APSU Writing Center
How to write a Business Plan
How to Write a Business Plan
What is a business plan?
A business plan sells the viability of a business venture, outlining why it will be profitable. It
includes details on the business concept, market analysis, operations, financial projections, and
strategies for success.
What are the 3 main purposes of a business plan?
To clarify your plans for growth1.
To understand your financial needs2.
To attract funding from investors or secure a business loan3.
Business Plan Structure
Executive Summary: Summarize the key proposal and highlights, addressing the potential customer's
problem, offering a solution, and justifying why the business is suited to implement it.
Example: "Our business plan outlines a unique solution to the growing demand for sustainable
packaging solutions in the food industry. By offering biodegradable packaging materials made from
recycled materials...”
Table of Contents/List of Figures: Create a navigational guide, ensuring it reflects the final
document's content and structure accurately.
Executive Summary
Introduction: Present an overview of the business and its operations, engaging readers with the
business's vision and mission.
Example: "ABC Eco-Packaging is a startup company dedicated to revolutionizing the packaging
industry with sustainable solutions. Our mission is...”
Background: Describe the current situation, need, and competitive landscape, informed by thorough
market research and analysis.
Example: "The packaging industry is experiencing a paradigm shift towards sustainability due to
increasing consumer awareness and regulatory pressures. With plastic pollution becoming a...”
Options: Explore various solutions to the identified problem, considering multiple approaches before
selecting the most feasible option.
Example: "In our business plan, we will explore two primary options for addressing the need for...”
Supporting Documents
APSU Writing Center
How to write a Business Plan
Plan: Outline the chosen option's details, including benefits, milestones, objectives, and strategies for
achieving success.
Example: “After careful consideration, we have decided to focus on developing biodegradable
packaging materials from plant-based sources. This option aligns with...”
Implementation: Specify costs, timelines, and execution strategies realistically, accounting for
potential challenges and adjustments.
Example: “To implement our plan, we will allocate resources for research and development,
production facilities, and marketing initiatives. Our timeline includes...”
Supporting Documents: Include relevant data and information, such as prototypes, financial
statements, legal documents, and market research data, to bolster the plan's credibility.
Examples: Prototypes, Financial Statements, Legal Documents, Market Research Data, Business
Plans from similar businesses, Testimonials or Case Studies, etc.
References: Provide citations for background or supporting information used, ensuring credibility by
citing reputable sources accurately.
Example: Smith, J. (2021). "Trends in Sustainable Packaging." Environmental Science Journal,
15(2), 45-60.
Davis, A. (2022). Business Proposals. San José State University Writing Center. Retrieved
from https://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/docs/handouts/Business%20Proposals.pdf
Texas A&M University Writing Center. (n.d.). Business Plans. Retrieved from
University of Arizona Global Campus. (2023, June 19). How to Write a Business Plan: Step
by Step. Retrieved from https://www.uagc.edu/blog/how-write-business-plan-step-by-step
APSU Writing Center
How to write a Business Plan