Hybrid Work Policy Template
Company Name: [ABC Corporation]
Hybrid Work Policy
Effective Date: [Effective Date]
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and expectations for employees who
work in a hybrid model, combining remote work and office work, to ensure productivity,
collaboration, and work-life balance.
2. Policy Details:
Definition: Hybrid work means employees split their time between working in the
office and working remotely, following this policy and agreed terms.
Eligibility: Eligibility for hybrid work arrangements will be based- on several factors,
including the nature of the job roles and responsibilities and the suitability of the work
for remote performance. Additionally, an employee's past performance and reliability
will be taken into account. Departmental needs and the requirements for team
collaboration will also be key considerations in determining eligibility for hybrid work.
3. Schedule Flexibility:
Employees will follow an agreed-upon schedule that combines remote work and office
presence. Specific arrangements, including predefined in-office days, will be scheduled in
consultation with their supervisor. Any changes to this schedule must be approved by their
supervisor at least [X] days in advance, ensuring availability during core business hours
unless otherwise agreed.
4. Remote Work Guidelines
A. Workspace:
Employees must set up a remote workspace that ensures privacy, safety, and
minimal distractions.
The company will provide the necessary equipment and tools to support
efficient remote work.
Employees with specific software or equipment needs should discuss them
with IT and HR.
If technical issues prevent remote work, employees should notify their
supervisor promptly.
Internet outages may require employees to work from the main office or an
alternate location until resolved.
B. Equipment and Security:
Employees must adhere to company policies regarding the use of company-provided
equipment, cybersecurity protocols, and data protection policies when working
remotely. It includes using only company-approved tools for communication and
collaboration, ensuring the security of all company data, and following all established
guidelines to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information. These
measures are essential to protect the company’s assets and ensure a secure working
environment for all employees.
C. Communication:
All employees must maintain regular communication with their team and supervisor
through designated channels (e.g., email, messaging platforms, video calls) during
their working hours while working remotely. Office attendance may be required for
team meetings, one-on-one sessions, or department-wide meetings, with employees
being notified at least [X] days in advance.
5. Performance and Accountability
Performance expectations, goals, and deliverables remain consistent regardless of
work location. Remote work will be evaluated- based on agreed-upon metrics and
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
6. Flexibility and Adjustments
A. Trial Period: Employees and managers may agree on a trial period to assess the
effectiveness of the hybrid work arrangement. Adjustments may be made based on
feedback and performance during this period.
B. Policy Review: This policy will be reviewed- periodically to ensure it meets the
evolving needs of the organization and its workforce.
7. Compliance
Employees are required to comply with all company policies, including those related to
confidentiality, data security, and workplace conduct, whether working remotely or in the
8. Health & Well-being:
We encourage all employees to take regular breaks while working remotely and to maintain
a clear separation between work and personal time by sticking to regular working hours. It
helps ensure physical and mental well-being.
9. Training:
Employees new to the hybrid model will receive training to get acquainted with the tools,
security protocols, and best practices for remote work.
10. Contacts
For questions or clarifications regarding this policy- employees should contact [HR Manager
or relevant contact].
[ABC Corporation] is dedicated to creating an environment that promotes productivity and
employee satisfaction. We believe that a well-implemented hybrid work model can greatly
benefit our team. However, regular feedback and open communication will be crucial to its
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above policy:
Employee Name: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Manager Approval
I approve the above employee's participation in the hybrid work arrangement:
Manager Name: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Note: Feel free to customize this template further to fit the specific needs and culture of your