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13 August 2012
Digital Delivery of IEEE Spectrum & The Institute
for IEEE Student and Graduate Student Members
Volunteer Fact Sheet
MGA Board approved moving Student and Graduate Student members to digital delivery of IEEE
Spectrum and The Institute. If Student and Graduate Student members choose not to receive
the digital version they will have the option to change to print copies for US$5 or a combination
of print and digital for US$14.95. There are three key member segments that will be affected;
Existing Students, New Students, and Elevated Students. Each segment has subtle differences in
when this will be rolled out and our positioning statement to that group.
Who Existing Students New Students Elevating Students
Print subscri
tion will
continue through
December 2012.
Digital subscriptions
will begin upon
ital editions of
IEEE Spectrum and
The Institute will
start 16 August 2012.
Members will receive
digital edition starting
with the next
available issue.
Print editions will start
the month following
their elevation (June or
August). During the
renewal period
Elevated Members in
developing nations will
be presented with e-
membership or
traditional membership
option which will
determine future
delivery methods.
• Goin
reen’ to
mitigate use of natural
• Receipt of IEEE
Spectrum on tablets,
iPad, Android and Fire
• Real-time access to
IEEE Spectrum issue
archive from July 2007,
24/7 worldwide
• Platform offers
interactive features, such
as integrated audio and
• Removed risk of
delivery delay or
interruptions by postal
Green’ deliver
mitigating the use of
natural resources
• Receipt of IEEE
Spectrum on tablets,
iPad, Android and Fire.
• Real-time access to
IEEE Spectrum issue
archive from July 2007,
24/7 worldwide.
• Platform offers
interactive features,
such as integrated
audio and video
• Removed risk of
delivery delay or
interruptions by postal
Benefit difference between
Higher Grade and Student
Elevated Members
in developing
nations will be
presented with
e-membership or
membership option
which will
determine future
delivery methods.
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13 August 2012
Digital Delivery of IEEE Spectrum & The Institute -
Volunteer Fact Sheet
Student Member Transition to Digital Delivery
(including GSM)
16 Aug ‘12 – Dec ‘12 Jan – Feb ‘13 Mar – 15 Aug ‘13
All existing student
members will receive
print delivery through
December 2012.
Upon renewal, student
members will begin
receiving digital
Upon renewal, student
members will begin
receiving digital
Non-renewed members
continue receiving print
Service deactivated for
non-renewed members.
Members recovered
after service
deactivation to receive
digital publications.*
New Members Upon joining, student members will receive digital publications.*
* Note: Scenarios represent default delivery settings for publications. Members have the option to choose print vs. digital
delivery, or a combination of both. See table, Delivery Options with Student Membership.
What are the key benefits of Digital Delivery?
The digital versions offer
Interactive features like integrated audio, video,
embedded web links, and e-mail links
Retrieval of back editions and archives available
from July 2007 for Digital member subscribers
Improved and consistent delivery by removing
risk of delay or interruptions by postal service
Reduced use of natural resources
Can I read IEEE Spectrum and The Institute on my Tablet?
Apps for the iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire are available for only IEEE Spectrum.
Does the cost of student membership change?
No, the basic price would remain the same US$27 outside North America; US$32 within North
America. The difference being the print version of IEEE Potentials Magazine.
How will this be communicated to existing student members?
A communication plan is being executed in conjunction with 2013 renewal. Updating collateral
and appropriate pages on will be addressed along with messaging on member invoices
and e-mail renewal campaigns. Students will also be made aware through the student
newsletter (What’s New for Students) and The Institute.
How will this be communicated to new student members?
A communication plan is being executed in conjunction with 2013 membership year. Membership
collateral and recruitment campaigns will feature this as a new benefit for 2013.
What is the combination option?
This allows the student or graduate student to receive a print and digital version of IEEE
Spectrum and The Institute. The cost is US$14.95 in addition to member dues.
Who do I contact with questions?
If there are any questions about this transition please direct all inquiries to the IEEE Contact