118 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL
Board of Commissioners of Cook
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:
FY 2022 Tax Levy Ordinance
Ordinance Approved
File created: In control:
12/20/2021 Finance Committee
On agenda: Final action:
1/13/2022 2/10/2022
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners and the Committee on Finance of the Board of
Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, have considered the subject of the Annual Tax Levy for the
Fiscal Year A.D., 2022, and the several sums necessary to be levied to meet the needs and
requirements of the County of Cook for said fiscal year, and have recommended that this Ordinance
for the Levy of Taxes be adopted; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, approved, passed, and adopted the
Annual Appropriation Bill of the County of Cook, for its Fiscal Year 2022, which said Appropriation Bill
is hereinafter set forth and which contains a Revenue Estimate that includes an allocation of the 2022
Tax Levy by Fund together with additional columns captioned: “ANNUAL TAX LEVY”,
WHEREAS, Cook County and its taxpayers have benefited from Tax Increment Financing Districts
(TIFs) by having the increment generated during the life of the TIFs invest in the specific area
generating the increment; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board passed a Resolution on November 15, 2011, outlining that it is
the policy of Cook County to recapture any property taxes at the termination of a TIF; and
WHEREAS, within the County of Cook, certain real-estate parcels, or a portion of the assessed
valuation of certain real-estate parcels, are from time to time identified on the County real-estate tax
rolls as deriving from new property, insofar as they were developed or substantially improved or are
the subject of tax incentives that expired since the most recent assessment of real-estate taxes, the
value of which has not heretofore been recaptured; and
WHEREAS, the interests of County taxpayers and the County itself are better served if the taxes on
the additional value of said new property is captured.
COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, that pursuant to its home rule powers, $ 720,483,542 as a base levy
amount, plus a TIF value recapture sum of $24,438,364, an expiring incentives sum of $3,611,956,
and a new-property value capture sum of $43,297,745, which aggregate amount of these sums is to
be collected from the Annual Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year A.D. 2022 of the County of Cook for the
Public Safety Fund purposes of said County, and for the Health Enterprise Fund purposes of said
County, and for the payment of principal and interest on general obligation bonds of said County as
represented by the Bond and Interest fund purposes, and for Cook County Employees Annuity and
Benefit Fund purposes, and for the Election Fund purposes, and for Capital Projects purposes, said
aggregate amount being $791,831,606, which is the total amount of appropriations heretofore legally
made from the Annual Tax Levy for the year 2022 and contained in the Annual Appropriation Bill
(hereinafter set forth in the Ordinance) for the Fiscal Year 2022 duly adopted by the Board of
Commissioners of Cook County on November 18, 2021, is hereby levied on and upon all taxable
property in the said County of Cook for the Fiscal Year 2022.
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As provided in the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Appropriation Bill, three percent of the property tax levy
revenues separately allocated to the Public Safety Fund, Health Enterprise Fund, and Election Fund
are to be made available to each Fund for purposes of covering the loss and cost of collecting taxes
levied for said Funds; for the amounts of taxes for which the nonpayment will result in forfeiture of real
estate; and for abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collectors’ books. To
ensure the County meets its obligations for indebtedness as represented by the Bond and Interest
Fund, and that the actual collections of property taxes received by the Annuity and Benefit Fund are
commensurate with the amounts so levied, the County Clerk is authorized, in consultation with the
County’s Chief Financial Officer, to extend loss and collections for these funds in a manner that is
sufficient for these purposes.
The specific amounts herein levied for the various purposes heretofore named are stated in this
Ordinance and Tax Levy and itemized by Fund in the Revenue Estimate of the Annual Appropriation
Bill, including a column captioned: “ANNUAL TAX LEVY”. The tax hereby levied for said Fiscal Year
2022 for said appropriations, to be collected from this Levy, being the aforesaid total, consists of the
following specific amount levied for the various purposes hereinafter set forth:
Fund Base Tax Levy Expiring TIF Expiring New Property Annual
Incentives Value Tax Levy
Public Safety Fund $178,638,609 $6,059,313.08 $895,557.99 $10,442,937
Health Enterprise Fund $129,364,849 $4,387,977.08 $648,536.87 $7,562,469
Election Fund $56,752,750 $1,925,018.80 $284,515.08 $3,317,678 $62,279,962
Bond and Interest Fund $232,588,230 $7,889,251.45 $1,166,020.32 $14,367,879
Employee Annuity &
Benefit Fund $123,139,104 $4,176,803.59 $617,325.73 $7,606,781 $135,540,014
Total All Funds $720,483,542 $24,438,364 $3,611,956 $43,297,745 $791,831,606
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption
Code sections:
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
approveBoard of Commissioners2/10/2022 1 Pass
recommend for approvalFinance Committee2/9/2022 1 Pass
reconsiderFinance Committee2/9/2022 1 Fail
referBoard of Commissioners1/13/2022 1 Pass
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners and the Committee on Finance of the Board of Commissioners of Cook
County, Illinois, have considered the subject of the Annual Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year A.D., 2022, and the several sums
necessary to be levied to meet the needs and requirements of the County of Cook for said fiscal year, and have
recommended that this Ordinance for the Levy of Taxes be adopted; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, approved, passed, and adopted the Annual
Appropriation Bill of the County of Cook, for its Fiscal Year 2022, which said Appropriation Bill is hereinafter set forth
File #: 22-0841, Version: 1
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File #: 22-0841, Version: 1
Appropriation Bill of the County of Cook, for its Fiscal Year 2022, which said Appropriation Bill is hereinafter set forth
and which contains a Revenue Estimate that includes an allocation of the 2022 Tax Levy by Fund together with additional
WHEREAS, Cook County and its taxpayers have benefited from Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIFs) by having the
increment generated during the life of the TIFs invest in the specific area generating the increment; and
WHEREAS, the Cook County Board passed a Resolution on November 15, 2011, outlining that it is the policy of Cook
County to recapture any property taxes at the termination of a TIF; and
WHEREAS, within the County of Cook, certain real-estate parcels, or a portion of the assessed valuation of certain real-
estate parcels, are from time to time identified on the County real-estate tax rolls as deriving from new property, insofar
as they were developed or substantially improved or are the subject of tax incentives that expired since the most recent
assessment of real-estate taxes, the value of which has not heretofore been recaptured; and
WHEREAS, the interests of County taxpayers and the County itself are better served if the taxes on the additional value
of said new property is captured.
COUNTY, ILLINOIS, that pursuant to its home rule powers, $ 720,483,542 as a base levy amount, plus a TIF value
recapture sum of $24,438,364, an expiring incentives sum of $3,611,956, and a new-property value capture sum of
$43,297,745, which aggregate amount of these sums is to be collected from the Annual Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year A.D.
2022 of the County of Cook for the Public Safety Fund purposes of said County, and for the Health Enterprise Fund
purposes of said County, and for the payment of principal and interest on general obligation bonds of said County as
represented by the Bond and Interest fund purposes, and for Cook County Employees Annuity and Benefit Fund
purposes, and for the Election Fund purposes, and for Capital Projects purposes, said aggregate amount being
$791,831,606, which is the total amount of appropriations heretofore legally made from the Annual Tax Levy for the year
2022 and contained in the Annual Appropriation Bill (hereinafter set forth in the Ordinance) for the Fiscal Year 2022 duly
adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County on November 18, 2021, is hereby levied on and upon all taxable
property in the said County of Cook for the Fiscal Year 2022.
As provided in the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Appropriation Bill, three percent of the property tax levy revenues separately
allocated to the Public Safety Fund, Health Enterprise Fund, and Election Fund are to be made available to each Fund for
purposes of covering the loss and cost of collecting taxes levied for said Funds; for the amounts of taxes for which the
nonpayment will result in forfeiture of real estate; and for abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the
collectors’ books. To ensure the County meets its obligations for indebtedness as represented by the Bond and Interest
Fund, and that the actual collections of property taxes received by the Annuity and Benefit Fund are commensurate with
the amounts so levied, the County Clerk is authorized, in consultation with the County’s Chief Financial Officer, to
extend loss and collections for these funds in a manner that is sufficient for these purposes.
The specific amounts herein levied for the various purposes heretofore named are stated in this Ordinance and Tax Levy
and itemized by Fund in the Revenue Estimate of the Annual Appropriation Bill, including a column captioned:
“ANNUAL TAX LEVY”. The tax hereby levied for said Fiscal Year 2022 for said appropriations, to be collected from
this Levy, being the aforesaid total, consists of the following specific amount levied for the various purposes hereinafter
set forth:
Fund Base Tax Levy Expiring TIF Expiring New Property Annual
Incentives Value Tax Levy
Public Safety Fund $178,638,609 $6,059,313.08 $895,557.99 $10,442,937 $196,036,417
Health Enterprise Fund $129,364,849 $4,387,977.08 $648,536.87 $7,562,469 $141,963,832
Election Fund $56,752,750 $1,925,018.80 $284,515.08 $3,317,678 $62,279,962
Bond and Interest Fund $232,588,230 $7,889,251.45 $1,166,020.32 $14,367,879 $256,011,381
Employee Annuity &
Benefit Fund $123,139,104 $4,176,803.59 $617,325.73 $7,606,781 $135,540,014
Total All Funds $720,483,542 $24,438,364 $3,611,956 $43,297,745 $791,831,606
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File #: 22-0841, Version: 1
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption
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