Department of Defense
Identity, Credential, and Access
Management (ICAM) Strategy
March 30, 2020
For Open Publication
Department of Defense
Aug 07, 2020
The “2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) acknowledges an increasingly complex global
security environment, characterized by overt challenges to the free and open international order
and the re-emergence of long-term, strategic competition between nations. Our adversaries are
now seeking to exploit vulnerabilities to their advantage. These changes require a clear-eyed
appraisal of the threats we face, acknowledgement of the changing character of warfare, and a
transformation of how the Department conducts business.
Delivering this vision means treating Department of Defense (DoD) information as a strategic
asset readily available via robust, rapidly scalable Identity, Credential, and Access Management
(ICAM) capabilities that are interoperable across DoD and with domestic and international mission
partners. DoD ICAM is defined as:
The full range of activities related to the creation of digital identities and maintenance of
associated attributes, credential issuance for person/non-person entities, authentication
using the credentials, and making access management control decisions based on
authenticated identities and associated attributes.
This DoD Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Strategy is guided by the
Department’s keystone strategic documents such as the DoD Digital Modernization Strategy and
the Cyber Risk Reduction Strategy. The DoD, led by the CIO, is taking a comprehensive approach
to cyber defense. ICAM is integral to this effort by seeking to measure and mitigate the risks
identified by the Cyber Risk Reduction Strategy. The vision is a secure trusted environment where
people and non-person entities can securely access all authorized resources based on mission need,
and where we know who and what is on our networks at any time. This strategy replaces the
DoD’s Identity and Access Management (IdAM) Strategy, dated October 17, 2014.
This strategy applies to all DoD unclassified, secret, top secret, and United States (US) owned
releasable networks and information systems under the authority of the Secretary of Defense,
including the Special Access Program (SAP) element.
Full implementation of this strategy will help secure all parts of the DoD and supports the security
of mission partners. The goals and objectives described in this strategy shall be the basis for all
DoD ICAM investment, architectures, testing, implementation, operation, governance and policy.
An implementation plan with specific and measurable elements will follow that corresponds with
the goals and objectives outlined within this strategy. The success of this strategy relies on the
collaboration and participation of all DoD military departments, Defense Agencies, and mission
Dana Deasy
DoD Chief Information Officer
Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) encompasses the full range of activities related to
the creation of digital Identities and maintenance of associated attributes, credential issuance for
person/non-person entities, authentication, and making access management control decisions based on
authenticated identities and associated attributes. This strategy provides a set of goals focused on
establishing measurable and achievable transformation of core ICAM elements to achieve ICAM activities.
These core elements enable ICAM to be fast, reliable, secure, and auditable across the DoD enterprise in
a manner enhancing user experience and supports the DoD Chief Information Officers (CIO) ICAM vision.
DoD Services and Agencies have implemented ICAM principles to protect access to resources they
manage. However, decision makers for individual information systems have deployed ICAM capabilities
according to their own risk assessments rather than making risk decisions supporting the needs of the
DoD enterprise. The lack of deployed capabilities using common standards and enterprise ICAM shared
services adds complexity to processes for obtaining access to needed resources, and increases risk to the
Department. This bottom up approach for authentication and authorization relies on system owners to
make risk-based decisions for managing access to resources, resulting in system owners choosing
implementation approaches meeting local needs which may not support enterprise objectives.
This strategy provides goals to achieve the ICAM vision of a secure and trusted environment where people
and non-person entities can securely access all authorized resources based on mission need, and where
we know who is on our networks at any time. This strategy provides a centralized approach to develop,
acquire, test, implement, and sustain enterprise ICAM shared services enhancing strategic and tactical
missions, and requires adoption of their use in DoD systems. The Department must also integrate widely
recognized and adopted commercial standards, architectures and related, compliant products to minimize
modernization costs and facilitate interoperability. This approach balances the DoD requirement to share
and protect information at an enterprise level and system owner needs to make supporting risk-based
decisions. Finally, DoD must collaborate with its mission partners in other Federal Departments and
Agencies, the Defense Industrial Base, and allied and coalition foreign governments to maximize
interoperability with their ICAM technologies.
The seven goals of this strategy and their accompanying objectives are designed to focus Department
resources towards building and deploying solutions enabling automated provisioning and dynamic access.
These capabilities will help share information across the Department, and with our mission partners, while
managing risks and protecting information against unauthorized access.
Goal 1: Implement a data centric approach to collect, verify, maintain, and share identity and
other attributes.
Goal 2: Improve and enable authentication to DoD networks and resources through common
standards, shared services, and federation.
Goal 3: Deploy shared services promoting the implementation of enterprise ICAM.
Goal 4: Enable consistent monitoring and logging to support identity analytics for detecting
insider threats and external attacks.
Goal 5: Enhance the governance structure promoting the development and adoption of
enterprise ICAM solutions.
Goal 6: Create DoD policies and standards clearly defining requirements for identification,
credentialing, authentication, and authorization lifecycle management.
Goal 7: Sustain the execution and evolution of ICAM activities to support the needs of DoD
components to carry out their mission objectives and the needs of the DoD enterprise to secure
DoD resources.
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1
1.1. VISION..................................................................................................................................1
1.2. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................1
1.3. BACKGROUND .....................................................................................................................2
1.4. CURRENT STATE OF ICAM ACROSS THE DOD ENTERPRISE..................................................2
1.5. A CHANGE IN DIRECTION.....................................................................................................5
2. STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................6
IDENTITY AND OTHER ATTRIBUTES .....................................................................................6
FOR DETECTING INSIDER THREATS AND EXTERNAL ATTACKS ............................................9
ADOPTION OF ENTERPRISE ICAM SOLUTIONS ..................................................................10
MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................11
THE DOD ENTERPRISE TO SECURE DOD RESOURCES ........................................................12
This strategy is a significant revision of the 2014, DoD Identity and Access Management Strategy. It
provides greater emphasis on credentialing, governance, policy, and shared services and aligns with the
2018 National Defense Strategy and the 2019 Digital Modernization Strategy. Consistently deployed
effective ICAM solutions are critical to achieving the three lines of effort outlined in the 2018 National
Defense Strategy, [f]irst, rebuilding military readiness as we build a more lethal Joint Force; [s]econd,
strengthening alliances as we attract new partners; and [t]hird, reforming the Departments business
practices for greater performance and affordability.” ICAM implementation also provides a baseline
capability to achieve other Department objectives such as Zero Trust. This strategy provides historical
reasoning why changes are needed and identifies seven goals closing the gap between what must be and
todays splintered ICAM environment that creates risk for the Department.
A secure trusted environment where people and
non-person entities can securely access all authorized
resources based on mission need, and where we know
who and what is on our networks at any time.
1.2. SCOPE
This ICAM Strategy encompasses the full range of activities related to the creation of digital identities and
maintenance of associated attributes, credential issuance for person/non-person entities, authentication
using the credentials, and making access management control decisions based on authenticated identities
and associated attributes. This strategy applies to all DoD unclassified, secret, top secret, and United
States (US) owned releasable networks and information systems under the authority of the Secretary of
Defense, including the Special Access Program (SAP) element
. Information systems include those that
are owned and operated by or on behalf of the DoD, including systems hosted at DoD data centers,
Platform Information Technology (PIT) systems, contractor operated systems, cloud hosted systems, and
systems hosted on closed operational networks with no connection to the DoD Information Networks
While ICAM principles apply to both physical and logical access control, this strategy does not address
physical access control system (PACS) specific credentials or access management. Even though the scope
does not specifically address PACS, we expect future logical access control systems (LACS) and PACS will
likely leverage relevant, common ICAM capabilities and services.
The SAP element implementation is guided by the Deputy Secretary of Defense Special Access Programs
Information Technology Strategy Implementation Memo, April 2017. The SAP element ICAM implementation,
known as the “TREESAP” Reference Architecture, is underway with governance and oversight performed by the
DoD SAP CIO office.
Moreover, while data tagging is recognized as an important dependency for dynamic access, it is not
included in the scope of this ICAM strategy.
In the last decade of the 20th century, the Internet experienced the beginning of the phenomenal growth
it is still experiencing today. The dot com explosion began to use networking technology, systems, and
data in ways no one had ever thought possible before. The exponential growth in processing power on
smaller integrated circuit chips has combined with innovative uses of communications technology to
produce mobile computing platforms revolutionizing the way people live, work, and play. The growth
of commercial use of technology was accompanied, unsurprisingly, by a growth in malicious actors making
use of the same technology to steal money and information.
The Department was a pioneer in the use of networking technology to connect computer systems for the
exchange of information. From its humble beginnings as the Advanced Research Project Agency Network
(ARPANET) in the late 1960s, todays Internet has changed the way people and their computer surrogates
communicate and work across the globe and the internet continues to have a substantial impact on the
way DoD operates. The Department recognized the potential for networking and information sharing
technology to have a similar transformative impact on military operations as it has in the commercial
world. Described by various names (e.g., Net-Centric Warfare, Information Dominance), changes in the
way information was made available and shared held promises of a revolution in military operations.
However, despite tremendous efforts across the DoD to leverage these changes in information sharing
technologies, the full benefits are yet to be realized.
The Department has yet to maximize the strategic, operational, and tactical benefits of information
sharing. This is, in large part, tied to the way the Departments networks and systems evolved over the
50 years since the ARPANET was created and the way systems are acquired and implemented today.
Although DoD missions and activities have become more joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and
multinational, most development of information systems and technologies is done by individual
organizations within the military services and defense agencies building systems to perform specific
functions. Access to these systems is controlled locally and, for the most part, through time consuming
manual processes. How people access these systems is dependent on the capabilities of the underlying
technology purchased or developed for a specific business or mission purpose. None of these systems
were built with the purpose of allowing unanticipated use of the information they contain or providing
visibility into accesses to identify anomalous behavior.
Although DoD Services and Agencies have implemented ICAM principles to protect access to resources
they manage, decision makers for individual information systems have deployed ICAM capabilities
according to their own risk assessments, rather than making investment decisions supporting the needs
of the DoD enterprise. This lack of deploying and using common standards and centralized ICAM services
adds complexity to processes for obtaining access to needed resources, and increases risk to the
The DoD CIO is the primary staff assistant (PSA) for ICAM cybersecurity digital capabilities. The primary
governance body for ICAM capabilities is currently the Identity Protection and Management Senior
Coordinating Group (IPMSCG). The IPMSCG along with other Information Technology governing bodies
provide oversight to the development and implementation of ICAM across the Department. In addition,
the ICAM Joint Program Integration Office (JPIO) has been established to coordinate implementation of
DoD ICAM enterprise capabilities. The JPIO is led by DISA, and NSA and DMDC both provide a Senior
Executive-level individual to serve as deputy leads and to coordinate their agencies' ICAM efforts.
In 1998, the DoD recognized people needed a standardized mechanism to access a rapidly expanding
digital landscape. In response, the DoD CIO established the departments Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Program. Twenty years later, the DoD PKI program is one of the largest organizational identity
credentialing services in the world, servicing approximately 4.5 million DoD users and multitudes of
Almost immediately after the DoD PKI began implementation, Department leadership decided to
integrate the PKI identity with the physical Identity (ID) Card issuance process within DoD. The Defense
Manpower Data Center (DMDC) operates the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)
which includes the Person Data Repository (PDR). The PDR is the primary identity attribute repository for
DoD persons, including military, civilian, and contractors all receiving PKI certificates. At the same time,
the form factor of the ID card was changed from laminated paper to a smart card which provided
integrated data storage and higher security for PKI private keys. The result was the Common Access Card
(CAC). The CAC combines PKI with a DoD ID card and leverages extensive processes to proof identities for
authorized DoD persons becoming the cornerstone of trust. This allows the CAC to function as the anchor
for logical and physical access within the DoD for the foreseeable future. Ultimately, CAC transitioned
with the Department implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 mandated Personal
Identity Verification (PIV) Card.
The CAC also is the primary ID used for identity proofing when issuing SIPRNET Tokens (smart card, PKI
technology on the SECRET network). This couples the identity attribute store to digital identities on two
primary DoD networks: the Secure-Authoritative Data Repository (S-ADR) on SIPRNET and DEERS on
Although the DoD CIO mandated development of the DoD PKI and use of the credentials it produced as
the primary authentication technology for DoD systems, it was left to the system owners to determine
how (or if) to fit PKI into the technology they used for their systems. The ability to use PKI was not made
a requirement for new systems being developed across the Department. Unsurprisingly, 20 years later,
there is wide variances in systems abilities to use PKI for authentication and how the identity in the
certificate is mapped to user access. This shortcoming has continued into the mobile phone era with
mobile phones only recently including PKI credentials.
The DoD CIO also does not require the DoD PKI Program issue credentials to everyone who needs access
to DoD systems. DoD policy allows system owners to accept DoD-approved PKIs, such as PKI credentials
issued by other Federal agencies, credentials purchased from commercially approved PKIs, and partner
country PKIs. In practice, accepting different DoD approved PKIs credentials complicates the management
of authentication and access control. This is because each system must validate presented certificates
were issued by an approved PKI and the certificates have not been revoked. System owners must parse
the certificate to find the identity information mapped to an account and determine if the certificate
holder is sponsored by the DoD to obtain the desired resource. If the system was designed to expect
specific values within certificates and they do not exist because of configuration differences with the PKI,
there is an interoperability problem. Because of this complexity, many system owners have chosen to
restrict their acceptance of PKI certificates to those issued by the DoD PKI program and force non-DoD
individuals to obtain DoD PKI certificates.
Most DoD systems are built on a foundation of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software. Software
selection is almost always driven by mission functionality and almost never by the authentication
technologies it supports. Although DoD has determined PKI should be the primary authentication
technology, not all DoD users have or can easily obtain PKI certificates and not all applications can use
them. For example, individuals who are interested in joining the military, military dependents, and
retirees all require access to DoD systems, but are not expected to obtain digital certificates to do so.
Many DoD systems are moving to the cloud using a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Some of these
service providers are not willing or able to directly consume DoD PKI credentials.
In 2006, the Joint Task Force Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) issued orders directing the use of
hardware-based PKI credentials for authentication on most systems. Because of specific cybersecurity
incidents related to software PKI private keys, the use of software keys was discouraged. However, the
smart card format was not amenable to the emerging mobile device environment. Although it is
theoretically possible to use a sled attached to a smart phone to use a smart card, the resulting
combinations often resulted in a poor user experience and was not widely adopted.
While the CAC remains DoDs primary authentication credential, DoD systems must accept a wide range
of credentials. This must be accomplished in a risk managed framework supporting mission objectives
potentially including passwords, biometrics, one-time passwords, and other authenticators. These
credentials may be issued by a variety of providers, including the DoD, other Federal agencies, commercial
entities, and non-US Government partners.
Solving complex issues associated with credentialing and authentication still leaves the problem of how
the right user gets access to the right data at the right time. Users require varying levels of access
depending on their role. A DoD individual may possess multiple personas (e.g., Military Reservist and
contractor). Some DoD entities have specialized credentials for their job function (e.g., system
administrators). In some cases, Non-Person Entities (NPE) will need access to information (e.g., a search
engine) as a function of system operation, or as a surrogate for a person (a back-end system collecting
data for an authenticated user). Established mission partners will have attributes available to systems via
back-end attribute exchanges, but the delays inherent in establishing this kind of relationship will preclude
using this for come as you are coalitions. Each of these use cases complicates the task of the system
owner in implementing technology to support the mission.
Todays manual and labor-intensive access control decision processes, coupled with overworked
administrators and a lack of a feedback loop between the personnel systems and systems owners, means
authorization, once given, remains in place until some subsequent manual process removes it.
The distribution of authentication decisions across thousands of applications hosted by the DoD and by
commercial cloud vendors makes it virtually impossible for the United States Cyber Command (USCC) to
adequately identify malicious cross platform activity or identity fraud. First, to determine if a specific user
is accessing multiple systems from geographically diverse locations, USCC would need the audit records
from every individual application, and then the capability to rapidly analyze the audit records. Today,
those audit records are collected, maintained, and destroyed locally. Second, where credentials are
issued locally by the system owner, even if the systems did share the audit data, it is not possible to
identify and attribute activity to a specific user.
Past events and changes in the DoD operational threat environment require the DoD to take a new
approach to sharing and safeguarding information. Two high-impact, back-to-back insider threat activities
coming from the DoD and private sector resulted in Executive Order 13587, Structural Reforms to Improve
the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified
Information, and supporting minimum standards addressing the identification, tracking, and detection of
insider threat activity with positive attribution of users to events. The recent OPM Data Breach exploited
re-playable credentials such as passwords. Moreover, DoD reliance on mission partners has resulted in
extending its network presence to external partners. These changes have led to further requirements for
increasing visibility of who is on the network and a greater emphasis on maturing DoD ICAM capabilities
to enable simultaneous, responsible information sharing and safeguarding.
The goal state for the ICAM life cycle begins with the binding of a credential to a specific individual in an
auditable and consistent way. The life cycle process then continues by providing a mechanism for systems
to authenticate users using managed credentials. If system owners then develop digital policy rules and
implement standards, system access control decisions can be automated by using attributes available
about the authenticated user. This will provide the system with an access control decision based on
system and resource specific policy. Performing authentication and authorization using common
standards can provide USCC with visibility into the decisions to facilitate identification of potential insider
threat and identities compromised by malicious actors. ICAM also provides a means to enable concepts
like continuous vetting which can make use of emerging capabilities to routinely re-verify suitability by
using automated systems to check for changes in a users behavior after the completion of the last routine
background investigation.
The DoD has been discussing this ICAM goal state, to include Automated Account Provisioning and
Dynamic Access. However, these discussions have not translated into adoption of core ICAM principles
and Dynamic Access for more than a handful of systems. Unlike the DoD PKI, which was an enterprise
service supported by policy and funding, DoD has attempted to use a bottom up approach for
authentication and authorization, relying on system owners to make risk-based decisions for how to
manage access to resources. DoD services and agencies continue to build systems in a distributed manner
and allow individual system owners to choose implementation approaches meeting local needs but may
not support enterprise objectives.
Authorization decisions via Dynamic Access enhance the speed of access and, as user attributes change,
can also automatically eliminate user access. However, Dynamic Access is not suitable for all system
accesses. Neither is current cumbersome authorization processes, which lead to delays in users obtaining
access and often resulting in the failure to de-provision a user when access is no longer authorized.
Automation of the account provisioning and de-provisioning processes would provide speedy access to
authorized users and ensure access is removed when it is no longer authorized.
Achieving the ICAM goal state to make ICAM an enabler of the three lines of effort from the 2018 National
Defense Strategy will require a more centralized approach to develop, acquire, implement, and sustain
enterprise ICAM shared services enhancing strategic and tactical missions. Moreover, stronger mandates
are required to adopt their use in DoD systems. As it implements changes to ICAM, DoD must also
integrate recognized and adopted commercial standards, architectures and related, compliant products.
Developing DoD specific requirements will require long term effort and significantly raise the costs of
implementing ICAM within DoD. Alternatively, using industry standards will minimize modernization costs
and facilitate interoperability. As DoD chooses technologies and standards, it must work with its partners
in other Federal Agencies, the Defense Industrial Base, and foreign governments to maximize
interoperability with ICAM technologies being adopted by those entities.
Timely access to the right information makes DoD forces more effective and lethal. Standardized and
integrated identity and access management services will allow DoD to integrate domestic and foreign
partners more quickly and more effectively. Centralizing the issuance and maintenance of DoD specific
credentials, providing standard ways to accept externally generated credentials, and automating access
control decisions will relieve individual systems from having to duplicate authentication processes already
in existence. This will also reduce manual processes that consume resources, lead to denials of service,
and contribute to poorly maintained access control lists. Cyber defense forces must have visibility into
authentication and authorization decisions necessary to collect and analyze data necessary for the
identification of potential insider threats and malicious use of stolen identities.
The DoD ICAM Strategy goals are focused on establishing measurable and achievable transformation of
core ICAM elements to enable ICAM to be fast, reliable, secure, and auditable across the DoD enterprise
in support of the DoD CIOs ICAM vision. The organizations primarily responsible for achieving each
objective are listed in brackets at the end of the objective. An implementation plan with specific and
measurable elements will follow that corresponds with the objectives outlined within this strategy. The
ICAM implementation will be supported by testing and cybersecurity assessments.
All data owners must stand behind the accuracy of their data, including data they receive from other data
sources. Deploying Dynamic Access requires accurate and reliable attribute values be available for users.
Objective 1.1: Establish standards for validating attribute data when collected, maintaining the
accuracy of attribute data and protecting attribute values against tampering for all local data
repositories. [CMO, DoD CIO, USD(P&R), USD(I&S)]
Attributes must be valid and accurate when used during account provisioning and determining
real-time access to information resources. Otherwise, resources might be accessible by
unauthorized persons or non-person entities. Attribute life-cycle management and integrity
standards are needed to help ensure DoD enterprise attributes are reliable and trustworthy. This
must be accomplished by leveraging existing common standards where applicable and
establishing additional standards where needed.
Objective 1.2: Establish processes and Service Level Agreement (SLA) language for data
repositories to use when making decisions regarding the sharing of attribute data. [DISA,
Establishment and enforcement of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) among access controls,
repositories, and data providers must ensure responsibilities are clear and are implemented in an
auditable way. The creation and maintenance of attribute data is a collective responsibility
between the data sources and the target repository. The feeder systems have a significant share
of the responsibility and the target systems must ensure attribute use is documented and
appropriate measures are taken to ensure attributes are properly validated and handled.
Objective 1.3: Establish standards for write access to authoritative repositories. [DoD CIO,
It is critical to implement specific security controls on people and applications with write access
to the repository to maintain confidence in the validity and accuracy of attribute data. This must
be done by leveraging existing common standards where applicable and establishing additional
standards where needed. Standard security controls such as separating the roles which can
perform write operations from the people who have access to audit data (role separation), and
ensuring the system captures and maintains detailed audit records, are critical to ensuring the
data is not subverted by an insider.
Credentials must evolve to support various user environments and DoD resource owners must be able to
assess risks of new credential types as they become available. Authentication is a critical initial step in
identifying who or what is making an access request. The DoD requires credentials to access information
resources which may be presented by DoD personnel or mission partners.
Objective 2.1: Develop and maintain risk-based guidelines for application owners to leverage
DoD and external credentials to access DoD networks and resources. [DoD CIO]
Identity proofing assurance levels and related processes must be standardized to ensure
credentials are appropriately and verifiably bound to intended persons and non-person entities.
The DoD operates in a complex environment at varying threat levels with many mission partners.
Moreover, DoD components and mission partners use varying authenticator technologies such as
biometrics and cryptography which impact authenticator assurance level determinations.
Guidelines that help resource owners assess risk based on authenticator assurance levels will
advance the interoperability of credentials among DoD components and mission partners.
Objective 2.2: Deploy capabilities to provide credentials for all types of users and all
environments, including DoD employees, contractors, retirees, and dependents. [DISA, DMDC]
The DoD must adapt to accommodate an ever-changing credentialing environment. The CAC and
SIPRNet token serve as DoDs principal hardware PKI authenticators and will do so into the future.
However, within the DoD, mission requirements may lead some to recognize non-hardware PKI
authenticators as more appropriate for their specific environment. Moreover, to allow
authenticator interoperability with those not issued CACs or SIPRNet tokens, like some
contractors, retirees, and dependents, the DoD must further adapt. The DoD must deploy
alternate PKI and non-PKI authenticator technologies to support mobile devices and other form
factors. The DoD must also remain committed to credential quality by driving the innovation and
leveraging of new capabilities in hardware key storage, biometrics, and quantum resistant
cryptographic algorithms. The DoD must ensure it is able to readily and securely interoperate
with its subscriber base in a diverse environment and evolving threat.
Objective 2.3: Deploy ICAM capabilities to support cloud services. [DISA, DMDC]
ICAM capabilities must be acquired, tested, and deployed to accelerate a rapid and secure
adoption of cloud capabilities. The Department is migrating to a cloud infrastructure which poses
new and inherent risks that must be addressed. ICAM must provide a means to securely and
efficiently access cloud resources so the benefits of information and application sharing can be
Objective 2.4: Deploy shared services for authenticating mission partners, including US
government, non-US government, and commercial partners, through validation of federated
external credentials at DoD network boundaries and provide authentication information to DoD
information systems behind those boundaries. [DISA]
The DoD must establish standards to address new credentialing technologies and deploy
credential interfaces to allow credential interoperability with mission partners not using CACs. A
first layer of network defense is at the boundary where DoD partners enter DoD networks. At the
boundary, authentication processes must be both easy for the user and strong. A robust, secure,
and maintained authentication shared service can bring state of the art authentication capabilities
to help large and small DoD elements authenticate external mission partners. Moreover, once a
mission partner is within the network, shared services can store and make available
authentication and attribute information to assist information system owners in making access
control decisions.
Secure and robust ICAM capabilities must be implemented throughout the DoD. They must also be
uniform to ensure interoperability and information sharing among DoD components and mission
partners. DoD and the Intelligence Community should also collaborate to support interoperability of ICAM
capabilities where possible. Shared ICAM services can provide these benefits to large and small DoD
elements to help ensure the benefits of ICAM can be made available to all within the DoD and not simply
a select few. Testing and cybersecurity assessments will inform ICAM integration and deployment
Objective 3.1: Establish a digital policy framework integrating laws, regulations, policies,
mission, and local requirements governing access to resources. [CMO, DoD CIO]
A digital policy framework must be established to provide a focused and agile approach to
authorization. If access rules are complicated, they will not be interoperable. Maintaining
attributes provides little value unless the attributes are useful e.g., the attributes make sense
when looking at what the rules are for accessing resources. Rules for accessing resources are
related to laws, policies, regulations, and mission needs. These do not translate well into
computer understandable rules. And the people who understand laws, policies, regulations, and
mission needs are not in the IT department. As a result, defining digital policy rules requires a
collaborative approach. Further, digital policy practices and outputs must inform which identity
attributes are needed.
Objective 3.2: Establish attributes and values needed to implement core digital policy rules for
access to DoD resources. [CMO, DoD Components]
An enterprise authorization policy development service must be established to assist with the
development and coordination of authorization rules. Application owners and data stewards
determine the standards based criteria (i.e., combination of user attributes) necessary for access
to their systems or data by authenticated users. However, DoD components must not do this in
isolation creating a patchwork of disparate access controls. A common core of digital policy rules
coordinated among system and data owners throughout the DoD is needed. Modifying these
uniform, core access controls will have a rapid propagating effect throughout the DoD as needed.
Objective 3.3: Define syntax and semantics for exchanging attributes, both within the DoD, and
with mission partners. [DISA, DMDC]
A shared, trusted attribute exchange capability must be developed. Attributes are used by relying
parties to determine whether access by a requesting party should be allowed. Relying parties
need to know where to find reliable attributes and have a reliable means to obtain the attributes.
Objective 3.4: Deploy enterprise shared services for implementing automated provisioning and
dynamic access control, including attribute exchange, digital policy management, and policy
decision. [DISA]
ICAM shared services must be deployed to provide uniform and consistent means to secure
information resource access throughout the DoD. Such services must also be responsive to
environment and threat changes. A benefit of shared services is it allows both large and small
organizations to take advantage of state-of-the-art, shared technologies. Moreover, such services
can have beneficial mutual impact by not only supporting end to end capabilities but integrating
with each other to amplify the impact of interdependent capabilities and services. Automated
provisioning, dynamic access, and digital policy management help ensure changes to attributes
and environment are reflected in access decisions. A trusted attribute exchange service helps
ensure attributes are passed with integrity and are available for dynamic access decisions. This
service must be distributed to support dynamic access control operations in a contested network
mission environment. This is needed so shared services can support mission operations in a
disconnected, intermittent, or limited (DIL) environment, be it at the tactical edge or at a base,
post, station, or ship having limited or no communications due to location or attack.
New approaches must be established to collect ICAM related data so oversight organizations or artificial
intelligence engines can analyze it to help identify and isolate cyber threats. The distribution of
authentication decisions across thousands of applications hosted by the DoD and by commercial cloud
vendors makes it difficult for those performing oversight to identify malicious cross platform activity or
identity fraud. To determine if a specific user is accessing multiple systems from geographically diverse
locations, audit records from every individual application would need to be checked. Insider threat
detection requires positive identity attribution of user to events detected. Normalization of a person's
identity across network accounts increases the fidelity of information correlation when attributing
abnormal events to a user and supports a Federated Cyber Defense.
Objective 4.1 Establish and evolve a DoD Master User Record to support assessment and
consideration of access, privilege, and risk to information resources, missions, and data. [DISA]
Normalized authorization information tied to unique enterprise identity and persona across
enterprise resources must be provided to allow behavioral analysis, attribution, and correlation
across organizational boundaries among auditing entities with different and overlapping
Objective 4.2 Provide authorization data allowing auditing regimes to collaborate around
specific incidents, inappropriate authorizations, and behavioral anomalies. [USCYBERCOM,
DISA, DoD Components]
Normalization of data and identifiers across various auditing systems must be provided to allow
analysts to contact other auditors, establish contexts for attribution, and trigger necessary
actions. Having normalized identities and a definitive set of attributes for an access decision is
critical. Such a capability also enhances person and non-person entity activity correlation using
Big Data analytics.
Objective 4.3 Evolve ICAM infrastructure support to modernized auditing capabilities. [DISA,
DMDC, DoD Components]
The DoD must leverage ICAM governance bodies to invoke ICAM changes that support desired
business and cybersecurity outcomes. The need for authorization policies and data will change
as DoD evolves the need for assurance and oversight of data protection analysis capabilities and
Objective 4.4 Support collaborative audit with mission partners. [DISA, USCYBERCOM]
The ICAM infrastructure must evolve to support shared oversight and attribution with external
authorities as rules and norms are captured in cooperative agreements.
The DoD CIO must enhance the Identity Protection and Management Senior Coordinating Group (IPMSCG)
to better oversee and govern the development and implementation of ICAM solutions. These solutions
must leverage and influence the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and the DoD Information
Enterprise Architecture (IEA). The charter for the IPMSCG must include the authority to designate specific
organizations with the responsibility to define, budget, implement, and sustain enterprise ICAM
Objective 5.1: Define DoD CIO, USCC, and service and agency responsibilities for defining and
implementing enterprise ICAM solutions. [DoD CIO]
An authoritative designation of organizational responsibilities must occur to help the DoD better
program funding necessary for successful deployment and sustainment. The implementation of
ICAM across the DoD requires a set of enterprise capabilities, system owners can use to enable
their systems for automated account provisioning/dynamic access. The establishment and
maintenance of these capabilities is essential to the successful implementation of ICAM
throughout the DoD.
Objective 5.2: Develop Integrated Program Teams (IPT) to foster communication and
collaboration between service and agency ICAM stakeholders. [IPMSCG, JPIO, DoD CIO]
Each organization designated to define and implement ICAM solutions must implement an IPT to
facilitate feedback from community stakeholders with an emphasis on end users to understand
challenges and concerns related to ICAM. The solutions provided must meet the needs of the
user community, both entities seeking access and systems authenticating and authorizing access.
Regularly meeting with these stakeholders will ensure the responsible organization is aware of
and focused on delivering capabilities the DoD must move forward on to implement ICAM.
Objective 5.3: Identify training and performance management to promote ICAM as a core job
function. [DoD CIO, DOD Components]
Cyber workforce training requirements must be developed to provide a core of people who have
the right expertise to take advantage of ICAM functionality and develop user friendly, efficient
ICAM capabilities. Without appropriate training, system owners may not make appropriate use
of ICAM capabilities.
Objective 5.4: Develop an enterprise-wide estimate for current spending on deploying and
maintaining ICAM related activities. [DoD CIO, DoD Components]
ICAM funding for development and sustainment must be provided through normal Planning,
Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBES) channels. DoD does not currently have
the data necessary to estimate the current cost of doing ICAM functions in the distributed model.
Lacking this detail and lean assessment processes for determining formal program adoption,
makes ICAM funding difficult. In addition, quantifying the total cost of operating an ICAM system
is essential to determining the future cost savings of a comprehensive integrated ICAM solution.
Objective 5.5: Perform a gap analysis to estimate additional funding needed to update current
practices to integrate enterprise ICAM goals and standards. [JPIO, DoD CIO]
Gap analyses must be performed to provide decision makers with data to determine how ICAM is
to be implemented across the DoD. Not all resources spent on performing ICAM functions are
recoverable and the resources that are recoverable may not be sufficient to fully fund the
development and implementation of ICAM functionality. Additionally, individual systems must
redefine their access control mechanisms from the current manual processes to those making use
of ICAM functionality. A gap analysis helps provide such information.
Implementation of DoD wide functionality is required to clearly articulate specifications about how
credentials are issued, what external credentials are to be trusted, how authentication is performed, and
how access control decisions are made. Current DoD policy on identity credentialing, authentication, and
authorization leaves many details to system owners to determine. There are no clear standards for how
credentialing is done, how identity is maintained, how authentication is performed, and how system
access is controlled except for the DoD PKI and the DMDC implementation of PDR and Identity Web
Services (IWS). Clarity on these issues is particularly important as the DoD migrates services to the cloud.
Objective 6.1: Update existing DoD policy to support the use of credentialing technologies
appropriate to the level of risk and environmental constraints, including interoperability with
externally issued credentials. [DoD CIO]
Identity proofing assurance levels and related processes must be standardized to ensure
credentials are appropriately and verifiably bound to intended persons and non-person entities.
The DoD operates in a complex environment at varying threat levels with many mission partners.
Moreover, DoD components and mission partners use varying authenticator technologies such as
biometrics and cryptography which impact authenticator assurance level determinations.
Policies, standards, and guidelines to help resource owners assess risk based on authenticator
assurance levels will advance the interoperability of credentials and supporting cloud services
among DoD components and mission partners.
Objective 6.2: Create DoD policy to require enabling information systems to support the use of
DoD enterprise solutions for credentialing, authentication, and authorization. [DoD CIO]
Policies must be created to ensure DoD resources are ICAM enabled and used with DoD enterprise
ICAM solutions. The DoD has or is evolving enterprise solutions for credentialing, authentication,
and authorization. These solutions must reflect a unified DoD way forward and provide a base
infrastructure for information sharing among DoD components and partners.
Objective 6.3: Define and maintain a set of Department-wide technology standards for
credentialing, authentication, and authorization supporting federation, interoperability, and
support for unanticipated users. [DoD CIO, JPIO]
ICAM standards must be codified and made mandatory for applications that are developed or
acquired so that they support DoD mission requirements. The enterprise ICAM capabilities will
implement certain technical standards for protocols and attributes. To the maximum extent
possible, these standards must conform to commercial best practices so commercial off-the-shelf
technology can implement the DoD standards.
Objective 6.4: Create DoD policy for managing risk and responsibility when leveraging
attributes and digital policy rules to permit access to data. [USD(I&S), DoD CIO]
Policy language must be created to support reliability and trustworthiness of ICAM shared
services. Current policy holds the resource owner fully responsible for protecting access to a
resource. If a resource owner relies on information they do not control, and this information
turns out to be incorrect, the resource owner is accountable. Better assurances and requirements
are needed before resource owners will actively use shared authentication or authorization
Objective 6.5: Incorporate enforcement of ICAM standards into the acquisition processes for
all information systems. [USD(A&S)]
ICAM standards requirements must be baked into DoD contracts to help ensure technologies
procured are interoperable with DoD ICAM solutions. DoD ICAM solutions support information
sharing and safeguarding among DoD components and participating mission partners. The DoD
has many standards. However, not everyone within the DoD follows these standards in the
acquisition of information systems. Procurement specificity on these issues is particularly
important as the DoD migrates services to the cloud.
Objective 6.6: Identify and collect metrics demonstrating and tracking progress towards
achieving enterprise ICAM. [CMO, DoD CIO]
Metrics information must be gathered to support scorecard reporting as well as the Federal
Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) and other federal reporting formats to
reflect enterprise ICAM progress. Throughout the DoD, there are many sources of data when
aggregated can be used to provide useful deployment information. For example, individual
network behavior and Approval to Operate (ATO) information can be used to find some
deployment information.
Sustaining ICAM requires more than just continued operations and maintenance of ICAM services.
Requirements evolve as new architectures are deployed such as cloud migration or zero trust
implementation. Industry standards and best practices also continue to evolve at a rapid pace. As a result,
ICAM sustainment will require continued investment in research and development, flexibility to support
DOD legacy information systems while also addressing innovative new technologies, collaboration and
coordination between ICAM enterprise service providers and DOD Components to ensure services meet
mission needs, and a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
Objective 7.1: Coordinate implementation of DoD enterprise ICAM services to ensure
integration of ICAM capabilities to support mission objectives. [JPIO]
In order for the benefits of DoD enterprise ICAM services to be fully realized, enterprise service
interfaces and capabilities must be coordinated. For example, attributes which are needed to
implement access control authorization decisions must be maintained for correctness and
currency, and must be consumable by automated provisioning services. To support this
coordination, the DoD will develop and use an ICAM Reference Design to support common
understanding of ICAM terminology and capabilities.
Objective 7.2: Establish and maintain processes to collect and correlate ICAM related
requirements needed by DoD Components to achieve their mission objectives, prioritize
identified requirements, and coordinate requirements with appropriate enterprise services for
implementation. [IPMSCG, JPIO, DoD CIO]
Successful ICAM sustainment can only happen if there is a clear process for communicating
requirements all the way from local information system owners up to the DoD enterprise level.
Service providers must, in turn, appropriately incorporate such requirements into enterprise
service solutions. An active requirements management process will support adoption and use of
ICAM enterprise services as these services evolve to better meet mission needs.
Objective 7.3: Incorporate continuous improvement methodologies into ICAM enterprise
services so that services in sustainment mode are evaluated and improved to incorporate
technology advancements and address evolving DoD Component mission requirements. [JPIO,
The DoD must continuously improve to keep pace with changes in mission needs and
technologies. Leveraging our nations technological advantages by incorporating industry best
practices as they evolve is critical to warfighter capability improvement and maintaining mission
advantage. Such efforts must be constantly evaluated and refined by stakeholder coordination
so that relevant and innovative improvement can also be constant and sustained.
Objective 7.4: Invest in building and retaining a cyber workforce with expertise in ICAM related
processes and technologies. [DoD CIO, DoD Components]
ICAM activities include a diverse skill set to include those related to on-boarding, credential
issuance, facilities access, data tagging, and other logical resource activities. Sustaining ICAM
requires that all users understand how to navigate ICAM processes related to their job
functions. In addition, deploying and maintaining ICAM capabilities at the enterprise, DoD
Component, Community of Interest, and local level require specialized skills and a commitment
to continued access to learning opportunities as ICAM evolves.
Objective 7.5: Integrate Operations Security (OPSEC) into the planning, execution, and
assessment of ICAM related activities. [DoD CIO, DoD Components]
ICAM processes and capabilities aim to protect the Departments networks, systems, and
resources through a well-coordinated and synchronized access control methodology. In order
to ensure the success of the ICAM strategy, OPSEC must be integrated into ICAM to protect
critical information and indicators associated with ICAM activities to assist DoD in ensuring the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its networks, systems, and information and prolongs
the lifecycle of expensive technology based capabilities.