Customize End-User Web Portals
End-User Portals , page 1
Customization of End-User Web Portals , page 2
Portal Themes, Images, and Banners, page 4
Portal Page Titles, Content, and Labels, page 4
Basic Customization of Portals, page 4
Advanced Customization of Portals , page 9
Customization of a Portal Language File, page 26
Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error Messages, page 29
End-User Portals
Cisco ISE provides web-based portals for three primary sets of end users:
Guests who need to temporarily access your enterprise network using the Guest portals (Hotspot and
credentialed Guest portals)
Employees who are designated as sponsors who can create and manage guest accounts using the Sponsor
Employees who are using their personal devices on the enterprise network using the various non-guest
portals such as the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Mobile Device Management (MDM), and My
Devices portals.
Related Topics
Guest Portals
Sponsor Portals
Personal Device Portals
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customization of End-User Web Portals
While Cisco ISE provides a number of default portals and lets you edit, duplicate, and create additional portals,
it also allows you to fully customize the portal appearance and, therefore, the guest experience. You can
customize each individual portal without affecting other portals.
You can customize various aspects of the portal interface that apply to the entire portal or to specific pages
of the portal, such as:
Themes, images, colors, banners, and footers
Languages used for displaying portal text, error messages, and notifications
Titles, content, instructions, and field and button labels
Notifications sent to guests via email, SMS, and printer (applies only to the Self-Registered Guest and
Sponsor portals)
Error and informational messages displayed to users
Custom fields to gather guest information specific to your needs (applies only to the Self-Registered
Guest and Sponsor portals)
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customization of End-User Web Portals
After you customize your portal, you can create multiple portals (of the same type) by duplicating it. For
example, if you customized your Hotspot Guest portal for one business entity, you can duplicate it and make
minor changes to create custom Hotspot Guest portals for other business entities.
Figure 1: Portal Page Layout for Customization
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customization of End-User Web Portals
Based on your specific requirements and expertise, your customization can range from making minimal
changes to the portal default settings, such as fine-tuning the overall color scheme, or performing advanced
customization, such as changing the actual layout of the portal pages.
You can do most of your customization using the Cisco ISE Admin portal. However, Cisco ISE also allows
you to customize different parts of the portal interface using the cascading style sheet (CSS) language. To
edit existing CSS files and create your own portal theme files, we recommend that you use JQuery Mobile
Related Topics
Add Custom Fields for Guest Account Creation
Portal Themes, Images, and Banners
Cisco ISE provides a default set of portal themes that you can use as is or customize by using the existing
CSS files as models to create new custom files. However, you can alter the appearance of the portals without
using customized CSS files.
For instance, if you want to use unique corporate logos and banner images, you can simply upload and use
these new image files. You can customize the default color scheme by changing the color of the different
elements and areas of the portals. You can even choose the language in which you want to view the custom
changes as you make them.
If you want to perform advanced customization, such as change the page layout or add video clips or
advertisements to your portal pages, you can use your own custom CSS files instead.
These types of changes within a specific portal are applied globally to all the pages of that portal. Changes to
the page layout can be applied either globally or to just one specific page in the portal.
Portal Page Titles, Content, and Labels
You can customize the titles, text boxes, instructions, field and button labels, and other visual elements that
the guest views on the end-user web portal pages. While you are customizing the page, you can even edit the
page settings on the fly.
These changes are applied only to the specific page that you are customizing.
Basic Customization of Portals
Select a predefined theme that best suits your needs, and use most of its default settings. You can then do
some basic customization, such as:
Modify the Portal Theme Colors, on page 5
Change the Portal Icons, Images, and Logos, on page 6
Update the Portal Banner and Footer Elements, on page 7
Change the Portal Display Language, on page 6
Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text, on page 8
Format and Style Text Box Content, on page 8
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Portal Themes, Images, and Banners
You can View Your Customization, on page 5 as you make the updates.Tip
View Your Customization
You can view how your customization will display to the portal users (guests, sponsors, or employees).
Click Portal test URL to view your changes in a "live" portal.
Click Preview to dynamically view how your changes appear on various devices:
Mobile devices––View your changes under Preview.
Desktop devicesClick Preview and then Desktop Preview. A new tab opens, and all the changes
that you make are displayed on this tab.
If the changes are not displayed, click Refresh Preview. The portal displayed is only meant for viewing
your changes; you cannot click buttons or enter data.
Modify the Portal Theme Colors
You can customize the default color scheme in the default portal themes and change the color of the different
elements and areas of the portals. These changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.
If you plan to change the portal colors, be aware of the following:
You cannot use this option to change the color scheme in any of the custom portal themes that you may
have imported for use with this portal. You must edit the custom theme CSS file to change its color
After changing the colors in a portal theme, if you select another portal theme from the Portal Theme
drop-down menu, the changes are lost in the original portal theme and it reverts to its default colors.
If you tweak the colors of a portal theme with an already modified color scheme and then reset its colors
before saving it, the color scheme reverts to its default colors and any previous modifications are lost.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
View Your Customization
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Select one of the default themes from the Portal Theme drop-down list.
Step 3
Click Tweaks to override some of the color settings in the selected default portal theme.
a) Change the color settings for the banner and page backgrounds, text, and labels.
If you want to revert to the themes default color scheme, click Reset Colors.
c) Click OK if you want to view the color changes in Preview.
Step 4
Click Save.
Change the Portal Display Language
You can choose the language in which you want to view the custom changes as you make them. This change
applies to the entire portal that you are customizing.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customization > Global Customization.
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customization > Global Customization.
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization > Global Customization.
Step 2
From the View In drop-down list, choose the language in which you want to view the text while customizing
the page.
The drop-down list includes all languages in the language file associated with the specific portal.
What to Do Next
Make sure that you update any changes made in the selected language while customizing the portal page into
all the supported language properties files.
Change the Portal Icons, Images, and Logos
If you want to use unique corporate logos, icons, and banner images, you can simply replace the existing
images by uploading your custom images. Supported image formats include .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. These
changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Change the Portal Display Language
Before You Begin
To include images in the footer of the portal, for instance in an advertisement, you should be able to access
an external server that has these images.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Images, click any of the logos, icons, and image buttons and upload your custom images.
Step 3
Click Save.
Update the Portal Banner and Footer Elements
You can customize the information that appears in the banner and footer sections of every page in the portal.
These changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Change the Banner title that appears on every portal page.
Step 3
Include these links for the guests who use your portals:
HelpOnline help (provide for only the Sponsor and My Devices portals).
ContactTechnical support (set up the Support Information page to enable this).
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Update the Portal Banner and Footer Elements
Step 4
Add a disclaimer or a copyright notice in the Footer Elements to appear on the bottom of every portal page.
Step 5
Click Save.
Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text
You can update all the text that is displayed in the portal. Each UI element on the page that you are customizing
has a minimum and maximum range for the number of characters that you can enter. When available in some
of the text blocks, you can use a mini-editor to apply visual styling to the text. These changes apply only to
the specific portal page you are customizing. These page elements are different for email, SMS, and print
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to change.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, update any of the displayed UI elements. All pages contain Browser Page
Title, Content Title, Instructional Text, Content, and two Optional Content text blocks. The fields in the
Content area are specific to each page.
Related Topics
Character Limits for Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels
List of Variables for Portal Pages Customization
Format and Style Text Box Content
Use the mini-editor that is available in the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1, and Optional Content
2 text boxes to do basic formatting of the text. These changes apply only to the specific portal pages that you
are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to change.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, in the Instructional Text and Optional Content text blocks, you can:
Change the font, size, and color of the text.
Style the text as bold, italics, or underlined.
Create bulleted and numbered lists.
You can also use the Toggle HTML Source button to view the HTML tags that were applied to the text that
you formatted using the mini-editor.
Advanced Customization of Portals
If you do not want to use one of the default portal themes provided by Cisco ISE, you can customize the portal
to suit your needs. To do so, you should have experience working with CSS and Javascript files and the jQuery
Mobile ThemeRoller application.
You are not allowed to alter the default portal themes, but you can:
Export a Portals Default Theme CSS File, on page 12, and use it as a base for creating a custom portal
Create a Custom Portal Theme CSS File, on page 13, by editing the default portal theme and saving it
as a new file.
Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File, on page 25, and apply it to the portal.
Based on the extent of your expertise and requirements, you can perform various types of advanced
customization, such as use predefined variables to enable consistency in displayed information, add
advertisements to your portal pages, use HTML, CSS and Javascript code to customize your content, and
modify the portal page layout.
View Your Customization
You can view how your customization will display to the portal users (guests, sponsors, or employees).
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Advanced Customization of Portals
Click Portal test URL to view your changes in a "live" portal.
Click Preview to dynamically view how your changes appear on various devices:
Mobile devices––View your changes under Preview.
Desktop devicesClick Preview and then Desktop Preview. A new tab opens, and all the changes
that you make are displayed on this tab.
If the changes are not displayed, click Refresh Preview. The portal displayed is only meant for viewing
your changes; you cannot click buttons or enter data.
Configure Portal Customization
Cisco ISE offers you the ability to customize the content that displays on your end-user portals using HTML
and Javascript code in the text boxes on the different pages listed under Portal Page Customization.
Step 1
Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 2
Verify that Enable portal customization with HTML is checked by default. This setting enables you to
include HTML tags in the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1 and Optional Content 2 text boxes.
Step 3
Check Enable portal customization with HTML and Javascript if you want to do advanced JavaScript
customization by including <script> tags in the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1 and Optional
Content 2 text boxes.
What to Do Next
You can then access the various portals and enter HTML and Javascript code in the text boxes based on the
option you enabled here.
Portal Theme and Structure CSS Files
If you have experience with working with CSS files, you can customize the default portal theme CSS files to
alter the portal presentation and manipulate elements such as the page layout, colors, and fonts. Customizing
the CSS files provides you with flexibility and control in specifying the presentation characteristics, it enables
you to share formatting across multiple pages, and it reduces the complexity and repetition in the structural
Cisco ISE end-user portals use two distinct types of CSS files: structure.css and theme.css. Every portal theme
has its own theme.css file, but there is only one structure.css file per portal type; for example guest.structure.css
for Guest portals, sponsor.structure.css for Sponsor Portals, and mydevices.structure.css for My Devices
The structure.css provides the styling for the page layout and structure. It defines the positioning of elements
on each page and also includes jQuery Mobile structure styles. You can only view the structure.css file, but
you cannot edit it. However, when you change the page layout within theme.css files, import these files into
the portal, and apply them, the most recent changes take priority over the structure.css styles.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Configure Portal Customization
The theme.css files specify styles such as fonts, button colors, and header background. You can export the
theme.css files, change the theme settings, and import them to use as custom themes for your portal. Any page
layout style changes made to the theme.css files take priority over the styles that are defined in the structure.css
You cannot alter any of the Cisco provided default portal theme.css files. However, you can edit the settings
in the files and save them to a new custom theme.csstheme.css file. You can make further edits to the custom
theme.css file, but when you import it back into Cisco ISE, remember to use the same theme name you
originally used for it. You cannot use two different theme names for the same theme.css file.
For example, you can use a default green theme.css file to create a new custom blue theme.css file and name
it as Blue. You can then edit the blue theme.css file, but when you import it again, you must reuse the same
Blue theme name. You cannot call it Red, since Cisco ISE checks for the relationship between a filename and
its name and the uniqueness of the themes name. You can however edit the blue theme.css file, save it as red
theme.css, import the new file, and name it as Red.
Related Topics
CSS Classes and Descriptions for End-User Portals Page Layout
jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller Release 1.3.2 Basics
A jQuery Mobile theme includes global settings that define the font family, corner radius values for buttons
and boxes, disc colors for icons, and drop shadows for overlays.
While the application allows the creation of 26 color swatches lettered from A to Z, each with a unique color
scheme, Cisco ISE portal pages use only 3 swatches (A, B, and C). Each swatch defines the colors, textures,
and font settings for the primary elements in the theme, such as toolbars, content blocks, buttons, list items,
and font text-shadow. Additionally, you can define the settings for various interaction states of the buttons:
normal, hover, and pressed.
For instance, you can use the swatches for the AUP page that displays to the guest as follows:
Swatch ATo change the background of nonemphasis elements such as the Reject button.
Swatch BTo define emphasis elements such as the Accept button.
Swatch CTo define control elements such as alerts or error messages.
If you want to use a custom theme that has more than three swatches, you cannot apply the additional swatches,
unless, you add HTML code (to the Optional Content, for example) with elements that use the newly added
To edit the default Cisco-provided CSS files or create new files based on the CSS classes and structures
defined in the default themes, use the required version of jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller (Release 1.3.2).
For additional information on swatches and themes in jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller, see "Theming Overview"
in Creating a Custom Theme with ThemeRoller. Use the online help in jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller to learn
how to download, import, and share your custom themes.
For tutorials on how to use HTML, CSS, and Javascript code to customize the text and content that appears
on your portal pages, visit Code Academy.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller Release 1.3.2 Basics
Location Based Customization
When guest accounts are created, you can associate them with a location and specify a Service Set Identifier
(SSID) attribute. Both the location and SSID are available as CSS classes that you can use to apply different
CSS styles to portal pages, based on the guest's location and SSID.
This information applies only to the credentialed Guest portals after the guests log in.Note
For example:
Guest locationWhen guests with accounts that have San Jose or Boston as their locations log into a
credentialed Guest portal, one of these classes is available on every portal page: guest-location-san-jose
or guest-location-boston.
Guest SSIDFor an SSID named Coffee Shop Wireless, the following CSS class is available on every
portal page: guest-ssid-coffee-shop-wireless. This SSID is the one you specified on the guest account
and not the SSID that the guests connected to when they logged in.
You can also specify locations when you add devices such as switches and Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs)
to a network. This location is also available as a CSS class that you can use to apply different CSS styles to
portal pages depending on the network device's location.
For example, if a WLC is assigned to Seattle and guests are redirected to Cisco ISE from the Seattle-WLC,
the following CSS class is available on every portal page: device-location-my-locations-usa-seattle.
User Device Type Based Customization
Cisco ISE detects the type of client device used by users (guest, sponsor, or employee) to access your companys
network or end-user web portals (Guest, Sponsor, and Device). It is detected either as a mobile device (Android,
iOS and so on) or a desktop device (Windows, MacOS and so on). The device type is available as a CSS class
that you can use to apply different CSS styles to portal pages based on the users device type.
When a user logs into any of the Cisco ISE end-user web portals, the following class is available on their
portal pages: cisco-ise-mobile or cisco-ise-desktop.
Export a Portals Default Theme CSS File
You can download a default portal theme provided by Cisco and customize it to suit your needs. You can use
it as a base for performing advanced customization.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customization > Pages.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Location Based Customization
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customization > Pages.
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization > Pages.
Step 2
From the Advanced Customization drop-down list, choose Export/Import Themes.
Step 3
In the Custom Theming dialog box, use the drop-down list to select the theme that you want to customize.
Step 4
Click Export Theme CSS to download a default theme.css file to customize.
Step 5
Click Save to save the file to your desktop.
Create a Custom Portal Theme CSS File
You can create a custom portal theme by customizing an existing default portal theme and saving the changes
in a new portal theme.css file. You can modify the default theme settings and the swatches to make global
changes to the selected portal.
Before You Begin
You should download to your desktop the theme.css file from the portal that you want to customize.
You should have experience working with HTML, CSS, and Javascript code.
You should have access to jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller, Release 1.3.2.
Step 1
Import the downloaded portal theme.css file contents into the jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller tool.
You can View Your Customization, on page 9 as you make your changes.Tip
Step 2
(Optional) Embed Links in Portal Content, on page 14
Step 3
(Optional) Insert Variables for Dynamic Text Updates, on page 14
Step 4
(Optional) Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links, on page 15
Step 5
(Optional) Add an Image as an Advertisement, on page 16
Step 6
(Optional) Customize Greetings Based on Guest Locations, on page 20
Step 7
(Optional) Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type, on page 21
Step 8
(Optional) Set Up Carousel Advertising, on page 17
Step 9
(Optional) Modify the Portal Page Layout, on page 22
Step 10
Save the customized file as a new theme.css file.
You cannot save the edits to the default CSS theme files. You can only create new custom files with
any edits you have made.
Step 11
When your new theme.css file is ready, you can import it into Cisco ISE.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Create a Custom Portal Theme CSS File
Embed Links in Portal Content
You can add links to enable guests to access various websites from the portal pages. These changes apply
only to the specific portal page that you are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content text blocks to add
links to portal pages.
Step 4
Click the Create Link button.
A Link Properties dialog box displays.
Step 5
Enter the URL and the text you want to hyperlink in the Description window for the URL.
Step 6
Click Set and then Save.
You can use the Toggle HTML Source button to view the HTML tags that were applied to the text that you
formatted using the mini-editor.
Insert Variables for Dynamic Text Updates
You can also create templates for text displayed on the portal by substituting predefined variables ($variable$)
that dynamically update the content. This enables consistency in the text and information that you display to
guests. These changes apply only to the specific portal pages that you are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Embed Links in Portal Content
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content
1, and Optional Content 2 text boxes to create text templates for the portal pages.
For example, you can create a single welcome message template for multiple guests, but personalize the
message that displays to the guests after they successfully log in and connect to the network.
Step 4
Enter the information in the text boxes as you normally would.
For example, you could enter a welcome message for your portal:
Welcome to our companys Guest portal,
Step 5
At the point where you want to substitute a variable for the text, click the Insert Variable button.
A list of variables appears in the pop-up menu.
Step 6
Select the variable that you want to substitute in your text.
In this example, choose First name to display each guests first name in the welcome message. The variable
$ui_first_name$ is inserted at your cursor position:
Welcome to our companys Guest portal,$ui_first_name$.
This is the welcome message that would appear on the portal welcome page for guests whose first name is
John: Welcome to our companys Guest portal, John.
Step 7
Continue to use the list of variables as needed until you have completed entering the information in the text
Step 8
Click Save.
You can use the Toggle HTML Source button to view the HTML tags that were applied to the text that you
formatted using the mini-editor.
Related Topics
List of Variables for Portal Pages Customization
Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links
Besides using the mini-editors formatting and link icons with plain text, you can also use HTML, CSS and
Javascript code to customize text that displays on the portal pages. These changes apply only to the specific
portal pages that you are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Before You Begin
Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration > System
> Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content
1, and Optional Content 2 text boxes to enter and view source code.
Step 4
Click the Toggle HTML Source button.
Step 5
Enter your source code.
For example, to underline your text, enter:
<p style="text-decoration:underline;">Welcome to Cisco!</p>
For example, to include a link using HTML code, enter:
<a href="">Cisco</a>
When inserting an external URL in the HTML code, make sure that you enter the absolute (entire)
URL path, including http or https.
Step 6
Click Save.
Add an Image as an Advertisement
You can include images and advertisements to appear in specific areas of the portal pages.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Before You Begin
Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled in Administration > System > Admin
Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Add an Image as an Advertisement
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content
1, and Optional Content 2 text boxes to enter and view source code.
Step 4
Click the Toggle HTML Source button.
Step 5
Enter your source code.
For example, to include a product advertisement and its image using HTML code on the Hotspot Guest portal
post-access banner, enter this code in the Optional Content 1 text box on the Post-Access Banner page:
<p style="text-decoration:underline;">Optimized for 10/40/100 Campus Services!</p>
<img src="" width="100%" />
When inserting an external URL in the HTML code, make sure that you enter the absolute (entire)
URL path, including http or https.
Figure 2: Sample Image for an Advertisement
Step 6
Click Save.
Set Up Carousel Advertising
Carousel advertising is an advertisement format in which several product images or text descriptions are
displayed and rotate in a repeating loop within a banner. Use carousel advertising on your guest portals to
promote several related products or a variety of different products offered by your company.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Set Up Carousel Advertising
Before You Begin
Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization and check Enable
portal customization with HTML and Javascript.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content
1, and Optional Content 2 text boxes to enter and view source code.
Step 4
Click the Toggle HTML Source button.
Step 5
Enter your source code.
For example, to implement carousel advertising using product images on the Guest portals, enter the following
HTML and Javascript code in the Optional Content 1 text box on the Post-Access Banner (for Hotspot
portals) or Post Login Banner (for credentialed Guest portals) pages:
var currentIndex = 0;
setInterval(changeBanner, 5000);
function changeBanner(){
var bannersArray = ["<img
n21v1DrawerContainer.img.jpg/1379452035953.jpg' width='100%'/>",
"<img src='
n21v1DrawerContainer.img.jpg/1400748629549.jpg' width='100%' />",
"<img src='
n21v1DrawerContainer.img.jpg/1376556883237.jpg' width='100%'/>"
var div = document.getElementById("image-ads");
currentIndex = (currentIndex<2) ? (currentIndex+1) : 0;
div.innerHTML = bannersArray[currentIndex];
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Set Up Carousel Advertising
color: black;
background-color: lightgrey;
<div class="grey" id="image-ads">
<img src='
content_parsys/overview/layout- overview/gd12v2/gd12v2-left/n21v1_cq/
For example, to implement carousel advertising using text product descriptions on the Guest portals, enter
the following HTML and Javascript code in the Optional Content 2 text box on the Post-Access Banner (for
Hotspot portals) or Post Login Banner (for credentialed Guest portals) pages:
var currentIndex = 0;
setInterval(changeBanner, 2000);
function changeBanner(){
var bannersArray = ["Optimize branch services on a single platform while delivering an
application experience across branch and WAN infrastructure", "Transform your Network Edge
deliver high-performance, highly secure, and reliable services to unite campus, data center,
and branch networks", "Differentiate your service portfolio and increase revenues by
end-to-end scalable solutions and subscriber-aware services"];
var colorsArray = ["grey", "blue", "green"];
var div = document.getElementById("text-ads");
currentIndex = (currentIndex<2) ? (currentIndex+1) : 0;
div.innerHTML = bannersArray[currentIndex];
div.className = colorsArray[currentIndex];
color: black;
background-color: lightgrey;
color: black;
background-color: lightblue;
color: black;
background-color: lightgreen;
<div class="grey" id="text-ads">
Optimize branch services on a single platform while delivering an optimal application
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Set Up Carousel Advertising
experience across branch and WAN infrastructure
When inserting an external URL in the HTML code, you must enter the absolute (entire) URL path,
including http or https.
Step 6
Click Save.
Customize Greetings Based on Guest Locations
You can customize the greetings that you send to your guests after they log into a credentialed Guest portal,
based on the locations and SSIDs associated with their guest accounts. Guests may not connect to this SSID
when they log into the network.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content 1 text box to enter
and view HTML source code.
Step 4
Click the Toggle HTML Source button.
Step 5
Enter your source code.
For example, to include a location-based greeting on the AUP page, enter this code in the Optional Content
1 text box on the AUP page:
.custom-greeting {
display: none;
.guest-location-san-jose .custom-san-jose-greeting {
display: block;
.guest-location-boston .custom-boston-greeting {
display: block;
<div class="custom-greeting custom-san-jose-greeting">
Welcome to The Golden State!
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customize Greetings Based on Guest Locations
<div class="custom-greeting custom-boston-greeting">
Welcome to The Bay State!
Guests will see a different greeting on the AUP page depending on their specific location.
Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type
You can customize the greetings that you send to your users (guest, sponsor, or employee) after they log into
any of the Cisco ISE end-user web portals (Guest, Sponsor and Device), based on their client device type
(mobile or desktop).
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content 1 text box to enter
and view HTML source code.
Step 4
Click the Toggle HTML Source button.
Step 5
Enter your source code.
For example, to include a device type-based greeting on the AUP page, enter this code in the Optional Content
1 text box on the AUP page:
.custom-greeting {
display: none;
.cisco-ise-desktop .custom-desktop-greeting {
display: block;
.cisco-ise-mobile .custom-mobile-greeting {
display: block;
<div class="custom-greeting custom-mobile-greeting">
Try our New Dark French Roast! Perfect on the Go!
<div class="custom-greeting custom-desktop-greeting">
We brough back our Triple Chocolate Muffin!
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type
Grab a seat and dig in!
Users will see a different greeting on the AUP page depending on the type of device they used to gain access
to the network or portal.
Modify the Portal Page Layout
You can manipulate the overall layout of the pages; for example, you can add a sidebar to an AUP page that
provides additional information or links to information.
Step 1
Add the following CSS code to the bottom of the custom theme.css file that you create and plan to apply to
your portal. This changes the AUP page layout so that the Optional Content 1 text box appears as:
A side bar in the desktop device mode
A sidebar in the mobile device mode
#page-aup .cisco-ise-optional-content-1 {
margin-bottom: 5px;
@media all and ( min-width: 60em ) {
#page-aup .cisco-ise-optional-content-1 {
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
width: 150px;
#page-aup .cisco-ise-main-content {
float: left;
width: 800px;
#page-aup .cisco-ise-main-content h1,
#page-aup .cisco-ise-main-content p {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: -200px;
You can then add links using HTML code in the Optional Content 1 text box for the AUP page for that
Step 2
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Modify the Portal Page Layout
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 3
Under Pages, choose the page for which you want to include a side bar.
Step 4
Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content 1 text box to enter
and view source code.
Step 5
Click the Toggle HTML Source button.
Step 6
Enter your source code.
For example, to include a side bar for the AUP page, enter this code in the Optional Content 1 text box on
the AUP page:
<ul data-role="listview">
<li>Rent a Car</li>
<li>Top 10 Hotels</li>
<li>Free Massage</li>
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Modify the Portal Page Layout
<li>Zumba Classes</li>
Figure 3: View of a Side Bar on a Sample AUP Page (on a Desktop Device)
Figure 4: View of a Side Bar on a Sample AUP Page (on a Mobile Device)
Step 7
Click Save.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Modify the Portal Page Layout
What to Do Next
You can customize other pages by entering different text or HTML code in the Optional Content text boxes.
Related Topics
CSS Classes and Descriptions for End-User Portals Page Layout
Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File
You can upload any custom theme.css file that you have created and apply it to any of your end-user portals.
These changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.
Any time you edit a custom theme.css file and import it back into Cisco ISE, remember to use the same theme
name you originally used for it. You cannot use two different theme names for the same theme.css file.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
From the Advanced Customization drop-down list, choose Export/Import Themes.
Step 3
In the Custom Theming dialog box, click Browse to find your new theme.css file.
Step 4
Enter a Theme Name for the new file.
Step 5
Click Save.
What to Do Next
You can apply this custom portal theme to the portal that you want to customize.
Choose the updated theme from the Portal Themes drop-down list to apply to the entire portal.
Click Save.
Delete a Custom Portal Theme
You can delete any custom portal theme that you have imported into Cisco ISE, unless it is being used by one
of your portals. You cannot delete any of the default themes provided by Cisco ISE.
Before You Begin
The portal theme that you want to delete should not be used by any of the portals.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customization.
Step 2
From the Advanced Customization drop-down list, choose Delete Themes.
Step 3
Select the portal theme that you want to delete from the Theme Name drop-down list.
Step 4
Click Delete and then Save.
Customization of a Portal Language File
By default, each portal type supports 15 languages that you can use to display text to guests using the portal.
These languages are available as individual property files bundled together in a single zipped language file.
Including all the supported languages in a single language file lets you easily use it for customization,
translation, and localization purposes.
The language file also contains the mapping to the particular browser locale setting (for example, for French:
fr, fr-fr, fr-ca) along with all of the string settings for the entire portal in that language. If you change the
browser locale setting for one language, the change is applied to all the other end-user web portals. For
example, if you change the browser locale from fr,fr-fr,fr-ca to fr,fr-fr in the Hotspot Guest
portal, the change is applied to the My Devices portal also.
You can export the zipped language file and make updates to it, including adding new languages or deleting
existing ones you do not need.
Related Topics
Guest Portals
Sponsor Portals
Personal Device Portals
Supported Languages
Export the Language File
You can export the language file available for each portal type to edit and customize the existing values
specified in it, and add or delete a language.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customization of a Portal Language File
Only some of the dictionary keys in the language properties files support HTML in their values (text).Note
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit .
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit .
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit .
Step 2
Click Language File and choose Export from the drop-down list.
Step 3
Save the zipped language file to your desktop, for example:,, and so on.
Related Topics
HTML Support for a Portal Language File
HTML Support for a Portal Language File
Add or Delete Languages from the Language File
If a language you want to use for your portal type is missing from the language file, you can create a new
language properties file and add it to the zipped language file. If there are languages you do not need, you can
delete their language properties files.
Before You Begin
You must export the zipped language file available with each portal type in order to add or delete language
properties files.
Step 1
Use any editor that displays UTF-8 (such as Notepad ++) to open the predefined language file for the portal
type to which you want to add or delete languages.
If you want to add or delete languages for more than one portal type, you should use all the appropriate portal
properties files.
Step 2
To add a new language, save an existing language properties file as the new language properties file using
the same naming convention of the other files in the zipped language file. For example, to create a new Japanese
language properties file, save the file as (
Step 3
Associate the new language with its browser locale by specifying the browser local value in the first line of
the new language properties file. For example, LocaleKeys= ja,ja-jp (LocaleKeys=browser locale value)
should be the first line in the file.
Step 4
Update all the values (text) of the dictionary keys in the new language properties file.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Add or Delete Languages from the Language File
You cannot change the dictionary keys; just their values.
Only some of the dictionary keys support HTML in their values
What to Do Next
Zip all the properties files (new and existing) and create a new zipped language file. Do not include any
folders or directories.
Use a new name or its original name for the zipped language file.
Import the zipped language file into the specific portal you exported it from.
Related Topics
HTML Support for a Portal Language File
HTML Support for a Portal Language File
Import the Updated Language File
You can import an edited language file that you have customized by adding or deleting language properties
files or by updating text in existing properties files.
Step 1
Navigate to these portals:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit .
For Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit .
For Device portals, choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any Portals) > Edit .
Step 2
Click Language File and choose Import from the drop-down list.
Step 3
Browse to find the new zipped language file on your desktop.
Step 4
Import it back for the portal type from where you exported it.
What to Do Next
To display the changed text or the new language you added, select the specific language from the View In
drop-down list.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Import the Updated Language File
Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error
Within in each portal, you can customize how guests receive notifications via email, SMS text messages, and
print. Use these notifications to email, text, or print the login credentials:
When guests use the Self-Registration Guest portal and successfully register themselves.
When sponsors create guest accounts and want to provide the details to guests. When you create sponsor
groups, you can determine whether to authorize sponsors to use SMS notifications. They can always
use email and print notifications, if these facilities are available.
You can also customize email notifications to sponsors requesting that they approve a self-registering guest
trying to gain access to the network. Additionally, you can customize the default error messages that display
to guests and sponsors.
Customize Email Notifications
You can customize the information that is sent via email to guests.
Before You Begin
Configure the SMTP server to enable email notifications. Choose Administration > System > Settings
> SMTP Server.
Configure support for email notifications to guests. Choose Guest Access > Settings > Guest Email
Settings. Check Enable email notifications to guests.
Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration >
System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 1
For Self-Registered Guest or Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest or Sponsor
Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Email Receipt or Email Notification.
Step 2
You can change the default Logo (Email) that was specified under Global Page Customizations.
Step 3
Specify the Subject and Email body. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account information to
be included in the email message. Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the text.
Step 4
Under Settings, you can:
Send username and password separately in different emails. If you select this option, two separate
tabs appear in Page Customizations for customizing the Username Email and Password Email
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error Messages
Send Test Email to your email address to preview your customization on all devices to ensure that the
information appears as it should.
Step 5
Click Save and then Close.
Related Topics
Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications
Specify Email Addresses and SMTP Servers for Email Notifications
Customize SMS Text Message Notifications
You can customize the information that is sent via SMS text messages to guests.
Before You Begin
Configure the SMTP server, which is used to send emails to the SMS gateway to deliver the SMS text
message. Choose Administration > System > Settings > SMTP Server.
Configure the sponsor groups to support the SMS text notification.
Set up an account with a third-party SMS gateway. Choose Administration > Systems > Settings >
SMS Gateway. Cisco ISE sends the text messages as email messages to the gateway, which forwards
the messages via the SMS provider to the specified user.
Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration >
System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 1
For Self-Registered Guest or Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest or Sponsor
Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > SMS Receipt or SMS Notification.
Step 2
Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the Message Text. Use predefined variables to specify the
guest account information to be included in the SMS text message.
Step 3
Under Settings, you can:
Send username and password separately in different text messages. If you select this option, two
separate tabs appear in Page Customizations for customizing the Username Message and Password
Message notifications.
Send Test Message to a cell phone to preview your customization to ensure that the information appears
as it should. The supported phone number formats include: +1 ### ### ####, ###-###-####, (###) ###
####, ##########, 1########## and so on.
Step 4
Click Save and then Close.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customize SMS Text Message Notifications
Related Topics
Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications
Configure SMS Gateways to Send SMS Notifications to Guests
Configure SMS Gateways for SMS Notifications
SMS Gateway Settings
Customize Print Notifications
You can customize the information that is printed for guests.
Within each portal, the print notification logo is inherited from the email notification logo setting.Note
Before You Begin
Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration > System
> Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 1
For Self-Registered Guest and Sponsor portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest or Sponsor
Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Print Receipt or Print Notification.
Step 2
Specify the Print Introduction Text. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account information to
be included in the email message. Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the text.
Step 3
Preview your customization in the thumbnail or click Print Preview. You cannot view any HTML
customization in the thumbnail.
If you select the Print Preview option, a window appears from which you can print the account details to
ensure that the information appears as it should.
Step 4
Click Save and then Close.
Customize Approval Request Email Notifications
You can require sponsors to approve self-registering guests before their accounts are created and before they
can obtain their login credentials. You can customize the information that is sent via email to sponsors
requesting their approval. This notification only displays if you have specified that self-registering guests
using the Self-Registered Guest portals require approval before they are granted network access.
Before You Begin
Configure the SMTP server to enable email notifications. Choose Administration > Systems > Settings
> SMTP Server.
Configure support for email notifications to guests. Choose Guest Access > Settings > Guest Email
Settings. Check Enable email notifications to guests.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Customize Print Notifications
Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration >
System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.
Step 1
Choose Guest Access > Configure > Self-Registered Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization
> Approval Request Email.
Step 2
Change the default Logo that is specified under Global Page Customizations.
Step 3
Specify the Subject and Email body. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account information to
be included in the email message. Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the text.
Step 4
Preview your customization on all devices using Send Test Email to ensure that it appears as it should.
Step 5
Click Save and then Close.
Related Topics
Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications
Specify Email Addresses and SMTP Servers for Email Notifications
Edit Error Messages
You can fully customize the error messages that appear on the Failure pages displayed for guests, sponsors
and employees. Failure pages are available with all end-user web portals, except the Blacklist portal.
Step 1
Do one of the following:
For Guest portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customizations > Messages > Error Messages.
For Sponsor Portals, choose Guest Access > Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customizations > Messages > Error Messages.
For Device portals, choose Adminsitration > Device Portals Management > (any portals) > Edit
> Portal Page Customizations > Messages > Error Messages.
Step 2
From the View In drop-down list, choose the language in which you want to view the text while customizing
the messages.
The drop-down list includes all the languages in the language file associated with a specific portal. Make sure
that you update any changes made while customizing the portal page into the supported languages properties
Step 3
Update the error message text. You can search for specific error messages by typing in keywords such as aup
to find AUP related error messages.
Step 4
Click Save and Close.
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Edit Error Messages
Related Topics
Create a Hotspot Guest Portal
Create a Sponsored-Guest Portal
Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal
Create a BYOD Portal
Create an MDM Portal
Create a My Devices Portal
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Edit Error Messages
Cisco Identity Services Engine Admin Guide, Release 1.3
Customize End-User Web Portals
Edit Error Messages