Security Now! #964 - 03-05-24
This week on Security Now!
Last week we covered a large amount of security news; this week, not so much. There are
security stories I’ll be catching us up with next week, but after sharing a wonderful piece of
writing about the fate of Voyager 1, news of an attractive new Humble Bundle, a tip of the week
from a listener, a bit of SpinRite news and a number of interesting discussions resulting from
feedback from our listeners, our promised coverage of Apple’s new “PQ3” post-quantum safe
iMessaging protocol consumed the entire balance of this week’s podcast budget, bulging today’s
show notes to a corpulent 21 pages. I think everyone’s going to have a good time.
Voyager 1
We’ve had some fun keeping an eye on Voyager and on the occasion that we may have finally
lost control of this intrepid explorer, I found a wonderful piece of writing about this that I know
our listeners will enjoy and appreciate. It’s a blog post by Doug Muir titled “Death, Lonely
Billions of miles away at the edge of the Solar System, Voyager 1 has gone mad and has
begun to die.
Let’s start with the “billions of miles”. Voyager 1 was launched in early September 1977.
Jimmy Carter was a hopeful new President. Yugoslavia and the USSR were going concerns, as
were American Motors, Pan Am, F.W. Woolworth, Fotomat booths, Borders bookshops, and
Pier 1. Americans were watching Happy Days, M*A*S*H and Charlie’s Angels on television;
their British cousins were watching George and Mildred, The Goodies, and Tom Baker as the
Fourth Doctor. If you turned on the radio, “Hotel California” by The Eagles was alternating with
“Dancing Queen” by Abba (and, if we want to be completely honest, “Car Wash” by Rose
Royce). Most cars still ran on leaded gasoline, most phones were still rotary dial, and the
Internet was a wonky idea that was still a few weeks from a working prototype.
“The Thorn Birds” was on top of everyone’s bestseller list. The first Apple II home computer
had just gone on sale. The Sex Pistols were in the studio wrapping up “Never Mind The
Bollocks”; they would tour on it for just three months and then break up, and within another
year Sid Vicious would be dead of a heroin overdose. Barack Obama was a high school junior
living with his grandparents in Honolulu, Hawaii: his grades were okay, but he spent most of
his time hanging with his pot-smoking friends in the “Choom Gang”. Boris Johnson was tucked
away at the elite Ashdown House boarding school while his parents marriage was slowly
collapsing: although he was only thirteen, he had already adopted his signature hair style.
Elvis had just died on the toilet a few weeks ago. It was the summer of Star Wars.
And Voyager 1 was blasting off for a tour of the Solar System.
There’s no way to pack the whole story of Voyager 1 into a single blog post. Here’s the TLDR:
Voyager was the second spacecraft to fly past Jupiter, and the first to take close-up photos of
Jupiter’s moons. It flew on past Saturn, and examined Saturn’s moon Titan, the only moon
with an atmosphere. And then it flew onwards, on and on, for another forty years. It officially
left the Solar System and entered interstellar space in 2012. It just kept going, further and
further into the infinite emptiness.
(You know about the Golden Record? Come on, everybody knows about the Golden Record.
It’s kind of hokey and cheesy and also kind of amazing and great.)
Voyager has grown old. It was never designed for this! Its original mission was supposed to
last a bit over three years. Voyager has turned out to be much tougher than anyone ever
imagined, but time gets us all. Its power source is a generator full of radioactive isotopes, and
those are gradually decaying into inert lead. Year by year, the energy declines, the power
levels relentlessly fall. Year by year, NASA has been switching off Voyager’s instruments to
conserve that dwindling flicker. They turned off its internal heater a few years ago, and they
thought that might be the end. But those 1970s engineers built to last, and the circuitry and
the valves kept working even as the temperature dropped down, down, colder than dry ice,
Security Now! #964
colder than liquid nitrogen, falling towards absolute zero.
(Voyager stored its internal data on a digital tape recorder. Yes, a tape recorder, storing
information on magnetic tape. It wasn’t designed to function at a hundred degrees below
zero. It wasn’t designed to work for decades, winding and rewinding, endlessly re-writing
data. But it did.)
Voyager kept going, and kept going, until it was over 15 billion kilometers away. At the speed
of light, the Moon is one and a half seconds away. The Sun is about 8 minutes away. Voyager
is twenty-two hours away. Send a radio signal to it at lunch on Monday, and you’ll get a
response back Wednesday morning.
I could go on at great length about Voyager the discoveries it has made, the Deep Space
Network that has maintained contact over the decades, the ever shrinking crew of aging
technicians keeping it alive on a shoestring budget, how amazing it has all been.
In 1990, just before Voyager’s camera shut down forever, the probe turned around and looked
backwards. It zoomed in and took a picture of Earth. But by that time, it was so far away that
Earth was just a single pale blue pixel.
Seeing that blue pixel, Carl Sagan wrote: “That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone
you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was,
lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions,
ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every
creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every
mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt
politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of
our species lived there on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”
Voyager kept going for another 34 years after that photo. It’s still going. It has left the grip
of the Sun’s gravity, so it’s going to fall outward forever.
Here’s a bit of trivia: Voyager 1 currently holds the record for most distant active spacecraft.
It’s not even close. The only other contender is Voyager’s little sister, Voyager 2, which had a
different mission profile and so lags billions of kilometers behind their older sibling.
Here’s another bit of trivia: if you’re reading this in 2024? It’s very unlikely that you will live
to see that record broken. There are only two other spacecraft outside the Solar System
Voyager 2 and New Horizons. Both of them are going to die before they get as far as Voyager
1. And nobody not NASA, not the Chinese, not the EU is currently planning to launch
another spacecraft to those distances. In theory we could. In practice, we have other
We thought we knew how Voyager would end. The power would gradually, inevitably, run
down. The instruments would shut off, one by one. The signal would get fainter. Eventually
either the last instrument would fail for lack of power, or the signal would be lost.
We didn’t expect that it would go mad.
In December 2023, Voyager started sending back gibberish instead of data. A software glitch,
though perhaps caused by an underlying hardware problem; a cosmic ray strike, or a side
effect of the low temperatures, or just aging equipment randomly causing some bits to flip.
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The problem was, the gibberish was coming from the flight direction software something like
an operating system. And no copy of that operating system remained in existence on Earth.
(This is a problem NASA long since solved. These days, every space probe that launches,
leaves a perfect duplicate back on Earth. Remember in “The Martian”, how they had another
copy of Pathfinder sitting under a tarp in a warehouse? That’s accurate. It’s been standard
practice for 30 years. But back in 1977, nobody had thought of that yet.)
Voyager Mission Control used to be a couple of big rooms full of busy people, computers, giant
screens. Now it’s a single room in a small office building in the San Gabriel Valley, in between
a dog training school and a McDonalds. The Mission Control team is a handful of people, none
of them young, several well past retirement age.
And they’re trying to fix the problem. But right now, it doesn’t look good. You cannot just
download a new OS from 15 billion kilometers away. They would have to figure out the
problem, figure out if a workaround is possible, and then apply it… all with a round-trip time of
45 hours for every communication with a probe that is flying away from us at a million miles a
day. They’re trying, but nobody likes their odds.
So at some point not tomorrow, not next week, but at some point in the next few months
they’ll probably have to admit defeat. And then they’ll declare Voyager 1 officially over, dead
and done, the end of a long song.
A Cory Doctorow Humble Book Bundle
The description reads:
Doctorow’s visions of the future: Lose yourself in the visionary fiction of Cory Doctorow, the
celebrated author and digital rights activist known for his masterful explorations of the
intersection of tech and society. Little Brother is a stark exploration of surveillance and
authoritarianism in the backdrop of a major terrorist attack on San Francisco. Radicalized
features four distinct sci-fi novellas, each telling a gripping story inspired by today’s
technologies and societal trends. In Red Team Blues, you’ll follow along with a well-connected
money laundering expert on the most dangerous and exciting gig he’s ever taken on. Get all
these and more—18 books in total—and help support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with
your purchase.
A VERY COOL Tip of the Week!
Patrick Johnson / @PSUnconquered
Hi Steve, Long time listener (and when downloading 6.1 I discovered that I've been a SpinRite
owner for 10 years as of Tuesday). I was surprised to hear in SN 963 that Firefox had let you
keep the dedicated search box for so long. I forget when it was turned off by default for new
installs, but I did keep turning it back on for quite a while until I discovered that the
CTRL+K shortcut for search still worked, treating the text entered in the omnibar as a
strict search query, even for terms that look like a URL, no quotes needed. As a .NET
developer, libraries and frameworks with the ____.NET naming convention turn up quite a bit
in my searches. Chromium seems to have copied this, so that now Brave, Edge, and Chrome
all behave like Firefox with CTRL-K forcing a search. Thanks for everything you do, Patrick
Security Now! #964
Thank you, Patrick! This was news to me, so I tried it and it works perfectly. I previously shared
my discovery, which I now use all the time, that CTRL-L highlights and selects the contents of
the omnibar. And now I have CTRL-K to use when I want there to be no confusion over whether I
want to go somewhere or look something up.
I have no big SpinRite news which at this stage is what we hope for. Everything continues to
go well. I’m pushing forward on several fronts. I’m spending time in GRC’s forums watching as
new people encounter SpinRite 6.1 for the first time. So I’m learning about their experiences
which will be informing SpinRite’s forthcoming FAQ. One thing I’ve seen is that Linux users need
SpinRite in a format that’s directly usable to them. Requiring non-Windows users to briefly use
someone else’s Windows system to have SpinRite create a bootable USB drive for them is
something I always planned to work around. So I’ve been working on the tech to add direct
bootable image downloading to GRC’s servers so non-Windows users will be able to obtain a
bootable drive image they can copy directly to a USB drive to boot their licensed copies of
I also have the beginnings of GRC’s forthcoming eMail list system running, but not yet fully
configured. I plan to maintain two lists, one specifically for weekly podcast announcements and
another for GRC-related news of new software, updates, features and so forth. So people will be
able to join either or both as they choose. And I’m also working on SpinRite’s documentation,
which is coming along nicely,
Having learned from Microsoft last week that certificate reputation matters, even though they
are deliberately mute about how exactly that reputation is earned, I presume it’s a function of
the exposure of a new certificate in the signing of non-malign software. So after last week’s
podcast I used this relatively new certificate to co-sign GRC’s top six most downloaded Windows
freeware. In order of decreasing average daily download rates, the top six are: ValiDrive, the
DNB Benchmark, InSpectre, Securable, InControl and Bootable. What surprised me was that for
the first time ValiDrive has taken the top slot to become GRC’s most downloaded freeware with
nearly 2200 downloads per day. Anyway, taken together, those top six are being downloaded
5323 times per day. So I expect that new certificate to become golden before long, if it’s not
Security Now! #964
Closing the Loop
Tom Desmond / @tadesmond
Hey, Steve - I'm just finishing listening to episode 963 and I think I'm missing something on
the cookie email link login loop. The “absolutely secure” process seems to assume that no bad
person has compromised the email. Think about this... Someone gains access to the email
from wherever. They see an old email loop link. They go to the site and guess the username
(maybe it is the same email address) - they get the link in the compromised email and they
are in - Am I missing something?
I hate it when I miss something that’s so obvious. Tom is, of course, completely correct. The
solution I described last week, of embedding the eMail link requestor’s IP address and browser
cookie into the link would absolutely and strongly prevent anyone who did not request the eMail-
based login link from using it, if they were to just passively observe it in flight or at rest. That’s
nice. But as Tom points out, that doesn’t solve the problem that we’re still just as dependent
upon eMail security as ever. Nothing prevents an attacker, who has the ability to monitor the
user’s eMail account, from going to the site themselves, requesting a link from their IP with
their browser, then clicking the link that arrives in the compromised user’s eMail. Whoops!
This means that while there’s no reason not to at least embed the requestors browser cookie in
the link, we don’t really gain anything from doing that and we remain dependent upon the
security of eMail for all of our login security, whether or not it’s passwordless using eMail or
passworded with the ubiquitous “I forgot my password” total security bypass. Thank you, Tom!
Alex Neihaus and fediverse @[email protected] / @yobyot
Re: email/password links in SN! 962: If you send a link with a hash/IP address/etc, you
eliminate the ability to copy the link and open it in another browser. It would also _encourage_
clicking on links in email, something enterprises are trying hard to un-train users from doing.
Also, if you did get such a link that you opened in Incognito mode and the server expected a
persistent session cookie, next time after restarting the browser you asked for the link in
either normal mode or Incognito, it wouldn't exist. Email links instead of passwords are a good
idea -- and can be made secure, as you describe. But it doesn't fit with the way many people
interact with browsers, esp. those who use multiple browsers.
Alex’s point is a good one. Heavy use of eMail links for common logon would have the effect of
“untraining” users against clicking on links in eMail. If the world were to switch over to that,
there would certainly be a lot more eMail link clicking going on. And it’s also true that the tighter
we make the anti-spoofing security the greater the chance for rejecting a valid user. The
presumption is that the user wishes to logon now, not later. So they would request a link then
immediately go to their eMail to find and execute the link, which would take them back to where
they just were. But Alex is right that there are various things that could go wrong. So, as we so
often encounter, everything is a tradeoff. The great benefit of eMail-link logon is that the user
needs to remember and possess nothing and they are able to login from anywhere, as long as
their eMail is secure and they have access to it.
But I think the best thing to come from the last few weeks of this discussion has been the
Security Now! #964
recognition that passwords really only amount to logon accelerators, and that as long as every
username and password logon opportunity is accompanied by a “The dog ate my password!
bypass, nothing else we do to further increase logon security matters not hardware dongles,
not fingerprints, not one time passwords, nothing. It’s all just “security theater. This, in turn,
implies that the security of our eMail is far more important than is commonly appreciated.
And another listener sent this bit of fun. He wrote:
The Taco Bell app seems to have gone passwordless in favor of emailing you a link whenever
you try to login in. It's not great UX for me in that it's slow and prone to spam filtering. When
you're trying to put your order in from the car on your way to the Bell, it's enough to make
you drive to Chipotle instead.
Joel Clermont / @jclermont
There is a security-focused reason to enforce a max password length when hashing with
bcrypt. I recently discovered the recommendation and wrote up more details here
I followed Joel’s link to his write-up at “”, which was interesting. It turns out
that Laravel uses Bcrypt as its PBKDF password hashing algorithm, and for reasons that defy
understanding, the Bcrypt algorithm has a hard and fixed internal password length limit of 72
bytes. Now, normally we’d think that 72 bytes was way more than anyone might need. But
unfortunately, many characters in non-Latin alphabets are encoded in 3 and even 4 bytes. So it
would be possible for a non-Latin password to max-out Bcrypts fixed 72 byte limit with just 18
So Joel makes a good point about there being possible exceptions to the boundless upper
password length presumption. I’ll just note that a simple solution to this problem for anyone who
might be stuck using Bcrypt would be to first run the user’s unlimited length password through
an SHA256 or even an SHA512 hash just once. SHA512 will take a password of any length,
even a long one using non-Latin characters, and reduce it to 64 bytes, which can then be sent
into Bcrypt to be strengthened against brute-force guessing.
Earl Rodd / @nc360370
Regarding the discussion of Nevada's request for an injunction against META encrypting
messages for minors in SN 963: As I listened, I was aware that the great missing piece is
DATA. All of those quoted on both sides, privacy advocates and law enforcement advocates,
have lots of opinions but they present no data. Data, like the number of times criminals were
believed to go free because of encrypted messages stopping prosecution, or the number of
such crimes not prosecuted at all due to encryption; or data like times that using unencrypted
messages was known to lead to harm to minors. Is this really a case of balancing privacy, i.e.
being pummeled with advertising, versus throttling the ability of law enforcement to find and
prosecute serious crime? I suspect it's not that simple. But without data, who knows the actual
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I think Earl makes such a good point! We’ve been driven so far away from actual data collection
that we appear to have forgotten that actual data could be collected and made available. We’ve
become “the anecdotal example” culture, being slammed from one extreme to the other. And
here’s the problem: Expressing a strong opinion is easy; it excites; it’s junk food for the mind.
But actually collecting, tabulating and evaluating data is difficult time-consuming work. And the
biggest problem is, as Earl suggests, the result of all that actual work probably doesn’t support
the extreme views of either side. So it’s not in either side’s best interest to be presented with
any of those pesky facts which would likely lead to some form of compromise policy. Better just
to wave our arms around, attempting to terrify everyone and jam through regulations that
support an ideology rather than reality. It seems that too much of the world is working this way
these days.
We’ve seen countless examples of how the move to an online digital world has very likely
provided law enforcement agencies with a treasure trove of readily accessible, indexable and
searchable information the likes of which has never been known before. We’ve recently learned
that these agencies are consumers of the information that commercial data brokers have been
collecting about us for years. Today, everyone leaves footprints and bread crumbs wherever they
go online and whatever they do. If law enforcement knew what all of our various service
providers know, and what our ISPs know about where we wander on the Internet and we
should assume that they do know all of that when they want to then law enforcement knows
pretty much everything about us; certainly more than was never knowable before the Internet.
As a law abiding citizen of the United States, which for the most part leaves its citizens alone
unless some intervention is required, I’m all for law enforcement working behind the scenes to
keep a lid on criminal behavior. So, given the unparalleled tools that are now available to aid in
that work, it’s difficult to get too worked up over the encryption debate. Law enforcement
authorities can even know who we’re talking to if they wish, even if it’s much more difficult to
peer into the content of those conversations. Although I, also, do not have any data to back up
my option, my intuition is that we’re already sitting with a workable compromise for both sides.
Could the privacy absolutists wish for more privacy? Absolutely. Are they going to get much
more? Probably not. Do our law enforcement agencies wish they could also listen in on anyone’s
conversations? I’m sure they do. Are they going to be able to do that? Let’s hope not, because
that would clearly be a step too far in the “Big Brother” direction. And, again, they must already
have access to far more data about us than they know what to do with. It seems to me that the
right balance has already been struck.
Elliot.Alderson / @ElliotAlders369
Hi Steve, the issue with passwordless login the way you described is if someone only has email
on their phone. I don't have email on my computers because I don't need it. If the IP and
everything is baked into the link, I'm SOL. That also makes it very difficult to login to other
Having listened to everyone’s thoughts about this, its clear that the potential automation offered
by an eMail link creates more problems than it solves. So the solution for eMail-only login is to
Security Now! #964
return to a visible easy-to-transcribe one time 6-digit token. Just eMail the token to the user and
request that they enter the token into the browser they’re currently using. If they receive the
eMail on their phone they have the advantage of seeing both the token and their browser page
at the same time. This eliminates the “untraining about never clicking on a link and it’s not
really much more work for the user. They still don’t need to remember anything!
SecFan / @SecFan9669
Steve: In SN963 yesterday, a listener had mentioned the idea of having a standardized way of
documenting a site's password requirements so that they could be automated. In writing my
own algorithmic password manager, named Passify (that I messaged you about previously) I
had the same thought and wanted Passify's algorithm to accommodate known requirements
whenever possible. I discovered that Apple had put some thought into this and created
"Password Manager Resources" on Github:
It includes a JSON format for documenting password rules as well as a number of other helpful
things for Password Managers to automate or semi-automate password management. The idea
isn't completely new -- Apple's Safari browser has supported a "passwordrules" html attribute
that uses the same rule markup as the JSON to describe requirements for a while:
Thanks again for all your work. Looking forward to the official release of the new SpinRite!
It’s cool that Apple has already done the work of creating some of this structure and my
comment last week about it being a heavy lift to get industry adoption appears pertinent since
this work is now 4 years old and it has remained somewhat obscure. Of course, if any website
wanted to modernize, they could simply place a relatively high lower-limit on password length
and accept passwords of any greater length containing any characters. And also, on the server-
side, they would prevent endless brute force password guessing.
Security Now question: After hearing your discussion of session cookies I was reminded of my
own security concern I've had for years... Seems I'm always logged into my Google Account
based on session cookies, and so it seems if a hacker could grab those cookies from my
computer, they'd now have access to all my emails and many other Google things. This, even
with Google's Advanced Protection Program. I believe I've even migrated to a new MacBook
and was logged in fine on the new MacBook (though my memory could be off on that). Didn't
seem there was any other verifying that my hardware was the same, etc. Just doesn't feel
very secure to me. Am I missing something?
So, a bit of clarification first. When a Cookie is set in a browser the browser can be told how long
to retain that cookie in the form of either an expiration date or a maximum age. If either of
those are provided, then the cookie is considered to be “persistent and the browser will retain
and return that cookie’s value until it is refreshed, deleted by the user or the website, or the
cookie’s end-of-life is reached and it self-expires. Any cookies that have not expired will be
retained from one browser session to the next.
Security Now! #964
But I mentioned that the specification of these expirations was optional. If a cookie is set without
any explicit expiration then it is considered to be a session cookie because it will be retained
only for the current browser session. It is explicitly retained only in RAM and it is never written
to any permanent storage. Once the browser closes the browser session ends and the cookie will
be forgotten.
So to Rob’s question and uneasiness: It is the case that our browsers persistent cookies being
retained over the long-term is what keeps us logged into our various websites persistently from
one boot up of our computers to the next. And it is definitely the case that if bad guys could
arrange to obtain those persistent login cookies they could immediately impersonate us.
In fact, this is exactly what the FireSheep Firefox add-on did many years ago. And this was one
of the primary motivators for the move to always-present HTTPS. FireSheep relied upon the
mistake that most websites of the era were making: After authenticating with a username and
password whose communication was protected by HTTPS, most popular sites would switch back
to plain cleartext HTTP... figuring, wrongly, that the users identity had been protected. They
failed to take into account that the only way that user was remaining logged on from our HTTP
page query to the next was that each browser query was accompanied by cookies... but without
the encryption protection provided by HTTPS, those cookies were being sent in the clear so that
anyone who could eavesdrop could obtain them and immediately impersonate the user, obtaining
parallel access to their web session.
So yes, Rob, our browser cookies do serve as persistent long-term authentication tokens and
anyone who might have some means for obtaining them could, indeed, impersonate their owner.
Sometimes when logging into a site you’ll see a “Trust this browser and remain logged in?”
checkbox. This is useful when you do not want to leave a persistent cookie behind in that
browser, for example when logging into a shared Internet café machine. You’ll also want to
carefully and explicitly log out of that machine once you’re finished. But that “Trust this browser
and remain logged in?” question is offering to change the logged on authentication cookie from a
temporary session cookie to a long-term persistent cookie.
Hi Steve, Listening to SN 962 and wanted to provide a bit of additional information regarding
your discussion on Password requirements. I work for a company in the financial services
sector, specifically insurance, but I would prefer to remain somewhat anonymous. I did want
to note that many companies in this sector STILL rely on mainframes, and that is likely the
cause for many of these maximum password length limits and character restrictions due to
IBM's fanatical backwards compatibility.
Several years ago, I interned for another company in this sector and was SHOCKED at the
requirements for passwords. 7-8 characters ONLY, and the only symbols allowed were the @
and $ characters. How much of this is who's fault is a bit opaque to me even still, but I can say
that it isn't entirely the mainframe's fault. I've seen that more 'modern' implementations allow
up to a 40 character 'password phrase' but still restrict a few characters. All that being said,
you see these kinds of restrictions OFTEN in sectors that continue to rely on the mainframe,
Security Now! #964
and other legacy platforms and products.
I appreciate the feedback that we still haven’t moved very far. One of the most significant things
we’ve seen and learned through the years of this podcast is the power and prevalence of inertia
that acts to keep things from changing.
One trick that I ought to mention that works quite well, is to map a hashed value to some fixed
alphabet. Say that a back-end system can only accept 8 characters of upper and lower case
alpha, numbers, and Andrew’s at sign (@) and dollar sign ($). So that’s 26 lowercase, 26
uppercase, 10 digits, and two other characters for a total alphabet size of 64.
Now first of all, the fact that the alphabet size turned out to be 64 representable by exactly 6
binary bits should jump out at everyone. So let’s first take this case. We want a web front end
to give its users unrestricted passwords. So it hashes whatever they provide, preferably using a
contemporary PBKDF function like Argon2. The output will be 256 evenly distributed bits. So
they are simply taken from either end, 6 bits at a time with each of those 6 bits mapped into one
of those 64 characters. After eight of them have been taken, those 8 characters are passed back
to the creaky old mainframe as the users password. The result is that the user is able to use
whatever crazy long and special-character filled password they choose, and whatever they
choose is first strengthened by a modern PBKDF to harden it against brute force attack and then
convert into a high-entropy 8 character password which meets the needs of the back end
But what if the back-end system’s password alphabet wasn’t conveniently 64 characters?
Consider this: One way to visualize taking 6 bits at a time is dividing the large hash value by 64.
In a binary representation, division by 2 is a right shift of the bits. So dividing by 64 is shifting
right by six bits. We can think of the bits that are shifted off to the right as the remainder of the
division. So to extract a single character from an alphabet of 64, we are actually dividing the
large binary hash value by 64 and taking the remainder, which will range from 0 to 63.
So this means that we can extract characters of an alphabet of any size we wish from a large
hash value by performing successive long division of the hash by the size of the alphabet we
wish to extract where the remainder from each division will be the value thats mapped back into
the alphabet. I’ve always been fond of this solution since it provides high entropy evenly
distributed characters from an alphabet of any size extracted from large binary values, such as
those produced by hashing.
Security Now! #964
For our second-to-last bit of feedback, we have one of our longer format pieces of listener
feedback, which I would title: “From the Field”:
robertblaakmeer / @robertblaa42909
Hello Steve, I have been a long time listener (and even longer time SpinRite user) and I enjoy
your weekly updates and common sense perspectives on all kinds of security topics. I want to
share a (rather long) story with you and would like to hear your opinion about an interesting
in-progress responsible vulnerability disclosure. Here goes:
In October 2023 I came across a sign-in page of a high profile company with 20+ billion US$
revenue and more than 100 million monthly active users on their website. Not a small
business. For my work, and sometimes just for fun, I regularly visit websites with the
Developers Tools tab open. This time I noticed that the sign-in page of this website returned a
Response Header that mentioned nginx/1.12.2 as the webserver. In itself not a big problem,
but it is better to hide this information from the public. However, if the page was really served
by nginx 1.12.2, then the website would have a big problem, because this version of nginx is
very old and has a number of critical and high severity vulnerabilities that are known to be
actively exploited.
So as a good citizen, I wanted to tell them about the issues, just for the sake of improving
their security and of course also for improving the security of their 100M monthly active users.
So I searched on the company's website for their policy for responsibly disclosing these
vulnerabilities, but the best I could find was the email address for privacy related questions. I
wrote an email telling them about the vulnerabilities, included some screenshots for evidence
and asked some questions about their statements in their privacy policy and terms and
conditions on protecting my information and keeping the site bug-free. I was not looking for
any financial compensation, I just wanted to make the world a better place.
I soon received a response that a bug report had been filed and that it could take up to 120
days for bug reports to be tested and validated. I received no answers for my questions about
Fast forward to February 2024, 118 days since their message that the bug report had been
filed. I politely asked them about the status of the bug report, notified them that the
vulnerabilities still existed and asked them if my personal data is still safe with them. A week
later I received an e-mail from them, saying that after review and risk rating by their
information security team, the bug report qualifies for a bounty payment of $350. If I agree to
this payout agreement, I also agree to keep my silence about the issue. My questions about
privacy and trust and new questions about their responsible disclosure policies remain
unanswered. In the meantime, the issues still exist, and a small tour around some of the other
websites of the same company show similar problems.
Now the fact that these vulnerabilities are so easy to find, the fact that the reported webserver
is so old, the fact that it is so easy to remove a server banner and the fact that it is still not
fixed after more than 4 months, makes me believe that this could be a honeypot. If it is, then I
think that it is a very, very risky attempt of having a honeypot, because it is easy to find, it is
on pages where people enter their username and password and if the media get hold of it,
then the brand damage of such a high profile company will be big.
I have asked them directly if it is a honeypot, but I did not get a reaction yet.
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What do you think about this? What should I do? Accept the payout and keep my silence?
Should I also report the 30+ other vulnerabilities on their websites and sign-in pages? Should I
tell them that just by looking at the Webserver Response Headers, I now know that they use a
mix of nginx 1.12.2, Microsoft IIS 10.0, http://ASP.NET 4.0.30319, Shopify, Wordpress, etc
etc? Or should I just leave it up to them to find it all out? I mean, what could possibly go
Kind regards and again, I love your show, keep going! Robert Blaakmeer
Robert, I agree that this is a conundrum. I took a quick peek at that version of nginx and what
immediately jumped out at me as it would any researcher, nefarious or not was CVE-2021-
23017. It’s a well known, remotely exploitable, “off by one” error which gives an attacker
unauthenticated remote code execution capability. And whats more, a 3-year old working Python
proof-of-concept exploit is publicly available.
So Robert, I agree that you’re right to be worried about them, and worried in general. It appears
that any miscreant wishing to target this enterprise has everything they need to do so.
Unfortunately, although you’ve done the right thing every step of the way, their ongoing
negligence in dealing with this, which you had no way of anticipating, has now compromised
you, since you’ve acknowledged to them that you’re in possession of information that could
damage them either reputationally or for use in an attack. And, as we also know, attorneys
can allege that just by looking at their server headers you’ve obtained “non-public network
hacking” information, and some judge who knows no better could be convinced. It’s happened
I think I would have nothing further to do with them. The problem with a company that has
become this large is that the people who you really should be talking to are unknown and
inaccessible to you by design. Between you and them are layer upon layer of chair-warming
functionaries who have no idea what you’re even talking about. At this point, my
recommendation would be for you to turn everything over to CISA and let them take it from
there. This completely discharges your responsibility in the matter while insulating you from any
blowback, since no one not the company in question nor any judge could fault you for
confidentially and privately informing the US Government's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure
Security Agency of this potential critical vulnerability after having first given the company in
question all of November, December, January and February to deal with upgrading their servers.
CISA, the rare government agency that appears to actually have its act together, has a simple
procedure for report filing. Go to: I also created a GRC shortcut so
that even if someone forgets the agency’s name, going to will bounce you
to that page at CISA. The page has several categories of problems to report. If you scroll down
you’ll find “Report software vulnerabilities or ICS vulnerabilities” which appears to fit best. If you
go there, you get bounced over to, which is the CERT Coordination Center at Carnegie
Mellon University:
So I’d fill out that form to let the US government powers that be know about this. One of the
things you can do is attach a file to your submission. So I’d send them your entire eMail thread
with the company so that they can see that you have acted responsibly at every step. You’ll have
done the right thing. And when CISA and CERT reach out to contact the company about their
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negligence over a 4-year old known critical vulnerability across their web platforms you can bet
that they’ll wind up speaking to someone who can affect the required changes. And at that point
you’ll have done everything you can, while insulating yourself as well as possible from any
annoyance this company might feel over being made to help themselves.
And finally, for next week, we have the first appearance of a 0-click GenAI application worm:
Ben Nassi / @ben_nassi
Hi Steve, I am Ben Nassi (a former researcher at the Ben-Gurion University and Cornell Tech)
and the author of Video-based Cryptanalysis and Lamphone which you previously covered in
your podcasts. I just published a new research paper on a worm that targets GenAI
applications. We named it Morris-II (guess why?). I think the audience of security now will love
to hear more about it. And keep on with the great podcast that you and Leo are doing beyond
episode 999. BTW, the research was also published on Bruce Scheneier's blog.
So, I suspect that next week’s podcast will be titled “Morris II” Stay tuned for a look at the
“Worminization” of GenAI where I’m sure we’ll be answering the question “What... could possibly
go wrong?”
But now, we’re going to take a close look at “What has probably been done right?” by digging
into Apple’s new Post-Quantum Encryption upgrade, named “PQ3.
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So, what is Apple’s PQ3?
We can guess that the “PQ” stands for Post Quantum, and we’d be right. So is this Apple’s 3rd
attempt at a post quantum protocol after one and two somehow failed or fell short? No. Apple
has apparently invented “Level’s” of security, so PQ3 offers what they call “Level 3 Security.
Here’s how the SEAR Apple’s Security Engineering and Architecture group introduced this
new protocol in their recent blog posting. They write:
Today we are announcing the most significant cryptographic security upgrade in iMessage
history with the introduction of PQ3, a groundbreaking post-quantum cryptographic protocol
that advances the state of the art of end-to-end secure messaging. With compromise-resilient
encryption and extensive defenses against even highly sophisticated quantum attacks, PQ3 is
the first messaging protocol to reach what we call Level 3 security providing protocol
protections that surpass those in all other widely deployed messaging apps. To our knowledge,
PQ3 has the strongest security properties of any at-scale messaging protocol in the world.
So they’re proud of their work and they’ve decided to say that not only will iMessage be using an
explicitly quantum safe encrypted messaging technology, but that theirs is bigger than I mean
better than anyone else’s. Since, so far, this appears to be as much a marketing promotion as
a technical disclosure, it’s worth noting that they have outlined the four levels of messaging
security which places them alone at the top of the heap.
Apple has defined four levels of messaging with levels 0 and 1 being pre-quantum offering no
protection from quantum computing breakthroughs being able to break their encryption and
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Levels 2 and 3 being post-quantum. Level 0 is defined as “No end-to-end encryption by default
and they place QQ, Skype, Telegram and WeChat into this level 0 category. This causes me to be
immediately skeptical of this marketing nonsense, since although I have never had any respect
for Telegrams ad hoc basement cryptography, which they defend not with any sound theory, but
by offering a reward to anyone who can break it, we all know that Telegram is encrypted and
that everyone using it is using it because it’s encrypted. So lumping it into level 0 and saying
that it’s not encrypted by default is, at best, very disingenuous and should be beneath Apple.
Level 1 are those pre-quantum algorithms that Apple says are encrypted by default. The
messaging apps in the Level 1 group are: Line, Viber, WhatsApp, the previous Signal and the
previous iMessage.
Now we move into the quantum-safe realm for levels 2 and 3. Since Signal beat Apple to the
quantum safe punch, it’s sitting all by its lonesome at Level 2 with the sole feature of offering
Post-Quantum Crypto (PCQ) with end-to-end encryption by default. Presumably, as Signal’s
relatively new PQXDH protocol moves into WhatsApp and other messaging platforms based on
Signal’s open technologies, those other messaging apps will also inherit Level 2 status, lifting
them from levels 0 or 1.
But Apple’s new PQ3 iMessaging system adds an additional feature that Signal lacks, which is
how Apple granted themselves sole dominion over level 3. Apple’s PQ3 adds ongoing post
quantum rekeying to its messaging which they make a point of noting, Signal currently lacks.
This blog posting was clearly written by the marketing people, so it’s freighted with far more self
aggrandizing text than would ever be found in a technical cryptographic protocol disclosure. But
I need to share some of it to set the stage, since what Apple feels is important about PQ3 is its
attribute of ongoing rekeying. So, to that end, Apple reminds us, quote:
When iMessage launched in 2011, it was the first widely available messaging app to provide
end-to-end encryption by default, and we have significantly upgraded its cryptography over
the years. We most recently strengthened the iMessage cryptographic protocol in 2019 by
switching from RSA to Elliptic Curve cryptography (ECC), and by protecting encryption keys on
device with the Secure Enclave, making them significantly harder to extract from a device
even for the most sophisticated adversaries. That protocol update went even further with an
additional layer of defense: a periodic rekey mechanism to provide cryptographic self-
healing even in the extremely unlikely case that a key ever became compromised. Each of
these advances were formally verified by symbolic evaluation, a best practice that provides
strong assurances of the security of cryptographic protocols.
Okay. So Apple has had on-the-fly ongoing rekeying in iMessage for some time and its clear that
they’re going to be selling this as a differentiator for PQ3 to distance themselves from the
competition. After telling us a whole bunch more about how wonderful they are, they get down
to explaining their level system and why they believe PQ3 is an important differentiator. Here’s
what they say:
To reason through how various messaging applications mitigate attacks, it’s helpful to place
them along a spectrum of security properties. There’s no standard comparison to employ for
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this purpose, so we lay out our own simple, coarse-grained progression of messaging security
levels: we start with classical cryptography and progress towards quantum security, which
addresses current and future threats from quantum computers. Most existing messaging apps
fall either into Level 0 no end-to-end encryption by default and no quantum security or
Level 1 with end-to-end encryption by default, but with no quantum security.
A few months ago, Signal added support for the PQXDH protocol, becoming the first large-
scale messaging app to introduce post-quantum security in the initial key establishment. This
is a welcome and critical step that, by our scale, elevated Signal from Level 1 to Level 2
At Level 2, the application of post-quantum cryptography is limited to the initial key
establishment, providing quantum security only if the conversation key material is never
compromised. But today’s sophisticated adversaries already have incentives to compromise
encryption keys, because doing so gives them the ability to decrypt messages protected by
those keys for as long as the keys don’t change. To best protect end-to-end encrypted
messaging, the post-quantum keys need to change on an ongoing basis to place an upper
bound on how much of a conversation can be exposed by any single, point-in-time key
compromise both now and with future quantum computers.
Therefore, we believe messaging protocols should go even further and attain Level 3 security,
where post-quantum cryptography is used to secure both the initial key establishment and the
ongoing message exchange, with the ability to rapidly and automatically restore the
cryptographic security of a conversation even if a given key becomes compromised.
Okay. It would be very interesting to hear Signal’s rebuttal to this, since it’s entirely possible that
this is mostly irrelevant marketing nonsense. It’s not that its not true, and that continuous key
rotation is not useful. We’ve talked about this in the past. Key rotation gives a cryptographic
protocol a highly desirable property known as Perfect Forward Secrecy. Essentially, the keys the
parties are using to protect their conversation from prying eyes are ephemeral. A conversation
flow is broken up and compartmentalized by the key that’s in use at the moment. But the
protocol never allows a single key to be used for long. The key is periodically changed. The
reason I’d like to hear a rebuttal from Signal is that their protocol has always featured perfect
forward secrecy. Remember Axolotl” ?? Here’s what Wikipedia says:
In cryptography, the Double Ratchet Algorithm (previously referred to as the Axolotl Ratchet)
is a key management algorithm that was developed by Trevor Perrin and Moxie Marlinspike in
2013. It can be used as part of a cryptographic protocol to provide end-to-end encryption for
instant messaging. After an initial key exchange it manages the ongoing renewal and
maintenance of short-lived session keys. It combines a cryptographic so-called "ratchet" based
on the Diffie–Hellman key exchange (DH) and a ratchet based on a key derivation function
(KDF), such as a hash function, and is therefore called a double ratchet.
The algorithm provides forward secrecy for messages, and implicit renegotiation of forward
keys; properties for which the protocol is named.
Right. In 2013. In other words, it would be nice to hear from Signal, since Apple appears to be
suggesting that they alone are offering the property of perfect forward secrecy for quantum safe
messaging when it certainly appears that Signal got there 11 years ago. This is not to say that
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having this feature in iMessage is not a good thing. But it appears that Apple may not actually be
alone at PQ’s level 3. So when do we see it from Apple? They write:
Support for PQ3 will start to roll out with the public releases of iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS
14.4, and watchOS 10.4, and is already in the corresponding developer preview and beta
releases. iMessage conversations between devices that support PQ3 are automatically ramping
up to the post-quantum encryption protocol. As we gain operational experience with PQ3 at
the massive global scale of iMessage, it will fully replace the existing protocol within all
supported conversations this year.
Okay. So now I want to share Apple’s description of the design of PQ3. It includes a bunch of
interesting details and also something that Telegram has never had, which is multiple formal
proofs of correctness. Since we’re now able to do this, it’s a crucial step for trusting any newly
created cryptographic system. Here’s what Apple wrote:
More than simply replacing an existing [cryptographic] algorithm with a new one, we rebuilt
the iMessage cryptographic protocol from the ground up to advance the state of the art in
end-to-end encryption, and to deliver on the following requirements:
Introduce post-quantum cryptography from the start of a conversation, so that all
communication is protected from current and future adversaries.
Mitigate the impact of key compromises by limiting how many past and future messages
can be decrypted with a single compromised key.
Use a hybrid design to combine new post-quantum algorithms with current Elliptic Curve
algorithms, ensuring that PQ3 can never be less safe than the existing classical protocol.
Amortize message size to avoid excessive additional overhead from the added security.
Use formal verification methods to provide strong security assurances for the new protocol.
PQ3 introduces a new post-quantum encryption key in the set of public keys each device
generates locally and transmits to Apple servers as part of iMessage registration. For this
application, we chose to use Kyber post-quantum public keys, an algorithm that received close
scrutiny from the global cryptography community, and was selected by NIST as the Module
Lattice-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard, or ML-KEM. This enables sender devices
to obtain a receiver’s public keys and generate post-quantum encryption keys for the very first
message, even if the receiver is offline. We refer to this as initial key establishment.
We then include within conversations a periodic post-quantum rekeying mechanism that
has the ability to self-heal from key compromise and protect future messages. In PQ3, the new
keys sent along with the conversation are used to create fresh message encryption keys that
can’t be computed from past ones, thereby bringing the conversation back to a secure state
even if previous keys were extracted or compromised by an adversary. PQ3 is the first large
scale cryptographic messaging protocol to introduce this novel post-quantum rekeying
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PQ3 employs a hybrid design that combines Elliptic Curve cryptography with post-quantum
encryption both during the initial key establishment and during rekeying. Thus, the new
cryptography is purely additive, and defeating PQ3 security requires defeating both the
existing, classical ECC cryptography and the new post-quantum primitives. It also means the
protocol benefits from all the experience we accumulated from deploying the ECC protocol and
its implementations.
Rekeying in PQ3 involves transmitting fresh public key material in-band with the encrypted
messages that devices are exchanging. A new public key based on Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
(ECDH) is transmitted inline with every response. The post-quantum key used by PQ3 has a
significantly larger wire size than the existing protocol, so to meet our message size
requirement we designed the quantum-secure rekeying to happen periodically rather than with
every message. To determine whether a new post-quantum key is transmitted, PQ3 uses a
rekeying condition that aims to balance the average size of messages on the wire, preserve
the user experience in limited connectivity scenarios, and keep the global volume of messages
within the capacity of our server infrastructure. Should the need arise, future software updates
can increase the rekeying frequency in a way that’s backward-compatible with all devices that
support PQ3.
I’ll just interrupt here to note that it seems likely that PQ3 is rotating its quantum keys more
frequently than Signal. I don’t recall the details of Signal’s ratchet, and it may have changed
since we last looked at it. But it might also be that this is a distinction without a difference. In
the case of Signal’s ratchet, it was designed not only to provide useful forward secrecy, but as a
means for resynchronizing offline asynchronous end points. The reason I suggest that it may be
a distinction without a difference is that these key compromises are purely what-if’s. No one
knows of any scenario where that could actually happen. If anyone did it would be eliminated.
It’s a bit like saying “my password is way stronger than yours because it’s 200 characters long.
That’s good, but does it really matter? Anyway, Apple continues...
With PQ3, iMessage continues to rely on classical cryptographic algorithms to authenticate the
sender and verify the Contact Key Verification account key, because these mechanisms can’t
be attacked retroactively with future quantum computers. To attempt to insert themselves in
the middle of an iMessage conversation, an adversary would require a quantum computer
capable of breaking one of the authentication keys before or at the time the communication
takes place. In other words, these attacks cannot be performed in a Harvest Now, Decrypt
Later scenario they require the existence of a quantum computer capable of performing
the attacks contemporaneously with the communication being attacked. We believe any such
capability is still many years away, but as the threat of quantum computers evolves, we will
continue to assess the need for post-quantum authentication to thwart such attacks.
Our final requirement for iMessage PQ3 is formal verification a mathematical proof of the
intended security properties of the protocol.
PQ3 received extensive review from Apple’s own multi-disciplinary teams in Security
Engineering and Architecture (SEAR) as well as from some of the world’s foremost experts in
cryptography. This includes a team led by Professor David Basin, head of the Information
Security Group at ETH Zürich and one of the inventors of Tamarin a leading security
protocol verification tool that was also used to evaluate PQ3 as well as Professor Douglas
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Stebila from the University of Waterloo, who has performed extensive research on
post-quantum security for internet protocols. Each took a different but complementary
approach, using different mathematical models to demonstrate that as long as the underlying
cryptographic algorithms remain secure, so does PQ3. Finally, a leading third-party security
consultancy supplemented our internal implementation review with an independent
assessment of the PQ3 source code, which found no security issues.
In the first mathematical security analysis of the iMessage PQ3 protocol, Professor Douglas
Stebila focused on so-called game-based proofs. This technique, also known as reduction,
defines a series of “games” or logical statements to show that the protocol is at least as strong
as the algorithms that underpin it. Stebila’s analysis shows that PQ3 provides confidentiality
even in the presence of some key compromises against both classical and quantum
adversaries, in both the initial key establishment and the ongoing rekeying phase of the
protocol. The analysis decomposes the many layers of key derivations down to the message
keys and proves that, for an attacker, they are indistinguishable from random noise. Through
an extensive demonstration that considers different attack paths for classical and quantum
attackers in the proofs, Stebila shows that the keys used for PQ3 are secure as long as either
the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman problem remains hard or the Kyber post-quantum KEM
remains secure.
Apple then inserts a quote from Professor Douglas Stebila:
The iMessage PQ3 protocol is a well-designed cryptographic protocol for secure messaging that
uses state-of-the-art techniques for end-to-end encrypted communication. In my analysis
using the reductionist security methodology, I confirmed that the PQ3 protocol provides
post-quantum confidentiality, which can give users confidence in the privacy of their
communication even in the face of potential improvements in quantum computing technology.
—Professor Douglas Stebila
Apple then continues:
In the second evaluation, titled “A Formal Analysis of the iMessage PQ3 Messaging Protocol”,
Professor David Basin, Felix Linker, and Dr. Ralf Sasse at ETH Zürich use a method called
symbolic evaluation. As highlighted in the paper’s abstract, this analysis includes a detailed
formal model of the iMessage PQ3 protocol, a precise specification of its fine-grained security
properties, and machine-checked proofs using the state-of-the-art symbolic Tamarin prover.
The evaluation yielded a fine-grained analysis of the secrecy properties of PQ3, proving that
“in the absence of the sender or recipient being compromised, all keys and messages
transmitted are secret” and that “compromises can be tolerated in a well-defined sense where
the effect of the compromise on the secrecy of data is limited in time and effect,” which
confirms that PQ3 meets our goals.
And they quote Professor Basin:
“We provide a mathematical model of PQ3 as well as prove its secrecy and authenticity
properties using a verification tool for machine-checked security proofs. We prove the
properties even when the protocol operates in the presence of very strong adversaries who can
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corrupt parties or possess quantum computers and therefore defeat classical cryptography.
PQ3 goes beyond Signal with regards to post-quantum defenses. In PQ3, a post-quantum
secure algorithm is part of the ratcheting and used repeatedly, rather than only once in the
initialization as in Signal. Our verification provides a very high degree of assurance that the
protocol as designed functions securely, even in the post-quantum world.
—Professor David Basin
Now, okay... the dig at Signal was entirely unnecessary and gratuitous. And I don’t understand
why Apple apparently feels so threatened by Signal oh wait! Yes I do! Signal is open, open
design, open source, and entirely cross platform anyone’s conversations can be protected by
Signal on any platform they choose, whereas iMessage, just like everything else Apple does, is
all about platform lock-in.
So is PQ3 any reason to choose iMessage over Signal? No. When we’re talking about
cryptography we’ve learned that there’s nothing wrong with adding a belt to those suspenders.
After all, that’s why Apple copied Signal in adding post-quantum crypto to existing and well-
proven pre-quantum crypto. Belt and suspenders. And so, if your work model allows you to be
stuck within Apple’s closed ecosystem then you can be confident that iMessage will be secure
against any current and future surprises. But you’ll certainly be secure enough using Signal and
you’ll have the benefit of far more freedom.
Next, the paper drops into lots of interesting detail that I won’t drag everyone through since we
already have the essence of what’s going on. But I wanted to share one piece of the techie bits
since I think it’s interesting regarding the overhead introduced by Apple’s more or less
continuous rekeying. Keep in mind that text messages are often no longer than old school SMS
Tweets. Apple explains:
To limit the size overhead incurred by frequent rekeying while preserving a high level of
security, the post-quantum KEM is instantiated with Kyber-768. Unlike the IDS-registered
public keys used for the initial key establishment, ratcheting public keys are used only once to
encapsulate a shared secret to the receiver, significantly limiting the impact of the compromise
of a single key. However, while a 32-byte ECDH-based ratchet overhead is acceptable on every
message, the post-quantum KEM ratchet increases the message size by more than 2 kilobytes.
To avoid visible delays in message delivery when device connectivity is limited, this ratchet
needs to be amortized over multiple messages.
We therefore implemented an adaptive post-quantum rekeying criterion that takes into
account the number of outgoing messages, the time elapsed since last rekeying, and current
connectivity conditions. At launch, this means the post-quantum ratchet is performed
approximately every 50 messages, but the criterion is bounded such that rekeying is always
guaranteed to occur at least once every 7 days. And as we mentioned earlier, as the threat of
quantum computers and infrastructure capacity evolves over time, future software updates can
increase the rekeying frequency while preserving full backward compatibility.
Okay. So now everyone knows as much about PQ3 as is necessary. Apple has followed Signal by
adding a believed-to-be-strong post-quantum crypto algorithm to their built-in
iMessaging platform. Apple has also taken the welcome step of having their largely
new iMessaging protocol formally proven by highly-qualified academic algorithm
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researchers. It’s only a bit sad that Apple clearly feels so threatened by Signal.
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