Nos. 13-15957 and 13-16731
Petitioner-Appellee (No. 13-15957),
Petitioner-Appellant (No. 13-16731),
Respondents-Appellants (No. 13-15957),
Respondents-Appellees (No. 13-16731).
On Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Northern District of California
Case No’s. ll-cv-2173 SI & 13-mc-80089 SI
Honorable Susan Illston, District Court Judge
Phillip R. Malone, CA Bar No. 163969
Michael Chen, CA Bar Student Cert. No. 34469
Emily Warren, CA Bar Student Cert. No. 34473
Rachel Yu, CA Bar Student Cert. No. 34474
Mills Legal Clinic at Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305-8610
Telephone: (650) 725-6369
Counsel for Amici Curiae
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Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 26.1, each of the amici
listed in Exhibit A states that he or she is not a corporation that issues stock and
has no parent corporation.
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STATEMENT OF INTEREST .................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 2
ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 3
AMERICANS ....................................................................................... 3
ASSOCIATIONS ................................................................................ 15
A. Even a Single Call, Text, or E-mail Reveals Sensitive
Information ................................................................................ 17
B. Patterns of Calls, Texts, and Emails Reveal Even More
Sensitive Information ................................................................ 22
1. Social Graph and Predictive Modeling Techniques
are Easy to Implement and Immensely Informative ...... 23
2. NSL Data Reveal Extensive Private Political,
Personal, Associational, Religious, Corporate,
Medical, and Financial Information ............................... 27
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 33
STATEMENT OF RELATED CASES ................................................................... 34
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ....................................................................... 35
Case: 13-15957 04/01/2014 ID: 9044309 DktEntry: 45-1 Page: 3 of 54
ACLU v. Clapper, 33-cv-03994 (WHP) (SDN& Aug. 23, 2013) Dkt 27,
Declaration of Edward W. Felton ................................................................. 21, 28
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) ............................................passim
18 U.S.C. § 2510(8) ................................................................................................... 5
18 U.S.C. § 2703(c)(1) ............................................................................................... 7
18 U.S.C. § 2709 ................................................................................................. 14,15
18 U.S.C. § 2709(a)-(b) ..................................................................................... 2, 3, 4
50 U.S.C. § 1861 ........................................................................................................ 7
Agency Publications, Reports and Opinions
Administration White Paper: Bulk Collection of Telephony Metadata Under
Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act 2 (Aug. 9, 2013) ..................................... 7, 16
Daniel Koffsky, Requests for Information Under the Electronic
Communications Privacy Act, in 32 Opinions of the Office of Legal
Counsel (2008) ...................................................................................................... 4
The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications
Technologies, Final Report 90 (2013) ...................................................... 4, 6, 7, 8
State of California Franchise Tax Board, Reporting Income Tax Fraud, ....... 18
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of the
FBI’s Use of National Security Letters: Assessment of Corrective Actions
and Examination of NSL Usage in 2006 (2008) ................................... 7, 8, 10, 15
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of the
FBI’s Use of Section 215 Orders for Business Records in 2006 5 (2008) ......... 14
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U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of the
FBI’s Use of National Security Letters 36 (2007) .......................................passim
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Use of Exigent Letters and Other
Informal Requests for Telephone Records 75 (2010) ............................. 11, 14, 15
Magazines, Newspapers and Blogs
Matt Blaze, Phew, NSA Is Just Collecting Metadata. (You Should Still
Worry), Wired (June 16, 2013 9:30 AM),
metadata-not-think-again .............................................................................. 16, 27
The Economist, Mining Social Networks: Untangling the Social Web,
(Sept. 2, 2010), ............................. 30
Dan Eggen, Text ‘Give’ to Obama: President’s Campaign Launches
Cellphone Donation Drive, Wash. Post (Aug. 23, 2012),
340d5efb1e9c_story.html ................................................................................... 22
Barton Gellman, NSA Statements to the Post, Wash. Post, Aug 15,
2013, ............................................................................. 18
Hal Hodson, How Metadata Brought Down CIA Boss David Petraeus,
NewsScientist (Nov. 16, 2013 1:59 PM),
brought-down-cia-boss-david-petraeus.html. ..................................................... 29
Mail & Guardian, Story Tip-Offs, .................... 19
Jane Mayer, What’s the Matter With Metadata?, New Yorker (June 6, 2013),
metadata-surveillance-problem.html .................................................. 6, 16, 28, 32
New York Times, Contact the Public Editor,, ...................... 18
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Rebecca J. Rosen, Stanford Researchers: It is Trivially Easy to Match Metadata to
Real People, The Atlantic (Dec. 24, 2013 1:50 PM),
is-trivially-easy-to-match-metadata-to-real-people/282642 ............................... 17
Internet Sources
Griffin Boyce and Brian Duggan, The Real Reason Why Metadata Collecting
Is Dangerous, New America Foundation (June 17, 2013 4:54 PM),
collecting-dangerous ........................................................................................... 21
Childhelp, Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, ............................................................. 18
Charles Duhigg, How Companies Learn Your Secrets (Feb. 16, 2012),
habits.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp ............................................................... 33
Electronic Privacy Information Center, National Security Letters, .................................................................................... 4
GLBT National Help Center, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National
Hotline, ..................................... 18
IBM, Analyst’s Notebook,
analysts-notebook-family .................................................................................... 26
IBM, Environmental Investigation Agency: IBM i2 Solution Help
Combat the Illegal Tiger Trade (2012) .............................................................. 26
Jonathan Mayer & Patrick Mutchler, MetaPhone: The NSA Three-Hop,
Web Policy (Dec. 9, 2013),
the-nsa-three-hop/ ................................................................................... 13, 14, 18
Jonathan Mayer & Patrick Mutchler, MetaPhone: The Sensitivity of Telephone
Metadata, Web Policy (Mar. 12, 2014),
metadata ............................................................................................ 18, 20, 30, 33
MIT Media Lab, Immersion, .............................. 25
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Chris Soghoian, US Surveillance Law May Poorly Protect New Text Message
Services, American Civil Liberties Union (Jan. 8, 2013, 9:44 AM),
surveillance-law-may-poorly-protect-new-text .................................................... 5
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Donate by Text, ................ 223
Pete Yost & Matt Apuzzo, With 3 ‘Hops,’ NSA Gets Millions of Phone
Records, Associated Press (Jul. 31, 2013 6:19 PM), ............. 11
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The amici listed in Exhibit A are professors of computer and data science at
the country’s leading educational institutions, and expert computer scientists,
specializing in data and computer security, data analysis, cryptography, and
privacy-enhancing technologies. Collectively, amici’s research has significantly
shaped the development of modern communications technology and data analysis
Amici offer this brief to emphasize for the Court the extraordinary
sensitivity of the data that can be gathered through National Security Letters,
notwithstanding its legal categorization as “non-content” data, and the personal,
intimate, family, associational, political, health and medical, financial and other
information that can be revealed by such data. Amici’s expertise and familiarity
with data analysis and communications technology offer a particularly informed
perspective on the issues confronted in this case. The list of amici attached as
Exhibit A includes a brief biography of each.
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 29(c)(5), no one, except
for the amici and their counsel, has authored this brief in whole or in part, or
contributed money towards its preparation. All parties have consented to the filing
of this brief.
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Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) National
Security Letter (NSL) provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 2709(a)-(b), the FBI easily
surveils ordinary Americans. NSLs can be obtained merely with the signature of
any special agent in charge of any FBI field office, and there is no need for
suspicion of wrongdoing. The data seized need only be considered “relevant” to a
counterintelligence or counterterrorism investigation, and the person whose data
are taken need not be in any way considered a suspect or target.
With no affirmative judicial approval of the NSL process and a low
“relevance” standard that encompasses potentially millions of people per single
NSL request, the government unreasonably invades the privacy of potentially
every American. Through the hundreds of thousands of NSLs have already been
issued, the FBI may have collected data on almost every person in the United
States. And once collected, NSL data typically is stored in massive databases and
can be accessed broadly—not just by top FBI officials.
While the government asserts that the information obtained by NSLs does
not include the actual content of a communication, NSL information can
nonetheless be incredibly revealing. Through even a relatively naïve analysis of
information obtained by an NSL, the FBI can gather extensive information about a
person’s political contributions, intimate relationships, religious and community
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affiliations, medical conditions, financial records, and much more. The rise of “Big
Data” and sophisticated analytical tools only compound this danger, giving the
government unprecedented access to the sensitive information of American
The current version of the substantive ECPA NSL provisions, codified at 18
U.S.C. § 2709(a)-(b), authorizes dozens of FBI agents around the country to issue
national security letters without meaningful, affirmative judicial checks. These
letters can compel the disclosure of all non-content data connected with phone
calls, text messages, and emails—essentially, everything except for actual
recordings and copies of the messages themselves. Agents can collect data
pertaining to any entity that may be “relevant” to an investigation and have issued
hundreds of thousands of requests for such data. Moreover, since “relevant” may
be defined however the Bureau wishes, the standard offers it great discretion to
collect data on nearly any American. Once collected, these data are stored in
databases accessible by tens of thousands of people and are used to produce
intelligence reports for dozens of agencies. Predictably but unfortunately, there is
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substantial evidence that the FBI has abused these expansive authorities.
Though the type of data that the FBI may demand under § 2709(a)-(b) has
not been fully litigated, public and private actors have interpreted the statute’s key
terms (subscriber information, toll billing records, and electronic transaction
communication records) to include all of the following kinds of information
1. All phone numbers, email addresses, and screen names associated with an
2. The individual associated with any phone number, email address, or screen
3. All mailing address, phone number, and billing information associated with
an individual and the length of time an individual has subscribed to a service;
The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications
Technologies, Final Report 90 (2013).
See Daniel Koffsky, Requests for Information Under the Electronic
Communications Privacy Act, in 32 Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel 2, 5
(2008); President’s Review Group, supra note 2, at 90; Chris Soghoian, US
Surveillance Law May Poorly Protect New Text Message Services, American Civil
Liberties Union (Jan. 8, 2013, 9:44 AM),
National Security Letters, Electronic Privacy Information Center (last visited Mar.
13, 2014, 4:35 PM),; Decl. in Supp. of Pet. to Set Aside
National Security Letter and Nondisclosure Requirement In re Matter of National
Security Letters 5, 11, Mar. 14, 2013, ECF 13-1165; Declaration of Under Seal in
Support of Petition to Set Aside National Security Letters and Nondisclosure
Requirements Imposed in Connection Therewith, In re Matter of National Security
Letters, No. CV-131165 (LB) (N.D. Cal. Mar. 14, 2013), Exhibit A.
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4. All IP addresses from which a user has logged into an email account and
the timeframes during which each was used;
5. A complete list of all phone calls ever associated with a phone number
including, for each call, whether it was outgoing or incoming, the phone
number contacted, how long the call lasted, and when it was made;
6. A complete list of all text messages ever associated with a phone number
including, for each message, whether it was sent or received, the phone number
contacted, and when it was sent; and
7. A complete list of all emails ever associated with a screen name, including,
for each email, whether it was sent or received, the email address contacted,
other email addresses that were copied, the size of the message, and when it
was sent.
These NSL-obtained data, colloquially referred to as “metadata,” generally
are considered “non-content” under the definition of “contents” in 18 U.S.C. §
But the data demanded by NSLs, while legally non-content data, are in
fact profoundly meaningful. As discussed further in section II, information from
NSLs can expose details ranging from political beliefs and affiliations to the
structure of grassroots organizations to reproductive choices to medical conditions
See Decl. Set Aside 9, 15, ECF 13-1165.
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and more. As former Google Senior Privacy Analyst and privacy/surveillance
author Susan Landau stated in an interview: “The public doesn’t understand . . .
It’s much more intrusive than content.” The government gains expansive private
information by studying “who you call, and who they call. If you can track that,
you know exactly what is happening—you don’t need the content.”
The ECPA NSL substantive provisions authorize the FBI to demand not
only many kinds of substantive data, but also data relating to nearly any American.
In contrast to older versions of the statute, the current “very low” relevance
standard authorizes the FBI to demand data on individuals who are not
investigation targets and eliminates any requirement to record particularized facts
justifying why an individual’s data are relevant.
The only limits on what can be
deemed “relevant” are that investigations to which data are relevant must be
authorized and that the FBI must be able to justify—almost always to itself rather
than a court—that the request is motivated by more than a First Amendment-
protected activity alone. § 2709(b). The administration has recently argued that
“‘relevance’ is a broad standard that permits discovery of large volumes of data in
Jane Mayer, What’s the Matter With Metadata?, New Yorker (June 6,
metadata-surveillance-problem.html (quoting interview with Landau) (internal
quotation marks omitted).
President’s Review Group, supra note 2, at 90.
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circumstances where doing so is necessary to identify much smaller amounts of
information within that data that directly bears on the matter being investigated.”
The substantial lack of affirmative judicial approval in determining what is
sufficiently relevant contrasts starkly with other provisions of ECPA and Section
215 of the Patriot Act, statutes governing the collection of similar data but
requiring a court order or subpoena. 18 U.S.C. § 2703(c)(1); 50 U.S.C. § 1861.
This contrast drove the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and
Communications Technologies to observe that it was “unable to identify a
principled reason why NSLs should be issued by FBI officials” rather than by a
In practice, the expansive relevance standard has facilitated the use of NSLs
in “approximately one-third of all counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and cyber
investigations” during 2006.
When the FBI issues these NSLs, they include one or
more requests for either “toll billing records” (telephony and text-message data),
“electronic communications transactional records” (email data), or subscriber
Administration White Paper: Bulk Collection of Telephony Metadata Under
Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act 2 (Aug. 9, 2013).
President’s Review Group, supra note 2, at 93.
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of
the FBI’s Use of National Security Letters: Assessment of Corrective Actions and
Examination of NSL Usage in 2006 109 (2008).
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information (names and other identifying data associated with an account). A
response to any individual request will thus include hundreds to hundreds of
thousands of individual observations—including, for example, a 26-minute call
from a subscriber to a phone number the FBI has identified as belonging to his
mother, at 10:35 PM six months ago.
As shown in Table I, even the limited unclassified information available
indicates that the FBI has made over 300,000 NSL requests in the past decade, the
“overwhelming majority” of which have been for ECPA NSL data.
Of these, the
FBI has made almost 150,000 requests for non-subscriber information of U.S.
persons, mostly toll billing or electronic transaction records, and over 165,000
requests (with estimates above 340,000)
for information about U.S. persons,
including subscriber information. Including requests for information about non-
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of
the FBI’s Use of National Security Letters 36 (2007); accord OIG (2008), supra
note 9, at 60, 107; President’s Review Group, supra note 2, at 90.
The only public information about requests for subscriber-only
information about U.S. persons are that such requests made up 56% of total
requests for U.S. persons’ information in 2006, Table I, and the majority of
requests in 2012, President’s Review Group, supra note 2, at 90. If subscriber-
only requests for data about U.S. persons comprised 56% of all requests for data
about U.S. persons in all years, as it did in 2006, then the FBI would have made
342,868 total requests for U.S. persons’ data.
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Americans, the FBI made over 304,000 requests (with estimates above 570,000).
Collectively, these requests have generated databases with millions of observations
of phone calls, emails, and text messages.
To estimate total requests for persons of any nationality in years other than
2006, we assume that the proportion of total requests that were requests for U.S.
persons’ data in these years equaled that in 2006, 60%, OIG (2008), supra note 9,
at 108. Combined with the data for 2006, this yields an estimate of 571,446 total
Though the precise size of the database is not public, it is possible to
estimate. Table I shows that the FBI made 149,663 total requests for non-
subscriber information pertaining to U.S. citizens. If the FBI made 228,579
requests for information about non-U.S. persons, see notes 2-3, supra (estimating
571,446 total requests of which 342,868 pertained to U.S. citizens), and 44% of
these were for toll billing records or electronic transaction communications
records, see Table I row 2006 (showing this proportion for U.S. persons’ requests),
then it made 99,775 requests for non-subscriber information pertaining to non-U.S.
persons, yielding a total database of such information that would include 249,437
requests (149,663 + 99,775). If each request yielded an average of 1,000
observations then the database would have nearly 250 million observations.
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Year For U.S. persons' non-subscriber
information (mostly toll billing or
electronic communications
transactional records)
For any U.S. persons' data,
including subscriber
For non-U.S.
persons' data of
any type
Total requests
2003 6,519 More than 6,519 Classified 39,346
2004 8,943 More than 8,943 Classified 56,507
2005 9,254 More than 9,254 Classified 47,221
2006 12,583 28,827 19,279 49,425
2007 16,804 More than 16,804 Classified More than 16,804
2008 24,744 More than 24,744 Classified More than 24,744
2009 14,788 More than 14,788 Classified More than 14,788
2010 24,287 More than 24,287 Classified More than 24,287
2011 16,511 More than 16,511 Classified More than 16,511
2012 15,229 More than 15,229 Classified More than 15,229
Total known 149,662 More than 165,906 Classified More than 304,862
149,662 342,868 99,775 571,446
The full set of individuals whose data the FBI could demand under the
relevance standard likely comprises all Americans. Since the FBI uses NSLs to
determine a target’s “family members, associates, living arrangements, and
contacts,” an authorized agent may deem data pertaining to individuals far
Data in this column for from 2003-2005 from 2007 OIG Report, supra
note 9, at xx. Data for 2006-2012 from annual reports the FBI has made to
Congress, available at Note that
these data may include some additional requests for other types of NSL
information authorized by statutes other than ECPA (see 2007 OIG Report at xx).
Data in this column from 2008 OIG Report, supra note 9, at 108.
Data in this column from 2008 OIG Report, supra note 9, at 108.
Data in this column derived from OIG 2007 Report, supra note 9, at xvi,
xix; OIG 2008 Report at 110. These figures include requests that the FBI failed to
report to Congress but that the OIG found in its review of the FBI-OGC NSL
database as of May 2006, May 2007.
See notes 2-4, supra.
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removed from an investigation target to be “relevant.”
A 2010 OIG investigation
found that the FBI has regarded the personal data of any individual within an
investigation target’s “community of interest” or “calling circle” to be relevant,
though the definitions of these terms were redacted.
Revealingly, the 2007 OIG
investigation could not find FBI guidance discouraging case agents from using
NSLs to access the data of individuals “two or three steps removed” from an
investigation target.
This is the same standard used by the NSA and means, for
example, that if investigation target Adam called Betsy (step one), who emailed
Caleb (step two), who texted Dwayne (step three), then Dwayne’s data would be
deemed “relevant” to the investigation of Adam.
Though three steps may seem trivial, some estimate that “[i]f the average
person called 40 unique people, a three hop [or step] analysis would allow the
government to mine the records of 2.5 million Americans when investigating one
suspected terrorist.”
Others have estimated that the FBI could deem “the phone
OIG (2007), supra note 10, at xxiv.
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Use of Exigent Letters and Other Informal
Requests for Telephone Records 75 (2010).
OIG (2007), supra note 10, at 109.
Pete Yost & Matt Apuzzo, With 3 ‘Hops,’ NSA Gets Millions of Phone
Records, Associated Press (Jul. 31, 2013 6:19 PM),
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records of a sizable proportion of the United States population” to be relevant to a
single terrorism investigation under a three-steps rule.
Moreover, both of these
estimates consider only steps among phone calls; the addition of texts and emails
expands the circle of relevant individuals and businesses exponentially. Thus, with
millions of Americans’ data considered relevant to any investigation and thousands
of investigations each year, a three-steps definition of relevance is a largely empty
check on FBI discretion.
According to the 2007 OIG report, once the FBI receives data responding
to an NSL request, that data is typically uploaded to a number of different
databases. Electronic communications transactional records are uploaded to the
Automated Case Support System, the FBI’s centralized case management system.
Roughly 34,000 individuals had access to this system in 2005. Toll billing records
are uploaded to the Telephone Applications database. Some 19,000 individuals
had access to this database in 2006.
In addition, information from NSL demands
is stored separately in a number of classified databases about which no information
Jonathan Mayer & Patrick Mutchler, MetaPhone: The NSA Three-Hop,
Web Policy (Dec. 9, 2013),
OIG (2007), supra note 10, at 28-30.
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has been made public.
Supplementing these storage databases, the FBI also uses a
data analysis application called the Investigative Data Warehouse, which can pull
data from each of these databases and run analytic models to reveal data patterns
that may be of interest to investigators.
Thousands of non-FBI personnel also have direct access to these
Others are often recipients of FBI-produced intelligence products,
which are regularly derived from NSL-data analysis and provided to entities
including the CIA, NSA, DIA, Joint Terrorism Task Forces at the federal, state,
and local levels, foreign governments, U.S. Attorneys’ offices, and the FISA
Given the vast authority the ECPA NSL provisions grant to the FBI to
collect and store these massive amounts of data, it is unsurprising that reports have
surfaced documenting the FBI’s abuse of its NSL authority. Due to the low
relevance standard, the FBI has relied upon the NSL process to conduct fishing
Id. at xxiii.
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expeditions before it can support a subpoena or FISA court order.
In at least one
instance, moreover, a FISA court twice denied the FBI access to data under Section
215, citing First Amendment concerns. In response to this denial, the FBI issued
NSLs based on an identical factual predicate to the Section 215 order, gathering
the same data outside the eyes of the FISA court, even though “NSLs have the
same First Amendment caveat as Section 215.”
In others cases, NSL recipients have given the FBI information that
exceeded the scope of the NSL, pertained to the wrong individuals, or covered the
wrong time period, and the FBI failed to destroy the irrelevant data.
NSLs have
been signed by individuals who were not authorized agents
and have been issued
in connection with unauthorized investigations,
both in violation of the terms of
18 U.S.C. § 2709. Moreover, though a Presidential Order requires the FBI to report
all such intelligence violations to the President’s Intelligence Oversight Board, the
FBI failed to report one or more violations in 22% of the cases in the OIG’s
See U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), A
Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Use of National Security Letters
xxiv (2007).
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, A Review of
the FBI’s Use of Section 215 Orders for Business Records in 2006 5 (2008).
OIG (2008), supra note 9, at 100.
OIG (2010), supra note 20, at 75.
OIG (2007), supra note 10, at 66-67.
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Furthermore, between 2003-2005, the FBI also failed to report almost
4,600 NSLs to Congress—nearly all ECPA NSLs—as required by § 2709.
Separate from but related to the NSL process, the FBI for many years issued
so-called exigent letters, demanding the kinds of data available through NSLs but
circumventing even the procedures for issuing NSLs. These letters were often
structured to include a promise from the FBI of “legal process to follow,” such as a
subpoena or NSL.
In one instance, the FBI used an exigent letter to gather
reporter and news organization telephone data following a media leak constituting
protected First Amendment speech.
It entered these records into its NSL
databases, where they remained for three years until discovered by the OIG.
The types of data that can be obtained by NLSs reveal a wide variety
sensitive information about the individuals from which the information comes and
their associations, beliefs, speech and activities. Despite government claims that
the collected data is “just metadata” and do “not include any information about the
OIG (2010), supra note 20, at 65.
Id. at 89-122.
Id. at 278.
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content” of phone calls, text messages, and emails, NSL data often can reveal
information of the same character as that which could be obtained by listening in
on a phone call or reading a text or email.
In many instances, “non-content” data, such as NSL data, may be of even
more value to government officials than content data. Since substantial non-content
data analysis can be automated, non-content data surveillance often yields
substantive information cheaper and faster than approaches such as traditional
wiretapping, which can be more labor intensive.
And unlike content data, the
routine creation of non-content is often unavoidable and unprotectable. As
computer scientist Matt Blaze noted, “we leave trails of metadata [non-content
data] everywhere, anytime we reach out to another person.” There is almost no
existing way to dust these trails.
Due to § 2709’s broad scope, the relatively low
cost of analysis, and the unprotected nature of non-content data, the FBI can use
NSLs to determine everything from individuals’ actions, beliefs and religious and
political affiliations to organizations’ structures and strategic plans to much more.
Administration White Paper, supra note 7, at 2.
Jane Mayer, supra note 5.
See Matt Blaze, Phew, NSA Is Just Collecting Metadata. (You Should Still
Worry), Wired (June 16, 2013 9:30 AM),
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A. Even a Single Call, Text, or E-mail Reveals Sensitive Information
Though each NSL request can include information on thousands of
interactions, a single phone call, text message, or email can already disclose deeply
private information.
In many instances, details about the content of a conversation can be
deduced from the identity of the parties. Although data that the FBI receives does
not explicitly state whom a subscriber has contacted—NSL requests contain
telephone numbers or e-mail addresses, not names—it is trivially easy for the FBI
to match these data to specific individuals. One way to do so is to issue another
NSL. An even more straightforward approach is to conduct a search for a number
or address either online or through a public database. Consider, for example, the
phone number 916.446.5247, which a Google search can instantly connect to
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. Or the email [email protected],
which, even without a Google search, one could associate with Alcoholics
Anonymous. More generally, research shows that the government can link
identities associated with lesser-known phone numbers just as easily.
See Rebecca J. Rosen, Stanford Researchers: It is Trivially Easy to Match
Metadata to Real People, The Atlantic (Dec. 24, 2013 1:50 PM),
trivially-easy-to-match-metadata-to-real-people/282642; Jonathan Mayer & Patrick
Mutchler, MetaPhone: The Sensitivity of Telephone Metadata, Web Policy (Mar.
(continued on next page)
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With just the identity of the other side of a record, the FBI can already learn
sensitive information about an individual. For example, certain phone lines are
reserved for a specific purpose: support hotlines for rape victims, domestic
violence victims, people contemplating suicide, or “listening lines” for gay and
lesbian youths.
Such hotlines exist for veterans, first responders, drug addicts,
gambling addicts, and child abuse victims.
Similarly, almost every federal, state,
and local agency, including the FBI, has established hotlines for reporting fraud
and misconduct by both internal and external sources.
Likewise, some email
addresses are allocated to particular objectives, such as tipping off reporters about
a potential story.
A 30-minute call or a lengthy email to any of these hotlines
(footnote continued from previous page)
12, 2014),
telephone-metadata (finding that simple Google searches and a cheap, consumer-
oriented data tool could match 91% of a random sample of 100 phone numbers to
specific individuals).
See, e.g., Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline,
GLBT National Help Center (last visited Mar. 11, 2014),
See, e.g., Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, Childhelp (last visited
Mar. 14, 2014),
See, e.g., Barton Gellman, NSA Statements to the Post, Wash. Post, Aug
15, 2013,; Reporting Income Tax Fraud, State of California
Franchise Tax Board (last visited Mar. 17, 2014),
See New York Times, Contact the Public Editor, (last
visited Mar. 18, 2014),
(continued on next page)
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reveals information that anyone would consider private. In each of these cases,
even without knowing a single word of the phone conversation or email exchange,
NSL data from the interaction discloses meaningful clues as to the underlying
content. Though these hotlines and tip lines are meant to allow vital, anonymous
expression, NSLs allow the FBI to strip away that safety and anonymity and
expose both the individual and effectively the content of his or her speech.
In an empirical study highlighting the significance of NSL data in these
situations, Stanford University researchers Jonathan Mayer and Patrick Mutchler
demonstrated that substantial personal information could be revealed through a
single phone call. Analyzing data from 546 volunteers’ phone calls to 33,688
unique numbers, Mayer and Mutchler discovered that a large proportion of
participants contacted “sensitive organizations” in their daily lives.
The table
below shows the proportion of volunteers who made at least one call to an
organization whose purpose revealed sensitive information about the caller:
(footnote continued from previous page)
editor/; Mail & Guardian, Story Tip-Offs (last visited Mar. 18, 2014),
Mayer & Mutchler, supra note 42 (“phone metadata is unambiguously
sensitive, even in a small population and over a short time window. We were able
to infer medical conditions, firearm ownership, and more, using solely phone
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with 1 Calls
Health Services
Financial Services
Veterinary Services
Legal Services
Recruiting and Job Placement
Religious Organizations
Firearm Sales and Repair
Political Officeholders and Campaigns
Adult Establishments
Marijuana Dispensaries
As several of these categories suggest, NSL data from a single interaction
can reveal sensitive information about possible civil legal disputes or criminal
activity. Sensitive information obtained through NSLs is shared with U.S.
Attorney’s Offices,
and a call to a marijuana dispensary, an email to
[email protected], or a text message to a known gang member,
could all serve as reason to begin an investigation or as evidence in a later criminal
case, even where the individual was not suspected of anything at the time of the
NSL. Contacting a defense attorney may even indicate concerns about criminal
Furthermore, how and when governmental authorities act on these
potentially incriminating communications depends solely on their interpretation of
OIG (2007), supra note 10, at xxiii.
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the data. If the picture that NSL data paints is inaccurate or incomplete, it can lead
to unnecessary arrests, unexplained detentions, or at the very least, a further
invasion of an individual’s privacy through additional searches.
In the extreme, NSL data can reveal information even more sensitive than
the actual contents of the communication itself. Consider, for instance, the case of
text message donation hotlines. Set up as partnerships between wireless telephone
carriers and non-profit organizations, these donation hotlines enable wireless
subscribers to donate to charities through cellular text messages. By sending a
message to a predetermined phone number, a subscriber triggers the wireless
carrier to make a donation and add the amount to his monthly bill. In one such
program to support of victims of the Haitian earthquake, the American Red Cross
enabled thousands of subscribers to text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10.
In recent years, text-message donation hotlines have gained popularity and
expanded to numerous organizations such as churches, cancer research
See Griffin Boyce and Brian Duggan, The Real Reason Why Metadata
Collecting Is Dangerous, New America Foundation (June 17, 2013 4:54 PM),
See Declaration of Edward W. Felten, ACLU v. Clapper, No. 13-cv-03994
(WHP) (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 23, 2013), ECF No. 27 (“Felten Decl.”), 16.
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foundations, and reproductive services organizations like Planned Parenthood.
After a policy change by the Federal Election Commission in 2012, these programs
have even invaded electoral campaigns. Candidates such as Barack Obama and
Mitt Romney raised money directly via text messages.
In these interactions, the significant information—the identity of the
recipient organization and size of the donation—is contained in the NSL data, not
in the content of text messages such as “HAITI.” The NSL data alone is sufficient
to determine whether the sender was donating (and how much) to a church,
Planned Parenthood, or a particular political campaign.
B. Patterns of Calls, Texts, and Emails Reveal Even More Sensitive
In addition to inferences from a single communication, the FBI can gain a
far richer and more deeply revealing picture of the contours of a person’s life using
data-analysis techniques that assess patterns of activity—who an individual
contacts, how frequently, and when. By analyzing the hundreds to hundreds of
thousands of data points returned in response to each NSL request, the FBI can
See Donate by Text, Susan G. Komen for the Cure (last visited Mar. 11,
See, e.g., Dan Eggen, Text ‘Give’ to Obama: President’s Campaign
Launches Cellphone Donation Drive, Wash. Post (Aug. 23, 2012),
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learn an individual’s religion, sleep patterns, work habits, hobbies, number and
location of friends, and even civil and political affiliations. By combining data
from multiple requests about multiple individuals, the FBI can deduce the nature
and function of entire organizations, and how the people within them interact.
1. Social Graph and Predictive Modeling Techniques are Easy
to Implement and Immensely Informative
The recent evolution of two tools, social graphs and predictive modeling,
add particular potency to the aggregation of data gathered through NSLs. With
respect to the first, publicly available software packages can generate social graphs
from datasets such as the FBI’s NSL database. These software packages take a
dataset of non-content data and output a graphical image of an individual’s patterns
of communication or of communications among members of a group. Consider
two such software packages: MIT’s Immersion and IBM’s i2 Analyst’s Notebook.
MIT’s Immersion uses the “From, To, Cc and Timestamp” fields of a
person’s emails—all included in response to NSL requests for electronic
transaction communications records—to create a “people-centric view” of that
person’s life. In under a minute, the software churns through thousands of emails
and spits out a network of individuals and organizations with which the user has
communicated, highlighting key contacts and linking contacts with each other. By
tracking interactions across time, Immersion can also trace the development of
relationships. Based on the frequency of the emails exchanged, the software
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visualizes a growth or contraction of connections between not only the original
user, but also other individuals in his network, detailing his “personal and
professional history.”
See Immersion, MIT Media Lab (last visited Mar. 17, 2014),
Figure 1: An Immersion user's network, visualized as a social graph
Figure 2: The Immersion user's network a week earlier. The
expansion and contraction of circles provide a visual interpretation of
relationship development between individuals in the network.
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IBM’s more sophisticated i2 Analyst’s Notebook software uses the same
basic ideas to identify key people, events, and connections in networks described
by much larger datasets.
For example, the Environmental Investigation Agency
used Analyst’s Notebook to process non-content data from undercover
investigations in order to accurately map out a criminal international tiger
trafficking network.
Either in conjunction with or independent of social graphs, the FBI can also
use predictive modeling to derive sensitive information about individuals and
groups from the data it has gathered through NSLs. Predictive models allow
analysts to use known patterns of activity to make specific and highly accurate
predictions about individual and organizational attributes, such as race, religion, or
leadership structure. For example, happily married couples often call each other
many times a week. If an analyst applied a predictive model based on this pattern
to a set of toll billing records for an individual who had called her spouse
infrequently for many months, the model might indicate that she had between a
predictable chance of filing for divorce within one year.
See Analyst’s Notebook, IBM (last visited Mar. 17, 2014), http://www-
See IBM, Environmental Investigation Agency: IBM i2 Solution Help
Combat the Illegal Tiger Trade (2012).
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The larger the dataset a researcher has upon which to build a predictive
model, the more precise the model will be. If a certain calling pattern is only seen
in a few married couples, then applying a model based on that pattern to new data
will yield only weak inferences. But if the same pattern is seen in 5,000 couples, a
model based on the pattern will offer opportunities to ask nuanced queries and
make inferences with confidence. For instance, a researcher could query the
likelihood of divorce in six months and in two years, and the confidence intervals
around results might be plus or minus 5% rather than 10%. Given the vast data set
that NSLs provide—including hundreds of millions of observations, as estimated
above—it is almost certain that FBI researchers have created sophisticated and
highly precise predictive models. Even if they have not, there is an extensive
public literature on predictive modeling upon which the Bureau can draw.
Though the FBI has developed its data-analysis tools in order to improve its
terrorism and espionage investigations, these dual-use tools are even easier to
apply to ordinary Americans. As Matt Blaze argues, “[t]he better understood the
patterns of a particular group’s behavior, the more useful it is. This makes using
metadata [non-content data] to identify lone-wolf Al Qaeda sympathizers (a tiny
minority about whose social behavior relatively little is known) a lot harder than,
say, rooting out Tea Partiers or Wall Street Occupiers, let alone the people with
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whom we share our beds.”
2. NSL Data Reveal Extensive Private Personal, Political,
Associational, Religious, Corporate, Medical, and Financial
As we lack access to the FBI’s massive database of NSL data, we cannot say
with precision what applying social graphs and predictive models to this data
would reveal. But even relatively naïve analyses of this data yields information on
medical conditions, religious affiliations, relational and political networks,
corporate structures, and finances. Comprehensively applying social graphs and
predictive modeling to millions of observations would only increase the sensitivity
of many of these inferences.
First, information obtained through NSLs can reveal substantial information
about the operations of political groups. A social graph derived from NSL data can
reveal an association’s otherwise anonymous membership, donors, political
supporters, and confidential sources. As former NSA official William Binney has
stated, the government could use data analysis to “monitor the Tea Party, or
reporters, whatever group or organization you want to target. . . It’s exactly what
Matt Blaze, Phew, NSA Is Just Collecting Metadata. (You Should Still
Worry), Wired (June 16, 2013 9:30 AM),
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the Founding Fathers never wanted.”
Even a cursory analysis of the frequency of
communications among members could distinguish who within a grassroots
movement is an ardent organizer and who is a casual participant. With more
detailed study, as Susan Landau noted, non-content data can even show “if
opposition leaders are meeting, who is involved, where they gather, and for how
Second, NSL data disclose a great deal about the strength of personal
relationships. Generally, a person one calls once a week is more likely to be a close
friend than someone one calls once a year.
More specifically, consider an NSL
request made with regards to a man in an illicit intimate relationship. The data
returned in reply to this request might show he makes long, frequent calls to his
mistress late at night, in contrast to the short, sparse calls made to his wife.
Eventually, the affair may end, and the frequency of the calls to the mistress might
drop or end entirely. Or, perhaps the affair continues and he begins to
communicate frequently with an attorney specializing in divorce. Precisely in this
vein, it was FBI analysis of non-content data similar to NSL data that ultimately
Jane Mayer, supra note 5 (quoting interview with Binney) (internal
quotation marks omitted).
Jane Mayer, supra note 5 (quoting interview with Susan Landau).
See Felten Decl., 17.
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revealed former CIA director David Petraeus’s affair with Paula Broadwell. While
looking into allegations of another sort, the FBI linked together multiple email
addresses used by Broadwell to uncover the affair that ended both participants’
public careers.
Third, the FBI can easily infer religious affiliation and association from
information gained ghrough NSLs. On the most basic level, adherents of particular
religions likely call organizations affiliated with their religion more often than they
call organizations affiliated with other religions. Relying only on “the naïve
assumption” that this is true, Mayer and Mutchler accurately identified the religion
of 73% of participants.
Additionally, adherents of different religions may exhibit notable patterns of
phone calls, emails, and text messages. For example, the NSL data of an individual
who strictly observes the Sabbath would show no communications on Saturdays,
while that of an individual who regularly attends church on Sunday mornings
would show little activity at that time. NSL data of an individual who is Muslim
See Hal Hodson, How Metadata Brought Down CIA Boss David Petraeus,
NewsScientist (Nov. 16, 2013 1:59 PM),
Mayer & Mutchler, supra note 42.
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and recites the Isha prayer nightly might show more activity between dawn and
dusk if that individual communicates with others before or after prayers.
Furthermore, on an organizational level, a social graph of email data could
disclose a network of friends who frequent the same religious services. An
evolution of this social graph over time could reveal when an individual changed
faiths or began to frequent a different place of worship. It could also show who
manages the religious social community, which members are most active, and to
whom certain members turn for advice at critical moments.
Fourth, NSL data can reveal internal or external dynamics within the
corporate sector. For example, NSL data can reveal the relative power of
employees within a firm. As The Economist observed: “People at the top of the
office or social pecking order often receive quick callbacks [and] do not worry
about calling other people late at night.”
The lengths of phone calls can also be
indicative: “Influential [people] reveal their clout by making long calls, while the
calls they receive are generally short.”
NSL data can also expose valuable information about a company’s future.
Multiple calls among a subset of the members of a board of directors over a short
Mining Social Networks: Untangling the Social Web, Economist (Sept. 2,
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period of time and soon before a board meeting might evince intentions to stage a
corporate takeover. Correspondence by executives at a smaller firm with those at a
larger competing firm, and then investment banks and attorneys who specialize in
acquisitions, could indicate a coming sale of the company.
Fifth, NSL data can reveal substantial information about someone’s personal
finances. As noted above, Mayer and Mutchler found that over half of individuals
in their sample called at least one of their financial institutions over only the few-
month time horizon of their study. An individual in debt would have frequent
contact with entities identifiable as debt collectors and might contact payday loan
services or an attorney who specializes in Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings. Someone
who provides funds to a relative abroad might receive more emails from Western
Union than is typical and might contact foreign banking organizations. Moreover,
NSL data obtained through ECPA’s provisions is only one subset of all NSL data
that the FBI can collect. Other statutes provide authority to demand full credit
reports, for example, data that could quickly corroborate evidence derived from
Finally, patterns in data obtained through FBI use of NSLs can reveal an
enormous amount of sensitive information about medical conditions. Consider, for
instance, the inferences derived from personal records showing “a call to a
gynecologist, and then a call to an oncologist, and then a call to close family
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Mayer and Mutchler’s study empirically documents this possibility.
Relying on patterns of phone calls to certain kinds of doctors, laboratories,
pharmacies, and home-reporting hotlines, Mayer and Mutchler deduced that one
participant in their study suffered from cardiac arrhythmia and another from
relapsing multiple sclerosis. For a third, they observed that the participant had a
long morning call with her sister, then two days later placed a series of calls to the
local Planned Parenthood clinic, placed additional calls to the clinic two weeks
later, and then made a final call a month afterwards.
In a different context, a recent, widely reported incident involving Target
illustrates how predictive models can enhance these inferences. Using extensive
customer data, Target determined that pregnant women are more likely to buy
certain products at different stages of pregnancy. To capitalize on this trend, Target
used its database to create a “pregnancy prediction” score upon which it based an
advertisement campaign offering targeted coupons to women in different
trimesters. In so doing, Target discovered incredibly private information about its
customers’ reproductive choices and, in at least one case, determined that a teenage
girl was pregnant and sent her pregnancy related coupons before even her father
Jane Mayer, supra note 5 (quoting Susan Landau) (internal quotation
marks omitted).
See Mayer & Mutchler, supra note 42.
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found out.
These types of patterns that can easily be discerned from aggregated
information are often far more revealing than one might ever imagine from any
individual piece of data.
The reach of NSL demands for information into the private lives of ordinary
Americans is nearly limitless. Contradicting government claims that NSL data does
not include content, simple analysis of NSL data can reveal a wide variety of any
American’s otherwise anonymous political activity or beliefs, close relationships,
religious affiliations, personal or community associations, medical records,
financial data and more. The FBI can learn deeply sensitive information about the
daily life of almost every person in this country without meaningful, affirmative
judicial approval.
DATED: March 28, 2014 Respectfully submitted,
Mills Legal Clinic at Stanford Law School
By: /s/ Phillip R. Malone
Phillip R. Malone
Counsel for Amici Curiae
See Charles Duhigg, How Companies Learn Your Secrets,
(Feb. 16, 2012),
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Consolidated cases Under Seal v. Holder, et al., No’s. l3-15957 and 13-
16731, and Under Seal v. Holder, et al., No. l3-16732, which involve the same
legal issues but different NSL recipients, are related. This Court has ordered that
No’s. l3-15957 and 13-16731 be briefed separately from, but on the same briefing
and oral argument schedule as, No. l3-16732.
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PURSUANT TO FED. R. APP. P. 32(a)(7)(C)
Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(C), I certify as follows:
1. This Brief Amici Curiae complies with the type-volume limitation of Fed.
R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(B) and 29(d) because this brief contains 6,925 words,
excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(B)(iii); and
2. This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed. R. App. P.
32(a)(5) and the type style requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(6) because this
brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using Microsoft Word
for Mac 2011, the word processing system used to prepare the brief, in 14 point
Times New Roman font.
I declare under penalty of perjury that this Certificate of Compliance is true
and correct and that this declaration was executed on March 28, 2014.
By: /s/Phillip R. Malone
Phillip P. Malone
Counsel for Amici Curiae
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Exhibit A Page 1
List of Amici and Short Biographies
Harold Abelson is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A fellow at the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), he was awarded the 2011
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer
Science Education Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science
Education and the 2012 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award.
Professor Abelson’s research interests focus on information technology and policy;
he is also an advocate of intellectual property reform, innovation, and an open
Internet. His publications include Access Control is an Inadequate Framework for
Privacy Protection and Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the
Digital Explosion.
Andrew W. Appel is the Chair of and a Professor in Princeton University’s
Computer Science Department. He was named an ACM Fellow in 1998 and
received the 2002 ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages
(SIGPLAN) Distinguished Service Award. Professor Appel is active in issues
related to the intersection between law and technology, focusing his research
Amici file this brief in their individual capacities, not as representatives of
the institutions with which they are affiliated.
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Exhibit A Page 2
primarily on program verification, computer security, programming language
semantics, and compilers. His publications include Compiling with Continuations
and Security Seals on Voting Machines: A Case Study.
Steven M. Bellovin is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at
Columbia University. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in
2001 and awarded the NIST/NSA National Computer Systems Security Award in
2006. Professor Bellovin’s research focuses on networks, security, and the tensions
between the two. Examples of his publications include Firewalls and Internet
Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, Facebook and privacy: It's complicated, and
When Enough Is Enough: Location Tracking, Mosaic Theory, and Machine
Matthew A. Blaze is an Associate Professor in the Computer and Information
Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania where he also directs the
Distributed Systems Lab Research. He implemented the Crytographic File System
for Unix in 2002, which remains in use today. Professor Blaze’s research interests
center cryptography and its applications, trust management, human scale security,
secure systems design, and networking and distributed computing. Several recent
publications include Going Bright: Wiretapping Without Weakening
Communication Infrastructure and Notes on Theoretical Limitations and Practical
Vulnerabilities of Internet Surveillance Capture.
Case: 13-15957 04/01/2014 ID: 9044309 DktEntry: 45-1 Page: 45 of 54
Exhibit A Page 3
Fernando J. Corbato is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science at M.I.T. He has achieved wide recognition
for his pioneering work on the design and development of multiple-access
computer systems. He was associated with the M.I.T. Computation Center from its
organization in 1956 until 1966. In 1963 he was a founding member of Project
MAC, the antecedent of CSAIL. In 1990, Prof. Corbato received the Turing
Award, "for his pioneering work in organizing the concepts and leading the
development of the general-purpose, large-scale, time-sharing and resource-sharing
computer systems." At his retirement in 1996, Prof. Corbato held a Ford Professor
of Engineering Chair.
Lorrie Faith Cranor is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and of
Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. She is also the
director of the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory. Professor Cranor
was the 2006 Phase 1 Winner of the Tor Graphical User Interface Design
Competition and 2004 IBM Best Academic Privacy Faculty Award. Her work has
been widely recognized, most recently being awarded the Future of Privacy Forum
Privacy Papers for Policy Makers 2012 award for Leading Paper. Her research
interests focuses on usable privacy and security, with recent publications including
The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P 1.0) Specification and Privacy in E-
Commerce: Examining User Scenarios and Privacy Preferences.
David Farber is the Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science and
Public Policy in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
He has been a major contributor to the development of computer networking and
Case: 13-15957 04/01/2014 ID: 9044309 DktEntry: 45-1 Page: 46 of 54
Exhibit A Page 4
computer programming languages. Professor Farber served as Chief Technologist
to the FCC from 2000 to 2001 and received the 1995 ACM Special Interest Group
on Data Communications Award for lifelong contributions to the computer
communications field. His publications include A Secure and Reliable Bootstrap
Architecture and Recoverability of Communication Protocols—Implications of a
Theoretical Study.
Edward W. Felten is is the Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and
Public Affairs, and the Director of the Center for Information Technology Policy,
at Princeton University. He has published more than 100 papers in the research
literature. In 2011-12 he served as the first Chief Technologist at the Federal
Trade Commission. He has testified before Congressional hearings on topic
including surveillance and privacy. He is a member of the National Academy of
Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Michael J. Freedman is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science
Department at Princeton University. His research broadly focuses on
distributed systems, security, and networking, and has led to commercial
products and deployed systems reaching millions of users daily. His
privacy-related research has developed techniques for untrusted and
encrypted cloud services, anonymous communication systems, and secure
multi-party computation. A recipient of the Presidential Early Career
Case: 13-15957 04/01/2014 ID: 9044309 DktEntry: 45-1 Page: 47 of 54
Exhibit A Page 5
Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), Freedman has also been
recognized by a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the Office of
Naval Research's Young Investigator Award, membership in DARPA's
Computer Science Study Group, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and
multiple conference award publications.
Matthew D. Green is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of
Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. He received the 2007 Award for
Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies. Professor Green’s
research interests include privacy-enhanced information storage, anonymous
payment systems, and bilinear map-based cryptography as well as cryptographic
engineering. His publications include Improved Proxy Re-Encryption Schemes with
Applications to Secure Distributed Storage and Security Analysis of a
Cryptographically-Enabled RFID Device.
J. Alex Halderman is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the University of Michigan. His work has won numerous
distinctions, including two best paper awards from the USENIX Security
conference. Professor Halderman's research focuses on computer security and
privacy, with an emphasis on problems that broadly impact society and public
policy. His publications include Telex: Anticensorship in the Network
Infrastructure and Lest We Remember: Cold-Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys.
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Exhibit A Page 6
Robert Harper is a Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon
University, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1988. His research
focuses on the application of constructive type theory, a computationally based
foundation for mathematics, to programming languages and programverification.
He was elected as an ACM Fellow in July of 2006. He is the co- recipient of the
2006 Most Influential Paper Ten Years Later Award from the ACM Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation and of the 2007 Test of Time
Award from the IEEE Conference on Logic in Computer Science. He is a past
editor of the Journal of the ACM, and is currently a member of the editorial board
for the Journal of Functional Programming, Information and Computation, and
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. He was honored with the Allen E.
Newell Award for Excellence in Research, and the Herbert A. Simon Award for
Excellence in Teaching, both at Carnegie Mellon University.
David Mazieres is associate professor of Computer Science at Stanford
University, where he leads the Secure Computer Systems research group. Prof.
Mazieres received a BS in Computer Science from Harvard in 1994 and Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2000. Prof. Mazieres's
research interests include Operating Systems and Distributed Systems, with a
particular focus on security. Prof. Mazieres has several awards including a Sloan
award (2002), USENIX best paper award (2001), NSF CAREER award (2001),
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MIT Sprowls best thesis in computer science award (2000), and fast-track journal
papers at OSDI (2000), SOSP (1995), and SOSP (2005).
Greg Morissett is the Allen B. Cutting Professor of Computer Science at Harvard
University, where he also served as the Associate Dean for Computer Science and
Engineering from 2007-2010. Prof. Morrisett has received a number of awards for
his research on programming languages, type systems, and software security,
including a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, an IBM
Faculty Fellowship, an NSF Career Award, and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. He
was recently made a Fellow of the ACM. He currently serves on the editorial board
for The Journal of the ACM and as co-editor-in-chief for the Research Highlights
column of Communications of the ACM. In addition, Prof. Morrisett has served on
the DARPA Information Science and Technology Study (ISAT) Group, the NSF
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Advisory Council,
Microsoft Research's Technical Advisory Board, and Microsoft's Trusthworthy
Computing Academic Advisory Board.
James Purtilo is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of
Maryland, College Park, where he specializes in software producibility and
product assurance. Purtilo has published on software formal methods, rapid
prototyping and testing, most recently with a focus on mechanisms for intrusion
detection and prevention in secure systems. At the University of Maryland, he has
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served as director of the Master of Software Engineering Program on his campus,
Associate Dean in his college and Chair of CS Department's undergraduate
Ronald L. Rivest is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A founder of RSA Security and
Peppercoin, Professor Rivest was received the 2012 National Cyber Security Hall
of Fame and 2005 Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange (MITX)
Lifetime Achievement Award. His research primarily focuses on cryptography and
computer and network security. His recent publications include Introduction to
Algorithms and A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key
Avi Rubin is a Professor of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University and
Technical Director of the Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute. He was the
Director of the USENIX Association from 2000 to 2004 and a recipient of the
2007 Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies. His
research primarily focuses on computer security. His recent publications include
Charm: A Framework for Rapidly Prototyping Cryptosystems and Security and
Privacy in Implantable Medical Devices and Body Area Networks.
Barbara Simons is retired from IBM Research. She is the only woman to have
received the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award from the College of
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Engineering of U.C. Berkeley. A fellow of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a fellow and former president of the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), she has also received the
Computing Research Association Distinguished Service Award. An expert on
electronic voting, Simons recently published Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote
Count?, a book on voting machines co-authored with Douglas Jones. She was
appointed to the Board of Advisors of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission in
2008, and she was a member of the workshop, convened at the request of President
Clinton, that produced a report on Internet Voting in 2001.
Eugene H. Spafford is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at
Purdue and serves as the Executive Director of Purdue’s Center for Education and
Research in Information Assurance and Security. He was an advisor to the
National Science Foundation (NSF) and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier
journal, Computers & Security. Professor Spafford was inducted into the
Cybersecurity Hall of Fame in 2013 and received the 2007 ACM President’s
Award. His research focuses on preventing, detecting, and remedying information
system failures and information security. He has published many articles and
books including Practical UNIX and Internet Security and Web Security, Privacy
& Commerce.
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Daniel S. Wallach is a Professor of Computer Science and a Rice Scholar at the
Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. A member of the USENIX
Association Board of Directors, he received the 2013 Microsoft Faculty Research
Award, 2009 Google Research Award, and 2000 NSF CAREER Award. Professor
Wallach’s research primarily focuses on computer security and has touched on
issues include web browsers and servers, peer-to-peer systems, smartphones, and
voting machines. His publications include VoteBox: A Tamper-evident, Verifiable
Electronic Voting System and Secure Routing for Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay
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