Cover Letters
How to Format a Cover Letter:
Your Name
City, State, Phone
Name of Business Contact, Their Title
Organization name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Dear (Name of Business Contact),
In the first paragraph, state the position you are
applying for, how you became aware of it, and
why you are interested. This only needs to be
two or three sentences.
In the middle paragraph, offer your sales pitch by
giving specific highlights that outline how you fit the
position. Be sure to tailor your cover letter to the job
posting you are applying for. The cover letter’s job is
to get their interest enough that they want to look at
your resume. Just focus on a few key highlights of
your resume to encourage them to look at it for the
In the final paragraph, thank the employer for their
time or consideration and state your interest in
meeting for an interview. Specify how you would
like to be contacted (by phone, email, or both).
(4 spaces)
Your typed name
College Student
Pocatello, ID 208-798-1324
collegestu[email protected]u
Scott Sterling, HR Manager
Bengal Co.
921 Main Street
Pocatello, ID 83209
Dear Mr. Sterling,
I am applying for the Marketing Manager position at Bengal Co.
that was posted on Handshake. With my education and
experience, I feel confident that I would be a great fit for this job.
As the President of the ISU Marketing Association, I lead
meetings and often collaborate with club members and other
departments to accomplish the club’s goals. In my Marketing
class, I led a team of students to design and implement an
online marketing campaign for a local business using the social
media platforms Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. When I was
manager at Taco Bell, I learned how to do market research
using Google Analytics as well as managing the payroll,
scheduling, and training for employees. Through these
experiences, I have developed strong customer service and
problem-solving skills as I have worked with customers and
other departments to meet their marketing needs.
Thank you for your consideration. I would like to meet with you
for an interview to further discuss this position. I can be reached
at or 208-798-1324.
College Student
Marketing Manager Position
Bengal Co. is looking for a qualified person to manage the Marketing Department and the company’s social media accounts.
Collaborate with other departments within the company to meet their marketing needs.
Lead the marketing team to design and implement marketing campaigns to increase sales.
Conduct market research to inform strategic decision-making and to identify potential new markets.
Manage the office payroll, scheduling, and training for employees.
Bachelor’s degree completed or in progress.
Proficient with marketing-related software programs such as Hootsuite, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, etc.
Experience leading teams and using social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc. to promote sales.
Possess strong customer service, time management, and problem-solving skills.
Minimum 1-year experience.
Interested applicants can send their resume, cover letter, and 3 references to Scott Sterling at
Resume Example 1
College Student
Pocatello, ID (208) 798-1324
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Marketing Expected Grad. May 2024
Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
GPA 3.7
Associate of Applied Science in Accounting Technology May 2022
College of Eastern Idaho, Idaho Falls, Idaho
GPA 3.3
Marketing Project Lead Student Sept 2022 to Present
ISU MKTG 4480 Social Media Strategy Class Project, Pocatello, Idaho
Collaborate with business owner and staff to make sure our team meets their needs.
Lead a team of 4 students to design and implement a marketing campaign for a local business
to increase their sales.
Use Google Analytics to conduct market research and collect data to inform team decisions.
Develop social media marketing skills by promoting the company on Instagram and Facebook.
Club President Aug 2022 to Present
ISU Marketing Association, Pocatello, Idaho
Give presentations on how to run marketing campaigns through social media platforms.
Build relationships with faculty advisors and students by holding regular meetings and events.
Develop time management skills by leading projects and delegating responsibilities to other
members when needed.
Co-directed 3 fundraisers which brought in $1500 to the club for scholarships and activities.
Present to the ASISU Senate each semester on state of the club and future event plans.
Career Path Intern (CPI) Aug 2021 to June 2022
ISU College of Business, Pocatello, Idaho
Improved communication skills by following instructions and asking questions of supervisors.
Assisted with department event planning and marketing for those events.
Conducted surveys of students and faculty, using Mailchimp, to inform our decision making.
Updated website and social media profiles to reflect feedback from student and faculty
Manager Jan 2019 to July 2021
Taco Bell, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Managed the schedule, training, and payroll for 18 employees.
Learned how to conduct performance evaluations to increase productivity among the workers.
Oversaw the day to day marketing of new products and offerings to keep the menu fresh.
Increased revenue by 10% over 2 years by responding to sales trends and customer requests.
Action/Result Sentences
When writing bullet points on your resume, use action/result sentences to show what you have
done and the positive outcome that resulted from your work. Give details so employers have more
information about your abilities and how you can help them.
1. Chaired a committee…
2. Chaired a promotional committee…
3. Chaired a successful promotional committee…
4. Chaired a successful promotional committee that resulted in a 30% increase in ticket sales.
Transferable Skills
Transferable skills, also known as “soft skills,are not job specific, but can be used in a variety
of careers and work settings. You can use transferable skills to help tailor your experiences to
the job posting you are applying for. These are some examples:
1. Communication skills (verbal and written) 6. Problem-solving skills
2. Strong work ethic 7. Analytical skills
3. Teamwork skills (works well with others) 8. Flexibility/adaptability
4. Initiative 9. Computer skills
5. Interpersonal skills (relates well with others) 10. Technical skills
A typical way to state it...
1. Worked sales booth locations on campus.”
2. “Responded to customer complaints.”
A better way to state it...
1. “Used organization skills to plan and coordinate teams of sales staff to ensure high
traffic flow to sales booths.”
2. “Developed communication skills by listening to customer complaints, while also reviewing
possible solutions to their concerns.”
More Bullet Point Helps
Here are questions that are relevant to employers to help you think about what to add to your
resume, especially if you don’t have a very detailed job posting to tailor your bullets to:
Did you increase sales/productivity/volume? Provide percentage or amount if possible
Did you save your company money? If so, how and by how much?
Did you complete any special projects? What were they and what was the result?
Did you take on new responsibilities that weren’t part of your job? Why were you selected?
How did your company benefit from your performance?
Did you bring a project in under budget? How did you do this?
Did you generate any new business or increase client base? How?
Did you design or implement any new systems or procedures to improve efficiency?
Your reference page heading should be the exact heading used on your resume for consistency.
References go on a separate sheet of paper from your resume.
A total of 3-5 references is optimal.
Always ask permission from a reference before
giving their name to an employer. It is also a good
idea to give your references a copy of your resume and keep them informed about your job search.
The most effective references are those given by former employers, managers, supervisors,
coworkers, or college professors who are familiar with your work.
References may be centered or left-aligned, depending on your preference.
Information You Need to Include:
Position Title
Company Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Phone Number
References Example:
College Student
Pocatello, ID (208) 798-1324
Dr. Bizz Ness
CPI Supervisor
ISU College of Business
921 S 8
Pocatello, ID 83209
(208) 282-0000
Dr. Mark Etting
ISU Marketing Professor
921 S 8
Pocatello, ID 83209
(208) 282-1111
Glen Bell
Regional Manager
Taco Bell
321 Nacho Lane
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
(208) 321-2222