MARYLAND Department of Health
2023 Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule
Hep B Hep B Hep B
Hib Hib Hib Hib Hib
PCV13/15 PCV13/15 PCV13/15
COVID-19 - (2 or 3 dose primary series and booster)
Hep A
Hep A
Hepatitis B
Diphtheria, Tetanus, &
acellular Pertussis
Influenzae type b
Pneumococcal Conjugate
Inactivated Poliovirus
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Hepatitis A
This schedule includes recommendations in effect as of January 01, 2023. The use of a combination vaccine generally is preferred over separate injections of its equivalent component vaccines.
Clinically significant adverse events that follow vaccination should be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) online ( or by telephone (800-822-7967)
Table 1. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children from Birth through 6 Years OldUnited States, 2023 Center for Immunization
Certain High-Risk Groups
Catch-Up Vaccination
Please see reverse side for footnotes
Hep A
MARYLAND Department of Health
2023 Recommended Adolescent Immunization Schedule
7 - 10 Years 11-12 Years 13
(if indicated)
Tetanus, Diphtheria,
Human Papillomavirus
At Age
Hepatitis B
Complete Hep B Series
Inactivated Polio
Complete Inactivated Polio
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Complete MMR Series
Complete Varicella Series
Hepatitis A
Meningococcal B
Meningococcal B
Haemophilus Influenzae type b
Haemophilus Influenzae type b
This schedule includes recommendations in effect as of January 01, 2023. The use of a combination vaccine generally is preferred over separate injections of its equivalent component vaccines.
Clinically significant adverse events that follow vaccination should be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) online ( or by telephone (800-822-7967).
Table 1 Cont’d. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 7-18 Years oldUnited States, 2023 Center for Immunization
Recommended ages for all Adolescents
Catch-Up Vaccination
Certain High-Risk Groups
Non-high risk groups subject to
clinical decision making
Please see reverse side for footnotes
Boys & Girls at age 9
Complete Hep A Series and/or High Risk
Ages 1618
Influenza ( Yearly)
Do not restart any series when there is proof of prior vaccination, just complete series by administering missing doses.
The table below provides catch-up schedules and minimum intervals between doses for children whose vaccinations have been delayed. A vaccine series does not need to be restarted, regardless of the time that has
elapsed between doses. Use the section appropriate for the child’s age. Always use this table in conjunction with Table 1 and the Notes that follow.
Children age 4 months through 6 years
Vaccine Minimum Age for
Dose 1
Minimum Interval Between Doses
Dose 1 to Dose 2 Dose 2 to Dose 3 Dose 3 to Dose 4 Dose 4 to Dose 5
Hepatitis B Birth 4 weeks 8 weeks and at least 16 weeks after first dose
minimum age for the nal dose is 24 weeks
Rotavirus 6 weeks
Maximum age for rst
dose is 14weeks, 6 days.
4 weeks 4 weeks
maximum age for nal dose is 8 months, 0 days
Diphtheria, tetanus, and
acellular pertussis
6 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 6 months 6 months
Haemophilus influenzae
6 weeks No further doses needed
if rst dose was administered at age 15
months or older.
4 weeks
if rst dose was administered before the
8 weeks (as final dose)
if rst dose was administered at age
12through 14 months.
No further doses needed
if previous dose was administered at age 15 months or older
4 weeks
if current age is younger than 12 months and rst dose was administered at younger than age 7 months and at least
1 previous dose was PRP-T (ActHib®, Pentacel®, Hiberix®), Vaxelis® or unknown
8 weeks and age 12 through 59 months (as final dose)
if current age is younger than 12 months and rst dose was administered at age 7 through 11 months;
if current age is 12 through 59 months and rst dose was administered before the 1
birthday and second dose was
administered at younger than 15 months;
if both doses were PedvaxHIB® and were administered before the 1st birthday
8 weeks (as final dose)
This dose only necessary
for children age 12 through
59months who received 3doses
before the 1
Pneumococcal conjugate 6 weeks No further doses needed for healthy
children if rst dose was administered at
age 24 months or older
4 weeks
if rst dose was administered before the
8 weeks (as final dose for healthy
if rst dose was administered at the
birthday or after
No further doses needed
for healthy children if previous dose was administered at age 24 months or older
4 weeks
if current age is younger than 12 months and previous dose was administered at <7 months old
8 weeks (as final dose for healthy children)
if previous dose was administered between 7–11 months (wait until at least 12 months old);
if current age is 12 months or older and at least 1 dose was administered before age 12 months
8 weeks (as final dose)
this dose is only necessary for
children aged 12 through 59
months regardless of risk, or age
60 through 71 months with any
risk, who received 3 doses before
age 12 months.
Inactivated poliovirus 6 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks
if current age is <4 years
6 months (as final dose)
if current age is 4 years or older
6 months (minimum age 4
years for final dose)
Measles, mumps, rubella 12 months 4 weeks
Varicella 12 months 3 months
Hepatitis A 12 months 6 months
Meningococcal ACWY 2 months MenACWY-CRM
9 months MenACWY-D
2 years MenACWY-TT
8 weeks See Notes See Notes
Children and adolescents age 7 through 18 years
Meningococcal ACWY Not applicable (N/A) 8 weeks
Tetanus, diphtheria;
tetanus, diphtheria, and
acellular pertussis
7 years 4 weeks 4 weeks
if rst dose of DTaP/DT was administered before the 1
6 months (as final dose)
if rst dose of DTaP/DT or Tdap/Td was administered at or after the 1
6 months
if rst dose of DTaP/DT was
administered before the 1
Human papillomavirus 9 years Routine dosing intervals are
Hepatitis A N/A 6 months
Hepatitis B N/A 4 weeks 8 weeks and at least 16 weeks after first dose
Inactivated poliovirus N/A 4 weeks 6 months
A fourth dose is not necessary if the third dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6months after
the previous dose.
A fourth dose of IPV is indicated
if all previous doses were
administered at <4 years or if the
third dose was administered <6
months after the second dose.
Measles, mumps, rubella
N/A 4 weeks
Varicella N/A 3 months if younger than age 13 years.
4 weeks if age 13 years or older
Dengue 9 years 6 months 6 months
Table 2
Recommended Catch-up Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Who Start Late or Who Are More
than 1 Month Behind, United States, 2023
For vaccination recommendations for persons ages
19 years or older, see the Recommended
Adult Immunization Schedule, 2023.
Additional information
y Consult relevant ACIP statements for detailed
recommendations at
y For calculating intervals between doses, 4 weeks = 28 days.
Intervals of ≥4 months are determined by calendar months.
y Within a number range (e.g., 12–18), a dash (–) should
be read as “through.
y Vaccine doses administered ≤4 days before the minimum
age or interval are considered valid. Doses of any vaccine
administered ≥5 days earlier than the minimum age or
minimum interval should not be counted as valid and
should be repeated as age appropriate. The repeat
dose should be spaced after the invalid dose by the
recommended minimum interval. For further details,
see Table 3-2, Recommended and minimum ages and
intervals between vaccine doses, in General Best Practice
Guidelines for Immunization at
y Information on travel vaccination requirements and
recommendations is available at
y For vaccination of persons with immunodeciencies, see
Table 8-1, Vaccination of persons with primary and secondary
immunodeciencies, in General Best Practice Guidelines for
Immunization at
general-recs/immunocompetence.html, and Immunization in
Special Clinical Circumstances (In: Kimberlin DW, Barnett ED,
Lyneld Ruth, Sawyer MH, eds. Red Book: 2021–2024 Report
of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 32
ed. Itasca, IL:
American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021:72–86).
y For information about vaccination in the setting of a
vaccine-preventable disease outbreak, contact your
state or local health department.
y The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for
resolving vaccine injury claims. All vaccines included in the
child and adolescent vaccine schedule are covered by VICP
except dengue, PPSV23, and COVID-19 vaccines. COVID-19
vaccines that are authorized or approved by the FDA are
covered by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation
Program (CICP). For more information, see
vaccinecompensation or
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2023
Dengue vaccination
(minimum age: 9 years)
Routine vaccination
y Age 9–16 years living in areas with endemic dengue AND
have laboratory conrmation of previous dengue infection
- 3-dose series administered at 0, 6, and 12 months
y Endemic areas include Puerto Rico, American Samoa, US
Virgin Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of
Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. For updated
guidance on dengue endemic areas and pre-vaccination
laboratory testing see
rr7006a1.htm?s_cid=rr7006a1_w and
y Dengue vaccine should not be administered to children
traveling to or visiting endemic dengue areas.
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP)
vaccination (minimum age: 6 weeks [4 years
for Kinrix® or Quadracel®])
Routine vaccination
y 5-dose series at age 2, 4, 6, 15–18 months, 4–6 years
- Prospectively: Dose 4 may be administered as early as age
12months if at least 6 months have elapsed since dose 3.
- Retrospectively: A 4
dose that was inadvertently
administered as early as age 12 months may be counted if at
least 4 months have elapsed since dose 3.
Catch-up vaccination
y Dose 5 is not necessary if dose 4 was administered at age
4years or older and at least 6 months after dose 3.
y For other catch-up guidance, see Table 2.
Special situations
y Wound management in children less than age 7 years with
history of 3 or more doses of tetanus-toxoid-containing
vaccine: For all wounds except clean and minor wounds,
administer DTaP if more than 5 years since last dose of
tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccine. For detailed information,
COVID-19 vaccination
(minimum age: 6 months [Moderna and Pzer-
BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines], 12 years [Novavax
COVID-19 Vaccine])
Routine vaccination
y Primary series:
- Age 6 months–4 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks
(Moderna) or 3-dose series at 0, 3-8, 11-16 weeks
- Age 5–11 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks (Moderna)
or 2-dose series at 0, 3-8 weeks (Pzer-BioNTech)
- Age 12–18 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks (Moderna)
or 2-dose series at 0, 3-8 weeks (Novavax, Pzer-BioNTech)
y For booster dose recommendations see www.cdc.
Special situations
Persons who are moderately or severely
y Primary series
- Age 6 months–4 years: 3-dose series at 0, 4, 8 weeks
(Moderna) or 3-dose series at 0, 3, 11 weeks
- Age 5–11 years: 3-dose series at 0, 4, 8 weeks (Moderna) or
3-dose series at 0, 3, 7 weeks (Pzer-BioNTech)
- Age 12–18 years: 3-dose series at 0, 4, 8 weeks (Moderna)
or 2-dose series at 0, 3 weeks (Novavax) or 3-dose series at
0, 3, 7 weeks (Pzer-BioNTech)
y Booster dose: see
y Pre-exposure prophylaxis (monoclonal antibodies) may be
considered to complement COVID-19 vaccination. See
For Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine recipients see COVID-19
schedule at
Note: Administer an age-appropriate vaccine product for each
dose. Current COVID-19 schedule and dosage formulation
available at
pdf. For more information on Emergency Use Authorization
(EUA) indications for COVID-19 vaccines, see
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2023
Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination
(minimum age: 6 weeks)
Routine vaccination
y ActHIB®, Hiberix®, Pentacel®, or Vaxelis®: 4-dose series (3-
dose primary series at age 2, 4, and 6 months, followed by a
booster dose* at age 12–15 months)
- *Vaxelis® is not recommended for use as a booster dose.
A dierent Hib-containing vaccine should be used for the
booster dose.
y PedvaxHIB®: 3-dose series (2-dose primary series at age
2 and 4 months, followed by a booster dose at age 12–15
Catch-up vaccination
y Dose 1 at age 7–11 months: Administer dose 2 at least 4
weeks later and dose 3 (nal dose) at age12–15 months or
8weeks after dose 2 (whichever is later).
y Dose 1 at age 12–14 months: Administer dose 2 (nal dose)
at least 8weeks after dose 1.
y Dose 1 before age 12 months and dose 2 before age
15 months: Administer dose 3 (nal dose) at least
8weeks after dose 2.
y 2 doses of PedvaxHIB® before age 12 months:
Administer dose 3 (nal dose) at age12–59 months and
at least 8weeks after dose 2.
y 1 dose administered at age 15 months or older:
No further doses needed
y Unvaccinated at age 15–59 months: Administer 1 dose.
y Previously unvaccinated children age 60 months or
older who are not considered high risk: Do not
require catch-up vaccination
For other catch-up guidance, see Table 2. Vaxelis® can be used
for catch-up vaccination in children less than age 5 years.
Follow the catch-up schedule even if Vaxelis® is used for one
or more doses. For detailed information on use of Vaxelis® see
Special situations
y Chemotherapy or radiation treatment:
Age 12–59 months
- Unvaccinated or only 1 dose before age 12 months: 2doses,
8weeks apart
- 2 or more doses before age 12 months: 1 dose at least
8weeks after previous dose
Doses administered within 14 days of starting therapy or
during therapy should be repeated at least 3 months
after therapy completion.
y Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT):
- 3-dose series 4 weeks apart starting 6 to 12 months after
successful transplant, regardless of Hib vaccination history
y Anatomic or functional asplenia (including
sickle cell disease):
Age 12–59 months
- Unvaccinated or only 1 dose before age 12 months:
2 doses, 8weeks apart
- 2 or more doses before age 12 months:
1 dose at least 8weeks after previous dose
Unvaccinated* persons age 5 years or older
- 1 dose
y Elective splenectomy:
Unvaccinated* persons age 15 months or older
- 1 dose (preferably at least 14 days before procedure)
y HIV infection:
Age 12–59 months
- Unvaccinated or only 1 dose before age 12 months:
2doses, 8weeks apart
- 2 or more doses before age 12 months:
1 dose at least 8weeks after previous dose
Unvaccinated* persons age 5–18 years
- 1 dose
y Immunoglobulin deficiency, early component
complement deficiency:
Age 12–59 months
- Unvaccinated or only 1 dose before age 12 months:
2doses, 8weeks apart
- 2 or more doses before age 12 months:
1 dose at least 8weeks after previous dose
* Unvaccinated = Less than routine series (through age
14months) OR no doses (age 15 months or older)
Hepatitis A vaccination
(minimum age: 12 months for routine vaccination)
Routine vaccination
y 2-dose series (minimum interval: 6 months) at
age 12–23 months
Catch-up vaccination
y Unvaccinated persons through age 18 years should complete
a 2-dose series (minimum interval: 6 months).
y Persons who previously received 1 dose at age 12 months or
older should receive dose 2 at least 6 months after dose 1.
y Adolescents age 18 years or older may receive the combined
HepA and HepB vaccine, Twinrix®, as a 3-dose series (0, 1, and
6months) or 4-dose series (3 doses at 0, 7, and 21–30 days,
followed by a booster dose at 12 months).
International travel
y Persons traveling to or working in countries with high or
intermediate endemic hepatitis A (
- Infants age 6–11 months: 1 dose before departure;
revaccinate with 2 doses (separated by at least 6 months)
between age 12–23 months.
- Unvaccinated age 12 months or older: Administer dose 1
as soon as travel is considered.
Hepatitis B vaccination
(minimum age: birth)
Routine vaccination
y 3-dose series at age 0, 1–2, 6–18 months (use monovalent
HepB vaccine for doses administered before age 6 weeks)
- Birth weight ≥2,000 grams: 1 dose within 24 hours of birth
if medically stable
- Birth weight <2,000 grams: 1 dose at chronological age 1
month or hospital discharge (whichever is earlier and
even if weight is still <2,000 grams).
y Infants who did not receive a birth dose should begin the
series as soon as possible (see Table 2 for minimum intervals).
y Administration of 4 doses is permitted when a combination
vaccine containing HepB is used after the birth dose.
y Minimum intervals (see Table 2): when 4 doses
are administered, substitute dose 4” for dose 3”
in these calculations
y Final (3rd or 4th) dose: age 6–18 months
(minimum age 24 weeks)
y Mother is HBsAg-positive
- Birth dose (monovalent HepB vaccine only): administer
HepB vaccine and hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)
(in separate limbs) within 12 hours of birth, regardless
of birth weight.
- Birth weight <2000 grams: administer 3 additional doses
of HepB vaccine beginning at age 1 month (total of 4 doses)
- Final (3rd or 4th) dose: administer at age 6 months
(minimum age 24 weeks)
- Test for HBsAg and anti-HBs at age 9–12 months. If HepB
series is delayed, test 1–2 months after nal dose. Do not
test before age 9 months.
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2023
y Mother is HBsAg-unknown
If other evidence suggestive of maternal hepatitis B infection
exists (e.g., presence of HBV DNA, HBeAg-positive, or mother
known to have chronic hepatitis B infection), manage infant
as if mother is HBsAg-positive
- Birth dose (monovalent HepB vaccine only):
Birth weight ≥2,000 grams: administer HepB vaccine
within 12 hours of birth. Determine mother’s HBsAg status
as soon as possible. If mother is determined to be HBsAg-
positive, administer HBIG as soon as possible (in separate
limb), but no later than 7 days of age.
Birth weight <2,000 grams: administer HepB vaccine
and HBIG (in separate limbs) within 12 hours of birth.
Administer 3 additional doses of HepB vaccine beginning
at age 1 month (total of 4 doses)
- Final (3rd or 4th) dose: administer at age 6 months
(minimum age 24 weeks)
- If mother is determined to be HBsAg-positive or if status
remains unknown, test for HBsAg and anti-HBs at
age 9–12 months. If HepB series is delayed, test 1–2 months
after nal dose. Do not test before age 9 months.
Catch-up vaccination
y Unvaccinated persons should complete a 3-dose series at
0, 1–2, 6 months. See Table 2 for minimum intervals
y Adolescents age 11–15 years may use an alternative
2-dose schedule with at least 4 months between doses
(adult formulation Recombivax HB® only).
y Adolescents age 18 years or older may receive:
- Heplisav-B®: 2-dose series at least 4 weeks apart
- PreHevbrio®: 3-dose series at 0, 1, and 6 months
- Combined HepA and HepB vaccine, Twinrix®: 3-dose series
(0, 1, and 6 months) or 4-dose series (3 doses at 0, 7, and
21–30 days, followed by a booster dose at 12 months).
Special situations
y Revaccination is not generally recommended for persons
with a normal immune status who were vaccinated as infants,
children, adolescents, or adults.
y Post-vaccination serology testing and revaccination
(if anti-HBs < 10mlU/mL) is recommended for certain
populations, including:
- Infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers
- Persons who are predialysis or on maintenance dialysis
- Other immunocompromised persons
- For detailed revaccination recommendations, see www.cdc.
Note: Heplisav-B and PreHevbrio are not recommended in
pregnancy due to lack of safety data in pregnant persons
Human papillomavirus vaccination
(minimum age: 9 years)
Routine and catch-up vaccination
y HPV vaccination routinely recommended at age 11–12 years
(can start at age 9 years) and catch-up HPV vaccination
recommended for all persons through age 18 years if not
adequately vaccinated
y 2- or 3-dose series depending on age at initial vaccination:
- Age 9–14 years at initial vaccination: 2-dose series at 0,
6–12 months (minimum interval: 5 months; repeat dose if
administered too soon)
- Age 15 years or older at initial vaccination: 3-dose series
at 0, 1–2 months, 6 months (minimum intervals: dose 1 to
dose 2: 4 weeks / dose 2 to dose 3: 12 weeks / dose 1 to dose
3: 5months; repeat dose if administered too soon)
y Interrupted schedules: If vaccination schedule is
interrupted, the series does not need to be restarted.
y No additional dose recommended when any HPV vaccine
series has been completed using the recommended dosing
Special situations
y Immunocompromising conditions, including HIV
infection: 3-dose series, even for those who initiate
vaccination at age 9 through 14 years.
y History of sexual abuse or assault: Start at age 9 years
y Pregnancy: Pregnancy testing not needed before
vaccination; HPV vaccination not recommended
until after pregnancy; no intervention needed if
vaccinated while pregnant
Influenza vaccination
(minimum age: 6 months [IIV], 2 years [LAIV4],
18years [recombinant inuenza vaccine, RIV4])
Routine vaccination
y Use any inuenza vaccine appropriate for age and health
status annually:
- 2 doses, separated by at least 4 weeks, for children age
6 months–8 years who have received fewer than
2 inuenza vaccine doses before July 1, 2022, or
whose inuenza vaccination history is unknown
(administer dose 2 even if the child turns 9 between
receipt of dose 1 and dose 2)
- 1 dose for children age 6 months–8 years who
have received at least 2 inuenza vaccine doses
before July 1, 2022
- 1 dose for all persons age 9 years or older
y For the 2022-2023 season, see
y For the 2023–24 season, see the 2023–24 ACIP inuenza
vaccine recommendations.
Special situations
y Egg allergy, hives only: Any inuenza vaccine appropriate
for age and health status annually
y Egg allergy with symptoms other than hives
(e.g., angioedema, respiratory distress) or required
epinephrine or another emergency medical intervention: Any
inuenza vaccine appropriate for age and health status may
be administered. If using egg-based IIV4 or LAIV4, administer
in medical setting under supervision of health care provider
who can recognize and manage severe allergic reactions.
y Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to a vaccine
component or a previous dose of any influenza vaccine:
see Appendix listing contraindications and precautions
y Close contacts (e.g., caregivers, healthcare personnel)
of severely immunosuppressed persons who require a
protected environment: these persons should not receive
LAIV4. If LAIV4 is given, they should avoid contact with/
caring for such immunosuppressed persons for 7 days after
Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination
(minimum age: 12 months for routine vaccination)
Routine vaccination
y 2-dose series at age 12–15 months, age 4–6 years
y MMR or MMRV may be administered
Note: For dose 1 in children age 12–47 months, it is
recommended to administer MMR and varicella vaccines
separately. MMRV may be used if parents or caregivers
express a preference.
Catch-up vaccination
y Unvaccinated children and adolescents: 2-dose series
at least 4 weeks apart
y The maximum age for use of MMRV is 12 years.
y Minimum interval between MMRV doses: 3 months
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2023
Special situations
y International travel
- Infants age 6–11 months: 1 dose before departure;
revaccinate with 2-dose series at age 12–15 months
(12 months for children in high-risk areas) and dose 2
as early as 4 weeks later.
- Unvaccinated children age 12 months or older:
2-dose series at least 4 weeks apart before departure
y In mumps outbreak settings, for information about
additional doses of MMR (including 3rd dose of MMR), see
Meningococcal serogroup A,C,W,Y vaccination
(minimum age: 2 months [MenACWY-CRM,
Menveo], 9 months [MenACWY-D, Menactra], 2 years
[MenACWY-TT, MenQuad])
Routine vaccination
y 2-dose series at age 11–12 years; 16 years
Catch-up vaccination
y Age 13–15 years: 1 dose now and booster at age 16–18 years
(minimum interval: 8 weeks)
y Age 16–18 years: 1 dose
Special situations
Anatomic or functional asplenia (including sickle cell
disease), HIV infection, persistent complement
component deficiency, complement inhibitor
(e.g., eculizumab, ravulizumab) use:
y Menveo®*
- Dose 1 at age 2 months: 4-dose series (additional 3 doses
at age 4, 6, and 12 months)
- Dose 1 at age 3–6 months: 3- or 4-dose series (dose 2
[and dose 3 if applicable] at least 8 weeks after previous
dose until a dose is received at age 7 months or older,
followed by an additional dose at least 12 weeks later
and after age 12 months)
- Dose 1 at age 7–23 months: 2-dose series (dose 2 at least
12weeks after dose 1 and after age 12 months)
- Dose 1 at age 24 months or older: 2-dose series
at least 8weeks apart
y Menactra®
- Persistent complement component deficiency or
complement inhibitor use:
Age 9–23 months: 2-dose series at least 12 weeks apart
Age 24 months or older: 2-dose series at least
8weeks apart
- Anatomic or functional asplenia, sickle cell disease,
or HIV infection:
Age 923 months: Not recommended
Age 24 months or older: 2-dose series at least
8weeks apart
Menactra® must be administered at least 4 weeks after
completion of PCV series.
y MenQuadfi®
- Dose 1 at age 24 months or older: 2-dose series at least
8 weeks apart
Travel to countries with hyperendemic or epidemic
meningococcal disease, including countries in the African
meningitis belt or during the Hajj (
y Children less than age 24 months:
- Menveo®* (age 2–23 months)
Dose 1 at age 2 months: 4-dose series (additional 3 doses at
age 4, 6, and 12 months)
Dose 1 at age 3–6 months: 3- or 4-dose series (dose 2
[and dose 3 if applicable] at least 8 weeks after previous
dose until a dose is received at age 7 months or older,
followed by an additional dose at least 12 weeks later
and after age 12 months)
Dose 1 at age 7–23 months: 2-dose series (dose 2 at least
12 weeks after dose 1 and after age 12 months)
- Menactra® (age 9–23 months)
2-dose series (dose 2 at least 12 weeks after dose 1;
dose 2 may be administered as early as 8 weeks
after dose 1 in travelers)
y Children age 2 years or older: 1 dose Menveo®*,
Menactra®, or MenQuad®
First-year college students who live in residential housing
(if not previously vaccinated at age 16 years or older) or
military recruits:
y 1 dose Menveo®*, Menactra®, or MenQuadfi®
Adolescent vaccination of children who received MenACWY
prior to age 10 years:
y Children for whom boosters are recommended because
of an ongoing increased risk of meningococcal disease
(e.g., those with complement component deciency, HIV,
or asplenia): Follow the booster schedule for persons at
increased risk.
y Children for whom boosters are not recommended
(e.g., a healthy child who received a single dose for travel
to a country where meningococcal disease is endemic):
Administer MenACWY according to the recommended
adolescent schedule with dose 1 at age 11–12 years and
dose 2 at age 16 years.
* Menveo has two formulations: lyophilized and liquid. The liquid
formulation should not be used before age 10 years.
Note: Menactra® should be administered either before or
at the same time as DTaP. MenACWY may be administered
simultaneously with MenB vaccines if indicated, but at a
dierent anatomic site, if feasible.
For MenACWY booster dose recommendations for groups
listed under “Special situations” and in an outbreak setting and
additional meningococcal vaccination information, see
Meningococcal serogroup B vaccination
(minimum age: 10 years [MenB-4C, Bexsero®;
MenB-FHbp, Trumenba®])
Shared clinical decision-making
y Adolescents not at increased risk age 16–23 years
(preferred age 16–18 years) based on shared
clinical decision-making:
- Bexsero®: 2-dose series at least 1 month apart
- Trumenba®: 2-dose series at least 6 months apart
(if dose 2 is administered earlier than 6 months, administer a
dose at least 4 months after dose 2)
Special situations
Anatomic or functional asplenia (including sickle cell
disease), persistent complement component deficiency,
complement inhibitor (e.g., eculizumab, ravulizumab) use:
y Bexsero®: 2-dose series at least 1 month apart
y Trumenba®: 3-dose series at 0, 1–2, 6 months (if dose 2
was administered at least 6 months after dose 1, dose 3
not needed; if dose 3 is administered earlier than 4 months
after dose 2, a 4
dose should be administered at least
4 months after dose 3)
Note: Bexserand Trumenba® are not interchangeable;
the same product should be used for all doses in a series.
For MenB booster dose recommendations for groups listed
under “Special situations” and in an outbreak setting and
additional meningococcal vaccination information, see
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2023
Pneumococcal vaccination
(minimum age: 6 weeks [PCV13], [PCV15], 2 years
Routine vaccination with PCV
y 4-dose series at 2, 4, 6, 12–15 months
Catch-up vaccination with PCV
y Healthy children age 24–59 months with any
incomplete* PCV series: 1 dose PCV
y For other catch-up guidance, see Table 2.
Note: PCV13 and PCV15 can be used interchangeably for
children who are healthy or have underlying conditions.
PCV15 is not indicated for children who have received 4 doses
of PCV13 or another age appropriate complete PCV13 series.
Special situations
Underlying conditions below: When both PCV and PPSV23
are indicated, administer PCV first. PCV and PPSV23 should
not be administered during the same visit.
Chronic heart disease (particularly cyanotic congenital
heart disease and cardiac failure); chronic lung disease
(including asthma treated with high-dose,
oral corticosteroids); diabetes mellitus:
Age 2–5 years
y Any incomplete* series with:
- 3 PCV doses: 1 dose PCV (at least 8weeks after
any prior PCV dose)
- Less than 3 PCV doses: 2 doses PCV (8weeks after the
most recent dose and administered 8weeks apart)
y No history of PPSV23: 1 dose PPSV23 (at least 8 weeks after
completing all recommended PCV doses)
Age 6–18 years
y Any incomplete* series with PCV: no further
PCV doses needed
y No history of PPSV23: 1 dose PPSV23 (at least 8 weeks after
completing all recommended PCV doses)
Cerebrospinal fluid leak, cochlear implant:
Age 2–5 years
y Any incomplete* series with:
- 3 PCV doses: 1 dose PCV (at least 8weeks after
any prior PCV dose)
- Less than 3 PCV doses: 2 doses PCV (8weeks after
the most recent dose and administered 8weeks apart)
y No history of PPSV23: 1 dose PPSV23 (at least 8 weeks after
completing all recommended PCV doses)
Age 6–18 years
y No history of either PCV or PPSV23: 1 dose PCV, 1 dose
PPSV23 at least 8weeks later
y Any PCV but no PPSV23: 1 dose PPSV23 at least 8weeks after
the most recent dose of PCV
y PPSV23 but no PCV: 1 dose PCV at least 8weeks after
the most recent dose of PPSV23
Sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies;
anatomic or functional asplenia; congenital or
acquired immunodeficiency; HIV infection; chronic
renal failure; nephrotic syndrome; malignant
neoplasms, leukemias, lymphomas, Hodgkin disease,
and other diseases associated with treatment with
immunosuppressive drugs or radiation therapy;
solid organ transplantation; multiple myeloma:
Age 2–5 years
y Any incomplete* series with:
- 3 PCV doses: 1 dose PCV (at least 8weeks after
any prior PCV dose)
- Less than 3 PCV doses: 2 doses PCV (8weeks after
the most recent dose and administered 8weeks apart)
y No history of PPSV23: 1 dose PPSV23 (at least 8 weeks after
completing all recommended PCV doses) and a dose 2 of
PPSV23 5 years later
Age 6–18 years
y No history of either PCV or PPSV23: 1 dose PCV, 2doses
PPSV23 (dose 1 of PPSV23 administered 8weeks after
PCV and dose 2 of PPSV23 administered at least
5 years after dose 1 of PPSV23)
y Any PCV but no PPSV23: 2 doses PPSV23
(dose 1 of PPSV23 administered 8weeks after the
most recent dose of PCV and dose 2 of PPSV23
administered at least 5 years after dose 1 of PPSV23)
y PPSV23 but no PCV: 1 dose PCV at least 8weeks after
the most recent PPSV23 dose and a dose 2 of PPSV23
administered 5 years after dose 1 of PPSV23 and
at least 8weeks after a dose of PCV
* Incomplete series = Not having received all doses in either the
recommended series or an age-appropriate catch-up series
see Table 2 in ACIP pneumococcal recommendations at www.
For guidance on determining which pneumococcal vaccines
a patient needs and when, please refer to the mobile app,
which can be downloaded here:
Poliovirus vaccination
(minimum age: 6 weeks)
Routine vaccination
y 4-dose series at ages 2, 4, 6–18 months, 4–6 years; administer
the nal dose on or after age 4 years and at least 6 months
after the previous dose.
y 4 or more doses of IPV can be administered before age 4 years
when a combination vaccine containing IPV is used. However,
a dose is still recommended on or after age 4 years and at
least 6 months after the previous dose.
Catch-up vaccination
y In the rst 6 months of life, use minimum ages and
intervals only for travel to a polio-endemic region
or during an outbreak.
y IPV is not routinely recommended for U.S. residents
age 18 years or older.
Series containing oral polio vaccine (OPV), either mixed
OPV-IPV or OPV-only series:
y Total number of doses needed to complete the series is the
same as that recommended for the U.S. IPV schedule. See
y Only trivalent OPV (tOPV) counts toward the
U.S. vaccination requirements.
- Doses of OPV administered before April 1, 2016,
should be counted (unless specically noted as
administered during a campaign).
- Doses of OPV administered on or after April 1, 2016,
should not be counted.
- For guidance to assess doses documented as “OPV, see
y For other catch-up guidance, see Table 2.
Special situations
y Adolescents aged 18 years at increased risk of exposure
to poliovirus with:
- No evidence of a complete polio vaccination series (i.e., at
least 3 doses): administer remaining doses (1, 2, or 3 doses)
to complete a 3-dose series
- Evidence of completed polio vaccination series (i.e., at least
3 doses): may administer one lifetime IPV booster
For detailed information, see:
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2023
2/17/2022 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule, United States, 2022
Rotavirus vaccination
(minimum age: 6 weeks)
Routine vaccination
y Rotarix®: 2-dose series at age 2 and 4 months
y RotaTeq®: 3-dose series at age 2, 4, and 6 months
y If any dose in the series is either RotaTeq® or unknown,
default to 3-dose series.
Catch-up vaccination
y Do not start the series on or after age 15 weeks, 0 days.
y The maximum age for the nal dose is 8 months, 0 days.
y For other catch-up guidance, see Table 2.
Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap)
(minimum age: 11 years for routine vaccination,
7years for catch-up vaccination)
Routine vaccination
y Adolescents age 11–12 years: 1 dose Tdap
y Pregnancy: 1 dose Tdap during each pregnancy, preferably in
early part of gestational weeks 27–36.
y Tdap may be administered regardless of the interval since the
last tetanus- and diphtheria-toxoid-containing vaccine.
Catch-up vaccination
y Adolescents age 13–18 years who have not received Tdap:
1 dose Tdap, then Td or Tdap booster every 10 years
y Persons age 7–18 years not fully vaccinated
with DTaP:
1dose Tdap as part of the catch-up series (preferably the rst
dose); if additional doses are needed, use Td or Tdap.
y Tdap administered at age 7–10 years:
- Children age 7–9 years who receive Tdap should receive
the routine Tdap dose at age 11–12 years.
- Children age 10 years who receive Tdap do not need the
routine Tdap dose at age 11–12 years.
y DTaP inadvertently administered on or after age 7 years:
- Children age 7–9 years: DTaP may count as part of catch-up
series. Administer routine Tdap dose at age 11–12 years.
- Children age 10–18 years: Count dose of DTaP as the
adolescent Tdap booster.
y For other catch-up guidance, see Table 2.
Special situations
y Wound management in persons age 7 years or older with
history of 3 or more doses of tetanus-toxoid-containing
vaccine: For clean and minor wounds, administer Tdap or
Td if more than 10 years since last dose of tetanus-toxoid-
containing vaccine; for all other wounds, administer Tdap
or Td if more than 5 years since last dose of tetanus-toxoid-
containing vaccine. Tdap is preferred for persons age 11 years
or older who have not previously received Tdap or whose
Tdap history is unknown. If a tetanus-toxoid-containing
vaccine is indicated for a pregnant adolescent, use Tdap.
y For detailed information, see
*Fully vaccinated = 5 valid doses of DTaP OR 4 valid doses of
DTaP if dose 4 was administered at age 4 years or older
Varicella vaccination
(minimum age: 12 months)
Routine vaccination
y 2-dose series at age 12–15 months, 4–6 years
y VAR or MMRV may be administered*
y Dose 2 may be administered as early as 3 months after dose 1
(a dose inadvertently administered after at least 4 weeks
may be counted as valid)
*Note: For dose 1 in children age 12–47 months, it is
recommended to administer MMR and varicella vaccines
separately. MMRV may be used if parents or caregivers
express a preference.
Catch-up vaccination
y Ensure persons age 7–18 years without evidence of immunity
(see MMWR at
have a 2-dose series:
- Age 7–12 years: Routine interval: 3 months
(a dose inadvertently administered after at least
4 weeks may be counted as valid)
- Age 13 years and older: Routine interval: 4–8weeks
(minimum interval: 4 weeks)
- The maximum age for use of MMRV is 12 years.