Toshiba Scanning Step by Step
Toshiba Scan Paper/s & Send By Email
Toshiba Scan Paper/s & Save to USB
Toshiba Scan Paper/s & Save to Campus Network
Toshiba Scan a Book
Toshiba Scan Paper/s & Send By Email - How to Steps:
1. Place a single paper face down on the glass. Put the top of the sheet face
down, towards the top, left corner, where you see the white arrow. Multiple
papers go into top tray, face up.
2. Log into the printer/copier. User Information details appears.
3. Press the Scan button on key pad.
4. Tap the Email button.
5. On the email screen tap To, then tap Input. Type in email address of the
user/s, or select recipient/s. Notice Shift key for uppercase & options to CC
or BCC. When finished tap OK.
6. Enter Subject, File Name, single or multiple pages. Tap the File button to
rename the file. Clicking on backspace or clear will remove the default
numbered File Name, using the typewriter keys you can give it a name.
Choose Multiple, which is the default setting (which is to scan multiple
pages to one file) or Single (which is a separate email for each page) &
leave File format at PDF (most common). Tap OK.
7. Tap Preview (recommended) if you want to see it after it is scanned. Press
the blue Scan button to start scanning. It is very, very quiet!
8. When you are finished scanning, tap Job Finish.
9. Press the Access key once or Function Clear button twice on key pad
twice, or let it time out (45 seconds).
Tip: To Scan in color, tap on Scan Settings and under the Color Mode, tap
Auto Color. Remember this will make the file large in size. Also if you
have a lot of pages to copy you might want to change the dpi to 100, under
Scan Settings, then Resolution.
Toshiba Scan Paper/s & Save to USB - How to Steps:
1. Place single paper face down on the glass. Put the top of the sheet face
down, towards the left corner, where you see the white arrow. Multiple
sheets of papers go into tray, face up.
2. Log into the printer/copier.
3. Locate the slot on printer to connect your USB into, front or side of
machine. After a few seconds, Found USB Device appears on the tap panel
at the bottom.
4. User Information details appears.
5. Press Scan on key pad. Look for Found USB Device at bottom of tap
6. Tap USB on panel.
7. A Scan To USB window appears. Tap the File button to rename the file.
Tap backspace will remove pre filled in File Name, then using the
typewriter keys, give it a name. Choose Multiple, which is the default
setting (which is to scan multiple pages to one file) or Single (which is a
separate email for each page) & leave File format at PDF (most common).
Tap OK. Tap Preview (recommended) if you want to see it after it is
scanned. Press the blue Scan button to start scanning. It is very, very quiet.
8. When you are finished scanning, tap Job Finish.
9. Press the Access key once or Function Clear button twice on key pad
twice, or let it time out (45 seconds).
Tip: To Scan in color, tap on Scan Settings and under the Color Mode, tap
Auto Color. Remember this will make the file large in size. Also if you
have a lot of pages to copy you might want to change the dpi to 100, under
Scan Settings, then Resolution.
Toshiba Scan Paper/s & Save to Campus Network - How to Steps:
1. Place single paper face down on the glass. Put the top of the sheet face
down, towards the left corner, where you see the white arrow. Multiple
sheets of papers go into top tray, face up.
2. Log into the printer/copier.
3. Press the Scan button on keypad, then tap the File button. Tap the Remote
1 button, this will be the location on the network that scanned items will be
scanned into.
4. Tap the File Name button to rename the file. Taping backspace will remove
the pre filled in File Name, then use typewriter keys to give it a name.
Choose Multiple, which is the default setting (which is to scan multiple
pages to one file) or Single (which is a separate email for each page) &
leave File format at PDF (most common). Tap OK.
5. Tap Preview (recommended) if you want to see it after it is scanned. Press
the blue Scan button to start scanning. It is very, very quiet.
6. It will be scanned, saved as a file to a folder on the network. For example in
the library Toshibas they scan to P, Departments, LIS, then into the folder
called Scanned Documents.
7. Email [email protected] if you would like this set up in your
departmental printer/copier. Include the printer type and printer id. (found
on label in front of printer) Once the folder is set up then your liaison needs
to visit your printer to set it up within the printer/copier.
Tip: To Scan in color, tap on Scan Settings and under the Color Mode, tap
Auto Color. Remember this will make the file large in size. Also if you
have a lot of pages to copy you might want to change the dpi to 100, under
Scan Settings, then Resolution.
Toshiba - Scan a Book - How to Steps:
(The preferred method is to copy a book, make sure it is correct then scan it to a
file & save to network, jump drive or send as attachment via email.)
1. Small Books - Place book, face down, far left side & top of glass. It will
automatically adjust the increase in size.
2. Medium Books - Place book, face down, far left side & top of glass.
3. Large Book - Place the book, face down, to far left corner & left side of
glass. It will automatically adjust the decrease to fit regular sized paper.
This is for books that fit the entire copier window when opened.
4. Log into the printer/copier. Press Scan on keypad.
5. Tap to choose location to save or send this file: Email or USB. You can
give the file a name by taping the File button. Tap OK.
6. If the machine wants it to print (medium or large books) on LD paper which
will require the ByPass tray. You will get Job Status flashing. See details
for Job Status under Frequently Asked Questions below. If you want it to
scan to regular sized paper, you want LT. Tap under Scan Settings, tap
Auto, then tap LT, and then tap OK.
7. Press Scan to start scan, pressing Scan for each page. Tap Job Finish when
8. Press the Function Clear key once to start another function or twice to log
Tip: To Scan in color, tap on Scan Settings and under the Color Mode, tap
Auto Color. Remember this will make the file large in size. Also if you
have a lot of pages to copy you might want to change the dpi to 100, under
Scan Settings, then Resolution as this would help with the size.