Government of Pakistan
Revenue Division
Federal Board of Revenue
Inland Revenue
C.No.6(9)S(IR-Operations)/2021 Islamabad, August 30, 2021
Circular No. 05 of 2022 Operations
(Income Tax)
Subject: Foreign Remittances Exemption
In Pakistan taxation or non-taxation of foreign remittances has historically been in
the spotlight both from the tax policy and tax law enforcement perspectives more
so, since early 1970s. In the wake of workers’ remittances starting to assume
central role in the external sector management over the past few decades, in
addition to Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), and State Bank of Pakistan (SBP),
higher judiciary has also gained significant importance. The multiplicity of players,
their overlapping roles, and lack of systematic coordination mechanisms amongst
them have many a time, led to policy paradigms that are checkered, at best, and
conflicting, at worst with innovations in banking and trans-border money transfer
modes and judicial activism confounding the confusion even further. This
conflicting conundrum between policy planks and judicial pronouncements has
resulted in serious difficulties for law enforcement by IRS Formations and fallouts
for taxpayers in terms of variable and uneven tax treatment meted out across the
2. The Board, of late, has received representations indicating that the letter of
the (tax) law, SBP regulations, and the case law developed over time, stand at
opposite poles when it comes to taxation or non-taxation of foreign remittances
resulting in initiation of avoidable tax proceedings, creation of unsustainable tax
demand and additional burden for taxpayers. It is, therefore, imperative that a
comprehensive set of instructions laying bare historical context, de-conflicting
policies and regulations of key institutional players, and prescribing a clear-cut
roadmap for uniform implementation across the board with least additional
compliance cost to the taxpayers, are issued.
(A) Historical Context
3. The Income Tax Act, 1922 (“the ITA, 1922”), vide section 4(2) empowered
Tax Department to tax foreign remittances in the hands of wife sent by the husband
working abroad out of his untaxed foreign income.” Albeit it was not explicitly
laid down, yet impliedly foreign remittances of any nature had to take place
through normal banking channels. At Independence, on account of exodus of the
non-Muslims and influx of refugees into Pakistan, not only that the administrative
machinery was dislocated but also that the nation had received an economic blow.
There were people who were bringing large sums of money from India and other
countries into Pakistan in order to rehabilitate themselves.” The Government,
therefore, decided not to charge any tax on all those amounts which were brought
from abroad unless there was evidence to prove that the amounts, in fact,
represented income earned via any means in Pakistan or that such amounts were
then sent out of Pakistan after September 18, 1949 when Pak Rupee was not
devalued. This conditional tax concession remained available up to 31
1956 despite the fact that the money was remitted into Pakistan through non-
banking channels. Thereafter, instructions were issued under which the amounts
that were remitted into Pakistan through the normal banking channels alone could
rank for exemption. Circular No. 7 of 1957, was issued to categorically stipulate
that w.e.f. April 1, 1956 concession will be restricted to such remittances of
money from abroad only as come through the normal banking channels and enter
the foreign exchange control system. Subsequently, the concession was extended
for another couple of years. Thus, it is clear that after April 1, 1960, only incomes
earned abroad by non-resident Pakistanis (NRPs), and remitted into their own
accounts through normal banking channels were to be entitled for exemption from
tax in Pakistan.
4. In 1972, the Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet (ECC),
decided that the origin of funds remitted from abroad for non-repatriable
industrial investment should not be questioned.” A year later, Finance Ordinance,
1973, ended up deleting Section 4(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1922 (“the ITA,
1922”), by implication, expanding the nexus of the term foreign remittance” to
include spouse, parents, and dependent children subject to the condition that the
funds had been transferred through normal banking channels. The purpose of
this significant change was “to encourage the inflow of foreign currency.”
Throughout 1970s and 1980s, the Department continued to adopt rather a softer
approach to foreign remittances by not taxing them in the hands of spouse or other
family members, and by accepting without further questions when claimed as a
source against investment, expenditure or purchase of assets.
5. The Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992 (“the PERA, 1992”) was
promulgated as a parallel foreign exchange regulation in Pakistan; it pulverized the
pre-existing one. To give effect to the PERA, 1992, clause (6A), Part IV, 2
Schedule to the ITO, 1979 was inserted vide SRO 219(I)/01, dated March 16,
1991, which effectively amnestized “any amount of foreign exchange” deposited in
a private foreign currency account (FCA) held with an authorized bank in Pakistan
in accordance with SBP’s Foreign Currency Accounts Scheme (FCAS) introduced
by the State Bank of Pakistan.” This way the fine line between foreign currency
remitted into Pakistan and the foreign currency deposited into an FCA by
purchasing it from the domestic market, completely got blurred.
6. In the same vein, the Finance Ordinance, 2001 ended up inserting sub-
section (2A) in section 13 of the ITO, 1979, to amnestize any amount of foreign
exchange remitted from abroad through normal banking channels and got enchased
in Pakistan rupees from a scheduled bank and a certificate is produced to that
effect from such bank.” Upon promulgation, the ITO, 2001 also carried a pari
materia provision in sub-section (4) of section 111 to ensure continuation. This
provision effectively took out of equation the residential status of the remitter and
the locus of earning of the amount. Up until 2015, there was no upper limit to avail
exemption u/s 111(4) of the ITO, 2001. A limit of Rs.10 million was brought in
2018, which has, later on, been reduced to Rs.5 million vide Finance, Act, 2019.
However, this exemption was available subject to fulfillment of four conditions,
namely, that (a) the remitted amount is in foreign exchange; (b) the amount is
remitted into Pakistan through normal banking channels; (c) the amount is
encashed by a scheduled bank; and (d) a certificate of encashment is issued by the
bank concerned.
(B) Current Controversy
7. A controversy has loomed for quite some time as innovations in banking,
money transfer mechanisms, and development of newer products for cross-border
transactions have outflanked the letter of the law as now Money Services Business
(MSBs), Exchange Companies (ECs), and Money Transfer Operators (MTOs)
perform almost identical to those of scheduled banks. In some situations, IRS Field
Formations have refused concession vis-à-vis foreign remittances remitted via
ECs, that is, Money Gram, Western Union and Ria France etc relying on Appellate
Tribunal Inland Revenue’s judgement reported as ITA.No.794/LB of 2021 dated
October 10, 2013. It has been held that the afore-mentioned four conditions are
mandatory to claim the benefit of foreign remittances under the ITO, 2001.
However, SBP while responding to Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO)’s
memorandum vide letter No.EPD/8302/EPP16(37)-Misc-2019, dated 08.04.2019,
have categorically taken the position that foreign exchange remitted into Pakistan
via MSBs, ECs, and MTOs, such as, Western Union, Money Gram and Ria France
etc, does constitute foreign exchange remitted through normal banking channels
for all legal purposes.
8. The SBPs’ aforementioned position legitimizing remittances via MSBs,
ECs, and MTOs, and equating them with “scheduled banks” as laid down in
section 111(4) of ITO, 2001, was challenged through a precise reference bearing
C.No.1(1)TP/2017(A), dated March 31, 2021, mainly on four grounds. First, that
all four conditions (Para 6 above) are to be concomitantly fulfilled and that, prima
facie, “prefunded non-resident rupee account and the foreign currency account of
Overseas Money Service Bureaus (MSB), Exchange Companies (ECs), Money
Transfer Operators (MTOs) etc, locally maintained with the Pakistani banks, and
the subsequent replenishment through SWIFT cannot substitute the strict
conditions of Section 111(4) of the ITO, 2001.” Second, as per section 2(m) of the
SBP Act, 1956, a “scheduled bank” means a bank for the time being included in
the list of banks maintained under sub-section (1) of section 37 of the SBP Act,
1956, and that MSBs, ECs and MTOs were not scheduled banks as per section
37(1) read with section 111(4) of the ITO, 2001. Third, Hon’ble Supreme Court of
Pakistan in case law titled as Army Welfare Sugar Mills Ltd. & Others vs.
Federation of Pakistan reported and reported as 1992-SCMR-1652 has laid down
a couple of fundamental principles of claiming exemption, namely, that (a) the
onus of proof is on the one who claims exemption, and (b) that “a provision
relating to grant of tax exemption is to be construed strictly against the person
asserting and in favor of the taxing officer.” Fourth, it is for Supreme Court and
High Courts to interpret law and not the regulators like SBP to do the same.
9. The SBP vide Memorandum No.EPD 30-4-2021-97865, dated May 7, 2021,
held their ground and have responded to FBR’s afore-cited observations by stating
that to claim exemption under aforementioned clause of ITO, 2001, a taxpayer
receiving home remittancesvia MSB and ECs strictly fulfills all the conditions
set in section 111(4)(a) of the ITO, 2001.” The SBP have also gone on to item-
wise address the question of fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the four cardinal
conditions laid down in the ITO, 2001, under the currently prevailing banking
regulations and practices as under: -
SBP’s Views/Comments
Amount should be in foreign
Home remittances amount is received from
MSB/ECs in Pakistan in foreign exchange.
Amount should be remitted
from outside Pakistan through
normal banking channel.
Foreign exchange is received by Pakistani banks
in their nostro accounts through the normal
banking channel from overseas jurisdictions.
Amount should be encashed by
a scheduled bank.
Foreign exchange is surrendered (encashed) in
interbank market and home remittances is paid in
Certificate of encashment in
respect of the amount should
be produced by the concerned
An encashment certificate is issued by bank that
has received foreign exchange from abroad on
behalf of the beneficiaries in the matter.
10. Thus, SBP having unequivocally responded to all four critical questions, that
is, that foreign exchange ought to originate overseas, must reach and be
surrendered to SBP, and transaction should leave a banking trail behind, have been
answered affirmatively. Moreover, the SBP under the Foreign Exchange
Regulations Act, 1947, is the institution to attend to all matters pertaining to
dealings in foreign exchange and securities and the import and export of currency.
Therefore, the SBP being the frontline regulator of all foreign exchange moving
into or outside the country, is in the best position to decide as to whether the
necessary legal requirements have been met or not of a particular transaction to be
able to avail the benefit cover under tax laws. Foregoing in view, it is clarified that
all cases of claim of foreign remittances be disposed of by according lenient
interpretation to the conditions stipulated in section 111(4) of the ITO, 2001.
Moreover, in order to win the trust of the taxpayers and spare the public resources
for more productive use elsewhere, all Departmental appeals filed on the stricto
sensu interpretation of the law, be withdrawn immediately, and no further appeals
be filed if on all fours of this clarification.
11. All Circulars and instructions issued on the matter previously stand
Hammad Hussain Jaffri
Secretary (IR Operations)
(i) SA to Chairman, FBR, Islamabad
(ii) SA to Member (Inland Revenue Operations), FBR, Islamabad
(iii) Chief Commissioners, LTOs, MTO, CTOs, & RTOs
(iv) Joint Director, Exchange Policy Department, State Bank of Pakistan, I.I.
Chundrigar, Karachi
(v) President, Pakistan Tax Bar Association
(vi) Webmaster