Agencies, Citizens, Governor, Lobbyists
Bill may not
be heard by
until 31st
day after
Bill may not
be heard by
until 31st
day after
Policy or Appropriations
Policy or Appropriations
Although the procedure can become more complicated, this chart shows the essential steps for passage of a
Typical committee actions are used to simplify charting the course of legislation.
Some bills require hearings by more than one committee, in which case a committee may re-refer the bill to
another committee. For example, bills with monetary implications must be re-referred to the proper fiscal
committee in each House before they are sent to the second reading file and final action.
A bill may be amended at various times as it moves through the Houses. The bill must be reprinted each
time an amendment is adopted by either House. All bill actions are printed in the DAILY FILES, JOURNALS
If a bill is amended in the opposite House, it is returned to the House of Origin for concurrence in
amendments. If House of Origin does not concur, a Conference Committee Report must then be adopted by
each House before the bill can be sent to the Governor.
—From Idea into Law
HAS 60 DAYS (not
including joint
recesses) TO
Policy or Appropriations
Policy or Appropriations
Concurrence in Senate Amendments
Concurrence in Assembly Amendments
* Follow same
as in the
3 Assembly
3 Senate
Bill becomes law January
1st of the following year
unless it contains an
urgency clause (takes
effect immediately) or
specifies its own
effective date.
Main Book
Chapter IX
The Legislative Process
Bills and Bill Titles
In California, all laws are enacted by the passage of bills. A bill either
proposes a new law or amends or repeals the existing law.
The Constitution provides that every act shall only embrace but one subject
and that subject must be expressed in the title of the measure.
The courts have been very liberal in their construction of what must be
contained in the title of a bill.
‘Where the body of the act embraces provisions germane to the general
subject stated in the title, or when the title suggests the field of legislation
which is included within the text of the act, the title will be held to be
‘The title should be liberally construed so as to uphold the statute if a
reasonable reference to the subject matter included therein may be
ascertained from the language employed.’
Every law must contain the enacting clause: ‘The people of the State of
California do enact as follows:’
A bill becomes a statute when it is signed by the Governor and given a final
chapter number by the Secretary of State. The Governors office works in
conjunction with the Secretary of State’s office to ensure that signed bills are
enacted in the order intended by the Legislature and the Governor. Before a
bill becomes law, it must be read by title on three different days in each house
unless the house itself dispenses with this constitutional requirement by a
two-thirds vote of the membership of the house. No bill may be considered
for final passage by either house of the Legislature until the bill, with any
amendments that may have been adopted, has been printed and distributed to
the members. The vote on the passage of the bill must be entered in the
Journals of the respective houses.
Non-urgency statutes enacted in the regular session before the Legislature
adjourns for the ‘‘interim study recess’ in the first year of the biennium shall
go into effect on January 1 of the following year. For example, a non-urgency
bill passed on September 5, 2005 would take effect on January 1, 2006.
A non-urgency measure, however, that is enacted in the second year of the
two-year session takes effect on January 1, following a 90-day period from
the date of enactment.
For example, a bill that is enacted on or before
October 2, 2006 would take effect on January 1, 2007. In contrast, a bill
Constitution, Article IV, Section 9.
People v. Oreck, 74 Cal. App. 2d 215. Reaffirmed in People v. Horner, 137 Cal. App. 2d 615; Orange County Water Dist. v. Farnsworth,
138 Cal. App. 2d 518; People v. Oosterveen, 154 Cal. App. 2d 620; San Joaquin Helicopters v. Dept. of Forestry et al., App. 3 Dist. 2003.
Government Code, Section 9501.5. The Constitution of 1849, Article IV, Section 1, provided that the enacting clause of every law be as
follows: ‘‘The people of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:’ a similar provision remained
in the Constitution until the adoption of Proposition 1-a in 1966, which removed it from the Constitution. However, it was subsequently
enacted as part of the Government Code.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(c). A bill is ‘enacted’ when signed by the Governor or when a vetoed bill is overridden by the
Legislature. See also, People v. Cargill (1995) 38 Cal. App. 4th 1551. Court held that a citizen arrested only 7 hours after Governor
signed urgency legislation was still subject to the new law: ‘[n]othing in the clear language of the statute indicates that ‘immediately’
should be construed as ‘the next day.’ ’
Main Book
enacted on October 3, 2006 would not take effect until January 1, 2008.
However, the likelihood of a regular statute (non-urgency, non-tax levy, etc.)
being enacted any time after August 31 in the second year is remote. In fact,
the only regular (non-urgency, non-tax levy, etc.) legislation that can be
enacted after August 31 in the second year would be a ‘regular bill that was
vetoed by the Governor and then overridden by the Legislature during Final
Recess. In other words, if the Governor vetoed a bill September 28, 2006, and
the Legislature were to override the veto on November 3, 2006, the bill
would go into effect January 1, 2008. This delay is imposed by operation of
the Constitutional requirement that dictates a statute’s effective date as
occurring on January 1 next following a 90-day period from enactment.
This provision does not apply to statutes calling elections, for tax levies or
appropriations for the usual and current expenses of the state or if the bill
itself contains an urgency section which consists of a statement of the facts
constituting the necessity for its immediate effectiveness. The facts
constituting an urgency in this instance require that they be related to and
necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or
safety. Such a statute may not have an immediate effect unless the urgency
section and the bill each receive, upon a separate rollcall vote entered in the
Journals, a two-thirds vote of the membership of both houses.
In California, the Budget Bill is introduced simultaneously in both houses.
Unlike the Federal Constitution, the California Constitution does not require
that appropriation measures be introduced only in the lower house; they may
originate in either the Assembly or the Senate.
Bills in the Early Sessions
Many of the bills and amendments to bills in the early sessions of the
Legislature were written in longhand. This did not present a difficult or
serious problem as few bills were introduced in the First Legislature or
during the early sessions.
Bills enacted into law were translated into Spanish by the State Translator,
since the California Constitution of 1849 provided that ‘all bills, decrees,
regulations and provisions which from their nature require publication shall
be published in English and Spanish.’
In accordance with this constitutional provision, the First Legislature
provided that 1,050 copies of each law be printed in English, and 350 copies
be printed in Spanish.
The new Constitution adopted in 1879 provided that all laws shall be
published in the English language.
Notwithstanding this law, the publication
of official proceedings in both English and Spanish continued to be a long-
standing practice into the early 1900s. As late as 1909, the Legislature
provided that 240 copies of ‘laws, resolutions and memorials as may be
designated by the Legislature’’ shall be printed in Spanish.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(d).
Constitution of 1849, Article XI, Section 21.
Statutes of 1850, Chapter 24.
Constitution of 1879, Article IV, Section 24. Repealed by Proposition 1-a 1966.
Main Book
There has been a material change in legislative procedure and
parliamentary practice over the years. One example is the following
Assembly rule which was repealed more than 75 years ago:
‘No amendment shall be received for discussion at the third reading of any
bill, but it shall at all times be in order, before the final passage of such bill,
to move its commitment to a Select Committee, under special instructions to
Conforming to this rule, the Speaker would appoint a member to act as a
Select Committee of One, who would sit down at his desk in the Chamber,
write the amendment, insert it in the bill, and report to the House according
to its instructions. The House would then adopt or reject the amendment.
The current rules require that floor amendments be prepared and approved
as to form by the Legislative Counsel. Additionally, all substantive floor
amendments are analyzed by a Committee Consultant in conjunction with the
Assembly Floor Analysis Unit in the Chief Clerk’s Office. A copy of the
amendments and analyses are distributed to each Members desk and
available on each Members laptop computer prior to the commencement of
floor debate.
There is, however, no requirement that the bill and the
proposed floor amendment be re-referred to committee. The amendments are
presented, debated and adopted or defeated on the floor. The Speaker may, at
his or her discretion, re-refer substantially amended bills to a policy or fiscal
committee for further analysis, debate, and vote.
Governors Message to the Legislature and the Budget
The Governor shall, on or before January 10 of each year, submit to each
house, with an explanatory message, a budget containing a complete plan and
itemized statement of all proposed expenditures of the state provided by
existing law or recommended by him or her and of all estimated revenues, for
the ensuing fiscal year. The Budget shall also contain a statement of cash-
flow for the preceding fiscal year and an estimate of the cash-flow for the
current and the succeeding fiscal year and shall show for each month the
income, expenditures and borrowing from individual funds.
The Budget Bill
After the Governor has submitted his or her Budget, an appropriation bill,
known as the Budget Bill, which reflects the Governor’s proposed Budget, is
introduced in each house of the Legislature and referred to the Assembly
Budget Committee and the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee,
respectively. The Constitution requires that the Legislature pass the Budget
Bill by midnight, June 15. Until the Budget Bill has been enacted, neither
house shall send to the Governor any other appropriation bill, except
Assembly Rule 37, 1925 Regular Session. Repealed in 1929. For example, see Journal of the Assembly, 1925 Session, March 30, 1925,
p. 1373.
Assembly Rule 69.
Assembly Rule 77.2.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 12(a); Government Code, Section 12021.
Main Book
emergency bills recommended by the Governor, or appropriations for the
salaries, mileage and expenses of the Legislature.
All other bills may contain only one item of appropriation, and that
expenditure must be for only one certain and expressed purpose. No bill that
appropriates money from the General Fund, except appropriations for public
school purposes, shall be operative unless passed by a two-thirds rollcall vote
of the membership of each house.
At regular sessions, no bill, other than the Budget Bill, may be heard by
any committee or acted upon by either house until the 31st day after the bill
is introduced, unless this provision is dispensed with by a three-fourths vote
of the house.
The 2005–06 fiscal year State Budget, as chaptered, totaled $90 billion.
When all special and bond funds are included, the total Budget for 2005–06
exceeded $113 billion.
Of the $113 billion General Fund budget, approximately $21.9 billion was
allocated to support the operation of state government, and $67.7 billion was
allocated for assistance to local programs, government, and school districts.
From the amount made available from the General Fund, about $27.1 billion
was for health and public assistance programs, and $46.8 billion for
education. The health, public assistance and educational expenditures
comprised 82.1 percent of the General Fund budget.
The Budget Bill and any other appropriation measures which come before
the Legislature are considered by the fiscal committees of the respective
houses, the Budget and Fiscal Review or Appropriations Committees in the
Senate and the Budget or Appropriations Committees in the Assembly.
The items eliminated or reduced (item vetoed) by the Governor in the
Budget Bill are reconsidered separately and this ‘item veto’ may be
overridden in the same manner as bills.
The Governor may approve or veto
one or more items of appropriation in a bill containing several items of
appropriation. The Governor, however, may not change a proposed law by
striking out parts of a bill.
History of the Item Veto
In California, the Constitution of 1849 included a gubernatorial veto
provision similar to that contained in the United States Constitution.
Constitution of 1879 added the item veto power, allowing the Governor to
‘object to one or more items’ of appropriation in a bill which contained
‘several items of appropriation.’
By constitutional initiative in 1922
(Proposition 12), the Governor was empowered not only to eliminate ‘‘items
of appropriation’ but to reduce them, while approving other portions of a
Constitution, Article IV, Section 12(c).
Constitution, Article IV, Section 12(d). Appropriations for the public schools may be passed by a majority vote of the membership of each
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(a).
This information supplied by the Assembly Budget Committee.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(e).
Harbor v. Deukmejian, 43 Cal. 3d 1078.
Constitution of 1849, Article IV, Section 17.
Constitution of 1879, Article IV, Section 16.
Main Book
The 1922 amendment also directed the Governor to submit a budget to
the Legislature containing his recommendation for state expenditures.
Constitutional Amendments
Constitutional amendments proposed by the Legislature require a two-
thirds affirmative vote of the members of each house, and must be submitted
to a direct vote of the people, and adopted and ratified by a majority vote of
the qualified voters, before they become a part of our State Constitution.
Prior to its being voted upon by the people, the Legislature may amend or
withdraw the proposal.
Although all proposed constitutional amendments are usually submitted to
the people at the direct primary or the general election, a special election may
be called by the Governor to be held throughout the state for the adoption or
rejection of constitutional amendments or other measures.
Legislative constitutional amendments are, in fact, resolutions which
propose to the people of the State of California amendments to the State
There are three other kinds of resolutions used in the Legislature. Two of
these, concurrent resolutions and joint resolutions, require consideration and
adoption by both houses of the Legislature before they can take effect. House
(Assembly) and Senate resolutions are adopted by the house of origin only.
All resolutions require a majority vote for passage.
Joint Resolutions
Joint resolutions are those which relate to matters connected with the
federal government.
These resolutions are used almost exclusively for the
purpose of memorializing Congress—that is, expressing approval or
disapproval by the California Legislature of legislation pending or proposed
in Congress or programs and activities of the federal government.
Additionally, the California Legislature utilizes joint resolutions to ratify
amendments to the United States Constitution. (See also Chapter 2.)
Joint resolutions take effect upon their being filed with the Secretary of
Concurrent Resolutions
Concurrent resolutions relate to matters to be treated by both houses of the
Legislature, and are used for a variety of purposes, such as adopting the Joint
Rules, creating joint committees, directing executive departments to make
Constitution of 1879, Article IV, Section 10(b).
Constitution of 1879, Article IV, Section 12(a).
Amendments to the United States Constitution must be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress, or, upon application of
the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments. In either case, the
amendments become a part of the Constitution only when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by
conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress. United States
Constitution, Article V.
Constitution, Article XVIII, Sections 1 and 4. For amendment of the Constitution by the initiative, see Chapter III, supra, p. 38.
Constitution, Article XVIII, Section 1.
Joint Rule 5.
Government Code, Section 9602.
Main Book
specific reports to the Legislature, and memorializing the death of a Member
or a former Member of the Legislature or their immediate families.
Concurrent resolutions take effect upon their being filed with the Secretary
of State.
House and Senate Resolutions
House (Assembly) and Senate resolutions are the expression of one house
of the Legislature and take effect upon their adoption. These resolutions are
normally used to amend the house rules, to create committees, or to request
a committee of the house to study a specific problem.
House resolutions and Senate resolutions are printed as separate
documents in the same manner as bills. Resolutions, however, are not subject
to the same 30-day waiting period that applies to bills. After a resolution is
referred to committee, it may be acted upon. The previous practice in the
Assembly of printing the text of house resolutions in the Journal of
the Assembly was discontinued at the beginning of the 1991–92 Regular
Session as a cost-saving measure.
Introduction of Bills
In the Assembly, the first bills are introduced on the first day of a biennial
session. On that day, during the order of business ‘Introduction and
Reference of Bills,’ the Reading Clerk calls the roll from A to Z and, as each
Members name is called, the Member may introduce one bill or resolution.
In the Senate, and in the Assembly following the initial roll call, Members
may introduce bills by presenting them at the Secretary of the Senate or the
Chief Clerk’s desk in their respective chambers.
Within the meaning of the Rules and usage and custom, the word ‘bills’
includes house, concurrent and joint resolutions and constitutional
amendments, unless joint and concurrent resolutions are specifically
exempted by the language of a particular rule.
Before the convening of each session, the respective houses provide the
Legislative Counsel with printed covers for use in the preparation of bills for
The Joint Rules provide that ‘No bill shall be introduced unless it is
contained in a cover attached by the Legislative Counsel and unless it is
accompanied by a digest, prepared and attached to the bill by the Legislative
Counsel, showing the changes in the existing law which are proposed by the
In addition to providing a summary of the changes in the existing
law, the digest also contains the number of votes required to pass the bill, and
indicates whether or not the bill contains an appropriation or a state-
mandated local program.
Joint Rules 5 and 34.2. In practice, most memorials are done by a motion to ‘adjourn in the memory’’ of a prominent deceased citizen or
elected official. Such memorial adjournments are printed in the journal. See Assembly Rules 40, 45.5 and 54.
Government Code, Section 9602.
Assembly Rule 47; see also Senate Rule 22.
See Joint Rule 6. See also Senate Rule 19; Assembly Rules 46, 66 and 73.
Joint Rule 8.5.
Main Book
When the bill is drafted, its text is placed in Legislative Counsel computer
storage and identified by a ‘request number.’ A typewritten copy of the bill
and three copies of the digest are placed in a bill cover supplied by the house
in which the bill is to be introduced. The title of the bill is typed on the cover,
and the bill is then delivered to the author for introduction.
When the author wishes to introduce the bill, he or she delivers it to the
Chief Clerk or Secretary who gives the bill a number. The Chief Clerk or
Secretary notifies the Legislative Counsel that a bill bearing a particular
request number has been introduced as Assembly Bill No. ____ or Senate
Bill No. ____. The Legislative Counsel then extracts the text, adds the bill
number and electronically transmits the text, digest and number to the Office
of State Publishing.
One copy of the digest is retained by the author, one copy accompanies the
bill to the printer, and one copy is retained by the Chief Clerk or the Secretary
who provides additional copies for the press.
The Assembly Rules provide that the bill must be signed by the author and
coauthors, if any, before it may be accepted for introduction.
If any bill which does not comply with the foregoing requirements is
presented to the Secretary of the Senate or Chief Clerk of the Assembly for
introduction, the Secretary or Chief Clerk returns it to the member who
presented it.
After the bill and its accompanying digest is placed across the desk and it
has been numbered, the bill is read for the first time and referred to a
The bill’s number, the date of its introduction and first reading,
the committee to which it is referred, the dates it is sent to and received from
the printer, as well as any other clerical notations made necessary by a
deviation from the ordinary procedure, are shown on the bill cover.
During a regular session, the date of the 31st day after the introduction of
the bill is stamped by a clerk on the bill cover. No bill other than the Budget
Bill, or a bill introduced in an Extraordinary Session, or a resolution, may be
heard by any committee or acted upon by either house until 30 calendar days
have elapsed following the date the bill was introduced. This provision,
however, may be dispensed with by a vote of three-fourths of the members of
the house which is considering the measure.
The front section of each
Senate and Assembly Daily File charts the 31st day after each bill’s
introduction, providing the public, staff and clerks with a quick reference as
to when the bill may be heard.
Upon introduction Assembly bill covers are white, while those used by the
Senate are goldenrod. Covers for concurrent and joint resolutions and
constitutional amendments are each of a different and distinctive coloring.
The different colored covers provide the clerks with an easy method of
identifying the various types of proposed legislation.
Assembly Rule 47.
In the Assembly, the Chief Clerk, after notifying the Legislative Counsel of the new bill number assigned to the particular Legislative
Counsel request number, sends the bill to be printed. The Rules Committee, at an open public meeting, then formally refers the bill to
a policy committee. Assembly Rule 51. This introduction procedure is essentially the same in the Senate. See Senate Rule 22.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(a). The bill must also have been in print for 30 days prior to being heard and acted upon. This provision
of the Constitution may be dispensed with by a three-fourths vote of the House in which it is being heard (60 votes in the Assembly;
30 votes in the Senate). See also, Joint Rule 55.
Main Book
A bill shall not contain any indication that it is introduced at the request of
any person, state agency, or officer.
In addition, no bill may embrace more
than one subject, which must be expressed in its title.
Immediately after introduction, a computer printout is produced which
provides several copies of the title of each bill. These titles are used to
produce the legislative journals and histories.
The Assembly bills are sent to print immediately and, upon being returned,
are delivered to the Assembly Rules Committee (see example on page 115).
These bills are assigned to the appropriate standing committees at the Rules
Committee’s next meeting. After assignment, the bills are returned to the
Chief Clerk who advises the appropriate Assembly committees that bills may
be ‘picked up’ at the Assembly Desk. Senate bills are assigned to
committees prior to being printed and after printing are delivered to the
Senate committees by the Secretary of the Senate. After receiving the
necessary information, the Office of State Publishing produces copies of
each bill for public distribution and review.
At the same time bills become available in print, they are also available to
staff through the Legislature’s computer system, the Legislative Inquiry
System (LIS). LIS is administered by the Legislative Data Center, which is
under the direction of the Legislative Counsel. LIS provides an electronic
version of the text of each bill upon introduction and at each stage of the
amending process, as well as history actions and vote information. Most of
this same information is also available to the public, free of charge, on the
For convenience, bills are referred to or designated as AB for Assembly
bills and SB for Senate bills. Concurrent resolutions are indicated by ACR or
SCR, joint resolutions carry the letters AJR or SJR, and constitutional
amendments are identified as ACA or SCA. A single house resolution in the
Assembly is designated HR (House Resolution) and SR (Senate Resolution)
in the Senate.
Restriction on Bill Introduction
Prior to the adoption of Proposition No. 9 at the 1958 general election,
amending Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution, almost all bills during the
general sessions were introduced before the constitutional recess. The
Constitution provided that no bills could be offered after the recess without
the consent of three-fourths of the elected membership, and in no case could
a member offer more than two bills subsequent to the recess. As a result,
literally thousands of bills were introduced in the days preceding the recess.
In 1957, for instance, more than 6,700 bills were introduced in the
Legislature during the 19 days before the recess.
The budget session (even-numbered years), until it was abolished in 1966,
was limited to the consideration of the Budget Bill, revenue acts necessary
therefor, and the approval or rejection of charters and charter amendments of
Joint Rule 10.7.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 9.
For provisions relative to the manner of printing of bills on their introduction, see Joint Rules 8.5, 10, 10.7 and 12.
Government Code, Section 10248 (added by Statutes of 1993, Chapter 1235).
Main Book
cities, counties, and cities and counties, and acts necessary to provide for the
expenses of the session. There was no limitation on the number of bills that
could be introduced in a Budget Session, as long as they pertained to the
above subjects.
With the advent of the regular annual sessions beginning in 1967, there
was no limitation on the number or type of bills that could be introduced at
each regular session of the Legislature. The only limitation on bill
introduction was contained in the Joint Rules. These Rules provided for
unlimited bill introduction until March 15, after which date a Member was
permitted to introduce three additional bills. If the Member desired to
introduce an additional bill it was necessary to petition the Rules Committee,
secure their favorable recommendation, and then offer and have a resolution
adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members granting him or her permission
to introduce the bill.
The rules in each house presently place a limit on the number of bills that
can be introduced in a two-year session. A Senator may introduce a total of
50 and an Assembly Member no more than 40 bills in the regular session.
Assembly Members are also limited to five resolution introductions per
These limits are, in turn, subject to the Joint Rule deadline for bill
introduction. After this deadline only committee bills, constitutional
amendments, resolutions, Assembly bills approved by the Speaker, and
Senate bills approved by the Senate Committee on Rules may be
During extraordinary sessions, the Legislature has no power to legislate on
any subjects other than those specified in the Governors Proclamation which
convenes it into extraordinary session, but it may provide for the expensesof
the session and other matters incidental thereto.
There is no restriction on
the number of bills which may be introduced, if they come within the
purview of the items in the proclamation.
Governors Reorganization Plans (GRP)
In California, the Legislature has the sole power to introduce bills.
Although the Governor is required to draft a state budget plan by January 10
of each year, the actual legislation is introduced by state legislators and then
substantially amended in each house. In addition, the Constitution grants the
Governor, subject to the Legislature’s approval, the authority to ‘assign and
reorganize functions among executive officers and agencies and their
These proposals to reorganize the Executive Branch are
called ‘Governors Reorganization Plans,’’ or ‘GRP’s.’
Assembly Rule 49; Senate Rule 22.5. House Resolution 4 of the 1993–94 session established the original limit of 50 bills. House Resolution
36, 1995–96 Regular Session, reduced the bill limit per member from 50 to 30. This 30-bill limitation first took effect during the
1997–98 Regular Session (House Resolution 1, 1997–98 Regular Session). In 2003, the Senate reduced from 65 to 50 the number of bills
a Senator may introduce (Senate Resolution 8, 2003–04 Regular Session).
This limitation includes House, Concurrent, and Joint Resolutions, but does not include resolutions for the organization of the house or
resolutions introduced by the Speaker as part of a session honoring a retiring Assembly Member. Assembly Rule 49. These resolution
introduction limitations were first implemented in the 2005–06 Regular Session.
Joint Rules 54(a) and 61.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 3(b). See also Extraordinary Sessions, Ch. VI, supra, p. 76.
Constitution, Article V, Section 6.
Two examples of GRP’s: Governor Deukmejian submitted GRP No. 1 in 1984. This plan transferred functions from the State Personnel
Board to the Department of Personnel Administration as it related to the official roster of civil service employees. GRP No. 1 took effect
June 11, 1984. Governor Wilson submitted GRP No. 1 in 1995, transferring authority from the California State Police to the California
Highway Patrol. This plan took effect July 12, 1995.
Main Book
GRPs are prepared by the Governor in bill form and language submitted
to both Houses of the Legislature. The plan is assigned a number (e.g., GRP
No. 1) and upon receipt each respective House assigns it to a Standing
Committee for study and report.
The Legislature has 60 calendar days to act
on the plan. It takes effect on the 61st day unless a resolution rejecting the
plan is adopted by both the Senate and Assembly by a majority vote.
At least 10 days prior to the 60-day period, the Senate and Assembly
Standing Committee in each House must submit a report in their respective
Houses. The committee report may include a recommendation with respect
to a resolution. Moreover, the resolution is only in order after a committee
report is submitted or during the last 10 days prior to the 60th day.
Government Code, Section 12080.2.
Main Book
Example of a Bill (as introduced)
from the 2005–06 Regular Session
Main Book
Bills and Standing Committees
After introduction, bills are referred to the standing committees of the
respective houses.
Though the rules of both houses provide that their committees must hold
hearings and act upon bills referred to them as soon as practicable after they
have been referred to them, certain requirements must first be met.
First, standing committees and their subcommittees are proscribed from
taking action on a bill at any hearing held outside of Sacramento or during a
joint recess. However, a committee may hear the subject matter of a bill
during a period of recess, provided notice is published in the Daily File four
days prior to such hearing.
Next, during a regular session, committees must wait for a period of 30
days after a bill has been introduced and in print
before they may take
action on it. These prohibitions may be dispensed with by an extraordinary
vote in the house considering the measure.
This waiting period permits
proponents and opponents to review the provisions of the bill and to prepare
testimony for presentation to the committee.
Finally, a schedule or calendar of bills set for hearing is proposed by each
committee. Publication of this list in the Daily File must occur at least four
days in advance of a hearing by the first committee and two days in advance
by subsequent committees of the same house.
For instance, a Senate or
Assembly bill first referred to the Assembly Committee on Transportation
must be noticed at least four days prior to hearing; if the bill is subsequently
rereferred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, the bill must then be
noticed two days prior to hearing in that committee. If a committee wishes to
hold an informational hearing on a general topic, a four-day notice is also
Publication of the lists of bills set for hearing gives notice to interested
parties, including the general public, of the date and time when they may
wish to appear before the committee to offer arguments for or against a bill.
Occasionally, when a bill is of statewide importance or of a highly
controversial nature, the date for its hearing is set a week or more in advance,
to allow ample time for the attendance of those who live a considerable
distance from the Capitol.
A bill may be set for hearing in a committee only three times. In order to
be counted as one of the three ‘sets,’ notice of the hearing on the bill must
be placed in the Daily File for at least one day. If the hearing of the bill is
postponed at the committee’s request, or if ‘testimony only’ is to be taken,
the hearing is not counted as one of the three times a bill may be set.
Joint Rule 60.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(a); Joint Rule 55.
The vote required for dispensing with the constitutional provision is three-fourths of the house considering the bill; the joint rule may be
dispensed with by a vote of two-thirds of the house but is usually suspended in conjunction with the constitutional provision,
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(a); Joint Rules 10.8 and 55.
Joint Rule 62(a).
Main Book
The members of the various committees spend many long and studious
hours considering the measures which have been referred to them. It is not
unusual for a committee meeting begun during the day to continue well into
the night.
Many times, opposition to bills can be overcome by amendments
submitted in committee. Amendments proposed by the committees are
seldom opposed by the house, since these amendments generally are offered
to correct an error in the bill or to remove opposition.
Also, upon request of the author of a bill, the chair of the committee to
which it has been referred may, without a committee meeting, cause the bill
to be reported to the Assembly with the recommendation that the authors
amendments be adopted and the bill be rereferred to the committee.
procedure, known as authors amendments, permits the author to correct any
errors in the original bill and to get his or her bill in the exact form he or she
wishes it to be before presenting it to the full committee.
It must be noted that the standing committees of the Legislature have only
the power to submit, recommend, or propose amendments to legislative
measures. Amendments endorsed by a committee must be adopted by the
house by a majority of the Members present and voting on second reading
before they may become part of the bill. The general practice is that the
House unanimously ratifies committee recommendations by adopting
committee amendments on second reading. The adoption of amendments by
the house does not mean that there will be no opposition to the amended bill
when it comes up for final passage.
The Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly are explicit regarding the
conduct of the meetings of standing committees. A quorum must be present
in order for a bill to be passed out of committee. When a committee takes
action on a bill, the vote must be by rollcall. Further, all rollcall votes must
be recorded by the committee secretary and transmitted to the Chief Clerk of
the Assembly or the Secretary of the Senate for publication as part of the
Journals of the respective houses. Committee actions are also published in a
manner prescribed by each house.
Committee votes are also available at the
official legislative information website ( In the event a
bill fails to receive the necessary votes to pass it out of committee and
reconsideration is not granted within 15 legislative days, it is returned to the
Chief Clerk of the Assembly or the Secretary of the Senate, as the case may
be, and may not be considered further during the session.
When a bill is reported out of a committee, the committee chairperson
submits a report to the house indicating what recommendation the committee
makes to the house, such as ‘do pass,’ ‘do pass, as amended,’ or any other
determination made by the committee. The original bill accompanies this
report. After the bill has been reported from committee, read a second time,
Assembly Rule 68; Senate Rule 27.5.
Joint Rule 62(c); Assembly Rule 58.5. In the Assembly the committee votes are published periodically as an appendix to the Assembly
Journal. In the Senate they are printed weekly as part of the Senate Journal.
Joint Rule 62(a).
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and reported correctly engrossed,
the engrossed copy of the printed bill is
inserted in a newly created bill cover (or ‘jacket’’), and used instead of the
original typewritten bill. Engrossed bill covers are green for Assembly bills
and yellow for Senate bills unless the measures include an urgency clause
where Assembly bill jackets are red and those for Senate bills are orange.
Under the direction of the Chief Clerk of the Assembly or Secretary of the
Senate, the original bill is filed in the respective Engrossing and Enrolling
office along with other legislative documents and amendments.
The biennial session is governed by constitutional deadlines for bills to be
acted upon. The first occurs on January 31 of the second year of the biennium
(2006), at which time those bills introduced in the first year of the biennium
(2005) and still in the house of origin may no longer be acted upon by the
house, and they are filed with the Chief Clerk or the Secretary of the Senate.
No bill may be presented to the Governor after November 15 of the second
year of the session (2006). Another deadline occurs at the end of the second
year, following adjournment sine die
(November 30, 2006), when all bills
remaining in committee are returned to the Chief Clerk or Secretary.
After final adjournment, the Chief Clerk of the Assembly and the Secretary
of the Senate file all the bills of the respective houses in the archives of the
Secretary of State’s office.
Second Reading and Engrossment of Bills
All bills reported out of committee are placed on the second reading file for
the next legislative day. They may not be read a second time except under
that order of business, and they must be read the second time in the order of
their appearance upon the second reading file.
After a bill has been reported from a committee without amendments, it is
read the second time, and then sent to the Engrossing and Enrolling office in
the Chief Clerk’s office (if it is an Assembly bill), or to the Committee on
Rules in the Senate (if it is a Senate bill). There, the printed bill is compared
with the original bill and, after comparison, the bill is returned to the
Assembly or Senate third reading file.
This comparison of the printed bill with the original bill is called
Both the Assembly and Senate have an Engrossing and
Enrolling Clerk and each house engrosses its own bills. During this
engrossment process the Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk is authorized to
make technical corrections and changes in the printed bill and may also send
‘queries’ to the Legislative Counsel Bureau when, in his or her professional
estimation, there is a drafting error in the text of, or amendments to, a bill.
An engrossment is a proofreading and verification in order to be certain that the bill before the house is identical with the original bill as
introduced, with all amendments which have been adopted correctly inserted. Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure, Section 735.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(c); Joint Rule 56.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 3(a).
Assembly Rules 63 and 66; Senate Rule 29.
Assembly Rules 66 and 67; Senate Rule 32.
Assembly Rule 79; Senate Rules 32 and 33. The engrossing and enrolling process is an ancient one; Blackstone in his Commentaries,
published in 1765, states that when the house agreed or disagreed with the committee amendments or had added its own amendments
the bill was ordered engrossed which literally meant written in a strong gross hand. See Cooley’s Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws
of England, Callaghan and Company, 1899 (4th Ed.), Vol. I, p. 166.
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In the event that the bill has been reported out of committee with
amendments, and these committee amendments, or amendments offered
from the Floor, have been adopted on second reading, it is reprinted, showing
such amendments by the use of strikeout type for matter omitted, and italic
type for the new matter.
Thereafter, the bill is referred to as of the date of
last amendment, e.g., Senate Bill No. 406, as amended in the Senate April 19,
2005 (see example on page 122). Each time that the bill is amended it is
reprinted; and after each reprinting, if the amendments were adopted in the
house of origin, it is re-engrossed and a new bill cover and report are
prepared to reflect the last amended version of the bill.
Any amendments
made by the other house are proofread before the bill is enrolled.
In the Assembly, bills amended on second reading, whether by committee
amendment or amendment from the Floor, shall be ordered reprinted and
returned to the second reading file.
There is no such requirement in the
Senate. In the Senate, a bill that is amended upon its second reading, whether
by a committee amendment or an amendment from the Floor, is reprinted and
is not returned to the second reading file, but is placed upon the third reading
file and is eligible for passage the day after the adoption of the amendment.
Third Reading and Passage of Bills
The next step in the progress of the bill is its third reading. On the Floor of
each respective chamber, immediately after the third reading of the bill, and
prior to the final vote, the members present their arguments for and against
the measure.
No bill may be considered or acted upon on the Floor of the Assembly
unless and until a copy of the printed bill as introduced, a printed copy of
each amended form of the bill, and an analysis of the bill edited and
distributed by the Assembly Floor Analysis Unit of the Chief Clerk’s Office,
have been placed upon the desks of the members.
In addition, both
caucuses provide partisan third reading analyses to their respective members.
Bills on third reading may be amended by motion from the Floor, and, if
the motion to amend carries by a majority vote of those present, the bill is
reprinted, engrossed, and returned to its original position on the third reading
file. Each house has a waiting period for bills amended on third reading.
Assembly Rule 69(d) requires that any bill amended on the third reading file
must wait one calendar day after being amended before it is eligible for final
passage. This waiting period provides more time to analyze the bill in its
newly amended form before being voted on. Budget related bills are exempt
from this waiting period. In the Senate, a bill amended on third reading is
Joint Rule 11. If the amendments delete the entire contents of the bill, the matter deleted is not reprinted in ‘strikeout type’ in the amended
version of the bill. Instead, a brief statement is attached at the end of the bill identifying the previously printed version of the bill
containing the deleted material. Joint Rule 11.
Assembly Rules 66, 67, 69 and 79; Senate Rule 32. If the bill is amended in the other house it is not again read and checked until it has
been passed by that house and returned to the house of origin, where it is read and checked. This final reading and checking of a bill
after its passage by both houses is called enrolling the bill. Joint Rules 24 and 26; Assembly Rule 79; Senate Rule 33. See also
Government Code, Sections 9502–9509.
Assembly Rule 67.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(b); Assembly Rules 64, 68.6 and 69.5; Senate Rule 29.8. Now that each Member has a computer on his
or her chamber desk, the Assembly Rules provide that an electronic copy of bills, amendments, analyses, and conference reports meets
any print requirements. Printed bills are still available in the chamber should any Assembly Member or member of press request a copy.
Main Book
returned to second reading pursuant to Senate Rule 29.3, providing a similar
waiting period before it returns to third reading for final debate and passage.
The Assembly Rules provide that amendments are not in order until a copy
of the amendments are placed on the desks of the Members.
The Rules also
require that the author draft the amendments in Legislative Counsel form. In
addition, amendments from the Floor during a bill’s third reading, which
would make a substantive change in the bill, shall have an analysis prepared
by the committee of origin in conjunction with the Assembly Floor Analysis
Unit (a division of the Chief Clerk’s office). A hard copy of the analysis is
then distributed to the Members and also made available via the Assembly
Floor System.
The Senate requires that the Office of Senate Floor Analysis prepare an
analysis of all bills on third reading. Additionally, any bill amended on the
Senate Floor is not eligible to be taken up for passage until it has been in print
for at least one legislative day.
After any floor amendments have either been taken or rejected and the bill
has been reprinted to reflect its final form, and after all debate on the bill has
been concluded, a vote is taken by rollcall, and the bill is either passed or
refused passage. It requires a majority vote of the membership of the
Assembly (41 votes) to pass most bills. Certain measures, i.e., urgency bills,
bills appropriating money from the General Fund (except money for the
public schools), changes in state taxes for the purpose of increasing revenue,
and Constitutional Amendments must receive a two-thirds vote (54 votes).
In the Senate, the vote required is proportionately the same—21 affirmative
votes are required to pass most bills, and 27 affirmative votes are necessary
to pass the others.
The Consent Calendar
During the 1959 Regular Session, the Legislature adopted joint rules
permitting the establishment of consent calendars in the respective houses.
A bill must conform to three basic requirements before it may be placed
upon the consent calendar. First, the bill cannot be a revenue measure nor a
bill upon which the 30-day constitutional waiting period has been dispensed
with; second, the bill must receive a ‘do pass’ or a ‘do pass, as amended’
recommendation by a unanimous vote of the committee members present;
third, the bill, in its final version as approved by the committee, cannot have
had any opposition expressed to it by anyone present at the committee
Having met these prerequisites, the bill may be reported out of the
committee with the recommendation that it be placed on the consent
calendar. The bill is then read the second time, the committee amendments,
if any, are adopted, and the bill placed upon the consent calendar by the Chief
Assembly Rule 69.5 allows for electronic distribution of bill text in the Assembly.
Assembly Rule 69. The Senate has a similar rule. See Senate Rule 38.6.
Senate Rules 29.3 and 29.8.
Constitution, Article IV, Sections 8(d) and 12(d), Article XVIII, Section 1, Constitution, Article XIII A, Section 3.
Joint Rules 22.1–22.3.
Joint Rule 22.1. The Assembly has added the additional requirement that the bill must not have received any ‘no’ votes in any Assembly
standing committee before it is eligible for Assembly Consent Calendar consideration. See Assembly Rule 71.
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Clerk of the Assembly or the Secretary of the Senate. No consent calendar
bill may be considered for adoption until the second legislative day following
the day of its placement on the consent calendar.
If any member objects to the placement or retention of any bill on the
consent calendar at any time before its final passage, the bill is returned to the
third reading file.
Also, if any bill on the consent calendar is amended from the Floor, it
automatically ceases to be a consent calendar bill, and is returned to the third
reading file.
Immediately prior to voting on the first bill on the consent calendar, the
presiding officer in either house calls to the Members’ attention that the next
rollcall will be on the first bill on the consent calendar. Though consent
calendar bills are not debatable, a reasonable time is allowed for questions
from the Floor.
Following the pause for questions, each bill on the consent calendar is read
the third time, and voted upon.
Joint Rule 22.2.
Joint Rule 22.3.
Main Book
Example of an Amended Bill
from the 2005–06 Regular Session
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Members Required to Vote
Whenever a rollcall is required by the Constitution or by rule (demanded
by three Members, or ordered by the Speaker) every Member in the
Assembly Chamber must record his or her vote openly and without debate,
unless the Assembly shall, by a majority vote of the members present, excuse
him or her from voting.
The Senate Rules provide that a member answer ‘Aye’ or ‘No’ whenever
a rollcall is required by the Constitution or by rule (ordered by the Senate, or
demanded by three members).
An electronic rollcall system has been installed in the Assembly Chamber
for the recording of votes in the Assembly, but the Senate retains the method
of orally calling the roll of Senators in alphabetical order.
The Assembly and Senate Rules both provide that no member shall be
permitted to vote or change his or her vote after the announcement of the vote
by the presiding officer.
Both the Senate and the Assembly, by rule, have provided for the
procedure to be followed in the event that a member refuses to vote.
Absence of Quorum
At any time during the session of either house a member may rise to a point
of order that there is an absence of a quorum. It is then the duty of the
presiding officer to ascertain whether a quorum is present. A majority of each
house shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may
adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members.
A quorum is defined as one-half plus one of the duly elected and qualified
members of the house (41 in the Assembly; 21 in the Senate).
Call of the House
The reason for a ‘call of the house’ is different from that for a ‘quorum
call.’A call of the house is placed in order to compel the attendance of absent
members and to require them to vote upon the matter before the house, even
though those members necessary to constitute a quorum are physically
present in the house at the time the call of the house is placed. A quorum call,
on the other hand, is used to compel the attendance of the minimum number
of members required to permit the house to conduct its business, and is not
related to a specific matter before the house.
‘After the roll has been called, and prior to the announcement of the vote,
any member may move a call of the Assembly. The members present may
order a call of the Assembly by a majority vote of the members present and
voting, and the Speaker shall immediately order the Sergeant at Arms to lock
all doors and shall direct the Chief Clerk to prepare a list of absentees as
disclosed by the last rollcall. The list of absentees shall be furnished to the
Constitution, Article IV, Section 7(b); Assembly Rules 104 and 105.
Senate Rule 44.
Assembly Rules 104 and 106; Senate Rule 44. As a practical matter, Members of the Assembly are routinely allowed to ‘add on’’ to, or
change their votes on, any rollcall, provided the addition or change doesn’t affect the result of the vote as announced by the presiding
Assembly Rule 104; Senate Rule 45.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 7(a); Assembly Rule 4; Senate Rules 2 and 3; and, Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure, Section
Main Book
Sergeant at Arms. Thereupon no members shall be permitted to leave the
Assembly Chamber except by written permission of the Speaker. No person
shall be permitted to enter except members, Senators, or officers, attache´s, or
employees of the Legislature in the official performance of their duties.
‘Those members who are found to be absent, and for whom no leaves of
absence have been granted, shall be forthwith taken into custody wherever
found by the Sergeant at Arms or his or her assistants or any person
designated by the Sergeant at Arms, including members of the California
Highway Patrol, and sheriffs or their deputies, and brought to the Assembly
‘No recess or adjournment shall be taken during a call of the Assembly.
Additional business may be conducted and calls placed regardless of the
number of calls in effect. A call of the Assembly may be dispensed with at
any time upon a majority vote of the members present, such action to become
effective upon the completion of the rollcall and the announcement of the
vote upon the matter for which the call was ordered....
The rule governing the call of the Senate, while different in some
particulars, has a similar effect as the call of the Assembly, i.e., it compels the
attendance of absent members for the purpose of requiring them to vote on
the item under call.
Reconsideration of Bills
When a bill has been passed by either house it shall be transmitted
promptly to the other house with a message signed by the Secretary of the
Senate or by the Chief Clerk of the Assembly, as the case may be, unless a
motion to reconsider has been made or it is held pursuant to some rule or
order of the house.
In the Assembly, a motion to reconsider on the next legislative day the vote
whereby any bill was passed or refused passage, or the vote whereby any
motion, amendment, concurrence, Assembly resolution or proposition other
than a bill was passed or refused passage, must be made on the same day the
vote to be reconsidered was taken.
In the Assembly, no motion to reconsider shall be adopted unless it
receives an affirmative recorded vote of 41 members. A motion to reconsider
may be voted on without a second.
A motion to reconsider a vote must be made by a member voting on the
question, and shall take precedence over all motions, except a motion to
adjourn. The motion is: ‘I notice reconsideration on Assembly Bill ____.’
Upon such motion being made, the matter to be reconsidered is placed
upon the unfinished business file, and no further action can be taken prior to
the next legislative day. When a motion to reconsider has once been made, it
becomes the property of the Assembly, and, with the consent of the house,
may be continued from day to day. A motion to reconsider which is neither
taken-up nor continued lapses. Once a reconsideration motion has lapsed, the
Assembly Rule 101.
Senate Rule 42.
Joint Rule 21; Assembly Rule 100; Senate Rule 43.
Main Book
question or measure returns to the same position it held prior to the motion
being made (e.g., if a motion to reconsider was made on a bill that had
already passed, and on a subsequent legislative day the motion was allowed
to lapse, the bill would be deemed passed).
Any member voting on any motion, amendment, Assembly resolution or
proposition other than a bill or concurrence may move to take up on the same
day the motion to reconsider such a question, previously made by another
member. The motion to take up the reconsideration on the same day takes
precedence over the motion to reconsider, and upon demand of any member,
the motion to take up the reconsideration on the same day must be put to an
immediate vote. If the motion to take up the reconsideration on the same day
is adopted, the motion to reconsider becomes the next order of business
before the house.
When reconsideration is granted, the matter to be reconsidered resumes its
exact position before the Assembly voted on the question. The author may
take it up immediately after reconsideration is granted.
In the Senate, the procedure differs slightly. A motion to reconsider any
question may be made by any member on the day on which the vote was
taken. The motion may be considered on the day it is made, or on the
succeeding legislative day, but may not be further postponed without the
concurrence of 30 Senators.
In the Senate, bills may be reconsidered by a majority vote (21) even
though the bill required a two-thirds vote (27) for passage. Constitutional
amendments that are adopted can be reconsidered by 14 votes, while
constitutional amendments that have been defeated require a two-thirds vote
(27) for reconsideration.
Amendments by the Other House
After a bill has been passed by the house of origin, transmitted to the other
house, and amended in the second house, it is immediately reprinted, as
amended, by the house which adopted the amendment or amendments. A
copy of the amendments are stapled inside the bill cover and endorsed as
being ‘adopted.’ When the bill is passed by the second house, the bill with
the amendments attached is returned to the house of origin, where it is placed
on the unfinished business file. Every time a bill is amended by the other
house it is reprinted in its entirety, unless the amendment affects the bill’s title
only. Such an amendment must still be concurred-in by the house of origin.
Concurrence in Amendments of Other House
When the Senate amends and passes an Assembly bill, or the Assembly
amends and passes a Senate bill, the Senate (if it is a Senate bill) or the
Assembly (if it is an Assembly bill) must either ‘concur or ‘refuse to
concur in the amendments. If the Senate concurs (if it is a Senate bill), or the
Assembly Rule 100. There are special provisions governing the motion to reconsider on the last two legislative days preceding the Interim
Study Recess, January 31st of the even-numbered year, and the Final Recess. See Assembly Rule 100(b)(1), (2) and (3).
Senate Rules 43 and 47(2).
Senate Rules 47(12), (20), (21) and (26).
Joint Rule 25.
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Assembly concurs (if it is an Assembly bill), the Secretary or Chief Clerk
notifies the house making the amendments and the bill is ordered to
If the bill up for a concurrence vote was substantially amended in the other
house, there are procedures in the rules in each house for re-referring the bill
to the appropriate committee for further review.
Absent such a referral, the
concurrence vote proceeds and requires the same vote as is required for the
passage of the bill. Assembly Rule 77 requires that an Assembly bill
returning to the body for concurrence in Senate amendments must wait one
calendar day before it is eligible to be taken up on the floor. This waiting
period gives the Members, staff, and public ample time to analyze any
changes the Senate made to the bill.
If the amendments add an urgency clause to the bill, the house must first
adopt the urgency clause section by a two-thirds vote of the elected members,
and then concur in the amendments by a two-thirds vote. If the affirmative
vote on either of these questions is less than two-thirds, the bill goes to a
conference committee.
Conference Committees
If the Senate or the Assembly refuses to concur in the other house’s
amendments, the Senate Committee on Rules (if it is a Senate bill) or the
Speaker of the Assembly (if it is an Assembly bill) appoints a Committee of
Three (3) on Conference and the Secretary or the Chief Clerk shall
immediately notify the other house of the action taken and request the
appointment of a like committee.
Two of the members of such conference committee from each house must
have been chosen from those voting with the ‘majority’’ (i.e., larger vote)
and the other member from each house from the ‘minority’ (i.e., smaller
vote), if there is a minority vote, on the question in dispute.
The first Senator named on the conference committee acts as chairperson
of the committee from the Senate, and the first Assembly Member named on
such committee acts as chairperson of the committee from the Assembly. The
chairperson of the committee on conference of the house in which the bill
originated (the Assembly chairperson, if it is an Assembly bill, or the Senate
chairperson, if it is a Senate bill) arranges for the times and places of the
conference meetings, and directs the preparation of the conference
committee report.
All conference committees, including the conference committee on the
Budget Bill, must be open and accessible to the public. All other conference
committees must hold open public meetings which are noticed in the Daily
File one calendar day prior to the meeting.
Joint Rule 26.
Joint Rule 26.5; Senate Rules 28.5, 29.8 and 29.10; Assembly Rule 77.2.
Joint Rule 27.
Joint Rule 28.
Joint Rules 28.1 and 29.
Joint Rule 29.5(a). See also Government Code, Section 9027; Constitution, Article IV, Section 7(c)(1).
Main Book
The committee on conference reports to both the Senate and the Assembly.
It requires the affirmative vote of not less than two of the Senate members
and two of the Assembly Members of the committee to agree upon a report.
The report of the conference committee must be prepared in writing and
signed by two Members of the Assembly and two Senators who agree to the
report. Provision is also made for a dissenting conference committee member
to file a minority report. Two signed copies of the report must go to the house
of origin of the bill, and one signed copy must go to the other house. The
conference committee’s proposed amendments are inserted and the bill is
reprinted in the form as proposed by the conference committee.
After the proposal has been in print and noticed in the Daily File for not
less than one legislative day and in print for two calendar days, it may be
voted upon. The report of the committee on conference is not subject to
amendment, and if either house refuses to adopt the report, the conferees are
discharged, and new conferees are appointed. However, no member may
serve upon more than one conference committee on the same bill, and there
can be no more than three conference committees on any one bill.
If the
third conference committee fails to agree, or if either house fails to adopt its
report, the bill is dead.
The vote required for adoption of the conference report is the same as the
vote required for passage of the bill. If the amendments in the conference
report add an urgency section to the bill, the urgency section must first be put
to a vote. If adopted by a two-thirds vote of the elected members, the vote is
then taken on the adoption of the conference report, which also requires a
two-thirds vote. If the affirmative vote is less than two-thirds of the elected
membership of the house, the report is refused adoption.
Both houses must
agree on the conference report before it becomes effective.
When a conference committee is unable to agree upon a report (a vote of
not less than two of the conferees of each house is required), a letter from the
chairperson of the committee indicating that the committee is unable to
submit a report is sent to the Chief Clerk of the Assembly and the Secretary
of the Senate. Upon such notification, the conferees are discharged and other
conferees appointed.
The conference committee on the Budget Bill must report within 15 days
after the bill has passed both houses. If they fail to do so, the Chief Clerk and
the Secretary are notified and a new conference committee appointed in
accordance with the Joint Rules.
Enrollment of Bills
After a bill has passed both houses, it is returned to the house of origin. If
the bill has not been amended by the other house, it is immediately sent to the
Joint Rules 29 and 30; Senate Rule 29.9; Assembly Rule 68.8.
Joint Rule 30.5.
Joint Rule 30.7.
Joint Rules 29.5(b) and 30.7.
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Engrossing and Enrolling office of the Chief Clerk’s office (if it is an
Assembly bill), or to the Committee on Rules in the Senate (if it is a Senate
bill), to be enrolled. If, however, the other house has amended the bill, such
amendments must be concurred in before the bill may be sent to enrollment.
If the amendments have not been concurred in, and the bill has gone to
conference, the conference committee report must have been adopted by both
houses before the bill is enrolled. Each house enrolls its own bills.
The bill is printed in enrolled form, omitting symbols indicating
amendments, and compared by the Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk of the
house where it originated to determine that it is in the form approved by the
houses. The enrolled bill is thereupon signed by the Secretary of the Senate
and the Chief Clerk of the Assembly, or their designees, and presented
without delay to the Governor. After receipt by the Governor, the Chief Clerk
and Senate Rules Committee must report to their respective houses of origin
the time of presentation of the bill to the Governor, and the record must be
entered in the Journal.
After enrollment and signature by the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief
Clerk of the Assembly, or their designees, constitutional amendments,
concurrent and joint resolutions are filed without delay in the office of the
Secretary of State, the time of filing is reported to the house of origin, and the
record is entered in the Journal.
For example, during the 2003–04 Regular Session, there were 1,405
Assembly bills and 828 Senate bills enrolled and presented to the Governor,
and a total of 360 constitutional amendments, joint and concurrent
resolutions enrolled and filed with the Secretary of State, making a total of
2,593 enrolled measures for that session.
Enrollment is the final legislative action taken on a bill before it is
presented to the Governor. When the enrolled bill is delivered to the
Governor, it shall be endorsed as follows: ‘This bill was received by the
Governor this _________ day of _________, _________.’ The endorsement
shall be signed by the Private Secretary of the Governor or by some other
individual designated by the Governor, whose identity the Governor must
make known to the Speaker and the President pro Tempore.
Bills Signed by the Governor
The Governor, after receiving a bill from the Senate or Assembly, has 12
days in which to sign or veto it. Should the Governor fail to take any action,
the bill becomes law without a signature.
The 12-day ‘‘signing’ period is applicable to all bills that are presented to
the Governor 12 or more days prior to the date the Legislature adjourns for
a joint recess in the first year of the biennium, and on or before August 20th
of the second year of the biennium. The applicable calendar date in the first
year is based on the date both houses of the Legislature ‘consent’ to adjourn
for the interim recess and is subject to change. For example, in 1995, the
Government Code, Sections 9507 and 9508; Joint Rule 24.
See, Final Histories of the Assembly and Senate, 2003–04 Regular Session.
Government Code, Section 9509.
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Legislature adjourned for the interim recess on September 15th. The
Governor had until October 15th to act upon any bill that passed the
Legislature on or before September 14th and was presented to him on or after
September 4, 1995.
In contrast, the recess date in the second year of the biennium is fixed by
the State Constitution. Bills that are passed before September 1st in the
second year of the biennium and which are in his or her possession on or after
September 1st must be signed or vetoed by September 30th of that year or
they become a statute without his or her signature.
Any bill passed by the Legislature at a special session which is in his or her
possession on or after the adjournment of the session becomes a statute
unless the Governor vetoes the bill within 12 days by depositing the veto with
the office of the Secretary of State.
Prior to 1973, the Governor could
‘kill’ (i.e., defeat) a bill in his possession after the adjournment of a special
session simply by refusing to sign it.
When the Governor approves a bill, he or she signs it, dates it and deposits
it with the Secretary of State. This copy is the official record and law of the
state. The Secretary of State assigns the bill a number known as the chapter
number. The bills are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are
received, and the resulting sequence is presumed to be the order in which the
bills were approved by the Governor.
There is only one sequence of bill chapter numbers maintained for each
year of the regular session of the Legislature. A separate set of chapter
numbers is maintained for each extraordinary session.
If a bill presented to the Governor contains one or several items of
appropriation, he or she may eliminate or reduce any or all of them while
approving the other portions of the bill. When the Governor executes this
‘item veto,’ he or she appends to the bill, at the time of signing it, a
statement of the items to which he or she objects and his or her reasons
therefor. A copy of this statement is then transmitted to the house in which the
bill originated. The items then may be separately reconsidered and the vetoes
sustained or overridden in the same manner as bills which have been vetoed
by the Governor.
(See also page 108.)
Governors Veto
When the Governor vetoes a bill, he or she returns it, with his or her
objections, to the house of origin. The house may consider the veto
immediately or place it on the ‘unfinished business file.’
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(b)(2). Government Code, Section 9516.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(b)(4).
This practice is commonly referred to as the ‘pocket veto.’
Government Code, Section 9510. This numerical sequence becomes extremely important, as the bill with a higher chapter number prevails
over a bill with a lower number. For example, if the language of Section 400 of the Government Code as contained in Chapter 100
conflicts with the language of Section 400 of the Government Code as contained in Chapter 99, the language in Chapter 100 will prevail
and the conflicting provisions of Chapter 99 are said to be ‘chaptered out.’
Government Code, Section 9510.5. Constitutional amendments and joint and concurrent resolutions adopted by both houses and enrolled
during the session are designated as Resolution Chapter 1, et seq.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(e). Government Code, Section 9511.
Main Book
The Legislature has 60 calendar days, days in joint recess excluded, to act
upon the veto.
If no action has been taken during this time, the measure is
deleted from the file and the veto is effective.
Theoretically, the ability to override the Governors veto gives the
Legislature the ultimate control over exactly what is to become the law. Veto
overrides are rare.
In 1979, the Legislature overrode the Governors veto of two bills and
eight items in the Budget Bill.
Prior to these overrides, the Governors veto
had been overridden on only two occasions since 1973.
The Legislature
has not overridden a Governors veto since 1979.
The result of sustaining the Governors veto or failing to consider it in the
time allotted is to ‘kill’’ the bill or to reduce or eliminate the appropriation
as recommended.
If two-thirds of the elected members of each house disagree with the
Governor, the bill as passed by the Legislature becomes law notwithstanding
his or her objections.
When the Legislature successfully overrides a Governors veto, the bill, or
items are authenticated as having become law by a certificate.
‘The certificate shall be endorsed on or attached to the bill, or endorsed on
or attached to the copy of the statement of objections. It shall be in the
following form: ‘This bill having been returned by the Governor with his
objections thereto, and, after reconsideration, having passed both houses by
the constitutional majority, has become a law this ________ day of
________, ________’; or, ‘The following items in the within statement
(naming them) having, after reconsideration, passed both houses by the
constitutional majority, have become a law this ________ day of ________,
________.’ A certificate signed by the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the Assembly is a sufficient authentication thereof.’
The bill or statement so authenticated is then delivered to the Governor,
and by him or her deposited with the laws in the office of the Secretary of
State. Bills so deposited in the office of the Secretary of State are given a
chapter number in the same manner as bills approved by the Governor.
When Laws Go Into Effect
With the exception of measures which take effect immediately, bills
enacted in the first year of the regular session before the Legislature adjourns
for the ‘interim study recess’ shall go into effect on January 1 of the
Joint Rule 58.5.
Governor Brown’s veto of SB 91 (1979–80 Regular Session), Journal of the Senate, 1979–80 Regular Session, p. 5196, Journal of the
Assembly, 1979–80 Regular Session, p. 7565. Governor Brown’s veto of AB 580 (1979–80 Regular Session), Journal of the Assembly,
1979–80 Regular Session, p. 6393, Journal of the Senate, 1979–80 Regular Session, p. 5677.
The Legislature also overrode Governor Brown’s vetoes of eight items in the Budget Bill, SB 190 (1979–80 Regular Session), Journal
of the Senate, 1979–80 Regular Session, pp. 6027, 6028, 6029, Journal of the Assembly, 1979–80 Regular Session, pp. 8318, 8319, 8333,
8334, 8351.
Governor Reagan’s veto of AB 855 (1973–74 Regular Session). Journal of the Assembly, 1973–74 Regular Session, p. 9831; Journal of
the Senate, 1973–74 Regular Session, p. 7722 and Governor Brown’s veto of SB 155 (death penalty) (1977–78 Regular Session).
Journal of the Senate, 1977–78 Regular Session, p. 3895; Journal of the Assembly, 1977–78 Regular Session, p. 6553.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10. Prior to the ratification of Proposition No. 4 at the 1972 General Election (Assembly Constitutional
Amendment 95), the Legislature recessed for at least 30 days upon concluding their work and then returned for up to five days for the
specific purpose of reconsidering the Governors objections to bills passed during the session. This provision was deleted in 1972.
Government Code, Section 9513.
Government Code, Section 9514.
Main Book
following year.
For example, a non-urgency bill passed on September 5,
2005 would take effect on January 1, 2006. A non-urgency measure,
however, that is enacted in the second year of the two-year session would go
into effect on January 1 following a 90-day period from the date of
For example, a bill that is enacted on or before October 2, 2006
would take effect on January 1, 2007. In contrast, a bill enacted on October
3, 2006 or later would not take effect until January 1, 2008. However, the
likelihood of a regular statute (non-urgency, non-tax levy, etc.) being enacted
any time after August 31 in the second year is remote. In fact, the only regular
(non-urgency, non-tax levy, etc.) legislation that can be enacted after August
31 in the second year would be a ‘regular bill that was vetoed and then
overridden by the Legislature during Final Recess. In other words, if the
Governor vetoed a bill on September 28, 2006, and the Legislature were to
reconvene and override the veto on November 3, 2006, the bill would go into
effect January 1, 2008. This delay is imposed by operation of the
Constitutional requirement that dictates a statute’s effective date as occurring
on January 1 next following a 90-day period from enactment.
By contrast, statutes enacted at a special session do not take effect until the
91st day after the adjournment of the session at which they were passed.
The delays in the effective dates of the statutes enacted at regular and special
sessions provide a 90-day interval between the enactment and the effective
date of the statute as is required by the Constitution in order to permit the
circulation and presentation of a referendum petition requesting that the
statute, or a part of it, be submitted to the electorate.
Any amendment to or revision of the Constitution, proposed by the
Legislature, must be submitted to the people for ratification. The amendment
or revision is effective the day following its approval by a majority of those
voting on the question at the election.
Any measure or constitutional amendment submitted to the electorate
through either an initiative or referendum petition, which is approved by a
majority of the votes cast on the proposition, takes effect the day after the
election, unless the measure itself provides for a different effective date.
The regular session of the Legislature is adjourned ‘sine die’
constitutional provision as of midnight on November 30 of the even-
numbered year (e.g., 2006).
The Constitution prohibits the Legislature from presenting the Governor
with a bill after November 15 of the second year of the biennium. Thereafter,
the Legislature will presumably recess, thereby enabling them to return to
consider any bill vetoed by the Governor after that date. This would mean
Constitution, Article IV, Sections 8(c)(2) and 8(d).
Constitution, Article IV, Section 8(c)(1).
Constitution, Article II, Section 9(b).
Constitution, Article XVIII, Section 4. See also p. 18.
Constitution, Article II, Section 10(a).
From the Latin meaning ‘without day’’ and is commonly used to designate the final adjournment of a legislative body.
Constitution, Article IV, Section 3(a).
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that the Governor would have until midnight November 27 to veto the bill,
thus providing at least three days for the Legislature to take action before the
two Houses are adjourned sine die.
Prior to 1973, the annual regular sessions were not adjourned sine die on
a specified date. A concurrent resolution, adopted by both houses, set the
adjournment time. At the time appointed the presiding officers of each house
announced that the time for final adjournment had arrived and declared the
house adjourned sine die in accordance with the provisions of the resolution.
At the present time, the Joint Rules provide that the Legislature may recall
itself from joint recess and reconvene the regular session. Upon reassembling
it may consider any type of legislation, with the exception that when it is
recalled on September 1 or after in the even-numbered year, it may consider
only Governors vetoes or urgency bills, bills calling elections, levying taxes
or appropriating moneys for the usual and current expenses of the state.
Final Disposition of Legislative Records
The Secretary of State is the custodian of the public archives of the state.
The documents required by law to be filed, items ordered filed by the
Department of General Services and any material the Secretary deems to
have historical value are filed, indexed and preserved in vaults maintained by
this office.
These archives contain the original and official records of the State
Legislature for all its sessions since 1849.
The Committee System
With the volume of legislation that is introduced and considered, it is
impossible for each Member of the Legislature to review in detail all of the
changes, additions and deletions that are proposed. In the course of a regular
session, the Legislature will consider approximately 7,000 bills in addition to
numerous constitutional amendments and other resolutions. To cope with the
multitude and the variety of the subject matter contained in these bills, it has
been necessary to devise and utilize a system of policy committees.
There are currently over 25 standing committees in the Assembly and over
20 standing committees in the Senate.
They may best be described as the
basic working components of the Legislature. The total number of standing
committees may fluctuate in a two-year session, but generally averages
between 20 and 29 total committees in each respective House. Assembly
Committees are created by House Resolution, and the memberships are
appointed by the Speaker. Senate Committees are created by Senate
resolution, with committee memberships appointed by the Senate Rules
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(a).
Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(a); Joint Rule 52. This authority to reconvene the Legislature should not be confused with the
Governor’s power to call a special session of the Legislature. The authority to reconvene may be exercised by the Speaker and President
pro Tempore jointly or by petition of 10 or more Members of the Legislature.
Government Code, Sections 12221, 12224 and 12227.
Assembly Rule 11; Senate Rule 12.
Main Book
The committees specialize in specific subject matter areas and are
designed to treat the proposed legislation relating to their specialty. By
referring the bills to committee it is possible to study, in depth, all the bills
which have been introduced.
After the bill has been referred to a committee it is scheduled for hearing.
At this point, the private citizen, the lobbyist and any other interested party
may testify in favor of or in opposition to the bill. It is at this stage that many
of the important policy decisions are made.
As a result of the manner in which the committee is appointed and the
house’s reliance upon the members’ and the staff expertise in the area
affected, the house usually concurs in the committee’s recommendation. It
should be borne in mind, however, that the house does have the final word on
all legislation, and should it choose to disregard the committee’s
recommendation, it may do so. When the committee has completed its
deliberations it returns the bill with its recommendation to the house.
In addition to standing committees of each house, the Legislature also
establishes joint committees. The committees, composed of an equal number
of Senators and Assembly Members, study subjects of mutual interest to both
houses. These committees are established by statute, concurrent resolution,
or the Joint Rules, and the membership and chairpersons are appointed by the
Speaker and the Senate Rules Committee, respectively, unless the statute or
resolution specifies otherwise.
During the joint recess, the standing and joint committees of the
Legislature conduct hearings throughout the state.
While they are not
permitted to act upon bills during this time, they do elicit information and
data leading to the eventual formulation of legislation.
See also Joint Rules 36.5 and 36.7.
Joint Rule 51. This rule specifies the mandatory joint recesses for each biennium.
Joint Rule 60(c).
Main Book
An Assembly Rules Committee Meeting During 1969 Session
Shown from left to right: Assembly Members Ketchum, Mobley, Gonsalves, Chief Administrative Officer V. G. Neilsen,
Chairman Chappie, Secretary Hazel Lombardo, Chief Clerk James D. Driscoll, Assembly Members R. Johnson,
Burton, and Quimby.
Main Book
The Rules Committees
There is in each house of the Legislature a Committee on Rules which acts
as the executive committee of the house.
At the beginning of each two-year session the practice is that the ‘‘majority
party’ proposes new House Rules, including the size of the Rules Committee
membership. For example, the composition of the Assembly Rules
Committee has varied from nine during the 1993–94 Regular Session to
12 during the second year of the 1995–96 Regular Session to 10 upon
organization of the 1997–98 Regular Session. Since 2000, the Assembly
Rules Committee’s membership has consisted of 8 members. In the
Assembly, the Speaker appoints the Chair, Vice Chair, and membership of
the Rules Committee under the existing rules.
Within two days after the November general election in each even-
numbered year, the majority and minority caucuses meet for the purpose of
selecting their officers for the upcoming two-year session.
The Senate Committee on Rules consists of the President pro Tempore of
the Senate, who is chairperson of the committee, and four other Members of
the Senate who are elected by the Senate.
The rules of each house provide that the Rules Committee shall continue in
existence during any recess of the Legislature, after final adjournment, and
until the convening of the next regular session with the same powers and
duties as while the Legislature is in session.
A very important function of
the Rules Committees is to refer all bills and resolutions to the appropriate
standing committees.
The Rules Committees make studies and recommendations designed to
promote, improve, and expedite the business and procedure of their
respective houses and committees. Amendments to the rules are proposed by
the committees when they are deemed necessary.
Some of the important powers and duties the Rules Committees perform for
their respective houses are: To authorize the appointment of employees, set
their salaries, and adopt rules and regulations limiting the amount, time, and
place of expenses and allowances to be paid to committee employees;
approve all claims for expenses incurred by the house’s committees, and to
approve all proposed expenditures before the expenses are incurred;
and to
assign the subject matter of bills recommended for study to the appropriate
Assembly Rule 13; Senate Rule 11.
Assembly Rule 13.1.
Senate Rule 11.
Assembly Rule 15; Senate Rule 13.
Assembly Rules 14, 45 and 51; Senate Rules 12 and 22.
Assembly Rule 14; Senate Rule 13.
Assembly Rules 14 and 20; Senate Rules 13 and 13.1.
Assembly Rule 20; Senate Rule 13.1.
Assembly Rule 59.
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Page one of the 694-page Budget Bill of 2005 (SB 77) as chaptered. Historically, each
house conducts hearings and crafts its own version of the budget, subsequently
finalizing the budget language in a two-house conference committee and in
negotiations among legislative leaders and the Governor.
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To incur and pay expenses not otherwise provided for as they deem
reasonably necessary, including the repair, alteration, improvement, and
equipping of the respective chambers and offices through a process governed
by competitive bidding.
To assist the committee with its administrative, fiscal and business affairs,
the Assembly Rules Committee employs a staff of secretaries and
administrators, headed by the Chief Administrative Officer who is appointed
by the Chair of the Rules Committee.
The Senate Rules Committee
employs a similar staff, supervised by an Executive Officer, to assist it in the
performance of its duties.
The Senate Rules Committee appoints members to Senate standing
committees; the Speaker performs this function in the Assembly.
The Fiscal Committees (Appropriations and Budget Committees)
The Assembly Budget Committee and the Senate Budget and Fiscal
Review Committee are among the hardest working and most powerful
committees of the Legislature. They are charged with forging a consensus out
of the myriad demands made upon a State Budget which is now in excess of
$100 billion.
Within the first 10 days of each calendar year,
these committees are the
recipients of budget bills introduced simultaneously in each house. These
identical bills are the result of many months of effort by the executive branch
to establish the financial requirements of the state for the forthcoming fiscal
year. Initially, then, the priorities reflect the determinations of the Governor.
Once introduced, the budget bills immediately come under the scrutiny of the
staffs of the fiscal committees of the Legislature and the office of the
Legislative Analyst. Opinions are sought regarding every possible service
and capital outlay imaginable and are reviewed at numerous hearings by
various budget subcommittees.
So important is the attention to a balanced budget that the Constitution
expressly prohibits the Legislature from sending to the Governor ‘any bill
appropriating funds for expenditure during the fiscal year for which the
budget bill is to be enacted, except emergency bills recommended by the
Thus, every bill appropriating money from the General
Fund which is passed by the Legislature prior to the enactment of the Budget
Bill requires the Governor’s request via a letter before being presented to him
or her for signature.
Assembly Rule 18; Senate Rule 13.2.
Assembly Rule 14(e).
Senate Rules 11 and 12.5; Assembly Rule 26(a)(6).
Constitution, Article IV, Section 12(a).
Constitution, Article IV, Section 12(c).
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Appropriations Committees
Any bill which: appropriates money; imposes new responsibilities or
duties on the state; liberalizes any state function, program or responsibility;
or results in substantial loss of revenue or reduction of state expenditures,
must be heard by the Appropriations Committees in the Assembly and the
Senate before it can be voted upon by the respective houses.
This means
that any bill implicitly or explicitly touching upon one or more of the above
criteria must pass through both policy and fiscal committees of both houses.
The application of this rule requires these committees to review an estimated
80 percent of all bills considered by the Legislature.
The fiscal committees are generally not thought of as policy committees
except for the Budget, although some measures are occasionally referred
directly to these committees. The distinction is noted by the Joint Rules
which establishes different deadlines for policy committee and fiscal
committee action.
These staggered deadlines recognize the problem faced
by authors of bills which must come under review by the fiscal committee
after clearing the policy committee to which they were previously referred.
The Joint Rules Committee
The Joint Rules Committee consists of the Members of the Assembly
Committee on Rules, the Assembly Majority and Minority Leaders, the
Speaker of the Assembly, and four members of the Senate Committee on
Rules. An additional number of Senators may be appointed by the Senate
Rules Committee to maintain equality in the number of Assembly Members
and Senators on the committee.
The committee has a continuing existence and may meet and conduct
business while the Legislature is in recess as well as during the time the
Legislature is in session.
The committee ascertains facts and reports its recommendations to the
Legislature. Specifically, the committee concerns itself with the relations
between the two houses and making recommendations to improve that
relationship; changes in the law to cure defects affecting the Legislature;
adjustments in legislative procedures governing the processing of proposed
legislation; coordination of the work of the Assembly and Senate and their
committees by eliminating duplication of effort.
The committee also is empowered to gather data and statistics it deems
useful to the houses or the Members. It permits and approves the involvement
of the Legislative Counsel in litigation.
The committee is also authorized
to participate in the work of the National Conference of State Legislative
Joint Rule 10.5. See also, Senate Rule 12(2).
Joint Rule 61.
Joint Rule 40.
Government Code, Section 9111.
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All space in the State Capitol Building Annex, except the first floor of the
annex, is allocated from time to time by the Joint Rules Committee in
accordance with its determination of the needs of the Senate and Assembly
and for facilities and agencies dealing with the Legislature as a whole,
including press quarters, bill room, offices for the Legislative Counsel and
for committees created by the two houses jointly.
The space thus allocated to the Senate and to the Assembly is allotted from
time to time by the Senate Rules Committee and the Assembly Rules
Committee, respectively.
The committee appoints and employs the chairpersons and employees of
all joint committees except those of the Joint Legislative Budget and the Joint
Legislative Audit Committees. It employs its own staff headed by a Chief
Administrative Officer.
In summary, the committee’s function is to facilitate and promote the joint
legislative and committee functions of the two houses and to report to them
on matters of mutual concern.
The Joint Legislative Budget Committee
In the 1930s, it became painfully obvious that the Legislature lacked the
capacity to adequately analyze and review the fiscal implications and
administrative effects of the Governors proposals. The Chief Executive had
at his command a sizable staff to collect data to substantiate and press for his
programs. The Legislature found itself unable to initiate a positive program.
It was in the position of reacting to the Governors proposals rather than
acting in an independent or affirmative manner by utilizing its own sources
of information.
Recognizing the state of affairs, the Legislature, in 1941, passed a bill
establishing a Legislative Audit Bureau.
This bill was subsequently vetoed
by the Governor. Reacting to the Governors veto, the Legislature promptly
amended the Joint Rules creating the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
The committee immediately employed the first Legislative Analyst.
The committee was reconstituted at each successive session by the
adoption of the Joint Rules, until 1951, when it was established on a
permanent basis by statute.
The committee consists of eight Assembly Members and eight Senators
appointed by the Speaker and the Senate Rules Committee, respectively. The
chairperson is elected by the committee from its membership.
The rules of the committee require that a quorum consists of at least four
members from each house. Its duties are to ascertain facts and to make
recommendations to the Legislature and to each of the houses concerning the
State Budget, the revenues and expenditures of the state, the organization and
Government Code, Section 9108.
Joint Rules 40(i) and 40(j).
1941 Regular Session, Assembly Bill 1129.
Statutes of 1941, Resolution Chapter 117.
Government Code, Sections 9140–9143.
Government Code, Section 9141; Joint Rule 37.
Main Book
functions of the state, its departments, subdivisions, and agencies, and such
other matters as may be provided for in the Joint Rules of the Legislature.
The committee may also render services to any other investigating
committee of the Legislature pursuant to contract between it and the
committee for which the services are to be performed.
The Joint Legislative Audit Committee
California’s Legislature established the Joint Legislative Audit Committee
by statute in 1955. In establishing the committee, the Legislature recognized
the need for a postaudit independent of the audit performed by the executive
branch of the state government. Through its own audits and investigations,
the Legislature can test the reliability of the financial and operating
information that is used in the decisionmaking process.
The Joint Legislative Audit Committee consists of seven Senators and
seven Assembly Members. Four Assembly Members and four Senators
constitute the quorum necessary to conduct the committee’s business.
Members of the committee are appointed under the provisions of the Joint
Rules of the Senate and Assembly. Senate members of the committee are
appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, and Assembly Members are
appointed by the Speaker; the chairperson of the committee is selected by the
membership of the committee.
The committee is a factfinding and investigative committee which
transmits its reports and recommendations to the Senate and Assembly for
further action by the policy committees.
Government Code, Section 9142; Joint Rule 37.
Government Code, Sections 10500–10504.1.
Joint Rule 37.3.
Joint Rules 36.5 and 37.3.
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