Title stata.com
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Description Syntax Options Remarks and examples Stored results
Acknowledgment References Also see
python provides utilities for embedding Python code within Stata. With these utilities, users can
invoke Python interactively or in do-files and ado-files. If you are interested in calling Stata from
Python, see [P] PyStata module.
creates a Python environment in which Python code can be executed interactively, just
like a Python interpreter. In this environment, the classic >>> and ... prompts are used
to indicate the user input. All the objects inside this environment are created in the namespace
of the main module.
python: istmt executes one Python simple statement or several simple statements separated by
python script executes a Python script .py file. A list of arguments can be passed to the file
by using option args().
python set exec pyexecutable sets which Python version to use. pyexecutable specifies the full
path of the Python executable. If the executable does not exist or does not meet the minimum
version requirement, an error message will be issued.
python set userpath path
path . . .
sets the user’s own module search paths in addition
to system search paths. Multiple paths may be specified. When specified, those paths will be
loaded automatically when the Python environment is initialized.
python describe lists the objects in the namespace of the main module.
python drop removes the specified objects from the namespace of the main module.
python clear clears all the objects whose names are not prefixed with from the namespace of
the main module.
python query lists the current Python settings and system information.
python search finds the Python versions installed on the current operating system. Only Python 2.7
and greater will be listed. On Windows, the registry will be searched for official Python installation
and versions installed through Anaconda. On Unix or Mac, the registry will be searched
for Python installations in the /usr/bin/, /usr/local/bin/, /opt/local/python/bin/,
/anaconda/bin, or
/anaconda3/bin directories.
python which checks the availability of a Python module.
2 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Enter Python interactive environment
Execute Python simple statements
python: istmt
Execute a Python script file
python script pyfilename
, args(args list) global
userpaths(user paths
, prepend
Set which version of Python to use
python set exec pyexecutable
, permanently
set python exec is a synonym for python set exec.
Set user’s additional module search paths
python set userpath path
path . . .
, permanently prepend
set python userpath is a synonym for python set userpath.
List objects in the namespace of the main module
python describe
, all
Drop objects from the namespace of the main module
python drop namelist
Clear objects from the namespace of the main module
python clear
Query current Python settings and system information
python query
Search for Python installations on the current system
python search
Check the availability of a Python module
python which modulename
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 3
istmt is either one Python simple statement or several simple statements separated by semicolons.
pyfilename specifies the name of a Python script file with extension .py.
pyexecutable specifies the executable of a Python installation, such as
"C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe",
/anaconda3/bin/python", or
namelist specifies a list of object names, such as sys, spam, or foo. Names can also be specified
using the * and ? wildcard characters:
* indicates zero or more characters.
? indicates exactly one character.
modulename specifies the name of a Python module. The module can be a system module or a
user-written module. The name can be a regular single module name or a dotted module name,
such as sys, numpy, or numpy.random.
collect is allowed; see [U] 11.1.10 Prefix commands.
args(args list) specifies a list of arguments, args list, that will be passed to the Python script file
and can be accessed through argv in Python’s sys module. args list may contain one argument
or a list of arguments separated by spaces.
global specifies that the objects created in the Python script file be appended to the namespace of
the main module so that they can be accessed globally. By default, the objects created in
the script file are discarded after execution.
userpaths(user paths
, prepend
) specifies the additional module search paths that will be added
to the system paths stored in sys.path. user paths may be one or a list of paths separated either
by spaces or by semicolons. By default, those paths will be added to the end of system paths. If
prepend is specified, they will be added in front of the system paths.
permanently specifies that, in addition to making the change right now, the setting be remembered
and become the default setting when you invoke Python.
prepend specifies that instead of adding the user’s additional module search paths to the end of
system paths, the paths are to be added in front of the system paths.
all specifies that all the objects in the namespace of the main module be listed. By default,
only objects that do not begin with an underscore will be listed.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Invoking Python interactively
The distinction between python and python:
Embedding Python code in a do-file
Running a Python script file
Embedding Python code in an ado-file
Stata Function Interface (sfi) module
Configuring Python
Locating modules
Error codes
4 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Invoking Python interactively
You type python or python: (with the colon) to enter the interactive environment.
. python
python (type to exit)
Within the interactive environment, we use three greater-than signs (>>>) as the primary prompt
and three dots (...) as the secondary prompt for continuation lines. When you type a statement in
the environment, the Python interpreter will compile what you typed, and if it is compiled without
error, the statement will be executed. Note that within the Python environment, all the statements
need to follow Python’s style, such as for indentation and line breaks. For example,
>>> word = ’Python’
>>> word[0], word[-1]
(’P’, ’n’)
>>> len(word)
>>> squares = [1,4,9,16,25]
>>> squares
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
>>> from math import pi
>>> [str(round(pi, i)) for i in range(1,8)]
[’3.1’, ’3.14’, ’3.142’, ’3.1416’, ’3.14159’, ’3.141593’, ’3.1415927’]
>>> for i in range(3):
... print(i)
When you are done using Python, type end following the >>> prompt:
>>> end
When you exit from the Python interactive environment back into Stata, the environment does not
clear itself; so if you later type python or python: again, you will be right back where you were.
All the objects created in the interactive environment are stored in the namespace of the main
module, and they can be accessed later when you exit Python and come back. In Stata, you can use
python describe, python drop, and python clear to manipulate those objects.
Within the interactive environment, only Python statements are accepted. To execute a Stata
command while in the Python environment, prefix the Stata command with stata:. For example,
suppose auto.dta is in memory and we want to run a regression of mpg on weight and foreign
using the regress command. We can type
>>> stata: regress mpg weight foreign
and the output would match what is produced in Stata. This syntax only works in the Python interactive
environment. It will not work in a Python script, nor embedded within compound statements, such
as def or if, in an interactive environment. Instead, use the stata() function, one of the functions
defined in the Python class SFIToolkit within the sfi (Stata Function Interface) module, to execute
Stata commands within script files and compound statements.
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 5
In the interactive environment, when a statement fails to compile, a stack trace will be printed and
an error code will be issued. For example,
>>> spam
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name ’spam’ is not defined
The stack trace issued by the Python interpreter states that a NameError occurs because the
variable spam has not been defined. The error code r(7102) tells Stata that something is wrong with
the Python environment. See Error codes for a detailed description.
The distinction between python and python:
Issuing python (without a colon) will allow you to remain in the Python environment despite
errors. Issuing python: will allow you to work in the Python environment but will return control to
Stata when you encounter a Python error. For example, consider the following (using python without
the colon):
a = a + 2
b = 6
In the above code, the variable a is not defined, so the statement a = a + 2 will throw a Python
error. Because we used python without the colon, the incorrect line would be issued, and we would
remain in the Python environment until the end statement. Python would not tell Stata that anything
went wrong! This could have serious consequences. On the other hand, if we had used python:
(with a colon), the same error would return control to Stata and issue an error code; the second
statement (b = 6) would not be executed at all.
Embedding Python code in a do-file
Typing statements interactively can be prone to error, especially when you type a compound
statement using indentation. Instead, you can write Python code within a do-file and run multiple
statements consecutively. All you need to do is place the Python code within a python
and end
block. By placing your code in a do-file, you can mix Stata code and Python code in a single file,
execute it all at once, and even run it multiple times. For example,
begin pyex1.do
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
local a = 2
local b = 3
from sfi import Scalar
def calcsum(num1, num2):
res = num1 + num2
Scalar.setValue("result", res)
calcsum(‘a’, ‘b’)
display result
end pyex1.do
6 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
In the above do-file, we defined two local macros in Stata, a and b, which we use as arguments
later. Within the python: and end block, we first defined a function, calcsum(), that calculated
the sum of two numbers. We passed the result back to Stata as a scalar named result by using
the setValue() function of the Scalar class defined in the sfi module. Finally, the function was
Typing do pyex1 returns a result of 5.
As you can see, we called the function with calcsum(‘a’, ‘b’) After macro expansion, this
line became calcsum(2, 3) and the values 2 and 3 were passed to the function. Macro substitution
is a convenient way to pass values from Stata to Python. You can use macros when typing Python
statements interactively in the Command window or when writing Python statements in a do-file. You
just need to follow Stata’s quotes notation.
When you run the do-file and the python: line is executed, it will enter the interactive environment
and run Python code line by line. After the end line is executed, it will exit Python and enter Stata
Because the Python code is executed in the interactive environment, all objects defined in the
Python block within a do-file are automatically added to the namespace of the main module.
Thus, they can be accessed later when you enter Python statements interactively or in another Python
block within a do-file. For example, we can rewrite the above do-file as follows, and it will lead to
the same result:
begin pyex2.do
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
local a = 2
local b = 3
from sfi import Scalar
def calcsum(num1, num2):
res = num1 + num2
Scalar.setValue("result", res)
python: calcsum(‘a’, ‘b’)
display result
end pyex2.do
Here we called the function calcsum() by using the simple statement syntax outside the first
Python block, and the argument values were passed in through macro substitution. We will discuss
macro substitution and the simple statement syntax further in Embedding Python code in an ado-file.
Running a Python script file
Be aware that Stata and Python use different syntax, data structures and types, language infras-
tructures, etc. They even have different rules for handling comments and indentations.
Because of these differences, it may be best to isolate Stata and Python code. This can be achieved
by writing Python code in a .py script file, and then running python script in Stata to execute it.
For example, let’s isolate the Stata and Python code from the example above.
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 7
We first write the Python code in a script file, say, pyex.py:
begin pyex.py
from sfi import Macro, Scalar
def calcsum(num1, num2):
res = num1 + num2
Scalar.setValue("result", res)
pya = int(Macro.getLocal("a"))
pyb = int(Macro.getLocal("b"))
calcsum(pya, pyb)
end pyex.py
In this script file, we first defined the function calcsum() as we did before. We called the function
getLocal(), defined in the Macro class within the sfi module, to get the local macro values a
and b from Stata. Because getLocal() returns a string value, we called Python’s built-in function
int() to get the numeric values, and we passed them to calcsum().
Next we call this script file in a separate do-file, say, pyex3.do:
begin pyex3.do
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
local a = 2
local b = 3
python script pyex.py
display result
end pyex3.do
In the do-file, we first defined two local macros and passed them to the calcsum() function. Next
we ran the script file with the python script command and obtained the scalar result.
By default, all the objects defined in the script file are discarded after execution; they are not
added to the namespace of the main module. In other words, the execution of a script file does
not share the same namespace with the main module, which means you cannot access objects
defined in the main module from the script file and vice versa.
To use objects in the namespace of the main module in a script file, you can import them
with the import or import-from statement. For example, you can include
import __main__
in a script file to access each object defined in the main module.
On the other hand, if you want the interactive environment to have access to the objects defined in
the script file after it has been executed, you can specify the global option in the python script
command. By specifying this option, all the objects are copied to the namespace of the main
module, so they can be used directly without having to import them. This is useful when you define
functions, classes, etc., in a script file and want to access them interactively or in a do-file. However,
you should use this option with caution because those objects will overwrite objects defined in the
namespace of the main module with the same name.
You can pass arguments from Stata to a script file with the args() option of python script.
To access those arguments in the script file, use the argv list defined in Python’s sys module. Let’s
use the above example to illustrate.
8 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
We rewrote the script file and the do-file as follows:
begin pyex2.py
import sys
pya = int(sys.argv[1])
pyb = int(sys.argv[2])
from sfi import Macro, Scalar
def calcsum(num1, num2):
res = num1 + num2
Scalar.setValue("result", res)
calcsum(pya, pyb)
end pyex2.py
begin pyex4.do
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
local a = 2
local b = 3
python script pyex2.py, args(‘a’ ‘b’)
display result
end pyex4.do
In the script file, we imported the sys module and then got the arguments through the sys.argv
list. Because we will pass two arguments to the script file, we access the argument values with
sys.argv[1] and sys.argv[2]. Note that when executing a script file, sys.argv[0] stores the
script name, which is pyex2.py in this case. In the do-file, we passed the macro values to the Python
script file by listing them in the args() option of python script.
Another option you may find useful when running a script file in Stata is userpaths(), which
allows you to find and import modules defined in your private paths. By default, the paths you
specified are appended to the end of the list. You can prepend them to the beginning of the list by
using the prepend suboption.
These paths are only added temporarily to sys.path, which means they will be used only when
executing the script file. After that, they will be discarded from the list. To add a path permanently,
use python set userpath. See Locating modules for a detailed discussion about setting module
search paths.
Embedding Python code in an ado-file
Python code can be embedded and executed in ado-files too. This is useful when you are interested
in extending Stata by adding a new command. Below, we use an example to illustrate this purpose.
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 9
Suppose that we want to write a new command for Stata that will report the sum of one variable.
We might do this as follows:
begin varsum.ado
program varsum
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
syntax varname [if] [in]
marksample touse
python: calcsum("‘varlist’", "‘touse’")
display as txt " sum of ‘varlist’: " as res r(sum)
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
from sfi import Data, Scalar
def calcsum(varname, touse):
x = Data.get(varname, None, touse)
Scalar.setValue("r(sum)", sum(x))
end varsum.ado
We load auto.dta and run this program from Stata. It will result in the following output:
. varsum price
sum of price: 456229
Let’s explain what happened in the ado-file step by step:
1. The ado-file has both ado-code and Python code in it.
2. The ado-code handled all parsing and identified the subsample of the data to be used.
3. The ado-code called the Python function calcsum() to perform the calculation using the
simple statement syntax python: istmt.
4. The Python code first imported two classes, Data and Scalar, from the sfi module. Then
it defined the function calcsum(), which received as arguments the names of two variables
in the Stata dataset: the variable on which the calculation was to be made and the variable
that identified the subsample of the data to be used.
5. The Python function returned the result in r(), where the ado-code can access it.
In the ado-file, the Python code was defined within the python: and end block. You can treat
this block as a Python script file, meaning that you can write any Python statement within it. Here
we define only one function, calcsum(), which acts as a connection between the ado-code and the
Python code.
In a connection like this, you have two paramount interests: getting values defined in the ado-code
into the Python function, and getting results returned by the function back to your ado-code. For
calcsum(), the values defined in the ado-code are passed to the function as arguments. When we
called the function
python: calcsum("‘varlist’", "‘touse’")
this line was automatically expanded and turned into something like
python: calcsum("price", "__0001dc")
The 0001dc variable is a temporary variable created by the marksample command earlier
in our ado-file. price was the variable specified by the user. After expansion, the arguments were
nothing more than strings, and those strings were passed to calcsum().
10 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Macro substitution is the most common way values are passed from Stata to Python functions.
When writing your Python function, keep in mind the arguments that Stata will find convenient to
pass and that Python will make convenient to use:
1. numbers, such as 2 and 3 (‘a’ and ‘b’ in pyex1.do)
2. names of variables, macros, scalars, matrices, etc., such as "price" and " 0001dc"
("‘varlist’" and "‘touse’")
To receive arguments of type 1, you code numeric type in the function declaration for the argument,
and then pass in the value using Stata’s quotes notation. To receive arguments of type 2, you code
string type in the function declaration for the argument, and then use classes and functions defined
in the sfi module to extract the contents from the name.
On the other hand, you may use other functions defined in those classes to return results to Stata
too. For example, you can return results in r()as we did in our exampleor in e() or s(). You
can also create Stata macros, scalars, matrices, and even Mata objects from within Python.
Here are some general guidelines for passing values between Python and Stata:
1. If you are dealing with a variable name, you will want to read about the functions defined
in the Data and Frame classes.
2. If you are dealing with local or global macros, scalars, or matrices, you will want to see
the Macro, Scalar, and Matrix classes.
3. Refer to the sfi module for more detailed descriptions and additional functions.
Remember that all Python objects defined in an ado-file are private and cannot be accessed outside
of it. So you cannot use those objects in the interactive environment, in a do-file, or in another
ado-file. However, you can still access objects defined in the namespace of the main module by
using the import or import-from statement within the python
and end block of an ado-file.
In the above example, we put the calcsum() function in the ado-file within the python: and
end block. You can also write the function in a Python module file and import the function from the
module to the ado-file. Let’s restructure our ado-file to save calcsum() in a .py file.
First, we simply write the function in a .py file named pyex3.py, as follows:
begin pyex3.py
from sfi import Data, Scalar
def calcsum(varname, touse):
x = Data.get(varname, None, touse)
Scalar.setValue("r(sum)", sum(x))
end pyex3.py
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 11
Next, we import the function from the module to our ado-file, so it now reads
begin varsum.ado
program varsum
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
syntax varname [if] [in]
marksample touse
python: calcsum("‘varlist’", "‘touse’")
display as txt " sum of ‘varlist’: " as res r(sum)
version 18.0 // (or version 18.5 for StataNow)
from pyex3 import calcsum
end varsum.ado
Note the following:
1. All the original Python code within the python: and end block was moved to the Python
module file pyex3.py.
2. The python: and end block now has only one statement, which imports the function
calcsum() from the module by using the import-from syntax. Alternatively, you can
import the function from the module by using the import syntax, depending on your
preference. For example, you can import the whole module by using import pyex3 and
then call python: pyex3.calcsum("‘varlist’", "‘touse’") in the ado-code.
3. To make import in note 2 work, the module file must be placed where Stata can find it.
See Locating modules for details on how Stata searches for modules.
Each of the two alternatives to write your Python function has its own advantages. You can choose
which one to use based on your preference.
1. Putting the Python code right in the ado-file is easier, and it sure is convenient. You only
need to handle a single file.
2. Saving the Python code in a module file makes the Python utilities (calcsum() here)
available for use in your other ado-files. Compared with the Python code being restricted
to the ado-file in note 1, this is more useful if you call the same Python utility in various
3. You can combine the two alternatives under some circumstances. For example, suppose
you have a few utility functions defined in an existing module filesay, pyutil.pyand
you want to call those utilities in the calcsum() function. You do not need to copy those
utilities to the ado-file to use them in calcsum(). Instead, you can just import them from
the existing module and use them directly in the ado-file.
Stata Function Interface (sfi) module
The Stata Function Interface (sfi) module allows users to interact Python’s capabilities with core
features of Stata. The module can be used interactively or in do-files and ado-files.
Within the module, classes are defined to provide access to Stata’s characteristics, current dataset,
data and time, macros, scalars, matrices, value labels, global Mata matrices, and so on. The following
is a summary of them:
12 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Class Description
BreakError This class handles interrupting Python execution using the Break key in Stata.
Characteristic This class provides access to Stata characteristics.
Data This class provides access to the Stata dataset in memory.
Datetime This class provides access to Stata date and time values.
Frame This class provides access to a Stata data frame.
FrameError This class indicates that an exceptional condition has occurred within a frame.
Macro This class provides access to Stata macros.
Mata This class provides access to global Mata matrices.
Matrix This class provides access to Stata matrices.
Missing This class provides tools for handling Stata missing values.
Platform A set of utilities for getting platform information.
Preference A set of utilities for loading and saving preferences.
Scalar This class provides access to Stata scalars.
SFIError This class is the base class for other exceptions defined in this module.
SFIToolkit This class provides a set of core tools for interacting with Stata.
StrLConnector This class facilitates access to Stata’s strL data type.
ValueLabel This class provides access to Stata’s value labels.
These features are part of StataNow.
Within Python, you can use
import sfi
from sfi import *
to import the whole module. Alternatively, you can import specific classes. For example, to import
Data and Macro, you can use
from sfi import Data, Macro
After the classes are imported, you can invoke the various functions defined within them. See
Stata’s Python API for detailed documentation about each class and function.
Configuring Python
Currently, Python has two major versions: Python 2 and Python 3. Stata supports both of them
starting from Python 2.7. The first time you call python in Stata, Stata will search for Python
installations on the system and choose the one with the highest version. Stata will search the
official Python installations and Python installations bundled with Anaconda or Miniconda. The
installation must contain the corresponding Python dynamically linked library. For example, for
Python 3.6, it would be something like python36.dll on Windows, libpython3.6.so on Linux,
and libpython3.6.dylib on Mac. Otherwise, it will not be found and used as a candidate. Once
Stata finds the candidate with the highest version, it will save that information to use in the future.
You can see which Python version Stata will use by typing python query.
You can type python search to conduct a search. It will list all the Python executa-
bles on the system. On Windows, it looks for python.exe. On Linux or Mac, it looks for
/usr/bin/python, /usr/bin/python3, /usr/local/bin/python, /usr/local/bin/python3,
/anaconda3/bin/python, etc.
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 13
If you want to use a Python version different from the default, you can type python set exec
to change the setting. For example, on Linux, you can type
python set exec "/usr/local/bin/python"
If python search does not find the Python environment you wanted (for example, a user-created
virtual environment), you can type python set exec to use the version of choice.
Setting the Python version is optional, but if set, it must be done before the initialization of Python.
Otherwise, an error will be issued. The setting will be available only for the current Stata session.
If you want Stata to remember the setting and use that Python version by default the next time you
launch Stata, then use the permanently option:
python set exec "/usr/local/bin/python", permanently
Locating modules
According to the Python documentation (sec. 6.1.2 and sec. 6.1.3), “When a module named spam
is imported, the interpreter first searches for a built-in module with that name. If not found, it then
searches for a file named spam.py in a list of directories given by the variable sys.path. When
the interpreter is initialized in Stata, Stata’s system directories (sysdir) and a py/ directory within
each system directory, except the STATA directory, are added to the list following the default module
search paths. For example, on a particular Windows computer, the following paths are added:
C:\Program Files\Stata18\
C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\
C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\base\py\
C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\site\
C:\Program Files\Stata18\ado\site\py\
If you want to add other paths to the module search path list, you can type python set userpath
to add a list of paths at once. For example,
python set userpath "C:\mymodules1\" "C:\mymodules2\"
By default, those paths are added to the end of the list so that modules in those directories are
searched last. If you want those paths to be searched first, you can specify the prepend option,
which will add those paths to the beginning of the module search path. Paths added in this way will
be kept in the module search path list and be searched for the whole Stata session. This is different
from specifying the userpaths() option with python script, which removes the paths from the
module search path list once the script is executed.
Specifying additional module search paths is optional, but if specified, it must be done before the
initialization of Python. Otherwise, an error will be issued. The setting will be available only for
the current Stata session. If you want Stata to remember the setting and use the additional paths by
default the next time you launch Stata, then use the permanently option.
When you want to import third-party Python modules (such as numpy, pandas, etc.) in your
Python code, you need to make sure that they are already installed in the Python version that you are
currently using. Otherwise, an error will be issued claiming the specified module is not found. You
can type python which to check whether a module is available in your current Python settings.
14 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Error codes
When you run Python code within Stata, a Stata error code will be issued with the Python stack
trace if an error occurs. Here is a list of them:
Code Meaning
7100 error occurs when loading or freeing the Python dynamically linked library
7101 attempt to set a different Python version or add additional module search paths after
the Python environment is initialized
7102 error occurs when executing Python in the interactive environment
7103 error occurs when running a Python script file or importing a Python module
To create custom errors in your Python code, invoke the exit() function defined in the Python
class SFIToolkit within the sfi module. This is often used when you want to terminate execution
of Python code when handling an error condition or exceptions. Let’s use the following two script
files as an illustration.
begin pyex4.py
from sfi import SFIToolkit
a = 3
if a > 4:
SFIToolkit.displayln("continue execution")
SFIToolkit.errprintln("assertion failed")
# This line will not be executed due to assertion failure.
SFIToolkit.displayln("never reached")
end pyex4.py
begin pyex5.py
from sfi import SFIToolkit
SFIToolkit.errprintln("name a is not defined")
# This line will not be executed due to assertion failure.
SFIToolkit.displayln("never reached")
end pyex5.py
Here errprintln() is used to output a string to the Stata Results window as an error. displayln()
is used to output a string as normal text. They both honor any SMCL tags contained in the string.
Executing the above script files results in the following output:
. python script pyex4.py
assertion failed
. python script pyex5.py
name a is not defined
PyStata integration Call Python from Stata 15
Stored results
python query stores the following in r():
r(initialized) whether Python environment initialized (0 or 1)
r(execpath) Python executable path
r(userpath) Python user path
r(version) Python version
r(arch) Python architecture (64-bit or 32-bit)
r(libpath) Python shared library
The thought of embedding Python code within Stata was inspired by the Python plugin for Stata,
which was written by James Fiedler, Indeed.com.
Cerulli, G. 2022. Machine learning using Stata/Python. Stata Journal 22: 772–810.
Guiteras, R. P., A. Kim, B. Quistorff, and C. Shumway. 2023. statacons: An SCons-based build tool for Stata. Stata
Journal 23: 148–196.
Huber, C. 2020a. Stata/Python integration, part 1: Setting up Stata to use Python. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere
Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/08/18/stata-python-integration-part-1-setting-up-stata-to-use-python/.
. 2020b. Stata/Python integration, part 2: Three ways to use Python in Stata. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere
Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/08/25/stata-python-integration-part-2-three-ways-to-use-python-in-stata/.
. 2020c. Stata/Python integration, part 3: How to install Python packages. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere
Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/09/01/stata-python-integration-part-3-how-to-install-python-packages/.
. 2020d. Stata/Python integration, part 4: How to use Python packages. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified.
. 2020e. Stata/Python integration, part 5: Three-dimensional surface plots of marginal predictions. The Stata Blog:
Not Elsewhere Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/09/14/stata-python-integration-part-5-three-dimensional-surface-
. 2020f. Stata/Python integration, part 6: Working with APIs and JSON. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified.
. 2020g. Stata/Python integration part 7: Machine learning with support vector machines. The Stata Blog: Not
Elsewhere Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/10/13/stata-python-integration-part-7-machine-learning-with-support-
. 2020h. Stata/Python integration part 8: Using the Stata Function Interface to copy data from Stata to Python.
The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/11/05/stata-python-integration-part-8-using-the-
. 2020i. Stata/Python integration part 9: Using the Stata Function Interface to copy data from Python to Stata.
The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2020/11/19/stata-python-integration-part-9-using-the-
. 2023. A Stata command to run ChatGPT. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified.
16 PyStata integration Call Python from Stata
Also see
[P] PyStata intro Introduction to using Python and Stata together
[P] PyStata module Python package pystata to call Stata from Python
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