BlackBerry UEM
Managing apps
Adding apps to the app list...............................................................................7
Adding public apps to the app list....................................................................................................................... 7
Add an iOS app to the app list.................................................................................................................. 7
Add an Android app to the app list...........................................................................................................9
Add an Android app to the app list if BlackBerry UEM is not configured for Android
Enterprisedevices............................................................................................................................... 10
Add aWindows 10app to the app list................................................................................................... 11
Add aBlackBerry 10app to the app list.................................................................................................14
Adding internal apps to the app list...................................................................................................................15
Specify the shared network location for storing internal apps............................................................. 15
Add an internal app to the app list......................................................................................................... 15
Adding an internal app for Android Enterprise devices.........................................................................17
Adding web shortcuts to devices....................................................................................................................... 20
Create an app shortcut foriOS,macOS, andAndroiddevices..............................................................20
Create a web app forAndroid Enterprisedevices................................................................................. 21
Update a web app forAndroid Enterprisedevices................................................................................ 21
Adding or changing an app configuration......................................................................................................... 22
Managing Android devices with app configurations............................................................................. 22
Obtain your organization’senterprise ID for Google Play app tracking........................................................... 23
Preventing users from installing specific apps................................................24
Steps to prevent users from installing specific apps....................................................................................... 24
Add an app to the restricted app list................................................................................................................. 25
Managing apps on the app list........................................................................26
Delete an app from the app list..........................................................................................................................26
Change whether an app is required or optional................................................................................................ 26
Device notifications for new and updated apps................................................................................................27
App behavior on iOS devices with MDM controls activations..........................................................................27
App behavior on iOS devices with User privacy activations.............................................................................31
App behavior on Android Enterprise devices.....................................................................................................33
App behavior on Android devices without a work profile.................................................................................34
App behavior on Samsung Knox devices.......................................................................................................... 36
App behavior onWindows 10devices............................................................................................................... 40
App behavior onBlackBerrydevices.................................................................................................................. 41
Viewing app feedback..........................................................................................................................................42
View feedback for all apps on a device................................................................................................. 42
View feedback from all installations of an app..................................................................................... 43
Managing app groups..........................................................................................................................................43
Create an app group.................................................................................................................................43
Edit an app group..................................................................................................................................... 44
View the status of apps and app groups assigned to user accounts............................................................. 44
View which apps are assigned to user groups................................................................................................. 45
Viewing and customizing the apps list.............................................................................................................. 45
Select the information to display in the apps list.................................................................................. 45
Filter the app list.......................................................................................................................................45
Update the app list...............................................................................................................................................45
Update app permissions forAndroid Enterpriseapps......................................................................................46
Accept app permissions forAndroid Enterpriseapps...................................................................................... 47
Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune................................................ 48
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with Microsoft Intune................................................................... 48
Create a Microsoft Intune app protection profile..............................................................................................49
Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings................................................................................... 49
Common:Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings.................................................................. 49
iOS:Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings............................................................................52
Android:Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings.................................................................... 53
Wipe apps managed by Microsoft Intune..........................................................................................................55
ManagingAppleVPP accounts....................................................................... 56
Add anAppleVPP account.................................................................................................................................56
Edit anAppleVPP account................................................................................................................................. 56
UpdateAppleVPP account information............................................................................................................ 57
Delete anAppleVPP account.............................................................................................................................57
AssigningAppleVPP licenses to devices..........................................................................................................57
ViewAppleVPP license assignment...................................................................................................... 57
Limiting devices to a single appor apps that you specify................................59
Create an app lock mode profile........................................................................................................................ 59
Viewing personal app lists.............................................................................. 61
View the personal apps list in the management console.................................................................................61
Turn off personal apps collection...................................................................................................................... 61
Rating and reviewing apps.............................................................................. 63
Enable or disable app ratings and reviews for all apps....................................................................................63
Enable app ratings and reviews for existing apps............................................................................................ 63
View app reviews in the management console.................................................................................................64
Specify app rating and review settings for multiple apps................................................................................ 64
Delete app ratings and reviews.......................................................................................................................... 65
Configure the layout of apps oniOSdevices...................................................66
Managing notifications for apps oniOSdevices..............................................67
Create a per-app notification profile...................................................................................................................67
Managing the Work Apps icon foriOSdevices................................................69
Customize the Work Apps icon.......................................................................................................................... 69
Disable the Work Apps app for iOS....................................................................................................................69
Set the organization name for BlackBerry World............................................. 70
Legal notice.................................................................................................... 71
You can create a library of apps that you can manage, deploy, and monitor ondevices. To manage and deploy
apps, you add the apps to the app list in BlackBerry UEM and assign them to user accounts, user groups, or device
When you manage apps, you perform the following actions:
Step Action
Add the public and internal apps that you want to manage and deploy to devices to the app
Create app groups to manage multiple apps at the same time.
Assign apps or app groups to user accounts, user groups, or device groups so that users
can install them.
You can also specify whether apps are required or optional and, depending on the device and activation type,
restrict apps from being installed on devices.
Adding apps to the app list
The app list contains apps that you can assign to users, user groups, and device groups. Apps listed with a lock
icon are BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
Note: If your organization uses Microsoft Intune for mobile management of apps such as Office 365 apps, you
must create a Microsoft Intune app protection profile to assign apps protected by Intune to users instead of
adding them to the app list.
Adding public apps to the app list
A public app is an app that is available fromthe App Store online store, the Google Play store, the Windows Store,
or the BlackBerry World storefront.
For more information on adding BlackBerry Dynamics apps, see Add public BlackBerry Dynamics apps to the app
Add an iOS app to the app list
When you add public iOS apps to the app list, the connection to the App Store is made directly from the computer
that is running the BlackBerry UEM console. If your organization isusing a proxy server, you must ensure that
no SSL interception occurs. For more information on ports that must be open, visit
community to read article 52777.
1. On the menu bar, click Apps.
Click .
3. Click App Store.
4. In the search field, search for the app that you want to add. You can search by app name, vendor, or App Store
5. In the drop-down list, select the country of the store that you want to search in.
6. Click Search.
7. In the search results, click Add to add an app.
8. To filter apps in the app list by category and to organize the apps into categories in the work apps list on users'
devices, you can select a category for the app. In the Category drop-down list, do one of the following:
Task Steps
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for the app a. Type a name for the category. The new category will appear in the
drop-down list with the "new category" label beside it
b. Press Enter.
c. Press Enter.
9. In the App rating and review drop-down list, perform one of the following actions. When multiple versions of
the app exist, the setting specified applies to all versions of the app.
If you want users to rate and provide reviews of apps and see all reviews submitted by other users in your
environment, select Public mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, select Private mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in the BlackBerry UEM management console.
|Adding apps to the app list|7
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users, select
10.In the Supported device form factor drop-down list, select the form factors that the app can be installed on.
For example, you can prevent the app from being available in the Work Apps app for iPad.
11.If you want the app to be deleted from the device when the device is removed from BlackBerry UEM, select
Remove the app from the device when the device is removed from BlackBerry UEM. This option applies only
to apps with a disposition marked as required and the default installation for required apps is set to prompt
12.If you want to prevent apps on iOS devices from being backed up to the iCloud online service, select Disable
iCloud backup for the app. This option applies only to apps with a disposition marked as required. You set the
disposition of the app when you assign the app to a user or group.
13.In the Default installation for required apps drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
If you want users to receive a prompt to install the app on their iOS devices, select Prompt once. If users
dismiss the prompt, they can install the app later using the Work Apps screen in the BlackBerry UEM Client
app or the Work Apps icon on the device.
If you don't want users to receive a prompt, select No prompt.
If users dismiss the prompt or don't receive a prompt, they can install the app using the Work Apps screen in
the BlackBerry UEM Client app or the Work Apps icon on the device.This option applies only to apps with a
disposition marked as required. You set the disposition of the app when you assign the app to a user or group.
14.In the Convert installed personal app to work app drop-down list, select one of the following:
To convert the app to a work app if it is already installed, select Convert. After you assign the app to a user,
the app is converted to a work app and can be managed by BlackBerry UEM.
If you don't want to convert the app to a work app if it is already installed, select Do not convert. After you
assign the app to a user, the app cannot be managed by BlackBerry UEM.
15.If the app settings can be preconfigured (for example, connection information), and you want to do so, obtain
the configuration details from the app vendor and perform the following actions:
a) In the App configuration table, complete one of the following tasks:
Task Steps
Create an app configuration
from an XML template
Click > Create from a template.
2. Click Browse and select the template that you want to add.
3. Click Upload.
4. For each setting, enter the value that you want to set.
For more information about app configuration .xml templates, visit
Copy another app configuration 1.
Click > Copy from an app configuration.
2. In the Copy from drop-down list, select the app configuration that
you want to copy.
3. For each setting, edit the key name or value.
Create an app configuration
Click > Configure manually.
For each setting that you want to add, click and select a value
type for the setting.
3. For each setting, enter the key name and the value that you want
to set.
|Adding apps to the app list|8
b) Type a name in the App configuration name field.
c) Click Save.
d) If necessary, use the arrows to move the profiles up or down the ranking. When an app is assigned more
than once with different app configurations, the app configuration with the higher rank applies.
16.Click Add.
Add an Android app to the app list
If you have configured support for Android Enterprise devices, the connection to Google allows BlackBerry UEM
to get app information from Google Play. The connection to Google Play is made directly from the computer that
is running the BlackBerry UEM console. If your organization is using a proxy server, you must ensure that no SSL
interception occurs. For more information on ports that must be open, visit
to read article 52777. For more information about configuring BlackBerry UEM to support Android Enterprise
devices, see the on-premises Configuration content or the Cloud Configuration content.
If BlackBerry UEM is not configured to support Android Enterprise devices, see Add anAndroidapp to the app list
ifBlackBerry UEMis not configured forAndroid Enterprisedevices.
To use Google Play to manage apps in the Samsung Knox Workspace, devices must have Samsung Knox 2.7.1
or later installed and you must allow Google Play app management for Samsung Knox Workspace devices in the
activation profile.
Note: You can specify update behavior for apps running the the foreground in the device SR requirements profile.
1. On the menu bar, click Apps.
Click .
3. Click Google Play.
In the left navigation menu, click .
5. Search for the app that you want to add or pick an app on the store home page.
6. Select the app.
7. Click Approve.
8. To accept app permissions on behalf of users, click Approve. You must accept the app permissions to allow
required apps to be automatically installed on Android Enterprise devices or in Knox Workspace. If you don't
accept the app permissions on behalf of users, the app can't be managed in BlackBerry UEM.
9. On the Approval Settings tab, choose how you would like to handle new app permission requests when there
is an updated app.
To automatically accept the new permissions added by the app vendor, select Keep approved when app
requests new permissions.
To manually re-accept the new app permissions added by the app vendor before the app can be sent to
new devices, select Revoke app approval when this app requests new permissions. For more information
about updating app permissions, see Update app permissions forAndroid Enterpriseapps.
10.If you selected the Revoke app approval when this app requests new permissions optionon the Notifications
tab,add a subscriber to be notified when the app permission changes. The administrator will have to re-
approve the app before users can access it.
11.Click Done.
12.In the App description field, type a description for the app.
13.To add screen shots of the app, click Add and browse to the screen shots. The supported image types
are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif.
14.To control runtime app permissions, click Set app permissions.For each permission, choose one of the
|Adding apps to the app list|9
Use app permission policy
15.Click Save.
16.In the Send to drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
If you want the app to be sent to all Android devices, select All Android devices.
If you want the app to be sent to only Android devices that use Samsung Knox Workspace, select Samsung
Knox Workspace devices.
If you want the app to be sent only to Android Enterprise devices, select Android devices with a work
17.If you want the app to update automatically on Android Enterprise devices, select Automatically update app
on Android Enterprise devices when update available.
18.For apps that support configuration settings, an App configuration table is displayed. If you want to create an
app configuration, complete the following steps:
Click to add an app configuration.
b) Type a name for the app configuration and specify the configuration settings to use.
c) Click Save.
d) If necessary, use the arrows to move the profiles up or down the ranking. When an app is assigned more
than once with different app configurations, the app configuration with the higher rank applies.
19.To filter apps in the app list by category and to organize the apps into categories in the work apps list on users'
devices, you can select a category for the app. In the Category drop-down list, do one of the following:
Task Steps
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for the
a. Type a name for the category. The new category will appear in the drop-
down list with the "new category" label beside it.
b. Press Enter.
20.In the App rating and review drop-down list, perform one of the following actions. When multiple versions of
the app exist, the setting specified applies to all versions of the app.
If you want users to rate and provide reviews of apps and see all reviews submitted by other users in your
environment, select Public mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, select Private mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in the BlackBerry UEM management console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users, select
21.Click Add.
Add anAndroidapp to the app list ifBlackBerry UEMis not configured forAndroid Enterprisedevices
IfBlackBerry UEMis not configured to supportAndroid Enterprise, use the following procedure.
IfBlackBerry UEMis configured to supportAndroid Enterprisedevices, seeAdd an Android app to the app list.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickGoogle Play.
|Adding apps to the app list|10
4. ClickOpen Google Playand search for the app that you want to add. You can then copy and paste information
fromGoogle Playin the following steps and also download icons and screen shots.
5. In theApp namefield, type the app name.
6. In theApp descriptionfield, type a description for the app.
7. To filter apps in the app list by category and to organize the apps into categories in the work apps list on users'
devices, you can select a category for the app. In theCategorydrop-down list, do one of the following:
Task Steps
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for the app a. Type a name for the category. The new category will appear in the
drop-down list with the "new category" label beside it
b. PressEnter.
c. PressEnter.
8. In theApp rating and reviewdrop-down list, perform one of the following actions. When multiple versions of
the app exist, the setting specified applies to all versions of the app.
If you want users to rate and provide reviews of apps and see all reviews submitted by other users in your
environment, selectPublic mode.
If you want users to rate and provide reviews of apps only, selectPrivate mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users,
9. In theVendorfield, type the name of the app vendor.
10.In theApp iconfield, clickBrowse. Locate and select an icon for the app. The supported formats
are .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif. Do not useGoogle Chrometo download the icon because an incompatible .webp
image is downloaded.
11.In theApp web address from Google Playfield, type the web address of the app inGoogle Play.
12.To add screen shots of the app, clickAddand browse to the screen shots. The supported image types
are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif.
13.In theSend todrop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
If you want the app to be sent to allAndroiddevices, selectAll Android devices.
If you want the app to be sent to onlyAndroiddevices that useSamsung Knox Workspace, selectOnly
KNOX Workspace devices.
Add aWindows 10app to the app list
To addWindows 10apps to the app list, you must manage your app catalog in theWindows Storefor
Business and then synchronize the apps toBlackBerry UEM. When new apps are added to your app catalog,
you can synchronize the apps withBlackBerry UEMright away or wait untilBlackBerry UEMsynchronizes
automatically.BlackBerry UEMsynchronizes the app catalog every 24 hours.
You can allow users to install offline or online apps from theWindows Storefor Business app catalog. Offline
apps are downloaded byBlackBerry UEMwhen you synchronize with the app catalog. Using offline apps is
recommended because all management of these apps can be performed fromBlackBerry UEM, and users can
install them without connecting to theWindows Storefor Business. After the apps are installed, devices receive
updates to the apps from theWindows Store.
|Adding apps to the app list|11
Online apps are downloaded directly from theWindows Storefor Business. To be able to send required online
apps to devices, instruct your users to add their work accounts toAccounts used by other appsinWindows 10.
Before you begin:
If you havean on-premise environment,Specify the shared network location for storing internal appsto store
offline apps.
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronize with theWindows Storefor Business
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickWindows Store>10.
4. ClickSynchronize apps.
Configuring BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business
If you want to manage Windows 10 apps, you must configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows
Store for Business before you can add Windows 10 apps to the app list.
If you later remove the connection to the Windows Store for Business, all of the Windows 10 apps that have been
synchronized to BlackBerry UEM will be removed and the apps will be unassigned from users and groups.
When you configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with the Windows Store for Business, you perform the
following actions:
Step Action
Create a Microsoft Azure account. For more information, see the on-premises Configuration
content or the Cloud Configuration content.
Synchronize Microsoft Active Directory with Microsoft Azure. For more information, see the
on-premises Configuration content or the Cloud Configuration content.
Create an enterprise endpoint in Azure. For more information, see the on-premises
Configuration content or the Cloud Configuration content.
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronize with theWindows Storefor Business.
Create an administrator for theWindows Storefor Business.
Activate the app in theWindows Storefor Business.
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronize with theWindows Storefor Business
Before you begin: Create an enterprise endpoint inAzure.
1. Log in to theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console.
2. Go toSettings > App management > Windows 10 apps.
3. Enter the information you copied from theAzureportal when you created the enterprise application inAzure.
|Adding apps to the app list|12
Client ID: The Application ID generated by theAzureapplication registration
Client key: The client secret generated by theAzureapplication registration
OAUTH 2.0 token endpoint: The tenant specific OAuth endpoint URL for requesting authentication tokens
Username: The administrator username forBlackBerry UEMto accessIntune
Password: The password for the username
4. ClickNext.
After you finish: Create an administrator for theWindows Storefor Business.
Create an administrator for theWindows Storefor Business
To manageWindows 10apps on devices, you must create an app catalog in theWindows Storefor Business and
synchronize the apps withBlackBerry UEM. To create the catalog in theWindows Storefor Business, you must
create at least one administrator account to log in to the store.
Before you begin:
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronize with theWindows Storefor Business.
1. In theMicrosoft Azureportal, go toMicrosoft Azure > Azure Active Directory > Users and groups > All users.
2. ClickAdd a user.
3. On the screen, enter the required user information.
4. Click the arrow next toDirectory roleand selectGlobal administrator, then clickOK.
5. Create a password or selectShow Passwordand copy the generated password.
6. ClickCreate.
7. ClickAzure Active Directory > Enterprise applications > All applicationsand select the enterprise application
you created.
8. Add the global administrator account you created as a user of the application.
After you finish: Activate the app in theWindows Storefor Business.
Activate the app in theWindows Storefor Business
Before you begin:
ConfigureBlackBerry UEMto synchronize with theWindows Storefor Business.
Create an administrator for theWindows Storefor Business
1. Log in to theWindows Store for Businessusing the Global Admin account you created.
2. ClickManage > Settings> Distribute.
3. ClickAdd Management tool.
4. Choose the app that you created to be the MDM tool you want to synchronize with theWindows Storefor
5. ClickActivate.
Allowing users to install online Windows 10 apps
To allow users to install online Windows 10 apps, the user must exist in your Microsoft Azure directory, and the
user’s email address in BlackBerry UEM must match the user’s email address in Microsoft Azure AD. You can
synchronize your directory to Microsoft Azure using Microsoft Azure AD Connect. For instructions,see the on-
premises Configuration content or the Cloud Configuration content.
|Adding apps to the app list|13
Note: To be able to send required online apps to devices, instruct your users to add their work accounts to
Accounts used by other apps in Windows 10.
Add an app category for aWindows 10app
After you set a category for an app, you can filter apps in the app list by category and organize the apps in the
work apps list on users' devices into categories. After aWindows 10app has been synchronized toBlackBerry
UEM, you can assign an app category to it.
Before you begin: Add aWindows 10app to the app list.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. Click the app that you want to assign an app category to.
3. In theCategorydrop-down list, do one of the following:
Step Description
Select a category for the
a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for
the app
a. Type a name for the category. A "new category" message will appear in the
drop-down list with the new category label beside it
b. PressEnter.
c. PressEnter.
4. ClickSave.
Add aBlackBerry 10app to the app list
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickBlackBerry World.
4. In the search field, search for the app that you want to add. You can search by app name, vendor, orBlackBerry
5. In the drop-down list, select the country of the store that you want to search in.
6. ClickSearch.
7. In the search results, clickAddto add an app.
8. To filterBlackBerry 10apps in the app list by category, you can select a category for the app. In
theCategorydrop-down list, do one of the following:
Task Steps
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for the app a. Type a name for the category. The new category will appear in the
drop-down list with the "new category" label beside it
b. PressEnter.
c. PressEnter.
9. On the app information screen, clickAdd.
|Adding apps to the app list|14
Adding internal apps to the app list
Internal apps include proprietary apps developed by your organization and apps made available for your
organization's exclusive use. Internal apps are not added to BlackBerry UEM from public app storefronts.
iOS apps must be .ipa files, Android apps must be .apk files, Windows 10 apps must be .xap or .appx files, and
BlackBerry 10 apps must be .bar files. Internal apps must be signed and unaltered.
If you are adding intermal apps in an on-premises environment, you must first Specify the shared network location
for storing internal apps.
Users can find internal apps on their devices as follows:
For iOS and Android devices, in the Assigned work apps list in the BlackBerry UEM Client app
For BlackBerry 10 devices, in the Company Apps tab in BlackBerry World for Work
For more information on BlackBerry Dynamics apps, see Add an internal BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement.
Specify the shared network location for storing internal apps
If you have an on-premisesBlackBerry UEMenvironment,before you add internal apps to the available app list,
you must specify a shared network location to store the app source files that you upload. To make sure that
internal apps remain available, this network location should have a high availability solution and be backed up
regularly. Also, do not create the shared network folder in theBlackBerry UEMinstallation folder because it will
be deleted if you upgradeBlackBerry UEM. If you haveBlackBerry UEM Cloud, you don't need to specify a network
location for app files.
Before you begin:
Create a shared network folder to store the source files for internal apps on the network that hostsBlackBerry
Verify that the service account for the computer that hostsBlackBerry UEMhas read and write access to the
shared network folder.
1. On the menu bar, clickSettings.
2. In the left pane, expandApp management.
3. ClickInternal app storage.
4. InNetwork locationfield, type the path of the shared network folder using the following format:
The shared network path must be typed in UNC format (for example, \\ComputerName\Applications
5. ClickSave.
Add an internal app to the app list
Follow this procedure to add internal appsfor all devices. ForAndroid Enterprisedevices you can instead host
new apps inGoogle Play. For more information, seeAdding internal appsfor Android Enterprise devices.
Before you begin: If you have an on-premisesBlackBerry UEMenvironment,Specify the shared network location
for storing internal apps.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickInternal apps.
4. ClickBrowse. Navigate to the app that you want to add or update.
|Adding apps to the app list|15
5. ClickOpen.
6. ClickAdd.
7. Optionally, add a vendor name and an app description.
8. To add screen shots of the app, clickAdd. Browse to the screen shots. The supported image types
are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif.
9. If you are adding aniOSapp, perform the following actions:
a) In theSupported device form factordrop-down list, select the form factors that the app can be installed on.
For example, you can prevent the app from being available in the Work Apps app foriPad.
b) If you want the app to be deleted from the device when the device is removed fromBlackBerry UEM,
selectRemove the app from the device when the device is removed from BlackBerry UEM. This option
applies only to apps with a disposition marked as required and the default installation for required apps is
set to prompt once.
c) If you want to prevent apps oniOSdevices from being backed up to theiCloudonline service, selectDisable
iCloud backup for the app. This option applies only to apps with a disposition marked as required. You set
the disposition of the app when you assign the app to a user or group.
d) In theDefault installation method for required appsdrop-down list, if you want users to receive one prompt
to install the app on theiriOSdevices, selectPrompt once. If users dismiss the prompt, they can install the
app later from the Work Apps list in theBlackBerry UEM Clientapp or the Work Apps icon on the device.
10.If you are adding anAndroidapp, you can set runtime app permissions for the app. ClickSet app
permissionsand for each permission that the app requests, specify whether to grant or deny permission or use
the app permission policy, then clickSave.
11.If you are adding anAndroidapp, in theSend todrop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
If you want the app to be sent to allAndroiddevices, selectAll Android devices.
If you want the app to be sent to onlyAndroiddevices that useSamsung Knox Workspace, selectSamsung
KNOX Workspace devices.
If you want the app to be sent only toAndroid Enterprisedevices, selectAndroiddevices with a work profile.
12.To filter apps in the app list by category and to organize the apps into categories in the work apps list on users'
devices, you can select a category for the app. In theCategorydrop-down list, do one of the following:
Task Steps
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for the
a. Type a name for the category. The "new category" will appear in the
drop-down list with the new category label beside it
b. PressEnter.
c. PressEnter.
13.In theApp rating and reviewdrop-down list, perform one of the following actions. When multiple versions of
the app exist, the setting specified applies to all versions of the app.
If you want users to rate and provide reviews of apps and see all reviews submitted by other users in your
environment, selectPublic mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, selectPrivate mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users,
For apps that support configuration settings, anApp configurationtable is displayed. Click to add an app
configuration. For more information, seeAdding or changing an app configuration.
|Adding apps to the app list|16
15.ClickAdd. If you plan to host the app inBlackBerry UEMusing a .json file, copy and save the URL that is
After you finish: If you are adding an app forAndroid Enterprisedevices, complete one of the following tasks:
Host an internal app for Android Enterprise devicesin Google Play using the .apk file
Host aninternal app for Android Enterprise devices in BlackBerry UEM using a .json file
Update an internal app
When you update an internal app, the updated app will replace the app currently assigned to users and
groups.BlackBerrydevices update the app version automatically. Other devices may prompt the user to install the
new app version.
Note: If you are updating an internal iOS app with a pre-existing app configuration, create an app configuration
of the same name during the version update.BlackBerry UEMcan then automatically deploy the new version to
users. For more information, seeAdding or changing an app configuration.
Before you begin: If you are updating an app that is hosted inGoogle PlayforAndroid Enterprisedevices, add
the updated version of the app toGoogle Playand wait forGoogleto publish the app before you update the app
inBlackBerry UEM.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. Click on the internal app that you want to update.
In the top-right corner, click .
4. In theUpdate internal appdialog box, clickBrowseand navigate to the app that you want to update.
5. ClickAdduntil theSavebutton appears.
6. ClickSave.
Adding an internal app for Android Enterprise devices
For Android Enterprise devices you can host new apps in Google Play.
You can add internal apps to Android Enterprise devices in three ways. The method you chose depends on your
organization's needs.
Option Description
Add a privateapp to
the app list for Android
Enterprise devices
Use this option to quickly host a new internal app in Google Play.This is the
recommended method for adding internal apps. This option supports only Android
Enterprise devices. If you want to make the app available to other Android devices,
you must use one of the other options in addition to or instead of this option.This
option doesn't require you to purchase a developer account from Google.
Host an internal app
for Android Enterprise
devicesin Google Play
using the .apk file
This method involves using the Google Play App Developer portal, and requires the
purchase of a developer account from Google.
Host aninternal app
for Android Enterprise
devices in BlackBerry
UEM using a .json file
Use this method to add internal apps if you don't want to upload apk. files to
Google Play. When you use this method, the file is stored by BlackBerry UEM. Note
that this method is available only when the 'Add Google Play account to work
space' option is not selected in the activation profile that is assigned to the user.
|Adding apps to the app list|17
Add a privateapp to the app list for Android Enterprise devices
Use these instructions to add internal apps to Google Play to deploy to Android Enterprise devices.
Private apps display the symbol and your Android Enterprise Organization Name in the Vendor field in the app
Before you begin: If you have an on-premises BlackBerry UEM environment, Specify the shared network location
for storing internal apps.
1. On the menu bar, click Apps.
Click .
3. Click Google Play.
In the left navigation menu, click .
Click .
6. In the Title field, type the text that will display on the device.
7. Navigate to the app that you want to add and click Open.
8. Click Create.
The web app is created in Google Play and the app appears on the Private apps tab. Google Play takes several
minutes to upload and verify the .apk file and notify BlackBerry UEM that the app is ready. When UEM receives
the apk file, it adds the app to the app list automatically.
9. To add a description or icon for the the app or specify app details in Google Play, click Make advanced edits,
login to Google Play,and make the required changes.
10.In the Private apps tab, click the app you added, then click Select.
11.In the App description field, type a description for the app.
12.To add screen shots of the app, click Add and browse to the screen shots. The supported image types
are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif.
13.If you want the app to update automatically on Android Enterprise devices, select Automatically update app on
Android Enterprise devices when update available.
14.For apps that support configuration settings, an App configuration table is displayed. If you want to create an
app configuration, complete the following steps:
Click to add an app configuration.
b) Type a name for the app configuration and specify the configuration settings to use.
c) Click Save.
d) If necessary, use the arrows to move the profiles up or down the ranking. When an app is assigned more
than once with different app configurations, the app configuration with the higher rank applies.
15.To filter apps in the app list by category and to organize the apps into categories in the work apps list on users'
devices, you can select a category for the app. In the Category drop-down list, do one of the following:
Task Steps
Select a category for the app a. In the drop-down list, select a category.
Create a category for the
a. Type a name for the category. The new category will appear in the drop-
down list with the "new category" label beside it
b. Press Enter.
16.In the App rating and review drop-down list, perform one of the following actions. When multiple versions of
the app exist, the setting specified applies to all versions of the app.
|Adding apps to the app list|18
If you want users to rate and provide reviews of apps and see all reviews submitted by other users in your
environment, select Public mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, select Private mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in the BlackBerry UEM management console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users, select
17.Click Add.
After you finish: If the app is a BlackBerry Dynamics app, create a BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement for the
app and assign both the app and the entitlement to users. For more information, see Add an internal BlackBerry
Dynamics app entitlement.
Host an internal app for Android Enterprise devicesin Google Play using the .apk file
When you host an app in Google Play, you can use configuration settings to modify app behaviors and set the app
as required or optional. To host an app in Google Play, you must publish the app in Google Play so that users can
install the internal app on their devices.
Before you begin:
You need an account to log in to the Google Developers Console. If Android Enterprise is configured, use the
same email address for the developer account that you used to set up the work profile. For each BlackBerry
UEM domain you need a different developer account.
For instructionson uploading an .apk file for Android Enterprise devices inthe Google Developers Console, see
the information from Google.
For more information, see Add anAndroidapp to the app list.
Host aninternal app for Android Enterprise devices in BlackBerry UEM using a .json file
To host an internal app for Android Enterprise devices in BlackBerry UEM, you must generate a .json file for
the app, upload the file to Google Play, and get the license key for the published app. Apps that are hosted in
BlackBerry UEM can be set only as optional, and you cannot use configuration settings to modify app features and
Before you begin:
Verify that you have OpenSSL, JDK, Python 2.x, and Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) installed in a Path
location on the computer.
You need an account to log in to the Google Developers Console. If you configured support for Android
Enterprise, use the same email address for the developer account that you used to set up Android Enterprise.
For each BlackBerry UEM domain you need a different developer account.
In BlackBerry UEM, Add an internal app to the app list. Select the Enable the app for Android Enterprise option,
and in the App will be hosted by drop-down list, click BlackBerry UEM. Copy and save the URL that is displayed
in BlackBerry UEM.
Note: You need to select Enable the app for Android Enterprise even if you are hosting the app for all Android
For more information, see the information from Google.
Update a privateapp forAndroid Enterprisedevices
You can update private apps with a new version of the .apk file and update the app information inGoogle Play.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
|Adding apps to the app list|19
Click .
3. ClickGoogle Play.
In the left navigation menu, click .
5. Click the app that you want to update.
6. ClickEdit
7. To replace the .apk file with an updated version, clickEditnext to the file name and upload a new file.
8. To update the app settings inGoogle Play, clickMake advanced editsand make the required changes
9. ClickSave.
Adding web shortcuts to devices
You can shortcuts to web pages toiOS,macOS, andAndroiddevices in a similar way to adding apps.For example,
you can add a shortcut to your organization’s internal website. How you add the shortcut depends on the device
ForiOSandmacOSdevices, and forAndroiddevices that aren't activated to useAndroid Enterprise, youadd an
app shortcut. The shortcut information and icon file are added to UEM.
ForAndroid Enterprisedevices, youadd a Web apptoGoogle Play.TheGoogleweb app system creates an .apk
file and hosts it inGoogle Playfor users to install in the work profile.Googlegenerates theweb app app package
ID, which starts with"".Googleweb apps display the symbol and yourAndroid
EnterpriseOrganization Name in the Vendor field in the app list.
Create an app shortcut foriOS,macOS, andAndroiddevices
You must create an app shortcut for each shortcut to a web page that you want to display on users’ devices. For
devices activated withBlackBerry Dynamics, you have the option to add the shortcut to theBlackBerry Dynamics
Before you begin:
Verify that users are assigned an app entitlement for “Feature – BlackBerry App
Store” (com.blackberry.feature.appstore).
Verify that the image that you plan to use as the icon for the shortcut meets the following requirements:
The image format is .png, .jpg, or .jpeg.
The image does not have transparent elements. Any transparent elements will display as black on the
The maximum image size is 120x120.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickApp shortcut.
4. Type a name and description for the app shortcut. The name is used as the label for the app shortcut.
5. Beside theShortcut iconfield, clickBrowse. Locate and select an image for the app shortcut icon. The
supported image formats are .png, .jpg, or .jpeg.
6. Select the device types that you want to configure this app shortcut for.
7. In each of the device type tabs that you selected, in the URL field, type the web address of the shortcut. The
web address must begin with http:// or https://.:
|Adding apps to the app list|20
8. Select the location where you want the shortcut to be added. If you add the shortcut to theBlackBerry
Dynamics Launcher, specify whether you want the web site to open in theBlackBerry Accessbrowser.
9. ClickAdd.
Create a web app forAndroid Enterprisedevices
You create a web app for each shortcut that you want to display on users’Android Enterprisedevices.
Before you begin:
Verify that the image that you plan to use as the icon for the shortcut is 512px x 512px and in .png, .jpg, or .jpeg
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickGoogle Play.
In the left navigation menu, click .
Click .
6. In theTitlefield, type the text that will display on the device.
7. In theURLfield, type the web address of the shortcut. The web address begins with https://.:
8. Select whether you want the web app to display full screen, standalone, or with minimal UI.
9. ClickUpload iconand browse for the icon that you want to use for the web app.
The web app is created inGoogle Play.Google Playtakes several minutes to create the .apk file and send it
toBlackBerry UEM. WhenUEMreceives the apk file, it adds the web app to the app list automatically.
After you finish: After the web app appears in the app list, you canupdate theBlackBerry UEMappsettingsas you
would for any other internal app forAndroid Enterprisedevices.
Update a web app forAndroid Enterprisedevices
You can update web apps that you have added toGoogle Play. When you update the Web app,Google
Playcreates an updated version of the .apk file and sends it toBlackBerry UEM.BlackBerry UEMtreats the
updated .apk file in the same manner as new versions of other apps forAndroid Enterprisedevices.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. ClickGoogle Play.
In the left navigation menu, click .
5. Click the web app that you want to update.
6. ClickEdit.
7. Update the settings as needed.
8. ClickSave.
The web app is updated inGoogle Play.Google Playtakes several minutes to create the new .apk file and send
it toBlackBerry UEM. WhenUEMreceives the apk file, it updates the app list automatically. If the app is not
added to the app listas expected, clickSelectto manually add the app to the app list.
After you finish: After the updated web app appears in the app list, you canupdate theBlackBerry
UEMappsettingsas you would for any other internal app forAndroid Enterprisedevices.
|Adding apps to the app list|21
Adding or changing an app configuration
App configurations allow you to preconfigure certain app settings before you assign apps to users. By
preconfiguring app settings, you can make it easier for users to download, set up, and use the apps. For example,
many apps require users to type a URL, an email address, or other information before they can use the app. By
adding an app configuration, you can configure some of these settings in advance. You can create multiple app
configurations for an app with different settings for different purposes, and rank the configurations. If an app is
assigned to a user more than once with different app configurations, the app with the highest rank is applied.
In BlackBerry UEM, you can create an app configuration for the following apps:
iOS apps (public or internal) that are developed with Managed Configuration capabilities. See Add an iOS app
to the app list.
Android apps (public or internal) that are developed with Android App Restrictions capabilities. BlackBerry
UEM must be configured to support Android Enterprise. See Add an Android app to the app list.
BlackBerry Dynamics apps that are developed with BlackBerry Dynamics app configuration capabilities. See
Add an app configuration for BlackBerry Dynamics apps.
BlackBerry UEM also supports Android OEMConfig apps, which allow you to use app configurations to manage
device manufacturer APIs.
For information about app settings, contact the app vendor.
For more information about app configuration, visit
Managing Android devices with app configurations
BlackBerry UEM supports Android OEMConfig apps, which allow you to use app configurations to manage device
manufacturer APIs.Many Android devices, including devices from Samsung and BlackBerry have proprietary APIs
on the device. BlackBerry UEM provides the ability to manage settings controlled by Knox Platform for Enterprise
and BlackBerry APIs using profiles and IT policy rules. However, other Android device manufactures may also
have device-specific APIs with settings that they want administrators to manage. To provide this functionality, the
manufacturer can provide an OEMConfig app for devices that allows administrators to manage device features
through app configuration settings.
Samsung provides the Knox Service Plugin app to allow configuration of Knox Platform for Enterprise
devices.The Knox Service Plugin (KSP) is Samsung’s OEMConfig based solution that enablesIT administrators
to use Knox Platform for Enterprise management features on their EMM solution. For more information about
setting up KSP in BlackBerry UEM,refer to the information from Samsung:
Add KSP to BlackBerry UEM
Configure policies for KSP
Assign the KSP app
Minimum device requirements for KSP: Android 9 or later (Knox 3.2.1 or later).
For more information about KSP, refer to the information from Samsung.
To download the KSP app, visit Google Play.
If you choose to use Knox Service Plugin,be aware of the following considerations:
Samsung devices don't give precedence to either Knox Service Plugin or BlackBerry UEM IT policies and
profiles. The device uses the most recent settings it receives.
Samsung recommends using UEM to manage Samsung specific options where possible and using Knox
Service Plugin to manage only settingsthat can't be configured in UEM inanother way (for examplerecent
updates to Samsung device capabilities that can't yet be managed by your version of UEM).
|Adding apps to the app list|22
If you use Knox Service Plugin, ensure that the app configuration settings match the behavior configured in the
IT policy and profiles also sent to the device to avoid inconsistent device behavior.
For more information about Android Enterprise OEM Config, visit
Obtain your organization’senterprise ID for Google Play app tracking
Google Play allows developers to create tracks for pre-release apps(forexample,a Beta track)and target
those tracks to specific enterprises. If your organization is using this feature, you will need to provide your
organization’senterprise ID to the app developer.
UEM management console, navigate to Settings > External Integration > Android Enterprise. Theenterprise ID
isdisplayed under Enterprise ID.
The app developer will use the enterprise ID in the Google Play developer account under App > Testing > Manage
track > Testers tab > Manage organizations.
|Adding apps to the app list|23
Preventing users from installing specific apps
To help prevent users from installing specific apps, you can create a list of restricted apps and use compliance
profiles to enforce the restrictions. For example, you might want to prevent users from installing malicious apps
or apps that require a lot of resources.
Restrict specific apps
For iOS and Android devices, you can create a compliance profile to select apps from the restricted app list and
set an enforcement action such as prompting the user or deleting work data if one of these apps is installed.
For the following devices, you don't need to specify an enforcement action because users are automatically
prevented from installing apps that you specify in a compliance profile:
For Samsung Knox devices, if a user tries to install a restricted app, the device displays a message that the
app is restricted and cannot be installed. If a restricted app is already installed, it is disabled. For Samsung
Knox devices you can select an option in the compliance profile to prevent apps being installed in the personal
space as well as the work space.
For supervised iOS devices, if a user tries to install a restricted app, the app is hidden. If a restricted app is
already installed, it is hidden from the user without any notification. To restrict built-in apps you must create
a compliance profile and add the apps to the restricted app list in the profile. For more information, see iOS :
Compliance profile settings.
For Android Enterprise devices, you don't need to create a compliance profile to restrict apps, other than
system apps, because users can only install apps in the work space that you have assigned. If a restricted
app is already installed on a device, it is not disabled. If you want to restrict a system app (such as calculator,
clock, or camera), you must add the system app to a compliance profile to enforce the restriction.
For BlackBerry 10 devices, you don't need to create a compliance profile to restrict apps because users can
only install apps in the work space that you have assigned. If a restricted app is already installed on a device, it
is not disabled.
Allow specific apps
For supervised iOS devices, you can create a compliance profile that specifies a list of allowed apps. All other
apps, with the exception of the Phone and Preferences apps, are automatically disallowed and cannot be seen
on the device. Apps that are already installed that are not on the allowed list are hidden from the user without any
notification. The following apps are included on the allowed list by default to ensure that devices can be managed
in BlackBerry UEM:
BlackBerry UEM Client
Web Clip icons
BlackBerry Secure Connect Plus
Note: If the same iOS app is assigned to both the restricted list and allowed list in a compliance profile, the app is
For more information about creating compliance profiles, see Create a compliance profile.
Steps to prevent users from installing specific apps
When you prevent users from installing apps, you perform the following actions:
|Preventing users from installing specific apps|24
Step Action
Add an app to the restricted app list.
Note: You need to add apps to the restricted app list whether you want to select specific
apps to restrict or select specific apps to allow.
Note: This step does not apply to built-in apps for supervised iOS devices. To restrict
built-in apps you must create a compliance profile and add the apps to the restricted app
list in the profile. For more information, see iOS : Compliance profile settings.
Create a compliance profile.
Assign the compliance profile to user accounts, user groups, or device groups.
Add an app to the restricted app list
The restricted app list is a library of apps that you can select from when you want to enforce one of the following
compliance rules:
Restricted app installed (foriOSandAndroiddevices)
Show only allowed apps on device (for supervisediOSdevices)
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. ClickRestricted apps.
Click .
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
Task Steps
Add aniOSapp to the restricted
a. ClickApp Store.
b. In the search field, search for the app that you want to add. You can
search by app name, vendor, orApp StoreURL.
c. ClickSearch.
d. In the search results, clickAddto add an app.
Add anAndroidapp to the
restricted list
a. ClickGoogle Play.
b. In theApp namefield, type the app name.
c. In theApp web address from Google Playfield, type the web
address of the app inGoogle Play.
d. ClickAddto add the app or clickAdd and newto add another app
after you add the current one.
|Preventing users from installing specific apps|25
Managing apps on the app list
The app list contains apps that you can assign to users, user groups, and device groups. The app list includes the
following information:
App name and icon
App vendor
Supported device OS
Number of applied users
Number of devices the app is installed on
App rating
App source
You can click the number of applied users to display information about the installation status for the app.
You can click the number of devices the app is installed on to see a count of confirmed and unconfirmed
installations. Unconfirmed installations include installations on iOS devices with the User privacy activation type
because UEM can't confirm if the app is still installed on the device.
Apps listed with a lock icon are BlackBerry Dynamics apps. For more information, see Managing BlackBerry
Dynamics apps.
Note: Apps assigned to users by a Microsoft Intune app protection profile don't appear in the app list.
Delete an app from the app list
When you delete an app from the app list, the app is unassigned from any users or groups that it is assigned to
and it no longer appears in a device's work app catalog.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. Select the check box beside the apps that you want to delete from the app list.
Click .
4. ClickDelete.
Change whether an app is required or optional
You can change whether an app is required or optional. The actions that occur when an app is set to required or
optional depend on the type of app, the device, and the activation type.
1. On the menu bar, click User and Devices.
2. If the app that you want to change is assigned to a user account, in the search results, click the name of a user
3. If the app that you want to change is assigned to a group, in the left pane, click Groups to expand the list of
user groups and click the name of the group.
4. In the Groups assigned and user assigned apps section, click the disposition for the app that you want to
5. In the Disposition drop-down list for the app, select Optional or Required.
6. Click Assign.
|Managing apps on the app list|26
Device notifications for new and updated apps
In most cases, users receive notifications on their devices when you assign new apps, or when updates are
available for internal apps.In addition to device notifications, any new or updated apps appear in the "New" list of
the app catalog in theBlackBerry UEM Clientor the Work Apps app.
Apps (both required and optional) appear in the "New" list in the following situations:
An app is assigned to a user and the app is not already installed on their device
An app is assigned to a user and is automatically installed
An upgrade for an installed app is available
Users haveBlackBerry Accessinstalled on their devices
The Feature - BlackBerry App Store entitlement has been assigned to users
BlackBerry UEMwill periodically resend notifications to devices if apps remain in the "New" list.
In the "New" list of apps, if a user clicks on a new app to see the app details, the app is removed from the "New"
list whether or not the user installs the app. If a user clicks on an updated app, the app remains in the list until the
update is installed.
For more information about app notifications, see:
App behavior on iOS devices with MDM controls activations
App behavior on iOS devices with User privacy activations
App behavior on Android Enterprise devices
App behavior on Android devices without a work profile
App behavior on Samsung Knox devices
App behavior on iOS devices with MDM controls activations
For devices enabled for BlackBerry Dynamics, the work app catalog appears in the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
if you haveif you have assigned the "Feature - BlackBerryApp Store" entitlement to the user. For more information,
see Add the work app catalog to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
For iOS devices activated with MDM controls,the following behavior occurs:
|Managing apps on the app list|27
App type
When apps are
assigned to a
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
On supervised
devices, apps
are installed
the app
is already
installed, the
app becomes
managed by
On non-
devices, user
is prompted to
install apps.If
apps are already
installed, user
is prompted
to allow UEM
to manage the
Apps are
removed from
the "New/
Updated" list
when the user
views the details
(even if the app
is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
You can use
a compliance
profile to define
the actions that
occur if required
apps are not
iTunes notifies users
of available updates.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user updates the
app. (can take up to
one hour)
For devices that
don't have access
to iTunes, users
aren't notified but
can download the
update from the app
catalog if the device
is assigned an Apple
VPP license.
Apps are
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps are removed
|Managing apps on the app list|28
App type
When apps are
assigned to a
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with an optional
If apps are
devices, the
app becomes
managed by
UEM. On non-
is prompted
to allow UEM
to manage the
User is notified
of a change to
the app catalog.
Apps are
removed from
the "New/
Updated" list
only when the
user views the
details (whether
or not the app is
Users can
choose whether
to install the
iTunes notifies users
of available updates.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details (whether
or not the app is
Apps are
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps are removed
|Managing apps on the app list|29
App type
When apps are
assigned to a
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Internal apps
with a required
On supervised
devices, apps
are installed
the app
is already
installed, the
app becomes
managed by
On non-
devices, user
is prompted to
install apps.If
apps are already
installed, user
is prompted
to allow UEM
to manage the
apps.If the user
cancels the
installation, they
can install apps
from the app
Apps are
removed from
the "New/
Updated" list
when the user
views the details
(even if the app
is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
You can use
a compliance
profile to define
the actions that
occur if required
apps are not
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user updates the
Apps are
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps are removed
|Managing apps on the app list|30
App type
When apps are
assigned to a
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Internal apps
with an optional
If apps are
devices, the
app becomes
managed by
UEM. On non-
is prompted
to allow UEM
to manage the
Apps are
removed from
the "New/
Updated" list
when the user
views the details
(even if the app
is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user updates the
Apps are
activated with MDM
controls without
Apps are not
removed from
devices activated
with User privacy.
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps are removed
App behavior on iOS devices with User privacy activations
For devices enabled for BlackBerry Dynamics, the work app catalog appears in the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
if you haveif you have assigned the "Feature - BlackBerryApp Store" entitlement to the user. For more information,
see Add the work app catalog to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
When you activate iOS devices with User privacy, you can choose whether to allow app management. If you allow
app management, app behavior for User privacy activations is the same as for MDM controls activations. If you
don't allow app management for iOS devices activated with User privacy, the following behavior occurs:
|Managing apps on the app list|31
App type
When apps are
assigned to a user
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
Theuser isn't
prompted to install
apps. User must go
to the app catalog to
install the required
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details (even if the
app is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
iTunes notifies users
of available updates.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user updates the
app. (can take up to
one hour)
For devices that
don't have access
to iTunes, users
aren't notified but
can download the
update from the app
Appsremain on the
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps remain on the
Public apps
with an optional
If app is already
installed, nothing
User is notified of a
change to the app
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list only
when the user views
the details (whether
or not the app is
Users can choose
whether to install the
iTunes notifies users
of available updates.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details (whether
or not the app is
Apps remain on the
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps remain on the
|Managing apps on the app list|32
App type
When apps are
assigned to a user
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Internal apps
with a required
If apps are already
installed, user is
prompted to allow
UEM to manage the
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details (even if the
app is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user updates the
Apps remain on the
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps remain on the
Internal apps
with an optional
If apps are already
installed, nothing
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details (even if the
app is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user updates the
Apps remain on the
Apps no longer
appear in the app
Apps remain on the
App behavior on Android Enterprise devices
For devices enabled for BlackBerry Dynamics, the work app catalog appears in the BlackBerry Dynamics
Launcher if you haveif you have assigned the "Feature - BlackBerry App Store" entitlement to the user. For more
information, see Add the work app catalog to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
For Android Enterprise devices,the following behavior occurs:
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
Apps are
Apps are
Apps are
removed from the
The work profile and
assigned work apps
are removed from
the device.
|Managing apps on the app list|33
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with an optional
The user can choose
whether to install
the apps.
Apps appear in
Google Play for
Google Play for
Work notifies users
about updates.
Apps are
removed from the
The work profile and
assigned work apps
are removed from
the device.
Internal apps
with a required
hosted in
BlackBerry UEM
Supported only for
Work space only
Apps are
Supported only for
Work space only
Apps are
Apps are
removed from the
Apps are
removed from the
Internal apps
with an optional
hosted in
BlackBerry UEM
The user can choose
whether to install
the apps.
Apps appear in
Google Play for
Google Play for
Work notifies users
about updates.
Apps are
removed from the
The work profile and
assigned work apps
are removed from
the device.
Internal apps
with a required
hosted in
Google Play
Apps are
installed on the
Google Play for
Work notifies users
about updates.
Apps are
removed from the
The work profile and
assigned work apps
are removed from
the device.
Internal apps
with an optional
hosted in
Google Play
The user can choose
whether to install
the apps.
Apps appear in
Google Play for
Google Play for
Work notifies users
about updates.
Apps are
removed from the
The work profile and
assigned work apps
are removed from
the device.
You can specify update behavior for apps running the the foreground in the device SR requirements profile.
App behavior on Android devices without a work profile
For devices enabled for BlackBerry Dynamics, the work app catalog appears in the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
if you haveif you have assigned the "Feature - BlackBerryApp Store" entitlement to the user. For more information,
see Add the work app catalog to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
Note: The MDM controls activationtype is deprecated for devices with Android 10.For more information, visit to read article 48386.
For Android devices activated with MDM controls and User privacy, the following behavior occurs:
|Managing apps on the app list|34
App type
When apps are
assigned to a user
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
User is notified of a
change to the app
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details (even if the
app is not installed),
or when the user
installs the apps.
You can use a
compliance profile
to define the
actions that occur
if required apps are
not installed.
User is notified by
Google Play.
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
Apps no longer
appear in the app
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
Public apps
with an optional
The user can choose
whether to install the
User is notified by
Google Play.
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
Apps no longer
appear in the app
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
Internal apps
with a required
User is notified of a
change to the app
Apps are installed
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details or when the
app is installed.
You can use a
compliance profile
to define the
actions that occur
if required apps are
not installed.
User is notified of a
change to the app
Updates are
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details or when the
app is updated.
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
Apps no longer
appear in the app
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
|Managing apps on the app list|35
App type
When apps are
assigned to a user
When apps are
When apps are
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Internal apps
with an optional
The user can choose
whether to install the
Apps appear in the
"New/Updated" list.
Apps appear in the
"New/Updated" list.
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
Apps no longer
appear in the app
The user is
prompted to remove
the apps.
App behavior on Samsung Knox devices
For devices enabled for BlackBerry Dynamics, the work app catalog appears in the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
if you haveif you have assigned the "Feature - BlackBerryApp Store" entitlement to the user. For more information,
see Add the work app catalog to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
Note: Samsung Knox activation typeswill be deprecated in a future release. Devices that support Knox Platform
for Enterprise can be activated using the Android Enterprise activation types.For more information, visit https:// to read article 54614.
For app behavior on Samsung Knox devices activated with Android Enterprise activation types, see App behavior
on Android Enterprise devices.
For Samsung Knox devices activated with "MDM controls," the following behavior occurs:
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
The user is
prompted to install
the apps.
Assigned apps
are shown in the
BlackBerry UEM
Client. When the
user clicks the install
button, Google Play
opens and the app is
installed from there.
You can use a
compliance profile
to define the
actions that occur
if required apps are
not installed.
Google Play notifies
users of updates.
App appears in the
"New/Updates" list.
The user is
prompted to
uninstall the apps.
The user is
prompted to
uninstall assigned
work apps
|Managing apps on the app list|36
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with an optional
The user can choose
whether to install the
Assigned apps
are shown in the
BlackBerry UEM
Client. When the
user clicks the install
button, Google Play
opens and apps are
installed from there.
Google Play notifies
users of updates.
App appears in the
"New/Updates" list.
The user is
prompted to
uninstall the apps.
The user is
prompted to
uninstall assigned
work apps
Internal apps
with a required
Apps are
installed on devices.
The user cannot
uninstall the apps.
Apps are updated
Apps are
removed from the
Apps are
removed from the
Internal apps
with an optional
User can choose
whether to install the
User installs apps
from the BlackBerry
UEM Client.
User can choose
whether to update
the apps.
User updates apps
from the BlackBerry
UEM Client.
Apps are
removed from the
Apps are
removed from the
For devices activated with Work space only (Samsung Knox), the following behavior occurs:
|Managing apps on the app list|37
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
All public apps are
restricted by default
in the work space.
Assigned apps
are shown in the
list, but they must
be installed from
Google Play.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details or when the
app is updated.
Google Play must
be enabled in the
IT policy that is
assigned to the user.
You can use a
compliance profile
to define the actions
that occur if a
required app is not
Google Play notifies
users of updates.
Apps appear in the
"New/Updates" list.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details or when the
app is updated.
Apps are removed
from the device,
and can no longer
be installed from
Google Play.
The work space
and all work apps
are removed
Apps are no longer
restricted in Google
Public apps
with an optional
All public apps are
restricted by default
in the work space.
Assigned apps
are shown in the
list, but they must
be installed from
Google Play.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details or when the
app is updated.
Google Play must
be enabled in the
IT policy that is
assigned to the user.
Google Play notifies
users of updates.
Apps appear in the
"New/Updates" list.
Apps are removed
from the "New/
Updated" list when
the user views the
details or when the
app is updated.
Apps are removed
from the device,
and can no longer
be installed from
Google Play.
Apps are removed
Apps are no longer
restricted in Google
|Managing apps on the app list|38
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Internal apps
with a required
Apps are
installed on devices.
The user cannot
uninstall the apps.
Apps are
updated on the
Apps are
removed from the
Apps are
removed from the
Internal apps
with an optional
Users can choose
whether to install the
Users install the
apps from the
BlackBerry UEM
Users can choose
whether to install the
Users install the
apps from the
BlackBerry UEM
Apps are
removed from the
Apps are
removed from the
For devices activated with "Work and personal - full control (Samsung Knox)" and "User privacy (Samsung Knox)",
the following behavior occurs:
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with a required
All public apps are
restricted by default
in the work space.
The user is
prompted to install
the apps.
Assigned apps
are shown in the
BlackBerry UEM
Client. When the
user clicks the install
button, Google Play
opens and the app is
installed from there.
You can use a
compliance profile
to define the
actions that occur
if required apps are
not installed.
Google Play sends a
Apps remain in the
personal space but
are removed from
the work space.
The work space is
removed and the
apps remain in the
personal space.
|Managing apps on the app list|39
App type
When the app is
assigned to a user
When apps are
When the app is
unassigned from a
When the device
is removed from
BlackBerry UEM
Public apps
with an optional
All apps are
restricted by default
in the work space.
Assigned apps
are shown in the
BlackBerry UEM
Client, but they must
be installed from
Google Play.
Google Play must
be enabled in the
IT policy that is
assigned to the user.
Google Play sends a
Apps remain in the
personal space but
are removed from
the work space.
The work space is
removed and the
apps remain in the
personal space.
Internal apps
with a required
Apps are
installed in the work
space. The user
cannot uninstall the
Updates are
Apps are
removed from the
The work space is
removed and the
apps remain in the
personal space.
Internal apps
with an optional
Users can choose
whether to install the
Users install apps
from the BlackBerry
UEM Client and apps
are installed in the
work space.
Users can choose
whether to update
the apps.
Users update app
from the BlackBerry
UEM Client.
Apps are
removed from the
The work space is
removed and the
apps remain in the
personal space.
App behavior onWindows 10devices
App type
Behavior when apps are
assigned to a user
Behavior when apps are
unassigned from a user
Behavior when
devices are removed
fromBlackBerry UEM
Storeapps with a
required disposition
The apps are
automatically installed
on devices. Users cannot
uninstall the apps.
The apps are
automatically removed
from devices.
The apps are
automatically removed
from devices.
|Managing apps on the app list|40
App type
Behavior when apps are
assigned to a user
Behavior when apps are
unassigned from a user
Behavior when
devices are removed
fromBlackBerry UEM
Storeapps with a
required disposition
The apps are
automatically installed
on devices. Users cannot
uninstall the apps.
The apps are
automatically removed
from devices.
The apps are
automatically removed
from devices.
Storeapps with an
optional disposition
Users can choose
whether to install the
For offline apps, users
install the app from
theBlackBerry UEM App
Not supported
onWindows 10
Users are not prompted
to uninstall the apps.
Users are not prompted
to uninstall assigned
Storeapps with an
optional disposition
Users can choose
whether to install the
For online apps, users
install the app from
theWindows Storeapp
on their devices.
Not supported
onWindows 10
Users are not prompted
to uninstall the apps.
Users are not prompted
to uninstall the apps.
Internal apps with a
required disposition
Not supported Not supported Not supported
Internal apps with an
optional disposition
Not supported Not supported Not supported
App behavior onBlackBerrydevices
ForBlackBerrydevices activated withWork and personal - Corporate(Work space only) orWork and personal -
Regulated, the following occurs:
App type
Behavior when apps are
assigned to a user
Behavior when apps are
unassigned from a user
Behavior when the
device is removed
fromBlackBerry UEM
Public apps with a
required disposition
Not supported. Not supported. Not supported.
|Managing apps on the app list|41
App type
Behavior when apps are
assigned to a user
Behavior when apps are
unassigned from a user
Behavior when the
device is removed
fromBlackBerry UEM
Public apps with an
optional disposition
The user can choose
whether to install the
The apps appear in
the Public Apps tab
inBlackBerry Worldfor
The user is prompted to
uninstall the apps.
The work space and all
work apps are removed
Internal apps with a
required disposition
The apps are
automatically installed on
The user cannot uninstall
the apps.
The apps are
automatically removed
from the device.
The work space and all
work apps are removed
Internal apps with an
optional disposition
The apps are
automatically installed on
The user cannot uninstall
the apps.
The apps are
automatically removed
from the device.
The work space and all
work apps are removed
Viewing app feedback
BlackBerry UEMcan receive and display error and information feedback fromAndroidapps. Only apps that
display app configuration settings inUEMand that have been designed to provide feedback to administratorscan
send feedback toUEM. The feedback provided depends on the app.
You can see whether an app on a user's device has sent feedback toUEMin the list of apps assigned to a specific
device or in the list of users that an app is assigned to. The Feedback column in the list displays the date and time
of the last feedback anddisplays if the feedback is the result of an app error.
View feedback for all apps on a device
You can see which apps on a device have sent feedback toBlackBerry UEMand review the feedback for each app.
1. On the menu bar, clickUsers > Managed devices.
2. Search for a user account.
3. In the search results, click the name of the user account.
4. Click the device tab.
5. Expand theAppslist.
TheFeedbackcolumn in the list displays the date and time of the last feedbackfor all apps that have sent
feedback toUEM
6. Click the entry in theFeedbackcolumn to display all of the feedback that the app has sent toUEMfrom the
|Managing apps on the app list|42
View feedback from all installations of an app
You can see which device instances of an app have sent feedback toBlackBerry UEMand review the app
feedback from each device.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. Click the app that you want to view feedback for.
3. Click theAssigned to userstab.
The tab displays the list of users and devices that have the app assigned.TheFeedbackcolumn in the list
displays the date and time of the last feedbackfor all instances of the apps that have sent feedback toUEM.
4. Click an entry in theFeedbackcolumn to display all of the feedback that the app has sent toUEMfrom that
Managing app groups
App groups allow you to create a collection of apps that can be assigned to users, user groups, or device groups.
Grouping apps helps to increase efficiency and consistency when managing apps. For example, you can use app
groups to group the same app for multiple device types, or to group apps for users with the same role in your
BlackBerry UEMprovides a preconfigured app groups called "Recommended apps forAndroiddevices with a work
profile" and "BlackBerry Productivity Suite".
Create an app group
Before you begin: Add the apps to the app list.
1. On the menu bar, click Apps > App groups.
Click .
3. Type a name and description for the app group.
Click .
5. Search for and select the apps that you want to add.
6. If you are adding iOS apps, perform one of the following tasks:
Task Steps
If you have not added a VPP
a. Click Add.
|Managing apps on the app list|43
Task Steps
If you have added at least one
VPP account
a. Click Add.
b. Select Yes if you want to assign a license to the iOS app. Select No,
if you do not want to assign a license or you do not have a license
to assign to the app.
c. If you assign a license to the app, in the App licenses drop-down
list, select the VPP account to associate with the app.
d. In the Assign license to drop-down list, assign the license to the
User or Device. If the App license drop-down list is not specified,
the App license to drop-down list is not available.
e. Click Add, then click Add again.
Users must follow the instructions on their devices to enroll in your
organization's VPP before they can install prepaid apps. Users have to
complete this task once.
Note: If you grant access to more licenses than you have available, the
first users who access the available licenses can install the app.
7. For iOS and Android apps, if there is an available app configuration, select the App configuration to assign to
the app.
8. If you are using Android Enterprise and have created tracks for apps in the Google Play console, select a Track
to assign to the app.
9. Click Add, then click Add again.
Edit an app group
1. On the menu bar, click Apps > App groups.
2. Click the app group that you want to edit.
3. Make the necessary edits.
4. Click Save.
View the status of apps and app groups assigned to user accounts
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. UnderApplied usersfor the app or app group that you want to view, click the number.
3. ClickAssigned toxusersto view the user accounts that this app is assigned to.
4. View theAssignmentcolumn to verify whether the app or app group was assigned directly to the user account
or to a group.
5. View theStatuscolumn to verify whether an app is installed on a device. The following are the possible
Installed: The app is installed on the user's device.ForiOSdevices with theUser privacyactivation type,
this status indicates only that installation was initiated.BlackBerry UEMcan't confirm if the app remains
installed on the device.
Not installed: The app has not been installed on the user's device or has been removed from the user's
Cannot be installed: The app is not supported on the user's device.
Not supported: The device's OS does not support this app.
|Managing apps on the app list|44
View which apps are assigned to user groups
1. On the menu bar, click Apps.
2. Under Assigned to users for the app that you want to view, click the number.
3. Click the Assigned to x groups to view the user groups that this app is assigned to.
Viewing and customizing the apps list
You can customize the apps list and select the information to display. You can use filters to view only the
information that is relevant to your task. You can select and reorder the columns in the apps list. You can add and
remove columns in the apps list. You can use one or multiple filters to control the apps that are displayed. For
example, you can filter the app list by app type, OS, category, secured type, and app rating.
Select the information to display in the apps list
1. On the menu bar, clickApps > All apps.
Click at the top of the apps list and perform any of the following actions:
ClickSelect allor select the check box for each column that you want to display.
Clear the check box for each column that you want to remove.
ClickResetto return to the default selections.
3. To reorder the columns, click a column header and drag it to the left or right.
Filter the app list
When you turn on multiple selection, you can select multiple filters before you apply them, and you can select
multiple filters in each category. When you turn off multiple selection, each filter is applied when you select it, and
you can select only one filter in each category.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps > All apps.
Click to turn multiple selection on or off.
3. UnderFilters, expand one or more categories.
Each category includes only filters that display results and each filter indicates the number of results to display
when you apply it.
4. Perform one of the following actions:
If you turned on multiple selection, select the check box for each filter that you want to apply and
If you turned off multiple selection, click the filter that you want to apply.
Optionally, in the right pane, clickClear allor click for each filter that you want to remove.
Update the app list
You can update the app list to make sure that you have the latest information aboutBlackBerry 10,iOS,Windows
10, andBlackBerry Dynamicsapps in the apps list.
If you have configuredBlackBerry UEMto supportAndroid Enterprisedevices, you can also update app
information forAndroidapps. If you addedAndroidapps before you configured support forAndroid Enterpriseor
|Managing apps on the app list|45
if app permissions have changed, you must update the app information to make them available onAndroid
Enterprisedevices. This also applies if you make any changes to yourAndroid Enterpriseconfiguration.
If you have not configured support forAndroid Enterprise, information aboutGoogle Playapps must be updated
manually. Updating the app information does not mean that the app is updated on a user’s device. Users receive
update notifications for their work apps in the same way that they receive update notifications for their personal
If you configured yourAppleVPP account to automatically update the app information foriOSapps, you must
update the apps in the app list.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
Update app permissions forAndroid Enterpriseapps
If you do not accept app permissions on behalf of users, the app cannot be assigned toAndroid
Enterprisedevices. You must accept app permissions when you add the app to the app list, and you might have to
reaccept them later if the permissions for the app change.
Apps can also be unapproved or deleted from theGoogle Playconsole but still appear as if they are available
inBlackBerry UEM. You must update the app information inBlackBerry UEMto synchronize permissions
withGoogle Play.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
Click .
3. In the app list, apps with permission changes are shown with a caution icon and a status message. The
following statuses may occur after you update the app list. Perform one of the following tasks to resolve the
Status Steps
Reaccept app permissions The app permissions have changed in theGoogle Playconsole. To be
able to manage the app, you must reaccept the app permissions. To
reaccept the permissions, complete the following steps:
a. ClickReaccept app permissions.
b. ClickAccept.
Delete app fromBlackBerry UEM The app was unapproved from theGoogle Playconsole but was not
removed fromBlackBerry UEM. If you want to continue to manage this
app on devices, you must approve the app in theGoogle Playconsole.
If you no longer want to manage the app, complete the following steps:
a. ClickDelete app from BlackBerry UEM.
b. ClickDelete.
|Managing apps on the app list|46
Status Steps
Approve app inGoogle Play The app was unapproved in theGoogle Playconsole. To be able to
manage the app, you must approve the app in theGoogle Playconsole.
To approve the app, complete the following steps:
a. ClickApprove app in Google Play.
b. Accept the app permissions.
c. ClickAccept.
App was added inGoogle
Playand is being added
toBlackBerry UEM
Apps that have been added to theGoogle Play for Workconsole, but
not toBlackBerry UEM, are automatically synchronized toBlackBerry
UEMwhen you update the app list. You do not have to perform any
4. ClickClose.
Accept app permissions forAndroid Enterpriseapps
You must accept the app permissions before you can manage apps onAndroid Enterprisedevices. You can
accept app permissions when you add the app toBlackBerry UEMor after you update the app list. If you do not
accept the app permissions in these cases, you can also accept the app permissions from the app information
screen.Apps that have permission changes are shown with a caution icon in the apps list.
Before you begin:
Update the app list.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. Click the app that you want to accept the permissions for.
3. ClickAccept app permissionsto accept the app permissions.
4. SelectAccept.
5. ClickSave.
|Managing apps on the app list|47
Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune
Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based EMM service that provides both MDM and MAM features. Intune MAM provides
security features for apps, including Office 365 apps, that protect data within apps. For example, Intune can
require that data within apps be encrypted and prevent copying and pasting, printing, and using the Save as
For iOS and Android devices, if you want to use Intune app protection policies to protect data in Office 365 apps,
you can do so while using BlackBerry UEM to manage the devices. You can connect UEM to Intune, allowing you
to set Intune app protection policies from within the UEM management console.
To deploy apps protected by Intune, you must first configure the connection between UEM and Intune. For more
information, see"Connecting BlackBerry UEM to Microsoft Azure" in the on-premises Configuration content or the
UEM Cloud Configuration content.
Intune uses app protection policies to protect apps. To protect apps from the UEM management console, you
create an Intune app protection profile. When you create or update an app protection profile in UEM, the settings
are sent to Intune and update the settings in the corresponding app protection policy.
Note: If you update the app protection policy in Intune, the changes are not synchronized with BlackBerry UEM.
After you create an app protection profile in UEM, do not update the corresponding policy from within Intune.
Configure BlackBerry UEM to synchronize with Microsoft Intune
Before you begin: Connect BlackBerry UEM to Microsoft Azure and create an enterprise endpoint in Azure. For
more information see the, on-premises Configuration content or the UEM Cloud Configuration content.
Note: The Client Credentials authentication method has been removed in BlackBerry UEM 12.14 and later. For
existing servers that have been upgraded to UEM 12.14, the administrator must take action to migrate the
configuration to Modern Authentication.
1. Click Settings > External Integration > Microsoft Intune.
2. Enter the information you copied from the Azure portal when you created the enterprise application in Azure.
Azure Tenant ID:The ID of the Azure Active Directory where you registered the application
Client ID: The application ID generated by the Azure application registration
Client key: The client secret generated by the Azure application registration
For more information see the, on-premises Configuration content or the UEM Cloud Configuration content.
3. Confirm the Reply URL.The Reply URL field is automatically populated with the web address ofthe BlackBerry
UEM management console. This URL is required when you create the enterprise endpoint in Microsoft Azure
.For more information see the on-premises Configuration content or the UEM Cloud Configuration content.
Note: The Reply URL is automatically derived from the %AdminPortalURL%default variable. By default, this
variable will be set to the first UEM Core server installed in the environment. This variable can be modified by
going to Settings > General Settings > Default Variables. For more information, see the Administration content.
4. Click Next.
After you finish: Create a Microsoft Intune app protection profile
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|48
Create a Microsoft Intune app protection profile
When you create or update a Microsoft Intune app protection profile in BlackBerry UEM, the profile settings are
sent to Intune to update the corresponding app protection policy. Microsoft Intune app protection profiles can be
assigned only to directory-linked groups.
Before you begin:
Configure the connection between BlackBerry UEM and Microsoft Intune according to the instructions in
the on premises Configuration content or the UEM Cloud Configuration content. The Microsoft Intune app
protection profile does not appear on the Policies and Profiles page if the connection isn't configured.
For Android devices, ensure the Microsoft Company Portal app is installed on devices. For more information,
see the Microsoft Intune documentation.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and Profiles.
2. Click Protection > Microsoft Intune app protection profile.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. Configure the appropriate values for each device type.
6. Click Add.
After you finish: Assign the Intune app protection profile to a directory-linked group.
Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings
Microsoft Intuneapp protection profilesare supported on the following device types:
Common:Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings
These settings correspond toIntuneapp protection policy settings. If you want more information about a
setting,see theMicrosoft Intunedocumentation.
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Enable interoperability
Dynamics apps
This setting specifies whetherBlackBerry Dynamicsapps can interact withIntune-
managed apps, such asMicrosoft Office 365apps, on the device.
To allow interoperability betweenBlackBerry Dynamicsapps andIntune-managed
apps,BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGEmust be installed on users' devices.
For more information,see theBlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGEAdministration Guide
Custom JSON Edit the JSON values to customize messages and warnings seen by your users in
theBlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGEapp.
Data relocation
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|49
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Allow app to transfer
data to other apps
This setting specifies the appsIntune-managed apps can send data to.
Possible values:
Policy managed apps: This option allows data to be transferred only to other
apps that are managed byIntune.This option is the default.
All apps
If the "Enable interoperability betweenIntuneand Dynamics apps" setting is
selected, you can't change this setting from the default option.
Allow app to receive data
from other apps
This setting specifies the apps that apps managed by the app protection policy
can receive data from.
Possible values:
Policy managed apps: This option allows data to be transferred only from other
apps that are managed byIntune.This option is the default.
All apps
If the "Enable interoperability betweenIntuneand Dynamics apps" setting is
selected, you can't change this setting from the default option.
Prevent "Save as" This setting specifies whether the "Save As" option is enabled for apps.
If you select this setting in an on-premises environment, you can allow using the
"Save As" option to save work data only to one or more of the following locations:
Local storage
OneDrive for Business
Restrict cut, copy, and
paste with other apps
This setting specifies how cut, copy, and paste operations can be used with the
Possible values:
Blocked: This option prevents cut, copy, and paste operations between this app
and other apps.
Policy managed apps: This option allows cut, copy, and paste operations
between the app and other apps that are managed byIntune.
Policy managed apps with paste in: This option allows pasting data from any
app, but data cut or copied from a policy-managed app can be pasted only to
other apps that are managed byIntune.
Any app: This option allows cut, copy, and paste operations between all apps
on the device.
Disable contact sync This setting specifies whether the app can save contacts to the native Contacts
app on the device.
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|50
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Disable printing This setting specifies whether the app can print data.
Require corporate
credentials for access
This setting specifies whether users must use their organization credentials to
access the app.
If this rule is selected, it takes precedence over requirements for a PIN or
Block managed apps
from running on
jailbroken or rooted
This setting specifies whether apps can run on jailbroken or rooted devices.
Recheck access
requirements timeout
This setting specifies, in minutes, how often the access requirements for the app
are rechecked when the app is open.
Offline grace period This setting specifies, in minutes, how often the access requirements for the app
are rechecked when the device is offline.
Offline interval before
app data is wiped
This setting specifies, in days, how long a device can be offline before app data is
wiped from the device.
Require PIN for access This setting specifies whether users must enter a PIN to access the app. If this
option is selected, the user is prompted to provide a PIN the first time they run the
If the "Require corporate credentials for access" setting is selected, it takes
precedence over this rule.
Number of attempts
before PIN reset
This setting specifies the number of PIN entry attempts that can be made before
the user must reset the PIN.
Allow simple PIN This setting specifies whether users can use simple PIN sequences such as 1234
or 1111.
PIN length This setting specifies the minimum number of digits in the PIN.
Allow fingerprint instead
of PIN
This setting specifies whether users can use a fingerprint instead of a PIN to
access the app.
Disable app PIN when
device PIN is managed
This setting specifies whether the app prompts for the PIN when the device is
required to have a password.
If this setting is selected, the app PIN is not requested onAndroiddevices if
theUEMIT policy for the device requires a password. To disable the app PIN
oniOSdevices, the device PIN must be required byIntune.
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|51
iOS:Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings
These settings correspond toIntuneapp protection policy settings. If you want more information about a
setting,see theMicrosoft Intunedocumentation.
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Encrypt app data This setting specifies when app data is encrypted.
Possible values:
When device is locked: This option encrypts all app data when the device is
When device is locked and files are open: This option encrypts app data when
the device is locked. Data in open files is not encrypted
After device restart: This option encrypts app data when the device is restarted
until the device is unlocked for the first time.
Use device settings: This option encrypts app data according to the default
settings on the device. This option requires users to set a password on the
PreventiTunesandiCloudbackupsThis setting specifies whether app data can be backed up toiTunesoriCloud.
App package IDs This setting specifies the package IDs of the apps that this profile applies to. You
can enter the package ID or select from the list of availableIntune-managed apps.
Restrict web content
transfer with other apps
This setting specifies which browser opens web links in apps.
Possible values:
Any app: The user can choose which app opens the web link.
IntuneManaged Browser: Web links can open in any browser managed
Microsoft Edge: Web links open inMicrosoft Edge.
BlackBerry Access: Web links open inBlackBerry Access.
Unmanaged browser:Web links can open in anybrowser not managed
byIntune. You must specify the protocol used to open web links.
Unmanaged browser
Specify the browser protocol that must be used to open web links, for example
http or https. Web links can open in any browser that supports the protocol.
Select this setting to specify a minimumiOSversion to use this app. If
theiOSversion on the device does not meet the requirement, the user can't use
the app. You can specify a single decimal point (for example, 12.0).
system (Warning only)
Select this setting to specify a minimum recommendediOSversion to use this
app. If theiOSversion on the device does not meet the requirement, the user
receives a notification that can be dismissed. You can specify a single decimal
point (for example, 12.0).
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|52
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Require minimum app
Select this setting to specify a minimum app version to use this app. If the app
version on the device does not meet the requirement, the user can't use the app.
You can specify a single decimal point (for example, 4.2).
Because different apps usually have distinct versioning schemes, if you want to
specify a minimum app version, you should create a separate profile for each app.
Require minimum app
version (Warning only)
Select this setting to specify a minimum recommended app version to use this
app. If the app version on the device does not meet the requirement, the user
receives a notification that can be dismissed. You can specify a single decimal
point (for example, 4.2).
Because different apps usually have distinct versioning schemes, if you want to
specify a minimum app version, you should create a separate profile for each app.
Android:Microsoft Intuneapp protection profile settings
These settings correspond toIntuneapp protection policy settings. If you want more information about a
setting,see theMicrosoft Intunedocumentation.
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Encrypt app data This setting specifies whether app data is encrypted. If you select this rule, app
data is encrypted synchronously during all file input and output tasks.
PreventAndroidbackups This setting specifies whether app data can be backed up to theAndroidBackup
Block screen capture
This setting specifies whether screen capture andAndroidAssistant app scanning
capabilities are allowed when using a protected app. This setting is supported by
Android 6.0 and later.
App package IDs This setting specifies the package IDs of the apps that this profile applies to. You
can enter the package ID or select from the list of availableIntune-managed apps.
Restrict web content
transfer with other apps
This setting specifies which browser opens web links in apps.
Possible values:
Any app: The user can choose which app opens the web link.
IntuneManaged Browser: Web links can open in any browser managed
Microsoft Edge: Web links open inMicrosoft Edge.
BlackBerry Access: Web links open inBlackBerry Access.
Unmanaged browser:Specify a browser not managed byIntunethat opens web
Unmanaged Browser ID Specifythe app package ID for the browser that opens web links.
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|53
Intuneapp protection
profile setting
Unmanaged Browser
Enter the name of the app associated with the app package ID. If the user doesn't
have the app installed, this name appears in the notification informing users to
install the app.
Select this setting to specify a minimumAndroidversion to use this app. If
theAndroidversion on the device does not meet the requirement, the user can't
use the app.
You can specify up to four release identifiers. Separate release identifiers with
periods (for example, 10.3 or
(Warning only)
Select this setting to specify a minimum recommendedAndroidversion to use this
app. If theAndroidversion on the device does not meet the requirement, the user
receives a notification that can be dismissed.
You can specify up to four release identifiers. Separate release identifiers with
periods (for example, 10.3 or
Select this setting to specify a minimumAndroidpatch version to use this app. If
theAndroidpatch version on the device does not meet the requirement, the user
can't use the app.
Specify the version using the date format YYYY-MM-DD.
version (Warning only)
Select this setting to specify a minimum recommendedAndroidpatch version
to use this app. If theAndroidpatch version on the device does not meet the
requirement, the user receives a notification that can be dismissed.
Specify the version using the date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Require minimum app
Select this setting to specify a minimum app version to use this app. If the app
version on the device does not meet the requirement, the user can't use the app.
You can specify up to four release identifiers. Separate release identifiers with
periods (for example, 10.3 or
Because different apps usually have distinct versioning schemes, if you want to
specify a minimum app version, you should create a separate profile for each app.
Require minimum app
version (Warning only)
Select this setting to specify a minimum recommended app version to use this
app. If the app version on the device does not meet the requirement, the user
receives a notification that can be dismissed.
You can specify up to four release identifiers. Separate release identifiers with
periods (for example, 10.3 or
Because different apps usually have distinct versioning schemes, if you want to
specify a minimum app version, you should create a separate profile for each app.
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|54
Wipe apps managed by Microsoft Intune
You can use the Wipe apps command to delete the data from apps that are managed by Intune on iOS and
Android devices. The apps are not uninstalled when this command is sent.
1. On the menu bar, click Users.
2. Search for and click the user that you want to wipe the data from.
3. Click the <device model> (Intune) tab.
4. Click Wipe apps.
|Managing apps protected by Microsoft Intune|55
ManagingAppleVPP accounts
TheAppleVolume Purchase Program (VPP) allows you tobuy, distribute, and update installediOSapps in bulk.
You can linkAppleVPP accounts toBlackBerry UEMso that you can distribute purchased licenses foriOSapps
associated with the VPP accounts.
Add anAppleVPP account
To see how to add anAppleVPP account,visit ourYouTubechannel.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps > iOS app licenses.
2. ClickAdd an Apple VPP account.
3. Type a name and the account holder information for the VPP account.
4. In theVPP service tokenfield, copy and paste the 64-bit code from the .vpp token file. This is the file that the
VPP account holder downloaded from the VPP store.
5. ClickNext.
6. Select the apps that you want to add to the app list. If an app has already been added to the app list, you
cannot select it.
7. If you want the apps to be updated automatically when an updated version is available onBlackBerry UEM,
selectAutomatically update the app when a new version is available. This setting applies to all VPP apps for
this VPP account. You can edit this setting later.
8. If you want the apps to be removed from devices when the apps are deleted fromBlackBerry UEM,
selectRemove the app from the device when the device is removed from the system.
9. To prevent apps oniOSdevices from being backed up to theiCloudonline service, selectDisable iCloud
backup for the app. This option applies only to apps with a disposition marked as required. You set the
disposition of the app when you assign the app to a user or group.
10.In theDefault installation methoddrop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
SelectPrompt onceif you want users to receive one prompt to install the apps on theiriOSdevices. If users
dismiss the prompt, they can install the apps later from the Work Apps list in theBlackBerry UEM Clientapp
or the Work Apps icon on the device.
SelectNo prompt. Users are not notified. They can install the apps from the Work Apps list in
theBlackBerry UEM Clientapp or the Work Apps icon on the device.
Edit anAppleVPP account
1. On the menu bar, clickApps > iOS app licenses.
Click .
3. Edit any of the following VPP account information settings:
VPP account name
VPP account holder information
VPP service token
Automatically update the app when a new version is available.
4. ClickSave.
|ManagingAppleVPP accounts|56
UpdateAppleVPP account information
When the App Licenses page is opened, the most current licensing information is synced automatically from
theAppleVPP servers. If necessary, you can also manually update the licensing information that you have added
toBlackBerry UEM.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. ClickiOS app licenses.
Click .
Delete anAppleVPP account
Before you begin: Remove apps that have associated licenses from users before deleting the VPP account.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps.
2. ClickiOS app licenses.
Click .
4. ClickDelete.
AssigningAppleVPP licenses to devices
You can assignAppleVolume Purchase Program (VPP) licenses toiOSdevices. Assigning VPP licenses to
devices instead of to users simplifies the process for users because they no longer require anAppleID to install
apps. Additionally, apps do not appear in users' purchase history and app installs. When you change the existing
assignment type for an app from user assigned to device assigned, the user must re-install the app before the
new assignment is applied and displayed in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console.
Assigning VPP licenses to devices is supported only oniOSdevices that are activated withMDM controls.
You can assign VPP licenses to devices when apps are added to any of the following groups and accounts:
User accounts
App groups
User groups
Device groups
ViewAppleVPP license assignment
You can view the status of theAppleVPP license assignment in your domain.
1. On the menu bar, clickApps>iOS app licenses.
2. If you have more than oneAppleVPP account, click the VPP account that you want to view the VPP license
assignment for.
For eachiOSapp in the domain, you can view the following VPP license information:
The number of available VPP licenses
The number of used VPP licenses
3. In theUsed licensescolumn for the app, click the used licenses link.
For the specified app, you can view the following app license assignment information:
|ManagingAppleVPP accounts|57
The usernames that the app is licensed to
If the app license is assigned to a user account or a device
If a VPP license is used or not used
If the app is installed or not installed
4. ClickClose.
|ManagingAppleVPP accounts|58
Limiting devices to a single appor apps that you specify
On supervisediOSdevices, you can use an app lock mode profile to limit devices to run only one app. OnAndroid
Enterprisedevices,Androiddevices managed usingSamsung KnoxMDM, orWindows 10Enterprise andWindows
10Education devices managed using MDM, you can use app lock mode to limit devices to apps that you specify.
 For example, you can limit access to a single app for training purposes or for point-of-sales demonstrations.
OniOSdevices, the home button on a device is disabled and the device automatically opens the app when the
user wakes up the device or restarts it.
Create an app lock mode profile
Specify a single app or apps to run on devices and select the device settings that you want to enable for the user.
For supervisediOSdevices, you can select an app in the app list, specify the bundle ID of the app, or select a built-
in app. ForAndroid Enterprisedevices andAndroiddevices that are managed usingSamsung KnoxMDM, you can
add apps from the app list or specify the app package identifier. ForWindows 10devices managed using MDM,
specify the account and the Application User Model ID (AUMID) of the app. Visitto find the
Note: If the user does not install the app on a device, when you assign the profile to a user or user group the
device is not restricted to the app.
Before you begin: If you plan to use the app list to select an app, make sure that the app is available in the app
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and Profiles.
2. ClickPolicy > App lock mode.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
5. Specify the device types the profile applies to.
6. Perform one of the following tasks:
Task Steps
Specify the app to run
In theSpecify the app to run on the devicesection, perform one of the
following actions:
ClickSelect an app from the app list, clickAddan app, and click an
app in the list.
ClickSpecify the app package ID of an appand type the app
package ID (for example, <>). Valid characters
are uppercase and lowercase letters, 0 to 9, hyphen (-), and period
ClickSelect a built-in iOS appand select an app from the drop-
down list.
|Limiting devices to a single appor apps that you specify|59
Task Steps
Specify the apps to run
In theSpecify the apps to run on the devicesection, beside the app
table, click and do the following to specify the apps that you want to
limit the device to:
ClickSpecify the app package ID of an appand type the app
package ID (for example, <>) and the name of
the app. Valid characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, 0 to
9, hyphen (-), and period (.). ClickAdd.
ClickSelect an app from the app list, and click an app in the
ForAndroid Enterprisedevices, if you want to limit the device to a
specific app, clickLimit device to a single appand select the app.
The app that you specify in this setting automatically opens when the
device starts and the user always returns to it. The app can access the
other apps that you specify in the profile when it is required.
Specify the app to run
onWindows 10devices
In theAccountfield, type a user account name that includes the
domain name and user name. For a local user, use the device name
in place of the domain name.
In theApplication User Model IDfield, type the AUMID of
the app (for example, the AUMID for the Calculator app
7. ForiOSandAndroiddevices, in theAdministrator-enabled settings, select the options that you want to enable
for the user when using the app.
8. ForiOSdevices, in theUser-enabled settings, select the options that the user can enable.
9. ClickAdd.
After you finish: If necessary,rank profiles.
|Limiting devices to a single appor apps that you specify|60
Viewing personal app lists
By default, BlackBerry UEM receives a list of the personal apps that are installed on devices activated with a
supported activation type.
In the BlackBerry UEM management console you can view the list of personal apps on the device details page for
a specific user account, or on the Personal apps page for all user accounts. See View the personal apps list in the
management console.
Note: You can also view apps that were installed on devices before they were activated as Knox Workspace only
Viewing a list of personal apps is not supported for devices that are activated with the following activation types:
iOS and Android: User privacy
Android: Work and personal - user privacy
Samsung Knox: Work and personal - user privacy - (Samsung Knox)
BlackBerry 10: Work and personal - Corporate
iOS and Android: Device registration for BlackBerry 2FA only
To turn off the collection of personal apps for all activation types, you must deselect the "Allow personal app
collection" setting in the Enterprise Management Agent profile. For more information, see Turn off personal apps
View the personal apps list in the management console
You can view the following information about apps that are installed in the user's personal space:
App name
App version
OS the app supports
Number of user accounts that have the app installed
Before you begin: Create an activation profile with an activation type that supports BlackBerry UEM receiving a list
of apps that are installed in the user's personal space and assign it to users or groups.
1. On the menu bar, click Apps > Personal apps.
2. In the App name column for the app, click the app name.
For the specified app, you can view the corresponding app details on the public app storefront, when
3. In the Installed # column for the app, click the installed number.
For the specified app, you can view the user account and the device that the app is installed on.
Turn off personal apps collection
By default, BlackBerry UEM receives a list of the personal apps that are installed on devices activated with a
supported activation type. You can turn off personal apps collection for all activation types.
1. On the menu bar, click Polices and Profiles.
2. Expand Enterprise Management Agent.
3. Click the name of the profile that you want to change.
|Viewing personal app lists|61
Click .
5. Clear the Allow personal app collection check box for each device type.
6. Click Save.
|Viewing personal app lists|62
Rating and reviewing apps
You can specify whether users in your organization can rate and provide reviews ofiOS,Android, andWindows10
apps and see reviews provided by other users for internal custom apps or apps that are added to theBlackBerry
UEMapp list and downloaded from public app storefronts. Ratings and reviews submitted for apps cannot be
seen by users outside your environment. Reviews can contain a maximum of 1000 characters.
Users can rate an app without providing a review, but they must rate the app when they provide a review. Ratings
and reviews that are submitted by users are saved to and viewable in theBlackBerry UEMconsole in near real-
time. You can view the average rating of an app, the number of reviews submitted, and read the individual reviews
for the app. You can also delete ratings and reviews as required.
When you add multiple versions of a custom app toBlackBerry UEMand enable app rating and review for
one version of the app, the setting specified applies to all versions of the custom app. The average rating and
review count and app rating and reviews submitted for different versions of the custom app display the same
information for each version.
By default, new apps added to the app list in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console allow users to rate the
app, provide reviews of the app, and see reviews provided by other users in your organization. By default, app
rating and review is disabled for existing apps, but you can enable this feature as required. When app rating and
review is enabled for an app, the permission applies to any version of the app that is added toBlackBerry UEM.
Rating and reviewing apps is not supported on the following devices:
BlackBerry 10devices
Android Enterprisedevices
Enable or disable app ratings and reviews for all apps
You can enable or disable app ratings and reviews for all apps that you have added toBlackBerry UEMand
configure the level of interaction that a user can have with the reviews and ratings.
Note: App rating and review settings are applied only to apps that you add toBlackBerry UEMafter the settings
are saved.
1. On the menu bar, clickSettings > App management.
2. ClickRatings and reviews.
3. To enable app ratings and reviews, selectEnable app ratings and reviews.
If you want users to rate and provide reviews for the app, as well as read reviews submitted by other users
in your environment, selectPublic mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, selectPrivate mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users,
4. To disable app ratings and reviews, clearEnable app ratings and reviews.
5. ClickSave.
Enable app ratings and reviews for existing apps
When you specify whether users can rate an app, provide reviews of an app, and see reviews provided by other
users, the permission specified applies to all version of the app.
|Rating and reviewing apps|63
1. On the menu bar, click Apps.
2. Click an app.
3. On the Settings tab, in the App rating and review drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
If you want users to rate and provide reviews for the app, as well as read reviews submitted by other users
in your environment, select Public mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, select Private mode. Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in the BlackBerry UEM management console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps or see reviews provided by other users, select
4. Click Save.
View app reviews in the management console
You can view the overall average rating for an app and individual ratings and reviews provided by users of an app.
1. On the menu, click Apps.
2. Optional, click the App rating column to order apps enabled for rating and reviewing.
Apps enabled for rating and review appear in the following order:
a. Apps with ratings and reviews
b. Apps without ratings and reviews
c. App rating is disabled
d. Apps that don't support ratings and reviews
3. Click an app.
4. Click the <review number> reviews tab.
Specify app rating and review settings for multiple apps
When you specify whether users can rate an app, provide reviews of an app, and see reviews provided by other
users, the permission specified applies to all version of the app.
1. On the menu, clickApps.
2. Perform one of the following actions:
Select the check box at the top of the apps list to select all apps.
Select the check box for each app that you want to enable the app and rating review for.
Click the .
4. Select one of the following permissions:
If you want users to rate and provide a review for the app, as well as read reviews submitted by other users
in your environment, selectPublic mode.
If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, selectPrivate mode, Users cannot see reviews
provided by other users. You can see reviews in theBlackBerry UEMmanagement console.
If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps, or see reviews provided by other users,
5. ClickSave.
|Rating and reviewing apps|64
Delete app ratings and reviews
You can delete app ratings and reviews as required.
1. On the menu, clickApps.
2. Optional, click theApp ratingcolumn to order apps enabled for rating and reviewing.
3. Click an app enabled for rating and review.
4. In theApp detailsscreen, click the<review number> reviewstab.
5. ClickSelect allor select the check box beside each review that you want to delete.
Click .
7. ClickRemove.
8. ClickSave.
|Rating and reviewing apps|65
Configure the layout of apps oniOSdevices
You can control the order of apps that display a user’siOSdevice. This profile can be used only with
1. On the menu bar, clickPolicies and profiles.
2. ClickCustom > Home screen layout.
Click .
4. In theType of applist, select the type of app that you want to drag and drop onto the screen (for example,
Built-in apps).
5. Drag and drop the icons from the App list to the home screen.
6. ClickAdd.
|Configure the layout of apps oniOSdevices|66
Managing notifications for apps oniOSdevices
You can use per-app notification profiles to configure the notification settings for system apps and apps that you
manage usingBlackBerry UEM. Per-app notification profiles are supported for supervisediOSdevices.
Note: You must assign a per-app notification profile to user accounts after the affected apps have already been
installed on users' devices. If the profile is applied before the affected apps are installed, users may not be able to
turn on notifications for the apps.
Create a per-app notification profile
Before you begin: Verify that the apps that you want to configure notification settings for are already installed
on users' devices before you assign the per-app notification profile. If the profile is applied to devices before the
affected apps are installed, users may not be able to turn on notifications for the apps.
1. On the menu bar, click Policies and profiles.
2. Click Custom > Per-app notification.
Click .
4. Type a name and description for the profile.
In the Per-app notification settings section, click . Perform one of the following actions to specify the app
that you want to configure notification settings for:
To select the app from the managed app list, click Select apps from the app list. Search for and select the
To specify the app by its package ID, click Add an app package ID. Type the app name and package ID.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Enable critical alert if you want critical alerts to override your organization's do not disturb profile and
notification settings. This setting applies only to iOS 12.0 and later devices.
8. In the Notification drop-down list, click Enabled.
9. Select any of the following notification options:
Show in notification center
Show in lock screen
10.In the Notification alert type drop-down list, select one of the following options:
None: Device users do not receive notification alerts.
Banner: Device users receive notification alerts in the banner.
Modal alert: Device users receive modal notification alerts.
11.In the Show previews drop-down list, select one of the following options:
Always: Notifications always include previews.
When unlocked only:Notifications include previews only when the device is unlocked.
Never:Notifications never include previews.
This setting applies only to iOS 14.0 and later devices.
12.Select any of the following notification alert options:
Enable badges: Specify whether the app displays a badge.
Enable sounds: Specify whether the app makes a sound.
Show in CarPlay: Specify whether notifications are displayed in Apple CarPlay.This setting applies only to
iOS 12.0 and later devices.
|Managing notifications for apps oniOSdevices|67
13.Click Save.
14.Repeat steps 4 to 13 to add additional per-app notifications.
15.Click Add.
After you finish:
To edit the notification settings for an app, in the Per-app notification settings section, click the notification
setting for the app and change the settings as necessary.
If you created more than one per-app notification profile,rank the profiles.
|Managing notifications for apps oniOSdevices|68
Managing the Work Apps icon foriOSdevices
When users activateiOSdevices with theMDM controlsactivation type, a Work Apps icon is displayed on the
device. Users can tap the icon to see work apps that have been assigned to them, and they can install or update
the apps as required.
You can customize the appearance of the Work Apps icon by selecting an image and name for the icon. The
default name for the Work Apps icon is "Work Apps" and the default icon displays aBlackBerrylogo.
Customize the Work Apps icon
When you customize the Work Apps icon, the icon is updated on all activatediOSdevices.
Note: This feature is not supported on devices activated with the User privacy activation type.
Before you begin: Verify that the image you plan to use for the Work Apps icon meets the following requirements:
Image format must be .png, .jpg, or .jpeg.
Avoid using .png images that have transparent elements. The transparent elements display as black on the
For suggested image sizes, visitto see Icon and Image Sizes.
1. On the menu bar, clickSettings.
2. In the left pane, expandApp management.
3. ClickWork Apps app for iOS.
4. In theNamefield, type a name for the custom icon. The name appears on the device just under the icon.
5. ClickBrowse. Locate and select an image for the Work Apps icon. The supported image formats are .png, .jpg,
or .jpeg.
6. SelectDisplay the Work Apps app in full screen modeto let users toggle the Work Apps icon from regular to
full screen mode.
7. ClickSave.
Disable the Work Apps app for iOS
If users are accessing their work apps catalog from the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher, you can disable the Work
Apps app.
1. On the menu bar, click Settings.
2. In the left pane, expand App management.
3. Click Work Apps for iOS.
4. Click Disable Work Apps app.
|Managing the Work Apps icon foriOSdevices|69
Set the organization name for BlackBerry World
You can add your organization's name to the BlackBerry World for Work corporate app storefront.
1. On the menu bar, click Settings.
2. Expand App management and click BlackBerry World for Work.
3. In Organization name, type the name of your organization.
4. Click Save.
|Set the organization name for BlackBerry World|70
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|Legal notice|72