Title stata.com
etable Create a table of estimation results
Description Quick start Menu Syntax
Options Remarks and examples Appendix Acknowledgments
Reference Also see
The etable command allows you to easily create a table of estimation results and export it to a
variety of file types. You can create a table complete with a title, notes, stars for indicating significant
results, and more.
Quick start
Create a table from the active estimation results, reporting the coefficients, standard errors, and number
of observations
Same as above, and display stars for significant results and a note indicating what the stars represent
etable, showstars showstarsnote
Create a table with title “My title” and note “My note”
etable, title("My title") note("My note")
Create a table with stored estimates model1 and model2, along with the number of observations and
adjusted R
value for each model
etable, estimates(model1 model2) mstat(N) mstat(r2_a)
Same as above, and export the table to myfile.tex
etable, estimates(model1 model2) mstat(N) mstat(r2_a) export(myfile.tex)
Statistics > Summaries, tables, and tests > Table of estimation results
2 etable Create a table of estimation results
, options
options Description
estimates(namelist) work with previously stored estimation results
margins consume results from margins
replay report table without consuming results
column(column header) select column header
name(cname) work with collection cname; default is name(ETable)
append append to the collection
replace replace the collection
keep(coeflist) report coefficients in order specified
, cstat opts
) report coefficient statistic
, mstat opts
) report model statistic
equations(eqlist) report equations in order specified
eqrecode(oldeq = neweq) recode equation
showeq display or suppress equations
, stars opts
) customize rules for star labels
showstars display or suppress star labels
showstarsnote display or suppress note explaining star labels
title(string) add table title
titlestyles(text styles) change table title styles
note(string) add table note
notestyles(text styles) change table note styles
export( filename.suffix
, export opts
) export table
varlabel display or suppress variable names or labels
fvlabel display or suppress factor values or labels
center center or right-align item cells
label( filename
, replace
) specify the collection labels
style( filename
, override
) specify the collection style
warn show collect warnings
warn does not appear in the dialog box.
etable Create a table of estimation results 3
column header Description
depvar show dependent variable name; the default
dvlabel show variable label for dependent variable
command show command name
title show command title
estimates show estimates name
index show result set index
cstat opts Description
label(string) specify coefficient statistic label
, font opts
) specify font style
smcl(smcl) specify formatting for SMCL files
latex(latex) specify L
X macro
shading(sspec) set background color, foreground color, and fill pattern
nformat(% fmt) specify numeric format
sformat(sfmt) specify string format
cidelimiter(char) use character as delimiter for confidence interval limits
cridelimiter(char) use character as delimiter for credible interval limits
mstat opts Description
label(string) specify model statistic label
, font opts
) specify font style
smcl(smcl) specify formatting for SMCL files
latex(latex) specify L
X macro
shading(sspec) set background color, foreground color, and fill pattern
nformat(% fmt) specify numeric format
sformat(sfmt) specify string format
font opts Description
) specify font size
color(color) specify font color
variant(variant) specify font variant and capitalization
bold specify whether to format statistic as bold
italic specify whether to format statistic as italic
strikeout specify whether to strike out statistic
underline(upattern) specify whether to underline statistic
4 etable Create a table of estimation results
stars opts Description
attach(cstat) attach star labels to coefficient statistic cstat
increasing compose stars note with increasing p-values; the default
decreasing compose stars note with decreasing p-values
pvname(string) p-value name for stars note
delimiter(char) use character as delimiter for labels in stars note
nformat(% fmt) numeric format for stars note
prefix(string) prefix for stars note
suffix(string) suffix for stars note
clear remove previous star properties
text styles Description
, text opts
) font style
smcl(smcl) specify formatting for SMCL files
latex(latex) specify L
X macro
shading(sspec) set background color, foreground color, and fill pattern
text opts Description
) specify font size
color(color) specify font color
variant(variant) specify font variant and capitalization
bold specify whether to format statistic as bold
italic specify whether to format statistic as italic
strikeout specify whether to strike out statistic
underline specify whether to underline statistic
suffix fileformat Output format
docx as(docx) Microsoft Word
html as(html) HTML 5 with CSS
pdf as(pdf) PDF
xlsx as(xlsx) Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 or newer
xls as(xls) Microsoft Excel 1997/2003
tex as(latex) L
smcl as(smcl) SMCL
txt as(txt) plain text
markdown as(markdown) Markdown
md as(markdown) Markdown
etable Create a table of estimation results 5
export opts Description
as(fileformat) specify document type
replace overwrite existing file
docx options available when exporting to .docx files
html options available when exporting to .html files
pdf options available when exporting to .pdf files
excel options available when exporting to .xls and .xlsx files
tex options available when exporting to .tex files
smcl option available when exporting to .smcl files
txt option available when exporting to .txt files
md option available when exporting to .markdown and .md files
docx options Description
noisily show the putdocx commands used to export to the Microsoft
Word file
, replace
) save the putdocx commands used for exporting to the named
html options Description
append append to an existing file
tableonly export only the table to the specified file
cssfile(cssfile) define the styles in cssfile instead of filename
prefix(prefix) use prefix to identify style classes
pdf options Description
noisily show the putpdf commands used to export to the PDF file
, replace
) save the putpdf commands used for exporting to the named
excel options Description
noisily show the putexcel commands used to export to the Excel file
, replace
) save the putexcel commands used for exporting to the named
, replace
) specify the worksheet to use; the default sheet name
is Sheet1
cell(cell) specify the Excel upper-left cell as the starting position to
export the table; the default is cell(A1)
modify modify Excel file
noopen do not open Excel file in memory
noopen does not appear in the dialog box.
6 etable Create a table of estimation results
tex options Description
append append to an existing file
tableonly export only the table to the specified file
smcl option Description
append append to an existing file
txt option Description
append append to an existing file
md option Description
append append to an existing file
fontfamily specifies a valid font family.
unit may be in (inch), pt (point), or cm (centimeter). An inch is equivalent to 72 points and 2.54
centimeters. The default is pt.
variant may be allcaps, smallcaps, or normal.
variant(allcaps) changes the text to all uppercase letters; applicable when publishing items
from a collection to Microsoft Word, PDF, L
X, and HTML files.
variant(smallcaps) changes the text to use large capitals for uppercase letters and smaller
capitals for lowercase letters; applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft
Word, L
X, and HTML files.
variant(normal) changes the font variant back to normal and leaves the capitalization unchanged
from the original text; applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word,
X, and HTML files.
upattern may be any of the patterns listed in the Appendix. For example, underline(none) removes
the underline from the statistic, and underline(single) underlines the statistic. All other
upatterns are available only when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word.
smcl specifies the name of the SMCL directive to render text for SMCL output. The supported SMCL
directives are input, error, result, and text.
latex specifies the name of a L
X macro to render text for L
X output. Example L
X macro
names are textbf, textsf, textrm, and texttt. Custom L
X macros are also allowed. If text
is to be rendered in a cell, title, or note, then latex is translated to the following when you export
to L
\latex {text}
sspec is
background(bgcolor) foreground(fgcolor) pattern(fpattern)
bgcolor specifies the background color.
fgcolor specifies the foreground color.
fpattern specifies the fill pattern. A complete list of fill patterns is shown in the Appendix.
etable Create a table of estimation results 7
bgcolor, fgcolor, and color may be one of the colors listed in the Appendix; a valid RGB value in the
form ### ### ###, for example, 171 248 103; or a valid RRGGBB hex value in the form ######,
for example, ABF867.
sfmt is the specification for a string format in option sformat() and may contain a mix of text and
%s. Here %s refers to the statistic value that is formatted as specified using nformat(). The text
will be placed around the statistic as it is placed around %s in this option. For instance, to place
parentheses around the statistic, you can specify sformat("(%s)").
Two text characters must be specified using a special character sequence if you want them to be
displayed in your collection. To include %, type %%. To include \, type \\. For instance, to place
a percent sign after a statistic, you can specify sformat("%s%%").
estimates(namelist) specifies the estimation results to be included in the table. These are the names
specified with estimates store. By default, etable creates a table with the active estimation
margins creates a table with the results of the immediately preceding margins command.
replay specifies that etable redisplay the table without consuming results.
column(column header) specifies the content to be used in the column headers. column header
may be depvar, dvlabel, command, title, estimates, or index.
depvar specifies that etable use the dependent variable name for the column headers. This name
is obtained from the eclass macro e(depvar). Note that this macro may contain multiple
names after fitting a multivariate model.
dvlabel specifies that etable use the variable label for the dependent variable name for the
column headers. etable uses the variable label associated with the variable name in the eclass
macro e(depvar). If the variable does not have a variable label, the variable name will be
used. column(dvlabel) will not be helpful when the estimation command stores multiple
names in e(depvar).
command specifies that etable use the command name for the column headers. This name is
obtained from the eclass macro e(cmd).
title specifies that etable use the command title for the column headers. This title is obtained
from the eclass macro e(title).
estimates specifies that etable use the name given to previously stored estimation results for
the column headers; these are the names specified with estimates store.
index specifies that etable use the result set index for the column headers.
name(cname) specifies the collection from which estimation results will be obtained, instead of the
current collection. The default is name(ETable).
append specifies that etable append the results into the collection named in name().
replace permits etable to overwrite the existing collection. This option is implied for name(ETable)
when append and replay are not specified.
8 etable Create a table of estimation results
keep(coeflist) specifies the coefficients to be included in the table and the order in which to display
them. Names are separated from each other by blanks. The default is to display all coefficients.
, cstat opts
) specifies the coefficient statistic to be included in the table. Optionally,
you may specify the label and style for this statistic. cstat() may be repeated to request multiple
coefficient statistics.
The default is to display the coefficients ( r b) and their standard errors ( r se), both formatted
to three decimals. Standard errors are enclosed in parentheses.
Available coefficient statistics are
cstat Description
r b coefficients reported by estimation
r se standard errors of r b
r z test statistics for r b
r z abs absolute values of r z
r p p-values for r b
r lb lower bounds of confidence intervals (CIs) for r b
r ub upper bounds of CIs for r b
r ci CIs for r b
r crlb lower bounds of credible intervals for r b
r crub upper bounds of credible intervals for r b
r cri credible intervals of Bayesian estimates
hide hide coefficient statistics
cstat opts are label(string), font(
, font opts
), smcl(smcl), latex(latex),
shading(sspec), nformat(% fmt), sformat(sfmt), cidelimiter(char), and
label(string) is used to modify the label for the specified coefficient statistic.
, size(#
) color(color) variant(variant)
underline underline(upattern)
) specifies the font
style for the coefficient statistic. These font style properties are applicable when exporting
the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, HTML, and L
X files, unless otherwise
fontfamily specifies a valid font family. This font style property is applicable when publishing
items from a collection to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
) specifies the font size as a number optionally followed by units. This font
style property is applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
color(color) specifies the text color.
variant(variant) specifies the font variant and capitalization.
bold and nobold specify the font weight. bold changes the font weight to bold; nobold
changes the font weight back to normal.
italic and noitalic specify the font style. italic changes the font style to italic;
noitalic changes the font style back to normal.
etable Create a table of estimation results 9
strikeout and nostrikeout specify whether to add a strikeout mark to the coefficient
statistic. strikeout adds a strikeout mark to the statistic; nostrikeout changes the
statistic back to normal.
underline(upattern), underline, and nounderline specify how to underline the coef-
ficient statistic.
Only one of strikeout or underline is allowed when publishing to HTML files.
smcl(smcl) specifies how to render the statistic value for SMCL output. This style property is
applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a SMCL file.
latex(latex) specifies how to render the statistic value for L
X output. This style property
is applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a L
X file.
shading(sspec) sets the background color, foreground color, and fill pattern. The background
color is applicable when exporting the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, HTML,
and L
X files. The foreground color and fill pattern are applicable when exporting the table
to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
nformat(% fmt) applies the Stata numeric format % fmt to the coefficient statistic.
sformat(sfmt) applies a string format to the coefficient statistic.
cidelimiter(char) changes the delimiter between confidence interval limits for coefficient
statistic r ci. The default is cidelimiter(" ").
cridelimiter(char) changes the delimiter between credible interval limits for coefficient
statistic r cri. The default is cridelimiter(" ").
, mstat opts
) specifies the model statistics to be included in the table.
mstat may be a result identifier or a named expression. mstat() may be repeated to request multiple
model statistics. The default is to display the number of observations, with zero decimal digits.
result identifier is one of the following:
Identifier Result
N number of observations
aic Akaike’s information criteria
bic Schwarz’s Bayesian information criteria
F F statistic
chi2 χ
ll log likelihood of fitted model
r2 R
r2 a adjusted R
rank rank of fitted model
escalar any e() scalar, by default
rscalar any r() scalar with option margins
hide hide model statistics
named expression is specified as name = exp, where name may be any valid Stata name and
exp is a scalar expression, typically an expression that involves one or more scalars in e().
For example, aic=(-2*e(ll) + 2*e(rank)).
With option margins, or if you ran a postestimation command like estat, exp may also
involve one or more scalars in r(). For example, suppose you fit a logistic model and also
called estat gof, then you can show its goodness-of-fit statistic with chi2 gof=(r(chi2)).
10 etable Create a table of estimation results
mstat opts are label(string), font(
, font opts
), smcl(smcl), latex(latex),
shading(sspec), nformat(% fmt), and sformat(sfmt).
label(string) is used to modify the label for the specified model statistic.
, size(#
) color(color) variant(variant)
underline underline(upattern)
) specifies the font
style for the model statistic. These font style properties are applicable when exporting the
table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, HTML, and L
X files, unless otherwise
fontfamily specifies a valid font family. This font style property is applicable when publishing
items from a collection to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
) specifies the font size as a number optionally followed by units. This font
style property is applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
color(color) specifies the text color.
variant(variant) specifies the font variant and capitalization.
bold and nobold specify the font weight. bold changes the font weight to bold; nobold
changes the font weight back to normal.
italic and noitalic specify the font style. italic changes the font style to italic;
noitalic changes the font style back to normal.
strikeout and nostrikeout specify whether to add a strikeout mark to the model statistic.
strikeout adds a strikeout mark to the statistic; nostrikeout changes the text back
to normal.
underline(upattern), underline, and nounderline specify how to underline the model
Only one of strikeout or underline is allowed when publishing to HTML files.
smcl(smcl) specifies how to render the statistic value for SMCL output. This style property is
applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a SMCL file.
latex(latex) specifies how to render the statistic value for L
X output. This style property
is applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a L
X file.
shading(sspec) sets the background color, foreground color, and fill pattern.
nformat(% fmt) applies the Stata numeric format % fmt to the model statistic.
sformat(sfmt) applies a string format to the model statistic.
equations(eqlist) specifies the equations to be included in the table and the order in which they
are reported.
eqrecode(oldeq = neweq) changes the equation name from oldeq to neweq. eqrecode() may be
repeated to recode multiple equations.
showeq and noshoweq specify whether equations should be displayed. showeq displays the equations;
noshoweq suppresses the equations.
etable Create a table of estimation results 11
#1 "label1"
#2 "label2"
#3 "label3"
#4 "label4"
#5 "label5"
, stars opts
manages the display of stars for indicating the significance of results.
The default is stars(.05 "*" .01 "**", attach( r b)), which will display one star (*) for
p-values less than 0.05 and two stars (**) for p-values less than 0.01; the stars will be attached
to the coefficients ( r b).
stars opts are attach(cstat), increasing, decreasing, pvname(string), delimiter(char),
nformat(% fmt), prefix(string), suffix(string), and clear.
attach(cstat) specifies that the star labels be attached to coefficient statistic cstat. The default
is attach( r b).
increasing and decreasing control the order of p-values in the stars note.
increasing specifies that the stars note be composed with increasing p-values. This is the
decreasing specifies that the stars note be composed with decreasing p-values.
pvname(string) specifies the name for the p-value in the stars note that is displayed with
showstarsnote. The default is pvname(p).
delimiter(char) changes the delimiter between labels in the stars note. The default is
nformat(% fmt) specifies the numeric format for the numbers displayed in the stars note. The
default is nformat(%9.0g).
prefix(string) adds a prefix to the stars note.
suffix(string) adds a suffix to the stars note.
clear removes existing star properties.
showstars and noshowstars specify whether star labels should be displayed. showstars displays
star labels; noshowstars suppresses the star labels.
showstarsnote and noshowstarsnote specify whether to display the note explaining what the star
labels represent. showstarsnote displays the note; noshowstarsnote suppresses the note.
showstarsnote is ignored if noshowstars is in effect.
title(string) adds the text string as a title to the table.
titlestyles(text styles) changes the style for the table title. text styles are the following:
, size(#
) color(color) variant(variant)
) specifies the font style. These font style
properties are applicable when exporting the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF,
HTML, and L
X files, unless otherwise specified.
fontfamily specifies a valid font family. This font style property is applicable when publishing
items from a collection to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
) specifies the font size as a number optionally followed by units. This font
style property is applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
color(color) specifies the text color.
12 etable Create a table of estimation results
variant(variant) specifies the font variant and capitalization.
bold and nobold specify the font weight. bold changes the font weight to bold; nobold
changes the font weight back to normal.
italic and noitalic specify the font style. italic changes the font style to italic; noitalic
changes the font style back to normal.
strikeout and nostrikeout specify whether to add a strikeout mark to the title. strikeout
adds a strikeout mark to the title; nostrikeout changes the title back to normal.
underline and nounderline specify whether to underline the table title. underline adds
a single line under the title; nounderline removes the underline.
Only one of strikeout or underline is allowed when publishing to HTML files.
smcl(smcl) specifies how to render the table title for SMCL output. This style property is applicable
only when publishing items from a collection to a SMCL file.
latex(latex) specifies how to render the table title for L
X output. This style property is
applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a L
X file.
shading(sspec) sets the background color, foreground color, and fill pattern. The background
color is applicable when exporting the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, HTML,
and L
X files. The foreground color and fill pattern are applicable when exporting the table
to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
note(string) adds the text string as a note to the table. note() may be specified multiple times to
add multiple notes. Each note is placed on a new line.
notestyles(text styles) changes the style for the table notes. text styles are the following:
, size(#
) color(color) variant(variant)
) specifies the font style. These font style
properties are applicable when exporting the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF,
HTML, and L
X files, unless otherwise specified.
fontfamily specifies a valid font family. This font style property is applicable when publishing
items from a collection to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
) specifies the font size as a number optionally followed by units. This font
style property is applicable when publishing items from a collection to Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML files.
color(color) specifies the text color.
variant(variant) specifies the font variant and capitalization.
bold and nobold specify the font weight. bold changes the font weight to bold; nobold
changes the font weight back to normal.
italic and noitalic specify the font style. italic changes the font style to italic; noitalic
changes the font style back to normal.
strikeout and nostrikeout specify whether to add a strikeout mark to the notes. strikeout
adds a strikeout mark to the note; nostrikeout changes the note back to normal.
underline and nounderline specify whether to underline the table notes. underline adds
a single line under the notes; nounderline removes the underline.
Only one of strikeout or underline is allowed when publishing to HTML files.
etable Create a table of estimation results 13
smcl(smcl) specifies how to render the table notes for SMCL output. This style property is
applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a SMCL file.
latex(latex) specifies how to render the table notes for L
X output. This style property is
applicable only when publishing items from a collection to a L
X file.
shading(sspec) sets the background color, foreground color, and fill pattern. The background
color is applicable when exporting the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF, HTML,
and L
X files. The foreground color and fill pattern are applicable when exporting the table
to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
, export opts
) exports the table to the specified file. export opts are the
as(fileformat) specifies the file format to which the table is to be exported. This option is rarely
specified because, by default, etable determines the format from the suffix of the file being
replace permits etable to overwrite an existing file.
noisily specifies that etable show the commands used to export the table to Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, and PDF files. The putdocx, putexcel, or putpdf command used to export
the table will be displayed.
, replace
) specifies that etable save to filename the commands used to
export the table to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF files.
If filename already exists, it can be overwritten by specifying replace. If filename is specified
without an extension, .do is assumed.
append specifies that etable append the table to an existing file.
This option is applicable when you export the table to an HTML, a L
X, a SMCL, a txt, or
a Markdown file. When you export to HTML and L
X files, the append option implies the
tableonly option. Furthermore, when you export to HTML files, if the target CSS file already
exists, etable will also append to it.
tableonly specifies that only the table be exported to the specified HTML or L
X document.
By default, etable produces complete HTML and L
X documents.
When you export to an HTML file, if the cssfile() option is not specified, a CSS filename is
constructed from filename, with the extension replaced with .css.
cssfile(cssfile) specifies that etable define the styles in cssfile instead of filename when you
export to HTML.
prefix(prefix) specifies that etable use prefix to identify style classes when you export to HTML.
, replace
) saves to the worksheet named sheetname. For more information
about this option, see [RPT] putexcel.
cell(cell) specifies an Excel upper-left cell as the starting position to publish the table. The
default is cell(A1).
modify permits putexcel set to modify an Excel file. For more information about this option,
see [RPT] putexcel.
noopen prevents putexcel from opening the Excel file in memory for modification. It does not
appear on the dialog box. For more information about this option, see [RPT] putexcel. This
14 etable Create a table of estimation results
option is necessary only when you need to force etable to produce do-files as it did when
etable was first introduced in Stata 17.
varlabel and novarlabel specify whether variable labels should be displayed. varlabel displays
variable labels; novarlabel displays variable names.
fvlabel and nofvlabel specify whether value labels should be displayed. fvlabel displays value
labels; nofvlabel displays the values of the factor variable.
center and nocenter specify how item cells are horizontally aligned. center specifies that item
cells are centered; nocenter specifies that item cells are right-aligned.
, replace
) specifies the filename containing the collection labels to use for your
table. Labels in filename will be loaded for the table, and default labels will be used for any labels
not specified in filename.
If you prefer to replace the labels used by etable with those specified in filename, specify
replace. The etable labels will be discarded, and only the labels in filename will be applied.
, override
) specifies the filename containing the collection styles to use for
your table. This might be a style you saved with collect style save or a predefined style
shipped with Stata. The etable collection styles will be discarded, and only the collection styles
in filename will be applied. Note that the layout specification saved in filename will not be applied;
etable will always use its predefined layout.
If you prefer the etable collection styles but also want to apply any styles in filename, specify
override. If there are conflicts between the default collection styles and those in filename, the
ones in filename will take precedence.
The default is to use only the collection styles set in c(etable style); see [TABLES] set
etable style.
The following option is available with etable but is not shown in the dialog box:
warn specifies that etable display warnings from collect. By default, these warnings are suppressed.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
A first example
Table comparing regression results
Multiple-equation models
etable allows you to easily create a table of estimation results and export it to a variety of file
types, without any knowledge of the collection system. You can make a standard estimation table
with the active estimation results, results from a margins command, or with stored estimates. You
can also customize the table by formatting the results, adding model statistics and coefficient-specific
statistics, labeling statistically significant results, adding a title and notes, and more.
etable Create a table of estimation results 15
In most cases, you will use etable to easily create a table and export it to another format.
However, you can customize the table beyond the options that are available with etable. When you
issue an etable command, the results are stored in a collection called ETable. This collection is
replaced with each new etable command, unless you specify the append or replay option. You
can make additional changes to the collection with the collect suite of commands. To learn more
about the collect commands, see [TABLES] Intro and the entries discussed therein.
A first example
In its simplest specification, you type etable after fitting a model, and you get a table with
coefficients, standard errors, and the number of observations. For example, below, we use data from
the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) (McDowell et al. 1981).
We fit a simple model for systolic blood pressure and then create our table of estimation results:
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/nhanes2l
(Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)
. quietly: regress bpsystol age weight i.region
. etable
Age (years) 0.638
Weight (kg) 0.407
MW -0.240
S -0.619
W -0.862
Intercept 71.708
Number of observations 10351
You can also include statistics that pertain to the coefficients, such as test statistics and confidence
intervals, and model statistics, such as the R
value and the F statistic. You can look at the cstat()
and mstat() options for additional statistics.
16 etable Create a table of estimation results
Additionally, you can complete your table with a title, notes, and labels for significant results. For
example, below, we add a title to our table, and we display stars for statistically significant results:
. etable, title(Model for systolic blood pressure) showstars showstarsnote
Model for systolic blood pressure
Age (years) 0.638 **
Weight (kg) 0.407 **
MW -0.240
S -0.619
W -0.862
Intercept 71.708 **
Number of observations 10351
** p<.01, * p<.05
The showstars option displays stars next to the coefficients that are significant either at the 1%
or 5% levels, and showstarsnote adds the note we see at the bottom, explaining what the stars
represent. You can look at the stars() option to create your own rules for displaying stars or to
specify your own labels for significance.
Suppose we have finalized our table and we are ready to export it to another format. Below, we
export our table to the file mytable.html:
. etable, title(Model for systolic blood pressure)
> showstars showstarsnote export(mytable.html)
Model for systolic blood pressure
Age (years) 0.638 **
Weight (kg) 0.407 **
MW -0.240
S -0.619
W -0.862
Intercept 71.708 **
Number of observations 10351
** p<.01, * p<.05
(collection ETable exported to file mytable.html)
We could also export this table to a Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, L
X, Markdown, SMCL,
PDF, or plain text file by specifying the appropriate file extension.
etable Create a table of estimation results 17
Table comparing regression results
If your goal is to create a table comparing regression results, you can store the results from each
model with estimates store and then specify which of those models you want to include in your
table with the estimates() option.
For example, below, we fit two different models for systolic blood pressure and store them under
the names model1 and model2.
. quietly: regress bpsystol i.sex weight
. estimates store model1
. quietly: regress bpsystol i.sex i.agegrp weight
. estimates store model2
To include results from both of these models in our table, we specify estimates(model1 model2);
the models are presented in the order we list them. Additionally, we report the number of observations
and the R
adjusted for degrees of freedom.
. etable, estimates(model1 model2) mstat(N) mstat(r2_a)
bpsystol bpsystol
Female 1.420 1.041
(0.475) (0.415)
Weight (kg) 0.452 0.436
(0.015) (0.014)
Age group
30--39 1.195
40--49 7.252
50--59 15.942
60--69 22.839
70+ 30.466
Intercept 97.634 86.710
(1.246) (1.116)
Number of observations 10351 10351
Adjusted R-squared 0.08 0.30
We would like to make a few changes to finalize this table. First, because both models have
the same dependent variable, we want to display the index of result sets instead of the variable
name. Second, we add stars for significance and a note explaining what the stars represent. Third,
instead of reporting standard errors, we want to report confidence intervals ( r ci). We format the
intervals with one decimal place and use a comma as the delimiter. etable will automatically report
coefficients, unless you specify cstat(), in which case it will report only the coefficient statistics
you specify; therefore, we add cstat( r b). Finally, we add a title to our table:
18 etable Create a table of estimation results
. etable, estimates(model1 model2) mstat(N) mstat(r2_a) column(index)
> showstars showstarsnote cstat(_r_b)
> title("Models for systolic blood pressure")
> cstat(_r_ci, nformat(%6.1f) cidelimiter(","))
Models for systolic blood pressure
1 2
Female 1.420 ** 1.041 *
[0.5, 2.4] [0.2, 1.9]
Weight (kg) 0.452 ** 0.436 **
[0.4, 0.5] [0.4, 0.5]
Age group
30--39 1.195
[-0.0, 2.4]
40--49 7.252 **
[5.9, 8.6]
50--59 15.942 **
[14.6, 17.3]
60--69 22.839 **
[21.8, 23.9]
70+ 30.466 **
[29.0, 31.9]
Intercept 97.634 ** 86.710 **
[95.2, 100.1] [84.5, 88.9]
Number of observations 10351 10351
Adjusted R-squared 0.08 0.30
** p<.01, * p<.05
Now our table is complete.
An alternative way to create this table is to build up the estimation table with the append option.
For example, we can fit the first model and create the table. Then, after fitting the second model, we
append the results as follows:
. quietly: regress bpsystol i.sex weight
. etable
. quietly: regress bpsystol i.sex i.agegrp weight
. etable, append mstat(N) mstat(r2_a) column(index)
> showstars showstarsnote cstat(_r_b)
> title("Models for systolic blood pressure")
> cstat(_r_ci, nformat(%6.1f) cidelimiter(","))
(output omitted )
etable Create a table of estimation results 19
Multiple-equation models
When you work with multiple-equation models, there is an additional option that will prove useful
when creating the table of estimation results. For example, below, we fit a multivariate regression
with mvreg:
. mvreg bpsystol bpdiast = age weight
Equation Obs Parms RMSE "R-sq" F P>F
bpsystol 10,351 3 19.48051 0.3031 2250 0.0000
bpdiast 10,351 3 11.51474 0.2067 1348.469 0.0000
Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
age .6379892 .0111315 57.31 0.000 .6161692 .6598091
weight .4069041 .0124786 32.61 0.000 .3824435 .4313646
_cons 71.27096 1.041742 68.42 0.000 69.22894 73.31297
age .187733 .0065797 28.53 0.000 .1748355 .2006306
weight .3116502 .007376 42.25 0.000 .2971918 .3261086
_cons 50.37585 .615764 81.81 0.000 49.16884 51.58287
Next, we create our table of estimation results:
. etable
bpsystol bpdiast
Age (years) 0.638
Weight (kg) 0.407
Intercept 71.271
Age (years) 0.188
Weight (kg) 0.312
Intercept 50.376
Number of observations 10351
20 etable Create a table of estimation results
The results for both models are placed in a single column, so below we add the showeq option
to display the equation names (bpsystol and bpdiast). This will help us identify which results
correspond to each model. Note that there are two dependent variables in this model, and both
variable names are displayed in the column header. These names are collected from the returned
result e(depvar). Instead of displaying both names, we will display the index of result sets we have
collected for our table by typing command(index).
. etable, showeq column(index)
Systolic blood pressure
Age (years) 0.638
Weight (kg) 0.407
Intercept 71.271
Diastolic blood pressure
Age (years) 0.188
Weight (kg) 0.312
Intercept 50.376
Number of observations 10351
etable Create a table of estimation results 21
bgcolor, fgcolor, and color
aliceblue darkslategray lightsalmon palevioletred
antiquewhite darkturquoise lightseagreen papayawhip
aqua darkviolet lightskyblue peachpuff
aquamarine deeppink lightslategray peru
azure deepskyblue lightsteelblue pink
beige dimgray lightyellow plum
bisque dodgerblue lime powderblue
black firebrick limegreen purple
blanchedalmond floralwhite linen red
blue forestgreen magenta rosybrown
blueviolet fuchsia maroon royalblue
brown gainsboro mediumaquamarine saddlebrown
burlywood ghostwhite mediumblue salmon
cadetblue gold mediumorchid sandybrown
chartreuse goldenrod mediumpurple seagreen
chocolate gray mediumseagreen seashell
coral green mediumslateblue sienna
cornflowerblue greenyellow mediumspringgreen silver
cornsilk honeydew mediumturquoise skyblue
crimson hotpink mediumvioletred slateblue
cyan indianred midnightblue slategray
darkblue indigo mintcream snow
darkcyan ivory mistyrose springgreen
darkgoldenrod khaki moccasin steelblue
darkgray lavender navajowhite tan
darkgreen lavenderblush navy teal
darkkhaki lawngreen oldlace thistle
darkmagenta lemonchiffon olive tomato
darkolivegreen lightblue olivedrab turquoise
darkorange lightcoral orange violet
darkorchid lightcyan orangered wheat
darkred lightgoldenrodyellow orchid white
darksalmon lightgray palegoldenrod whitesmoke
darkseagreen lightgreen palegreen yellow
darkslateblue lightpink paleturquoise yellowgreen
22 etable Create a table of estimation results
Underline patterns
none dashLong
single dashLongHeavy
words dotDash
double dashDotHeavy
thick dotDotDash
dotted dashDotDotHeavy
dottedHeavy wave
dash wavyHeavy
dashedHeavy wavyDouble
Shading patterns
nil pct20
clear pct25
solid pct30
horzStripe pct35
vertStripe pct37
reverseDiagStripe pct40
diagStripe pct45
horzCross pct50
diagCross pct55
thinHorzStripe pct60
thinVertStripe pct62
thinReverseDiagStripe pct65
thinDiagStripe pct70
thinHorzCross pct75
thinDiagCross pct80
pct5 pct85
pct10 pct87
pct12 pct90
pct15 pct95
We thank Roger Newson of the King’s College London, UK, Ben Jann of the Institute of Sociology
at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and John Luke Gallup of Portland State University for writing
similar commands for exporting tables of estimation results.
etable Create a table of estimation results 23
McDowell, A., A. Engel, J. T. Massey, and K. Maurer. 1981. Plan and operation of the Second National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 1976–1980. Vital and Health Statistics 1(15): 1–144.
Also see
[R] table intro Introduction to tables of frequencies, summaries, and command results
[TABLES] Intro Introduction
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