SoK: Work erounds - Categorizing Service Work er
Attacks and Mitigations
Karthika Subramani
, Jordan Jueckstock
, Alexandros Kapra v elos
, Roberto Perdisci
University of Geor gia,
North Car olina State University,
Geor gia Institute of Tec hnology
Abstract—Service W ork ers (SWs) ar e a po werful feature at the
core of Progressive Web Apps, namely web applications that
can continue to function when the user’ s device is offline and
that hav e access to device sensors and capabilities previously
accessible only by native applications. During the past few years,
resear chers ha ve found a number of ways in which SWs may
be abused to achieve different malicious purposes. F or instance,
SWs may be ab used to build a web-based botnet, launch DDoS
attacks, or perform cryptomining; they may be hijacked to
create persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks; they may be
leveraged in the context of side-channel attacks to compromise
users’ privacy; or they may be ab used for phishing or social engi-
neering attacks using web push notifications-based malvertising.
In this paper, we repr oduce and analyze known attack
vectors related to SWs and explore new abuse paths that have
not pre viously been considered. We systematize the attacks
into different categories, and then analyze whether, how, and
estimate when these attacks have been published and mitigated
by different bro wser vendors. Then, we discuss a number of
open SW security problems that are currently unmitigated, and
propose SW behavior monitoring approaches and new bro wser
policies that we believe should be implemented by browsers to
further impro ve SW security. Furthermore, we implement a
proof-of-concept version of several policies in the Chromium
code base, and also measure the behavior of SWs used by highly
popular web applications with respect to these new policies. Our
measurements show that it should be feasible to implement and
enforce stricter SW security policies without a significant impact
on most legitimate production SWs.
1. Introduction
Service Workers [1] are a powerful featur e [2] at the core
of Pro gr essive Web Apps [3], namely web applications that
can continue to function when the user’ s device is offline and
that have access to device sensors and capabilities previously
accessible only by nati ve applications. In practice, a Service
Worker (SW) is a Jav aScript Worker [1] script with the
following high-level properties: (i) it is installed by a web
application rendered in a browser; (ii) after installation, the
SW can act as a proxy for network requests issued by its
web application, and can thus control how web content is
retriev ed (e.g., from a local cache or the network) and what
content is eventually passed to the application; (iii) it is an
ev ent-dri v en process that runs in the background, e ven when
its web application is not acti vely rendered on the bro wser , and
that can be acti v ated by the browser based on e vents such as
receiving a web push message [4] or a request to fetch a web
page on behalf of its web application, among others.
Because SWs are a powerful feature, bro wser dev elopers
are mindful of potential security risks that come with them.
Therefore, ov er time browsers have implemented a number
of security policies around SWs to limit potential abuse (see
Section 2). As an example, SW files can only be requested from
a secure first-party origin (essentially , via HTTPS and from the
same domain as the installing web application’ s origin). How-
e ver, during the past few years, researchers have found a number
of ways in which SWs may still be abused to achieve different
malicious purposes. For instance, SWs may be abused to build a
web-based botnet [5], launch DDoS attacks, or perform crypto-
mining [6]; they may be hijacked to create persistent cross-site
scripting (XSS) attacks [7]; they may be leveraged in the context
of side-channel attacks to compromise users’ priv ac y [8]; or
they may be abused for phishing [6] or social engineering
attacks using web push notifications-based malvertising [9].
In this paper , we reproduce and analyze known attack
vectors related to SWs, and explore new abuse paths that hav e
not previously been considered (Section 3). We first system-
atize this information by grouping the attacks into different
categories, based on the fundamental SW security weaknesses
that make the attacks possible. Afterwards, we analyze whether ,
how, and estimate when these attacks ha ve been published and
mitigated by different browser vendors, and organize this infor-
mation into an attacks and mitigations timeline (see Section 4,
Table 1 and Figure 1). Then, we discuss a number of open SW
security problems that to the best of our knowledge are currently
unmitigated. Accordingly, we propose SW behavior monitoring
approaches and new browser policies that we believe should
be implemented by browsers to further improve SW security
(Section 5). While prev enting all types of SW abuse may not be
possible, we aim to propose policies that can limit the damage
that potential SW attacks can make, while minimizing the im-
pact the proposed bro wser changes may hav e on existing legit-
imate SW code. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed
browser policy changes, we implement a proof-of-concept
version of sev eral policies in the Chromium code base, and also
measure the behavior of SWs used by highly popular web ap-
plications with respect to these ne w policies (Sections 6 and 7).
In summary, we make the follo wing main contributions:
We reproduce previously known attacks that ab use
SWs, discuss ne w paths for abuse that were previously
not considered, and systematize these SW attacks
into categories based on the fundamental features that
make them possible.
We study whether , how, and estimate when the SW
attacks ha ve been mitigated by different browser
vendors, and organize this information in an attacks
and mitigations timeline.
2022 IEEE 7th European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)
© 2022, Karthika Subramani. Under license to IEEE.
DOI 10.1109/EuroS&P53844.2022.00041
We discuss open security problems related to SWs and
propose new browser policies that aim to reduce the
potential for future SW abuse.
Finally, we implement a proof-of-concept version
of a number of such policies in Chromium. Also,
we measure how policy parameters could be tuned
to limit SW abuse without significantly impacting
legitimate SWs used by popular websites. To this
end, we build a SW for ensic engine, namely an
instrumented Chromium bro wser that allows us to
obtain fine-grained information on the behavior of SW
code for real-world web applications.
In addition, we disclosed the new attacks we found
to browser vendors and obtained confirmation of
their effectiv eness. We also release our repository of
reproduced and new SW attacks, SW forensic engine,
proof-of-concept browser policy implementations and
measurements data to the community [10], [11].
2. Background
In this section, we provide a brief background on Service
Workers (SWs), focusing primarily on properties that are used
as part of the attacks and mitigations described in later sections.
2.1. Service Workers
A Service Worker (SW) is a Jav aScript Worker [1], namely
an ev ent-dri v en script that runs in the background and that does
not hav e direct access to the DOM. To run in the background,
a SW first needs to be registered by a web page. The SW code
has to be contained in a Jav aScript file hosted under the same
origin as the origin of the web page that inv okes its registration.
Once installed, the SW can be programmed to cache web pages
that may be later served to the user ev en if the browser is offline.
This allows a web application running in the browser to behave
more like a nati ve application, e ven when the user’ s device
connectivity to the Internet is unreliable. In addition, SWs can
receiv e push messages and send web push notifications to the
user ev en when the related web application is not open on the
browser, in a way similar to nati ve application’ s notifications.
2.2. SW Lifecycle
Once a website registers a SW, the SW code goes through
an installation and activ ation phase, after which it can contr ol
web page requests under the website’ s origin [12]. Before
installation completes, the SW can import additional scripts into
the worker’s context by using the importScripts API. As such,
additional code may be imported from any third-party origin.
The SW is ready to use only after it is activ ated. Installed SWs
can be updated at any point of time to a new version. Automatic
checks for these updates are scheduled by the bro wser at an
interval of 24 hours or whene ver a user visits a web page that
the SW controls. An update could also be triggered at any
point of time by using the Update API. Furthermore, a SW
can be explicitly de-registered by its web application.
Once installed, the SW is activ ated immediately, if there is
no pre-existing SW installed from the same origin. Otherwise,
it needs to wait for a pre viously installed SW to finish its
ex ecution. If required, this wait period can be skipped by using
the skipWaiting API. Once activ ated, the status of the SW
remains set to running until it is terminated by the browser.
Each time an e vent is sent to the SW, the browser activ ates the
SW code and signals the SW about the ev ent.
2.3. SW Scope
Each SW has a scope that can be specified during the
registration process [13]. The scope represents the URL path
under which web pages are controlled by the SW
. If no scope
is specified, then by default the SW acquires the scope of the
URL path under which the SW file is hosted. Currently, a
website can hav e only one SW registered with a giv en scope.
Ho we ver, multiple SWs can be registered under the same origin
if they have different scopes. If a SW,
, is registered
with a scope at the root lev el (i.e.,
), it will gain
control ov er all pages of the website. Howe ver, if a second
, is registered with a more specific scope (e.g.,
), this SW is giv en priority over pages under
its specific scope. Therefore, any requests made for web pages
under this specific scope (e.g., /test/page.html) will be handled
and not
. However,
will not hav e access to
requests made by web pages outside its scope. Notably, a user
doesn’t have to visit a web page within the scope of the SW for
that particular SW to be registered. For example, when the user
visits a web page at the website’ s root le vel (e.g., /index.html),
that page can register multiple SWs with different scopes.
2.4. Handling Network Requests
Once a SW is activated, it can listen to fetch events from
web pages under its scope and thus intercept requests for
web content. The SW can then make network requests for the
requested content and cache them (using the Cache API). Later ,
when a cached resource is requested again, it can be served from
the cache, which can help to reduce content load latency and
enables a web application to continue working ev en if the device
is offline. As a result, SWs gain a po werful ability that allows
them to monitor users’ requests and also modify the response
sent back to the web page. As we will discuss in later sections,
this ability could lead to SW abuse and potential leaks of
sensitiv e information to third party sites (see Sections 3 and 5).
2.5. Push Notifications
A significant component of SWs is the ability to send web
push notifications to users who grant permission. To use push
notifications, a SW has to subscribe to a push service by using
the PushManager.subscribe API [14]. This includes adding
an applicationServeKey to the options. Once subscription is
successful, the browser creates an endpoint URL and an auth
secret key [15] that shouldn’t be shared outside the application.
These details are later used to steer push messages to the
correct SW. Whenev er , a push message is sent to the bro wser ,
the browser activ ates the corresponding SW and signals a push
ev ent that the SW can handle. More details about subscribing
to push notifications can be found in [15].
While push messages are receiv ed in the background,
SWs can also ask the browser to display a visual notification
(typically in response to a push message) to the user. To this end,
SWs can call showNotification to display a message on the user
interface. Notice that while push messages and notifications are
For instance, a SW registered under origin with scope
/test has control over all web content requests under
typically used together, SWs may choose not to call showNoti-
fication in response to a push message being receiv ed (in some
browsers, this will trigger a default notification message issued
by the browser itself). Similarly, a SW can call showNotification
independently from receiving a push message.
To send notifications to the user , a SW needs to request
a one-time explicit user consent (usually during the SW reg-
istration phase), by inv oking Notification.r equestPermission().
Howe v er, in addition to the user granting permission to the
SW via the browser UI, the browser itself can only display
visual notifications to the user if OS-le vel permission is
granted. Different OSes hav e their own policies regarding how
applications (including the browser) can obtain such permission.
As an example, in case of MacOS the permission is disabled by
default, unless the user specifically grants the permission (for
instance, at the end of the browser software installation process).
On the contrary , Windo ws grant such permission by default.
2.6. Periodic Background Sync
The Periodic Background Sync [16] API allows web
applications to configure their SWs so to make updates in
the background at a periodic time interval. It can be used to
ev ents from the SW without any
ev ent being recei v ed from a remote server. Effecti v ely, this
feature allo ws a web application to keep its SW and cached
content up to date. This API is currently supported by Chrome
and other Chromium-based browsers, such as Edge and Opera.
Howe v er, giv en its ability to operate in the background, the
Periodic Background Sync poses a potential security threat that
has refrained other browsers, such as Firefox and Safari, from
implementing it [17]. To curb its possible ab use, browsers need
to enforce a number of restrictions on the API use [18]–[20].
2.7. Security Policies
In general, browsers enforce a number of default security
policies to limit potential SW abuse. For instance [21], [22]:
1) Only secure origins (HTTPS sites) can register SWs.
The JavaScript file containing SW code must be hosted
under the same origin as the website that registers the SW.
A SW should be terminated if the SW code has been idle
for more than 30 seconds or if an ev ent takes more than
5 minutes to process.
Push notifications should trigger a user-visible notification
if the SW does not explicitly issue one.
The use of some APIs (e.g., Periodic Background Sync)
should be restricted by permissions that must be granted
by the browser (not necessarily via a direct UI request
to the user [18]).
Unfortunately, not all browsers implement all policies and,
when implemented, differences exist among browser vendors.
In the rest of the paper, we discuss both previously known and
ne w ways in which an attacker could still abuse SWs to achieve
malicious goals despite the SW constraints listed abov e.
2.8. SWs vs. Extensions and Page-Le vel Scripts
The security model and policies that apply to SWs differ
significantly from those of browser extensions and page scripts.
For instance, while extensions need explicit user permission to
be installed, the installation of SWs is completely transparent
to users. Also, extension icons are typically visible next to
the URL bar, whereas SW installations provide no visual
information to users. Yet, like extensions, SWs run in the
background and have powerful privileges that may be abused
by attackers. Extensions are first inspected by browser web
stores before publication to curtail the distribution of malicious
code, whereas we are not aware of any trusted service that
vets the security of SW code. Third-party code inclusions in
SWs are different from third-party scripts imported in a web
page because third-party SW code will run in the background
in a way that is completely transparent to the user , whereas
page scripts will stop running after the related tab is closed.
Additionally, Third-party code included in a SW automatically
inherits all pri vileges of the SW. Thus, the third-party code can
be used to intercept any web request and response for all URLs
under the SW’ s origin and scope, could be awakened by push
messages to perform potentially malicious actions, or to send
notifications to the user at any time (even when the bro wser
is closed, in the case of mobile de vices).
3. Service Worker Abuse
In this section, we describe and categorize a number of
known and ne w attacks that can be launched by abusing
Service Workers (SWs) in different ways. The discussion is
based on both a revie w of previous academic work on web
security, as well as the review of web specifications, bro wser
documentation, and the analysis of browser source code.
3.1. Academic Literature Review
To systematically select academic papers related to SW abuse,
we first explored papers published in the top four security
conferences (IEEE S&P, USENIX Security , A CM CCS, and
NDSS) and presented in their web security-related conference
sessions ov er the past 6 years. During this first step we
revie wed a total of 144 papers and found 4 papers [5], [6],
[8], [24] that were directly related to SW security. Next, for
each of these papers, we explored their related work sections
and cited references. This led us to re vie w another 119 papers
from which we identified 6 additional papers related to SW
abuse [7], [9], [23], [25]–[27]. Additionally, we used Google
Scholar with search keywords such as “Service Worker ,
“Progressi ve Web Apps, “security , “attacks, “abuse, etc. The
search results included papers we already found in the previous
two literature re vie w steps, plus 5 more papers [28]–[32] that
discuss the performance and efficiency of Progressiv e Web
Apps, rather than focusing on security issues. As these latter
5 papers do not discuss SW abuse, they are discussed only
briefly in Section 8. Overall, we re vie wed ov er 260 papers and
identified 10 relev ant works [5]–[9], [23]–[27] that are related
to SW abuse. In the remainder of this section, we analyze these
10 papers and categorize the SW abuse they describe.
3.2. Abuse Categories
We group the attacks discovered via our literature re vie w, as
well as new attacks found, into different categories based on
the root SW features that make them possible. For most of the
attacks we discuss, we (re-)produce our o wn proof-of-concept
implementations [11], which we tested on a large number of
browser versions from five major browser vendors.
Scope of Threats
. In our categorization of SW threats, we
mainly focus on attacks that exploit weaknesses in SW -specific
TABLE 1: Overvie w of attacks and impacted browser versions. Legend: (
) first attack impact; (
) fix released; (
) partial fix
released; () no fix released yet; () always possible if notifications are supported/enabled; () attack not possible.
buse Vectors
W Abuse
ush API
otification API
ync API
erformance API
pdate API
frame inclusion
rd-party code
ndexDB API
W Hijacking
ush API
security policies and functionalities and in which SWs
themselves are the primary subject or enabler of the attack.
These include the use of malicious SW code installed by
visiting an adversary-owned website, malicious code injected
into legitimate third-party SWs, the direct abuse of SWs to
launch side-channel attacks that may rev eal priv ate information
about a user’ s browsing activities, and the use of SWs to launch
social engineering attacks.
A summary of the attacks we analyze is provided in
Table 1, which includes a reference to relev ant pre vious
publications or online resources in which an attack was
described. To the best of our knowledge, some of the attack
variants we discuss were not pre viously considered and are
thus marked as “New. ” In addition, Table 1 provides detailed
information on different browser features or APIs that are
exploited for each attack and information about what bro wser
versions were first affected and what version provided a fix,
if any. In this section we focus on categorizing the attacks,
whereas browser mitigations are discussed in Section 4.
While we primarily focus on attacks that directly exploit
SWs’ features (Sections 3.2.1 through 3.2.4), for completeness
in Section 3.2.5 we also discuss different types of abuse in
which SWs are used to augment other types of web attacks,
rather than SWs being the main subject or enabler of the attack.
3.2.1. Continuous Execution
Because SWs can run in the background, can issue network re-
quests, and can be activated at any time (ev en when their related
website origin is closed), they can be abused to stealthily run
unwanted or malicious code. For instance, SWs could be abused
by a malicious website to run cryptomining code [6] or to build
a web-based botnet [5]. Such types of attacks are generally
enabled by artificially prolonging the amount of execution time
granted by the browser to SW code running in the background,
thus (approximately) achieving continuous execution.
Papadopoulos et al. [5] describe how to build a
SW-based botnet. If a victim visits a malicious website
this website can register a SW,
, which can run in the
background. When executed,
could implement code that
(i) reaches out to a command-and-control (C&C) website to
receiv e commands and (ii) execute the receiv ed command
to perform actions such as participating in DDoS attacks,
distributed password cracking, function as a relay pr oxy, etc.
For the botnet to function properly,
needs to
be periodically (frequently) activated. Papadopoulos et
al. [5] mention that this would be possible by using the
BackgroundSync API [33]. Based on this information alone,
we were initially unable to fully reproduce the attack. Ho we v er ,
we found an online discussion about the attack by Chromium
dev elopers [20], which stated that the attack was possible
primarily due to a b ug that allowed the Update API (see
Section 2) to be inv oked from a SW’s activate listener. By
combining the information provided in [5] and [20], we were
able to reproduce the attack as explained below. For the attack
to work, the following components are required:
SW script whose content keeps changing at server side
to appear fresher than the SW already registered.
Lev eraging the Update API, which checks if there
are any changes made to the SW file and fetches the
updated version of the SW script from the server.
Lev eraging the BackgroundSync API to activ ate the
SW ev ery time the browser is re-opened.
function wait(ms) {
const tmp = setInterval(() => { /
do bad
/ }, 100);
return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
self.addEventListener(’activate’, event => {
self.registration.sync.register(’foo’); // Wait < 30s
event.waitUntil(wait(25000).then(() => {
self.registration.update(); })); });
Listing 1: Example of SW self-update on activate
As sho wn in Listing 1, as the SW is activ ated it registers
a Bac kgr oundSync and then calls the Update API after a
predefined timeout. In general, the SW execution is supposed
to terminate after a fixed period of time (a fe w minutes). Since
the SW file in the server keeps changing, calling the update
method will fetch the newer version of the SW script. This
action is followed by the browser raising the activate event,
which causes the corresponding listener function in the SW
code to be executed, where malicious code can be inv ok ed.
This cycle repeats, until the browser is closed (or the SW is
explicitly unregistered). When the browser is re-opened, the
BackgroundSync triggers a sync ev ent and the SW will be
activated again restarting the execution cycle.
Lee et al. [6] demonstrated that if an attacker was
successful in registering a SW and obtaining push notification
permission from the user, she could then le verage the Push
API to acti v ate the SW code at any moment. In some browsers,
the attack could be rendered stealthy if the SW code does
not explicitly in v oke the showNotification API when a push
notification is received. Using this approach, the authors were
able to keep the SW running continuously in the background
for long periods of time, for instance to perform cryptomining.
This attack was found to work in Firefox, Edge, and the
UC Bro wser [6], though the attack is not stealthy in Chrome
because the bro wser displays a default notification message for
ev ery push e vent, which may alert the user about the presence
of a malicious SW running in the background.
By independently reproducing and testing this attack, we
verified that in Firefox and Edge the bro wser rev ok es the push
subscription of a SW (i.e., the SW cannot receive new push
ev ents), if the SW fails to sho w a notification after receiving
a push message for 15 and 3 times respectiv ely, thus blocking
the attack, as also mentioned in [6]. Howe v er, the attack could
still be made continuously stealthy in Firefox (whereas Edge
does not appear to be affected) by simply renewing the SW
registration in the background, after a few push messages are
receiv ed (i.e., before exceeding the bro wser’s limit for “silent”
push ev ents), as shown in Listing 5 (in Appendix).
async function DisplayHideNotifications()
async()=>{ const notifications =
await self.registration.getNotifications();
for(let i = 0; i < notifications.length; i++) {
self.addEventListener(’push’,async function(event){
event.waitUntil( DisplayHideNotifications());
Listing 2: Immediately hiding notifications on push e vents
[New] StealthierPushExe:
While working to attain SW Con-
tinuous Execution, we discovered a variant of
can overcome the limitation of default notifications being
displayed to the user, which would then prevent potentially
alarming the user of suspicious acti vity. For instance, Chrome’ s
implementation requires that a call to showNotification be
explicitly inv oked by a SW upon receiving a push message. If
showNotification is not explicitly called, a default notification
stating ‘This site was updated in the background. will be
displayed. To avoid this, we found it was possible to first in v oke
showNotification and then immediately in v oke a function that
parses through all notifications displayed by the browser for
the SW’ s origin (using getNotifications) and closes them using
Notification.close, as shown in Listing 2 (notice that the code
can be modified to selectiv ely close only the attack-related
notifications, if desired). As a result, at e very push ev ent the
SW could display a notification and then immediately close
it, making it unnoticeable by the user. This would allo w for
frequently activ ating the SW in a stealthier way (i.e., with no
visible UI signal), making it possible to achie ve stealthy contin-
uous execution. We verified that this ne w attack work on both
desktop (W indo ws 10) and mobile (Android 11) de vices, and
hav e disclosed it to the Chrome dev elopers (see Section 3.3).
3.2.2. Side-Channels
This category of abuse includes attacks that allow unauthorized
parties to lev erage SWs to gain sensitive information by
bypassing browser isolation.
In [6], Lee et al. propose a history-sniffing
attack that works as follo ws. A user first visits the attacker’ s
website, which registers a SW. At a later time, if the user
again opens the attacker’s website in offline mode, the SW will
intercept the request and return a page that includes a number
s whose URL points to third-party target sites. The
attacker’s goal is to determine if the user previously visited those
sites. Lee et al. found that in some browser versions, such as
Firefox 59.0.2 and Safari 11.1, if the browser is in offline mode,
the top page (i.e., the attacker’s page) is sent an onload event
related to an embedded
only if the target site had
already been visited by the user and a corresponding SW (with
offline support) had been registered. Therefore, the attackers
can register an onload event handler to sense if a third-party site
embedded in an iframe was previously visited by the user.
PerformanceT iming:
In a recent paper by Karami et al. [8],
the authors propose two different history-sniffing attacks. Both
approaches inv olv e the user visiting the attacker’s website,
which includes an iframe that loads content from a third-party
target site. Also, the attacks assume that the target website
was previously visited by the user , and that it registered a SW.
Furthermore, the iframes source URL must fall within the
scope of the targeted website’ s SW.
The first attack (
PerformanceT iming1
) identifies the
presence of a previously registered third-party SW by
monitoring two attributes of PerformanceResour ceTiming
API, namely workerStart and nextHopProtocol. The values
of these attributes change depending on whether the resource
is being loaded when the target page request is served via
a SW, compared to when no SW is yet registered, and can
thus be used to infer whether the page was previously visited
by the user . While working to reproduce this attack, we
additionally found that in Firefox there exists another property
of PerformanceResourceTiming, called initiator, that can also
be used to identify the presence of a SW in a similar way.
The second attack (
PerformanceT iming2
) is a timing-
based side-channel attack that measures the loading time
for the requested
resource on the user’s machine,
which can be compared to a pre-calculated loading time of
the resource without the presence of a SW. Because SWs
often cache resources to optimize performance and enable
offline browsing, the difference in the loading times can help
determine the presence of a SW [8].
3.2.3. SW Hijacking
We now discuss attacks that in v olv e hijacking SW function-
alities, by either injecting malicious code into a legitimate SW
or by injecting a malicious SW into a benign origin.
In [7], Chinprutthiwong et al. present an XSS
attack that can be used to hijack a legitimate site’ s SW. They
found that the URL path of a SW script can in some cases
be manipulated to inject an attacker’ s script into the SW
code. This is possible because some websites use dynamic
URL query parameters in the SW’s URL path that depend
on the window.location API. The authors demonstrate that
the attacker could modify the URL parameters by tricking
the users to visit a carefully crafted target URL. Although
the user ends up visiting the legitimate target website, failure
to validate the URL parameters could result in the injection
of attacker -controlled code into the SW context during the
registration of a legitimate SW. Such an attack is stealthy in
that it would go unnoticed by the user or the targeted website.
[New] ExtensionHijack:
We discovered another possible
approach to hijack a legitimate website’ s SW. Specifically, we
found that browser extensions can be used to inject malicious
SW code in the scope of any benign origin.
Specifically, Firefox is vulnerable to SW hijacking by
extensions because they are allo wed to use the F ilterResponse
API, which enables them to modify the request made to fetch a
SW script file during its registration phase. This API is unique
to Firefox and we lev erage it to demonstrate this new attack.
To this end, we developed a basic Firefox extension that
has the capability to intercept requests using WebRequest and
WebRequestBlocking permissions, which are commonly used
by popular extensions, including ad blockers. Next, we need to
filter requests made for obtaining the SW script. To achieve this,
our extension uses the OnBefor eSendHeaders API to intercept
requests and obtain their HTTP headers. We identify SW script
requests, as well as scripts that are imported by the SW, by look-
ing for the header parameter name with value Service-Worker.
Once a request for SW code is identified, we read the SW file’ s
content using the API FilterResponse. Before sending the file’s
data, we can insert at the beginning of the file a malicious code
snippet (although in our proof-of-concept extension we inject
harmless code) as sho wn in Listing 6 (in Appendix).
The advantage of this attack is that the extension itself does
not explicitly ex ecute malicious code. Rather, the extension
uses allowed APIs to inject additional code to be ex ecuted
in the context of a SW. This may make it more difficult for
extension stores to classify the extension itself as malicious
in the first place. Additionally, because malicious extensions
often go unnoticed for long periods of time [34], the impact of
this attack may be significant. Even if the extension is detected
as malicious and removed from the browser after installation,
it may be too late, as the extension may hav e already injected
malicious SW code under many highly popular website origins,
which will continue to execute on a potentially large number
of browsers even after the extension is removed from the store
and the browser , until the SW code is updated.
[New] LibraryHijack:
Website owners can leverage third-
party libraries from “push providers” (e.g.,,,, etc.) to con v eniently enable and
manage push notification campaigns. Typically, this entails
including third-party code to run within the SW of a website,
. As a result, the provider of the third-party code gains
complete access to
s SW, whose capabilities go much
beyond providing push notifications. For example, the SW
script could be modified to intercept all fetch requests and inject
new page content that may harvest sensitive user information
and relay it back to an unauthorized server. Currently, there
are no restrictions posed on functionalities of third-party
SW libraries, and in Section 6 we discuss our findings on a
third-party library that indeed seems to misuse imported push
service code to track all web pages visited by the user on W .
In a recent paper by Chinprutthiwong et
al. [23], the authors propose a page-based XSS that could be
used to inject malicious code into a SW. This attack lev erages
the IndexDB client-side storage API, which can be accessed
both via scripts running in the context of a page DOM as well
as via SW code running under the same origin. Notably, the pro-
posed page-lev el XSS attack poisons the IndexDB storage in a
manner such that, if the SW relies on content stored in IndexDB
to import additional URLs, malicious scripts may be injected
into an otherwise legitimate SW, thus hijacking the SW’ s code.
3.2.4. Push API and Notifications Abuse
SWs’ permissions to send notifications can also be abused
to launch different attacks. In the attacks described below, a
website must first register a SW and then obtain permission
from the user to send notifications.
Lee et al. [6] discussed the possibility of launching
phishing attacks via WPNs. For instance, a malicious SW
could issue a notification that displays the Chrome icon
and a message such as “Google Chrome Premium, and a
“DO WNLO AD” button, which when clicked on could lead
the user to installing malicious code. Furthermore, the authors
discuss ho w in some cases an attacker could extract the
PushSubscription object from network traffic [6], and then use
it to spoof push messages as arriving from a legitimate domain.
Although web push notifications (WPNs) were
initially meant to be used to send first-party messages to
users to keep them engaged with a website’ s own content,
WPNs hav e since become an alluring platform for advertisers
to reach users e ven when a given publisher website is not
being visited. For instance, ad networks such as VWO Engage
(formerly PushCrew), Roost, PushAd, etc., provide software
that allows web dev elopers to easily include WPN-based ads
to their websites. To this end, web developers typically include
third-party SW code provided by these companies to their
websites. Besides potentially exposing a website’ s SW to the
LibraryHijack attack described earlier , the website may also
be responsible for exposing users to malicious ads via their
WPNs, as reported in [9].
Stalkerwar e: In a recent paper [23], the authors describe how
attackers could hijack the PushSubscription object from a
benign website to spy on the website’ s users, for instance by
rev ealing priv ate information such as the users’ location, age,
etc. The attack starts with a page-level XSS attack and proceeds
by unsubscribing the current Push subscription and subscribing
again using the attacker’s app ID under the legitimate website’ s
origin [23].
3.2.5. A ugmenting Other Web Attacks
The attack categories discussed earlier directly abuse SWs
to launch different types of attacks and thug represent the
main focus of this paper. Howev er, for completeness, we
also describe additional examples of SW abuse whose main
purpose is to augment different types of web attacks, rather
than directly exploiting SWs.
Squarcina et al. [25] describe ho w to launch
a man-in-the-middle attack against cached HTTP responses by
augmenting a page-lev el XSS attack using SWs. Specifically ,
the attack assumes that an adversary can inject Jav aScript
code within a web page under a victim third-party origin,
has re gistered a legitimate SW that makes use of the
Cache API [35], the attacker can use her XSS code to read
any page content previously cached by
s SW, which may
include highly sensitive user information. In addition, the
attacker’s page-le vel code can also write into the cache shared
with the SW, thus potentially extending the XSS attack to any
cached page under
. This attack augmentation strategy is
only possible because page-lev el scripts and SW code under
the same origin share the same cache via the Cache API. Thus,
the authors propose that SW cache resources should be isolated
from the page-level cache [25].
Watanabe et al. [24] present fiv e different at-
tacks against rehosted websites, of which one le verages SWs to
enable a persistent man-in-the-middle attack. These attacks are
possible only due to a vulnerability that the authors identified in
website rehosting services. Specifically, the vulnerability is due
to web rehosting services using the same domain name to rehost
different third-party domains. This effectiv ely “disables” the
isolation imposed by the same origin policy. Consequently , if an
attacker can force a vulnerable web rehosting service to rehost
her malicious website under the same origin as other legitimate
third-party sites, the attacker may then be able to register a SW
that will act as a proxy for all web requests from all third-party
websites rehosted under the same origin. Howe v er, this attack
only affects users who visit the third-party sites under the re-
hosted domain, rather than their respective true domain names.
In [26], [27], Van Goethem et al. study ho w
side-channel attacks can lev erage a number of modern web
features to learn priv ate information about a user , such as
learning the user’ s behavior on social media sites. Among
sev eral different attack variants, one variant leverages side-
channel attacks against cache entries stored by a SW. Howe ver,
these attacks are mostly independent from SW code and are
instead intimately linked to measuring cache access time or
lev eraging bro wser -imposed cache size limits. Furthermore,
these attack variants rely on the Fetch and Cache APIs, which
are av ailable to Web Workers in general, not only SWs. Thus,
these attacks can be implemented without the use of SW code.
3.3. Ethical Considerations and Disclosure
All attacks were tested using our own websites and lab client
machines. No real user or production website was affected.
We disclosed our findings to affected browser vendors.
First, on April 23rd, 2021, we reported the StealthierPushExe
attack (see Section 3.2.1) to the Chrome, Opera and Edge
dev elopers. After about one month, we receiv ed confirmation
that the attack affects Chromium-based browsers (i.e., including
Chrome, Opera, Edge, and likely several other less popular
bro wsers). At the time of writing, the Chromium developers are
still discussing (in a priv ate online forum) possible fixes. Some
of the steps described in the the discussion for patching the issue
follo w an approach similar to some of the recommendations we
propose in this paper for restricting SW execution (notice that
we dev eloped our proposed mitigation ahead of disclosing the
attack to the Chromium team). To the best of our kno wledge,
the StealthierPushExe attack has not yet been mitigated.
Furthermore, we disclosed the Extension Hijack attack
(see Section 3.2.3) to the Firefox dev elopers on June 2nd, 2021,
who confirmed that Firefox was indeed still vulnerable to this
Stealthier PushExe
Attack affects
all browsers
Fixed in all
Attack affects only
some browsers
Partial fix
Attack currently
still possible
Figure 1: Approximate timeline of attacks publication and
mitigations. The
symbol denotes new attacks discovered
in this paper , which are not yet mitigated. Notice that some
mitigations were implemented before official attack publication,
perhaps thanks to responsible disclosure (the ‘*’ next to
WebBot denotes that a mitigation was described in online
documentation related to Firefox, b ut our own tests sho w the
attack appears to still be possible on that browser).
attack. Recently (on December 7, 2021), this vulnerability was
fixed and the bug report has been closed accordingly [36].
4. Existing Mitigations
In this section, we discuss existing mitigations to some of the
attacks discussed in Section 3. As mentioned earlier , we hav e
(re-)produced a proof-of-concept version of the attacks. We
then tested the attacks using multiple versions of five different
browsers from different popular vendors, namely Chrome,
Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera. To make testing with multiple
combinations of browser version and operating systems easier ,
we made use of Our purpose was to
estimate when (at what browser version) an attack was fixed,
whether it was fully or partially mitigated, or if the attack is
still feasible in some or all browsers.
Table 1 provides an overvie w of bro wser versions that are
vulnerable to the attacks, and what browser version (if any)
fixed or mitigated the vulnerability. Furthermore, Figure 1
visualizes an approximate timeline of when the attack was
made public and when a mitigation for the attack was released
(if any). Overall, we found that some of the attacks have been
mitigated by some browsers, but also that most of the attacks
are still possible on at least some of the latest browser versions.
Furthermore, some of the attacks introduced in Section 3
hav e not yet been considered for mitigation. Notice also from
Figure 1 that some attacks appear to have been mitigated
by some browsers before the attack was officially published,
perhaps as a result of responsible disclosure processes. Below
we discuss what mitigations have already been implemented
or planned so far by bro wsers, whereas in Section 5 we discuss
open problems and propose new mitigations.
4.1. Mitigating Continuous Execution
The continuous execution attacks described in Section 3.2.1
all require the victim to visit a malicious website that will
register an attacker-controlled SW on the victim’s browser.
By design, to av oid ov erwhelming the user with UI alerts
for SW re gistration requests, the action of registering a SW
is silently allowed by default and the user is not informed
by the bro wser that the site she visited registered a SW. The
mitigations discussed below still assume that SWs can be
silently registered, but hav e the effect of limiting the number of
users granting notification permissions, limiting the frequency
with which a service worker is activ ated, or making SW
ex ecution due to web push ev ents less stealthy.
Termination Delay Limits
. This existing mitigation has the
effect of fully preventing the
attack. As explained
in Section 3.2.1, the WebBot attack e xploited a self-update
behavior by continuously in v oking the Update API, causing
the SW to self-update and continue executing malicious
code. To defend against this vulnerability , major browsers
such as Chrome, Edge and Opera hav e implemented a limit
of up to three minutes on the SW termination timeout (e.g.,
is set to three minutes in the
Chromium source code), when update is in v oked while
handling an activate or install event [20]. In case of Firefox,
according to an online bug report [37] a fix was implemented
in v70.0. Howe v er, while testing our reproduced attack code
we were able to keep the SW running for hours. On the other
hand, Safari terminates the SW as soon as the related website
is closed and is therefore not affected by this attack. According
to [20], this fix was implemented before the
was officially published in [5], as reflected in Figure 1.
Notification UI Changes
. Bilogre vic et al. [38] recently
showed that although 74% of all browser permission prompts
that users receive are about notification permissions, only 10%
of these requests are granted by users on desktop devices (21%
on mobile devices). Because notification permission requests
cause unwanted interruptions during normal user bro wsing, a
new and more quiet notification prompt has been introduced
in Chrome (starting from version 80) and in Firefox [38]–[40].
In Chrome, the quiet notification permission prompt is shown
within the URL bar when either of two conditions are met:
(i) the website requesting notification permission has a high
av erage deny rate across its visitors, or (ii) the user recently
denied notifications multiple times (e.g., 3 consecutiv e time)
on different websites within a given timeframe (e.g., 28 days).
While we did not find indications that the quiet notification
implemented by Chrome was intended to mitigate specific
types of SW abuse, it may have some mitigating effect on
attacks described in
Section 3.2.1. Because these attacks require victims to grant
notification permission to the attacker’s website, the Chrome
UI change may cause the attacker’s website to be selected for
the quiet notification prompt, potentially decreasing the number
of users that will actually grant the permission, thus mitigating
the attacks. Howe v er, as it is not a direct mitigation to those
two attacks, we do not consider the quiet notifications UI as
a fix for the purpose of Table 1. Furthermore, in Section 5 we
also discuss how this mitigation may be easily circumvented
by the attacker .
Default Notifications
. We have confirmed that, at the time
of writing, the PushExe attack described in Section 3.2.1 still
works in the latest versions of Firefox (v91.0). In Chrome,
the PushExe is not stealthy, because a default notification
is shown after Chrome detects that no notification
is explicitly shown by the SW. Howe v er, we verified that the
StealthierPushExe attack that we introduced in Section 3.2.1
2. Message: “The site has been updated in the background.
remains unmitigated in the latest versions of Chrome (v93.0),
Edge (v93.0) and Opera (v78.0).
4.2. Mitigating Side-Channels
Event Signaling
. To mitigate the
mentioned in Section 3.2.2, Chrome (at least since v50) ensures
that the
onload e vent is triggered regardless of the
presence of a SW. Howev er, we were able to verify that this
attack is still possible ev en for the latest version of Firefox
(v91.0) and Safari (v14.0).
Site Isolation
. The
PerformanceT iming1
attack summarized
in Section 3.2.2 can be mitigated by making sure that meta-data
related to a giv en origin is not rev ealed to third-party
This has been fixed in Chrome since version 83.0. Ho we ver, as
mentioned in Section 3, we found that a variant of this attack ap-
pears to be still possible in the latest Firefox browser (v91.0) by
monitoring the initiator property from a third-party
Also, our tests with reproduced attack code for the
attack confirmed that it still remains unmiti-
gated in the latest versions of all major bro wsers (see Table 1).
4.3. Mitigating Other Attacks
Besides a recent mitigation for the ExtensionHijack that
followed our attack disclosure to Firefox (see Section 3.3),
we are not aw are of specific mitigations that have already
been implemented by affected bro wsers to counter other
hijack attacks (Section 3.2.3) or social engineering attacks
(Section 3.2.4). We will discuss open problems and potential
new mitigations to some of these attacks in Section 5.
5. Open Problems and New Mitigations
In this section, we revisit some of the attacks presented in
Section 3 and highlight open problems that, to the best of
our knowledge, have not yet been addressed by browsers.
Furthermore, we also propose new mitigations that we belie ve
should be implemented in future browser versions to address
the problems we identified.
5.1. Limiting SW Execution
Open Problem:
In Section 3.2.1, we discussed different
ways (both previously known as well as new ones) to (silently)
extend the ex ecution time of SWs, to approximately achiev e
continuous execution. Although some mitigations specific
to the attacks in Section 3.2.1 have been employed by some
browsers, it may still be possible to create similar attack
conditions that exploit existing or future SW features. For
instance, to circumvent existing mitigations related to always
sho wing notification messages to users ev ery time a push ev ent
occurs (see Section 4.1), the SW code could be activ ated only at
a time when the user may not be paying attention to the screen
(e.g., many users leav e the browser always open, e ven at night),
as also discussed in [6]. Furthermore, even if the SW is activ ated
a large number of times in a ro w using many consecutive
push messages, the SW can pre v ent the browser from showing
multiple notifications from the same website, which may make
the user suspicious. To make sure that the user will only see
one single notification, the SW can keep reusing the same
parameter value, as shown in Listing 7 in Appendix.
Fundamentally, we found that browsers do not currently put any
constraints on the number of push messages a SW can receiv e
or on the amount of execution time granted to any giv en SW.
This leaves open possible abuse paths, as ex emplified abov e.
Proposed Mitigation:
To defend against present and future
continuous execution attacks, we need a more generalized
defense that can dynamically monitor the SW execution time
and throttle it when abuse is suspected. This can be accomplish
with additional browser policies. Specifically:
1) Monitor and limit the ov erall background ex ecution time
for which a SW runs ev ery time it is activ ated. This
will prevent kno wn and unkno wn ways of artificially
elongating the time a SW remains activ e (e.g., this would
mitigate abuse vectors similar to the self-update exploit
used in the WebBot attack).
Limit the number of push ev ents receiv ed by a SW within
a predefined time windo w. This would have the effect of
limiting the frequency with which a SW can be remotely
activated, thus throttling continuous execution attacks.
Ensure that a SW notification displayed to the user
remains visible until the user interacts with it (e.g., by
clicking on it or closing it explicitly). This would help
to mitigate stealthy acti v ations via push events.
Limit the volume of third-party network requests issued
in the background by a SW. While this is not strictly a
limitation on execution time, it can be useful to mitigate
possible “bursty” bandwidth-exhaustion DDoS attacks
(e.g., by issuing many background network requests in
a short execution time) against third-party websites.
In Section 7, we discuss how we implemented a proof-
of-concept version of some of these policies in Chromium. In
Section 6, we measure how SWs are currently used by popular
websites and propose concrete thresholds to limit SW execution
with limited or no impact on legitimate SW functionalities.
5.2. Limiting Malicious SW Permissions
Because by design SWs can be silently registered by any
website, prev enting the registration of an arbitrary SW may not
be possible
. Howe v er, notice that without being granted the
notification permission the SW cannot receiv e push messages
and the attacker is unable to launch effectiv e continuous
execution attacks (Section 3.2.1) or social engineering attacks
(Section 3.2.4), thus limiting the damage that a malicious SW
may cause. The ne w quiet notification permission requests
described in [39] (see also Section 4.1) could therefore be seen
as a way of greatly restricting the damage a malicious SW
can do. The reason is that, presumably , only few users would
grant notification permission to an untrusted website (notice
also that the permission grant rate is already low in general for
most websites [38]). Thus, it is likely that a malicious site that
asks its visitors for notification permission would rapidly meet
the criteria to qualify for the quiet notification UI. In turn, this
may have the effect of further reducing the number of users
who grant permission and whose bro wser can be meaningfully
abused by the malicious SW.
Open Pr oblem:
Unfortunately, the quiet notifications UI is
not in itself an effective mitigation for limiting the number of
Obviously, blocking a known malicious website, for instance by
using URL blocklists, would also prevent any related SW to be registered.
Unfortunately, threat feeds and blacklists often have gaps and may not block
a malicious site for a prolonged time [41], during which many victims could
visit the SW and have a SW installed.
victims that may grant notification permission to a malicious
SW. One reason for this is that malicious SWs can le verage
the same double permission prompt pattern [42], [43] that is
recommended as a good practice to legitimate web de velopers.
The double permission prompt consists in asking the user twice
whether they would like to receiv e notifications from a website.
The first time, the website uses Jav aScript code [42], [43] to
create a notification permission dialog box within the page’s
context (see Figure 4 in Appendix). Only if the user confirms,
typically by clicking on a custom “Yes” or “Sign up” button, the
SW will go ahead an request the actual notification permission
through the browser UI. The reason why legitimate websites
often use this pattern is because they want to av oid being
blocked from asking the user for notification permission again
in the near future. Since the website controls the Jav aScript
dialog box, the browser will not be aware that the user may want
to block notifications from this site, and therefore the website
gets to ask again ev ery time the user visits it. The net effect of
this legitimate (and recommended) web dev elopment pattern
is that the browser may grossly overestimate the notifications
allo w-rate for a given website. Intuitively, it is highly likely that
users who do not want to recei ve notifications from a website
will click on the “Not now” or “Dismiss” (or equiv alent) button
on the Jav aScript dialog box and they will not be presented
with the real SW’s request for notification through the browser.
Ultimately, giv en that one of the criteria to enable quiet notifica-
tions UI is a higher denial rate, malicious sites can ev ade this by
simply adopting the double permission pattern. In general, the
very recommendation to legitimate web dev elopers on adopting
the double permission prompt may make the newly introduced
quiet notification UI much less effective than anticipated.
Another issue is due to the fact that the attacker’s site
could also launch social engineering attacks similar to the ones
mentioned in [44] to encourage the user to explicitly click on
the quiet UI’ s icon and explicitly grant permission.
Proposed Mitigation:
Unfortunately, preventing users from
granting notification permission to a malicious SW may
be difficult, as discussed above. In addition, once a SW is
registered and has been granted permission, the SW will persist
until the user explicitly removes them follo wing a cumbersome
process that in volv es going through the browser preferences
and settings. If little or no constraints are imposed, this may
lead to significant abuse, as described in Section 3.
As a mitigation, we argue that the browser should monitor
each SW’ s behavior for signs of abuse. The browser could then
explicitly offer the user to de-register a SW (with a specific UI
dialog box) when anomalous behavior is detected, or it could
automatically de-register the SW.
For instance, consider the following scenario:
The user visits a malicious website once, at which
point a SW is registered and notification permission
is requested.
Assume that the user grants notification permission
at first visit (e.g., due to a social engineering attack),
and that the user nev er visits the site again.
Afterwards, the SW runs frequently in the background
(e.g., due to frequent push ev ents) to achiev e continuous
ex ecution using one of the approaches described earlier .
In this example scenario, the browser could detect that the
SW is violating one or more of the policies we proposed in
Section 5.1, which will automatically limit SW execution. At
the same time, the browser could detect that the user has not
visited the site again since the first time the SW was registered,
or that the site has a very low engagement score as defined
by Chromium [45]. In this case, the browser could inform the
user and ask whether she would like to de-register the SW. To
make the decision easier , the bro wser could let the user know
that the SW has been running anomalously and frequently, and
that the user has visited the website only once (or very rarely).
As an alternati ve, if the SW is not explicitly de-registered by
the user and the browser continues to observe that the SW
abuses execution limit policies, it may simply de-register the
SW outright (notice that the SW could always be re-registered
next time the user visits the same site, if the user so desires).
5.3. Restricting Third-Party Code Inclusions
Open Problem:
It is well known that third-party JavaScript
code inclusions come with security risks [46]. As discussed
in Section 3.2.3, the common practice of including third-party
code into SWs could lead to hijacking attacks. Content
Security Policies [21] (CSPs) can be used to defend against
SW hijacking attacks such as
XSS, LibraryHijack
, for instance by using the
to restrict imported code into a SW to be loaded only from
authorized domains. Howe v er , implementing this defense is
up to web developers, and in Section 6 we show that only a
small fraction of websites express SW-specific CSP restrictions
(also, low CSP adoption is a known issue in general [47]).
Unfortunately, when CSP policies are missing, the browser
poses no restrictions to importing third-party code into a SW.
Proposed Mitigation:
We argue that, giv en the potential for
abuse related to SWs, the bro wser should follow the fail-safe
defaults principle and deny the ability to import third-party code
by default. Namely, the browser should always assume a default
script-src: ‘self’
policy for SWs. The web dev eloper
could then express exceptions to this default policy by explicitly
listing authorized third-party origins in the script-src di-
recti ve (this CSP directi ve would need to be sent to the bro wser
with every SW file response, which can be easily configured in
modern web servers). In Section 6, we will also show that the
number of different origins that would need to be authorized in
current production SWs is very small (only one or two, if any).
script-src: ‘self’
does not
prev ent
to be used in SW code [48], leaving a door
open to potential code hijacking attacks such as variants of
attack proposed in [7]. Instead, the use of
should be disabled by default and enabled explicitly by adding
the directiv e
script-src: ’unsafe-eval’
, as for
page Jav aScript code. Notice also that the
CSP directiv e [49] can be used to restrict what URLs may be
used to load a SW file, b ut does not apply to the importScripts
API. Furthermore,
does not ha ve any effect
on blocking the use of eval() either.
5.4. Restricting the Scope of Third-Party Libraries
Open Problem:
In some cases, web de velopers may want to
explicitly allow third-party services, such as push services,to
include code into their SWs. For instance, assume that website
wants to make use of push service
(e.g.,,, etc.). In this case,
would want to import
third-party code into its SW,
(notice that
s origin can
be easily specified in
CSP directiv es, as
discussed earlier). Unfortunately, once
s code is imported
in the context of
, there is no way to restrict what APIs
s code can use, thus potentially enabling a
attack (see Section 3.2.3).
if (’serviceWorker’ in navigator) {
// proposed register()
options to sonly enable use of push notifications
// while prevent the use of other sensitive APIs
// such as cookie store, cache, fetch events, etc.
{scope: ’./pushservice_sw_scope/’,
capabilities: ’push’, ’notifications})
Listing 3: Proposed change to register SW with limited
To attempt to isolate their third-party code from the
first-party website’s
, web dev elopers could register a
separate SW,
, with a different scope, instead of running the
SW under the root path of
. This would allow
to coexist
with other SWs registered under
. In addition,
would not
be able to intercept network requests related to content outside
of its scope, thus effectiv ely isolating the third-party SW code.
Howe v er, while this would be an improv ement, it does not
prev ent
from being able to directly accessing
s cookie
store [50]. Furthermore,
would also be able to access the
cache [35] and thus any content previously stored by
since there is currently no cache isolation for SWs registered
with different scopes under the same origin. Consequently, the
third-party code could still potentially access highly sensiti ve
information related to W .
Proposed Mitigation:
To mitigate the risk of
attacks, a possible approach is to explicitly limit the capabilities
that a gi ven SW script can hav e. This list of capabilities
could be expressed at registration time. At the moment, when
registering a SW under a giv en origin (via
[13]), only the scope of the
service worker can be limited. Howe ver, we argue that the
parameter should be extended to allow expressing
additional constraints. For instance, we could express what set
of functionalities or APIs the SW is allowed to access, or what
set of ev ents it is allowed to listen to. This way, we could restrict
the capabilities of a third-party SW (i.e., a SW that imports third-
party code) to using the push and notifications APIs while deny-
ing the use of the cookie store, the cache, or the fetch API, as in
the example code in Listing 3. On the other hand, first-party SW
scripts could be registered without restrictions, so that they can
use any functionality made available to SWs by the browser.
More fine-grained changes would also be useful, such as
expressing whether the SW is allowed to access the cache but
at the same time indicate whether the cache for this SW should
be isolated by scope (notice that this proposed cache isolation
mechanism could be implemented in a way similar to the cache
isolation approach used for the no w-deprecated AppCache
API [51]). These browser modifications would still allow push
services to provide a con venient way of managing push notifica-
tion campaigns on behalf of a website
while limiting expo-
sure of potentially sensitive information belonging to
s users.
Notice also that the proposed fine-grained SW policies would
be somewhat analogous to Feature Policy for
6. Measuring In-The-Wild SW Behavior
In this section, our objective is to measure the behavior of in-
the-wild SW code used by popular websites. The main goal is
to learn how production SW code may be impacted by some of
the mitigations we discussed in Section 5. We focus mostly on
mitigations against continuous execution attacks (Sections 5.1
and 5.2) and potentially malicious third-party code inclusions
(Sections 5.3 and 5.4), and aim to learn how policy enforcement
thresholds may be tuned to curtail possible attacks while
minimizing their impact on legitimate SW behaviors.
6.1. Bro wser Instrumentation for SW F or ensics
To obtain fine-grained information on the behavior of
SW code for real-world web applications, we first
dev eloped an instrumented version of the Chromium
browser (v84.0.4147.121) with an embedded Service Worker
For ensics engine. Our SW forensics engine logs fine-grained
information regarding the following:
The occurrence of SW life-cycle events such as install,
activate, update, uninstall, and termination.
Any permissions that were requested by the SW code,
such as push notifications and geolocation. In addition,
we automatically grant these permissions to monitor
how their related APIs are utilized.
Detailed information about network requests issued by
SWs, including the URL of resources being fetched.
API calls made by SW code with respect to caching,
push, and notification APIs.
CPU and memory consumption, and network usage
(e.g., number of third-party network requests and
related URLs) for each SW instance.
We also simulate user interactions with the browser that
are required to trigger ev ents to be handled by a SW.
The logs generated by our forensics engine are then
analyzed offline to measure useful properties about the
behavior of SWs in the wild. Since Chromium serves as a basis
for many popular browsers, such as Chrome, Opera, Edge,
etc., the measurement results we obtained can be considered
as representativ e of SW code running on a variety of bro wsers.
6.2. Experimental Setup
Because the main objecti ve of our measurements is to under-
stand ho w real-world SW code behaves with respect to the
mitigations we proposed in Section 5, we focus on analyzing
SWs registered by the most popular websites according to [53]. We organize our measurement results by
dividing the top Alexa websites into different bands, based
on their ranking (e.g., 0-1K, 1K-5K, 5-10K, etc.), as shown in
Table 2. Different rank bands provide insights into the behavior
of websites at different levels of popularity . We visited the home
page of the top 100k websites and found 5,309 sites that regis-
tered a SW. As our crawler interacted with these sites, in some
cases the automated clicks led to new pages hosted on third-
party domains being opened. As a result, the crawler visited an
additional 609 sites with rank
100k that also registered a SW.
Thus, overall we visited 5,918 websites with SWs. Of these,
1,750 websites requested to be granted notifications permission.
Since we are especially interested in mitigations against
continuous execution attacks, we focused our inv estigation on
the 1,750 (out of 5,918 websites that register a SW) whose SW
code requested notifications permission, and created a small
farm of automated instrumented bro wsers (see Section 6.1) to
interact with these web pages. For each of these 1,750 web
applications, we continued interacting with them and monitored
their SW behavior for 3 days. To dri ve our instrumented
browser to automatically visit and interact with these web
pages we made use of custom Puppeteer [54] scripts.
Notice that our data collection and analysis does not
include websites such as social media and messaging apps that
may require login to send notifications to users. The reason
is that for these websites the behavior of their SWs, such as
the number and frequency of web push notifications, is highly
dependent on user activities and social network. We exclude
these sites from our measurements, as it would be highly
challenging to simulate a realistic network of users that send
messages to each other in a way that is representative of a
large and div erse user population. Howe v er , it should be noted
that SW security policies that aim to impose limits on push
notifications may also include a customizable allow-list for
popular social media and messaging websites.
TABLE 2: Ranking bands for Alexa’s top 100K websites
anking Bands
1 B
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 B
anking Range
00K -1M
Registered SWs
Analyzed SWs
6.3. SW Beha vior Results
In Section 5.1 we discussed a number of restrictions that
could be imposed on SWs to limit their e xecution time and
reduce potential damage that a malicious SW may cause
due to continuous execution attacks (see also Section 3.2.1).
Specifically, among other mitigations (see Section 5.1 for
details) we proposed to (a) limit ov erall background ex ecution
time, (b) limit the number of push e vents within a gi ven time
window, (c) ensure notifications are visible to users, and (d)
limit the volume of third-party network requests.
In the follo wing, we measure ho w current production SWs
behav e, compared to the limitations listed above. This will help
us in two ways: (i) determine how different limits may impact
existing SW behaviors, and (ii) inform the choice of thresholds
that could be used in the implementation of new SW security
policies. Detailed measurement results are reported in Figure 2
and Table 3, which we discuss belo w.
6.3.1. Frequency of Push Events
Among the 1,750 websites we monitored, 518 of them hav e
a SW that recei ved at least one push ev ent during our analysis
period (i.e., 3 days). To estimate the frequency with which push
ev ents are receiv ed by our instrumented browser , we divide the
timeline into slots of one hour , and count the number of push
ev ents per hour for each SW. Figure 2a shows the distribution
(a CDF) of the number of push ev ents per hour across all
monitored SWs. Also, from Table 3 we can see that at the 90th
percentile, SWs receive 14 push ev ents or less per hour .
From Table 3, we can see that if we implemented a SW
security policy that limits the number of push events per hour
, this policy would affect (i.e., throttle) the SWs of 49
different websites (49 is the sum of the number of SWs under
each ranking band), with almost half of the impacted websites
having a ranking abov e 100k (Band-6). While at a first glance
this result may look like a potentially significant impact
on production SWs, a detailed manual analysis of the push
notifications that would be curtailed by the new policy rev eals
something different. In fact, we found that all 49 websites that
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 2: SW behavior measurements. Each graph displays the distribution (CDF) of occurrences of an ev ent within a specific
time window: a) Push count per hour; b) Push count per day; c) Third-party fetch count per SW acti v ation; d) SW ex ecution
time per activ ation (in minutes); e) SW execution time per day (in minutes).
would be potentially impacted sent notifications that could be
considered abusi v e. Specifically, the notifications we recorded
from those sites are related to (potentially malicious) WPN
ads, which were previously also identified by other researchers
in [9] as being often abusi ve (some example notifications
reconstructed from our logs are reported in Figure 5 in
appendix). Thus, it appears that the proposed limit on the
frequency of push messages would at most throttle the number
of push-based ads receiv ed by users, without significantly
affecting most legitimate SWs. At the same time, limiting
the number of push events that can activ ate a SW can help
to decrease the potential for continuous execution attacks that
may be used for instance to perform cryptomining, DDoS
attacks, or other malicious tasks, as further discussed later .
6.3.2. Execution Time
For each SW, we also measured the maximum ex ecution time
per activ ation. Namely , we measure the time for which a SW ran
without releasing control or being forced to stop by the browser
(as before, these measurements were performed throughout
our 3 days of monitoring per each web application’s SW code).
As it can be seen in Figure 2d and Table 3, at 99% of
the instances, SWs were ali ve for a maximum duration of 5
minutes per activ ation. At the same time, we also found that 20
websites had a SW that at some point remained active beyond
the maximum limit (5 minutes) allowed by the bro wsers. The
maximum continuous execution time per activ ation that we
observed was 22 minutes. These cases of long continuous
ex ecution were possible because the SW termination was
delayed by the browser as the SW received multiple ev ents (e.g.,
multiple consecutiv e push events) in close succession, with the
next event arriving and being handled before the SW finished
handling the previous event. This again demonstrates that the
possibility of abusing SWs to perform malicious tasks such
as cryptomining and DDoS attacks remains open. As in Sec-
tion 5.1, we argue that the browser should impose stricter limits
to continuous SW ex ecution. For instance, it could be limited to
5 minutes, since 99% of all SWs activations we measured ne ver
exceeded this threshold. Longer continuous execution times
should be considered as anomalous and potentially dangerous.
Besides the ex ecution time per acti v ation, we also calculate
the overall SW execution time per day, as the sum of the
ex ecution time spent during all activ ations of a given SW for
a day of observation. As sho wn in Figure 2e, 95% of SWs
were activ e for less than 90 minutes per day . Howe ver, we
found 17 websites whose SWs were activ e from 146 up to 400
minutes (over 6 hours). By analyzing the logs, we found that
these websites “spammed” the browser with a large number
of potentially malicious notifications (similar to Figure 5 in
appendix). As an example of a website whose SW exhibited
long ex ecution times, we found that (ranked
51,299) registered a SW that sent ov er 50 push events per hour
in multiple time windo ws, and as a result activ ated its SW and
kept it running for long periods (e.g., 22 minutes in one single
activation and ov er 4 hours in a single day).
6.3.3. Third-party Background Network Requests
To reduce the risk and impact of SWs participating in DDoS
attacks, in Section 5.1 we proposed to limit the volume of
third-party network requests that the SW could issue while in
the background (i.e., when the related web application is not
rendering on a bro wser tab).
To understand what may be a good volume threshold, we
measured the number of fetch requests that were made to third-
party origins by each SW while running in the background.
Specifically, to identify these requests we perform two different
checks: (a) first, we make sure that the request was issued by
a SW by checking whether the Jav aScript ex ecution context
that issued the fetch request belongs to a SW script
, then
(b) we make sure the request was executed in the background
by checking if it was made from inside a fetch e vent listener ,
which would indicate that it was inv ok ed when a page request is
handled by a SW and thus it was not issued in the background.
To verify (b), we should notice that whenev er a fetch listener
is started, it in v okes the
method and at
its completion it in v ok es
. We log these calls and
filter out any fetch requests made between these two events,
since they are not background requests. At the end of this
filtering process, we are left with the backgr ound network
r equests made by SWs.
To account for network requests to explicitly authorized
third-parties, such as push services that are intentionally
imported into a SW’ s code, we first determine the domain
As determined by calling
TABLE 3: Event counts at specific distribution percentiles The thr eshold value is the percentile value from the corresponding
CDF (see Figure 5), whereas B-n represents the Alexa ranking band n.
No. of
Number of SW Origins above threahold value
90% 95% 99%
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6
Push Count per Hour 518 14 0 1 5 11 10 22 22 0 1 3 7 5 8 43 0 0 2 6 2 5
Push Count per Day 518 38 1 2 5 13 9 43 88 1 1 3 8 4 11 392 0 0 0 3 0 1
Third Party Fetch Count per Activation 416 1 12 10 13 35 30 44 2 8 8 10 25 26 36 6 5 4 8 12 19 17
SW Execution Time Per Activation 761 3 2 1 6 16 16 38 3 2 1 6 16 16 38 5 1 1 2 5 5 6
SW Execution Time Per Day 761 64 1 2 7 9 10 33 90 1 0 3 6 4 26 146 1 0 2 3 2 9
name associated with all URLs in importScripts calls and
exclude them from our background network requests statistics
(i.e., network requests from a SW to its push service domains
are effecti vely counted as first-party requests). After the
filtering explained above, we found that 99% of all SWs issued
no more than 5 background network requests to third-party
origins per each acti v ation.
Although we did not find any evidence of in-the-wild SWs
that performed malicious attacks such as DDoS attacks, we
were able to reproduce attack code that can indeed send a
large number (e.g., 50 per second) of third-party background
network requests with no browser limitations. Therefore, we
believ e that limiting the number of such background requests
(e.g., to
) per activ ation, in combination with limiting the
frequency of activ ations due to push events, as discussed in
Section 6.3.1, is necessary to significantly reduce the risk for
SW-based DDoS attacks while having minimal or no impact
on the vast majority of legitimate SWs.
6.3.4. Third-Party Code Inclusions
To measure whether it is possible to limit the potential for
hijacking attacks (see Section 5.3), we analyze the number of
third-party scripts imported by SWs. To this end, Figure 3a
sho ws the count of third-party scripts imported per SW, whereas
Table 3b shows the top 10 origins related to imported scripts.
The vast majority of origins recorded in our logs belong
to third-party push services (just among the top 10 origins, 7
are related to web push services). Also, as we can see from
Figure 3a, the vast majority of SWs that import third-party code
load it from at most one or two origins. Therefore, we believ e
that the fail-safe defaults approach we proposed in Section 5.3,
whereby the browser should set a
script-src: ‘self’
default CSP for ev ery service worker , could be implemented
with no significant impact on existing SWs. This is because
the de v elopers of existing SWs would only need to add one
or two authorized origins from which additional SW code can
be imported (e.g., in the Apache web server this could be done
with a minimal
file associated with the SW file
hosted on the website’s first-party origin [55]).
Figure 3: Third-Party(TP) Imports (a) Count of TP imported
domains per SWs (b) Top 10 TP domains imported by SWs
We also measured whether CSPs are currently used in
relation to SW code. To this end, we analyzed the HTTP
response for e very SW file fetched from the 100K Alexa
websites. To identify the request (and related response) for
a SW file, we look for the Service-Worker request header ,
which is explicitly found when a page fetches a SW file. We
found that 4.8% of all SW files have a CSP headers in the
response. Ho we ver, only 0.8% include the
directiv e. Applying
script-src: ‘self’
as a default
policy would reduce the risk of potential hijacking attacks,
such as the XSS attacks presented in [7].
6.3.5. Third-Party Code Beha vior
Although the default CSP restrictions discussed above may help
to mitigate some hijacking attacks, such as
attacks [7],
we need to be mindful that third-party libraries explicitly
allowed by web developers may still behav e maliciously . For
example, as we studied the results of our measurements on SW
code imports, we found a fe w cases of potential unauthorized
tracking implemented in third-party libraries. For instance,
we found that code imported from coinPush (a third-party
push service) listens to fetch ev ents, and can track all URLs
visited on the importing website, ev en though this may not be
necessary to enable the advertised push notification services.
Listing 8 (in Appendix) shows the (simplified) code that
appears to track all visited URLs and send them to a remote site.
Such examples demonstrate that it is possible for third-party
services to potentially abuse their privile ged access to SW code,
and should therefore be subjected to stricter default policies by
browsers and much more attention by dev elopers. Therefore,
our recommendation is that the bro wser should implement
more fine-grained SW policies (similar to Feature Policy for
s) and web dev elopers should carefully isolate SWs
that import third-party code by correctly setting their scope,
as we proposed in Section 5.4.
7. Implementing New SW Policies
To demonstrate that implementing the new policies proposed
in Section 5 is possible with reasonable effort, in the following
we discuss our o wn proof-of-concept implementation in the
Chromium (v84.0.4147.121) browser of some of those policies.
{ "name": <policy-name>,
"severity": <value>,
"threshold": <threshold>,
"duration_in_minutes":<duration> }
Listing 4: T emplate for count-based policies
To implement the new policies, we developed a new class
within the Blink rendering engine. In
case of policies concerned with limiting the frequency of ev ents
that acti v ate a SW, we follow a template similar to the one
shown in Listing 4. Each time an event such as push or fetch
occurs, we in v oke a corresponding method to update the related
counter (e.g., push count per hour) and check if the count
falls within a predefined thr eshold, which could be selected
based on the trade-offs we discussed in our SW behavior
measurements results (see Section 6). When a policy violation
occurs (i.e., the thr eshold is exceeded), we log the violation
and increase a severity indicator . Then, if the se verity level
reaches a predefined maximum value, the bro wser immediately
terminates the SW (and could also deregister it, if the user
engagement score for the SW’s origin is very low).
As a simplified example of how to terminate a SW, to
stop a SW that exceeds a given execution time we can start
a timer whenever the service worker is activ ated (see Listing 9,
in Appendix), and attach a callback method that will be called
once the timer expires. At this point, the callback can check
the state of the SW and terminate it (if it is still running) by
calling Blink’s
method with delay set to
0 seconds. We use an approach similar to that described abov e
to implement and enforce the policies proposed in Section 5.1.
Furthermore, we tested these policies against a number of SW
attacks (using the approaches we described in Section 3) that
attempt to perform DDoS attacks, cryptomining, notification
spam, etc., and verified that we are indeed able to greatly
throttle such attacks, rendering them ineffective.
7.1. Discussion
As we consider the implementation of new browser policies that
would restrict SW behaviors, as discussed earlier, we should
carefully consider how they could impact legitimate SWs. In our
measurements (Section 6), we showed that it would be possible
to find enforcement thresholds whose effect is to greatly limit
abuse while interfering with the behavior of only few actual
legitimate SWs. In addition, we should consider that the imple-
mentation of the proposed policies could include a customizable
allow-list that can be pre-populated by the browser vendor and
extended with help from the user , if preferred. For instance,
consider the limits on the frequency of push notifications
proposed in Section 5.1. If a popular website (e.g., a social
media platform) legitimately needs to send a lar ge number of
notifications (e.g., many tens or hundreds of notifications per
day), such an application could be added to this allow-list.
The effect of the proposed policies against continuous
ex ecution attacks (Section 5) is that they may also limit the
ex ecution time for a small fraction of legitimate SWs. Howe v er,
we should notice that browsers already implement a mechanism
to terminate a SW’ s execution after a certain amount of
ex ecution time. Therefore, SW developers already need to take
into account that their code could be forced into an idle state.
Unfortunately, as we demonstrated in Section 3, attackers can
trick the browser into executing SWs for much longer than it
would be otherwise allo wed, which motiv ates the new policies
we proposed Section 5. Ultimately , we believ e that limiting
the execution time of SWs would hav e a small to negligible
impact on legitimate SW code, while drastically reducing the
risk for SW abuse. Additionally, before enforcing the ne w
policies, browsers could grant a grace period during which
an alert is issued every time a SW policy is violated without
strictly enforcing the policy itself. During this transition period,
dev elopers will then hav e the time to adjust their SW code to
make sure the new policies are not violated moving forward.
In general, because the vast majority of legitimate web
applications do not require a completely unfettered access to
push e vents, web notifications, background third-party requests,
etc., as shown in Section 6, and considering the potential
damage that SW abuse could cause giv en its powerful features
(see Section 3), we believ e browsers should follo w an approach
akin to the least privile ges principle as much as possible and
limit those and other SW privileges.
8. Related Work
Throughout the paper we have discussed a number of pre vious
works that focus primarily on attacks against SWs or in which
SWs play a fundamental role. In this section, we briefly
discuss other works related to multiple aspects of web security ,
including some additional attacks and mitigation measures.
While our paper focuses on SW abuse, other studies
focus more generally on PWAs, for instance measuring their
performance compared to traditional sites, and applications
in both desktop and mobile environments [28]–[31]. More
works [34], [56]–[59] are dedicated to measuring priv ac y
leakage due to third-party code, such as extensions, external
libraries and ad injections. In [60], the authors discuss issues
related to blind trust between cross origins and explain the
extent of damage it could lead to. Other works that focus on
client-side web security are [61]–[63], which include policy-
based access to restrict Jav ascipt APIs (e.g., the Performance
API) to mitigate timing based side-channel attacks. Similarly,
[64] presents a cost-benefit analysis to enable restrictions per
site without affecting its legitimate use. In [65], Jackson and
Barth argue that the concept of “fine-grained origins” (FGO)
is a flawed solution to curb origin contamination. In this paper
(Section 5.4), we discussed the use of scopes as a way to
isolate third-party SWs and proposed additional measures to
restrict the capabilities of third-party SWs to mitigate possible
origin contamination issues for SW scripts.
Other systematization of knowledge papers that consider
both attacks and mitigation measures have focused on web secu-
rity [66]–[68], mobile security [69], and IoT security [70]. Our
work is different because we focus on attacks on Service Work-
ers specifically, discuss existing mitigations, present a timeline
of when attacks and mitigations were introduced, present open
security problems, and proposed new policies that browsers
could adopt to limit the damage that SW abuse could cause.
9. Conclusion
In this paper , we reproduced and analyzed known attack vectors
related to Service Workers and explored new abuse paths that
hav e not previously been considered. We systematized the
attacks into different categories, and analyzed whether , how,
and when these attacks hav e been published and mitigated
by different browser vendors. Then, we discussed a number
of open SW security problems that are currently unmitigated,
and propose SW beha vior monitoring approaches and new
browser policies that we believ e should be implemented by
browsers to further improve SW security . Furthermore, we
implement a proof-of-concept version of several policies in
the Chromium code base, and also measure the behavior of
SWs used by highly popular web applications with respect to
these new policies. Our measurements show that it is feasible
to implement and enforce stricter SW security policy without
a significant impact on most legitimate production SWs.
We would like to thank the anonymous revie wers for their
constructiv e comments and suggestions on how to improve
this paper . This material is based in part upon work supported
by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grants
No. CNS-2126641 and CNS-2047260, and by the Office
of Naval Research (ONR) under grant N00014-21-1-2159.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the vie ws of the NSF or ONR.
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A ppendix
1. Additional Example Code Snippets
.addEventListener(push’, async function (event) {
// listen
to push event and perform any computation here
// increase push count
push_count +=1
// do not call ShowNotification() API
//renew subscription
var options = {
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: <applicationServerKey>
.getSubscription().then(function(subscription) {
.unsubscribe().then(function(successful) {
// You’ve successfully unsubscribed
// subscribe again
}).catch(function(e) {
// Unsubscribe failed
Listing 5: Example code to av oid sho wing notifications on
push ev ents
function modifySW(url, reqId) {
let filter
= browser.webRequest.filterResponseData(reqId);
filter.ondata = event => {
str = decoder.decode(, {stream: true});
let code_snippet = "self
.addEventListener(’push’, async function (event) {
console.log(’Extension:: Received push’)} );"
Listing 6: Hijacking SW code from an extension
.addEventListener(push’, async function (event) {
var notificationTitle = ’Same Notification!’;
var notificationOptions = {
//same tag used for all incoming push events
tag: ’notification-update-tag
// replaces current displayed notification
// with new notification due to using the same tag
(notificationTitle, notificationOptions)
Listing 7: Reusing the same notification for multiple push
//Unauthorized Fetch handler to track request URLs
self.addEventListener(’fetch’, function (e) {
if (e.request.url.indexOf
(location.origin) === 0 && isDocument(e.request)) {
trackingUrl(e.request.url); } });
//simplified version of trackingURl method
function trackingUrl(url){
var body = {registration_id: obj.token,
sender_id: obj.senderId,
logs: {url: url, timestamp: timestamp}}
return fetch(TRACKING_SERVER + ’/tracking_url
, { method: ’POST’, mode: ’no-cors’, body: body }
Listing 8: SW Code of Third-Party Push service
{ //start timer
FROM_HERE, kServiceWorkerRunningDelay,
, base::Unretained(this), To<SWGlobalScope>(ex)));
void SWPolicies::OnSWTimeout(SWGlobalScope
{ // immediately terminate SW
Listing 9: Example code for limiting SW ex ecution time
(a) Jav aScript-based prompt
(b) Browser nativ e prompt, after user clicked on ‘Sign Up’
Figure 4: Example of double permission prompt in use on a
popular website.
$1,000 to your Amazon Account…
$750. Click Immediately
Zelle -
Viruses found (3)
Warning - Your Computer
Is Infected!..
Figure 5: Examples of spam/malicious notifications