Whenever I’m in a situation where I need to introduce myself, my answer will be
something along the lines of:!
“Hey, I am Mariët! I am a photographer living in The Hague with my husband and our
dog. I mainly shoot weddings, but I’m always working on various side projects.”!
But let me really introduce my Self now.
I am the woman who still feels like a little girl on a daily basis. I am also the woman who is
wild to the bones. The girl who is insecure, and the queen who conquered her land. I am
the one with the angry hamstrings. I love smoothies. I am the one that is transitioning into
a vegan lifestyle and wants to be an activist, and I am the one that avoids conflict. I have
been struggling with a lot of things a lot of times, and am still struggling with things every
day. Waking up is not my favourite part of the day, neither is going to bed. I never fall
asleep easily, my dreams are so vivid I sometimes wake up laughing or screaming or
crying. The creative muse in me is big and wild and untamed and like a small child, free
and wondering and wandering. But it is also afraid to take up space. Afraid to say Hey
this is me, this is my love and my heart and my soul poured out in writing, this drawing or
a photograph.’ I believe dogs make this world a happier place.
I am the woman who feels like the sea is always the best place to be. Sand between my
toes, wind in my hair and tears rolling down my face because of because of what?
Sometimes I don’t even know. I am the compassionate one, the strong one, the hard one
and the soft one. Totally in love with making healthy food and doing yoga and then
crumbling down between cookies and chocolate and crying over my belly that is too big
and too soft. I am the one that loves her body and loves swinging through the living room
with sexy music and no bra on. I am the successful entrepreneur and forever in doubt
about what I want to do. I am a feminist. An earthling. I have created many beautiful
things and have also broken some. Music is everything. So is silence. Or the sound of
waves. There is one thing I can not stand and that is fakery. No, there’s more. Injustice.
Sexism. Racism. Speciesism. Violence. !
I am a healer, I believe in magic and I believe touch and skin to skin contact can
sometimes be all one needs. I believe in God and I call it God because that’s what I was
raised with. I believe I am part of a beautiful creation and it is my responsibility to take
good care of it. I believe God is the sea and the trees and the wind and the sun and the
moon and me. I love the male and the female and the light and the dark and everything
this universe holds. I am the one that can judge others so very harshly and then cry
because I am sorry and because we are all one. I can never have enough plants and
flowers in my home. I am sometimes yearning for the simplest life, for being a stay-at-
home-mom and never worry about anything else than what to cook and kissing scraped
knees. I am also yearning to travel the world and make documentaries and fight for
human rights and animal rights and never give up and never pull back. !
I am the one that can spend days on end scrolling through beautiful pictures and quotes
and then feel guilty for doing that because I could have been the one making these
beautiful pictures and quotes. I am the one that loves. Endlessly. Unconditionally. There
are many things that scare me, but death is not one of them. I do not believe death is the
end, it’s just a new beginning.
I love colours and sometimes all I need is black on black on black. My favourite colour is
a blueish, greenish, greyish thing that doesn’t have a name because it has a thousand
names and I can never just pick one. And on some days it’s yellow. I am most
comfortable in my own home, which sometimes is the whole world. And sometimes it’s
these four walls between which I’m writing this.
I am the one that started writing a million books and never finished one. I am the one that
is scared to write this one and is doing it anyway.
COPYRIGHT © 2016 by Mariët Mons. All rights reserved. This e-book or any portion
thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. ©
So, there are a few things I want to talk about. Living a calm life by taking the
responsibility of choosing what is in it. Living a good life by taking the responsibility to
heal and to spread your light and living a happy life by allowing it to be one. These aren’t
the easiest things, and yet they are. Because they all come back to you, your choices and
your mindset. And yes, sometimes that is hard. There are days where you just can’t
muster up the strength to be calm, good and happy. And that’s okay. We can always,
always start over. Right now, right here, every second of every day. It doesn’t matter what
went wrong this morning, yesterday or last week, it matters what you choose now. Today.
I’ve spent a lot of time feeling guilty about past choices, and there is only one thing I
learned from that: it serves no one. !
That’s why, before we dive in deeper, I want you to read this list of things you need to stop
doing, and stop doing them. They serve no one.
Feeling guilty about past choices, even if it was just this morning.
Worrying about the future, you’ll deal with it as it comes.
Thinking everything you do should be perfect, it never will.
Procrastinating the good stuff, ‘someday’ does not exist.
Running from your problems, they will follow right behind you.
Spending time with the wrong people, you’ve got better things to do.
Wasting time faking things, whether they are orgasms or Instagram pictures.
Buying stuff you don’t need, the more stuff the more to worry about.
Comparing yourself to others, you never know everything.
Multitasking, do one thing at a time, with full attention.
(And smoking. Always stop smoking.)!
Of course, there are some things I want you to start doing as well. Read on.
From here on out, we are honest. From here on out, we are real. From here on out, it
doesn't matter if we fit the standards of our society or not. Here, we pour our hearts out.
Here, we heal. Here, we honour the fire within us, the earth below us, the sky above us.
Here, we fly over the waters of our souls and here we howl to the moon. Here, we
embrace. Without restraint. There are no rules here. Welcome.!
Oh, and do me a favour. Write an Introducing-Your-Self-Piece (like I did) about yourself.
It’s freeing. It’s interesting. It’s hard and it’s lovely. It’s fun. It can help. It will help.
Let’s start communicating. Truly
communicating. Not just (im)patiently waiting
until the other person stops talking so you
can start, but truly listen. Truly respond to
what the other person is saying. Starting a
conversation just to ask someone how
they’re doing, with the intention of truly
hearing the answer, whatever it may be. Let’s
not talk about ourselves for a full
conversation (and find out how difficult
that actually is) and then be more open than
ever in the next. About the things that truly
matter. Because how are you really feeling?
What makes you happy, or sad? What are you
dealing with in your life? How did you sleep
last night and what were you thinking of
when you were in the shower this morning?!
How are you?
We all come from different corners of the world, but if you are reading this I am guessing
you at least have a smartphone, probably a computer or laptop as well as a tv. Maybe a
radio. Perhaps you sometimes read a newspaper or magazine, check Instagram and
Twitter daily. You know it can be crazy. Crazy good and crazy mad. There is so much!
Impulses all over the place. Constantly. There is this ongoing stream of stuff finding its
way into your life, your head, your heart and your soul.!
If you are even a little bit like me you can feel completely overwhelmed by this. If you are
a lot like me, all this information makes you feel restless, as if it’s ripping you out of your
own soil, roots and all. And we need calmness. We need to tend to the soil with the right
equipment. Create the best landscape for us to grow in, form the most beautiful
environment in which to ground, expand our roots deep into the earth and stand strong
and tall. Sunshine, a cleansing rain shower every once in a while and, of course, good
things to feed on.!
You are in charge of this. Let me say that again. You are in charge of this. You are in
charge of what is in your life, who is in your life. You are in charge of what is in your feed,
who is in your feed. You are in charge of what you hear, see, read and who you invite over.
It is your responsibility to plan and shape your life in a way that serves you. This is
different for every soul but I do believe there are some things we all need and some
things none of us need. None of us needs endless tweets and ‘news’ articles about
people we don’t even know and will never meet. None of us needs loud, flashy
commercials promoting deodorant or the newest gadget. None of us needs to look at the
picture perfect (and mostly fake) lives of people on Instagram we, again, don’t even
know. None of us needs sexism. None of us needs body shaming. None of us needs
reality tv (which we all know deep down in our hearts is completely fake anyway) and
gossip. None of us needs this constant stream of visual and audial stimuli. None of us
needs people in our lives who do not make us feel loved.
What we do need is silence every once in a while, to hear our own mind and soul
whispering. Music that touches our heart. Articles that inspire us to do better or to rest
and take care of ourselves. Documentaries that show us the truth. People who fully
support us, make us feel loved and put their arms around us when we need it the most.
What we do need is truth. Love. Warmth. Time to think. What we do need is to learn.
Learn how to take care of ourselves, our bodies, the world. What we do need is to not be
constantly interrupted by our phones.
Let me say it again: You are in charge of what you hear, see, read and who you invite
over. Every visual, audial thing that finds its way into your life is your choice. It is your
responsibility to plan and shape your life in a way that serves you.
And so I highly recommend turning off your notifications. Turning off your phone every
once in a while. Close your laptop, unplug your tv and go outside. Take a walk, go find
yourself some nature to wander around in. Touch a tree, close your eyes and feel nature’s
pulse. Go to the beach, take off your shoes and feel the sand between your toes. Listen to
the waves. Let the sound of the sea and the wind clear your mind. !
Do everything you do with your full attention. Focus. Be mindful about every step. Every
breath. Every word. Every movement. Every choice. !
Unsubscribe from all channels that make you feel restless. That give you information you
do not need. Unsubscribe from drama, gossip and ‘reality’ shows. Turn off your radio and
listen only to music that you actually totally like, without being constantly interrupted by
DJ’s and stupid commercials for stuff you don’t need. Unfollow that which makes you feel
bad about yourself and those who do not inspire you. Cancel your tv subscription and
watch only that which truly amuses you, educates you or helps you unwind. Again,
without being interrupted by noisy, flashy commercials that encourage you to buy stuff
you don’t need. Throw out the magazines that tell you that you are not thin / fit / smooth /
sexy / happy / successful enough. Read good books. Stories that take you to the most
beautiful worlds, stories that educate you. Follow the social media accounts of people
that are true to themselves, that care about showing you the truth. The ones that address
the truly important matters. Shape your days around tending to your soil. Whether that is
getting up early to run, or sleeping in because you need it. Whether that is crying in your
mothers arms, or staying up late laughing with friends. Journal. Write it all out, whatever
you think, whatever you dream of. Meditate. Take the time to listen to your heart. Don’t
believe everything you see on the news. Always ask questions.!
And lastly, close your doors to people that do not support you. Stop dealing with people
that make you feel bad about yourself. Those who suck the energy out of you because
you have to pretend to be someone you’re not or because they are a constant source of
negativity. Break bonds with people that try to put you down. Search for better people to
be around. Find your tribe. Find likeminded people who wish the very best for you. People
that support you, make you feel good about yourself and inspire you to reach for the very
best version of yourself. People that understand when sometimes, you can’t. Don’t spend
one more minute, don’t waste any more energy trying to meet any expectations but your
own. And limit those as well. Just be. Exist.
The other day I was talking to a dear friend and during this
conversation I said: “You gotta ask yourself – does my life serve
me?” The moment I said it I knew I had to remember that question
because I wanted to blog about it. I did, and I wanted to share it
here as well, because I really believe this is important.
A lot of us have this picture perfect life in our heads and we want
to achieve it as quickly as possible. Whether you are the grade A
student who studies Law and wants to have a house with a
garden, a family and a good job by 30, or the #fitgirl working
towards a slim body and always the next marathon (and the next,
and the next), the hippie trying to always vibrate on the highest
frequency or the Instagram model taking hundreds of pictures to
find that perfect ‘careless’ one for her next gig. Blogs about
health, fitness, productivity and habits are shooting up out of the
ground like weeds and the number of young people being burned
out, collapsing under the pressure of being perfect is shockingly
We all want something different, but we all want something. We
all feel the pressure to be the perfect student, wife or fitgirl, to
have the best Instagram feed, job or house. To show the world that
we are doing great, that we are busy, but happy and never
struggling. Always moving forward, creating new opportunities
and habits to keep doing this. To keep striving. And there is nothing
wrong with wanting to achieve things. With wanting to grow in
life and wish for certain things. But please, be vigilant about this.
Because how does this life you’re working so hard to achieve serve
you? Your soul? Does it make you feel truly happy? Does it make
you love yourself? Does it make you feel safe? Grounded? Are you
actually thriving, or are you secretly crumbling down behind
that picture perfect wall? Is all this truly what YOU want, or do
you have to admit that you feel pressured by your family, magazines
or social media? Why do you want all this? Do you give yourself
enough time to enjoy, rest, play, laugh and just… do… nothing…?
Because you shouldn’t serve your life, your life should serve you.
I also believe we have a responsibility to live a good life. Not only do we need to be good
for ourselves, but we need to be good for each other. For the earth. For the ones without a
voice. If we want to continue to enjoy this beautiful world we live in, we have a
responsibility to take care of it. If we want our children to be able to enjoy that same
beautiful Mother Earth, we need to stop tearing her down. Ask anyone what they would
wish for if they were granted a wish by a genie and the answer is ‘world peace’. Then why
is there no world peace? We are not even close to world peace. And there are a lot of
things you as an individual and we as a group can do to help achieve world peace. On all
kinds of levels. !
Do you think you are too small to make a difference?
Try sleeping in a room with a mosquito. !
- Dalai Lama XIV
We can spread love. We can live in kindness. We can stop hurting each other. We can
smile and brighten someone’s day. We can help when help is needed. We can stop body
shaming. We can stop gossiping and hating on each other or people online. We can stop
killing and eating other species. We can stop giving tons and tons of food to our food and
give it to the hungry people instead. We can stop the cutting down of rainforests. We can
inspire other people to do good. We can adopt a dog instead of buying a puppy which
supports breeding. We can buy fair clothes. Yes, they are more expensive but that is only
in our minds because we are used to low prices and buying so many things we don’t
need. We can stop exploiting children, animals and the earth. We can make the right
choice. We can educate ourselves. We can make way for everyone to be accepted as
they are, no matter their preferred gender, sexual orientation, skin colour or (non)religious
beliefs. !
These are just some things that come to mind but let it be clear: there is so much we can
do to get us closer to world peace. To help the world heal. We can stand up, speak up,
fight. We have a responsibility to no longer accept sexist or racist comments, to no longer
close our eyes to all the violence. We can all be activists, all in our own way.!
And yes, people will call you crazy. But they called the first people that wanted to stop
slavery crazy. They called the first people that fought for women’s voting rights crazy. Let’s
be a little crazy, shall we? Let’s connect. Let’s educate ourselves. There is an endless list
of books you can read, documentaries you can watch to learn about what’s going on in
the world. To dive deeper into a subject that touches you. We all have something.
Maybe you can go vegan, maybe you’ll never buy cheap and bloodstained clothes again,
maybe you’ll help out at the local pet shelter. Maybe you’ll photograph disabled kids for
free, maybe you’ll use your talents to write beautiful songs that inspire people to change.
Maybe you’ll go into politics. Maybe you’ll protest naked outside a factory or maybe you’ll
But there are a few things we can all do. We can all be kind. We can all smile. We can all
choose our words carefully and not hurt the ones around us. We can all choose not to
support the things we don’t believe in. We have a responsibility to do so.!
This world is our home, the earth provides for us everything we need, it is time to start
returning the favour. !
We take better care of what we feel connected to. This is something we see in
all kinds of areas in our lives. The dog we pet, the pig we eat. The wrapper we
throw on the sidewalk of the park but not in our own garden. We take better
care of the necklace we inherited from our grandma than the one we bought
for $3 at some shop we can’t remember. When we hear about a car crash one
town over we might murmur one sentence about how horrible it is and then
we go on with our lives like nothing happened, but when we see a car crash
happen right in front of us, we are completely shocked, even if there’s no
relation to the victims other than that you just saw them.
The animal we feel connected to because it’s so much like us and lives among
us, our grandma we love SO much, someone we saw driving by just now… The
connection can be strong and profound or superficial and fleeting, but as
long as there is one: we care.
One of the most important forms of caring for us and the world to function
properly, to survive, is self care. When we feel disconnected of who we are, a
possible first sign of depression, we stop taking care of ourselves, our bodies,
our homes. Then we stop taking care of relationships, work and everything
around us. We need the connection. To ourselves, to others, to nature. To life.
We are one. So let’s connect. Let’s look at everything from a conscious point
of view. Let’s grab our own hands and thank our bodies for being here, for
keeping us safe. Let’s promise our bodies to keep them safe, to take good care of
them. Let’s take a walk with Mother Nature and be grateful for the beauty,
oxygen and peace she provides. Let’s promise her to take better care of her, to
keep her clean and help her thrive and bloom. Let’s no longer close our eyes
to what’s happening to animals behind closed doors and promise the animal
kingdom to love and protect it. To not take advantage of it and do it no harm,
because animals are inhabitants of the earth, just like us. Because they feel fear
and pain, just like us. Let’s call our loved ones and tell them we love them and
need them, and promise them to be there, always. Let’s look at everything we
own, from the big, warm sweater we bury ourselves in when it’s cold to the
plant that’s adorning your living room. Let’s promise ourselves to wash and
water them carefully, so they can continue to warm and adorn. Let’s promise
ourselves and the world to be nice. To our mom, our neighbour, the mailman
and the waiter. Everyone.
Doing all this is self care in its purest form.
Because we are one.
I wouldn’t have to teach my people to love themselves
if they weren’t taught to hate themselves first.
– King Emare
We’ve been taught so many bad things over the years, the centuries. Things like it’s okay
to hate your body (actually, we need you to hate it so we can sell you crap), it’s ok to
poison your body with cigarettes and drugs and alcohol and food that’s making you sick
(actually, we need you to do that so we can sell you drugs), it’s okay to hate on others
(actually, please do, so we can use that hate as fuel to get what we want – power), it’s ok
to rape, torture and kill other species (actually, we need to do that so we can make quick
and easy money), it’s better to succumb to the enormous pressure of being busy and
perfect than to live a calm, simple and happy life (actually, please have a mental
breakdown so we can prescribe some more drugs).
We are hurting others and by doing so we are hurting ourselves. Mother Nature gives us
life and we are tearing her down. We have the ability to heal ourselves, our body has the
ability to heal itself, but we are hurting it over and over and over again. This needs to
It is time to heal. It is our responsibility to break through this curse and heal not only our
kids, but ourselves and the people around us.
We need to love our bodies for being a vessel for what’s inside.
We need to take care of our bodies and stop poisoning them.
We need to love, respect and help the people around us.
We need to accept people for who they are, no matter their gender, sexual orientation,
beliefs or looks.
We need to be kind.
We need to support each other, always.
We need to support other women, let them know that they are amazing, that menstruating
is not filthy and that our bodies are ours and ours alone.
We need to support other men, let them know that they do not have to show aggression
and dominance to ‘be a man’, we need to tell them that it’s okay to cry. To feel.
We need to care for the earth and all it’s earthlings, stop hurting and exploiting them.
We need to hold space for calmness, simplicity, time to do nothing.
We need to stop the glorification of busy.
We need to raise our kids with love, honesty, respect for everything around them, humility.
We need to tell our kids about consent.
We need to heal the earth.
We need to heal ourselves.
We need to heal our bodies.
We need to heal our minds.
We need to heal.
We need to heal.
Let’s open the floodgates and pour out love over everything and everyone. Let’s stop
dancing to the tune of others, let’s start hearing our own tune and dancing to that. Let’s
put our hands on our hearts, feel the drum and let it guide us. We can only be what we
give ourselves the power to be. You have power. I have power. We can do this. Let’s start
with our actions and words.
The words you speak are the house you live in.
– Sadie Rose
Let’s build new houses.
The world is hurting, it has been hurting for too long. People are
hurting, the earth itself is hurting, animals are hurting. We have a
responsibility, you and me, to heal it, us, them. We have a responsibility to
care. Every single one of us knows struggle and I will not waste time
comparing one struggle to another, because every struggle is one and
needs care, healing. Focus on that, take care of yourself, heal yourself
so that you can heal the world. Please do whatever it takes to become
strong, rooted, so that you can spread light to the world.
And when you’re strong enough, I’m begging you… Help someone out.
Smile. Leave the meat for a day, or two. Meditate. Radiate love. Speak up
against violence, hate, fear, racism, sexism, speciesism.
I see all these rants online about Pokemon Go, how people are wasting
time playing while they could be educating themselves, protesting or
healing the world in whatever way they can… But we shouldn’t do that.
Because when you are ranting about people playing Pokemon Go, you
too are wasting time you could be spending better. Lighter. This game is
helping people with anxiety to go out and meet people, walk around, it
heals to some extend. We don’t know that so leave those people alone.
But if you read this, if you are ok, if you are strong and able to bring
light, even in the simplest of ways, then please… please do it. Bring light. It
is our responsibility to do so. We need to focus on love, support each
other, be nice to each other, stop judging others based on appearance,
sexuality and all those other things that do not matter if we ever want
this world to become a better place. Let’s hold each other’s hands no
matter what story sticks to our soul, no matter what is wrapped around
our bones and judge what is really hurting the world.
A body shape or an outfit that doesn’t fit your taste doesn’t hurt the
world. A woman’s nipple does not hurt the world. Being gay does not
hurt the world. The endless judging does. Racism does. Sexism does. Hate
does. It is our responsibility to drive those demons we let loose back
into their cages and burn them to the ground. It is our responsibility to
stand up. To care. To protect. To defend. To heal. To love. To rise above the
hateful fire that is scorching the earth and extinguish it with our tears
of compassion. Be kind. Live kind.
Spread light. Please. The world needs it.
Ugh, so many responsibilities. Okay, last one. It is your responsibility to allow yourself to
live a happy life. In order to do so, a few things need to change. !
Stop being mad at yourself for three hundred and forty-six reasons. Stop feeling guilty
about practically every breath you take. Stop being ashamed of the space you take up.
Stop hating your own body. Allow yourself to really enjoy your life, the littlest things. Talk
about your blessings more than you talk about your burdens. It’s all about focus. I’m not
saying ignore the burdens, but try acting upon them instead of talking about them. Live.
Exist. Listen. Focus. Stop beating life and your happiness down with endless arguments
about what’s going wrong. There is a lot going right, you know.!
But also, do talk about the burdens if you need to. Do it with the right people. The ones
we talked about earlier in this book. !
It is okay. You are okay. You are enough. You are amazing. Maybe affirmations work for
you, maybe they don’t, but believe in yourself. The good and the bad. The light and the
dark. !
Stop thinking that your life is not a happy life because you feel sad every once in a while.
Stop thinking that a bad morning, a bad day or a bad week ruins everything. It does not.
You can always, always start over. Let there be room for every aspect of you.
You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable
how enough you are.!
- Sierra Bogges
No, we’re not always at our prettiest, we’re not always super happy and confident. We are
not always concerned with everything and everyone around us, we’re not doing only the
exciting stuff. We are not fairy tales, we are real people. You and me. With ups and
downs. But you know what? I don’t want to be a fairy tale. I want to be real. Imagine being
a fairy tale, everything would have to be perfect all the time. How exhausting! No, I am
not perfect, but I am good enough the way I am. Just like you. Our lives are good enough.
We can live a happy life anytime we want. We just need to choose to do so every
morning. Heck, maybe twice a day. !
We need to learn that life isn’t meant to be perfect, and that knowing this is actually pretty
nice. We need to allow ourselves to love every raw part of life. Every bit. Happiness is
Place your hand on your heart.
Just do it. Now close your eyes,
lift your chin a little and smile.
Just lightly is ok. Feel. Breathe. Be.
You are here, you are loved and
all will be well.