Hybrid Work Policy and Agreement
To establish a framework for remote work. To set expectations, requirements and
guidelines. The Remote Work Policy does not guarantee employees the ability to work
remotely. Not all positions or employees will be suitable or eligible for remote work.
Remote work is a privilege not a guarantee. As such, remote work can be terminated at
any time for any reason. This policy may be rescinded or any portion of this policy may
be modified at any time by the Board of Commissioners. The key driving factor in
determining if remote work is plausible must be the business needs of the Genesee
County Offices and the quality and level of services provided to residents of Genesee
General Info
Remote work does not change the conditions of employment or the requirement for the
employee to comply with Genesee County’s policies. Remote workers are required to
comply with all county policies, departmental policies and applicable Collective
Bargaining Agreements including reporting illness, tardiness, etc. An employee’s
classification, compensation and benefits will not change for employee who work remote.
Genesee County does not assume responsibility for operating costs, home maintenance,
remodeling costs or other associated costs incurred by employees in the use of their
homes as a work location. The employee is responsible for configuring of and all the
expenses and services associated with a remote workspace. This includes ensuring and
maintaining an ergonomically appropriate and safe work space
Remote work is not intended to be used in place of paid leave.
Appropriate arrangements for dependent care must be in place while the employee works
remotely. Remote work is not to be a substitute for daycare.
Employees working remotely agree to absolve Genesee County from liability for damages
to real or personal property resulting from participating in remote work.
The department shall evaluate the ability for work to be accomplished effectively and
efficiently from a remote location without diminishing the services being provided.
Departments will determine the ability for remote work based on appropriate business
requirements of the office to ensure non-discriminatory motivations.
Employees eligible for remote work shall meet the following requirements:
The employee has successfully completed a six-month probationary period.
The employee has received no discipline in the last 12 months.
The employee has demonstrated the ability to work productively on their own and
is self-motivated.
Each Department will evaluate the following to determine suitability of the employee,
position and supervisor for remote work. Characteristics such as:
A high degree of computer, project or analytically oriented work.
Well-defined job objectives and output, including the production of deliverables that
can be assessed to ensure that desired work is being done.
Minimal amount of support and non-computerized reference materials needed
from the principle worksite.
The ability to substitute electronic/telephonic communication for face-to-face
contact and schedule in advance any meetings that would require an employee’s
attendance in person.
A minimal need for specialized material or equipment.
Demonstrated skills and abilities of the employee and the employee’s supervisor.
o Skills for a successful remote employee assignment include but are not
limited to:
Well organized, self-motivated, adaptable
Experienced and well-versed in the departments procedures,
Currently successful in their on-site assignment
Dependable and trustworthy
Results-oriented and customer-focused
Comfortable with technology
Ability to communicate effectively
Ability to work productively on their own.
o Skills for a successful remote employee supervisor
Engaged as a supervisor, not overwhelmed with own tasks
Empower and trust their employees
Manage by results and output
Encourage feedback and communication
Effectively problem solve
Effectively plan and organize their work and the work of their
employees to achieve results.
Employees are expected to adhere to all aspects of the Remote Work Policy at all times
in which they are approved to work remotely. Employees are expected to follow all county
and department rules, policies and procedures. Any employee in violation of the Remote
Work Policy is subject to the termination of remote work as well as discipline up to and
including discharge.
Employees must complete, understand and adhere to the Genesee County Work From
Home Cyber Security Employee Guide before commencing remote work. Employees will
be required to complete training as determined by the IT department every six months to
continue remote work. Failure to do so will result in remote access being immediately
Employees will be required to sign an agreement in which they agree to abide by all
requirements, policies, guidelines, etc. established for county employees.
Employees are expected to be readily available to report to their on-site work location
when directed by their department.
Employees approved for remote work will be expected to perform the same work they
would in the office with the same performance expectations.
Employees are expected to answer phone calls, monitor their voicemails, emails and
return the same as when working in the office.
Employees will be required to follow dress codes when attending virtual meetings and
shall have their camera on during the meeting.
Employees are expected maintain a presence, to be responsive to co-workers,
supervisors and the public during scheduled work hours.
Employees are expected to maintain safe working conditions, practice appropriate safety
habits and keep the work area free from hazards. If an injury occurs while working,
employees must notify their supervisor immediately.
Employees are expected to arrange for child/dependent care for the hours in which the
employee works from home.
Employees with dependents must communicate with their supervisors about childcare
when school is closed due to snow, other weather emergencies, etc. and discuss the
expectations for adult supervision.
Employees shall not post pictures of their remote work location on social media or share
photos of same via email or otherwise that could lead to exposure of confidential
Personal tasks and errands should only be performed during the employee’s scheduled
breaks and lunch.
Work Location/Area
Remote work location is expected to be at an employee’s home address which is on file
with Human Resources, unless an alternate location is approved by the department head.
Employee Home
The location in the employee’s home shall not be a common or shared space
such as a dinning room and reasonably free of distractions.
Alternate Location
Alternate remote work locations, approved by the department head, shall be
approved prior to work commencing at said location. The remote work location
shall not be a public location and reasonably free of distractions.
Remote work locations shall be in the vicinity of Genesee County to allow the employee
to report on site if needed.
Genesee County reserves the right to inspect the employee’s work location during regular
business hours. These will be conducted at the Employer’s discretion to assure security
and safety requirements are being met.
Under no circumstances should employees hold business or other work-related, in-
person meetings at their remote work site.
Worker’s Compensation
Injuries sustained by the employee in a remote office location in conjunction with an
employee’s regular work duties may be covered by workers compensation. Employees
are responsible for reporting work related injuries to their supervisor and Risk
Management as soon as possible.
Worker’s compensation does not apply to non-job related injuries that occur in an
employee’s remote work location or injuries sustained during a commute trip in the
employee’s personal vehicle and does not cover claims for injuries to third parties,
including members of the employee’s family or damage to property that occurs at the
remote work location.
Tax Implications
The employee is solely responsible for the tax and legal implications of the use of their
remote work site for business purposes and are solely responsible for any IRS, state or
local government regulations and restrictions.
The employee is also solely responsible for local municipalities’ tax implications of the
remote work location if not the City of Flint.
Work Schedule:
Employees are expected to work their normal work schedule, unless they receive
appropriate approval to adjust their schedule. If an employee is scheduled to work on-
site and is sick or unwilling to commute due to inclement weather, they must use PTO
(paid time off) for the day.
Employees must remain productive and responsive during their scheduled work hours.
Employees will be required to report their hours worked by logging into Kronos. As
already established, overtime must be approved prior to being worked. As outlined in the
Kronos Policy, employees who are subject to overtime are instructed not to work during
off hours, including checking and responding to emails.
It is expected employees will typically work during business hours with the exception of
an approved flex schedule. Employees must adhere to their approved schedule and
follow procedures (departmental or contractual) for requesting a change of approved
Employees may be required, at any time, to commute to their on-site work location. This
is considered commute time and is not eligible for travel reimbursement or compensable.
Equipment & Supplies
Office supplies such as pens, paper, envelopes, etc. shall be provided. Employees should
obtain these supplies from their department. Employees are not authorized to purchase
office supplies and request reimbursement.
Remote work is not mandated therefore the employee is responsible for providing secure
internet access and all other necessary office equipment including but not limited to
ergonomic needs, chair, desk, lighting and a work surface. Employees working remotely
may not remove county-owned chairs, tables, desks, or other furniture.
Genesee County IT Department will be responsible for completing an IT assessment of
the hardware, software, network connections and security before a remote assignment
may begin.
Remote work shall only be performed on county-issued equipment. The county will issue
a laptop (and phone if necessary). The county will not provide devices for internet service
or printers. Employees will be required to ensure the devices receive necessary updates
and should coordinate with IT for maintenance and repair needs.
Reliable internet service with adequate download and upload speeds is required for
remote work.
Employees must us Genesee County VPN and have a secured wifi router with default
admin password changed. Wifi must be secured with minimum WPA2/WPA3 encryption.
The employee is responsible for theft and tamper prevention and must take steps to
ensure minimizing damage to county-owned equipment. Genesee County equipment
shall not be left in vehicles unattended by the employee.
Employees must keep county-issued computers secure when not in use. If an employee
is away from their computer, the computer screen must be locked. Issued computers
should not be used by anyone other than the employee for Genesee County business.
Software not approved by the County IT department shall not be installed on county-
owned equipment.
Any unauthorized use or suspected breach must be reported immediately to IT and your
Remote employees will be expected to protect confidential information while working in
their remote office. It is the employee’s responsibility to protect records from unauthorized
or accidental access, use, disclosure. Information should not be downloaded or stored on
unauthorized devices or drives such as portable data storage device (ie. flash drives,
Employees shall no access personal or sensitive data on employee-owned computers.
Employees shall not store personal or sensitive data on personal storage devices.
Remote work employees shall not transport any files or physical work product from the
office to their home without prior approval from the department head. Documents
removed from county offices should be kept to a minimum. Genesee County documents
shall not be left in vehicles not attended by the employee.
Confidential data should not be printed at a remote work location, unless absolutely
necessary. It is strongly advised that printing occur when the employee is in a county
Employees assume responsibility for the security of information, documents and records
in their possession or accessed while working remotely. Employees must report any
potential breach/loss of data or equipment immediately to their supervisor.
Building Closures, Equipment Failures, Power/Internet Outages
In the event the county closes on-site work locations or certain on-site work locations,
remote staff is expected to work as scheduled. County closures do not affect those who
work from home.
If technical difficulties are being experienced and the employee is unable to resolve the
issues within 30 minutes, the employee must contact their supervisor. If the issue is still
unresolved 30 minutes after contacting the supervisor, the employee will need to report
to their on-site work location (commute time is not compensable) or, with supervisor
approval, use PTO.
Outside Employment
Employees will perform only Genesee County duties during scheduled work hours.
Employees must not perform secondary jobs for other outside employment during the
time they are scheduled to work for Genesee County. Under no circumstances shall
employees conduct business for a secondary job on county-issued equipment.
Examples of Violations/Abuse
Below are some examples of abuse for illustrative purposes. It is not an exhaustive list.
Employees are expected to use good judgement when working remotely.
Remote work performed anywhere other than the approved work location if not at
the employee’s home address.
Work performed on unauthorized equipment or utilizing public or other
unauthorized systems.
Conducting personal business or work for another employer during scheduled
work hours for Genesee County.
Not being available, answering calls, returning calls/emails during scheduled work
Not communicating with internal and external customers, supervisor, etc. in a
timely fashion.
Hybrid Work Agreement
Schedule: Include days worked on-site and off-site, start, end, lunch, breaks times.
Address of remote work location:
__Home Address: _______________________________
__Alternate Work Location: ____________________________________
Must be in vicinity of Genesee County
I, _______________________ (print name) have read, understand and agree to abide
by the Hybrid Work Policy and Agreement. I understand I am also required to follow all
department and county policies, procedures as well as the terms of my Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
I further understand not adhering to such policies and procedures can result in discipline
up to and including discharge.
Employee Signature
Authorized Department Signature
Hybrid Work Approval Checklist
The employee below has requested to participate in remote work:
Name: _____________________________
Phone: ___________________ Email: __________________
Department: ________________________________________
Position: ___________________________________________
_____________________________________ Phone:__________________
Department Head/Elected Official Signature
______________________ Email: ___________________
Submit to HR@geneseecountymi.gov
R: _____No Discipline last 12 months _____Not Probationary
Authorized Signature
IT: The employee’s hardware, software, network connections meet the
standards required for remote work.
(Return completed form to
Authorized Signature