101 Mission 1-1
102 Description of Facility 1-1
103 Barracks Officer 1-1
104 Master at Arms (MAA) 1-2
105 Junior Officer of the Day (JOOD) 1-2
201 Fire Alarms 2-1
202 Alcoholic Beverages 2-1
203 Berthing Assignments 2-2
204 Duty Rooms 2-3
205 Insect Control Program 2-3
206 Food Storage 2-4
207 Laundry Facilities 2-4
208 Guests 2-4
209 Keys and Locks 2-5
210 Linen 2-6
211 Electrical/Electronic Equip. 2-6
212 Other Prohibitions 2-7
213 Safety 2-8
214 Sea Bags and Luggage 2-8
215 Security 2-9
216 Telephones 2-9
217 Vending Machines 2-9
218 Etiquette 2-10
219 Clothing 2-10
220 Plants 2-10
221 Rec Decks & T.V. Lounge 2-10
222 Lucky Bag 2-11
223 Vehicle/Parking 2-11
224 Bicycle Storage 2-11
225 Gym/Weightlifting Facility 2-12
226 Internet Access 2-12
301 Responsibility 3-1
302 Gear Adrift 3-1
303 Cleaning Supplies 3-2
304 MAA Gear Locker 3-2
305 Work Orders 3-2
401 Administrative 4-1
402 Weekly 4-1
403 Results 4-1
501 General 5-1
502 Assignment 5-1
503 Policy 5-1
601 General 6-1
602 Linen 6-1
603 Housekeeping 6-1
The mission of the Air Station Cape Cod Barracks is to provide berthing accommodations to
both permanent party and temporary Coast Guard personnel assigned to the Air Station. In
some instances, limited berthing may also be available to local commands, based upon prior
arrangement and availability.
a. The enlisted berthing areas are located on the second and third decks of Bldg. 3159.
They consist of 28 rooms, most of which are outfitted for single occupancy, and outfitted
for two (2) occupants. In total, the enlisted barracks will accommodate up to 28
personnel. Male showers and head facilities are located on the 2
and 3
decks. Female
heads are located on the 1
and 2
decks, and female shower facilities are located on the
and 2
decks. Due to the location of their facilities, female enlisted personnel are
berthed exclusively on the second deck when availability of rooms permits. Laundry
rooms are located on the second deck and Barracks Basement adjacent to the gym.
Television lounges, a game room, and a vending machine room are located on the first
b. To ensure fire safety, each room is equipped with both smoke and fire detectors. In
addition, portable fire extinguishers are located in the passageways of each berthing
section. The master control panel for the fire detection system is located on the 1
outside the CPO Lounge and Galley.
c. Heating is provided to individual units via radiators. Air conditioning is not available.
When assigned, the Barracks Officer is responsible for the administration and operation of
the Barracks. He/she discharges this responsibility through the Master-At- Arms. When no
Barracks Officer is assigned, the Housing Manager exercises responsibility.
The Master-at-Arms (MAA) has an office located on the first deck of Bldg. 3159. The MAA
is responsible for the daily operation and administration of the Barracks. Additionally, he/she
is responsible for enforcement of the barracks regulations, maintenance and procurement of
material goods, and for supply and issuance of rooms and linen. The MAA supervises a
Barracks work force consisting of assigned non-rated personnel and one civilian wage-grade
employee. Workday hours are from 0730 until 1600.
The JOOD assumes the duties of MAA at all times other than the MAA’s normal working
a. No person shall tamper with any device used to sound the fire alarm, except in response
to an actual fire, or when specifically authorized by the command to do so.
b. Whenever the alarm sounds, all hands shall vacate the building and muster in front of
the flagpole of Bldg. 3159. The senior member present shall take charge and stand by to
render assistance as required by the OOD. Personnel who evacuate the barracks
automatically become part of the duty section and shall make themselves available to
assist as directed. The MAA or JOOD shall ensure that the Barracks are vacated,
they are in no danger in doing so.
a. Possession and consumption of beer, wine, and/or ale is permitted within the Barracks
ONLY FOR PERSONNEL 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER (the Massachusetts legal
drinking age). Opened containers must be consumed within the Barracks. Consumption
of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all duty rooms and indoor public areas, including
lounges, gym and corridors.
b. Consumption of beer, wine, and/or ale within the Barracks is strictly limited to off-duty
hours. For the purpose of this instruction, off –duty hours are defined as any time when a
member is on authorized liberty or leave.
c. Possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage other than beer, wine or ale
is PROHIBITED. Storage is limited to two (2) six-packs of beer or ale, and/or 1 bottle of
wine per occupant, per room.
d. In the case of double occupancy rooms, the senior resident of the room is responsible
for all conduct within the room. In the event that hard liquor or other prohibited alcoholic
beverages are discovered in a room, all occupants will be subject to prosecution unless the
contraband is positively identified as belonging to an individual member.
e. Alcohol storage and consumption is prohibited in rooms occupied by minors
(individuals not yet 21 years of age), regardless of the ages of the other occupant.
f. Violation of this regulation will be prosecuted under the UCMJ. Such action could
result in the loss of room privileges and expulsion from government quarters.
a. Room assignments shall be designated by the MAA only. The MAA will supply the
oncoming JOOD with a list of available rooms daily prior to 1600. Barrack rooms will be
assigned to personnel according to the following priority:
(1) Bonafide bachelors (single personnel).
(2) Semi-Bachelors (legally separated or divorced personnel who are supporting
dependents, but not residing with them).
(3) Transient personnel assigned to other units (prior arrangement required and
availability of quarters permitting).
b. Any personnel desiring occupancy in the Barracks should contact the MAA’s
office as far in advance as possible for a room reservation. At least 24 hours notice is
generally required. Upon arriving at the Air Station, present orders to the MAA or OOD
for endorsement and a room key.
c. Quarters will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to availability and
d. Any person who desires to change rooms shall do so only upon personally receiving
permission from the MAA.
e. No person shall remove furniture from its assigned room.
f. Residents are not authorized in berthing rooms other than their own, except
when invited, and only when that room’s assigned occupant is present.
g. Guests are welcome in the Barracks between the hours of 1600 to 2200 weekdays, and
from 0800 to 2200 weekends. The OOD or MAA shall be notified of the arrival and
departure of all guests, and both guest and sponsors are required to sign in/out. All
visitors shall leave the Barracks by 2200. Overnight visitors are NOT PERMITTED.
Visits by individuals of the opposite sex require that the room door remain open.
Section 208 outlines further guidance concerning visitation.
h. Persons not specifically assigned berthing by the MAA shall not be berthed in the
Barracks except as authorized by the Air Station OOD.
203. BERTHING ASSIGNMENTS: (continued)
i. Upon being assigned a room, each resident will be required to sign a custody receipt
form for all issued items and for the condition of the room. Any loss or damage to
government property will be charged against the occupant, who will be responsible for its
replacement cost prior to being checked out of the barracks.
j. The MAA or JOOD will inspect each departing resident’s room prior to their checking
out of the barracks to ensure cleanliness and proper condition of material. Room keys will
be turned in at the conclusion of the inspection. Checkouts will be made prior to 1500
during the workweek.
The Air Station Barracks has twelve
(12) enlisted duty rooms: OOD, JOOD, FED Watch
stander, Aviation Watch Captain,
(3) 2 person Aviation Duty Crew rooms, and five (5)
1 person Aviation Duty room. Use of these duty rooms shall be restricted only to those
individuals who are required to enter them in the performance of their official duties and to
those so authorized by the OOD.
a. Occasionally, Air Station Cape Cod will be required to take action to control insect
pests in the Barracks. This action will generally be limited to the spraying of insecticide.
b. All Barracks residents will be notified a minimum of three (3) working days prior to
the date of spraying.
c. On the dates designated for spraying, all residents shall have emptied all dresser and
lockers. Personal items will be sealed in plastic bags (provided by the MAA) and placed
on their racks by the occupants.
d. Rooms shall be left locked.
e. The MAA shall accompany the sprayers during the treatment of berthing rooms.
He/she will unlock the rooms, supervise the sprayers, and lock the rooms upon completion
of the pest control.
f. Barrack’s residents who fail to comply with these regulations shall be subject to
disciplinary action.
Food sealed in metal, glass or plastic containers is permitted in the barracks. However, once
the seal is broken, the food shall be consumed and the container properly discarded. Non-
perishable food being retained shall be in a tightly sealed, insect and vermin proof container.
Food/beverages shall not be stored outside on window ledges. Dirty dishes must be cleaned
after use. Dishes that are left in the rooms or bathrooms unclean will be confiscated by the
a. The washer and dryers installed in the 2
deck laundry room and adjacent to the gym
in the basement are for use by Barracks RESIDENTS ONLY.
b. Residents must provide their own laundry supplies, and are solely responsible for the
security of their goods.
c. Machines may be operated between the hours of 0645 and 2200. *
*Contract Laundry Hours
M-W-F 0900-1400
d. Machines may be operated in accordance with posted instructions. During contract
laundry hours, machines are secured to Military Personnel to allow use of laundry by
Civilian Contractors.
e. Residents are required to clean any mess made in machines.
f. Deliberate misuse such as overloading or over sudsing is prohibited. Offenders shall be
subject to disciplinary action.
g. Clothing that is left in the laundry rooms for an unreasonably long time may be subject
to confiscation by the MAA. If so, they may be retrieved by contacting the MAA during
normal working hours.
a. For the purpose of this article, a guest is defined as anyone
who is not currently
assigned to the Barracks.
b. Guests shall check in at the MAA or JOOD office to fill out the visitors log. The
sponsor must also sign the log. Guests not arriving in the company of the person to be
visited will wait at the MAA/JOOD office until the resident arrives to act as an escort.
The sponsor shall not leave guests unaccompanied, and shall remain with them for the
duration of their visit.
208. GUEST: (continued)
c. Sponsors are allowed a maximum of two guests at one time.
d. Overnight guests are not authorized. Any violation of this regulation will result in a
disciplinary action. Visiting military personnel must apply for berthing assignment
through the MAA (or the OOD in his/her absence), provided they are eligible and space is
e. Guests are authorized during visiting hours only. Cohabitation is strictly prohibited.
f. Guests visiting hours in the Barracks are:
MONDAY – FRIDAY: 1600-2200
SATURDAY – SUNDAY: 0800-2200
a. Each resident will receive a key from the MAA to his/her assigned room. Each
resident is responsible for the key and must return it upon departure. Residents are not
authorized to give their room key to
, aside from duty personnel acting in an
official capacity (i.e. OOD, JOOD, or MAA). If a resident is locked out of his/her room,
they shall contact the MAA or JOOD to open the room.
b. Any loss of a room key will result in the MAA changing the lock-core. This will
require the issuance of new keys to all residents of the room. Due to the cost
and staff hours involved in this process, a charge of $25.00 will be required prior
to checkout to replace lock cores and keys.
c. No person shall cut, force, or otherwise tamper with a government locking device, or
any locking device which is not his or her own personal property. Under no
circumstances shall any individual have keys to government locking devices duplicated.
Problems with keys or locks shall be promptly directed to the MAA or JOOD.
d. Master keys shall be retained by the MAA (and Barracks Office, when assigned) in
order to gain access to building spaces and rooms for the purposes of performing his/her
official duties. Only the MAA, Barracks Officer, and those personnel specifically
authorized by the command may retain and control master keys for Barracks spaces.
Because Galley spaces lie within the Barracks building (No. 3159), Galley personnel are
not exempt from this regulation.
210. LINEN:
Two (2) sheets, one (1) pillowcase, and one (1) bedspread/comforter will be issued to each
person residing in the Barracks. During periods of cold weather, a blanket will be included
in this basic issue. It is the responsibility of each person to clean his/her own linen, with the
exception of the comforter. If the comforter requires laundering, the occupant shall so
inform the MAA. In the event that linen is lost or stolen, the occupant shall immediately
notify the MAA or JOOD. Under most circumstances, lost/stolen linens will be replaced at
the occupant’s expense.
a. Stereos, TV sets, and radios are authorized for use in berthing rooms. Volume of such
equipment, however, must be kept to a minimum. After 2200, they shall be operated
through headphones, or be turned down low enough not to disturb other barracks
residents. If deemed necessary, the MAA, OOD, or JOOD can order any resident to
secure electrical or electronic equipment. Repeat offenders will have equipment
confiscated, and returned upon check out.
b. Hot plates, woks, Coleman stoves, grills or any other type of cooking appliances are
strictly prohibited
. Personal microwave ovens of 650 watts or less may be utilized within
berthing rooms. They must be kept clean at all times, and will be subject to confiscation if
they are not.
c. One small refrigerator per room will be provided.
d. Use of energy emitting devices such as transmitters and two-way radios within the
Barracks is prohibited.
e. Use of heat emitting items such as soldering equipment, acetylene torches, etc. is
strictly prohibited. This restriction, however, is not intended to limit
This restriction, however, is not intended
to limit use of “low” heat personal items such as electric blankets, irons, and
heating pads. These items are allowed, provided they are used sensibly and
are in good repair. Any violations of this regulation will result in disciplinary action and
immediate confiscation of illegal items.
a. All drugs other than currently valid prescription pharmaceuticals are strictly prohibited.
Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol and pseusophedrine are not intended to be
restricted under this regulation. Contraband substances include, but are not limited to:
marijuana, hashish, LSD, amphetamines, or any other illegal substances. Use or
possession of such contraband will be processed under the rules of the UCMJ.
b. Pets other than fish are prohibited. Occupants desiring to maintain aquariums must
first get approval from the MAA.
c. Firearms, ammunitions, knives with blades over three inches, bow and arrows, and
weapons of any kind
are prohibited
. Weapons of any kind must be checked in with the
Housing Department located in Bldg 5215.
d. Incense, candles, sparklers, and burning substances of any kind are prohibited. NO
SMOKING in any Government facility. Smoking areas are located outside of the
Barracks. Smoking is NOT PERMITTED within
duty rooms at any time. Personnel
found acting in noncompliance will be subject to disciplinary action.
e. Use of portable locking devices, such as door jamming locks, or any type of lock that
will prohibit free access to rooms is strictly prohibited.
f. Articles of any kind may not be placed on outside window ledges.
g. Nails and screws may not be driven into the walls anywhere in the barracks for any
purpose. Decorations or other wall hangings may be supported on existing nails only.
Any additional holes left behind must be repaired prior to departure.
h. Display of pictures, posters, or other articles that may be offensive to individuals
viewing from outside the building is strictly prohibited. Displays of lewd, tasteless, or
illegal nature including, but not limited to pornography or illicit drugs is not permitted at
any time, whether or not visible from outside the room.
i. Pornography viewed on the Internet is strictly prohibited.
a. Safety is everyone’s business. Constant awareness of safety, and continuous efforts to
identify and eliminate hazards are particularly important. All barracks occupants are
tasked with the responsibility of being continually alert for unsafe practices and for putting
a stop to them, either personally, or through an immediate report to the MAA, JOOD, or
OOD. While safety regulations are comprehensive, they cannot cover every possible
violation of good injury-prevention practices. Common sense and good judgment must be
used by everyone.
b. The handling of fire fighting equipment is prohibited, except for the purpose of
extinguishing a fire.
c. Storage of flammable liquids (gasoline, lighter fluid, etc.) in berthing rooms is strictly
prohibited. Contact the MAA to arrange proper storage of such items.
d. The number of electrical outlets shall not be increased by the use of multi-outlet
adapters. Surge protectors are authorized.
e. Refuse cans in all rooms shall be emptied daily prior to 0730 workdays, or prior to
1200 on weekends and holidays.
f. Use of any fire or heat emitting devices is prohibited except as provided by these
regulations (see 211 and 212).
a. Sea bag lockers within Bldg. 3159 are communal rooms located on the 2nd and 3
decks. They are provided for storage of large or excess personal articles belonging to
Barracks occupants. Users of these rooms do so
at their own risk, as there are no means
for positively securing individual items once they are placed in these rooms. The rooms
shall be kept locked at all times when not in use, and shall be opened only by the MAA or
JOOD, but these measures cannot ensure that no damage will be done to the articles stored
b. Individuals utilizing the sea bag lockers/storage rooms are required to write their name
and SSN on each article prior to being stored.
c. Articles without identification will be confiscated by the MAA until proof of ownership
can be established.
Each occupant is responsible for the security of his/her own belongings. All rooms must be
properly locked when occupants are absent or asleep. To reduce loss from theft, personal
lockers, when available, shall be locked at all times when a resident is not in the room. The
Command assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items or money. If a resident believes
that his/her room has been inappropriately entered, he/she shall immediately report the
incident to the MAA, JOOD, or OOD.
a. Installation of private telephones in berthing rooms is authorized, but is subject to
phone line availability.
b. Public telephones are installed in the barracks area for convenience. Tampering with
the telephones is prohibited. Telephone area’s are to be kept clean. Failure of users to do
so, if noted, will be punishable by the MAA.
c. Use of government telephones for personal calls is strictly prohibited.
Coin operated candy and beverage machines are located on the first deck for your
convenience. The attempted use of slugs or other counterfeit devices in the machines is
prohibited. Report problems or loss of money to the MAA or JOOD.
Common courtesy dictates that personnel assigned to the same or adjoining rooms cooperate
with each other in order to peacefully live together. Honor and respect of each other’s
privileges, rights and privacy shall at all times be considered.
a. Proper attire shall be worn in the Barracks common areas at all times. Proper attire
consists of the uniform of the day, or civilian attire in good repair and proper for use in
public. At the very least, it shall include a T-shirt, shorts, and shoes. Tank-tops,
swimsuits, and muscle shirts are not considered adequate attire.
b. Night cloths (pajamas, nightgowns, bath robes, and negligees) shall not be worn
outside of the rooms.
c. Footwear is required when outside of individual rooms.
Houseplants are authorized in berthing rooms as long as they are kept healthy and trimmed.
They must not impinge on roommate’s rights or create hazards by producing mold or
harboring insects, etc.
a. A recreation room and a television lounge are provided on the 1
deck for use by all
Barracks residents.
b. As within all Barracks spaces, guests using recreation and TV lounges must be
accompanied by their sponsor at ALL TIMES.
c. Sleeping is not allowed at any time in the TV or recreation lounges. Food is not
permitted in the REC lounges.
d. Users of the TV and recreation rooms shall clean up after themselves. The Aviation
Watch Captain is responsible for the cleanliness of the watch section, and shall ensure the
lounge opposite the duty room is picked up by 0715 daily.
The MAA is authorized to confiscate loose gear and articles of clothing left adrift during
weekly room inspections. Such items will be placed in the “Lucky Bag Locker” in the
MAA’s office and will be open 1215-1230 Wednesdays. Individuals may claim their
belongings at lucky bag sales held at least quarterly. Any gear or clothing not claimed by the
owner at that time will either be sold or otherwise discarded. Notification of lucky bag sales
will be disseminated to all local commands, including in-port ships, at least one week prior to
a. Personnel desiring to maintain vehicles while residing in the Barracks shall utilize the
parking lot in the rear of the building. Guests and visitors should also use this lot.
b. Vehicles must have valid license plates and registration. Coast Guard
Personnel must have a valid CG sticker as well.
c. Maintenance of automobiles and other motorized vehicles within the Barracks parking
lot shall be limited to the changing of tires and routine cleaning. Procedures involving car
fluids (such as oil changes) are strictly prohibited. Facilities for vehicle maintenance are
located next door to the Barracks building.
a. Bicycle storage units are located at the rear Barracks entrance. These units can be
obtained upon checking in to the Barracks based upon availability. Due to the increasing
number of responsible cyclists and rising costs of modern bicycles,
as a courtesy
, bicycles
currently may be stored within berthing rooms. ADHERENCE TO THE FOLLOWING
(1) Bicycles must be physically carried from outside the building to inside the owner’s
assigned room. This will prevent unnecessary soiling of corridors and stairwells.
Personnel shall be particularly vigilant to avoid contacting bulkheads, doors, and
carpets, etc. when transiting. If any marks are made, cyclist shall immediately clean
(2) Bicycles must be placed on personal mats or similar floor coverings when within
rooms to prevent damage to or soiling of room carpets and floors.
(3) Servicing of bicycles indoors is prohibited.
b. This privilege is provided as a courtesy only, and requires the careful attention of all
cyclists to prevent everyone from having to store their cycles outdoors. Inappropriate
actions such as riding bikes inside or using issued linen, as floor mats will result in
mandatory outdoor storage for ALL bicycle owners.
a. The barracks Gym is located in the basement, below the Air Station Galley. Facility
access is from either the wardroom or across from the 1
deck vending machine room.
b. Use of the gym is limited to Active Duty Coast Guard personnel and their dependents,
age 18 or older. Children are NOT PERMITTED inside the gym under any
c. Personnel utilizing the facility must sign in and out.
d. Users of the gym do so at their own risk, and are strongly encouraged to work out with
a partner or spotter.
e. Gym hours are from 0700 to 2200. The gym stereo shall not be used between 2100 and
1100. Use if the gym between 1100 and 1300 is restricted to Coast Guard active duty
personnel only.
a. Internet access is available through A T & T or Adelphia Cable. Contact the MAA
for further information on obtaining this service in berthing rooms.
a. Occupants of rooms within the Air Station Barracks are responsible for maintaining the
rooms they are assigned, and for picking up the common areas they use. The senior
resident in each room shall be responsible for ensuring that the following routine is carried
(1) Work days prior to 0715, beds shall be made up neatly, loose gear stowed in
lockers, deck cleaned, trash cans emptied. Weekly MAA inspections will be held on a
random basis.
(2) Bi-Weekly or prior to Commanding Officer’s Material Inspection, all equipment
and furnishings shall be dusted, window sills cleaned, head fixtures polished, and all
carpeted floors vacuumed and floors in the head swabbed.
b. The sighting of any vermin or insect pests in any room or common area shall be
reported promptly to the MAA. The responsibility is usually carried out through the use
of contract cleaners. Barracks residents are tasked with the responsibility of notifying the
MAA if areas are not being adequately cleaned. Residents shall NOT interfere with
outside cleaners. If problems exist, notify the MAA.
Gear adrift is defined, as any personal item not properly stowed within personal or communal
spaces. Personal belongings which cannot be stowed away in personal or communal locker
(large stereos, trunks, etc.) are allowed in Barracks rooms provided their stowage does not
create an overly cluttered room. The MAA determines when personal belongings in a room
are excessive and notifies the occupants to remove or restow their belongings. Any gear
adrift will be confiscated and placed in the “Lucky Bag”.
a. Cleaning equipment and material as needed are available from the cleaning gear
lockers. Supplies may be acquired from the MAA Gear Locker between the hours of
0930-1030 and 1330-1430 Monday- Friday. The JOOD is responsible for gear locker
access after normal working hours and on weekends
b. Vacuum cleaners are available in the MAA Gear Lockers located on each deck of the
berthing areas. They may be checked out for a one-hour period during the normal
working day with the MAA.
a. The MAA maintains several Gear Lockers, one located on each deck of the Barracks.
b. The lockers are open from 0930-1030 and 1330-1430 Monday through Friday.
c. Personnel are required to sign equipment in and out of the gear lockers. Missing
equipment should be reported.
d. The locker and equipment contain therein are strictly for use within the Barracks, by
residents only. Use of the equipment for cleaning cars, bicycles, etc. is prohibited.
Articles in need of repair should be brought to the attention of the MAA, otherwise the item
may remain broken. It cannot be assumed that all discrepancies will be noted during weekly
inspections. Residents are tasked with the responsibility of notifying the MAA of room
discrepancies. Without timely notice to the MAA, occupants will be held accountable for
damaged articles.
The Commanding Officer, Air Station Cape Cod has the right to conduct administrative
inspections of all barracks spaces at any time to insure the safety, health, and well being of
all occupants.
402. WEEKLY:
Barracks inspections are held randomly, The MAA will be accompanied during all
inspections to ensure two-person integrity (TPI). Residents do not have to be present during
The results of each weekly Barracks inspection will be delivered to each occupant, with the
original copy filed with the MAA. It is the responsibility of each individual to know what
discrepancies, if any, are listed for their room or other areas. Unless otherwise indicated,
discrepancies must be corrected prior to 0900 the following day. Failure to correct
discrepancies can result in disciplinary action taken by the individual’ unit, department head,
or Barracks Officer.
The Air Station Cape Cod Officer and Chief Petty Officer (CPO) berthing is located above
the wardroom, adjacent the Galley. It contains 8 rooms, each outfitted for single occupancy,
and one two-room suite. Most rooms share head and shower facilities with an adjacent room.
In all, the officer/CPO Barracks can accommodate up to 8 personnel.
a. Personnel requesting berthing shall do so according to Berthing Assignments, Section
203 of this instruction.
b. Use of the Commanding Officer’s Suite is limited to Commanders and higher, and
requires the approval of the Executive Officer. Advance notice is generally required.
c. Personnel desiring to remain in UPH longer than 15 days shall submit a written request
to the Executive Officer stating the situation.
Personnel residing in officer/CPO berthing shall comply with all chapters
of this instruction.
In addition to providing semi-permanent accommodations to Air Station and transient
personnel, the Air Station Cape Cod Barracks facility also provides overnight berthing for all
Duty Section personnel. The rooms include six (6) duty officer rooms, and twelve (12) duty
CPO/enlisted rooms, accommodating up to 21 duty section personnel.
a. Due to the high number of duty personnel and slow turnaround time from the contract
cleaners, Air Station Cape Cod maintains large quantities of linen. These quantities,
however, are insufficient to supply more than one set of linen per watch stander, per day.
b. Each duty room will be supplied daily with a pillowcase and set of sheets for each
occupant. Duty officers will also be supplied towels. To serve weekend duty sections,
each room will be supplied with three sets of linen on Friday afternoon, so that each duty
section will have one set of linen per person, per duty day.
c. Removal or use of linen while not on duty, or use of linen not intended for your duty
section room is strictly prohibited. Such actions serve only to deprive the next section of
needed supplies. Report damage or missing linen to the MAA or JOOD.
a. Duty personnel are responsible for the condition of their respective duty rooms. The
Aviation Watch Captain is responsible for ensuring crew duty rooms and lounges are kept
tidy, and the Senior Officer (SDO) is responsible for the same with officer duty rooms and
the wardroom.
b. Operations permitting, personnel shall make their racks (minimum of comforter and
pillow) prior to departing in the morning, and shall place used linen in the appropriate bin.
c. Problems with duty rooms should be addressed to the MAA as soon as feasible, as
inadequate sleeping facilities impact on safety of flight.