Notification of Demolition and Renovation /Abatement
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Revised November 2017
These directions are for submitting hardcopy notifications to the Ohio EPA. Ohio EPA strongly encourages notifications to be
submitted electronically via the Ohio EPA eBusiness Center located at
Who must submit this notification? [OAC 3745‐20‐03 and OAC 3745-22-04(C)(4)]
The owner or operator means any person who leases, operates, controls, or supervises the facility being demolished or
renovated, or any person who owns, leases, operates, controls or supervises the demolition or renovation (activity), or
Asbestos Abatement Contractor means a contractor who is currently licensed by the Ohio EPA as an Asbestos Hazard
Abatement Contractor.
The Ohio EPA notification of demolition and renovation form is required for:
Every demolition of a facility, regardless of whether asbestos is involved. This includes all structures that will be
intentionally burned for fire training purposes.
A renovation when the amount of regulated asbestoscontaining material (RACM) stripped, removed, dislodged, cut,
drilled, or similarly disturbed exceeds 260 linear feet on pipes or 160 square feet on other facility components or 35
cubic feet off facility components.
An abatement when the activity involves the removal, renovation, enclosure, repair or encapsulation of friable
asbestos-containing material in an amount greater than 50 linear feet on pipes or 50 square feet on other facility
When must I submit this notification?
ORIGINAL: The original notification must be postmarked or hand delivered to the Ohio EPA Central Office at least 10 working days
(MondayFriday excluding weekends) before operations begin. Please see example table below to help determine when to submit
the original notification.
E‐mail or FAX is not acceptable for original notification.
Post mark date (and Day 1 of 10day clock): July 3
Note: Holidays are counted when they fall on a working day.
Completion of 10day prior notification period: July 16
* First day work can commence (day following the 10
working day): July 17
REVISIONS: A revised notification must be submitted if there is any change in the notification which renders information in the
notification no longer accurate. Examples of changes include but are not limited to: if the amount of RACM changes by at least 20
percent, any changes in work schedules (dates or hours), any change in owner or operator, a change in the asbestos hazard
abatement specialist onsite, or any change in the name or location of selected waste disposal site. A revised notification may be
initiated by phone, however, must be followed in writing by either email or fax. Revisions shall be submitted as soon as possible but
not later than one working day following discovery of the change.
General Information
3 day 1
4 day 2
5 day 3
8 day 4
9 day 5
10 day 6
11 day 7
12 day 8
15 day 9
16 day 10
17 *
Notification of Demolition and Renovation /Abatement
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Revised November 2017
EMERGENCY DEMOLITION OR RENOVATIONS: The notification must be submitted as early as possible before, but not later than, the
following working day from start of demolition or renovation/abatement activities. The notification must include the supplemental
information required in Sections 9 or 10.
Where do I send my notification?
Send the notification to: Ohio EPA Central Office, Division of Air Pollution Control, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049.
How does Ohio EPA assess fees? [ORC 3745.11(G) and OAC 3745-22-04(C)]
Per ORC 3745.11(G), an owner or operator who is responsible for an asbestos demolition or renovation/abatement project regulated
under OAC Chapter 3745-20, shall pay the fees set forth in the following schedule. This applies when thresholds are greater than or
equal to: 260 linear feet; 160 square feet; or 35 cubic feet.
Each notification $75 plus,
Asbestos removal $3/unit (1 unit = any combination of linear feet or square feet equal to fifty) and/or
Asbestos cleanup $4/cubic yard
Per OAC 3745-22-04(C), if the renovation/abatement project involves removal, encapsulation, enclosure or repair of greater than 50
square feet or 50 linear feet of RACM, the Ohio EPA licensed asbestos hazard abatement contractor is responsible for paying the fees
set forth in the following schedule.
If notification is not an installation, $65 fee, or
If notification is an installation, $65 fee for each address where RACM exceeds 50 square feet or 50 linear feet.
The fees shall be submitted with the original notification. Check or Money Order shall be made payable to: Treasurer, Sate of Ohio.
Projects may be subject to both regulatory fee requirements above. Please be aware that some local air agencies may have
additional fees.
Who can help answer questions about completing this notification?
Contact the Ohio EPA Central Office at 614-466-0061 or by email at asbe[email protected]
[Below listed instructions are for hardcopy form submission only]
Section 1: General Information
1. Check the type of notification (all that apply):
o “Original is the first notification submitted for a project; hardcopy is required to be postmarked or handdelivered
10 workingdays prior to start of work.
o “Revision” is any notification submitted after the original due to any change which renders information on the form
no longer accurate. Examples of changes requiring a revision include but are not limited to: if the amount of RACM
changes by at least 20 percent, any changes in work schedules (dates or hours), any change in owner or operator, a
change in the asbestos hazard abatement specialist onsite, or any change in the name or location of selected waste
disposal site. Revisions shall be numbered chronologically with Revision #1 being the first time any items on the
notification form were changed. If revision is marked, please include the Revision # and check the “Revised” box for
each section where information is revised. A “Revised” box is located near the upper right hand side of each section
throughout the form.
o “Installation means any building or structure or any group of buildings or structures at a single demolition or
renovation/abatement site that are under the control of the same owner or operator, or owner or operator under
common control. This would include projects where multiple addresses are included in a common project, have the
same owner, and are being completed in the same county (i.e. land banks, residential cooperatives, highway
projects involving multiple facility demolitions, etc.). If the project includes more than one structure or address, be
sure to complete a separate “Section 2: Project Address Specific Information” page for each address.
o “Emergency” includes emergency demolitions and emergency renovation/abatement operations. Emergency
demolition means any demolition operation conducted under a written order issued by a state or local
Line‐by‐line Instructions
Notification of Demolition and Renovation /Abatement
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Revised November 2017
governmental agency because a facility is structurally unsound and in danger of imminent collapse. Emergency
renovation/abatement means a renovation/abatement operation that was not planned but results from a sudden,
unexpected event that, if not immediately attended to, presents a safety or public health hazard, is necessary to
protect equipment from damage, or is necessary to avoid imposing an unreasonable financial burden. This term
includes operations necessitated by nonroutine failures of equipment, by actions of fire or emergency medical
personnel pursuant to duties within their official capacities, or by significantly damaged friable asbestos-containing
material causing an environmental health hazard (as assessed by an asbestos hazard evaluation specialist). The
notification must be submitted as early as possible before, but not later than, the following working day from start
of demolition or renovation/abatement activities. The notification must include the supplemental information
required in Sections 9 or 10.
o “Annual” refers to planned renovation operations over a calendar year involving a series of nonscheduled
operations that are collectively greater than the threshold limits; these notifications must be submitted in the
month prior to the beginning of the calendar year. See separate guidance document or contact Ohio EPA Central
Office to determine if the project will meet Annual notification requirements.
o “Cancellation” is submitted to indicate a project has been cancelled and work will not be completed.
o “County” is for listing the County in which the project will occur.
o “NESHAP Residential Exemption” is for a project that meets the residential building exemption requirements of
OAC 3745-20 rules, however, a notification is still required due to OAC 3745-22 rules (RACM exceeds 50 square feet
or 50 linear feet). Checking this box will indicated that the $65 notification fee per OAC 3745-22-04(C) still applies,
however, the $75 notification fee + RACM fees per ORC 3745.11(G) will not apply.
2. Provide owner, asbestos abatement contractor, billing, fire department Information (all that apply):
o In the “Owner” line, list the property owner [individual(s) who own(s) the property at the time of
demolition/renovation (Note, this may be a government or private entity)] or list the Coordinating Entity (i.e., land
bank, municipality, etc.) if the facility is part of a larger project or installation. Include address, contact person,
phone, fax, and email for the listed Owner.
o Specify the name, address, contact person, phone, fax, email, and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency license
number (ACXXXX) for the “Asbestos Abatement Contractor” (if regulated asbestos containing material(s) is being
o Specify the billing contact for the project notification fees, either the Owner, the Asbestos Abatement Contractor, or
the Demolition Contractor (if project is not an installation).
o Specify the name, address, contact person, phone, fax, email, for the “Fire Department” (if demolition of a facility is
by intentional burning).
3. For any project subject to OAC 3745-20, include the Asbestos Hazard “Evaluation Specialist Name, “Certification # (ESXXXX)”,
and “procedure used to detect and analyze asbestos”. Analytical methods could include the collection of samples and
sample analyses by polarized light microscopy (PLM) with dispersion staining. For samples that test under 10% asbestos
content: An owner or operator may (a) elect to assume material to be greater than 1% asbestos, or, (b) require verification
by point counting in which the point counting result will supersede the PLM estimation; Both choice and result should be
stated on the notification. Explain any other method(s) used. All owners/operators should have the records of the asbestos
assessment and analyses (inspection/survey report) onsite during active operations for reference and inspection. Such
records would include a list of materials assessed, locations sampled and the sample results; this information can be found
within the asbestos inspection report.
4. Describe the specific procedures to be followed in the event unexpected regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM) is
found or non-friable asbestos-containing material becomes friable RACM.
A. Stop work, evacuate area, and demarcate the area.
B. Wetting of ACM with amended water and using wet cleaning methods.
Should the discovery of unexpected RACM change the original amount of asbestos to be abated by 20 percent or more, you
Notification of Demolition and Renovation /Abatement
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Revised November 2017
must submit a revised notification pursuant to OAC 3745-20-03. A revised notification must reflect the change in the amount
of affected asbestos-containing material. The revised notification must also reflect the new asbestos removal start date, if
5. Select the appropriate box (Implosion, Fire Training, Wet Methods, Manual Demolition, Mechanical Demolition or Other).
Underneath the check boxes, write a brief summary of the specific method to be used on this project. In the box Description
of affected facility components, include detailed information for each component where RACM is being removed. “Fire
Training” refers to the demolition of a facility by intentional burning. All asbestos containing material, including Category I
and Category II non-friable ACM, must be removed in accordance with OAC 374520 before burning. Additional
requirements also apply; please contact the Ohio EPA District Office or Local Air Agency with jurisdiction for additional
information (See attached map).
6. For the materials listed in each project, on the line for Type of ACM to be abated, check the appropriate box (Surfacing,
Mechanical or Other). If Other is selected, specify what the asbestos material is. At least one box must be checked, but if
multiple types of asbestos are being removed, multiple boxes may be checked. On the line for Engineering Controls, select
the appropriate box (Wet Methods, Glove Bag, NPE, AFD or Other). If Other is selected, specify the method(s) to be used.
At least one type of engineering control must be selected, but multiple methods may be selected. On the line for Work
Practices, select the appropriate box (Intact Removal, Manual, Mechanical or Other). If Other is selected, specify what the
work practice method is. At least one work practice box must be selected but more than one may be selected.
7. Please complete the information for this section if asbestos containing material is being removed. On the name line, enter
the name of the transporter company (example: Jones Waste Hauler) and complete the other fields in accordance to the
information relating to this company. If more than one transporter is being used, complete the information for the second
transporter in this same manner. NOTE: you must also complete a Waste Shipment Record prior to consigning any
asbestos containing waste materials (ACWM).
8. Enter the name of the waste disposal site and complete all the other fields based on the physical location of the site. Check
the following Ohio EPA website for an updated list of approved asbestos accepting waste disposal sites:
9. This section must be completed for emergency demolitions that meet the definitions and requirements of the regulation. If a
facility is not in imminent danger of collapse, it is not an emergency demolition even though it may be ordered to be
demolished due to hazardous conditions. Provide the name, title and agency of the state or local governmental
representative who has ordered the demolition. The Authority of Order is the applicable state or local regulation under
which the demolition order has been issued. You must attach a copy of the demolition order to the notification.
10. This section shall be completed for emergency renovations/abatement that meet criteria described in OAC 3745‐20‐01 and
OAC 3745-22-03(H). You must provide detail on the four items listed in this section, including a description of how the
project meets the “emergency” requirements of OAC 3745-22-03(H). A separate sheet may be needed.
11. The person signing this notification is attesting to the fact that in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code rule
3745‐20‐03(A)(4)(p), they are certifying that at least one person trained as required by paragraph (B) of rule 3745‐20‐04 of
the Administrative Code will supervise the stripping and removal described by this notification, and are acknowledging that
the submission of false or misleading statements is prohibited by law and certifying that facts contained in this notification
are true, accurate, and complete.
Section 2: Project Address Specific Information
Please complete Section 2 for the address included with this notification. If the project is an “Installation” per OAC 3745-20,
complete a separate Section 2 page for each address associated with this notification.
A. Describe the building(s) or structure(s) affected by the operations. Include building size in square feet, specific site location,
number of floors, and age in years. Also include the present and prior use (i.e., industrial, commercial, institutional,
residential, vacant, etc.) of the building(s).
B. Identify the type of operation. Definitions of these terms can be found in OAC 37452001.
o "Demolition" means the wrecking, or taking out of any loadsupporting structural member of a facility together
with any related handling operations or the intentional burning of any facility.
Notification of Demolition and Renovation /Abatement
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Revised November 2017
o "Renovation" means altering a facility or one or more facility components in any way, including the stripping or
removal of regulated asbestoscontaining material in an amount greater than 260 linear feet, 160 square feet,
or 35 cubic feet from a facility component. Operations in which loadsupporting structural members are
wrecked or taken out are demolitions.
o “Abatement” refers to any Asbestos hazard abatement activity involving the removal, renovation, enclosure,
repair, or encapsulation of reasonably related friable asbestos-containing materials in an amount greater than
50 linear feet or 50 square feet. Asbestos hazard abatement activity also includes any such activity involving
such asbestos-containing materials in an amount of 50 linear or 50 square feet or less if, when combined with
any other reasonably related activity in terms of time and location of the activity, the total amount is in an
amount greater than 50 linear or 50 square feet.
C. Declare whether or not asbestos is present in any quantity. This includes assumed asbestos containing materials such as
roofing and flooring. Also specify if the facility was previously abated and year when previous asbestos abatement occurred
(if applicable).
D. Specify the amount of regulated asbestoscontaining material (RACM) to be removed as follows: linear feet on pipes, square
feet (surface area) on facility components, and total cubic feet (volume) on or off all facility components. Asbestos
containing demolition debris and related materials shall be quantified in cubic feet (volume) Convert any cubic yardage
measurements to cubic feet (1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet). Estimate the approximate amount of Category I and Category II
nonfriable asbestoscontaining material in the affected part of the facility that will be removed before demolition. Estimate
the approximate amount of Category I and Category II nonfriable asbestoscontaining material in good condition in the
affected part of the facility that will not be removed before demolition.
E. Specify the scheduled dates for asbestos removal, the hours of operation, and the days of the week that asbestos removal
operations will be active onsite. Please note, the setup date must be at least 10 working‐days after postmark or hand‐
deliver date. Also include the name, certification number, and expiration date of the asbestos hazard abatement specialist
scheduled to be onsite in charge of the asbestos abatement project. Additional boxes have been provided in the event the
project involves more than one shift.
F. Specify the name, address, contact person, phone, fax, and email for the Demolition Contractor, if applicable.
G. Specify the starting and ending dates for demolition even when no asbestos-containing materials are present. Should the
demolition not begin on the start date listed, a revised notification form shall be submitted prior to the listed start date.
Please note the start date must be at least 10 workingdays after postmark or handdeliver date.
H. If a project is being placed on hold, specify the dates as follows:
o “Hold Begin Date” indicate date that the regularly scheduled demolition or renovation/abatement operations
will be put on hold at the facility.
o “Work Resume Date” indicate date that the regularly scheduled demolition or renovation/abatement operations
will resume at the facility. If a project was previously placed “On Hold”, the Ohio EPA must receive notification of
returning to the project at least one (1) working day prior to resuming demolition and/or renovation/abatement
Be sure to indicate the correct page numbers across the bottom of the notification once all the pages are complete.
The asbestos regulations, notification forms, guidance, local contacts, and other information can be
on Ohio EPA’s asbestos program web site at