03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
Notification of an Iowa Training Fire- Demolition or a Controlled Burn of a
Demolished Building
**Please review the attached Instructions before completing this notification. Fill out completely. Fire
departments and/or cities may be cited for violations for incomplete notifications**
1a. Type of Notification:
Training Fire
Demolished Building Burn
Please review the attached Instructions to determine whether the proposed burn would be considered a controlled burn of a
demolished building or a training fire. Controlled burns of a demolished building are subject to additional restrictions.
Questions #2-10 and #19 (Signature Certification) must be completed for both types of burns
2. Fire Department or City official responsible for the burn (Name)
Contact (Name)
Telephone Number
(Documentation of City Council approval is required for all demolished building burns.)
3. Building Owner Name
Telephone Number
4. Building Name
5. Building Size (Square Feet)
# of Floors
Age in Years
Present Use
Prior Use
6. Person conducting thorough inspection for asbestos-containing materials [ACM] (see Instructions):
Telephone Number
7. Laboratory analysis method used to check samples for asbestos fibers:
(Attach a copy of the laboratory report. See Instructions for details)
8. Is/Was asbestos containing material [ACM] present in the building?
If “Yes,” attach a summary of how the material was/will be removed. If an asbestos NESHAP notification was
previously submitted for the removal, please attach a copy of the previous notification.
NOTE: All asbestos containing material (ACM) must be removed before building demolition.
9a. Will asphalt roofing layers be removed prior to demolition and burning? See Instructions for details.
No If “No,” complete 9b and 9c.
9b. Have all asphalt roofing layers been analyzed and found to not contain asbestos?
If “No,” the asphalt roofing must be removed prior to the demolition and burn. Results of all asphalt roofing analyses
must be attached to this notification.
9c. If non-asbestos asphalt roofing will remain on the structure during the burn, this notification is for the
burn for this calendar year (NOTE: The limit on burning two structures per calendar year with asphalt
roofing applies to both training fires and controlled burns of demolished buildings.)
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
10. Burn dates
Alternate dates
NOTE: For demolished building burns, notification must be postmarked or hand-delivered to the DNR at least thirty (30) days
before the proposed burn start date and at least 10 working days prior to the start of demolition. For training fires, notification
must be postmarked or hand-delivered to the DNR at least ten working days before the proposed burn start date.
If the burn is a Controlled Burn of a Demolished Building, cities must also complete questions 11-18. If the burn is a
Training Fire, skip to question #19 (Signature Certification). See instructions for details on questions 11-18.
11. Provide an explanation of why alternative methods of debris management are not being used to dispose of the
12. Describe what methods will be used to notify nearby residents of the proposed burn.
13a. Is the building being, or has it been, mechanically demolished before the controlled burn will occur?
No If “Yes,” complete 13b & c. If “No,” complete 13d.
NOTE: The NESHAP notification for demolition must be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start of demolition. If an
asbestos NESHAP notification for the demolition was previously submitted, please attach a copy with this notification.
13b. Demolition dates
13c. Demolition Contractor Information
Company Name
Street Address
13d. If building has not been, or will not be, demolished prior to burning, please indicate why the proposed burn
will not qualify as a training fire (check all that apply).
Building not safe to enter (dilapidated and/or no longer standing)
Building is too close to neighboring buildings
Fire fighter training exercise not being conducted
Other (please briefly summarize)
14a. Will the demolished building burn occur at the original building address indicated in question #4?
No (Demolished building will be moved to another location).
If “No,” also complete 14b, c & d (if applicable).
14b. Exact burn site location (give site address, coordinates and/or attach a map).
NOTE: A city may establish a burn site outside the city limits provided they meet the established requirements. The burn
site must be at least 0.6 miles from the nearest building inhabited by a person (including both residences and
14c. Will additional buildings be included in the proposed burn?
No If “Yes,” complete 14d.
14d. Indicate the original addresses for all other buildings to be included in this proposed burn:
NOTE: A complete notification is required for each building to be burned. Please attach completed notifications for all
buildings to be burned at this location on this proposed date.
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
15. Total square feet of demolished building material to be burned at the site
NOTE: The sum total square feet of building material for each burn may not exceed 1700 square feet.
16. Approximate time that burn will occur.
Start time
End time
NOTE: A demolished building burn may be conducted only between the hours of 6 AM and 6 PM.
17. If the burn is located outside the city limits please provide the exact distance, in miles, from the burn site to the
nearest building inhabited by a person (including both residences and businesses).
(Please, attach a map)
18. Including this proposed burn, how many demolished building burns will your city have conducted within the city
limits in this calendar year?
NOTE: Each city may conduct no more than one demolished building burn in every 0.6 mile radius circle in any one calendar year
period. See the attached Instructions for details and rule requirements.
19. I certify that the above information is correct, complete, and that the above referenced training fire or demolished
building burn will be conducted in accordance with paragraphs 567 Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)“g” and “j”
[Published 3/16/05 and effective 4/20/05].
I certify that if unexpected asbestos-containing materials are found during the training fire or demolished building
burn, the burning will cease immediately, and will not resume until all asbestos-containing materials are properly
removed. I certify none of the material prohibited as specified in 567 IAC 23.2(3) “g” and “j” will be burned.
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
Notification of an Iowa Training Fire- Demolition or a
Controlled Burn of a Demolished Building
(Revised March 2005)
These instructions describe how to complete the required Department of Natural Resources (DNR) notification form for
training fires or demolished building burns (DNR Form 542-8010). Rules for these burns were amended March 16, 2005
and became effective April 20, 2005. As such, the DNR highly recommends that fire departments and cities carefully
review these instructions, the applicable rules, and the DNR Fact Sheet before proceeding with building preparation or
notification. All of these documents are available on our website at www.iowacleanair.gov (click on links for Asbestos or
Open Burning under the topics on the left side of the page).
Other considerations for demolished building burns
Note that all non-structural materials must be removed prior to demolition and burning, including rubber tires,
chemicals, furniture, carpeting, household appliances, vinyl products (such as flooring or siding), trade waste, garbage,
rubbish, landscape waste, and residential waste.
1a. Type of Notification: Check the box indicating either Training Fire or Demolished Building Burn.
It is very important that cities and fire departments determine whether the proposed burn is a training fire or a
demolished building burn. Both burns require prior notification and proper removal of all asbestos containing materials.
Controlled burns of demolished buildings are subject to additional conditions, including the requirement to attach
documentation of city council approval.
Training Fires: To be considered a training fire under DNR air quality rules, the proposed burn must be for the purposes
of bona fide training of public or industrial employees in firefighting methods. The fire must be conducted with the
building structurally intact. It must also be conducted according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1403
Standard on Live Training Fire Evolutions (2002 Edition) or a comparable standard.
Controlled Burn of a Demolished Building: If the proposed burn does not meet the definition of a training fire, a city
may be able to conduct a controlled burn of a demolished building burn. A city is the only party that may conduct a
controlled burn of a demolished building. However, demolished building burns are currently not allowed within the city
limits of Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Council Bluffs, Carter Lake, Des Moines, West Des Moines, Clive, Windsor
Heights, Urbandale, Pleasant Hill, Buffalo, Davenport, Mason City, or any other area where state implementation plans
require the control of particulate matter. In other cities, there are limits on the number of demolished building burns
that may be conducted within a given area, and additional criteria for building and burn specifications.
1b. Type of Notification: Check the box indicating Original, Revised or Canceled.
The initial notification submitted to the DNR will always be an “Original” notification. If any of the information on the
burn has changed, the city or fire department must send a Revised notification. Additionally, if the city or fire
department decides not to conduct the burn, they should submit a copy of the notification with the “Cancelled” box
checked. The city clerk must keep a copy of all notifications, for your records, for at least three years.
Questions 2-5 (Building information)
It is very important the DNR has the correct building address, as well as current contact names and phone numbers for
the City and the building owner. Note that the city, fire department (if applicable), and the building owner are
responsible for ensuring that the proposed burn complies with all applicable air quality rules.
Questions 6-8 (Questions regarding asbestos materials inspection and removal)
Prior to a structural training fire or a demolished building burn, the State Rules and Federal regulations require the
1. Thoroughly inspect the facility to determine the presence of any asbestos-containing materials (ACM). To
meet the “thorough inspection” requirement, all suspected asbestos-containing materials must be sampled and
laboratories analyzed, or are assumed to contain asbestos. Suspect asbestos-containing materials include, but
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
are not limited to: floor tile, linoleum, pipe and boiler insulation, heat duct wrap and joint tape, cementitious
siding and roofing, asphalt-based roofing, ceiling tiles, joint compound, and sprayed-on-texturing.
Please refer to the Thorough Asbestos Inspection Guidance, attached, for more information about conducting a
thorough inspection for asbestos containing materials. Additionally, you must attach a copy of the ACM
laboratory analysis to your notification form.
2. All asbestos-containing materials (friable and nonfriable) must be removed prior to building demolition.
Asbestos removal is to be performed in accordance with the requirements contained in 40 CFR, Part 61, Subpart
M (Sections 61.145 and 61.150). Please refer to the guidance, Applicable Portions of the Asbestos NESHAP,
attached, for the training required to abate regulated asbestos containing material. Additionally, you must
attach a copy of any previous notifications of ACM abatement or removal and/or provide a summary of how
the ACM was, or will be, removed prior to demolition and burning.
Question #9 (Asphalt Roofing Material)
Limits exist on burning asphalt roofing materials in training fires or demolished building burns. Each layer of roofing
must be properly analyzed and found to contain no asbestos. If any roofing material is found to contain asbestos, it must
be removed prior to building demolition. If the asphalt roofing is found to contain no asbestos and will remain with the
building materials during burning, copies of the laboratory reports verifying this must be submitted to the DNR along
with the notification form.
During each calendar year, each city is limited to no more than two building fires per calendar year in which asbestos-
free, asphalt roofing remains during the burn. The two-burn limit on asbestos-free, asphalt roofing includes both
training fires and demolished building burns. If all asphalt roofing is removed, there is no limit on the number of training
fires that a city and/or fire department may conduct. However, limits do exist on the number of demolished building
burns that a city may conduct in a given area. This limit is explained later in these instructions.
Question #10 Proposed burn dates
It is extremely important that cities and fire departments indicate the proposed burn dates on the notification. The city
or fire department may choose alternate dates for burning. A revised notification must be submitted if the burn will no
longer be conducted on the proposed dates.
For a controlled burn of a demolished building, the city fire department or city official must submit the completed
notification at least thirty (30) days before the proposed burn date and at least 10 working days prior to demolition.
Notification of a training fire must be postmarked or delivered to the DNR at least 10 working days before the proposed
burn date. Working days are Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday do not count as working days. If a
notification is Faxed, it must be followed by a hard copy, postmarked or hand delivered accordingly.
If you are conducting a training fire, proceed to the Signature Certification at the end of the notification form. If you are
conducting a controlled burn of a demolished building, you must also complete questions 11-18.
Question #11 (Alternative methods of building debris management)
The DNR encourages cities to explore and utilize, to the extent possible, alternative methods of building disposal. Please
briefly describe what, if any, alternative disposal methods were explored and used. This may include salvaging, recycling,
re-using rubble for fill, and landfilling. Please also briefly explain why burning was chosen to dispose of some or all of the
Question #12
The DNR strongly encourages cities to notify area residents of the proposed burn. Please briefly describe what
method(s) the city will use to notify nearby residents.
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
Questions #13a-d
13a. Please check whether or not the building will be mechanically demolished prior to burning. Note that all asbestos
containing materials must be properly removed prior to building demolition. If the building is not safe to enter for a
thorough inspection and/or asbestos removal, the building may not be burned.
If you answered “yes” to 13a, please also complete questions 13b & c for the demolition contractor information and
demolition start dates. If you previously submitted an asbestos NESHAP notification for the demolition, please attach a
copy. Notification must be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start of demolition.
If you will not be mechanically demolishing the building prior to burning, please complete 13d. Please check the box best
describing the reason why the city has elected to conduct a demolished building burn rather than a training fire. This
information allows the DNR to track information about the reasons for conducting demolished building burns.
Questions 14a-d
14a. Please check whether the demolished building will occur at the building’s original address indicated in question #4.
If “yes,” proceed to question 15. If “no,” complete questions 14b, c and d, as applicable. For question 14b, indicate the
exact location of the building burn site. It is extremely helpful if you attach a map. A city may establish a burn site
outside the city limits, provided they meet the established requirements. The city must also notify the chair of the
county board of supervisors if a burn site is established outside the city limits. This notification must be submitted to the
chair of the county board of supervisors at least 30 days prior to the date of the burn.
For question 14c, indicate whether materials from additional buildings will be included in this burn. If “no,” proceed to
question #15. If “yes,” complete question 14d, indicating the original address for all buildings to be included in this burn.
Note that a complete Notification of Controlled Burn of a Demolished Building must be submitted for each building to be
burned. It is helpful if all notifications are submitted together.
Question #15
Indicate the total square feet of all demolished building materials to be burned at this site on the proposed dates. Note
that the sum total square feet for each burn may not exceed 1700 square feet. For purposes of this rule, building square
feet includes both finished and unfinished basements, but does not include unfinished attics, carports, attached garages
and porches unprotected from the weather. If a burn site is established outside the city limits, note that the sum total
square feet of material to be burned each day may not exceed 1700 square feet.
Question #16
Indicate the approximate time the burn will occur. Note that a demolished building burn may only be conducted
between 6 AM and 6 PM. The city must adequately schedule and control the burn to ensure the burning is completed by
6 PM.
Questions #17
Indicate the approximate distance, in miles, from the burn site to the nearest building inhabited by a person. This
includes both residences and businesses. Please attach a map. The city clerk must keep all required records on burn site
locations for at least three years.
Question #18
For burn sites established outside the city limits, indicate how many demolished building burns, including the proposed
burn, the city has conducted within the calendar year.
For burns conducted within city limits, each city may conduct no more than one (1) demolished building burn in every
0.6 miles radius circle in any one (1) calendar year period. It is the city’s responsibility to keep sufficient maps, burn
information, and a copy of this notification to ensure compliance with these requirements. The city clerk must keep all
required records for at least three years.
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
The diagram (right) illustrates how to draw the circles
on a map. The center of each circle is the site of
demolished building burn. The radius of each circle
represents 0.6 mile. If one circle will overlap another in
any calendar year, the burn is not allowed.
If an additional burn is proposed within the calendar
year, its 0.6 mile radius circle may not overlap the circle
of the first burn. If the proposed burn would impact this area, the demolished building burn is not allowed under state
air quality rules. Burns meeting the definition of training fires do not need to be included under these limits.
Question #19 (Signature Certification)
A city official must agree to the certification statement by signing and dating the notification.
Questions concerning training fires or demolished building burns
If you have questions about completing the notification or the requirements for training fires or demolished building
burns, please contact the DNR Air Quality Bureau office at 515-725-8200.
Submit notifications to: Building Burn/Asbestos NESHAP Coordinator
Iowa DNR Air Quality Bureau
6200 Park Ave Ste 200
Des Moines IA 50321
Attachment A
Thorough Asbestos Inspection Guidance
The Asbestos NESHAP (40 CFR 61.145) regulation stipulates that the owner operator of the demolition or renovation
activity and prior to the commencement of the demolition or renovation, shall thoroughly inspect the affected facility or
part of the facility where the demolition or renovation operation will occur for the presence of asbestos, including
Category I and Category II nonfriable asbestos-containing material (ACM) [40 CFR 61.145 (a)].
Asbestos is a known carcinogen. When a building with asbestos-containing materials is burned, everything burns except
the asbestos. The asbestos fibers are then free to drift in the air, making it possible for humans to be exposed through
normal breathing.
The thorough inspection portion of the asbestos NESHAP regulation is important, because it identifies asbestos-
containing material prior to the burn. This allows asbestos-containing material to be removed properly, thus eliminating
the hazard of airborne asbestos fibers.
If the building is to be mechanically demolished in preparation for a controlled burn of a demolished building, the
thorough inspection must occur before the building is demolished. Similarly, if a building is unsafe to enter, and suspect
material cannot be identified, the city may not conduct a controlled burn on that structure. Rather, the city or fire
department must assume that asbestos containing material is present, and manage the building debris accordingly.
Manufacturers put asbestos in over 3000 different building products including floor coverings, plaster, and roofing
materials. Old buildings are not the only structures that contain asbestos. In fact, asbestos is still being used in new
building products today. Therefore, a trained inspector is needed to identify and properly sample all suspect materials in
order to fulfill the thorough inspection portion of the asbestos NESHAP.
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the person who conducts the thorough inspection of the facility
attend and pass the 3-day Building Inspectors Course developed under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
(AHERA) program.
November 1,
Demo Burn 2
Burn is allowed
October 1,
Demo Burn 1
December 1,
Demo Burn
NOT Allowed
03/2024 cmc Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 23.2(3)”g” and “j” DNR Form 542-8010
Attachment B
Applicable Portions of the Asbestos NESHAP (40 CFR 61.145)
(a) Applicability. To determine which requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section apply to the owner or
operator of a demolition or renovation activity and prior to the commencement of the demolition or renovation,
thoroughly inspect the affected facility or part of the facility where the demolition or renovation operation will occur for
the presence of asbestos, including Category I and Category II nonfriable ACM.
(b) Notification requirements. Each owner or operator of a demolition or renovation activity to which this section
applies shall:
(b)(1) Provide the Administrator with written notice of intention to demolish or renovate. Delivery of the notice by U.S.
Postal Service, commercial delivery service, or hand delivery is acceptable.
(b)(3)(i) At least 10 working days before asbestos stripping or removal work or any other activity begins (such as site
preparation that would break up, dislodge or similarly disturb asbestos material), if the operation is described in
paragraphs (a) (1) and (4) (except (a)(4)(iii) and (a)(4)(iv)) of this section. If the operation is as described in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, notification is required 10 working days before demolition begins.
(b)(4) Include the following in the notice:
(b)(4)(i) An indication of whether the notice is the original or a revised notification.
(b)(4)(ii) Name, address, and telephone number of both the facility owner and operator and the asbestos removal
contractor owner or operator.
(b)(4)(iv) Description of the facility or affected part of the facility including the size (square meters [square feet] and
number of floors), age, and present and prior use of the facility.
(b)(4)(v) Procedure, including analytical methods, employed to detect the presence of RACM and Category I and
Category II nonfriable ACM.
(b)(4)(vii) Location and street address (including building number or name and floor or room number, if appropriate),
city, county, and state, of the facility being demolished or renovated.
(b)(4)(ix) Scheduled starting and completion dates of demolition or renovation.
(b)(4)(xvi) Description of procedures to be followed in the event that unexpected RACM is found or Category II
nonfriable ACM becomes crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.
Training for asbestos abatement
40 CFR 61.145(c)(8) Effective 1 year after promulgation of this regulation, no RACM shall be stripped, removed, or
otherwise handled or disturbed at a facility regulated by this section unless at least one on-site representative, such as a
foreman or management-level person or other authorized representative, trained in the provisions of this regulation
and the means of complying with them, is present. Every 2 years, the trained on-site individual shall receive refresher
training in the provisions of this regulation. The required training shall include as a minimum: applicability; notifications;
material identification; control procedures for removals including, at least, wetting, local exhaust waste disposal work
practices; re-porting and recordkeeping; and asbestos hazards and worker protection. Evidence that the required
training has been completed shall be posted and made available for inspection by the Administrator at the demolition or
renovation site.