U.S. History
May 2021
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U.S. History
Page 3
Read each question carefully. Determine the best answer to the question from
thefouranswerchoices provided.Thenfill in theansweronyouranswer
1 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Growth of social media
Increased use of cell phones
Election of first African American president
Which time period is represented by this information?
B 1980s
C 1990s
D 2000s
2 Which action did Congress take to help protect native plants and animals from extinction?
the Endangered Species Act
G Constructed the Hoover Dam
H Passed the Community Reinvestment Act
J Established the Department of Energy
.S. History
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3 Study the table and answer the question that follows.
Workers, Aged 10–14, in the United States: 1870–1930
Workers Aged
10–14 as % of
1890 1,504 6.50
1910 1,622 4.34
1930 667 1.37
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Which reason contributed to the trend shown in this table?
The number of factories using assembly lines decreased.
B A progressive movement worked to stop the use of child labor.
C A political movement worked to lower taxes for businesses.
D The number of people joining labor unions decreased.
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4 Study the photograph and answer the question that follows.
World’s First Skyscraper,
Chicago, Illinois, 1884
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and
Photographs Division
Which development made it possible to construct this type of building?
The invention of a new process for manufacturing steel
G The government’s focus on educating engineers
H The manufacturing of glass that blocks ultraviolet sun rays
J The importation of stronger kinds of wood
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5 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Suffrage for African American men
Suffrage for women
Suffrage for 18-year-old men and women
How were these rights formally obtained?
granting citizenship to immigrants
B By passing antitrust legislation
C By ratifying constitutional amendments
D By engaging in an international conflict
What was one result of the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the
governments took over the responsibility of protecting minority rights.
G The federal government was no longer responsible for protecting natural resources.
H State governments could no longer control their budgets.
J The federal government provided aid to people suffering from unemployment.
7 Which statement describes one of the MOST important reasons why the United States
annexed the Kingdom of Hawaii?
islands offered excellent locations for tropical resorts.
B The local residents needed help to prevent the spread of poverty and disease.
C The location was strategically valuable to both military and business leaders.
D The local rulers wanted financial assistance to rebuild after a natural disaster.
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8 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
“Do Everything”
An all-round movement can only be carried forward by all-round
advocates. . . . Our WCTU is a school. . . . Here we try our wings that
. . . we may calmly take our places and prove to the world that what it
needed most was two heads in counsel as well as “two beside the
hearth.” When that day comes, the nation shall no longer miss as now
the influence of half its wisdom, more than half its purity and nearly all
its gentleness, in courts of justice and halls of legislation. Then shall
one code of morals—and that the highest—govern both men and
women; then shall the Sabbath be respected, the rights of the poor be
recognized, the liquor traffic banished, and the home protected from
all its foes.
A Handbook for the World’s White Ribboners, 1895
How did the White Ribboners contribute to U.S. society during the late 1800s?
supporting the movement to end Reconstruction and Jim Crow
G By establishing labor unions for women and children
H By winning the right to vote for African Americans and immigrants
J By leading efforts to achieve prohibition and women’s suffrage
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9 Study the table and answer the question that follows.
Agreements within the Geneva Accords, 1954
Agreement 1
The French government and the North Vietnamese
forces agreed to a cease-fire and a temporary division
of Vietnam along the 17th parallel.
Agreement 2
Neither North Vietnam nor South Vietnam would join
alliances with outside parties, and general elections to
unify the country were scheduled for 1956.
Why was the United States concerned about Agreement 2?
Officials believed the election would lead to a civil war and revolution.
B Congress
members feared foreign policy decisions would lead to criticism at home.
C The administration opposed the creation of regional alliances.
D Leaders feared communist officials would win the election and take over the country.
10 Which
action BEST prepares a responsible citizen to vote?
Staying informed
about issues affecting the country and communities
G Defending
the country through military service if the need arises
H Getting a high-paying job with health care and retirement benefits
J Participating on a grand jury on a regular basis
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11 Study the photograph and answer the question that follows.
Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party Mao Zedong
Shakes Hands with U.S. President Richard Nixon,
February 29, 1971
Source: NARA
What was one of President Nixon’s goals for the meeting shown in this photograph?
To negotiate the withdrawal of U.S. and Chinese soldiers from Korea
B To create a military alliance with China against the Soviet Union
C To create an agreement limiting Chinese and Soviet development of nuclear weapons
D To normalize relations between the United States and China
12 What has been one effect of population growth on the physical environment?
Increased supplies of underground water
G Increased damage to coastal ecosystems
H Decreased greenhouse gas emissions
J Decreased air pollution levels
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13 Which statement describes how the GI Bill affected the United States during the 1950s?
The act allowed members of minority groups to join the armed forces because it
desegregated the military.
B The financial regulations in the act protected the deposits of bank customers.
C The educational benefits included in the act helped provide training to military veterans.
D The act provided employment opportunities for women because it made discrimination in
the workplace illegal.
14 Read the passage and answer the question that follows.
In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court
decided that the Equal Protection Clause allowed state
governments to apply the “separate but equal” provision to public
What was one way the decision described in this passage affected the United States in the first half
of the twentieth century?
Minorities were
not allowed to attend schools with whites.
G Poll taxes in federal elections were ruled unconstitutional.
H Affirmative action programs were ruled unconstitutional.
J Minorities were not allowed to join the military.
15 Which
U.S. action was the MOST direct and immediate response to the Soviet blockade of
West Berlin?
Airlifting supplies
to people in West Berlin
B Creating the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
C Withdrawing military forces from West Berlin
D Providing financial support to help rebuild European nations
. History
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16 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
Evidence for “productivity miracles” arising from the computer and
from information technology (IT) in general appears to be all
around us . . . The New York Stock Exchange handles
electronically a volume of transactions that was inconceivable in
the pre-computer age. Businesses nowadays can compute and
communicate far faster than they could, say, a decade or two
Alan S. Blinder and Richard E. Quant, “The Computer and the
Economy,” The Atlantic, December 1997
How has use of the technology described in this excerpt impacted the United States?
By increasing the number of workers in the agricultural sector
G By increasing the amount of time used to manufacture goods
H By increasing the efficiency of workers and businesses
J By increasing the health and safety risks faced by industrial workers
17 What effect did the sinking of the Lusitania have on World War I?
Germany joined the Central Powers.
B U.S. public opinion shifted against Germany.
C Germany refused to join the League of Nations.
D U.S. leaders proposed a military alliance with Germany.
.S. History
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18 These photographs show a group of Chiricahua Apache students on their first day of school at
the Carlisle Indian School and the same students four months later, 1886–1887.
Source: National Museum of the American Indian
These photographs provide evidence that one goal of the Carlisle Indian School was to
restore U.S. citizenship to American Indians
G encourage the study of American Indian religious practices
H protect American Indians from nativist policies
J assimilate American Indians into U.S. culture
19 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
U.S. Responses to the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001
Obtained a pledge of support from NATO and the United Nations
Passed the USA PATRIOT Act to improve counter-terrorism efforts
Which response correctly replaces the question mark on this list?
Imposed economic sanctions on Israel
B Provided humanitarian
support to Iran
C Conducted military operations in Afghanistan
D Declared war against Pakistan
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20 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
In the opinion of the Government of the United States the coming
of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of
certain localities. . . . Therefore, Be it enacted . . . That . . . the
coming of Chinese laborers to the United States
be . . . suspended. . . .
—Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
Which factor prompted the passage of this legislation?
Denial of labor union membership for unskilled workers
G Increased nativism and anti-immigrant attitudes
H Wage increases for workers in manufacturing positions
J Increased U.S. involvement in foreign wars and conflicts
21 How did the United States respond to the launch of Sputnik I in 1957 by the Soviet Union?
By increasing health care benefits and pensions for the military
B By implementing the Marshall Plan
C By increasing funding for math and science education
D By joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
How did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine affect the role of the United States in
the world?
By establishing military alliances with Asian nations
G By
proclaiming a policy of isolationism
H By creating a plan to stop the spread of communism
J By
announcing a willingness to intervene in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations
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23 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
New Orleans is surrounded by water—Lake Pontchartrain, the
Mississippi River, and the nearby Gulf of Mexico. Resting an
average of six feet (two meters) below
, the city’s safety
has long depended on one of the world’s most extensive
Brian Handwerk, National Geographic News, September 2, 2005
Which pair of phrases correctly completes this quote?
1) the earth’s surface
1) sea level
2) highway systems 2) levee systems
1) fault lines
1) high tide
2) earthquake alarm systems
2) canal systems
24 How does the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) continue to affect U.S. citizens?
By regulating loans made to investors who buy stocks on margin
G By changing interest rates to prevent people from paying higher prices for goods
H By providing financial assistance to elderly people who are retired
J By protecting the savings of bank customers during an economic crisis
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25 Study the photograph and answer the question that follows.
At the Bus Station in Durham, North Carolina, 1940
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
What did the federal government do to address the social injustice shown in this photograph?
Enforced the Wisconsin v. Yoder decision protecting First Amendment rights
B Established the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to promote voting rights
C Passed civil rights legislation banning segregation in public places
D Issued an executive order prohibiting limits on interstate migration
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26 Study the graph and answer the question that follows.
Total U.S. Population, by Region, 1940–2000
1950 1960 1970
Population (millions)
1980 1990
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
What were two reasons for the population patterns shown on this graph?
F More passenger trains and better subway systems in the Sun Belt
G More government regulation and fewer natural disasters in the Sun Belt
H More job opportunities and lower cost of living in the Sun Belt
J More cultural diversity and better funding for public education in the Sun Belt
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27 Study the cartoon and answer the question that follows.
“Look before you eat—and see
if you can discover any unadulterated food.
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
How did the concerns depicted in this cartoon affect the food industry?
The food industry increased the cost of products in order to pay for chemical additives.
B The
federal government regulated the food industry in order to protect the health of the
C The
food industry imported more goods from Europe in order to offer customers more
D The federal government passed antitrust legislation in order to increase competition in the
food industry.
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28 Which statement describes how the Transcontinental Railroad affected the United States
during the late 1800s?
The railroad contributed to the rapid settlement and growth of towns in the West.
G The railroad caused a rapid decline in agriculture and mining in the West.
H The railroad contributed to population growth and increased sharecropping in the East.
J The railroad prompted Congress to buy land and create national parks in the East.
In the 1960s which action of the Black Panthers was MOST DIFFERENT from the philosophy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Writing a ten-point platform that demanded decent housing
B Using
armed patrols to protect neighborhoods
C Operating
the Free Breakfast for Children Program
D Creating “survival” programs that included medical and legal aid
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30 Study the diagram and answer the question that follows.
Events of the Great Depression
Collapse of the
stock market
Decline in
corporate capital
protective tariffs
Which phrase correctly replaces the question mark in this diagram?
Increase in minimum wage
G Growth of immigration
H Increase in unemployment
J Growth in consumer spending
31 Why was President Ronald Reagan criticized for the Iran-Contra Affair?
His administration supported a revolution against an elected leader in Iran.
B His policies involved the sharing of nuclear technology with Iran.
C His policies threatened petroleum trade agreements with Iran.
D His administration violated an embargo by selling weapons to Iran.
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32 Study the poster and answer the question that follows.
Source: NARA
What was the purpose of this World War II poster?
To persuade women to purchase food ration coupons
G To encourage families to put more money into bank savings accounts
H To encourage citizens to help pay for the costs of the war
J To persuade women to pay for the release of prisoners of war
. History
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33 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
U.S. TV studios send a lot of their shows to Russia. . . . We’re not
just talking... dubbed over in another language. . . . These
are . . . remakes in which characters and storylines have been
adapted to reflect local... sensibilities.
—Tim Newcomb, Time Magazine, October 2013
Which concept is BEST described by this excerpt?
A Cultural diffusion
B Nativism
C Social Darwinism
D Containment
34 Which diagram shows a cause-and-effect relationship related to the Spanish-American War?
United States acquires
new territories in the
Caribbean and Pacific
Growth of U.S.
commerce and
The opening of a
Expansion of U.S.
trade and shipping
The development of
conservationist policies
National parks
established in
the United States
Allied forces fight
against the Central
powers in Europe
U.S. businesses
produce military
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35 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
In 1966, Congress authorized the federal government to set safety
standards for new cars. By 1968, seat belts, padded dashboards,
and other safety features were mandatory equipment.
—“America on the Move” Exhibit, National Museum of American
History, www.amhistory.si.edu (accessed August 29, 2017)
What was one intended effect of this government action?
To reduce the use of gasoline by consumers
B To reduce traffic on interstate highways
C To improve the life expectancy of consumers
D To increase the use of railroads
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36 Study the cartoon and answer the question that follows.
“Fireside Chat”
A 1937 Herblock Cartoon, © The Herb Block Foundation
Why was the bill in this cartoon important to President Franklin D. Roosevelt?
He wanted to strengthen the congressional power of impeachment.
G He wanted to strengthen federal judicial authority over state governments.
H He wanted to remove congressional leaders from office.
J He wanted to weaken the power of the judicial branch over the executive.
37 What was the MAIN reason tanks were introduced during World War I?
To locate and remove land mines from the battlefield
B To transport military supplies to the front lines
C To overcome trench defenses and end stalemates
D To monitor enemy troop movements
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38 Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 allowed investigators to obtain books, records,
papers, documents and other items sought “in connection with” a terror investigation.
Argument For Section 215 Argument Against Section 215
Increased investigative authority
is needed to avert a future
terrorist attack.
investigators have these broad
powers, the
will be
Which phrase correctly replaces the question mark in this table?
right to privacy
G right to bear arms
H right to a speedy trial
J right to an attorney
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39 Study the photograph and answer the question that follows.
Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez saved
the lives of fellow soldiers while under
heavy enemy attack and after sustaining
wounds while assisting on a team
extraction in Vietnam on May 2, 1968.
In recognition of the actions described above, Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez was
given an early honorable discharge from U.S. military service
B awarded
the Congressional Medal of Honor
C made
an honorary member of the United Nations
D awarded
the Legion of Honor ribbon
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40 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
African Americans migrated from the rural South to the urban North.
Literacy rates among African Americans increased.
National organizations dedicated to African American civil rights were
The developments on this list contributed to what development of the 1920s and 1930s?
African American painters of the Hudson River School focused on the beauty of nature.
G African
American architects created the Neoclassical style based on Roman and Greek
H African
American artists and writers celebrated their culture in a movement called the
Harlem Renaissance.
American musicians developed rock and roll music based on African rhythms and
What were two economic effects of World War II on the home front?
Increased number of women working in industrial jobs
Increased income tax rates
Increased number of labor union strikes
Increased production of consumer goods
Decreased size of the national debt
Decreased efforts to recycle metal for the military
Decreased government funding for nuclear weapons research
Decreased sale of government savings bonds
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42 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
The United States is the world’s best hope, but if you fetter her in
the... quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the
intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her powerful good, and
endanger her very existence. Leave her to march freely through
the centuries to come, as in the years that have gone. Strong,
generous, and confident, she has nobly served mankind.
—Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, 1919
Why did Senator Lodge express this opinion about the Treaty of Versailles?
He wanted to prevent the spread of the global flu epidemic.
G He wanted to protect secret U.S. nuclear technology.
H He wanted the United States to join an international league.
J He wanted to protect U.S. sovereignty in international relations.
43 What is one way the Civil Rights Movement impacted the United States?
By increasing diversity in the workplace
B By leading to the creation of a national health care system
C By increasing the globalization of the economy
D By leading to the passage of antitrust laws
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44 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness.
—Declaration of Independence
What is the meaning of unalienable rights?
Rights that change over time
G Rights that cannot be taken away or denied
H Rights that only governments can provide
J Rights that cannot be defined and protected
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45 Study the image and answer the question that follows.
“Welcome to the Land of Freedom”—
An Ocean Steamer Passing the Statue of Liberty, 1887
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
Why were people like those shown in this image hopeful about their future?
Nativism and Social Darwinism were expanding in American cities.
B The U.S. social security system provided financial and medical benefits.
C There were many jobs and business opportunities in America.
D American cities had large and comfortable tenement apartment buildings.
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46 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
In a unanimous decision, the Court held that the Equal Protection
Clause required that Sweatt be admitted to the university. . . .
—“Sweatt v. Painter,” www.oyez.org
(accessed November 29, 2017)
How did the decision in this 1950 case benefit minorities?
By setting a precedent for Brown v. Board of Education
G By reinforcing the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson
H By giving state governments the power to create school programs
J By allowing for the creation of religious schools
47 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Selected Achievements of Marcus Garvey
Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association
Established the Black Star Line steamship corporation
Established the weekly newspaper Negro World for people of African
How did Marcus Garvey MOST impact African Americans in the early 1900s?
By desegregating schools and urban neighborhoods
B By urging blacks to accept low-paying jobs and social inequality
C By promoting black cultural pride and economic independence
D By supporting the use of violence to overthrow government and win reforms
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48 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
“Veto of the War Powers Resolution”
House Joint Resolution 542 [The War Powers Act] would attempt to
take away, by a mere legislative act, authorities which the President
has properly exercised under the Constitution for almost 200 years.
One of its provisions would automatically cut off certain authorities
after sixty days unless the Congress extended them.
—President Richard Nixon, October 24, 1973
Why did Congress override the veto described in this excerpt?
Congress wanted to expand its power to provide funding to the military.
G Congress wanted to limit the president’s power to send U.S. troops into armed conflicts.
H Congress wanted to regain control over its treaty-making powers.
J Congress wanted to give the president the power to make battlefield decisions.
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49 Study the photograph and answer the question that follows.
Cars Wait in Long Lines at Gas Pump, 1979
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
How did the U.S. government work to change this situation?
By encouraging the development of alternative forms of fuel
B By increasing the speed limit on interstate highways
C By decreasing funding for electrical power stations
D By discouraging exploration for fossil fuels
.S. History
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50 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
The Republic of Korea, and the freedom seeking people of North
Korea... seek for themselves a united, self-governing and
sovereign country, independent of foreign control and support
and with membership in the United Nations. In their desire for
unity and independence, they are supported by the United
Nations. The United States has a deep interest in the continuing
progress of the Korean people toward these objectives.
—President Harry S. Truman, special message to
Congress, June 7, 1949
What was the PRIMARY goal of the foreign policy described in this excerpt?
To increase U.S. colonization of Asia
G To prevent the spread of communist influence in Asia
H To end trade sanctions against Asian countries
J To protect U.S. soldiers stationed in Asian countries
51 During the late 1960s, Mexican American students in Los Angeles participated in the Chicano
movement by organizing school walkouts. What was the PRIMARY goal of these walkouts?
To end the use of poll taxes for voting
B To raise awareness of insufficient educational opportunities
C To protest the rising cost of college education
D To support the passage of a minimum wage law
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52 Study the cartoon and answer the question that follows.
By permission of the Marcus Family
What was the PRIMARY objective of the actions represented in this 1945 cartoon?
To stop Japan from cutting off supply lines into China
G To prevent Japan from invading China for natural resources
H To force Japan to accept terms of unconditional surrender
J To punish Japan for its treatment of soldiers at Bataan
Which action opposed the civil rights advances that the Reconstruction amendments had
The temperance movement
B The passage of Jim Crow laws
C The passage of antitrust legislation
D The conservation movement
.S. History
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Number of Cars Sold in the
United States, 1910–1930 (millions)
Number of Cars
1910 1915
1920 1925 1930
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
54 Study the graph and answer the question that follows.
Which reason BEST explains the change in the number of cars sold between 1910 and 1925?
Cars became more available because of the passage of antitrust laws.
G Cars
became more affordable because of the removal of wartime price controls.
H Cars
became more affordable because of the introduction of the assembly line.
J Cars
became more available because of the removal of tariffs after a global conflict.
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55 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
Hence arises the maxim that everyone is the best and the sole
judge of his own private interest, and that society has no right to
control a man’s actions, unless they are prejudicial to the
common weal [good] or unless the common weal [good]
demands his co-operation. This doctrine is universally admitted in
the United States.
—Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
Which U.S. government action is MOST CLOSELY based on this idea?
The federal government passes laws to protect individual liberties.
B The Supreme Court votes to approve the appointment of presidential cabinet members.
C The Electoral College votes to approve the winner of congressional elections.
D The federal government passes laws to regulate businesses.
Which question is associated with the passage of the Espionage and Sedition Acts during
World War I?
Should industries be allowed to prohibit workers from joining unions?
G Can the government require citizens to purchase war bonds?
H At what age should citizens be required to enlist in a branch of the military?
J Can the government limit the constitutional rights of citizens during wartime?
57 What was one way the role of women in society changed during the 1920s?
They were granted the right to attend public schools.
B They were allowed to own property.
C They were allowed increased participation in the political process.
D They were granted the right to serve in military combat units.
.S. History
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Progressive Era
Merit system
established for
police and fire
required for
positions in the
civil service
58 Study the diagram and answer the question that follows.
Which factor contributed MOST to these changes?
F The rising costs of national defense
G Threats posed by immigrant radicals
H Abuses of the spoils system by political machines
J The inefficiency of large corporations
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59 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
“Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to
Samuel M. Walton”
This visit is not about Sam Walton’s wealth. He has earned his money,
and that’s his business. He’s been generous with his fortune, and that
is in the great tradition of America’s commitment to this concept that I
call a Thousand Points of Light. . . . You see—you know this, but many
around the country might not—you see, he had hit upon a combination
that was to form the basis of the strategy of today’s Wal-Mart Stores,
smalltown markets for name-brand merchandise sold at a discount.
—President George H. W. Bush, March 17, 1992
How did Sam Walton benefit the U.S. economy?
By providing jobs in rural areas across the country
B By inventing new technologies that helped create the internet
C By building jewelry shops that sold luxury goods
D By investing his money in the space technology industry
60 Why did the government implement a draft during the Vietnam War?
To monitor ethnic groups for espionage activities
G To fund the war by authorizing the sale of government bonds
H To regulate freedom of expression at antiwar demonstrations
J To provide the military with additional manpower
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61 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
Other industrialists, including John D. Rockefeller, merged the
operations of many large companies to form a trust. Rockefeller’s
Standard Oil Trust came to monopolize 90% of the industry. . . .
“The Industrial Revolution in the United States,” Library of
Congress, www.loc.gov (accessed August 25, 2017)
What was one DIRECT effect of the business practice discussed in this excerpt?
Employees were prevented from buying stock.
B There was decreased competition among producers.
C Consumers were denied access to goods.
D There was a lack of employment opportunities for immigrants.
Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
National Child Labor Committee (NCLC)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
How have these groups influenced U.S. culture?
By supporting government funding of the arts and sciences
G By supporting increased environmental protections
H By supporting the implementation of social reforms
J By supporting the development of free trade practices
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63 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Reasons for the Great Depression
Collapse of the stock market
Loss of consumer confidence
Which reason correctly replaces the question mark on this list?
Decrease in interest rates
B Failure of banks
C Outsourcing of manufacturing jobs
D Outbreak of a global war
64 How has the free enterprise system contributed to technological innovation?
Companies have reduced their production of goods.
G Companies have limited the number of employees they hire.
H Companies have established industry-wide pricing policies.
J Companies have competed to make better products.
65 What was one effect of rock and roll music on U.S. society during the 1950s?
Fewer musicians gave live musical performances.
B People were exposed to more diverse musical styles.
C Music stores sold fewer musical instruments.
D Many religious groups actively supported the new musical culture.
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66 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in
infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and
deliberately attacked. . . .
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, address to Congress,
December 8, 1941
Which statement correctly summarizes the reason for this speech?
Axis violations of international law caused the United States to hold criminal trials.
G German expansion in Western Europe caused the United States to assist France.
H Japanese aggression in the Pacific caused the United States to declare war.
J Allied defeats on the battlefield caused the United States to develop new weapons.
67 Why were vaccination programs developed during the twentieth century?
To assist doctors in diagnosing injuries
B To assist farmers in irrigating crops
C To protect agricultural products from insects
D To prevent the outbreak of dangerous diseases
68 Which action was a goal of President Barack Obama’s administration?
Introducing reforms to health care insurance
G Easing restrictions for gun ownership
H Reducing regulations for offshore drilling
J Requiring women to register for the draft
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U.S. History