A newsletter of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Department of Music
No. 17 - 2019-2020
A Note from the Chair
Stephanie Caulder, chairperson
Connect with IUP Music
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Happy New Year! I am delighted to
share this newsletter which details what
our current students, faculty, and terric
alumni have accomplished in recent
months. This newsletter, as well as
our e-newsletter Accent, also provides
information about upcoming events that
will be a part of the 2019-2020 academic
year. We would love for you to join us in
person at one of these events, but if you
are unable, we hope that you will remain
connected to us via the department’s
website and social media pages. We are
excited to offer live-streaming of most
ensemble concerts as well as faculty
solo and chamber recitals through the
Department of Music YouTube channel.
Our faculty continue to perform,
present, and publish on the national and
international level, but more importantly
they serve as tremendous models of
work ethic, resiliency, and kindness for
our students. The Department of Music is
so pleased to welcome our new, tenure-
track Director of Orchestral Activities, Dr.
Alexandra Dee. We are also delighted that
Dr. Gerrit Scheepers (interim Director of
Choral Activities) and Dr. Sarah Schouten
(interim Instructor of Horn) will be joining
us for this academic year. I remain
grateful for the service and hard work
of our assistant chairpersons Dr. Zach
Collins and Dr. Kevin Eisensmith and
our Steinway technician, Daniel Alberts.
Our wonderful department secretaries
Vickie Morganti and Taylor Reken are the
heart of the department and keep things
running smoothly as always.
We would like to thank former music
faculty member and College of Fine Arts
Assistant Dean Dr. David Ferguson,
for serving as the interim Dean of the
College of Fine Arts last academic year.
There could not have been a more
capable leader to guide us through the
transition to a new administration in the
college. It gives me great pleasure to
announce the appointment of Dr. Curtis
Scheib as the new Dean of the College
of Fine Arts. As many of you are aware,
Curt is an alumnus of the IUP Department
of Music (BSED, ‘77 and MA, ’78) so
that makes his appointment all the more
special for the department. He is a highly
accomplished and regarded musician as
well as an experienced administrator so
we could not be in better hands for the
We are celebrating the inaugural year
of the Edward R. Sims Distinguished
Visiting Artist. Due to the generosity
of this alumnus and the million-dollar
endowment he left as part of his estate,
the department can “dream big” and
provide these guest artist residencies in
perpetuity for our students. Project Trio
will be the featured Sims artist this year
and their residency will be happening
January 28-30, 2020. Please visit our
department website and social media
pages for more specic information as
we get closer to the event. I want to thank
those of you who have given nancial
support to the department this year or
may be thinking about such a gift for
the future. All of your donations, large
or small, mean so much to us and help
us to reward our accomplished students,
remain competitive in recruitment,
and provide a technologically current
curriculum. Information about giving can
be found on the department’s website.
This time of year is always one of reection
for me, and I am honored and thankful to
have served as the chairperson of this
special place for the last six years. I think
I can speak for my colleagues and our
students when I say that we have truly
stood “on the shoulders of giants” that
came before us. I am condent that our
new chairperson will continue to carefully
shepherd the great legacy of the IUP
Department of Music and I know you will
join me in welcoming them in May.
In the meantime, I wish you all health and
happiness in the new year to come and
hope to see you soon back home again
in Indiana!
Newsletter Goes
Beginning with our next issue, our newsletter will be distribut-
ed in digital format.
Visit https://www.iup.edu/music/alumni-and-giving/newsletter/
to make sure we have your current email address.
If you wish to receive hard copies of future newsletters,
please contact the department at 724-357-2390.
Department Notes
Alex Dee joined the music faculty in fall
2019 as Director of Orchestral Activities
and Assistant Professor of Violin and Viola.
Prior to her appointment at IUP she had
served as director of Orchestral Activities at
the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois;
music director and conductor of Chicago’s
South Loop Symphony Orchestra; and
a cover conductor for the Joffrey Ballet.
Internationally, she has conducted the
Scottish Chamber Orchestra at the Orkney
Conductors Course in Scotland and the
Dulwich International Music Academy’s
Festival Orchestra in Beijing, China. Dee
has earned degrees at Northwestern
University (DMA), and Florida State
University (MM, BME).
John Bagnato joined the music faculty in
fall 2018 as Assistant Professor of Guitar.
Bagnato has earned degrees at the
University of Pittsburgh (PhD), University of
New Orleans (MM), and Manhattan School
of Music (BM). His interests include jazz,
blues, and Latin American concert music for
the guitar as well as popular musical styles
he plays on the Brazilian cavaquinho and
Cuban tres. Prior to moving to Pittsburgh,
he lived in New Orleans and performed and
toured with Big Chief Donald Harrison, Jr. in
Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and
Europe and recorded with Mario Adnet, Bill
Summers, and Trombone Shorty.
The Keystone Chamber Winds have been
invited to perform at the 2020 PMEA
conference to be held in April in the
The String Area is excited to announce
a new string scholarship, the IUP Gorell
String Quartet Scholarship. This yearly
$2000 scholarship provides a wonderful
opportunity for IUP string students to
develop ensemble skills and perform for
various events on and off campus. The
scholarship is open to incoming freshman
string majors. Selection is by audition. For
more information contact [email protected].
In December 2018, Timothy Paul hosted
the third annual Holiday Festival of Bands.
The festival provides an opportunity for
band students from selected high school
programs, their directors, and family
members to participate in a day-long
experience of music making at IUP. The
Festival included students from Greater
Latrobe High School, Homer-Center Jr/Sr
High School, and Huntingdon Area High
School. Throughout the day, the students
worked with IUP music professors and
music education majors, and in the evening
performed in a side-by-side concert with the
IUP Wind Ensemble.
IUP piano majors worked with elementary,
middle and high school piano students
from the Indiana community at Pedagogy
Day on February 9, 2019. This event was
organized in collaboration with Indiana
Musicale, the Indiana Chapter of the
Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association/
Music Teachers National Association. Each
IUP piano major was paired with a student
from an Indiana Musicale teacher, gaining
valuable experience in piano pedagogy
from this event.
The Horn Studio performed at the
Northeast Horn Workshop on February
10, 2019, at Hofstra University. Comprised
of undergraduate and graduate students,
the group participated in workshop events
throughout the weekend and gave a rousing
performance to cap their time at Hofstra.
The conference was well-attended and
featured events that highlighted some of
the big names in the horn playing industry in
the New York City and Philadelphia areas.
Zach Collins and the IUP Chapter of the
International Tuba Euphonium Association
hosted the fourth annual Tubaphonium Day
on Saturday, February 16, 2019. Five IUP
music alumni returned to serve as guest
artists for the event. George Alberti (BA
‘13), Zack Grass (BFA ‘14), Mike Waddell
(BSEd ‘12), Abby Weaver (BSEd ‘17),
and Anne Wertz (BSEd ‘13) performed as
an ensemble and as soloists throughout
the day. Since graduating from IUP, all
ve students went on to pursue graduate
degrees. Tubaphonium Day culminated in a
concert that featured the IUP Tubaphonium
Ensemble and a 40-piece, mass tuba-
euphonium ensemble comprised of
all participants at Tubaphonium Day.
Participants included students from 10
different school districts, musicians from
IUP, as well as adult musicians.
The IUP Wind Ensemble was selected
to present a Small Band Showcase
performance at the 2019 College Band
Directors National Association National
Conference, held at Arizona State University
in Tempe, Arizona, on February 22, 2019.
Internationally known organist Katelyn
Emerson served as the guest performer
for a March 3, 2019 concert benetting the
Carol Teti Memorial Scholarship at Indiana
University of Pennsylvania. Emerson’s
solo recital featured the world premiere of
Frederick Hohman’s “The Organ Icons”
(2018). Hohman’s winning composition was
written for the Pogorzelski Yankee Organ,
the pipe organ that IUP leases from the
American Guild of Organists.
On April 4, 2019, the IUP Chorale
performed to a standing-room-only crowd
at the Eastern Division Conference for the
National Association for Music Educators
Conference. Over 170 ensembles from
an eleven state region applied to perform
at this year’s conference. Three university
level ensembles were accepted via a blind,
peer-review process. Chorale performed
a 40 minute concert exploring the various
ways we experience joy. The group was
joined by IUP faculty members, Joseph
Baunoch, Stephanie Caulder, Leah Heater,
Henry Wong Doe, and Jacquelyn Kuehn.
On April 13, 2019, string students and
teachers gathered at IUP for a day of
string solos and chamber music at the
IUP String Chamber Music Festival. The
Festival joined together students from
Indiana High School, IUP music students,
and IUP String Project teachers. Clinicians
for the Festival included Linda Jennings,
IUP cello faculty; Emily Rolka, director
of Suzuki Talent Education at Robert M.
Sides in Williamsport and adjunct faculty at
Lycoming College; and Colleen Ferguson,
IUP violin/viola faculty and Festival director.
Students performed string solos, duos,
trios, and quartets. The day culminated in
a public performance for teachers, friends,
and family.
Nine students from Raquel Winnica Young’s
voice studio traveled to New York City for a
weekend of cultural activities on April 13-
14, 2019. The trip, which was organized
by Professor Winnica Young, enabled the
students to go to the Metropolitan Museum
Alex Dee and John Bagnato
of Art and see the new production of La
Traviata. They were also able to observe a
master class at Carnegie Hall conducted by
mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, who spent
some time with them talking about how
important their careers as music educators
and performers are and how much they can
do as cultural ambassadors.
The IUP Woodwind Quintet performed for
the Bedford Consort Fine Arts series in
September 2019.
Indiana Musicale, the Indiana chapter
of the Pennsylvania Music Teachers
Association, hosted its annual Dorothy
Sutton Performance Festival on Sunday,
September 29, 2019. This year’s festival
had a record number of participants: 15
students in three age groups. The festival
included a judging portion, with guest judge
Eun-Joo Kwak, from Manseld University,
and an awards recital. Several students
qualied for the state-level Dorothy Sutton
Festival, held at Penn State University on
November 23.
The annual IUP Bands Homecoming
Concert, held October 6, 2019, featured
guest composer and conductor, Omar
Thomas. Omar Thomas’ music has
been described as “elegant, beautiful,
sophisticated, intense, and crystal clear in
emotional intent.” The concert also featured
music from IUP alumnus Mark Surovchak
(BSEd ‘02), faculty member Zach Collins,
and Travis Weller.
The IUP Trombone Ensemble was the
featured group at Johnstonbaugh’s Music
Department Notes
Centers Trombone Day on Saturday,
October 12, 2019. The IUP Trombone
Ensemble was also joined by Jim Nova,
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra trombonist,
who served as a guest artist at the same
Jason Worzbyt hosted the second annual
Middle School Band invitational that brought
230 students and over 500 audience
members to campus in October 2019.
In October 2019, 17 students from Raquel
Winnica Young’s voice studio attended
the Pittsburgh Opera Production of
Don Giovanni. This was followed with a
Eurhythmics class given by Dr. Stephen
Neely at CMU.
Faculty Notes
2019 Dorothy Sutton Festival
Maryland Schools, PMEA District 5 and 8,
West Virginia Music Educators, Flint Festival
of Choirs (Flint, Michigan), and Anchorage
Large Group Choral Festival.
Stephanie Caulder and Jason Worzbyt
presented a clinic at the PMEA District 8
professional day on October 14, 2019 at
Bucknell University.
Zach Collins and Heidi Lucas completed a
tour with their horn/tuba/piano trio, Eastern
Standard in February 2019. They gave
performances at Nazareth College, IUP,
West Chester University, and the Northeast
Horn Workshop, held at Hofstra University.
They were joined by Jacob Ertl, piano
professor at Nazareth College. This trio also
released their second album of works for
horn/tuba/piano. Entitled “Wanderlust,” the
album consists of seven new works for this
combination of instruments, all commissioned
and premiered by Eastern Standard. Since
its inception in the fall of 2014, the group has
commissioned and premiered 12 new works
for this instrumentation, recorded 10 of
them (and the two newest are slated for an
upcoming recording project), and expanded
the body of literature available for a group of
this orchestration from 25 works to 37.
Alexandra Dee was guest conductor at
Manitoba Underground Opera’s August 2019
festival in Winnipeg. She conducted their
innovative double bill production of Purcell’s
Dido and Aeneas and James Rolfe’s Aeneas
and Dido. In November 2019, she was guest
conductor and instructor at Carthage College
in Kenosha, WI as part of their 150 Years of
Women at Carthage celebration.
In July 2019, Craig Denison was a guest
clinician and coach at the China International
Chorus Festival in Beijing. While there, he
gave four presentations to music teachers:
Faculty Notes
Retired music professor Edwin (Ed) Fry,
who worked at IUP from 1966-2009, recently
moved with his wife to Somerset, PA for
medical reasons. His wife shared that he
loved his students and athletes, the Ed Fry
Arena, coaching, and the Department of
Music faculty. “Thank you to IUP – he has
had a great life!”
Joe Baunoch made his debut with Pittsburgh
Festival Opera as Simone in Gianni Schicchi
by Giacomo Puccini, and Tito Ricordi in
the world premiere of the opera/stage play
Ryan Beeken conducted several choral
festivals in 2019. Districts and festivals with
which he worked included Harford County
Lucas and Collins released
“Wanderlust” with Eastern Standard.
Faculty Notes
An Introduction to Renaissance Singing,
Working With the Male Changing Voice,
Group Vocal Techniques for Beginning
Choirs, and Singing in English. He
also coached ve children’s choirs in
separate sections in preparation for a nal
assessment, which he conducted with
other conductors from Hungary, Taiwan,
and China. Later that month he attended
the Modern Band Summit and Colloquium
in Fort Collins, Colorado, as a Fellow. He
also served as the Pennsylvania higher
education representative, selected jointly by
the Pennsylvania Department of Education
and the nonprot Little Kids Rock. Denison’s
peer-reviewed article, “Uncovering Identity
and Meaning through Voice Change,” was
published in the June/July 2019 issue of the
Choral Journal, which circulates to 20,000
subscribers in 44 countries. In spring 2019
Denison conducted honor choirs for PMEA
District 1, 2, and 6 as well as choirs in Georgia
and Florida. In fall 2019 he conducted the
Indiana County Choir, Prince William County
Junior High Bass Honor Choir, and the
Louisiana Elementary All State Choir.
Christian Dickinson was guest soloist
with the University of Wisconsin River Falls
Symphonic Wind Ensemble in March 2019.
Dickinson was invited as part of a celebration
of the music of Gregory Fritze and
performed two movements of Trombonico,
Fritze’s concerto for trombone and wind
band. Dickinson also performed trombone
and euphonium in a recital of Fritze’s
chamber works. He was joined by IUP
faculty emeriti Gary Bird and Jack Stamp.
In July, Dickinson was invited to perform at
the 2019 International Trombone Festival.
He performed as a member of the William
Cramer trombone choir, an ensemble of
university professors established to honor
the memory of the late William Cramer. The
festival was held at Ball State University in
Muncie, Indiana.
Kevin Eisensmith attended the annual
conference of the International Trumpet
Guild, held July 8–13, 2019, in Miami,
Florida. This was the 26th ITG conference
that Eisensmith has attended. Eisensmith
and Donald Robertson (Department of
Psychology, retired) presented a clinic titled
“The Aging Trumpeter.” Eisensmith also
served as one of the reporters for the ITG
Journal. Several IUP alumni also attended
the conference, including Gary Ziek (BSEd
‘81, MA ‘86), Bryan Edgett (BSEd ‘84), John
Manning (BA ’91, BSEd ’93), Marisa Youngs
(BSEd ’12), Tim Wineld (BSEd ’05), James
Johnson (BSEd ’11), and Marie Mencher
(BSEd ’17).
Rosemary Engelstad was invited to
perform as a guest artist at the Marshall
University Single Reed Day on February
9, 2019. Engelstad performed “Gryphon”
for solo clarinet by Wisconsin-based
composer Theresa Martin. As part of the
event, Engelstad taught selected clarinet
soloists in a public masterclass for Reed Day
Colleen Ferguson, presented a violin
recital at the Stanford Society Annual
Festival Symposium in London, England in
December 2018. The Festival took place
at the Imperial College, London. Ferguson
performed a program consisting entirely of
English music for violin and piano composed
by C. V. Stanford and his contemporary
colleague, Charles H.H. Parry.
Linda Jennings performed the rst
movement of the Lalo “Cello Concerto”
with the Johnstown Youth Orchestra on
January 19, 2019. She continues to serve
as a coach for the Johnstown Symphony
Youth Orchestra Honors String Ensemble.
In March, she served as co-presenter at
the National Conference for the American
String Teachers Association in Albuquerque,
New Mexico. In the session “Phyllis Young,
Playing the String Game—the Unwritten
Chapters,” Jennings discussed how the
contributions of internationally recognized
string pedagogue Phyllis Young continue to
inuence music education today. The IUP
String Project carries on Phyllis Young’s
legacy of mentoring string music educators.
Seeyin (Oliver) Lo, was elected treasurer
of the Tri-States Chapter of the National
Association of Teachers of Singing in March
Heidi Lucas performed David Martynuik’s
“Concerto for Horn and Wind Ensemble”
on February 9, 2019 at the Northeast
Horn Workshop, held at Hofstra University.
Lucas performed with the Eastern Wind
Symphony, under the direction of Todd
Nichols. Martynuik’s piece was premiered
by the IUP Wind Ensemble in fall 2018.
David Martynuik conducted the premiere
performance of his new work for trombones
on April 29, 2019, at the University of
Delaware. Commissioned by the University
of Delaware Trombone Choir, and their
director, Bruce Tychinski, Martynuik’s work
was written for eight trombones. Titled
“Canzona III,” the piece featured a dramatic
antiphonal staging setup.
Timothy Paul was an invited teacher of
conducting at Utah State University and
guest conductor for their Tri-State Festival
of Bands, November 29–December 1, 2018.
The event hosted teachers and students
from Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and
Colorado. In addition to teaching conducting
classes and directing the Tri-State Festival
Band, Paul also presented a workshop for
the attending high school directors.
In July 2019 Raquel Winnica Young
was part of the premiere of the folk opera
“Looking for Violeta” about the life of the
Chilean singer song-writer Violeta Parra,
in a production of Quantum Theatre in
Pittsburgh PA.
Pictured (l-r): Rick Gaynor, Gregory
Fritze, Gary Bird, Ben Cold, and
Christian Dickinson
Robertson and Eisensmith at 2019 ITG
Pictured (l-r): David Martynuik, Heidi
Lucas, and Todd Nichols
Wesley Caulkins was accepted into the
Southern Illinois Music Festival and sang
the roles of Maestro Spinelloccio and Ser
Amanto di Nicolao in Gianni Schicchi as
well as several roles in their opera scenes
Kyle Chastulik was accepted into two
summer festivals. He sang with Druid
City Opera working with faculty from the
University of Alabama. He also performed
the King in Aida, the Secret Police Agent in
The Consul, and Don Alfonzo in Cosi fan
Tutte with Spotlight on Opera in Louisiana.
Scylla Humbert was accepted into two
summer festivals, Opera Lucca and Lyric
Opera of Weimar. At Opera Lucca she
worked with faculty from Indiana University
and Manhattan School of Music studying
the title role in La Cenerentola, Cherubino,
and others. In Weimar, Germany she sang
the role of Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro
with Lyric Opera of Weimar.
Ken Masaki, a junior music education
student, has been selected by statewide
vote of the membership as president-
elect of the Pennsylvania Collegiate Music
Educators Association (PCMEA). Masaki
will assume responsibility as statewide
president for the 2020-2021 academic year.
PCMEA is an organization dedicated to the
professional development of aspiring music
educators across the state of Pennsylvania.
The Butler County Symphony Orchestra
named Elary Mede, a sophomore music
performance major, the winner of the 2019
Collegiate Concerto Competition. As the
winner, Elary performed three selections
with the Butler County Symphony
Orchestra in April 2019. Mary Logan-
Hastings, said, “Elary has achieved quite an
accomplishment being a sophomore. She
is a tenacious young woman with a warm
soprano voice and stage presence. I have
no doubt she will succeed in her aspirations
of a career in performance.”
Michael Shoaf was accepted into the
International Baroque Academy at
Musiktheater Bavaria in Oberaudorf,
Germany where he worked with an
internationally renowned faculty of
baroque specialists including countertenor
Christopher Robson.
Elizabeth Sloan, senior voice student,
worked with Pittsburgh Festival Opera as
their Arts Administration Intern. She was
able to gain experience as an assistant
director and House Manager. She also
organized the post-performance Cabaret
events for patrons.
Junior Ben Strong won the Demareus
Cooper Encouragement Award from the
Pittsburgh District of the Metropolitan Opera
National Council Auditions. The yearly
competition is used to identify top talent for a
career in opera. This competition has been
instrumental in launching the professional
careers of many opera singers. Ben was
the youngest competitor at 21, facing off
against singers who were as old as 29,
many of whom traveled from around the
country to Pittsburgh to participate. Ben was
also invited to join the Pittsburgh Festival
Opera as a Young Artist and performed in
their production of Gianni Schicchi.
Junior music education major, Austin
Widmann, was recently featured during
family weekend. Austin’s parents, Kurt
(BA ‘93) and Elizabeth Widmann (BA ‘92),
met as members of the IUP Marching
Band. Read more about Austin and the
Widmanns at https://iup.edu/news-item.
Zach Collins and four IUP music students—
Hayden Kramer, Logan Carnes, Isaiah
Buzdygon, and Ben Wilcox—worked with
students at the Bethel Park School District
Brass Day on Monday, December 9, 2018.
The Bethel Park School District has been
hosting a Brass Day for all students in the
school district, grades 5–12, who perform
on brass instruments. After the school day,
the students rehearsed Christmas carols
and attended clinics on brass playing.
Collins and the IUP students were invited
to lead the clinics, one for elementary
students and one for the middle and high
school students. 115 students participated
in the event.
Henry Wong Doe traveled to Auckland,
New Zealand, in May 2019 to perform
for Auckland Grammar School’s 150th
anniversary celebration. Wong Doe is an
alumnus of Auckland Grammar School (high
school) and performed on two evenings: May
21 and May 23. He performed solo works
by Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and Ginastera, a
movement of Edvard Grieg’s Concerto in A
minor with the Symphony Orchestra, and
“Paper Cut” by David Hamilton with the
Concert Band. All ensemble performances
were conducted by Director of Performance
Music Chris Adams. Wong Doe also taught a
master class to ve piano students on May
23. During the class, the students performed
works by Chopin, Haydn, Beethoven, and
J.S. Bach. In June, Wong Doe co-chaired the
annual state conference of the Pennsylvania
Music Teachers Association, held at
Bloomsburg University, June 14–16, 2019.
Later that month he was invited as a guest
artist at the Lee University International
Piano Festival and Competition, held in
Cleveland, Tennessee, June 23–29 2019.
The festival and competition attracted 31
pre-college and college pianists from around
the country. During the festival, Wong Doe
performed a recital program which included
works by Haydn, Whitehead, Psathas,
and Ginastera, gave a master class to
four festival participants, and judged the
pre-college and college competition. In
September, Wong Doe performed a solo
recital at the Johnstown Concert Series.
Wong Doe’s recital featured works by
Haydn, Liszt, Ginastera, and Rachmaninoff.
He also presented three NZ works from his
Landscape Preludes album.
Jason Worzbyt has been invited by the
board of directors of the Midwest Clinic
to present a bassoon clinic in December
2019. He has also been invited to present
at the 2020 PMEA Conference, Idaho Music
Educators Conference, the Colorado Music
Educators Conference, and the California
Music Educators Conference. His article
“Checking the Score” was recently published
by PMEA. He has been invited back to teach
at the 2020 American Band College as their
bassoon clinician. During the past year
Worzbyt has done bassoon and band clinics
at South Park High School, South Allegheny
High School, Seneca Valley High School,
Clarion High and Clarion Junior High.
Faculty Notes Student Notes
Elary Mede
Alumni Notes
“Sheet Music in the Music Library”
by Carl Rahkonen, Music Librarian
Most music library patrons think that all
our printed music is sheet music. But
the term “sheet music” has a technical
denition, which is “music published
in single or interleaved sheet, usually
not bound.” Much of this music was
published more than a century ago when
families used to gather around their
pianos to play and sing the popular music
of the day. It was typically published on
pulp paper, the same as newspapers,
and was not meant to last. The music
library has several boxes of sheet music,
donated from the piano benches of
“grandmothers” who have passed away.
Most of it cannot be bound and used
for performance because of its age and
brittle condition.
That said, this music is wonderful for
research. It can have beautiful covers
and the music reects the times in which
it was published. For example, we have
several pieces by Carrie Jacobs-Bond,
who not only composed the music and
lyrics, but also did the art work on the
covers and had her own publishing
company. She was very successful in the
early decades of the twentieth century.
We recently acquired one more of her
nearly two-hundred compositions. Today
many large sheet music collections have
been digitized, since the music and art
work are in “public domain,” making them
easily available for study. The largest
collections have links from the Orendorff
Music Library home page.
L. Noel Patterson (BSEd ‘54) retired in 1997.
Since 1962, he and his wife have lived happily on
the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis where he
enjoys sailing, playing piccolo in the Bay Winds
Concert Band, and family time spent with his
children and grandchildren. “I will never forget the
wonderful times at Indiana!!!”
From Larry Black (BSEd ‘58): “I taught zero
days after graduation. With the draft board hot on
my heels, I decided to follow a family tradition of
being a pilot. I entered 18 months of U.S. Navy
ight training. Upon completion, I was assigned
to a transport squadron that ew worldwide. My
second Navy tour was in Naval Intelligence in
Washington, D.C. In 1966, I left the Navy to join
Pan American World Airways, again traveling all
over the world. After 20 years, I transferred to
United Airlines continuing my travels. In 1995,
after 8.5 years in the Navy, and 30 years in the
airlines, I retired. After retiring, I purchased a
motor home for further travel and enjoyment.
Incidentally, I carry an electronic keyboard as
part of my required equipment. My music training
was not wasted. I started choirs for two start-up
churches – one in Denver, CO, and the other in
Vienna, VA, and I played my keyboard at various
RV events. Classical music has always been
part of my life. I have a collection of musical
instruments to include: a grand piano, full size
organ, baritone, trumpet, cornet, violin, and guitar.
Indiana was an important part of my life; however,
I have no regrets leaving a teaching career for
one in aviation.”
Catherine (Cak) Marshall (BSEd ‘65) is a career
music educator. She taught at O’Hara School in
the Fox Chapel Area School District, Pittsburgh,
PA. After graduating from IUP, Cak went on
to earn an MME from Duquesne University;
Apprentice and Master Level Orff Certication
from the University of Memphis; Orff Levels I, II,
and III from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN;
and Kodály Level I from Duquesne University.
After her elementary music teaching career in
Mars Area School District (1965-66) and the Fox
Chapel Area School District (1966-2001), Cak
accepted the position of Educational Director
for Peripole, Inc. in Salem, Oregon in 2001. She
continues to work in this position on a part-time
basis and enjoys working with music teachers
throughout the U.S. Cak continues to present
workshops throughout the United States. She
has presented in 37 of the 50 states for American
Orff-Schulwerk Association (AOSA) Chapters;
AOSA National Conferences; and NAfME State,
Divisional, and National Conferences. She
has taught Level I Orff Certication Courses in
Florida, Wisconsin, and Virginia. She also has
her own consulting business entitled CAKKSTER
CONSULTING and works with music teachers on
an individual basis, mainly in Pennsylvania and
Florida. Moving to The Villages in 2016, Cak sings
with Village Voices, The Village Pops, Millennium
Master Chorale and preforms in plays with
lake Minoa Theatre Company and The Villages
Theatre Company. She also is often called to sing
in various churches in Florida.
Jim Self (BSEd ‘65) recently released an album
featuring his compositions for brass quintet.Self is
well-known as a studio musician in Los Angeles,
having played on over 1,500 soundtracks over
the past 40+ years. He was recently featured on
the cover of International Musician, the ofcial
journal of the American Federation of Musicians.
In addition to his studio work he also performs
regularly with four orchestras. Over the course
of his career he has also penned a multitude of
compositions for solo, chamber, and symphonic
settings. The album, Flying Circus, features
eight of his compositions for brass quintet. The
compositions were recorded by two of the most
prominent brass ensembles in Los Angeles,
Crown City Brass and Modern Brass. The album
was released on the Potenza label. The album
is dedicated to the memory of William Becker,
professor emeritus at IUP, who taught in the
Music Department for 30 years.
Sandra (Sovic) Carnahan (BSEd ‘67, MA ‘71)
taught music in public and parochial schools.
She is still teaching piano and is involved as an
accompanist for community and school groups.
She also sings in the St. Nicholas Orthodox
Church Choir. She has been married to Wes
Carnahan since 1972 and has two daughters and
two grandchildren.
Elaine Sheetz (BSEd, ‘71), was honored with the
IUP Distinguished Alumni Award in spring 2019.
While on campus to receiver her award, Elaine
worked with students in the IUP Department of
Music and spoke about her experiences as a
composer, pianist, teacher, and entrepreneur.
Congratulations, Elaine!
Sue Ann (Davis) Herd (BSEd ‘73) retired in
June 2018 after 25 years of teaching in the Mount
Pleasant (PA) Area School District. She continues
as the Director of Music at the Mt. Pleasant
United Methodist Church.
Colleen Fitzmartin Perrine (BSEd ‘74) was
recently nominated to the board of directors for
the Community Music and Arts Collaborative. She
is public relations director of the Music Mission in
Appleton, WI and is composer-in-residence and
worship leader at Prince of Peace Church. She is
working on an album of original songs titled “Once
in Bluegrass Moon.”
Anne Marie Uhl Robinson (BSEd ‘80) retired
in June 2019 after 39 years teaching elementary
vocal music in Newark, OH. In 2012 she was
honored with Licking County Foundation Educator
of the year award. In 2015 her choir sang at the
Ohio State House. They performed Unnished
Children’s Song, her original composition for
honoring Sandy Hook tragedy. The piece is now
Library Notes
The Music Library has this
copy of Jacobs-Bond’s most
successful song.
Alumni Notes
orchestrated for bands, choirs, and orchestras.
Upon graduation from IUP, Scott Salser (BSEd
‘84) taught K-6 General Music in the State
College Area School District for 3 years. From
there, having the opportunity to get in to a
high school choral position, he moved to East
Stroudsburg Area School District where he taught
all the choirs from 6-12 and Music Theory for 4
years. When his dream job as Senior High Choral
Director in Indiana Area School District became
available in 1991, he taught choirs in 10-12, Music
Theory, Music Appreciation, and small group vocal
lessons. Though the position has been altered
a number of times since then, Scott remained at
Indiana High School for the next 28 years. After
35 years of teaching music in the public schools of
PA, he retired at the conclusion of the 2018-2019
school year. He plans to stay involved musically
by accompanying and guest conducting as
opportunities arise. He continues to live in Indiana
with his wife Karen and daughter Delia.
Jamie Kasper (BSEd ‘99) was named director
of Arts Education Partnership (AEP). AEP is a
“national coalition of more than 100 organizations
dedicated to advancing the arts in education
through research, policy and practice.”
Lauren Hunter (BFA ‘06) accepted an Award
at the ASTA National Convention for Member
Recruitment – Highest Total Amount for
2018. Lauren serves as President of the New
Mexico State Chapter of ASTA. Lauren lives in
Albuquerque, NM where she is a Suzuki Violin
Specialist Teacher at New Mexico International
Dr. Andrew Machamer (BSEd ‘06) is now
Assistant Professor of Music Education at Baldwin
Wallace Conservatory.
Derek Cooper (BFA ‘09) has a composition
featured on an upcoming album by pianist Jenny
Lin. Sono Luminus released The Etudes Project,
Volume One: ICEBERG, in October 2019. The
album features 20 concert etudes—including
ten new works by the member composers of
ICEBERG New Music. Cooper is a member of
ICEBERG New Music, a collective of 10 NYC-
based composers. On the same day as the
album release, the complete score of the new
works from The Etudes Project, Volume One:
ICEBERG was published by NewMusicShelf, and
Lin performed a concert of all 10 new works, as
well as selected other works from the album, at
the National Opera Center in New York City.
Dr. Reed Hanna (BSEd ‘09) is now visiting
instructor of Music Theory and Applied
Woodwinds at Coker University.
Anqwenique Wingeld (BFA ‘09) performed
with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra as part
of the “Lift Every Voice: Celebrating Phenomenal
Women” concert on Saturday, March 2, 2019, in
Heinz Hall.
Jessica (Hann) Reynolds (BSEd, BFA ‘11)
graduated with distinction with her Master of
Music in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy from
Westminster Choir College in 2013. Afterwards,
she spent the summer abroad doing young artist
programs, such as Le Chiavi del bel Canto in
Houston, TX, the Westminster Choral Conducting
Institute at Oxford University, and the Crescendo
Summer Institute where she sang her rst
Donna Anna in Don Giovanni. She returned to
PA where she accepted the High School Choral
Director position in Windber, PA. She married her
husband, Josh Reynolds in December 2014. She
spent four years in Windber, teaching general and
vocal music to grades 5-12. She and her husband
welcomed their rst son, Mark Joshua in August
2016. In August 2017 she was offered the full-time
High School Vocal position at the Barbara Ingram
School for the Arts (BISFA) in Hagerstown,
MD. She and her family relocated so that she
could accept the position and she is now in her
second year in the position. In February 2018
she welcomed her second son, Logan Richard.
Working at BISFA has been incredible, and she is
“living the dream!” Recently, she did an exchange
with Westminster Choir College’s Schola
Cantorum where her students to to work and sing
with her grad school choir director, James Jordan.
She was also able to take two choirs to her Large
Ensemble Festival where her ensembles and the
other two BISFA choirs all received a superior
rating of “I”. Jessica says, “Thank you all for
helping me be able to become the educator I am
today. I denitely wouldn’t be here without IUP!”
She is looking forward to making a connection
between BISFA and IUP soon.
Kartik Ayysola (BFA ‘14) was the tenor soloist
singing Beethoven’s Mass in C with the Arlington
Symphony Orchestra and in the musical Funny
Girl with the Concord Players.
Neal Wentz (BSEd ‘14; BFA ‘18) is currently
working at Calvert County Public Schools
teaching 6th-8th grade orchestra. He is enrolled in
IUP’s MA Music Education program. He married
Andrew (Stueckroth) Wentz in March 2018.
Samuel Weiser (BFA ‘14) Traveled to Moscow
for 3 weeks of training at the Bolshoi Opera
Theater, made his debut as Daland in Richard
Wagner’s Daland in Der Fliegende Holländer
at the Miami Wagner Institute. He will return
for his second season as an Apprentice with
Washington National Opera singing the role of
Second Armored Man in Magic Flute as well as
Der Sprecher and Second Philistine in Samson
et Dalilah. He will be singing a Beethoven 9th
Symphony as the Bass Soloist as part of the
opening of the new addition onto the Kennedy
Center. He also just returned from Los Angeles
recording the world premiere of the opera Pepito
by Nicolas Lell Benavides.
Steven Moon (BSEd ‘15) was recently named a
recipient of a Fulbright Award. Steven is pursing
a PhD in Ethnomusicology at the University of
Jonathan Walker-Vankuren (BFA ‘15) made
his debut in Opera Southwest’s production of
Giovanni Bottesini’s Ali Baba in Albuquerque.
NM. He also started teaching as an Assistant
Professor of Voice at Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary.
Hanna Joy Wilson (BA ‘15) lives in Orlando and
performs regularly with Universal Studios, Walt
Disney World, and Sea World. She was just cast
in Universal Studio’s production of Grinchmas and
will be a Deejay at Walt Disney World.
Sadie Spencer (BSEd ‘16) was recently selected
to participate as a member of a four-person
committee to help shape the future of music
curriculum in public schools. Spencer worked
in part with NAfME (the National Association
for Music Education) to continue their work
with the Library of Congress and the Institute
for Composer Diversity to develop curriculum
and instructional units that lie specically in the
National Core Arts Standards. Her work took
place at the NAfME headquarters in Washington,
DC and at the Library of Congress. Spencer is
a music teacher at New Town High School in the
Baltimore County Public Schools.
Jenna Dell (BSEd ‘17) is teaching elementary
general and instrumental music for Baltimore
County Public Schools and she is especially
enjoying being a mentor to young oboists. In
addition to her full-time employment, she is
also pursuing a Master of Science in School
Counseling at McDaniel College in Westminster,
Tory Dellaora (BSEd 2017) graduated in May
with her Master’s degree in Higher Education
from Florida State University. She also started a
job as the FSU Career Center’s Career Liaison to
the College of Fine Arts and the College of Music.
Four former members of the IUP Trumpet
Studio recently participated in the 44th annual
conference of the International Trumpet Guild.
Marisa Youngs (BSEd ‘12), adjunct professor
of Trumpet at Winthrop College, served as
coordinator for the New Works Recital. She also
presented a clinic titled “Balance Under Pressure:
Warm-Up Tactics for Audition and Performance
Days.” Tim Wineld (BSEd ‘05), assistant
professor of Trumpet at Westminster College,
performed in the New Works Recital. James
Johnson (BSEd ‘11), newly appointed assistant
professor of Trumpet at the University of Akron,
presented a clinic titled “Working in Academia:
What to do AFTER You Win Your First Job.” The
three joined forces to judge the Junior Youth
Division Competition, where 10 nalists, ages 15
and under, performed solos from the standard
trumpet literature. Marie Mencher (BSEd ‘17),
a graduate candidate in trumpet performance at
Kansas State University, served as one of the
reporters for the ITG Journal. Her reports will
appear in the October 2019 issue of the Journal
as part of a synopsis of the 2019 Conference.
We are saddened to report of the loss of
1985 alumnus, Tom Nagy. Tom taught for
many years in the Central Cambria School
District and was a mentor to many music
Indiana University of
Department of Music
103 Cogswell Hall
422 South Eleventh Street
Indiana, PA 15705-1049
Notes is a publication for alumni and friends of the IUP Department of Music; Dr. Stephanie Caulder, Chair.
The coordinator for Notes is Dr. Zach Collins.
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Dr. Zach Collins
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Department of Music
103 Cogswell Hall
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Indiana, PA 15705-1049