CSS Profile
Waiver Request for the Noncustodial Parent
Financial aid eligibility is based on demonstrated financial need, not on a parent’s willingness to pay for education.
However, some institutions recognize that every family is different and want to be sure to understand your family’s
circumstances as they assess your eligibility for aid.
These institutions may require your noncustodial parent to complete a CSS Profile application. If you have no contact
with this parent, you may request institutions to waive this requirement. Prior to submitting this form, confirm
whether each institution you are applying to requires a noncustodial parent to complete the CSS Profile
application and accepts this waiver.
complete this form, follow these steps:
Complete and sign the form.
Submit the signed copy, with all required documentation, to each institution that accepts this waiver.
Keep a copy for your records.
s to remember:
This form is a way to start a conversation with your institutions. Understand other institutions who require a CSS
Profile application from noncustodial parents may require their own waiver form and may not accept this version.
It’s important to review each institution’s website and instructions.
Submission of this request does not guarantee that a waiver will be approved.
Each institution will make its own decision and communicate that decision to you and reserves the right to request
additional information regarding your waiver request.
of waiver requests that may be considered:
No contact or support ever received from your noncustodial parent.
Legal ord
ers that limit the noncustodial parent's contact with you.
situations involving you and the noncustodial parent.
ples of documentation that may be required:
rt documents or legal orders, if applicable.
d-party documentation preferably a written statement or letter from a counselor, a social worker, a teacher, or
clergy who has first-hand knowledge about and can certify your situation.
Statements from family members or attorneys may or may not be accepted.
of waiver requests that are usually not considered:
A parent r
efuses to complete the CSS Profile.
Divorce decree states that a parent is not responsible for the student's educational expenses. In these cases, we
encourage you to reach out directly to each institution's financial aid office for assistance.
Please do not submit this page
CBFinAid (optional)
Student’s Name
CSS Profile
Waiver Request for the Noncustodial Parent
Student’s information
Street Address
Email Address
City, State and Zip
Status of the student’s biological/adoptive parents
Please report your biological/adoptive parents’ current marital status by checking the appropriate box below and reporting
the year that status began. If your parents are divorced, please list both the year of separation and the year of divorce.
Separated: year of separation
Divorced: year of separation
year of divorce
Never married t
o each other and currently do not share the same household:
year of separation
Parent Name
Street Address
Email Address
Telephone Number
State and Zip
Noncustodial Parent’s information
provide information about the noncustodial parent. Provide all the information you know. If you do not know,
report it as “unknown.”
Are there any legal orders that limit this parent’s contact with you?
Yes No Unknown
If yes, please att
ach the restraining order, police report, or divorce decree which
documents the limited contact with this parent. Report the documentation you are
sending in the “supporting documentation” section below.
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CBFinAid (optional)
Student’s Name
Answers to the following questions will help us understand the nature of your relationship
with your noncustodial parent. Provide information to the best of your knowledge.
Has this parent ever claimed you as a dependent on a federal tax return?
If yes, indicate the most recent tax year that occurred.
Has this parent ever paid child support for you?
Yes No Unknown
If yes, please answer the following:
Indicate the most recent tax year in which it was paid.
How m
uch w
as paid for you that year?
Was the child support paid court ordered?
Yes No Unknown
If the child support was court ordered, did it require that this
parent’s wages be garnished?
Yes No Unknown
Have you ever
had contact with this parent?
Yes No
If yes, please answer the following:
Indicate the last time you had contact with this parent.
Report how often you had contact with this parent in the past year.
Monthly Other
No contact
in past
Explain the type of contact - letter/email, visit, phone call/text, school event, family gathering,
court appearance, Facebook/online, other (please explain.)
Has this par
ent remarried?
Yes No Unknown
If yes, i
e the year this occurred.
Yes No Unknown
Does this parent have children other than those reported in
the custodial household?
If ye
s, how m
any add
itional children does this parent have?
List their ages.
Who owns the property where you live?
Custodial parent/stepparent Noncustodial parent Owned jointly/both parents
Landlord (non-fa
mily member)
Other (expl
ain in “statement from applicant”)
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CBFinAid (optional)
Student’s Name
Personal Statement
Provide as much detail as possible about the relationship with the noncustodial parent. Include any additional
information that would help us to better understand why you believe the institution should waive any financial
information or contribution from this parent. If additional space is needed, you may attach your statement as a
separate document to this form.
Supporting documentation
Some institutions will require more information. Indicate which supporting documentation you have included:
party documentation - a written statement or letter from a counselor, a social worker, a teacher, or
clergy who can clarify your situation. Statements from family members or attorneys may or may not be
Copy of
police report or restraining order
Other documents (list):
Certification and Signature
I certify that the information provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Student’s Signature
Custodial Parent’s Signature
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