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17-29-101. Short title.
This chapter may be cited as the "Wyoming Limited Liability
Company Act".
17-29-102. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Articles of organization" means the articles
required by W.S. 17-29-201(b). The term includes the articles as
amended or restated;
(ii) "Contribution" means any benefit provided by a
person to a limited liability company:
(A) In order to become a member upon formation
of the company and in accordance with an agreement between or
among the persons that have agreed to become the initial members
of the company;
(B) In order to become a member after formation
of the company and in accordance with an agreement between the
person and the company; or
(C) In the person's capacity as a member and in
accordance with the operating agreement or an agreement between
the member and the company.
(iii) "Debtor in bankruptcy" means a person that is
the subject of:
(A) An order for relief under Title 11 of the
United States Code or a successor statute of general
application; or
(B) A comparable order under federal, state or
foreign law governing insolvency.
(iv) "Designated office" means:
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(A) The office of a registered agent that a
limited liability company is required to designate and maintain
under W.S. 17-28-101; or
(B) The principal office of a foreign limited
liability company.
(v) "Distribution", except as otherwise provided in
W.S. 17-29-405(g), means a transfer of money or other property
from a limited liability company to another person on account of
a transferable interest;
(vi) "Effective" with respect to a record required or
permitted to be delivered to the secretary of state for filing
under this article, means effective under W.S. 17-29-205(c);
(vii) "Foreign limited liability company" means an
unincorporated entity formed under the law of a jurisdiction
other than this state and denominated by that law as a limited
liability company or which appears to the secretary of state to
possess characteristics sufficiently similar to those of a
limited liability company organized under this chapter;
(viii) "Limited liability company", except in the
phrase "foreign limited liability company", means an entity
formed under this chapter;
(ix) "Low profit limited liability company" means a
limited liability company that has set forth in its articles of
organization a business purpose that satisfies, and which
limited liability company is at all times operated to satisfy,
each of the following requirements:
(A) The entity significantly furthers the
accomplishment of one (1) or more charitable or educational
purposes within the meaning of section 170(c)(2)(B) of the
Internal Revenue Code and would not have been formed but for the
entity's relationship to the accomplishment of charitable or
educational purposes;
(B) No significant purpose of the entity is the
production of income or the appreciation of property provided,
however, that the fact that an entity produces significant
income or capital appreciation shall not, in the absence of
other factors, be conclusive evidence of a significant purpose
involving the production of income or the appreciation of
property; and
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(C) No purpose of the entity is to accomplish
one (1) or more political or legislative purposes within the
meaning of section 170(c)(2)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(x) "Manager" means a person that under the operating
agreement of a manager-managed limited liability company is
responsible, alone or in concert with others, for performing the
management functions stated in W.S. 17-29-407(c);
(xi) "Manager-managed limited liability company"
means a limited liability company that qualifies under W.S. 17-
(xii) "Member" means a person that has become a
member of a limited liability company under W.S. 17-29-401 and
has not dissociated under W.S. 17-29-602;
(xiii) "Member-managed limited liability company"
means a limited liability company that is not a manager-managed
limited liability company;
(xiv) "Operating agreement" means the agreement,
whether or not referred to as an operating agreement and whether
oral, in a record, implied or in any combination thereof, of all
the members of a limited liability company, including a sole
member, concerning the matters described in W.S. 17-29-110(a).
The term includes the agreement as amended or restated;
(xv) "Organizer" means a person that acts under W.S.
17-29-201 to form a limited liability company;
(xvi) "Person" means as defined by W.S. 8-1-
(xvii) "Principal office" means the principal
executive office of a limited liability company or foreign
limited liability company, whether or not the office is located
in this state;
(xviii) "Record" means information that is inscribed
on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other
medium and is retrievable in perceivable form;
(xix) "Sign" or "signature" includes any manual,
facsimile, conformed or electronic signature;
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(xx) "State" means a state of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin
Islands or any territory or insular possession subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States;
(xxi) "Transfer" includes an assignment, conveyance,
deed, bill of sale, lease, mortgage, security interest,
encumbrance, gift or transfer by operation of law;
(xxii) "Transferable interest" means the right, as
originally associated with a person's capacity as a member, to
receive distributions from a limited liability company in
accordance with the operating agreement, whether or not the
person remains a member or continues to own any part of the
(xxiii) "Transferee" means a person to which all or
part of a transferable interest has been transferred, whether or
not the transferor is a member;
(xxiv) "Financial institution" means a bank, savings
and loan association or state chartered credit union;
(xxv) "Majority of the members," unless the operating
agreement provides otherwise, means:
(A) For a limited liability company formed
before July 1, 2010, more than fifty percent (50%) of its
membership interests based on each member’s proportionate
contribution to the capital of the limited liability company, as
adjusted from time to time to properly reflect any additional
contributions or withdrawals by the members, unless the limited
liability company amends its articles of organization to provide
(B) For a limited liability company formed on or
after July 1, 2010, a per capita majority of the members.
17-29-103. Knowledge; notice.
(a) A person knows a fact when the person:
(i) Has actual knowledge of it; or
(ii) Is deemed to know it under paragraph (d)(i) of
this section or law other than this chapter.
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(b) A person has notice of a fact when the person:
(i) Has reason to know the fact from all of the facts
known to the person at the time in question; or
(ii) Is deemed to have notice of the fact under
paragraph (d)(ii) of this section.
(c) A person notifies another of a fact by taking steps
reasonably required to inform the other person in ordinary
course, whether or not the other person knows the fact.
(d) A person that is not a member is deemed:
(i) To know of a limitation on authority to transfer
real property as provided in W.S. 17-29-302(g); and
(ii) To have notice of a limited liability company's:
(A) Dissolution, ninety (90) days after articles
of dissolution under W.S. 17-29-702(b)(ii)(A) and the limitation
on the member's or manager's authority as a result of the
statement of dissolution becomes effective;
(B) Reserved; and
(C) Merger, conversion, continuance, transfer or
domestication, ninety (90) days after articles of merger,
conversion, continuance, transfer or domestication under article
10 of this chapter become effective.
17-29-104. Nature, purpose and duration of limited
liability company.
(a) A limited liability company is an entity distinct from
its members.
(b) A limited liability company may have any lawful
purpose, regardless of whether for profit.
(c) A limited liability company has perpetual duration.
(d) Limited liability companies may be organized under
this chapter for any lawful purpose, except for the purpose of
acting as a financial institution or acting as an insurer as
defined in W.S. 26-1-102(a)(xvi).
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(e) Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted as
precluding an individual whose occupation requires licensure
under Wyoming law from forming a limited liability company if
the applicable licensing statutes do not prohibit it and the
licensing body does not prohibit it by rule or regulation
adopted consistent with the appropriate licensing statute. No
limited liability company may offer professional services or
practice a profession except by and through its licensed members
or licensed employees, each of whom shall retain his
professional license in good standing and shall remain as fully
liable and responsible for his professional activities, and
subject to all rules, regulations, standards and requirements
pertaining thereto, as though practicing individually rather
than in a limited liability company.
17-29-105. Powers.
A limited liability company has the capacity to sue and be sued
in its own name and the power to do all things necessary or
convenient to carry on its activities.
17-29-106. Governing law.
(a) The law of this state governs:
(i) The internal affairs of a limited liability
company; and
(ii) The liability of a member as member and a
manager as manager for the debts, obligations or other
liabilities of a limited liability company.
17-29-107. Supplemental principles of law;
(a) Unless displaced by particular provisions of this
chapter, the principles of law and equity supplement this
(b) The Financial Technology Sandbox Act shall apply to
this chapter.
17-29-108. Name.
(a) The words "limited liability company," or its
abbreviations "LLC" or "L.L.C.," "limited company," or its
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abbreviations "LC" or "L.C.," "Ltd. liability company," "Ltd.
liability co." or "limited liability co." shall be included in
the name of every limited liability company formed under the
provisions of this act except the name of a low profit limited
liability company, as defined in W.S. 17-29-102(a)(ix) shall
contain the abbreviations "L3C," "l3c," "low profit ltd.
liability company," "low profit ltd. liability co." or "low
profit limited liability co.". In addition, the limited
liability company name may not:
(i) Contain a word or phrase which indicates or
implies that it is organized for a purpose other than one (1) or
more of the purposes contained in its articles of organization;
(ii) Be the same as, or deceptively similar to, any
trademark or service mark registered in this state and shall be
distinguishable upon the records of the secretary of state from
other business names as provided in W.S. 17-16-401;
(iii) Contain a word or phrase which indicates or
implies that it is organized under the Wyoming Business
Corporation Act, the Wyoming Statutory Close Corporation
Supplement or the Nonprofit Corporation Act.
(b) Nothing in this article shall prohibit the use of a
tradename in accordance with applicable law.
17-29-109. Reservation of name.
(a) A person may reserve the exclusive use of the name of
a limited liability company, including a fictitious or assumed
name for a foreign limited liability company whose name is not
available, by delivering an application to the secretary of
state for filing. The application must state the name and
address of the applicant and the name proposed to be reserved.
If the secretary of state finds that the name for which
application has been made is available, it shall be reserved for
the applicant's exclusive use for a one hundred twenty (120) day
(b) The owner of a name reserved for a limited liability
company may transfer the reservation to another person by
delivering to the secretary of state for filing a signed notice
of the transfer which states the name and address of the
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17-29-110. Operating agreement; scope, function and
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (b) and
(c) of this section, the operating agreement governs all of the
(i) Relations among the members as members and
between the members and the limited liability company;
(ii) The rights and duties under this chapter of a
person in the capacity of manager;
(iii) The activities of the company and the conduct
of those activities;
(iv) The means and conditions for amending the
operating agreement;
(v) Management rights and voting rights of members;
(vi) Transferability of membership interests;
(vii) Distributions to members prior to dissolution;
(viii) All other aspects of the management of the
limited liability company.
(b) To the extent the operating agreement does not
otherwise provide for a matter described in subsection (a) of
this section, this chapter governs the matter.
(c) An operating agreement shall not:
(i) Vary a limited liability company's capacity under
W.S. 17-29-105 to sue and be sued in its own name;
(ii) Vary the law applicable under W.S 17-29-106;
(iii) Vary the power of the court under W.S. 17-29-
(iv) Reserved;
(v) Eliminate the contractual obligation of good
faith and fair dealing under W.S. 17-29-409(d);
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(vi) Unreasonably restrict the duties and rights
stated in W.S. 17-29-410;
(vii) Vary the power of a court to decree dissolution
in the circumstances specified in W.S. 17-29-701(a)(iv) and (v);
(viii) Vary the requirement to wind up a limited
liability company's business as specified in W.S. 17-29-702(a)
and (b)(i);
(ix) Unreasonably restrict the right of a member to
maintain an action under article 9 of this chapter;
(x) Reserved; or
(xi) Reserved.
17-29-111. Operating agreement; effect on limited
liability company and persons becoming members;
preformation agreement.
(a) A limited liability company is bound by and may
enforce the operating agreement, whether or not the company has
itself manifested assent to the operating agreement.
(b) A person that becomes a member of a limited liability
company is deemed to assent to the operating agreement.
(c) Two (2) or more persons intending to become the
initial members of a limited liability company may make an
agreement providing that upon the formation of the company the
agreement will become the operating agreement. One (1) person
intending to become the initial member of a limited liability
company may assent to terms providing that upon the formation of
the company the terms will become the operating agreement.
17-29-112. Operating agreement; effect on third
parties and relationship to records effective on behalf
of limited liability company.
(a) An operating agreement may specify that its amendment
requires the approval of a person that is not a party to the
operating agreement or the satisfaction of a condition. An
amendment is ineffective if its adoption does not include the
required approval or satisfy the specified condition.
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(b) The obligations of a limited liability company and its
members to a person in the person's capacity as a transferee or
dissociated member are governed by the operating agreement. An
amendment to the operating agreement made after a person becomes
a transferee or dissociated member is effective with regard to
any debt, obligation or other liability of the limited liability
company or its members to the person in the person's capacity as
a transferee or dissociated member.
(c) If a record that has been delivered by a limited
liability company to the secretary of state for filing and has
become effective under this chapter contains a provision that
would be ineffective under W.S. 17-29-110(c) if contained in the
operating agreement, the provision is likewise ineffective in
the record.
(d) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, if a record
that has been delivered by a limited liability company to the
secretary of state for filing and has become effective under
this chapter conflicts with a provision of the operating
(i) The operating agreement prevails as to members,
dissociated members, transferees and managers; and
(ii) The record prevails as to other persons to the
extent they reasonably rely on the record.
17-29-113. Registered office and registered agent to
be maintained.
(a) Each limited liability company shall have and
continuously maintain in this state:
(i) A registered office as provided in W.S. 17-28-101
through 17-28-111;
(ii) A registered agent as provided in W.S. 17-28-101
through 17-28-111.
(b) The provisions of W.S. 17-28-101 through 17-28-111
shall apply to all limited liability companies.
17-29-114. Foreign limited liability companies;
operation; revocation and reinstatement of certificates
of authority.
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To the extent not inconsistent with this act or the provisions
of the Wyoming Business Corporations Act, a foreign limited
liability company shall do business in Wyoming by complying with
the provisions of W.S. 17-16-1501 through 17-16-1536 in the same
manner as a foreign corporation. A foreign limited liability
company's certificate of authority shall be revoked or
reinstated in the manner provided for foreign corporations in
W.S. 17-16-1530 through 17-16-1532.
17-29-201. Formation of limited liability company;
articles of organization.
(a) One (1) or more persons may act as organizers to form
a limited liability company by signing and delivering to the
secretary of state for filing articles of organization.
(b) Articles of organization shall state:
(i) The name of the limited liability company, which
must comply with W.S. 17-29-108;
(ii) The street address of the limited liability
company's initial registered office and the name of its initial
registered agent at that office; and
(iii) Reserved.
(c) The articles of organization shall be accompanied by a
written consent to appointment signed by the registered agent.
(d) Subject to W.S. 17-29-112(c), articles of organization
may also contain statements as to matters other than those
required by subsection (b) of this section. However, a statement
in articles of organization is not effective as a statement of
(e) The following rules apply:
(i) A limited liability company is formed when the
articles of organization become effective, unless the articles
state a delayed effective date pursuant to W.S. 17-29-205(c);
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(ii) If the articles state a delayed effective date,
a limited liability company is not formed if, before the
articles take effect, a statement of cancellation is signed and
delivered to the secretary of state for filing and the secretary
of state files the articles;
(iii) Subject to any delayed effective date and
except in a proceeding by this state to dissolve a limited
liability company, the filing of the articles of organization by
the secretary of state is conclusive proof that the organizer
satisfied all conditions to the formation of a limited liability
17-29-202. Amendment or restatement of articles of
(a) Articles of organization may be amended or restated at
any time. Articles of organization shall be amended when:
(i) There is a change in the name of the limited
liability company;
(ii) There is a false or erroneous statement in the
articles of organization.
(b) To amend its articles of organization, a limited
liability company must deliver to the secretary of state for
filing an amendment stating:
(i) The name of the company;
(ii) The date of filing of its articles of
organization; and
(iii) The changes the amendment makes to the articles
as most recently amended or restated.
(c) To restate its articles of organization, a limited
liability company shall deliver to the secretary of state for
filing a restatement, designated as such in its heading,
(i) In the heading or an introductory paragraph, the
company's present name and the date of the filing of the
company's initial articles of organization; and
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(ii) The changes the restatement makes to the
articles as most recently amended or restated.
(d) Subject to W.S. 17-29-112(c) and 17-29-205(c), an
amendment to or restatement of articles of organization is
effective when delivered for filing with the secretary of state.
(e) If a member of a member-managed limited liability
company, or a manager of a manager-managed limited liability
company, knows that any information in filed articles of
organization was inaccurate when the articles were filed or has
become inaccurate owing to changed circumstances, the member or
manager shall promptly:
(i) Cause the articles to be amended; or
(ii) If appropriate, deliver to the secretary of
state for filing a statement of correction under W.S. 17-28-102
or a statement of correction under W.S. 17-29-206.
17-29-203. Signing of records to be delivered for
filing to secretary of state.
(a) A record delivered to the secretary of state for
filing pursuant to this chapter shall be signed as follows:
(i) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (ii)
through (iv) of this subsection, a record signed on behalf of a
limited liability company shall be signed by a person authorized
by the company;
(ii) A limited liability company's initial articles
of organization shall be signed by at least one (1) person
acting as an organizer;
(iii) Reserved;
(iv) A record filed on behalf of a dissolved limited
liability company that has no members shall be signed by the
person winding up the company's activities under W.S. 17-29-
702(c) or a person appointed under W.S. 17-29-702(d) to wind up
those activities;
(v) A statement of cancellation under W.S. 17-29-
201(e)(ii) shall be signed by each organizer that signed the
initial articles of organization, but a personal representative
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of a deceased or incompetent organizer may sign in the place of
the decedent or incompetent;
(vi) A statement of denial by a person under W.S. 17-
29-303 shall be signed by that person; and
(vii) Any other record shall be signed by the person
on whose behalf the record is delivered to the secretary of
(b) Any record filed under this chapter may be signed by
an agent.
17-29-204. Signing and filing pursuant to judicial
(a) If a person required by this chapter to sign a record
or deliver a record to the secretary of state for filing under
this chapter does not do so, any other person that is aggrieved
may petition the appropriate court to order:
(i) The person to sign the record;
(ii) The person to deliver the record to the
secretary of state for filing; or
(iii) The secretary of state to file the record
(b) If a petitioner under subsection (a) of this section
is not the limited liability company or foreign limited
liability company to which the record pertains, the petitioner
shall make the company a party to the action.
17-29-205. Delivery to and filing of records by
secretary of state; effective time and date.
(a) A record authorized or required to be delivered to the
secretary of state for filing under this chapter shall be
captioned to describe the record's purpose, be in a medium
permitted by the secretary of state, and be delivered to the
secretary of state. If the filing fees required by this act or
other law and any past due fees, taxes or penalties have been
paid, unless the secretary of state determines that a record
does not comply with the filing requirements of this chapter,
the secretary of state shall file the record and:
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(i) For a statement of denial under W.S. 17-29-303,
send a copy of the filed statement and a receipt for the fees to
the person on whose behalf the statement was delivered for
filing and to the limited liability company; and
(ii) For all other records, send a copy of the filed
record and a receipt for the fees to the person on whose behalf
the record was filed.
(b) Upon request and payment of the requisite fee, the
secretary of state shall send to the requester a certified copy
of a requested record.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in W.S. 17-28-103 and 17-
29-206, a record delivered to the secretary of state for filing
under this article shall be effective as provided in W.S. 17-16-
(d) If the secretary of state refuses to file a record
under subsection (a) of this section, the secretary of state
shall return it to the limited liability company or its
representative within fifteen (15) days after the record was
delivered, together with a brief, written explanation of the
reason for the refusal.
17-29-206. Correcting filed record.
(a) A limited liability company or foreign limited
liability company may deliver to the secretary of state for
filing a statement of correction to correct a record previously
delivered by the company to the secretary of state and filed by
the secretary of state, if at the time of filing the record
contained inaccurate information or was defectively signed.
(b) A statement of correction under subsection (a) of this
section may not state a delayed effective date and shall:
(i) Describe the record to be corrected, including
its filing date, or attach a copy of the record as filed;
(ii) Specify the inaccurate information and the
reason it is inaccurate or the manner in which the signing was
defective; and
(iii) Correct the defective signature or inaccurate
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(c) When filed by the secretary of state, a statement of
correction under subsection (a) of this section is effective
retroactively as of the effective date of the record the
statement corrects, but the statement is effective when filed:
(i) For the purposes of W.S. 17-29-103(d); and
(ii) As to persons that previously relied on the
uncorrected record and would be adversely affected by the
retroactive effect.
17-29-207. Liability for inaccurate information in
filed record.
(a) If a record delivered to the secretary of state for
filing under this chapter and filed by the secretary of state
contains inaccurate information, a person that suffers a loss by
reliance on the information may recover damages for the loss
(i) A person that signed the record, or caused
another to sign it on the person's behalf, and knew the
information to be inaccurate at the time the record was signed;
(ii) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a
member of a member-managed limited liability company or the
manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, if:
(A) The record was delivered for filing on
behalf of the company; and
(B) The member or manager had notice of the
inaccuracy for a reasonably sufficient time before the
information was relied upon so that, before the reliance, the
member or manager reasonably could have:
(I) Effected an amendment under W.S. 17-29-
(II) Filed a petition under W.S. 17-29-204;
(III) Delivered to the secretary of state
for filing a statement of correction under W.S. 17-28-102 or a
statement of correction under W.S. 17-29-206.
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(b) To the extent that the operating agreement of a
member-managed limited liability company expressly relieves a
member of responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of
information contained in records delivered on behalf of the
company to the secretary of state for filing under this chapter
and imposes that responsibility on one (1) or more other
members, the liability stated in paragraph (a)(ii) of this
section applies to those other members and not to the member
that the operating agreement relieves of the responsibility.
(c) An individual who signs a record authorized or
required to be filed under this chapter affirms under penalty of
perjury that the information stated in the record is accurate.
17-29-208. Certificate of existence or
(a) The secretary of state, upon request and payment of
the requisite fee, shall furnish to any person a certificate of
existence for a limited liability company if the records filed
in the office of the secretary of state show that the company
has been formed under W.S. 17-29-201 and the secretary of state
has not filed articles of dissolution pertaining to the company.
A certificate of existence shall state:
(i) The company's name;
(ii) That the company was duly formed under the laws
of this state and the date of formation;
(iii) Whether all fees, taxes and penalties due under
this chapter or other law to the secretary of state have been
(iv) Whether the company's most recent annual report
required by W.S. 17-29-209 has been filed by the secretary of
(v) Whether the secretary of state has
administratively dissolved the company;
(vi) Whether the company has delivered to the
secretary of state for filing articles of dissolution;
(vii) Reserved; and
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(viii) Other facts of record in the office of the
secretary of state which are specified by the person requesting
the certificate.
(b) Subject to any qualification stated in the
certificate, a certificate of existence or certificate of
authorization issued by the secretary of state is conclusive
evidence that the limited liability company is in existence.
17-29-209. Annual report for secretary of state.
(a) Every limited liability company organized under the
laws of this state and every foreign limited liability company
which obtains a certificate of authority to transact and carry
on business within this state shall file with the secretary of
state on or before the first day of the month of organization of
every year a certification, under the penalty of perjury, by its
treasurer or other fiscal agent setting forth its capital,
property and assets located and employed in the state of
Wyoming. The statement shall give the address of its principal
office. On or before the first day of the month of organization
of every year the limited liability company or foreign limited
liability company shall pay to the secretary of state in
addition to all other statutory taxes and fees a license fee
based upon the sum of its capital, property and assets reported,
of sixty dollars ($60.00) or two-tenths of one mill on the
dollar ($.0002), whichever is greater.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall
be modified as follows:
(i) Any limited liability company or foreign limited
liability company engaged in the public calling of carrying
goods, passengers or information interstate is not required to
comply with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section
except to the extent of capital, property and assets used in
intrastate business in this state;
(ii) The value of all mines and mining claims from
which gold, silver and other precious metals, soda, saline,
coal, mineral oil or other valuable deposit, is or shall be
produced is deemed equivalent to the assessed value of the gross
product thereof, for the previous year;
(iii) The assessed value of any property shall be its
actual value.
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(c) Financial information in the annual report shall be
current as of the end of the limited liability company's or
foreign limited liability company's fiscal year immediately
preceding the date the annual report is executed on behalf of
the company. All other information in the annual report shall be
current as of the date the annual report is executed on behalf
of the company.
(d) If an annual report does not contain the information
required by this section, the secretary of state shall promptly
notify the reporting domestic or foreign limited liability
company in writing and return the report to it for correction.
(e) Every limited liability company or foreign limited
liability company registered or authorized to do business in the
state of Wyoming shall preserve for three (3) years at its
principal place of business, suitable records and books as may
be necessary to determine the amount of fee for which it is
liable under this section. All records and books shall be
available for examination by the secretary of state or his
designee during regular business hours except as arranged by
mutual consent.
17-29-210. Fees; annual fee.
(a) The secretary of state shall charge and collect fees
from limited liability companies and foreign limited liability
companies for:
(i) Filing the original articles of organization, one
hundred dollars ($100.00);
(ii) For amending the articles of organization, a
filing fee of sixty dollars ($60.00);
(iii) An annual fee accompanying the report required
in W.S. 17-29-209, due and payable on or before the date of the
filing under W.S. 17-29-209;
(iv) Filing, service and copying fees for those
services provided by his office for which a fee is not otherwise
established. A fee shall not exceed the cost of providing the
(v) Issuing a certificate of authority for a foreign
limited liability company, a filing fee of one hundred fifty
dollars ($150.00).
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(b) Except for articles of organization, any document to
be filed with the secretary of state shall be signed by the
member, members, manager, managers or other authorized
individual as set forth in the operating agreement. A person
signing a document, including the articles of organization, he
knows is false in any material respect with intent that the
document be delivered to the secretary of state for filing under
this act is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not
more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), by imprisonment for
not more than six (6) months, or both.
(c) Any foreign limited liability company transacting
business in this state without obtaining a certificate of
authority as required by W.S. 17-16-1501 and 17-29-114 is
subject to the penalties provided by W.S. 17-16-1502(d).
17-29-211. Series of members, managers, transferable
interests or assets.
(a) An operating agreement may establish or provide for
the establishment of one (1) or more designated series of
members, managers, transferable interests or assets. This
section shall govern any matter with respect to a series to the
extent not otherwise provided in the operating agreement.
(b) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, if an
operating agreement establishes or provides for the
establishment of a particular series:
(i) The debts, obligations or other liabilities of
the particular series, whether arising in contract, tort or
otherwise, shall be enforceable against the assets of the series
only and not against:
(A) The assets of the limited liability company
generally or any other series thereof;
(B) Any member of the limited liability company.
(ii) The debts, obligations or other liabilities of
the limited liability company generally or any other series
thereof, whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, shall
not be enforceable against the assets of the particular series.
(c) The limitations on liabilities in subsection (b) of
this section shall only apply if:
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(i) The records for the particular series that
account for the assets of the series are separately maintained
from the records that account for the assets of the limited
liability company or any other series thereof. Records that
reasonably identify the assets of a particular series, including
by specific listing, category, type, quantity, computational or
allocational formula or procedure such as a percentage or share
of assets or by any other method where the identity of the
assets is objectively determinable, shall be deemed to account
for the assets of the particular series separately from the
assets of the limited liability company or any other series
(ii) The operating agreement specifically provides
for the limitations on liabilities; and
(iii) Notice of the limitations on liabilities of the
particular series is included in the articles of organization.
Notice under this paragraph shall be sufficient whether or not
the limited liability company has established or referenced any
particular series in the notice.
(d) Nothing in this section, an operating agreement or
articles of organization shall restrict:
(i) A series or limited liability company on behalf
of a series from agreeing in the operating agreement or
otherwise that any or all of the debts, obligations or other
liabilities of the limited liability company generally or any
other series thereof shall be enforceable against the assets of
the series;
(ii) A limited liability company from agreeing in the
operating agreement or otherwise that any or all of the debts,
obligations or other liabilities of a series shall be
enforceable against the assets of the limited liability company
generally; or
(iii) Notwithstanding W.S. 17-29-304(a), a member or
manager from agreeing in the operating agreement or otherwise to
be personally liable for any or all of the debts, obligations or
other liabilities of a series.
(e) A series established under this section shall have the
power and capacity to, in its own name, contract, hold title to
assets including real, personal and intangible property, grant
liens and security interests and sue and be sued. A series may:
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 22 of 76
(i) Have separate rights, powers or duties with
respect to specified property or obligations of the limited
liability company or profits and losses associated with
specified property or obligations;
(ii) Carry on any lawful purpose regardless of
whether for profit, except for the purpose of acting as a
financial institution or acting as an insurer as defined in W.S.
(iii) Hold assets directly or indirectly, including
in the name of the series or the name of the limited liability
(f) An operating agreement that establishes or provides
for the establishment of a series may:
(i) Provide for classes or groups of members or
managers of the series having the relative rights, powers and
duties specified in the operating agreement;
(ii) Provide for and specify the future creation of
additional classes or groups of members or managers of the
series having the relative rights, powers and duties as may be
established, including rights, powers and duties senior to
existing classes and groups of members or managers of the
(iii) Provide for the taking of an action, including
the amendment of the operating agreement, without the vote or
approval of any member or manager or class or group of members
or managers of the series;
(iv) Provide that any member or class or group of
members of a series shall have no voting rights;
(v) Grant to all or certain identified members or
managers or class or group of members or managers of the series
the right to vote on any matter separately or with all or any
class or group of members or managers of the series. Voting by
members or managers may be on a per capita, number, financial
interest, class, group or other basis.
(g) The management of a series shall be vested as follows:
(i) In the members of the series pursuant to W.S. 17-
29-407(b). A member shall cease to be a member of a series upon
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 23 of 76
the divestment of all of the member's transferable interests of
the series. The fact that a person ceases to be a member of a
particular series shall not by itself cause the person to cease
to be a member of the limited liability company or any other
series thereof or cause the termination of the series,
regardless of whether the person was the last remaining member
of the series; or
(ii) If the operating agreement provides for the
management of the series in whole or in part by a manager, the
management shall be vested in one (1) or more managers who shall
be chosen as provided in the operating agreement and who shall
hold the offices and have the responsibilities as specified in
the agreement. A manager shall cease to be a manager of a series
as provided in an operating agreement and subject to W.S. 17-29-
407(c)(v). The fact that a person ceases to be a manager of a
particular series shall not by itself cause the person to cease
to be a manager of the limited liability company or any other
series thereof.
(h) Notwithstanding W.S. 17-29-404 and subject to
subsections (j) and (m) of this section, if a member of a series
becomes entitled to receive a distribution, the member has the
status of, and is entitled to all remedies available to, a
creditor of the series with respect to the distribution. An
operating agreement may provide for the establishment of a
record date for allocations and distributions associated with a
(j) Notwithstanding W.S. 17-29-405(a), a limited liability
company may make a distribution with respect to a series that
has been established under this section unless the total assets
of the series after the distribution would be less than the sum
of its total liabilities plus the amount that would be needed,
if the series were to be dissolved, wound up and terminated at
the time of the distribution, to satisfy the preferential rights
upon winding up and termination of members whose preferential
rights are superior to those of the persons receiving the
distribution. A member that receives a distribution knowing that
the distribution was made in violation of this subsection is
personally liable to the series for the amount of the
distribution. This subsection shall not affect any obligation or
liability of a member under an agreement or other applicable law
for the amount of a distribution, except that any action under
this subsection shall be subject to W.S. 17-29-406(e). For
purposes of this subsection, "distribution" does not include
amounts constituting reasonable compensation for present or past
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 24 of 76
services or reasonable payments made in the ordinary course of
business under a bona fide retirement plan or other benefits
(k) Subject to W.S. 17-29-702, a series established under
this section may be terminated and its affairs wound up without
causing the dissolution of the limited liability company. The
termination of the series shall not affect the limitations on
liabilities of the series as provided in subsection (b) of this
section. A series is terminated and its affairs shall be wound
up upon the occurrence of any of the following:
(i) The dissolution of the limited liability company
under W.S. 17-29-702;
(ii) The time or happening of events specified in the
operating agreement;
(iii) The vote or consent of members of the series
who own more than two-thirds (2/3) of the interests in the
profits of the series; or
(iv) On application by a member or manager of the
series, the entry of a court order terminating the series on the
grounds that it is not reasonably practicable to carry on the
purposes of the series in conformity with the operating
(m) A person winding up the affairs of a series may, in
the name of the limited liability company and for and on behalf
of the limited liability company and the series, take all
actions with respect to the series as authorized by W.S. 17-29-
702. The person shall provide for the claims and obligations of
the series and distribute the assets of the series as provided
in W.S. 17-29-708. Actions taken in accordance with this
subsection shall not affect the liability of members and shall
not impose liability on a liquidating trustee appointed in
accordance with this subsection. Notwithstanding W.S. 17-29-702,
the following persons may wind up the affairs of a series:
(i) A manager of the series who has not wrongfully
terminated the series;
(ii) If the series has no manager who qualifies under
paragraph (i) of this subsection, the members of the series or a
person approved by the members;
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(iii) The members who own more than fifty (50%)
percent of the interests in the profits of the series;
(iv) On application of a member or manager of the
series or any personal representative or assignee of the member
or manager, and upon cause shown, a court or a liquidating
trustee appointed by the court.
(n) A foreign limited liability company doing business in
this state and governed by an operating agreement that
establishes or provides for the establishment of one (1) or more
designated series of members, managers, transferable interests
or assets shall state the following on its certificate of
(i) That the operating agreement of the foreign
limited liability company establishes or provides for the
establishment of series having separate rights, powers or duties
with respect to specified property or obligations of the foreign
limited liability company or profits and losses associated with
specified property or obligations;
(ii) If any of the debts, obligations or other
liabilities of any particular series, whether arising in
contract, tort or otherwise, shall be enforceable against the
assets of the particular series only and not against the assets
of the foreign limited liability company generally or any other
series thereof;
(iii) If any of the debts, obligations or other
liabilities of the foreign limited liability company generally
or any other series thereof, whether arising in contract, tort
or otherwise, shall be enforceable against the assets of the
particular series.
(o) The secretary of state shall charge and collect fees
from limited liability companies and foreign limited liability
companies establishing one (1) or more series in the amount of
ten dollars ($10.00) per series designated or established under
this section.
17-29-301. No agency power of member as member.
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(a) A member is not an agent of a limited liability
company solely by reason of being a member.
(b) A person's status as a member does not prevent or
restrict law other than this chapter from imposing liability on
a limited liability company because of the person's conduct.
17-29-302. Statement of authority.
(a) A limited liability company may deliver to the
secretary of state for filing a statement of authority. The
(i) Shall include the name of the company and the
street and mailing addresses of its designated office;
(ii) With respect to any position that exists in or
with respect to the company, may state the authority, or
limitations on the authority, of all persons holding the
position to:
(A) Execute an instrument transferring real
property held in the name of the company; or
(B) Enter into other transactions on behalf of,
or otherwise act for or bind, the company; and
(iii) May state the authority, or limitations on the
authority, of a specific person to:
(A) Execute an instrument transferring real
property held in the name of the company; or
(B) Enter into other transactions on behalf of,
or otherwise act for or bind, the company.
(b) To amend or cancel a statement of authority filed by
the secretary of state under W.S. 17-29-205(a), a limited
liability company shall deliver to the secretary of state for
filing an amendment or cancellation stating:
(i) The name of the company;
(ii) The street and mailing addresses of the
company's designated office;
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(iii) The caption of the statement being amended or
cancelled and the date the statement being affected became
effective; and
(iv) The contents of the amendment or a declaration
that the statement being affected is cancelled.
(c) A statement of authority affects only the power of a
person to bind a limited liability company to persons that are
not members.
(d) Subject to subsection (c) of this section and W.S. 17-
29-103(d) and except as otherwise provided in subsections (f),
(g) and (h) of this section, a limitation on the authority of a
person or a position contained in an effective statement of
authority is not by itself evidence of knowledge or notice of
the limitation by any person.
(e) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a grant of
authority not pertaining to transfers of real property and
contained in an effective statement of authority is conclusive
in favor of a person that gives value in reliance on the grant,
except to the extent that when the person gives value:
(i) The person has knowledge to the contrary;
(ii) The statement has been cancelled or
restrictively amended under subsection (b) of this section; or
(iii) A limitation on the grant is contained in
another statement of authority that became effective after the
statement containing the grant became effective.
(f) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, an
effective statement of authority that grants authority to
transfer real property held in the name of the limited liability
company and that is recorded by certified copy in the office for
recording transfers of the real property is conclusive in favor
of a person that gives value in reliance on the grant without
knowledge to the contrary, except to the extent that when the
person gives value:
(i) The statement has been cancelled or restrictively
amended under subsection (b) of this section and a certified
copy of the cancellation or restrictive amendment has been
recorded in the office for recording transfers of the real
property; or
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(ii) A limitation on the grant is contained in
another statement of authority that became effective after the
statement containing the grant became effective and a certified
copy of the later effective statement is recorded in the office
for recording transfers of the real property.
(g) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, if a
certified copy of an effective statement containing a limitation
on the authority to transfer real property held in the name of a
limited liability company is recorded in the office for
recording transfers of that real property, all persons are
deemed to know of the limitation.
(h) Subject to subsection (j) of this section, an
effective statement of dissolution or termination is a
cancellation of any filed statement of authority for the
purposes of subsection (f) of this section and is a limitation
on authority for the purposes of subsection (g) of this section.
(j) After a statement of dissolution becomes effective, a
limited liability company may deliver to the secretary of state
for filing and, if appropriate, may record a statement of
authority that is designated as a post dissolution statement of
authority. The statement operates as provided in subsections (f)
and (g) of this section.
(k) Unless earlier cancelled, an effective statement of
authority is cancelled by operation of law five (5) years after
the date on which the statement, or its most recent amendment,
becomes effective. This cancellation operates without need for
any recording under subsection (f) or (g) of this section.
(m) An effective statement of denial operates as a
restrictive amendment under this section and may be recorded by
certified copy for the purposes of paragraph (f)(i) of this
17-29-303. Statement of denial.
(a) A person named in a filed statement of authority
granting that person authority may deliver to the secretary of
state for filing a statement of denial that:
(i) Provides the name of the limited liability
company and the caption of the statement of authority to which
the statement of denial pertains; and
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(ii) Denies the grant of authority.
17-29-304. Liability of members and managers.
(a) The debts, obligations or other liabilities of a
limited liability company, whether arising in contract, tort or
(i) Are solely the debts, obligations or other
liabilities of the company; and
(ii) Do not become the debts, obligations or other
liabilities of a member or manager solely by reason of the
member acting as a member or manager acting as a manager.
(b) Repealed by Laws 2016, ch. 54, § 2.
(c) For purposes of imposing liability on any member or
manager of a limited liability company for the debts,
obligations or other liabilities of the company, a court shall
consider only the following factors no one (1) of which, except
fraud, is sufficient to impose liability:
(i) Fraud;
(ii) Inadequate capitalization;
(iii) Failure to observe company formalities as
required by law; and
(iv) Intermingling of assets, business operations and
finances of the company and the members to such an extent that
there is no distinction between them.
(d) In any analysis conducted under subsection (c) of this
section, a court shall not consider factors intrinsic to the
character and operation of a limited liability company, whether
a single or multiple member limited liability company. Factors
intrinsic to the character and operation of a limited liability
company include but are not limited to:
(i) The ability to elect treatment as a disregarded
or pass-through entity for tax purposes;
(ii) Flexible operation or organization including the
failure to observe any particular formality relating to the
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 30 of 76
exercise of the company's powers or management of its
(iii) The exercise of ownership, influence and
governance by a member or manager;
(iv) The protection of members' and managers'
personal assets from the obligations and acts of the limited
liability company.
17-29-401. Becoming a member.
(a) If a limited liability company is to have only one (1)
member upon formation, the person becomes a member as determined
by that person and the organizer of the company. That person and
the organizer may be, but need not be, different persons. If
different, the organizer acts on behalf of the initial member.
(b) If a limited liability company is to have more than
one (1) member upon formation, those persons become members as
agreed by them. The organizer acts on behalf of the persons in
forming the company and may be, but need not be, one of the
(c) Reserved.
(d) After formation of a limited liability company, a
person becomes a member:
(i) As provided in the operating agreement;
(ii) As the result of a transaction effective under
article 10 of this chapter;
(iii) With the consent of all the members; or
(vi) If, within ninety (90) consecutive days after
the company ceases to have any members:
(A) The last person to have been a member, or
the legal representative of that person, designates a person to
become a member; and
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(B) The designated person consents to become a
(e) A person may become a member without acquiring a
transferable interest and without making or being obligated to
make a contribution to the limited liability company.
17-29-402. Form of contribution.
A contribution may consist of tangible or intangible property or
other benefit to a limited liability company, including money,
services performed, promissory notes, other agreements to
contribute money or property and contracts for services to be
17-29-403. Liability for contributions.
A person's obligation to make a contribution to a limited
liability company is not excused by the person's death,
disability or other inability to perform personally. If a person
does not make a required contribution, the person or the
person's estate is obligated to contribute money equal to the
value of the part of the contribution which has not been made,
at the option of the company.
17-29-404. Sharing of and right to distributions
before dissolution.
(a) Any distributions made by a limited liability company
before its dissolution and winding up shall be in equal shares
among members and dissociated members, except:
(i) To the extent otherwise provided in a written or
verbal operating agreement as set forth in W.S. 17-29-110;
(ii) To the extent necessary to comply with any
transfer effective under W.S. 17-29-502 and any charging order
in effect under W.S. 17-29-503; or
(iii) To the extent otherwise represented by the
company through an authorized representative in tax filings with
the Internal Revenue Service in which the status elected by the
company is not timely disputed by any member.
(b) A person has a right to a distribution before the
dissolution and winding up of a limited liability company only
if the company decides to make an interim distribution. A
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 32 of 76
person's dissociation does not entitle the person to a
(c) A person does not have a right to demand or receive a
distribution from a limited liability company in any form other
than money. Except as otherwise provided in W.S. 17-29-708(c), a
limited liability company may distribute an asset in kind if
each part of the asset is fungible with each other part and each
person receives a percentage of the asset equal in value to the
person's share of distributions.
(d) If a member or transferee becomes entitled to receive
a distribution, the member or transferee has the status of, and
is entitled to all remedies available to, a creditor of the
limited liability company with respect to the distribution.
17-29-405. Limitations on distribution.
(a) A limited liability company shall not make a
distribution if after the distribution:
(i) The company would not be able to pay its debts as
they become due in the ordinary course of the company's
activities; or
(ii) The company's total assets would be less than
the sum of its total liabilities plus the amount that would be
needed, if the company were to be dissolved, wound up and
terminated at the time of the distribution, to satisfy the
preferential rights upon dissolution, winding up and termination
of members whose preferential rights are superior to those of
persons receiving the distribution.
(b) A limited liability company may base a determination
that a distribution is not prohibited under subsection (a) of
this section on financial statements prepared on the basis of
accounting practices and principles that are reasonable in the
circumstances or on a fair valuation or other method that is
reasonable under the circumstances.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (f) of this
section, the effect of a distribution under subsection (a) of
this section is measured:
(i) In the case of a distribution by purchase,
redemption or other acquisition of a transferable interest in
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 33 of 76
the company, as of the date money or other property is
transferred or debt incurred by the company; and
(ii) In all other cases, as of the date:
(A) The distribution is authorized, if the
payment occurs within one hundred twenty (120) days after that
date; or
(B) The payment is made, if the payment occurs
more than one hundred twenty (120) days after the distribution
is authorized.
(d) Except as otherwise expressly agreed in writing, a
limited liability company's indebtedness to a member incurred by
reason of a distribution made in accordance with this section is
at parity with the company's indebtedness to its general,
unsecured creditors.
(e) A limited liability company's indebtedness, including
indebtedness issued in connection with or as part of a
distribution, is not a liability for purposes of subsection (a)
of this section if the terms of the indebtedness provide that
payment of principal and interest are made only to the extent
that a distribution could be made to members under this section.
(f) If indebtedness is issued as a distribution, each
payment of principal or interest on the indebtedness is treated
as a distribution, the effect of which is measured on the date
the payment is made.
(g) In subsection (a) of this section, "distribution" does
not include amounts constituting reasonable compensation for
present or past services or reasonable payments made in the
ordinary course of business under a bona fide retirement plan or
other benefits program.
17-29-406. Liability for improper distributions.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this
section, if a member of a member-managed limited liability
company or manager of a manager-managed limited liability
company consents to a distribution made in violation of W.S. 17-
29-405 and in consenting to the distribution fails to comply
with W.S. 17-29-409, the member or manager is personally liable
to the company for the amount of the distribution that exceeds
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 34 of 76
the amount that could have been distributed without the
violation of W.S. 17-29-405.
(b) To the extent the operating agreement of a member-
managed limited liability company expressly relieves a member of
the authority and responsibility to consent to distributions and
imposes that authority and responsibility on one (1) or more
other members, the liability stated in subsection (a) of this
section applies to the other members and not the member that the
operating agreement relieves of authority and responsibility.
(c) A person that receives a distribution knowing that the
distribution to that person was made in violation of W.S. 17-29-
405 is personally liable to the limited liability company but
only to the extent that the distribution received by the person
exceeded the amount that could have been properly paid under
W.S. 17-29-405.
(d) A person against which an action is commenced because
the person is liable under subsection (a) of this section may:
(i) Implead any other person that is subject to
liability under subsection (a) of this section and seek to
compel contribution from the person; and
(ii) Implead any person that received a distribution
in violation of subsection (c) of this section and seek to
compel contribution from the person in the amount the person
received in violation of subsection (c) of this section.
(e) An action under this section is barred if not
commenced within two (2) years after the distribution.
17-29-407. Management of limited liability company.
(a) A limited liability company is a member-managed
limited liability company unless the articles of organization or
the operating agreement:
(i) Expressly provides that:
(A) The company is or will be "manager-managed";
(B) The company is or will be "managed by
managers"; or
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 35 of 76
(C) Management of the company is or will be
"vested in managers"; or
(ii) Includes words of similar import.
(b) In a member-managed limited liability company, unless
the articles of organization or the operating agreement provide
otherwise, the following rules apply:
(i) The management and conduct of the company are
vested in the members;
(ii) Each member has equal rights in the management
and conduct of the company's activities except:
(A) That a member's interest is otherwise
defined in W.S. 17-29-102(a)(xxiv);
(B) To the extent otherwise provided in any
other provision in this chapter; or
(C) To the extent otherwise represented by the
company through an authorized representative in tax filings with
the Internal Revenue Service in which the status elected by the
company is not timely disputed by any member.
(iii) A difference arising among members as to a
matter in the ordinary course of the activities of the company
may be decided by a majority of the members;
(iv) An act outside the ordinary course of the
activities of the company may be undertaken only with the
consent of all members;
(v) The operating agreement may be amended only with
the consent of all members.
(c) In a manager-managed limited liability company, unless
the articles of organization or the operating agreement provide
otherwise, the following rules apply:
(i) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
chapter, any matter relating to the activities of the company is
decided exclusively by the managers;
(ii) Each manager has equal rights in the management
and conduct of the activities of the company;
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(iii) A difference arising among managers as to a
matter in the ordinary course of the activities of the company
may be decided by a majority of the managers;
(iv) The consent of all members is required to:
(A) Sell, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose
of all, or substantially all, of the company's property, with or
without the good will, outside the ordinary course of the
company's activities;
(B) Approve a merger, conversion, continuance,
transfer or domestication under article 10 of this chapter;
(C) Undertake any other act outside the ordinary
course of the company's activities; and
(D) Amend the operating agreement.
(v) A manager may be chosen at any time by the
consent of a majority of the members and remains a manager until
a successor has been chosen, unless the manager at an earlier
time resigns, is removed or dies, or, in the case of a manager
that is not an individual, terminates. A manager may be removed
at any time by the consent of a majority of the members without
notice or cause;
(vi) A person need not be a member to be a manager,
but the dissociation of a member that is also a manager removes
the person as a manager. If a person that is both a manager and
a member ceases to be a manager, that cessation does not by
itself dissociate the person as a member;
(vii) A person's ceasing to be a manager does not
discharge any debt, obligation or other liability to the limited
liability company or members which the person incurred while a
(d) An action requiring the consent of members under this
article may be taken without a meeting, and a member may appoint
a proxy or other agent to consent or otherwise act for the
member by signing an appointing record, personally or by the
member's agent.
(e) The dissolution of a limited liability company does
not affect the applicability of this section. However, a person
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that wrongfully causes dissolution of the company loses the
right to participate in management as a member and a manager.
(f) This article does not entitle a member to remuneration
for services performed for a member-managed limited liability
company, except for reasonable compensation for services
rendered in winding up the activities of the company.
17-29-408. Indemnification and insurance.
(a) A limited liability company shall reimburse for any
payment made and indemnify for any debt, obligation or other
liability incurred by a member of a member-managed company or
the manager of a manager-managed company in the course of the
member's or manager's activities on behalf of the company, if,
in making the payment or incurring the debt, obligation or other
liability, the member or manager complied with the duties stated
in W.S. 17-29-405 and 17-29-409.
(b) A limited liability company may purchase and maintain
insurance on behalf of a member or manager of the company
against liability asserted against or incurred by the member or
manager in that capacity or arising from that status.
17-29-409. Standards of conduct for members and
(a) A member of a member-managed limited liability company
owes to the company and, subject to W.S. 17-29-901(b), the other
members the fiduciary duties of loyalty and care stated in
subsections (b) and (c).
(b) The duty of loyalty of a member in a member-managed
limited liability company includes the duties:
(i) To account to the company and to hold as trustee
for it any property, profit or benefit derived by the member:
(A) In the conduct or winding up of the
company's activities;
(B) From a use by the member of the company's
property; or
(C) From the appropriation of a limited
liability company opportunity;
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(ii) To refrain from dealing with the company in the
conduct or winding up of the company's activities as or on
behalf of a person having an interest adverse to the company;
(iii) To refrain from competing with the company in
the conduct of the company's activities before the dissolution
of the company.
(c) Subject to the business judgment rule, the duty of
care of a member of a member-managed limited liability company
in the conduct and winding up of the company's activities is to
act with the care that a person in a like position would
reasonably exercise under similar circumstances and in a manner
the member reasonably believes to be in the best interests or at
least not opposed to the best interests of the company. In
discharging this duty, a member may rely in good faith upon
opinions, reports, statements or other information provided by
another person that the member reasonably believes is a
competent and reliable source for the information.
(d) A member in a member-managed limited liability company
or a manager-managed limited liability company shall discharge
the duties under this chapter or under the operating agreement
and exercise any rights consistently with the contractual
obligation of good faith and fair dealing.
(e) It is a defense to a claim under paragraph (b)(ii) of
this section and any comparable claim in equity or at common law
that the transaction was fair to or at least not opposed to the
limited liability company.
(f) All of the members of a member-managed limited
liability company or a manager-managed limited liability company
may authorize or ratify, after full disclosure of all material
facts, a specific act or transaction that otherwise would
violate the duty of loyalty.
(g) In a manager-managed limited liability company, the
following rules apply:
(i) Subsections (a), (b), (c) and (e) of this section
apply to the manager or managers and not the members;
(ii) The duty stated under paragraph (b)(iii) of this
section continues until winding up is completed;
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(iii) Subsection (d) of this section applies to the
members and managers;
(iv) Subsection (f) of this section applies only to
the members;
(v) A member does not have any fiduciary duty to the
company or to any other member solely by reason of being a
17-29-410. Right of members, managers and
dissociated members to information.
(a) In a member-managed limited liability company, the
following rules apply:
(i) On reasonable notice, a member may inspect and
copy during regular business hours, at a reasonable location
specified by the company, any record maintained by the company
regarding the company's activities, financial condition and
other circumstances, to the extent the information is material
to the member's rights and duties under the operating agreement
or this chapter;
(ii) The company shall furnish to each member:
(A) On demand, any information concerning the
company's activities, financial condition and other
circumstances which the company knows and is material to the
proper exercise of the member's rights and duties under the
operating agreement or this chapter, except to the extent the
company can establish that it reasonably believes the member
already knows the information; and
(B) On demand, any other information concerning
the company's activities, financial condition and other
circumstances, except to the extent the demand or information
demanded is unreasonable or otherwise improper under the
(iii) The duty to furnish information under paragraph
(ii) of this subsection also applies to each member to the
extent the member knows any of the information described in
paragraph (ii) of this subsection.
(b) In a manager-managed limited liability company, the
following rules apply:
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(i) The informational rights stated in subsection (a)
of this section and the duty stated in paragraph (a)(iii) of
this section apply to the managers and not the members;
(ii) During regular business hours and at a
reasonable location specified by the company, a member may
obtain from the company and inspect and copy full information
regarding the activities, financial condition and other
circumstances of the company as is just and reasonable if:
(A) The member seeks the information for a
purpose material to the member's interest as a member;
(B) The member makes a demand in a record
received by the company, describing with reasonable
particularity the information sought and the purpose for seeking
the information; and
(C) The information sought is directly connected
to the member's purpose.
(iii) Within ten (10) days after receiving a demand
pursuant to subparagraph (ii)(B) of this subsection, the company
shall in a record inform the member that made the demand:
(A) Of the information that the company will
provide in response to the demand and when and where the company
will provide the information; and
(B) If the company declines to provide any
demanded information, the company's reasons for declining.
(iv) Whenever this chapter or an operating agreement
provides for a member to give or withhold consent to a matter,
before the consent is given or withheld, the company shall, upon
demand, provide the member with all information that is known to
the company and is material to the member's decision.
(c) On ten (10) days' demand made in a record received by
a limited liability company, a dissociated member may have
access to information to which the person was entitled while a
member if the information pertains to the period during which
the person was a member, the person seeks the information in
good faith and the person satisfies the requirements imposed on
a member by paragraph (b)(ii) of this section. The company shall
respond to a demand made pursuant to this subsection in the
manner provided in paragraph (b)(iii) of this section.
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(d) A limited liability company may charge a person that
makes a demand under this section the reasonable costs of
copying, limited to the costs of labor and material.
(e) A member or dissociated member may exercise rights
under this section through an agent or, in the case of an
individual under legal disability, a legal representative. Any
restriction or condition imposed by the operating agreement or
under subsection (g) of this section applies both to the agent
or legal representative and the member or dissociated member.
(f) The rights under this section do not extend to a
person as transferee.
(g) In addition to any restriction or condition stated in
its operating agreement, a limited liability company, as a
matter within the ordinary course of its activities, may impose
reasonable restrictions and conditions on access to and use of
information to be furnished under this section, including
designating information confidential and imposing nondisclosure
and safeguarding obligations on the recipient. In a dispute
concerning the reasonableness of a restriction under this
subsection, the company has the burden of proving
17-29-501. Nature of transferable interest.
A transferable interest is personal property.
17-29-502. Transfer of transferable interest.
(a) A transfer, in whole or in part, of a transferable
(i) Is permissible;
(ii) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,
does not by itself cause a member's dissociation or a
dissolution and winding up of the limited liability company's
activities; and
(iii) Subject to W.S. 17-29-504, does not entitle the
transferee to:
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(A) Participate in the management or conduct of
the company's activities; or
(B) Except as otherwise provided in subsection
(c) of this section, have access to records or other information
concerning the company's activities.
(b) A transferee has the right to receive, in accordance
with the transfer, distributions to which the transferor would
otherwise be entitled.
(c) In a dissolution and winding up of a limited liability
company, a transferee is entitled to an account of the company's
transactions only from the date of dissolution.
(d) A transferable interest may be evidenced by a
certificate of the interest issued by the limited liability
company in a record, and, subject to this section, the interest
represented by the certificate may be transferred by a transfer
of the certificate.
(e) A limited liability company need not give effect to a
transferee's rights under this section until the company has
notice of the transfer.
(f) A transfer of a transferable interest in violation of
a restriction on transfer contained in the operating agreement
is ineffective as to a person having notice of the restriction
at the time of transfer.
(g) Except as otherwise provided in W.S. 17-29-
602(a)(iv)(B), when a member transfers a transferable interest,
the transferor retains the rights of a member other than the
interest in distributions transferred and retains all duties and
obligations of a member.
(h) When a member transfers a transferable interest to a
person that becomes a member with respect to the transferred
interest, the transferee is liable for the member's obligations
under W.S. 17-29-403 and 17-29-406(c) known to the transferee
when the transferee becomes a member.
17-29-503. Charging order.
(a) On application by a judgment creditor of a member or
transferee, a court may enter a charging order against the
transferable interest of the judgment debtor for the unsatisfied
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amount of the judgment. A charging order requires the limited
liability company to pay over to the person to which the
charging order was issued any distribution that would otherwise
be paid to the judgment debtor.
(b) Reserved.
(c) Reserved.
(d) The member or transferee whose transferable interest
is subject to a charging order under subsection (a) of this
section may extinguish the charging order by satisfying the
judgment and filing a certified copy of the satisfaction with
the court that issued the charging order.
(e) A limited liability company or one (1) or more members
whose transferable interests are not subject to the charging
order may pay to the judgment creditor the full amount due under
the judgment and thereby succeed to the rights of the judgment
creditor, including the charging order.
(f) This article does not deprive any member or transferee
of the benefit of any exemption laws applicable to the member's
or transferee's transferable interest.
(g) This section provides the exclusive remedy by which a
person seeking to enforce a judgment against a judgment debtor,
including any judgment debtor who may be the sole member,
dissociated member or transferee, may, in the capacity of the
judgment creditor, satisfy the judgment from the judgment
debtor's transferable interest or from the assets of the limited
liability company. Other remedies, including foreclosure on the
judgment debtor's limited liability interest and a court order
for directions, accounts and inquiries that the judgment debtor
might have made are not available to the judgment creditor
attempting to satisfy a judgment out of the judgment debtor's
interest in the limited liability company and may not be ordered
by the court.
17-29-504. Power of personal representative of
deceased member.
If a member dies, the deceased member's personal representative
or other legal representative may exercise the rights of a
transferee provided in W.S. 17-29-502(c) and, for the purposes
of settling the estate, the rights of a current member under
W.S. 17-29-410.
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17-29-601. Member's power to dissociate; wrongful
(a) A person has the power to dissociate as a member at
any time, rightfully or wrongfully, by withdrawing as a member
by express will under W.S. 17-29-602(a)(i).
(b) A person's dissociation from a limited liability
company is wrongful only if the dissociation:
(i) Is in breach of an express provision of the
operating agreement; or
(ii) Occurs before the termination of the company
(A) The person is expelled as a member by
judicial order under W.S. 17-29-602(a)(v); or
(B) The person is dissociated under W.S. 17-29-
602(a)(vii)(A) by becoming a debtor in bankruptcy.
(c) A person that wrongfully dissociates as a member is
liable to the limited liability company and, subject to W.S. 17-
29-901, to the other members for damages caused by the
dissociation. The liability is in addition to any other debt,
obligation or other liability of the member to the company or
the other members.
17-29-602. Events causing dissociation.
(a) A person is dissociated as a member from a limited
liability company when:
(i) The company has notice of the person's express
will to withdraw as a member, but, if the person specified a
withdrawal date later than the date the company had notice, on
that later date;
(ii) An event stated in the operating agreement as
causing the person's dissociation occurs;
(iii) The person is expelled as a member pursuant to
the operating agreement;
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(iv) The person is expelled as a member by the
unanimous consent of the other members if:
(A) It is unlawful to carry on the company's
activities with the person as a member;
(B) There has been a transfer of all of the
person's transferable interest in the company, other than:
(I) A transfer for security purposes; or
(II) A charging order in effect under W.S.
(C) The person is an entity as defined in W.S.
17-16-140(a)(xiii) and, within ninety (90) days after the
company notifies the person that it will be expelled as a member
because the person has filed articles of dissolution or the
equivalent, its charter has been revoked, or its right to
conduct business has been suspended by the jurisdiction of its
incorporation, the articles of dissolution has not been revoked
or its charter or right to conduct business has not been
reinstated; or
(D) The person is some other entity not
described in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph that has been
dissolved and whose business is being wound up.
(v) On application by the company, the person is
expelled as a member by judicial order because the person:
(A) Has engaged, or is engaging, in wrongful
conduct that has adversely and materially affected, or will
adversely and materially affect, the company's activities;
(B) Has willfully or persistently committed, or
is willfully and persistently committing, a material breach of
the operating agreement or the person's duties or obligations
under W.S. 17-29-409; or
(C) Has engaged in, or is engaging in, conduct
relating to the company's activities which makes it not
reasonably practicable to carry on the activities with the
person as a member.
(vi) In the case of a person who is an individual:
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(A) The person dies; or
(B) In a member-managed limited liability
(I) A guardian or general conservator for
the person is appointed; or
(II) There is a judicial order that the
person has otherwise become incapable of performing the person's
duties as a member under this chapter or the operating
(vii) In a member-managed limited liability company,
the person:
(A) Becomes a debtor in bankruptcy;
(B) Executes an assignment for the benefit of
creditors; or
(C) Seeks, consents to or acquiesces in the
appointment of a trustee, receiver or liquidator of the person
or of all or substantially all of the person's property.
(viii) In the case of a person that is a trust or is
acting as a member by virtue of being a trustee of a trust, the
trust's entire transferable interest in the company is
(ix) In the case of a person that is an estate or is
acting as a member by virtue of being a personal representative
of an estate, the estate's entire transferable interest in the
company is distributed;
(x) In the case of a member that is not an
individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation,
trust or estate, the termination of the member;
(xi) The company participates in a merger under
article 10 of this chapter, if:
(A) The company is not the surviving entity; or
(B) Otherwise as a result of the merger, the
person ceases to be a member.
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(xii) The company participates in a conversion under
article 10 of this chapter;
(xiii) The company participates in a continuance,
transfer or domestication under article 10 of this chapter, if,
as a result of the continuance, transfer or domestication, the
person ceases to be a member; or
(xiv) The company terminates.
17-29-603. Effect of person's dissociation as
(a) When a person is dissociated as a member of a limited
liability company:
(i) The person's right to participate as a member in
the management and conduct of the company's activities
(ii) If the company is member-managed, the person's
fiduciary duties as a member end with regard to matters arising
and events occurring after the person's dissociation; and
(iii) Subject to W.S. 17-29-504 and article 10 of
this chapter, any transferable interest owned by the person
immediately before dissociation in the person's capacity as a
member is owned by the person solely as a transferee.
(b) A person's dissociation as a member of a limited
liability company does not of itself discharge the person from
any debt, obligation or other liability to the company or the
other members which the person incurred while a member.
17-29-701. Events causing dissolution.
(a) A limited liability company is dissolved, and its
activities must be wound up, upon the occurrence of any of the
(i) An event or circumstance that the operating
agreement or articles of organization states causes dissolution;
(ii) The consent of all the members;
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(iii) The passage of ninety (90) consecutive days
during which the company has no members;
(iv) On application by a member, the entry of a court
order dissolving the company on the grounds that:
(A) The conduct of all or substantially all of
the company's activities is unlawful; or
(B) It is not reasonably practicable to carry on
the company's activities in conformity with the articles of
organization and the operating agreement; or
(v) On application by a member or dissociated member,
the entry of a court order dissolving the company on the grounds
that the managers or those members in control of the company:
(A) Have acted, are acting, or will act in a
manner that is illegal or fraudulent; or
(B) Have acted or are acting in a manner that is
oppressive and was, is, or will be directly harmful to the
(b) In a proceeding brought under paragraph (a)(v) of this
section, the court may order a remedy other than dissolution.
17-29-702. Winding up.
(a) A dissolved limited liability company shall wind up
its activities and the company continues after dissolution only
for the purpose of winding up.
(b) In winding up its activities, a limited liability
(i) Shall discharge the company's debts, obligations,
or other liabilities, settle and close the company's activities
and marshal and distribute the assets of the company; and
(ii) May:
(A) Deliver to the secretary of state for filing
articles of dissolution stating the name of the company and that
the company is dissolved;
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(B) Preserve the company activities and property
as a going concern for a reasonable time;
(C) Prosecute and defend actions and
proceedings, whether civil, criminal or administrative;
(D) Transfer the company's property;
(E) Settle disputes by mediation or arbitration;
(F) Reserved; and
(G) Perform other acts necessary or appropriate
to the winding up.
(c) If a dissolved limited liability company has no
members, the legal representative of the last person to have
been a member may wind up the activities of the company. If the
person does so, the person has the powers of a sole manager
under W.S. 17-29-407(c) and is deemed to be a manager for the
purposes of W.S. 17-29-304(a)(ii).
(d) If the legal representative under subsection (c) of
this section declines or fails to wind up the company's
activities, a person may be appointed to do so by the consent of
transferees owning a majority of the rights to receive
distributions as transferees at the time the consent is to be
effective. A person appointed under this subsection:
(i) Has the powers of a sole manager under W.S. 17-
29-407(c) and is deemed to be a manager for the purposes of W.S.
17-29-304(a)(ii); and
(ii) Shall promptly deliver to the secretary of state
for filing an amendment to the company's articles of
organization to:
(A) State that the company has no members;
(B) State that the person has been appointed
pursuant to this subsection to wind up the company; and
(C) Provide the street and mailing addresses of
the person.
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(e) A court may order judicial supervision of the winding
up of a dissolved limited liability company, including the
appointment of a person to wind up the company's activities:
(i) On application of a member, if the applicant
establishes good cause;
(ii) On the application of a transferee, if:
(A) The company does not have any members;
(B) The legal representative of the last person
to have been a member declines or fails to wind up the company's
activities; and
(C) Within a reasonable time following the
dissolution a person has not been appointed pursuant to
subsection (c) of this section; or
(iii) In connection with a proceeding under W.S. 17-
29-701(a)(iv) or (v).
17-29-703. Known claims against dissolved limited
liability company.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of this
section, a dissolved limited liability company may give notice
of a known claim under subsection (b) of this section, which has
the effect as provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(b) A dissolved limited liability company may in a record
notify its known claimants of the dissolution. The notice shall:
(i) Specify the information required to be included
in a claim;
(ii) Provide a mailing address to which the claim is
to be sent;
(iii) State the deadline for receipt of the claim,
which may not be less than one hundred twenty (120) days after
the date the notice is received by the claimant; and
(iv) State that the claim will be barred if not
received by the deadline.
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(c) A claim against a dissolved limited liability company
is barred if the requirements of subsection (b) of this section
are met and:
(i) The claim is not received by the specified
deadline; or
(ii) If the claim is timely received but rejected by
the company:
(A) The company causes the claimant to receive a
notice in a record stating that the claim is rejected and will
be barred unless the claimant commences an action against the
company to enforce the claim within ninety (90) days after the
claimant receives the notice; and
(B) The claimant does not commence the required
action within the ninety (90) days.
(d) This section does not apply to a claim based on an
event occurring after the effective date of dissolution or a
liability that on that date is contingent.
17-29-704. Other claims against dissolved limited
liability company.
(a) A dissolved limited liability company may publish
notice of its dissolution and request persons having claims
against the company to present them in accordance with the
(b) The notice authorized by subsection (a) of this
section shall:
(i) Be published at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation in the county in this state in which the
dissolved limited liability company's principal office is
located or, if it has none in this state, in the county in which
the company's designated office is or was last located;
(ii) Describe the information required to be
contained in a claim and provide a mailing address to which the
claim is to be sent; and
(iii) State that a claim against the company is
barred unless an action to enforce the claim is commenced within
three (3) years after publication of the notice.
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(c) If a dissolved limited liability company publishes a
notice in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, unless
the claimant commences an action to enforce the claim against
the company within three (3) years after the publication date of
the notice, the claim of each of the following claimants is
(i) A claimant that did not receive notice in a
record under W.S. 17-29-703;
(ii) A claimant whose claim was timely sent to the
company but not acted on; and
(iii) A claimant whose claim is contingent at, or
based on an event occurring after, the effective date of
(d) A claim not barred under this section or W.S. 17-29-
703(c) may be enforced:
(i) Against a dissolved limited liability company, to
the extent of its undistributed assets; and
(ii) If assets of the company have been distributed
after dissolution, against a member or transferee to the extent
of that person's proportionate share of the claim or of the
assets distributed to the member or transferee after
dissolution, whichever is less, but a person's total liability
for all claims under this paragraph does not exceed the total
amount of assets distributed to the person after dissolution.
17-29-705. Administrative forfeiture of authority
and articles of organization.
(a) If any limited liability company's registered agent
has filed its resignation with the secretary of state and the
limited liability company has not replaced its registered agent
and registered office, or the limited liability company is
without a registered agent or registered office in this state
for any reason, it shall be deemed to be transacting business
within this state without authority and to have forfeited any
franchises, rights or privileges acquired under the laws thereof
and the forfeiture shall be made effective in the following
manner. The secretary of state shall provide by first class mail
or by electronic means a notice of its failure to comply with
aforesaid provisions. Unless compliance is made within sixty
(60) days of mailing or electronic submission of the notice, the
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 53 of 76
limited liability company shall be deemed defunct and to have
forfeited its articles of organization acquired under the laws
of this state. Provided, that any defunct limited liability
company may at any time within two (2) years after the
forfeiture of its articles of organization or certificate of
authority, in the manner herein provided, be revived and
reinstated, by filing the necessary statement under this act and
paying a reinstatement fee established by the secretary of state
by rule, together with a penalty of two hundred fifty dollars
($250.00). The reinstatement fee shall not exceed the costs of
providing the reinstatement service. The limited liability
company shall retain its registered name during the two (2) year
reinstatement period under this section.
(b) If any limited liability company has failed to pay the
fee required by W.S. 17-29-210 or any penalties imposed under
W.S. 17-28-109, it shall be deemed to be transacting business
within this state without authority and to have forfeited any
franchises, rights or privileges acquired under the laws
thereof. The forfeiture shall be made effective in the following
manner. The secretary of state shall provide notice to the
limited liability company at its last known mailing address by
first class mail or by electronic means. Unless compliance is
made within sixty (60) days of the date of notice the limited
liability company shall be deemed defunct and to have forfeited
its articles of organization or certificate of authority
acquired under the laws of this state. Provided, that any
defunct limited liability company may at any time within two (2)
years after the forfeiture of its articles of organization of
certificate of authority, be revived and reinstated by paying
the amount of the delinquent fees. When the reinstatement is
effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the
effective date deemed defunct pursuant to this subsection and
the limited liability company resumes carrying on its business
as if it had never been deemed defunct.
(c) A limited liability company shall be deemed to be
transacting business within this state without authority, to
have forfeited any franchises, rights or privileges acquired
under the laws thereof and shall be deemed defunct and to have
forfeited its articles of organization or certificate of
authority acquired under the laws of this state, and the
forfeiture shall be made effective in the manner provided in
subsection (a) of this section, if:
(i) A member of the limited liability company signed
a document he knew was false in any material respect with intent
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that the document be delivered to the secretary of state for
(ii) The limited liability company has failed to
respond to a valid and enforceable subpoena; or
(iii) It is in the public interest and the limited
liability company or any of its members:
(A) Failed to provide records to the registered
agent as required in this chapter;
(B) Has provided fraudulent information or has
failed to correct false information upon request of the
secretary of state on any filing with the secretary of state
under this chapter; or
(C) Cannot be served by either the registered
agent or by mail or electronically by the secretary of state
acting as the agent for process.
(d) The secretary of state may classify a limited
liability company as delinquent awaiting forfeiture of its
articles of organization or certificate of authority at the time
the secretary of state provides the notice required under
subsections (a) through (c) of this section to the limited
liability company.
(e) In addition to the other provisions of this section,
if any low profit limited liability company has ceased to meet
the definition of a low profit limited liability company as
provided in W.S. 17-29-102(a)(ix) and has failed for thirty (30)
days after ceasing to meet the definition to file an amendment
to its articles of organization with the secretary of state
amending its name to conform with the requirements of W.S. 17-
29-108, it shall be deemed to be transacting business in this
state without authority and to have forfeited any franchises,
rights or privileges acquired under the laws thereof and the
forfeiture shall be made effective in the same manner as
provided in subsection (a) of this section. The reinstatement
provisions and fees provided in subsection (a) of this section
shall apply.
17-29-706. Reserved.
17-29-707. Appeal from rejection of reinstatement.
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Appeals of decisions of the secretary of state under this
article may be made as provided in W.S. 17-16-1423.
17-29-708. Distribution of assets in winding up
limited liability company's activities.
(a) In winding up its activities, a limited liability
company shall apply its assets to discharge its obligations to
creditors, including members that are creditors.
(b) After a limited liability company complies with
subsection (a) of this section, any surplus shall be distributed
in the following order, subject to any charging order in effect
under W.S. 17-29-503:
(i) To each person owning a transferable interest
that reflects contributions made by a member and not previously
returned, an amount equal to the value of the unreturned
contributions; and
(ii) In equal shares among members and dissociated
members, except:
(A) To the extent otherwise provided in a
written or verbal operating agreement as set forth in W.S. 17-
(B) To the extent necessary to comply with any
transfer effective under W.S. 17-29-502; or
(C) To the extent otherwise represented by the
company through an authorized representative in tax filings with
the Internal Revenue Service in which the status elected by the
company is not timely disputed by any member.
(c) If a limited liability company does not have
sufficient surplus to comply with paragraph (b)(i) of this
section, any surplus shall be distributed among the owners of
transferable interests in proportion to the value of their
respective unreturned contributions.
(d) Repealed by Laws 2017, ch. 51, § 2.
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17-29-901. Direct action by member.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a member
may maintain a direct action against another member, a manager
or the limited liability company to enforce the member's rights
and otherwise protect the member's interests, including rights
and interests under the operating agreement or this chapter or
arising independently of the membership relationship.
(b) A member maintaining a direct action under this
section shall plead and prove an actual or threatened injury
that is not solely the result of an injury suffered or
threatened to be suffered by the limited liability company.
17-29-902. Derivative action.
(a) A member may maintain a derivative action to enforce a
right of a limited liability company if:
(i) The member first makes a demand on the other
members in a member-managed limited liability company, or the
managers of a manager-managed limited liability company,
requesting that they cause the company to bring an action to
enforce the right, and the managers or other members do not
bring the action within a reasonable time; or
(ii) A demand under paragraph (i) of this subsection
would be futile.
17-29-903. Proper plaintiff.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this
section, a derivative action under W.S. 17-29-902 may be
maintained only by a person that is a member at the time the
action is commenced and remains a member while the action
(b) If the sole plaintiff in a derivative action dies
while the action is pending, the court may permit another member
of the limited liability company to be substituted as plaintiff.
17-29-904. Pleading.
(a) In a derivative action under W.S. 17-29-902, the
complaint shall state with particularity:
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(i) The date and content of plaintiff's demand and
the response to the demand by the managers or other members; or
(ii) If a demand has not been made, the reasons a
demand under W.S. 17-29-902(a)(i) would be futile.
17-29-905. Special litigation committee.
(a) If a limited liability company is named as or made a
party in a derivative proceeding, the company may appoint a
special litigation committee to investigate the claims asserted
in the proceeding and determine whether pursuing the action is
in the best interests of the company. If the company appoints a
special litigation committee, on motion by the committee made in
the name of the company, except for good cause shown, the court
shall stay discovery for the time reasonably necessary to permit
the committee to make its investigation. This subsection does
not prevent the court from enforcing a person's right to
information under W.S. 17-29-410 or, for good cause shown,
granting extraordinary relief in the form of a temporary
restraining order or preliminary injunction.
(b) A special litigation committee may be composed of one
(1) or more disinterested and independent individuals, who may
be members.
(c) A special litigation committee may be appointed:
(i) In a member-managed limited liability company:
(A) By the consent of a majority of the members
not named as defendants or plaintiffs in the proceeding; and
(B) If all members are named as defendants or
plaintiffs in the proceeding, by a majority of the members named
as defendants; or
(ii) In a manager-managed limited liability company:
(A) By a majority of the managers not named as
defendants or plaintiffs in the proceeding; and
(B) If all managers are named as defendants or
plaintiffs in the proceeding, by a majority of the managers
named as defendants.
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(d) After appropriate investigation, a special litigation
committee may determine that it is in the best interests of the
limited liability company that the proceeding:
(i) Continue under the control of the plaintiff;
(ii) Continue under the control of the committee;
(iii) Be settled on terms approved by the committee;
(iv) Be dismissed.
(e) After making a determination under subsection (d) of
this section, a special litigation committee shall file with the
court a statement of its determination and its report supporting
its determination, giving notice to the plaintiff. The court
shall determine whether the members of the committee were
disinterested and independent and whether the committee
conducted its investigation and made its recommendation in good
faith, independently and with reasonable care, with the
committee having the burden of proof. If the court finds that
the members of the committee were disinterested and independent
and that the committee acted in good faith, independently and
with reasonable care, the court shall enforce the determination
of the committee. Otherwise, the court shall dissolve the stay
of discovery entered under subsection (a) of this section and
allow the action to proceed under the direction of the
17-29-906. Proceeds and expenses.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this
(i) Any proceeds or other benefits of a derivative
action under W.S. 17-29-902, whether by judgment, compromise or
settlement, belong to the limited liability company and not to
the plaintiff; and
(ii) If the plaintiff receives any proceeds, the
plaintiff shall remit them immediately to the company.
(b) If a derivative action under W.S. 17-29-902 is
successful in whole or in part, the court may award the
plaintiff reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney's
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 59 of 76
fees and costs, from the recovery of the limited liability
17-29-1001. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Constituent limited liability company" means a
constituent organization that is a limited liability company;
(ii) "Constituent organization" means an organization
that is party to a merger;
(iii) "Converted organization" means the organization
into which a converting organization converts pursuant to W.S.
(iv) "Converting limited liability company" means a
converting organization that is a limited liability company;
(v) "Converting organization" means an organization
that converts into another organization pursuant to W.S. 17-29-
(vi) "Governing statute" means the statute that
governs an organization's internal affairs;
(vii) "Organization" means a general partnership,
including a limited liability partnership, limited partnership,
including a limited liability limited partnership, limited
liability company, business trust, statutory trust, corporation
or any other person having a governing statute. The term
includes a domestic or foreign organization regardless of
whether organized for profit;
(viii) "Organizational documents" means:
(A) For a domestic or foreign general
partnership, its partnership agreement;
(B) For a limited partnership or foreign limited
partnership, its certificate of limited partnership and
partnership agreement;
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(C) For a domestic or foreign limited liability
company, its certificate or articles of organization and
operating agreement, or comparable records as provided in its
governing statute;
(D) For a business or statutory trust, its
agreement of trust, declaration of trust or certificate of
(E) For a domestic or foreign corporation for
profit, its articles of incorporation, bylaws and other
agreements among its shareholders which are authorized by its
governing statute or comparable records as provided in its
governing statute; and
(F) For any other organization, the basic
records that create the organization and determine its internal
governance and the relations among the persons that own it, have
an interest in it or are members of it.
(ix) "Personal liability" means liability for a debt,
obligation or other liability of an organization which is
imposed on a person that co-owns, has an interest in or is a
member of the organization:
(A) By the governing statute solely by reason of
the person co-owning, having an interest in or being a member of
the organization; or
(B) By the organization's organizational
documents under a provision of the governing statute authorizing
those documents to make one (1) or more specified persons liable
for all or specified debts, obligations or other liabilities of
the organization solely by reason of the person or persons co-
owning, having an interest in or being a member of the
(x) "Surviving organization" means an organization
into which one (1) or more other organizations are merged
whether the organization preexisted the merger or was created by
the merger.
17-29-1002. Merger.
(a) A limited liability company may merge with one (1) or
more other constituent organizations pursuant to this section,
W.S. 17-29-1003 through 17-29-1005 and a plan of merger, if:
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 61 of 76
(i) The governing statute of each of the other
organizations authorizes the merger;
(ii) The merger is not expressly prohibited by the
law of a jurisdiction that enacted any of the governing
(iii) Each of the other organizations complies with
its governing statute in effecting the merger; and
(iv) No member of a domestic limited liability
company that is a party to the merger will, as a result of the
merger, become personally liable for the liabilities or
obligations of any other person or entity unless that member
approves the plan of merger and otherwise consents to becoming
personally liable.
(b) A plan of merger shall be in a record and shall
(i) The name and form of each constituent
(ii) The name and form of the surviving organization
and, if the surviving organization is to be created by the
merger, a statement to that effect;
(iii) The terms and conditions of the merger,
including the manner and basis for converting the interests in
each constituent organization into any combination of money,
interests in the surviving organization or other consideration;
(iv) If the surviving organization is to be created
by the merger, the surviving organization's organizational
documents that are proposed to be in a record; and
(v) If the surviving organization is not to be
created by the merger, any amendments to be made by the merger
to the surviving organization's organizational documents that
are, or are proposed to be, in a record.
17-29-1003. Action on plan of merger by constituent
limited liability company.
(a) Subject to W.S. 17-29-1014, a plan of merger shall be
consented to by all the members of a constituent limited
liability company.
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(b) Subject to W.S. 17-29-1014 and any contractual rights,
after a merger is approved, and at any time before articles of
merger are delivered to the secretary of state for filing under
W.S. 17-29-1004, a constituent limited liability company may
amend the plan or abandon the merger:
(i) As provided in the plan; or
(ii) Except as otherwise prohibited in the plan, with
the same consent as was required to approve the plan.
17-29-1004. Filings required for merger; effective
(a) After each constituent organization has approved a
merger, articles of merger shall be signed on behalf of:
(i) Each domestic constituent limited liability
company, as provided in W.S. 17-29-203(a); and
(ii) Each other constituent organization, as provided
in its governing statute.
(b) Articles of merger under this section shall include:
(i) The name and form of each constituent
organization and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;
(ii) The name and form of the surviving organization,
the jurisdiction of its governing statute and, if the surviving
organization is created by the merger, a statement to that
(iii) The date the merger is effective under the
governing statute of the surviving organization;
(iv) If the surviving organization is to be created
by the merger:
(A) If it will be a limited liability company,
the company's articles of organization; or
(B) If it will be an organization other than a
limited liability company, the organizational document that
creates the organization that is in a public record.
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 63 of 76
(v) If the surviving organization preexists the
merger, any amendments provided for in the plan of merger for
the organizational document that created the organization that
are in a public record;
(vi) A statement as to each constituent organization
that the merger was approved as required by the organization's
governing statute;
(vii) If the surviving organization is a foreign
organization not authorized to transact business in this state,
the street and mailing addresses of an office that the secretary
of state may use for the purposes of W.S. 17-29-1005(b); and
(viii) Any additional information required by the
governing statute of any constituent organization.
(c) Each constituent limited liability company shall
deliver the articles of merger for filing in the office of the
secretary of state.
(d) A merger becomes effective under this chapter:
(i) If the surviving organization is a limited
liability company, upon the later of:
(A) Compliance with subsection (c) of this
section; or
(B) Subject to W.S. 17-29-205(c), as specified
in the articles of merger; or
(ii) If the surviving organization is not a limited
liability company, as provided by the governing statute of the
surviving organization.
(e) If the secretary of state finds that the articles of
merger comply with the requirements of law, that all required
fees have been paid and a certificate has been requested, he
shall issue a certificate of merger.
17-29-1005. Effect of merger.
(a) When a merger becomes effective:
(i) The surviving organization continues or comes
into existence;
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 64 of 76
(ii) Each constituent organization that merges into
the surviving organization ceases to exist as a separate entity;
(iii) All property owned by each constituent
organization that ceases to exist vests in the surviving
(iv) All debts, obligations or other liabilities of
each constituent organization that ceases to exist continue as
debts, obligations or other liabilities of the surviving
(v) An action or proceeding pending by or against any
constituent organization that ceases to exist may be continued
as if the merger had not occurred;
(vi) Except as prohibited by other law, all of the
rights, privileges, immunities, powers and purposes of each
constituent organization that ceases to exist vest in the
surviving organization;
(vii) Except as otherwise provided in the plan of
merger, the terms and conditions of the plan of merger take
(viii) Except as otherwise agreed, if a constituent
limited liability company ceases to exist, the merger does not
dissolve the limited liability company for the purposes of
article 7 of this chapter;
(ix) If the surviving organization is created by the
(A) If it is a limited liability company, the
articles of organization becomes effective; or
(B) If it is an organization other than a
limited liability company, the organizational document that
creates the organization becomes effective; and
(x) If the surviving organization preexisted the
merger, any amendments provided for in the articles of merger
for the organizational document that created the organization
become effective.
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(b) A surviving organization that is a foreign
organization consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this
state to enforce any debt, obligation or other liability owed by
a constituent organization. A surviving organization that is a
foreign organization and not authorized to transact business in
this state appoints the secretary of state as its agent for
service of process for the purposes of enforcing a debt,
obligation or other liability under this subsection.
17-29-1006. Conversion.
An organization other than a limited liability company may be
converted to a limited liability company pursuant to chapter 26
of this title and the organization's governing statutes.
17-29-1007. Reserved.
17-29-1008. Reserved.
17-29-1009. Effect of conversion.
(a) The effect of an organization other than a limited
liability company converting to a limited liability company
shall be as provided in chapter 26 of this title and the
organization's governing statutes.
(b) A converted organization that is a foreign
organization consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this
state to enforce any debt, obligation or other liability for
which the converting limited liability company is liable. A
converted organization that is a foreign organization and not
authorized to transact business in this state appoints the
secretary of state as its agent for service of process for
purposes of enforcing a debt, obligation or other liability
under this subsection.
17-29-1010. Continuance.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, any
organization organized for any purpose except acting as an
insurer as defined in W.S. 26-1-102(a)(xvi), or acting as a
financial institution under the laws of any foreign jurisdiction
may, if the foreign jurisdiction will acknowledge that the
organization's domicile has terminated in the foreign
jurisdiction, apply to the secretary of state for registration
under this act. The secretary of state may issue a certificate
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 66 of 76
of registration upon receipt of an application supported by
articles of continuance as provided by this act together with
the statements, information and documents set out in subsection
(c) of this section. The certificate of registration may then be
issued continuing the organization in Wyoming as if it had been
organized as a limited liability company in this state. The
certificate of registration may be subject to any limitations
and conditions as may appear proper to the secretary of state.
(b) The secretary of state shall cause notice of issuance
of a certificate of registration to be given forthwith to the
proper officer of the foreign jurisdiction in which the
organization was previously organized.
(c) The articles of continuance filed by a foreign
organization with the secretary of state shall contain:
(i) A certified copy of its original articles of
organization and all amendments thereto or its equivalent basic
(ii) The names of the organization and the foreign
jurisdiction in which it has previously been lawfully organized;
(iii) The date of organization;
(iv) The address of its principal mailing address;
(v) The name and address of the proposed registered
agent in this state;
(vi) Reserved;
(vii) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(viii) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(ix) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(x) Any additional information permitted in articles
of organization under W.S. W.S. 17-29-201.
(d) The application shall be executed by the manager or
managers if any or by any member who is authorized to execute
the application on behalf of the organization.
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 67 of 76
(e) The provisions of the articles of continuance may,
without expressly so stating, vary from the provisions of the
organization's articles of organization or equivalent basic
charter or other authorization, if the variation is one which a
company organized under the Revised Uniform Limited Liability
Company Act could effect by way of amendment to its articles of
organization. Upon issuance of a certificate of continuance by
the secretary of state, the articles of continuance shall be
deemed to be the articles of organization of the continued
organization. The organization may elect to incorporate by
reference in the articles of continuance its basic charter or
other authorization which has been adopted by it in the foreign
jurisdiction, in order to permit the same to continue to act as
the articles of organization, provided, however, that the basic
charter or other authorization shall be deemed amended to the
extent necessary to make the same conform to the laws of Wyoming
and to the provisions of the articles of continuance.
(f) Except for the purpose of W.S. 16-6-101 through 16-6-
118, the existence of any organization heretofore or hereafter
issued a certificate of continuation under this act shall be
deemed to have commenced on the date the organization commenced
its existence in the jurisdiction in which it was first formed,
organized or otherwise came into being. The laws of Wyoming
shall apply to an organization continuing under this act to the
same extent as if it had been organized under the laws of
Wyoming from and after the issuance of a certificate of
continuation under this act by the secretary of state. When a
foreign organization is continued under this act, the
continuance shall not affect the ownership of its property, or
its liability for any existing obligations, causes of action,
claims, pending or threatened prosecution or civil or
administration actions, convictions, rulings, orders or
(g) Continuance under this act does not deprive a member
of any right or privilege that he claims under, or relieve any
member of any liability in respect of, his membership.
17-29-1011. Transfer of a Wyoming limited liability
company to another jurisdiction.
(a) A limited liability company created, domesticated or
continued under this chapter may, if authorized by resolution
duly adopted as set forth in subsection (f) of this section, and
by the laws of any other jurisdiction, within or without the
United States, apply to the proper officer of the other
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 68 of 76
jurisdiction for a certificate of registration, and to the
secretary of state of this state for a certificate of transfer.
The application for certificate of transfer shall set forth the
(i) The name of the limited liability company
immediately prior to the transfer, and if that name is
unavailable for use in the foreign jurisdiction or the limited
liability company desires to change its name in connection with
the transfer, the name by which the limited liability company
will be known in the foreign jurisdiction;
(ii) A statement of the jurisdiction to which the
limited liability company is to be transferred;
(iii) A statement that the limited liability company
shall surrender its articles of organization under this chapter
upon the effectiveness of the transfer;
(iv) A statement that the transfer was duly approved
by the members in the manner required under subsection (f) of
this section; and
(v) Any other terms and conditions of the transfer,
including any desired amendments to the articles of organization
of the limited liability company following its transfer.
(b) The secretary of state shall require that the limited
liability company maintain within the state an agent for service
of process for at least one (1) year after the transfer is
effected and shall impose any conditions he considers
appropriate for the protection of creditors, including the
provision of notice to the public of the application described
in subsection (a) of this section, the provision of a bond or a
deposit of funds in an appropriate depository located in Wyoming
and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Wyoming, and if
such conditions are not met, the secretary of state may refuse
to issue a certificate of transfer.
(c) The secretary of state, upon compliance by the
applicant and the secretary with subsections (a) and (b) of this
section and receipt of payment of the special toll charge
prescribed by subsection (e) of this section shall immediately
transmit a notice of issuance of a certificate of transfer to
the proper officer of the jurisdiction to which the limited
liability company is transferred.
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(d) Upon issuance of a certificate of transfer, the
limited liability company shall be continued as if it had been
organized under the laws of the other jurisdiction and becomes a
limited liability company under the laws of the other
jurisdiction upon issuance by such jurisdiction of a certificate
of registration.
(e) Every limited liability company organized,
domesticated or continued under the laws of this state in order
to receive a certificate of transfer pursuant to subsection (c)
of this section shall pay to the secretary of state, in addition
to all other statutory taxes and fees, a special toll charge of
sixty dollars ($60.00).
(f) A resolution to transfer the limited liability company
to another jurisdiction shall be adopted by the members.
(g) The limited liability company may represent to the
proper officer of the jurisdiction to which the limited
liability company is transferred that the laws of the state of
Wyoming permit such transfer, and may describe the permission
extended by this section as authorizing the domestication,
continuance or other transfer of domicile as may be required by
the laws of the foreign jurisdiction in order for the limited
liability company to be accepted in that jurisdiction, provided
that the limited liability company may not misrepresent the
requirements or effects of the provisions of this section.
17-29-1012. Domestication of foreign limited
liability companies.
Any limited liability company created under the laws of any of
the several states of the United States for any purpose except
acting as an insurer as defined in W.S. 26-1-102(a)(xvi), or
acting as a financial institution may become a domestic limited
liability company of this state by delivering or causing to be
delivered to the secretary of state articles of domestication.
Upon filing the articles of domestication, the secretary of
state shall issue to the foreign limited liability company a
certificate of domestication which shall continue the company as
if it had been created under this chapter. The articles of
domestication, upon being filed by the secretary of state,
constitute the articles of the domesticated foreign limited
liability company and it shall thereafter have all the powers
and privileges and be subjected to all the duties and
limitations granted and imposed upon domestic limited liability
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 70 of 76
companies under the provisions of the Revised Uniform Limited
Liability Company Act.
17-29-1013. Application for certificate of
domestication; articles of domestication.
(a) A foreign limited liability company, in order to
procure a certificate of domestication shall file articles of
domestication with the secretary of state, which articles shall
include and set forth:
(i) A certified copy of its original articles of
organization and all amendments thereto or its equivalent basic
charter or other authorization, and a certificate of good
standing not more than thirty (30) days old;
(ii) The name of the company and the jurisdiction
under the laws of which it is created;
(iii) The date of organization and the period of
duration of the company;
(iv) The address of the principal office of the
company and the jurisdiction under the laws of which it is
(v) The address of the proposed registered office of
the company in this state, and the name of its proposed
registered agent in this state at that address;
(vi) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(vii) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(viii) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(ix) Repealed By Laws 2014, Ch. 65, § 2.
(x) Any additional information permitted in articles
of organization under W.S. 17-29-201.
17-29-1014. Restrictions on approval of mergers,
conversions, continuances, transfers and domestications.
(a) If a member of a constituent, converting, continuing,
transferring or domesticating limited liability company will
have personal liability with respect to a surviving, converted,
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 71 of 76
continued, transferred or domesticated organization, approval or
amendment of a plan of merger, conversion, continuance, transfer
or domestication are ineffective without the consent of the
member, unless:
(i) The company's operating agreement provides for
approval of a merger, conversion, continuance, transfer or
domestication with the consent of fewer than all the members;
(ii) The member has consented to the provision of the
operating agreement.
(b) A member does not give the consent required by
subsection (a) of this section merely by consenting to a
provision of the operating agreement that permits the operating
agreement to be amended with the consent of fewer than all the
17-29-1015. Article not exclusive.
This article does not preclude an entity from being merged,
converted, continued, transferred or domesticated under law
other than this chapter.
17-29-1101. Uniformity of application and
In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration shall
be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
17-29-1102. Secretary of state powers.
The secretary of state has the power reasonably necessary to
perform the duties required of him by this chapter. The
secretary of state shall promulgate reasonable rules and
regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
17-29-1103. Application to existing domestic limited
liability companies.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,
this chapter applies to domestic limited liability companies in
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 72 of 76
existence on July 1, 2010 that were organized under any general
statute of this state providing for organization of limited
liability companies.
(b) For limited liability companies organized in Wyoming
prior to the effective date of this chapter, the management
provisions contained in former W.S. 17-15-116, the division of
profits provisions contained in former W.S. 17-15-119, the
distribution of assets upon dissolution provisions contained in
former W.S. 17-15-126 and the stated term provisions contained
in former W.S. 17-15-107(a)(ii) are continued for a period of
four (4) years from the effective date of this chapter unless
the limited liability company amends its articles of
organization to provide otherwise.
17-29-1104. Applications to qualified foreign
limited liability companies.
A foreign limited liability company authorized to transact
business in this state on the effective date of this chapter is
subject to this chapter but is not required to obtain a new
certificate of authority to transact business under this
17-29-1105. Saving provisions.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,
the repeal of a statute by this act does not affect:
(i) The operation of the statute or any action taken
under it before its repeal;
(ii) Any ratification, right, remedy, privilege,
obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the
statute before its repeal;
(iii) Any violation of the statute, or any penalty,
forfeiture or punishment incurred because of the violation,
before its repeal; or
(iv) Any proceeding or dissolution commenced under
the statute before its repeal, and the proceeding or dissolution
may be completed in accordance with the statute as if it had not
been repealed.
(b) If a penalty or punishment imposed for violation of a
statute repealed by this act is reduced by this act, the penalty
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or punishment if not already imposed shall be imposed in
accordance with this act.
17-25-101. Short title.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Wyoming
Close Limited Liability Company Supplement."
17-25-102. Application of Wyoming Limited Liability
Company Act.
(a) The Wyoming Limited Liability Company Act applies to
close limited liability companies to the extent not inconsistent
with the provisions of this chapter and the powers provided the
secretary of state by W.S. 17-29-1102 shall apply to this
(b) This chapter does not repeal or modify any statute or
rule of law that is or would apply to a limited liability
company that is organized under the Wyoming Limited Liability
Company Act that does not elect to become a close limited
liability company.
17-25-103. Definition and election of close limited
liability company status.
(a) A close limited liability company is a limited
liability company whose articles of organization contain a
statement that the company is a close limited liability company.
(b) A limited liability company formed under W.S. 17-29-
101 through 17-29-1102 may convert to a close limited liability
company by amending its articles of organization to include the
statement required by subsection (a) of this section.
(c) A statement in substantially the following form shall
appear conspicuously in the operating agreement and on any
certificates of ownership in a close limited liability company:
The rights of members in a close limited liability company may
differ materially from the rights of members in other limited
liability companies. The Close Limited Liability Company
Updated 07.01.2021 Page 74 of 76
Supplement, articles of organization, and operating agreement of
a close limited liability company may restrict transfer of
ownership interests, withdrawal or resignation from the company,
return of capital contributions and dissolution of the company.
17-25-104. Formation.
Any person may form a close limited liability company which
shall have one (1) or more members by signing and delivering one
(1) original and one (1) exact or conformed copy of the articles
of organization to the secretary of state for filing. The person
forming the close limited liability company need not be a member
of the company.
17-25-105. Articles of organization.
The articles of organization of a close limited liability
company shall include a statement that the company is a close
limited liability company and shall set forth the matters
required by W.S. 17-29-201.
17-25-106. Management.
Management of a close limited liability company shall be vested
in its members which, unless otherwise provided in the operating
agreement, shall be in proportion to the division of profits and
losses among members. If provision is made for it in the
articles of organization, management of the company may be
vested in a manager or managers who shall be appointed in the
articles of organization or operating agreement or elected by
the members in the manner prescribed by the operating agreement
of the company. The manager or managers, or persons appointed by
the manager or managers, shall also hold the offices and have
the responsibilities accorded to them by the members and set out
in the operating agreement of the company.
17-25-107. Withdrawal of members and return of
members' contributions to capital.
(a) A member may only withdraw from a close limited
liability company upon the terms and conditions set forth in the
operating agreement. If no terms and conditions for withdrawal
of a member are set forth in the company’s operating agreement,
a member may withdraw only with the consent of all other members
of the company.
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(b) A member shall not receive out of close limited
liability company property any part of his or its contribution
to capital unless:
(i) All liabilities of the company, except
liabilities to members on account of their contributions to
capital, have been paid or there remains property of the company
sufficient to pay them; and
(ii) All members consent to such return of
contributions to capital; and either:
(A) The company is dissolved; or
(B) The articles of organization or operating
agreement of the company otherwise provide for the return of
contributions to capital.
(iii) Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 116, § 2.
(iv) Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 116, § 2.
(c) In the absence of a statement in the articles of
organization to the contrary or the consent of all members of
the close limited liability company, a member, irrespective of
the nature of his or its contribution, has only the right to
demand and receive cash in return for his or its contribution to
(d) A member of a close limited liability company may not
have the company dissolved for a failure to return his or its
contribution to capital.
17-25-108. Dissolution.
(a) A close limited liability company organized under this
chapter shall be dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the
following events:
(i) When the period fixed for the duration of the
company expires;
(ii) By the unanimous written agreement of all
members; or
(iii) At the time or upon the occurrence of events
specified in the operating agreement.
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(b) As soon as possible following the occurrence of any of
the events specified in subsection (a) of this section causing
the dissolution of a close limited liability company, the
company shall execute a statement of intent to dissolve in the
form prescribed by the secretary of state.
17-25-109. Repealed By Laws 2010, Ch. 94, § 3.
17-25-110. Sharing of profits and losses;
(a) A close limited liability company may divide and
allocate the profits and losses of its business among the
members and transferees of the company upon the basis provided
in the operating agreement. If the operating agreement does not
so provide, profits and losses shall be allocated on the basis
of the value of contributions to the company by each member and
transferee to the extent they have been received by the company
and have not been returned.
(b) Distributions by a close limited liability company
before its dissolution and winding up may be made among the
members and transferees of the company upon the basis provided
in the operating agreement. If the operating agreement does not
so provide, distributions shall be made on the basis of the
value of contributions to the company by each member and
transferee to the extent they have been received by the company
and have not been returned.
17-25-111. Transferability of interest.
All interests in a close limited liability company, including
transferable interests, shall only be transferred as provided in
the operating agreement. If the operating agreement does not so
provide, no transfer of a close limited liability company
interest, including a transferable interest, shall be made
without the consent of all members of the company.