IC4171 (Rev. 11/08/2023)
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Forest Resources Division
(By authority of Part 511, 1994 PA 451, as amended)
The Commercial Forest (CF) program provides a property tax incentive to private landowners to retain and
manage their forestland for long-term timber production and to provide foot access to the public for hunting and
fishing. It is a voluntary program. Participating landowners may withdraw from the program at any time by
submitting an application, application fee, and paying a withdrawal penalty. The CF program is administered by
the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR).
Benefit to the CF Landowner
CF Landowners do not pay ad valorem general
property taxes. Instead, CF landowners pay a
specific tax. The CF specific rate for 2022-2026 is
$1.35 per acre annually. The specific rate
increases 5 cents every 5 years.
General Information
CF land must be devoted to commercial forest
management and be open to the public for foot
access to hunt, fish, and trap.
All timber management, tree cutting, and
reforestation on CF land must be done according
to the written forest management plan in effect for
those lands. Landowners must notify the MDNR
in writing 10 days prior to any cutting, harvesting,
or removal of forest products on CF land. A
violation of the plan is also a violation of Part 511.
Deposits of oil and gas may be removed after
application to and approval by the MDNR.
While exploration of metallic/nonmetallic minerals
(except sand and gravel) is permitted, an owner
must withdraw that portion of forestland affected
by removal of any commercial mineral deposit.
Sand and gravel may be removed from CF land
under limited circumstances after application to
and approval by the MDNR.
Some Restrictions/Limitations
CF land cannot be used for agriculture, mineral
extraction, grazing, industry, developed
recreation, residences, resorts, commercial
purposes, or developmental purposes.
No buildings or improvements are allowed,
including but not limited to trailers, motor homes,
permanent hunting blinds, and utilities.
Owners cannot take any action that would
intimidate hunters, such as posting “No
Trespassing” or "Private Property” signs and
signs warning of security cameras.
CF landowners cannot receive consideration for
entering into a contract affecting CF land (e.g.,
lease, easement, trail agreement) and must
provide a copy of the contract to MDNR for prior
review to determine if it is acceptable.
A minimum of 40 contiguous forested acres is
required. The landowner (or land contract
vendee) must own the timber rights.
Land must meet productivity and stocking
There must be foot access to the public for
hunting, fishing and trapping to all portions of the
enrolled land.
The landowner must have a forest management
plan written by a registered forester or MDNR
approved natural resources professional which
describes how the land will be managed and
includes treatment schedules, such as
reforestation and timber harvesting.
Newly planted trees must have survived through
two growing seasons before the planted land can
be considered for enrollment.
Land managed for Christmas trees is not eligible.
Sale/Acquisition of CF Land
Any document that transfers title to CF land must
state that the land is subject to Part 511.
A landowner who has acquired land that is listed
in the CF program is responsible for being in
compliance with Part 511, or for withdrawing the
land from the CF program. Landowners who
acquire CF land must be compliant (submit to
MDNR their active forest management plan or
contract for a plan to be written) within 90 days of
the date of their deed or land contract. We
recommend buyers provide a copy of their deed
or land contract to MDNR soon after the sale.
IC4171 (Revised 11/08/2023)
How to Apply to Enroll Land in the Program
Application forms to enroll land are available at:
If Landowners have application questions, they
should contact MDNR before applying to list their
Enrollment applications are accepted beginning
January 1 each year and must be postmarked no
later than April 1. If approved, the property tax
status changes the following tax year. A
nonrefundable application fee must be submitted
with the list application form. The fee for listing 200
acres or less is $200. The fee for listing 201 acres
or more is $1.00 per acre or fraction of an acre, up
to a maximum of $1,000.
Landowners must own the timber rights and
submit a forest management plan to the MDNR
with their application.
Landowners must provide a copy of their most
recent property tax bill and their deed or land
contract evidencing ownership of the land to be
Do not submit an application if the land is already
in the program.
A complete application includes:
o Application Form
o Application Fee
o Forest Management Plan
o Deed or Land Contract
o Most recent property tax bill
Violations of Part 511
If the landowner’s CF specific tax is not paid on
their CF land each year, those lands may be sold
at tax sale and the MDNR may remove the land
from the program.
Violations of Part 511 may be misdemeanors or
felonies subject to a fine and/or imprisonment.
Harvesting, cutting or removing forest products
having a value of more than $2,500.00 in violation
of Part 511 is a felony subject to a fine and/or
How to Withdraw Land From the Program
Withdrawal application forms are available at:
A nonrefundable withdrawal application fee must
be submitted with the application form. The fee
for withdrawing 200 acres or less is $200. The fee
for withdrawing 201 acres or more is $1.00 per
acre, up to a maximum of $1,000.
A copy of the landowner’s deed or land contract
evidencing ownership of the land to be withdrawn
must also be included.
Partial withdrawals must be reviewed to determine
if the remaining land is still eligible. Withdrawals of
less than 40 acres may require township split
approval. A survey may also be required.
The CF owner is required to pay a withdrawal
penalty. Using the formula in Part 511, the MDNR
will calculate the withdrawal penalty and instruct
the landowner to pay the withdrawal penalty to the
township treasurer, after receipt and processing of
the application.
Contact Us
For questions and additional information, please
contact the Commercial Forest Program Leader at:
PO BOX 30452
TELEPHONE 517-284-5849
The information in this document is a brief summary.
Part 511, the Commercial Forest Administrative Rules,
applications, and forms are available at: