IEEE Student Branch
Counselor Guide
IEEE Mission
To foster technological innovation and excellence
for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE Vision
Be essential to the global technical community
and to technical professionals everywhere, and
be universally recognized for the contributions
of technology and of technical professionals in
improving global conditions.
Table of Contents
2 Introduction to IEEE
2 IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Mission and Vision
2 IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Board
4 IEEE Student Activities—Mission, Strategy & Organization
4 Mission
4 IEEE MGA Student Activities Committee Charter
8 Connecting—IEEE Regional, Section & Student Branch Development
8 The Local Structure of IEEE
10 Roles & Responsibilities: IEEE Student Branch Counselor
10 Who is eligible to be an IEEE Student Branch Counselor?
12 IEEE Student Member Development
12 Professional Development
13 Humanitarian Development
13 Quick Reference Guide to IEEE Student Membership Development
14 Graduation & the Transition to Young Professional
14 IEEE Works to Engage After Graduation
14 STEP: Student Transition and Elevation Partnership
15 Transitional Dues: Students Becoming Professionals
15 IEEE Student Member & IEEE Graduate Student Member Definition
16 Successful Branch Building
16 Student Branch Development Best Practices
20 Resources
20 IEEE Member Benefits
22 Student Branch Chair & Officers
22 Branch Administration
26 Quick Reference Guide
27 Frequently Asked Questions
28 Student Membership Processing Tips
28 Print and Mail Option for Students Without a Credit Card
28 Handling a Large Volume of New Student Member Applications
29 Updating Education Information for IEEE Student Members
31 Calendar—IEEE Student Membership Development
2 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Introduction to IEEE
IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Mission and Vision
IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Vision
Ensure Quality Member Opportunities for Continuous Engagement
Guiding Principles
Membership is a core value of IEEE
Members shape IEEE’s future
Members collaborate to create IEEE’s future
IEEE enhances members’ futures
IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Mission
Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEE
For the purposes of
Fulfilling the mission of IEEE
Enhancing member growth and development through their life cycle
Providing a professional home
IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Board
The IEEE Member & Geographic Activities (IEEE MGA) Board serves the interests
of IEEE and the members through the following:
Increase the value of IEEE membership
Utilize member life cycle concept
Provide a simple, consistent interface to members and prospective members
Track member involvement and development
Make the process of joining and maintaining membership simple and straightforward
Facilitate member collaboration
Become more transnational in look, feel and language, consistent with the IEEE bylaws
Strengthen the relevancy of IEEE membership to industry | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 3
Increase member engagement
Improve relationships with and between members
Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness within MGA and its interfaces
Enhance collaboration with other organization units. (MGA recognizes the intimate
relationship between Sections and Societies and their Chapters and will work with other
organizational units of the IEEE to foster improved interaction.)
Increase membership
Increase the collaboration and cooperation between Geographic Units
Enhance the membership-related information available to the member and the
geographic units
If IEEE MGA is Successful…
IEEE member satisfaction & relevance is growing and reflected in improved retention
and total membership
The MGA is a data-driven organization that proactively anticipates and reacts to the
needs of the member and the profession
The MGA facilitates recruitment, training, development of IEEE volunteer leaders
The MGA facilitates successful regions, sections, chapters, affinity groups, student branches,
student branch chapters
The MGA is responsible for all aspects of member and membership activities with the IEEE
The MGA ensures a “home(s)” for every member
Technology professionals will understand IEEE membership’s importance in their careers
The MGA will develop sections and regions, and reward them based on their
measured success
The MGA facilitates communications and engagement opportunities for IEEE members
in multiple ways
IEEE and its members’ achievements are universally recognized
4 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
IEEE Student Activities—
Mission, Strategy & Organization
Deliver a common, high-quality IEEE Student member experience globally for lifelong
professional success through IEEE membership.
IEEE Student Activities Committee will be recognized as the global platform to inspire,
enable, develop and support students as the future leaders of our profession.
IEEE MGA Student Activities
Committee Charter
A. General
The Committee shall report to the IEEE MGA Board through the IEEE MGA Member Engagement
and Life Cycle Committee. Revisions to the charter must be endorsed by the IEEE Member
Engagement & Life Cycle Committee and approved by the IEEE MGA Board.
B. Scope
To provide opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in
the IEEE Designated Fields or related professions for educational, technical and professional
development, emphasizing the value of continuing IEEE membership.
C. Functions
To provide recommendations on overall policy and procedures regarding the IEEE Student 1.
Program, Student Services and other activities, and Student members in accordance with
the IEEE Bylaws and Policy Manual.
To continuously improve the quality of student membership activities, benefits and services.2.
To make current and prospective IEEE Student members aware of the nature and 3.
responsibilities of the engineering profession and to provide and promote opportunities
for educational, technical and professional development. | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 5
To represent within IEEE the interests and concerns of students worldwide and facilitate 4.
interaction between Student Branches and IEEE organizational units.
To promote networking and the importance of relationship building to students.5.
To increase synergy between IEEE, IEEE MGA, IEEE Student Activities Committee (IEEE SAC), 6.
the IEEE GOLD (Young Professionals) Committee and IEEE Societies to promote the value
of continued membership after graduation.
To foster and support IEEE Student Branch development and outreach to prospective 7.
student members.
To provide vehicles for efficient communication of student activities to the individual 8.
region committees.
D. Composition
The Committee shall have the following members:
Voting Members:
(Appointed by Vice Chair—Member Development)
Vice Chair and Branch Leadership Training Subcommittee Chair
(Appointed by Committee Chair)
Past Chair
nt Professional Awareness Activities (SPAA) Subcommittee Chair
(Appointed by Committee Chair)
Ten Regional Student Activities Committee (RSAC) Chairs from Regions 1-10
(Appointed by Region Directors)
Ten Regional Student Representatives (RSR) from Regions 1-10
(Appointed by Region Directors)
Up to Six Industrial Representatives
(Appointed by the Committee Chair)
Branch Chapter Representative
(Appointed by the Committee Chair in consultation with the TAB Chair)
Branch Chapter Student Representative
(Appointed by the Committee Chair in consultation with the TAB Chair)
IEEE Potentials Editor (Publications, Products & Services Board Liaison)
(Appointed by the Committee Chair and the MGA Chair)
IEEE Potentials Student Editor
(Appointed by the Committee Chair—Student Activities, IEEE Potentials Editor,
and the MGA Chair)
6 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Technical Activities Board Representative
(Appointed by the TAB Chair)
IEEE-USA SPAC Committee Chair
(Appointed by IEEE-USA)
GOLD Committee Representative
(Appointed by the GOLD Chair)
The IEEE MGA Chair, IEEE MGA Secretary and IEEE MGA Vice Chair—Member Development shall
receive all announcements and other documentation that is distributed to the Committee, but
their participation in committee activities is not required.
Corresponding Members—may serve as appropriate by appointment of committee chair
E. Committees/subcommittees/ad hoc committees
Reporting to the committee shall be the following standing Subcommittees:
IEEE Regional Student Representative (RSR) Steering Subcommittee
—Comprised of
the 10 Regional Student Representatives. The function of this subcommittee is to provide
recommendations for SAC approval of motions addressing policy, procedures, services and
activities concerning SAC functions emphasizing the point of view of the RSRs.
IEEE Regional Student Activities Chair (RSAC) Steering Subcommittee
—Comprised of
the 10 Regional Student Activities Chairs. The function of this subcommittee is to provide
recommendations for SAC approval of motions addressing policy, procedures, services and
activities concerning SAC functions emphasizing the point of view of the RSACs.
Awards and Recognition Subcommittee
—The function of this subcommittee is to provide
recommendations for SAC approval of motions addressing policy, content and issues
regarding IEEE student awards and recognition programs.
Branch Leadership Training Subcommittee
—The function of this subcommittee is to
provide recommendations for SAC approval of motions addressing relevancy, content and
policy issues regarding the Student Branch Leadership Training program.
Student Professional Awareness Activities Subcommittee
—The function of this committee
is to provide recommendations for SAC approval of motions addressing relevancy, content
and policy issues regarding the Student Professional Awareness programs and to coordinate,
approve and fund, as needed, student professional awareness activities, including technical
awareness, with emphasis on Regions 7-10.
IEEE Student Activities—
Mission, Strategy & Organization (continued) | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 7
Potentials Magazine Subcommittee
—The function of this subcommittee is to provide
recommendations for SAC approval of motions addressing content, relevancy and policy
issues concerning the Potentials magazine.
Electronic Communications Subcommittee
—The function of this subcommittee is to
facilitate SAC in fulfilling its functions, as stated in the SAC charter, in the most effective
way possible via electronic communications. This subcommittee will also provide
recommendations on content, policy, procedures and services associated with the
IEEE Web site contest and the IEEE Student Concourse.
F. Financial and Administrative Support
Funding shall be provided to the Chair, Past Chair, Vice Chair, Student Professional Awareness
Activities (SPAA) Subcommittee Chair and GOLD Representative for attendance at the two IEEE
SAC meetings annually. The Regions shall fund their respective Region Student Representatives
and Regional Student Activities Committee Chairs for expenses incurred by attending the
Committee meeting.
8 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
When students join IEEE, they automatically become members of the IEEE Student Branch
at their university or college. Students, like professional members, automatically become
members of their local IEEE Section and Region, allowing them to share technical, professional
and personal interests with others in IEEE’s worldwide member community. The members
postal mailing address determines the Section assigned. The IEEE is divided into ten geographic
regions worldwide:
IEEE Region 1
—Northeast United States
IEEE Region 2
—Eastern United States
IEEE Region 3
—Southeastern United States
IEEE Region 4
—Central United States
IEEE Region 5
—Southwestern United States
IEEE Region 6
—Western United States
IEEE Region 7
IEEE Region 8
—Europe, Middle East, Africa
IEEE Region 9
—Latin America
IEEE Region 10
—Asia & Pacific
The Local Structure of IEEE
IEEE has over 1,700 IEEE Student Branches established at leading universities and colleges
around the world. There are Student Branches in every Region and nearly every Section of IEEE.
For a list of Student Branches by Region, visit
For a map of the Regions, visit
There are over 300 local IEEE Sections and 1,700 IEEE Chapters that unite local members
with similar technical interests. An IEEE Chapter is a technical subunit of one or more IEEE
societies. Both the local IEEE Section and an IEEE Society are your local link to the valuable
resources available from the IEEE and its 38 technical societies. Chapter activities may include
guest speakers, workshops, and seminars as well as social functions. IEEE Chapters provide
IEEE Society members with valuable opportunities to network at a local level—enabling both
personal and professional growth.
Like an IEEE Section, an IEEE Student Branch can also have IEEE Student Branch Chapters
affiliated with any IEEE Society. The goal is to provide activities geared toward students and
graduate students interested in that specific technical area.
Each IEEE Region has a Regional Student Activities Chair (RSAC) and a Regional Student
Representative (RSR). These are the primary contacts for information and assistance on regional
student activities. To find your local RSAC and RSR, visit
Connecting—IEEE Regional, Section
& Student Branch Development | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 9
Regional student activities may include conferences, student paper or design contests and other
events—all things you can share when recruiting prospective student members and reminding
existing members of the value of being actively involved in IEEE student activities, as well as the
benefits of membership.
Each IEEE Region has a Membership Development Chair. Responsibilities of the Region
Chairs include coordinating activities between IEEE HQ and the Sections, as well as facilitating
Region-wide membership development initiatives involving many Sections. It is imperative
that every IEEE Section have a membership development officer with whom the Region
Chair can make contact and support.
To find information on these officers, you can use the geographic organization roster at
10 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
As an IEEE Student Branch Counselor, you have a valuable position in the IEEE as the faculty
person with direct contact with students. Many IEEE members envy the opportunities you
have to influence and shape the minds of young, bright and energetic professionals around
the world. It is you, who can help develop the enthusiasm and professional awareness of
thousands of students.
Specific Duties
Ensure that information from IEEE Headquarters is shared with the student officers
Attend Executive Committee meetings and assist IEEE Student Branch Committees
Participate in Branch Counselor events, webcasts or other programs sponsored
by IEEE MGA—coming in 2010
Participate in committee meetings sponsored by IEEE MGA Sections and Regions
Consult with IEEE Section Student Activities Committee (SAC), Regional SAC Chair or the
Regional Director about Branch activities and problems
Foster good relations with the local Sections and encourage students to establish regular
liaison with the Section SAC Chair or GOLD Affinity Group Chair
Promote student awareness of awards, contests and benefits of membership—
visit or
Establish industry contacts for Branch programs and activities
Involve other faculty members in the activities of the Branch
Who is eligible to be an IEEE Student Branch Counselor?
A faculty member, who is an active IEEE member, serves as an advisor to the branch and its
student officers. Since student officers change annually, and sometimes more frequently, the
Branch Counselor lends a sense of continuity to branch affairs. He is also a liaison with IEEE
Headquarters, familiar with all aspects of branch operations, and a source of information and
guidance about the IEEE. As Branch Counselor, you should be interested in and promote
the professional and academic welfare of IEEE Student members and have the desire and
time to work closely with them. Branches with energetic and enthusiastic Branch Counselors
consistently maintain a high level of activity and membership.
A Branch Counselor is appointed by the IEEE Section Chair upon the recom mendation of
the Student members of the Branch and the Regional Student Activities Committee Chair,
and serves with the approval of the Department Head. The appointment or reappointment
shall normally be for two years. The Branch should feel free either to re-nominate the current
Branch Counselor or to submit a new recommendation. Branch Counselors and new officers
can be reported online at The Branch Counselor is sent the
fall promotional package and other correspondence from IEEE. It is your responsibility to pass
Roles & Responsibilities:
IEEE Student Branch Counselor | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 11
such materials, correspondence, and supplies along to the student officers. A special postal box
for the Branch might be advisable to allow officers easy access to IEEE mail. A good working
rapport should exist between the counselor and student officers. By attending Executive
Committee meetings and helping Branch committees, you share your experience and make
the Branch operate more effectively and efficiently.
Other duties of the Branch Counselor include:
Participating in annual or semiannual meetings of the activities in the Region or Section 1.
to help guide students.
Consulting with the Section Student Activities Committee (SAC), the Regional SAC Chair, 2.
or the Regional Director about Branch problems and activities.
Fostering good relations with the local Section and encouraging students to establish 3.
regular liaison with the Section SAC Chair. Also encourage students to attend Section
meetings and seek appointment of a student as a voting member of the Section Executive
Committee (Section Student Representative). Often Sections will offer discounts for
students attending evening dinner meetings.
Promoting student awareness of awards, contests, and benefits of membership. You should 4.
particularly promote the IEEE Student Paper Contest and provide assistance to students
interested in entering the contest. A “Why Join IEEE?” talk in class or at an early fall Branch
meeting helps make students aware of the scope and purpose of IEEE. You should ask
working professionals from the local Section to assist in your membership promotion.
Establishing industrial contacts for Branch programs and activities including speakers and 5.
tutors. Often recruiting personnel from companies or local Section professionals can assist
you in this area.
Involving other faculty members in the activities of the Branch and seeking their assistance 6.
in promoting meetings, discussing benefits of memberships, and supporting IEEE programs.
Knowing in detail the IEEE organization and its policies and conducting an IEEE training 7.
session for Branch Officers in matters pertaining to the Branch Operations, as outlined in
the MGA Operations Manual.
Student Branch Administration and officer descriptions are in the Resources Section at the back
of this guide.
12 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
IEEE Student Member Development
An IEEE Student Branch provides a great opportunity for student officers to develop leadership,
communication, networking, negotiation and team-building skills. You as the faculty counselor
have an important task in guiding the students when they ask for your help, being visible but
not taking over meetings. Like the students you promote IEEE membership to, you are also a
member of IEEE. You enjoy teaching students, watching them learn new concepts and applying
that knowledge to their work and future.
Membership development is an important function of an IEEE Student Branch—including
recruiting new members and retaining existing Student or Graduate Student members. There
is a connection between the activities of the IEEE Student Branch and the benefits students
receive from their membership to IEEE. The combined effect is increased membership
development and increased awareness of the benefits and services that the students can take
into their professional lives.
IEEE benefits are in three main categories of Trusted Voice, Global Community and Profession.
For details, see
Professional Development
Talk to your students about organizations at your classes, like IEEE. Decide what IEEE
membership means to you and then let them know how it can help their careers.
IEEE Membership:
Provides status
Provides leadership opportunities
Network with the profession, its colleagues and leaders
Helps develop interpersonal and communication skills
Education for the profession
A forum for technical discussion
Students who are members of IEEE build a personal and professional career network of
contacts. This is one of the main reasons why students join IEEE. A resource to find IEEE
Members with similar interests is IEEE memberNet, the online membership directory.
Find out more at | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 13
Humanitarian Development
IEEE offers student members opportunities to be involved in humanitarian efforts. IEEE has
announced the new IEEE Humanitarian Technology Network (HTN)—a platform that enables
IEEE members to connect and collaborate with others doing similar humanitarian work, while
gaining visibility and recognition for their efforts. In addition to sharing details of their project(s),
IEEE members may also post their needs for advice, funding or assistance from others. The
ability to post articles in the IEEE HTN is one of the benefits of IEEE membership. Anyone can
browse or view the HTN content, including humanitarians, Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs), and others who may wish to partner with or fund member humanitarian efforts.
For more information, visit
Quick Reference Guide to IEEE Student
Membership Development
Student Branch Activities IEEE Benefits
Technical Student Paper
Contests, Write articles for
Potentials magazine, Robotic/
Design Contests, IEEEXtreme
programming challenge
Technical Society memberships
IEEE Spectrum
IEEE Potentials
Professional Activities Workshops,
Student Professional Awareness
Conference (S-PAC), Student
Professional Awareness Venture
(S-PAVe), programs focus
for Student Branch Seminars
(transcript program in 2010)
IEEE memberNet programs
Special projects, community
awareness activities, get
involved with Student Branch
activities on campus
Awards and recognition
Humanitarian Technology Challenge
14 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Staying actively involved in IEEE activities after graduation is key to a successful career. It can
help with sharpening professional development and technical skills, networking with top
professionals in a chosen field, and receiving the latest news on cutting-edge technology.
Generally more students join IEEE when they are juniors and seniors or graduate students.
Once an IEEE Student member reaches his or her graduation date (based on information
provided by the student), IEEE elevates them to the next grade of IEEE membership for which
they qualify.
Approximately 20,000 IEEE Student members graduate each year. The first elevation occurs
in June (Student members with graduation dates between 1 January and 30 June). Those
individuals elevated to member grade will receive a ballot to vote in IEEE elections in
September. The second elevation occurs in August (Student members with graduation dates
between 1 July and 31 December) in time for the next membership renewal.
The student elevation program is the best way to fill the pipeline with active and energetic
professional members, who are automatically enrolled in IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade
(GOLD) ( IEEE GOLD focuses on the needs of recent graduates and young
professionals. Whether it’s pursuing post-graduate studies or becoming part of the workforce,
IEEE GOLD provides special services focusing on both Graduate Student Members (GSM)
and Full Members respectively. Find out more about local IEEE GOLD activities and identify
professional activities of interest in your area for your Student Branch members who are moving
to the next level of IEEE membership.
IEEE Works to Engage After Graduation
A key strategy for the IEEE MGA Board is to engage members throughout their membership
life cycle, and foster seamless transitions as members’ careers advance and change. Every
August, graduating IEEE Student members receive a kit to reinforce the message that IEEE
is there for them beyond graduation. The graduating students receive a letter from the IEEE
GOLD Chair welcoming them into the next phase of their career. Information on networking,
interviewing and the IEEE services and products (IEEE Job Site, IEEE Mentoring Connection,
IEEE memberNet) help to showcase how IEEE can enable a young professional’s career. The kit
incorporates a “guide to member discounts” to accentuate the savings membership provides
and reinforce the value of IEEE membership by showing how the cost of membership pays
for itself.
STEP: Student Transition and Elevation Partnership
To foster an interest in the engineering and technology profession, IEEE serves a vibrant
student membership. Making the transition from student to young professional is often full of
anxiety because of changes in lifestyle, location (a new job or home) and independence. The
network of IEEE members found within local IEEE Sections is key to helping make the transition
Graduation & the Transition
to Young Professional | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 15
a successful one. The STEP mission is to provide a standardized, yet localized, program to
facilitate the transition from Student member to young professional. For more information, visit
Transitional Dues: Students Becoming Professionals
IEEE Student members who graduate and are elevated to professional IEEE membership will
automatically receive a one-year discount with 50% off full IEEE and Society membership
dues rates with their renewal. The offer is available once in a member's lifetime. The discount
is available to all IEEE Student members graduating with an undergraduate or graduate degree.
IEEE Student Member & IEEE Graduate Student
Member Definition
An IEEE Student member must carry at least 50% of a normal full-time academic program
as a registered undergraduate or graduate student, be enrolled in a regular course of study in
IEEE-designated fields, and not yet qualify for member grade. The total cumulative period for a
member to hold the Student member grade shall be limited to 8 years.
IEEE Student members, upon graduation or upon reaching the 8-year limit (whichever occurs
first), with at least a baccalaureate or higher degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited
institution in an IEEE-designated field shall be transferred to member grade. All other IEEE
Student members upon graduation or upon reaching the 8-year limit (whichever occurs first)
will be transferred to Associate member grade.
An IEEE Graduate Student member must qualify for IEEE member grade and carry at least 50%
of a normal full-time academic program as a registered graduate student in a regular course of
study in IEEE- designated fields. The total cumulative period for a member to hold IEEE Student
member grade and/or IEEE Graduate Student member grade shall be limited to 8 years.
IEEE Graduate Student members, upon graduation or upon reaching the total cumulative
8-year limit as a IEEE Student member and/or IEEE Graduate Student member (whichever
occurs first), shall be transferred to IEEE member grade.
16 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
IEEE publishes a Membership Development manual, Student Branch edition. Included below
are best practices to help recruit new Student members, retain existing Student members and
promote IEEE activities on campus.
Student Branch Development Best Practices
1. Make sure you make committee appointments
This is a crucial first step. At one of the first business meetings of your Student Branch, have
food and beverages available and ask for volunteers for committee appointments. Membership
development and public relations are two key positions. This person does not have to be
experienced in Membership Development but they should be willing to learn and have time
available to develop and implement membership goals and plans.
2. Develop a Membership Plan
An effective membership plan is driven by data and integrates multiple membership
development tactics. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these data sources and tactics.
Analytics (SAMIEEE)
Most membership development decisions have both a qualitative and quantitative component.
Judgment, experience and creativity play strong roles, as do data, models and analysis. IEEE
Student Branch Counselors and Chairs are automatically provided access to the SAMIEEE
database. The data is updated three times a week, pulled directly from the IEEE’s membership
database, reflecting the most current information. Specific data access is based on the reporting
of the current IEEE Student Branch officers.
IEEE Member-Get-a-Member Program
The IEEE Member-Get-a-Member Program encourages members to recruit fellow students to
become IEEE Student members. As a reward for their efforts, they receive credit that can be
used toward the following year’s IEEE dues, IEEE Society fees or the purchase of IEEE products
and services. Alternatively, IEEE members can donate the value of their credit to the IEEE
Foundation. This program runs from 1 September to 15 August each year.
3. Using the IEEE Online Application
Students are required to join IEEE and renew membership online. Paper application forms and
renewal forms for students are not available. A brochure highlighting the benefits of Student
membership is available and is distributed to IEEE Sections and IEEE Student Branches in
September. Check with your IEEE Student Branch Counselor for the membership development
kit mailed in September.
Successful Branch Building | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 17
Using the IEEE application and renewal system allows students from any school in the world to
join IEEE online. Features include:
Join IEEE online with a credit card
Students self-certify that they qualify for IEEE student membership
Undergraduate or graduate students taking at least 50% of a normal full-time course of
study in IEEE designated fields are eligible for student membership in IEEE
Improved data integrity since the student enters his/her information directly. No re-keying
of data is required.
Print and mail with payment option for those that do not have a credit card
IEEE is aware that there are many students who do not have a credit card. Students who wish
to pay by check or other means can still make use of the online application form. Once the
online application or renewal form has been completed, the user will be presented with an
option to “Continue to Checkout”, or “Print and Mail with Payment.” By choosing the “Print
and Mail” option, the information that has been entered is temporarily stored and matched
with the form when it arrives at the IEEE Operations Center with payment.
Running a membership recruitment campaign on campus
Student Branches can set up a computer in the IEEE office or conference room to enable the
prospective students to join online right there and pay the dues with cash or other form of
payment. The students can then select the “print and mail” option and pay the IEEE Student Branch
in local currency. The IEEE Student Branch membership committee can then send the group of
applications, a list of the member names and IEEE member numbers, and send with one payment
to the IEEE Operations Center for processing (for example, a check, demand draft, or wire transfer).
The IEEE Student Branch officers should let the students know about some of their upcoming
activities and how to find out more information, connecting them to the local IEEE quickly.
4. Searching for your School in the IEEE Online Application
When students join or renew, they need to provide their school information. In the online
application system, the school search uses key words. For example, if you enter *Texas*, using
the asterisk as a wild card, any school with the name Texas in it will appear. We do not use
acronyms in the IEEE database. With over 1,700 IEEE Student Branches at universities and
colleges worldwide, an acronym like MIT could apply to several different educational institutions
(e.g., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Manipal Institute of Technology, Macau Institute of
Technology, Madras Institute of Technology). In most cases, we also use standard abbreviations
such as:
Univ university, universidad, universitatInst
Inst institute, instituto
Eng engineering
Tech technology, technical
The school search is important because that is how we track Student members. If the correct
school is not selected by the new student or renewing student, then your Student Branch may
not be credited with the recruiting efforts.
18 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
5. Establish realistic membership goals
Whether the goal is to increase membership retention by 3% or grow new member recruitment
by 5%, an effective membership development plan needs to have quantifiable metrics. Your
IEEE Student Branch recruiting efforts help IEEE meet its membership development goals.
Remember, that the IEEE Student Branch rebate is based on membership statistics as of 31
December each year. The better the recruiting efforts, the higher the $2 per member rebate
will be when reports are submitted next year. To increase recruitment, you may want to plan
activities with other student organizations on campus.
6. The Student Membership Development Officer Will
Need Assistance
Invite other students, IEEE GOLD Affinity group members (recent graduates), faculty
members and others with some available time to help share the work. Something as simple
as designating an individual the “brochure person” will ensure a membership recruitment
presence for non-members in attendance. This person could be responsible for bringing
membership brochures and arranging for a computer with internet access to take online
applications. Designating an individual as a “greeter” at an event will establish a welcoming
environment. These tasks can yield profound results.
7. Promote IEEE Membership
Does your IEEE Student Branch have a Web site? This is one of the best ways to introduce IEEE
to prospective members, inform existing members about activities and give the public a great
impression of your Student Branch. Host your IEEE Student Branch Web site on Entity Web
Hosting (EWH)( Display member benefits on all IEEE Student Branch Web
pages and provide a link to the online membership application and how existing members can
renew. Have a staffed membership table with brochures and related membership development
materials at all IEEE Student Branch meetings. Recognize the local companies who support IEEE
activities and membership.
Important Note: IEEE Membership Promotional Supplies—IEEE membership brochures
and other promotional supplies are available for free to Student Branches. Please keep the
quantities reasonable and give us at least three weeks to ship materials. There are over 1,700
Student Branches worldwide. Membership development kits are sent to all IEEE Student Branch
Counselors in August. Additional supplies can be ordered online at
and you will need your IEEE Web account to access the data.
8. Communicate Value and Benefits
Communicate the benefits and services offered by IEEE at all meetings and activities. Before
you can communicate the value of IEEE membership, you need to first know the benefits of
membership. A list of IEEE member benefits can be found within this manual, and are also
available at Plan activities to retain existing members and remind
Successful Branch Building (continued) | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 19
members and value of the benefits of IEEE membership. Students receive all the benefits of
membership that professional members do, at a fraction of the cost. Technical information is
still one of the main reasons members join IEEE, so remind members that they have online
access to both IEEE Spectrum and IEEE Potentials magazines. In the U.S. and Canada, a print
subscription to Potentials magazine is included with membership dues. All other students can
subscribe to Potentials magazine for only US$5. Professional IEEE members can subscribe for
9. Reward your MD volunteers
Acknowledge the volunteers who help advance your membership development activities and
plans. Present them with certificates of accomplishment, buy them lunch.
10. IEEE Merchandise
There is IEEE merchandise for purchase. This is a great way to promote awareness of IEEE on
campus. Display your IEEE membership proudly by purchasing IEEE merchandise, such as apparel,
shirts, hats, lanyards, luggage identifiers, mugs and more. Visit
IEEE Student Branch Counselors and Chairs have access to SAMIEEE, Section/Society Access to
Membership Information. SAMIEEE is a Web-enabled query tool that allows ad hoc querying,
reporting and downloading of IEEE’s membership data using analytics. IEEE Branch Counselors
are able to generate a list of the current Student Branch members at anytime, including the
officers reported to IEEE. For details, please visit
An IEEE Web account ( is needed to access SAMIEEE. The IEEE
Branch membership list can be used to check new students who joined IEEE or to contact
current, active members to send them information about activities. It can also be used to run
a list of students who have not renewed their current year’s membership (called “arrears”).
Sending your annual reporting with current Branch Counselors and Chairs is very important.
Only those officers reported to IEEE will have access to SAMIEEE.
12. Advertise IEEE
Promote awareness about IEEE membership and activities by advertising in the campus
newspaper or Web site. There are Web ads available in the IEEE online promotional library:
20 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
IEEE Member Benefits
Knowing how IEEE can benefit others requires an understanding of all the benefits IEEE offers.
IEEE is the world’s largest professional technical society, bringing members access to the
industry’s most essential technical Information, networking opportunities, career development
tools, and many other exclusive benefits. IEEE membership benefits break down into two
categories: (1) Core Benefits received by all individuals who join IEEE, and (2) Premium
Benefits, which are available exclusively to IEEE members at an additional cost.
Additional memberships are also available—Society, Standards and Women in Engineering
memberships enrich the IEEE experience.
1. Benefits
Trusted Voice—Staying current with the fast-changing world of technology…
myIEEE—a one-stop personalized Web portal providing IEEE members with convenient access
to IEEE’s member benefits and account management™—Internet television offering exclusive programming about technology and engineering
to IEEE members, and accessible from myIEEE
IEEE memberNet—an online search and networking tool that enables members to connect
with technical and engineering experts worldwide
IEEE Spectrum Magazine—the IEEE flagship magazine, 12 monthly issues (print) and
online, digital delivery
The Institute Newspaper—12 monthly issues (4 print, 8 online)
IEEE Potentials Magazine—6 issues (online). Print editions for student members in U.S. and
Canada, optional for US$5 for all other countries. Members can subscribe for US$15.
IEEE Xplore
—table-of-content and abstract access to over 2 million documents
software—The IEEE, in conjunction with Microsoft, offers a wide selection of
development software to IEEE Student members. All new IEEE Student members and those
students that renew will qualify for free Microsoft software.
Global Community—Belong to the network and buying power of 382,000 members
in 150 countries…
IEEE Sections—network with others in the local member community and participate in local
educational events
Technical Chapters—engage with others through informative technical meetings
Student Branches—opportunities to network with student members at universities
and colleges
IEEE e-mail alias—with virus protection and spam filtering
ShopIEEE discounts—membership can pay for itself, with as much as 50% off IEEE products
IEEE Conference—registration discounts
Volunteering—opportunities that build leadership skills and networking opportunities
Resources | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 21
Profession—Empowering members to build and own their careers, and venues
to give back to society…
IEEE Job Site—locate career opportunities easily and confidentially
IEEE Mentoring Connection—available to members after graduation, this online tool matches
young IEEE members seeking professional guidance and counseling with veteran IEEE members
willing to share their knowledge and life experiences
Career Alert—a weekly e-mail newsletter containing career advice plus the job of the week
from the IEEE Job Site
Awards—recognize the accomplishments of technologists and engineers worldwide
Scholarships—enhance your resume with an IEEE scholarship
Consultants Database—a service available for matching technical consultants with clients
Today’s Engineer—monthly webzine devoted to the issues affecting IEEE members’ careers
2. Additional Benefits (require an additional fee)
IEEE Expert Now™—short courses and workshops delivered online in one-hour learning
modules, offering Professional Development Hours (PDH) or Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) to help maintain licensing or certification
IEEE Member Digital Library—access up to 25 articles a month from any IEEE publication
or conference proceeding
Proceedings of the IEEE—the IEEE flagship journal, a leading authoritative resource
for in-depth research coverage, tutorial information and reviews
IEEE Continuing Education Partners Program—up to a 10% discount on online
degree programs
Insurance Services—customized selection of insurance products, designed for the
professional technologist and engineer
Financial Services—receive discounts on financial services from IEEE’s partnering companies
Home & Office Services—substantial discounts on products and services for your
home and office
Travel Services—enhancing the overall travel experience for IEEE members and
their families
22 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Branch Administration
Executive Committee
An IEEE Student Branch is guided by its student officers, committee Chairs and the faculty
counselor. The responsibility of this core of leaders is to assure that a viable and meaningful
program is carried out. If the leadership is dynamic, innovative and motivating, a successful
program is certain to result.
The Branch Executive Committee is responsible for administering Branch operations. It
traditionally consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. However, it will increase
your support to extend the opportunity to participate to as many people as possible. Since the
Executive Committee is the core of the Branch, inclusion of your counselor and committee
chairs is an excellent idea. Remember, good communication is a necessity for a successful
operation. You might also consider having representatives from the freshmen and sophomore
classes on your committee, as well as graduate students.
The Executive Committee should meet regularly to develop programs plans, review progress,
and maintain the necessary continuity of operation.
The Annual Plan is a report due at IEEE by 1 November. It assists the Branch in setting its
goals and objectives. Developed in a series of meetings involving the Executive Committee,
committee chairmen, and the counselor, it considers the needs and interests of the Branch
members and sets down specific programs and goals. By working toward defined goals, the
Branch is able to measure and evaluate its effectiveness during the course of the year, and
again at the end of the year when writing the Annual Report. The Annual Plan, if developed
before current officers leave and new officers assume their duties, provides an excellent means
of establishing officer continuity.
Your responsibilities to IEEE (such as the Annual Plan, the Annual Report, and reporting new
officers, etc.) are noted in the Branch Calendar. Specific responsibilities of Branch officers and
the counselor are described on the following pages. It is important to note, however, that an
officer’s responsibility is not limited to points outlined in this reference guide. If a Branch is
to succeed, it requires from its leadership a willingness to reach beyond the customary roles
defined here.
Student Branch Chair & Officers
Chair Vice ChairExecutive Committee Secretary Treasurer | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 23
As the executive officer of the Branch, the Chair is the key to effective student leadership. As
Chair, you are responsible for the overall management of all Branch affairs. However, in order
to be effective, you must learn and utilize the art of delegating responsibility to your officers
and to certain selected members as required by your Branch’s size and range of activities and
programs. Your own specific duties include:
Preside at all meetings of the Branch. The Chair must be familiar with parliamentary 1.
procedure and the proper etiquette required to conduct a businesslike session. A guide
such as Robert’s Rules of Order can be a useful reference. Regardless of how formal or
informal a meeting is, it is absolutely essential that the Chair be organized, professional
and concise. The quickest way to lose attention (and prospective members) is to conduct
a disorganized, lengthy and wasteful meeting. At a business meeting, conduct yourself in
a businesslike manner, stand up, address your audience clearly and directly, be courteous
and precise in introducing guests, close the meeting by thanking those in attendance and
by announcing the next scheduled IEEE function.
Holding regular meetings of the Branch Executive Committee is necessary to operate the 2.
Branch effectively. The Chair assures that actions of the Committee are handled properly
and in the best interest of the IEEE. Also recognize that the Chairs attitude during these
committee meetings can set the tone for the meeting. If you are enthusiastic, open and
receptive to new ideas, the meeting will be more productive and the members will be
personally committed to the final plan of action.
Appoint program, publicity, and membership committee Chairs promptly. The importance 3.
of these principal committee positions cannot be over-emphasized.
Prepare the necessary reports for IEEE headquarters. Reports such as the Annual Plan 4.
discussed earlier and the Annual Report are vital to maintaining good records as well
as informing IEEE Headquarters of your Branch program. Without prompt and accurate
submission of these reports, rebate checks and Branch mailings may be delayed or
withheld. Whether you personally handle the reports or delegate the responsibility to
the Secretary (under your supervision), it is the Chair’s responsibility to ensure that the
filing of these reports is accomplished.
Arrange for the election of Officers on a calendar year basis or several months before 5.
graduation to assure adequate continuity from one administration to the next. Consult the
section on Nominating Committees for ideas on how to handle elections at your Branch.
Communicate frequently with other Officers. Particularly during the summer months before 6.
the fall program schedule is underway, stay in touch with your Officers by e-mail if they
are away from campus. Continuing to exchange ideas, make plans and build a personal
rapport with each officer will strengthen your Student Branch and interaction.
24 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Vice Chair
As the junior executive Officer of the Branch, the Vice Chair frequently overseas committee
responsibilities and always shares the work load of the Chair. Since you are an important
member of the Executive Committee, you can do much to motivate Branch activity. Because
the duties of the Vice Chair are not as well defined as in other officers, it is imperative that you
take the initiative to seek out areas where you may be of assistance or where a new project
under your guidance might serve a need previously unmet.
You should continue to offer your assistance to the Chair. He/she may not need your help
each time that you ask, but you can be assured that your willingness to help will be noticed.
If you find the Vice Chair position to be an easy one, you are not contributing to the Branch
as you should be!
Some suggested duties for the Vice Chair include:
Being Chair of the Program of Membership Committee and review member benefits. 1.
Effort put into these committees is always of tremendous benefit to the Branch.
Organizing field trips, special events or speakers which involve additional coordination 2.
beyond regular programming efforts.
Being responsible for refreshments at Branch meetings. Often sharing a “common table” 3.
is a good way to increase meeting attendance.
Assisting the Chair in following up on assigned committee responsibilities.4.
Since many Student Branches date back a number of years, it is easy to waste time and effort
on projects previously proven unsuccessful when accurate and informative records are not kept.
For this reason, the Secretary has an important and exacting task. A larger Branch may wish
to divide the workload between a corresponding and recording Secretary. The duties of the
Secretary include:
Notify IEEE Headquarters of the names of newly elected Officers immediately upon 1.
election. Since all of the supplies and mailing from Headquarters go to the counselor or
Chair, it is imperative that correct names and addresses be available to prevent delay in
delivery. Report officers online
Keep detailed records of each Branch meeting in order to complete the Annual 2.
Report each year. Although it is not necessary to send individual meeting reports
to IEEE Headquarters, these records greatly aid in proper preparation of the Annual
Report at the end of the year. For more information, go to
Maintain supplies as required by the Branch. Every August, a membership develop ment kit 3.
is mailed to each branch counselor. When those supplies are used, order online
at and allow at least three weeks for delivery. Please keep
quantities ordered within reason. Please remember there are over 1,700 Student Branches
when ordering. Many of these supplies, when properly utilized, can greatly aid in
effective recruitment of new members and retention of existing members. Both efforts
are equally important.
Student Branch Chair & Officers (continued) | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 25
Carry out the necessary communications of the Branch and serve as custodian of all records 4.
of the Branch, including all e-mail and correspondence. The Branch membership roster and
committee assignments list should be kept by the Secretary. At the end of your term, you
should arrange for the orderly transfer of all records to the incoming Secretary.
Maintain and update a Student Branch Web site. IEEE has an Entity Web Hosting (EWH) 5.
program, to host your Web site. More information at Include a
calendar of events, links to joining IEEE and renewing membership and other suggestions on EWH. This is an excellent way to keep
members aware of meetings and Branch activities, as well as the university, the IEEE
Section and the local community.
Ascertain that Branch activities are conducted under the provisions of the current Branch 6.
Constitution and Bylaws. Use of the IEEE Master Brand is permitted for IEEE activities.
Complete details
Record the full names and addresses of all speakers and their respective companies, as 7.
well as titles and sources of films. Remember to always send a short note of appreciation
to your speakers and to special guests.
The Treasurer must see that the Branch’s finances are in order and accounted for. Often the final
approval of a project will depend on the finances available, so it is imperative that all records be
kept up-to-date and as accurate as possible. The duties of the treasurer include:
Deposit all monies received in the name of the Branch in an appropriate depository 1.
authorized by the Executive Committee and maintain an exact accounting of all receipts
and expenditures.
Prepare a budget at the start of the year and an end-of-the-year Financial Statement for 2.
the Branch Executive Committee and Counselor. The budget can be included as part of the
Annual Plan submitted by 1 November (or two months after your academic year starts)
each year. Remember, once the budget is established only disbursements authorized by
the Executive Committee should be made. The Financial Statement is submitted with the
Annual Report to IEEE by 1 May (or two months after your academic year ends) each year.
Receive and deposit the annual rebate check from Headquarters. Each Branch receives two 3.
dollars (US$2.00) per Student member recorded at IEEE Headquarters as of 31 December
of that academic year. Checks are mailed in December each year. A US$50 or US$100
allotment is also available (see MGA Operations Manual Section 9).
Arrange for an orderly transfer of all financial records of the Branch to the incoming 4.
Treasurer and oversee all fund raising efforts.
26 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
For up to date IEEE resources, visit the IEEE Student concourse
To report change in IEEE Student Branch officers online
To get a membership list for your IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch Counselors and IEEE Student Branch Chairs have access to membership
information through SAMIEEE.
To order supplies
IEEE Student Branch supplies are sent every August to IEEE
Student Branch Counselors.
Order additional supplies online
To host your IEEE Student Branch Web site
Entity Web hosting (EWH) is available to Student Branches
To manage your membership
To join
To renew
To update your address
The best way is through myIEEE or
Quick Reference Guide | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 27
Frequently Asked Questions
I joined as a new member but I am not receiving my publications
I joined as a new member but I have not received my membership card
My name is not spelled correctly, how do I correct it?
Are there travel grants for individual students to attend conferences?
IEEE does not have a formal travel grant program. However, many conferences do offer
programs for students. Check with the conference organizers for IEEE-sponsored and co-
sponsored conferences by using the Conference search at
or check with the Society sponsoring the conference.
28 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
While students are required to join IEEE online and the quickest way to activate a membership
is by using a credit card, there is also a process called ”print and mail” for students who need
alternate ways to pay the membership dues. IEEE also offers a group process for branches that
collect multiple student applications.
Recent enhancements were made to the online application process to enhance your
recruiting efforts:
Keyword search for school name is case insensitive, making searches much more successful.
Students self-certify that they qualify for IEEE student membership, cutting down on the time
it takes to process a new application.
Undergraduate or graduate students taking at least 50% of a normal full-time course
of study in IEEE designated fields are now eligible for student membership in IEEE. This
is especially welcome for our graduate student members who are eligible for student
membership rates.
Print and Mail Option for Students Without a Credit Card
Once the online application is completed, the prospective member will be presented with an
option to “Continue to Checkout”, or “Print and Mail with Payment”. By choosing the “Print and
Mail” option, the information that has been entered is temporarily stored in our system. When
the form and payment arrive at the IEEE Operations Center they are matched to the student’s
electronic record. IEEE encourages this process because it allows students to enter their
information directly into their membership record, resulting in improved data integrity
and faster processing. No re-keying of data is required.
Handling a Large Volume of New Student
Member Applications
When running a new membership recruitment campaign on campus, Student Branches are
encouraged to set up a computer on-site to enable the prospective student members to join
online. Branch officers can then let the students know about their upcoming activities and how
to find out more information, connecting them to the local IEEE quickly. Student Branch officers
can collect the dues in the local currency or other forms of payment. Create a list of the new
applicants’ names and IEEE member numbers (or print their applications onsite), then send the
list (or applications) with the batch payment to the IEEE Operations Center for processing.
Student Membership Processing Tips | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 29
Below are wire transfer details. Payment needs to be made to the following account:
Bank Name: Wachovia Bank
Address: 301 South Tryon St, Charlotte, NC USA 28288
Account Name: IEEE
Account Number: 201130673841-6
ABA or R/T NO: 031201467
SWIFT Number: PNBPUS33 (for Int’l WT only)
Please add $15.00 to the total amount of payment to cover bank fees. To ensure proper credit
to your account, always reference your member/customer account number, the name of the
university or college and the number of applicants on the list you are sending to be paid by
the wire transfer.
Updating Education Information for IEEE Student Members
Updating your education profile on your member record is important to continue qualifying
for IEEE student membership.
Follow these 6 steps:
Visit 1.
Under “What Do You Want To Do” header 2.
a. Click on “Log into My Account”
Enter your IEEE Web Account username and password and log in3.
Under “My Information” header 4.
a. Click on Education / Certification Profile
b. Click on “New” to enter new school information or Click on pencil below “Edit”
to update school information listed
Click on “Save”5.
Repeat steps 1, 4 and 5 for each degree you are pursing (full or part time)6.
Log out (grey bar at top of page)7.
*Tips for using the School Name search
Click on drop down arrow1.
School search window appears2.
Enter school name in blank search field, top of page, hit Go (do not hit Enter)3.
Select attending school by clicking on the arrow to the left of the school name4.
Scroll to bottom right and click “Select” button5.
30 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Tips for using the Advanced School Name search
Follow steps 1 & 2 above1.
Hit “Advanced Search” button—right of Go button2.
Enter country3.
Hit Search button4.
Follow steps 4 & 5 above5.
For questions regarding the education profile or your IEEE Web Account, please visit the IEEE
Contact Center at
Tips for using the School Name search
Click on drop down arrow1.
School search window appears2.
Enter school name in blank search field, top of page, hit Go (do not hit Enter)3.
Hint: it is a key word search and is not case sensitive; if you are looking for schools that 4.
contain “California”, enter California* or Brazil, enter brazil*, etc.
Select attending school by clicking on the arrow to the left of the school name5.
Scroll to bottom right and click “Select” button6.
Student Membership Processing Tips (continued) | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 31
Calendar—IEEE Student
Membership Development
Membership development is a function of recruiting new members as well as retaining existing members. As a Student
Branch, IEEE will support you with both activities. The calendar below outlines the significant programs and processes
that IEEE headquarters (HQ) facilitates during the year
Continued on next page
Month Recruitment Retention Recovery
Student Branch Meetings
Opportunities to disseminate
membership information
Overdue Notification—HQ mails print notification
to non-renewed members informing them their
IEEE membership is overdue. Local MD officers to
receive pre-termination report
Contest deadline—IEEE President’s change the
World Competition proposals due 31 January
Student Branch Meetings
Opportunities to disseminate
membership information.
Try visiting classes.
Termination Warning—Beginning of February—
HQ mails non-renewed members reminder to
renew their membership prior to month’s end
to avoid termination.
Membership Terminates—End of February—
Annual refresh of the IEEE membership database
to determine which members have not paid their
membership dues for the current year.
Awards deadline—Outstanding Counselor
Award deadline
Your recruiting
efforts help IEEE
meet goals.
Half-Year Dues Cycle—IEEE
HQ begins accepting half price
dues for present year of service
for new members only. Over 8
months of services for half price.
Participate in regional conferences and student
events, student paper contests, design contests.
Arrears Recovery / HQ (US and
Canada only)— Recovery outreach
begins for those members whose
membership has elapsed.
E-mail message to recover arrears
members in Regions 8, 9 & 10 / HQ
Region, Section and Student
Branch recovery efforts should
also commence.
Student Branches and GOLD
Affinity Groups should plan
STEP graduation events with the
local Section. Important to leave
activities, plans and ideas for
new, incoming officers.
Student Graduation Notice—IEEE e-mails to
graduating, student members reminder to update
their mailing address information. Conducted
several times throughout the year.
Arrears Recovery / Local
Region and Section recovery
efforts commence.
Arrears Recovery / HQ
IEEE Outreach continues
Student Branch Meetings
Hold meetings with new officers
Student Graduation Notice—IEEE e-mails to
graduating, student members reminder to update
their mailing address information. Conducted
several times throughout the year.
Arrears Recovery / HQ
IEEE Outreach continues
Arrears Recovery / HQ
IEEE Outreach concludes at
end of month.
32 IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide |
Calendar—IEEE Student
Membership Development (continued)
Month Recruitment Retention Recovery
Recruitment Materials—Materials
for new membership year sent to
all Student Branches and Sections.
15 August—end of half-year
dues period.
Contest: Be the top Student Branch for
new members this year—Begin a contest
for recruiting new members.
Your recruiting
efforts can help
IEEE meet year
end goals.
year begins.
Recruitment Kick-Off—HQ mails
membership recruitment kits to
all Regional MD Chairs containing
upgraded brochures (pricing, design)
for new membership year.
New members begin receiving
acknowledgement pack/ welcome
kit for subsequent year.
Student Branch Meetings
Opportunities to disseminate
membership information
New Membership Year Begins—IEEE HQ
activates online renewal form for subsequent
membership year.
Graduation kit mailed—IEEE mails a
graduation kit to all student members &
graduate student members, whose record
shows graduating during the current year.
Reminders of discounts they receive and
importance of retaining membership after
graduation –GOLD is the next step.
Students are
required to
renew online.
Student Branch Meetings
Opportunities to disseminate
membership information.
Student Branches and GOLD Affinity
Groups should plan STEP graduation
events with the local Section.
Membership Renewal1st Notice—IEEE HQ
sends e-mail renewal reminder, with incentive
to renew online before 15 November.
Contest—IEEEXtreme 24 hour programming
challenge date to be announced
Students are
required to
join online.
Student Branch Meetings
Opportunities to disseminate
membership information
Membership Renewal2nd Notice—IEEE
HQ sends e-mail renewal reminder to non-
renewed, members, with incentive to renew
online before 15 November.
Award Deadline—IEEE Student Enterprise
Award proposal deadline is 15 November
Extended Arrears Recovery–IEEE HQ
coordinates recovery of memberships,
18 months elapsed. Asked to reinstate
for the following year.
Begin building
your MD team
for the next
Student Branch Meetings
Opportunities to disseminate
membership information
Membership Renewal3rd Notice—IEEE HQ
mails print invoice and annual benefits update
to non-renewed, members.
Remind current members to renew. | IEEE Student Branch Counselor Guide 33
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
09-MEMB-0289 12/09