Employer Telework
/Hybrid Work Guide
Brought to you by goDCgo Employer Services
Updated December 2023
What is goDCgo? ............................................................................................ 2
What is Telework/Hybrid Work? ...................................................................... 3
Benefits of a Telework/Hybrid Work Policy ...................................................... 4
Template: Telework/Hybrid Work Policy ................................................................................... 6
Determining Telework/Hybrid Work Eligibility .................................................. 9
Template: Telework/Hybrid Work Agreement ......................................................................... 10
Creating a Successful Telework/Hybrid Work Environment ............................ 14
Template: Telework/Hybrid Work Checklist ............................................................................ 15
Communicating with Your Staff About Telework/Hybrid Work ........................ 16
Template: Telework/Hybrid Work Promotional Email ............................................................ 17
DC Employer Success Story: Washington Gas and Light Company (WGL) ........................... 18
What is goDCgo?
goDCgo is an initiative of the District
Department of Transportation (DDOT)
that encourages the use of sustainable
transportation. Our award-winning Employer
Services team provides complimentary
consultation to businesses starting or
enhancing their commuter benets programs,
making it easier for your employees to choose
sustainable, affordable, and healthy ways to get
to work.
Complimentary consultation from goDCgo
Guidance on implementing commuter
transit benets and telework policies
Communication tools, templates, and
customized marketing materials
Design and analysis of employee commute
Help setting up carpools and vanpools
Transportation brochures and info sessions
for your employees
Monthly news you can use and timely
updates for employers
Did You Know?
66 percent of the
areas workers now
telework at least one
day per week.
Contact us today:
What are Telework
and Hybrid Work?
Teleworking, or telecommuting, is a work arrangement
that allows an employee to perform work at an
approved alternative worksite. This allows employees
to work on a full-time or part-time basis from a remote
location—whether at home, a shared workspace, or a
satellite ofce—within the guidelines described in an
organization’s telework policy.
Hybrid work, one popular telework arrangement, keeps
the in-person component of on-site work while also
including a remote benet. This arrangement allows
employees to work from an alternate work location for
part of their regular work week and requires them on-
site for the remainder of the work week.
Teleworking is not an obligatory benet for employees.
It is an alternative work arrangement where eligibility
is determined on a case-by-case basis. The company
has the right to refuse to make teleworking available
to specic positions and can terminate a telework
arrangement at any time. Employees are not required to
telework and can refuse if the option is made available.
Telework serves as an important tool for achieving
a productive workforce and to support employees’
work-life balance. It can give them the exibility to
meet personal and professional responsibilities
while ensuring that the organization's goals are
met. Developing a telework policy is the rst step to
establishing an innovative workplace arrangement.
Benets of Telework and
Hybrid Work Policies
DC employers and increasingly adding telework and
hybrid work as benets to attract and retain employees.
According to the 2022 State of the Commute report,
66 percent of the areas workers now telework at least
one day per week, a signicant increase following the
COVID-19 pandemic. Adding a telework or hybrid work
benet can achieve lower real estate costs by sharing
deskspace among employees, lower recruitment and
training costs, and even increased productivity.
This guide is designed to help DC employers keep up
with their competition by adding or improving their own
telework benet.
Here are some benets you can enjoy by offering your
employees the option to telework:
Maintain level of productivity
Lower employee turnover rate
Improve morale and work-life balance
Increase level of exibility for employees
Potentially reduce the cost of ofce space
Reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
from commuting
Maintain operations in case of an emergency
Ready our success story to learn how Washington Gas
and Light Company (page 18) created a work-life balance
for employees by implementing a telework program.
How a Hybrid Work Policy
Affects Other Benets & Laws
DC Laws
DC has two local ordinances that apply to employers
in the District: the DC Commuter Benets Law and
the DC Parking Cashout Law. If you meet the base
qualications of these laws, you must comply with
them even if your employees are on a hybrid work
schedule. Our employer team can help you navigate
and comply with these laws.
Guaranteed Ride Home
The regional Guaranteed Ride Home program, run
by Commuter Connections, requires employees to
commute by transit, carpool, bike, walking, or scooter
at least two times a week to qualify for the program.
Since many are only going back to the ofce one day
a week, they are unable to use this benet. If you have
employees who only work from the ofce one day
a week, you can supplement the regional program
by covering rides for unexpected overtime and
emergencies. Meet with our employer team to
learn more.
As a Maryland resident, a DC-based position was always a
non-starter for me in considering a career move. Knowing that
I could be open about my work-life balance needs throughout
the recruitment process played a key role in my joining the
— American Pharmacists Association (APhA) employee
Apart from the exibility, I've realized that I work better and
more effectively when I'm working alone with no distractions.
— Java Developer at TCG
The ability to telework affords our employees the exibility
to balance their work and home responsibilities, reduce their
commuting costs, and contribute to their overall satisfaction
and wellbeing.
— Jule Miller, Senior Vice President of HR at APhA
To promote [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] as a means of achieving administrative efciencies (i.e. reducing ofce
and parking space), reducing trafc congestion and transportation costs, and sustaining the hiring and retention
of a highly qualied workforce by enhancing work/life balance.
Alternate Work Location: Approved work sites other than [COMPANY NAME]‘s ofces where ofcial business is
performed. Such locations may include, but are not limited to satellite ofces, co-working spaces, and employees’
Hybrid Work: A voluntary work arrangement where supervisors permit employees to perform their usual job
duties at an alternate work location for part of their regular work week and on-site for the remainder of their
regular work week.
Formal Teleworking: A voluntary work arrangement where supervisors permit employees to perform their usual
job duties at an agreed upon alternate work location for all or part of their regular work week.
Informal Teleworking: A short-term remote work arrangement, such as working from home during emergency
closings at the central workplace, on the road during business travel, or to accommodate employees with a
partial or full return to work from family or medical leave. All informal teleworking arrangements are made
on a case-by-case basis, focusing on the business needs of the company rst. Such informal teleworking
arrangements are not the focus of this policy.
Teleworker : An employee who, under formal agreement with [COMPANY NAME], performs her/his usual job duties
in an alternate work location without a set in ofce requirement/schedule.
Hyrid Worker: An employee who, under formal agreement with [COMPANY NAME], performs her/his usual job
duties in an alternate work location usually at least one day per week or at least 32 hours per month.
Teleworking Agreement: [COMPANY NAME]’s written agreement with the employee that details the terms and
conditions of the employee’s work at their alternate work location or central workplace.
This [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] policy applies to [COMPANY NAME]’s full-time and part-time classied and
wage employees. [COMPANY NAME] considers [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] to be a viable alternative work
arrangement in cases where employee, job, and supervisor characteristics are suited to such an arrangement.
[TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] is not an entitlement, but rather a management option. A [TELEWORK/HYBRID
WORK] agreement in no way changes the terms and conditions of employment with [COMPANY NAME] or
required compliance with company policies and procedures.
Employees requesting a formal [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] arrangement must have been employed with
[COMPANY NAME] for a minimum of [XX] days of continuous, regular employment and must have demonstrated
satisfactory performance, in accordance with the company’s performance appraisal process.
To participate in [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK], a [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] agreement must be completed
and signed by [COMPANY NAME]s Human Resources representative, the employee, and the employee’s
[COMPANY NAME] supports [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] for employees with job duties that lend themselves to
this arrangement provided certain requirements are met. All positions do not lend themselves to [TELEWORK/
HYBRID WORK] arrangements.
Suitability for [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] depends on job content, rather than job role, title, or work schedule.
Employees should achieve and maintain an acceptable job performance level to qualify for [TELEWORK/HYBRID
Either an employee or a supervisor can suggest telecommuting as a possible work arrangement. Prior to
[TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK], the employee and the employee’s supervisor must sign the agreement and comply
with the conditions set forth. A Human Resources representative also must be made aware of and sign the
When considering entering into a [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] agreement, the employee and their supervisor,
with the assistance of the Human Resources department, will evaluate the suitability of such an arrangement
paying particular attention to the following areas:
the needs and work habits of the employee, including employee performance,
whether the employee’s job responsibilities are appropriate for [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK],
any equipment needs, work space considerations, and scheduling issues,
tax and other legal implications for utilizing the employee’s alternate work location for company business,
based on IRS, state, and local government restrictions. Responsibility for fullling all obligations in this area
rests solely with the employee.
If the employee and supervisor agree and the Human Resources department concurs, a [TELEWORK/HYBRID
WORK] agreement will be prepared and signed by all parties and a [X] month trial period will commence. At
any time during the trial period, the [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] agreement may be discontinued at will, at the
request of the employee, or at the request of the company.
At the conclusion of the trial period, the employee and supervisor will evaluate the arrangement and make
recommendations for continuance or modications. Evaluation of employee performance beyond the trial period
will be consistent with that received by employees working at the ofce. Employees should achieve and maintain
an acceptable performance rating to qualify for [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK]. Either the supervisor or the
employee may terminate the agreement at their discretion, preferably providing two weeks notice.
Employees who [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] must maintain compliance with all [COMPANY NAME] policies,
procedures, and guidelines. In accordance with company policy, [COMPANY NAME] will compensate employees
as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act and the company’s policies and pay practices.
The total number of hours that employees are expected to work will not change, regardless of their work location.
Teleworking is not designed to be a replacement for appropriate child or elder care. Although an employee
and supervisor may agree to a modied schedule to accommodate other responsibilities, the focus of the
[TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] arrangement must remain on job performance and meeting work obligations
during work hours.
Injuries sustained by the employee while at their alternate work location and in conjunction with their regular
work duties are normally covered by the company’s workers’ compensation policy. Employees are responsible
for notifying [COMPANY NAME] of any accident or injury suffered in accordance with the company workers’
compensation procedures. The employee is liable for any injuries sustained by visitors to their alternate work
location. Visits by co-workers for business reasons must have prior supervisor approval.
Employees entering into a [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] agreement may be required to forfeit use of a personal
ofce, work station, or parking space in favor of a shared arrangement to maximize company ofce and parking
space needs.
The employee is responsible for ensuring an appropriate work environment within their alternate work location.
[COMPANY NAME] will not be responsible for costs associated with the initial setup of the employee’s alternate
work location such as remodeling, furniture, or lighting, nor for repairs of modications to the alternate work
location. Employees will be offered appropriate assistance in setting up a work station designed for safe,
comfortable work.
[COMPANY NAME] will determine, with information supplied by the employee and the supervisor, the appropriate
equipment needs for each [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] arrangement on a case-by-case basis. The Human
Resources and Information Systems departments will serve as resources in this matter.
[COMPANY NAME] will supply the employee with appropriate ofce supplies (laptop, webcam, monitors, etc.) for
successful completion of job responsibilities and/or provide the employee with a monthly remote work stipend to
cover the cost of ofce supplies and Wi-Fi
Equipment supplied by the organization will be maintained by the company. [COMPANY NAME] accepts no
responsibility for damage or repairs to employee-owned equipment. Equipment supplied by the company is to be
used for company business only. The employee is responsible for taking appropriate action to protect company
equipment from damage or theft. Upon termination of employment, all company equipment will be returned to
the company, unless other arrangements have been made.
The companys expectations of information asset security for employees working in the ofce full-time also apply
to employees working at alternate work locations. [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] employees are expected to ensure
the protection of proprietary company and customer information accessible from their alternate work location.
The employee is responsible for being accessible by phone or modem within a reasonable time period
during the work schedule agreed upon with their supervisor in the [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] agreement.
Employees who [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] must notify their supervisor immediately of any situation that
interferes with their ability to perform their job. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that [TELEWORK/
HYBRID WORK] employees maintain effective communication with co-workers.
Determining Telework/Hybrid
Work Eligibility
Assess your company’s infrastructure needs.
Take stock of your existing technology, equipment, and
communication tools. Do employees have company
laptops or will you allow the use of at-home desktops?
Does your organization have a VPN or web-based
access to email and company les? Employers should
talk with their IT staff to ensure that client privacy and
condentiality are maintained and secure technology
systems are in place for teleworking.
A short list of technology tools:
Skype for Business
Cisco Webex
Zoho Cliq
Google Hangouts
Outlook Web App
Google Drive
supervision, such as intern positions, may not be
suitable for full-time teleworking and may be better
suited for hybrid work or on-site work. Employers can
determine which positions are eligible for telework
and whether they will be fully remote or hybrid and
communicate this to employees as part of their
telework/hybrid work policy.
Consider establishing a trial period. Some telework
policies require that employees new to telework be
approved to participate in the program for a trial
period (ex. 3 months). This provides supervisors
and employees with a period of time to ensure that
performance goals are being met and to make any
adjustments as needed.
Explore incentives for sustainable transportation
among hybrid workers. For example, you can opt to
only offer hybrid work eligibility to employees who
pledge to commute by public transportation, biking,
walking, or carpooling on their on-site work days. This
is a great way to encourage sustainable transportation
use at your ofce.
Take into account the employee’s capabilities and
competencies. For example, if a staff member is not
comfortable using your remote access or cloud-based
technology infrastructure required for teleworking,
discuss if teleworking is right for them at this time.
If you determine it is not right for them, clearly
identify the capabilities or competencies they need to
demonstrate, how they might receive training or show
their capacity for teleworking and when they can revisit
the conversation with you.
Review the job functions of positions within
your organization. Positions that have most work
performed electronically with minimal supervision
and limited in-person contact with clients are suitable
for telework. For positions that require inter-ofce
teamwork, web-based collaboration tools and cloud
storage can help support group teleworking. Client-
facing positions that require a high-level of on-site
interactions, such as receptionist positions, or direct
Employee Name: __________________________________________ Position Title: ____________________________
Department:_______________________________________________ Hire Date: _______ / _______ / _____________
Please indicate how the responsibilities of your position are suited for teleworking by responding to the following
questions and discussing them with your supervisor.
Does your position require daily access to equipment, classied materials, or systems that cannot be
accessed outside of the main worksite? Y ______ N _______
Does your position require a level of customer service engagement that cannot be maintained at an
alternate work location? Y ______ N _______
Are you currently participating in on-site job training that cannot otherwise be successfully completed?
Y ______ N _______
How will [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] enable you to perform your job more effectively? How will [TELEWORK/
HYBRID WORK] positively affect the company?
Describe how often and in what manner you will keep your supervisor and co-workers appraised of your work
Are there any special circumstances or considerations that should be noted before beginning the [TELEWORK/
HYBRID WORK] arrangement and reviewed at the rst check-in?
Please detail below the days and hours that the employee is expected to work.
Day of Week Schedule / Work Hours On-site or Telework
Please detail below regular meetings and how the employee is expected to participate (in-person or if teleworking,
what tools will be used).
Please detail below any equipment provided by the company to the employee for use at her/his alternate work
location for the day(s) she/he will be teleworking.
Equipment Type Model / Serial No. Condition (New, Good, Fair, Poor)
Supervisor Name:
Position Title:
Is the employee serving in a probationary or training period? Y ______ N _______
Please indicate how the employee is suited for [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] by responding to the following
questions and discussing them with your employee.
Does the employee demonstrate reliability towards work hours? Is she/he typically punctual
and respectful of work hours at the ofce? Y ______ N _______
Does the employee exhibit strong organizational and time management skills? Does she/he demonstrate
self-discipline and self-motivation? Y ______ N _______
Does the employee regularly solve problems independently and fulll the responsibilities
of her/his position with minimal supervision? Y ______ N _______
Does the employee have access to and sufcient skills using the technologies required
for teleworking? Y ______ N _______
Does the employee’s proposed alternate work location provide an environment conducive
to working and free from distractions? Y ______ N _______
Does the employee have a performance rating that is above average or exceeding
expectations? Y ______ N _______
Please detail any documented occurrences or deciencies that should be taken into consideration regarding
the employee’s request to telework (i.e. any disciplinary action for being absent without approval, any formal
disciplinary action within the past 12 months, etc.).
Based on the responses above and discussions with the employee, the supervisor determines the following:
The employee is:
Eligible for regular / recurring telework on a full-time basis (every day)
Eligible for regular / recurring telework on a hybrid basis (set schedule)
Eligible for situational / ad hoc telework
Not eligible at this time for telework
If the employee is determined to not be eligible for [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] at this time, please indicate the
reason below and communicate it with the employee.
The employee’s position requires a continual presence at the main worksite.
The employee’s position requires daily access to equipment, classified materials, or systems that cannot
be accessed outside of the main worksite.
The employee’s performance or conduct is of concern.
The employee is serving a probationary period.
I ________________________________________________ understand and acknowledge that I have discussed
[TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] with my supervisor, and our conversations are accurately reected in this
application. I understand that my application does not guarantee that I will be eligible to telework. I have read the
[TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] policy and understand that it is not an entitlement and that it is not appropriate for
every employee. I understand that teleworking can be terminated at any time by [COMPANY NAME] or by me.
Employees Signature:________________________________________________________
Date: _______ / _______ / _____________
I ________________________________________________ have discussed the possibility of [TELEWORK/HYBRID
WORK] with the above-mentioned employee and our conversations are accurately reected in this application.
I believe this employee is a good candidate based on job responsibilities and performance in her/his current
Supervisor’s Signature:________________________________________________________
Date: _______ / _______ / _____________
Has the [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] agreement been approved by both parties above, the employee and the
Y ______ N _______
Has [COMPANY NAME]’s [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] policy been provided to both the employee and the
Y ______ N _______
Has [COMPANY NAME]’s [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] policy been reviewed by both the employee and the
Y ______ N _______
HR Representative Name: ____________________________________________________________
HR Representative Signature: ________________________________________________________
Date: _______ / _______ / _____________
Creating a Successful
Telework/Hybrid Work
Agree on performance measures to ensure
accountability no matter where your employees are
working. Setting clear performance objectives will
provide direction on teleworking days. If an employee
is working on a large project or deliverable, the
supervisor and employee may want to agree on a
set of subtasks that should be achieved on their
telework day.
Maintain strong channels of communication.
Prior to teleworking, discuss how the employee will
participate in any regularly scheduled meetings. If
staff will be teleworking for a majority of their time,
make sure they are still developing relationships with
their colleagues. Collegial relationships will improve
overall communication and accountability.
Employers should also clearly communicate the laws,
company policies, and any technology requirements
that apply to telework with their employees. These
could be outlined in your employee handbook,
company telework policy, or in a telework on-boarding
training with HR.
Consider benets similar to, or sometimes
associated with telework, such as exible work
schedules (FWS). With the increasing popularity
of telework environments, many ofces now also
implement exible work schedules (FWS), alternate
work schedules (AWS), and compressed work
weeks along with their telework benet, or in lieu
of a telework benet.
Employers may want to familiarize themselves with
these terms and determine a company policy for
exible work schedules in conjunction with their
telework policy. Employees may want to know if a
exible work schedule or similar benet is permitted
under the telework agreement.
As dened by the Ofce of Personnel Management
(OPM), “FWS consist of workdays with ‘core hours’ and
‘exible hours’.” Core hours are the designated period of
the day when all employees must be working or available
for work. Flexible hours are the part of the workday when
employees may (within limits) choose their time of arrival
and departure. Within limits set by their agencies, FWS
can enable employees to select and alter their work
schedules to better t personal needs and help balance
work, personal, and family responsibilities. Employees
may want to know the company’s policy of FWS along
with their telework benet.
Laws for teleworking employees
Quick facts to know about how federal employment
laws apply to teleworking employees:
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA)
requires employers to record injuries that happen
at a home ofce. However, OSHA does not require
inspections of teleworkers’ homes.
For a teleworking employee to receive Workers
Compensation (WC), the WC carrier must
determine if the injury was a result of a home
ofce workplace or a residential situation. This
determination is made by the WC carrier, not a
manager or the company’s HR department.
In some circumstances, telework may be
considered a reasonable accommodation
under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
However, employers are not required to provide
telework as an ADA accommodation.
Telework is not for employees who are on
approved leave under the Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA).
Developing a checklist can help ensure that
supervisors and employees cover all aspects of
the company’s teleworking policies and procedures
prior to the employee’s participation in the program.
Employers can use the checklist on the following page
as a template.
*For additional questions on federal employment laws, employers should
consult a law advisor.
Sign and submit the [COMPANY NAME] [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] Agreement and follow policies
outlined in the Employee Manual.
Read and review the [COMPANY NAME] [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] Policy.
Place signs on your door or computer that notify other [COMPANY NAME] employees that you are
teleworking, and that you are checking emails and available by phone (list cell phone if call forwarding is
not enabled).
Update your [Outlook] calendar so that coworkers know you are teleworking.
Forward your phone, or if that option is unavailable, call your office phone to check voicemail every 90
Sign-in and be available online during core business hours, except for individual cases approved by your
supervisor in advance.
Email your supervisor when signing on and off for the day. Notify your supervisor if you’re logging off to
work on projects offline.
Complete timesheets no later than COB of the [Friday] that ends a pay period.
Request approval from your supervisor if you would like to swap telework days.
Commute to the office or other locations for meetings, presentations, etc. when required although it may
be a telework day.
Sign and submit the [COMPANY NAME] [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] Agreement and follow policies
outlined in the Employee Manual.
Communicate the [COMPANY NAME] [TELEWORK/HYBRID WORK] Policy with the employee.
Ensure that the employee has the appropriate supplies to telework and that they are in proper condition.
Discuss the rules for the use of company equipment for telework with the employee.
Maintain a list of the supplies and equipment provided to the employee.
Ensure that a contingency plan is in place if/when technical issues arise while the employee is teleworking.
Discuss expectations around how often the employee and you will check in with each other and which
tools you will use to stay in contact.
Inform the employee of performance expectations for the role both verbally and in writing.
Communicating with
Your Staff About
Telework/Hybrid Work
Regardless of gender, employees equally value
teleworking as a benet. Data collected by DC employer,
Washington Gas, shows a nearly 50/50 split between
male and female teleworking employees. With no
statistical difference in how much employees value the
program, the Washington Gas data debunks the myth
that only “caretaker women” would telework. When
promoting a telework policy, try to leave preconceived
ideas behind.
By collecting data through a survey, employers
can uncover any issues or internal biases and
better support all employees eligible to participate
in telework. In addition, tracking costs and time
saved can further demonstrate the benet to both
prospective and existing employees. Meanwhile,
tracking employee satisfaction and productivity can
help internal decision makers adjust or expand the
telework program.
TIP: Reach out to
goDCgo for assistance
desiging and/or
administering a survey
To: <All Staff>
CC: <HR Department>
Subject: Save time and money by signing up for telework!
Attachment: <[COMPANY NAME]’s Teleworking Policy>
Good Morning,
Did you know [COMPANY NAME] offers an excellent teleworking program for a better work-life balance? Discover
just some of the benets below!
82% of surveyed telework employees reported less stress than their counterparts*
How long do you spend commuting each day? Imagine what you would do if that time was freed up one or
two days per week.
Two-thirds of managers say employees who telework increase their overall productivity*
Are you organized, self-motivated, and disciplined? These are some of the characteristics of employees who
are best suited to work remotely. You can try teleworking on a 3-month trial period to see if it’s a good t for
[XX]% of your colleagues are already beneting from the telework program
Suitability for teleworking depends on job content, rather than job role, title, or work schedule. Our teleworking
policy applies to all full-time [COMPANY NAME] employees.
Although you may speak with your supervisor about teleworking any time of the year, now is a great time to make
the switch to a better work-life balance! To get started, schedule some time with your supervisor to discuss if
teleworking is right for you.
*See PGi’s February 2014 online survey of U.S.-based customers, which received 933 responses.
Telework allows employees to work from a remote location – whether at home, a
shared workspace, or a satellite ofce. A low-cost and high-value business practice,
telework can help companies reduce their carbon footprint while allowing employees
to spend less time commuting so they can enjoy a better work-life balance.
The Washington Gas and Light Company (WGL) provides natural gas
service to residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the
District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. The company’s dedication
to sustainability includes offering robust commuter benets to
employees, such as a telework program.
1,000 DC employees
Employee laptops to
accommodate teleworking
Poor air quality notications
Help employees save money
Retain a high employee
satisfaction rate
Provide designated ‘drop-in
spaces that allow employee
who usually telework and/or
have a different work location to
schedule desk space for when
they are in the ofce
Employer Services
Supporting Corporate Sustainability Goals with Telework Program.
“Our telework policy supports our ability to recruit and retain
talented staff, while also helping us do our part to reduce
congestion and mobile source emissions in the communities
we are proud to serve.
- John Friedman,
Sustainability Manager at WGL
DC Employer Success Story:
The Washington Gas and Light Company (WGL)
Keys to
WGLs Sustainability Manager
John Friedman recommends the
following tips for organizations
who are planning to set up or
enhance their telework program
Interested in telework for your organization? Contact goDCgo for telework templates
and outreach materials or to connect with peers like WGL who have successful
telework programs.
Survey Teleworking Staff
Use data to demonstrate
your program’s value or
bring light to opportunities
to improve your policy
Build Support Among
Your Leadership Team
Train managers on how
to effectively engage with
remote staff
Set Clear Expectations
Set clear expectations
for how remote staff
and managers will
Continue to Promote
Your Telework Policy
goDCgo can help you get
creative with engaging
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WGL found no statistical difference in how much male and female employees
value the telework program. Their telework program has a nearly 50/50 gender
split among participants, debunking gender myths.
In addition, teleworking employees maintained similar productivity levels in-ofce
employees and showed no drop-off in productivity.
Enrolled employees receive, on average, the equivalent of 2 weeks a year in time savings
by foregoing commutes on the days they telework.
Teleworking supports a healthy work-life balance. Mitigating
hours of trafc or on the Metro can add years to you life.
- Victor Davis, Sr.,
Supplier Diversity Specialist at WGL
WGL began its telework policy in 2010 to support employee work-life balance and
contribute to the company’s sustainable business practices. Employees interested
in the program must have their participation approved by a supervisor and adhere
to sharing quarterly commuting data through a survey designed and generated by
the company. In addition, company-wide annual bonuses are linked to sustainability
objectives achieved by employee actions, including telework. By working with goDCgo
and nding creative ways to promote its telework program, WGL achieved a 5%
increase in participation in 2018, with nearly 300 employees actively participating.
As a result, WGLs teleworking employees have eliminated more than 88,000 trips,
avoided driving 2,220,000 miles, and saved more than 99,990 gallons of fuel between
2010 and 2019.
goDCgo Employer Services
Main: 202.299.2186
Website: goDCgo.com/employer
September 2023