Website with Named Author(s)
If you can identify the name(s) of the author(s) of material on a website, list them as the authors.
Ceniza-Levine, C. (2019, November 17). Seven job interview mistakes you probably don’t
realize you’re making. Forbes.
*Corresponding in-text citation: (Ceniza-Levine, 2019).
Website with Known Source but No Named Author
Often, you know the company or entity who owns a website, but you don’t know the name of the
person who wrote the material. Use the name of the entity that created the site as your author. Do
not repeat the organization’s name in the source element (after the title).
Montana State University. (n.d.). Bracken Business Communications Clinic.
*Corresponding in-text citation: (Montana State University, n.d.)
Another Example:
The Walt Disney Company. (2016). Recent news.
*Corresponding in-text citation: (The Walt Disney Company, 2016)
Website with Unknown Author
Rarely, you may find a source that does not have an author. When that happens, use the title in
place of the author. For example, you might find a news story written by an unknown Associated
Press author, in which case the reference page entry would look like this:
All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, October 13). MSNBC.
*Corresponding in-text citation: (“All 33 Chile miners,” 2010).
Format: Author, A. (publication date). Title of message. Title of Blog. http://url
Example Reference Page Entry:
Becker, D. (2016, September 21). How to cite a YouTube comment. APA Style Blog.
*Corresponding in-text citation: (Becker, 2016)
Crowdfunding Sites
Consult the BBCC or the APA Publication Manual for information on how to cite other forms of
social media.
Format: Author, A. (publication date). Title of webpage. Name of crowdfunding site.
Example Reference Page Entry:
Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration. (n.d.). New robot to explore the depths of
Yellowstone Lake. Kickstarter.com. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gfoe/a-
*Corresponding in-text citation: (Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, n.d.)
Format: Author, A. (publication date). Title of work. Publishing
Company. https://doi.org/
Example Reference Page Entry:
Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Random House, Inc.
*Corresponding in-text citation: (Skloot, 2010)
*PLEASE NOTE: As long as the content is the same, electronic books and audiobooks are
treated the same way. Include a DOI or URL for electronic books only.
Journal Articles
Journal Article (electronic-no doi: digital object identifier)
Format: Author, A. (publication date). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume
number(issue number), page numbers of the article. https://URL
Example Reference Page Entry:
Porter, M.E., & Kramer, M.R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review,
89(2), 62-77. https://hbr.org/2011/01/the-big-idea-creating-shared-value
Journal Article (electronic with doi)
Format: Author, A. (publication date). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume
number(issue number), page numbers of the article. http://doi.org/
Example Reference Page Entry:
Porter, M.E., & Kramer, M.R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review,
89(2), 62-77. http://doi.org/10.3692/72004
Journal Article (print)
Format: Author, A. (publication date). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume
number(issue number), page numbers of the article.
Example Reference Page Entry:
Porter, M.E., & Kramer, M.R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review,
89(2), 62-77.
Example In-text Citations for all three examples on this page:
(Porter & Kramer, 2011) paraphrase
(Porter & Kramer, 2011, p. 214) direct quote
Format: Author, A. (date). Title of video [Format description]. Production Company or
Publisher. https://URL
*This example also shows how to use a video timestamp in an in-text citation to cite a
direct quote from a video.
Example Reference Page Entry:
Liotta, D. (2016, February 11). How to fight Zika and other neglected diseases
[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4kE 8C_YhSQ
Example In-text Citations:
(Liotta, 2016) paraphrase
(Liotta, 2016, 3:03) direct quote
3:03 is the video timestamp at which the cited information begins. A range may
also be used; e.g., 3:033:45.
Format: Host, H. (Host). (Date). Title of episode [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of
Podcast. Publisher. https://URL
Example Reference Page Entry:
Raz, G. (Host). (2019, November 4). FUBU: Daymond John [Audio podcast
episode]. In How I Built This with Guy Raz. NPR.
Example In-text Citations:
(Raz, 2019) paraphrase
(Raz, 2019, 24:13) direct quote
24:13 is the timestamp at which the cited information begins. A range may also be
used; e.g., 24:13 25:12.
PLEASE NOTE: The date and titles of episode and podcast in the above reference citation
should be changed to list the specific podcast you are writing about.