February 18, 2021
Testimony of Vladimir Tenev
Robinhood Markets, Inc.
Chairwoman Waters, Ranking Member McHenry, and Members of the Committee: My name is
Vlad Tenev, and I am the co-founder and CEO of Robinhood Markets, Inc.
Thank you for the
opportunity to speak with you today about Robinhood and the millions of individual investors
Robinhood has changed the investing world for the better. We pioneered a mobile-first investing
platform that allows our customers to trade stocks, exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), options, and
other investments with no trading commissions and no account minimums. By taking down these
barriers to investing and creating an accessible and intuitive platform, Robinhood
opened up the markets to millions of retail investors.
It is common in the financial services industry for broker-dealer firms’ operations to be subsidiaries of a larger
holding company, as is the case with Robinhood. Robinhood Markets, Inc. (“Robinhood Markets”) is an
American financial services company headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Robinhood Markets wholly
owns Robinhood Financial, LLC (“Robinhood Financial”), Robinhood Securities, LLC (“Robinhood
Securities”), and Robinhood Crypto, LLC (“Robinhood Crypto”). Robinhood Financial acts as an introducing
broker for our customers by taking their trade orders. Robinhood Securities, a member SEC-registered
clearinghouse, serves as a clearing broker for Robinhood Financial. In that capacity, Robinhood Securities
executes customer orders received from Robinhood Financial by routing them to market-makers. Robinhood
Securities also clears and settles customer trades. Robinhood Crypto facilitates cryptocurrency trading.
As broker-dealers, both Robinhood Financial and Robinhood Securities are registered with the SEC, and are
members of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) and the Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (“SIPC”). Robinhood Securities is also a member of several clearinghouses and is bound by
membership rules for the clearinghouses with which we transact to fulfill customer orders. Once customer
trades have been executed by market-makers, Robinhood Securities then submits those trades to clearinghouses
for post-trade processing, which includes clearance and settlement.
Unless otherwise specified, the terms “Robinhood,” “we,” and “our,” as used herein, generally refer to the
broker-dealers Robinhood Financial and/or Robinhood Securities.
There have been some inaccurate reports that Robinhood Markets and its senior staff should be registered with
FINRA. FINRA requires that only those entities and individuals engaged in the firm’s securities business be
registered. However, Robinhood Markets, Inc., as a parent company that wholly owns broker-dealer
subsidiaries, need not be registered. The entities and individuals involved in executing, settling, and clearing
trades, Robinhood Securities, LLC and Robinhood Financial, LLC, are all appropriately licensed and registered
with FINRA. It is common for those broker-dealer operations to be subsidiaries of a larger holding company, as
is the case with Robinhood.
The buying surge that occurred during the last week of January in stocks like GameStop Corp.
(“GameStop”) was unprecedented,
and it highlighted a number of issues that are worthy of deep
analysis and discussion. I look forward to addressing those issues today, but I want to be clear at
the outset: any allegation that Robinhood acted to help hedge funds or other special interests to the
detriment of our customers is absolutely false and market-distorting rhetoric. Our customers are
our top priority, particularly the millions of small investors who use our platform every day to
invest for their future.
What we experienced last month was extraordinary, and the trading limits we put in place on
GameStop and other stocks were necessary to allow us to continue to meet the clearinghouse
deposit requirements that we pay to support customer trading on our platform. We have since
taken steps to raise $3.4 billion in additional capital to allow our customers to resume normal
trading across Robinhood’s platform, including trading in the stocks we restricted on January 28.
We look forward to continuing to serve our customers.
The Robinhood Story
I was born in Bulgaria, a country with a financial system that, at the time, was not accessible to
ordinary people and was on the verge of collapsing. I immigrated with my family to America for
a better life when I was five years old, and my co-founder Baiju Bhatt is the son of immigrants.
Robinhood’s mission to democratize finance for all has special meaning for us.
My parents, both
of whom worked at the World Bank, instilled in me at an early age the values of financial
responsibility and opportunity for all. And those values lie at the heart of Robinhood today. We
fundamentally believe that participation in the U.S. capital markets is empowering and that
everyone should have the opportunity to participate responsibly in our financial system.
Today, however, approximately 84 percent of the value of all stocks owned by Americans belong
to the wealthiest 10 percent of households, and roughly half of all American households do not
own any stocks at all.
We want to open up access to the markets so everyday people, even those
with small amounts to invest, can build wealth. We started by eliminating commissions and
minimum investments, and we continue to pioneer changes that democratize finance for all, such
as fractional shares and recurring investments. Further, we subscribe to the belief that participation
and information are power. We provide simple, easy-to-understand and easy-to-use tools and
educational resources that are not filled with complex industry jargon. This helps support
customers from all backgrounds in their investing journey.
Our rapid growth has confirmed that retail investors were waiting for the right platform to help
them enter the markets. We have over 13 million customers, and we are seeing new customers
open accounts every day to take part in our financial markets. Robinhood Financial’s customers
trade thousands of stocks and ETFs, as well as options and cryptocurrencyall with zero
commissions and no account minimums.
Analysts have referred to the activity as a five standard deviation, or five sigma, eventin other words, an event
that had about a 1 in 3.5 million chance of occurring.
Edward Wolff, Household Wealth Trends in the United States, 1962 to 2016: Has Middle Class Wealth
Recovered, National Bureau of Economic Research (Nov. 2017),
Even though we have grown and changed the investing landscape for the better, one thing has not
changed: we recognize the responsibility that comes with helping our customers invest in dynamic
financial markets. Robinhood is not an investment adviser and does not make investment
recommendations, but we are committed to providing quality educational resources to our
customers and the general public about the investment opportunities available to them. That is
why Robinhood Financial offers a library of free, digestible articles about investing on the Learn
website, which is available to the general public. Our goal is to provide people with the resources
to make informed financial decisions and become long-term investors.
Robinhood’s Products and Features
Customers can invest in over 5,000 securities on Robinhood Financial’s brokerage platform,
including U.S. equities and ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges. Robinhood Financial
also currently
offers covered options contracts for U.S. exchange-listed stocks and ETFs. Robinhood Crypto
offers certain cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
Importantly, there are some activities and products that are not available on the Robinhood
Robinhood does not offer certain products that may carry a higher risk profile such as
uncovered options contracts and over-the-counter bulletin board stocks.
Robinhood also does not
allow short selling on our platform.
In addition to the products available, Robinhood Financial has introduced features that have
opened the door for many investors who have historically been unable to access the stock market,
allowing them to invest in stocks and ETFs they care about for the long-term. Robinhood
Financial’s innovative fractional share and recurring investment products, for example, provide
the ability for customers to purchase portfolios of blue chip stocks and ETFs over time. Further,
the vast majority of our customers appear to be adopting buy and hold strategies to invest over
extended periods. In fact, Robinhood customers purchasing fractional shares typically buy shares
of blue chip companies. Only about two percent of customers qualify as pattern day traders.
Overall, as of the end of 2020, about 13 percent of Robinhood customers traded basic
contracts (e.g., puts and calls), and only about two percent traded multi-leg options. Less than
three percent of funded accounts were margin-enabled.
Some or all of these products are available on competitor platforms.
Customers are able to close their positions in securities that trade over the counter after being delisted.
Robinhood Financial also offers a limited number of American Depositary Receipts for globally-listed
FINRA Rule 4210(f)(8)(ii) defines the term “pattern day trader” as “any customer who executes four or more
day trades within five business days.”
Robinhood Instant and options accounts may also be considered margin accounts. However, Robinhood Gold
provides customers with the ability to trade securities on margin not simply related to a “float” or short-term
extension of credit. In the case of Robinhood Instant, the “float” applies to unsettled funds after the initiation of
a deposit from a customer’s bank or the sale of securities. In the case of options accounts, the short-term
extension of credit may apply in circumstances such as early assignments. Letter to Reps. Sherman, Foster,
Casten, Underwood and Sens. Durbin and Duckworth, Robinhood (Aug. 7, 2020).
With respect to options trading, under FINRA rules, broker-dealers are required to collect certain
information about a customer to determine whether to approve that customer’s request to trade
options. Specifically, Robinhood requires customers to disclose, among other things, stated
investment experience and knowledge, age, investment objectives, employment status, estimated
annual income from all sources, estimated net worth, estimated liquid net worth, and number of
dependents. Robinhood conducts an assessment of information collected in deciding whether to
approve a customer account for options trading.
We also recently made several changes to our options offering. For example, we improved our
options educational materials and hired a dedicated Options Educations Specialist to support our
continued education initiatives. We made changes to our app interface to add more safeguards
and information, added the ability to cover early assignments in-app, and strengthened the
eligibility criteria for new customers seeking to trade certain types of options strategies. We
invested in growing our customer support teams and began offering, among other things, phone-
based customer support for options traders.
Robinhood’s Customers
Since founding Robinhood, we have made great progress removing barriers to finance for
everyday investors and spurring changes in the industry. In fact, most incumbent brokerage firms
recently followed Robinhood’s lead by eliminating their own commissions and account
minimums, saving American investorsregardless of whether they are Robinhood customers
millions of dollars per year in commission fees.
By offering zero-commission trades and no account minimums, Robinhood Financial opened up
investing to a younger and more diverse group of Americans. The median age of our investors is
31, and about half of the customers self-identify as first-time investors. The median customer
account size is about $240, with an average account size of about $5,000. As noted above, most
customers appear to be investing in listed stocks and ETFs for the long-term. What we see is
generally not consistent with popular memes suggesting that most of our brokerage customers are
unsophisticated day traders taking inordinate risks with large sums of money on complex financial
We are also proud that the number of women trading on Robinhood’s platform nearly tripled in
2020, and women today represent a higher percentage of our customer base than ever before.
Robinhood customers are also more racially and ethnically diverse than the industry average.
Based on a representative sampling between July and December 2020, African American investors
represented nine percent of Robinhood’s customer base, compared with just three percent at
incumbent firms. Over the same period, Hispanic investors accounted for 16 percent of
Robinhood’s customers, compared with seven percent at incumbent firms.
Across all brokerages
in the United States, stock ownership is younger and more diverse than when Robinhood was
An Update on Robinhood’s Options Offering, Robinhood (Sept. 7, 2020),
See Answer to Mass. Securities Division Complaint, In the Matter of Robinhood Financial LLC, No. E-2020-
0047 (Jan. 29, 2021).
founded back in 2013, and we believe that our platform has helped to propel those changes across
the industry.
How Robinhood Makes Money
As Robinhood has grown and other brokerage firms have adopted our business model, there have
been questions about how we offer zero-commission trades and other benefits to customers. As
disclosed to customers and the public, Robinhood Securities receives what is called “payment for
order flow” to route trades to market makers
that generally offer better prices than those available
on exchanges.
Most retail brokerage firms receive payment for order flow, and subject to certain
disclosure requirements, the SEC has permitted payment for order flow for decades.
With payment for order flow, market-makers provide Robinhood with a rebate for executed orders,
and in return, they provide reliable, quick, and competitive trade executions. Importantly, we have
negotiated the same rebate rate with each of the market-makers to whom we route customers’
orders, which eliminates any incentive for Robinhood to direct orders to any specific market
maker. Robinhood Financial and Robinhood Securities conduct regular and rigorous reviews of
execution quality for our customers as required by mandated best execution rules.
Robinhood’s customers benefit greatly from payment for order flow as market-makers typically
provide better prices than public exchanges. In fact, Robinhood customers received more than $1
billion in price improvementthe price they received compared to the best price on a public
exchangein the first half of 2020. Robinhood Securities’ routing system is designed to prioritize
routing orders for execution to market venues based on the likelihood of obtaining price
improvement in a stock over the last 30 days. We believe this model benefits customers by further
seeking best execution for every trade on the Robinhood platform.
A “market maker” is a firm that stands ready to buy or sell a stock at publicly quoted prices. See Market
Centers, Buying and Selling Stock, SEC, https://www.sec.gov/fast-
We also generate revenue while serving our customers in a variety of other ways, including our subscription
service, Robinhood Gold, which provides customers with a suite of powerful investing tools. Income generated
from cash, stock loan income from counterparties, and interchange fees from purchases made with the
Robinhood Cash Management debit card are other avenues from which we generate revenue. See How
Robinhood Makes Money, Robinhood, https://robinhood.com/us/en/support/articles/how-robinhood-makes-
Payment for order flow has been used by broker-dealers for decades. Since 1994, the SEC has taken the
position that “disclosure is the appropriate response to issues raised by payment for order flow” and
acknowledged that payment for order flow “may result in lower execution costs, facilitate technological
advances in retail customer order handling practices and facilitate competition among broker-dealers.” See
Payment for Order Flow, Exchange Act Release No. 34-34902, 1994 WL 587790 (Oct. 27, 1994) (available at
https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/orderfin.txt). Consistent with this approach, In November 2000, the SEC again
considered the potential conflict of interest issues related to payment for order flow and adopted additional rules
to “increase[e] the visibility of order execution and routing practices” by requiring Rule 606 reports to be filed
quarterly, thereby “empower[ing] market forces with the means to achieve a more competitive and efficient
national market system for public investors.” See Disclosure of Order Execution and Routing Practices,
Exchange Act Release No. 34¬43590, 2000 WL 1721163, at *12 (Nov. 17, 2000).
As stated, Robinhood is not unique in receiving payment for order flow. Annual reports show that
Charles Schwab, E*Trade, and TD Ameritrade all received significant payment for order flow
revenues in 2019.
It is important to note that Robinhood’s payment for order flow relationships
are with market-makers and not with hedge funds. Robinhood Securities regularly evaluates its
counterparties and routes customer orders to those market-makers that can provide the best
execution quality on those orders.
Consistent with SEC Rule 606, Robinhood discloses its payment for order flow arrangements with
market-makers on a quarterly basis.
These disclosure reports are publicly available on the
Robinhood Financial website and in the app.
These order flow disclosures help our customers
better understand our routing decisions on order execution quality.
The Robinhood App
At Robinhood, we pride ourselves on providing access to commission-free investing through an
appealing, simple platform. But even though we have made investing easier, we recognize it is
not a game. While I am not aware of any agreed upon definition of “gamification,” I do know that
Robinhood Financial designed its app to appeal to a new generation of investors who are more
comfortable trading on smartphones than speaking with a broker, and Robinhood has built it to
include features that, based on our outreach and research, customers feel familiar with and expect
to see in a mobile product. The mobile app provides the intuitive experience customers want,
while also providing them with tools and information to learn about investing and keep tabs on
their finances.
I am confident that the easy-to-use interface enables customers to understand, control, and direct
their finances in a responsible way. Robinhood Financial does not offer rewards or levels to
encourage more trading. Robinhood Financial does sparingly use features like confetti animation
to celebrate certain infrequent milestone events or a reward stock for signing up or referring
friends. This is in line with similar animations and celebrations used, for example, when customers
sign-up for the debit card product in the application. We believe that by making finance accessible
and familiar, more people will access the markets. Other features regarding, for example, stock
price movements, upcoming earnings calls, and breaking news are for informational purposes only,
are opt-in tools, and are used by other retail brokerages.
Prior to Robinhood’s entrance into the market, many incumbent brokerages were charging customers a trading
commission and collecting payment for order flow as well. See, e.g., 2017 TD Ameritrade Annual Report
(available at https://s2.q4cdn.com/437609071/files/doc_financials/annual/2017/TD-Ameritrade-2017-Annu al-
Report.pdf); 2017 Charles Schwab Annual Report (available at https://content.schwab.com/web/retail
SEC Rule 606 requires broker-dealers that route customer orders to publish quarterly reports that provide a
general overview of their routing practices. In this report, the venues to which non-directed customer orders in
U.S. exchange-listed equity securities and options were routed for execution must be disclosed, as well as the
nature of any relationship the broker-dealer has with each venue. SEC Rule 606 disclosures also include
information on the total shares executed, fill rate, and average fill size. The purpose of this report is to provide
the public with information on how broker-dealers route orders, enable the evaluation of order routing practices
and foster competition among market participants.
See 2020 Q4 Rule 606 Disclosure Report, Robinhood Securities,
Ultimately, Robinhood listens to its customers and build products that serve their needs. For
example, we recently launched a Cash Management feature that allows customers to deposit
paychecks, pay bills, make debit-card purchases, manage their budget, and access cash from an
We are honored to play a significant role in our customers’ financial lives. We look forward to
further innovation and to offering our customers the services they can use to manage their day-to-
day finances and build wealth.
Informing and Supporting Customers
Financial literacy remains a key area of investment as Robinhood Financial continues to grow its
trading platform. We fully recognize, and have always taken seriously, the responsibility that
comes with helping customers invest. That’s why Robinhood provides free educational resources
available to everyonenot just our customerson the Robinhood Learn website. We’ve also
rolled out features like our profiles and “Year in Review” that help customers reflect on their
investing activity and understand the diversity of their investments all with a focus on simplicity
and ease-of-understanding.
Our goal is to demystify finance as much as possible by avoiding complex industry language and
providing useful tools to inform our customers. Robinhood Financial has published more than 650
articles to help people learn about investing and answer their most fundamental questions about
investing such as “What is a Limit Order?” along with articles covering a host of other subjects.
In 2020, Robinhood Learn articles were read by more than 3.2 million people, and unique visits
rose 260% from January through November 2020. Robinhood Financial provides all customers
with free access to premium financial news, including videos and articles from the Wall Street
Journal, Bloomberg News, Reuters, and Barron’s. It is also finding new, innovative ways to share
digestible business news to help customers stay up-to-date on the markets, like Robinhood’s
Snacks Daily podcast, which was downloaded nearly 40 million times in 2020.
Additionally, Robinhood Financial has taken steps to proactively inform customers about certain
financial products like options. For example, one type of options contracta “call option”
confers the right to buy a specified amount of stock at a specified price (the “strike price”) by a
specific date (the “expiration date”). If the stock rises above the strike price, a call option is said
to be in the money. The customer has the right to buy the stock at the strike price even though the
stock is trading at a higher price. By contrast, if the stock price is below the strike price, the option
is out of the money (“OTM”). As there is no reason for the customer to exercise an OTM option,
the customer could simply let the contract expire. In January 2021, Robinhood became aware that
some customers were occasionally exercising OTM options, causing them to suffer losses
immediately upon exercise. This issue continued despite Robinhood’s warnings and education
materials available through Robinhood Learn. To prevent these losses, Robinhood Financial
implemented a procedure requiring customers to speak to a live registered representative before
exercising OTM options. This requirement was intended to provide an opportunity for the
representative to explain to the customer the downsides of exercising an OTM option. This
procedure remained in effect through January 28, 2021. As of January 29, 2021, Robinhood
Financial does not permit customers to exercise OTM options. Robinhood Financial has also
recently implemented a call-back service line dedicated to answering customers’ questions about
options trading, and we are in the process of expanding live phone support to customers needing
assistance with account security.
GameStop and Market Volatility
As has been widely reported, there was historic volatility in the trading of certain securities during
the week of January 25, 2021. This movement in the market garnered significant attention in the
press and was propelled, in part, by increased activity on social media. In the face of this
unprecedented volatility and volume, which has been cited as a five sigma event, Robinhood
Securities placed temporary restrictions on certain securities to facilitate compliance with
clearinghouse deposit requirements, thereby allowing Robinhood to continue to serve our
customers and comply with all trading regulations. A number of other brokerage firms imposed
similar restrictions for similar reasons.
Once again, I want to be clear. The action we took was
for one reason and one reason only: to allow us to continue to meet our regulatory deposit
To understand the actions Robinhood took in the wake of this market volatility, it is crucial to
understand how the clearing process currently operates. A brief overview of this process is
included below, followed by a description of Robinhood’s experience over the course of the week
of January 25.
When a customer buys or sells a security, Robinhood Financial, as the introducing broker, sends
the order to Robinhood Securities, the clearing broker, which routes the order for execution to a
market-maker and submits the resulting trade to a clearinghouse for clearance and settlement. For
equities, it takes several days for the clearinghouse to process the transaction and effect the related
transfers of cash and securities between buyers and sellers. This is known as “T+2” settlement,
denoting the trade date plus a two-day “settlement period.” This T+2 settlement cycle is codified
by SEC Rule 15c6-1(a), which prohibits broker-dealers from effecting the purchase or sale of a
security later than the second business day after the execution of the trade.
Pursuant to the SEC
Rule, a customer’s cash or securities is locked up during the T+2 settlement process.
To cover the open settlement risk during the settlement period, Robinhood Securities is required
to place a deposit using its own funds (not customer funds) at the clearinghouse to cover the risk
until the trade “settles.” To ensure that both sides follow through on a given trade, each side is
required to post collateral with the relevant clearinghouse for the two-day period between when a
trade is executed and when it settles. This collateral requirement is referred to as the “Value-at-
Risk” collateral (“VaR”). To calculate the collateral deposit requirement, the clearinghouse looks
See Mark DeCambre, GameStop and AMC Trading Restricted by TD Ameritrade, Schwab, Robinhood, Others,
(Jan. 27, 2021), https://www.marketwatch.com/story/gamestop-amc-trading-is-now-being-
Following the sale of securities, a customer’s funds need to settle for two business days before the funds can be
withdrawn. See Withdrawal Rules, Robinhood, https://robinhood.com/us/en/support /articles/withdraw-money-
at unsettled trades and applies a number of risk-based metrics. The clearinghouse may also assign
additional collateral requirements.
In order to clear and settle customer transactions, each trading day by 10:00 a.m. ET, clearing
brokers like Robinhood Securities must satisfy clearinghouse deposit requirements to support their
customer trades during the settlement period. Depending on a particular day’s deposit requirement
at the clearinghouse, Robinhood Securities may be required to deposit additional money with the
clearinghouse during the day.
On January 25, Robinhood Securities’ collateral obligation from NSCC, its principal
clearinghouse, totaled approximately $124 million. By January 27, Robinhood Securities
increased the margin maintenance to 100 percent for GameStop and other securities, making them
non marginable. This meant that customers had to pay cash to purchase these securities and they
could not use the securities as margin collateral to buy other stocks on margin. Robinhood also
began limiting customers from opening new options positions in GameStop and certain other
securities. These actions were taken for risk management purposes. The same day, the Chicago
Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, or “VIX”, spiked by 62%, a dramatic increase that the
Wall Street Journal reported was the third-largest percentage daily gain since 1990.
In just three
days, from January 25 to January 28, the price of GameStop shares rose over 530 percent.
At approximately 5:11 a.m. EST on January 28, the NSCC sent Robinhood Securities an automated
notice stating that Robinhood Securities had a deposit deficit of approximately $3 billion. That
deficit included a substantial increase in Robinhood Securities’s VaR based deposit requirement
to nearly $1.3 billion (up from $696 million), along with an “excess capital premium charge” of
over $2.2 billion. SEC rules prescribe the amount of regulatory net capital that Robinhood
Securities must have,
and on January 28 the amount of the NSCC VaR charge exceeded the
amount of net capital at Robinhood Securities, including the excess net capital maintained by the
firm. Under NSCC rules, this triggered a special assessmentthe “excess capital premium
charge.” In total, the NSCC automated notice indicated that Robinhood Securities owed NSCC a
total clearing fund deposit of approximately $3.7 billion. Robinhood Securities had approximately
$696 million already on deposit with NSCC, so the net amount due was approximately $3 billion.
Between 6:30 and 7:30 am EST, the Robinhood Securities operations team made the decision to
impose trading restrictions on GameStop and other securities.
In conversations with NSCC staff
early that morning, Robinhood Securities notified the NSCC of its intention to implement these
restrictions and also informed the NSCC of the margin restrictions that had already been imposed.
NSCC initially notified Robinhood Securities that it had reduced the excess capital premium
charge by more than half. Then, shortly after 9:00 am EST, NSCC informed Robinhood Securities
that the excess capital premium charge had been waived entirely for that day and the net deposit
Quentin Webb, Volatility Index Soars, WSJ (Jan. 27, 2021), https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/amc-gamestop-
Robinhood Securities remained in compliance with SEC net capital rules at all relevant times.
Those who owned GameStop and the other small number of restricted stocks could sell their shares but not buy
more, and those who were exercising options contracts on GameStop could buy shares to cover. Robinhood
Securities did not impose these trading restrictions at the request of hedge funds or to try and move prices in
GameStop one way or the other.
requirement was approximately $1.4 billion, nearly ten times the amount required just days earlier
on January 25. Robinhood Securities then deposited approximately $737 million with the NSCC
that, when added to the $696 million already on deposit, met the revised deposit requirement for
that day.
The chart below illustrates the approximate NSCC depository requirements that Robinhood
encountered over the course of the week of January 25, 2021
Daily VaR Requirement
Start of Day
Daily VaR Requirement
End of Day
January 25, 2021
$125 million
$202 million
January 26, 2021
$291 million
$291 million
January 27, 2021
$282 million
$690 million
January 28, 2021
$1.4 billion
$1.4 billion
January 29, 2021
$354 million
$753 million
The events of the week of January 25, 2021 and the related NSCC depository requirements were
unprecedented. In response, Robinhood took swift action to ensure that our customers could
continue trading in the thousands of other stocks available on our platform that day and in the days
Robinhood Securities worked quickly to remove trade restrictions in GameStop and other affected
securities. After Robinhood Securities paid the NSCC deposit requirement on January 28,
Robinhood began discussions with our investors to raise new capital to ensure that we could meet
future potential deposit requirements and thereby return to providing Robinhood customers
unrestricted access to all securities on the platform. Over the course of approximately four days,
we received commitments for approximately $3.4 billion from investors.
Robinhood’s Customer Notifications and Communications
Transparency is a priority at Robinhood, and the ability to restrict trades is disclosed to customers
when they sign up with Robinhood Financial. Robinhood’s ability to temporarily restrict trading
on certain securities during periods of significant volatility is communicated to our customers as
part of the account opening agreement. When opening an account, all customers are required to
sign a customer agreement, in which the customer acknowledges that Robinhood retains authority,
in its “sole discretion and without prior notice,” to restrict customer trading activity. Agreements
with these terms are standard across the industry.
In addition, on January 30, 2021, the SEC released an investor alert and bulletin titled, “Thinking
About Investing in the Latest Hot Stock? Understand the Significant Risks of Short-Term Trading
Based on Social Media,” which not only warned retail investors of the risk of short-term investing
Robinhood’s actual funds on deposit with NSCC may exceed the required deposit amounts.
See Robinhood Customer Agreement at 6 (“I understand Robinhood may at any time, in its sole discretion and
without prior notice to Me, prohibit or restrict My ability to trade securities.”); id. at 11 (“I understand that
Robinhood may, in its discretion, prohibit or restrict the trading of securities . . . in any of My Accounts.)
(available at https://cdn.robinhood.com/assets/robinhood/legal/Robinhood%20Customer%20Agreement.pdf).
in a volatile market, but made clear that broker-dealers had the right to reject or limit customer
transactions for legal, compliance, or risk management reasons. The SEC highlights that “in
certain circumstances, broker-dealers may determine not to accept orders where a transaction
presents certain associated compliance or legal risks.”
Throughout this recent period of heightened volatility in GameStop and other securities,
Robinhood Financial continued communicating with customers about the increased risks and the
importance of being an informed investor. Robinhood Financial also sent targeted messages to
customers with existing positions in GameStop and other affected securities informing them that
those securities were experiencing significant volatility and investments in those companies may
involve added risk.
Real-Time Settlement: Big Changes Could Protect Small Investors
As previously described, it takes the trade date plus two days for an equities transaction to be
cleared and settled by a clearinghouse. During this period, the buyer and seller of the security
must post collateral with the clearinghouse, and the clearinghouse may require an additional
deposit as excess collateral. Clearinghouses look at a firm’s unsettled equity trades when
determining how much collateral is required.
Clearinghouses look at a number of factors,
including volatility, when looking at specific stocks in order to quantify risk and may assign
additional charges based on how many unsettled trades there are of one stock.
Additionally, if a firm’s customers have more buy than sell orders, and the securities they are
buying are more volatile, the deposit requirement will be significantly higher.
For example, if a
broker-dealer’s customers have submitted more orders to purchase than to sell a particular security
and the price of the security that the broker-dealer’s customers are buying is more volatile, then
the resulting deposit requirement will generally be higher.
In addition to clearinghouse requirements, as broker-dealers, Robinhood Financial and Robinhood
Securities are subject to SEC regulations that require broker-dealers to maintain certain levels of
regulatory capital to ensure the ability to promptly satisfy their liabilities at all times.
The SEC’s
primary rule is generally referred to as the “Uniform Net Capital” rule, which sets forth a
methodology for computing a broker-dealer’s net capital, sets forth minimum net capital levels
which must be maintained at all times, establishes notification requirements in the event that a
broker-dealer’s level of net capital falls below certain minimum thresholds, and sets restrictions
Thinking About Investing in the Latest Hot Stock? Understand the Significant Risks of Short-Term Trading
Based on Social Media, SEC (Jan. 30, 2021), https://www.sec.gov /oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/risks-
See NSCC Disclosure Framework for Covered Clearing Agencies and Financial Market Infrastructures at 57-
61, DTCC (Dec. 31, 2020) https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compli
See SEC Release No. 34-82631, File No. SR-NSCC-2017-808, at 6 (the volatility charge formula is set forth at
Procedure XV, § 1(A)(1)(a)(i), p. 287-90 of the NSCC Rules and Procedures) (available at
See 17 C.F.R. § 240.15c3-1.
on broker-dealer activities when capital falls below certain levels.
The Uniform Net Capital Rule
functions as a net liquid assets requirement insofar as the rule recognizes only liquid assets as
contributing to regulatory capital.
To ensure compliance with the Uniform Net Capital Rule, broker-dealers perform repeated net
capital computations.
The calculation begins with the broker-dealer’s ownership equity under
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The broker-dealer is then required to perform
adjustments by deducting illiquid assets and applying variable “haircuts” or charges to risky assets
such as securities to compensate for market and credit risks. The resulting figure is the broker-
dealer’s regulatory capital. This amount is then compared to various minimums based on the
broker-dealer’s types and volume of activity. If a broker-dealer were to fail to maintain specified
levels of regulatory capital, it could be subject to immediate suspension or revocation of
registration, which could lead to the liquidation of its holdings on behalf of customers and the
elimination of its ability to serve its customers.
During the week of January 25, 2021, Robinhood saw the impact the T+2 trade settlement period
has on its customers and ultimately the entire American financial system. Clearinghouse deposit
requirements skyrocketed overnight. People were unable to buy some of the securities they
The existing two-day period to settle trades exposes investors and the industry to unnecessary risk
and is ripe for change. Every day, clearing brokers like Robinhood Securities have to meet deposit
requirements imposed by clearinghouses to support customer trades between the trade date and the
date the trades settle. Investors are left waiting for their trades to clear, and the clearing brokers
have their proprietary cash locked up, until the settlement is final days after the trade. The
clearinghouse deposit requirements are designed to mitigate risk, but last week’s wild market
activity showed that these requirements, coupled with an unnecessarily long settlement cycle, can
have unintended consequences that introduce new risks.
There is no reason why the greatest financial system the world has ever seen cannot settle trades
in real time. Doing so would greatly mitigate the risk that such processing poses. Indeed, real-
time settlement would have allowed Robinhood Securities to better react to periods of increased
volatility in the markets without restricting the purchasing of securities.
It has been four years since the securities industry moved from a three-day to a two-day settlement
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation has recognized the benefits of an even
shorter timeframe, leveraging technology.
Meanwhile, millions of new investors have entered
See Net Capital Requirements for Brokers or Dealers SEC Rule 15c3-1, FINRA (2014),
See SEC Adopts T+2 Settlement Cycle for Securities Transactions, SEC (Mar. 22, 2017),
See Modernizing the U.S. Equity Markets Post-Trade Infrastructure, DTCC (Jan. 2018) available at
the market for the first time as technology transforms the world. It is time for the financial system
to catch up.
The industry, Congress, regulators, and other stakeholders need to come together to deploy our
intellectual capital and engineering resources to move to real-time settlement of U.S. equities.
Accomplishing this won’t be without its well-documented challenges, but it is the right thing to
do and Robinhood is eager to drive this critical effort on behalf of all investors.
There are certainly lessons to be learned from the events of the last month, and Robinhood looks
forward to being part of the conversation around these issues moving forward. I want to thank the
millions of customers who use Robinhood to access the markets every day and to express my
appreciation for being able to discuss these important issues with you today. I welcome the
opportunity to answer your questions.