Proposal for Better Revocation Model of SSL Certificates
Mohammed Almeshekah
September 27, 2013
1 Introduction
There are multiple initiatives that have emerged in the past couple of years to address some of the inherit
limitation of the CA-based trust model and SSL certificates. One of the these limitations is the current
revocation models. In this document we present a proposal to address such limitations. The proposal is
divided into two main phases; short-term solution and long-term solution.
2 Current Challenges with Revocation Models
There are significant problems with the way that Firefox is currently evaluating certificate to check for
revocation. The current revocation checking in FireFox ”CertVerifier” procedure is the following, check the
end-entity certificate only by pinging the OCSP server, if no response is received fail safely and assume the
certificate is trusted.
Traditionally, there are only two methods to revoke a certificate; Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). In the next paragraphs we discuss the major challenges with
these two current methods in terms of security, privacy, performance and usability.
2.1 Security Challenges
Nonsensical security properties of revocation checking of end-entity certificates: In most cases, a mal-
icous actor that is trying to use a revoked certificate to attack a browser user will be able to turn off
the revocation checking for the certificate he is using.
Nonsensical security properties of revocation checking for intermediate CA certificates: We don’t check
for revocation of intermediate certificates at all except for the case of EV. A bad intermediate CA
certificate is extremely dangerous, so it is important to check revocation of them; sadly, the interme-
diates we do check revocation for (EV intermediate certificates) are the ones that are the least likely
to cause our users security problems. And, those revocation checks suffer from the same problem that
revocation checking of end-entity certificates currently has: an attacker can usually just block the check
and prevent us from seeing that the certificate has been revoked.
The two models, and specifically OCSP, is be design and single point of failure model. If the CA’s server
does not respond with the CRL or the OCSP response the revocation decision cannot be established.
Moreover, OCSP servers are known to have a not very good up time []. As a result of that, major
browsers implement a soft-fail approach where is a response in not received the certificate will be
accepted [].
2.2 Privacy Challenges
The CA learns the IP address, location, a subset of the user’s browsing history, and other sensitive
information about the user through the OCSP to its servers.
2.3 Performance Challenges
Revocation checking through OCSP and CRL requests is way too slow.
2.4 Usability Challenges
Many captive portals with HTTPS login pages work very poorly in Firefox because we stall for 30+
seconds waiting for the OCSP response for the captive portal that is being blocked by the captive portal
until you log in.
Confusing UX for EV certificates: If we fail to get revocation information via OCSP/CRL fetching
for an EV certificate, then we do not show the certificate as an EV certificate. This is particularly
problematic for cases when a web app is designed to be used offline (e.g. using AppCache), but even
normal websites like are affected by this. This inconsistency in the security indicators
devalues the security indicators.
3 Interesting Data
A script was written to extract some information from the Alexa top 1 million website revocation dynamics.
The following data points where interesting:
In figure 1 Below we show the distribution of the revocation reasons for the Alexa top 1 million websites.
In figure 2 and figure 3 we show the certificate types in the same group of million web pages.
There were 987 CRLs referenced by the Alexa top million sites. However, out of these there were 215
CRLs who have no revoked certificates.
The total number of revoked certificates in these CRLs is (2,650,548).
Only 19 CRLs (out of 772) were touched by 70.39% of the one million connections touched. These
CRLs revoked 125,429 certificates only. Their total size was 4.2 MB.
If we include the information of the top 102 CRLs that revoked 492,238 certificates, we will be satisfying
93.24% of the connections. The total size of those is 18.3 MB.
369 CRLs were referred to in CAs certificates (determined by Basic Constraint). Only 223 were re-
The total number of revoked certificates in those 223 CRLs were 389,633.
We also analyzed the revocation information propose by Google in their CRLSet solution. The following
interesting data point were gathered from Google’s latest CRLSet:
The latest update of Google’s CRLSet have (24,156) revoked certificates in their set.
These certificates were revoked by 46 CAs only.
4 Important Considerations
To have a good revocation model(s) the following issues must be taking into consideration.
Security: Does the new model introduce new trust anchors, maintain the current trust anchors or
reduces/limits the current trust anchors?
Security: Does the new model has false positives/negatives?
Security: How easy it is to add/delete/modify revocation information?
Privacy: Does the new model violates the user’s privacy?
Deployability: Does the new model require changes at the user’s side (browsers), the server’s side
and/or the CA side? Requiring changes at the user’s side only require a handful of major browsers
Figure 1: Revocation Reasons
Figure 2: Certificate Types 1
Figure 3: Certificate Types 2
vendor to update theit clients. Changes at the CA level impact a couple of hundered CAs. However,
changes at the servers’ side require changes at a scale of hundereds of millions of machines.
Deployability: Does the new model requires bootstrapping or can it be imcemently deployed?
Deployability: Is the new model scalable to the Internet size?
Deployability: Does the new model depend on implementing other protocols such as DNSSEC.
Usability: Does the new model require user interaction? Also, does it affect the user’s experience?
Performace: Does the new model have a performace impact on opening and SSL encrypted page. In
other words, does the model introdce an extra communication step or does it bundle this information
with something else.
Performace: Does the model adds an extra storage/computation overhead on the the user’s side, the
server’s side and/or the CA side?
5 Short-term Proposal
To improve certificates revocation in FireFox we had to implement a short-term solution to the problem. The
solution is divided into two processes; preloaded CRLSet and OCSP stapling. This document is concerned
with implementation of CRLSet, while OCSP stapling has been done by David Keeler.
5.1 Overview
CRLSet based on current information in the CRLs. Decisions are made based on the revocation reason.
OCSP must-staple as an HTTP header.
5.2 What to Revoke
The CRLSet will consist of the list of certificates revoked in the PKIX. Based on Brian’s proposal and
the traditional X509 CRL extention we can group revoked certificates as in the table below based on the
revocation reason. For the automation of the process we need to automatically decide which certificate to be
Reason Description Included?
Unspecified (code: 0) The reason of revoking is not specified (usually this is
for business reasons).
Key Compromise
(code: 1)
The key associated with the certificate was compro-
No (OCSP must-
CA Compromise
(code: 2)
The CA has been compromised Yes
Affiliation Change
(code: 3)
The owner of this certificate is no longer affiliated with
the issuer of this certificate
Superseded (code: 4) Another certificate replaces this one No (OCSP must sta-
Cessation of Opera-
tion (code: 5)
The CA who issued this certificate is ceased to operate No (just add this CA
to the set)
Certificate Hold
(code: 6)
The certificate is currently not valid, but could become
valid in the future
Remove from CRL
(code: 8)
This only has meaning in delta CRLs where the cer-
tificate was on hold and now it should be removed
Privilege Withdrawn
(code: 9)
The privilages granted to the subject has changed. Yes
AA Compromise
(code: 10)
Same as Key Compromise but for Authority Attribute
No (OCSP must-
Unrecognized code If unstandardized code is specified. No.
For ”Key Compromise” and ”AA Compromise” we must provide website a way for them to revoke
certificates. Currently, the only way to do that is to implement OCSP must-staple. To be able to push the
CRLSet, we must provide websites with a method to protect themselves in cases such as key compromise.
5.3 Addressed and Remaining Challenges
The current short-term implementation is a preloaded CRLSet. A remaining challenges are the following:
We need to be able to quickly update the CRLSet for revocation information. This is the next step of
the solution by implementing the dynamic CRLSet.
With a dynamic CRLSet we need to implement a process to detect if revocation information has not
been updated for a while (i.e. some entity is actively blocking the update of the revocation information
in FireFox).
5.4 Implementation
The CRLSet provided at Mozilla site has the following structure:
Number of issuers.
list of revoked certificate serial numbers grouped by the hash of the issuer’s public key component. The
issuers information starts with a space.
5.4.1 CRLSet
Data Structure
The combination of both the certificate’s issuer information and the certificates serial number uniquely
identifies a certificate. Therefore, we suggest the following data structure for the CRLSet that is pushed to
the clients:
Number of issuers.
For every group of certificates by the same issuers we will have the following:
The issuer’s public key hash base64 encoded. This line should start with a leading space.
Number of revoked certificates for that issuer.
List of revoked certificates’ serial numbers (one per line).
We choose to group the certificates by the Subject Public Key Info as this this uniquely identifies an issuer
(in fact, a certificate) out of all others. This is not true for the issuer’s name as intermediate CAs can have
the same name.
This list must be signed by a special purpose signing key and the corresponding public key should be
hardcoded in Firefox.
Firefox should automatically update the list once a day without having to restart the browser. If the list
is not updated within the last 7 days a notification will be prompted to the user.
This CRLSet should be updated once every day. There is two ways to update the list of revoked certificates:
Automatically pulling the CRLs from the list of URIs we have and checking whether anything have
When a CA manually notifies us of a revocations.
Also, the list of CRL URI we have should updated once a month by checking if there were any new CRLs.
Finally, for how long should we keep a revoked certificate in the list or should the list grow indefinately?
One idea is to remove a certificate from the list after a certain threshold from the certificate expiration date.
However, this will require to change the handling of expired certificates within Friefox to insure a hard-fail
of connection when this threshold is reached.
6 Long-term Proposal
6.1 Overview
Stop using CRLs and limit OCSP servers to server to server interactions.
Implement CRLSet based on the CA-caused revocations.
Use OCSP must-stample as X.509 extension and use it for server-caused revocations.
6.2 What to Revoke
Reason Description Resposible Party
Mis-issuance The CA issued a certificate for a domain to somebody
that doesn’t own that domain.
Issuing CA
Technical issue with
the certificate
There is a problem with the certificate such as a broken
algorithm or key size that is too small or an important
constraint is missing.
Issuing CA
Browser policy
The browser changes its policy such that the certificate
should no longer be considered trusted.
Issuing CA
Loss of domain own-
The owner of a domain at the time a certificate was
issued no longer owns the domain.
Issuing CA for EV;
Current website
owner otherwise.
Private key compro-
The legitimate owner of a certificate leaked his private
Current website
Customer’s whim The customer asked to have the certificate revoked for
some non-security reason. The reason is probably un-
Current website
Takeover of a domain A new entity takes ownership of a domain for which
certificates were previously issued to somebody else.
Current website