Curriculum Vitae: Jagadeesh Sivadasan
Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
701 Tappan Street, Room R4360, Ann Arbor, MI
Tel: (734) 763 2373
(Updated Apr 2024)
Sep 2021 to Present: Area Chair, Business Economics and Public Policy;
Buzz and Judy Newton Professor of Business Administration, Ross School of Business
Sep 2020 to Present: Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research,
University of Michigan
Sep 2018 to Present: Professor, Business Economics and Public Policy, Stephen M. Ross School of
Business, University of Michigan
Sep 2019 to Sep 2020: Area Chair, Business Economics and Public Policy, Ross School of Business
Sep 2012 to Aug 2018: Associate Professor, Business Economics and Public Policy, Stephen M.
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Sep 2013 to May 2014: Visiting Scholar, Economics and Social Sciences (ESS) Group and the
Center for Public Policy (CPP), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Sep 2004 to Aug 2012: Assistant Professor, Business Economics and Public Policy, Stephen M. Ross
School of Business, University of Michigan
July to August 2004: Lecturer, Business Economics and Public Policy, Stephen M. Ross School of
Business, University of Michigan
1996 - 1999: Senior Consultant, Economic and Financial Consulting Group, Arthur Andersen,
Mumbai, India
PhD, MBA, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago
PGDM, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
BTech (BS equivalent), Electronics & Communications Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Working papers
(with Haibing Shu and Wenjian Xu) Does Navigating Adversity Call for Experienced Hands?
Executive Composition and Compensation during the US-China Trade War, Working Paper,
University of Michigan
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian, Ravi Dharwadkar and Charlotte Ren) “How do Firms Grow in
the U.S.? Evidence using a Novel Decomposition and Implications for Strategy Research” (January
2023, under 2
round revision for resubmission to the Strategic Management Journal)
Practice Working Paper
(with Paul Clyde, Aneel Karnani, Puneet Manchanda and M.P. Narayanan) “The Social Impact of
Profit-Maximizing Firms” (Updated Dec 2018)
Technical Reports
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian) “NBER Patent Data-Bridge: User Guide and Technical
Documentation,” US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP-10-36 (2009).
(With Francine Lafontaine and Wenjian Xu) “Technical Report on Linkage between Census
Business Register and the Texas Sales and Use Tax Permit Data,” Michigan Census Research Data
Center (December 2018).
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian and Wenjian Xu) Do Barriers to Business Transfers Affect Entry
and Exit? Evidence from Adoptions of Product Line Exception (forthcoming Strategic Management
(with Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi, and Zhufeng Xu) (with Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi and Zhufeng Xu) How
Does Improvement in Commuting Affect Employees? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. The
Review of Economics and Statistics 2024; 106 (1): 53–67. doi:
(with Wenjian Xu) “Missing Women in India: Gender-Specific Effects of Early Life Rainfall
Shocks”, World Development, Volume 148, December 2021.
(with Francine Lafontaine) “The Recent Evolution of Physical Retail Markets: Online Retailing, Big
Box Stores, and the Rise of Restaurants” Chapter in forthcoming NBER book The Role of
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth, Aaron Chatterji, Josh Lerner, Scott Stern,
and Michael J. Andrews, editors, Conference held January 7-8, 2020, Forthcoming from University
of Chicago Press.
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian, Jin Woo Chang, Mariko Sakakibara, and Evan Starr ) "Locked
In? Noncompete Enforceability and the Mobility and Earnings of High-Tech Workers"
(forthcoming Journal of Human Resources)
o Selected for Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management; Winner of
Distinguished Paper Award in The Business Policy and Strategy Division, AOM Meeting
2016 (Anaheim California)
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian and Jeongsik Lee) Deadlines, Workflows, Task Sorting, and
Work Quality. Management Science April 2018 64(4):1804-1824.
(with Sutirtha Bagchi) Barriers to Entry and Pricing Behavior: Evidence from Reforms of Cable
Franchising Regulations, Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2017, 65(3), 510-558.
(with Ryan Monarch and Jooyoun Park) Domestic Gains from Offshoring? Evidence from TAA-
linked U.S. Microdata, Journal of International Economics, March 2017, Vol 105, pp. 150–173.
(with Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Suslow) “Effect of Competition on Trade Patterns: Evidence
from the Collapse of International Cartels” International Journal of Industrial Organization, March
2015, Vol 39, pp. 56-70.
(with Amy Dittmar and Sreedhar Bharath) Do Going-Private Transactions Affect Plant Productivity
and Investment? Review of Financial Studies, July 2014 27 (7): 1929-1976. (Lead Article)
(with Juan Carlos Hallak) “Product and Process Productivity: Implications for Quality Choice and
Conditional Exporter PremiaJournal of International Economics, 91(1), pp. 53-67, September
(with Amil Petrin) “Estimating Lost Output from Allocative Inefficiency, with Application to Chile
and Firing Costs” Review of Economics and Statistics, March 2013, Vol. 95, No 1, 286-301.
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian) “What Happens when Firms Patent? New Evidence from US
Manufacturing Census Data,” Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2011, Vol. 93, No. 1:
(with Bo Becker) “The Effect of Financial Development on the Investment-Cash Flow Relationship:
cross-country evidence from Europe,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 10:
Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 43 (2010).
(with Francine Lafontaine) “Do Labor Market Rigidities have Microeconomic Effects? Evidence
from Within the Firm,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol.1, No. 2, April 2009,
Pages 88-127.
Barriers to Competition and Productivity: Evidence from India,” The B.E. Journal of Economic
Analysis & Policy: Vol. 9: Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 42 (2009).
o Finalist (1 of 2) for the Kenneth J Arrow Junior prize awarded “annually for the paper by a
junior economist that represents the very best of BEPRESS economics publishing”.
(with Natarajan Balasubramanian) “Capital Resalability, Productivity Dispersion and Market
Structure,” Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 91 Issue: 3 August 2009, Pages: 547-
(with Francine Lafontaine) “Within-firm Labor Productivity across Countries: A Case Study,” in
Insider Studies of the Performance of Multinational Firms, Richard Freeman and Katherine Shaw,
eds, NBER, University of Chicago Press, 2009.
(with Joel Slemrod) “Tax Law Changes, Income Shifting and Measured Wage Inequality: Evidence
from India, Journal of Public Economics Vol. 92, Issues 10-11, October 2008, Pages 2199-
(joint with Run Ge, Yao Lu, and Xinzheng Shi) AI-enabled Voice Assistants and Productivity [Field
experiment to assess effects of voice assistance devices on labor productivity, and customer, and
worker satisfaction]
Firm Performance, Entrepreneurship, and Human Capital (proposed 5 year project using US Census
Microdata to be accessed through the Michigan Research Data Center in the ISR Building, joint with
Francine Lafontaine)
Spillover of Foreign Demand Shocks: Chinese Experience of the 2008-09 Crisis (joint with Yueyuan
Ma and Xinzheng Shi)
Conference presentations
International Industrial Organization Conference, Atlanta, GA (April 2005) “Product Market
Liberalization and Productivity: Micro-evidence from Indian Manufacturing Sector Reforms”
NBER Conference on the Indian Economy, Boston, MA (December 2005) “Tax Law Changes, Income
Shifting and Measured Wage Inequality: Evidence from India”
Microeconomics of Growth, World Bank, Washington (May 2006) “Tax Law Changes, Income Shifting
and Measured Wage Inequality: Evidence from India”
International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, MA (April 2006) “Within-firm Labor
Productivity across Countries: A Case Study”
ASSA Meetings, Chicago, IL (January 2007) “Do Labor Market Rigidities have Microeconomic Effects?
Evidence from Within the Firm
International Industrial Organization Conference, Savannah, GA (April 2007) “Capital liquidity,
Productivity Dispersion and Market Structure”
RIEF Conference, Rome, Italy (May 2007) “Firms’ Exporting Behavior under Minimum Quality
Conference on Firms in the Global Economy, Ann Arbor, MI (September 2007) “Do Labor Market
Rigidities have Microeconomic Effects? Evidence from Within the Firm
ASSA Meetings, New Orleans, LA (January 2008) “What happens when firms patent? New evidence
from US economic census data”
International Industrial Organization Conference, Washington, DC (May 2008) “What happens when
firms patent? New evidence from US economic census data”
NBER International Economics Summer Institute, Boston, MA (July 2008) “Firms’ Exporting Behavior
under Minimum Quality Requirements”
ASSA Meetings, San Francisco, CA (January 2009) “Tax Law Changes, Income Shifting and Measured
Wage Inequality: Evidence from India”
Workshop on Firm-Level Data Analysis in Transition and Developing Economies, Edinburgh, Scotland
(April 2009) “Firms' Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints”
Workshop on Firm-Level Data Analysis in Transition and Developing Economies, Edinburgh, Scotland
(April 2009) “Job Security Does Affect Economic Efficiency: Theory, A New Statistic, and Evidence
from Chile” (joint with Amil Petrin)
International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, MA (April 2009) “Firms’ Exporting
Behavior under Minimum Quality Requirements”
Conference on Product Heterogeneity and Quality Heterogeneity in International Trade, Zurich,
Switzerland, (August 2009) “Firms' Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints”
ASSA Meetings, Atlanta, GA (January 2010) “Estimating Lost Output from Allocative Inefficiency, with
Application to Chile and Firing Costs”
US Census Bureau RDC Research Conference, Washington, DC (November 2010), “Does capital
market myopia affect plant productivity? Evidence from “going private” transactions
BRIC-IGC-IIG Conference on “Entrepreneurship and Development: Policies, Practices and
Experience,” Dhaka, Bangladesh (Mar 2011) “Improving firm productivity: Policy and business factors”
International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, MA (Apr 2011) “Firm heterogeneity and
exchange rate pass-through”
International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, MA (Mar 2012) “Incumbent responses to
changes in entry barriers: Evidence from Cable Franchising Deregulation”
IMR Doctoral Conference, Invited Talk, IIM Bangalore, India (Dec 2013) “Building a research career:
Some lessons
International Industrial Organization Conference, Chicago, IL (April 2014) “Gains from Offshoring?
Evidence from U.S. Microdata”
Workshop on Firms, Industry and SMEs Data in India (March 2015) “Research with Firm Data”
Discussant: Mitsui Finance Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI (May 2018)
Discussant: Mitsui Symposium on Comparative Corporate Governance and Globalization, Ann Arbor,
MI (October 2018)
Discussant: Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Ann Arbor, MI (November 2018)
Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data Conference (May 2019) “Spillover of Foreign Demand
Shocks: Chinese Experience of the 2008-09 Crisis”
Discussant: Queen’s Organizational Economics Conference, June 2019
NBER Summer Institute 2019 Personnel Economics (July 2019) “How Does Improvement in
Commuting Affect Employees? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Panelist: The Purpose of Business: Shareholders and Stakeholders, Jan 21, 2020, Business + Impact,
Ross School of Business.
IIMB Management Review Doctoral Conference (IIMRDC), February 2021, Keynote Address: “Recent
Contributions in Empirical Studies of Firm (and Worker) Productivity”
Conference on Finance and Development, Tsinghua University, February 25, 2023. “How do Firms
Grow in the U.S.? Evidence using a Novel Decomposition and Implications for Strategy Research”
2023 Federal Statistical Research Data Center Annual Research Conference, Sept 2023 “How Do U.S.
Firms Grow? New Evidence from a Growth Decomposition”
IIT Madras, International Conference on Management Research Nov 2023 (ICMR), Keynote Address,
New Approaches to Empirical Studies of Firm and Worker Productivity”
Seminar presentations
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (February 2005) Product Market Liberalization and
Productivity: Micro-evidence from Indian Manufacturing Sector Reforms”
University of Michigan (December 2005) “Tax Law Changes, Income Shifting and Measured Wage
Inequality: Evidence from India”
University of Michigan (April 2006) “Firms’ Exporting Behavior under Minimum Quality
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (January 2007) “Microeconomic Implications of Input
Market Regulations: A Cross-Country Study”
University of California, Santa Cruz (May 2007) “Firms’ Exporting Behavior under Minimum Quality
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (January 2007) “Microeconomic Implications of Input
Market Regulations: A Cross-Country Study”
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (October 2007) “Patenting and Firm Growth: Evidence
from US Manufacturing”
New York RDC/Baruch College (July 2008) “Firms’ Exporting Behavior under Minimum Quality
Indian School of Business (August 2008) “What happens when firms patent? New evidence from US
manufacturing census data
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO (January 2009) “Firms’ Exporting Behavior under Minimum
Quality Requirements”
Department of Economics, University of Michigan (November 2009) “Estimating Lost Output from
Allocative Inefficiency, with Application to Chile and Firing Costs”
The University of Colorado, Boulder, CO (January 2010) “Firms' Exporting Behavior under Quality
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (April 2010) “Effect of Competitive Environment on
Trade Patterns: Evidence from the Collapse of International Cartels”
Department of Economics, University of Michigan (November 2010) “Effect of Competition on Trade
Patterns: Evidence from the Collapse of International Cartels”
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (December 2010)Deadlines, Work Flows and Work
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (February 2011) “Does capital market myopia affect
plant productivity? Evidence from ``going private" transactions”
Penn State University (March 2012)Gains from Offshoring? Evidence from U.S. Microdata”
ISI Delhi (June 2012)Gains from Offshoring? Evidence from U.S. Microdata”
University of Michigan (Labor Economics Seminar) (October 2012)Deadlines, Workflows and Work
University of Michigan (Decision Consortium Seminar) (March 2013)Deadlines, Work Flows and
Work Quality”
Indiana University (March 2013) “Deadlines, Work Flows and Work Quality”
Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur (February 2014) “Gains from
Offshoring? Evidence from U.S. Microdata”
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (March 2014) “Gains from Offshoring? Evidence from
U.S. Microdata”
School of Business, University of Hong Kong (May 2014) “Deadlines, Work Flows, Task Sorting and
Work Quality”
CES, US Census Bureau (March 2017) “Locked In? Noncompete Enforceability and the Mobility and
Earnings of High-Tech Workers
Tsinghua University (April 2017) “Transmission of shocks: Chinese Experience of the 2008-09 Crisis”
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (January 2018) Missing Women in India: The Role of
Rainfall Shocks”
Center for Development Studies, Kerala (July 2018) Missing Women in India: The Role of Rainfall
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (October 2018) How Does Transportation
Infrastructure Affect Employees? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China”
Grinnell College (September 2023) “Does Navigating Adversity Call for Experienced Hands? Executive
Composition under Trade Conflicts”
Co-author presentations:
NBER, Palo Alto, CA, Jan 2006 (Francine Lafontaine)
ECB, Frankfurt, Germany, April 2006 (Bo Becker)
University of California, San Diego, May 2006 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
University of Colorado-Boulder, September, 2006 (Francine Lafontaine)
University of California, Berkeley, November, 2006 (Francine Lafontaine)
NBER productivity group meeting, Boston, MA, December 2006 (Francine Lafontaine)
Ohio State University, December 2006 (Francine Lafontaine)
Yale University, Fall 2006 (Amil Petrin)
University of Minnesota, Fall 2006 (Amil Petrin)
University of Oregon, Fall 2006 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
University of California, Berkeley, Fall 2006 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
University of Chicago, Winter 2007 (Amil Petrin)
University of Texas, Austin, Winter 2007 (Joel Slemrod)
NBER productivity group meeting, Boston, MA, July 2007 (Amil Petrin)
AOM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, Aug 2008 (Natarajan Balasubramanian)
Oxford University, September 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
Universidad de San Andres, Buenos Aires, Argentina October 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
London School of Economics, London, UK, October 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
ELSNIT Conference, Florence, Italy, October 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
Universidad de San Andres, Buenos Aires, Argentina October 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Dec 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
Stanford University, Dec 2008 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
World Bank, Mar 2009 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
George Washington University, Mar 2009 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
Princeton University, Mar 2009 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
Columbia University, Mar 2009 (Juan Carlos Hallak)
Paris Spring Corporate Finance Conference, HEC Paris, May 2011(Sreedhar Bharath)
Annual Symposium on Private Equity Findings, LBS London, June 2011 (Sreedhar Bharath)
Summer Research Conference in Finance, ISB Hyderabad, July 2011 (Sreedhar Bharath)
Faculty Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, January 2012. (Jeongsik Lee)
Midwest International Economic Group Spring Meeting (Bloomington, IN), May 2012 (Jooyoun Park)
US Census Bureau RDC Research Conference, Chicago, September 2012 (Ryan Monarch)
Korea University. Seminar. Seoul, Korea, October 2012 (Jeongsik Lee)
Yonsei University. Seminar. Seoul, Korea, October 2012. (Jeongsik Lee)
Economics Seminar, Kent State University, October 2012 (Jooyoun Park)
Empirical Investigations in International Trade Meeting (UCSC), November 2012 (Jooyoun Park)
International Economics Seminar, University of Michigan, November 2012 (Jooyoun Park)
Southern Economic Association Meeting (New Orleans, LA), November 2012 (Jooyoun Park)
Economics Seminar, Purdue University, December 2012 (Jooyoun Park)
Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference. New York, NY, April 2013 (Jeongsik Lee)
IIOC, Chicago, IL, April 2014 (Jeongsik Lee)
Federal Statistical Research Data Center Annual Conference, September 2015 (Jin Woo Chang)
Faculty Seminar, Drexel University, October 2015 (Jeongsik Lee)
MEA Annual Meeting, April 2016 (Jin Woo Chang)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Strategy Science, November 2016 (Jin Woo Chang)
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2016 (Jin Woo Chang)
The Ohio State University October 2016 (Natarajan Balasubramanian)
Insead April 2018 (Evan Starr)
Sundance Conference on Monopsony in Labor Markets, October 2018 (Evan Starr)
Xiamen University, Beijing, NYU Shanghai Dec 2018 (Yao Lu)
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Shanghai Jiaotong University, April 2019 (Xinzheng
The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth pre-conference at MIT-Sloan, July
2019, and final conference in Palo Alto January 2020 (Francine Lafontaine)
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Shanghai Jiaotong University, April 2023 (Xinzheng
Industrial Organization, Productivity Growth, International Economics, Labor Economics, Regulation
Instructor: Future of Work, AMDCP (Executive Education)
Instructor: Applied Microeconomics, MBA (Core) Course, BE502/503/BE591/WMBA502
Instructor: Incentives and Productivity, MBA (Elective) Course, BE/MO 619, Ross School of
Business, University of Michigan
o 2019 Winner of FTMBA Ross Teaching Excellence award; Nominated by the Ross Class of
2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017 for the Ross Teaching Excellence Award
Co-Instructor: Applied Microeconomics, BBA (Core) Course, BE300
Instructor: Economics of Business, EMBA Course, EMBA604
Instructor: Applied Econometrics for Strategic Decisions, Weekend MBA Elective, WMBA625
Instructor: Topics in Industrial & International Economics, PhD Course
Co-Instructor: Applied Industrial Economics, PhD Course
Co-Instructor: Globalization and Growth, PhD Course, Ross School of Business, University of
o Nominated for 2009 and 2013 PhD Teaching Excellence Award by the PhD students at Ross
Teaching Assistant: Industrial Organization, Strategic Investment Decisions, Competitive Strategy,
Advanced Econometrics, Empirical Analysis II, Chicago Booth, University of Chicago
Ross School of Business Neary Teaching Excellence Award for the Full-Time MBA Program 2019
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow 2018-2020
C.K. Prahalad Initiative and the Ross China Initiative Research Awards, 2019
Victor L. Bernard Teaching Leadership Award, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan 2018
Distinguished Paper Award in the Business Policy and Strategy Division, AOM Meeting 2016
(Anaheim California)
Center for International Business Research Award, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2012
NTT Research Fellowship, 2006-07
Mitsui Life Financial Research Center Grant, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, 2005
Sanford J. Grossman Fellowship in Honor of Arnold Zellner, 2003-04
Summer Grant, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 2000
Doctoral Fellowship, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 1999-2003
Referee: National Science Foundation, American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics & Statistics,
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Policy, Management
Science, Economic Journal, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Geography, Rand
Journal of Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Law &
Economics, Journal of Development Economics, International Economic Review, International Journal
of Industrial Organization, Journal of Industrial Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal
of Law, Economics, and Organization, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Journal of
Economics and Management Strategy, World Bank Economic Review, Labor Economics, Oxford
Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Asian Business, Journal of Income Distribution,
Transnational Corporations, Journal of Comparative Economics, European Financial Management, US
Census Bureau, Industrial and Labor Relations, Oxford Economic Paper, Empirical Legal Studies,
Journal of Information, and International Tax and Public Finance, Strategic Management Journal,
Journal of Applied Econometrics, Routledge, Economics Letters, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Scientific/Organizing Committee: Empirical Investigations in International Trade, Ann Arbor, MI (Oct
2016), Mitsui Finance Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI (May 2017, 2018), Comparative Analysis of
Enterprise Data Conference (CAED 2017, Sogang University, Korea)
Co-Lead Organizer and Scientific Committee: 15
Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data
Conference, Ann Arbor, MI (May 2019)
Invited Research Affiliate: International Growth Center
Member: American Economic Association, Industrial Organization Society
Chair, Business Economics and Public Policy Group, Ross School of Business, 2019-2020, 2021-
Chair, Junior Recruiting Committee, Business Economics and Public Policy Group, 2022-23
Member, Executive Committee, Ross School of Business, 2021-23
Member, Dean Search Committee, 2021-22
Member, Provost's Faculty Advisory Committee, 2018-20
Member, Fulbright Campus Interview Committee, 2020-21, 2021-22,
Chair, MBA Faculty Council, 2018-19, 2017-18
Member, Assurance of Learning Task Force, 2018-19
Faculty Director, FTMBA, 2016-17
PhD Advisor, Business Economics, 2007-08, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2015-16, 2016-17
Member, Action-Based Learning Advisory Committee
Member, CMO Search Committee
Member, PhD Admissions Committee, 2005-2009, 2011-2013, 2015-2016
Member, Junior Faculty Recruitment Committee, 2006-07, 2012-13
Organizing Committee, Mitsui Finance Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI (May 2017, 2018)
Organizing Committee, Empirical Investigations in International Trade, Ann Arbor, MI (Oct 2016)
Co-Organizer, Conference on Firms in the Global Economy, Ann Arbor, MI (September 2007)
Member, 20
Century MBA Committee, Ross School of Business, 2012
Member, Core Course Task Force, 2012
Member, MBA Task Force, 2014
Member, MBA Working Group-Core Options, 2014-15
Faculty Organizer, Hosmer-Hall Interdisciplinary Lunches, 2015-16
Member, FT MBA Advisory Committee 2015-16
Core Course Coordinator, BE502, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Organizer, Business Economics Research Seminar Series, 2005-2007, 2010-2012
Helen Wang
Juan Sebastian Fernandez
Billy Huang
Jose Ramon Moran (placed at the Bank of Mexico)
Brock Rowberry (placed at the World Bank)
Luis Espinoza Bardales (placed at Texas A&M Bush School)
Michelle Lam (placed at Bates White)
Brian Cevallos Fujiy (placed at the Center for Economic Studies, US Census Bureau)
Barthélémy Bonadio (placed at NYU AbuDhabi)
Jaedo Choi (placed at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington)
Xuan Teng (placed at University of Munich)
Bunyada Mos Laoprapassorn (placed at the International Monetary Fund)
Jiafu Wang (placed at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Junwei Tang (placed at Amazon)
James Caldera (placed at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington)
Ting Lan (placed at the International Monetary Fund)
Kimberly Conlon (placed at the Federal Trade Commission)
Luis Quintana (placed at College of William and Mary)
Wenjian Xu (co-chair, placed at Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Parag Mahajan (placed at University of Delaware)
Frank Li (placed at Post-doc, Stanford University)
Jay Kahn (placed at the Office of Financial Research, US Treasury)
Vybhavi Balasundharam (placed at International Monetary Fund)
Roland (Yue) Fang (co-chair, placed at Zhejiang University)
Jin Woo Chang (chair, placed at Mercer Consulting)
Yulia Chhabra (co-chair)
Nicolas Morales (Placed at the Richmond Fed)
Paula Suh (placed at University of Georgia)
Adam Dearing (placed at The Ohio State University)
Michael Olabisi (co-chair, placed at Pepperdine University)
Gianluigi Giustiziero (placed at SKEMA Business School, France)
Marek Zapletal (placed at the Brattle Group)
Cynthia Doniger (placed at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington)
Jenny Lin (placed at Oregon State University)
Seungjoon Oh (placed at Peking University HSBC School of Business)
Sutirtha Bagchi (placed at Villanova School of Business)
Ryan Monarch (placed at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington)
Shinwoo Kang (placed at Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
Makoto Hasegawa (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan)
Bo Zhao (placed at University of Hong Kong)
Andrew McCallum (placed at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington)
William Lincoln (placed at Johns Hopkins University)
Noam Gruber (visiting Dartmouth College)
Logan Lewis (placed at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington)
Jooyoun Park (placed at Kent State University)
Nicholas Powers (placed at Brattle Group)
Bo Huang (placed at HEC Paris)
Paige Ouimet (placed at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Neviana Petkova (placed at University of Oregon)
Maggie Zhou (placed at University of Maryland, College Park)
Hein Bogaard (placed at George Washington University)
Eun-Hee Kim (placed at George Washington University)
Isao Kamata (placed at University of Pittsburgh)
David Leibsohn (placed at California State University, Fullerton)
Peter Morrow (placed at University of Toronto)