If you have an inquiry or want to file a consumer
complaint, it is easy as 1, 2, 3, just follow the steps
1. What You Need to Know
File Your Complaint
Complaints and supporting materials become
public records when they are submitted to the
Attorney General’s office. This means that under
the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, some
of your materials may be disclosed to anyone who
asks for them.
Your complaint may be sent to the business you
are complaining about, and it may be sent to other
governmental agencies for their review.
Some complaints may become the subject of civil
or criminal cases and may be disclosed as part of a
court proceeding.
Any information that you give to us will not be sold,
rented, or leased.
We do not return documents, so make copies
of everything that you submit and do NOT
submit any original documents.
Do not send sensitive personal information,
like your social security number or credit card
information, unless it is necessary for the
investigation of your complaint.
If you believe that you must submit sensitive
information, then please send the complaint and
any attachments by mail and include your name
or Attorney General file number if you have one.
Never send sensitive personal information in
an email.
Not all consumer complaints are handled by the
Attorney General. By law, many other state and
federal agencies assist consumers. Consult the
Complaint Directory to find the agency or division
that can best help you.
2. How We Process Your
When we receive your complaint, we will send you
a confirmation receipt with your assigned Attorney
General file number. The Consumer Protection Division
receives thousands of consumer complaints, so it may
take a few weeks until your complaint is fully processed.
The Attorney General’s office helps consumers by
informally mediating complaints. In many cases, this
assistance will help you resolve your problem. However,
if our mediation is not successful, the Attorney General
cannot act as a private attorney on your behalf.
Our mediation process includes a letter from our
Consumer Protection Division to the business or
individual identified in your complaint. A copy of your
complaint and submitted materials will be included with
a request for a response.
We will contact you in writing after we have received
a reply. If we do not hear back from the business or
individual identified in your complaint within 30 days,
we will recontact them regarding your complaint.
In some cases, we may be unable to get any
cooperation from the business or individual. If they
refuse to respond, we will confirm this to you in writing.
You may then want to consider filing suit in Small
Claims Court or consulting with a private attorney to
review your legal options.
3. Filing Instructions
All complaints should be submitted using our
Consumer Complaint form.
DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS. All documents should
be on 8-1/2” x 11” paper. You may send your
documents here:
Consumer Protection Division
P.O. Box 30213
Lansing, MI 48909-7713
Fax: 517-241-3771
Send by regular mail or fax as listed above. If you have
any questions, please call the Consumer Protection
Division Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30
PM at 517-335-7599 or toll free 877-765-8388.
Consumer Complaint Form / Inquiry Form
Last Name: First Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Email Address: Fax:
Primary Company or Person Your Complaint is About
Company or Name:
Street Address:
City: Zip Code: State: County:
Email Address: Fax:
Website Address:
Secondary Company or Person Your Complaint is About
Company or Name:
Street Address:
City: Zip Code: State: County:
Email Address: Fax:
Website Address:
Are you a veteran or active-duty service member?
Yes No
Complaint Information
Is your complaint about a bill?
Approximate Monetary Value:
Yes No
If yes, please provide a copy.
Did you sign a contract?
Yes No
Where did you sign this contract?
Is a court action pending?
Yes No Do you have an attorney representing you on this matter? Yes No
Motor Vehicle Warranty Complaint Information
Vehicle Make, Model, and Year:
If your complaint involves motor vehicle manufacturer warranties or non-dealer service contracts, please fill out this
section. Most other auto-related complaints, including dealer complaints and complaints concerning automotive repairs
and repair facilities, must be filed with the Department of State’s Bureau of Information Security, Regulatory Monitoring
Division: 888-767-6424.
VIN Number:
Complaint Details/Inquiry
By submitting this form, I certify that the information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I also consent to releasing to the Michigan Attorney General any information or document relative to the
investigation of this complaint.
Below, please describe your complaint/inquiry and tell us what attempts you have made to correct it, and how
you would like it resolved.