L-CNG and Propane. For fossil CNG,
LNG, L-CNG, and propane, including the fossil portion of any blend
with a renewable fuel component, the first fuel reporting entity is the
entity that owns the fueling equipment through which the fossil fuel
is dispensed to motor vehicles for transportation use.
(E) Hydrogen. The first fuel reporting entity for hydrogen is the entity
that owns the fueling supply equipment (“hydrogen station owner”)
through which hydrogen fuel is dispensed to motor vehicles for
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 31
transportation use. Notwithstanding the above, the first fuel
reporting entity for hydrogen used in fuel cell forklifts is the forklift
fleet owner.
(2) Subsections (1)(A) through (1)(E) above notwithstanding, an entity may
elect not to be the first fuel reporting entity for a given gaseous fuel,
provided another entity has contractually agreed to be the first fuel
reporting entity for the fuel on its behalf. In such cases the two entities
must agree by written contract that:
(A) The original first fuel reporting entity per subsections (1)(A) through
(1)(E) above will not generate credits or deficits in the LCFS and
will instead provide the amount of fuel dispensed, and other
required information pursuant to sections 95483.2(b)(8), 95491 and
95491.1, to the contractually designated entity for the purpose of
LCFS reporting and credit or deficit generation.
(B) The contractually designated entity accepts all LCFS
responsibilities as the first fuel reporting entity and as a credit or
deficit generator, as applicable.
(c) For Electricity Used as a Transportation Fuel.
(1) Residential EV Charging. For on-road transportation fuel supplied for
electric vehicle (EV) charging in a single- or multi-family residence, the
following entities are the credit generators:
(A) Base Credits. The EDU or its designee is the credit generator for
base credits for the portion of residential EV charging assigned to
that EDU by the Executive Officer. The EDU may authorize a third
party to sell the EDU’s credits. The EDU or its designee must
meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs 1. through 6. below,
and paragraphs 1. through 5. in section 95491(d)(3)(A).
Within 30 days of the effective date of this subarticle for large and
medium IOUs and POUs, or by December 31, 2022 for small IOUs
and POUs, or within 30 days of opting into the LCFS program,
whichever is later, each EDU seeking eligibility to generate base
credits must demonstrate, by attestation or entrance into any
applicable Clean Fuel Reward program (as defined in section
95481(a)(29)) governance agreement, its ability to contribute
allocated credits to the Clean Fuel Reward program consistent with
CPUC approval of Pacific Gas and Electric’s, Southern California
Edison’s, and San Diego Gas and Electric’s filing(s). The
Executive Officer may revoke the eligibility of an EDU to generate
base credits if it fails to make this required demonstration or if the
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 32
EDU withdraws or has been removed as a party to the governance
agreement. All base credits for any EDU that is not eligible to
receive base credits pursuant to this provision will be allocated to
the Clean Fuel Reward program pursuant to section
95486.1(c)(1)(A) paragraph 2. An EDU must submit any request
to change their base credit generation eligibility status for the Clean
Fuel Reward program to the Executive Officer by the September
30th prior to the start of the effective credit generation year.
1. Upon California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
approval of Pacific Gas and Electric’s, Southern California
Edison’s, and San Diego Gas and Electric’s filing(s) to
initiate a Clean Fuel Reward program, all opt-in EDUs must
contribute a minimum percent of base credits for residential
EV charging (or net base credit proceeds) to provide a Clean
Fuel Reward funded exclusively by LCFS credit proceeds,
as per the contribution tabulated below:
EDU category
% Contribution in
years 2019
through 2022
% Contribution in
years 2023 and
subsequent years
Large Investor-owned
67% 67%
Large Publicly-owned
35% 45%
Medium Publicly-owned
Utilities and Medium
Investor-owned Utilities
20% 25%
Small Publicly-owned
Utilities and Small
Investor-owned Utilities
0% 2%
The Executive Officer will review the implementation of any
Clean Fuel Reward program, including the actual credit
value contribution of each utility to the program, and present
a report to the Board by January 1, 2025 with
recommendations for further increasing utility contributions
to the Clean Fuel Reward program.
2. The reward amounts for any Clean Fuel Reward program
must be calculated based on the vehicle’s battery capacity
as tabulated below:
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 33
Battery Capacity
Reward %
< 5
= 5
5 < < 16
≥ 16
 % means the percentage of maximum reward a
vehicle would receive under the Clean Fuel Reward program
funded by LCFS credit proceeds. The maximum reward is
the amount a vehicle with a battery capacity of 16 kWh or
greater can receive; and
means the rated battery capacity of the electric vehicle in
3. All proceeds from base credits issued pursuant to section
95486.1(c)(1)(A) paragraph 2. must be contributed to any
Clean Fuel Reward program.
4. Administrative costs, excluding start-up costs (those costs
associated with setting up the program and incurred prior to
issuing rewards), to support any Clean Fuel Reward
program funded by LCFS credit proceeds may not exceed
10 percent of LCFS credit proceeds contributed to the Clean
Fuel Reward program annually, unless approved in advance
by the Executive Officer.
a. A request to exceed 10 percent administrative costs
must be submitted by the administrator of the Clean
Fuel Reward program to the Executive Officer on the
following schedule:
i. For the first six calendar months of the program
including the month in which the first issuance
of reward takes place, a request must be
submitted at least 30 days prior to the first
reward issuance.
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 34
ii. For the period starting with the seventh
calendar month of the program through
December 31, 2021, the request must be
submitted at least 30 days prior to the
beginning of month seven.
iii. For calendar year 2022 and subsequent
calendar years, the request must be submitted
by September 30th of the prior year.
b. Request submitted to the Executive Officer must
include, and will be evaluated for approval based on, a
complete description for why higher administrative
costs are necessary, a detailed list of expected
administrative costs including a description of all
efforts made to obtain competitive rates and minimize
costs, and a detailed estimate of expected program
proceeds. Within 30 days of receiving a request for
higher administrative costs, the Executive Officer will
inform the administrator of its decision in writing. If
the request is rejected, the Executive Officer will
provide a rationale for the decision. If the rejection is
due to insufficient information, the administrator may
resubmit the request after addressing the deficiencies
identified in the Executive Officer decision.
5. Reporting on Clean Fuel Reward Program Implementation.
By April 30th the administrator of the Clean Fuel Reward
program funded by LCFS credit proceeds shall submit a
report to the Executive Officer describing the disposition of
LCFS Clean Fuel Reward program funds from the previous
calendar year. The first such report covering a period from
the start of the program until the end of 2020 must be
submitted by April 30, 2021. This report must include:
a. The monetary value of LCFS credit proceeds received
by the Clean Fuel Reward program; and
b. A summary, detailed list, and explanation of
administrative costs, including start-up costs, utility
overhead costs, and costs for program-related
marketing, education, and outreach activities.
6. Restrictions on Use of Holdback Credits. Documentation of
adherence to the following restrictions must be included in
the annual report submitted pursuant to section
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 35
a. Holdback Credit Equity Projects. Effective January 1,
2022, at least 30 percent in year one, 40 percent in
year two, and 50 percent in subsequent years of
holdback credit proceeds must be used to support
transportation electrification for the primary benefit of
or primarily serving disadvantaged communities
and/or low-income communities and/or rural areas or
low-income individuals eligible under California
Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric
Rate Assistance Program (FERA) or the definition of
low-income in Health and Safety code section 50093
or the definition of low-income established by a POU’s
governing body. These projects may include:
i. Electrification and battery swap programs for
school or transit buses.
ii. Electrification of drayage trucks.
iii. Investment in public EV charging infrastructure
and EV charging infrastructure in multi-family
iv. Investment in electric mobility solutions, such
as EV sharing and ride hailing programs.
v. Multilingual marketing, education, and outreach
designed to increase awareness and adoption
of EVs and clean mobility options and including
information about: the environmental,
economic, and health benefits of EV
transportation; basic maintenance and charging
of EVs; electric rates designed to encourage
EV use; and local, state, and federal incentives
available for purchase of EVs.
vi. Additional rebates and incentives for low-
income individuals beyond existing local,
federal and State rebates and incentives
including the Clean Fuel Reward for:
purchasing or leasing new or previously owned
EVs; installing EV charging infrastructure in
residences; promoting use of public transit and
other clean mobility solutions; and offsetting
costs for residential or nonresidential EV
vii. Alternatively, EDUs, in coordination with local
environmental justice advocates, local
community-based organizations, and local
municipalities, may develop and implement
other projects that promote transportation
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 36
electrification in disadvantaged and/or low-
income communities and/or rural areas or for
low-income individuals. These alternative
projects are subject to approval by the
Executive Officer. Applications submitted to
the Executive Officer must include, and will be
evaluated for approval based on, a complete
description of the project, demonstration that
the project promotes transportation
electrification in disadvantaged and/or low-
income communities and/or rural areas or
provides increased access to electric
transportation for low-income individuals, and
evidence that the project was developed in
coordination with local environmental justice
advocates, local community-based
organizations, and local municipalities.
b. Additional Reporting Requirements for Holdback
Credit Equity Projects. As part of annual reporting
required pursuant to section 95491(d)(3)(A)5., EDUs
must include a discussion on how their portfolio of
holdback credit equity projects is consistent with the
findings and recommendations of the SB 350 Low-
Income Barriers Study, Part B report prepared by
CARB (rev. Feb. 2018), incorporated herein. This
discussion must include, as applicable, a description
of how the projects: support increased access to clean
transportation and mobility options; consider, and to
the extent feasible, either complement or build upon
existing CARB, other State, or local incentive projects
to diversify and maximize benefits from statewide
investments; demonstrate partnership and support
from local community-based organizations; and meet
community-identified clean transportation needs.
c. Administrative Costs of Holdback Credit Equity
Projects. Administrative costs to support the
development and implementation of holdback credit
equity projects must not exceed 10 percent of total
spending on holdback credit equity projects annually
unless the EDU contracts with a community-based
organization, and the exceedance is approved in
advance by the Executive Officer. The request for
administrative cost exceedance for a calendar year
must be submitted by September 30th of the prior
year. The request must include, and will be
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 37
evaluated for approval based on, a complete
description of the equity projects planned by the EDU,
an estimate of total administrative costs relative to
total spending on the projects, and evidence that the
community-based organization is a non-profit
organization focused on serving disadvantaged and/or
low-income groups. Within 30 days of receiving a
request for higher administrative costs, the Executive
Officer will inform the EDU of its decision in writing. If
the request is rejected the Executive Officer will
provide a rationale for the decision. If the rejection is
due to insufficient information, the EDU may resubmit
the request after addressing the deficiencies identified
in the Executive Officer decision.
d. Holdback credit proceeds must not be used for the
following activities:
i. To meet compliance obligations under the
market-based compliance mechanism set forth
in title 17, California Code of Regulations
Chapter 1, Subchapter 10, article 5
(commencing with section 95800), including the
purchase of allowances, for electricity sold into
the California Independent System Operator
ii. To pay for the costs of MRR, the AB 32 Cost of
Implementation Fee Regulation (California
Code of Regulations, sections 95200-95207),
or the market-based compliance mechanism
set forth in title 17, California Code of
Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter 10, article 5
(commencing with section 95800), including the
purchase of allowances.
iii. To pay for lobbying costs, employee bonuses,
shareholder dividends, or costs, penalties, or
activities mandated by any legal settlement,
administrative enforcement action, or court
order. This provision does not prohibit the use
of holdback credits to pay costs, penalties, or
liabilities associated with the Clean Fuel
Reward program in the event that Clean Fuel
Reward program funds are insufficient.
(B) Incremental Credits. Any entity, including an EDU, is eligible to
generate incremental credits for improvements in carbon intensity
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 38
of electricity used for residential EV charging. An entity that
generates incremental credits must meet the requirements set forth
in paragraphs 2. through 7. in section 95491(d)(3)(A), as
1. For metered residential EV charging, incremental credits for
each FSE may be generated for one of the following:
a. Low-CI electricity; or
b. Smart charging. In the case of an entity claiming
smart charging incremental credits, the credit
generator must demonstrate the residence is enrolled
in a Time-of-Use rate plan, if offered by the LSE
serving the residence.
2. Multiple claims for incremental credits for metered residential
EV charging associated with a single FSE ID will be resolved
pursuant to the following order of preference:
a. The Load Serving Entity (LSE) supplying electricity to
the EV associated with the FSE ID and metered data
has first priority to claim credits;
b. The manufacturer of the EV associated with the FSE
ID has second priority; and
c. Any other entity has third priority.
3. For non-metered residential EV charging, the EDU is eligible
to generate incremental credits for supplying low-CI
electricity to the EVs in its service territory.
(C) Advanced Credits. Large POUs and Large IOUs that opt-in to the
LCFS and are eligible to receive base credits per section
95483(c)(1)(A) are the credit generators for advanced credits.
(2) Non-Residential EV Charging.
(A) For electricity supplied for non-residential EV charging, the owner
of the FSE is eligible to generate the credits.
(B) Subsection (A) above notwithstanding, the owner of FSE may elect
not to be the credit generator and instead designate another entity
to be the credit generator if the two entities agree by written
contract that:
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 39
1. The owner of FSE will not generate credits and will instead
provide the electricity data to the designated entity for LCFS
reporting pursuant to sections 95483.2(b)(8), 95491 and
2. The designated entity accepts all LCFS responsibilities as
the fuel reporting entity and credit generator.
(C) An entity that generates credits for non-residential EV charging
must meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs 2. through 7. in
section 95491(d)(3)(A), as applicable.
(3) Fixed Guideway Systems. For electricity supplied as transportation fuel
to a fixed guideway system, the transit agency operating the system is the
fuel reporting entity and the credit generator for electricity used to propel
the system. Upon submittal to the Executive Officer of the transit
agency’s written acknowledgment that it will not opt in and generate
credits under this provision, the EDU becomes eligible to generate the
credits for the electricity, and must meet the requirements set forth in
sections 95491(d)(3)(A), paragraphs 3. through 5.
(4) Electric Forklifts.
(A) For transportation fuel supplied to electric forklifts, the fleet owner is
the fuel reporting entity and the credit generator for electricity
supplied to a specified fleet.
(B) Subsection (A) above notwithstanding, the electric forklift fleet
owner may elect not to be the credit generator and instead
designate another entity to be the credit generator, if the two
entities agree by written contract that:
1. The electric forklift fleet owner will not generate credits and
will instead provide the electricity data to the designated
entity for LCFS reporting pursuant to sections 95483.2(b)(8),
95491 and 95491.1.
2. The designated entity accepts all LCFS responsibilities as
the fuel reporting entity and credit generator.
3. The EDU can generate credits for electricity supplied to
electric forklift fleet in its service territory during a reporting
period if not claimed by any other entity under paragraphs 1.
and 2., above. The EDU must meet the requirements in
section 95491(d)(3)(A), paragraphs 3. through 5.
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§ 95483. Fuel Reporting Entities. 40
(5) Electric Transport Refrigeration Units (eTRU), Electric Cargo Handling
Equipment (eCHE), Electric Power for Ocean-going Vessel (eOGV).
(A) For electricity supplied to eTRU, eCHE, or eOGV, the owner of the
FSE is the fuel reporting entity and the credit generator.
(B) Subsection (A) above notwithstanding, the owner of the FSE may
elect not to be the credit generator and instead designate another
entity to be the credit generator if the two entities agree by written
contract that:
1. The owner of the FSE will not generate credits and will
instead provide the electricity data to the designated entity
for LCFS reporting pursuant to sections 95483.2(b)(8),
95491 and 95491.1.
2. The designated entity accepts all LCFS responsibilities as
the fuel reporting entity and credit generator.
(C) An entity that generates credits for eTRU, eCHE, or eOGV must
meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs 2. through 7. in
section 95491(d)(3)(A), as applicable.
(6) Other Electric Transportation Applications. For electricity supplied to a
transportation application not covered in subsection (1) through (5) above,
any entity can apply to the Executive Officer to be the fuel reporting entity
and the credit generator for electricity supplied as long as it meets the
requirements of section 95488.7(a)(3) and 95491.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516, and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95483.1. Opt-In Entities.
(a) Eligibility. An entity that meets one or more of the following criteria may opt into
the LCFS program, thereby becoming a credit generator.
(1) Opt-in Fuel Reporting Entity. An entity meeting any of the following
criteria can opt into the LCFS program in a capacity of fuel reporting entity.
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§ 95483.1. Opt-In Entities. 41
(A) A qualified fuel reporting entity who provides a fuel specified in
section 95482(b) that meets the requirements of section 95483,
wherever applicable;
(B) An out-of-state producer of oxygenate for blending with CARBOB
or gasoline, or biomass-based diesel for blending with CARB
diesel, who is not otherwise already subject to the LCFS regulation
as an importer. An out-of-sate producer under this subsection
may retain the ability to generate credits or deficits, for a specific
quantity of fuel or blendstock, only if it opts in as a first fuel
reporting entity and meets the requirements of section 95483,
wherever applicable.
(C) An entity that is in the distribution/marketing chain of imported fuel
and is positioned on that chain between the producer in subsection
(B) above and the importer (“intermediate entity”). The
intermediate entity is subject to the following requirements.
The intermediate entity must provide written documentation
demonstrating all the following requirements to the Executive
Officer’s written satisfaction before opting into the LCFS:
1. The entity received ownership of the fuel for which the entity
is claiming to generate LCFS credits;
2. Either:
a. The entity received the fuel reporting entity status
from a producer that opted in under section 95483.1;
b. The producer did not opt in under section
3. The entity actually delivered the fuel or caused the fuel to be
delivered to California for use in California;
4. The fuel delivered under subsection 3. is shown to have
been sold for use in California or was otherwise actually
used in California; and
4. The entity is not otherwise already subject to the LCFS
regulation as a fuel reporting entity.
5. The demonstrations in paragraphs 1. through 4. above must
be made for the specific quantity of fuel upon which the
entity first elects to opt into the LCFS. For subsequent
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§ 95483.1. Opt-In Entities. 42
quantities of fuel for which the entity is claiming to be the fuel
reporting entity pursuant to this subsection, the entity must
retain documentation to support the demonstrations required
in paragraphs 1. through 4., above, and must submit such
documentation to the Executive Officer within 30 calendar
days upon request.
(2) Project Operators. An entity that has a project approved for crediting or
is applying for approval by the Executive Officer under section 95489 must
apply to opt into the LCFS program as a credit generator.
(3) Clearing Service Provider.
(A) An entity providing clearing services in which it takes only a
temporary possession of LCFS credits for the purpose of clearing
transactions between two entities with registered accounts in
LRT-CBTS, may apply to opt in as a clearing service provider if the
following conditions are met:
1. The eligible entity must be a derivatives clearing
organization as defined in the Commodities Exchange Act
(7 U.S.C § 1a(9)) that is registered with the U.S. Commodity
Futures Trading Commission pursuant to the Commodities
Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. § 7a-1(a)).
2. The entity must register in the LRT-CBTS pursuant to
section 95483.2(b).
3. The entity must be located in the United States, according to
the registration information reported pursuant to section
(B) A clearing service provider cannot own credits but can hold LCFS
credits up to five days for clearing purposes only.
(b) Opting in Procedure. The procedure for opting into and opting out of the LCFS
for such a person is set forth as follows.
(1) Opting into the LCFS program becomes effective when the opt-in entity
establishes an account in the LRT-CBTS, pursuant to section 95483.2.
The opt-in entity may not report and generate credits and deficits based
on transactions that precede the quarter in which the entity opted in.
(2) Establishing an account in the LRT-CBTS under subsection (b)(1) above
means that the entity understands the requirements of the LCFS
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§ 95483.1. Opt-In Entities. 43
regulation and has agreed to be subject to all the requirements and
provisions of the LCFS regulation.
(c) Opting Out Procedure. An opt-in entity may decide later to opt out of the LCFS
program by following the following procedure:
(1) For opt-out to be effective, the opt-in entity must complete all actions
specified below:
(A) Provide to the Executive Officer a 90-day notice of intent to opt out
and a proposed effective opt-out date;
(B) Submit in the LRT-CBTS any outstanding quarterly fuel
transactions or project reports up to the quarter in which the
effective opt-out date falls and a final annual compliance report
(covering the year through the opt-out date); and
(C) Identify in the 90-day notice any actions to be taken to eliminate
any remaining deficits by the effective opt-out date.
(2) Opt-Out Approval. The Executive Officer shall notify the opt-in entity of
the final “approval” status of the opt-out request. Any credits that remain
in the opt-in entity’s account at the time of the effective opt-out date shall
be forfeited and the opt-in entity’s account in the LRT-CBTS shall be
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System.
The LCFS Data Management System refers to all the online systems responsible for
LCFS data management and program implementation.
The LCFS Data Management System comprises three interactive and secured
web-based systems: Alternative Fuel Portal, LCFS Reporting Tool and Credit Bank
and Transfer System, and LCFS Verification Portal.
(a) Alternative Fuel Portal (AFP). The AFP supports fuel pathway applications,
certifications, and verifications. It also handles the registration of fuel production
facilities and opt-in projects.
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§ 95483.1. Opt-In Entities. 44
(1) Eligibility. Any person who intends to be a fuel pathway applicant or an
opt-in project operator can request to establish an account in the AFP.
(2) Requirements to Establish an Account in AFP. To establish an account
in the AFP, an entity must complete and submit the online AFP account
registration form and provide the following:
(A) Organization name, address, state and country, Organization
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), company EPA ID,
if available, facility location(s).
(B) A letter on company letterhead stating the basis for qualifying for an
account pursuant to subsection (1) above. This letter must be
signed by the company owner, a president, a managing partner, or
a corporate officer. An electronic copy of the signed letter must be
uploaded in the AFP.
(C) The registrant must designate a primary account representative
and at least one alternate account representative. The primary
account representative and the alternate account representative(s)
must attest, as follows:
“I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California as follows: I was selected as the primary account
representative or the secondary account representative, as
applicable, by an agreement that is binding on all persons who
have the legal right to access the AFP account. I have all the
necessary authority to carry out the duties and responsibilities
contained in California Code of Regulations, title 17, sections
95480 et seq. on behalf of such persons and that each such person
shall be fully bound by my representations, actions, inactions, or
submissions and by any order or decision issued to me by the
Executive Officer or a court regarding the account.”
(D) For each representative, name, title, relationship to the
organization, business phone, e-mail address, username, and
(E) The account representatives can be changed by following steps set
forth in subsection (B), (C), and (D) above. Notwithstanding any
such change, all representations, actions, inactions, and
submissions by the previous account representatives prior to the
time and date when the Executive Officer receives the superseding
information shall be binding on the entity.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 45
(3) Account Approval.
(A) The account is established when the Executive Officer approves
the application.
(B) Account registration application may be denied based on false,
misleading, or missing information.
(4) Account Management Roles and Duties.
(A) The account representative is responsible for making any changes
to the company profile within AFP.
(B) The account representative may designate users within the
company who can access and manage the account.
(C) If any information required by section 95483.2(a)(2) changes, the
entity holding the account must update the account to reflect the
changes within 30 calendar days.
(b) LCFS Reporting Tool and Credit Bank & Transfer System (LRT-CBTS). The
LRT-CBTS is designed to support fuel transaction reporting, compliance
demonstration, credit generation, banking, and transfers.
(1) Eligibility. The following entities can request to establish an account in
(A) A fuel reporting entity;
(B) An entity opting into LCFS, pursuant to section 95483 or 95483.1;
(C) An LCFS credit broker.
(2) Deadline to Establish LRT-CBTS Account.
(A) An entity responsible for reporting any transportation fuels pursuant
to section 95483 must complete registration at least 30 days prior
to the date for filing any required report.
(B) An opt-in entity can register anytime during a calendar year. All
quarterly and annual reporting is then required, beginning with the
quarter in which registration was approved, and continuing until any
opt-out is completed.
(C) Any broker must register in LRT-CBTS prior to facilitating any LCFS
credit trades.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 46
(3) Requirements to Establish an Account in LRT-CBTS. A company owner,
a president, a managing partner, or a corporate officer with legal binding
authority must complete and submit the online LRT-CBTS account
registration form and provide the following:
(A) Organization name, address, state and country, Organization
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), date and place of
(B) A letter on company letterhead stating the basis for qualifying for an
account pursuant to subsection (1) above. This letter must be
signed by the company owner, a president, a managing partner, or
a corporate officer. A signed pdf copy must be uploaded in the
LRT-CBTS to complete the application process.
(C) The online LRT-CBTS registration form must designate a primary
account representative and at least one alternate account
representative. The primary account representative and the
alternate account representative(s) must attest in writing, as
“I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California as follows: I was selected as the primary account
representative or the secondary account representative, as
applicable, by an agreement that is binding on all persons who
have the legal right to control LCFS credits held in the account. I
have all the necessary authority to carry out the duties and
responsibilities contained in California Code of Regulations, title 17,
sections 95480 et seq. on behalf of such persons and that each
such person shall be fully bound by my representations, actions,
inactions, or submissions and by any order or decision issued to
me by the Executive Officer or a court regarding the account.”
(D) For each representative, name, title, relationship to the
organization, business and mobile phone, e-mail address,
username, and password.
(E) The account representatives can be changed by following steps set
forth in subsections (B) through (D) above. Notwithstanding any
such change, all representations, actions, inactions, and
submissions by the previous account representatives prior to the
time and date when the Executive Officer receives the superseding
information shall be binding on the entity.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 47
(F) A designated fuel reporting entity pursuant to section 95483(b) and
(c) must also provide a written contractual agreement
demonstrating it acquired the first fuel reporting entity status from
another entity for each such entity.
(G) Clearing Service Providers. In addition to requirements specified
in 95483.2(b)(3)(A) through (E), a clearing service provider
requesting to establish an LRT-CBTS account must provide
documents demonstrating their eligibility pursuant to section
(4) LCFS Credit Broker. A broker may represent other LRT-CBTS account
holders in LCFS credit transfers. To register a broker account, the broker
must provide the following:
(A) Broker’s organization name, address, state and country,
Organization Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), date,
and place of incorporation, if applicable.
(B) Broker’s name, business and mobile phone, e-mail address,
username, and password.
(C) Broker’s statement attesting: “By submitting this broker
registration application to the LCFS program for a broker account in
the LRT-CBTS, I am submitting to the jurisdiction of the California
courts. I certify under penalty of perjury that I have not been
convicted of a felony in the last five years.”
(5) Account Approval.
(A) The account is established when the Executive Officer approves
the application.
(B) Account registration application may be denied based on false,
misleading or missing information.
(6) Account Management Roles and Duties.
(A) The account representative is responsible for making any changes
to the company profile within LRT-CBTS.
(B) The account representative may designate users within the
company who can access and manage the account.
(C) The account representative is responsible for meeting the reporting
requirements as set forth in section 95491.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 48
(D) If any information required by section 95483.2(b)(3) changes, the
entity holding the account must update the account to reflect the
changes within 30 calendar days.
(7) Account Closure.
(A) An LRT-CBTS account is subject to suspension or closure based
on any of the following:
1. The account holder is no longer eligible to establish an
LRT-CBTS account pursuant to section 95483.2(b)(1);
2. The account holder fails to comply with requirements of
section 95483.2(b); and
3. The account holder intends to opt out pursuant to section
(B) The account holder must provide a notice of intent to the
LRT-CBTS Administrator to close the account within 90 days after
any condition in subsection (A) above. The entity must submit a
final quarterly report for the quarter in which the notice was
provided, submit a final annual report, and submit verification that
any remaining deficits have been eliminated. The Executive
Officer shall notify the entity of the final account closure. Any
credits that remain in the entity’s account at the time of the closure
will be placed in the Buffer Account.
(C) Failure to provide notice pursuant to subsection (B) above will
result in account closure and forfeit of any credits that remain in the
entities account at the time of the closure.
(D) When an entity requests to reopen the LRT-CBTS account that was
previously closed, the entity must follow the requirements as set
forth in section 95483.2(b) to reopen the account.
(8) Registration of Fueling Supply Equipment (FSE). After establishing the
LRT-CBTS account, fuel reporting entities for natural gas, electricity,
propane, and hydrogen must register all fueling supply equipment in the
LRT-CBTS using the FSE registration template available on the
LRT-CBTS home page. The completed FSE registration template with
supporting documents must be uploaded into the LRT-CBTS. Upon FSE
registration, the applicant will receive a unique LCFS FSE ID that must be
used for reporting fuel transactions in the LRT-CBTS pursuant to 95491.
The following must be provided:
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 49
(A) General Requirements. All FSE registrations must include:
1. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) for the entity
registering, name of the facility at which FSE is situated,
street address, latitude, and longitude of the FSE location.
2. Name and address of the entity that owns the
FSE, if different from the entity registering the FSE.
(B) Specific Requirements by Fuel Type.
1. For CNG, FSE refers to a fueling station associated with a
utility meter. A CNG station with multiple dispensers is
considered a single FSE. Fuel reporting entities for CNG
must provide the natural gas utility meter number at the FSE
location, name of the utility company, and a copy of the most
recent utility bill.
2. For LNG and propane, FSE refers to a fueling station. An
LNG or propane station with multiple dispensers is
considered a single FSE. Fuel reporting entities for LNG
and propane must provide a unique identifier associated with
the FSE used for their own fuel accounting or financial
accounting or other purposes and copy of invoice or bill of
lading for the most recent fuel delivery.
3. For non-residential EV charging, FSE refers to each piece of
equipment capable of measuring the electricity dispensed for
EV charging. Fuel reporting entities for non-residential EV
charging for on-road applications must provide the serial
number assigned to the FSE by the original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) and the name of OEM. If there are
multiple FSEs at the same location, each unique piece of
equipment must be registered separately.
4. For residential metered EV charging, FSE refers to a piece
of equipment or on-vehicle telematics capable of measuring
the electricity dispensed for EV charging.
a. Fuel reporting entities for metered residential EV
charging using off-vehicle meters must provide the
serial number assigned to the FSE by the OEM, the
name of the equipment OEM, and the Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN) for the vehicle expected
to be charged at the location.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 50
b. Fuel reporting entities using vehicle telematics must
provide the VIN.
c. FSE registration is optional when reporting metered
electricity to generate base credits.
d. Notwithstanding subsection (8)(A) above, location
information and address is not required for residential
5. Fuel reporting entities for fixed guideway systems are
exempt from subsection (A)1. above. The LRT-CBTS will
assign FSE IDs for reporting purposes based on the
information provided in the LRT-CBTS account registration
6. For electric forklifts, eCHE, or eOGV, FSE refers to the
facility or location where electricity is dispensed for fueling.
If there are multiple FSEs capable of measuring the
electricity dispensed at the facility or location, then it is
optional to provide serial number assigned to each
equipment by the OEM and the name of OEM.
7. For eTRU, FSE refers to each eTRU. Fuel reporting
entities for eTRU fueling must provide the serial number
assigned to the unit by the OEM and the name of the OEM.
8. For hydrogen, FSE refers to a fueling station. A hydrogen
station with multiple dispensers is considered a single FSE.
Fuel reporting entities for hydrogen must provide the station
ID assigned by SOSS.
9. For transportation applications not covered in paragraphs 1.
through 8. above, FSE refers to a fuel dispenser or a
transportation equipment with the capability to measure the
dispensed fuel in that equipment.
(c) LCFS Verification Portal (LVP). The LVP is designed to support LCFS
verification processes.
(1) Eligibility. Any entity providing verification services pursuant to section
95500 (Executive Officer accredited verification body) can request an
account in LVP.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 51
(2) Requirements to Establish an Account in LVP. A company owner, a
president, a managing partner, a corporate officer, or any other person
with binding legal authority must complete and submit the online LVP
account registration form and provide the following:
(A) Organization name, address, state and country, Organization
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), date and place of
(B) The online LVP registration form must designate a primary account
representative and at least one alternate account representative.
The primary account representative and the alternate account
representative(s) must attest in writing, as follows:
“I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California as follows: I was selected as the primary account
representative or the secondary account representative, as
applicable, by an agreement that is binding on all persons who
have the legal right to submit information on behalf of the
verification body. I have all the necessary authority to carry out
the duties and responsibilities contained in California Code of
Regulations, title 17, sections 95480 et seq. on behalf of such
persons and that each such person shall be fully bound by my
representations, actions, inactions, or submissions and by any
order or decision issued to me by the Executive Officer or a court
regarding the account.”
(C) For each representative, name, title, relationship to the
organization, business and mobile phone, e-mail address,
username, and password.
(D) The account representatives can be changed by following steps set
forth in subsection (B) and (C) above. Notwithstanding any such
change, all representations, actions, inactions, and submissions by
the previous account representatives prior to the time and date
when the Executive Officer receives the superseding information
shall be binding on the entity.
(3) Account Approval.
(A) The account is established when the Executive Officer approves
the application.
(B) Account registration application may be denied based on false,
misleading or missing information.
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§ 95483.2. LCFS Data Management System. 52
(4) Account Management Roles and Duties.
(A) The account representative is responsible for making any changes
to the company profile within LVP.
(B) The account representative may designate users within the
company who can access and manage the account.
(C) The account representative is responsible for meeting the
requirements as set forth in section 95500 through 95502.
(D) If any information required by section 95483.2(c)(2) changes, the
entity holding the account must update the account to reflect the
changes within 30 calendar days.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516 and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95483.3. Change of Ownership or Operational Control.
If an entity or a facility registered in the LRT-CBTS, the AFP, or the LVP undergoes a
change of ownership or operational control, the following requirements apply.
(a) CARB Notifications. Within 30 days of the change of ownership or operational
control, the previous owner or operator of the regulated entity or facility and the
new owner or operator of the entity or facility must provide the following
information to CARB:
(1) The previous owner or operator must notify CARB in writing of the
ownership or operational control change, including the name of the new
owner or operator and the date of the ownership or operational control
(2) The new owner or operator must notify CARB in writing of the ownership
or operational control change, including the following information:
(A) Previous owner or operator;
(B) New owner or operator;
(C) Date of ownership or operator change;
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§ 95483.3. Change of Ownership or Operational Control. 53
(D) Name of new account representatives pursuant to section 95483.2
for the affected entity’s account in the LRT-CBTS, AFP or LVP.
(3) The first owner must give the Executive Officer direction regarding the
disposition of net credits in the first owner’s LRT-CBTS account and the
certified fuel pathways associated with the first owner’s AFP account.
(b) Reporting Responsibilities. The owner or operator of record at the time of a
reporting or verification deadline specified in this subarticle has the responsibility
for complying with the requirements of this subarticle, including submitting
quarterly and annual reports, certifying that the reports are accurate and
complete, obtaining verification services, and completing verification.
(1) Reported data must not be split or subdivided for a reporting period, based
on ownership. A single reporting period data report must be submitted
for the entity by the current owner or operator. This report must
represent required data for the entire reporting period.
(2) Previous owners or operators are required to provide data and records to
new owners or operators that is necessary and required for preparing
quarterly and annual reports required by this article.
(c) New Owner Responsible for Net Deficits. The new owner, when filing the
annual report, is responsible for demonstrating compliance pursuant to section
(d) Bankruptcy. Deficits constitute regulatory obligations under California law.
(e) Fate of Credits After an Entity Dissolves. The Executive Officer will place into
the Buffer Account any net credits in the account of a party that dissolves or
otherwise ceases to exist without notifying the Executive Officer pursuant to
paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of this section.
(f) Fate of Deficits After an Entity Dissolves. Prior to dissolution, a fuel reporting
entity is responsible for retiring credits equal to any net deficits in its LRT-CBTS
account and fulfill account closure requirements as set forth in section
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516 and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
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§ 95484. Annual Carbon Intensity Benchmarks. 54
§ 95484. Annual Carbon Intensity Benchmarks.
(a) The Executive Officer’s credit and deficit calculations, as described in Sections
95486 and 95486.1, will use the appropriate annual carbon intensity benchmarks
set forth in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of this section.
(b) Benchmarks for Gasoline and Fuels used as a Substitute for Gasoline.
Table 1. LCFS Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for 2011 to 2030 for Gasoline and
Fuels Used as a Substitute for Gasoline.
Average C
arbon Intensity
Average Carbon
2010 Reporting Only
2011* 95.61 2021
2012 95.37 2022
2013** 97.96 2023
2014 97.96 2024
2015 97.96 2025
2016*** 96.50 2026
2017 95.02 2027
2018 93.55 2028
2019**** 93.23 2029
2020 91.98
2030 and
subsequent years
* The benchmarks for years 2011 and 2012 reflect reductions from base year (2010) CI values for CaRFG (95.85)
calculated using the CI for crude oil supplied to California refineries in 2006.
** The benchmarks for years 2013 to 2015 reflect reductions from revised base year (2010) CI values for CaRFG
(98.95) calculated using the CI for crude oil supplied to California refineries in 2010.
*** The benchmarks for years 2016 to 2018 reflect reductions from revised base year (2010) CI values for CaRFG
**** The benchmarks for years 2019 to 2030 reflect reductions from revised base year (2010) CI values for CaRFG
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§ 95484. Annual Carbon Intensity Benchmarks. 55
(c) Benchmarks for Diesel Fuel and Fuels used as a Substitute for Diesel Fuel.
Table 2. LCFS Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for 2011 to 2030 for Diesel Fuel and
Fuels Used as a Substitute for Diesel Fuel.
Average Carbon Intensity
Average Carbon
Reporting Only
2011* 94.47 2021
2012 94.24 2022
2014 97.05 2024
2015 97.05 2025
2016*** 99.97 2026
2017 98.44 2027
2018 96.91 2028
2020 92.92
2030 and
subsequent years
* The benchmarks for years 2011 and 2012 reflect reductions from base year (2010) CI values for ULSD (94.71)
calculated using the CI for crude oil supplied to California refineries in 2006.
** The benchmarks for years 2013 to 2015 reflect reductions from revised base year (2010) CI values for ULSD
(98.03) calculated using the CI for crude oil supplied to California refineries in 2010.
*** The benchmarks for years 2016 to 2018 reflect reductions from revised base year (2010) CI values for ULSD
**** The benchmarks for years 2019 to 2030 reflect reductions from revised base year (2010) CI values for ULSD
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§ 95484. Annual Carbon Intensity Benchmarks. 56
(d) Benchmarks for Fuels used as a Substitute for Conventional Jet Fuel.
Table 3. LCFS Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for 2019 to 2030 for Fuels Used as
a Substitute for Conventional Jet Fuel.
Average Carbon
2030 and subsequent
* The benchmarks reflect reductions from base year (2010) CI values for conventional jet fuel (89.37).
(e) Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for an Alternative Fuel Other Than a
Biomass-Based Diesel Fuel Intended for Use in a Vehicle.
(1) The Executive Officer will use the benchmarks for gasoline set forth in
section 95484(b) for credit and deficit calculations for any alternative fuel,
other than biomass-based diesel fuel, if the alternative fuel is used or
intended to be used in any single-fuel light- or medium-duty vehicle.
(2) The Executive Officer will use the benchmarks for diesel fuel set forth in
section 95484(c) for credit and deficit calculations for any alternative fuel,
other than biomass-based diesel fuel, that is used or intended to be used
in any single-fuel application not identified in section 95484(e)(1).
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§ 95484. Annual Carbon Intensity Benchmarks. 57
(f) Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for Biomass-Based Diesel Fuel. The benchmark
for diesel fuel, set forth in section 95484(c), applies to biomass-based diesel fuel
is used or intended to be used in any:
(1) light-, medium-, or heavy-duty vehicle;
(2) off-road transportation application;
(3) off-road equipment application;
(4) locomotive or commercial harbor craft application; or
(5) non-stationary source application not otherwise specified in subsections
(1) through (4) above.
(g) Carbon Intensity Benchmarks for Transportation Fuels Intended for Use in Multi-
Fuel Vehicles.
(1) The Executive Officer’s credit and deficit calculations involving alternative
fuel provided for use in a multi-fueled vehicle use:
(A) the benchmarks for gasoline set forth in section 95484(b) if one of
the fuels used in the multi-fuel vehicle is gasoline; or
(B) the benchmarks for diesel fuel set forth in section 95484(c) if one of
the fuels used in the multi-fuel vehicle is diesel fuel.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516 and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance.
(a) Compliance Demonstration.
(1) A fuel reporting entity must demonstrate that it met its annual compliance
obligation by submitting an annual compliance report, showing that it
possessed and has retired a number of credits from its credit account that
is equal to its compliance obligation.
(2) Mandatory Retirement of Credits for the Purpose of Compliance. At the
time of annual compliance report submission, for a fuel reporting entity
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 58
that possesses credits and has also incurred deficits, the LRT-CBTS will
retire a sufficient number of credits so that:
(A) Enough credits are retired to completely meet the fuel reporting
entity’s compliance obligation for that compliance period, or
(B) If the total number of credits available in entity’s account is less
than the total number of deficits incurred, all the credits within
entity’s possession will be retired.
(b) Calculation of Credit Balance and Annual Compliance Obligation.
(1) Compliance Period. Beginning in 2011 and every year thereafter, the
annual compliance period is January 1
through December 31
of each
(2) Calculation of Compliance Obligation and Credit Balance at the End of a
Compliance Period. The Executive Officer will calculate each LRT-CBTS
account holder’s compliance obligation and credit balance at the end of a
compliance period as follows:
= 
+ 
are the deficits generated pursuant to sections 95486
and 95489 in the current compliance period;
are the deficits carried over from the previous
compliance period and not deferred pursuant to section 95485(c);
are the credits generated pursuant to sections 95486 and
95489 in the current compliance period;
are the credits purchased or otherwise acquired in the
current compliance period, including carryback credits acquired pursuant
to section 95486;
are the credits released from the hold due to enforcement
or administrative action;
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 59
are the credits carried over from the previous
compliance period;
are the credits retired within the LCFS in the current
compliance period;
are the credits sold or otherwise transferred in the current
compliance period;
are the credits placed on hold due to enforcement or
administrative action. While on hold these credits cannot be used for
meeting an annual compliance obligation;
are the credits pledged for the Credit Clearance Market
and withheld from the ongoing LCFS market; and
are the credits adjusted or invalidated due to
administrative or enforcement action.
(c) Credit Clearance Market.
(1) If a fuel reporting entity does not retire sufficient credits to meet its
year-end compliance obligation under section 95485(a), that party must
purchase its pro-rata share of credits in the Credit Clearance Market, if
one occurs.
(A) If the Credit Clearance Market occurs, a fuel reporting entity that
fails to comply with section 95485(a) is nevertheless in compliance
if the party:
1. Retires all credits in its LRT-CBTS account;
2. Acquires its Pro-Rata Obligation in the Credit Clearance
Market and retires that number of credits by August 31
the year subsequent to the compliance year in question; and
3. Retires the remaining balance of its annual obligation, with
interest, within five years.
(B) If no Credit Clearance Market occurs, the Executive Officer will
record any entity’s unmet compliance obligation, and the fuel
reporting entity will be deemed in compliance for that year, provided
that it has retired all credits in its account, and retires credits
equivalent to the Accumulated Deficits, with interest as explained in
section 95485(c)(5) below, within five years.
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 60
(2) Acquisition of “Clearance Market” Credits to Meet an Annual Compliance
(A) Clearance Market Period. The Clearance Market, if one occurs,
will operate from June 1
to August 30
. A fuel reporting entity
subject to section 95485(c)(1) must acquire credits pledged into the
Credit Clearance Market to be retired toward compliance in the
previous compliance year. Credits acquired for this purpose are
defined as “Clearance Market” credits.
(B) Use of Clearance Market Credits. A Clearance Market credit can
only be used for the purpose of meeting the fuel reporting entity’s
compliance obligation from an immediate prior year.
(C) A regulated entity that participates in the Credit Clearance Market
for two consecutive years must submit a Compliance Plan to
CARB, by August 31
of that second consecutive year, detailing its
plan to obtain sufficient credits to meet future annual compliance
obligations within a five-year period.
1. Compliance Plan Requirements. Submitted Compliance
Plans must include the following:
a. A detailed list of specific business initiatives,
strategies, and actions that, if implemented, will
achieve a positive credit balance within a five-year
b. Quantification of anticipated LCFS credit generation
and acquisition, and discussion of uncertainties and
contingencies associated with each listed initiative,
strategy, or action;
c. Quantification of anticipated annual credit shortage
and uncertainties over the following five compliance
d. A target timeline for implementing all outlined
provisions in the plan;
e. Data and underlying calculations used to arrive at
emission reduction quantification and timelines;
f. Reference to management policies or practices
applicable to implementing listed plan initiatives,
strategies, and actions;
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 61
g. List of key roles or positions within the company
involved in executing and completing implementation
of provisions of the plan;
h. Data records, including written contracts and
associated verbal or electronic records, and invoices
used to demonstrate actions underway consistent with
the submitted plan;
i. Any other information related to or supporting
demonstration of plan requirements necessary to
allow CARB to develop a general understanding of the
approaches being taken to implement the plan.
2. Compliance Plan Approval. The Executive Officer shall
approve each submitted compliance plan if it meets the
requirements of section 95485(c)(2)(C) paragraph 1. If the
Executive Officer determines that the requirements for
approval have not been met, the Executive Officer will notify
the regulated entity of which specific requirements of section
95485(c)(2)(C) paragraph 1 have not been met. The
regulated entity must then submit additional information to
correct deficiencies identified by the Executive Officer. If
the regulated entity is unable to correct any deficiencies
found with their plan within 45 days of the Executive Officer’s
receipt of the original plan, the plan will be denied on that
basis, and the regulated entity will be informed in writing.
At any point during the evaluation process, the Executive
Officer may request in writing additional information or
clarification from the regulated entity.
3. Compliance Plan Implementation Reporting. In addition to
other reports required to be submitted by this subarticle,
entities required to submit compliance plans must submit
annual compliance plan implementation reports that clearly
demonstrate actions taken and progress made to comply
with the approved plan. The regulated entity must disclose
and explain any deviations from the submitted plan in their
compliance plan implementation report and identify the
actions that will be taken to correct these deviations.
a. Annual compliance plan implementation reports must
be submitted by April 30
each year for a five-year
period starting the calendar year after the plan was
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 62
b. If a regulated entity’s annual credit shortage in any
given year is greater than the annual credit shortage
that was approved in the original compliance plan,
implementation reports that identify deviations from the
approved compliance plan will be made public on the
CARB website.
(D) Entities required to acquire credits in the Credit Clearance Market
must complete payment to the seller before the credit transfer is
initiated, unless the buyer and seller agree on other payment terms.
All credit transfers must be completed on or before the final date of
the Clearance Market Period.
(3) Procedure for Selling in the Clearance Market.
(A) Call for Credits. On the first Monday in April, the Executive Officer
shall issue to all fuel reporting entities and credit generators a call
for credits to be pledged for sale in the Clearance Market. When
calling for credits, the Executive Officer will inform fuel reporting
entities of that year’s Maximum Price for Credits as determined in
section 95487(a)(2)(D).
(B) Pledging Credits for Sale into the Clearance Market. Fuel
reporting entities and credit generators pledging credits for sale into
the Clearance Market must report to the Executive Officer in the
Annual Compliance Report (on or before April 30
) the number of
credits they are pledging for sale.
(C) Advanced Credits. If, for any compliance year, insufficient credits
are pledged for sale into the Credit Clearance Market to fully clear
outstanding deficits, the Executive Officer shall issue credits equal
to the difference between the number of outstanding deficits and
the number of credits pledged for sale in the Credit Clearance
Market subject to the following:
1. Advanced credits will be issued to eligible Large IOUs and
Large POUs that opt into the LCFS and are eligible to
receive base credits per section 95483(c)(1)(A). Advanced
credits will be allocated to eligible utilities based on their pro-
rata share of base credits received in the most recent
issuance. Advanced credits must be pledged for sale in the
current Credit Clearance Market and may only be sold at the
maximum LCFS price per section 95487(a)(2)(D). A
minimum portion of proceeds generated from the sale of
advanced credits must be allocated using the 2023 and
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 63
onward contribution percentages found in section
95483(c)(1)(A) paragraph 1. to the Clean Fuel Reward
2. The first such issuance of advanced credits will mark the
start of the six-year “advanced credit window,” during which
advanced credits can be issued and after which base credit
issuances will be adjusted to account for advanced credits.
3. Cumulative Advanced Credits. The cumulative number of
advanced credits issued during the advanced credit window
shall not exceed 10 million.
4. Adjusting Future Issuance of Base Credits. After the six-
year advanced credit window is closed, total base credits
issued every year will be adjusted downwards to account for
advanced credits as per the following schedule. Base
credit adjustment for each EDU will be pro-rated based on
their share of total advanced credits received. Annual
adjustments will be spread equally across each quarter.
Percent of total advanced
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year n refers to the n
year from the first year the advanced
credits were issued. For example, if the first advanced
credits are issued in 2021, marking year 1, then the first year
that base credit issuance will be adjusted would be 2027.
(D) Calculation of the Maximum Price for Credits in the Clearance
Market. The maximum price for credits acquired, purchased or
transferred via the Credit Clearance Market shall be set pursuant to
section 95487(a)(2)(D).
(E) Eligibility to Sell. Only fuel reporting entities that demonstrated
compliance pursuant to section 95485(a) for the prior year can
pledge credits for sale into the Clearance Market. Fuel reporting
entities that have an Accumulated Deficit obligation cannot pledge
credits for sale into the Clearance Market.
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 64
(F) Selling in the Clearance Market. By pledging credits for sale in the
Clearance Market, parties agree to the following provisions:
1. Parties pledging credits agree to withhold those credits from
sale in the ongoing LCFS credit market until the Executive
Officer determines whether a Clearance Market will occur
and, if a Clearance Market will occur, until August 31
2. The Executive Officer will announce whether a Clearance
Market will occur by May 15
of each year.
3. If the Executive Officer announces that a Clearance Market
will not be held that year, parties who have pledged credits
to the Clearance Market shall be released from their
agreement to withhold those credits from sale in the ongoing
LCFS credit market.
4. If a Clearance Market does occur, parties agree to sell or
transfer credits at or below the Maximum Price for the
pertinent year, until the Clearance Market closes on
August 30
5. Parties that have voluntarily pledged credits to sell into the
Clearance Market cannot reject, based on credit pricing
terms, an offer to purchase those pledged credits at the
Maximum Price, provided they have not sold or contractually
agreed to sell those pledged credits.
(4) Clearance Market Operation. The Executive Officer will inform each fuel
reporting entity that failed to meet the Annual Compliance obligation under
section 95485(a) of its pro-rata share of credits available into the
Clearance Market by June 1
(A) Calculation of Pro-Rata Shares. Each fuel reporting entity’s
pro-rata share of credits available in the Clearance Market will be
calculated by the following formula:
Fuel reporting entity A’s pro-rata share =
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 65
 refers to one fuel reporting entity’s obligation for the
compliance year that has not been met pursuant to section
  refers to the sum of all fuel reporting entities’
obligations for the compliance year that have not been met
pursuant to section 95485(a); and
  means the sum of all credits pledged pursuant to
section 95485(c)(3).
(B) Publishing a List of Entities Participating in the Clearance Market.
On or before June 1
, the Executive Officer will post the following
information on the LCFS web site:
1. The name of each entity that did not meet the requirement of
section 95485(a);
2. The name of each entity that has pledged to provide credits
for sale in the credit clearance market and the number of
credits that each party has agreed to provide; and
3. The name of each entity that received advanced credits and
the total number of advanced credits pledged for sale in the
credit clearance market.
(C) Submission of Amended Annual Compliance Reports. Fuel
reporting entities that purchased credits in the Clearance Market
must submit to the Executive Officer an Amended Annual
Compliance Report by August 31
that accounts for the acquisition
and retirement of their pro-rata share of Clearance Market credits,
and for all deficits carried over as Accumulated Deficits.
(D) Accumulated Deficits. If, after purchasing its pro-rata share of
credits and retiring those credits, a fuel reporting entity retains an
unmet compliance obligation, the Executive Officer shall record
remaining deficits from that compliance year in the entity’s account.
(5) Rules Governing Accumulated Deficits.
(A) Compound Interest on Accumulated Deficits. Fuel reporting
entities with an Accumulated Deficit will be charged interest to be
applied annually to all deficits in a fuel reporting entity’s account.
Interest will be applied on Accumulated Deficit from previous
compliance years in terms of additional deficits that must be retired
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§ 95485. Demonstrating Compliance. 66
pursuant to section 95485(c)(1)(A) at a rate of 5 percent annually,
applied on each September 1
(B) Repayment of Accumulated Deficits. Fuel reporting entities that
participate in the Clearance Market in order to meet their
compliance obligations must repay all deficits, plus interest no later
than five years from the end of the compliance period in which any
such deficit was incurred.
(C) Restrictions on the Repayment of Accumulated Deficits. Fuel
reporting entities may repay Accumulated Deficits as part of a
subsequent annual report. However, no repayment of any
Accumulated Deficits is allowed unless the fuel reporting entity
meets 100 percent of its current compliance obligation.
(D) Prohibitions on Credit Transfers. Fuel reporting entities that have
an Accumulated Deficit obligation cannot transfer or sell credits to
another fuel reporting entity.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516, and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits.
(a) Generation and Acquisition of Transferrable Credits.
(1) Credit and Deficit Issuance. Upon submission and acceptance of timely
reports as required by this subarticle, the total number of credits and
deficits generated will be issued in the LRT-CBTS account of the
applicable credit or deficit generator. Once issued, credits may be
retained indefinitely, retired to meet a compliance obligation, or transferred
to other entities through the LRT-CBTS. The Executive Officer will issue
the credits and deficits in the LRT-CBTS if:
(A) The credit or deficit generator met all the reporting requirements
pursuant to this subarticle;
(B) The credit or deficit generator successfully reconciled the fuel
quantity reported per FPC using transaction types Sold with
Obligation and Purchased with Obligation with business partners by
the quarterly reporting deadline, if required;
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§ 95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits. 67
(C) The activity is not prohibited pursuant to section 95486(a)(2) or any
other provision of this subarticle.
(2) No Retroactive Credit Claim. Unless expressly provided elsewhere in
this subarticle, no credit generator may generate or claim credits
retroactively for a period for which the reporting deadline has passed.
Similarly, no deficit generator may eliminate deficits retroactively for a
period for which the reporting deadline has passed.
(3) Buffer Account. The Executive Officer may create an LRT-CBTS account
under the control of the Executive Officer. In this account, the Executive
Officer may place:
(A) An equivalent number of credits for any LCFS credits that could
have been claimed (or deficits that could have been eliminated) if
reported timely, if not for the prohibition on retroactive credit claims
in section 95486(a)(2).
(B) An equivalent number of credits representing the difference
between the reported CI and the verified operational CI from annual
Fuel Pathway Reports for each fuel pathway code reported with
transaction types “Production in California”, “Production for Import”,
and “Import” during a compliance year. These credits will be
placed in the buffer account after August 31
for the prior
compliance year and will be calculated according to the following
 
 
is the number of credits representing the
difference between the reported CI and verified operational CI for
each fuel pathway code;
  
is the number of credits calculated using
 
instead of 
in the equation in section
95486.1(a)(1). 
 
is determined by the Executive
Officer on the basis of the annual Fuel Pathway Reports pursuant
to section 95488.10 for each fuel pathway code; and
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§ 95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits. 68
 
is the number of credits calculated using equation
in section 95486.1(a)(1) for each fuel pathway code;
(C) Contribution from CCS projects pursuant to the CCS Protocol.
(D) All net credits remaining in any deactivated LRT-CBTS accounts.
(E) The Executive Officer may retire credits in the Buffer Account to
address the invalidation of credits, pursuant to section 95495, if the
person responsible for the invalidated credits no longer exists or is
otherwise unavailable to reimburse the program.
(4) The Executive Officer may, at the time of credit generation or credit
transfer, assign a unique identification number to each credit. Credits are
subject to review and audit by the Executive Officer or his designee, and
credits may be invalidated or adjusted as necessary pursuant to section
(5) Acquisition of “Carryback” Credits to Meet Obligation.
(A) Carryback Credit Acquisition Period. A fuel reporting entity may
acquire, via purchase or transfer, additional credits between
January 1
and April 30
(“carryback period”) to be used for
meeting the compliance obligation of the year immediately prior to
the carryback period. Credits acquired for this purpose are
defined as “carryback” credits. All carryback credit transfers must
be completed in the LRT-CBTS pursuant to section 95487(b) by
April 30
in order to be valid for meeting the compliance obligation
of the year immediately prior.
(B) Use of Carryback Credits. A carryback credit may be used for the
purpose of meeting the compliance of an immediate prior year if all
of the conditions below are met:
1. The credit was acquired during the carryback period;
2. The credit was generated in a compliance year prior to the
carryback period;
3. A fuel reporting entity electing to use carryback credits must
identify the number of credits it desires to use as carryback
credits in its annual compliance report submitted to the
Executive Officer no later than April 30
of the year in which
the carryback credits were obtained; and
4. A fuel reporting entity electing to use carryback credits must:
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§ 95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits. 69
a. Acquire and retire a sufficient amount of carryback
and other credits to meet 100 percent of its
compliance obligation in the prior compliance year, or
b. Minimize its compliance shortfall by retiring all credits
in its possession at the end of the previous
compliance year, as well as all credits purchased
during the carryback period that are eligible to be
used as carryback credits.
(b) Calculation of Credits and Deficits Generated. The Executive Officer will
calculate the number of credits and deficits generated within the LRT-CBTS
using the methods specified in section 95486.1 and section 95489. The total
credits and deficits generated are used in determining the overall credit balance
for a compliance period, pursuant to section 95485. All credits and deficits are
denominated in units of metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent.
(1) All LCFS fuel quantities used for credit calculation using fuel pathways are
in energy units of megajoules (MJ).
Fuel quantities denominated in other units, such as those shown in
Table 4, are converted to MJ in the LRT-CBTS by multiplying by the
corresponding energy density
Energy density factors are based on the lower heating values of fuels in CA-GREET3.0 using BTU to
MJ conversion of 1055.06 J/Btu.
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§ 95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits. 70
Table 4. Energy Densities and Conversion Factors for LCFS Fuels and
Fuel (units)
Energy Density
CARBOB (gal)
119.53 (MJ/gal)
CaRFG (gal)
115.83 (MJ/gal)
Diesel fuel (gal)
134.47 (MJ/gal)
LNG (gal)
78.83 (MJ/gal)
CNG (Therms)
105.5 (MJ/Therm)
Electricity (KWh)
3.60 (MJ/KWh)
Hydrogen (kg)
120.00 (MJ/kg)
Undenatured Anhydrous Ethanol
80.53 (MJ/gal)
Denatured Ethanol (gal)
81.51 (MJ/gal)
FAME Biodiesel (gal)
126.13 (MJ/gal)
Renewable Diesel (gal)
129.65 (MJ/gal)
Alternative Jet Fuel (gal)
126.37 (MJ/gal)
Propane (LPG) (gal)
89.63 (MJ/gal)
(2) The total credits and deficits generated by a credit or deficit generator in a
compliance period will be calculated as follows:
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§ 95486. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits. 71
represents the total credits (a zero or positive value), in units
of metric tons (MT), for all fuels and blendstocks determined from the
credits generated under the gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel annual carbon
intensity benchmarks, and from opt-in projects, if applicable;
represents the total deficits (a negative value), in MT, for all
fuels and blendstocks determined from the deficits generated under either
or both of the gasoline and diesel fuel annual carbon intensity
is the finished fuel or blendstock index; and
is the total number of finished fuels and blendstocks provided by a
credit or deficit generator in a compliance period.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516, and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways.
(a) General Calculation of Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. LCFS credits
or deficits for each fuel or blendstock for which a fuel reporting entity is the credit
or deficit generator will be calculated according to the following equations:
() is either the number of LCFS credits
generated (a zero or positive value), or deficits incurred (a negative value),
in metric tons, by a fuel or blendstock under the average carbon intensity
requirement for gasoline ( = “gasoline”), diesel ( = “diesel”), or jet
fuel ( = “jet”);
is the average carbon intensity requirement of either gasoline
( = “gasoline”), diesel ( = “diesel”), or jet fuel ( = “jet”) for a given
year as provided in sections 95484(b), (c) and (d), respectively;
is the adjusted carbon intensity value of a fuel or blendstock, in
e/MJ, calculated pursuant to section 95486.1(a)(2);
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§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. 72
is the total quantity of gasoline ( = “gasoline), diesel ( =
“diesel”), or jet ( = “jet”) fuel energy displaced, in MJ, by the use of an
alternative fuel, calculated pursuant to section 95486.1(a)(3); and
is a factor used to convert credits to units of metric tons from gCO
and has the value of:
= 1.010
(2) 
is the carbon intensity of the fuel or blendstock, measured in
e/MJ, determined by a CA-GREET pathway or a custom pathway
and incorporates a land use modifier (if applicable); and
is the dimensionless Energy Economy Ratio (EER) relative to
gasoline ( = “gasoline”), diesel ( = “diesel”), or jet fuel ( = “jet”)
as listed in Table 5. For a vehicle-fuel combination not listed in Table 5,
= 1 must be used unless an applicant is granted certification of an
EER-adjusted CI value pursuant to section 95488.7(a)(3).
× 
is the energy of the fuel or blendstock, in MJ, determined from the
energy density conversion factors in Table 4, except as noted in
subsection (4) below.
(4) For Fixed Guideway Systems and Forklifts:
is the energy of the fuel used to propel fixed guideway systems, electric
forklifts, and hydrogen fuel cell forklifts. For fixed guideway system
expansion beyond 2010, and for electric and hydrogen fuel cell forklifts
with model year 2011 or later, the formula for displaced energy in section
95486.1(a)(3) may be used with Executive Officer approval.
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§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. 73
Table 5. EER Values for Fuels Used in Light- and Medium-Duty, and Heavy-Duty
(Fuels used as gasoline
(Fuels used as diesel
(Fuels used as jet fuel
tional Jet
Gasoline (incl. E6
and E10)
Diesel fuel
Or 1 Or 1
Alternative Jet
E85 (and other
ethanol blends)
diesel blends
Ignition Engines)
Electricity/BEV or
PHEV* Truck or
Electricity/BEV, or
Guideway, Heavy
Guideway, Light
On-Road Electric
Bus, Cable Car,
Street Car
Electricity Forklifts
eOGV 2.6
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§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. 74
H2/FCV 2.5
H2 Fuel Cell
Propane 1.0 Propane 0.9
*BEV = battery electric vehicle, PHEV= plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, FCV = fuel cell vehicle,
ICEV = internal combustion engine vehicle.
(b) Credit and Deficit Generation Frequency Using Fuel Pathways. Unless
expressly provided elsewhere in this subarticle, credits and deficits for fuel
transactions reported each quarter will be generated in LRT-CBTS accounts
upon completion of the reporting period for the given quarter, if all the conditions
set forth in section 95486(a)(1) are met.
(c) Calculation of Credits for EV Charging Using Fuel Pathways.
(1) Base Credits to EDUs. “Base Credit” refers to the credit generated by an
EDU for electricity using carbon intensity values provided in the Lookup
Table pathway for California Average Grid Electricity and the credit
calculation in 95486.1(a).
(A) Determining Quantity of Electricity. For calculating base credits to
EDUs, the quantity of electricity must be determined as follows:
1. For Non-Metered Residential EV Charging. The Executive
Officer will use the following method to calculate the quantity
of electricity used for non-metered residential charging:
 
is the total estimated electricity use in
kWh of non-metered residential plug-in electric vehicles
assigned to the EDU for the reporting period;
 
is the total number of non-metered residential
EVs within a given EDU service area for the reporting period;
 
is the quantity in kWh of electricity
used daily for residential charging of EVs, based upon the
best data available to the Executive Officer, during the
reporting period;
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§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. 75
 
is the total number of days in the reporting
2. Using the equation in subsection 1. above, the Executive
Officer may also calculate, based upon the best data
available, the quantity of non-metered electricity used in
residential EV charging within service areas for which the
EDU has not opted in or is not eligible to receive base
credits per section 95483(c)(1)(A). The Executive Officer
may then calculate credits generated from this quantity of
electricity and assign these credits to Large IOUs and Large
POUs that are eligible to receive base credits.
3. For Metered Residential EV Charging. The EDU may
demonstrate the quantity of electricity for the purposes of
calculating the base credits for metered charging at
residences through timely submission of Quarterly Fuel
Transaction Reports based on meter records.
(B) Calculation of Base Credits. The Executive Officer will use the
quantity of electricity as determined in subsection (A) above to
calculate the base credit using the Lookup Table pathway CI value
for California Average Grid Electricity and the credit generation
equation provided in section 95486.1(a).
(C) Credits calculated and generated pursuant to subsection (B) above
are exempt from the credit generation requirements pursuant to
sections 95486(a)(2) and 95486.1(b).
(2) Incremental Credits for Residential EV Charging. “Incremental Credit”
refers to any credits generated in addition to the base credits generated by
an EDU pursuant to subsection (1)(B) above, for the same electricity,
using the calculation in subsection (2)(B), below.
(A) Quantity of Electricity.
1. Non-Metered Residential EV Charging. The Executive
Officer shall use the formula in 95486.1(c)(1)(A) for
calculating the quantity of electricity eligible to generate
incremental credits for each residence that has an electric
vehicle that is not separately metered and is shown to
receive low-CI electricity, and is not claimed by another
generator of incremental low-CI electricity credits using
metered data.
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§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. 76
2. Metered Residential EV Charging for Incremental Credits.
Any entity generating incremental credit for metered
residential EV charging must supply the quantity of electricity
through timely submission of Quarterly Fuel Transaction
Reports based on meter records.
(B) Calculation of Incremental Credits. Incremental credits for
residential EV charging, including either low-CI electricity or smart
charging, and incremental credits for smart electrolysis pathways,
must be calculated according to the following equation:
() is the number of incremental LCFS credits generated
(a zero or positive value), in metric tons, for improvements in
carbon intensity of electricity supplied to residential EV charging or
for hydrogen production using electrolysis compared to the grid-
average carbon intensity;
 
is the carbon intensity of California Average Grid
Electricity pathway certified by the Executive Officer for a given
year, or the applicable region’s average grid electricity for hydrogen
imported to California;
is the adjusted carbon intensity of electricity, in
e/MJ, as calculated for a certified Tier 2 pathway or a Lookup
Table pathway, including smart charging or smart electrolysis
is the total quantity of either low-CI electricity supplied
for EV charging, or electricity supplied for smart charging or smart
electrolysis and reported by hourly windows, in MJ, determined
from the energy density conversion factors in Table 4; and
is a factor used to convert credits to units of metric tons from
e and has the value of:
= 1.010
(d) Calculation of Credits for Non-Residential EV Charging Using Fuel Pathways.
The base and incremental framework does not apply to non-residential EV
charging. Only one entity per FSE may claim credits for non-residential metered
EV charging.
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§ 95486.1. Generating and Calculating Credits and Deficits Using Fuel Pathways. 77
(1) An entity may generate credits for Non-Residential EV charging using a
carbon intensity for California Average Grid Electricity, Zero-CI Electricity,
or Smart Charging pathway from the Lookup Table in section 95488.5, or
a carbon intensity value certified through the Tier 2 pathway application
process, and the credit calculation in 95486.1(a).
(e) Calculation of Credits for Other Electricity used as Transportation Fuel Using
Fuel Pathways. An entity may generate credits for the non-EV charging
applications listed in sections 95483(c)(3) to (6), which use electricity to displace
conventional transportation fuel, using a carbon intensity for California Average
Grid Electricity or Zero-CI Electricity from the Lookup Table 7-1 in section
95488.5, or a carbon intensity value certified through the Tier 2 pathway
application process, and the credit calculation in 95486.1(a).
(f) Calculation of Credits for Hydrogen Using Fuel Pathways.
(1) An entity may generate credits for hydrogen used as a transportation fuel
using a carbon intensity for hydrogen found in the Lookup Table in section
95488.5, or a carbon intensity value certified through the Tier 2 pathway
application process, and the credit calculation in 95486.1(a).
(2) Smart Electrolysis Pathways for Hydrogen Production. An entity can
generate incremental credits, in addition to credits generated under a
pathway for electrolytic hydrogen produced using average grid electricity,
for hydrogen using smart electrolysis pursuant to section 95488.5 and the
incremental credit calculation in section 95486.1(c)(2)(B).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516 and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure
(a) Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure (HRI) Pathways.
(1) HRI Pathway Eligibility. A hydrogen station owner may submit an
application to certify an HRI pathway subject to the following eligibility
(A) The proposed HRI must be located in California and open to the
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 78
(B) The HRI pathway application must be received on or before
December 31, 2025.
(C) The following stations are not eligible for HRI crediting:
1. Any station receiving or spending funds pursuant to any
settlement related to any California or Federal regulation
enforcement; or
2. Any station built as a required mitigation measure pursuant
to the California Environmental Quality Act.
(2) HRI Application Requirements. For each hydrogen refueling station, the
station owner must submit an application in the LRT-CBTS containing the
following information:
(A) Name and address of the owner of the proposed station.
(B) Contact person for the owner entity.
1. Name
2. Title or position
3. Phone number
4. Mobile phone number
5. Email address
(C) Name, street address, latitude, longitude and a location description
for the proposed station.
(D) Expected daily permitted hours of operation for the station. If the
daily permitted hours are less than 24 hours, the applicant must
provide documentation from a permitting authority demonstrating
that daily permitted hours for the station are limited.
(E) The station nameplate refueling capacity for the permitted hours of
operation calculated using the HySCapE 1.0 model or an
equivalent model or capacity estimation methodology approved by
the Executive Officer. The applicant must submit a completed
model with the application.
(F) The HRI refueling capacity for the station is the nameplate refueling
capacity determined in subsection (E) above or 1,200 kg/day,
whichever is less.
(G) The number of dispensing units at the station.
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 79
(H) Expected source(s) of hydrogen, CI value(s), and method(s) used
for delivery.
(I) Expected date that the station will be operational.
(J) Justification for the station location and how the proposed location
contributes in developing a hydrogen refueling station network to
support ZEV adoption. The justification must include:
1. The role(s) the station location will play in the developing
hydrogen station network;
2. The means by which the station contributes to robust growth
of the statewide hydrogen fueling network;
3. Demonstration of potential for consistent and calculable
hydrogen demand;
4. Demonstration that the proposed station capacity is an
appropriate capacity based on documented, verifiable, and
reproducible projections of daily hydrogen demand at the
proposed location;
5. Calculation of the projected trajectory of annualized average
station utilization (calculated as annual throughput divided by
annual station capacity) at the proposed location; and
6. Demonstration that the proposed station location has been
discussed with local authorities having jurisdiction and no
early roadblocks have been identified.
(K) A signed attestation letter from the applicant attesting to the
veracity of the information in the application packet. The
attestation letter must be submitted as an electronic copy, be on
company letterhead, be signed by an officer of the applicant with
authority to attest to the veracity of the information in the application
and to sign on behalf of the applicant, be from the applicant and not
from an entity representing the applicant (such as a consultant or
legal counsel), and include the following attestation:
I, an authorized representative of _______________ (applicant entity), attest to the veracity of the
information submitted as part of the Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure (HRI) application, attest that the
proposed FSE is not receiving funds pursuant to any enforcement settlement related to any California or
Federal regulation, and declare that the information submitted accurately represents the anticipated and
intended design and operation of the hydrogen refueling station. Further, I understand and agree to
each of the statements in the attached application. I am a duly authorized officer with authority to attest
to the veracity of the information in the application and to sign on behalf of the respective applicant.
I understand that the following information in the HRI application will be made available on the LCFS web
site: Name of the Applicant Entity, Station Name, Station Address, Number of Dispensing Units, HRI
Refueling Capacity, and Effective Date Range for HRI Crediting.
By submitting this application, ______________________________________________(applicant entity)
accepts responsibility for the information herein provided to CARB. I certify under penalty of perjury
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 80
under the laws of the State of California that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the
statements and information submitted in this document. I certify that the statements and information
submitted to CARB are true, accurate, and complete.
______________________________ ______________________________
Signature Print Name & Title Date
(L) CBI must be designated pursuant to the requirements described in
section 95488.8(c).
(M) An application and supporting documents must be submitted
electronically via the LRT-CBTS unless the Executive Officer has
approved or requested in writing another format.
(3) Application Approval Process.
(A) The HRI application must be approved by the Executive Officer
before the station owner may generate hydrogen refueling
infrastructure credits. If estimated potential HRI credits from all
approved stations exceed 2.5 percent of deficits in the prior quarter,
the Executive Officer will not approve additional HRI pathways and
will not accept additional applications until estimated potential HRI
credits are less than 2.5 percent of deficits. HRI applications will
be evaluated for approval on a first come, first served basis.
Estimated potential HRI credits will be calculated using the
following equation:
= 
 
means the estimated potential HRI credits from all
approved HRI stations;
 
means the total HRI credits generated by
operational stations in the prior quarter;
means the total HRI capacity of stations that were
operational in the prior quarter; and
means the total HRI capacity of all approved stations,
both operational and nonoperational.
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 81
(B) After receipt of an application designated by the applicant as ready
for formal evaluation, the Executive Officer will advise the applicant
in writing either that:
1. The application is complete, or
2. The application is incomplete, in which case the Executive
Officer will identify which requirements of section
95486.2(a)(2) have not been met.
a. The applicant may submit additional information to
correct deficiencies identified by the Executive Officer.
b. If the applicant is unable to achieve a complete
application within 180 days of the Executive Officer’s
receipt of the original application, the application will
be denied on that basis, and the applicant will be
informed in writing.
3. At any point during the application evaluation process, the
Executive Officer may request in writing additional
information or clarification from the applicant.
(C) The Executive Officer will not approve an application if the
Executive Officer determines, based upon the information
submitted in the application and any other available information,
that the application does not meet requirements in subsections
95486.2(a)(1) and (a)(2). The Executive Officer may reject an
application if satisfactory justification is not provided for station
location pursuant to subsection 95486.2(a)(2)(J). If the Executive
Officer does not approve the application, the applicant will be
notified in writing and the basis for the disapproval shall be
(D) If the Executive Officer determines that the applicant and
application have met all requirements for approval pursuant to
subsections 95486.2 (a)(1) and (a)(2), the Executive Officer will
approve the application and provide an approval summary on the
LCFS website including the station location and assigned identifier,
number of dispensing units, HRI refueling capacity, and effective
date range for HRI pathway crediting.
(E) Crediting Period. HRI crediting is limited to 15 years starting with
the quarter following Executive Officer approval of the application.
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 82
(4) Requirements to Generate HRI Credits. To generate credits using HRI
pathways the station must meet the following conditions. The station
owner must maintain, and submit to CARB upon request, records
demonstrating adherence to these conditions.
(A) The station owner must update the HRI refueling capacity if
different from the design HRI refueling capacity provided in the
application. Any station design or operational information that
deviates from the original application must be declared to the
Executive Officer, and a new attestation must be submitted
pursuant to 95486.2(a)(2).
(B) The station must be open to the public, meaning that no
obstructions or obstacles exist to preclude vehicle operators from
entering the station premises, no access cards or personal
identification (PIN) codes are required for the station to dispense
fuel, and no formal or registered station training shall be required
for individuals to use the hydrogen refueling station.
(C) The station uses a public point of sale terminal that accepts major
credit and debit cards.
(D) The station is connected to the Station Operational Status System
(SOSS), is listed open for retail, and:
1. The station passed final inspection by the appropriate
authority having jurisdiction and has a permit to operate.
2. The station owner has fully commissioned the station, and
has declared it fit to service retail FCV drivers. This
includes the station owner’s declaration that the station
meets an appropriate SAE fueling protocol.
3. At least three OEMs have confirmed that the station meets
protocol expectations, and their customers can fuel at the
4. All dispensers installed in the hydrogen refueling station
have undergone type evaluation according to the California
Type Evaluation Program (CTEP) administered by the
California Department of Food and Agriculture/Division of
Measurement Standards (CDFA/DMS) and have either a
Temporary Use Permit or a type approval Certificate of
Approval issued by CDFA/DMS.
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 83
(E) The FSE registration must be completed pursuant to section
95483.2(b)(8) and the quantity of dispensed hydrogen must be
reported as required in section 95491.
(F) Dispensed hydrogen meets the following CI and renewable content
requirements on a company-wide, weighted average basis. The
Executive Officer will consider all the stations registered by an
entity with a unique FEIN in the LRT-CBTS for calculating the
company-wide weighted average CI and renewable content.
1. CI of 150 gCO
e/MJ or less, and
2. Renewable content of 40 percent or greater.
(G) The station must be operational within 24 months of application
approval. If the applicant fails to demonstrate the operability within
24 months of approval then the application will be canceled. The
applicant can reapply for the same station eligible only for 10 years
of crediting.
(5) Calculation of HRI Credits. HRI credits will be calculated using the
following equation:
is the average carbon intensity requirement of gasoline ( =
“gasoline”) for a given year as provided in sections 95484(b);
 is the dimensionless Energy Economy Ratio for H2/FCV relative to
gasoline as listed in Table 5;
is the carbon intensity used for HRI crediting. Company-wide
weighted average CI for dispensed hydrogen during the quarter or 0 g/MJ,
whichever is greater;
is the energy density for hydrogen in MJ/kg as listed in Table 4;
is the HRI refueling capacity for the station (kg/day);
 is the the uptime multiplier which is the percentage of time that the
station is available as reported to SOSS during the quarter;
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 84
is the quantity of hydrogen dispensed during the quarter (kg);
is the number of days during the quarter;
is a factor used to convert credits to units of metric tons from gCO
and has the value of:
= 1.010
(6) Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements. The following must be
reported to the Executive Officer each quarter as set forth in section
95491 before credits will be issued to the LRT account associated with an
approved HRI pathway.
(A) Station availability. This is the percentage of hours the station is
available for fueling during the quarter relative to the permitted
hours of operation for the station, as reported to the SOSS. Any
period of time that SOSS reports that a portion of the station
capacity is not available will count as a pro-rated amount of station
availability, proportional to the percentage of the station capacity
that remains available for fueling for this period of time.
(B) Company-wide, weighted average renewable content (percent) for
dispensed hydrogen.
(C) Cost and revenue data. Provide a quarterly account of the
following costs borne and revenues received by the station owner
up through the most recent reporting quarter per station.
1. Total capital expenditures ($)
2. Total delivered cost ($) of hydrogen and average delivered
cost ($/kg) for hydrogen
3. Total maintenance costs ($)
4. Total land rental cost ($)
5. Total grant revenue or other external funding received
towards capital expenditures ($)
6. Total grant revenue or other external funding received
towards operational and maintenance expenditures ($)
7. Total revenue ($) received from sale of hydrogen and
average retail price ($/kg) for hydrogen sold
8. Other operational expenditures ($)
(7) Applications for Expanded HRI Refueling Capacity. Station owners who
expand the capacity of a station and that is already generating HRI credits
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 85
under the LCFS must submit an application to the Executive Officer to
generate additional credits based on the updated capacity. Applications
for expanded station capacity must be received before
December 31, 2025 and do not extend the effective date range for the HRI
crediting specified upon initial project approval in 95486.2(a)(3)(D). The
application must include the following elements.
(A) In order to be eligible to generate HRI credits for expanded
capacity, the station owner must demonstrate that station
throughput in a reporting quarter is greater than or equal to
50 percent of the original approved HRI refueling capacity.
(B) Updated nameplate refueling capacity and updated HRI refueling
(C) If the sources of hydrogen and delivery methods stated in the
original HRI application will change as a result of the added
capacity, the station owner must disclose the new hydrogen
sources and delivery methods.
(D) The station owner must maintain records demonstrating that any
new equipment added as a result of the expansion in capacity,
including storage and fueling dispensers, meet the requirements
listed in 95486.2(a).
(b) DC Fast Charging Infrastructure (FCI) Pathways.
(1) FCI Pathway Eligibility. An FSE owner may submit an application to
receive an FCI pathway subject to the following eligibility conditions:
(A) The proposed FSE must be located in California and open to the
public for charging.
(B) Upon an individual applicant’s estimated potential FCI credits,
calculated pursuant to section 95486.2(b)(3)(B), exceeding 0.5
percent of the deficits in the prior quarter, each additional site
applied for by the applicant must meet the following requirements:
1. Charging equipment at the site must support at least two of
the following three fast charging connectors: CHAdeMO,
SAE CCS, and/or Tesla;
2. The site must have at least one FSE with a CHAdeMO
connector protocol and at least one FSE with an SAE CCS
connector protocol; and
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 86
3. No more than three-quarters of all FSE subject to this
provision at the site can support only a single fast charging
connector protocol.
(C) The FCI pathway application must be received on or before
December 31, 2025.
(D) The following FSE are not eligible for FCI crediting:
1. Any FSE that is permitted to operate prior to January 1,
2019; or
2. Any FSE receiving or spending funds pursuant to any
settlement related to any California or Federal regulation
enforcement; or
3. Any FSE built as a required mitigation measure pursuant to
the California Environmental Quality Act.
(E) Each FSE must have a minimum nameplate power rating of 50 kW.
(F) Each FSE must be networked and capable of monitoring and
reporting its availability for charging.
(2) FCI Application Requirements. The applicant must submit an application
in the LRT-CBTS containing the following information:
(A) Name and address of the owner of the proposed FSE.
(B) Contact person for the owner entity.
1. Name
2. Title or position
3. Phone number
4. Mobile phone number
5. Email address
(C) Name, street address, latitude, longitude and a location description
for each proposed FSE site.
(D) The number of FSEs.
(E) The nameplate power rating (kW), connector type(s), and model for
each FSE.
1. The total nameplate power rating for all FSE at a single site
claiming FCI credit under this provision cannot exceed 2,500
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 87
2. Notwithstanding 95486.2(b)(2)(E)1 above, upon request the
Executive Officer may approve an application with total
nameplate power rating for all FSE at a single site up to
6,000 kW. The total number of FSE at sites with total
nameplate power rating greater than 2,500 kW cannot
exceed 10 percent of total FSE approved under FCI
pathways. The applicant must provide justification for
requesting a total power rating greater than 2,500 kW at the
given site.
(F) The effective simultaneous power rating (kW) for each FSE
calculated using the equation below. The effective simultaneous
power rating must be at least 50 percent of the nameplate power
rating for each FSE.
is the simultaneous power rating (kW) for FSE ;
is the nameplate power rating (kW) for FSE ;
is the maximum total power (kW) that can be delivered to all
FSEs at a single site when they are operated simultaneously; and
is the number of FSEs at a single site.
(G) The FCI charging capacity for each FSE calculated using the
following equation:
= 43 × (
is the FCI charging capacity (kWh/day) for the FSE i; and
is the nameplate power rating for the FSE or 350 kW,
whichever is less.
(H) Expected date that the FSE will be operational.
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 88
(I) Expected daily permitted hours of operation for the site. If the
daily permitted hours are less than 24 hours, the applicant must
provide documentation from a permitting authority demonstrating
that daily permitted hours for the FSE are limited.
(J) A signed attestation letter from the applicant attesting to the
veracity of the information in the application packet. The
attestation letter must be submitted as an electronic copy, be on
company letterhead, be signed by an officer of the applicant with
authority to attest to the veracity of the information in the application
and to sign on behalf of the applicant, be from the applicant and not
from an entity representing the applicant (such as a consultant or
legal counsel), and include the following attestation:
I, an authorized representative of _______________ (proposed FSE owner entity), attest to the veracity
of the information submitted as part of the DC Fast Charging Infrastructure (FCI) application, attest that
the proposed FSE is not receiving funds pursuant to any enforcement settlement related to any California
or Federal regulation, and declare that the information submitted accurately represents the anticipated
and intended design and operation of the charging infrastructure. Further, I understand and agree to
each of the statements in the attached application. I am a duly authorized officer with authority to attest
to the veracity of the information in the application and to sign on behalf of the respective applicant.
I understand that the following information in the FCI application will be made available on the LCFS web
site: Name of the Applicant Entity, Site Name, Site Address, Number and Type of Charging Units,
Nameplate and Effective Simultaneous Power Rating for Each Unit, and Effective Date Range for FCI
By submitting this application, ______________________________________________(applicant entity)
accepts responsibility for the information herein provided to CARB. I certify under penalty of perjury
under the laws of the State of California that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the
statements and information submitted in this document. I certify that the statements and information
submitted to CARB are true, accurate, and complete.
(K) CBI must be designated pursuant to the requirements described in
section 95488.8(c).
(L) An application and supporting documents must be submitted
electronically via the LRT-CBTS unless the Executive Officer has
approved or requested in writing another format.
(3) Application Approval Process.
(A) The FCI application must be approved by the Executive Officer
before the applicant may generate FCI credits. If estimated
potential FCI credits from all approved FSEs exceed 2.5 percent of
deficits in the prior quarter, the Executive Officer will not approve
additional FCI pathways and will not accept additional applications
until FCI credits are less than 2.5 percent of deficits. FCI
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 89
applications will be evaluated for approval on a first come, first
served basis.
Estimated potential FCI credits will be calculated using the following
= 
means the estimated potential FCI credits from all
approved FSEs;
means the total FCI credits generated by
operational FSEs in the prior quarter;
means the total FCI charging capacity of FSEs that
were operational in the prior quarter; and
means the total FCI charging capacity of all approved
FSEs, both operational and nonoperational.
(B) The estimated potential FCI credits for an individual applicant will
be calculated using the same equation as in subsection (A) above,
means the estimated potential FCI credits from the
applicant’s approved FSEs;
means the total FCI credits generated by the
applicant for operational FSEs in the prior quarter;
means the total FCI charging capacity of the
applicant’s FSEs that were operational in the prior quarter; and
means the total FCI charging capacity of all of the
applicant’s approved FSEs, both operational and nonoperational.
(C) After receipt of an application designated by the applicant as ready
for formal evaluation, the Executive Officer shall advise the
applicant in writing either that:
1. The application is complete, or
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 90
2. The application is incomplete, in which case the Executive
Officer will identify which requirements of section
95486.2(b)(2) have not been met.
a. The applicant may submit additional information to
correct deficiencies identified by the Executive Officer.
b. If the applicant is unable to achieve a complete
application within 180 days of the Executive Officer’s
receipt of the original application, the application will
be denied on that basis, and the applicant will be
informed in writing.
3. At any point during the application evaluation process, the
Executive Officer may request in writing additional
information or clarification from the applicant.
(D) The Executive Officer shall not approve an application if the
Executive Officer determines, based upon the information
submitted in the application and any other available information,
that the application does not meet requirements in subsections
95486.2(b)(1) and (b)(2). If the Executive Officer does not
approve the application, the applicant will be notified in writing and
the basis for the disapproval shall be identified.
(E) If the Executive Officer determines the application has met all
requirements for approval pursuant to subsections 95486.2(b)(1)
and (b)(2), the Executive Officer will approve the application and
provide an approval summary on the LCFS website including the
site location and FSE ID, number and type of FSE, nameplate and
effective simultaneous power rating for each FSE, and effective
date range for FCI pathway crediting.
(F) Crediting Period. FCI crediting is limited to 5 years starting with
the quarter following Executive Officer approval of the application.
(4) Requirements to Generate FCI Credits. To generate credits using FCI
pathways the following conditions must be met. The applicant must
maintain, and submit to CARB upon request, records demonstrating
adherence to these conditions.
(A) The applicant must update the nameplate and effective
simultaneous power rating of FSE if different from the power rating
provided in the application. Any FSE design or operational
information that deviates from the original application must be
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 91
declared to the Executive Officer, and a new attestation must be
submitted using the language in section 95486.2(b)(2).
(B) The FSE must be open to the public, meaning that no obstructions
or obstacles exist to preclude vehicle operators from entering the
FSE premises, no access cards or personal identification (PIN)
codes are required for the FSE to dispense fuel, and no formal or
registered equipment training shall be required for individuals to
use the FSE.
(C) The FSE that charges a fee for service must be capable of
supporting a public point-of-sale method that accepts all major
credit or debit cards.
(D) The FSE passed final inspection by the appropriate authority
having jurisdiction and has a permit to operate.
(E) The FSE owner has fully commissioned the FSE, and has declared
it fit to service retail EV drivers.
(F) The FSE registration must be completed pursuant to section
95483.2(b)(8) and the quantity of dispensed electricity must be
reported as required in section 95491.
(G) The FSE must be operational within 12 months of application
approval. If the applicant fails to demonstrate the operability within
12 months of approval then the application will be canceled. The
applicant can reapply for the same FSE site eligible only for 2 years
of crediting.
(H) The estimated cumulative value of FCI credits generated for the
FSE in the prior quarter must be less than the difference between
the total capital expenditure reported pursuant to section
95486.2(b)(6)(B)1 and the total grant revenue or other funding
reported pursuant to section 95486.2(b)(6)(B)5 in the prior quarter.
1. The estimated value of FCI credits, for the purpose of this
determination, shall be calculated using the number of FCI
credits generated for the FSE in the quarter and the average
LCFS credit price for that quarter published on the LCFS
2. The cumulative credit value generated for each FSE will be
tracked as the sum of all quarterly credit values in constant-
dollar for the year in which the FCI application was approved
using an annual discount rate of 10%.
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 92
3. The estimated value calculated under this provision will be
made available only to the respective reporting entity in LRT-
CBTS and will not be published on the LCFS website.
4. This will not affect the reporting entity’s ability to generate
non-FCI LCFS credits for the electricity dispensed at the
(5) Calculation of FCI Credits. FCI credits will be calculated using the
following equation for each FSE approved under this provision:
is the average carbon intensity requirement of gasoline (XD =
“gasoline”) for a given year as provided in section 95484(b);
 is the dimensionless Energy Economy Ratio for Electricity/BEV or
PHEV relative to gasoline as listed in Table 5;
is the California average grid electricity carbon intensity as listed in
Table 7-1;
is the conversion factor for electricity as listed in Table 4;
is the FCI charging capacity (kWh/day) for the FSE;
is the number of days during the quarter;
 is the uptime multiplier which is the fraction of time that the FSE is
available for charging during the quarter;
is the quantity of electricity dispensed during the quarter (kWh);
is a factor used to convert credits to units of metric tons from gCO
and has the value of:
= 1.010
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§ 95486.2. Generating and Calculating Credits for ZEV Fueling Infrastructure Pathways. 93
(6) Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements. The following must be
reported to the Executive Officer each quarter as set forth in section
95491 before credits will be issued to the LRT account associated with an
approved FCI pathway.
(A) FSE availability. This is the percentage of hours the FSE is
available for charging during the quarter relative to the permitted
hours of operation for the site.
(B) Cost and revenue data. Provide a quarterly account of the
following costs borne and revenues received by the FSE owner up
through the most recent reporting quarter per site.
1. Total capital expenditures ($)
2. Total delivered cost ($) of electricity, including demand
charges, and average delivered cost ($/kWh) for electricity
3. Total maintenance costs ($)
4. Total land rental cost ($)
5. Total grant revenue or other external funding received
towards capital expenditures ($)
6. Total grant revenue or other external funding received
towards operational and maintenance expenditures ($)
7. Total revenue ($) received from sale of electricity and
average retail price ($/kWh) for electricity sold
8. Other operational expenditures ($)
(7) Applications for Expanded FCI Capacity. Applicants who increase the
power rating of an FSE or add an FSE to a site that is already generating
FCI credits under the LCFS must submit an application to the Executive
Officer to generate additional credits based on the increased power or
number of FSEs. Applications must be received before
December 31,
2025 and do not extend the end date for the FCI crediting
specified upon initial project approval in 95486.2(b)(3). The application
must include the following elements.
(A) Updated number and type of FSE at the site.
(B) Updated FCI charging capacity, nameplate power rating and
effective simultaneous power rating for each FSE at the site.
(C) The applicant must maintain records demonstrating that any new
equipment added as a result of the expansion in capacity meet the
requirements listed in 95486.2(b).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 94
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95487. Credit Transactions.
(a) General. LCFS credits shall not constitute instruments, securities, or any other
form of property.
(1) A regulated entity may:
(A) Retain LCFS credits without expiration for use within the LCFS
market; and
(B) Acquire or transfer LCFS credits. A third-party, which is not a
regulated entity or acting on behalf of a regulated entity, may not
hold, purchase, sell, or trade LCFS credits, except as otherwise
specified in section 95483.
(2) A regulated entity may not:
(A) Use credits in the LCFS program that are generated outside the
LCFS program, including credits generated in other tradeable
emission credit programs administered by the California Air
Resources Board.
(B) Borrow or use credits from anticipated future carbon intensity
reductions to demonstrate compliance pursuant to section
95485(a). This does not preclude contracting for future delivery of
LCFS credits as described in section 95487(b)(1)(B), nor
participation in the credit clearance market described in section
(C) Generate LCFS credits from fuels exempted from the LCFS under
section 95482(d) or are otherwise not eligible pursuant to section
(D) Sell or transfer credits at a price that exceeds the Maximum Price
set by the following formula:
1. $200/credit (MTCO2e) in 2016.
2. This per credit price shall be adjusted annually by the rate of
inflation as measured by the most recently available twelve
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 95
months of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban
“Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers” means a
measure that examines the changes in the price of a basket
of goods and services purchased by urban consumers, and
is published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
3. The Maximum Price will be published on the first Monday of
April and go into effect on June 1
(b) Credit Transfers between Parties.
(1) A regulated entity that wishes to sell or transfer credits (“the Seller”) and a
regulated entity that wishes to purchase or acquire a credit (“the Buyer”)
may enter into an agreement to transfer credits. Any such agreement
must be fully documented in the LRT-CBTS pursuant to section
95487(b)(1)(B) through (F).
(A) General Requirements for Credit Transfers. The Seller may
transfer credits provided the number of credits to be transferred by
the Seller does not exceed the number of total credits in the Seller’s
credit account defined as follows:
 = 
+ 
 (
+ 
+ 
+ 
, 
, 
, 
, 
, and 
have the same
meaning as those in section 95485(b).
(B) The credit transfer request must identify the type of transaction
agreement for which the transfer request is being submitted,
selecting one of the following types:
1. Type 1 Transfer: Over-the-counter agreement for the sale
or transfer of LCFS credits for which delivery will take place
no more than 10 days from the date the parties enter into the
transaction agreement.
2. Type 2 Transfer: Over-the-counter agreement for the sale
or transfer of LCFS credits for which delivery is to take place
more than 10 days from the date the parties enter into the
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 96
transaction agreement or that involve multiple transfers of
LCFS credits over time.
3. Type 3 Transfer: Agreements for the sale of LCFS credits
through any contract arranged through a clearing service
(C) For Type 1 Transfer. Within 10 days from the date the parties
enter into the credit transaction agreement, the Seller and the
Buyer must initiate and complete the transfer request using the
Credit Transfer Form (CTF) provided in the LRT-CBTS. The
parties must provide:
1. Date of Transaction Agreement. The date on which the
Buyer and Seller enter into the credit transaction agreement;
2. Names and the Federal Employer Identification Numbers
(FEIN) of the Seller and the Buyer as registered in the LRT-
3. First name, last name, and contact information of the Seller
and Buyer representative;
4. The number of credits proposed to be transferred; and
5. The price or equivalent value of the consideration (in U.S.
dollars) per credit proposed for transfer, excluding any fees.
(D) For Type 2 Transfer. Within 10 days from the date the parties
enter into the credit transaction agreement, the Seller and the
Buyer must report the following using the Credit Transfer Form
(CTF) provided in the LRT-CBTS:
1. Date of Transaction Agreement. The date on which the
Buyer and Seller enter into the credit transaction agreement;
2. Names and the Federal Employer Identification Numbers
(FEIN) of the Seller and the Buyer as registered in the LRT-
3. First name, last name, and contact information of the Seller
and Buyer representative;
4. If the agreement requires a single delivery of credits or
multiple deliveries of credits. The Executive Officer may
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 97
assign reference numbers for reporting future credit transfers
under agreements for multiple deliveries of credits;
5. The expected date of last credit delivery or the length of the
agreement including the date by which all deliveries are to
be completed;
6. The total number of credits anticipated to be transferred
under the agreement;
7. The price per credit (in U.S. dollars) or the terms to
determine the price for future credit transfer as per the
8. If the agreement is terminated or amended prior to its full
execution as provided in subsection 5. above, the parties
must notify the Executive Officer within 10 days; and
9. If the credit transfer is one of multiple deliveries under an
agreement previously reported using a CTF, the parties must
provide the reference number (if any) assigned by the
Executive Officer.
(E) For Type 3 Transfer. A credit transfer request submitted for an
agreement executed through a clearing service provider must
provide the following information:
1. Identify the exchange through which the transaction is
2. Date of close of trading for the contract;
3. Identify the contract description code assigned by the
exchange to the contract;
4. Price at close of trading for the contract;
5. The number of credits in the contract to be transferred; and
6. Date of delivery of LCFS credits covered by the contract.
(F) If the transaction agreement does not specify the price for LCFS
credits, the Seller must provide a brief description of the pricing
method for the full transaction inclusive of all products and value
exchanged. The seller must also select one of the following
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 98
1. The proposed transfer is to reflect an adjustment in CI value
of fuel transacted between Seller and Buyer;
2. The proposed transfer incorporates a credit trade along with
the sale or purchase of other product, and does not specify a
price or cost basis for the sale of the credits alone.
(G) Recording a Credit Transfer. Upon receiving a fully-completed
CTF, the Executive Officer shall, either:
1. Process and approve the transfer request and update the
account balances of the Seller and Buyer to reflect the credit
transfer, provided the Executive Officer determines all
required information was submitted, and it accurately reflects
the parties’ positions at the time of the proposed transfer; or
2. Notify the parties that the proposed credit transfer is
infeasible and identify the reasons for rejecting the transfer.
(2) Facilitation of Credit Transfer. A Seller or Buyer may elect to use a
third-party broker as defined in section 95481 to facilitate the transfer of
credits. A broker cannot acquire credits. A broker who will document
transfers in LRT-CBTS must register in the LRT-CBTS, and the Buyer,
Seller, or both must document, using the LRT-CBTS, authorization for
broker to act on their behalf. A broker may, with the consent of the
parties, conduct a “blind transaction” where the Buyer of the credit does
not know the identity of the Seller, and/or the Seller of the credit does not
know the identity of the Buyer.
(3) Correcting Credit Transfer Errors. A regulated entity is responsible for
the accuracy of information submitted to the Executive Officer. If a
regulated entity discovers an error in the information reported to the
Executive Officer or recorded by the Executive Officer, the regulated entity
must inform the Executive Officer in writing within five (5) days of the
discovery and request a correction. Each submitted request is subject to
Executive Officer review and approval. If the Executive Officer
determines that the error occurred during the recording of the credit by
Board staff, the Executive Officer will make the correction and no
additional re-submissions are required.
(c) Public Disclosure of Credit and Deficit Balances and Credit Transfer Information.
(1) The Executive Officer shall, no less frequently than quarterly, provide to
the public reports containing a summary of credit generation and transfer
information including, but not limited to:
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 99
(A) Total deficits and credits generated or incurred in the most recent
quarter for which data are available, including information on the
types and quantities of fuels used to generate credits.
(B) Total deficits and credits generated or incurred in all previous
quarters of the most recent year for which data are available,
including information on the types and quantities of fuels used to
generate credits.
(C) Total credits in regulated entities’ accounts and the total number of
outstanding deficits carried over by regulated entities from a
previous compliance year.
(D) Information on the credits transferred during the most recent
quarter for which data is available including the total number of
credits transferred, the number of transfers, the number of parties
making transfers, and the monthly average credit price for transfers
that reported a price.
(2) The Executive Officer shall provide reports, no less frequently than
monthly, to regulated entities and the public containing information
necessary or helpful to the functioning of a credit market. Such reports
may include recent information on credit transfer volumes, credit prices
and price trends, and other information determined by the Executive
Officer to be of value to market participants and the public. The
Executive Officer shall establish, and may periodically modify, a schedule
for the routine release of these reports.
(d) Prohibited Transactions. A trade involving, related to, or associated with any of
the following is prohibited:
(1) Any manipulative or deceptive device;
(2) A corner or an attempt to corner the market for credits;
(3) Fraud, or an attempt to defraud any other entity;
(4) A false, misleading or inaccurate report concerning information or
conditions that affects or tends to affect the price of a credit;
(5) An application, report, statement, or document required to be filed
pursuant to this subarticle which is false or misleading with respect to a
material fact, or which omits to state a material fact necessary to make the
contents therein not misleading. A fact is material if it is reasonably likely
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§ 95487. Credit Transactions. 100
to influence a decision by a counterparty, the Executive Officer, the Board,
or the Board’s staff; or
(6) Any trick, scheme, or artifice to falsify or conceal a material fact, including
use of any false statements or representations, written or oral, or
documents made by or provided to an entity through which transactions in
credits are settled, or are cleared.
(7) Upon investigation pursuant to section 95495, the Executive Officer may
cancel or reverse a credit transfer if a credit transfer is determined to be a
prohibited transaction as per subsection (1) through (6) above. The
Executive Officer shall notify the parties and identify the reasons for
cancelling or reversing a credit transfer.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018 Health
and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510, 39515,
39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516 and 43000, Health and Safety Code;
Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95488. Entities Eligible to Apply for Fuel Pathways.
(a) Any person may apply to the Executive Officer for fuel pathway carbon intensity
certification for the purpose of credit or deficit generation.
(b) Joint Applicants. Multiple entities may contribute site-specific data to a single
pathway application. In these cases, the parties involved may either designate
a single entity as the pathway applicant, or designate multiple entities as joint
applicants on a single pathway. Applying as joint applicants allows each entity
to maintain control of confidential data for the portions of the pathway they
(1) Each joint applicant is subject to all requirements for pathway application,
attestations, validation and verification, recordkeeping, pursuant to this
subarticle, for the portion of the pathway they control.
(2) A single entity designated to submit data on behalf of multiple entities
within a pathway does not relieve any other entity in the pathway from
responsibility for ensuring that the data submitted on its behalf is accurate.
(c) Transition to CA-GREET3.0.
(1) Existing certified pathways. In the first quarter of 2021, the Executive
Officer will deactivate all fuel pathway codes in the LRT-CBTS for fuel
pathways that were certified pursuant to a prior version of this subarticle,
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§ 95488. Entities Eligible to Apply for Fuel Pathways. 101
which used the CA-GREET2.0 model to determine CI, for the purpose of
reporting fuel transactions that occurred after December 31, 2020. Fuel
pathway holders seeking to generate credits from these pathways after
that date must follow the pathway application and certification process
outlined in this subarticle to receive a certified pathway.
(A) Existing Lookup Table Pathways. Fuel reporting entities using
Lookup Table pathways that do not require an application pursuant
to section 95488.1(b)(1) will be automatically updated in the LRT-
CBTS to the values in Table 7-1 on the effective date of this
(2) New Pathway Applications. Beginning in 2019 or the effective date of
this subarticle, new fuel pathway applications using CA-GREET2.0 will not
be processed. The requirement to obtain a third-party validation
statement is effective for all pathway applications pending or submitted on
or after January 1, 2020. All new pathway applications certified in 2019
will be validated by the Executive Officer.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018 Health
and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510, 39515,
39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516 and 43000, Health and Safety Code;
Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
§ 95488.1. Fuel Pathway Classifications.
(a) For purposes of fuel pathway carbon intensity determination, all new LCFS fuel
pathways certified after January 1, 2019 (or the effective date of this regulation)
shall be classified as either a:
(1) Lookup Table pathway;
(2) Tier 1 pathway; or
(3) Tier 2 pathway, as described below.
(b) Lookup Table Classification. Pathways falling under this classification are the
simplest pathways to use. The Board’s staff develops Lookup Table pathway CI
values using the CA-GREET3.0 model. Input variables and assumptions are
provided in the CA-GREET3.0 Lookup Table Pathways Technical Support
Documentation (August 13, 2018), which is incorporated herein by reference.
(1) Lookup Table Pathways That Do Not Require a Fuel Pathway Application.
The following pathways are developed using average values for inputs
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§ 95488.1. Fuel Pathway Classifications. 102
into the CA-GREET3.0 model, which are not expected to vary significantly
across providers of the fuel. Entities seeking to generate credits under
the pathways listed in 95488.1(b)(1)(A) through (E) may report fuel
transactions directly in the LRT-CBTS without taking any action in the
(A) California Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate
Blending (CARBOB)
(B) California Ultra-low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)
(C) Compressed Natural Gas
(D) Propane
(E) Electricity (California average grid)
(2) Lookup Table Pathways That Require a Fuel Pathway Application. Fuel
pathway applicants for the following Lookup Table pathways must register
in the AFP and meet the application requirements of section 95488.5(b).
Fuel pathway applicants may then report fuel transactions in the LRT-
CBTS for the fuel pathways listed in 95488.1(b)(2)(A) through (F).
(A) Electricity (100 percent zero-CI sources, which include: eligible
renewable energy resources as defined in California Public Utilities
Code sections 399.11-399.36, excluding biomass, biomethane,
geothermal, and municipal solid waste)
(B) Electricity associated with smart charging pathway for EV charging
and smart electrolysis pathway for hydrogen production through
(C) Hydrogen (gaseous and liquefied) from central SMR of North
American fossil-based natural gas
(D) Hydrogen (gaseous and liquefied) from central SMR of biomethane
(E) Hydrogen (gaseous) from electrolysis using California grid-average
(F) Hydrogen (gaseous) from electrolysis using electricity from a zero-
CI source as defined in (A) above
(c) Tier 1 Classification. The Tier 1 pathway classification applies to fuel pathway
categories that the Board’s staff has extensive experience evaluating. This
classification includes fuel pathways for which the Executive Officer has identified
a discrete set of site-specific inputs that can be modified to achieve CI changes.
CI values for Tier 1 fuel pathways are determined using Board-approved
Simplified CI Calculators. The Simplified CI Calculators provide a framework for
applicants to enter monthly operational data inputs that are combined with
emission factors and life cycle inventory data from the CA-GREET3.0 model to
calculate the pathway CI. The Tier 1 classification includes, but is not limited to,
the following fuel pathways:
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§ 95488.1. Fuel Pathway Classifications. 103
(1) Ethanol derived from starch or fiber in corn kernels or grain sorghum, and
(2) Biodiesel produced from feedstocks including but not limited to oilseed
crop-derived oils; rendered animal fat, distiller’s corn oil, distiller’s sorghum
oil, and used cooking oil;
(3) Renewable Diesel produced by hydrotreatment of feedstocks in a stand-
alone reactor, including but not limited to oilseed crop-derived oils,
rendered tallow, distiller’s corn oil, distiller’s sorghum oil, and used cooking
(4) LNG and L-CNG from North American fossil natural gas; and
(5) Biomethane from North American landfills, anaerobic digestion of
wastewater sludge, dairy and swine manure, and food, urban landscaping
waste, and other organic waste.
(d) Tier 2 Classification. The Tier 2 pathway classification shall apply to fuel
pathways that the Board’s staff has limited experience evaluating and certifying,
including fuel pathways that are not currently in widespread commercial
production. The Tier 2 classification includes all fuel pathways not included in
Tier 1 or the Lookup Table pathways. The Tier 2 classification includes, but is
not limited to the following fuel pathways:
(1) Cellulosic alcohols;
(2) Biomethane from sources other than those listed under the Tier 1
classification in (c)(5), above;
(3) Hydrogen pathways not found in the Lookup Table;
(4) Electricity pathways not found in the Lookup Table;
(5) Drop-in fuels (renewable hydrocarbons) except for renewable diesel
produced from feedstocks described in section 95488.1(c)(3). This
category includes fuels produced from low carbon feedstocks co-
processed with fossil feedstocks in petroleum refineries;
(6) Any fuel produced from unconventional feedstocks, such as algae oil;
(7) Pathways classified as Tier 1 that are produced using innovative
production methods. Innovative production methods include, but are not
limited to:
(A) Use of one or more low-CI process energy sources.
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§ 95488.1. Fuel Pathway Classifications. 104
(B) Use of carbon capture and sequestration. (Projects that utilize
carbon capture and sequestration are subject to the provisions of
section 95490).
(C) Pathways classified as Tier 1 that cannot be accurately modeled
using the Simplified CI Calculators. Such pathways must meet the
substantiality requirements of 95488.9(a).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.2. Relationship Between Pathway Registration and Facility Registration.
After establishing an account in the Alternative Fuels Portal, per the requirements of
section 95483.2(a), fuel pathway applicants must begin the application process by
completing the facility and pathway registration through the AFP web portal. The
provisions of 95488.2 do not apply to entities seeking to report fuel transactions for the
fuel pathways listed in 95488.1(b)(1).
(a) Production and Intermediate Facility Registration. All production facilities and
intermediate facilities from which site-specific operational data is relied upon in
determining the CI score for a pathway must be registered in the AFP. All of the
following fields that apply are required:
(1) Production company name and full mailing address.
(2) U.S. EPA Company ID for fuels covered by the federal RFS program.
For fuels not covered by the RFS program, the AFP system will generate
a Company ID.
(3) Company contact person’s contact information.
(A) Name
(B) Title or position
(C) Phone number
(D) Mobile phone number
(E) Email address
(F) Company web site URL
(4) The fuel production facility name and address, for each proposed
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§ 95488.2. Relationship Between Pathway Registration and Facility Registration. 105
(A) For biomethane to vehicle fuel pathways, the fuel production facility
is the upgrading facility that purifies or otherwise produces
biomethane that meets the applicable standards for pipeline or
vehicle-quality natural gas.
(5) The names and addresses of any intermediate facilities, for
each proposed pathway.
(A) For biomethane to vehicle fuel pathways, intermediate facilities that
must be registered include the liquefaction facility, and the location
where biogas or other biomethane feedstock is produced, if that
location is not also the upgrading facility that is registered as the
fuel production facility.
(B) For any feedstock whose supplier applies using site-specific CI
data, the feedstock-processing facility must be registered as an
intermediate facility for the fuel pathway in which the feedstock
is utilized.
(6) U.S. EPA Facility ID for fuels covered by the federal RFS program. For
fuels not covered by the RFS program, the Executive Officer will assign a
Facility ID.
(7) Facility geographical coordinates (for each facility covered by the
proposed pathways). Coordinates can be reported using either the
latitude and longitude or the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate
(8) Facility contact person’s contact information.
(A) Name
(B) Title or position
(C) Phone number
(D) Mobile phone number
(E) Email address
(9) Facility nameplate production capacity, or maximum expected throughput,
in million gasoline gallon equivalents per year or other appropriate units.
This information is required for each facility contributing site-specific data
to the proposed pathways, including intermediate facilities in the supply
(b) Pathway Registration. All of the following fields that apply are required.
(1) Consultant’s contact information
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§ 95488.2. Relationship Between Pathway Registration and Facility Registration. 106
(A) Name
(B) Title or position
(C) Legal company name
(D) Phone number
(E) Mobile phone number
(F) Email address
(G) Web site URL
(2) Fuel type (renewable diesel, ethanol, etc.)
(3) Feedstock
(4) Brief pathway description (one to two sentences describing the
technology, transport mode, and any non-standard co-products)
(5) Proposed pathway carbon intensity value
(6) Estimated annual fuel production quantity under the proposed pathway
(estimated minimum, maximum, and average), in the applicable units
specified for reporting in 95491(d)(1) through (5).
(7) Classification. The fuel pathway applicant must declare whether the
proposed fuel pathway falls under the Lookup Table, Tier 1 or Tier 2
provisions of this regulation as specified in section 95488.1. The
Executive Officer will evaluate the fuel pathway applicant’s classification
declaration and either approve or change it.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.3. Calculation of Fuel Pathway Carbon Intensities.
(a) Calculating Carbon Intensities. Fuel pathway applicants and the Executive
Officer will evaluate all pathways based on life cycle greenhouse gas emissions
per unit of fuel energy, or carbon intensity, expressed in gCO
e/MJ. For this
analysis, the fuel pathway applicant must use CA-GREET3.0 model (including
the Simplified CI Calculators derived from that model) or another model
determined by the Executive Officer to be equivalent or superior to
(b) CA-GREET3.0. The CA-GREET3.0 model (August 13, 2018) contains emission
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§ 95488.3. Calculation of Fuel Pathway Carbon Intensities. 107
factors for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from site-specific inputs to fuel
pathways and standard values for parts of the life cycle not included in applicant-
specific data submission. The model is open source and publicly available at and is incorporated herein by reference.
CA-GREET3.0 includes contributions from the Oil Production Greenhouse Gas
Estimator (OPGEE2.0) model (for emissions from crude extraction) and Global
Trade Analysis Project (GTAP-BIO) together with the Agro-Ecological Zone
Emissions Factor (AEZ-EF) model for land use change (LUC).
Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculators, which incorporate emission factors and life cycle
inventory data from the CA-GREET3.0 model, are used to calculate carbon
intensities for Tier 1 pathways. The eight Simplified CI Calculators listed below
are publicly available at and are
incorporated herein by reference:
(1) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Starch and Fiber* Ethanol (August
13, 2018)
(2) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Sugarcane-derived Ethanol (August
13, 2018)
(3) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel
(August 13, 2018)
(4) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for LNG and L-CNG from North American
Natural Gas (August 13, 2018)
(5) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Biomethane from North American
Landfills (August 13, 2018)
(6) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Biomethane from Anaerobic Digestion of
Wastewater Sludge (August 13, 2018)
(7) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Biomethane from Anaerobic Digestion of
Dairy and Swine Manure (August 13, 2018)
(8) Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator for Biomethane from Anaerobic Digestion of
Organic Waste (August 13, 2018)
* Fiber in this case refers to corn and grain sorghum fiber exclusively.
(c) OPGEE2.0. The OPGEE2.0 model is used to generate carbon intensities for
crude oil used in the production of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and California
Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB).
(d) Accounting for Land Use Change. The Executive Officer calculates LUC effects
for certain crop-based biofuels using the GTAP model (modified to include
agricultural data and termed GTAP-BIO) and the AEZ-EF model. LUC values
for six feedstock/finished biofuel combinations are provided in Table 6 below.
The Executive Officer may use the same modeling framework to assess LUC
values for other fuel or feedstock combinations, not currently found in Table 6, as
part of processing a pathway application. Alternatively, the Executive Officer
may require a fuel pathway applicant to use one of the values in Table 6, if the
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§ 95488.3. Calculation of Fuel Pathway Carbon Intensities. 108
Executive Officer deems that value appropriate to use for a fuel or feedstock
combination not currently listed in Table 6.
Table 6. Land Use Change Values for Use in CI Determination
Corn Ethanol
Sugarcane Ethanol
Soy Biomass-Based Diesel
Canola Biomass-Based Diesel
Grain Sorghum Ethanol
Palm Biomass-Based Diesel
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.4. Relationship of Pathway Carbon Intensities to Units of Fuel Sold in
(a) LCFS CIs represent the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in a per-
megajoule of finished-fuel energy basis, associated with long-term, steady-state
fuel production operations. Actual CIs vary over time due to a variety of factors,
including but not limited to seasonality, feedstock properties, plant maintenance,
and unplanned interruptions and shutdowns. A fuel production operation will not
be found to be in violation of its certified pathway based on CI unless a CI
calculated from production data covering 24 months of operations is higher than
the certified CI reported for that fuel in the LRT-CBTS system. A fuel pathway
applicant may add a conservative margin of safety, of a magnitude determined
by the applicant, to increase the certified CI above the operational CI calculated
based on the data submitted in the initial fuel pathway application, to account for
potential process variability and diminish the risk of non-compliance with the
certified CI. Fuel producers labeling fuel sold in California with LCFS CIs (in
product transfer or similar documents), and fuel reporting entities using those CIs
to report the fuel in the LRT-CBTS system, must ensure that the fuel so labeled
and so reported will be found to have a life cycle CI, as calculated from
production data covering 24 months of operation, that is equal to or less than the
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§ 95488.4. Relationship of Pathway Carbon Intensities to Units of Fuel Sold in California. 109
CIs reported in the LRT-CBTS system and on product transfer documents. Fuel
reporting entities shall not report fuel sales under any LCFS CI unless the actual
CI of that fuel, calculated as described in this subarticle, is equal to or less than
the LCFS CI under which sales of that fuel are reported in the LRT-CBTS
(b) General Rule. Except as provided in subdivision (c) below, fuel producers and
fuel reporting entities covered by this regulation order must associate a CI with
each unit of fuel sold in California. In general, fuel producers and fuel reporting
entities shall assign all units of fuel produced while a given set of production
parameters is in effect the same CI, regardless whether those units will be sold in
California. For example, where a producer uses both biogas and natural gas as
process fuel, the producer shall assign all units produced a single CI that reflects
the mix of process fuels used to produce those units; the producer shall not
assign the units destined for the California market a CI associated only with the
use of biogas.
A producer or fuel reporting entity may assign a different certified CI only when
one or more production parameters changes. Following that change, all units
produced while the new set of production parameters is in effect have the new
CI, regardless of whether those units will be sold in California.
(c) Exceptions. Under the following two sets of conditions, a producer or fuel
reporting entity may assign different CIs to portions of the fuel produced while a
given set of production parameters is in effect. Those conditions are:
(1) Two or more feedstocks are being simultaneously fed into the production
process. For example, a renewable diesel production facility may feed a
mixture of soy oil, tallow, and used cooking oil into its production process.
Or a hydrogen production facility may use both natural gas and renewable
natural gas as feedstock for steam methane reformation.
(2) Two or more co-products are being produced simultaneously. For
example, a corn ethanol plant may dry only a portion of the distiller’s
grains it produces; a portion of the distiller’s grains produced is sold dry,
and the remainder is sold wet.
(d) How to Use the Multiple Feedstock Exception. When two or more feedstocks
are being simultaneously fed into the production process, the producer or fuel
reporting entity shall associate a portion of the fuel produced with each
feedstock, using the production facility’s average production yield and one of the
methods provided in section 95491(d)(1)(C). The producer or fuel reporting
entity must then label each feedstock-specific subdivision of the total fuel quantity
produced with the certified CI associated with that feedstock.
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§ 95488.4. Relationship of Pathway Carbon Intensities to Units of Fuel Sold in California. 110
(e) How to use the Multiple Co-Product Exception. When two or more co-products
are being simultaneously produced, the producer or fuel reporting entity may
label the fuel associated with those co-products one of two ways:
(1) If the production facility has available to it a single CI reflective of the
current set of operational conditions (including the production of two or
more co-products, in the proportions currently being produced), the
producer or fuel reporting entity may label the facility’s entire production
run with that CI.
(2) If the production facility has available to it separate CIs associated with the
production of each co-product, the producer or fuel reporting entity may
label portions of the fuel produced with the certified CIs associated with
each co-product, in proportion to the co-product stream fraction that each
co-product comprises. The producer or fuel reporting entity shall
calculate the co-product proportions on an appropriate basis to conform to
the life cycle approach used for the fuel pathway.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and
Certification Process.
(a) Applicability. A fuel reporting entity may use a Lookup Table pathway if the
Lookup Table (Table 7-1 in section 95488.5(e)) contains a fuel pathway that
closely corresponds to the actual physical fuel production pathways used to
produce the fuel in question. A fuel’s actual physical fuel production pathway
corresponds closely with a Lookup Table pathway when it is consistent with the
Lookup Table pathway in all the areas listed in (1) through (6) below:
(1) Feedstocks used to produce the fuel;
(2) Fuel and feedstock production technology;
(3) Regions in which feedstocks and finished fuel are produced;
(4) The modes used to transport feedstocks and finished fuel and the
transport distances involved;
(5) The types and amounts of thermal and electrical energy consumed in both
feedstock and finished fuel production. This applies both to the energy
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§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 111
consumed in the production process and to the upstream energy
consumed (e.g., fuels used to generate electricity; energy consumed to
produce natural gas, etc.); and
(6) The CI of the fuel pathway applicant’s product must be lower than or equal
to the Lookup Table pathway CI. If the Executive Officer determines the
product has an actual CI that is likely to be higher than the Lookup Table
CI value, the applicant may apply for a Tier 2 pathway.
(b) Lookup Table Pathway Application Requirements. Entities seeking approval to
report fuel transactions using the fuel pathways listed in 95488.1(b)(2)(A) through
(F) (electricity generated from one of the zero-CI sources listed in
95488.1(b)(2)(A), smart charging or smart electrolysis, and all hydrogen Lookup
Table pathways) must submit the fuel pathway applicant attestation letter
pursuant to the requirements of 95488.8(a) and meet the following requirements:
(1) The following information must be submitted with applications for the
Lookup Table pathway for electricity generated from zero-CI sources and
smart charging or smart electrolysis:
(A) For directly supplied zero-CI electricity, an applicant must indicate
the locations of electricity generation equipment, meters, meter ID
numbers, and identify any other users of the electricity.
(B) For zero-CI electricity supplied using book-and-claim accounting,
contracts and invoices are required to demonstrate that the
electricity meets the requirements of section 95488.8(i)(1).
(C) For smart charging or smart electrolysis electricity, records
demonstrating the quantity of electricity dispensed during each hour
for the latest quarter.
(2) The following information shall be submitted with applications for any
hydrogen Lookup Table pathways:
(A) Submittal of the fuel pathway applicant attestation letter affirms that
the applicant has reviewed and understood the pathway conditions
described in the Lookup Table Pathways Technical Support
Documentation specified in section 95488.5(e), and attests that
their actual physical pathway is consistent with the Lookup Table
pathway in the areas listed in 95488.5(a). Any exceptions,
whether likely to result in a higher or lower CI, must be noted in the
attestation letter.
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§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 112
(B) The completed NREL National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation
Center’s Hydrogen Station Infrastructure Data Template covering
three months of operation, if available, is required.
(3) The following information must be submitted with all Lookup Table
pathway applications for renewable hydrogen:
(A) Contracts and invoices meeting the requirements of 95488.8(h), or
95488.8(i), are required to substantiate type and source of
renewable input used to produce the fuel.
(c) Completeness Check for Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Applications. For the
Lookup Table pathways listed in 95488.1(b)(2)(A) through (F), the Executive
Officer will evaluate submitted information for completeness. The Executive
Officer shall contact the applicant regarding any lack of required information or
clarification of submitted information. If the fuel pathway applicant does not
provide a satisfactory response to address the request within 15 business days,
the Executive Officer will reject the pathway application. Applicants whose
applications are rejected may submit a new application that addresses
deficiencies highlighted during the earlier review.
(d) Updates to Electricity Pathways.
(1) Annual Update to California Average Grid Electricity Pathway. In order to
reflect the rapidly evolving portfolio of electricity generating resources in
California, the Executive Officer will update the “California Average Grid
Electricity Used as a Transportation Fuel in California” Lookup Table
pathway CI value on an annual basis. The Executive Officer will use the
methodology described in the supporting document specified in section
95488.5(e) to determine the carbon intensity. The CA-GREET3.0 model
inputs and data sources used to calculate the CI will be posted for 45 days
for public comment prior to certification. If these comments require
significant revision of the originally published pathway, an updated
pathway will be posted for public comment. The updated Lookup Table
pathway CI value will be available for reporting in the quarter in which it is
(2) Update to Smart Charging Electricity Pathways. In order to reflect the
seasonal variation of electricity generating resources in California and to
maintain accounting consistency with the CI of the California Average Grid
Electricity pathway, the Executive Officer will use the methodology
described in the supporting document specified in section 95488.5(e) and
the public comment process described in 95488.5(d)(1) to update the
smart charging or smart electrolysis pathway CIs in Table 7-2.
(e) The following supporting document, which is incorporated herein by reference,
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§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 113
describes the methodology and data sources used to determine the carbon
intensity values for the fuel pathways, shown below in Table 7-1, and the hourly
windows for smart charging or smart electrolysis electricity pathways, shown
below in Table 7-2:
Industrial Strategies Division, California Air Resources Board. August 13,
2018. CA-GREET3.0 Lookup Table Pathways Technical Support
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§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 114
Table 7-1. Lookup Table for Gasoline and Diesel and Fuels that Substitute for
Gasoline and Diesel
Fuel Pathway Description
Carbon Intensity
CARBOB - based on the average crude oil supplied
to California refineries and average California
refinery efficiencies
Diesel ULSD
ULSD - based on the average crude oil supplied to
California refi
neries and average California refinery
Natural Gas
Compressed Natural Gas from Pipeline Average
North American Fossil Natural Gas
Propane PRPF
Fossil LPG from crude oil refining and natural gas
processing used as
a transport fuel
California average grid electricity
used as a
transportation fuel
in California
(and subject
to annual updates)
Electricity ELCR
Electricity that is generated from 100 percent zero-
CI sources
used as a transportation fuel in
Electricity supplied under the smart charging
smart electrolysis
(See Table 7-2)
Compressed H2 produced in California from central
SMR of North American fossil
-based NG
Liquefied H2 produced in California from central
SMR of North American fossil
-based NG
Hydrogen HYB
Compressed H2 produced in California from central
SMR of biomethane (renewable feedstock) from
North American landfills
Liquefied H2 produced in California from central
SMR of biomethane (renewable feedstock) from
North American landfills
Compressed H2 produced in California from
electrolysis using California average grid electricity
Compressed H2 produced in California from
electrolysis using zero
-CI electricity
For comparison on an equivalent basis (gCO
e per MJ of conventional fuel displaced), the CIs listed in
Tables 7-1 and 7-2 must be divided by the EER in Table 5 for the appropriate fuel-vehicle combination.
The EER-adjustment is made when fuel quantities are reported in the LRT-CBTS to calculate the correct
number of credits or deficits, using the equations in 95486.1(a).
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§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 115
(f) Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis Lookup Table Pathways. The Executive
Officer will calculate the following carbon intensity lookup table that may be used
for reporting electric vehicle charging and hydrogen produced via electrolysis in
California. For hydrogen production through electrolysis outside of California,
an applicant must provide, through the Tier 2 application process, a comparable
method to determine smart electrolysis carbon intensity values for the grid
electricity in the state or region where hydrogen is produced.
Updates to this table will be provided at least annually on the LCFS web site.
Table 7-2. Calculated Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis Carbon Intensity
Values for 2019
Hourly Window
CI (gCO2e/MJ)
12:01 AM 1:00 AM
1:01 AM 2:00 AM
2:01 AM 3:00 AM
3:01 AM 4:00 AM
4:01 AM 5:00 AM 87.63 91.45 87.17 90.98
5:01 AM 6:00 AM 94.46 105.76 95.77 105.08
6:01 AM 7:00 AM 110.98 94.28 92.09 122.40
7:01 AM 8:00 AM
8:01 AM 9:00 AM
9:01 AM 10:00 AM
10:01 AM 11:00 AM
11:01 AM 12:00 PM
12:01 PM 1:00 PM
1:01 PM 2:00 PM 56.50 58.67 110.13 93.36
2:01 PM 3:00 PM 56.53 63.57 115.76 95.25
3:01 PM 4:00 PM 57.80 26.45 123.91 104.30
4:01 PM 5:00 PM 92.45 48.57 131.52 136.96
5:01 PM 6:00 PM
6:01 PM7:00 PM
7:01 PM 8:00 PM
8:01 PM 9:00 PM
9:01 PM 10:00 PM
10:01 PM 11:00 PM
11:01 PM 12:00 AM
Based on 2019 marginal emission rates determined using the Avoided Cost Calculator (May 2018),
which is incorporated herein by reference.
(g) Executive Officer Review of CI Selection. A fuel reporting entity’s choice of
carbon intensity value from the Lookup Table is subject in all cases to Executive
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§ 95488.5. Lookup Table Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 116
Officer review. The Executive Officer may request any documentation
necessary to determine that the pathway conforms to the Lookup Table pathway.
(1) If the Executive Officer has reason to believe that a fuel reporting entity’s
Lookup Table choice is not the CI value that most closely corresponds to
its actual pathway CI, the Executive Officer shall notify the entity through
the LRT-CBTS to choose a different pathway from the Lookup Table; or
(2) If the Executive Officer has reason to believe that the Lookup Table does
not contain a fuel pathway that closely corresponds with the actual fuel
pathway, the Executive Officer will notify the entity accordingly and the
fuel reporting entity will not be allowed to use the Lookup Table to
generate credits or deficits. In that case, the entity may apply for a Tier 1
or Tier 2 pathway.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.6. Tier 1 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification
(a) Documentation Required for Tier 1 Pathways. A fuel pathway applicant may
apply for a Tier 1 pathway using the provisions set forth in this section. After
satisfying all requirements for pathway and facility registration in 95488.2, the
applicant must submit the following information to the Executive Officer for
consideration of a Tier 1 pathway CI.
(1) Simplified CI Calculator. A fuel-specific Simplified CI Calculator
populated with all applicable site-specific operational data inputs is
required. The period covered shall be the most recent 24 month period
of operation. Fields that require site-specific inputs are marked in the
Simplified CI Calculator. Site-specific inputs include, but are not limited
to, the monthly quantity of all feedstocks consumed in the fuel production
facility, the electricity generation mix of the subregion(s) where feedstock
and fuel production occur, the types and monthly quantities of all energy
used in the production of the fuel, and the monthly quantities of fuel
(A) The Simplified CI Calculators include appropriate LUC or other
indirect carbon intensity modifiers from Table 6 when applicable.
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§ 95488.6. Tier 1 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 117
(B) Applicants must follow the instructions for completing site-specific
inputs in the Simplified CI Calculators found in the Tier 1 Simplified
CI Calculator Instruction Manual (August 13, 2018), incorporated
herein by reference.
Industrial Strategies Division, California Air Resources Board.
August 13, 2018. Tier 1 Simplified CI Calculator Instruction
(C) All applicants using grid electricity must choose electrical
generation energy mixes from among the subregions in CA-
GREET3.0 and the Simplified CI Calculators, if applicable. The
options include the 26 subregions defined in the U.S. EPA’s
Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database with year
2014 data (eGRID2014v2, released on February 27, 2017), and a
national grid mix for Brazil and Canada.
1. User-defined Process Energy Option. Applicants whose
fuel production facilities or feedstock source regions are
located in an area for which there is no corresponding
subregion included in the Simplified CI Calculator may select
the user-defined option, and shall consult with the Executive
Officer for approval of the data prior to submitting an
(2) Supplemental Information. Supporting evidence for specified inputs to
the CI calculator can be uploaded to the AFP as a supplemental
information document, as needed. Supplemental information is required
under the following circumstances:
(A) If an alternative form of process energy supplied directly to the
production facility are used, evidence must be provided to identify
the source, to demonstrate that it is delivered directly to the
production facility, and to determine the carbon intensity of the
process energy input.
(B) If the fuel pathway applicant selects user-defined emission factors
for regions not currently included in the Simplified CI Calculator, to
reflect the grid electricity resource mix, crude and natural gas for
that region. Supporting evidence and data sources for these
emission factors must be provided.
(C) If the fuel produced or any by-products or co-products receive
additional processing after they leave site, such as additional
distiller’s grains drying or fuel distillation, supporting evidence of the
energy consumed for those processes must also be submitted.
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§ 95488.6. Tier 1 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 118
(D) If the fuel production facility is co-located with one or more
unrelated facilities, and energy consumption data (or other data
required in calculating CI) are not separately available for the fuel
production facility, the applicant shall install automated metering
equipment with electronic data archival to enable an Executive
Officer accredited verification body to confirm energy consumption
data for the 24 months of operation submitted in the application.
The metering should be capable of recording daily total energy
consumption data. The same requirements apply if a single facility
includes multiple operations including fuel production.
(E) Other information to facilitate staff review may also be included as
part of the supplemental information.
(b) Certification Process for Tier 1 Pathway Applications.
(1) Validation. The applicant must seek the services of an Executive Officer
accredited verification body to complete a pathway validation as specified
in section 95500. A positive or qualified positive validation statement
must be received by the Executive Officer from the verification body in
order for CARB’s completeness review, evaluation, and certification of the
pathway application to proceed. In cases where a single applicant or a
joint applicant does not complete validation, the application will be denied
without prejudice. In cases where an applicant cannot complete
validation within six months of submitting an application or receives an
adverse validation statement, the application will be denied without
(2) Completeness Review. Upon receipt of a positive or qualified positive
validation statement, the Executive Officer will conduct a completeness
review of the Tier selection to ensure the pathway meets the requirements
for Tier 1, and evaluate if the inputs to the Simplified CI Calculator are
(A) Application Complete. If the Executive Officer deems complete
the applicant’s Simplified CI Calculator and supplemental
information, the fuel pathway applicant shall be notified as such.
(B) Application Incomplete. If the Executive Officer deems the
Simplified CI Calculator and supplemental information incomplete,
the Executive Officer will reject the pathway application without
prejudice and inform the fuel pathway applicant of the rationale for
rejection. Applicants whose applications are rejected may submit
a new application that addresses deficiencies highlighted during the
earlier review.
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§ 95488.6. Tier 1 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 119
(3) Certification. The Executive Officer may certify or reject a pathway
(A) The Executive Officer will evaluate the application to determine
whether it has met all requirements necessary for certification. At
any point during the evaluation process, the Executive Officer may
request in writing additional information or clarification from the
(B) If the Executive Officer determines the application has met all
requirements necessary for certification, the Executive Officer will
complete a pathway summary of the inputs, the facility average fuel
production yield, CI results, and any applicable limitations or
conditions. Upon certification of a Tier 1 application, the pathway
will be available for reporting for the quarter in which it was deemed
(C) Upon certification, the fuel pathway applicant(s) becomes the fuel
pathway holder(s) for the certified fuel pathway and is subject to the
requirements of 95488.10, and any limitations or conditions
identified by the Executive pursuant to (3)(B) above, in order for
that pathway to remain eligible for reporting and credit generation
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification
(a) Documentation Required for Tier 2 Pathways. A fuel pathway applicant may
apply for a Tier 2 pathway using the provisions set forth in this section. After
satisfying all requirements for pathway and facility registration in 95488.2, the
applicant must submit the following information to the Executive Officer for
consideration of a Tier 2 pathway CI:
(1) CA-GREET Model. A copy of the CA-GREET3.0 spreadsheet prepared
for the life cycle analysis of the proposed fuel pathway. Tier 2 pathway
carbon intensities must be calculated using the CA-GREET3.0 model, with
the most current 24 months of operational data, unless the Executive
Officer has approved the use of a method or model that the Executive
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 120
Officer has determined is at least equivalent to the calculation
methodology used by CA-GREET3.0. The CA-GREET3.0 model shall
include appropriate LUC or other indirect carbon intensity modifier from
Table 6 when applicable.
(2) Life Cycle Analysis Report. A life cycle analysis report that describes the
full fuel life cycle, and describes in detail the calculation of the fuel
pathway CI. The report shall contain sufficient detail to allow the Board’s
staff to replicate the CI calculated by the applicant. All inputs to, and
outputs from, the fuel production process that contribute to the life cycle CI
must be described in the life cycle analysis report. These inputs and
outputs must then be fully accounted for in the calculation of the fuel
pathway CI. The life cycle analysis report shall include the following
(A) A detailed description of the full fuel production process. The
description shall include:
1. A description of the full well-to-wheels fuel life cycle,
including the locations where each primary step in the fuel
life cycle occurs. This description shall identify where the
system boundary was established for the purposes of
performing the life cycle analysis on the proposed pathway.
The discussion of the system boundary shall be
accompanied by a schematic depicting the system
boundary. That schematic shall show all feedstock and fuel
production units that are included in the system boundary, as
well as all material and energy flows across the system
boundary. Any feedstock or fuel production units that have
been excluded from the system must be shown on the
schematic, and must be explicitly discussed in the narrative
description of the full fuel life cycle.
2. A description of all fuel production feedstocks used,
including all pre-processing to which feedstocks are subject.
For fuels utilizing agricultural crops for feedstocks, the
description shall include the agricultural practices used to
produce those crops. This discussion shall cover energy
and chemical use, typical crop yields, feedstock harvesting,
transport modes and distances, storage, and pre-processing
(such as drying or oil extraction).
3. A description of all material inputs to the production process
not covered in 2, above. These include, but are not limited
to enzymes, nutrients, chemicals, catalysts, and
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 121
4. A description of the transportation modes used throughout
the fuel life cycle. This discussion must identify origins and
destinations, cargo carrying capacities, fuel shares, and the
distances traveled for each transport mode.
5. A description of all facilities and process units involved in the
production of fuel under the proposed pathway.
6. A list of all combustion-powered equipment, along with their
respective capacities, sizes, or rated power, and type and
amount of fuel combusted, throughout all phases of the fuel
life cycle over which the fuel pathway applicant exercises
7. A quantitative discussion of the thermal and electrical energy
consumption that occurs throughout all phases of the fuel life
cycle over which the applicant exercises control. All fuels
used (natural gas, biogas, coal, biomass, etc.) must be
identified and use rates quantified. The regional electrical
energy generation fuel mix used in the CA-GREET3.0
analysis must be identified. Internally generated power
such as cogeneration and combined heat and power must
also be described. All fuel pathway applicants using grid
electricity must choose electrical generation energy mixes
from among the subregions in CA-GREET3.0, if applicable.
The options include the 26 subregions defined in
eGRID2014v2, and a national grid mix for Brazil and
Canada. Applicants whose fuel production facilities or
feedstock source regions are located in an area for which
there is no corresponding subregion included in CA-
GREET3.0 must enter user-defined energy resources and
submit the source of the data utilized to the Executive Officer
for approval.
8. A description of all co-products, byproducts, and waste
products associated with production of the fuel. That
description shall extend to all processing, such as drying of
distiller’s grains, applied to these materials after they leave
the fuel production process, including processing that occurs
after ownership of the materials passes to other parties.
Moreover, if a co-product credit is claimed for a co- or
by-product, that credit must reflect all post-fuel-production
processing steps covered by this section. If a co-product
(e.g., electricity) is exported across the fence line, details of
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 122
the quantity of energy transferred on a daily basis must be
monitored using data systems with electronic archival.
(B) A detailed description of the calculation of the pathway CI. This
description must provide clear, detailed, and quantitative
information on process inputs and outputs, energy consumption,
greenhouse gas emissions generation, and the final pathway
carbon intensity, as calculated using CA-GREET3.0. Important
intermediate values in each of the primary life cycle stages shall be
shown. Those stages include but are not limited to feedstock
production and transport; fuel production, fuel transport, and
dispensing; co-product production, transport and use; waste
generation, treatment and disposal; and fuel use in a vehicle. This
description shall include, at a minimum:
1. A table showing all CA-GREET3.0 input values entered by
the applicant. The worksheet, row, and column locations of
the cells into which these inputs were entered shall be
identified. In combination with the modifications identified in
subsection (B)2. below, this table shall enable the Executive
Officer to enter the reported inputs into a copy of
CA-GREET3.0 and to replicate the carbon intensity results
reported in the application.
2. A detailed discussion of all modifications other than those
covered by subsection (B)1. above, made to the CA-
GREET3.0 spreadsheet. This discussion shall allow the
Executive Officer to duplicate all such modifications and, in
combination with the inputs identified in subsection (B)1.
above, replicate the carbon intensity results reported in the
3. Documentation of all CA-GREET3.0 values used in the
carbon intensity calculation process.
4. A detailed description of all supporting calculations that were
performed outside of the CA-GREET3.0 spreadsheet.
(C) Descriptions of all co-located facilities, which in any way utilize
outputs from, or provide inputs to, the fuel production facility.
Such co-located facilities include but are not limited to cogeneration
facilities, facilities that otherwise provide heat or electrical energy to
the fuel production process, facilities that process or utilize co-
products such as distillers grains with solubles, and facilities which
provide or pre-process feedstocks or thermal energy fuels. If
energy is supplied to the fuel production facility by a co-located
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 123
cogeneration plant and that plant also supplies energy to other
facilities, those other facilities must be identified and described.
For facilities that are co-located with other production facilities or
utilize multiple processing operations in addition to fuel production,
demonstration of energy use should conform to section
(D) A list of references covering all information sources used in the
preparation of the life cycle analysis. All reference citations in the
application shall include standard in-text parenthetical citations
stating the author’s last name and date of publication. Each in-text
citation shall correspond to complete publication information
provided in the list of references. Complete publication
information shall at a minimum, identify the author(s), title of the
referenced document (and of the article within that document, if
applicable), publisher, publication date, and pages cited. For
internet citations, the reference shall include the universal resource
locator (URL) address of the citation, as well as the date the web
site was last accessed.
(E) One or more process flow diagrams that, singly or collectively,
depict the complete fuel production process. Each piece of
equipment or stream appearing on the process flow diagram shall
include data on its energy and materials balance, along with any
other critical information such as operating temperature, pH, rated
capacity, etc.
(F) A copy of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Third Party
Engineering Review Report required pursuant to 40 CFR part
80.1450, if available. If the RFS engineering report is not
available, the Life Cycle Analysis Report shall explain why it is not
(G) A copy of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Fuel
Producer Co-products Report as required pursuant to 40 CFR
80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(M)-(N), if available.
(3) Tier 2 Pathways for EER-Adjusted Carbon Intensity. Applicants
supplying fuel for a transportation application that is not included in Table
5 may apply for an EER-adjusted carbon intensity for reporting and credit
generation purposes.
(A) Documentation Requirements. To request an EER-adjusted
carbon intensity, the applicant must provide the following in addition
to subsections (1) and (2) above:
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 124
1. A letter of intent to request an EER-adjusted CI and why the
EER values provided in Table 5 do not apply.
2. Supplemental information including a detailed description of
the methodology used, all assumptions made, and all data
and references used for calculation of the proposed EER-
adjusted CI value. The methodology used must compare
the useful output from the alternative fuel technology to that
of comparable conventional fuel technology.
3. If the applicant plans to use a Lookup Table pathway to
request an EER-adjusted CI then subsections (1) and (2)
above do not apply.
(b) Scientific Defensibility. For a proposed Tier 2 pathway to be certifiable by the
Executive Officer, the fuel pathway applicant must demonstrate that the life cycle
analysis prepared in support of the pathway application is scientifically defensible
in the Executive Officer’s best engineering and scientific judgment.
For purposes of this regulation, “scientifically defensible” means the method for
calculating the fuel’s carbon intensity may rely on, but is not limited to, publication
of the proposed pathway in a major, well-established and peer-reviewed scientific
journal (e.g., the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment; The Journal of
Cleaner Production, Biomass and Bioenergy).
(c) Documents for Public Review. Section 95488.8(c) contains requirements for
submittal of documents that contain confidential business information and
redacted versions for posting to a public LCFS web site.
(d) Certification Process for Tier 2 Pathway Applications.
(1) Completeness Review. The Executive Officer will evaluate the LCA
Report, CA-GREET3.0 model, and all submitted documentation for
completeness in order to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the
pathway application and confirm that the methods presented are
appropriate from an LCA perspective and confirm that the fuel pathway
application meets the requirements for the Tier 2 classification. The
Executive Officer may contact the fuel pathway applicant for an
explanation of any questionable inputs, methods or lack of information in
the application. The applicant must respond and address the request
within 15 business days, as provided in subsection (1)(B) below:
(A) Application Complete. If the Executive Officer deems the Tier 2
application and LCA report complete and appropriate, the applicant
will be notified accordingly and provided with a list of site-specific
inputs required for validation. The fuel pathway applicant must
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 125
then seek the services of an Executive Officer accredited
verification body for validation as specified in section 95500.
(B) Application Incomplete. If the Executive Officer deems the Tier 2
application incomplete, and the applicant does not provide a
satisfactory response to address the deficiencies within 15
business days, the Executive Officer will reject the pathway
application without prejudice and inform the applicant of the
rationale for rejection. Fuel pathway applicants whose
applications are rejected may submit a new application that
addresses deficiencies highlighted during the earlier review.
(2) Site-specific Inputs. Tier 2 pathways are expected to be unique with no
predetermined life cycle analysis profile; therefore, such pathways do not
include a defined set of predetermined site-specific inputs that are
required to be provided in the annual Fuel Pathway Report and must be
verified. The Executive Officer shall identify all site-specific inputs for a
Tier 2 pathway and make this available for review by the fuel pathway
applicant. This includes any non-numerical parameters or conditions
which must be checked by the verifier. The applicant has 15 business
days to review and accept the Executive Officer’s proposed site-specific
inputs. If there is disagreement, the applicant may suggest modified site-
specific inputs within this period. The Executive Officer will review the
applicant’s suggested inputs and present to the applicant a final list of site-
specific inputs. The applicant then has 7 business days to accept the
updated site-specific inputs. If the applicant disagrees with the final list of
site-specific inputs, the applicant may withdraw the pathway application; if
not withdrawn, the application will be rejected by the Executive Officer.
The Executive Officer’s decision regarding the final list of site-specific
inputs for Tier 2 pathways is binding.
(3) Validation. A positive or qualified positive validation statement must be
received by the Executive Officer from the verification body in order for
CARB’s evaluation and certification of the pathway application to proceed.
In cases where a single applicant or a joint applicant does not complete
validation, the application will be denied without prejudice. In cases
where an applicant cannot complete validation within six months of
submitting an application, or receives an adverse validation statement, the
application will be denied without prejudice.
(4) Engineering Review. The Executive Officer has the authority to request
any supporting documentation to investigate specific inputs in the fuel
pathway applicant’s submitted CA-GREET3.0 model. The Executive
Officer will evaluate all applications against the following criteria:
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 126
(A) The Executive Officer will attempt to replicate the applicant’s
carbon intensity calculations. Replication will proceed as follows:
1. Starting with a copy of CA-GREET3.0 that has not previously
been used for calculations associated with the proposed
pathway, the Executive Officer will enter all the inputs
reported by the applicant.
2. The Executive Officer will then apply all CA-GREET3.0
modifications reported by the applicant.
3. If the Executive Officer is able to duplicate the applicant’s
results, the Executive Officer will proceed to subsection (B)
below. If the Executive Officer is not able to duplicate the
applicant’s CA-GREET3.0 results, the application shall be
(B) The Executive Officer will evaluate the validity of all inputs and
methods not directly related to energy consumption used to
calculate the applicant’s CI. If any of those inputs are found to be
invalid, the application will be denied.
(C) The Executive Officer will complete a pathway summary containing
the site-specific inputs, the facility average fuel production yield, CI
results, and any applicable limitations or conditions. The pathway
summary, with CBI redacted, will be posted to the LCFS web site
for public review.
(5) Public Comment Period. The application package, containing the
Executive Officer’s pathway summary and the documents prepared by the
applicant for public review, will be posted to the LCFS web site for public
comment once the Executive Officer completes a final check of the
pathway application to ensure it has met all requirements for certification.
(A) Comments will be accepted for 10 business days following the date
on which the application was posted. Only comments related to
potential factual or methodological errors will require responses
from the fuel pathway applicant. The Executive Officer will forward
to the applicant all comments identifying potential factual or
methodological errors. In response, the applicant must either:
1. Make revisions to its application that respond to the
comments received and submit those revisions to the
Executive Officer. The revised application packet must
include a detailed discussion of the revisions made. The
discussion must clearly delineate how each comment is
related to a responsive revision. The revisions submitted
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§ 95488.7. Tier 2 Fuel Pathway Application Requirements and Certification Process. 127
must be approved by the Executive Officer before the
application can be certified;
2. Submit a detailed written response to the Executive Officer
explaining why no revisions are necessary. The response
submitted by the fuel pathway applicant must be approved
by the Executive Officer before the application can be
3. As specified in subsection 1, revise portions of the
application in response to a subset of the comments
received, and, as specified in subsection 2., submit a written
response explaining why the remaining comments do not
warrant revisions; or
4. Withdraw the application.
(B) The Executive Officer will evaluate the fuel pathway applicant’s
responses to the comments received, and determine whether they
have adequately addressed the potential factual or methodological
errors identified in those comments. If deemed adequate, those
responses will be posted to the LCFS web site, and the pathway
(revised as needed) will be certified and posted to the LCFS web
site. If the applicant fails to submit responses or the responses
are deemed inadequate, the application will be denied.
(C) If no public comments are received, the application will be certified
and posted to the LCFS web site.
(6) Certification. The Executive Officer may certify or reject a pathway
application. Upon certification of a Tier 2 application, the pathway will be
available for reporting for the quarter in which it was deemed complete.
Upon certification, the fuel pathway applicant(s) becomes the fuel pathway
holder(s) for the certified fuel pathway and is subject to the requirements
of 95488.10 in order for that pathway to remain eligible for reporting and
credit generation purposes.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 128
§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All
(a) Requirements for Attestation Letter. Each fuel pathway application must include
a fuel pathway applicant attestation letter. The attestation letter must attest to
the veracity of the information in the application packet and declare that the
information submitted accurately represents the long-term, steady state operation
of the fuel production process described in the application packet. The
attestation letter must conform to the requirements of this subsection. The fuel
pathway applicant attestation letter must make the following specific attestations:
(1) No products, co-products, by-products, or wastes undergo additional
processing, such as drying, distillation, or clean-up, once they leave the
production facility, except as explicitly included in the pathway life cycle
analysis and pathway CI.
(2) All data and information supplied is true and accurate in all areas,
including, but not limited to the following:
(A) Feedstocks used to produce the fuel;
(B) Fuel and feedstock production technology;
(C) Regions in which feedstocks and finished fuel are produced;
(D) Modes used to transport feedstocks and finished fuel and the
transport distances involved;
(E) Types and amounts of thermal and electrical energy consumed in
both feedstock and finished fuel production;
(F) Full life cycle carbon intensity, which must be no higher than the
carbon intensity specified in the Lookup Table, or Tier 1 or Tier 2
application; and
(G) Fuel production operations.
(3) The signed LCFS fuel pathway applicant attestation letter must:
(A) Be submitted as an electronic copy;
(B) Be on company letterhead;
(C) Be signed by an officer of the applicant with the legal authority to
attest to the veracity of the information in the application and to sign
on behalf of the applicant;
(D) Be from the applicant and not from an entity representing the
applicant (such as a consultant or legal counsel); and
(E) Include the following attestation:
I certify that the current fuel production process used to produce __________ (fuel) at the __________
facility is consistent in all of the following areas with all information submitted to CARB in connection with
the pathway request: 1) feedstocks used in fuel production; 2) fuel and feedstock production technology;
3) geographic region in which feedstocks and finished fuel are produced; 4) transportation modes used to
transport feedstocks and finished fuel and transport distances; 5) types and amounts of thermal and
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 129
electrical energy consumed in both feedstock and finished fuel production; and 6) any other applicable
fuel pathway standard or operating condition established by CARB. The carbon intensity (CI) of the fuel
must be no higher than the CI for the certified FPC.
I understand that the following facility information will be posted on the LCFS web site: Facility Name,
Facility Address, Company ID, Facility ID, Fuel Pathway Code(s), CI values, and Fuel Pathway
By submitting this form, ______________________________________________(Fuel Pathway
Applicant) accepts responsibility for the information herein provided to CARB. I certify under penalty of
perjury under the laws of the State of California that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the
statements and information submitted in this document. I certify that the statements and information
submitted to CARB are true, accurate, and complete.
______________________________ ______________________________
Signature Print Name & Title Date
(b) If the Executive Officer at any time determines that a certified fuel pathway does
not meet the requirements of this subarticle or the operational conditions
specified in the pathway summary issued by the Executive Officer, the Executive
Officer may revoke or modify the certification.
(c) Designation of Confidential Business Information. The definition of “confidential
business information,” for the purposes of this section, is the same as the
definition of “trade secret” found in Government Code, section 6254.7. All
documents (including spreadsheets and other items not in a standard document
format) that are designated to contain confidential business information (CBI)
must prominently display the phrase “Contains Confidential Business
Information” above the main document title and in a running header.
Additionally, a separate, redacted version of such documents must also be
submitted. The redacted versions must be approved by the applicant for public
posting on LCFS web site. Specific redactions must be replaced with the
phrase “Confidential business information has been redacted by the applicant.”
This phrase must be displayed clearly wherever CBI has been redacted. If the
applicant claims that information it submits is confidential, it must also provide
contact information required by California Code of Regulations, title 17,
section 91011.
(d) Public Disclosure of Application Materials and Use of Application Materials in the
LCFS Data Management System.
(1) All information not identified as trade secrets are subject to public
disclosure pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 17, sections
91000 through 91022 and the California Public Records Act (Government
Code §§ 6250 et seq.); and
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 130
(2) If the application is certified by the Executive Officer, the carbon intensity
value(s) and its associated fuel pathway code(s) will be posted publicly on
the LCFS web site and incorporated into the LCFS Data Management
System for use by fuel reporting entities.
(e) Submittal Formats.
(1) An application, supporting documents, and all other relevant data or
calculation or other documentation must be submitted electronically via
the AFP unless the Executive Officer has approved or requested in writing
another format.
(2) The fuel pathway applicant must not convert spreadsheets, including CA-
GREET3.0 spreadsheets, into other file formats or otherwise take steps to
prevent the Executive Officer from examining all values and calculations in
those spreadsheets.
(f) Additional Demonstrations. Upon request from the Executive Officer, a fuel
pathway application must meet the following requirements:
(1) Demonstrate that the fuel that will be produced under the proposed
pathway would comply with all applicable ASTM or other generally
recognized national consensus standards; and
(2) Demonstrate that the fuel that will be produced under the proposed
pathway is not exempt from the LCFS under section 95482(c).
(g) Specified Source Feedstocks.
(1) Pathways Utilizing a Specified Source Feedstock. In order to be eligible
for a reduced CI that reflects the lower emissions or credit associated with
the use of a waste, residue, by-product or similar material as feedstock in
a fuel pathway, fuel pathway applicants must meet the following
(A) Specified source feedstocks include:
1. Used cooking oil, animal fats, fish oil, yellow grease,
distiller’s corn oil, distiller’s sorghum oil, brown grease, and
other fats/oils/greases that are the non-primary products of
commercial or industrial processes for food, fuel or other
consumer products, which are used as feedstocks in
pathways for biodiesel, renewable diesel, alternative jet fuel,
and co-processed refinery products;
2. Biomethane supplied using book-and-claim accounting
pursuant to section 95488.8(i)(2) and is claimed as
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 131
feedstock in pathways for bio-CNG, bio-LNG, bio-L-CNG,
and hydrogen via steam methane reformation;
3. Any feedstock whose supplier applies for separate CARB
recognition using site-specific CI data; and
4. Other feedstocks designated as specified-source at the time
of pathway review and prior to certification.
(B) Chain-of-custody Evidence. Fuel pathway applicants using
specified source feedstocks must maintain either (1) delivery
records that show shipments of feedstock type and quantity directly
from the point of origin to the fuel production facility, or (2)
information from material balance or energy balance systems that
control and record the assignment of input characteristics to output
quantities at relevant points along the feedstock supply chain
between the point of origin and the fuel production facility. Chain-
of-custody evidence is used to demonstrate proper characterization
and accurate quantity. Chain-of-custody evidence must be
provided to the verifier and to CARB upon request. Joint
Applicants may assume responsibility for different portions of the
chain-of-custody evidence but each such entity must meet the
following requirements to be eligible for a pathway that utilizes a
specified source feedstock:
1. Maintain records of the type and quantity of feedstock
obtained from each supplier, including Feedstock transaction
records, Feedstock Transfer Documents pursuant to section
95488.8(g)(1)(C), weighbridge tickets, bills of lading or other
documentation for all incoming and outgoing feedstocks;
2. Maintain records used for material balance and energy
balance calculations.
3. Ensure CARB staff and verifier access to audit feedstock
suppliers to demonstrate proper accounting of attributes and
conformance with certified CI data.
(C) Feedstock Transfer Documents. A feedstock transfer document
must prominently state the information specified below.
1. Transferor Company name, address and contact
2. Recipient Company name, address and contact information;
3. Type and amount of feedstock, including units;
4. Transaction date.
(h) Renewable or Low-CI Process Energy. Unless expressly provided elsewhere in
this subarticle, indirect accounting mechanisms for renewable or low-CI process
energy, such as the use of renewable energy certificates, cannot be used to
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 132
reduce CI. In order to qualify as a low-CI process energy source, energy from
that source must be directly consumed in the production process as described in
(1) and (2) below:
(1) Low-CI electricity must be supplied from generation equipment under the
control of the pathway applicant. Such electricity must be able to
(A) Any renewable energy certificates or other environmental attributes
associated with the energy are not produced, or are retired and not
claimed under any other program with the exception of the federal
RFS, and the market-based compliance mechanism set forth in title
17, California Code of Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter 10,
article 5 (commencing with section 95800).
(B) The generation equipment is directly connected through a
dedicated line to a facility such that the generation and the load are
both physically located on the customer side of the utility meter.
The generation source may be grid-tied, but a dedicated connection
must exist between the source and load.
(C) The facility’s load is sufficient to match the amount of low-CI
electricity claimed using a monthly balancing period.
(2) Biogas or biomethane must be physically supplied directly to the
production facility. The applicant must submit the attestation set forth
below in section 95488.8(i)(2)(C)2.
(3) Solar steam or heat generation must be physically supplied directly to the
production facility, and any environmental attributes associated with the
energy are not produced, or are retired and not claimed under any other
program with the exception of the federal RFS, and the market-based
compliance mechanism set forth in title 17, California Code of Regulations
Chapter 1, Subchapter 10, article 5 (commencing with section 95800).
(i) Indirect Accounting for Renewable or Low-CI Electricity and Biomethane.
(1) Book-and-Claim Accounting for Renewable or Low-CI Electricity Supplied
as a Transportation Fuel or Used to Produce Hydrogen. Reporting
entities may use indirect accounting mechanisms for low-CI electricity
supplied as a transportation fuel or for hydrogen production through
electrolysis for transportation purposes (including hydrogen that is used in
the production of a transportation fuel), provided the conditions set forth
below are met:
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 133
(A) Reporting entities may report low-CI electricity used as a
transportation fuel or as an input to hydrogen production delivered
through the grid without regard to physical traceability if it meets all
requirements of this subarticle. The low-CI electricity must be
supplied to the grid within a California Balancing Authority (or local
balancing authority for hydrogen produced outside of California) or
alternatively, meet the requirements of California Public Utilities
Code section 399.16, subdivision (b)(1). Such book-and-claim
accounting for low-CI electricity may span only three quarters. If a
low-CI electricity quantity (and all associated environmental
attributes, including a beneficial CI) is supplied to the grid in the first
calendar quarter, the quantity claimed for LCFS reporting must be
matched to grid electricity used as a transportation fuel or for
hydrogen production no later than the end of the third calendar
quarter. After that period is over, any unmatched low-CI electricity
quantities expire for the purpose of LCFS reporting.
(B) Low-CI electricity can be indirectly supplied through a green tariff
program (including the Green Tariff Shared Renewables program
described in California Public Utilities Code Section 2831-2833) or
other contractual electricity supply relationship that meets the
following requirements:
1. Electricity is generated by, or supplied under contract to, the
pathway applicant for all environmental attributes of the
claimed electricity. In order to substantiate low-CI electricity
claims, the applicant must make contracts available to the
Executive Officer, upon request, to demonstrate that the
electricity meets the requirements of this subarticle.
Generation invoices or metering records are required to
substantiate the quantity of low-CI electricity produced from
the renewable assets. Monthly invoices must be
unredacted copies of originals showing electricity sourced (in
kWh) and contracted price;
2. All electricity procured by any LSE for the purpose of
claiming a lower CI must be in addition to that required for
compliance with the California Renewables Portfolio
Standard (described in California Public Utilities Code
sections 399.11-399.32) or, for hydrogen produced outside
of California, in addition to local renewable portfolio
3. Renewable energy certificates or other environmental
attributes associated with the electricity, if any, are retired
and not claimed under any other program with the exception
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 134
of the federal RFS, and the market-based compliance
mechanism set forth in title 17, California Code of
Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter 10, article 5
(commencing with section 95800). Retirement of
renewable energy credits for the purpose of demonstrating
Green Tariff Shared Renewables procurement to the
California Public Utilities Commission does not constitute a
double claim.
(2) Book-and-Claim Accounting for Pipeline-Injected Biomethane Used as a
Transportation Fuel or to Produce Hydrogen. Indirect accounting may be
used for RNG used as a transportation fuel or to produce hydrogen for
transportation purposes (including hydrogen that is used in the production
of a transportation fuel), provided the conditions set forth below are met:
(A) RNG injected into the common carrier pipeline in North America
(and thus comingled with fossil natural gas) can be reported as
dispensed as bio-CNG, bio-LNG, or bio-L-CNG, or as an input to
hydrogen production, without regards to physical traceability.
Entities may report natural gas as RNG within only a three-quarter
time span. If a quantity of RNG (and all associated environmental
attributes, including a beneficial CI) is pipeline-injected in the first
calendar quarter, the quantity claimed for LCFS reporting must be
matched to natural gas sold in California as RNG no later than the
end of the third calendar quarter. After that period is over, any
unmatched RNG quantities expire for the purpose of LCFS
(B) To substantiate RNG quantities injected into the pipeline for
dispensing as bio-CNG, bio-LNG, or bio-L-CNG or as an input to
hydrogen production, the pathway application and subsequent
Annual Fuel Pathway Reports must include the following
documents linking the environmental attributes of RNG (in MMBtu
or Therms) with corresponding quantities of natural gas withdrawn:
unredacted monthly invoices showing the quantities of RNG (in
MMBtu) sourced and the contracted price per unit; and the
unredacted contract by which the fuel pathway holder obtained the
environmental attributes.
(C) Attestations Regarding Environmental Attributes.
1. Upstream Attestations. An entity reporting any RNG as a
transportation fuel in LRT-CBTS, and a fuel pathway holder
using biogas or biomethane as feedstock or process energy,
must obtain and keep attestations from each upstream party
collectively demonstrating that (a) the entity claiming the
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 135
environmental attributes has the exclusive right to claim
environmental attributes associated with the sale or use of
the biogas or biomethane, and (b) the environmental
attributes have not been used or claimed in any other
program or jurisdictions with the exception of the federal
RFS, and the market-based compliance mechanism set forth
in title 17, California Code of Regulations Chapter 1,
Subchapter 10, article 5 (commencing with section 95800).
The attestations must be made available to the Executive
Officer or a verifier upon request. The inability to promptly
produce the attestations constitutes ground for credit
invalidation pursuant to section 95495.
2. Attestation to CARB. An officer of any entity reporting
biomethane in LRT-CBTS under the provisions of section
95488.8(i)(2), and an officer of any fuel pathway holder
claiming use of biogas or biomethane as process energy
under the provisions of section 95488.8(h)(2), must annually
submit the following attestation to the Executive Officer:
I certify that to the extent that the gas used in the fuel pathway or supplied as transportation fuel is
characterized as biomethane, __________ (entity name) owns the exclusive rights to the corresponding
environmental attributes.
__________ (entity name) has not sold, transferred, or retired those environmental attributes in any
program or jurisdiction other than the federal RFS.
Based on diligent inquiry and review of contracts and attestations from our business partners, I certify
under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that no other party has or will sell,
transfer, or retire the environmental attributes corresponding to the biomethane for which _______(entity
name) claims credit in the LCFS program.
______________________________ ______________________________
Signature Print Name & Title Date
(j) Measurement Accuracy.
(1) Calibration Requirement. All measurement devices that log or record
data for use in fuel pathway applications must comply with the
manufacturer-recommended calibration frequency and precision
requirements. If manufacturer-recommendations are not provided, the
measurement devices must be calibrated every six years.
(2) Requests to Postpone Calibration. For units and processes that operate
continuously with infrequent outages, it may not be possible to meet
manufacturer-recommended calibration deadlines for measurement
devices. In such cases, the owner or operator may submit a written
request to the Executive Officer to postpone calibration or inspection until
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 136
the next scheduled maintenance outage. Such postponements are
subject to the procedures of subsections (A) through (B) below and must
be documented in the monitoring plan.
(A) A written request for postponement must be submitted to the
Executive Officer not less than 30 days before the required
calibration, recalibration or inspection date. The Executive Officer
may request additional documentation to validate the operator’s
claim that the device meets the accuracy requirements of this
section. The operator shall provide any additional documentation
to CARB within ten (10) business days of a request by CARB.
(B) The request must include:
1. The date of the required calibration, recalibration, or
2. The date of the last calibration or inspection;
3. The date of the most recent field accuracy assessment, if
4. The results of the most recent field accuracy assessment, if
applicable, clearly indicating a pass/fail status;
5. The proposed date for the next field accuracy assessment, if
6. The proposed date for calibration, recalibration, or inspection
which must be during the time period of the next scheduled
shutdown. If the next shutdown will not occur within three
years, this must be noted and a new request must be
received every three years until the shutdown occurs and the
calibration, recalibration or inspection is completed.
7. A description of the meter or other device, including at a
a. Make,
b. Model,
c. Install date,
d. Location,
e. Parameter measured by the meter or other device,
including the data capture rate,
f. Description of how data from the meter or other
device is used in a fuel pathway,
g. Calibration or inspection procedure,
h. Reason for delaying calibration or inspection,
i. Proposed method to ensure that the precision
requirements listed by the manufacturer are upheld,
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§ 95488.8. Fuel Pathway Application Requirements Applying to All Classifications. 137
j. Name, title, phone number and e-mail of contact
person capable of responding to questions regarding
the device.
(k) Missing Data Provisions.
(1) Meter Record, Accuracy, or Calibration Requirements Not Met. If a
measurement device is not functional, not calibrated within the time period
recommended by the manufacturer, or fails a field accuracy assessment,
the operator must otherwise demonstrate to the verifier that the reported
data are accurate within +/-5 percent.
(A) If the operator can demonstrate to the verifier that reported data are
accurate, the data are acceptable. The entity must then provide a
detailed plan describing when the measurement device will be
brought into calibration. This plan is subject to approval by the
Executive Officer.
(B) If the operator cannot demonstrate to the verifier that reported data
are accurate, the data is not acceptable and missing data
provisions apply.
(2) Missing Data Provisions. If missing data exists, the entity must submit for
Executive Officer approval an alternate method of reporting the missing
data. Alternate methods shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
(3) Force Majeure Events. In the event of a facility shutdown or disruption
drastically affecting production attributable to a force majeure event, the
fuel pathway applicant or holder must notify the Executive Officer.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications.
(a) Substantiality Requirements.
(1) The substantiality requirement applies in the two scenarios listed below.
The substantiality requirement does not apply when re-applying for a
Provisional pathway with a new operational data period due to a process
change as described in 95488.9(c), or when replacing a certified CI after
verification using the process described in 95488.10(a)(6).
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 138
(A) Multiple applications for the same feedstock-fuel combination.
When a fuel pathway applicant applies for two or more pathways
based on different inputs for the same feedstock-fuel combination
processed within an operational data period at a single fuel
production facility, the Executive Officer will consider separate
pathways only when the CI of one or more of the proposed
pathways meet the substantiality requirement relative to the CI of
the reference pathway. The “reference” pathway is the composite
CI that results when the fuel is modeled using a single pathway that
represents the average production of all quantities of the feedstock-
fuel combination produced in the operational data period.
(B) Tier 1 Pathways using Innovative Methods. The Executive Officer
will consider a Tier 2 application for a pathway that would otherwise
be classified as Tier 1 if the Simplified CI Calculator for that fuel
type cannot be used to accurately model the pathway due to
process innovations and the proposed pathway meets the
substantiality requirement relative to the CI of the reference
pathway. The “reference” pathway is the CI of the proposed
pathway as calculated by the applicable Simplified CI Calculator.
The substantiality requirement does not apply to pathways that
qualify for Tier 2 due to the use of low-CI process energy sources,
or use of carbon capture, as described in 95488.1(d)(7).
(2) The applicant seeking to apply under one of the scenarios described in
subsection (1), above, must demonstrate, to the Executive Officer’s
satisfaction, that the proposed pathway meets the following requirements:
(A) The source-to-tank carbon intensity of the fuel under the proposed
pathway meets one of the following two criteria. “Source-to-tank”
means all the steps involved in feedstock production and transport,
finished fuel production and transport. A source-to-tank CI does
not include the carbon intensity associated with the use of the fuel
in a vehicle and does not include the LUC modifier.
1. For proposed pathway applications with source-to-tank
carbon intensities greater than 20 gCO
e/MJ (absolute
value), that source-to-tank carbon intensity must be at least
5 percent lower than the source-to-tank carbon intensity of
the reference pathway; or
2. For proposed pathway applications with source-to-tank
carbon intensities of 20 gCO
e/MJ (absolute value) or less,
that source-to-tank carbon intensity must be at least
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 139
1 gCO
e/MJ less than the source-to-tank carbon intensity of
the reference pathway.
(b) Temporary Fuel Pathways.
(1) Fuel reporting entities may petition the Executive Officer to use a
Temporary fuel pathway carbon intensity value for reporting quantities of
fuel to generate credits or deficits.
(2) A Temporary pathway petition approved by the Executive Officer will allow
the fuel reporting entity to use the pathway for LRT-CBTS reporting
purposes for up to two quarters at a time. Reporting will be granted only
for the quarter during which the Temporary pathway is approved for use
and the subsequent full quarter. The Executive Officer may approve
multiple subsequent petitions from the same fuel reporting entity, of up to
two quarters each, but each approval will require a new petition.
(3) A petition to use a Temporary pathway must be submitted online in the
(4) New Temporary Fuel Pathways. An entity can apply for the use of a
Temporary fuel pathway CI value if it appears in Table 8 in this subarticle
or if the Executive Officer approves a new Temporary pathway (for a fuel
or feedstock-fuel combination not found in Table 8) and publishes it on the
LCFS web site. Any new Temporary pathway proposed by the Executive
Officer will be posted for 45 days for public comment prior to
certification. The posted information will include the rationale for
assigning the CI to that particular Temporary pathway. If these
comments require significant revision of the originally published pathway,
a revised pathway will be posted for public comment. Upon certification
of a new Temporary pathway created by the Executive Officer, the
pathway will be available for reporting for the quarter in which it is certified.
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 140
Table 8. Temporary Pathways for Fuels with Indeterminate CIs
Fuel Feedstock Process Energy
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or renewables
Ethanol Grain Sorghum
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or renewables
Any Sugar Feedstock
Bagasse and straw only;
no grid electricity
Any Cellulosic Biomass
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or renewables
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or renewables
Biomass-based Diesel
Any feedstock derived
from plant oils, excluding
palm oil
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or renewables
Any other feedstock
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or renewables
(2010) CI
value for
Fossil LNG Petroleum Natural Gas N/A 95
Fossil L-CNG Petroleum Natural Gas N/A 100
Biomethane CNG Landfill gas
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
Biomethane LNG Landfill gas
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
Biomethane L-CNG Landfill gas
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
Biomethane CNG
Municipal Wastewater
sludge, Food Scraps,
Urban Landscaping
Waste, or Other Organic
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
Biomethane LNG
Municipal Wastewater
sludge, Food Scraps,
Urban Landscaping
Waste, or Other Organic
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
Biomethane L-CNG
Municipal Wastewater
sludge, Food Scraps,
Urban Landscaping
Waste, or Other Organic
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 141
Fuel Feedstock Process Energy
Biomethane CNG, LNG or L-
Dairy Manure
Grid electricity, natural
gas, and/or parasitic load
Centralized SMR of
fossil LNG
Grid electricity, natural
gas and/or renewables
Any gasoline substitute
feedstock-fuel combination
not identified above
Any Any
(2010) CI
value for
Any diesel substitute
feedstock-fuel combination
not identified above
Any Any
(2010) CI
value for
(c) Provisional Pathways. As set forth in sections 95488.6(a) and 95488.7(a),
LCFS fuel pathways are generally developed based on 24 months of operational
data. The Executive Officer may consider Provisional pathway applications
from 1) facilities that have been in operation for less than 24 months, or 2)
existing facilities that can demonstrate a process change has been implemented,
based on at least three months of operational data. Based on timely reports,
the fuel reporting entity may generate credits or deficits using a provisionally-
certified CI.
(1) Application process. Application requirements are the same as those for
the applicable pathway classification, specified in sections 95488.6 and
95488.7 including validation of the data submitted in support of the
provisional pathway application.
(2) Verification schedule. The certified pathway is subject to periodic
verification as described in section 95500(b)(2) as applicable for the fuel
pathway classification.
(3) Adjusting CI and Credit Balance. At any time during the 24 months
following provisional certification, the Executive Officer may revise as
appropriate the provisionally-certified CI. Until the Executive Officer has
removed the provisional status pursuant to subsection (4) below, the
Executive Officer may adjust the number of credits or reverse any credit in
the fuel reporting entity’s account using the provisional pathway without a
hearing, notwithstanding the requirements of section 95495. At the end
of the provisional period, the certified CI will be determined on the basis of
24 months of operational data.
(A) If the verified operational CI is higher than the provisionally-certified
CI, the Executive Officer will replace the certified CI with the verified
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 142
operational CI in the LRT-CBTS and will make any necessary credit
adjustment in the fuel reporting entity’s account using the
provisional fuel pathway for reporting. Any credits generated
using a provisionally-certified CI, across the entire period from
original validation to completion of the periodic verification, are
subject to adjustment.
(B) If the verified operational CI is lower than the provisionally-certified
CI, the Executive Officer will certify the pathway with the lower CI,
adding a conservative margin of safety per section 95488.4(a) if the
applicant so desires. The fuel reporting entity will not be eligible
for any retroactive credit generation for any quarter for which the
reporting deadline has passed, but the revised CI will be valid for
future reporting periods.
(4) Removal of provisional status. Positive or qualified positive verification
statements covering at least 24 months of operational data will result in
the removal of the provisional status for the certified pathway.
(d) Substitute Pathways for Reporting Exports and Other Transaction Types. If a
fuel reporting entity is unable to determine the pathway for reporting a fuel
transaction type listed in subsection (1) below, a Substitute pathway
corresponding to the fuel type must be used for reporting. Substitute pathways
have CI values based on weighted average CIs of that fuel in the prior year, and
are provided on the LCFS web site.
(1) The Substitute pathways are only available in the LRT-CBTS for reporting
the following transaction types:
(A) Sold without obligation
(B) Purchased without obligation
(C) Export
(D) Loss of inventory
(E) Not used for transportation
(2) When using a Substitute pathway, the fuel reporting entity must use
default Company ID and Facility ID values for reporting in the LRT-CBTS.
These default values are provided on the LCFS web site.
(e) Design-based Pathways. As set forth in sections 95488.6(a) and 95488.7(a),
LCFS fuel pathways are generally developed based on 24 months of operational
data. However, in order to encourage the development of innovative fuel
technologies, an applicant may submit a Design-based pathway application in
the AFP for a fully engineered and designed facility with no operational data.
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 143
(1) Applications for Design-based pathways must include a detailed life cycle
analysis of the anticipated pathway performed using the CA-GREET3.0
model, and an LCA report as described in 95488.7(a)(2) detailing facility
plans and specifications expected during commercial operation.
(2) The Executive Officer may, fully at his or her discretion, choose to conduct
a detailed evaluation of the submitted information and evaluate whether
the applicant provided a sufficient level of detail to warrant confidence in
energy consumption and other key CI performance metrics. If the
Executive Officer chooses to undertake such a review, and the Executive
Officer agrees that the pathway warrants publication on the LCFS web
site, a Design-based pathway summary will be posted for public comment
as detailed in section 95488.7(d)(5) for Tier 2 pathways. Executive
Officer approval of Design-based pathways will generally be contingent
upon meeting the requirements detailed in section 95488.7, exclusive of
the requirement to obtain a validation statement.
(3) Ineligibility for credit generation. Design-based pathways are not eligible
to report fuel volumes to the LRT-CBTS or generate credits. After a
pathway has been in production for at least three months, in order to be
eligible to report and generate credits, the applicant must complete a
Provisional pathway application per section 95488.9(c).
(f) Carbon Intensities that Reflect Avoided Methane Emissions from Dairy and
Swine Manure or Organic Waste Diverted from Landfill Disposal.
(1) A fuel pathway that utilizes biomethane from dairy cattle or swine manure
digestion may be certified with a CI that reflects the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions achieved by the voluntary capture of methane,
provided that:
(A) A biogas control system, or digester, is used to capture biomethane
from manure management on dairy cattle and swine farms that
would otherwise be vented to the atmosphere as a result of
livestock operations from those farms.
(B) The baseline quantity of avoided methane reflected in the CI
calculation is additional to any legal requirement for the capture and
destruction of biomethane.
(2) A fuel pathway that utilizes an organic material may be certified with a CI
that reflects the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions achieved by the
voluntary diversion from decomposition in a landfill and the associated
fugitive methane emissions, provided that:
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 144
(A) The organic material that is used as a feedstock would otherwise
have been disposed of by landfilling, and the diversion is additional
to any legal requirement for the diversion of organics from landfill
(B) Any degradable carbon that is not converted to fuel is subsequently
treated in an aerobic system or otherwise is prevented from release
as fugitive methane. Upon request, the applicant must
demonstrate that emissions are not significant beyond the system
boundary of the fuel pathway.
(C) The baseline quantity of avoided methane reflected in the CI
calculation is additional to any legal requirement for the avoidance
or capture and destruction of biomethane.
(3) Carbon intensities that reflect avoided methane emissions from dairy and
swine manure or organic waste projects are subject to the following
requirements for credit generation:
(A) Crediting Periods. Avoided methane crediting for dairy and swine
manure pathways as described in (f)(1) above, and for landfill-
diversion pathways as described in (f)(2) above, is limited to three
consecutive 10 years crediting periods, counting from the quarter
following Executive Officer approval of the application. The
pathway holder must formally request each subsequent crediting
period for the project through the LRT-CBTS.
(B) Notwithstanding (A) above, in the event that any law, regulation, or
legally binding mandate requiring either greenhouse gas emission
reductions from manure methane emissions from livestock and
dairy projects or diversion of organic material from landfill disposal,
comes into effect in California during a project’s crediting period,
then the project is only eligible to continue to receive LCFS credits
for those greenhouse gas emission reductions for the remainder of
the project’s current crediting period. The project may not request
any subsequent crediting periods.
(C) Notwithstanding (A) above, projects that have generated CARB
Compliance Offset Credits under the market-based compliance
mechanism set forth in title 17, California Code of Regulations
Chapter 1, Subchapter 10, article 5 (commencing with section
95800) may apply to receive credits under the LCFS. However,
the LCFS crediting period for such projects is aligned with the
crediting period for Compliance Offset Credits, and does not reset
when the project is certified under the LCFS.
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§ 95488.9. Special Circumstances for Fuel Pathway Applications. 145
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95488.10. Maintaining Fuel Pathways.
(a) CI Data Reporting Requirement and Deadline. Beginning in 2021, each fuel
pathway holder must submit an annual Fuel Pathway Report to the AFP no later
than March 31 of each calendar year.
(1) The annual Fuel Pathway Report must include the certified version of the
Simplified CI Calculator or the CA-GREET3.0 model, if required in the
initial certification, updated to include the most recent two calendar years
of operational data.
(2) The annual Fuel Pathway Report for Lookup Table pathways listed in
95488.1(b)(2), in lieu of the CI calculator, must include invoices or
metering records substantiating the quantity of renewable or low-CI inputs
procured from a qualifying source.
(3) Entities specified in section 95488.8(i)(2)(C) must provide the annual
attestation regarding environmental attributes required by that provision.
(4) Any fuel pathway holder, including a joint applicant, who is not subject to
site visits by a third party verifier, whose pathway involves the use of
renewable or low-CI process energy, must submit invoices for that energy
to the AFP. Additionally, for any electricity that is used to reduce carbon
intensity of electricity used as a transportation fuel or hydrogen production
via electrolysis, the pathway holder must upload records demonstrating
that any renewable energy certificates generated were retired in WREGIS
for the purpose of LCFS credit generation.
(5) The annual Fuel Pathway Report must include any temporally-variable
information requested by the Executive Officer to be included in the initial
application as supplementary information, or required data or
documentation listed in the pathway summary operating conditions, must
continue to be submitted annually as part of the annual Fuel Pathway
(6) If the verified operational CI as calculated from production data covering
the 24 months of operations is found to be lower than the certified CI, and
a positive verification statement is issued for this period, the following
options are available:
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§ 95488.10. Maintaining Fuel Pathways. 146
(A) The fuel pathway holder may elect to keep the original certified CI.
(B) The fuel pathway holder may request to replace the certified CI with
the verified operational CI based on the most recent 24 months of
operational data, adding a conservative margin of safety per
section 95488.4(a) if the applicant so desires. Fuel pathway
holders requesting to replace the certified CI must submit an
attestation that the new CI can be maintained through the next
reporting period, and acknowledging that exceeding the newly
certified CI in subsequent verifications will constitute non-
compliance with the requirements of this subarticle.
(7) If the verified operational CI is found to be greater than the certified CI, the
fuel pathway holder is out of compliance with this subarticle and subject to
investigation by the Executive Officer and possible enforcement action.
(b) Monitoring Plan for Entities Required to Obtain Validation or Verification Services
under the LCFS. Each entity responsible for obtaining validation or verification
under this subarticle must complete and retain for review by a verifier, or the
Executive Officer, a written Monitoring Plan. Specific requirements for
Monitoring Plans are detailed in section 95491.1(c).
(c) Verification Requirement and Deadline. Each fuel pathway holder, who is not
exempt from obtaining verification in section 95500, must ensure that a positive
or qualified positive verification statement covering the annual Fuel Pathway
Report is received by the Executive Officer from the verification body pursuant to
the schedule in 95500 in order to maintain a valid fuel pathway code for use in
reporting fuel transactions. An adverse fuel pathway verification statement
would result in investigation by the Executive Officer. It is the responsibility of
the fuel pathway holder to ensure this deadline is met.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels.
(a) Deficit Calculation for CARBOB or Diesel Fuel. A fuel reporting entity for
CARBOB or diesel fuel must calculate separately the base deficit and
incremental deficit for each fuel or blendstock derived from petroleum feedstock
as specified in this provision.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 147
Base Deficit Calculation
= (
) ×
Incremental Deficit Calculation to Mitigate Increases in the Carbon Intensity of
Crude Oil
If 
> 
+ 0.10 then:
= (
) ×
If 
+ 0.10 then:
= 0
and 
mean the amount of LCFS deficits
incurred (a negative value), in metric tons, by the volume of CARBOB
( = “CARBOB”) and diesel fuel ( = “diesel”) that is derived from petroleum
feedstock and is either produced in or imported into California during a specific
calendar year;
has the same meaning as specified in section 95486.1(a);
is the average carbon intensity value of CARBOB or diesel, in
e/MJ, that is derived from petroleum feedstock and is either produced in or
imported into California during the baseline calendar year, 2010. For purposes
of this provision, 
for CARBOB ( = “CARBOB”) and diesel fuel
( = “diesel”) are the Baseline Average carbon intensity values for CARBOB
and diesel (ULSD) set forth in Table 7-1. The Baseline Average carbon
intensity values for CARBOB and diesel (ULSD) are calculated using data for
crude oil supplied to California refineries during the baseline calendar year, 2010.
is the California Baseline Crude Average carbon intensity
value, in gCO
e/MJ, attributed to the production and transport of the crude oil
supplied as petroleum feedstock to California refineries during the baseline
calendar year, 2010. For comparison to 
, the baseline is:
11.98 ×
+ 11.98 ×
+ 11.78 ×
For comparison to
, the baseline is:
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 148
11.98 ×
+ 11.78 ×
+ 11.78 ×
For comparison to 
and subsequent years, the baseline is
is the Three-year California Crude Average carbon intensity value,
in gCO
e/MJ, attributed to the production and transport of the crude oil supplied
as petroleum feedstock to California refineries during the most recent three
calendar years. For example, the Three-year California Crude Average carbon
intensity value for 2018 is:
+ 
+ 
is the total volume of crude supplied to California refineries during the
specified year 20XX.
is the Annual Crude Average carbon intensity value, calculated annually
as described in section 95489(b). The Annual Crude Average carbon intensity
value for 2016 and 2017 are specified in Table 9.
is the amount of fuel energy, in MJ, from CARBOB ( = “CARBOB”) or
diesel ( = “diesel”), determined from the energy density conversion factors
in Table 4, either produced in California or imported into California during a
specific calendar year and sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California.
= 1.0 × 10
(b) Addition of Incremental Deficits that Result from Increases in the Carbon
Intensity of Crude Oil to a Fuel Reporting Entity’s Compliance Obligation.
(1) Incremental deficits for CARBOB or diesel fuel that result from increases
in the carbon intensity of crude oil will be calculated and added to each
affected fuel reporting entity’s compliance obligation for the compliance
period in which the 
become effective, which will be
the year following the year in which the 
was established.
(2) Incremental deficits for CARBOB or diesel fuel for each fuel reporting
entity will be based upon the amount of CARBOB and diesel fuel supplied
by the fuel reporting entity in each compliance period for which the
are effective.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 149
(3) Process for Calculating the Annual Crude Average Carbon Intensity
(A) An Annual Crude Average carbon intensity value will be calculated
for each calendar year using a volume-weighted average of crude
carbon intensity values. The volume for each imported crude will
be the total volume of that crude reported by all fuel reporting
entities in the Annual Compliance Reports for the calendar year.
Volume contributions for California State fields will be based on oil
production data from the California Department of Conservation
and volume contributions for California Federal Offshore fields will
be based on oil production data from the Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement. Field production volumes for
California-produced crude will be reduced, if necessary, to account
for crude exports. Crude carbon intensity values are those listed
in Table 9. For crude names not listed, the default carbon
intensity value from Table 9 will be used until the crude name and
carbon intensity value is added to Table 9 as described in section
(B) Within 15 days of receiving the Annual Compliance reports, the
Executive Officer shall post the Annual Crude Average carbon
intensity calculation at the LCFS web site for public comment.
Written comments shall be accepted for 15 days following the date
on which the analysis was posted. Only comments related to
potential factual or methodological errors in the posted Annual
Crude Average carbon intensity value may be considered. The
Executive Officer shall evaluate the comments received and, if the
Executive Officer deems it necessary, may request in writing
additional information or clarification from the commenters.
Commenters shall be provided 10 days to respond to these
requests. The Executive Officer shall post the final Annual Crude
Average carbon intensity value at the LCFS web site within 15 days
of receiving positive or qualified positive MCON verification reports
per section 95500. An adverse verification statement would result
in Executive Officer investigation and may result in delay of
finalizing and posting the Annual Crude Average carbon intensity
(C) Revisions to the OPGEE model, addition of crudes to Table 9, and
updates to all carbon intensity values listed in Table 9 will be
considered on a three-year cycle through proposed amendments of
the Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulation.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 150
Table 9. Carbon Intensity Lookup Table for Crude Oil Production and Transport.
Country of Origin Crude Identifier
Carbon Intensity
Baseline Crude Average*
California Baseline Crude Average
applicable to crudes supplied during 2018
and subsequent years
California Baseline Crude Average
applicable to crudes supplied in 2016 and
Annual Crude Average
Volume-weighted California average CI
for crudes supplied during 2016
Annual Crude Average
Volume-weighted California average CI
for crudes supplied during 2017
Gimboa 8.86
Girassol 9.95
Greater Plutonio 8.72
Hungo 8.23
Kissanje 8.66
Mondo 8.98
Nemba 9.08
Pazflor 8.02
Sangos 7.06
Argentina Canadon Seco 10.16
Escalante 10.15
Van Gogh
Belize Belize Light 9.70
Brazil Albacora Leste 5.99
Bijupira-Salema 7.18
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 151
Frade 5.63
Iracema 5.54
Jubarte 6.28
Lula 6.24
Marlim 6.76
Marlim Sul 7.78
Ostra 5.65
Papa Terra 4.29
Peregrino 4.16
Polvo 4.31
Roncador Heavy
Tubarao Azul
Tubarao Martelo
Access Western Blend
Albian Heavy Synthetic (all grades)
BC Light
Bonnie Glen 8.11
Borealis Heavy Blend 15.41
Boundary Lake 8.11
Bow River 9.42
Cardium 8.11
Christina Dilbit Blend 12.71
Christina Synbit 18.66
Cold Lake 17.87
Conventional Heavy 9.42
CNRL Light Sweet Synthetic 25.27
Gibson Light Sweet
Hardisty Light
Hardisty Synthetic
Husky Synthetic
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 152
Kearl Lake 12.89
Kerrobert Sweet 8.11
Koch Alberta 8.11
Light Sour Blend 8.11
Light Sweet 8.11
Lloyd Blend 9.42
Lloyd Kerrobert 9.42
Lloydminster 9.42
Long Lake Heavy 30.54
Long Lake Light Synthetic 40.12
Mackay Heavy Blend
Medium Gibson Sour
Medium Sour Blend
Mixed Sour Blend
Mixed Sweet
Moose Jaw Tops
Peace Pipe Sour
Peace River Heavy 19.21
Peace River Sour 8.11
Pembina 8.11
Pembina Light Sour 8.11
Premium Albian Synthetic 29.49
Premium Conventional Heavy 9.42
Premium Synthetic 27.38
Rainbow 8.11
Rangeland Sweet 8.11
Redwater 8.11
Seal Heavy
Shell Synthetic (all grades)
Sour High Edmonton
Sour Light Edmonton
Statoil Cheecham Dilbit
Statoil Cheecham Synbit
Suncor Synthetic (all grades)
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 153
Surmont Heavy Blend 22.48
Synbit Blend 22.64
Syncrude Synthetic (all grades) 31.62
Synthetic Sweet Blend 29.36
Tundra Sweet 8.11
Wabasca 6.88
Western Canadian Blend 9.42
Western Canadian Select 19.04
Chad Doba 11.42
Colombia Acordionero 6.96
Cano Limon
South Blend
Ecuador Napo 8.31
Oriente 10.07
Equatorial Guinea Ceiba 7.82
Zafiro 20.56
Ghana Ten Blend 8.08
Iran Dorood 12.65
Forozan 21.97
Iran Heavy 13.25
Iran Light 14.35
Lavan 11.11
Basra Light
Basra Heavy
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 154
Mexico Isthmus 11.31
Isthmus Topped 14.31
Maya 7.85
Neutral Zone Eocene 7.85
Khafji 7.84
Ratawi 9.42
Nigeria Agbami 12.04
Amenam 10.65
Antan 21.98
Bonga 5.06
Qua Iboe 11.45
Yoho 11.45
Oman Oman 13.32
Peru Loreto 9.86
Mayna 11.07
Pirana 8.43
Russia ESPO 11.55
M100 17.35
Sokol 6.94
Vityaz 9.60
Saudi Arabia
Arab Extra Light
Arab Light
Arab Medium
Arab Heavy
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 155
Upper Zakum 7.96
Venezuela Bachaquero 28.75
Boscan 13.91
Hamaca 23.04
Hamaca DCO 10.02
Laguna 28.75
Mesa 30 12.49
Petrozuata (all synthetic grades) 23.09
Santa Barbara 17.32
Zuata (all synthetic grades) 23.04
US Alaska
Alaska North Slope
US Colorado
US Gulf of Mexico
US Louisiana
US New Mexico
Four Corners
New Mexico Intermediate
New Mexico Sour
New Mexican Sweet
US North Dakota
North Dakota Sweet 9.73
Williston Basin Sweet 9.73
US Oklahoma Oklahoma Sour 11.93
Oklahoma Sweet 11.93
US Texas Eagle Ford Shale 11.93
East Texas 11.93
North Texas Sweet 11.93
South Texas Sweet 11.93
West Texas Intermediate 11.93
West Texas Sour 11.93
US Utah
Grand Cane
Utah Black Wax
Utah Sweet
US Wyoming
Wyoming Sweet
US California Fields
Aliso Canyon
Ant Hill
Antelope Hills
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 156
Antelope Hills, North 24.75
Arroyo Grande 31.11
Asphalto 8.01
Bandini 3.09
Bardsdale 3.47
Barham Ranch 4.15
Beer Nose 3.98
Belgian Anticline 5.01
Bellevue 5.95
Bellevue, West 6.60
Belmont, Offshore
Belridge, North
Belridge, South
Beverly Hills
Big Mountain
Blackwells Corner
Buena Vista
Cabrillo 4.14
Canal 4.40
Canfield Ranch 4.53
Carneros Creek 4.06
Cascade 3.00
Casmalia 10.26
Castaic Hills 2.68
Cat Canyon 7.83
Cheviot Hills 3.49
Chico-Martinez 48.13
Cienaga Canyon
Coles Levee, N
Coles Levee, S
Comanche Point
Coyote, East
Cuyama, South
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 157
Deer Creek 11.51
Del Valle 5.78
Devils Den 7.51
Dominguez 3.57
Edison 14.53
El Segundo 4.38
Elk Hills 8.02
Elwood, S., Offshore 3.52
Fruitvale 3.75
Greeley 7.91
Hasley Canyon
Honor Rancho
Huntington Beach
Kern Bluff 12.54
Kern Front 35.68
Kern River 15.09
Kettleman Middle Dome 3.93
Kettleman North Dome 3.42
Landslide 12.53
Las Cienegas 4.96
Livermore 2.66
Lompoc 28.45
Long Beach 5.48
Long Beach Airport
Los Angeles Downtown
Los Angeles, East
Lost Hills
Lost Hills, Northwest
Lynch Canyon
McCool Ranch
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 158
McDonald Anticline 4.33
McKittrick 25.31
Midway-Sunset 29.33
Montalvo, West 2.65
Montebello 17.03
Monument Junction 4.95
Mount Poso 3.71
Mountain View 3.97
Newhall-Potrero 3.66
Newport, West 5.21
Oak Canyon
Oak Park
Oat Mountain
Placerita 32.78
Playa Del Rey 6.87
Pleito 2.09
Poso Creek 21.96
Pyramid Hills 3.36
Railroad Gap 7.08
Raisin City 9.13
Ramona 4.47
Richfield 4.75
Rincon 4.88
Rio Bravo
Rio Viejo
Rosecrans, South
Rosedale Ranch
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 159
Round Mountain 24.04
Russell Ranch 8.58
Salt Lake 3.18
Salt Lake, South 6.34
San Ardo 26.42
San Miguelito 5.25
San Vicente 3.22
Sansinena 3.21
Santa Clara Avenue 3.53
Santa Fe Springs 12.53
Santa Maria Valley
Santa Susana
Seal Beach
Shafter, North
Shiells Canyon 5.07
South Mountain 3.58
Stockdale 2.18
Tapia 6.92
Tapo Canyon, South 3.08
Tejon 13.77
Tejon Hills 9.39
Tejon, North 5.63
Temescal 3.40
Ten Section 7.50
Timber Canyon
Torrey Canyon
Union Avenue
Wayside Canyon
West Mountain
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 160
* Based on production and transport of the crude oil supplied to the indicated California refinery(ies)
during the baseline calendar year, 2010.
(c) Credits for Producing and Transporting Crudes using Innovative Methods.
Credits may be generated for crude oil that has been produced or transported
using innovative methods and delivered to California refineries for processing.
(1) General Requirements.
(A) For the purpose of this section, an innovative method means crude
production or transport using one or more of the following
1. Solar steam generation (generated steam of 45 percent
quality or greater). Steam must be used onsite at the crude
oil production or transport facilities.
2. Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). Carbon capture
must take place onsite at the crude oil production or
transport facilities.
3. Solar or wind electricity generation. To qualify for the
credit, electricity must be produced and consumed onsite or
be provided directly to the crude oil production or transport
facilities from a third-party generator and not through a utility
owned transmission or distribution network. Energy storage
may be used to increase the quantity of electricity supplied
Wheeler Ridge 2.80
White Wolf 1.92
Whittier 3.71
Wilmington 8.31
Yowlumne 13.90
Zaca 9.53
US Federal OCS Beta 1.59
Carpinteria 3.28
Dos Cuadras 4.57
Hondo 5.93
Point Arguello
Point Pedernales
Santa Clara
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 161
to crude oil production or transport facilities from intermittent
solar and wind electricity generation sources.
4. Solar heat generation including, but not limited to, boiler
water preheating and solar steam generation with a steam
quality of less than 45 percent. Heat must be used onsite
at the crude oil production or transport facilities.
5. Renewable natural gas (RNG) or biogas energy. RNG or
biogas must be physically supplied directly to the crude oil
production or transport facilities.
(B) The innovative method must become operational no earlier than
2010 for solar steam and CCS projects or January 1, 2015, for any
other innovative method above. Any project must be approved for
use by the Executive Officer before generating credit under the
LCFS regulation. Projects that utilize carbon capture and
sequestration are subject to the provisions of section 95490.
No credits may be generated for any quarter preceding the quarter
in which the application is approved.
(C) The project operator must initiate review of the opt-in project using
the innovative method through a written application to the Executive
Officer. If the innovative method involves steam, heat, or
electricity produced by a third party and delivered to the crude oil
producer or transporter, both the crude producer or transporter and
the third party must apply and will be considered joint applicant
project operator for approval of the innovative method. If more
than one crude producer or transporter receives steam, heat, or
electricity from a single third-party facility, each crude producer or
transporter must submit an independent application with the third
party as a joint applicant on each submittal. If the innovative
method involves delivery of carbon captured by the crude oil
producer or transporter to a third party to store the carbon, both the
crude producer or transporter and the third party must apply and
will be considered joint applicants for approval of the innovative
(D) A crude oil producer or transporter must register under section
95483.1 as an opt-in project operator to receive credits for an
approved innovative method. The crude oil producer or
transporter, through a written agreement, may elect to transfer the
right to opt in for credit generation to the joint applicant. If neither
the crude oil producer or transporter nor the joint applicant using an
approved innovative method registers as an opt-in project operator,
credits generated by the producer’s or transporter’s use of the
innovative method may be claimed by California refinery(ies) that
purchase the crude produced or transported using the innovative
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 162
method if CARB receives all information it needs to ensure
compliance with limitations and reporting requirements applied to
the method.
(E) The innovative method must achieve one of the following threshold
1. A carbon intensity reduction from the comparison baseline of
at least 0.10 gCO
e/MJ, or
2. An emissions reduction of at least 5,000 metric tons CO
per year.
If the innovative method involves more than one crude producer or
transporter using steam, heat, or electricity produced at a single
third-party facility, the threshold criteria listed above may apply to
the aggregated project total.
(F) Credits for producing crude oil with innovative methods must be
calculated as specified below:
For crude oil produced using solar steam generation:
=  ×
Where avoided emissions, as calculated using the OPGEE model
assuming displacement of steam produced using a natural gas fired
once through steam generator, are correlated with the steam
quality as tabulated below:
Steam quality
Avoided emissions (gCO
e/bbl solar
95% and above 34,875
85% to <95% 30,443
75% to <85% 28,188
65% to <75% 25,932
55% to <65% 23,677
45% to <55% 21,421
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 163
For crude oil produced or transported using solar or wind based
= 511 ×
For crude oil produced or transported using any other innovative
method listed in section 95489(c)(1)(A):
= 
means the amount of LCFS credits generated
(a positive value), in metric tons, by the volume of a crude oil
produced or transported using the innovative method and delivered
to California refineries for processing;
means the overall volume, in barrels cold water equivalent,
of steam injected;
means the fraction of injected steam that is produced using
means the volume, in barrels, of crude oil produced
or transported using the innovative method;
means the volume, in barrels, of crude oil produced or
transported using the innovative method and delivered to California
refineries for processing. If the crude produced or transported
using the innovative method and delivered to California refineries is
part of a blend, then
is the volume of blend delivered to
California refineries times the volume fraction of the crude within
the blend that was produced or transported using the innovative
= 1.0 × 10
means the overall electricity consumption to produce or
transport the crude, in kW-hr;
means the fraction of consumed electricity that is produced
using qualifying solar or wind power;
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 164
means the reduction in carbon intensity (a positive value),
in gCO
, associated with crude oil production or transport
with the innovative method as compared to crude oil production or
transport by a baseline process without the method (hereafter
referred to as the comparison baseline method); and
means the energy density (lower heating value), in
MJ/barrel, for the crude oil produced or transported with the
innovative method.
(G) Renewable or low-CI energy sources listed in (A) that are used to
generate LCFS credit for innovative crude may not also claim
renewable energy certificates or other environmental attributes
recognized or credited by any other jurisdiction or regulatory
program, other than the market-based compliance mechanism set
forth in title 17, California Code of Regulations Chapter 1,
Subchapter 10, article 5 (commencing with section 95800).
(2) Application and Data Submittal. Unless otherwise noted, an application
for an innovative method shall comply with the requirements below:
(A) An applicant that submits any information or documentation in
support of a proposed innovative method must include with the
application a written statement clearly showing that the applicant
understands and agrees to the following:
1. That all information in the application not identified as
confidential business information is subject to public
disclosure pursuant to California Code of Regulations,
title 17, sections 91000 through 91022 and the California
Public Records Act (Government Code §§ 6250 et seq.), and
that information claimed by the applicant to be confidential
might later be disclosed under section 91022 if the state
board determines the information is subject to disclosure.
2. That the crude oil producer or transporter or third-party joint
applicant must register under section 95483.1 as an opt-in
project operator to receive LCFS credit for an innovative
method, and that if the crude oil producer or transporter or
third-party joint applicant does not register as an opt-in
project operator, credits from an approved innovative
method may be claimed by California refinery(ies) that
purchase crude produced from the innovative method.
(B) An application must contain the following summary material:
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 165
1. A complete description of the innovative method and how
emissions are reduced;
2. An engineering drawing(s) or process flow diagram(s) that
illustrates the innovative method and clearly identifies the
system boundaries, relevant process equipment, mass
flows, and energy flows necessary to calculate the
innovative method credits;
3. A map including global positioning system coordinates for
the facilities described in section 95489(c)(2)(B)2.; and
4. A preliminary estimate of the potential innovative method
credit, calculated as required in section 95489(c)(1)(F),
including descriptions and copies of production and
operational data or other technical documentation utilized in
support of the calculation.
(C) An application, except for solar-generated steam for crude oil
production (45 percent steam quality or greater), wind-based
electricity, or solar-based electricity, shall include a detailed
description of the innovative method and its comparison baseline
method. The description of innovative and comparison baseline
methods can be limited to those portions of the crude production or
transport process affected by the innovative method. The
description of the innovative method and its comparison baseline
method must include each of the following, to the extent each is
applicable to the innovative method:
1. Schematic flow charts that identify the system boundaries
used for the purposes of performing the life cycle analyses
on the proposed innovative method and the comparison
baseline method. Each piece of equipment or stream
appearing on the process flow diagrams shall be clearly
identified and shall include data on its energy and materials
balance. The system boundary shall be clearly shown in
the schematic.
2. A description of all material and energy inputs entering the
system boundaries, including their points of origination,
modes of transportation, transportation distances, means of
storage, and all processing to which material inputs are
3. A description of all material and energy products,
co-products, byproducts, and waste products leaving the
system boundaries, including their respective destinations,
transportation modes, and transportation distances.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 166
4. A description of all facilities within the system boundaries
involved in the production or transport of the crude oil and
other byproducts, co-products, and waste products.
5. A description of all combustion and electricity-powered
equipment within the system boundaries, including their
respective capacities, sizes, or rated power, fuel utilization
type, fuel shares, energy efficiency (lower heating value
basis), and proposed use.
6. A description of the thermal and electrical energy production
that occurs within the system boundaries, including the
respective capacities, sizes, or rated power, fuel utilization
type, fuel shares, energy efficiency (lower heating value
basis), and proposed use.
7. A description of all sources of flared, vented, and fugitive
emissions within the system boundaries, including the
compositions of the flared, vented, and fugitive emission
streams leaving the system boundaries.
(D) An application, except for solar-generated steam for crude oil
production (45 percent steam quality or greater), wind-based
electricity, or solar-based electricity shall include descriptions of the
life cycle assessments (LCAs) performed on the proposed
innovative method and its comparison baseline method using the
CARB OPGEE model or an alternative model or LCA methodology
approved by the Executive Officer. Electronic copies of the
models and calculations shall be provided with the application.
The descriptions of the life cycle assessment results must include
each of the following:
1. Detailed information on the energy consumed, the
greenhouse gas emissions generated for the innovative
method and the comparison baseline method;
2. Documentation of all non-default model input values used in
the emissions calculation process. If values for any
significant production parameters are unknown, the
application shall so state and model default values shall be
used for these parameters in the analysis;
3. Detailed description of all supporting calculations that were
performed outside of the model; and
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 167
4. Documentation of all modifications other than those covered
by subsection 2., above, made to the model. This
discussion shall include sufficient specific detail to enable
the Executive Officer to replicate all such modifications and,
in combination with the inputs and supporting calculations
identified in subsections 2. and 3., above, replicate the
carbon intensity results reported in the application.
(E) An application shall include a list of references covering all
information sources used in the preparation of the life cycle
analysis and calculation of innovative method credit. The
reference list must meet the requirements of section
(F) An application shall include a signed transmittal letter from the
applicant attesting to the veracity of the information in the
application packet and declaring that the information submitted
accurately represents the actual and/or intended long-term,
steady-state operation of the innovative method described in the
application packet. The transmittal letter must meet the
requirements of section 95488.8(a)(3)(A) through (D).
(G) CBI must be designated and a redacted version of any submitted
documents designated to include CBI must be provided pursuant to
the requirements described in section 95488.8(c).
(H) An application, supporting documents, and all other relevant data or
calculation or other documentation must be submitted electronically
via the AFP unless the Executive Officer has approved or
requested another format.
(3) Application Approval Process. The application must be approved by the
Executive Officer before the crude oil producer or transporter, joint
applicant, or purchasing refinery may generate credit for the innovative
(A) Within 30 calendar days of receipt of an application designated by
the applicant as ready for formal evaluation, the Executive Officer
shall advise the applicant in writing either that:
1. The application is complete, or
2. The application is incomplete, in which case the Executive
Officer will identify which requirements of section 95489(c)
have not been met.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 168
a. The applicant may submit additional information to
correct deficiencies identified by the Executive Officer.
b. If the applicant is unable to achieve a complete
application within 180 days of the Executive Officer’s
receipt of the original application, the application will
be denied on that basis, and the applicant will be
informed in writing.
(B) After accepting an application as complete, the Executive Officer
will post the application at
Public comments will be accepted for 10 days following the date on
which the application was posted. Only comments related to
potential factual or methodological errors may be considered. The
Executive Officer will forward to the applicant all comments
identifying potential factual or methodological errors. Within
30 days, the applicant shall either submit revisions to its application
to the Executive Officer, or submit a detailed written response to
the Executive Officer explaining why no revisions are necessary.
(C) The Executive Officer shall not approve an application if the
Executive Officer determines, based upon the information
submitted in the application and any other available information,
1. The proposed crude production or transport method is not an
innovative method, as that term is defined in section
2. Based upon the application information submitted pursuant
to this section, the applicant’s greenhouse gas emissions
calculations cannot be replicated using the CARB OPGEE
model or alternative model or LCA methodology approved by
the Executive Officer.
(D) As part of any action approving an application, the Executive
Officer may prescribe conditions of the approval that contain
special limitations, recordkeeping and reporting requirements, and
operational conditions that the Executive Officer determines should
apply to the innovative method. If the Executive Officer
determines the application will not be approved, and the applicant
will be notified in writing and the basis for the disapproval shall be
(4) Recordkeeping and Reporting. Each applicant that receives approval for
an innovative method must maintain records identifying each facility at
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 169
which it produces crude oil for sale in California under the approved
innovative method. For each such facility, the applicant must report
quarterly (through a Project Report) and maintain records for at least ten
years showing:
(A) The volume (barrels) of crude oil produced or transported using the
approved innovative method and the crude name(s) under which it
is marketed.
(B) If the crude oil produced or transported with an approved innovative
method is marketed as part of a crude blend that is not wholly
refined in California, the name of the blend and the volume fraction
that the crude produced with the innovative method contributes to
the blend.
(C) For crude oil imported into California, documentation showing that
the innovative crude was supplied to one or more California refinery
and the volume (barrels) of innovative crude supplied to each
California refinery. For crude oil produced in California,
documentation showing the innovative crude was supplied to one
or more California refinery, the total volume (barrels) of innovative
crude supplied to California refineries, and the total volume
(barrels) of innovative crude exported from California.
(D) For solar or wind electricity projects, the following additional
recordkeeping and reporting will be required:
1. Metered data on solar or wind electricity consumed at the
crude oil production or transport facilities during the quarter
2. Metered data on total electricity consumed at the crude oil
production or transport facilities during the quarter (kWh);
3. An attestation letter stating that all solar or wind electricity
was supplied directly for crude oil production or transport
and that the solar or wind electricity reported for generating
LCFS credit did not produce renewable energy certificates or
other environmental attributes recognized or credited by any
other jurisdiction or regulatory program, other than the
market-based compliance mechanism set forth in title 17,
California Code of Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter 10,
article 5 (commencing with section 95800).
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 170
(E) For solar steam projects at crude oil production facilities, the
following additional recordkeeping and reporting will be required:
1. Metered data on solar steam consumed for crude oil
production at the oil field during the quarter (barrels cold
water equivalent);
2. Metered data on total steam consumed for crude oil
production at the oil field during the quarter (barrels cold
water equivalent);
3. Volume-weighted average steam quality for solar steam
consumed for crude oil production at the oil field during the
quarter; and
4. An attestation letter stating that all solar steam was supplied
directly for crude oil production at the oil field and that the
solar steam reported for generating LCFS credit did not
produce renewable energy certificates or other
environmental attributes recognized or credited by any other
jurisdiction or regulatory program, other than the market-
based compliance mechanism set forth in title 17, California
Code of Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter 10, article 5
(commencing with section 95800).
(F) Any additional records that the Executive Officer requires to be kept
in pursuant to section 95489(c)(3)(D), and records that demonstrate
compliance with all special limitations and operating conditions
specified pursuant to section 95489(c)(3)(D).
These records shall be submitted to the Executive Officer during the
quarterly reporting period specified in section 95491(b).
(5) Credits for Producing or Transporting Crude Oil Using Innovative
Methods. Credits for producing or transporting crude oil using innovative
methods may be generated quarterly or annually, at the discretion of the
credit generating party. Within 30 days of receiving reports from
California refineries detailing crude names and volumes supplied to the
refineries during the applicable crediting period, any records requested of
the applicant under section 95489(c)(4), and a positive or qualified positive
verification of the applicable Project Reports per section 95500, the
Executive Officer will determine the number of credits to be issued to the
crude oil producer or transporter, joint applicant, or purchasing refinery for
the innovative method. An adverse verification statement would result in
no credit issuance and Executive Officer investigation.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 171
(d) Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Credit. A refinery may receive credit
for being a low-complexity and low-energy-use refinery.
(1) To be eligible for the credit calculation in section 95489(d)(3), a Low-
Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery must meet the criteria in the
definition of “Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery” provided in
section 95481(a) using the following equations:
(A) Modified Nelson Complexity Score
is the 2012 Nelson Complexity Index listed in Table 10;
is the capacity of each unit listed in Table 10 in barrels
per day unless otherwise indicated;
is the capacity of the distillation unit in barrels per day;
is the process unit; and
is the total number of process units.
Table 10. Nelson Complexity Indices.
rocess Unit Index Value
Atmospheric Distillation
Vacuum Distillation
Thermal Processes
Delayed and Fluid Coking
Catalytic Cracking
Catalytic Reforming
Catalytic Hydrocracking
Catalytic Hydrorefining/Hydrotreating
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 172
rocess Unit Index Value
Hydrogen (MMcfd)
Sulfur Extraction (Metric Tons per day)
(B) Annual Energy Use
  
 
=  + + 
  is the MMBtu of all fuel combusted during the compliance
 is the imported electricity minus exported electricity per
compliance period converted to MMBtu by using
3.142 MMBtu/MWh; and
 is the imported thermal energy minus exported thermal
energy per compliance period in MMBtu.
(2) In addition to other reporting requirements, a refinery operator that is
claiming credits for a Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery must also
report the following volumes produced during a specific calendar year and
sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California for that refinery:
(A) The volume of CARBOB and volume of diesel produced from crude
(B) The volume of CARBOB and volume of diesel produced from
(C) The volume of CARBOB and volume of diesel produced from
Petroleum Intermediate feedstocks; and
(D) The volume of CARBOB and volume of diesel purchased for
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 173
(E) If CARBOB or diesel is produced from feedstock other than crude
oil (volumes in (2)(B) through (D), above), a separate annual report
with third-party verification is required for produced volumes of
CARBOB and diesel from crude oil. The annual report must be
submitted by March 31
and the verification statement is due
August 31
(3) Credits for a low-complexity/low-energy-use refinery must be calculated
using the following equations:
(A) Carbon Intensity Adjustment. For volumes reported in section
95489(d)(2)(A) a non-transferable credit of 5.0 gCO
e/MJ will be
(B) Credit Calculation. For CARBOB and diesel volumes reported in
section 95489(d)(2)(A):
= 5 2/× 
is the amount of LCFS credits generated (a zero or
positive value), in metric tons, by a fuel or blendstock under the
average carbon intensity requirement for gasoline ( =
“gasoline”) or diesel ( = ”diesel”);
means the volume fraction of CARBOB ( = “CARBOB”) or
diesel ( = “diesel”) fuel that is derived from crude oil supplied to
the Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use refinery. 
is calculated
by dividing the volume of CARBOB or diesel reported for section
95489(d)(2)(A) by the total volume of CARBOB or diesel reported
for section 95489(d)(2)(A) through (D);
is the amount of fuel energy, in MJ, from CARBOB
( = “CARBOB”) or diesel ( = “diesel”), determined from the
energy density conversion factors in Table 4, either produced in
California or imported into California during a specific calendar year
and sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California; and
= 1.0 × 10
(C) Credits created pursuant to section 95489(d) may not be sold or
transferred to any other party.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 174
(4) Application Contents and Submittal. An application for
Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Credits must comply with the
following requirements:
(A) An application must contain the following summary material:
1. A complete description of the refinery including processing
units and their capacity, and energy use;
2. An engineering drawing(s) or process flow diagram(s) that
illustrates the project, relevant process equipment, and mass
or volumetric flows necessary to calculate the
Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Credits; and
3. A preliminary estimate of the credit, calculated as required in
section 95489(d)(3)(B), including descriptions and copies of
production and operational data other technical
documentation utilized in support of the calculation.
(B) An application must include a list of references covering all
information sources used in the calculation of Low-Complexity/Low-
Energy-Use Refinery Credits. The reference list must meet the
requirements of section 95488.7(a)(2)(D).
(C) An application must include a signed transmittal letter from the
applicant attesting to the veracity of the information in the
application packet and declaring that the information submitted
accurately represents the actual operation of the refinery. The
transmittal letter must meet the requirements of section
95488.8(a)(3)(A) through (D).
(D) An applicant that submits any information or documentation in
support of a proposed Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery
Credit must include a written statement clearly showing that the
applicant understands and agrees that all information in the
application not identified as confidential business information is
subject to public disclosure pursuant to California Code of
Regulations, title 17, sections 91000 through 91022 and the
California Public Records Act (Government Code, §§. 6250 et
seq.), and that information claimed by the applicant to be
confidential might later be disclosed under section 91022 if the
Board determines the information is subject to disclosure.
(E) An application, supporting documents, and all other relevant data or
calculation or other documentation must be submitted electronically
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 175
via the AFP unless the Executive Officer has approved or
requested another format.
(F) If there is a change to an approved Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-
Use Refinery which could impact the eligibility of the refinery, the
refinery operator must notify the Executive Officer in writing within
30 business days after the material change has occurred, and the
previously-approved application shall become invalid 30 business
days after the material change has occurred.
(5) Credit Issuance. The Executive Officer will issue Low-Complexity/Low-
Energy-Use Refinery Credits annually for the prior year upon the
completion of the following:
(A) Confirmation of eligibility by the Executive Officer based on the
refinery energy use verified under MRR annually.
(B) Receipt of a positive or qualified positive verification statement for
the quarterly fuel transactions reported pursuant to section
95489(d)(2). An adverse verification statement would result in no
credit issuance and Executive Officer investigation.
(e) Refinery Investment Credit Program. A refinery may receive credit for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions from its facility. Any such credits must be based on
fuel volumes sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California as set forth below.
(1) General Requirements.
(A) The application for a refinery investment credit must be submitted
during or after the year 2016 and must be approved pursuant to this
section before the refinery can receive credit. A project is eligible
if the project completion date is on January 1, 2016 or later.
(B) The refinery investment credit project must occur within the
boundaries of the refinery, unless it involves carbon capture from
hydrogen production. Sequestration sites for CCS do not need to
be on-site at the refinery.
(C) The applicant must demonstrate that any net increases in criteria
air pollutant or toxic air contaminant emissions from the refinery
investment credit project are mitigated in accordance with all local,
state, and national environmental and health and safety
(D) The following project types are eligible for the refinery investment
project credits:
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 176
1. CO
capture at refineries, or at hydrogen production facilities
that supply hydrogen to refineries, and subsequent geologic
2. Use of renewable or low-CI electricity supplied behind the
meter that meets the requirements of 95488.8(h)(1);
3. Use of lower-CI process energy such as biomethane,
renewable propane, and renewable coke, to displace fossil
4. Electrification at refineries that involves substitution of high
carbon fossil energy input with grid electricity.
5. Process improvement projects that deliver a reduction in
baseline refinery-wide greenhouse gas emissions as
outlined in 95489(e)(1)(G)2. Greenhouse gas emissions
reductions due to curtailment, simple maintenance; and
crude oil switching that results in greenhouse gas reductions
in the project system boundary without improvements in the
processing units or equipment involved are not eligible. For
the purposes of this section, curtailment is defined as an
intentional operational and/or physical change exclusively for
the reduction or cessation of total gasoline and gasoline
blendstocks and diesel production at the refinery.
Curtailment does not include the coincidental rate reduction
or shutdown of associated emitting equipment as part of a
process improvement project or projects aimed primarily at
optimizing refinery efficiency.
(E) Credits must be pro-rated for years where the units within the
project system boundary were non-operational. This pro-rating will
consider the calendar days of operation relative to non-operation.
(F) Credits must be pro-rated if the hydrogen production facility that
captures CO
does not supply all of its hydrogen to the applicant
(G) Credits generated pursuant to section 95489(e)(1)(D)5. are subject
to the following limitations:
1. Credits may not be used to meet more than 10 percent of
any entity’s annual compliance obligation. The Executive
Officer will exclude incremental deficits incurred pursuant to
section 95489(b) when assessing this 10 percent limitation.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 177
2. Each project must generate at least 10,000 credits or one
percent of the facility’s annual pre-project emissions,
whichever is less.
3. Crediting is limited to 15 years from the quarter in which the
Executive Officer approves the project’s application.
(H) Projects that utilize carbon capture and sequestration are subject to
the provisions of section 95490.
(2) Calculation of Credits.
(A) For carbon capture and sequestration projects, determine the credit
in accordance with the CCS protocol.
(B) For other refinery investment credit projects, determine the credit
as follows:
1. Establish a project system boundary. The project system
boundary should include direct impacts and at least first
order indirect impacts;
2. Determine the credit for the refinery investment credit project
by calculating pre-project life cycle greenhouse gas
emissions and project life cycle greenhouse gas emissions
within the project system boundary;
= (
is the annual credit for the refinery investment
credit project in metric tons per year;
is the annual life cycle greenhouse gas
emissions from the use of fuels, electricity, steam/heat and
hydrogen in the project system boundary prior to project
implementation in metric tons per year corrected for
is the annual life cycle greenhouse gas
emissions from the use of fuels, electricity, steam/heat and
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 178
hydrogen in the project system boundary due to project
implementation in metric tons per year corrected for
is the volume of gasoline, gasoline blendstocks,
and diesel in gallons per quarter or per year produced at the
refinery and sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California by
the refinery involved in the Refinery Investment Credit
Program; and
is the total volume of gasoline, gasoline
blendstocks, and diesel in gallons produced at the refinery
per quarter or per year.
(3) Application Contents and Submittal. Unless otherwise noted, an
application for refinery investment credits must comply with the following
(A) An application must contain the following summary material:
1. A complete description of the refinery investment credit
project and how emissions are reduced;
2. An engineering drawing(s) or process flow diagram(s) that
illustrates the project and clearly identifies the system
boundaries, relevant process equipment, mass flows, and
energy flows necessary to calculate the refinery investment
credits, including any directly affected or indirectly affected
processing units (at least first order indirect impacts) and a
whole refinery diagram if requested; and
3. A preliminary estimate of the refinery investment credit,
calculated as required in section 95489(e)(2), including
descriptions and copies of any available production and
operational data including energy use and other technical
documentation utilized in support of the calculation. The
application must contain process-specific data showing that
the reductions are part of the transportation fuel pathway.
4. Supporting documents demonstrating that second or higher
order indirect impacts are not significant beyond the
identified project system boundary.
(B) An application must include a list of references covering all
information sources used in the calculation of refinery investment
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 179
credit. The reference list must meet the requirements of section
(C) An application must include a signed transmittal letter from the
applicant attesting to the veracity of the information in the
application packet and declaring that the information submitted
accurately represents the actual and/or intended long-term,
steady-state operation of the refinery investment credit project
described in the application packet. The transmittal letter must
meet the requirements of section 95488.8(a)(3)(A) through (D).
(D) CBI must be designated and a redacted version of any submitted
documents designated to include CBI must be provided pursuant to
the requirements described in section 95488.8(c).
(E) An application must include all relevant documentation identifying
any changes, including decreases or increases, in criteria air
pollutant or toxic air contaminant emissions based on local air
permits and supporting permit documentation from the refinery
investment credit project. An applicant must include a signed
transmittal letter from the applicant attesting that any net increases
in emissions from the refinery investment credit project are
mitigated in accordance with all local, state, and national
environmental and health and safety regulations.
(F) An applicant that submits any information or documentation in
support of a proposed refinery investment credit must include a
written statement clearly showing that the applicant understands
and agrees that all information in the application not identified as
confidential business information is subject to public disclosure
pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 17, sections 91000
through 91022 and the California Public Records Act (Government
Code, §§. 6250 et seq.), and that information claimed by the
applicant to be confidential might later be disclosed under section
91022 if the Board determines the information is subject to
(G) An application, supporting documents, and all other relevant data or
calculation or other documentation must be submitted electronically
via the AFP unless the Executive Officer has approved or
requested another format.
(H) Applications for process improvement projects must be submitted
on or before December 31, 2025.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 180
(4) Application Approval Process. An application must be approved by the
Executive Officer before the refinery investment credit project can
generate credits under the LCFS regulation.
(A) After receipt of an application designated by the applicant as ready
for formal evaluation, the Executive Officer will advise the applicant
in writing either that:
1. The project system boundary is appropriate and the
application is complete, or
2. The application is incomplete, in which case the Executive
Officer will identify which requirements of section 95489(e)
have not been met. The applicant may submit additional
information to correct deficiencies identified by the Executive
Officer. If the applicant is unable to achieve a complete
application within 180 calendar days of the Executive
Officer’s receipt of the original application, the application will
be denied on that basis, and the applicant will be informed in
(B) After accepting an application as complete, the Executive Officer
will post the application at
Public comments will be accepted for 10 calendar days following
the date on which the application was posted. Only comments
related to potential factual or methodological errors may be
considered. The Executive Officer will forward to the applicant all
comments identifying potential factual or methodological errors.
Within 30 business days, the applicant must either submit revisions
to its application to the Executive Officer, or submit a detailed
written response to the Executive Officer explaining why no
revisions are necessary.
(C) If the Executive Officer finds that an application meets the
requirements set forth in section 95489(e), the Executive Officer will
take final action to approve the refinery investment credit project.
The Executive Officer may prescribe conditions of approval that
contain special limitations, recordkeeping and reporting
requirements, and operational conditions that the Executive Officer
determines should apply to the project. If the Executive Officer
finds that an application does not meet the requirements of section
95489(e), the application will not be approved, and the applicant
will be notified in writing, and the basis for the disapproval will be
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 181
(5) Credit Review and Issuance. Credits for refinery investment projects
may be generated quarterly or annually, at the discretion of the credit
generating party.
(A) Upon the completion of reporting period in which a positive or
qualified positive verification statement for the applicable Project
Reports per section 95500(e) is received, the Executive Officer will
determine the number of credits to be issued to the applicants. An
adverse verification statement would result in no credit issuance
and Executive Officer investigation.
(6) Recordkeeping. For each approved refinery investment credit project the
refinery must compile and retain records pursuant to section 95491.1(a)(2)
showing compliance with all limitation and recordkeeping requirements
identified by the Executive Officer pursuant to section 95489(e)(4)(C),
(f) Renewable Hydrogen Refinery Credit Program. A refinery may receive credit
for greenhouse gas emission reductions from the production of CARBOB or
diesel fuel that is partially or wholly derived from renewable hydrogen. Any such
credits must be based on fuel volumes sold, supplied, or offered for sale in
California as set forth below.
(1) General Requirements.
(A) In order to receive a renewable hydrogen refinery credit, a refiner
must produce CARBOB or diesel fuel that is partially or wholly
derived from renewable hydrogen.
(B) The applicant must demonstrate that any net increases in criteria
air pollutant or toxic air contaminant emissions from the renewable
hydrogen refinery credit project are mitigated in accordance with all
local, state, and national environmental and health and safety
(2) Calculation of Credits.
(A) For CARBOB or diesel fuel that is partially or wholly derived from
renewable hydrogen produced from RNG that displaces fossil
natural gas in a steam methane reforming unit, the calculation of
credits generated quarterly or annually must be as follows:
× ×
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 182
is the amount of LCFS credits generated (a zero or
positive value), in metric tons, by renewable hydrogen;
is the well-to-hydrogen production carbon intensity of North
American pipeline natural gas in gCO
e/MJ calculated using the
same feedstock assumptions and pipeline distance as the Lookup
Table pathway for Pipeline Average North American Fossil Natural
Gas (CNGF);
is the well-to-hydrogen production carbon intensity of the
RNG in gCO
e/MJ and must be determined using the CA-GREET
3.0 model unless the Executive Officer has approved the use of a
method that is at least equivalent to the calculation methodology
used by CA-GREET3.0 model. The process for obtaining 
will be identical to Tier 2 fuel pathway applications, and the life
cycle steps evaluated will stop at hydrogen production at the
is the amount of RNG in MJ delivered to a refinery per quarter
or per year;
is the volume of gasoline, gasoline blendstocks, and
diesel in gallons per quarter or per year produced at the refinery
and sold, supplied, or offered for sale in California by the refinery;
is the total volume of gasoline, gasoline blendstocks,
and diesel in gallons produced at the refinery per quarter or per
year; and
= 1.0 × 10
(B) For CARBOB or diesel fuel that is partially or wholly derived from
renewable hydrogen produced from other production processes,
such as electrolysis using renewable electricity or syngas from
biomass gasification, the calculation of credits generated quarterly
or annually must be as follows:
× ×
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 183
is the amount of LCFS credits generated (a zero or
positive value), in metric tons, by renewable hydrogen;
is the carbon intensity of fossil hydrogen in gCO
delivered or produced at the refinery, as determined using the
CA-GREET3.0 model or similar models approved by the Executive
Officer. The process for obtaining 
must comply with the
requirements in sections 95488 to 95488.10;
is the carbon intensity of renewable hydrogen in
e/MJ delivered or produced at the refinery, as determined
using the CA-GREET3.0 model. The process for obtaining
must comply with the requirements in sections 95488 to
is the amount of renewable hydrogen in kg per quarter
or per year;
is the energy density of hydrogen in MJ/kg from Table
is the volume of gasoline, gasoline blendstocks, and
diesel in gallons per quarter or per year sold, supplied, or offered
for sale in California by the refinery involved in the Renewable
Hydrogen Refinery Credit Program;
is the total volume of gasoline, gasoline blendstocks,
and diesel in gallons produced at the refinery per quarter or per
year; and
= 1.0 × 10
(3) Application Contents and Submittal. Unless otherwise noted, an
application for renewable hydrogen credits must comply with the following
(A) An application must contain the following summary material:
1. A complete description of the production of CARBOB or
diesel fuel with hydrogen and how renewable hydrogen is
replacing fossil hydrogen in that process;
2. Purchase records identifying the renewable hydrogen and/or
renewable feedstock used to produce the renewable
hydrogen; and
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 184
3. A preliminary estimate of the renewable hydrogen refinery
credit, calculated as required in section 95489(f)(2),
including descriptions and copies of production and
operational data, including energy use, and other technical
documentation utilized in support of the calculation. The
application must contain process-specific data showing that
the reductions are part of the transportation fuel pathway.
(B) An application must include a list of references covering all
information sources used in the calculation of renewable hydrogen
refinery credit project. The reference list must meet the
requirements of section 95488.7(a)(2)(D).
(C) An application must include a signed transmittal letter from the
applicant attesting under penalty of perjury under California law, to
the veracity of the information in the application packet and
declaring that the information submitted accurately represents the
actual and/or intended long-term, steady-state operation of
renewable hydrogen refinery credit project described in the
application packet. The transmittal letter must meet the
requirements of section 95488.8(a)(3)(A) through (D).
(D) CBI must be designated and a redacted version of any submitted
documents designated to include CBI must be provided pursuant to
the requirements described in section 95488.8(c).
(E) An application must include all relevant documentation identifying
any changes, including decreases or increases, in criteria air
pollutant or toxic air contaminant emissions based on local air
permits from the renewable hydrogen refinery credit project. An
applicant must include a signed transmittal letter from the applicant
attesting that any net increases in emissions from renewable
hydrogen refinery credit project are mitigated in accordance with all
local, state, and national environmental and health and safety
(F) An application, supporting documents, and all other relevant data or
calculation or other documentation must be submitted electronically
via the AFP unless the Executive Officer has approved or
requested another format.
(4) Application Approval Process. An application must be approved by the
Executive Officer before the renewable hydrogen refinery credit project
can generate credits under the LCFS regulation.
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 185
(A) Within 30 calendar days of receipt of an application designated by
the applicant as ready for formal evaluation, the Executive Officer
will advise the applicant in writing either that:
1. The application is complete, or
2. The application is incomplete, in which case the Executive
Officer will identify which requirements of section 95489(f)
have not been met. The applicant may submit additional
information to correct deficiencies identified by the Executive
Officer. If the applicant is unable to achieve a complete
application within 180 days of the Executive Officer’s receipt
of the original application, the application will be denied on
that basis, and the applicant will be informed in writing.
(B) If the Executive Officer finds that an application meets the
requirements set forth in section 95489(f), the Executive Officer will
take final action to approve the renewable hydrogen refinery credit
project. The Executive Officer may prescribe conditions of
approval that contain special limitations, recordkeeping and
reporting requirements, and operational conditions that the
Executive Officer determines should apply to the project. If the
Executive Officer finds that an application does not meet the
requirements of section 95489(f), the application will not be
approved, and the applicant will be notified in writing, and the basis
for the disapproval will be identified.
(5) Credit Review and Issuance. Credits for renewable hydrogen refinery
projects may be generated quarterly or annually, at the discretion of the
credit generating party.
(A) Upon the completion of reporting period in which a positive or
qualified positive verification statement for the applicable Project
Reports per section 95500(e) is received, the Executive Officer will
determine the number of credits to be issued to the applicants. An
adverse verification statement would result in no credit issuance
and Executive Officer investigation.
(6) Recordkeeping. For each approved renewable hydrogen refinery credit
project, the refinery must compile and retain records pursuant to section
95491.1(a)(2) showing compliance with all limitation and recordkeeping
requirements identified by the Executive Officer pursuant to section
95489(f)(4)(B), above.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
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§ 95489. Provisions for Petroleum-Based Fuels. 186
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95490. Provisions for Fuels Produced Using Carbon Capture and Sequestration.
(a) Eligibility. The following entities are eligible to submit project applications and, if
approved, receive CCS credits, in accordance with following protocol which is
incorporated herein by reference and is referred to as the “CCS Protocol
Industrial Strategies Division, California Air Resources Board. August 13, 2018.
Carbon Capture and Sequestration Protocol under the Low Carbon Fuel
(1) Alternative fuel producers, refineries, and oil and gas producers that
capture CO
on-site and geologically sequester CO
either on-site or
(2) An entity that employs direct air capture to remove CO
from the
atmosphere and geologically sequester the CO
. If CO
derived from
direct air capture is converted to fuels, it is not eligible for project-based
CCS credits. However, applicants may apply for fuel pathway
certification using the Tier 2 pathway application process as described in
section 95488.7.
(b) General Requirements.
(1) Projects and fuel pathways claiming CCS credits must comply with the
CCS Protocol. To be considered in compliance with the CCS protocol, a
project must be issued executive orders and meet all the requirements
throughout the project life in accordance with the permanence
requirements of the CCS protocol.
(2) Credit determination for any project that utilizes CCS must be performed
in accordance with the accounting requirements of the CCS protocol.
(3) Except for direct air capture and sequestration projects, credits must be
prorated based on the volumes delivered to California.
(4) CCS credits generated by crude oil and gas producers must be claimed
under the Innovative Crude Provision (section 95489(c)).
(5) CCS credits generated by refiners must be claimed under the Refinery
Investment Credit Program (section 95489(e)).
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§ 95490. Provisions for Fuels Produced Using Carbon Capture and Sequestration. 187
(6) The amount of net CO
sequestered by alternative fuel producers can be
used to adjust the carbon intensities of the associated fuel pathways.
(7) Projects utilizing CCS must undergo verification under section 95500 in
order to receive credits.
(c) Application Contents and Submittal. Unless otherwise noted, an application for
CCS credits must comply with the following requirements:
(1) An application must be filed jointly by an entity that captures CO
and an
entity that sequesters the resultant CO
, unless the same entity is
responsible for CO
capture and sequestration.
(2) An application must contain the following materials:
(A) A complete description of the CCS project and how greenhouse
gas emissions are reduced;
(B) An engineering drawing(s) or process flow diagram(s) that
illustrates the project and clearly identifies the system boundaries,
relevant process equipment, mass flows, including the quantity of
injected into pipeline or delivered by other modes of transport
for CO
injection, and energy flows necessary to calculate the CCS
(C) A description of all combustion and electricity-powered equipment
within the system boundaries, including their respective capacities,
sizes, or rated power, fuel utilization type, fuel shares, energy
efficiency (lower heating value basis), and proposed use;
(D) A description of all sources of flared, vented, and fugitive emissions
within the system boundaries, including the compositions and
quantities of the flared, vented, and fugitive emission streams
leaving the system boundaries;
(E) Receipts/invoices for energy use and chemicals;
(F) An estimate of the CCS credit, calculated in accordance with the
accounting requirements of the CCS Protocol including descriptions
and copies of production and operational data or other technical;
and documentation utilized in support of the calculation. The
application must contain process-specific data showing that the
reductions are part of the CCS project, and
(G) Executive orders issued pursuant to the permanence requirements
of the CCS protocol, certifying the sequestration site as capable of
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§ 95490. Provisions for Fuels Produced Using Carbon Capture and Sequestration. 188
permanently storing CO
and authorizing operation and credit
(3) An application must include a list of references covering all information
sources used in the calculation of the CCS credit. The reference list
must meet the requirements of section 95489(c)(2)(E).
(4) An application must include a signed transmittal letter from the applicant
attesting to the veracity of the information in the application packet and
declaring that the information submitted accurately represents the actual
CCS project greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The transmittal letter
must be the original copy, be on company letterhead, be signed by an
officer of the applicant with authority to attest to the veracity of the
information in the application and to sign on behalf of the applicant.
(5) CBI must be designated and a redacted version of any submitted
documents designated to include CBI must be provided pursuant to the
requirements described in section 95488.8(c).
(6) An applicant that submits any information or documentation in support of a
proposed CCS project must include a written statement clearly showing
that the applicant understands and agrees that all information in the
application not identified as confidential business information is subject to
public disclosure pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 17,
sections 91000 through 91022 and the California Public Records Act
(Government Code, §§. 6250 et seq.), and that information claimed by the
applicant to be confidential might later be disclosed under section 91022 if
the Board determines the information is subject to disclosure.
(7) An application, supporting documents, and all other relevant data or
calculation or other documentation must be submitted electronically via
the AFP unless the Executive Officer has approved or requested another
(d) Application Approval Process. The Executive Officer must approve an
application before the CCS project can generate credits under the LCFS
(1) After receipt of an application designated by the applicant as ready for
formal evaluation, the Executive Officer will advise the applicant in writing
either that:
(A) The application is complete, or
(B) The application is incomplete, in which case the Executive Officer
will identify which requirements have not been met. The applicant
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§ 95490. Provisions for Fuels Produced Using Carbon Capture and Sequestration. 189
may submit additional information within 30 days to correct
deficiencies identified by the Executive Officer, otherwise, the
application will be rejected.
(2) After accepting an application as complete, the Executive Officer will post
the application on the LCFS web site. Public comments will be accepted
for 10 calendar days following the date on which the application was
posted. Only comments related to potential factual or methodological
errors may be considered. The Executive Officer will forward to the
applicant all comments identifying potential factual or methodological
errors. Within 30 business days, the applicant must either submit
revisions to its application to the Executive Officer, or submit a detailed
written response to the Executive Officer explaining why no revisions are
(3) If the Executive Officer finds that an application meets the requirements
set forth in section 95490(b), the Executive Officer will take final action to
approve the CCS project. The Executive Officer may prescribe
conditions of approval that contain special limitations, recordkeeping and
reporting requirements, and operational conditions that the Executive
Officer determines should apply to the project. If the Executive Officer
finds that an application does not meet the requirements of section
95490(b), the application will not be approved, the applicant will be notified
in writing, and the basis for the disapproval will be identified.
(e) Reporting. Each CCS project operator must submit to the Executive Officer the
net amount of annual sequestered CO
and meet the reporting requirements in
accordance with the CCS Protocol.
(f) Credit Review and Issuance. Credits for direct air capture projects may be
generated quarterly or annually, at the discretion of the credit generating party.
(1) Upon the completion of reporting period in which a positive or qualified
positive verification statement for the applicable Project Reports per
section 95500(e) is received, the Executive Officer will determine the
number of credits to be issued to the applicants. An adverse verification
statement would result in no credit issuance and Executive Officer
(g) Recordkeeping. Pursuant to section 95491.1 and the CCS Protocol, each
applicant that receives approval as a CCS credit generator must maintain
records for the CCS project, including records necessary to verify permanent
sequestration. At a minimum, the following records must be kept:
(1) The quarterly volume of alternative fuel, petroleum fuel, crude oil/natural
gas produced and delivered to California;
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§ 95490. Provisions for Fuels Produced Using Carbon Capture and Sequestration. 190
(2) Energy use and chemical use data for the carbon capture facility and CO
injection facility;
(3) The Accounting Protocol and Permanence Protocol documents; and
(4) Any additional records that the Executive Officer requires to be kept in
pursuant to section 95490(d)(3).
(h) CO
Leakage and Credit Invalidation.
(1) Credits for verified greenhouse gas emission reductions can be
invalidated if the sequestered CO
associated with them is released or
otherwise leaked to the atmosphere.
(2) The number of invalidated credits is equal to the quantity of CO
or leaked from the sequestration zone (
), which must be
determined in accordance with the CCS Protocol.
(3) Prior to 50 years post-injection:
(A) The Executive Officer may retire credits from the buffer account, up
to and including the project’s total contribution, to count toward the
number of invalidated credits.
(B) The project operator must retire credits for any balance after retiring
credits pursuant to 95490(h)(3)(A).
(C) The Executive Officer may retire credits from the buffer account
equivalent to remaining outstanding balance after retiring credits
pursuant to 95490(h)(3)(A) and (B).
(4) After 50 years post-injection:
(A) The project operator is no longer responsible to make up any
credits found to be invalid due to leakage.
(B) The Executive Officer may retire credits from the buffer account to
cover any credits found to be invalid due to leakage.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 191
§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting.
A fuel reporting entity must submit to the Executive Officer Quarterly Fuel Transactions
Reports and Annual Compliance Reports, as specified in this section.
(a) Online Reporting. The annual compliance and quarterly fuel transactions
reports must be submitted using the LRT-CBTS. Prior to use, a fuel reporting
entity must first register in the LRT-CBTS pursuant to section 95483.2.
The fuel reporting entity is solely responsible for ensuring that the Executive
Officer receives its quarterly fuel transactions reports and annual compliance
reports by the deadlines specified in this section. The Executive Officer shall
not be responsible for failure of electronically submitted reports to be transmitted
to the Executive Officer. The reports must contain a statement attesting to the
report’s accuracy and validity. The Executive Officer shall not deem an
electronically submitted report to be valid unless the report is accompanied by a
digital signature that meets the requirements of California Code of Regulations,
title 2, sections 22000 et seq.
(b) Reporting Frequency and Deadlines.
(1) Quarterly Fuel Transactions Data: The data for the quarterly fuel
transactions report for each fuel type must be uploaded in the LRT-CBTS
within the first 45 days after the end of the quarter. During the
subsequent 45 days, fuel reporting entities shall use the reconciliation
tools provided in the LRT-CBTS and in conjunction with business partners
to complete any necessary report corrections, if applicable.
(2) Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports. Unless expressly provided
elsewhere in this subarticle, quarterly fuel transactions reports must be
submitted in LRT-CBTS by:
June 30
for the first calendar quarter covering January through
September 30
for the second calendar quarter covering April
through June;
December 31
for the third calendar quarter covering July
through September; and
March 31
for the fourth calendar quarter of the prior year
covering October through December.
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 192
(3) Annual Compliance Reports. An annual compliance report for the prior
calendar year must be submitted in LRT-CBTS by April 30
of each year.
(c) General Reporting Requirements for Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports. For
each of its transportation fuels, a fuel reporting entity must submit a quarterly fuel
transactions report that contains the information specified below and summarized
in Table 11:
(1) All applicable transaction types listed for each fuel type in 95491(d) below
and defined in section 95481 must be included in each quarterly fuel
transactions report.
(2) Information that must be reported are as follows: Organization FEIN,
Reporting Period (year and quarter), FPC, Fuel Amount, Transaction
Type, Transaction Date, Business Partner (if applicable), Aggregated
Transaction Indicator, Fuel Application, Production Company ID and
Facility ID (if applicable).
(d) Specific Reporting Requirements for Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports. In
addition to all requirements specified in section 95491(c), for each of its
transportation fuels, a fuel reporting entity must submit a quarterly fuel
transactions report that contains the information specified below and summarized
in Table 11:
(1) Specific Quarterly Reporting Parameters for Liquid Fuels including
Gasoline, Diesel, Diesel Fuel Blends, Alternative Fuels, and Alternative
Jet Fuel.
(A) The applicable transaction types, defined in section 95481, are as
follows: Production in California, Production for Import, Import,
Purchased with Obligation, Purchased without Obligation, Sold with
Obligation, Sold without Obligation, Export, Loss of Inventory, Gain
of Inventory, and Not Used for Transportation. The transaction
type “Production for Import” is to be reported by out-of-state
producers who choose to be the first fuel reporting entity for fuel
imported into California. The transaction type “Import” is to be
reported by non-producers who choose to be the first fuel reporting
entity for out-of-state fuel imported into California. The following
information are to be reported:
1. Production Company ID and Facility ID for each blendstock.
CARBOB and diesel fuel are exempt from this requirement.
2. The certified fuel pathway code (FPC) of each blendstock.
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 193
3. The volume (in gal) of each blendstock per reporting period.
For purposes of this provision only, except as provided in
subsection 4. below, the fuel reporting entity may report the
total volume of each blendstock aggregated for each distinct
carbon intensity value (e.g., X gallons of blendstock with A
e/MJ, Y gallons of blendstock with B gCO
4. A producer of CARBOB, gasoline, or diesel fuel must report,
for each of its refineries, the MCON or other crude oil name
designation, volume (in gal), and Country (or State) of origin
for each crude supplied to the refinery during the quarter.
(B) Temperature Correction. All liquid fuel volumes reported in the
LRT-CBTS must be adjusted to standard temperature conditions of
60°F as follows:
1. For ethanol, the following formula must be used:
× (0.0006301 × + 1.0378)
is the standardized volume of ethanol at 60°F, in gallons;
is the actual volume of ethanol, in gallons; and
is the actual temperature of the batch, in °F.
2. For biodiesel, one of the following two methodologies must
be used:
× (0.00045767 × + 1.02746025)
is the standardized volume of biodiesel at 60°F,
in gallons;
is the actual volume of biodiesel, in gallons; and
is the actual temperature of the batch, in °F.
b. The standardized volume of biodiesel at 60°F, in
gallons, as calculated from the use of the American
Petroleum Institute Refined Products Table 6B, as
referenced in ASTM D1250-08 (Reapproved 2013),
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 194
which is incorporated herein by reference, or by
comparable means that can be demonstrated to a
verifier or the Executive Officer to be consistent with
these standard methods.
3. For other liquid fuels, the volume correction to standard
conditions must be calculated by the methods described in
the American Petroleum Institute (API) Manual of Petroleum
Measurement Standards Chapter 11 – Physical Properties
Data (May 2004), the ASTM Standard Guide for Use of the
Petroleum Measurement Tables, ASTM D1250-08
(Reapproved 2013), or the API Technical Data Book
Petroleum Refining Chapter 6 Density (Sixth Edition, April
1997), all three of which are incorporated herein by
reference, or by comparable means that can be
demonstrated to a verifier or the Executive Officer to be
consistent with these standard methods.
(C) Fuel Pathway Allocation for Produced Fuel. If a fuel production
facility simultaneously processes multiple feedstocks, the producer
or fuel reporting entity must associate each portion of the total fuel
produced with processed feedstock during each reporting period
(calendar quarter). Feedstock quantities must not be counted
more than once for any fuel produced. The fuel reporting entity
must use one of the following methods to allocate feedstock to the
quantities of produced fuel reported under each certified FPC.
1. The quantity of fuel reported for a fuel pathway code must be
determined using the following method:
 
is the quantity of produced fuel with a fuel
pathway i at a production facility during reporting
period n;
 
is the facility’s average production yield
for all feedstocks as determined during pathway
certification; and
is the quantity of feedstock counted as
processed for a fuel pathway i at a production facility
during reporting period n and the quantity of feedstock
inventory associated with the fuel pathway i must be
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 195
greater than or equal to zero at the end of each
reporting period.
b. If the actual quantity of fuel produced during a
reporting period is greater than the quantity calculated
using a. above, and all feedstocks in inventory and
received by the production facility during the reporting
period were included in the fuel pathway application,
the excess fuel must be reported under a fuel
pathway with the highest CI among all pathways
certified for the fuel production facility.
2. Paragraph 1. above notwithstanding, a different allocation
methodology may be used with the Executive Officer
approval. The methodology must be submitted to the
Executive Officer at the time of fuel pathway application and
be included in the monitoring plan for verifier’s review.
3. Facilities with multiple certified fuel pathways that do not use
feedstock inventory accounting must include chemical
analysis data supporting the calculated yield (i.e. the
converted fraction of measured feedstock) in annual Fuel
Pathway Reports. The producer or fuel reporting entity
must use the yield calculated from the most recent prior
analysis to determine the quantities of fuel to allocate to
each FPC.
(D) Exports. If fuel reported in the LRT-CBTS is subsequently
exported out of California, the export must be reported in the LRT-
CBTS by the entity responsible for reporting export as described in
subsection 95483(a).
1. Reporting Fuel Blends. When reporting export of fuel
blends, the amount of each blendstock shall be reported in
the LRT-CBTS. If the accurate blend percentage of each
blendstock is not known then default blend percentage
values provided on the LCFS web site shall be used for
reporting the exports. Default blend percentage values are
based on prior year average values.
2. Substitute Pathways. When an FPC is not available for
reporting a fuel in the LRT-CBTS, a fuel reporting entity must
use the Substitute pathway corresponding to its fuel type,
pursuant to section 95488.9(d).
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 196
(2) Specific Quarterly Reporting Parameters for Natural Gas (including CNG,
LNG, and L-CNG). For each fueling facility to which CNG, LNG, and L-
CNG, is supplied as a transportation fuel:
(A) The quantity of fuel dispensed must be reported per FSE, as set
forth in section 95483.2(b), with a certified FPC and with
transaction type “NGV Fueling.” For CNG and L-CNG, the
quantity of fuel dispensed (in Therms at Higher Heating Value
(HHV)) per reporting period separately for all light/medium-duty
vehicles (LDV & MDV), for heavy-duty vehicles with compression
ignition engines (HDV-CIE), and for heavy-duty vehicles with spark
ignition engines (HDV-SIE). For LNG, the volume of fuel
dispensed (in gal) per reporting period separately for all LDV/MDV,
for HDV-CIE, and for HDV-SIE.
(B) For Bio-CNG, Bio-LNG, and Bio-L-CNG: Biomethane production
Company ID and Facility ID.
(C) The total quantity of fuel, summed across all FPCs, dispensed for
transportation purpose through the FSE during the reporting period.
(D) When the vehicle application is unknown, for the purpose of
reporting, a fueling event of less than 3,500 MJ (30 gasoline gallon
equivalents) of fuel dispensed must be reported as NGV Fueling of
LDV/MDV. A fueling event of 3,500 MJ or more must be reported
as NGV Fueling of HDV.
(3) Specific Quarterly Reporting Parameters for Electricity used as a
Transportation Fuel.
(A) For Non-Metered Residential EV charging.
1. Within the first 45 days after the end of the quarter, the EDU
must provide the Executive Officer Daily Average EV
Electricity Use data for the calculation of credits for non-
metered charging from the prior quarter. The Executive
Officer shall use the method set forth in subsection
95486.1(c)(1), to calculate any credits generated for the
quarter and place them into the EDU’s LRT-CBTS account;
2. The LSE must use all credit proceeds to benefit current or
future EV drivers in California;
3. The LSE must educate the public and customers on the
benefits of EV transportation (including environmental
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 197
benefits and costs of EV charging, or total cost of ownership,
as compared to gasoline);
4. The LSE must provide rate options that encourage off-peak
charging and minimize adverse impacts to the electrical grid;
5. The LSE must include, in the Annual Compliance Report, the
following supplemental information: an itemized summary
of efforts to meet requirements 1. through 3. above and
costs associated with meeting the requirements. Investor-
owned utilities must also provide an unredacted copy of the
annual implementation report required under Order 4 of
Public Utilities Commission of California (PUC) Decision
14-12-083, or any successor PUC Decisions.
6. For claiming incremental credit for non-metered residential
charging, the LSE must be able to provide, upon request of
the Executive Officer: the VIN for each electric vehicle
claimed and evidence of EV vehicle registration and low-
carbon electricity supply at the same location.
7. A non-LSE credit generator must use credit proceeds to
benefit EV drivers and their customers, and educate them
about the benefits of EV transportation (including
environmental benefits and costs of EV charging, or total
cost of ownership, as compared to gasoline). The credit
generator must include, in their Annual Compliance Report,
an itemized summary of efforts and costs associated with
meeting these requirements.
(B) For Metered Residential EV charging.
1. For generating base credits, the quantity of electricity (in
kWh) used for residential EV charging must be reported per
FSE, as set forth in section 95483.2(b), using the Lookup
Table pathway for California Average Grid Electricity and
with transaction type “EV Charging Grid.”
2. For generating incremental credit for low-CI electricity, the
quantity of electricity (in kWh) used for residential EV
charging must be reported per FSE, as set forth in section
95483.2(b), using a certified FPC and with transaction type
“EV Charging Non-Grid”, and the following requirements
must be met:
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 198
a. The reporting entity must be able to provide to the
Executive Officer records, upon request,
demonstrating that the low-CI electricity is supplied
(including through book-and-claim accounting) to the
same residences where the EV charging is taking
place and during the period for which incremental
credits are generated, and that any renewable energy
certificates associated with the low-CI electricity were
retired in the WREGIS for the purpose of LCFS credit
b. Records must be provided to the Executive Officer,
upon request, demonstrating an EV is owned or
leased by an individual dwelling at the claimed
residence; and
c. Only a single entity can generate incremental credits
using a low-CI pathway for the same FSE. If two or
more entities report for the same FSE to generate
incremental credits, no incremental credits will be
issued for that FSE.
3. For generating incremental credit for smart charging, the
quantity of electricity (in kWh) used for residential EV
charging must be reported per FSE, as set forth in section
95483.2(b), using the smart charging pathway CI values and
with transaction type “EV Charging Smart Charging”, and
the following requirements must be met:
a. The quantity of electricity used for each hourly
window, as per Table 7-2 in section 95488.5(f), must
be reported;
b. The reporting entity must be able to provide
documentation showing the quantity of electricity used
during a reporting period broken down by hourly
windows upon request by the Executive Officer;
c. Only a single entity can generate incremental credits
for smart charging for the same FSE; and
d. Records must be provided to the Executive Officer,
upon request, demonstrating the FSE was enrolled in
a Time-of-Use rate plan during the reporting period, if
offered by the LSE.
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 199
(C) For Non-Residential EV Charging.
1. For generating credit using grid electricity, the quantity of
electricity (in kWh) used for EV charging must be reported
per FSE, as set forth in section 95483.2(b), using the
Lookup Table pathway for California Average Grid Electricity
and with transaction type “EV Charging Grid.”
2. For generating credit using any low-CI electricity, the
quantity of electricity (in kWh) used for EV charging must be
reported per FSE, as set forth in section 95483.2(b), using a
certified FPC and with transaction type “EV Charging Non-
Grid”, and the following requirements must be met:
a. The reporting entity must be able to provide to the
Executive Officer records, upon request,
demonstrating that the low-CI electricity is supplied
(including through book-and-claim accounting) to the
FSE during the period for which incremental credits
are generated, and that any renewable energy
certificates associated with the low-CI electricity were
retired in the WREGIS for the purpose of LCFS credit
3. For generating credit for smart charging, the quantity of
electricity (in kWh) used for EV charging must be reported
per FSE, as set forth in section 95483.2(b), using the smart
charging pathway CI values and with transaction type “EV
Charging Smart Charging”, and the following requirements
must be met:
a. The quantity of electricity used for each hourly
window, as per Table 7-2 in section 95488.5(f), must
be reported;
b. The reporting entity must be able to provide
documentation showing the quantity of electricity used
during a reporting period broken down by hourly
windows upon request by the Executive Officer; and
c. Records must be provided to the Executive Officer,
upon request, demonstrating the FSE was enrolled in
a Time-of-Use rate plan during the reporting period, if
offered by the LSE.
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 200
(D) For Fixed Guideway Systems. The quantity of electricity used for
transit propulsion (in kWh) must be reported per FSE with a
certified FPC and with transaction type “Fixed Guideway Electricity
Fueling.” FSE ID is assigned by system during the registration as
specified in section 95843.2(b)(8).
(E) For Electric Forklifts. The quantity of electricity used (in kWh)
must be reported per FSE with a certified FPC and with transaction
type “EV Forklifts Fueling. The quantity of electricity used in
electric forklifts may be determined as follows:
1. Quantity of electricity used during a reporting period, as
measured per FSE, as set forth in section 95483.2(b), and
with transaction type “Forklift Electricity Fueling”, in the case
of an electric forklift fleet owner or its designee generating
credits; or
2. Quantity of electricity estimated using CARB approved
methodology. The reporting entity must provide the number
of electric forklifts in the fleet for generating credits; or
3. When electric forklift credits are claimed by an EDU, CARB
staff will calculate the quantity of electricity supplied to
electric forklifts in the EDUs service territory during a
reporting period for the generation of credits. This reporting
parameter is exempt from the quarterly reporting deadlines
set forth in section 95491(b).
(F) For Electric Transport Refrigeration Unit. The quantity of
electricity (in kWh) dispensed must be reported per FSE, as set
forth in section 95483.2(b), with a certified FPC and with
transaction type “eTRU Fueling.”
(G) Electric Cargo Handling Equipment. The quantity of electricity (in
kWh) dispensed must be reported per FSE, as set forth in section
95483.2(b), with a certified FPC and with transaction type “eCHE
(H) Electric Power for Ocean-going Vessel. The quantity of electricity
(in kWh) dispensed must be reported per FSE, as set forth in
section 95483.2(b), with a certified FPC and with transaction type
“eOGV Fueling.”
(I) Other Electric Transportation Applications. The quantity of
electricity (in kWh) dispensed must be reported per FSE with a
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 201
certified FPC and with transaction type made available by
Executive Officer pursuant to section 95488.7.
(4) Specific Quarterly Reporting Parameters for Hydrogen Used as a
Transportation Fuel.
(A) The quantity (in kg) of hydrogen fuel dispensed per FSE, as set
forth in section 95483.2(b), with a certified FPC and with
transaction type “FCV Fueling” by vehicle weight category: LDV &
MDV and HDV.
(B) For hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, the amount of hydrogen fuel
dispensed (in kg) per FSE with a certified FPC and with transaction
type “Forklift Hydrogen Fueling.”
(C) Production Company ID and Facility ID.
(D) For hydrogen reported with a pathway that claims carbon intensity
reductions for shifts in time of electricity use for electrolytic
hydrogen production, the quantity of electricity (in kWh) used to
produce hydrogen for each hourly window must be reported with
transaction type “FCV Fueling Smart Electrolysis” and the
following requirements must be met:
a. The quantity of electricity used for each hourly window, as
per Table 7-2 in section 95488.5(f), must be reported; and
b. The reporting entity must provide documentation showing
the quantity of electricity used during a reporting period
broken down by hourly windows, upon request by the
Executive Officer.
(5) Specific Quarterly Reporting Parameters for Propane.
(A) The quantity (in gal) of propane dispensed per FSE, as set forth in
section 95483.2(b), with a certified FPC and with transaction type
“Propane Fueling.”
(B) For renewable propane, the Production Company ID and Facility
(e) Reporting Requirements for Annual Compliance Reports. A fuel reporting entity
and project operators must submit an annual compliance report that aggregates
the quarterly fuel transactions reports and provides the additional information set
forth below:
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 202
(1) LRT-CBTS generates an annual summary, for each fuel reporting entity
and project operator, that includes the following:
(A) The total credits and deficits generated by the fuel reporting entity
and project operator in the compliance period, calculated in the
LRT-CBTS as per sections 95486.1 and 95489;
(B) Any credits carried over from the previous compliance period;
(C) Any deficits carried over from the previous compliance period;
(D) The total credits acquired from another entity;
(E) The total credits sold or otherwise transferred;
(F) The total credits retired within the LCFS to meet compliance
obligation per section 95485; and
(G) Total credits acquired from or pledged for sale into the CCM, if
(H) Total credits purchased as carryback credits; and
(I) Any credits on administrative hold.
(2) A producer of CARBOB, gasoline, or diesel fuel must report, for each of its
refineries, the MCON or other crude oil name designation, amount (in gal),
and Country (or State) of origin for each crude supplied to the refinery
during the annual compliance period.
(3) All pending credit transfers initiated during a compliance period must be
completed prior to submittal of the annual compliance report, if possible.
If there is still a pending outgoing credit transfer, the credits will be taken
from the account of the Seller that initiated the transfer and the annual
compliance report will reflect the adjusted credit balance. If there is a
pending incoming credit transfer, the Buyer’s annual report will not reflect
the balance until the transfer is completed. Upon completion, the annual
compliance report must be reopened and resubmitted with the adjusted
credit balance.
(4) Attestations Regarding Environmental Attributes for Biomethane. Entities
reporting bio-CNG, bio-LNG, and bio-L-CNG must submit the
environmental attribute attestation pursuant to section 95488.8(i)(2)(C)
along with the annual compliance report in the LRT-CBTS.
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 203
(f) Significant Figures. A regulated entity must report the following quantities as
specified below:
(1) Carbon intensity, expressed to the same number of significant figures as
shown in Tables 7-1, and 9;
(2) Credits or deficits, expressed to the nearest whole metric ton CO
(3) Fuel amounts in units specified in sections 95491(d) and (e), expressed
to the nearest whole unit applicable for that quantity; and
(4) Any other quantity must be expressed to the nearest whole unit applicable
for that quantity.
(g) A fuel reporting entity must maintain a non-negative value for Total Obligated
Amount and Total Amount, as defined in section 95481, for each FPC as
summed across all quarterly data in the LRT-CBTS.
(h) Correcting a Previously Submitted Report. Upon discovery of an error, a fuel
reporting entity may request to have previously submitted quarterly reports for
the current compliance periods reopened for corrective edits and resubmittal by
submitting a Correction Request Form online in the LRT-CBTS. The fuel
reporting entity is required to provide justification for the report corrections and
indicate the specific corrections to be made to the report. Pursuant to section
95486(a)(2), no credits may be claimed, and no deficits may be eliminated,
retroactively for a quarter for which the quarterly reporting deadline has passed.
Each submitted request is subject to Executive Officer review and approval.
Permission to correct a report does not preclude enforcement based on
Table 11. Summary Checklist of Quarterly and Annual Reporting Requirements.
Parameters to Report
Gasoline & Diesel
Fuel Blends
Gas &
Neat Ethanol,
Diesel Fuels,
Alternative Jet Fuel
& Other Alternative
For Quarterly Reporting
Organization FEIN
x x x x x
Reporting Period (year & quarter)
x x x x x
Fuel Pathway Code
x x x x x
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 204
Parameters to Report
Gasoline & Diesel
Fuel Blends
Gas &
Neat Ethanol,
Diesel Fuels,
Alternative Jet Fuel
& Other Alternative
Transaction Type
x x x x x
Transaction Date x x x x x
siness Partner (if applicable) x x x
Production Company ID and
Facility ID
x** x** n/a x x**
Fueling Supply Equipment ID
n/a x x x n/a
Vehicle Identifier (if applicable)
n/a n/a x n/a n/a
Aggregated Transaction
Indicator (T/F)
x x n/a x x
Fuel Application
Amount of each gasoline and
diesel blendstock
x n/a n/a n/a n/a
Amount of each fuel used as
gasoline or diesel replacement
n/a x x x x
Amount of each fuel used as a jet
fuel replacement
n/a n/a n/a n/a x
MCON or other crude oil name
signation, volume (in gal), and
country (or state) of origin for each
crude supplied to the refinery
x n/a n/a n/a n/a
For Annual Reporting (in addition to the items above)
***Credits and Deficits generated
per year (MT)
x x x x x
***Credits/deficits carried over
from the previous year (MT), if any
x x x x x
***Credits acquired from another
entity (MT), if any
x x x x x
***Credits sold to another entity
(MT), if any
x x x x x
***Credits pledged for sale into
CCM (MT), if any
x x x x x
***Credits retired within LCFS (MT)
to meet compliance obligation , if
x x x x x
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 205
Parameters to Report
Gasoline & Diesel
Fuel Blends
Gas &
Neat Ethanol,
Diesel Fuels,
Alternative Jet Fuel
& Other Alternative
MCON or other crude oil name
designation, volume (in gal), and
country (or state) of origin for each
crude supplied to the refinery
x n/a n/a n/a n/a
* Same as Title Transfer Date; For Aggregated Transactions enter the last day of the reporting period.
** Does not apply to CARBOB, Diesel Fuel, Fossil Propane, or Fossil NG.
*** Value will be calculated, stored and displayed in the LRT-CBTS.
Table 12. Annual Compliance Calendar.
February 14
Upload all Q4 fuel transactions data in the LRT-CBTS and begin any
needed reconciliation with business partners; Electrical Distribution
Utility (EDU) that has opted into LCFS provide the data relevant to the
calculation of base credits for non-metered EV charging for the prior
March 31
Submit final Q4 fuel transactions report; Submit Q4 Crude Oil Reports
(MCON Reports)
March 31
Annual Fuel Pathway Reports are due to the Executive Officer
First Monday
of April
Call for credits to be pledged into the Credit Clearance Market (CCM);
the new maximum price for credits is published
April 30
Submit final Annual Compliance Report for preceding year; demonstrate
compliance; voluntary pledge of credits for sale into CCM
April 30
Compliance Plan Implementation Report due if entity has an Approved
Compliance Plan
April 30
Annual Crude Oil Reports (MCON Reports) are due to the Executive
May 15
Upload all Q1 fuel transactions data in the LRT-CBTS and begin any
needed reconciliation with business partners; EDU that has opted into
LCFS provide the data relevant to the calculation of base credits for non-
metered EV charging for the prior quarter
May 15
Executive Officer announces whether CCM will occur
June 1
Executive Officer posts list of CCM buyers and sellers
June 1
CCM for prior compliance year, if one occurs, opens and remains in
effect until it closes on August 30
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§ 95491. Fuel Transactions and Compliance Reporting. 206
June 1
New maximum credit price for all LCFS credit transactions goes into
June 30
Submit final Q1 fuel transactions report; Submit Q1 Crude Oil Reports
(MCON Reports)
August 14
Upload all Q2 fuel transactions data in the LRT-CBTS and begin any
needed reconciliation with business partners; EDU that has opted into
LCFS provide the data relevant to the calculation of base credits for non-
metered EV charging for the prior quarter
August 30
CCM for prior compliance year closes
August 31
Entities that bought and sold credits in the CCM submit amended
Annual Compliance Report
August 31
Entities that participated in two consecutive CCMs submit a Compliance
August 31
Verification Statements for Fuel Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel
Transactions Reports, and Quarterly and Annual Crude Oil Reports are
due to the Executive Officer
September 30
Submit final Q2 fuel transactions report; Submit Q2 Crude Oil Reports
(MCON Reports)
November 14
Upload all Q3 fuel transactions data in the LRT-CBTS and begin any
needed reconciliation with business partners; EDU that has opted into
LCFS provide the data relevant to the calculation of base credits for non-
metered EV charging for the prior quarter
December 31
Submit final Q3 fuel transactions report; Submit Q3 Crude Oil Reports
(MCON Reports)
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing.
(a) Record Retention. Any record required to be maintained under this subarticle
shall be retained for ten years. All data and calculations submitted by a
regulated entity for demonstrating compliance, or generating credits or deficits
are subject to inspection by the Executive Officer or a verification body
accredited by the Executive Officer pursuant to section 95502, and must be
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 207
made available within 20 days upon request of the Executive Officer.
(1) Record Retention for Fuel Reporting Entities. Fuel reporting entities must
maintain all records and calculations relied upon for data reported in the
LRT-CBTS. These records include, but are not limited to:
(A) Product transfer documents;
(B) Copies of all data reports submitted to the Executive Officer;
(C) Records related to each fuel transaction;
(D) Records used for each credit transaction;
(E) Records related to FSE registration, including but not limited to
copies of monthly utility bills, Bills of Lading, Division of
Measurement Standards’ certificates, and any other document
used as a proof at the time of FSE registration pursuant to this
(F) Chain of custody evidence for produced fuel imported into
(G) Attestations regarding environmental attributes associated with
book-and-claim accounting for biomethane pursuant to
95488.8(i)(2)(C); and
(H) Records used for compliance or credit and deficit calculations.
(2) Record Retention for Fuel Pathway Holders and Applicants. Fuel
pathway holders and applicants must maintain all records relied upon in
producing fuel pathway applications and annual Fuel Pathway Reports.
The retained documents, including CI input source data and supplemental
documentation, must be sufficient to allow for verification of each CI
calculation. These records include but are not limited to:
(A) The quantity of fuel produced and subsequently sold in California
under the certified fuel pathway. Sales invoices, contracts, and
bills of lading for those fuel sales shall be retained.
(B) The quantity of feedstocks purchased to produce the fuel specified
in subsection (A) above. Invoices from the sellers and purchase
contracts shall be retained. Records to support material balance
and energy balance calculations for facilities processing multiple
(C) The quantity of all forms of energy consumed to produce the fuel
covered in subsection (A) above. All invoices for the purchase of
process fuel, and all receipts for the sale of the fuel pathway
applicant’s finished fuel shall be maintained.
(D) Copies of the federal RFS Third Party Engineering Review Report,
if required pursuant to 40 CFR 80.1450.
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 208
(E) The quantity of all products co-produced with the fuel covered by
certified LCFS pathway. Copies of invoices, contracts, and bills of
lading covering those sales shall be retained. In addition, copies
of the federal RFS Fuel Producer Co-products Report shall be
retained, if applicable. If the amount of co-product produced
exceeds the amount sold by five percent or more, full
documentation of the fate of the unsold fractions shall be
(F) Evidence demonstrating chain of custody from the point of origin
along the supply chain to the fuel production facility is required for
any feedstock defined as a specified source feedstock pursuant to
section 95488.8(g). A copy of the federal RFS separated food
waste plan required pursuant to 40 CFR 80.1450(b)(1)(vii)(B), if
(G) Any additional records that the Executive Officer requests during
pathway certification, and records that demonstrate compliance
with all special limitations and operating conditions issued at the
time of certification.
(H) Attestations regarding environmental attributes associated with
book-and-claim accounting for biomethane pursuant to
(3) Record Retention for Verification Bodies. The verification body providing
verification services pursuant to this subarticle must retain the following:
(A) The sampling plan in paper, electronic, or other format for a period
of no less than ten years following the submission of each
validation or verification statement. The sampling plan must be
made available to the Executive Officer upon request.
(B) All material received, reviewed, or generated to render a validation
or verification statement for an entity required to validate and verify
under LCFS. The documentation must allow for a transparent
review of how a verification reached its conclusion in the validation
or verification statement, including independent review.
(b) Documenting Fuel Transfers Reported in the LRT-CBTS. A product transfer
document provided by a fuel reporting entity pursuant to section 95483(a) must
prominently state the information specified below.
(1) For transfers where an LCFS obligation to act as a credit or deficit
generator is being passed to the recipient:
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 209
(A) Transferor Company Name, Address and Contact
(B) Recipient Company Name, Address and Contact
(C) Transaction Date: Date of Title Transfer for Fuel;
(D) Fuel Pathway Code (FPC) and Carbon Intensity (CI);
(E) Fuel Quantity and Units;
(F) A statement identifying whether the LCFS obligation to act
as a credit or deficit generator is passed to the recipient; and
(G) Fuel Production Company ID and Facility ID as registered
with RFS program or LCFS program. This does not apply
to CARBOB, Diesel Fuel or Fossil NG.
(2) For transfers where the LCFS obligation to act as a credit or deficit
generator was retained by the transferor, the following is to be
provided to the recipient and passed along to any subsequent
owner or supplier:
(A) All information identified in subsection 95491.1(b)(1) above
as items (A) through (G);
(B) The following notice reading as follows:
“This transportation fuel has been reported to the CARB
LCFS Program by <Insert name of Fuel Reporting Entity
holding LCFS obligation to act as a credit or deficit
generator> for intended use in California. If you export this
fuel from California you must report to the CARB LCFS
Program ( Contact the CARB LCFS
Administrator for assistance with reporting exported amounts
(lrt[email protected]”
(c) Monitoring Plan for Entities Required to Validate or Verify. Each entity
responsible for obtaining a validation or verification statement under this
subarticle must complete and retain for review by a verifier, or the Executive
Officer, a written Monitoring Plan. Entities also reporting pursuant to MRR may
use a single monitoring plan for both programs, so long as all of the following
elements are included and clearly identified:
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 210
(1) The monitoring plan must contain the following general items and
associated references to more detailed information:
(A) Information to allow CARB and the verification team to
develop a general understanding of boundaries and
operations relevant to the entity, facility, or project, including
participation in other markets and other third-party audit
(B) Reference to management policies or practices applicable to
reporting pursuant to this subarticle, including
(C) Explanation of the processes and methods used to collect
necessary data for reporting pursuant to this subarticle,
including identification of changes made after
January 1, 2019;
(D) Explanations and queries of source data to compile
summary reports of intermediate and final data necessary for
reporting pursuant to this subarticle;
(E) Reference to one or more simplified block diagrams that
provide a clear visual representation of the relative locations
and positions of measurement devices and sampling
locations, as applicable, required for calculating reported
data (e.g., temperature, total pressure, LHV or HHV, fuel
consumption); the diagram(s) must include storage tanks for
raw material, intermediate products, and finished products,
fuel sources, combustion units, and production processes,
as applicable;
(F) Clear identification of all measurement devices supplying
data necessary for reporting pursuant to this subarticle,
including identification of low flow cutoffs as applicable, with
descriptions of how data from measurement devices are
incorporated into the submitted report;
(G) Descriptions of measurement devices used to report LCFS
data and how acceptable accuracy is demonstrated, e.g.,
installation, maintenance, and calibration method and
frequency for internal meters or how the criteria in MRR
section 95103(k)(7) are met to demonstrate meters are
financial transaction meters such that the accuracy is
acceptable; this provision does not apply to data reported in
the LRT-CBTS for generating credits for EV charging;
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 211
(H) Description of the procedures and methods that are used for
quality assurance, maintenance, and repair of all continuous
monitoring systems, flow meters, and other instrumentation
used to provide data for LCFS reports;
(I) Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) documentation or
other documentation that identifies instrument accuracy and
required maintenance and calibration requirements for all
measurement devices used to collect necessary data for
reporting pursuant to this subarticle;
(J) The dates of measurement device calibration or inspection,
and the dates of the next required calibration or inspection;
(K) Requests for postponement of calibrations or inspections
of internal meters and subsequent approvals by the
Executive Officer. The entity must demonstrate that the
accuracy of the measured data will be maintained
pursuant to the measurement accuracy requirements of
(L) A listing of the equation(s) used to calculate flows in
mass, volume, or energy units of measurement, and
equations from which any non-measured parameters are
obtained, including meter software, and a description of
the calculation of weighted average transport distance;
(M) Identification of job titles and training practices for
key personnel involved in LCFS data acquisition,
monitoring, reporting, and report attestation,
including reference to documented training
procedures and training materials;
(N) Records of corrective and subsequent preventative actions
taken to address verifier and CARB findings of past
nonconformance and material misstatements;
(O) Log of modifications to fuel pathway report conducted after
attestation in response to review by third-party verifier or
CARB staff;
(P) Written description of an internal audit program that
includes data report review and documents ongoing efforts
to improve the entity’s LCFS reporting practices and
procedures, if such an internal audit program exists; and
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 212
(Q) Methodology used to allocate the produced fuel quantity to
each certified FPC.
(2) The monitoring plan must also include the following elements
specific to fuel pathway carbon intensity calculations and
produced quantities of fuels per FPC, as applicable:
(A) Explanation of the processes and methods used to collect
necessary data for fuel pathway application and Fuel
Pathway Reports and all site-specific CA-GREET3.0
inputs, as well as references to source data;
(B) Description of steps taken and calculations made to
aggregate data into reporting categories, for example
aggregation of quarterly fuel transactions per FPC;
(C) Methodology for assigning fuel volumes by FPC, if not
using a method prescribed/suggested by CARB. If
using a CARB suggested methodology, the methodology
should be referenced;
(D) Methodologies for testing conformance to specifications for
feedstocks and produced fuels, particularly describing
physical testing standards and processes;
(E) Description of procedure taken to ensure measurement
devices are performing in accordance with the
measurement accuracy requirements of 95488.8(j);
(F) Methodology for monitoring and calculating weighted
average feedstock transport distance and modes, including
the specific documentation records that will be collected
and retained on an ongoing basis;
(G) Methodology for monitoring and calculating fuel transport
distance and modes, including the specific documentation
records that will be collected and retained on an ongoing
(H) References to contracts and accounting records that
confirm fuel quantities were delivered into California for
transportation use in CI determination, and confirm
feedstock and finished fuel transportation distance;
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§ 95491.1. Recordkeeping and Auditing. 213
(I) All documentation required pursuant to 95488.8(g)(1)(B) for
specified source feedstocks, defined in 95488.8(g)(1)(A);
(3) The monitoring plan must also include the following elements
specific to quarterly fuel transactions reports for importers,
exporters and producers of alternative fuels, gasoline and diesel,
as well as quarterly reports of crude oil information, as applicable:
(A) Documentation that can be used to justify transaction types
reported for fuel in the LRT-CBTS must be referenced in the
monitoring plan. This can pertain to the production amount,
sale/purchase agreements and final fuel dispensing records.
(d) Verification Outcomes. Each entity responsible for obtaining a validation or
verification statement under this subarticle must obtain third-party verification
services from a verification body that meets the requirements specified in
section 95502. A positive or qualified positive verification statement for the
previous calendar year must be submitted to the Executive Officer by the
verification body by August 31 in order to maintain a valid fuel pathway code for
use in reporting fuel transactions for credit generation. An adverse transactions
verification statement would result in Executive Officer investigation and possible
enforcement action.
(e) Access to Records. Pursuant to H&S section 41510, the Executive Officer has
the right of entry to any premises used, leased, or controlled by a regulated entity
in order to inspect and copy records relevant to the determination of compliance.
Scheduling of access shall be arranged in advance where feasible and must not
unreasonably disturb normal operations, provided, however that access shall not
be unreasonably delayed.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95492. Enforcement Protocols.
Notwithstanding any provision of this subarticle, the Executive Officer may enter into an
enforceable written protocol with any person to identify conditions under which the
person may lawfully meet the recordkeeping, reporting, or demonstration of
requirements under this subarticle. The Executive Officer may only enter into such a
protocol if he or she reasonably determines that the provisions in the protocol are
necessary under the circumstances and at least as effective as the applicable
provisions of this subsection. Any such protocol shall include the person’s agreement
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§ 95492. Enforcement Protocols. 214
to be bound by the terms of the protocol(s).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95493. Jurisdiction.
(a) The following persons are subject to the jurisdiction of the State of California,
including the administrative authority of CARB and the jurisdiction of the Superior
Courts of the State of California, irrespective of whether the person has
registered as a fuel reporting entity in the LRT-CBTS: (1) any person who,
pursuant to section 95483 or 95483.1, is the fuel reporting entity; (2) any person
to whom the obligation to generate credits or deficits has been transferred
directly or indirectly (including the reporting party); (3) any verifier; (4) any project
operator; and (5) any fuel pathway or project applicant.
(b) Any of the following actions shall conclusively establish a person’s consent to be
subject to the jurisdiction of the State of California, including the administrative
authority of CARB and the jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of the State of
(1) Opting in pursuant to section 95483.1;
(2) Receipt of compensation of any kind, including sales proceeds and
commissions, from any transfers of a LCFS credit made pursuant to this
subarticle; or
(3) Submittal of information to the Executive Officer pursuant to this
(4) Registration in the LRT-CBTS as a broker pursuant to section 95483.2(b).
(5) Verification of reports submitted pursuant to this subarticle.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018
Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Assn v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510,
39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 3951 and 43000, Health and Safety
Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air
Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975).
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§ 95494. Violations. 215
§ 95494. Violations.
(a) CARB may seek penalties and injunctive relief for any violation of this subarticle
pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 38580 and Chapter 1.5 of Part 5 of
Division 26. Penalties may be assessed for each day of any violation of this
subarticle. Violations shall be subject to all other penalties and remedies
permitted under State law. In determining any penalty amount, CARB shall
consider all relevant circumstances, including the criteria in Health and Safety
Code section 43031.
(b) Each day or portion thereof that any report required by this subarticle remains
unsubmitted, incomplete, or inaccurate constitutes a separate violation. For
purposes of this subsection, “report” means any submittal to the Executive
Officer or made in the LRT-CBTS, including any information submitted in
response to an Executive Officer request for additional or clarifying information.
(c) Each deficit that is not eliminated at the end of a compliance period or carried
over as permitted by section 95485 constitutes a separate day of violation,
subject to a penalty not to exceed $1000 per deficit.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, and 43018 Health
and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution
Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference: Sections 38501, 38510, 39515,
39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516, 43000, 43025, 43026, 43027, 43028,
43029, 43030 and 43031, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95495. Authority to Suspend, Revoke, Modify, or Invalidate.
(a) If the Executive Officer determines that any basis for invalidation set forth in
subsection (b)(1) below occurred, in addition to taking any enforcement action,
he or she may: suspend, restrict, modify, or revoke an LRT-CBTS account;
modify or delete a Certified CI; restrict, suspend, or invalidate credits; or
recalculate the deficits in an LRT-CBTS account. For purposes of this section,
“Certified CI” includes any determination relating to carbon intensity made
pursuant to sections 95488 through 95488.10, or relating to a credit-generating
activity approved under section 95489.
(b) Determination that a Credit, Deficit Calculation, or Certified CI is Invalid.
(1) Basis for Invalidating. The Executive Officer may modify or delete a
Certified CI and invalidate credits or recalculate deficits based on any of
the following:
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§ 95495. Authority to Suspend, Revoke, Modify, or Invalidate. 216
(A) Any of the information used to generate or support the Certified CI
was incorrect for reasons including the omission of material
information or changes to the process following submission;
(B) Any material information submitted in connection with any Certified
CI or credit transaction was incorrect;
(C) Fuel reported under a given pathway was produced or transported
in a manner that varies in any way from the methods set forth in
any corresponding pathway application documents submitted
pursuant to sections 95488 through 95488.10;
(D) Fuel transaction or other data reported into LRT-CBTS and used in
calculating credits and deficits was incorrect or omitted material
(E) Credits or deficits were generated or transferred in violation of any
provision of this subarticle or in violation of other laws, statutes or
(F) A person obligated to provide records under this subarticle refused
to provide such records or failed to produce them within the
required time; and
(G) The sequestered CO
associated with credits generated for verified
greenhouse gas emission reductions by a CCS project was
released or otherwise leaked to the atmosphere.
(H) For purposes of this section, “material information” means:
1. Information that would affect by any amount the Executive
Officer’s determination of a carbon intensity score,
expressed on a gCO
e/MJ basis to two decimal places, or
2. Information that would affect by any whole integer the
number of credits or deficits generated under sections
95486, 95486.1, 95486.2, 95489, or resulting from any
transaction or other activity reported in the LRT-CBTS.
(2) Notice. Upon making an initial determination that a credit (other than a
provisional credit), deficit calculation, or Certified CI (other than a
provisionally-certified CI) may be subject to modification, deletion,
recalculation, or invalidation under subsection (b)(1), above, the Executive
Officer will notify all potentially affected parties, including those who hold
or generate credits or deficits based on a Certified CI that may be invalid,
and may notify any linked program. The notice shall state the reason for
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§ 95495. Authority to Suspend, Revoke, Modify, or Invalidate. 217
the initial determination, and may be distributed using the LRT-CBTS.
Any party receiving such notice may submit, within 20 days, any
information that it wants the Executive Officer to consider. The Executive
Officer may request information or documentation from any party likely to
have information or records relevant to the validity of a credit, deficit
calculation, or Certified CI. Within 20 days of any such request, a
regulated entity shall make records and personnel available to assist the
Executive Officer in determining the validity of the credit, deficit
calculation, or Certified CI.
(3) Interim Account Suspension. When the Executive Officer makes an
initial determination pursuant to the preceding subsection, the Executive
Officer may immediately take steps to suspend an account or a Certified
CI as needed to prevent additional accrual of credits or deficits under the
Certified CI and to prevent transfer of potentially invalid credits or deficits.
Suspension of an account may include locking an account within the
LRT-CBTS to prevent credit transfers or report alteration.
(4) Final Determination. Within 50 days after making an initial determination
under sections 95495(b)(1) and (2), above, the Executive Officer shall
make a final determination based on available information whether, in his
or her judgment, any of the bases listed in subsection (b)(1) exists, and
notify affected parties and any linked program. If the final determination
invalidates credits or deficit calculations, the corresponding credits and
deficits will be added to or subtracted from the appropriate LRT-CBTS
accounts. Where such action creates a deficit in a past compliance
period, the deficit holder has 60 days from the date of the final
determination to purchase sufficient credits to eliminate the entire deficit.
A return to compliance does not preclude further enforcement actions.
(5) Adjustment of Invalidated Credits or Miscalculated Deficits. The
Executive Officer will seek the following options to address any invalid
credits or miscalculated deficits in the program:
(A) First, the Executive Officer may remove the invalid credits from, or
add miscalculated deficits to, the account of the credit or deficit
generator, or other entity deemed responsible for the invalidation or
miscalculation in the final determination pursuant to section 95486.
The entity is responsible for returning its account to compliance.
(B) Next, the Executive Officer may choose to retire credits from the
Buffer Account to address invalidated credits or uncovered deficits.
(C) After exercising options in subsection (A) and (B) above, the
Executive Officer may remove remaining invalid credits from an
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§ 95495. Authority to Suspend, Revoke, Modify, or Invalidate. 218
entity’s account that holds or previously held invalid credits. The
entity is responsible for returning its account to compliance.
(D) The Executive Officer will not remove invalid credits from entities
that purchased those credits in the Credit Clearance Market,
pursuant to section 95485(c).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95496. [Reserved].
§ 95497. Severability.
Each provision of this subarticle shall be deemed severable, and in the event that any
provision in this subarticle is held to be invalid, the remainder of this subarticle shall
continue in effect.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95498. [Reserved].
§ 95499. [Reserved].
§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and
Verification of Annual Fuel Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions
Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports, Project Reports, and
Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
(a) Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications (CIs).
(1) Applicability. The following entities must obtain the services of a
verification body accredited by the Executive Officer for purposes of
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§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification of Annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, Project Reports, and Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
conducting verification services, including required site visit(s), for each
fuel pathway application submitted under this subarticle.
(A) Fuel pathway applicants supplying site-specific CI data for the fuel
pathway application, as specified in sections 95488.5 through
(B) Specified source feedstock suppliers and other entities with
site-specific CI data who apply for separate Executive Officer
recognition as a joint applicant and elect to be responsible for
separate validation and verification as specified in section
(b) Verification of Annual Fuel Pathway Report (CIs).
(1) Applicability. The following entities must obtain the services of a
verification body accredited by the Executive Officer for purposes of
conducting verification services, including required site visit(s), for each
Fuel Pathway Report submitted under this subarticle.
(A) Holders of certified fuel pathways who supplied site-specific CI data
for pathway certification and are required to update site-specific CI
data on an annual basis, as specified in this subarticle, are
responsible for annual verification of their Fuel Pathway Report.
(B) Specified source feedstock suppliers and other entities with
site-specific CI data who apply for separate Executive Officer
recognition as a joint applicant and elect to be responsible for
separate validation and verification as specified in section
(2) Verification Schedule. Entities required to contract for verification of Fuel
Pathway Reports (CI) must ensure a fuel pathway verification statement
for each Fuel Pathway Report is submitted to the Executive Officer
according to the following schedule.
(A) Annual Verification. Verification statements are due to the
Executive Officer by August 31 of the year the annual Fuel Pathway
Report is submitted, beginning in 2021 for 2020 data, unless
eligible to defer verification, as specified in section 95500(b)(2)(B).
(B) Deferred Verification. Fuel pathway holders producing alternative
fuels may defer verification of their annual Fuel Pathway Reports
for each production facility up to two years if the quantity of fuel
produced at the production facility and reported by any entity does
not result in 6,000 or more credits and 6,000 or more deficits
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§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification of Annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, Project Reports, and Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
generated in LRT-CBTS during the prior calendar year and does
not include a fuel pathway with biomethane supplied using book-
and-claim accounting pursuant to section 95488.8(i)(2).
The verification body must submit fuel pathway verification
statements to the Executive Officer for all prior unverified reports on
August 31 of the year verification is required for the production
(C) Verification services may not begin until the entity required to
contract for verification services attests that the data submitted to
the Executive Officer is true, complete, and accurate by certifying
under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California.
“Quarterly review” for purposes of this subarticle means a review
process conducted by the verification team after quarterly data is
submitted and before annual data is submitted and verified.
Quarterly review does not supersede the requirements for the
verification team to consider all quarterly data submitted during
annual verification. Quarterly review is optional for annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, and Crude
Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports. Quarterly review must
conform to the requirements for verification services in section
95501. A verification statement and verification report are not
submitted after quarterly review.
Quarterly review of operational CI data may only be included as
part of annual verification services if the fuel pathway holder
submits quarterly data to the Executive Officer. Quarterly review
may only be conducted after the fuel pathway holder submits the
report and attests that the statements and information submitted
are true, accurate, and complete.
(c) Verification of Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports
(1) Applicability. Entities submitting Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports
under this subarticle that include the following transaction types must
obtain the services of a verification body accredited by the Executive
Officer for purposes of conducting verification services, including required
site visit(s). The scope of verification services would be limited to the
following transaction types, including associated corrections submitted in
annual reports under this subarticle.
(A) For all liquid fuels:
1. Production in California;
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§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification of Annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, Project Reports, and Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
2. Production for Import;
3. Import;
4. Export;
5. Gain of Inventory;
6. Loss of Inventory; and
7. Not Used for Transportation.
(B) NGV Fueling;
(C) Propane Fueling; and
(D) FCV Fueling for hydrogen produced from biomethane supplied
using book-and-claim accounting pursuant to section 95488.8(i)(2).
(2) Verification Schedule. Entities responsible for verification of Quarterly
Fuel Transactions Reports must ensure a transactions data verification
statement is submitted to the Executive Officer according to the following
(A) Annual Verification. The entity required to contract for verification
of Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports must ensure a transactions
verification statement is submitted annually by August 31,
beginning in 2021 for 2020 data, to the Executive Officer for the
prior calendar year of data unless specified otherwise in sections
95500(c)(2)(B) or 95500(c)(2)(C).
Quarterly review of a Quarterly Fuel Transactions Report may only
be included as part of annual verification services after the entity
submits the report and attests that the statements and information
submitted are true, accurate, and complete.
(B) Deferred Verification. Fuel pathway holders producing alternative
fuels may defer annual verification of their Quarterly Fuel
Transactions Reports for each production facility up to two years if
the quantity of fuel produced at the production facility and reported
by any entity does not result in 6,000 or more credits and 6,000 or
more deficits generated in LRT-CBTS during the prior calendar
Fuel reporting entities only reporting alternative fuel quantities using
Lookup Table Pathways may defer annual verification of their
Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports up to two years if they do not
generate 6,000 or more credits and 6,000 or more deficits in LRT-
CBTS during the prior calendar year.
Any fuel quantity reported under a pathway with biomethane
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§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification of Annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, Project Reports, and Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
supplied using book-and-claim accounting pursuant to section
95488.8(i)(2) is not eligible for deferred verification.
The verification body must submit transactions verification
statements to the Executive Officer for all prior unverified reports on
August 31 of the year verification is required for the production
(C) Verification Exemption for Designated Liquid Fuel Transactions.
Entities reporting fuel transactions as Export, Gain of Inventory,
Loss of Inventory, and Not Used for Transportation, which do not
result in 6,000 or more credits and 6,000 or more deficits generated
in LRT-CBTS in a calendar year are exempt from verification of the
Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports for that calendar year if all the
following conditions are met:
1. The entity did not report any liquid fuel using the transaction
types: Production in California, Production for Import, or
Import; and
2. The entity did not report any transactions specified in section
95500(c)(1)(B) or 95500(c)(1)(C).
(d) Verification of Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports.
(1) Applicability. Entities submitting crude oil volume data must obtain the
services of a verification body accredited by the Executive Officer for
purposes of conducting verification services, including required site
visit(s), for Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports submitted
under this subarticle.
(2) Verification Schedule. Entities required to contract for verification of
Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports must ensure a crude oil
volume verification statement for the prior calendar year of data is
submitted to the Executive Officer annually by August 31
, beginning in
2021 for 2020 data.
Quarterly review of a Crude Oil Quarterly Volumes Report may only be
conducted as part of annual verification services after the entity submits
the quarterly report and attests that the statements and information
submitted are true, accurate, and complete.
(e) Verification of Project Reports.
(1) Applicability. The following entities must obtain the services of a
verification body accredited by the Executive Officer for purposes of
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§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification of Annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, Project Reports, and Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
conducting verification services, including required site visit(s), for Project
Reports submitted under this subarticle:
(A) Project operators and joint applicants for refinery investment project
(B) Project operators and joint applicants for innovative crude project
(C) Project operators and joint applicants for renewable hydrogen
project reports; and
(D) Project operators and joint applicants for direct air capture project
(2) Verification Schedule. Entities submitting Project Reports may elect to
conduct quarterly or annual verification. Entities must determine before
the initial verification of a Project Report whether to conduct quarterly or
annual verification. If an entity elects to conduct quarterly verification, it
may only switch to annual verification at the beginning of a calendar year.
Entities electing quarterly verification must ensure each quarterly project
data verification statement is submitted to the Executive Officer within five
months of the Quarterly Project Report deadline beginning with 2020 data.
Entities electing annual verification must ensure annual project data
verification statements are submitted to the Executive Officer by August
2021 for submittal of 2020 data, and annually thereafter.
(f) Verification of Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
(1) Applicability. Entities submitting Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use
refinery data must obtain the services of a verification body accredited by
the Executive Officer for purposes of conducting verification services,
including required site visit(s), for Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use
Refinery Reports submitted under this subarticle.
(2) Verification Schedule. The verification body must submit an annual
verification statement to the Executive Officer for the prior calendar year
by August 31, beginning in 2021 for 2020 data.
(g) Verification Body and Individual Verifier Rotation Requirements. An entity that
is required to contract for validation or verification must not use the same
verification body or individual verifier(s) to perform validation and verification
services under this subarticle for a period of more than six consecutive years,
beginning January 1, 2020.
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§ 95500. Requirements for Validation of Fuel Pathway Applications; and Verification of Annual Fuel
Pathway Reports, Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, Project Reports, and Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Reports.
The six-year period begins on the execution date of the entity’s first contract for
any validation or verification under this subarticle and ends on the date the final
verification statement is submitted. The six-year limit does not reset upon a
change in ownership or operational control of the entity required to contract for
validation or verification services.
If the entity is required or elects to contract with another verification body or
verifier(s), the entity may re-engage the previous verification body or verifier(s)
only after three years, except in the case of a set-aside of a validation or
verification statement as specified in section 95501. An entity required to
contract for validation or verification services must, in time for the next
verification, replace a verification body that has a suspended or revoked
Executive Order pursuant to MRR section 95132(d), and included by reference in
section 95502(a).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services.
Validation and verification services must be performed by verification bodies accredited
by the Executive Officer; in addition, such services must meet the following
requirements (the general term “verification services” includes validation services for
fuel pathway applications unless otherwise provided):
(a) Notice of Verification Services. The verification body must submit a notice of
validation or verification services to the Executive Officer.
For verification bodies, the notice must be submitted to the Executive Officer
after the Executive Officer has provided a determination that the potential for a
conflict of interest is acceptable, as specified in section 95503(e), and that
verification services may proceed. The verification body may begin services for
the entity required to contract for verification services after the notice is received
by the Executive Officer, but the verification body must allow a minimum of 14
calendar days advance notice of the site visit unless an earlier date is approved
by the Executive Officer in writing. In the event that the conflict of interest
statement and the notice of verification services are submitted together, services
cannot begin until ten calendar days after the Executive Officer has deemed
acceptable the potential for conflict of interest as specified in 95503(e).
The verifier’s notice must include all the following information:
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 225
(1) A list of personnel who will be designated to provide verification services
as a verification team, including the names of each designated employee,
the lead verifier, and all subcontractors, and a description of the roles and
responsibilities each team member will have. The independent reviewer
must also be listed separately.
(2) Documentation that the verification team has the skills required to provide
verification services for the entity required to contract for verification
services and type of application or report. The notice must include a
demonstration that the verification team includes at least one member with
specified competency that is not also the independent reviewer, when
required below:
(A) Specified competency as evidenced by experience in alternative
fuel production technology and process engineering when providing
validation services for fuel pathway applications or verification
services for Fuel Pathway Reports;
(B) Specified competency as evidenced by accreditation by the
Executive Officer as an oil and gas systems specialist pursuant to
MRR when providing verification services for Quarterly Fuels
Transactions Reports submitted by producers and importers of
gasoline or diesel, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes
Reports, and Project Reports as listed in section 95500.
(3) General information on the entity required to contract for verifications,
(A) The entity’s name and the facilities and other locations that will be
subject to verification services, and the contact, address,
telephone number and e-mail address for the entity required to
contract for verification services;
(B) The LCFS ID(s) for the entity required to contract for verification
(C) The date(s) of the on-site visit, if required in section 95501(b)(3),
with physical address and contact information;
(D) A brief description of expected verification services to be
performed, including expected completion date, and whether
quarterly review is planned in the context of an annual verification
(4) If any of the information under sections 95501(a)(1) or 95501(a)(2)
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 226
changes after the notice is submitted to the Executive Officer, the
verification body must notify the Executive Officer as soon as the change
is made and submit an updated notice of verification services.
The verification body must also submit an updated conflict of interest self-
evaluation form with an updated notice of verification services as soon as
the change is made. The conflict of interest must be reevaluated
pursuant to section 95503(e) and the Executive Officer must approve any
changes in writing.
(b) Verification services must include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Validation or Verification Plan. The verification team must develop a
validation or verification plan based on the following:
(A) Information from the fuel pathway applicant, pathway holder, or
reporting entity. Such information must include all the following:
1. Information to allow the verification team to develop an
understanding of facility or entity boundaries, operations,
accounting practices, type of LCFS report(s) the entity is
responsible for, LCFS regulatory sections they are subject
to, other renewable or low carbon fuels markets they
participate in, and other mandatory or voluntary auditing
programs they are subject to, as applicable;
2. Organizational chart and list of key personnel involved in
developing applications and reports submitted to the
Executive Officer, as specified in section 95500, and their
qualifications, including training;
3. Description of the specific methodologies used to quantify
and report data, as required in this subarticle, which are
needed to develop the validation or verification plan,
including but not limited to calibration procedures and logs
for measurement devices capturing site-specific data;
4. Information about the data management systems and
accounting procedures used to capture and track data for
fuel pathway application and each type of report as needed
to develop the validation or verification plan;
5. Information about the entities in the supply chain upstream
and downstream of the fuel producer that contribute to site-
specific CI data, including a list of feedstock suppliers and
contact names with physical addresses;
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 227
6. Evidence demonstrating that any joint applicants are being
separately verified and thus are outside the scope of the
instant verification services being provided by the verification
body; and
7. Previous LCFS validation and verification reports, as
applicable, and other audit reports including reports from
production or management system certifications and internal
(B) Timing of verification services. Such information must include:
1. Dates of proposed meetings and interviews with personnel
of the entity required to contract for verification services ;
2. Dates of proposed site visits;
3. Types of proposed document and data reviews and, if
applicable, how quarterly review is planned in the context of
an annual verification requirement;
4. Expected date for completing validation or verification
(2) Planning Meetings with the Entity Required to contract for Verification
Services. The verification team must discuss with the entity contracting
for verification services the scope of the verification services and request
any information and documents needed for the verification services. The
verification team must create a draft sampling plan and verification plan
prior to the site visit. The verification team must also review the
documents provided, and plan and conduct a review of original documents
and supporting data for the verification services specified in section
(3) Site Visits. At least one lead LCFS verifier accredited by the Executive
Officer on the verification team must, in addition to one visit to validate an
application, annually visit each facility; and, if different from the fuel
production facility, the central records location for which the records
supporting an application or report subject to verification are submitted.
Site visits, included voluntarily as part of a quarterly review, may not
substitute for the required site visit for annual verification services, which
must occur after all LCFS data for the prior calendar year has been
submitted to the Executive Officer and attested to.
(A) During site visits, the verification team member(s) must carry out
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 228
tasks that, in the professional judgment of the team, are necessary,
including the following:
1. Review supporting evidence used to develop reports listed in
section 95500 submitted to the Executive Officer;
2. Interview key personnel, such as process engineers,
metering experts, accounting personnel, and project
operators, as well as staff involved in compiling data and
preparing the LCFS reports;
3. Review and understand the data management systems and
accounting practices used by the entity to acquire, process,
track, and report LCFS data. The verification team
member(s) must evaluate the uncertainty and effectiveness
of these systems;
4. Directly observe production equipment, confirming diagrams
for processes, piping, and instrumentation; measurement
system equipment; and accounting systems for data types
determined in the sampling plan to be high risk;
5. Assess conformance with measurement accuracy
requirements specified in this subarticle for measurement
devices that do not meet criteria for financial transactions
meters, assess the reasonableness of temporary
measurement methods, assess conformance with the
monitoring plan, and assess conformance with data capture
requirements specified in this subarticle, if applicable.
6. Review financial transactions to confirm complete and
accurate reporting.
(4) Sampling Plan. As part of validating fuel pathway applications and
verifying LCFS reports the verification team must develop a sampling plan
that meets the following requirements:
(A) The verification team must develop a sampling plan based on a
strategic analysis developed from document reviews and interviews
to assess the likely nature, scale and complexity of the verification
services for the entity required to contract for verification services
and type of report. The analysis must include a review of: the
inputs for the development of the submitted applications and
reports specified in section 95500; the rigor and appropriateness of
data management systems; and the coordination within the
responsible entity’s organization to manage the operation and
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 229
maintenance of equipment and systems used to complete
applications and reports.
(B) The sampling plan must include a ranking of data sources by
relative contribution to the data type to be assessed for material
misstatement and a ranking of data sources with the largest
calculation uncertainty, including risk of incomplete reporting, based
on type of report or application.
(C) The sampling plan must include a qualitative narrative of
uncertainty risk assessment in the following areas as applicable in
this subarticle:
1. Data acquisition equipment;
2. Data sampling and frequency;
3. Data processing and tracking;
4. Tracking of fuel transportation into California to include
modes of transportation and distances traveled, as
5. CI calculations, as applicable;
6. Fuel pathway code (FPC) allocation methodology, as
7. Management policies or practices in developing LCFS
(D) After completing the analysis required by sections 95501(b)(4)(A)
through (C) above, the verification team must include in the
sampling plan a list which includes the following:
1. Data sources that will be targeted for document reviews,
data checks as specified in 95501(b)(5), and an explanation
of why they were chosen;
2. Methods used to conduct data checks for each data type;
3. A summary of the information analyzed in the data checks
and document reviews conducted for each data type.
The sampling plan list must be updated and finalized prior to the
completion of verification services. The final sampling plan must
describe in detail how the identified risks were addressed during
the verification. When quarterly reviews are conducted as part of
annual verification services, the final sampling plan must describe
in detail how the risks and issues identified for the annual data set
were addressed during each quarterly review and final annual
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 230
(E) Specified Source Feedstocks. Specified source feedstocks
included in fuel pathway applications and reports that require third-
party verification must be included in the scope of verification
services. When a fuel pathway does not require third-party
validation or verification, e.g., Lookup Table pathways including
hydrogen (gaseous and liquefied) from central SMR of biomethane,
specified source feedstocks must be included in the scope of
verification of the Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports. The
verification team must use professional judgment and include in its
risk assessment and sampling plan its analysis of the need for a
desk review or site visit for verification of any entity in the feedstock
chain of custody. This analysis must include an evaluation of the
need to trace feedstock through feedstock suppliers, including
aggregators, storage or pretreatment facilities, and traders or
brokers, to the point of origin as required in section 95488.8(g). If
an error is detected during data checks of records maintained by
the entity required to contract for verification services, the
verification team must update its risk assessment and sampling
plan to assure specified source feedstock characterization and
quantities to the point of origin.
(F) The verification team must revise the sampling plan to describe
tasks completed by the verification team as information becomes
available and potential issues emerge with material misstatement
or nonconformance with the requirements of this subarticle.
(G) The verification body must retain the sampling plan in paper or
electronic format (which includes digital media) for a period of no
less than ten years following the submission of each validation or
verification statement. The sampling plan must be made available
to the Executive Officer upon request.
(H) The verification body must retain all material received, reviewed, or
generated to render a validation or verification statement for the
entity required to contract for verification services for a period of no
less than ten years. The documentation must allow for a
transparent review of how a verification body reached its conclusion
in the validation or verification statement, including independent
(5) Data Checks. To determine the reliability of the submitted data, the
verification team must conduct data checks. Such data checks must
focus on the most uncertain data and on data with the largest
contributions to greenhouse gas emissions (including life cycle
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 231
greenhouse gas emissions) and greenhouse gas emission reductions.
The selection of data checks must meet all the following criteria:
(A) The verification team must use data checks to ensure that the
appropriate methodologies have been applied for the data
submitted in applications and reports required in this subarticle;
(B) The verification team must choose data checks to ensure the
accuracy of the data submitted in applications and reports required
in this subarticle;
(C) The verification team must choose data checks based on the
relative contribution to greenhouse gas emissions or reductions and
the associated risks of contributing to material misstatement or
nonconformance, as indicated in the sampling plan;
(D) The verification team must use professional judgment in
establishing the extent of data checks for each data type, as
indicated in the sampling plan, which are needed for the team to
conclude with reasonable assurance whether the data type
specified for the application or report is free of material
misstatement. At a minimum, the data checks selected by the
verification team must include the following:
1. Tracing data in the application or report to its origin;
2. Reviewing the procedure for data compilation and collection;
3. Recalculating intermediate and final data to check original
4. Reviewing calculation methodologies used by the entity
required to contract for verification services for conformance
with this subarticle; and
5. Reviewing meter and analytical instrumentation
measurement accuracy and calibration for consistency with
the requirements of this subarticle.
(E) The verification team is responsible for determining via data checks
whether there is reasonable assurance that the application or report
conforms to the requirements of this subarticle.
(F) The verification team must compare its own calculated results with
the submitted data in order to confirm the extent and impact of any
omissions and errors. Any discrepancies must be investigated.
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 232
The comparison of data checks must also include a narrative to
indicate which data were checked, the quantity of data evaluated
for each data type, the percentage of reported source data covered
by the data checks, and any separate discrepancies that were
identified in the application or report.
(6) Application and Report Modifications. As a result of data checks by the
verification team and prior to completion of a validation or verification
statement, the entity required to contract for verification services must fix
all correctable errors that affect the data submitted in the application or
reports specified in section 95500 and submit a revised application or
report to the Executive Officer. Failure to do so before completion of
verification services will result in an adverse verification statement.
Failure to fix misreported data that do not affect credit or deficit
calculations represents a nonconformance with this subarticle but does
not, absent other errors, result in an adverse validation or verification
The verification team must use professional judgment in identifying
correctable errors as defined in section 95481(a), including determining
whether differences are not errors but result from truncation or rounding or
The verification team must document the source of any difference
identified, including whether the difference results in a correctable error or
on the other hand, was the result of truncation, rounding, or averaging.
(7) Findings. To verify that the application or report is free of material
misstatements, the verification team shall make its own calculation of the
specified data types reported by substituting the checked data from
95501(b)(5). The verification team must determine whether there is
reasonable assurance that the application or report does not contain a
material misstatement, as defined for each application or report type in
section 95481, and calculated pursuant to section 95501(b)(9) through
(11), using the units required by the applicable parts of this subarticle. To
assess conformance with this subarticle, the verification team must review
the methods and factors used to develop the application or report for
adherence to the requirements of this subarticle and identify whether other
requirements of this subarticle are met.
(8) Log of Issues. The verification team must keep a log that documents any
issues identified in the course of verification services that may affect
determinations of material misstatement and nonconformance, whether
identified by the verifier, the entity required to contract for verification
services, or the Executive Officer, regarding the original or subsequent
application or report versions. The issues log must identify the regulatory
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 233
section related to the nonconformance or potential nonconformance, if
applicable, and indicate if the issues were corrected by the entity required
to contract for verification services prior to completing the verification
services. Any other concerns that the verification team has with the
preparation of the application or report must be documented in the issues
log and communicated to the entity required to contract for verification
services during the course of the verification services. The log of issues
must indicate whether each issue has a potential bearing on material
misstatement, nonconformance, or both and whether an adverse
verification statement may result if not addressed. If quarterly review is
conducted before an annual verification, any issues identified must be
formalized pursuant to this subsection in the log of issues during the
quarterly review. The log of issues for the annual verification must
include the cumulative record of issues from all quarterly reviews, as well
as the annual verification.
(9) Material Misstatement Assessments for Fuel Pathways and Quarterly Fuel
Transactions. Assessments of material misstatement are conducted
separately on each calculated operational CI value and each quarterly fuel
transaction quantity per FPC (expressed in units from the applicable
sections of this subarticle). Material misstatement assessments are not
conducted for quarterly review.
(A) Operational CI. In assessing whether a fuel pathway application
or fuel pathway report contains a material misstatement, as defined
in section 95481(a), the verification team must populate a
controlled version of the Simplified CI Calculator for Tier 1
pathways, or CARB-approved CA-GREET3.0 for Tier 2 pathways,
and determine whether any reported operational CI value contains
a material misstatement using the following equations for relative
error threshold and absolute error threshold. The following
calculations of relative error threshold, absolute error threshold, and
percent error must be included in the final verification report
pursuant to section 95501(c)(3)(A)8.
Each fuel pathway CI is subject to data checks in section
95501(b)(5) and must be assessed separately for material
misstatement. One or more material misstatements results in a
finding of material misstatement for the fuel pathway application or
for the fuel pathway report.
 
  
|    |
  
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 234
=   
0.05 |     |
   ()
=    2 2/
  ” means the absolute value result of the reported
operational CI minus the verifier’s calculation of CI. The verifier’s
calculation of CI is based on site-specific data inputs modified to
include discrepancies, omissions, and misreporting found during
the course of verification services;
” means any differences between the reported
site-specific CI inputs and the verifier’s calculated site-specific CI
inputs subject to data checks in section 95501(b)(5);
” means any site-specific CI inputs or associated source
data the verifier concludes must be part of the fuel pathway
application or fuel pathway report, but were not included;
” means duplicate, incomplete or other CI input data
the verifier concludes should, or should not, be part of the fuel
pathway application or fuel pathway report; and
|     |” means the absolute value of
the operational CI submitted in the fuel pathway application or fuel
pathway report.
(B) Quarterly Fuel Transaction Quantities per FPC. In assessing
whether a quarterly fuel transaction report contains a material
misstatement, as defined in section 95481(a), the verification team
must determine whether any quarterly fuel transaction quantity per
FPC specified in section 95500(c)(1) contains a material
misstatement using the following equation. The reported quarterly
fuel transaction quantity for an FPC contains a material
misstatement if the 5 percent error threshold is exceeded. The
following calculation of percent error must be included in the final
verification report pursuant to section 95501(c)(3)(A)8.
Each aggregated quarterly fuel quantity per FPC is subject to data
checks in section 95501(b)(5) and must be assessed separately for
material misstatement. One or more material misstatements
results in a finding of material misstatement for the verification
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 235
 
  
, , 
      
” means any differences between the fuel quantity
for the FPC reported in the Quarterly Fuel Transactions Report and
the verifier’s calculation of fuel quantity subject to data checks in
section 95501(b)(5);
” means any fuel quantity the verifier concludes must be
part of the Quarterly Fuel Transactions Report, but was not
” means duplicate, incomplete or other fuel quantity
data the verifier concludes should, or should not, be part of the
Quarterly Fuel Transactions Report; and
      
means the total of all reported fuel quantities for each FPC for each
transaction type specified in section 95500(c)(1) for each quarter
for which the verifier is conducting a material misstatement
(C) When evaluating material misstatement, verifiers must deem
correctly substituted missing data to be accurate, regardless of the
amount of missing data.
(10) Material Misstatement Assessment for Project Reports (Project-based
(A) Verification services, including assessment of material
misstatement, are conducted separately for each Project Report.
In assessing whether a Project Report contains a material
misstatement, as defined in section 95481(a), the verification team
must determine whether the greenhouse gas reductions quantified
and reported in the Project Report contain a material misstatement
using the following equation.
Any discrepancies, omissions, or misreporting found by the
verification team must include the positive or negative impact on
the total reported greenhouse gas emission reductions when
entered in the material misstatement equation. The reported
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 236
project data contain a material misstatement if the 5 percent error
threshold is exceeded. The following calculation of percent error
must be included in the final verification report pursuant to section
 
 
, , 
   
” means any differences between the reported
greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the Project Report and the
verifier’s calculated value based on data checks required in section
” means any greenhouse gas emissions, excluding any
greenhouse gas reductions, the verifier concludes must be part of
the Project Report, but were not included;
” means duplicate, incomplete or other greenhouse
gas emissions or reductions data the verifier concludes should, or
should not, be part of the Project Report;
   ” means the total of all
greenhouse gas emissions reductions reported in the Project
Report for which the verifier is conducting a material misstatement
(B) When evaluating material misstatement, verifiers must deem
correctly substituted missing data to be accurate, regardless of the
amount of missing data.
(11) Material Misstatement Assessment for Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use
Refinery Reports.
(A) Verifications and assessments of material misstatement are
conducted separately for volumes of CARBOB produced from
crude oil and for volumes of diesel produced from crude oil for the
calendar year. In assessing whether a Low-Complexity/Low-
Energy-Use Refinery Report contains a material misstatement, as
defined in section 95481(a), the verification team must determine
whether the Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use refinery data
specified in this subarticle contains a material misstatement using
the following equation.
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 237
Any discrepancies, omissions, or misreporting found by the
verification team must include the positive or negative impact on
the total CARBOB or diesel volume produced from crude oil when
entered in the material misstatement equation. The reported
refinery data contain a material misstatement if the 5 percent error
threshold is exceeded. The following calculation of percent error
must be included in the final verification report pursuant to section
 
      
, , 
       
” means any differences between the sum of the
quarterly volumes of CARBOB or diesel produced from crude oil
reported in the Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Report
and the verifier’s calculation based on data checks in section
” means any volume of CARBOB or diesel produced
from crude oil or associated source data the verifier concludes must
be part of the Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Report,
but was not included;
” means duplicate, incomplete or other refinery data
the verifier concludes should, or should not, be part of the Low-
Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Report;
       ” means
the sum of the quarterly volumes of CARBOB or diesel produced
from crude oil in a calendar year reported in the Low-
Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Report for which the verifier
is conducting a material misstatement assessment.
     ” and
     are separately
subject to data checks in section 95501(b)(5) and must be
assessed separately for material misstatement. One or more
material misstatements results in a finding of material misstatement
for the Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery Report.
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 238
(B) When evaluating material misstatement, verifiers must deem
correctly substituted missing data to be accurate, regardless of the
amount of missing data.
(12) Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volumes Reports. Material misstatement
assessment does not apply to data submitted in crude oil quarterly and
annual volumes reports, but the data must be assessed for reasonable
assurance of conformance with this subarticle.
(13) Review of Missing Data Substitution. If a source selected for a data
check was affected by a loss of data used for the reported data in the
application or report, pursuant to this subarticle:
(A) The verification team must confirm that the reported data were
calculated using:
1. the applicable missing data procedures, or
2. a reasonable temporary method, or
3. an Executive Officer approved alternate method.
(B) The verifier must note the date, time and source of any missing
data substitutions discovered during the course of verification in the
validation or verification report.
(c) Completion of verification services must include:
(1) Validation or Verification Statement. Upon completion of the verification
services specified in section 95500, the verification body must complete a
validation or verification statement, and provide its statement to the entity
required to contract for verification services and Executive Officer by the
applicable verification deadline specified in section 95500. Before the
validation or verification statement is completed, the verification services
and findings of the verification team must be independently reviewed by
an employee of the verification body who is an accredited lead verifier not
involved in verification services for the entity required to contract for
verification services during that application period or reporting period.
(2) Independent Review. The independent reviewer must serve as a final
check on the verification team’s work to identify any significant concerns,
(A) Errors in planning,
(B) Errors in data sampling, and
(C) Errors in judgment by the verification team that are related to the
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 239
draft validation or verification statement.
The independent reviewer must maintain independence from the
verification services by not making specific recommendations about how
the verification services should be conducted. The independent reviewer
will review documents applicable to the services provided, and identify any
failure to comply with requirements of this subarticle or with the verification
body’s internal policies and procedures for providing verification services.
The independent reviewer must concur with the verification findings before
the validation or verification statement is issued.
(3) Completion of Findings and Validation or Verification Report and
Statement. The verification body is required to provide each entity
required to contract for verification services with the following:
(A) A detailed validation or verification report, which must at a minimum
1. A detailed description of the facility or entity including all data
sources and boundaries;
2. A detailed description of the data management system and
accounting procedures;
3. A detailed description of entities in the supply chain
contributing CI parameters;
4. The validation or verification plan;
5. The detailed comparison of the data checks conducted
during verification services;
6. The log of issues identified in the course of verification
services and their resolution;
7. Any qualifying comments on findings during verification
8. Findings of omissions, discrepancies, and misreporting and
the material misstatement calculations required in section
95501(b)(9) through (11).
(B) The validation or verification report must be submitted to the entity
required to contract for verification services at the same time as or
before the final validation or verification statement is submitted to
the Executive Officer. The detailed validation or verification report
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 240
must be made available to the Executive Officer upon request.
(C) The verification team must have a final discussion with the entity
required to contract for verification services explaining its findings,
and notify the entity required to contract for verification services of
any unresolved issues noted in the issues log before the validation
or verification statement is finalized.
(D) The verification body must provide the validation or verification
statement to the entity required to contract for verification services
and the Executive Officer, attesting whether the verification body
has found the submitted application or report to be free of material
misstatement, and whether the application or report is in
conformance with the requirements of this subarticle. For every
qualified positive validation or verification statement, the verification
body must explain the nonconformances contained within the
application or report, and must cite the section(s) in this subarticle
that corresponds to the nonconformance and why the
nonconformances do not result in a material misstatement. For
every adverse validation or verification statement, the verification
body must explain all nonconformances or material misstatements
leading to the adverse validation or verification statement and must
cite the sections in this subarticle that correspond to the
nonconformance and material misstatements.
(E) The lead verifier on the verification team must attest that the
verification team has carried out all verification services as required
by this subarticle. The lead verifier who has conducted the
independent review of verification services and findings must attest
to his or her independent review on behalf of the verification body
and his or her concurrence with the findings.
1. The lead verifier must attest in the validation or verification
statement, in writing, to the Executive Officer as follows:
“I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State
of California that the verification team has carried out all
validation or verification services as required by this
2. The lead verifier who has conducted the independent review
of verification services and findings must attest in the
validation or verification statement, in writing, to the
Executive Officer as follows:
“I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 241
of California that I have conducted an independent review of
the validation or verification services and findings on behalf
of the verification body as required by this subarticle and that
the findings are true, accurate, and complete.”
(4) Adverse validation or verification statement and petition process. Prior to
the verification body providing an adverse validation or verification
statement for the application or report to the Executive Officer, the
verification body must notify the entity required to contract for verification
services and the entity required to contract for verification services must
be provided at least 14 calendar days to modify the application or report(s)
to correct any material misstatement or nonconformances found by the
verification team. The verification body must provide notice to the
Executive Officer of the potential for an adverse validation or verification
statement at the same time it notifies the entity required to contract for
verification services, and include a current issues log. The modified
application or report and validation or verification statement must be
submitted to the Executive Officer before the verification deadline, even if
the entity required to contract for verification services makes a request to
the Executive Officer as provided below in section 95501(c)(4)(A).
(A) If the entity required to contract for verification services and the
verification body cannot reach agreement on modifications to the
data that result in a positive validation or verification statement, the
responsible entity may, before the validation or verification deadline
and before the validation or verification statement is submitted,
petition the Executive Officer to make a final decision as to the
verifiability of the submitted application or report. At the same time
that the entity required to contract for verification services petitions
the Executive Officer, the entity required to contract for verification
services must submit all information it believes is necessary for the
Executive Officer to make a final decision.
(B) The Executive Officer shall make a final decision no later than
October 31
following the submission of a petition pursuant to
section 95501(c)(4)(A). If at any point the Executive Officer
requests information from the verification body, or the entity
required to contract for verification services, the information must
be submitted to the Executive Officer within ten calendar days.
The Executive Officer will notify the entity required to contract for
verification services and the verification body of its determination.
(d) Validated Applications and Verified Reports Considered Final by the Executive
Officer. Upon provision of a validation or verification statement to the Executive
Officer, the reported data is deemed final by the Executive Officer. No changes
may be made to the application or report as submitted to the Executive Officer,
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§ 95501. Requirements for Validation and Verification Services. 242
and all verification requirements of this subarticle shall be considered complete
except in the circumstance specified in section 95501(e).
(e) Set Aside of Validation or Verification Statement. If the Executive Officer finds a
high level of conflict of interest existed between a verification body and a
reporting entity, an error is identified, or an application or report that received a
positive or qualified positive verification statement fails an audit by the Executive
Officer, the Executive Officer may set aside the positive or qualified positive
verification statement issued by the verification body, and require the reporting
entity to have the report re-verified by a different verification body within 90
calendar days. In instances where an error to a report is identified and
determined by the Executive Officer to not affect the final value submitted in the
application or report, the change may be made without a set aside of the positive
or qualified positive verification statement.
(f) Executive Officer Audits and Data Requests to the Entity Required to Contract for
Verification Services. Upon request by the Executive Officer, the entity required
to contract for verification services must provide the data used to generate the
application or report including all data available to a verifier in the conduct of
validation or verification services, within 14 calendar days. Upon written
notification by the Executive Officer, the entity required to contract for verification
services must make available for an Executive Officer audit itself, its personnel,
and other entities in its feedstock and finished fuel supply chain, as applicable.
(g) Executive Officer Audits and Data Requests to the Verification Body. Upon
request by the Executive Officer, the verification body must provide the Executive
Officer the validation or verification report given to the entity required to contract
for verification services, as well as the sampling plan, contracts for verification
services, and any other supporting documents and calculations, within 14
calendar days. Upon written notification by the Executive Officer, the
verification body must make itself and its personnel available for an Executive
Officer audit.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
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§95502. Accreditation Requirements for Verification Bodies, Lead Verifiers, and Verifiers. 243
§ 95502. Accreditation Requirements for Verification Bodies, Lead Verifiers, and
(a) Verification bodies, lead verifiers, and non-lead verifiers that will provide
verification services (including validation services) under this subarticle must
become accredited through fulfilling the accreditation requirements set forth in
MRR sections 95132(b) through (e), with the exception of subsections
95132(b)(1)(G), 95132(b)(2), 95132(b)(3), 95132(b)(5), and 95132(e)(1).
MRR text is as referred to, except as otherwise specifically provided:
(1) Wherever “section 95102(a)” is referenced, “section 95481” must be
substituted. Wherever “section 95132(b)(2) is referenced, “section
95502(c)” must be substituted. Wherever “section 95133” is referenced,
“section 95503” must be substituted.
(2) Whenever “Performance Review” is referenced, the definition in 95481(a)
of this subarticle must be substituted.
(b) The Executive Officer may issue accreditation to verification bodies, lead
verifiers, and non-lead verifiers that meet the requirements specified in this
(1) Verification Body Accreditation Application. In addition to the requirements
specified in MRR section 95132(b)(1), the applicant must submit the
following to the Executive Officer:
(A) Documentation that the proposed verification body has procedures and
policies to support staff technical training as it relates to validation or
verification. This training must include CARB’s verifier training curriculum
and be provided by a verification body or verification body applicant to its
employees and subcontractors that participate on verification teams.
Participation of individual verifiers, including verifiers that are not acting as
lead verifiers, must be documented.
(B) The verification body’s templates for risk assessment, sampling,
and log of issues for the entity types and report types the
verification body intends to verify, as specified in section 95500.
(C) Verification body staffing changes are considered an amendment to
the verification body accreditation application and therefore the
Executive Officer must be notified of any such changes.
(2) Verifier Accreditation Application. To apply for accreditation as a lead
verifier, the applicant must submit documentation to the Executive Officer
that provides the evidence that the applicant meets the criteria in sections
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§95502. Accreditation Requirements for Verification Bodies, Lead Verifiers, and Verifiers. 244
95502(c)(1) though (6). To apply for accreditation as a non-lead verifier,
the applicant must submit documentation to the Executive Officer that
provides the evidence that the applicant meets the criteria in sections
95502(c)(1) through (2).
(c) Verifier Competency Requirements. To perform LCFS verifications, verifiers must
be employed by, or contracted with, a verification body accredited by the
Executive Officer and submit evidence to demonstrate that competency
requirements are met.
(1) Verifiers must provide evidence demonstrating the minimum educational
background required to act as a verifier for CARB. Minimum educational
background means that the applicant has either:
(A) A bachelor’s level college degree or equivalent in engineering,
science, technology, business, statistics, mathematics,
environmental policy, economics, or financial auditing; or
(B) Evidence demonstrating the completion of significant and relevant
work experience or other personal development activities that have
provided the applicant with the communication, technical, and
analytical skills necessary to conduct verification.
(2) Verifiers must provide evidence demonstrating sufficient workplace
experience to act as a verifier, including evidence that the applicant
verifier has a minimum of two years of full-time work experience in a
professional role involved in emissions data management, emissions
technology, emissions inventories, environmental auditing, financial
auditing, life cycle analysis, transportation fuel production, or other
technical skills necessary to conduct verification.
(3) To act as a lead verifier, in addition to the qualifications in sections
95502(c)(1) and (2), one of the following qualifications must be met:
(A) The verifier must have participated within the previous two years as
part of the verification team in at least three completed LCFS
validations or verifications under the supervision of a lead verifier
accredited under this subarticle by the Executive Officer;
(B) The verifier must be accredited as a lead verifier under MRR or the
Cap-and-Trade Regulation by the Executive Officer;
(C) The verifier must have experience acting as the lead on an
attestation engagement services team for the U.S. EPA Renewable
Fuel Standard (RFS) program within the previous two years or
currently be acting as a team lead;
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§95502. Accreditation Requirements for Verification Bodies, Lead Verifiers, and Verifiers. 245
(D) The verifier must have experience acting as the lead on a Quality
Assurance Program (QAP) services team for the U.S. EPA RFS
program within the previous two years or currently be acting as a
team lead;
(E) The verifier must have experience acting as a the lead on a biofuels
certification audit within the previous two years or currently be
acting as a lead under one of the following international certification
systems: International Sustainability and Carbon Certification
(ISCC), Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), or
Bonsucro; or
(F) The verifier must have worked as a project manager or lead person
for no less than four years, of which two may be graduate level
1. In the development of greenhouse gas or other air emissions
inventories; or,
2. As a lead environmental data or financial auditor.
(G) Candidates meeting one of the lead verifier qualifications in
sections 95502(c)(3)(A) through (E) must complete training specific
to the LCFS program to become a lead verifier under this
Candidates applying under section 95502(c)(3)(F) for accreditation
as a lead verifier under this subarticle must take the CARB-
approved comprehensive general verification training and
examination in addition to the training specific to the LCFS
(4) To become accredited as a lead verifier for validation of fuel pathway
applications (CI) or verification of Fuel Pathway Reports (CI) as specified
in section 95500(a) and 95500(b), in addition to the qualifications in
sections 95502(c)(1) through (3), the verifier must have experience in
alternative fuel production technology and process engineering.
(5) To become and remain accredited as a lead verifier for verification of
Quarterly Fuel Transactions Reports submitted by producers and
importers of gasoline or diesel, Low-Complexity/Low-Energy-Use Refinery
Report, Crude Oil Quarterly and Annual Volume Reports, and Project
Reports as specified in section 95500, in addition to the qualifications in
sections 95502(c)(1) through (3), the verifier must be accredited as an oil
and gas systems specialist pursuant to MRR section 95131(a)(2).
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§95502. Accreditation Requirements for Verification Bodies, Lead Verifiers, and Verifiers. 246
(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the Executive
Officer from requesting additional information or documentation from a
verifier or affiliated verification body to demonstrate that the verifier meets
the competency requirements set forth here, or from seeking additional
information from other persons or entities regarding the verifier’s fitness
for qualification.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).
§ 95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers
(a) Applicability of Conflict of Interest Provisions. The conflict of interest provisions
of this section shall apply to verification bodies and lead verifiers, including
independent reviewers, accredited by the Executive Officer to perform LCFS
validation and verification services for responsible entities and must apply to all
verification team members.
Any individual person or company that is hired by the entity required to contract
with a verification body on behalf of the entity required to contract for verification
services is also subject to the conflict of interest assessment in this subarticle.
In such instances, the verification body must assess the potential conflict of
interest between itself and the contracting entity as well as between itself and the
responsible entity, and must also address the potential conflict of interest
between the contracting entity and the responsible entity, including a written
assessment provided and signed by the contracting entity.
(1) “Member” for the purposes of this section means any employee or
subcontractor of the verification body or its related entities.
(2) “Related Entity” for the purposes of this section means any direct parent
company, direct subsidiary, or sister company.
(3) “Lookback Period” for the purposes of this section means to disclose
services provided and assess potential for conflicts of interest beginning
five years preceding the start of verification services.
(4) Emerging conflicts of interest must also be monitored. The monitoring
period for determining emerging conflicts of interest is during the period
verification services are offered and one year after verification services are
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§95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers 247
(b) Disclosure of Services with High Potential for Conflict of Interest. If any of the
following occurred during the lookback period, the activity or activities must be
disclosed to the Executive Officer with a description of actions the verification
body has taken to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate any ongoing potential for conflict
of interest.
The potential for a conflict of interest must be deemed high if any of the following
occurred during the lookback period. If the Executive Officer determines the
verification body or its related entities or any member of the verification team
meets the criteria specified in section 95503(b), the Executive Officer shall find a
high potential conflict of interest with the following exceptions:
Prior to August 31, 2023, the Executive Officer shall deem the following services
to be medium potential for conflict of interest and allow verification services to
proceed when the verification body or its related entities or a member of the
verification team has provided the services listed in sections 95503(b)(2)(A), (B),
(C), (E), (G), (H), (I), or (N) within the five year lookback period, provided that the
potential conflict of interest is mitigated by meeting the minimum mitigation plan
requirements in section 95503(d)(1). On and after August 31, 2023, if any of the
situations or services listed in section 95503(b) occurred during the five year
lookback period by a verification body and its related entities or a verification
team member, verification services may not proceed and rotation is required.
(1) Organizational High Potential Conflict of Interest Conditions. The
verification body and responsible entity share any management staff or
board of directors membership, or any of the senior management staff of
the responsible entity have been employed by the verification body, or
vice versa; or
(2) Organizational and Individual High Potential Conflict of Interest
Conditions. Any employee of the verification body, or any employee of a
related entity, or a subcontractor who is a member of the verification team
has provided to the responsible entity any of the following services:
(A) Designing, developing, implementing, reviewing, or maintaining an
information or data management system for data submitted
pursuant to this subarticle or MRR unless the review was part of
providing independent quality assurance audit services, attestation
engagement services, providing validation or verification services
pursuant to the U.S. EPA RFS or the EU RED, or third-party
engineering reports pursuant to the U.S. EPA RFS;
(B) Developing CI or fuel transaction data or other greenhouse
gas-related engineering analysis that includes facility-specific
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§95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers 248
(C) Designing or providing consultative engineering or technical
services in the development and construction of a fuel production
facility; or energy efficiency, renewable power, or other projects
which explicitly identify greenhouse gas reductions as a benefit;
(D) Designing, developing, implementing, conducting an internal audit,
consulting, or maintaining a greenhouse gas emissions reduction or
greenhouse gas removal offset project as defined in the Cap-and-
Trade Regulation and reported to the Executive Officer, or a project
to receive LCFS project-based credits;
(E) Preparing or producing LCFS fuel pathway application or LCFS
reporting manuals, handbooks, or procedures specifically for the
responsible entity;
(F) Directly managing any health, environment or safety functions for
the responsible entity;
(G) Any service related to development of information systems, or
consulting on the development of environmental management
systems is considered high conflict of interest except for systems
that will not be part of the validation or verification process and
except for accounting software systems;
(H) Verification services that are not conducted in accordance with, or
equivalent to, section 95503 requirements, unless the systems and
data reviewed during those services, as well as the result of those
services, will not be part of the verification process;
(I) Reporting pursuant to this subarticle, or uploading data for the
Executive Officer, on behalf of the entity required to contract for
verification services;
(J) Owning, buying, selling, trading, or retiring LCFS credits, RINs, or
credits in any carbon market;
(K) Dealing in or being a promoter of credits on behalf of the
responsible entity;
(L) Appraisal services of carbon or greenhouse gas liabilities or assets;
(M) Brokering in, advising on, or assisting in any way in carbon or
greenhouse gas-related markets;
(N) Bookkeeping and other non-attest services related to accounting
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§95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers 249
records or financial statements, excluding services and results of
those services that will not be part of the validation or verification
(O) Appraisal and valuation services, both tangible and intangible;
(P) Any actuarially oriented advisory service involving the
determination of amounts recorded in financial statements and
related accounts;
(Q) Any internal audit service that has been outsourced by the entity
required to contract for verification services that relates to the
entity’s internal accounting controls, financial systems or financial
statements, unless the result of those services will not be part of
the verification or validation process;
(R) Fairness opinions and contribution-in-kind reports in which the
verification or validation body has provided its opinion on the
adequacy of consideration in a transaction, unless the resulting
services will not be part of the verification or validation process;
(S) Acting as a broker-dealer (registered or unregistered), promoter or
underwriter on behalf of the responsible entity;
(T) Any legal services;
(U) Expert services to the entity required to contract for verification
services, a trade or membership group to which the entity required
to contract for verification services belongs, or a legal
representative for the purpose of advocating the entity’s interests in
litigation or in a regulatory or administrative proceeding or
(3) Prohibition on Monetary or Non-Monetary Incentives. The potential for
conflict of interest shall be disclosed and deemed to be high when any
member of the verification body provides any type of monetary or non-
monetary incentive to an entity required to contract for verification services
to secure a validation or verification services contract.
The potential for conflict of interest shall be deemed to be high when any
member of the entity required to contract for verification services provides
any type of monetary or non-monetary incentive to a member of the
verification body to influence validation or verification documentation or
(4) Potential for High Conflict of Interest if Rotation Limit Exceeded. The
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§95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers 250
potential for a conflict of interest shall also be disclosed and deemed to be
high where any member of the verification body or verification team has
provided verification services for the entity required to contract for
verification services except within the time periods in which the entity
required to contract for verification services is allowed to use the same
verification body or team members as specified in section 95500(g).
(c) Low Conflict of Interest. The potential for a conflict of interest shall be deemed
to be low where the following conditions are met:
(1) No potential for a high conflict of interest is found pursuant to section
95503(b); and
(2) Any services provided by any member of the verification body or
verification team to the entity required to contract for verification, within the
look-back period specified in section 95503(a)(3), are valued at less than
20 percent of the fee for the proposed verification services. Any
verification conducted in accordance with, or substantially equivalent to,
section 95503 provided by the verification body or verification team
outside the jurisdiction of the Executive Officer is excluded from this
financial assessment, but must be disclosed to the Executive Officer in
accordance with section 95503(e).
(3) Non-CARB verification services are excluded from categories of risk if
those services are conducted in accordance with, or substantially
equivalent to, section 95503, including, but not limited to, auditing services
provided under the U.S. EPA RFS (QAP services, attest engagement
services, third-party engineering reports), third-party certification of
environmental management systems under ISO 14001, energy
management systems under 50001 standards, or certification systems
recognized by other governmental agencies, including the European
Commission. Verification services provided under MRR or the Cap-and-
Trade Regulation are also excluded from categories of risk for potential
conflict of interest.
(d) Medium Conflict of Interest. The potential for a conflict of interest shall be
deemed to be medium where the potential for a conflict of interest is not deemed
to be either high or low as specified in sections 95503(b) and 95503(c). The
potential for conflict of interest will also be deemed to be medium where there are
any instances of personal or familial relationships between the members of the
verification body and management or members of the entity required to contract
for verification services.
(1) If a verification body identifies a medium potential for conflict of interest
and intends to provide verification services for the entity required to
contract for verification services, the verification body shall submit, in
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§95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers 251
addition to the submittal requirements specified in section 95503(e), a plan
to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate the potential conflict of interest situation.
At a minimum, the conflict of interest mitigation plan shall include:
(A) A demonstration that any individuals with potential conflicts have
been removed and insulated from the project.
(B) An explanation of any changes to the organizational structure or
verification body to remove the potential conflict of interest. A
demonstration that any unit with potential conflicts has been
divested or moved into an independent entity or any subcontractor
with potential conflicts has been removed.
(C) Any other circumstance that specifically addresses other sources
for potential conflict of interest.
(2) The Executive Officer shall evaluate the conflict of interest mitigation plan
and determine whether verification services may proceed pursuant to
section 95503(e).
(e) Conflict of Interest Submittal Requirements for Accredited Verification Bodies.
Verification bodies accredited by the Executive Officer to perform validation or
verification services must adhere to the conflict of interest submittal,
determinations, and monitoring requirements in MRR section 95133(e) through
(g), except section 95133(f)(2) and (3).
Except as otherwise specifically provided:
(1) Wherever the term “reporting entity” is used, the term “entity required to
contract for validation or verification services” shall be substituted;
(2) Whenever the term “emissions data report” is used, the term “applications
or reports specified in section 95500 of this subarticle” shall be
(3) Whenever the term “verification services” is used, the term “verification or
validation services” shall be substituted;
(4) Whereversection 95133(a)-(d)” referenced, “section 95503(a)-(d)” shall
be substituted; and
(5) When potential for a conflict of interest is deemed to be low, as specified
in section 95503(c), the verification body must submit its self-assessment
to the Executive Officer, except the Executive Officer authorization to
perform verification services as specified in MRR sections 95133(e)(1)
and 95133(f)(3) is not required prior to performing LCFS verification
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§95503. Conflict of Interest Requirements for Verification Bodies and Verifiers 252
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 38510, 38530, 38560, 38560.5, 38571, 38580, 39600, 39601, 41510,
41511, and 43018 Health and Safety Code; 42 U.S.C. section 7545, and Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v.
Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr. 249 (1975). Reference:
Sections 38501, 38510, 39515, 39516, 38571, 38580, 39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39515, 39516,
41510, 41511 and 43000, Health and Safety Code; Section 25000.5, Public Resources Code; and
Western Oil and Gas Ass’n v. Orange County Air Pollution Control District, 14 Cal.3d 411, 121 Cal.Rptr.
249 (1975).