HP ThinPro 8.1 Administrator Guide
This guide is for administrators of HP thin clients based on the HP ThinPro operating system.
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Second Edition: October 2023
First Edition: August 2022
Document Part Number: N81161-001
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User input syntax key
Text that you must enter into a user interface is indicated by fixed-width font.
User input syntax key
Item Description
Text without brackets or braces
Items you must type exactly as shown
<Text inside angle brackets>
A placeholder for a value you must provide; omit the brackets
[Text inside square brackets]
Optional items; omit the brackets
{Text inside braces}
A set of items from which you must choose only one; omit the braces
A separator for items from which you must choose only one; omit the vertical bar
Items that can or must repeat; omit the ellipsis
Table of contents
1Getting started.......................................................................................................................................................................1
Finding more information..................................................................................................................................................1
Choosing an OS conguration ...........................................................................................................................................1
Choosing a remote management service ......................................................................................................................... 2
Starting the thin client for the rst time...........................................................................................................................3
Switching between administrator mode and user mode..................................................................................................3
HP Disk Encryption ............................................................................................................................................................3
TPM 2.0 and HP Disk Encryption ...............................................................................................................................4
Prerequisites for using HP Disk Encryption ..............................................................................................................4
Turning on HP Disk Encryption..................................................................................................................................4
Turning o HP Disk Encryption .................................................................................................................................4
Suspending HP Disk Encryption ................................................................................................................................5
Resuming HP Disk Encryption ...................................................................................................................................5
Commands to encrypt, decrypt, or suspend HP Disk Encryption.............................................................................5
2ThinPro PC Converter.............................................................................................................................................................7
Deployment tool................................................................................................................................................................7
Compatibility check and installation.................................................................................................................................7
Licensing ............................................................................................................................................................................8
License types .....................................................................................................................................................................8
System tray icon ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
System information...........................................................................................................................................................9
Desktop background watermark.......................................................................................................................................9
System update tools..........................................................................................................................................................9
Royalty-bearing software ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Connections ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3GUI overview ........................................................................................................................................................................10
Taskbar ............................................................................................................................................................................11
4Connection conguration.....................................................................................................................................................14
Creating a new connection shortcut................................................................................................................................14
Desktop icon management .............................................................................................................................................14
Desktop connection management ..................................................................................................................................14
Connection Manager (ThinPro only) ................................................................................................................................15
Advanced connection settings ........................................................................................................................................16
Kiosk mode ......................................................................................................................................................................17
5Connection types .................................................................................................................................................................19
Citrix Connection Manager ......................................................................................................................................19
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................................20
General Settings ..............................................................................................................................................21
Options ....................................................................................................................................................21
Local Resources.......................................................................................................................................23
Window ....................................................................................................................................................24
Firewall ....................................................................................................................................................25
Keyboard Shortcuts.................................................................................................................................25
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................26
RDP per-connection settings ..................................................................................................................................27
Network ...........................................................................................................................................................27
Service .............................................................................................................................................................27
Window ............................................................................................................................................................28
Local Resources ...............................................................................................................................................30
Experience .......................................................................................................................................................30
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................31
RemoteFX ................................................................................................................................................................31
RDP multi-monitor sessions ...................................................................................................................................31
RDP multimedia redirection ....................................................................................................................................32
RDP device redirection.............................................................................................................................................32
RDP USB redirection ........................................................................................................................................32
RDP mass storage redirection .........................................................................................................................32
RDP printer redirection....................................................................................................................................33
RDP audio redirection......................................................................................................................................33
RDP smart card redirection .............................................................................................................................34
VMware Horizon View ......................................................................................................................................................34
VMware Horizon View per-connection settings......................................................................................................34
Network ...........................................................................................................................................................34
RDP Options.....................................................................................................................................................37
RDP Experience................................................................................................................................................38
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................38
VMware Horizon View multi-monitor sessions.......................................................................................................39
VMware Horizon View keyboard shortcuts .............................................................................................................39
VMware Horizon View device redirection ................................................................................................................39
VMware Horizon View USB redirection............................................................................................................39
VMware Horizon View audio redirection .........................................................................................................39
VMware Horizon View smart card redirection.................................................................................................40
VMware Horizon View webcam redirection.....................................................................................................41
VMware Horizon View COM port redirection ...................................................................................................41
Changing the VMware Horizon View protocol .........................................................................................................41
VMware Horizon View HTTPS and certicate management requirements ............................................................41
Web Browser....................................................................................................................................................................43
Web Browser per-connection settings....................................................................................................................43
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................................43
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................43
AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop)............................................................................................................................................43
AVD per-connection settings...................................................................................................................................44
Conguration ...........................................................................................................................................................44
Window ....................................................................................................................................................................44
Local Resources .......................................................................................................................................................46
TTerm ...............................................................................................................................................................................46
Conguration ...........................................................................................................................................................47
Additional connection types (ThinPro only)....................................................................................................................47
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................................47
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................48
Secure Shell .............................................................................................................................................................48
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................................48
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................49
Telnet .......................................................................................................................................................................49
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................................49
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................49
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................................50
Advanced .........................................................................................................................................................50
6HP True Graphics..................................................................................................................................................................51
Server-side requirements................................................................................................................................................51
Client-side requirements.................................................................................................................................................51
Client-side conguration .................................................................................................................................................51
Compression settings..............................................................................................................................................52
Window settings ......................................................................................................................................................52
Monitor layout and hardware limitations ...............................................................................................................52
Tips & best practices........................................................................................................................................................52
7Active Directory integration.................................................................................................................................................53
Login screen.....................................................................................................................................................................53
Single sign-on..................................................................................................................................................................53
Screen lock.......................................................................................................................................................................54
Administrator mode.........................................................................................................................................................54
Settings and the domain user .........................................................................................................................................55
8Start menu ...........................................................................................................................................................................56
Connection management ................................................................................................................................................56
Switch to Administrator/Switch to User ..........................................................................................................................56
System Information.........................................................................................................................................................56
Control Panel ...................................................................................................................................................................56
Power ...............................................................................................................................................................................57
Search ..............................................................................................................................................................................57
9Control Panel........................................................................................................................................................................58
Opening Control Panel.....................................................................................................................................................58
System .............................................................................................................................................................................58
Network settings .....................................................................................................................................................59
Opening Network Manager..............................................................................................................................59
Wired network settings ...................................................................................................................................59
Wireless network settings...............................................................................................................................60
Cellular settings...............................................................................................................................................61
General settings ..............................................................................................................................................63
DHCP options ...........................................................................................................................................................64
Opening the DHCP Option Manager ................................................................................................................64
Request or ignore DHCP options .....................................................................................................................64
Changing a DHCP code.....................................................................................................................................64
Information about DHCP options ....................................................................................................................64
Imprivata Setup .......................................................................................................................................................64
Component Manager ...............................................................................................................................................65
Opening Component Manager ........................................................................................................................65
Removing components....................................................................................................................................65
Undoing a change ............................................................................................................................................65
Applying the changes permanently ................................................................................................................66
Security settings......................................................................................................................................................66
Local Accounts.................................................................................................................................................67
Certicate Manager .........................................................................................................................................68
SCEP Manager..................................................................................................................................................68
SIM ...........................................................................................................................................................................69
Manageability ..................................................................................................................................................................69
Active Directory conguration.................................................................................................................................70
Status tab ........................................................................................................................................................70
Options tab ......................................................................................................................................................70
HP ThinState ............................................................................................................................................................71
Managing an HP ThinPro image ......................................................................................................................71
Capturing an HP ThinPro image to an FTP server...................................................................................71
Deploying an HP ThinPro image using FTP or HTTP ...............................................................................72
Capturing an HP ThinPro image to a USB ash drive..............................................................................72
Deploying an HP ThinPro image with a USB ash drive..........................................................................72
Managing a client prole .................................................................................................................................73
Saving a client prole to an FTP server...................................................................................................73
Restoring a client prole using FTP or HTTP ..........................................................................................73
Saving a client prole to a USB ash drive..............................................................................................73
Restoring a client prole from a USB ash drive ....................................................................................74
VNC Shadowing........................................................................................................................................................74
Enabling SNMP with Private Conguration File ......................................................................................................75
Enabling SNMP with Community List ......................................................................................................................76
Disabling SNMP........................................................................................................................................................76
Capsule Update................................................................................................................................................................76
Input Devices ...................................................................................................................................................................77
Display management ..............................................................................................................................................78
Redirecting USB devices ..........................................................................................................................................78
Conguring printers.................................................................................................................................................78
Bluetooth .................................................................................................................................................................79
Appearance ......................................................................................................................................................................80
Customization Center ..............................................................................................................................................80
Snapshots ........................................................................................................................................................................81
10System Information ...........................................................................................................................................................82
11HP Smart Client Services ...................................................................................................................................................83
Supported operating systems.........................................................................................................................................83
Prerequisites for HP Smart Client Services .....................................................................................................................83
Viewing the Automatic Update website ..........................................................................................................................83
Creating an Automatic Update prole .............................................................................................................................84
MAC-address-specic proles .................................................................................................................................84
Updating thin clients .......................................................................................................................................................85
Using the broadcast update method.......................................................................................................................85
Using the DHCP tag update method........................................................................................................................85
Example of performing DHCP tagging ............................................................................................................85
Using the DNS alias update method........................................................................................................................86
Using the manual update method...........................................................................................................................86
Performing a manual update ..........................................................................................................................86
12Prole Editor ......................................................................................................................................................................87
Opening Prole Editor......................................................................................................................................................87
Loading a client prole ....................................................................................................................................................87
Client prole customization ............................................................................................................................................87
Selecting the platform for a client prole...............................................................................................................87
Conguring a default connection for a client prole ..............................................................................................88
Modifying the registry settings of a client prole...................................................................................................88
Adding les to a client prole..................................................................................................................................88
Adding a conguration le and certicates to a client prole ........................................................................89
Adding a conguration le to a client prole ..........................................................................................89
Adding certicates to a client prole ......................................................................................................89
Adding a symbolic link to a client prole ........................................................................................................90
Saving the client prole...........................................................................................................................................90
Serial or parallel printer conguration............................................................................................................................90
Obtaining the printer settings.................................................................................................................................90
Setting up printer ports...........................................................................................................................................91
Installing printers on the server..............................................................................................................................91
Troubleshooting network connectivity ...........................................................................................................................93
Troubleshooting Citrix password expiration...................................................................................................................93
Using system diagnostics to troubleshoot .....................................................................................................................94
Saving system diagnostic data................................................................................................................................94
Uncompressing the system diagnostic les ...........................................................................................................94
Uncompressing the system diagnostic les on Windows-based systems.....................................................94
Uncompressing the system diagnostic les in Linux- or Unix-based systems ..............................................94
Viewing the system diagnostic les........................................................................................................................94
Viewing les in the Commands folder.............................................................................................................95
Viewing les in the /var/log folder ..................................................................................................................95
Viewing les in the /etc folder .........................................................................................................................95
Appendix AUSB updates.........................................................................................................................................................96
USB updates.....................................................................................................................................................................96
HP ThinUpdate.................................................................................................................................................................96
Appendix BBIOS tools (desktop thin clients only) .................................................................................................................97
BIOS settings tool ............................................................................................................................................................97
BIOS ashing tool ............................................................................................................................................................97
Appendix CResizing the ash drive partition.........................................................................................................................98
Appendix Dmclient command................................................................................................................................................99
Appendix EHP ThinPro Conguration ..................................................................................................................................101
HP ThinPro conguration prole: prole.xml ...............................................................................................................101
Conguration les of a prole.xml........................................................................................................................101
Deployment of a prole.xml..................................................................................................................................102
User registry lock...........................................................................................................................................102
HP ThinPro conguration after an image update .........................................................................................................103
How to complete a prole.xml ......................................................................................................................................103
Appendix FEphemeral mode................................................................................................................................................105
Basic usage of an On Boot Snapshot.............................................................................................................................105
System Information...............................................................................................................................................105
Util: hptc-snapper..................................................................................................................................................105
Restart Plan ...................................................................................................................................................................106
Restart Plan On Boot Snapshot.............................................................................................................................106
Restart Plan Automatic restart .............................................................................................................................106
Restart Plan registry settings ...............................................................................................................................106
Automatic Update..........................................................................................................................................................108
Scenario 1: Updates on top of the On Boot Snapshot...........................................................................................108
Scenario 2: automatic reset of the On Boot Snapshot after an update ...............................................................109
How to work in Ephemeral mode with any version of ThinPro.............................................................................109
On Boot Snapshot..........................................................................................................................................110
Reset of the On Boot Snapshot .....................................................................................................................110
Automatic restarts.........................................................................................................................................110
How to update ThinPro 8.1 when the Restart Plan settings dene an On Boot Snapshot ..................................110
HPDM sequence of tasks to push a ThinPro prole while an On Boot Snapshot is set................................110
HPDM sequence of tasks to update some registry settings while an On Boot Snapshot is set...................111
Appendix GRegistry keys .....................................................................................................................................................112
Audio ..............................................................................................................................................................................112
Bluetooth .......................................................................................................................................................................113
CertMgr ..........................................................................................................................................................................114
ComponentMgr ..............................................................................................................................................................114
ConnectionType .............................................................................................................................................................115
custom ...................................................................................................................................................................115
freerdp ...................................................................................................................................................................123
xdmcp ....................................................................................................................................................................155
xen .........................................................................................................................................................................159
DHCP ..............................................................................................................................................................................171
InputMethod ..................................................................................................................................................................173
Network .........................................................................................................................................................................174
Power .............................................................................................................................................................................184
ScepMgr .........................................................................................................................................................................185
Search ............................................................................................................................................................................186
Serial ..............................................................................................................................................................................187
background ....................................................................................................................................................................191
cong-wizard .................................................................................................................................................................192
desktop ..........................................................................................................................................................................192
domain ...........................................................................................................................................................................194
rewall ...........................................................................................................................................................................195
hwh264 ..........................................................................................................................................................................196
keyboard ........................................................................................................................................................................196
logging ...........................................................................................................................................................................197
login ...............................................................................................................................................................................198
mouse ............................................................................................................................................................................198
security ..........................................................................................................................................................................201
shutdown .......................................................................................................................................................................202
touchscreen ...................................................................................................................................................................204
translation .....................................................................................................................................................................205
usb-update ....................................................................................................................................................................205
users ..............................................................................................................................................................................206
vncserver .......................................................................................................................................................................209
Index ......................................................................................................................................................................................213
Getting started1
This guide is for administrators of HP thin clients based on the HP ThinPro operating system and assumes
that you will log in to the system as an administrator when modifying system congurations or using
administrative tools as described in this guide.
NOTE: HP ThinPro has two possible OS congurations: ThinPro and Smart Zero. HP ThinPro-based thin
clients can be purchased with either OS conguration as the default, and you can switch between OS
congurations via Control Panel.
For more information about each OS conguration, see Choosing an OS conguration on page 1. For more
information about switching between OS congurations, see Customization Center on page 80.
Finding more information
Information resources for ThinPro and other software are available online.
NOTE: Information at websites listed in this table might be available in English only.
Table 1-1
Resource Contents
HP support website
Administrator guides, hardware reference guides, white papers, and other
Search for the thin client model, and then see the User Guides section of the
support page for that model.
NOTE: HP Device Manager (HPDM), HP Cloud Endpoint Manager (HPCEM), and
HP ZCentral Remote Boost Software each have a dedicated support page. For
these products, search for the app name instead, and then see the User Guides
Microsoft support website
Documentation for Microsoft® software
Citrix support website
Documentation for Citrix® software
VMware support website
Documentation for VMware® software
Choosing an OS conguration
HP ThinPro includes two OS congurations, each tailored for a dierent thin client deployment scenario:
The ThinPro OS conguration is the complete version of the operating system and is the most suitable for
multipurpose environments that require advanced administration or end-user customization. Features of
this OS conguration include the following:
Getting started
Boots to the ThinPro desktop or Active Directory login screen
Has more connection types than Smart Zero
Allows multiple connections (of any supported type) to be congured and run simultaneously
The Smart Zero OS conguration is a simpler, more secure version of the operating system and is the
most suitable for single-purpose, kiosk-style environments that require minimal administration and little
to no end-user customization. Features of this OS conguration include the following:
Boots directly to a virtual session and hides the desktop, a feature also known as “kiosk mode”
Has fewer connection types than ThinPro
Supports only one connection to be congured and run at a time
Does not support Active Directory authentication or single sign-on
NOTE: You can switch between OS congurations via Control Panel (see Customization Center on page
You can also customize some of the default settings of each OS conguration; for example, to change which
connection types are available, enable kiosk mode for ThinPro, or boot to the desktop for Smart Zero.
For more information about kiosk mode, see Kiosk mode on page 17.
The following table lists the default available connection types for each OS conguration.
Table 1-2
OS conifgurations
OS conguration Default available connection types
ThinPro Citrix®
VMware® Horizon® View™
Web Browser (Firefox)
Secure Shell
Smart Zero Citrix
VMware Horizon View
Web Browser (Firefox)
Choosing a remote management service
Regardless of the OS conguration, you can use these remote management services to manage HP ThinPro-
based thin clients:
Chapter 1Getting started
HP Device Manager (HPDM) is the existing device management software for HP Thin Clients and is ideal
for environments of all sizes. HPDM supports devices that run HP ThinPro OS and Windows® 10 IoT OS
and provides a greater variety of management capabilities than HP Smart Client Services.
HP Smart Client Services can manage HP ThinPro-based thin clients only and is optimized for use with
Smart Zero and a “zero management” scenario. For more information, see HP Smart Client Services on
page 83.
HP Cloud Endpoint Manager (HPCEM) is a new, cloud-ready device management solution that is currently
in development and will eventually replace HPDM. HPCEM features real-time device monitoring, policy-
based management, and proactive notications that help you achieve ultimate productivity. For more
information about HPCEM or to download HPDM, visit the Cloud Client Software webpage.
HP recommends evaluating the management service that is most useful for your environment. HP does not
recommend mixing management service strategies within the same environment because doing so might
lead to unintended results.
Starting the thin client for the
rst time
When you rst start a new HP ThinPro-based thin client, a setup program runs automatically. The Initial
Setup Wizard allows you to select a language, select the keyboard mapping, select a network connection, and
congure the date and time settings.
TIP: To modify the conguration of a single thin client and then copy and deploy the conguration to other
thin clients, rst use the Initial Setup Wizard and Control Panel to modify the conguration, and then deploy
the conguration using HPDM, HPCEM, or HP ThinState. For more information, see GUI overview on page 10
or Control Panel on page 58. For more information about HP ThinState, see HP ThinState on page 71.
Switching between administrator mode and user mode
Follow the instructions outlined below to switch between administrator and user mode.
Right-click the desktop or select Start, and then select Switch to Administrator from the menu.
For more information about the desktop, see Desktop on page 10.
For more information about Control Panel, see Taskbar on page 11 and Control Panel on page 58.
NOTE: The rst time you switch to administrator mode, you are prompted to set up an administrator
password. The administrator password must be entered every subsequent time you switch to administrator
mode. When Active Directory authentication is enabled, you can also switch to administrator mode by
entering the domain credentials of a person in the domain admin group.
When in administrator mode, the screen is surrounded by a red border.
HP Disk Encryption
You typically use HP Disk Encryption for the following types of tasks:
NOTE: HP Disk encryption is o by default.
Encrypt a disk where ThinPro Operating System is installed
Decrypt an encrypted disk
Starting the thin client for the
rst time 3
Suspend disk encryption on an encrypted disk to make changes that aect the locked state of TPM 2.0
TPM 2.0 and HP Disk Encryption
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 keeps the key used to encrypt or decrypt the disk secure.
When TPM 2.0 is not installed, you cannot turn on HP Disk Encryption. When TPM 2.0 is installed and you turn
on HP Disk Encryption, TPM 2.0 locks the encrypted disk in a “trusted” state (PCR values used by TPM 2.0). For
example, when the disk is in the process of being encrypted or is resuming from a suspended state, TPM 2.0
locks the encrypted disk in a “trusted” state.
When you start ThinPro from an encrypted disk, PCR values are calculated and veried against the PCR values
of the trusted state. If the values are the same, the key used to encrypt the disk can be retrieved to unlock
the encrypted disk, the data on the encrypted disk can be read out, and ThinPro can start normally. If TPM 2.0
detects that the system is in a state dierent from the trusted state, the encrypted disk cannot be unlocked,
and ThinPro cannot start.
Prerequisites for using HP Disk Encryption
To be able to turn on HP Disk Encryption, the following criteria must be met:
TPM 2.0 is present.
A valid HP ThinPro license is present.
You can log on with an administrative account.
A standard user does not have permissions for encrypting or decrypting a disk or suspending disk encryption.
Turning on HP Disk Encryption
Follow these steps to turn on HP Disk Encryption:
1. In Control Panel, select Security > Disk Encryption.
2. Verify that the Encryption state is OFF.
3. To restart immediately after encryption is complete, select Reboot automatically after encryption done.
Otherwise, you must manually reboot the computer after the encryption.
4. Select the Turn on Encryption button.
When disk encryption starts, all applications stop and a new window opens, showing the progress. If a
problem occurs, select Details for information. The desktop reopens after the encryption is complete.
o HP Disk Encryption
When you turn o encryption, you are decrypting the disk. Follow these steps to turn o HP Disk Encryption:
1. In Control Panel, select Security > Disk Encryption.
2. Verify that the Encryption state is ON.
3. To restart immediately after decryption is complete, select Reboot automatically after encryption done.
Otherwise, you must manually reboot the computer after the decryption.
4. Select the Turn o Encryption button.
Chapter 1Getting started
When disk decryption starts, all applications stop and a new window opens, showing the progress. If a
problem occurs, select Details for information. The desktop reopens after the decryption is complete.
Suspending HP Disk Encryption
You can suspend HP Disk Encryption to access encrypted data on a disk that uses HP Disk Encryption. This
makes the encryption key available in the clear on the hard disk, meaning that its key protectors are not
enabled and it is a “clear” key.
Suspending HP Disk Encryption does not mean that data on the disk is decrypted. Instead, suspension means
that the key used to decrypt and unlock the data is available in the clear to everyone. New data written to the
disk is still encrypted.
Suspension of HP Disk Encryption is necessary when a change made to the system changes the PCR values
that match the trusted state. There are a few changes that can cause such changes in PCR values, as shown
below. Other changes require the explicit, manual suspension of HP Disk Encryption.
The following changes do not require explicit suspension of HP Disk Encryption. Instead, encryption is
automatically suspended before these changes are made:
Upgrading a ThinPro Service Pack that contains signed kernels and kernel modules via HP EasyUpdate, HP
Auto-Update, or USB Update
Switching btrfs snapshots that causes signed kernels and kernel modules to be switched
Factory resetting that causes signed kernels and kernel modules to be switched
The following changes require you to manually suspend HP Disk Encryption:
Upgrading BIOS
Upgrading signed kernels and kernel modules
To manually suspend HP Disk Encryption:
1. In Control Panel, select Security > Disk Encryption.
2. Verify that the Encryption state is ON.
3. Select the Suspend button.
Resuming HP Disk Encryption
Resuming HP Disk Encryption is transparent to the user. After suspending HP Disk Encryption, the
administrator can make changes to the system, such as upgrading the BIOS or upgrading signed kernels
and kernel modules. HP Disk Encryption automatically resumes when you restart the computer, and new PCR
values are calculated and updated as a new trusted state.
Commands to encrypt, decrypt, or suspend HP Disk Encryption
Use the following commands with HP Disk Encryption to encrypt, decrypt, or suspend HP Disk Encryption:
To encrypt HP Disk Encryption
# hptc-diskencrypt-reboot –e
To decrypt HP Disk Encryption
Suspending HP Disk Encryption
# hptc-diskencrypt-reboot –d
To suspend HP Disk Encryption
# hptc-diskencrypt-suspend
NOTE: Certain operations do not work when the disk is encrypted. This includes:
Cached Imaging operations (capture and deploy)
ThinState Image Capture
6 Chapter 1Getting started
ThinPro PC Converter2
Starting with ThinPro 7.1, you can use ThinPro on hardware other than HP Thin Clients by using HP ThinPro PC
Converter Deployment Tool. The system must meet these minimum requirements:
CPU: Any 64 bit x86 CPU.
Memory: 4 GB of RAM, with at least 1 GB free for operating system use.
Storage: 8 GB or more of internal storage for installation.
Graphics: Intel
. If the graphics card is not recognized, you can use limited-
performance VESA mode.
Audio: Audio support is optional.
Networking: A recognized wired or wireless network adapter.
USB: HP recommends USB Type-C
high-performance ash drives.
Licensing: The ThinPro software must be properly licensed.
The rst time that a system boots with ThinPro, a compatibility check window appears showing the
compatibility status of the system of each of these requirements.
Deployment tool
HP ThinPro PC Converter Deployment Tool allows you to run ThinPro on a PC that runs Microsoft Windows
and that meets the minimum requirements. This tool allows for the creation of a USB ash drive containing
the ThinPro image. You can boot and run the ThinPro image from the created USB ash drive or you can
install the ThinPro image directly onto the PC. You also have the option of creating a mass-deployment image
deployable by remote management tools.
For more details, see the HP ThinPro PC Converter Deployment Tool Administrator Guide.
Compatibility check and installation
The rst time that ThinPro is booted from a USB ash drive, the Compatibility Check window appears. The
Compatibility Check tool assesses the hardware on the system to see if it meets the minimum requirements
and whether the ThinPro software has recognized the device and assigned a device driver. If the system
does not meet minimum requirements, or if required hardware is not found, the Compatibility Check tool will
display a warning and additional information.
NOTE: The Compatibility Check tool does only a cursory examination of the hardware and driver state. It
does not perform detailed functionality checks such as sending network packets, playing audio les, testing
for bad blocks of memory, or evaluating performance. HP cannot guarantee that all hardware components in
the PC will work well with ThinPro, even if the Compatibility Check tool determines that the PC is compatible.
If ThinPro is running from a USB ash drive, and if the Compatibility Check passes all the required checks,
two buttons appear at the bottom of the window. The rst button allows the ThinPro software to be installed
ThinPro PC Converter
directly onto internal storage. The second button allows you to run ThinPro from the USB ash drive without
direct installation onto the PC.
NOTE: The installation button will only appear with a USB ash drive created with the Installer Flash Drive
option of the Deployment Tool. The Bootable Flash Drive option does not allow installation.
When installing ThinPro onto the PC, you have the option of saving the settings that were congured while
running ThinPro from the USB ash drive. If the settings are not saved, the default factory image of ThinPro
will be installed.
The Compatibility Check tool can also be started manually from the administrator tools list under the start
Supported HP Thin Clients are auto-licensed and do not need license les. If a system is auto-licensed, many
of the licensing information sources listed below will not be visible.
All other systems need valid license les to run ThinPro. You get license les from the HP Inc. Software Depot.
The Deployment Tool prompts you to browse to valid license les. The les you select will be automatically
copied when you create a bootable ThinPro USB
ash drive, and also when you create a mass-deployment
If the Deployment Tool and valid licenses are used to install ThinPro onto a device, you do not need to
manually install license les. However, if you install ThinPro through some other means, you might have to
copy license les to the /persistent/licenses directory on the device. You can use HPDM, HPCEM, or
some other mechanism to perform this deployment.
License types
There are three types of license les:
A Trial License allows you to run ThinPro for a short time without paying any licensing fees.
A Unit License allows you to run a particular version of ThinPro indenitely. It also denotes that royalty
fees have been paid, and it unlocks any royalty-bearing software.
A Support License gives access to system patches and enhancements and allows the system to be
upgraded to newer versions of ThinPro.
Depending on the combination of licenses present on the system, various features will be made visible,
hidden, or disabled.
System tray icon
A system tray icon indicates the licensing state of the system.
Table 2-1
System tray icon
Icon Description
Valid license.
8 Chapter 2ThinPro PC Converter
Table 2-1 System tray icon (continued)
Icon Description
License near expiration.
Invalid license (such as an expired trial license).
Hovering over the systray icon gives information about active licenses found on the system. A right-click will
launch the System Info app with the
License tab selected.
Notications might pop up above the system tray icon periodically.
Courtesy notications warn when a support license or a trial license is approaching expiration. You can disable
courtesy notications through certain registry settings. See Registry keys on page 112 for more information.
Other notications warn of licensing errors such as expired, missing, or invalid license les. You cannot disable
these types of notications.
System information
The Software License Tab of the System Information application shows both the overall licensing state of the
system and details on each license le found on the system, including start and end dates, license count,
license serial number, and other information.
Desktop background watermark
Watermark text is displayed on the desktop background with a trial license or with an expired or invalid
combination of licenses. You cannot disable this watermark text.
System update tools
If a system is not auto-licensed and it does not have an active support license, the patches and upgrades
shown by Easy Update and other system-update tools will be limited.
Royalty-bearing software
Some software used by ThinPro has royalties attached. An example is any feature using H.264 video decoding.
If the system is not auto-licensed and no valid unit license is found on the system, royalty-bearing software
will be disabled. Trial licenses do not enable royalty-bearing software.
If no valid license combination is found on the system, the ability to create remote connections to other
systems might be limited or disabled.
GUI overview3
The section describes the GUI of the desktop.
NOTE: The following image demonstrates the desktop for ThinPro with a U.S. locale setting. For Smart
Zero, the taskbar is vertical and right-aligned by default, and the desktop theme varies by connection type.
The display format of some taskbar information varies by locale setting.
Table 3-1
Item Description
(1) Desktop In ThinPro, you can arrange connection shortcuts in the desktop area and customize
the background theme.
In Smart Zero, the desktop is replaced by a customizable login screen with a theme
specic to the chosen connection type.
(2) Connection shortcuts Double-click a connection shortcut to launch a connection. Right-click the icon to
display a menu of actions related to the current connection and select to drag the
icon to a new location.
(3) Taskbar Provides quick access to programs and system functions (see Taskbar on page 11
for more information).
10 Chapter 3GUI overview
Section describes the taskbar.
NOTE: The following image demonstrates the taskbar for ThinPro with a U.S. locale setting. For Smart
Zero, the taskbar is vertical and right-aligned by default. The display format of some taskbar information
varies by locale setting.
Table 3-2
Item Description
(1) Start Displays a main menu. For more information, see Start menu on page 56.
(2) Application area Displays the icons for the currently open applications.
TIP: You can hold down Ctrl+Alt and then press Tab repeatedly to select an
application to bring to the foreground.
Taskbar 11
Table 3-2 (continued)
Item Description
(3) System tray Provides quick access to or provides information about certain functions and
Place the cursor over a system tray item to display a tool-tip (select items only).
Select to start a conguration action, and right-click to display a menu.
Items in the system tray can include the following, but some items might not appear
depending on the system conguration:
Audio mixer
Keyboard: Select this icon to change the keyboard layout, open the virtual
keyboard, or change the system layout. Right-click to open the virtual
keyboard. To display the name of the current keyboard layout, hover over
the icon.
Network status: The network status icon shows the network connection type
that is currently active. Hover the mouse over this icon to display the status of
current network connection. Select or right-click this icon to open the Network
Manager system tray menu and all the supported connection types are listed
from top to bottom based on its connectivity priority in the system.
NOTE: You can view the status of the following connection types:
Wired connection
Wi-Fi connection
Cellular connection
You can also create a Wi-Fi network connection. With proper permission, you
can also edit the Cellular connection settings and manage the SIM PIN. You can
also select Airplane Mode to enable/disable wireless connections and select
Network Information to show more details about network connections.
You can also perform the following actions:
Create a Wi-Fi network connection.
With proper permission, edit the Cellular connection settings and
manage the SIM PIN.
Select Airplane Mode to enable/disable wireless connections.
Select Network Information to show more details about network
Automatic Update status: The Automatic Update icon is displayed when
Automatic Update is checking for updates or updating the computer. To view
more information, select the icon. If ThinPro cannot
nd a valid automatic-
update server or if the registry key to display the icon is disabled, the icon is
not displayed.
Intelligent Input Bus (Ibus): Ibus is an input method (IM) framework for
multilingual input in Unix-like operating systems.
Battery icon: To open Power Manager, right-click this icon and select Adjust
Power Settings.
User icon: Indicates that Active Directory authentication is enabled. Select to
lock the screen or update the domain password. To display the current user,
hover over the icon.
License icon: Indicates the state of ThinPro Licensing. Hover over the icon to
see details on the currently-active licenses and right-click to go to the System
Info page to see more licensing detail. This is not visible on current HP thin
clients, as they are auto-licensed.
Chapter 3GUI overview
Table 3-2 (continued)
Item Description
(4) Date and time Displays the current date and time and opens the date and time settings.
Taskbar 13
Connection conguration4
Connection management can be done directly from the desktop as well as through the legacy Connection
Manager or the Start menu. By default, the desktop displays an icon as a shortcut for each congured
When you rst start the computer, several sample connection icons are displayed on the desktop. You can
create a new, generic connection shortcut for any of the connection types supported by ThinPro.
For more information on the legacy Connection manager see Connection Manager (ThinPro only) on page 15.
Creating a new connection shortcut
To create a new connection shortcut:
Right-click the desktop, and then select Create.
Desktop icon management
All icons are automatically placed into a grid. You can click and drag an icon to any other grid position on the
desktop. After an icon has been moved to a grid position, it is pinned in that position. It stays in that position
even if other connection shortcuts are added, deleted, or rearranged.
Any icons not pinned to a grid position are oating. They might be automatically moved when connection
shortcuts are added, deleted, or rearranged. To change a pinned icon to a oating icon, right-click the icon and
clear Pin Position.
Desktop connection management
Connection management can be done directly from the desktop as well as through the legacy Connection
Manager or the Start menu. By default, the desktop displays an icon as a shortcut for each congured
When you rst start the computer, several sample connection icons are displayed on the desktop. You can
create a new, generic connection shortcut for any of the connection types supported by ThinPro.
For more information on the legacy Connection manager see Connection Manager (ThinPro only) on page 15.
You can start, stop, edit, copy, rename, or delete each connection. If user editing is not enabled, non-
administrator users can only start or stop a connection.
To manage a connection on the desktop, right-click the connection icon, and then select an action.
NOTE: If user editing is not enabled, you must switch to administrator mode to manage a connection.
Chapter 4Connection conguration
Start/Stop: Starts a connection or stops an active connection. You can also double-click the
connection icon. When the connection is active, a green circle is displayed on the connection icon,
and the connection icon is displayed in the taskbar. When a connection starts, if any connection
parameters are missing, a dialog box asks for the missing parameters. For example, because none
of the starting icons have a remote server dened, a dialog box asks for the address or name of the
remote server when the connection is started.
Edit: Opens the complete connection editor.
Copy: Creates a copy of the connection with all the parameters of the original connection and a unique
Rename: Allows you to rename the connection. You can also double-click the text beneath the
connection icon or use the connection editor.
Delete: Deletes the connection.
Connection Manager (ThinPro only)
This section identies Connection Manager components and explains how to open Connection Manager.
NOTE: HP recommends using the connection shortcuts. However, you can use the legacy Connection
Manager interface.
The following image demonstrates Connection Manager with a U.S. locale setting.
Table 4-1
Item Description
(1) Connection list Lists the congured connections and whether each connection is active or inactive.
(2) Start Starts the selected connection.
(3) Stop Stops the selected connection.
(4) Edit Lets you edit the selected connection.
(5) Delete Deletes the selected connection.
Connection Manager (ThinPro only) 15
Table 4-1 (continued)
Item Description
(6) Add Lets you add a new connection.
NOTE: See Choosing an OS conguration on page 1 for a list of the available
connection types.
(7) Settings Lets you edit general settings for Citrix connections. These settings apply to all
connections of that type.
To open Connection Manager:
1. In administrator mode, select Start, and then type Connection Manager in the search box.
2. Select Connection Manager.
For more information about conguring connections, see the following:
Connection conguration on page 14
Connection types on page 19
Advanced connection settings
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Advanced category when editing a
connection of any connection type.
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection that you are currently conguring.
Table 4-2
Advanced connection settings
Option Description
Fallback Connection Species the fallback connection. If the connection fails to start, the fallback
connection will attempt to start instead.
NOTE: This option is not available for the VMware Horizon View connection
Auto start priority Determines the order that connections will auto-start. 0 means auto-start is
disabled. The other values determine the startup order, with 1 being the highest
Share credentials with screensaver Enables users to unlock the local screen saver using their credentials for that
NOTE: This option is only available for the Citrix, RDP, and VMware Horizon
View connection types.
Auto reconnect If enabled, this connection will attempt to auto-reconnect if the connection is
NOTE: Stopping a connection via Connection Manager will prevent an auto-
Wait for network before connecting Disable this option if your connection doesn’t need the network to start or if you
don’t want to wait for network to start the connection.
16 Chapter 4Connection conguration
Table 4-2 Advanced connection settings (continued)
Option Description
Show icon on desktop If enabled, a desktop icon is created for this connection. This option is enabled
by default.
If disabled, the connection is not visible on the desktop, but is visible in the Start
menu and Connection Manager.
Allow the user to launch this connection If enabled, this connection can be launched by an end user.
Allow the user to edit this connection If enabled, this connection can be modied by an end user.
Login dialog options Enable or disable these options to congure the login dialog for the connection.
NOTE: This option is only available for the Citrix, RDP, and VMware Horizon
View connection types.
The following options are available:
Show server eld
Show username eld
Show password eld
Show domain eld
Show ‘remember me’ checkbox
NOTE: This option saves the user name and domain, but the password
still needs to be entered each time.
Kiosk mode
When a thin client is congured for kiosk mode, it performs an automatic login to the default connection
on startup using predened user credentials. If the connection is ever lost due to a logout, disconnect, or
network failure, it reconnects automatically as soon as it can be restored.
TIP: The remote host can be congured to start resources automatically upon login, making the kiosk
mode experience seamless.
The easiest way to congure a thin client for kiosk mode is to switch it to Smart Zero (see Customization
Center on page 80) and congure a connection. When this is done, the following settings are set
The taskbar auto-hides.
The connection auto-starts.
The connection auto-reconnects.
The connection shares the user credentials with the local screen saver.
The desktop theme is set to that connection type’s default theme.
The USB redirection protocol in USB Manager is set to that connection type’s protocol.
If you want to congure a thin client for kiosk mode in ThinPro (for example, if you want to use a connection
type available only with ThinPro), manually congure the following settings for the desired connection:
Kiosk mode
In Customization Center, set the taskbar to Auto hide.
In connection’s settings, do the following:
Set Auto start priority to 1.
Enable Auto reconnect.
Enable Share credentials with screensaver, if available.
For a Web Browser connection only, select the Enable kiosk mode option.
In USB Manager, set the proper USB redirection protocol, if necessary.
TIP: When in kiosk mode, to minimize the connection and return to the local desktop, press Ctrl+Alt+End.
18 Chapter 4Connection conguration
Connection types5
The following table describes the supported Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops backends.
Table 5-1 Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops backends
Access type Virtual Apps and Desktops version
PNAgent (legacy) 2206 and 2203 LTSR or later
Web browser 2206 and 2203 LTSR or later
StoreFront 2206 and 2203 LTSR or later
The following table describes the supported Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop® backends.
Table 5-2 Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop backends
Access type XenApp/XenDesktop version
PNAgent (legacy) 7.6 LTSR and 7.15 LTSR and 7.16 or later
Web browser 7.6 LTSR and 7.15 LTSR and 7.16 or later
StoreFront 7.6 LTSR and 7.15 LTSR and 7.16 or later
Citrix Connection Manager
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing a Citrix
NOTE: Connection, conguration, and advanced settings aect only the connection you are currently
conguring. General settings aect all Citrix connections.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Connection category when editing a
Citrix connection.
Table 5-3
Option Description
Name The connection name.
Connection types 19
Table 5-3 Connection (continued)
Option Description
URL Citrix service URL or Citrix server FQDN.
For all modes, it can be the FQDN.
Example: myserver.com
For PNAgent, it should be the cong.xml URL.
Example: myserver.com/citrix/pnagent/cong.xml
For Storefront, it should be the store URL.
Example: myserver.com/Citrix/storefront/mystore/discovery
For Netscaler, it should be the netscaler URL.
Example: mynetscaler.com
Credentials Sets the authentication mode to one of the following:
Anonymous login: For StoreFront servers that allow unauthenticated (anonymous)
Use Single Sign-On credentials: The credentials used at login are also used to start
the connection.
Ask for credentials at connection start: There are no pre-supplied credential
Use predened user, password, and/or domain: Some or all of the credentials are
stored and supplied for the connection.
Use predened smart card: The connection is expected to be used with a smart card
for authentication.
Other credential types: RSA, Azure, and multi-factors authentication.
User The username for this connection.
Password The password for this connection.
Domain The domain name for this connection (optional).
Test connection Checks the URL and the credentials.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing a
Citrix connection.
Table 5-4
Option Description
Auto Reconnect Applications on Login With this option selected, resources that were open when the user last logged out will be
reopened when they log in again.
TIP: If not using the Citrix SmoothRoaming feature, disable this option to increase your
connection speed.
20 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-4 Conguration (continued)
Option Description
Autostart mode Lets you set a specic application or desktop to start automatically when the Citrix
connection begins. If set to Auto Start Single Resource, and if there is a single published
resource, that resource starts automatically.
NOTE: This option has no eect if Auto Reconnect Applications on Login is selected and
there are applications to reconnect to.
If you have selected Auto Start Application or Auto Start Desktop, select the Enumeration
button to retrieve a list of resources (applications or desktops) and display them in Citrix
Connection Manager, which enables you to select resources to start automatically upon
If you have selected Auto Start Single Resource, select the Enumeration button to
retrieve the number of resources. If there is only one resource, it is started automatically
upon connection.
Show resources With this option selected, you must then select where to display the resources:
In a window: Displays resources in a window.
Directly on desktop: Displays resources on the desktop.
Show resources in the Start Menu With this option selected, remote resources from the connection are shown in the Start
Auto save store If this option is selected, save the store discovery URL.
General Settings
To edit the general settings:
In Citrix Connection Manager, select the General Settings tab, and then select Xen Connection General
Settings Manager.
NOTE: These settings aect all Citrix connections.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Options category when editing the
Citrix general settings.
Table 5-5
Option Description
Enable HDX MediaStream Enables HDX MediaStream.
Enable MultiMedia Enables multimedia.
Enable Connection Bar Enables the connection bar.
Enable Auto Reconnect Enables automatic reconnection of dropped connections.
Enable Session Reliability Enables the Citrix Session Reliability feature. See Citrix documentation for
more information.
Enable keyboard layout synchronization Enables keyboard layout synchronization between client and VDA.
General Settings 21
Table 5-5 Options (continued)
Option Description
Enable Smart Card Channel Enables the smart card channel feature.
NOTE: If you want to use a smart card in the Citrix session but are not
using a smart card connection, enable this option.
Enable FIDO2 Authentication Channel Enables FIDO2 authentication virtual channel.
NOTE: You must restart the system to apply the settings.
Enable Battery Status Indicator Enables the battery status indicator in the session for the mobile thin client.
Session Reliability Timeout (seconds) Species the session reliability timeout in seconds. The default is 180
Enable Clipboard Redirection Enables clipboard redirection.
Session Reliability Notication The session window is grayed out and a countdown timer shows the time
until the next reconnection attempt.
Use Data Compression Uses data compression for this connection.
Enable H264 Compression Enables H.264 compression. See Citrix documentation to determine if this
method of data compression is best for your use cases.
Enable Middle Button Paste Enables the middle mouse button paste function.
Enable cursor color inverting The cursor color inverts based on the background color of a text. As a result,
you can easily locate the position of the cursor in the text.
UDP audio through Citrix Gateway Enables UDP audio through the Citrix Gateway.
NOTE: Technical previews are available for customers to test in their non-
production or limited production environments, and to give customers an
opportunity to share feedback. Citrix does not accept support cases for
feature previews but welcomes feedback for improving them. Citrix might or
might not act on feedback based on its severity, criticality, and importance.
It is advised that Beta builds are not deployed in production environments.
Support for multiple audio devices If this option is selected, Citrix displays all available local audio devices in a
session with their names.
Enable UDP audio Enables UDP audio.
Enhancement to Teams Audio Conguration Congures echo cancellation, auto gain control and noise suppression
options to troubleshoot MS Teams audio issues (like robotic voice, high CPU
causing choppy audio, and so on).
Improved audio echo cancellation Enables audio echo cancellation.
NOTE: By design, the echo cancellation feature is disabled for high quality
Enable CEF-based BCR Enables Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) for Citrix browser content
User Agent String Species a User Agent string to be used for requests sent to the Citrix server.
This option is useful for a NetScaler conguration.
Enable jitter buer Ensures clear audio even when the network latency uctuates.
Sound Sets the sound quality or disables sound entirely.
22 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-5 Options (continued)
Option Description
Transport Protocol Species the transport protocol for the connection and whether to use a
fallback transport protocol.
O (default): Use TCP.
On: Use UDP and do not fall back to TCP on failure.
Preferred: Try UDP rst and fall back to TCP on failure.
Logging Sets the debug log level.
Only errors (default)
Local Resources
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Local Resources category when editing
the Citrix general settings.
Table 5-6
Local Resources
Option Description
Citrix USB Redirection Status To congure, select USB Manager. See Redirecting USB devices on page 78.
Enabled: USB redirection is supported for the Citrix connection.
Disabled: USB redirection is disabled for the Citrix connection.
Printers Controls how local printer redirection is handled.
Printer mapping
USB Redirection
Webcam Controls how local webcam and audio input redirection is handled.
HDX Webcam
USB Redirection
Audio Controls how local audio device redirection is handled.
HDX Audio
USB Redirection
Local Resources 23
Table 5-6 Local Resources (continued)
Option Description
Drive Mapping/Redirection Species the method used to access the local drive.
NOTE: Select only one method of drive redirection.
USB Redirection: Enables USB redirection. For more options, open USB
Dynamic Drive Mapping: Enables dynamic drive mapping.
Static Drive Mapping (Legacy): Enables static drive mapping, which
allows you to specify drive mappings to local paths. To specify these
paths, select Congure Mapping Folders.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Window category when editing the
Citrix general settings.
Table 5-7 Monitor
Option Description
TWI Mode Lets you display a single seamless window on the local ThinPro desktop as if
it were a native application.
Enable DPI matching Enables DPI matching.
Enable screen pin Enables pinning a multi-monitor screen layout.
Default Window Size When TWI Mode is set to Force Seamless O, this controls the default
window size.
Default Window Colors Sets the default color depth.
Left Monitor
Right Monitor
Top Monitor
Bottom Monitor
When Show the Virtual Desktop on all monitors is disabled, these elds let
you specify how the virtual desktop is displayed across specic monitors.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Self-Service category when editing the
Citrix general settings (for Workspace mode only).
Table 5-8
Option Description
Option 1 Enable Kiosk Mode Congure a user device to start up in kiosk mode, in which self-service starts
in full screen mode.
Option 1.1 Show taskbar Species whether the taskbar is displayed or not. Customization Center has
more options to customize taskbar.
Option 1.2 Enable shared user mode Multiple users could share the device.
Option 2 Disable Citrix Workspace – Preferences Disable Citrix menu item – Preferences in Self-Service UI.
24 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-8 Self-Service (continued)
Option Description
Option 3 Disable Citrix Connection Center Disable Citrix menu item – Connection Center in Self-Service UI.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Firewall category when editing the
Citrix general settings.
Table 5-9 Firewall
Option Description
Proxy Type Species the proxy type.
Proxy Address The IP address of the proxy server.
Proxy Port The port for connection to the proxy server.
Username The username to use for connection to the proxy server.
Password The password to use for connection to the proxy server.
Use Alternate Address for Firewall Connection The Citrix ICA Client will request the alternate address dened for the server
when contacting servers inside the rewall. The alternate address must be
specied for each server in a server farm.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Keyboard Shortcuts category when
editing the Citrix general settings.
Table 5-10
Keyboard Shortcuts
Option Description
Enable UseLocalIM Uses the local input method to interpret keyboard input. This is supported
only for European languages.
Use EUKS Number Controls the usage of Extended Unicode Keyboard Support (EUKS) on
Windows servers. Valid options are described below:
0: EUKS is not used.
1: EUKS is used as a fallback.
2: EUKS is used whenever possible.
Keyboard Mapping File Species the keyboard mapping le. Select Auto to allow the le to be
selected automatically. Otherwise, select a specic mapping le.
NOTE: To use your own keyboard mapping le, save it in the
folder: /usr/lib/ICAClient/keyboard/.
Keyboard layout synchronization mode [Technical
Set keyboard layout synchronization mode:
Sync only once – when session starts
Allow dynamic sync
Don’t sync
Firewall 25
Table 5-10 Keyboard Shortcuts (continued)
Option Description
Keyboard input mode [Technical Preview] Set keyboard input mode:
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Session category when editing the
Citrix general settings.
Table 5-11 Session
Option Description
Auto Logout Delay Before App Launch When using a Citrix server with multiple published resources, this species
the number of seconds to allow a user to launch an app after login before
the system automatically logs out and returns to the initial login screen.
Auto Logout Delay After App Close When using a Citrix server with multiple published resources, this species
the number of seconds between the closing of the last Xen published
resource and when the user is automatically logged out and returned to
the initial login screen.
Server Check Timeout To perform a basic connectivity check to the selected server and port, set
this option to a value other than the default –1.
TIP: Setting any of these values to less than 0 will disable auto-logout.
NOTE: Citrix processing delays might increase the auto-logout time.
This section references where you can nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
The RDP client is based on FreeRDP 2.9 and meets the following requirements for RDP:
Hardware-accelerated RemoteFX
MMR supported when connecting to Windows hosts with the Desktop Experience feature enabled
USBR supported when connecting to RDP servers that enable it
RemoteApp supported
NOTE: You can upgrade the RDP client to the newer version of FreeRDP by installing the new FreeRDP add-
Chapter 5Connection types
RDP per-connection settings
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing an RDP
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Network category when editing an RDP
Table 5-12 Network
Option Description
Connection Name A custom name for this connection.
Server Name/Address The IP address or server name for this connection, or the RD Web Access feed URL. If
required, the port can be appended to the server after a colon (by default, the port is
3389 for a direct RDP connection).
NOTE: The RD Web Access feed URL must begin with https://. By default, this is
added automatically as specied by the
registry key, which
denes the pattern of the URL.
Credentials Use Single Sign-On credentials: The credentials used at login are also used to start
the connection.
Ask for credentials at connection start: There are no presupplied credential
Use predened user, password, and/or domain: Some or all of the credentials are
stored and supplied for the connection.
Use predened smart card: The connection is expected to be used with a smart card
for authentication.
User The username for this connection.
Password The password for this connection.
Domain The domain name for this connection (optional).
Use RD Gateway Enables additional RD Gateway options, such as the gateway address, port, and
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Service category when editing an RDP
RDP per-connection settings 27
Table 5-13 Service
Option Description
Service Sets the RDP service to one of the following:
Remote Computer: When using this service, a direct RDP connection is created to a
remote computer. A remote application or alternate shell can optionally be started
upon connection. The following additional options are available for a Remote
Computer service:
If Mode is set to Remote Application, the Application eld species the path of
the application to run.
If Mode is set to Alternate Shell, the Command eld species the command
that executes the application to run in the alternate shell. For example, to run
Microsoft® Word, type
If Mode is set to Alternate Shell, the Directory eld species the
server’s working directory path for the application’s program les. For
example, the working directory for Microsoft Word is C:\Program
RD Web Access: When using this service, a list of RemoteApp resources is retrieved
from the server and presented to the user, and the actual RDP connection is started
when a resource is selected. The following additional options are available for RD
Web Access:
Keep resource selection window open: With this option selected, users can
open multiple resources simultaneously from the resource selection window.
Auto-start single resource: With this option selected, and if there is a single
published resource, that resource will start automatically upon connection.
Resource lter and Web Feed Browser: These can be used to limit the remote
resources that will be made available to the user in the resource selection
Auto-disconnect timeout: With this option selected, you can set how long a
Web Access connection can be maintained before it is automatically closed as
a security measure.
NOTE: An advantage of using RD Web Access is that it handles the details of
brokered connections and the Load Balance URL automatically.
For more information, see the HP ThinPro white paper RD Web Access Deployment
Example (available in English only).
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Window category when editing an RDP
Table 5-14
Option Description
Hide window decorations This setting makes sure that screen elements such as the menu bar, minimize and
close options, and borders of the window pane are not displayed.
Window size Sets the window size to full, xed, or percent.
28 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-14 Window (continued)
Option Description
Percentage Size If Window Size is set to percent, this option sets the percentage of the screen that a
desktop window occupies.
NOTE: The resulting sizes might be rounded.
NOTE: RemoteFX supports only a xed list of resolutions.
Fixed Size If Window Size is set to xed, this option sets the width and height in pixels that the
desktop window occupies.
Enable dynamic resolution If enabled, resolution updates send to the RDP server when the window is resized.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Options category when editing an RDP
Table 5-15 Options
Option Description
Enable motion events If enabled, mouse motions are continuously relayed to the RDP server.
Enable data compression Enables bulk compression of data between the RDP server and RDP client.
Enable deprecated RDP encryption Enables last-generation RDP encryption when NLA is not available.
Enable oscreen cache If enabled, o-screen memory is used to cache bitmaps.
Attach to admin console Attaches the connection to the administrator console port.
Cross-session copy/paste If enabled, copy and paste are enabled between dierent RDP sessions.
Enable Progressive RemoteFX Codec Enables the RemoteFX Progressive Codec, which transmits the desktop in a series of
sharper and sharper images.
NOTE: This codec might cause visual artifacts on desktops with highly dynamic
content, so this codec can be disabled, if necessary.
Enable Multimedia Redirection Allows multimedia les to be sent directly to the client for local playback.
Certicate verication policy Select one of the following:
Ignore the certicate checks altogether
Accept certicate unconditionally on rst connect
Warn if the certicate does not match
Automatically abort connection if the certicate does not match
Send hostname as For per-device licensing, this selects how the client hostname is sent to the RDP server.
Select hostname or mac.
Hostname to send Normally, the thin client's hostname is used for Client Access Licenses. This eld allows a
dierent value to be sent.
TIP: Select the (i) icon next to this option for more information.
Load Balance Info Use this option with a brokered RDP connection.
TIP: Select the (i) icon next to this option for more information.
Options 29
Local Resources
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Local Resources category when editing
an RDP connection.
NOTE: HP recommends high-level device redirection for all local devices unless there is a specic reason to
use USB redirection (USBR) instead. For more information, see the HP ThinPro white paper USB Manager
(available in English only).
Table 5-16 Local Resources
Option Description
Audio Devices Determines whether audio devices are redirected by high-level RDP audio redirection,
low-level USB redirection, or disabled for this connection.
Printers Determines whether printers are redirected by high-level printer redirection (which
requires them to be set up via the Printers tool in Control Panel), low-level USB
redirection, or disabled for this connection.
Serial/Parallel Ports Determines whether serial and parallel ports are redirected or disabled for this
USB Storage Determines whether USB storage devices such as USB ash drives and optical drives are
redirected by high-level storage redirection, low-level USB redirection, or disabled for
this connection.
Local Partitions Determines whether local partitions of the USB ash drive of the thin client are
redirected or disabled for this connection.
Smart Cards Determines whether smart cards are redirected by high-level smart card redirection or
disabled for this connection.
NOTE: When the Use predened smart card setting is enabled, this setting is disabled.
Other USB Devices Determines whether other classes of USB devices (such as webcams and tablets) are
redirected by low-level USB redirection or disabled for this connection.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Experience category when editing an
RDP connection.
30 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-17 Experience
Option Description
Choose your connection speed to
optimize performance
Selecting a connection speed (LAN, Broadband, or Modem) will enable or disable the
following options to optimize performance:
Desktop background
Font smoothing
Desktop composition
Show contents of window while dragging
Menu and window animation
Selecting Client Preferred Settings allows the RDP client to choose which options to use to
provide the best RDP experience.
You can also select your own custom combination of options.
This section references where you can nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
RemoteFX is an advanced graphics display protocol that is designed to replace the graphics component of
the traditional RDP protocol. It uses the hardware acceleration capabilities of the server GPU to encode the
screen contents via the RemoteFX codec and send screen updates to the RDP client. RemoteFX uses advanced
pipelining technologies and adaptive graphics to make sure that it delivers the best possible experience based
on content type, CPU and network bandwidth availability, and rendering speed.
RemoteFX is enabled by default. The administrator or user does not have to change any settings to enable it.
The RDP client negotiates with any RDP server it contacts, and if RemoteFX is available, it will be used.
NOTE: For more information, see the HP ThinPro white paper Enabling RemoteFX for RDP (available in
English only).
RDP multi-monitor sessions
True multi-monitor support does not require special conguration. The RDP client automatically identies
which monitor is specied as the primary monitor in the local settings and places the taskbar and desktop
icons on that monitor. When a window is maximized within the remote session, the window will only cover the
monitor it was maximized on.
Display preferences and monitor resolutions can be viewed but not modied within the remote session. To
modify the session resolution, log out of the session and change the resolution on the local thin client.
By default, all RDP sessions will be full-screen and cover all monitors to enhance the virtualization experience.
Additional window options are available in the RDP Connection Manager.
NOTE: Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RDVH) sessions with graphics card support might only support
certain resolutions and counts of monitors. The limits are specied when the RemoteFX virtual graphics
device is congured for the RDVH virtual machine.
NOTE: For more information about RDP multi-monitor sessions, see the HP ThinPro white paper True Multi-
Monitor Mode for RDP (available in English only).
RDP multimedia redirection
Multimedia redirection (MMR) is a technology that integrates with Windows Media Player on the remote host
and streams the encoded media to the RDP client instead of playing it on the remote host and re-encoding
it via RDP. This technology reduces the server load and network traic, and greatly improves the multimedia
experience, supporting 24 fps playback of 1080p videos with automatic audio syncing. MMR is enabled by
default. The RDP client will negotiate with any RDP server it contacts, and if MMR is available, it will be used.
MMR also uses an advanced codec detection scheme that identies whether the thin client supports the codec
being requested by the remote host before attempting to redirect it. The result is that only supported codecs
will be redirected and all unsupported codecs fall back to server-side rendering.
TIP: For simplied management, HP recommends that MMR be enabled or disabled on the remote host.
RDP device redirection
Device redirection makes sure that when a user plugs a device into the thin client, the device is automatically
detected and accessible in the remote session. RDP supports redirection of many dierent types of devices.
RDP USB redirection
USB redirection works by transmitting low-level USB protocol calls over the network to the remote host. Any
USB device plugged into the local host appears within the remote host as a native USB device, as if it were
plugged in locally. Standard Windows drivers support the device in the remote session, and all device types
are supported without requiring additional drivers on the thin client.
Not all devices default to USB redirection. For example, USB keyboards, mice, and other input devices usually
are not set to be redirected, as the remote session expects input to come from the thin client. Some devices
such as mass storage, printers, and audio devices might use additional options for redirection.
Note the following additional information about USB redirection with RDP:
The server must support USB redirection for it to be available to the thin client. General-purpose USB
redirection is supported with RDVH servers with RemoteFX, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server
2012, and Windows Server 2016.
The protocol in USB Manager in Control Panel must be set to RDP.
For RDP connections, the controls in USB Manager determine if a USB device is redirected. The settings for
the individual connection determine how a USB device is redirected.
RDP mass storage redirection
By default, the RDP session redirects all mass storage devices to the remote host using high-level drive
redirection. When a device such as a USB ash drive, USB DVD-ROM drive, or USB external HDD is plugged
into the thin client, the thin client detects and mounts the drive on the local le system. RDP then detects
a mounted drive and redirects it to the remote host. Within the remote host, it will appear as a new disk
Chapter 5Connection types
drive in Windows Explorer, with the name <device label> on <client hostname>; for example,
Bill_USB on HP04ab598100ff.
There are three restrictions to this type of redirection.
The device will not appear in the taskbar on the remote host with an icon to eject the device. Because of
this, make sure to give the device a suicient amount of time to sync data after a copy before removing
the device to be sure that the device does not corrupt. Typically, less than one second is required after the
le copy dialog nishes, but up to 10 seconds might be required depending on the device write speed and
network latency.
Only le systems supported by the thin client will be mounted. The supported le systems are FAT32,
NTFS, ISO9660 (CD-ROMs), UDF (DVD-ROMs), and ext3.
The device will be treated as a directory; common drive tasks like formatting and modication of the disk
label will not be available.
USB redirection of storage devices can be disabled in an individual connection's settings. If desired, you can
disable mass storage redirection altogether. To do this, turn o USB redirection, and then change the registry
keys as described in the following table.
Table 5-18 RDP mass storage redirection
Registry entry Value to set Description
root/USB/root/protocol local Makes sure that the RDP connection does not attempt to
redirect any devices to the remote session
RDP printer redirection
By default, RDP has two methods of printer redirection enabled:
USB redirection: Any USB printer plugged into the device will show up as a local printer in the remote
session. The standard printer installation process must happen in the remote session if the printer is not
already installed on that remote host. There are no settings to manage locally.
High-level redirection: If either USB redirection is unavailable on the remote host or the printer is a
parallel or serial printer, use high-level redirection. Congure the printer to use a local printer spooler,
and the RDP client automatically sets up a remote printer that sends print spooling commands through a
virtual channel from the remote host to the thin client.
A generic postscript driver is used if no driver is specied, but additional printer features might be
available if the printer is set up locally with a specic Windows driver. This Windows driver must
match the driver that the printer would use when locally attached to a Windows operating system.
This information is usually found under Model in the printer properties.
NOTE: See Serial or parallel printer conguration on page 90 for more information.
RDP audio redirection
By default, high-level audio redirection will redirect audio from the remote host to the thin client. Basic voice
control might need to be set up, and RDP 7.1 contains a number of advanced audio redirection features that
might require additional conguration.
RDP printer redirection
See the following notes about using audio redirection with RDP:
RDP delivers the highest quality audio as the network bandwidth allows. RDP reduces audio quality to
play on low-bandwidth connections.
No native audio or video syncing mechanisms are available in standard RDP. Longer videos might not
sync with audio. MMR or RemoteFX can resolve this issue.
HP recommends high-level audio redirection, but USB redirection of audio devices is possible if additional
functionality is present, such as a digital volume control. Only high-level redirection is available for
analog devices.
Microphone redirection is enabled by default. The default microphone volume might need to be adjusted
on the thin client. Older Windows RDP servers must have their settings modied to enable audio input.
Both the local and remote volume settings will aect the nal volume. HP recommends setting the local
volume to a maximum and adjusting the volume within the remote host.
RDP smart card redirection
To enable smart card login for an RDP connection:
By default, smart cards will be redirected using high-level redirection, allowing them to be used to log in to the
session and other remote applications.
Select Use predened smart card in the RDP Connection Manager.
This will allow the user to connect without rst specifying credentials. The RDP client will start the RDP
session, and the user will be prompted to authenticate by smart card.
This technology requires drivers for the smart card reader driver to be installed on the thin client. By default,
the CCID and Gemalto drivers are installed, which adds support for the majority of smart card readers
available. Additional drivers can be installed by adding them to /usr/lib/pkcs11/.
NOTE: When smart card login is enabled, Network Level Authentication is not supported and is
automatically disabled.
VMware Horizon View
VMware Horizon View per-connection settings
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing a VMware Horizon
View connection.
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Network category when editing a
VMware Horizon View connection.
Table 5-19
Option Description
Name Enter a name for this connection.
34 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-19 Network (continued)
Option Description
Address Enter the hostname or IP address of a VMware Horizon View server.
Credentials Log in anonymously using unauthenticated access
Use Single Sign-On credentials: The credentials used at login are also used to start
the connection.
Ask for credentials at connection start: There are no pre-supplied credential
Use predened user, password, and/or domain: Some or all of the credentials are
stored and supplied for the connection.
Use predened smart card: The connection is expected to be used with a smart card
for authentication.
User Enter the username to use for the connection.
Password Enter the password to use for the connection.
Domain Enter the domain to use for the connection.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the General category when editing a
VMware Horizon View connection.
Table 5-20
Option Description
Enable MMR Enables multimedia redirection for BLAST and PCoIP connections.
NOTE: HP recommends disabling this option.
For connections made with RDP protocol, use the Enable Multimedia Redirection
option. See
RDP Options on page 37.
Enable USB auto-connect when inserted Enable USB device redirection when a USB device is inserted.
Enable USB auto-connect at startup Enable USB device redirection when a VMware View connection starts.
Send Ctrl + Alt + Del to virtual desktop Enable sending Ctrl + Alt + Del to virtual desktop directly.
Allow Horizon Client data sharing If your Horizon administrator has opted to participate in the customer experience
improvement program, VMware collects and receives anonymous data on client systems
to prioritize hardware and software compatibility.
Enable client drive redirection Enables the shared folder feature for BLAST and PCoIP connections. This option is
enabled by default.
NOTE: You can map USB storage devices via CDR (client drive redirection). To disable
USB storage USB devices in the session, disable USB redirection and this feature (CDR).
Automatic login When enabled, the user is automatically logged in when the connection is established.
NOTE: HP recommends enabling this option.
Virtualization pack for Skype for Business Enables virtualization of Skype for Business.
NOTE: Video calls might use most of the processing power of a thin client. HP
recommends disabling this option. Skype for Business is discontinued.
General 35
Table 5-20 General (continued)
Option Description
Default Desktop Species a desktop to start automatically when a VMware Horizon View connection is
Preferred Protocol Lets you select PCoIP, RDP, or BLAST as the preferred protocol or choose to select the
protocol later.
Application Size Sets the application window size. You can select All Monitors, Full Screen, Large Window,
or Small Window.
Desktop Size Sets the desktop window size. You can select All Monitors, Full Screen, Large Window, or
Small Window.
Printers Controls how local printer redirection is handled:
Integrated printing
USB Redirection
NOTE: For connections made with RDP protocol, see RDP printer redirection on page
Launch client software in minimized mode If selected, the Horizon client window remains minimized and hidden in the background
when the user-specied remote desktop or published application launches.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Security category when editing a
VMware Horizon View connection.
Table 5-21
Option Description
Close After Disconnect Makes the VMware Horizon View client close automatically after users log out of their
desktops or the session terminates with an error.
This option is a security feature designed so that users do not need to take an additional
step to fully log out after they are nished with their desktop session.
This option is enabled by default for security purposes but can be disabled if users nd
that they are often switching to a new desktop pool after logging out of a session and do
not want to fully log in again.
Hide top Menu bar Makes the top menu bar invisible for users.
This option enabled by default. Disable it if users prefer to access options for window
size or desktop pool selection in a VMware Horizon View session.
Prevent users from changing server
If enabled, end users cannot change the server address.
Enable session roaming monitor Closes the connection if the session roams from another client. This option is supported
on only PCoIP connections.
Skip checking the certication revocation
If selected, the Horizon client does not check the certication revocation list when
connecting to the server.
36 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-21 Security (continued)
Option Description
Certicate verication policy Select one of the following:
Allow all connections
Refuse insecure connections
Table 5-22 BLAST options
Option Description
Allow H.264 decoding Allows H264 decoding in the Horizon client.
Allow BlastCodec decoding You can enable or disable the use of BlastCodec decoding to
receive remote screen content on the client interface.
Allow High Color Accuracy (reduces battery life and performance) If selected, this option allows increasing color delity.
Allow High Eiciency Video decoding (HEVC) If selected, H265 decoding is allowed in Horizon client.
Allow Blast connections to use operating system proxy settings Use Network Manager to setup system proxy.
RDP Options
The following table describes the settings that are available under the RDP Options category when editing a
VMware Horizon View connection.
Table 5-23
RDP Options
Option Description
Enable motion events Enables motion events for this connection.
Enable data compression Uses data compression for this connection.
Enable deprecated RDP encryption Enables encryption for this connection.
Enable oscreen cache If enabled, o-screen memory is used to cache bitmaps.
Attach to admin console Attaches the connection to the administrator console port.
Cross-session copy/paste If enabled, copy and paste are enabled between dierent RDP sessions.
Enable Progressive RemoteFX Codec Enables the RemoteFX Progressive Codec, which transmits the desktop in a series of
sharper and sharper images.
Enable Multimedia Redirection Allows multimedia les to be sent directly to the client for local playback. For more
information, see RDP multimedia redirection on page 32.
Automatic reconnection maximum retries Set reconnection maximum retries. Default is 30.
Send hostname as For per-device licensing, this selects how the client hostname is sent to the RDP server.
Select hostname or mac.
Hostname to send Normally, the thin client's hostname is used for Client Access Licenses. This eld allows a
dierent value to be sent.
TIP: Select the (i) icon next to this option for more information.
RDP Options 37
Table 5-23 RDP Options (continued)
Option Description
Load Balance Info Use this option with a brokered RDP connection.
TIP: Select the (i) icon next to this option for more information.
Remote computer sound Species where the remote computers sound should be played (remotely or locally) or if
it should not be played at all.
Enable port mapping Maps the thin client's serial and parallel ports to the remote session.
Enable printer mapping Maps the local print queue to the remote session. Use this option if either USB
redirection is unavailable on the remote host or the printer is a parallel or serial printer.
Congure the printer to use a local printer spooler, and the VMware Horizon View client
automatically sets up a remote printer that sends print spooling commands through a
virtual channel from the remote host to the thin client.
This method requires both that the printer be congured on the thin client and a
Windows driver be specied on the thin client because the VMware Horizon View client
needs to specify to the remote host which driver to use for the remote printer. This
Windows driver must match the driver that the printer would use when locally attached
to a Windows operating system. This information is usually found under the
Model in the
printer properties.
Shared folders Add, Remove, or Edit shared folders.
RDP Experience
The following table describes the settings that are available under the RDP Experience category when editing
a VMware Horizon View connection.
Table 5-24
RDP Experience
Option Description
Choose your connection speed to
optimize performance
Selecting a connection speed (LAN, Broadband, or Modem) will enable or disable the
following options to optimize performance:
Desktop background
Font smoothing
Desktop composition
Show contents of window while dragging
Menu and window animation
Selecting Client Preferred Settings will allow the VMware Horizon View client to choose which
options to use.
You can also select your own custom combination of options.
This section references where you can nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
Chapter 5Connection types
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
VMware Horizon View multi-monitor sessions
VMware Horizon View supports multi-monitor sessions. To enhance the virtualization experience, the default
VMware Horizon View sessions use full-screen and span all monitors. To choose a dierent window size, select
Full Screen – All Monitors under the protocol type of the desktop pool for the connection and then choose
another option from the window size list. The next time you connect to a session the window will open in the
selected size.
VMware Horizon View keyboard shortcuts
Windows keyboard shortcuts
To help administer Windows systems, VMware Horizon View supports Windows keyboard shortcuts. For
example, when Ctrl+Alt+Del is used, VMware Horizon View displays a message that provides the following
Send a Ctrl+Alt+Del command.
Disconnect the session: Use this when you have no other way of ending the session.
Windows keyboard shortcuts will be forwarded to the remote desktop session. The result is that local
keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl+Alt+Tab and Ctrl+Alt+F4, will not function while inside the remote session.
TIP: To be able to switch sessions, disable the Hide top Menu bar option in the VMware Horizon View
Connection Manager or via the registry key root/ConnectionType/view/connections/<UUID>/
Media keys
VMware Horizon View uses media keys to control options such as volume, play/pause, and mute during a
remote desktop session. This supports multimedia programs such as Windows Media Player.
VMware Horizon View device redirection
VMware Horizon View USB redirection
To enable USBR for VMware Horizon View connections, select VMware Horizon View as the remote protocol in
USB Manager.
To support composite USB devices USB redirection, set root/ConnectionType/view/
connections/<UUID>/useCurrentViewConfig to 1, and edit the /etc/vmware/config le
For more information on USBR, including device- and class-specic redirection, see RDP USB redirection on
page 32.
VMware Horizon View audio redirection
If you do not need the audio recording capability, use high-level audio redirection. Audio will play out of
the 3.5 mm jack or, by default, a USB headset if it is plugged in. Use the local audio manager to adjust the
input/output level, select playback, and capture devices.
The VMware Horizon View client supports high-level audio-record redirection only via the PCoIP connection
type on x86 units when connecting to a server running VMware Horizon View 5.2 Feature Pack 2 or higher
VMware Horizon View multi-monitor sessions
or the BLAST connection type on x86 units when connecting to a server running VMware Horizon View 7.x or
higher. If you need audio-recording support and are using a dierent conguration, use one of the following
If your system uses VMware Horizon View Client 1.7 or higher, use the RDP protocol to allow for high-level
audio redirection through either the 3.5 mm jack or a USB headset.
NOTE: To use high-level audio-record redirection through the RDP protocol, the server must support it
and be congured to allow audio recording over a remote session. The server must be running Windows
7 or greater. You also must make sure the
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-
Tcp\fDisableAudioCapture registry key is set to 0.
If you have a USB headset with a microphone, you can use USBR. Set the USB headset to be redirected
into the session. The headset will show up as an audio device. By default, USB audio devices are not
redirected and the VMware Horizon View client uses high-level audio redirection. To redirect the USB
headset, use the thin client’s USB Manager and select the USB headset to be redirected. Make sure that
VMware Horizon View is selected as the USBR protocol and make sure that the headset is selected under
the devices to be redirected.
NOTE: VMware and HP do not recommend using USBR for headsets. A large amount network
bandwidth is required to stream audio data over the USBR protocol. Also, you might experience poor
audio quality with this method.
VMware Horizon View smart card redirection
To use a smart card to log in to the VMware Horizon View server:
1. Be sure smart card login is enabled in the VMware Horizon View Connection Manager (Credentials->Use
predened smart card).
2. Select a PKCS11 Security module for the smart card. You might want to contact the vendor of the card for
a PKCS11 security module for the card. By default, there are Open source pkcs11 modules in the ThinPro
Image, but these modules might not work for the card.
3. After starting the connection, the VMware Horizon client displays the valid certicate subject and asks
for PIN. Type the appropriate PIN for the server.
NOTE: After you supply the correct PIN, the user’s credentials will be used to log in to the VMware Horizon
View Manager server. Please see the VMware Horizon View documentation for details on conguring the
server to support smart card login. As long as the server is congured to allow smart card login, the user’s
credentials will pass through and they will be logged in to the desktop without having to enter their PIN
NOTE: To log in to the VMware Horizon View Manager administrator server with a smart card, the local
smart card driver must be installed on the thin client. See RDP smart card redirection on page 34 for more
information on smart card driver installation. Once logged in to the remote host, the smart card will be
passed to the remote host using a virtual channel, not USBR. This virtual channel redirection makes sure that
the smart card can be used for tasks such as email signing, screen locking, and so on, but might cause the
smart card to not show as a smart card device in the Windows Device Manager.
NOTE: The remote host must have the proper smart card drivers installed.
Chapter 5Connection types
VMware Horizon View webcam redirection
The VMware Horizon View client supports high-level webcam redirection only through RTAV using x86 units
connected to a back-end server running VMware Horizon View 5.2 Feature Pack 2 or higher.
Other connection methods do not support high-level webcam redirection and can redirect webcams only
using USBR. Based on internal testing and validation, HP has found that the performance of a webcam
connected through basic USBR performs poorly. HP does not recommend the use of this conguration and
suggests that customers who require this function test using x86 units with RTAV technology to ensure
satisfactory levels of performance. With USBR, the webcam might perform poorly or not at all. See RDP USB
redirection on page 32 for more information.
VMware Horizon View COM port redirection
To enable COM port redirection for VMware Horizon View connection:
Set root/ConnectionType/view/general/enableComPortRedirection to 1 in regeditor.
NOTE: By default, this setting is enabled.
Changing the VMware Horizon View protocol
VMware Horizon View Client can use either the PCoIP, RDP, or BLAST protocol.
To change the protocol:
1. In VMware Horizon View Client, select a pool that supports one of the supported protocols.
2. Under the Connection menu, select Settings.
3. Change the protocol by using the drop-down box next to Connect Via.
NOTE: Use VMware Horizon View Manager to set which protocol should be used for each desktop pool.
TIP: HP recommends using the PCoIP protocol to enhance the desktop experience. However, the RDP
protocol provides more options for customization and might work better on slower connections.
VMware Horizon View HTTPS and
certicate management requirements
VMware Horizon View Client 1.5 and VMware Horizon View Server 5.0 and later require HTTPS. By default, the
VMware Horizon View client warns about untrusted server certicates, such as self-signed (like the VMware
Horizon View Manager default certicate) or expired certicates. If a certicate is signed by a Certicate
Authority (CA) and the CA is untrusted, the connection will return an error and the user will not be allowed to
HP recommends that a signed certicate veried by a standard trusted root CA be used on the VMware
Horizon View Manager server. This makes sure that users will be able to connect to the server without
being prompted or required to do any conguration. If using an internal CA, the VMware Horizon View client
connection returns an error until you complete one of the following tasks:
Use Certicate Manager to import the certicate from a le or URL.
Use a remote prole update to import a certicate.
In the VMware Horizon View Connection Manager, set Connection Security Level to Allow all connections.
The following table describes certicate trust when the security level is set to Refuse insecure connections.
VMware Horizon View webcam redirection
Table 5-25 Refuse insecure connections
Certicate trust Result
Trusted Trusted
Self-signed Error
Expired Error
Untrusted Error
The following table describes certicate trust when the security level is set to Warn.
Table 5-26 Warn
Certicate trust Result
Trusted Trusted
Self-signed Warning
Expired Warning
Untrusted Error
The following table describes certicate trust when the security level is set to Allow all connections.
Table 5-27
Allow all connections
Certicate trust Result
Trusted Trusted
Self-signed Untrusted
Expired Untrusted
Untrusted Untrusted
The following table describes the connection behavior associated with each result.
Table 5-28
Connection behavior
Result Description
Trusted Connects without a certicate warning dialog and displays a green lock icon
Untrusted Connects without a certicate warning dialog and displays a red unlock icon
Warning Connects with a certicate warning dialog and displays a red unlock icon
Error Does not allow the connection
42 Chapter 5Connection types
Web Browser
Web Browser per-connection settings
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing a Web Browser
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing a
Web Browser connection.
Table 5-29 Conguration
Option Description
Name The connection name.
URL The URL for the connection.
Intended Use Lets you specify how USB redirection is performed when the Web Browser connection
starts. Select Citrix, RDP, or Internet.
Allow smartcard login Allows you to use smart-card authentication for a connection if you select a URL or icon
that starts a remote connection.
Enable kiosk mode Enables kiosk mode.
Enable full screen Uses full screen mode for the connection.
Enable print dialog Enables the print dialog box.
Use these options to congure the Web Browser. These options can be shared by multiple Web Browser
connections or be specic to a single connection.
This section references where you can nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop)
AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) is part of the Microsoft Azure
system and provides access to cloud-based
remote desktops and remote applications. The AVD client for ThinPro is an add-on that you can obtain from
ThinUpdate or Easy Update. Restart after you install AVD to create AVD connections. In Addition to AVD, the
AVD client also supports Windows 365
. For the Zoom UC optimization plugin for ThinPro, see the Zoom
Web Browser
AVD per-connection settings
This section describes the AVD per-connection settings.
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection that you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when you edit a
AVD connection.
Table 5-30
Option Description
Name The connection name.
Workspace URL The URL for the connection. For example,
Credentials Ask for credentials at connection start.
Use predened user, password, and domain.
Username The user name for this connection.
Password The password for this connection.
Domain The domain for this connection.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Window category when editing an AVD
44 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-31
Option Description
Window Size Sets the Window Size to one of the following:
Full-desktop: The remote session is launched in full screen
mode and covers all monitors that are connected to the
Fullscreen: The remote session is launched in full screen
mode on the primary screen only.
Maximized: The remote session is launched in full screen
mode on the primary screen only, leaving space for the
If Hide window decorations is selected, all window
decorations of the xed sized window are removed,
including title bar and window borders.
Fixed: The remote session is launched in a xed-sized
Fixed/Width: Sets width of the xed-sized session window.
Fixed/Height: Sets height of the xed-sized session window.
NOTE: You open AVD remote applications within a single ThinPro window. You can minimize or resize
applications within this window. Use Alt+Tab to cycle through the active applications.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Options category when you edit an AVD
Table 5-32
AVD connection options and their descriptions
Option Description
Autoll credentials Autolls credentials into login page.
Headless mode Autolls credentials into hidden login page.
Remember me Creates encrypted token cache so that web authentication
dialog is not required on every launch.
Forget Me Clears the encrypted token cache that is created when
Remember me is selected.
Autostart Workspace Species the workspace from which a resource starts
automatically (optional).
Autostart Resource Species the name of a resource to be started
Autoclose AVD Feed Window Automatically closes an AVD feed window when a session
window is closed.
Set local time zone Sets remote session time zone from the local system’s time
Disable the menu bar Disables the menu bar in the session window.
Options 45
Table 5-32 AVD connection options and their descriptions (continued)
Option Description
Disable the dropdown bar Disables the drop-down bar that appears when the session
window is fullscreen.
Close button Enables the Close button on drop-down bar.
Minimize button Enables minimize button on the drop-down list.
Maximize button Enables maximize button on the drop-down list.
Ctrl+Alt+D Adds Ctrl+ Alt+Delete to list of keyboard shortcuts on the
drop-down list.
Local Resources
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Local Resources category when editing
an AVD connection.
Table 5-33
Option Description
Audio Output Determines whether audio output is redirected.
Audio Input Determines whether audio input is redirected.
Filesystem Determines whether removable storage is redirected.
Smart Cards Determines whether smart cards are redirected.
Clipboard Determines whether clipboard is redirected.
Virtual Channel Plugins Determines whether virtual channel plugins are enabled or
disabled. Must be enabled for Zoom UC optimization plugin.
Camera Determines whether camera is redirected.
Because TTerm is not included with the base image, you must download it and install it separately.
To install the TTerm package:
1. Download thinpro-tterm-<version>.xar, and copy it to ThinClient.
2. Install the .xar package.
3. Restart.
To congure and use TTerm connection:
1. Right-click the desktop, select Create, select Other, and select TTerm, which creates a TTerm connection
on the desktop.
2. Right-click the TTerm Connection, select Edit, and then edit the connection.
Chapter 5Connection types
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing an
TTERM connection.
Table 5-34 Conguration options
Option Description
Name The connection name.
Open Prole Directory It opens TTerm Linux Prole Directory to create, modify, and
delete proles.
Prole(s) Set the prole or prole named list.
Start a session with prole name default:
Set the value to default.
Start a session with prole named New prole and two
sessions with prole named default:
Set the value to New prole default default.
Monitor settings Full screen: TTerm opens in Full screen mode.
Maximized: TTerm opens in maximized mode.
View conguration Enable Menu bar
Enable Toolbar
Enable status bar
Enable session panel
Additional connection types (ThinPro only)
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing additional
connection types.
NOTE: By default, these connection types are not available in Smart Zero. For more information, see
Choosing an OS conguration on page 1.
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing an XDMCP
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing an
XDMCP connection.
Table 5-35 Conguration
Option Description
Name The connection name.
Type The XDMCP connection type. Valid options are: chooser, query, and broadcast.
Address This value is required if the Type value is set to query.
Use font server Use a remote X font server instead of locally installed fonts.
Font server Font server is not enabled unless the Use font server option is selected.
Congure display Select to set the display conguration for the connection. If you do not set this
conguration, the default conguration will be used.
This section references where you can
nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
Secure Shell
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing a Secure Shell
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing an
SSH connection.
Table 5-36
Option Description
Name The connection name.
Address The IP address of the remote system.
Port The remote port to use for the connection.
User name The username to use for the connection.
Run application The application to run to make the connection.
Compression Select this option if you want to compress the data sent between the server and thin
X11 connection forwarding If the server has an X server on it, select this option to allow the user to open user
interfaces from the SSH session and display them locally on the thin client.
Force TTY allocation Select this option and specify a command to initiate a temporary session to run the
command. Once the command has completed, the session will terminate. If no command
is specied, then the session will run normally as if the option were not selected.
Foreground color The default color of the text in the SSH session.
48 Chapter 5Connection types
Table 5-36 Conguration (continued)
Option Description
Background color The default color of the background in the SSH session.
Font Valid options are: 7X14, 5X7, 5X8, 6X9, 6X12, 7X13, 8X13, 8X16, 9X15, 10X20, and
This section references where you can nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
This section describes the settings that are available under various categories when editing a Telnet
NOTE: These settings aect only the connection you are currently conguring.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing a
Telnet connection.
Table 5-37
Option Description
Name The name of the connection.
Address The IP address of the remote system.
Port The port to use on the remote system.
Foreground color The foreground color.
Background color The background color.
Font Valid options are: 7X14, 5X7, 5X8, 6X9, 6X12, 6X13, 7X13, 8X13, 8X16, 9X15, 10X20,
and 12X24.
This section references where you can nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
If you would like to install a custom Linux® application, you can use the Custom connection to allow you to
open this application through Connection Manager.
NOTE: These settings aect the connection you are currently conguring only.
The following table describes the settings that are available under the Conguration category when editing a
Custom connection.
Table 5-38 Conguration
Option Description
Name The connection name.
Enter command to run The command to run to make the remote connection.
This section references where you can
nd information about Advanced connection settings under the
Advanced category, when editing a connection.
NOTE: See Advanced connection settings on page 16 for information about the settings available under the
Advanced category when editing a connection.
50 Chapter 5Connection types
HP True Graphics6
HP True Graphics ooads rich multimedia content to the thin client’s GPU, delivering high-frame-rate images
and boosting eiciency.
Server-side requirements
See the following table for a list of supported server-side products of the independent software vendor (ISV)
you are using for your virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).
Table 6-1 Server-side requirements
ISV Supported products
Citrix® XenApp®/XenDesktop® 7.0 or newer
IMPORTANT: The Citrix server must support sending session data in H.264 format (a
Citrix technology known as SuperCodec). H.264 is enabled by default and is processed
using the DeepCompressionV2 encoder, a CPU-based compression algorithm.
VMwar VMware Horizon™ 6.0 and newer
VMware Horizon View™ 5.2 and 5.3
VMware View® 5.1
Client-side requirements
See the following table for a list of supported thin client operating systems and supported client-side
software from the ISV you are using for your VDI.
NOTE: HP True Graphics are not available with a Trial ThinPro license.
Table 6-2
Client-side requirements
Supported operating systems Supported Citrix clients Supported VMware clients
HP ThinPro 5.0 and newer Citrix Receiver 13.1.1 and newer
NOTE: A version of Citrix Receiver that
supports HP True Graphics is preinstalled
starting with HP ThinPro 5.2 and is
available as an add-on for HP ThinPro 5.0
and 5.1.
VMware Horizon Client 4.0 and newer
(using the Blast protocol)
Client-side conguration
This section describes the client-side conguration.
NOTE: The information in this section applies to Citrix only. For VMware, simply use the Blast protocol to
enable HP True Graphics.
HP True Graphics
Compression settings
To enable HP True Graphics on HP ThinPro:
Select the Enable H264 Compression general setting for Citrix connections.
NOTE: Some screen data, such as text, might be sent using methods other than H.264. In general, it is best
to keep this feature enabled, but for troubleshooting or specic use cases, the following registry keys can be
set to 0 to disable this feature:
Window settings
To force remote applications to run in windowed mode:
Set the TWI Mode general setting for Citrix connections to Force Seamless O.
Monitor layout and hardware limitations
Consider the following limitations on monitor layout:
Most congurations with a maximum of two monitors that have a 1920 × 1200 resolution are supported.
HP t630 Thin Client: This model supports a maximum of two monitors at 1920 × 1200 or one monitor at
3840 × 2160.
HP t730 Thin Client: This model supports a maximum of three monitors at 1920 × 1200.
Rotated monitors might not display correctly.
If you are using HP True Graphics with two monitors and trying to play a video using HDX MediaStream,
the video will fail because H.264 supports only two hardware decode sessions, which are being consumed
by the monitors.
NOTE: HDX MediaStream is also trying to leverage local hardware decoding of H.264, which causes the
Tips & best practices
Consider the following when using HP True Graphics:
After connecting to a remote desktop, you can use Citrix HDX Monitor to determine which encoder is being
used for the session by examining the Component_Encoder value under the Graphics - Thinwire Advanced
section. If the value reads DeepCompressionV2Encoder or DeepCompressionEncoder, then the server is
properly sending the data in a format that is accelerated by HP True Graphics.
NOTE: If legacy graphics are being forced via a server policy, such as CompatibilityEncoder or
LegacyEncoder, the server is compressing graphics in a method that is compatible with older versions of
Citrix clients, and HP True Graphics will not provide enhanced performance.
HP True Graphics might provide some benets to older versions of XenDesktop if using HDX 3D Pro.
Benets are not provided if HDX 3D Pro is used with the visual quality set to Always Lossless, because
then the graphical information is not sent to the thin client in H.264 format.
Chapter 6HP True Graphics
Active Directory integration7
By using Active Directory integration, you can force users to log in to the thin client using domain credentials.
Optionally, those credentials can be encrypted and stored and then later supplied to remote connections as
they start, which is a process known as single sign-on.
NOTE: Enabling authentication requires no special domain permissions.
There are two modes in which Active Directory integration can operate. By simply enabling authentication
against the domain, domain credentials can be used for the following operations:
Logging in to the thin client
Starting a connection using Single Sign-On
Switching to administrator mode using administrative credentials
Unlocking a locked screen using the login credentials
Overriding a locked screen using administrative credentials
The thin client can also be formally joined to the domain. This adds the thin client to the domain’s database
and might enable dynamic DNS, where the thin client informs the DNS server of changes in its IP address
or hostname association. Unlike domain authentication, a formal join requires credentials of a domain user
authorized to add clients to the domain. Joining to the domain is optional. All domain functions except
dynamic DNS are available without joining.
Login screen
When domain authentication is enabled, ThinPro displays a domain login screen upon startup. The login
screen also includes options that might be necessary to congure before logging in.
The background desktop layout, login dialog style, login dialog text, and which buttons are available can all
be adjusted via registry settings and/or conguration le settings. For more information, see the HP ThinPro
white paper Login Screen Customization (available in English only).
If the system detects that the user tried to log in with expired credentials, they are prompted to update their
Single sign-on
After a domain user has logged in, the credentials that were used can also be presented at startup to any
connection congured to use them. This allows a user to sign in to the thin client and start Citrix, VMware
Horizon View, and RDP sessions without having to enter their credentials again, for as long as they are logged
in to the thin client.
Once the user has successfully logged in using domain credentials, an Active Directory icon is available on the
taskbar. The user can select the icon to perform the following functions:
Active Directory integration
Show who is logged in to the system
Lock the screen
Change the domain password
NOTE: Domain password changes from ThinPro can fail for various reasons. Here are a couple of
known failure modes:
Password changes can fail if you have the following options enabled in the AD Security policies:
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local
Policies\Security Options\Network security\Minimum session security for
NTLM SSP based (including secure RPC) clients
Require NTLMv2 session security
Require 128-bit encryption
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local
Policies\Security Options\Network security\Minimum session security for
NTLM SSP based (including secure RPC) server
Require NTLMv2 session security
Require 128-bit encryption
Minimum Password Age Policy not set to 0:
GPO Default Domain Policy Comp Config\Policies\Windows Setting\Security
Settings\Account Policies\Password Policy\Minimum password age:
Setting this value to 0 might help workaround the limit but likely is not acceptable with the customer.
The customer must use alternative AD practices to help end users change an expired password in those
Screen lock
The screen can be locked due to inactivity timeout or through manual locking. If the screen was locked
by a domain user, the unlock dialog expects the user to provide the same domain password they used to
log in. Like the login dialog, there are options provided, plus one additional function: screen unlock. If the
screen-unlock button is selected, the unlock screen instead requires the root (administrator) password or any
set of domain credentials in the domain admin group, which was designated during domain authentication
setup. When the user supplies override credentials, the screen does not return to the desktop; it instead
returns to the login screen.
Administrator mode
In addition to the traditional method of using the root password to enter administrator mode, the domain
credentials of a user in the designated domain administrator group can be used to switch to administrator
Chapter 7Active Directory integration
Settings and the domain user
When a domain user is logged in, any changes to settings are saved in a registry layer that applies only to that
user. This includes newly created connections.
If the user has made no changes to system settings or connections, the system defaults will apply instead.
When the system is changed to administrator mode, settings and connection changes are no longer being
made to the user-specic layer of the registry. Instead, while in administrator mode, all changes apply instead
to the base-level registry. In that way, a change to a setting while in administrator mode applies to all users
unless there is a user-specic, custom setting already specied.
Settings and the domain user 55
Start menu8
To open the Start menu, select Start.
Connection management
The menu lists all the available connections. Right-click the connection name to manage that connection or
select it to start the connection. If the connection is running, selecting it stops the connection.
For more information on connection management, see Desktop connection management on page 14.
Switch to Administrator/Switch to User
This option allows you to switch between administrator mode and user mode.
System Information
This option starts the System Information application.
For more information, see System Information on page 82.
Control Panel
This option starts Control Panel.
For more information, see Control Panel on page 58.
There are many system tools provided, including one to start programs, such as a text terminal, or to run the
Initial Setup Wizard a second time. If you are logged in as a user, only authorized tools are displayed. If this list
is empty, the Tools menu entry is hidden.
Table 8-1
Menu option Description
X Terminal Lets you execute Linux commands.
Wireless Statistics Lets you view information about wireless access points.
Check for Updates Searches for updates from the server.
Text Editor Opens a basic text editor for viewing and editing text les.
Task Manager Lets you monitor the CPU usage and the CPU usage history for the
thin client.
Snipping Tool Lets you take a snapshot of a rectangular selection of the screen,
a specic window, or the entire screen.
Registry Editor Opens the ThinPro Registry Editor.
56 Chapter 8Start menu
Table 8-1 Tools (continued)
Menu option Description
Initial Setup Wizard Starts the Initial Setup Wizard.
Compatibility Check Runs the ThinPro Compatibility Check tool, which assesses the
system's suitability for running ThinPro.
These options allow you to log out, shut down the computer, restart the computer, or enable the Sleep state.
An administrator can restrict the options visible to a user using the Power Manager tool. See System on page
When you type in the search box, a set of potential matches for your search are displayed from most likely to
least likely. The search includes the visible names of controls, tools, and connections and associated aliases
and synonyms. For example, in administrator mode, typing encryption displays the Security control,
because that control oers encryption parameters.
To see all available options, type a space in the search box or select the magnifying glass icon.
Search also returns the options to create new connections of all available types. This can be used to manage
Power 57
Control Panel9
Control Panel lets you modify the system conguration.
Opening Control Panel
To open control panel:
Select Start, and then select Control Panel.
NOTE: You can also search for a specic Control Panel function using the Start menu search box.
NOTE: All Control Panel items are accessible in administrator mode. In user mode, only Control Panel items
that are enabled by the administrator for use by users are accessible.
TIP: To specify which Control Panel items end users have access to, open Control Panel, select Appearance,
select Customization Center, and then select or clear items in the Applications list.
This section describes the system conguration.
Table 9-1
Menu option Description
Date and Time Lets you congure the time zone and the date and time
Network Lets you congure network settings.
For more information, see Network settings on page 59.
DHCP Options Lets you congure DHCP options.
For more information, see DHCP options on page 64.
Power Manager Lets you congure power management settings such as a
screen saver and screen lock, CPU settings, when to turn o
the display, and when to enter the Sleep state.
In administrator mode, you can restrict access to power-
related options (such as Reboot) on a system-wide basis.
Imprivata Setup Lets you enable Imprivata Appliance Mode and specify an
Imprivata server, see Imprivata Setup on page 64.
Component Manager Lets you remove system components.
For more information, see Component Manager on page
Factory Reset Lets you restore the thin client to its default factory
Snapshots Lets you restore the thin client to a previous state or to its
default factory conguration.
58 Chapter 9Control Panel
Network settings
Network settings can be congured using Network Manager.
Opening Network Manager
To open the Network Manager:
Select System and then select Network in Control Panel.
See the following sections for more information about the dierent tabs in the Network Manager:
Wired network settings
The following table describes the options available in the
Wired tab of the Network Manager.
Table 9-2 Wired network settings
Option Description
Enable IPv6 Enables IPv6. IPv4 is used by default, and they cannot be used at the same time.
Ethernet Speed Lets you set the Ethernet Speed. If your switch or hub does not have a special requirement, leave this
at the default setting of Automatic.
Connection Method Lets you choose between Automatic and Static. If your network environment is using DHCP, the
Automatic option will work without any further congurations needed.
If Static is selected, the Static Address Conguration settings will become available. Be sure to input
these values according to whether you are using IPv4 or IPv6.
MTU Allows you to enter the maximum transmission unit (in bytes).
DNS Server Use this box to set custom DNS server information.
Search Domains Allows you to select which domains to restrict from a search.
Security Settings Lets you set the authentication setting to one of the following:
Note the following about TTLS and PEAP:
The Inner Authentication option should be set to whatever your server supports.
The CA Certicate setting should point to the server’s certicate on the local thin client.
The Username and Password are the user’s credentials.
Note the following about TLS:
The CA Certicate setting should point to the server’s certicate on the local thin client.
If your Private Key le is .p12 or .pfx, then the User Certicate setting can be left blank.
The Identity setting should be the username that corresponds to the user certicate.
The Private Key Password setting is the password of the user’s private key le.
Network settings 59
Wireless network settings
Use this tab to add, edit, and delete wireless proles that correspond to wireless networks.
The following tables describe the options available when adding or editing a wireless prole.
NOTE: This tab is available only if the thin client has a wireless adapter.
TIP: You can also access these settings by selecting the network status icon in the taskbar.
Use the Wireless tab to congure general settings.
Table 9-3 Wireless network settings
Option Description
Scan AP Scans for available wireless networks.
SSID Use this box to manually enter the SSID of the wireless network if it is not found by the scan.
Wireless Band Select Auto, 2.4GHz, or 5GHz.
SSID Hidden Enable this option if the SSID of the wireless network is set to be hidden (not broadcasting).
Enable IPv6 Enables IPv6. IPv4 is used by default, and they cannot be used at the same time.
Enable Power Management Enables the power management feature for the wireless adapter.
Connection Method Lets you select between Automatic and Static. If your network environment is using DHCP, then the
Automatic option should work without any further congurations.
If Static is selected, the Static Address Conguration settings will become available. Be sure to input
these values according to whether you are using IPv4 or IPv6.
Security Settings Lets you set the authentication setting to one of the following:
For WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK, you just need to enter the network key and select OK.
For EAP-FAST, set Anonymous Identity, Username, Password, and Provisioning Method. You do not
need to change the PAC
le settings.
See Wired network settings on page 59 for more information about TTLS, PEAP, and TLS.
Auto Connect This option is reserved for future use.
Enable Wireless Enables the wireless adapter.
Use the IPv4 tab to congure IPv4 connection settings.
Chapter 9Control Panel
Table 9-4 IPv4 connection settings
Option Description
IPv4 Enabled Enables IPv4.
IPv4 Method Lets you select between Automatic and Static. If your network environment is using DHCP, then the
Automatic option should work without any further congurations.
If Static is selected, the Static Address Conguration settings are displayed, and you must enter the
IPv4 settings.
Use the IPv6 tab to congure IPv6 connection settings.
Table 9-5 IPv6 connection settings
Option Description
IPv6 Enabled Enables the usage of an IPv6 global address.
NOTE: HP ThinPro tries to obtain an IPv6 global address via route advertisement or DHCPv6.
IPv6 Method Lets you select between Automatic and Static. If your network environment is using DHCP, then the
Automatic option should work without any further congurations.
If Static is selected, the Static Address Conguration settings are displayed, and you must enter the
IPv6 settings.
Use the Security tab to congure the connection security settings.
Table 9-6
Connection security settings
Option Description
Authentication Lets you set the authentication setting to one of the following:
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise-TTLS
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise-PEAP
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise-TLS
For WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK, you just need to enter the network key and select OK.
For EAP-FAST, set Anonymous Identity, Username, Password, and Provisioning Method. You do not
need to change the PAC le settings.
See Wired network settings on page 59 for more information about TTLS, PEAP, and TLS.
Cellular settings
Use this tab to congure Cellular settings and manage Access Point Names (APNs). This tab is only shown
when a supported cellular modem is detected on a limited group of HP Mobile Thin Client models, for
Cellular settings
example, if an Intel XMM 7560 modem module is detected on a HP mt645. The list of supported cellular
modems is extended as new cellular modems are supported.
NOTE: If no SIM card is detected in the SIM card slot, a SIM card logo with a back slash is shown to indicate
that no SIM is present. User must insert a SIM card and continue to view and edit Cellular Settings.
NOTE: If the inserted SIM card is in the Locked state, a SIM logo with a padlock is shown to indicate the SIM
card is in Locked state. You must enter the Personal Identication Number code (PIN) to unlock the SIM card
and continue to view and edit Cellular Settings.
NOTE: Like other Network settings, you cannot access Cellular settings from the Control Panel. There is a
Cellular Settings entry in the Network Manager system tray menu by default, and you can access Cellular
settings from Network Manager system tray menu. If administrators need to limit users from accessing
Cellular settings, they can set registry key
root/Network/WWAN/UserCanManageWwanConn to 0 and
the entry disappears.
TIP: You can unlock the SIM card from the Network settings system tray menu.
Table 9-7 Enable Cellular
Option Description
Enable Cellular An administrator can decide to enable or disable Cellular on
this device.
Table 9-8 Cellular information
Option Description
Carrier Read-only. The name of the mobile carrier retrieved from
the SIM card.
Country Read-only; the country retrieved from the SIM card.
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identication Number, a
number to identify the subscriber.
Use the Connections settings table to congure Cellular connection settings, when the SIM card is available.
The following table describes the options available for a connection:
Table 9-9
Connection settings
Option Description
Default Cellular Connection Use this check box to select the only active connection
among all connections.
Data Roaming Use this check box to enable data roaming.
IP Type Select IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4/IPv6.
APN Select an Access Point Name from the list of APNs provided
by APN settings. See APN settings for more information.
Select the APN Manager button to open APN settings. If the SIM card can be recognized from a known mobile
carrier, some APNs are populated automatically to create, edit an APN. The following table describes the
options available for an APN.
Chapter 9Control Panel
Table 9-10 APN settings
Option Description
Name The name used to represent an APN in Connections settings.
APN The Access Point Name used by the mobile carrier.
Username The user name used by the mobile carrier.
Password The password used by the mobile carrier.
Command to upgrade Cellular Modems Firmware
hptc-modem-update [options] <list of firmware files>
<list of firmware file>: A list of rmware and CustPack les separated by spaces.
The command also provides the rmware upgrade result. When the upgrade is successful, a restart dialog box
opens and you can select whether to restart. If you do not choose the restart option, the unit will restart after
the default restart timer runs out. If the upgrade fails, the command prints a PLEASE TRY TO FLASH AGAIN
If upgrading the rmware fails, use option–d and run the command hptc-modem-update –d <list
of firmware files>. This command generates debug log /var/log/fw.log while upgrading
rmware. The log is helpful for analyzing the reason for the failure.
General settings
The following table describes the options available in the DNS tab of the Network Manager.
Table 9-11
General settings
Option Description
Hostname The hostname is generated automatically according to the MAC address of the thin client. You can
alternatively set a custom hostname.
Proxy Mode Use this option so enable or disable proxy settings.
Use the same proxy for all Use HTTP Proxy setting for all other proxy settings.
HTTP Proxy
FTP Proxy
Use these boxes to set proxy server information using the following format:
HP recommends using the http:// prex for all three proxy settings because it is supported better.
NOTE: The proxy settings are set to the http_proxy, ftp_proxy, and https_proxy environmental
variables for the system.
Socks proxy Use this box to set proxy server information using the following format, even when Use the same
proxy for all is selected:
NOTE: The proxy setting is set to the all_proxy environmental variable for the system.
Ignore Hosts This setting is a list of addresses to be ignored by proxy settings.
General settings 63
DHCP options
How to congure and manage DHCP options.
Opening the DHCP Option Manager
To open the DHCP Option Manager:
Select System and then select DHCP Options in Control Panel.
Request or ignore DHCP options
To direct the thin client to request or ignore specic DHCP options:
The DHCP Option Manager displays details of the DHCP options that are requested by the thin client.
TIP: The drop-down list allows you to lter which DHCP tags are displayed.
Select or deselect the check boxes in the Requested column.
Changing a DHCP code
To change a DHCP code:
If a pencil is shown in the DHCP Code column, the code number can be changed in case there is a conict on
your DHCP server over a particular code number.
Double-click the DHCP code and type a new number.
NOTE: Changeable DHCP codes can only be changed while that DHCP option is enabled in the Requested
Information about DHCP options
To learn more about how a DHCP option is used on the thin client and on the DHCP server:
Select the icon in the Info column of that option.
Imprivata Setup
The following two packages are included with ThinPro.
IMPORTANT: As of September 2023, the rst released build of the ThinPro 8.1 image does not include the
Imprivata mode by default. It will be available soon via a next ThinPro Service Pack after it is supported
again by Imprivata and HP.
Imprivata OneSign Bootstrap loader: onesign-bootstrap-loader or onesign-generic-bootstrap-loader
HP Imprivata helper scripts (vendor launch scripts): hptc-imprivata-helper
When Imprivata Appliance Mode is enabled, the OneSign Bootstrap loader connects on the specied Imprivata
OneSign server and installs or updates the Imprivata ProveID Embedded agent (PIE agent).
The Imprivata ProveID agent is installed into the directory /usr/lib/imprivata/runtime/.
The Imprivata ProveID agent uses the HP helper scripts to launch a VDI client. A VDI client is either a Citrix, a
VMware, or an RDP client.
The HP helper scripts are installed in the directory /usr/lib/Imprivata-helper/.
Chapter 9Control Panel
The Imprivata agents use two log les:
NOTE: More information can be found at http://documentation.imprivata.com.
NOTE: Verify that the certicate of the Imprivata OneSign server is valid on ThinPro. You might have to
install it or its Root CA certicate. See Certicate Manager on page 68.
To open the Imprivata Setup:
Select System and then select Imprivata Setup in Control Panel.
Component Manager
Component Manager lets you remove system components that are not used in your environment, which might
be desirable to reduce the image size or increase security. For example, if Citrix connections are never used in
your environment, you might want to remove the Citrix component.
As components are removed, the new conguration can be tested before you apply the changes permanently.
You can also undo changes that were made, if the changes have not yet been applied permanently.
IMPORTANT: After the new conguration is applied permanently, all snapshots are removed and a new
factory snapshot is created. Removed components cannot be restored after this point.
NOTE: Removing components might not reduce the use of local disk space, but it should reduce the size of
any disk images created from the local system.
To open the Component Manager:
Opening Component Manager
To open Component Manager:
Select System and then select Component Manager in Control Panel.
Removing components
To remove components:
1. In the Component Manager, select the desired components.
TIP: To select multiple components, use Ctrl or Shift.
2. Select Remove Component(s).
3. If the conrmation dialog appears, select OK.
4. After the components are removed, test the new conguration.
Undoing a change
You can undo each change, one at a time, if the changes have not yet been applied permanently. A restart of
the thin client is required after each undo.
To undo a change made with the Component Manager:
Component Manager
1. In the Component Manager, select Revert Last Change.
2. Select Yes to restart the thin client.
Repeat this process for as many changes you want to undo.
IMPORTANT: If you take a snapshot of the image while testing a new conguration, you cannot undo the
changes via the Component Manager. Those changes can be undone only by restoring a previous snapshot
via the Snapshots tool. However, this does not work if the changes have already been applied permanently,
because that function deletes all existing snapshots. If changes have already been applied permanently, you
must reinstall the operating system to restore most removed components. Some components (such as
Citrix, RDP, and VMware Horizon View) might be available as add-ons on the web and can be restored by
reinstalling them.
Applying the changes permanently
To apply changes made with the Component Manager permanently:
IMPORTANT: After the new conguration is applied permanently, all snapshots are removed and a new
factory snapshot is created. Removed components cannot be restored after this point.
1. In the Component Manager, select Apply Component Conguration.
2. Select Yes.
This section describes the Security conguration.
Table 9-12
Menu option Description
Security For more information, see Security settings on page 66.
Change Domain Password If a domain is being used, lets you change the domain
Certicates Opens Certicate Manager, which lets you easily import,
view, or remove certicates.
For more information, see Certicate Manager on page 68.
Firewall Manager Lets you congure rewall settings.
SCEP Manager Allows for network-based certicate management.
Security settings
Security settings can be congured using Security Manager. To open Security Manager, select Security and
then select Security in Control Panel.
See the following sections for more information about the dierent tabs in Security Manager.
Local Accounts on page 67
Encryption on page 67
Options on page 67
Chapter 9Control Panel
Local Accounts
The Local Accounts tab can be used to change the local root and user account passwords or to disable
authentication using those accounts.
CAUTION: Disabling the root and/or user accounts might leave your system in an unusable state unless
Active Directory authentication is enabled. For example, if the root account is disabled, you will only be able
to change to administrator mode using domain credentials of an administrator. However, disabling the local
accounts might improve security when Active Directory authentication is enabled because you no longer
have to maintain and update a shared secret such as the thin client’s root password.
If Active Directory authentication has been used and there is any cached data for domain users on the thin
client, you can also delete the user’s cached data from this tab.
NOTE: If the user logged in using a domain account, they cannot delete their own account’s data because it
would leave the system in an indeterminate state.
Active Directory credentials and other secrets can be hashed for functions like screen-unlock and/or
encrypted and stored on the system for single sign-on.
The hash algorithm for creating a password’s hash can be selected from this menu. The default, scrypt, is
a well-accepted key derivation function. Argon2, another key derivation function is also available, as well
as conventional hashes SHA-256 and SHA-512. The advantage of a key derivation function is that it is
computationally expensive to compute a rainbow table that matches plain-text passwords to precomputed
hash values, whereas conventional hashes are meant to execute as fast as possible. All hashes are stored with
128 or more bits of random salt which changes each time the password hash is computed and stored.
Encrypted passwords are used in situations where they can be reversed and supplied to connections when
they start (single sign-on). The encryption algorithm can be selected here from a wide variety supported
by OpenSSL. Unless there is a good reason to select a dierent value, HP recommends using the default
encryption algorithm, which is generally regarded as a modern, secure algorithm by the security community.
The number of salt bits and key bits will vary from one algorithm to another and you can get details by
pressing the info button next to the algorithm selector. Encryption keys are unique per thin client and are
stored in a place that only administrators can read. Furthermore, only certain authorized applications on the
system can do decryption.
Both hashes and encrypted secrets can be set with a time-to-live. If the amount of time between when the
secret was hashed or encrypted and the time when it is used or decrypted exceeds the time-to-live, the
hash-match or decryption will fail.
By default, the single sign-on password is usable for only one day, but any passwords stored with connection
or network settings can be used indenitely.
Local user must log in: If this option is selected when Active Directory authentication is disabled, the login
screen still appears at startup and logout. In this situation, the local user or root credentials must be used to
gain access to the system.
Enable secret peek: If enabled, most password and secret entry elds on the system display a small eyeball
icon on the right side. When that eyeball icon is selected by pressing and holding down the left mouse button,
the secret is displayed in plain text as long as the mouse button is held down. As soon as the button is
released, the secret is again obscured.
Local Accounts
Use domain text entry: If enabled, a separate Domain input eld is provided for the domain name where
applicable. If disabled, the domain is determined by the value entered in the User eld instead. For instance,
if the User eld contains “mike@mycorp”, the domain is assumed to be “mycorp”. If the user eld is
“graycorp\mary”, the domain is assumed to be “graycorp”.
Allow administrators to override screen lock: If enabled, you can override a locked screen and return it to the
login screen or ThinPro desktop, just as if the user had manually logged out of the thin client.
This section describes information about using certicates.
NOTE: For more information about using certicates in Linux, go to https://www.openssl.org/docs/.
To open
Certicate Manager:
Select Security and then select Certicates in Control Panel.
Use Certicate Manager to manually install a certicate from a certicate authority (CA). This action copies the
certicate to the users local certicate store (/usr/local/share/ca-certicates) and congures OpenSSL to use
the certicate for connection verication.
If desired, use Prole Editor to attach the certicate to a prole, as described in Adding certicates to a client
prole on page 89.
NOTE: Generally, a self-signed certicate will work as long as it is valid according to specication and can
be veried by OpenSSL.
SCEP Manager
To open the SCEP Manager:
Select Security and then select SCEP Manager in Control Panel.
Use the SCEP Manager when you need to enroll or renew client-side certicates from a CA.
During an enrollment or renewal, the SCEP Manager generates the thin client’s private key and certicate
request, and then it sends the request to the CA on the SCEP server. When the CA issues the certicate,
the certicate is returned and placed in the thin client’s certicate store. OpenSSL uses the certicate for
connection verication.
NOTE: Before enrollment, make sure that the SCEP server is congured properly.
Use the Identifying tab of the SCEP Manager to enter information about the user, if desired.
NOTE: The Common Name is required and is the Fully Qualied Domain Name (FQDN) of the thin client by
default. The other information is all optional. The Country or Region is entered as two letters, such as US for
the United States and CN for China.
Use the Servers tab of the SCEP Manager to add SCEP servers and enroll or renew certicates.
TIP: When entering a new SCEP server, save the server information rst, and then use the Settings button
to go back and do an enrollment.
Chapter 9Control Panel
This section describes how to manage a SIM Personal Identication Number (PIN) code. The tool is not present
if a supported cellular modem is not found in the system or the cellular modem is disabled in the system. You
must insert a SIM card into the SIM slot before you can manage a SIM PIN.
NOTE: You can access the SIM PIN from the Control Panel, and you can also access the SIM PIN
management from a Manage SIM PIN entry in the Network Manager system tray menu. If administrators
want to restrict users from accessing SIM PIN management, they can set registry key root/users/user/
apps/hptc-sim-mgr/authorized to 0, and make the SIM entry disappear from Control Panel. They
can also make the Manage SIM PIN entry disappear from the system tray menu.
The contents shown in the SIM Control Panel might vary, depending upon the state of the SIM card. This table
shows the allow actions permitted for the four dierent states.
Table 9-13 SIM card states
State Allowed actions
The SIM card is in Unlocked state Lock the SIM card by creating a new PIN code.
The SIM card is in Locked state Change the PIN code or remove the PIN code. You must have
the correct PIN code to perform the actions.
The SIM card is in Locked state and incorrect PIN codes have
been entered three times
Requires you to enter the PUK (PIN Unlocking Key) code. You
must have the correct PUK code to create a new PIN code.
The SIM card is in Locked state and incorrect PIN codes
have been entered three times; subsequently, incorrect PUK
codes have been entered 10 times
A notice is displayed that says the SIM card is Locked
permanently. You must ask your mobile carrier to unlock
the SIM card for you.
This section describes the Manageability conguration.
Table 9-14
Menu option Description
Active Directory For more information, see Active Directory conguration on
page 70.
Automatic Update Lets you congure the Automatic Update server manually.
For more information, see HP Smart Client Services on page
Easy Update Launches HP Easy Tools.
For more information, see the user guide for HP Easy Tools.
HPDM Agent Lets you congure the HP Device Manager (HPDM) Agent.
For more information, see the Administrator Guide for
HPCEM Agent Lets you congure the HP Cloud Endpoint Manager (HPCEM)
For more information, see the Administrator Guide for
SIM 69
Table 9-14 (continued)
Menu option Description
SSHD Manager Enables access through a secure shell.
ThinState HP ThinState lets you make a copy of or restore the entire
operating system image or just its conguration settings.
For more information, see HP ThinState on page 71.
VNC Shadow Lets you congure VNC Shadowing options.
For more information, see VNC Shadowing on page 74.
Active Directory conguration
Status tab
This control lets you activate or deactivate authentication against a domain, joining the domain, and various
domain-related options.
After you make a change to domain parameters on the Status tab, the page shows a pending action and
you must select Apply to make that action happen. Joining or unjoining the domain requires credentials with
permissions to perform that operation. After enabling authentication or joining the domain, some of the
sub-parameters might be marked as read-only because it is not possible to change them at that point in
time. Instead, you must unjoin or disable authentication altogether and then apply the changes. Then you can
re-enable authentication or join with altered sub-parameters.
Table 9-15
Status tab
Option Description
Domain name If the thin client can determine the domain name using DHCP options, it will be displayed
here. Otherwise you will have to enter the fully-qualied domain name manually.
Authenticate against domain When enabled, domain credentials can be used, as outlined in the Active Directory
Integration section of this guide.
Require thin client login This is on by default, and it causes the system to boot up into the domain login screen. If
disabled, domain credentials can still be used to switch to administrator mode or to override
a locked screen, but single sign-on will not be available.
Workgroup Usually this is auto-detected from information provided by network servers, but you can use
this as a manual override if you have an unusual network topology.
Domain controllers These are usually detected using DNS lookups, but you can specify them manually if your
network is not supplying that information.
Join the thin client to the domain As explained in the chapter on Active Directory Integration, this option lets you formally add
the thin client to the Active Directory’s databases.
Organizational Unit (OU) The thin client is usually added to the “Computers” OU of the database, but you can
manually enter a dierent value here if your database schema demands it.
Dynamic DNS If enabled, the thin client will try to update the DNS server whenever its IP-address/
hostname association changes.
Options tab
This section describes the Options within the Options tab.
Chapter 9Control Panel
Table 9-16
Option Description
Enable single sign-on If enabled, a password supplied at login is encrypted and saved on the system. When a
connection starts with SSO credentials congured, it can decrypt the password and pass it to
the connection so that it can be used for remote login.
Domain login group If enabled, login is restricted to users in the listed domain group.
Domain admin group If enabled, escalation to administrator mode and screen-lock override is limited to members
of the listed domain group.
Enable cached domain login If enabled, a hash of the users password is saved on the system and can be used for login
even when the Active Directory server is inaccessible.
Retain user preferences at logout If this option is enabled, any setting changes made by a domain user are stored in a place
where those settings are applied only to that user. If this option is disabled, any such
user-specic changes are discarded when the user logs out.
Allow domain password changes If enabled, expired passwords result in a prompt that allows the user to update their
password, and they can manually update their password using the user icon on the taskbar.
HP ThinState
HP ThinState allows you to capture and deploy an HP ThinPro image or conguration (prole) to another thin
client of compatible model and hardware.
Managing an HP ThinPro image
Capturing an HP ThinPro image to an FTP server
To capture an HP ThinPro image to an FTP server:
IMPORTANT: The directory on the FTP server where you intend to save the captured image must already
exist before initiating the capture.
1. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
2. Select the HP ThinPro image, and then select Next.
3. Select make a copy of the HP ThinPro image, and then select Next.
4. Select a FTP server, and then select Next.
5. Enter the FTP server information in the elds.
NOTE: The name of the image le is set by default to be the thin client’s hostname.
Select Compress the image if you want to compress the captured image.
NOTE: The HP ThinPro image le is a simple disk dump. The uncompressed size is about 1 GB, and a
compressed image without add-ons is approximately 500 MB.
6. Select Finish.
When the image capture begins, all applications stop and a new window appears showing the progress.
If a problem occurs, select Details for information. The desktop reappears after the capture is complete.
HP ThinState
Deploying an HP ThinPro image using FTP or HTTP
To deploy an HP ThinPro image using FTP or HTTP:
IMPORTANT: If you stop a deployment before it is nished, the previous image is not restored and the
contents of the USB ash drive of the thin client will be corrupted.
1. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
2. Select the HP ThinPro image, and then select Next.
3. Select restore an HP ThinPro image, and then select Next.
4. Select either the FTP or HTTP protocol, and then enter the server information in the elds.
NOTE: The Username and Password elds are not required if you use the HTTP protocol.
5. Select Retain HP ThinPro Conguration if you want to preserve all previously congured settings.
6. Select Finish.
When the image deployment begins, all applications stop and a new window appears showing
the progress. If a problem occurs, select Details for information. The desktop reappears after the
deployment is complete.
NOTE: An MD5sum check is done only if the MD5 le exists on the server.
Capturing an HP ThinPro image to a USB ash drive
To capture an HP ThinPro image to USB ash drive:
IMPORTANT: Back up any data on the USB ash drive before you begin. HP ThinState automatically formats
the USB ash drive to create a bootable USB ash drive. This process erases all data currently on the USB
ash drive.
1. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
2. Select the HP ThinPro image, and then select Next.
3. Select make a copy of the HP ThinPro image, and then select Next.
4. Select create a bootable USB ash drive, and then select Next.
The thin client restarts and then prompts you to enter a USB ash drive.
5. Insert a USB ash drive into a USB port on the thin client.
6. Select the USB ash drive, and then select Finish.
A new window displays the progress. If a problem occurs, select Details for information. The desktop
reappears after the capture is complete.
Deploying an HP ThinPro image with a USB ash drive
To deploy an HP ThinPro image with a USB ash drive:
IMPORTANT: If you stop a deployment before it is nished, the previous image is not restored and the
contents of the USB ash drive of the thin client will be corrupted. In this state, the thin client must be
reimaged using a USB ash drive.
Chapter 9Control Panel
1. Turn o the target thin client.
2. Insert the USB ash drive.
3. Turn on the thin client.
NOTE: The screen remains black for 10-15 seconds while the thin client detects and boots from the USB
ash drive. If the thin client fails to boot from the USB ash drive, try unplugging all other USB devices and
repeat the procedure.
Managing a client prole
A client
prole contains the connections, settings, and customizations that you congured using Connection
Manager and Control Panel. A prole is saved in a conguration le that is specic to the version of HP ThinPro
in which it was created.
NOTE: A client prole can also be precongured and deployed using Prole Editor and Automatic Update
(see Prole Editor on page 87 and HP Smart Client Services on page 83 for more information).
Saving a client prole to an FTP server
To save a client prole to an FTP server:
IMPORTANT: The directory on the FTP server where you intend to save the prole must already exist before
initiating the save.
1. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
2. Select the HP ThinPro conguration, and then select Next.
3. Select save the conguration, and then select Next.
4. Select on a FTP server, and then select Next.
5. Enter the FTP server information in the elds.
6. Select Finish.
Restoring a client prole using FTP or HTTP
To restore a client prole using FTP or HTTP:
1. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
2. Select the HP ThinPro conguration, and then select Next.
3. Select restore a conguration, and then select Next.
4. Select on a remote server, and then select Next.
5. Select either the FTP or HTTP protocol, and then type the server information in the elds.
NOTE: The Username and Password elds are not required if you are using the HTTP protocol.
6. Select Finish.
Saving a client prole to a USB ash drive
To save a client prole to a USB ash drive:
Managing a client
prole 73
1. Insert a USB ash drive into a USB port on the thin client.
2. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
3. Select the HP ThinPro conguration, and then select Next.
4. Select save the conguration, and then select Next.
5. Select on a USB key, and then select Next.
6. Select the USB ash drive.
7. Select Browse.
8. Navigate to the desired location on the USB ash drive and assign a le name to the prole.
9. Select Save.
10. Select Finish.
Restoring a client prole from a USB ash drive
To restore a client prole from a USB ash drive:
1. Insert the USB ash drive containing the prole into a USB port on the target thin client.
2. Select Management > ThinState in Control Panel.
3. Select the HP ThinPro conguration, and then select Next.
4. Select restore a conguration, and then select Next.
5. Select on a USB key, and then select Next.
6. Select the USB key.
7. Select Browse.
8. Double-click the desired conguration le on the USB key.
9. Select Finish.
VNC Shadowing
To access the VNC Shadow tool:
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote desktop protocol that allows you to see the desktop of a remote
computer and control it with your local mouse and keyboard.
To increase security, HP recommends leaving VNC disabled unless it is needed for remote diagnosis. Then,
disable VNC when remote access to the thin client is no longer necessary.
Select Manageability and then select VNC Shadow in Control Panel.
NOTE: You must restart the thin client before any changes to the VNC Shadowing options will take eect.
The following table describes the options available in the VNC Shadow tool.
Chapter 9Control Panel
Table 9-17 VNC Shadowing
Option Description
Enable VNC Shadow Enables VNC Shadowing.
VNC Read Only Makes the VNC session read-only.
VNC Use Password Makes a password required when accessing the thin client using VNC.
Select Set Password to set the password.
Show “Stop Shadowing” Button If enabled, a Stop Shadowing button shows in the top left corner of the
remote system. It stops VNC shadowing when pressed.
VNC Allow Loopback Only If enabled, you can connect to the VNC server only from this thin client
that is identied by the loopback address.
VNC Notify User to Allow Refuse Enables a notication dialog on the remote system that informs the
remote user when someone is attempting to connect using VNC. The
user can refuse either allow or refuse access.
Automatically close the notication after (seconds) Closes the User Notication Message after x seconds.
User Notication Message Allows you to display a message in the notication dialog to the remote
Refuse connections in default If enabled, the VNC connection will be refused by default when the timer
Re-set VNC server right now Resets the VNC server after applying the new settings.
SNMP is a network protocol for collecting and organizing information about managed devices on networks
and for modifying that information to change device behavior.
Three versions of SNMP have been developed. SNMPv1 is the original version, but SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 are
more widely used. HP daemon supports all versions of SNMP protocols.
SNMP daemon behavior is dened by /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. snmpd.conf, which supports many options.
ThinPros GUI oers limited support for these options, which might be useful in basic cases. You must provide
your own snmpd conguration le if ThinPro GUI does not meet your needs. You must edit the /etc/snmp/
snmpd.conf manually. You must also enable root/snmp/agentBehaviour/usePrivateConfFile, or the next apply
will overwrite your conguration changes.
NOTE: SNMP is a highly extensible and customizable protocol. ThinPro provides a simple GUI tool to
congure SNMP agent on ThinPro. Users can congure the SNMP agent that allows basic SNMP queries about
the device. Users are encouraged to congure advanced SNMP features, for example, Extending private OID
and Using SNMPv3.
Conguration le for the SNMP agent is /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf on ThinPro. See the man page of
snmpd.conf(5) for details about conguring SNMP agent.
Enabling SNMP with Private
Conguration File
You can enable SNMP with a Private Conguration File.
1. Select Manageability > SNMP in Control Panel.
2. Select SNMP Enable to enable SNMP agent on ThinPro.
3. Select Use Private Conguration File.
4. Copy the private conguration le to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.
5. Select Apply to start SNMP agent.
Enabling SNMP with Community List
You can enable SNMP with Community List.
1. Select Manageability > SNMP in Control Panel.
2. Select SNMP Enable to enable SNMP agent on ThinPro.
3. Deselect Use Private Conguration File if it is selected.
4. Select Add/Edit/Delete community to change SNMP v1/v2c communities in Community List, three
attributes of a community can be congured.
Enter name of the community list in the eld.
Select Permission to be Read-Only or Read-Write.
Enter Accessible OID of the community list in the eld.
5. Select Apply to start SNMP agent.
Disabling SNMP
Follow the instructions to disable SNMP.
1. Select Manageability > SNMP in Control Panel.
2. Clear SNMP Enable to disable SNMP agent on ThinPro.
3. Select Apply to stop SNMP agent.
Capsule Update
ThinPro supports capsule update. You must get the BIOS package in capsule format, which usually ends
with .cab, and then follow this procedure.
1. Transfer the BIOS package onto ThinClient.
2. Switch to admin mode and launch an xterm.
3. Run:
a. /usr/sbin/hptc-bios-capsule-update <bios capsule file name>
b. reboot -f
Upon restart, the system updates the BIOS.
4. Check your BIOS version in sysinfo or use the dmidecode command to verify the result.
Chapter 9Control Panel
Alternatively, you can call hptc-bios-ash and provide a bios capsule le. Hptc-bios-ash can detect the le
type and invoke hptc-bios-capsule-update automatically.
NOTE: Not all ThinClient models and BIOS support capsule update. Switch to the standard BIOS update
method if BIOS capsule update fails.
Input Devices
This section describes the input devices.
Table 9-18
Menu option Description
Keyboard Lets you change the keyboard layout to accommodate the
language used by the primary keyboard and the secondary
Keyboard Shortcuts Lets you create, modify, and delete keyboard shortcuts.
Mouse Lets you congure the mouse speed and whether mouse input is
right-handed or left-handed.
On thin clients with a TouchPad, this menu option also lets you
disable or enable the TouchPad.
Touch Screen Lets you congure touch screen options.
Ibus Lets you congure lbus (Intelligent Input Bus) for multilingual
lbus is not enabled by default. To enable lbus:
Control Panel>Input Devices>lbus Input Method>Start IBUS on
The Default Ibus conguration le can be modied or restored to
factory settings from the Control Panel as well.
After reboot, the Ibus tray icon appears. Select the icon to choose
language. Right-click the icon for more conguration options.
NOTE: Ibus in ThinPro is preloaded with Chinese, Japanese, and
Korean languages. To add additional languages:
1. Right-click the lbus system tray icon.
2. Select the Input Method tab.
3. Select Add.
This section describes the Hardware conguration.
Input Devices
Table 9-19
Menu option Description
Display Lets you congure and test display options.
For more information, see Display management on page
Sound Lets you control the playback, input devices, and input audio
USB Manager Lets you congure the redirection options for USB devices.
For more information, see Redirecting USB devices on page
Serial Manager Lets you congure serial devices.
Printers Lets you set up local and network printers. Local printers
can be shared across the network.
For more information, see Conguring printers on page 78.
Bluetooth Lets you set up Bluetooth services and attach devices.
For more information, see Bluetooth on page 79.
Display management
Display management allows you to congure screen settings and apply these changes in session. To open
display management:
Control Panel>Hardware>Display Management.
Redirecting USB devices
To redirect USB devices:
1. In Control Panel, select Hardware, and then select USB Manager.
2. On the Protocol page, select a remote protocol.
If the setting is Local, you can also specify the options allow devices to be mounted and mount devices
3. On the Devices page, you can enable or disable redirection for individual devices if necessary.
4. On the Classes page, you can select specic device classes to be redirected to remote sessions.
5. When you are nished, select Apply.
To congure a printer:
1. Select Hardware and then select Printers in Control Panel.
2. In the Printing dialog, select Add .
Chapter 9Control Panel
3. In the New Printer dialog, select the printer to congure, and then select Forward.
NOTE: If you select a serial printer, be sure to input the correct settings on the right side of the dialog,
or the printer might not function correctly.
4. Select the make of the printer. If you are unsure, select the Generic (recommended) option, and then
select Forward.
5. Select the model of and driver for the printer, and then select Forward.
NOTE: If you are unsure of the printer model or which driver to use, or if the model of your printer is not
listed, select
Back and try using the Generic (recommended) option for the make of the printer.
If using the Generic (recommended) make, be sure to select text-only (recommended) for the model
and Generic text-only printer [en] (recommended) for the driver.
6. Fill in optional information about the printer, such as its name and location.
NOTE: HP recommends that you type the correct driver name into the Windows Driver box. The driver
must also be installed on the Windows server for the printer to work properly. If a driver is not specied,
a generic postscript driver is used. Using a specic Windows driver might enable more printer functions.
7. Select Apply, and then print a test page if desired.
Repeat this process to congure additional printers if necessary.
TIP: The most common problem is that the wrong driver is being used for the printer. To change the driver,
right-click the printer and select Properties, and then change the make and model.
The Bluetooth service is disabled by default. Enable Bluetooth allows the systemd service (Bluez) to start at
startup. See /etc/system/bluetooth.service.d/10-bluetooth-enabled.conf.
After you enable the service, you can access Bluetooth from the icon visible in the system tray of the taskbar.
Decide whether the users can:
See the Bluetooth icon in the system tray.
Turn the Bluetooth interface on or o.
See the list of connected devices.
Access the device scanner. You can use the scanner to add or remove a device. Users can also remove
devices with the scanner.
You can disable the notication messages from the system tray icon by setting the timeout to zero.
ThinPro works well with most audio headsets, mice, and keyboards. You need a PIN to pair with a keyboard.
You might have to contact HP support to pair with other devices.
NOTE: The devices returned by the device scanner are ltered according to the registry settings root/
Bluetooth/SystrayApp/DeviceFilter/majorClass and root/Bluetooth/SystrayApp/DeviceFilter/services.
This sections describes the Appearance conguration.
Table 9-20
Menu option Description
Background Manager Lets you congure the background theme and dynamically
display system information (such as the hostname, IP
address, hardware model, and MAC address of the thin
client) in the background.
For more information, see the HP ThinPro white paper Login
Screen Customization (available in English only).
Customization Center Lets you do the following:
Switch between the ThinPro and Smart Zero
Congure desktop and taskbar options
Select which connection types and Control Panel items
end users have access to
For more information, see Customization Center on page
Language Lets you display the HP ThinPro interface in a dierent
Customization Center
Follow the instructions here to open Customization Center.
Select Appearance and then select Customization Center in Control Panel.
The button at the top of the Desktop page can be used to switch between the ThinPro and Smart Zero
congurations. See Choosing an OS conguration on page 1 for more information about the dierences
between the two congurations.
NOTE: When switching from ThinPro to Smart Zero, if you have congured a single connection, that
connection is used automatically as the Smart Zero connection. If you have congured multiple connections,
you are prompted to select the connection to use.
Before switching to Smart Zero mode, the domain authentication function on the thin client should be
disabled. Domain authentication and Smart Zero mode are incompatible.
The following table describes the rest of the options available on the Desktop page.
Table 9-21
Customization options
Option Description
Launch the Connection Manager at
When enabled, Connection Manager launches automatically at system startup.
Enable right-click menu Disable this option to disable the context menu that appears when you right-click the desktop
Enable X host access control security When enabled, only the systems listed in the XHost Access Control List area are allowed to
remotely control the thin client.
80 Chapter 9Control Panel
Table 9-21 Customization options (continued)
Option Description
Enable USB Update Enables updates to be installed from a USB ash drive. See USB updates on page 96 for more
Authenticate USB Update Disable this option to allow end users to install updates via USB.
Allow user to switch to administrator
Disable this option to remove the Administrator/User Mode Switch option from Control Panel in
user mode.
Time before cancelling administrator
Species the idle timeout (in minutes) after which administrator mode will be terminated. If set
to 0 or negative, administrator mode will never be automatically terminated.
Use the Connections and Applications pages to select which connection types and Control Panel applications
are available in user mode.
Use the Taskbar page to congure the taskbar.
A snapshot is a copy of the ThinPro lesystem at a given time. A snapshot can restore a previous state of the
ThinPro conguration.
By default, a snapshot is marked as the factory snapshot. This is the snapshot that is restored with the
simpler cong panel: Factory Reset.
The value of the tmp/restore-points/factory registry key reects the name of the currently
congured Factory Snapshot.
Since ThinPro 8.1, a snapshot can be marked as the On Boot snapshot. The On Boot Snapshot is restored on
each boot. The modications made in meantime are then lost.
The value of the tmp/restore-points/on-boot registry key reects the name of the currently
congured On Boot Snapshot.
The Component Manager and the Restart Plan make an usage of the snapshots. If enabled, the Restart Plan
takes over the On Boot Snapshot.
Command line util: hptc-snapper
NOTE: A snapshot is part of the lesystem, it cannot be distributed to another device. Distribute the whole
ThinPro image instead.
Snapshots 81
System Information10
In the Start menu, select System Information to view system, network, and software information. The
following table describes the information that is displayed on each panel.
Table 10-1 System Information
Panel Description
General Displays information about the BIOS, operating system, CPU, and memory.
Network Displays information about the network interface, gateway, and DNS settings.
Net Tools Provides the following tools for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes:
Ping: Specify an IP address of another device on the network to attempt to establish
DNS Lookup: Use this tool to resolve a domain name into an IP address.
Trace Route: Use this tool to track the path that a network packet takes from one device to
Software Information Displays a list of installed add-ons on the Service Packs tab and software version information on
the Software Installed tab.
TIP: You can also access the Administrator Guide (this document) from this screen.
Software License Displays the EULA for the HP ThinPro operating system and, if not auto-licensed, information
about ThinPro licenses on the system.
System Logs Displays the following logs:
Authorization and Security
Connection Manager
DHCP Leases
General System Log
Network Manager
Smart Client Services
X Server
In administrator mode, the debug level can be changed to display additional information that
might be requested by HP support for troubleshooting purposes.
Select Diagnostic to save a diagnostic le. For more information, see Using system diagnostics to
troubleshoot on page 94.
NOTE: See SystemInfo on page 187 for information about registry keys that can be used to hide the
System Information screens.
Chapter 10System Information
HP Smart Client Services11
HP Smart Client Services is a set of server-side tools that enable you to congure client proles that can be
distributed to large numbers of thin clients. This function is called Automatic Update.
HP ThinPro detects an Automatic Update server upon startup and congures settings accordingly. This feature
simplies device installation and maintenance.
To obtain HP Smart Client Services, go to https://ftp.hp.com/pub/tcdebian/SmartClientServices/.
Supported operating systems
HP Smart Client Services supports the following operating systems:
Windows Server® 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows 10
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
NOTE: The installer is 32-bit only, although it is supported on both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the
Windows operating system.
Prerequisites for HP Smart Client Services
Before installing HP Smart Client Services, verify the conguration and installation status of the following
Internet Information Services (IIS)
.NET Framework 3.5
For information about installing or enabling these components on the operating system that you are using for
the server, go to http://www.microsoft.com.
Viewing the Automatic Update website
Instructions to view the Automatic Update website.
1. On the server desktop, select Start > Control Panel, and then select Administrative Tools.
2. Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
3. In the left pane of the IIS Manager, expand the following items:
“Server name” > Sites > HP Automatic Update > auto-update
NOTE: The physical location where the Automatic Update les are stored is as follows:
HP Smart Client Services
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Smart Client Service\auto-update
Creating an Automatic Update prole
Automatic Update uses proles to deploy a conguration to thin clients.
By default, when you create a prole using Prole Editor , the tool lets you save it to the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Smart Client Service\auto-
You can also export an existing prole from a thin client using HP ThinState and copy the prole to this
When searching for updates, HP ThinPro looks for this folder and applies the prole saved there. This ensures
that all thin clients use the same conguration.
For more information on using Prole Editor see Prole Editor on page 87.
MAC-address-specic proles
Automatic Update proles can be created for a single MAC address. This can be useful when some thin clients
need a
dierent conguration.
Proles for a single MAC address must be stored on the Automatic Update server, in the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Smart Client Service\auto-
When searching for updates, HP ThinPro looks for the generic prole rst, and then a MAC-address-based
prole. These proles are merged and installed together on the thin client. The MAC-address-based prole
takes precedence; that is, if the same registry key has a dierent value in both les, the value in the
MAC-address-based prole is used.
This ensures that a shared conguration can be provided to all thin clients, but a specic customization can be
added, if necessary.
This section describes how to create an Automatic Update prole for a single MAC address.
1. Obtain the MAC address of the thin client using the system info. For example, the following steps use the
MAC address 00fcab8522ac.
2. Use Prole Editor to create or modify a client prole (see Prole Editor on page 87) until you are ready
to save the client prole.
3. In Prole Editor, select the Finish link in the left-hand pane to access the Current prole pane.
4. Select Save prole as to save the client prole as the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Smart Client Service\auto-
5. Select the Finish button in the Current prole pane to exit Prole Editor.
6. Restart the thin client that uses the specied MAC address to initiate the Automatic Update process.
Chapter 11HP Smart Client Services
Updating thin clients
Using the broadcast update method
To do a broadcast update, plug the thin client into the same network as the update server. A broadcast update
relies on HP Smart Client Services, which works with IIS to automatically push updates to the thin client.
NOTE: Broadcast updates work only if the thin client is on the same subnet as the server.
TIP: To verify that the broadcast updates are working, run Prole Editor and make some changes. Connect
the thin client and verify that it has downloaded the new prole. If it has not, see Troubleshooting on page
Using the DHCP tag update method
On the Windows Server systems, DHCP tagging enables a thin client to update. Use this method to update
specic thin clients; however, if you have only one or two clients to update, consider using the manual update
method instead. Otherwise, HP recommends the broadcast update method.
Example of performing DHCP tagging
The example in this section shows how to perform DHCP tagging on a Windows 2008 R2 Server.
NOTE: To use DHCP tagging, see your DHCP server documentation.
1. On the server desktop, select Start > Administrative Tools > DHCP.
2. In the left pane of the DHCP screen, select the domain where the thin clients are connected.
3. In the right pane of the DHCP screen, expand and right-click IPv4, and then select Set Predened
4. In the Predened Options and Values dialog, select Add.
5. In the Option Type box, congure the options as described in the following table.
Table 11-1
Field Entry
Name Enter auto-update.
Data Type Select String.
Code Enter 137.
Description Enter HP Automatic Update.
6. Select OK.
7. In the Predened Options and Values dialog, under Value > String, enter the update server address in the
format of the following example:
8. To complete the setup, select OK. DHCP tagging is now ready to update specic thin clients.
Updating thin clients
Using the DNS alias update method
During system startup, Automatic Update attempts to resolve the DNS alias auto-update. If that host
name resolves, it attempts to check for updates at http://auto-update:18287. This update method enables
thin clients to access a single update server across the entire domain, thus simplifying management for
deployments with many subnets and DHCP servers.
To congure the DNS alias update method:
Change the hostname of the server hosting HP Smart Client Services to auto-update or create a DNS alias
of auto-update for that server.
Using the manual update method
Use the manual update method to connect a thin client to a specic server for an update. Also, use this
method if you want to test an update on a single thin client before pushing the update to many thin clients, or
if you have specic updates to be installed on only one or two thin clients.
NOTE: Be sure you specify the hostname of the manual server in the prole that you are updating to.
Otherwise the settings reset to automatic when downloading the prole. Use Prole Editor to modify these
settings at root/auto-update.
NOTE: If multiple thin clients require specic updates, use the DHCP tagging method.
If no update segregation is required, use the broadcast update method.
Performing a manual update
To perform a manual update:
1. Select Management > Automatic Update in Control Panel.
2. Select Enable manual conguration.
3. Set the Protocol as http.
4. In the Server eld, enter the update server hostname and port in the following format:
5. In the Path eld, enter the following:
6. Select Preserve thin client conguration if you want to preserve all previously congured settings.
7. Select OK, and then the thin client will pull the updates.
86 Chapter 11HP Smart Client Services
Prole Editor12
HP Smart Client Services contains Prole Editor, which allows administrators to create client proles and
upload them to the Automatic Update server.
TIP: In addition to creating a new client prole, you can edit an existing prole that was exported using HP
A client prole contains the connections, settings, and customizations that were congured using Connection
Manager and various Control Panel items. A client prole is saved in a conguration le that is specic to the
version of HP ThinPro in which it was created.
Prole Editor
To open Prole Editor:
Select Start, select All Programs, select HP, select HP Automatic Update Server, and then select Prole
Loading a client
The name of the currently-loaded client prole is indicated on the initial screen of Prole Editor.
To load a dierent client prole:
1. At the initial screen of Prole Editor, select the link that displays the name of the currently-loaded client
2. Navigate to a client prole, and then select Open.
prole customization
Selecting the platform for a client prole
The choice of the platform sets the default settings of the Registry screen. The add-ons and service packs
visible by the Prole Editor can also complete these settings. Use the Platform screen in Prole Editor to do
the following:
Select the desired HP ThinPro image version that is compatible with your hardware
Choose between ThinPro and Smart Zero
View installed add-ons and service packs that provide additional registry settings
NOTE: Add-ons and service packs should be placed in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Smart Client Service\auto-update\Packages
Editor 87
In some contexts such as with HPDM, it can be convenient for the Prole Editor to look up for add-ons
and service packs in a custom directory. The default path of the auto-update directory can be overridden
1. The environment variable “HP_AUTO_UPDATE_PATH”
2. The Windows registry value of “HP_AUTO_UPDATE_PATH” under the Windows registry key
3. If no environment variable or Windows registry value is set and the “auto-update” folder
does not exist in the running directory of Prole Editor, the auto-update directory is given by
“C:\ProgramData\HP Inc\HP Smart Client Service\auto-update”.
Place any add-ons and service packs in: “<auto-update directory>\Packages”.
To congure a client proles platform settings:
1. On the Platform screen in Prole Editor, select an OS Build ID that corresponds to the desired image
IMPORTANT: You can create a dierent client prole for each hardware type.
NOTE: If an add-on or a service pack is installed, it is displayed automatically in the Add-ons and
service packs box. The header of the .xar le might contain some additional or modied registry settings
that are visible in the Registry screen.
2. Set the conguration to either standard (ThinPro) or zero (Smart Zero).
NOTE: For older image versions, this setting is greyed out and set to zero automatically.
a default connection for a client prole
To congure a default connection for a client prole:
1. On the Connection screen in Prole Editor, choose the desired connection type from the Type drop-down
NOTE: The available connection types dier depending on whether you chose ThinPro or Smart Zero on
the Platform screen.
2. In the Server eld, enter the name or IP address of the server.
Modifying the registry settings of a client
To change default registry settings for a client prole:
1. On the Registry screen in Prole Editor, expand the folders in the Registry settings tree to locate the
registry setting you want to change.
2. Select the registry key, and then enter the desired value in the Value eld.
NOTE: See Registry keys on page 112 for a comprehensive list and description of registry keys.
les to a client prole
Use the Files screen in Prole Editor to add conguration les that will be installed on the thin client
automatically when the client prole is installed. This is typically used for the following reasons:
Chapter 12Prole Editor
To add certicates
To modify device settings when a registry setting for the change is unavailable
To modify the behavior of the system by inserting custom scripts or modifying existing scripts
You can also specify a symbolic link that points to a le already installed on the thin client. Use this when the
le needs to be accessed from more than one directory.
Adding a conguration le and certicates to a client prole
Instructions for adding conguration le and certicates to a client prole.
Adding a conguration le to a client prole
You can add conguration les to a client prole and specify the folder path in which the les are installed.
1. On the Files screen in Prole Editor, select Add a le.
2. Select Import File, locate the le to be imported, and then select Open.
NOTE: Files can also be exported using the Export File button, if further details about the le are
3. In the Path eld, enter the path where the le will be installed on the thin client.
4. In the File details section, set the Owner, Group, and Permissions elds to the appropriate values.
NOTE: Typically, setting the owner and group as root and the permissions as 644 is satisfactory. If a
special owner, group, or permissions are required, refer to standard Unix® le permissions for guidelines
on changing the le details.
5. Select Save to nish adding the conguration le to the client prole.
NOTE: A le installed as part of a prole will automatically overwrite any existing le on the le system at
the destination path. Additionally, a second prole without the le attached will not revert previously
attached les. All les that have been installed through prole attachment are permanent and must be
reverted manually or through a factory reset.
Adding certicates to a client prole
Client proles automatically include certicates that are imported to a standard client certicate store.
The following applications are supported:
VMware Horizon View, Citrix, RDP
Automatic Update
HP Smart Client Services
Web browser stores
To import other certicates to a client prole:
1. On the Files screen in Prole Editor, select Add a le.
Adding a
conguration le and certicates to a client prole 89
2. Select Import File, locate the certicate, and then select Open.
NOTE: The certicate should be formatted as a .pem or .crt le.
3. In the Path eld, set the path to the following:
4. Select Save to nish adding the certicate to the client prole.
5. After installing the client prole, use Certicate Manager to conrm that the certicate was imported
Adding a symbolic link to a client prole
Instructions for adding a symbolic link to a client
1. On the Files screen in Prole Editor, select Add a le.
2. In the Type drop-down list, select Link.
3. In the Symbolic link details section, set the Link eld to the path of the desired le already installed on
the thin client.
4. Select Save to nish adding the symbolic link.
Saving the client
Instructions to save the client prole.
NOTE: In some contexts, the Prole Editor might have to "Run as administrator" to have permission to
override the prole.
1. In Prole Editor, select Finish in the left-hand pane to access the Current prole screen.
2. Select Save Prole to save to the current client prole, or select Save Prole As to save as a new client
NOTE: If Save Prole is disabled, your client prole has not changed since the last time it was saved.
3. Select the Finish button in the Current prole screen to exit Prole Editor.
Serial or parallel printer
You can use Prole Editor to set up the serial or parallel printer ports. A USB printer automatically maps when
plugged in.
Obtaining the printer settings
Before conguring printer ports, obtain the printer's settings. If available, check the printer's documentation
before going further. If it is not available, follow these steps.
1. For most printers, press and hold the Feed button while turning the device on.
Chapter 12Prole Editor
2. After a few seconds, release the Feed button. This allows the printer to enter a test mode and print the
required information.
TIP: You might need to turn the printer o to cancel the Test mode or press Feed again to print a
diagnostic page.
Setting up printer ports
Instructions for setting up printer ports.
1. In Prole Editor, select Registry, and then enable the Show all settings check box.
2. Enable printer port mapping for your connection type:
Citrix: No action is required.
RDP: Navigate to root > ConnectionType > freerdp. Right-click the connections folder, select New
connection, and then select OK. Set the portMapping registry key to 1 to enable printer port
VMware Horizon View: Navigate to root > ConnectionType > view. Right-click the connections folder,
select New connection, and then select OK. Under the xfreerdpOptions folder, set the portMapping
registry key to 1 to enable printer port mapping.
3. Navigate to root > Serial. Right-click the Serial folder, select New UUID, and then select OK.
4. Under the new directory, set the baud, dataBits, ow, and parity values to the ones obtained in Obtaining
the printer settings on page 90.
Set the device value to the port the printer will be plugged into. For example, the rst serial port would
be /dev/ttyS0, the second serial port would be /dev/ttyS1, and so on. For USB serial printers, use
the format /dev/ttyUSB#, where # is the number of the port, starting with 0.
Installing printers on the server
Instructions for installing printers on the server.
1. On the Windows desktop, select Start > Printers and Faxes.
2. Select Add Printer, and then select Next.
3. Select Local Printer attached to this Computer and, if required, deselect Automatically detect and install
my Plug and Play printer.
4. When completed, select Next.
5. In the menu, select a port.
NOTE: The port you need is in the section of ports labeled TS###, where ### is a number between
000–009, 033–044. The appropriate port depends on your hostname and the printer you want to install.
For example, with a hostname of hptc001 and a serial printer, select the port with (hptc001:COM1). For a
parallel printer, select (hptc001:LPT1). The TS### is assigned by the server, so it will not be the same
every time.
6. Select the manufacturer and driver for your printer.
TIP: If desired, use the driver disc Windows Update to install the driver.
Setting up printer ports
NOTE: For basic or test printing, the Generic Manufacturer or Generic/Text Only printer usually works.
7. If prompted to keep the existing driver and it is known to work, keep it, and then select Next.
8. Assign a name to the printer. To use it as the default printer, select Yes, and then select Next.
9. To share the printer, select Share name and assign it a share name. Otherwise, select Next.
10. On the next page, you may request a test print. HP recommends this because it will verify the printer
setup is correct. If it is not set up properly, review the settings and try again.
NOTE: If the thin client disconnects from the server, the printer will need to be set up again the next
time the thin client connects.
92 Chapter 12Prole Editor
Troubleshooting network connectivity
Instructions to troubleshoot network connectivity.
1. Ping a server by completing the following steps:
a. Select the System Information button on the taskbar, and then select the Net Tools tab.
b. Under Select Tool, select Ping.
c. In the Target Host box, enter the server address, and then select Start Process.
If the ping is successful, the system displays the following output:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ttl=64 time=0.81 5 ms 64 bytes
from ttl=64 time=0.735 ms
If the ping is unsuccessful, the thin client might be disconnected from the network and experience a long
delay with no system output.
2. If the thin client does not respond to the ping, complete the following steps:
a. Check the network cable and check the network settings in Control Panel.
b. Try pinging other servers or thin clients.
c. If you can reach other thin clients, verify that you typed the correct server address.
d. Ping the server using the IP address instead of the domain name or vice-versa.
3. Check the system logs by doing the following:
a. Select the System Information button on the taskbar, and then select the System Logs tab.
b. Check for any errors in the logs.
c. If there is an error, then the Server is not set up notication appears. Verify that the server is set up
properly and that HP Smart Client Services is running.
Troubleshooting Citrix password expiration
If users are not being prompted to change expired Citrix passwords, then make sure the XenApp Services
site (PNAgent site) has the Prompt authentication method set to allow users to change expired passwords.
If you allow users to change their passwords by connecting directly to the domain controller, then make
sure the time of the thin client is in sync with the domain controller and use the full domain name (for
example, domain_name.com) when entering the Citrix login credentials. For more information, see Citrix
Using system diagnostics to troubleshoot
System diagnostics collects les and command outputs of the thin client that can be used to help solve issues
without physical access to the thin client. This information contains log les from the BIOS information and
the processes active at the time the system diagnostics were run.
TIP: You can change the Debug level setting in the System Logs tab of the System Information window to
specify the amount of information to be included in the diagnostic report. This information may be
requested by HP for troubleshooting. Because the system resets log les when it reboots, be sure to capture
logs before a reboot.
For the most useful logs, set the level to capture a high level of detail before reproducing the problem and
creating a diagnostic report.
Saving system diagnostic data
Instructions for saving system diagnostic data.
1. Insert a USB ash drive into the thin client.
2. Select the System Information button on the taskbar, and then select the System Logs tab.
3. Select Diagnostic, and then save the compressed diagnostic le Diagnostic.tgz to the USB ash drive.
Uncompressing the system diagnostic les
The system diagnostic le Diagnostic.tgz is compressed and will need to be uncompressed before you can
view the diagnostic les.
Uncompressing the system diagnostic
les on Windows-based systems
1. Download and install a copy of the Windows version of 7-Zip.
NOTE: You may obtain a free copy of 7-Zip for Windows at http://www.7-zip.org/download.html.
2. Insert the USB ash drive that contains the saved system diagnostic le, and then copy Diagnostic.tgz to
the desktop.
3. Right-click Diagnostic.tgz and select 7-zip>Extract les.
4. Open the newly created folder named Diagnostic and repeat step 3 on Diagnostic.tar.
Uncompressing the system diagnostic
les in Linux- or Unix-based systems
Instructions for uncompressing the system diagnostic les in Linux- or Unix-based systems.
1. Insert the USB ash drive that contains the saved system diagnostic le, and then copy Diagnostic.tgz to
the home directory.
2. Open a terminal and browse to the home directory.
3. On the command line, enter tar xvfz Diagnostic.tgz.
Viewing the system diagnostic
The system diagnostic les are divided into the Commands, /var/log, and /etc folders.
Chapter 13Troubleshooting
Viewing les in the Commands folder
This table describes the les to look for in the Commands folder.
Table 13-1 Files in the Commands folder
File Description
demidecode.txt This le contains information on the system BIOS and graphics.
dpkg_--list.txt This le lists the packages installed at the time system diagnostics were run.
ps_-ef.txt This le lists the active processes at the time system diagnostics were run.
Viewing les in the /var/log folder
The useful
le in the /var/log folder is Xorg.0.log.
les in the /etc folder
/etc folder contains the le system at the time the system diagnostics were run.
Viewing les in the Commands folder 95
USB updatesA
When USB updates are enabled you can use a USB ash drive to simultaneously install multiple add-ons and
certicates, as well as deploy a prole.
For more information on how to enable USB updates see Customization Center on page 80.
USB updates
Follow the instructions here to enable USB updates.
When USB updates are enabled, (see Customization Center on page 61) you can use a USB ash drive to
simultaneously install multiple add-ons and certicates, as well as deploy a prole.
1. Place the desired les onto a USB ash drive.
NOTE: The les can be placed in the root directory or in subfolders.
2. Connect the USB ash drive to the thin client.
Updates are detected automatically and displayed in the USB Update dialog, in which you can search and
view details about the detected updates.
3. Select the check boxes next to the updates you want to install, and then select Install.
4. After installation, restart the thin client if prompted.
HP ThinUpdate
HP ThinUpdate allows you to download images and add-ons from HP and create bootable USB ash drives for
image deployment. For more information see the Administrator Guide for HP ThinUpdate.
96 Appendix AUSB updates
BIOS tools (desktop thin clients only)B
There are two kinds of BIOS tools for HP ThinPro:
BIOS settings tool: Used to retrieve or modify BIOS settings
BIOS ashing tool: Used to update the BIOS
These tools can be run via an X terminal.
BIOS settings tool
The following table describes the syntax for the BIOS settings tool.
NOTE: Changes do not take eect until the next reboot.
Table B-1
Syntax Description
hptc-bios-cfg –G <file name>
Retrieves the current BIOS settings and saves them to the
specied le so they can be viewed or modied (CPQSETUP.TXT by
hptc-bios-cfg –S <file name>
Writes the BIOS settings from the specied le (CPQSETUP.TXT by
default) to the BIOS.
hptc-bios-cfg –h
Displays a list of options.
BIOS ashing tool
The following table describes the syntax for the BIOS ashing tool.
NOTE: Changes do not take eect until the next reboot.
Table B-2
Syntax for the BIOS ashing tool
Syntax Description
hptc-bios-flash <image name>
Prepares the system to update the BIOS during the next restart.
This command automatically copies the les into the correct
location and prompts you to restart the thin client.
NOTE: This command requires that the Tool-less update option
in the BIOS settings is set to Auto.
hptc-bios-flash –h
Displays a list of options.
BIOS tools (desktop thin clients only) 97
Resizing the ash drive partitionC
To use all of the available disk space of a ash drive, you have to modify the partition size and expand the le
system to take up that additional space. You can complete this task by running the resize-image script
using an X terminal.
NOTE: Resizing the ash drive partition image does not work on encrypted disks.
IMPORTANT: HP thin clients that ship from the factory with HP ThinPro use the entire ash drive. The
image capture methods capture the smallest possible image, allowing images from larger ash drives to be
deployed onto smaller ash drives that have enough space for the captured image. Resizing the ash drive
partition is no longer necessary for HP thin clients that ship from the factory with HP ThinPro. For thin clients
with HP ThinPro that are not using the entire ash drive for any reason, see the following information.
NOTE: When an image is deployed via HPDM, HPCEM, HP ThinState, or Automatic Update, the le system is
automatically resized to use all available space on the ash drive.
The following table describes the syntax for the resize-image script.
Table C-1 Syntax for the resize-image script
Syntax Description
When called with no parameters, the script displays the current
size of the partition and the amount of available space on the
ash drive. The script prompts you to enter the target partition
size and then conrm the change. The change takes eect after
the next thin client restart.
NOTE: You cannot decrease the partition size. The entered value
must be larger than the current partition size.
Example: resize-image --size 1024 Using this syntax, you can specify the target partition size in
megabytes (MB) as a parameter and then conrm the change.
resize-image --no-prompt
– or –
resize-image --no-prompt --size <size in MB>
Example: resize-image --no-prompt --size 1024
Using this syntax, the script runs automatically with no user
interaction required.
If no specic size is given as a parameter simultaneously, the
partition size is increased to the maximum size.
TIP: This noninteractive mode is useful for scripting and
performing this operation from a remote administration tool such
as HPDM and HPCEM.
98 Appendix CResizing the ash drive partition
mclient commandD
The command client to manticore daemon is mclient, which maintains the conguration registry and applies
new settings. You need to be root in order to use mclient command in most cases. You can get help on mclient
if you run mclient without any argument.
ThinPro 7.2 currently supports the following commands:
# mclient
MANTICORE Registry command line frontend
mclient [--quiet] <command>
mclient commands :
wait-daemon [timeout seconds]
set <regkey> <regvalue> [regparam]
get <regkey> [regparam] | [regparam lang]
gettree <regkey> [regparam] | [regparam lang]
contains <regkey>
commit [regkey]
[--sync] apply [regkey]
rollback [regkey]
watch <regkeylist> [timeout]
create <regkey> [keytype]
delete <regkey>
import <file>
export <rootDir> <file>
mclient args :
regkey : string
regkeylist : string space separated
regvalue : string
regparam : string (value|type|regexp|description)
timeout : int
keytype : string (string|rc4|uuid|char|ipv4|ipv6|ipaddr|number|float|
Furthermore, you can get bash auto-completion capability after running following command on ThinPro:
# . /etc/bash_completion.d/mclient
Modications to the conguration registry are carried out in three steps:
1. Add, modify, or delete the value.
2. Issue the mclient commit command to commit the change and save the changes to the disk.
3. Issue the mclient apply command to apply the changes.
NOTE: HP recommends to perform a complete restart so that the new settings are carried out.
mclient command
Other useful mclient usages include:
You can use mclient export and mclient import to export or import a branch of the registry. These commands
are useful if you need to export a connection or Wi-Fi setting but not the whole conguration.
For example, if you have congured a Wi-Fi connection on ThinPro, you can nd out the registry branch where
this conguration is saved:
# mclient -q get root/Network/Wireless/Profiles
mclient -q get root/Network/Wireless/Profiles/
NOTE: {de0ff9cb-7f9d-48ba-9ac3-89d28cfad469} is the sample UUID found on the test
system. You might have a
dierent UUID for your connection conguration.
Then you can export the cong using this command:
# mclient export root/Network/Wireless/Profiles/
{de0ff9cb-7f9d-48ba-9ac3-89d28cfad469} wifi.xml
The result wi.xml can be imported to other machines later.
The tool /usr/bin/mencrypt can be convenient to set the value of the registry keys with an encrypted
type, for example:
# mclient set root/Network/
Wireless/Profiles/{ de0ff9cb-7f9d-48ba-9ac3-89d28cfad469}/Security/PSK/
PreSharedKey "$(echo -n 'my shared key' | mencrypt)"
# mclient commit root/Network
# mclient apply root/Network
100 Appendix Dmclient command
HP ThinPro CongurationE
An HP ThinPro conguration contains conguration les and registry settings. If most of the conguration
settings are in the ThinPro registry, which is also called the Manticore registry. However, some settings are
not dened in the registry, such as those for the display conguration. These settings are typically dened in
specic conguration les.
HP ThinPro conguration prole: prole.xml
An HP ThinPro conguration prole does not contain the /etc directory as a whole. Instead, a prole includes
a list of designated directories and les. Similarly, a prole does not contain all the registry settings but
includes the modied registry keys only.
When an HP ThinPro conguration prole is saved by the HP ThinState and Prole Editor tools, the prole
is usually named profile.xml. This le contains the modied registry settings and the designated
conguration directories and les. A profile.xml le is commonly deployed from a device management
server such as Automatic Update or HPDM.
HP ThinState is a tool that runs on ThinPro. You can use it to export an HP ThinPro conguration prole
from a thin client that could then be restored or deployed on another thin client. The export-prole.sh and
import-prole.sh scripts are used underneath.
On HP ThinPro, the regeditor and mclient tools provide access to the registry settings.
Prole Editor runs on Windows and is part of Smart Client Services and HPDM. You would typically use
Prole Editor to create a ThinPro conguration prole. You can use Prole Editor to edit a profile.xml le
exported from HP ThinState.
For more details about HP ThinState, see Control Panel on page 58. For more details about Prole Editor, see
Prole Editor on page 87.
les of a prole.xml
In a profile.xml le, the conguration directories and les are under the Profile/ProfileFiles
XML path. They are Base64 encoded.
You can nd a list of the conguration directories and les that are included in the HP ThinPro Conguration
prole in any of the following sources:
Manticore plugins that got a le named prole
See: /usr/share/manticore/plugins/*/prole.
Contents of the /writable/misc/ directory
ThinPro 8.1 has the following list of directories and les:
HP ThinPro
Conguration 101
NOTE: The Prole Editor primarily uses the /etc/hptc-profile le to keep track of the last les that
were imported from a profile.xml le into ThinPro.
TIP: You can append directories and les to an /etc/hptc-profile le to include them in a
profile.xml le made from export-profile.xml. However, unlike the Prole Editor, export-
profile.sh doesn't include /etc/hptc-profile by default. You can resolve this issue by
adding /etc/hptc-profile to a custom ThinPro image or by appending /etc/hptc-profile to
TIP: Although it is rarely used, you can run the /tmp/hptc-profile.deleted command to list the
les and directories to be removed while you are importing a prole.xml le. Use the Prole Editor to
add /tmp/hptc-profile.deleted to a profile.xml le.
Deployment of a
When you restore or deploy an HP ThinPro conguration prole on a device, all the registry keys are reset to
their default value. Then, the modied registry keys dened in the profile.xml le are imported and are
applied. That is, the registry keys that are not available in the imported profile.xml le are deleted or are
reset to their default value.
Unlike the registry keys, the conguration les are not reset to their initial content. Only the les available in
the profile.xml le are overridden.
User registry lock
Users can prevent some registry keys from being overridden during the deployment of a profile.xml le.
This ability is disabled by default, but it can be enabled when a registry plugin denes the special setting
named userLock and when you set it to 1. Under those circumstances, the user modications are restored at
the end of the profile.xml deployment.
For example, perhaps a user prefers to use a mouse with a left-hand conguration. With the userLock setting
enabled, the user can preserve this choice during upcoming updates of the conguration.
Appendix EHP ThinPro Conguration
The feature is eective only after the user modies the plugin's settings. The userLockEngaged ag is then
set to 1 by the Control Panel. In the meantime, the settings can still be updated through a prole.xml le even
though the user lock is enabled.
Table E-1 User registry lock congurgations
userLock userLockEngaged Action while importing a prole
0 0 prole.xml’ssettings are applied on the
thin client
0 1 prole.xml’s settings are applied on
the thin client
1 0 prole.xml’s settings are applied on
the thin client
1 1 prole.xml’s settings are discarded and
the user’s settings are preserved
You can enabled a user lock in the following ThinPro 8.1 plugins:
HP ThinPro
conguration after an image update
The ThinPro conguration is usually lost after a ThinPro image update. However, Automatic Update or HPDM
typically restore the conguration after the update.
Most of the imaging tools can preserve the current conguration during a ThinPro image update. HP
ThinState, HP Easy Update, and HPDM have an option to retain the HP ThinPro conguration during a ThinPro
image update. Using this option means that a prole.xml le is put aside before the image update and
restored afterwards. Automatic Update does not preserve the HP ThinPro conguration by default, but still
has this option within its manual conguration.
How to complete a
A profile.xml le includes a selection of conguration les. This selection might be incomplete after the
HP ThinPro conguration was customized. In such a case, a conguration is not fully replicated on another
device or not fully restored after an image update.
To add a selection of les in a prole.xml le, you can edit /etc/hptc-prole with the list of directories and les
to be included.
Example of the /etc/hptc-profile content:
HP ThinPro
conguration after an image update 103
NOTE: /etc/hptc-profile lists itself on purpose.
104 Appendix EHP ThinPro Conguration
Ephemeral modeF
Introduced on ThinPro 8.1, the Ephemeral mode ensures that all data is wiped out after each boot. The
Ephemeral mode combines the ThinPro Restart Plan settings with possibly a ThinPro snapshot (aka On Boot
Snapshot). The On Boot Snapshot is restored on each boot. Once set up, the ThinPro sessions restarts fresh on
a regular basis. This mode purges leftover les, data and processes.
WARNING! It is easy to forget if an On Boot Snapshot was enabled. While modifying the ThinPro
conguration as an administrator, there is today no visible reminder. Think to disable or to reset the On Boot
Snapshot once the conguration was modied. The previous conguration is restored on the next boot
Basic usage of an On Boot Snapshot
Dene an On Boot Snapshot in the Snapshots cong panel. The On Boot column was added to this end. The
designated snapshot is restored on each boot.
NOTE: You cannot export a snapshot (and its On Boot property) via a ThinPro conguration prole.
Exporting and importing a whole ThinPro image is the only way to proceed. However if the On Boot Snapshot
does not exist yet on a rst restart, it is possible to automatically create the On Boot Snapshot while ThinPro
is starting; see the Restart Plan settings.
System Information
The information about the current base snapshot is available in System Information.
The Base snapshot eld is renamed as Restored snapshot or Created snapshot according to the current
ThinPro state.
See also the registry keys under tmp/SystemInfo/general/.
Util: hptc-snapper
Use this command to dene an On Boot Snapshot in the Snapshots cong panel.
~# hptc-snapper --help
Usage: hptc-snapper <command> [arguments]
hptc-snapper -b|--get-on-boot
Print the name of the On Boot snapshot. The On Boot snapshot is
systematically restored on each boot.
hptc-snapper -B|--set-on-boot <name>
Set the given snapshot as the On Boot snapshot.
Ephemeral mode
Restart Plan
Unlike the On Boot snapshot dened in the Snapshots cong panel, the Restart Plan denes some registry
settings that can be handled via a ThinPro conguration prole. They are lighter to handle from the remote
management tools than a whole ThinPro image.
Restart Plan On Boot Snapshot
When enabled, the Restart Plan takes over the On Boot snapshot. Then, you cannot dene it from the
Snapshots cong panel anymore.
An On Boot Snapshot is not mandatory. If you dene one while applying the Restart Plan settings, a question
series ensures that the snapshot becomes available.
IMPORTANT: With an On Boot Snapshot set up, any further modication of the ThinPro conguration is
dropped on the next restart. At any time, you can reset the On Boot Snapshot by selecting the button Reset
the snapshot now.
The setting Automatic snapshot reset is convenient to defer the creation of the On Boot Snapshot on the next
boot. We can also take advantage of it to apply the Restart Plan settings from the remote management tools,
see below the sections dedicated to Automatic Update and HPDM.
IMPORTANT: Dening an On Boot Snapshot that is not available and that is not automatically created is an
invalid conguration. In that case, the ThinPro system is locked on the next restart. To unlock the system,
you must apply new settings remotely or the ThinPro image must be redeployed.
Restart Plan Automatic restart
Relying on a "natural" restarts cadence to ensure a fresh state of the system might be insuicient. The Restart
Plan gives a few possibilities to restart the system automatically.
Check the setting after the last connection stopped to automatically restart when all the Citrix, VMWare, Web
Browser and other ThinPro connections have stopped.
By default, you can set Calendar events according to some basic recurrences such as hourly or daily. Calendar
events, Random delay, User notication timeout and Maximum postpone delay are manually editable. For
more details, see the Linux manuals systemd.timer(5) and systemd.time(7). Use a semicolon separated list to
provide more than one calendar event.
The involved systemd timer is: hptc-restart-plan.timer.
The Random delay setting is to avoid a restart storm at the very same time of a eet of thin clients.
The user cannot cancel the automatic restart, but the user can postpone it according to the settings User
notication timeout and Maximum postpone delay.
Restart Plan registry settings
Restart Plan registry keys.
Table F-1
Restart Plan registry keys
Registry key Type Default value Description
bool 0 If set to 1, the Restart Plan is
106 Appendix FEphemeral mode
Table F-1 Restart Plan registry keys (continued)
Registry key Type Default value Description
The settings are related to
automatic restart recurrences
and how the user notication is
bool 0 If set to 1, the system
automatically restarts after the
last connection stopped.
bool 0 Use this key to enable or
disable automatic restarts.
string 1h Use this key to cause a
delay in seconds or set it
with a timespan that denes
the maximum delay that the
user can use to postpone the
automatic restart. See also
string 1min Timeout in seconds or set
with a timespan string
which denes how much
time the user notication is
displayed before the system
automatically restarts. See also
Semicolon separated list
of calendar events as
dened by the systemd
OnCalendar setting. See
also systemd.timer(5) and
string 0 systemd RandomizedDelaySec
setting in seconds or set
with a timespan string. You
can use this delay to spread
the automatic restarts of a
eet of thin clients over time.
See also systemd.timer(5) and
If enabled, the On Boot
Snapshot is restored on each
bool 0 If set to 0, the On
Boot Snapshot never resets
automatically. It is still
possible to reset the
snapshot manually from the
Control Panel or with the
command: hptc-restart-
plan-helper --reset-
snapshot. If set to 1,
the On Boot Snapshot
can reset automatically. For
example, the snapshot is
automatically deleted when a
conguration prole is
applied and is automatically
created on next restart.
Restart Plan registry settings 107
Table F-1 Restart Plan registry keys (continued)
Registry key Type Default value Description
bool 0 If set to 1 along with
enableRestartPlan, the On Boot
Snapshot is restored on each
restart. If set to 0, no snapshot
is restored on restart, the
system starts normally.
string Name of the On Boot Snapshot
to create or restore on restarts.
Note: if empty, the name
Restart Plan is used.
string System key. UUID which works
with autoReset=1 to check
whether the On Boot Snapshot
has to be reset upon the import
of a new conguration. You
normally do not need to modify
this setting.
hptc-snapper --help
hptc-restart-plan-helper --help
journalctl -t restart-plan
systemd-analyze calendar <calendar event>
systemd-analyze timespan <timespan>
systemctl status hptc-restart-plan.timer
Automatic Update
When an On Boot snapshot is dened, the simplest but heaviest scenario to bring some updates is to make up
a new ThinPro image and to deploy it. In addition to this scenario, several other scenarios are possible.
Scenario 1: Updates on top of the On Boot Snapshot
A rst scenario, is to deploy on devices a ThinPro image which have a preset On Boot snapshot and root/
auto-update/rebootAfterPackageUpdate set to 0. After each boot, the snapshot is restored and the updates
are systematically installed on top of the On Boot Snapshot. This works if the updates do not require the
devices to restart. In this scenario, no Restart Plan settings are involved.
WARNING! keeping root/auto-update/rebootAfterPackageUpdate set to 1 makes an innite loop:
restoration of the On Boot snapshot -> package or add-on installation -> reboot -> restoration of the On
Boot snapshot -> and so on.
Appendix FEphemeral mode
Scenario 2: automatic reset of the On Boot Snapshot after an update
A second scenario is to deploy a ThinPro conguration prole and to automatically reset the On Boot
Snapshot. In addition to dening the On Boot Snapshot among the Restart Plan settings, set root/
RestartPlan/Snapshot/autoReset to 1.
In that scenario, ThinPro triggers a restart of the device once the prole is installed. The On Boot Snapshot is
created during that restart and the snapshot is restored on next restarts.
To bring a conguration update, modify the prole. Once the new prole is installed, ThinPro deletes the
initial On Boot Snapshot and triggers a restart of the device. A new On Boot Snapshot is automatically created
during that restart. The new On Boot Snapshot is restored on next restarts.
To bring a package or add-on update, the prole must be modied as well. The prole is installed last and
allows ThinPro to trigger the reset of the On Boot Snapshot as showed above. Any slight modication of the
prole is valid. For instance, set root/RestartPlan/Snapshot/resetUuid to any string of your choice (resetUuid
is not an actual setting, ThinPro overrides it while importing the prole).
WARNING! Keeping root/RestartPlan/Snapshot/autoReset set to 0 locks the ThinPro system if an On Boot
Snapshot doesn't preexist. If the On Boot Snapshots preexists, ThinPro doesn't delete the snapshot and the
updates are systematically reinstalled on top of the On Boot Snapshot. This latter behavior is a valid use
WARNING! By not modifying the prole along with a package or add-on update, we get an innite loop
similar to the one evoked in the rst scenario. Similarly you can set root/auto-update/
rebootAfterPackageUpdate to 0, then the package updates are systematically reinstalled on each restart
after the restoration of the On Boot Snapshot.
ThinPro 8.1 is supported since HPDM 5.0.11. You can go to http://www.hp.com/go/hpdm for more
information. You can also see the HP Device Manager 5.0 Administrator's Guide.
This section of the appendix describes how to set up an Ephemeral mode from HPDM.
The rst subsection describes how to work with an Ephemeral mode whatever the version of ThinPro. Only
using some HPDM rules and templates. A second subsection describes how to update ThinPro 8.1 which got
an On Boot Snapshot.
The second subsection describes how to update ThinPro 8.1 which got an On Boot Snapshot.
NOTE: Unless you need to deploy the entire ThinPro image, you cannot deploy a given snapshot on
ThinPro. Applying registry settings, deploying a prole, or deploying add-ons is easier and faster over the
How to work in Ephemeral mode with any version of ThinPro
You can rely on HPDM rules and templates to work with an Ephemeral mode that is similar to the mode you
work with by using ThinPro 8.1 On Boot Snapshot and the Restart Plan settings. ThinPro 8.1 is not required for
you to achieve this type of Ephemeral mode. None of the new Restart Plan settings are required. You can use
any version of ThinPro that is supported.
Scenario 2: automatic reset of the On Boot Snapshot after an update
On Boot Snapshot
You can use several solutions to restore a snapshot on each boot, but a simple one is to create a rule that is
run on every startup and based on the _File and Registry template.
1. Prepare and deploy ThinPro with a snapshot named, for example, HPDM_On_Boot_Snapshot.
2. Using the hptc-snapper --restore HPDM_On_Boot_Snapshot --noreboot script, create
an HPDM rule based on the _File and Registry template.
The rule in this procedure does not restore the snapshot immediately, but it prepares ThinPro to have the
snapshot restored during the next restart.
IMPORTANT: Before you update ThinPro, disable the rule you created and restart once. Otherwise, the
updates get lost on next restart. After the restart, reset HPDM_On_Boot_Snapshot and the rule.
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to create a rule executed on every startup with the _Manage Snapshot
template. This template requires ThinPro to restart, we get an innite loop of ThinPro restarting.
Reset of the On Boot Snapshot
To reset the On Boot Snapshot after an update, create a sequence of tasks based on the _Manage Snapshot
template. The rst task deletes the snapshot, and the second task creates it again.
Automatic restarts
To periodically restart thin clients, schedule a rule based on the
_Reboot Device template.
Enable the Task Deferment options to postpone the restart.
How to update ThinPro 8.1 when the Restart Plan settings
dene an On Boot Snapshot
If updating ThinPro from HPDM when the Restart Plan settings dene an On Boot Snapshot, follow the
instructions outlined in this section to update ThinPro from HPDM.
You can use dierent methods to update ThinPro when an On Boot Snapshot is dened. The following
subsections are a few proposals mostly based on some sequence of tasks based on the _Template Sequence
HPDM sequence of tasks to push a ThinPro
prole while an On Boot Snapshot is set
HPDM makes it possible to mimic the Automatic Update scenarios seen earlier with some tasks based on
the _Capture Prole and _Deploy Prole templates. You can use the Prole Editor from a task based on the
_Deploy Prole template. However, HPDM is more exible than Automatic Update because it allows additional
A task based on the _Deploy Prole template requires an automatic restart of the device. Therefore, it can
be valuable to set root/RestartPlan/Snapshot/autoReset to 1 to automatically reset the On Boot
Snapshot during that restart.
1. In a sequence of tasks, start with a _Reboot task. This task ensures that the On Boot Snapshot is
restored without modication before applying the update.
2. Prepare a prole in a task based on _Deploy Prole with root/RestartPlan/Snapshot/
autoReset set to 1. You can edit the prole with the Prole Editor.
3. Send the sequence to the devices to get them updated.
Appendix FEphemeral mode
If you want to keep root/RestartPlan/Snapshot/autoReset set to 0, you can use a more
elaborated sequence by taking advantage of hptc-restart-plan-helper. After the rst restart, you
must discard the On Boot Snapshot because you do not want the snapshot to be restored after the prole
deployment. After the prole is deployed, ThinPro restarts in a locked state because the On Boot Snapshot is
not available. The HPDM sequence can proceed with a reset of the On Boot Snapshot and a nal restart to get
out of the locked state.
Use the following commands in the two additional tasks that are based on a script of the _File and Registry
hptc-restart-plan-helper --delete-snapshot
hptc-restart-plan-helper --reset-snapshot <description>
HPDM sequence of tasks to update some registry settings while an On Boot Snapshot is set
You can use the _Apply Setting template to make the setting simpler than the _Deploy Prole template,
because it does not involve a restart.
1. In a sequence of tasks, starts with a _Reboot task. This task ensures that the On Boot Snapshot is
restored without modication before applying the update.
2. Prepare a task based on the _Apply Setting (or any other task that does not require the device to restart).
3. Prepare a task based on a script of the _File and Registry template: hptc-restart-plan-helper
--reset-snapshot "reset from HPDM"
HPDM sequence of tasks to update some registry settings while an On Boot Snapshot is set 111
Registry keysG
HP ThinPro registry keys are grouped into folders and can be modied in several dierent ways.
Using a _File and Registry task in HPDM and HPCEM
Using the Registry Editor component of Prole Editor and then deploying the new prole
Using Registry Editor in the HP ThinPro user interface, which is available in the Tools menu in
administrator mode
Each top-level section in this appendix corresponds to one of the top-level registry folders.
NOTE: Some registry keys might apply to ThinPro or Smart Zero only.
Audio registry keys.
Table G-1 Audio registry keys
Registry key Description
Sets the full path to the sound played when the playback volume
is changed via the volume controls.
This registry key applies only to thin clients that have re-
purposable jacks.
For the t730’s lower front port:
0/1: No change / headphone
2: Microphone
For the t630’s back port:
0: No change / line in
1: Headphone / line out
You must restart the thin client after changing these settings.
If set to 1, the internal speaker and headphone jack are muted.
Sets the volume scale for the internal speaker and headphone
jack, ranging from 1 to 400.
If set to 1, the OutputScale value will be set automatically
based on the thin client model.
Sets the volume for the internal speaker and headphone jack,
ranging from 1 to 100.
Sets the device to use for playback.
The recommended range for this value is between 1024 and
8192. A value that is too high might cause jittering in playback,
while a value that is too low might cause the thin client to crash.
112 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-1 Audio registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the device to use for capture.
If set to 1, the microphone jack is muted.
Sets the volume scale for the microphone jack, ranging from 1 to
If set to 1, the RecordScale value will be set automatically
based on the thin client model.
Sets the volume for the microphone jack, ranging from 1 to 100.
If set to 1, a speaker icon is visible in the system tray.
Denes the apps that allow audio shortcuts to be passed through
using a space-separated list. The available options are freerdp,
view, and xen.
Bluetooth registry keys.
Table G-2 Bluetooth registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Bluetooth service is started.
If set to 1 as well as enableBluetooth, the Bluetooth
system tray icon is displayed.
Major Device Class Filter. Semicolon-separated list of
decimal numbers of the device classes. The string after
a colon is ignored. Known classes are 0:Miscellaneous;
1:Computer; 2:Phone; 3:LAN/Network Access Point;
4:Audio/Video; 5:Peripheral; 6:Imaging; 7:Weareable; 8:Toy;
9:Health; 31:Uncategorized. The devices that advertise one
of the specied classes show up in the device scanner. Filter
more relevant classes with Classic Bluetooth devices. An
empty string disables the lter.
Services Filter. Semicolon-separated list of 16-bit UUIDs
or full 128-bit UUIDs. The string after a colon is
ignored. 16-bit UUIDs are completed with the suix
0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb to get a full Bluetooth
Service 128-bit UUID. Relevant GATT Services are
dened here: https://www.bluetooth.com/specications/
gatt/services/. The devices that advertise one of the
specied UUIDs show up in the scanner. Filter more UUIDs
relevant with Bluetooth Smart devices. An empty string
disables the
NOTE: The Services Filter is ignored when the Major Device
Class of a given device matches in the Major Device Class
If set to 1, the paired and connected Bluetooth remote
devices are displayed.
Bluetooth 113
Table G-2 Bluetooth registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Amount of time in seconds to display message notications
on top of the system tray icon. If set to 0, the notications
are disabled. A notication can open when a device has just
been connected, for instance.
If set to 1, the Bluetooth scanner is displayed. Adding or
removing paired Bluetooth remote devices is also possible
with this setting.
If set to 1, the Bluetooth switch to turn the Bluetooth
adapter on or o is displayed.
This registry category is used internally and does not have any user-dened entries.
ComponentMgr registry key.
Table G-3
ComponentMgr registry key
Registry key Description
If set to 1, warning information will not be shown while deleting a
ConnectionManager registry keys.
Table G-4
ConnectionManager registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, sample user-modiable connection icons are created
on the desktop on rst boot.
To properly launch a connection on startup, this must be set to a
valid connection using the format <type>:<label>, as shown
in the following example:
xen:Default Connection.
Sets the full path to the image displayed while a connection is
114 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-4 ConnectionManager registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the image set by splashLogoPath is enabled. By
default, this is enabled for ThinPro and disabled for Smart Zero.
ConnectionType/custom registry keys.
Table G-5 ConnectionType/custom registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the general
settings for this connection type using Connection Manager. This
key has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before reconnecting
the session. The default of 0 will cause the connection to
reconnect immediately. This setting only takes eect when
autoReconnect is set to 1.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
Sets the main command for the custom connection to execute.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
ConnectionType 115
Table G-5 ConnectionType/custom registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when the General
Settings Manager is launched for this connection type. This key
should not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
116 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-5 ConnectionType/custom registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the conguration wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value moves the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type
is hidden from the conguration wizard and is shown last in
Connection Manager. Connection types with the same priority are
listed in alphabetical order.
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
If set to 1, the connection is monitored under the name specied
by appName. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Auto reconnect widget in Custom
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in Custom
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Enter command to run widget in Custom
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Fallback Connection widget in Custom
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
custom 117
Table G-5 ConnectionType/custom registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Show icon on desktop widget in Custom
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Name widget in Custom Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Wait for network before connecting
widget in Custom Connection Manager. If set to active, the
widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
ConnectionType/refox registry keys.
Table G-6
ConnectionType/refox registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
Sets the URL or IP address to connect to.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before reconnecting
the session. The default of 0 will cause the connection to
reconnect immediately. This setting only takes eect when
autoReconnect is set to 1.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
118 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-6 ConnectionType/refox registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
If set to 1, the Print dialog in the web browser can be used.
If set to 1, smart card login is enabled for Citrix connections
created via the web browser.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
This registry key only works when Allow connections to manage
their own settings is selected in the Web Browser Connection
General Settings Manager. The les listed in this registry key's
value will be removed after a Web Browser connection is ended.
The le names should be separated by a comma, and a wildcard is
supported. For example: *.rdf,cookies.sqlite
If set to 1, the web browser will start in full screen. If kioskMode
is disabled, the browser UI is accessible in full screen mode.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
Sets the intended usage of this Web Browser connection to
Citrix, RDP, or Internet.
If set to 1, the web browser will launch in kiosk mode,
meaning that the web browser will start in full screen (even if
fullscreen is set to 0) and the browser UI is inaccessible.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
If set to 1, the connection manages its own preferences and stores
them in the following location: /etc/firefox/<UUID>. If set
to 0, the connection uses shared preferences.
If set to 1, the web browser's Back and Forward buttons are
displayed when kiosk mode is enabled.
If set to 1, the web browser's Home button is displayed when
kiosk mode is enabled.
If set to 1, the web browser's search bar is displayed when kiosk
mode is enabled.
refox 119
Table G-6 ConnectionType/refox registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the web browser's tabs are displayed when kiosk mode
is enabled.
If set to 1, the web browser's taskbar is displayed when kiosk
mode is enabled.
If set to 1, the web browser's URL bar and Refresh button are
displayed when kiosk mode is enabled.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
Sets the time in minutes before the web browser restarts when
the system is not receiving user input. If set to 0, restart is
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
120 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-6 ConnectionType/refox registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
If set to 1, the settings congured in the Firefox Preferences
dialog will be saved after each session.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the URL widget in Web Browser Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Auto reconnect widget in Web Browser
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in Web Browser
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Enable print dialog widget in Web
Browser Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is
visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Fallback Connection widget in Web
Browser Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is
visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show icon on desktop widget in Web
Browser Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is
visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
refox 121
Table G-6 ConnectionType/refox registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Enable kiosk mode widget in Web
Browser Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is
visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Name widget in Web Browser Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Show Back and Forward Button widget in
Web Browser Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget
is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show Home Button widget in Web
Browser Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is
visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show Search Bar widget in Web Browser
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show Tabs Bar widget in Web Browser
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show Task Bar widget in Web Browser
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show URL Bar and Refresh Button
widget in Web Browser Connection Manager. If set to active,
the widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If
set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Enable full screen widget in Web Browser
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Wait for network before connecting
widget in Web Browser Connection Manager. If set to active,
the widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If
set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
122 Appendix GRegistry keys
ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys.
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
Species extra arguments for the xfreerdp client. Run xfreerdp
--help from an X terminal to see all available arguments.
If enabled, the user, domain, and password combination for the
RDP connection is saved to unlock the screen saver.
Sets the hostname or IP address to connect to. The port number
can be appended on the end after a colon character, for example,
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Species an alternate shell or application to run.
Sets the average milliseconds of oset between the audio stream
and the display of corresponding video frames after decoding.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before reconnecting
the session. The default of 0 will cause the connection to
reconnect immediately. This setting only takes eect when
autoReconnect is set to 1.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
If set to a value greater than 0, the value represents an
approximate bandwidth limitation for downloading and uploading
in kilobytes per second. If set to 0 (the default), there is no
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
If set to 1, clipboard functionality is enabled between dierent
RDP sessions and between RDP sessions and the local system.
If set to 1, compression of RDP data sent between the client and
the server is enabled.
freerdp 123
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the credential type between sso (single sign-on),
startup (credentials are requested at startup), password
(precongured user/domain/password), or smartcard
(precongured smart card).
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Species the startup directory where an alternate shell
application is executed.
If set to 1, multimedia redirection is disabled if a valid RemoteFX
session is established.
Sets the default domain to supply to the remote host during login.
If a domain is not specied, the default domain for the remote
host will be used.
If set to 1, the Multimedia Redirection add-on is enabled, causing
supported codecs played through Windows Media Player to be
redirected to the client.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
Sets the number of video frames the server can push without
waiting for acknowledgement from the client. Lower numbers
result in a more responsive desktop but lower frame rate. If set
to 0, frame acknowledgement is not used in the client-server
Sets the RD Gateway server name or address.
Species the credential type between whether credentials are to
be supplied by sso (single sign-on), startup (credentials are
requested at startup), or password (precongured user/domain/
Sets the default domain to supply to the RD Gateway
during login. Usually, this setting is used with kiosk-style
applications where a generic user name is used to log in. If
gatewayUsesSameCredentials is set to 1, this value is
If set to 1, the RD Gateway is expected to be used.
Sets the default password to supply to the RD Gateway during
login. This value is usually encrypted. Usually, this setting is used
with kiosk-style applications where a generic user name is used
to log in. If gatewayUsesSameCredentials is set to 1, this
value is disabled.
Sets the port number to use when contacting the RDP server. This
value can be left empty. The most common value is 443.
124 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the default user name to supply to the RD Gateway
during login. Usually, this setting is used with kiosk-style
applications where a generic user name is used to log in. If
gatewayUsesSameCredentials is set to 1, this value is
If set to 1, the same credentials that are used to connect to the
nal server are used to connect to the RD Gateway.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
If set to hostname, the system hostname is sent to the remote
host. This is typically used to identify the thin client associated
with a particular RDP session. The sent hostname can be
overridden using sendHostname in the connection-specic
settings. If set to mac, the MAC address of the rst available
network adapter is sent instead of the hostname.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this is typically set to Default Connection and does
not display in the UI.
This value is the load balancing cookie sent for brokering
purposes to the server upon connection. This value orresponds
to the loadbalanceinfo eld in the .rdp le. By default, the
value is empty.
If set to 1, the local non-USB storage partitions are redirected
to the remote host via the Storage extension. If set to 0, the
extension is disabled for non-USB storage partitions that are not
used by HP ThinPro.
If set to 1, the Domain eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
If set to 1, the Password eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
If set to 1, the Remember me check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden.
If set to 1, the Server box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
If set to 1, the Show password check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden.
If set to 1, the Smart card login check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden. This check box might
not appear if no smart card is detected, even if this option is
If set to 1, the User Name eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
freerdp 125
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 0, mouse motion events are not sent to the server. This
can prevent some user feedback such as tooltips from functioning
If set to 0, o-screen bitmaps are disabled. This setting can
increase performance slightly but will cause blocks of the screen
to update asynchronously, causing screen transitions to update
Sets the default password to supply to the remote host during
login. This value will be encrypted. Generally, this setting is used
for kiosk-style applications where a generic password is used for
If set to 1, desktop composition (such as translucent borders)
is allowed if supported by the server. Turning o desktop
composition can improve performance for low-bandwidth
connections. Generally, this aects only RemoteFX. If set to 2,
the value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, font smoothing is allowed if supported by the
server and enabled. Turning o font smoothing can improve
performance on low-bandwidth connections. If set to 2, the value
is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, cursor blinking is disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, mouse cursor shadows are disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, menu animations are disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, user interface themes are disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, the desktop wallpaper is disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, full-content window dragging is disabled, which can
improve performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. The
window outline is used instead. If set to 2, the value is selected
based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, all serial and parallel ports are redirected to the
remote host via the Ports extension. If set to 0, the extension is
If set to 1, all printers dened locally via CUPS are redirected to
the remote host via the Printers extension. If set to 0, the
extension is disabled. If set to 2, the USB printers are redirected as
congured in USB Manager.
Sets the number of minutes there can be no RemoteApp
and Desktop resource running before the connection ends
automatically. A countdown counter is displayed during the last
20 seconds, providing the user an opportunity to disarm the
timer. If set to 0 (the default), the timer is disabled.
126 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, and if only a single published resource (RemoteApp
program or virtual desktop) is returned by the server, that
resource will be started automatically.
Species the alias of a resource for the resource lter. RemoteApp
and Desktop resources with a matching alias will be available to
Species the name of a resource for the resource lter.
RemoteApp and Desktop resources with a matching name will be
available to users.
If set to 0, the resource selection window is closed automatically
after a resource has started. If set to 1, the resource selection
window is kept open after resources have started. This allows
a user to start several resources before closing the resource
selection window.
Species a comma-separated list of SHA1 thumbprints of
the trusted resource publishers. Note that a certicate that
matches one of these thumbprints is not veried. Import the
publisher's root CA for better security. Also see the registry
key verifyPublisherSignature and Certicate Manager in
Control Panel.
If set to 1, the publisher's signature is veried when available
in published .rdp les. Only resources with a valid signature
from a trusted publisher can be run. If set to 0, no
verication of the signature is done. Also see the registry key
If set to 1, non-RemoteFX graphics performance is increased at
the cost of less frequent screen updates.
If set to 1, RDP 8 codecs are used if available. This setting should
be disabled only in the case of a defect specic to RDP 8 codecs.
Disabling this setting might also disable more advanced codecs.
If set to 1, standard RDP encryption is used to encrypt all data
between the client and the server.
If set to 1, RDP 8 H.264 codecs are used if available. This
setting has known visual errors, particularly in multi-monitor
congurations, and should be considered experimental and
unsupported. Enabling this setting simply advises the server that
the thin client supports H.264 for desktop display. The server
must also support H.264, and the server makes the nal decision
about what codecs are used. This setting aects only the desktop
codecs. It does not aect multimedia redirection codecs.
If set to 1, RDP 8 progressive codecs are used if available. This
setting should be disabled only in the case of a defect specic
to RDP 8 progressive codecs. Disabling this setting might also
disable more advanced codecs.
For redirection, the RDP client is given several destination
possibilities. It normally tries them in the following order: FQDN,
Primary IP, IP List, NetBIOS. If FQDN is not desired, one of the
alternatives can be tried rst by setting this registry key. If the
specied method does not work, the RDP client falls back to the
original order. A setting of auto forces the original order.
Species the name of an available application to run in Remote
Application Integrated Locally (RAIL) mode.
freerdp 127
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
WARNING! FreeRDP 1 has limited support of the RemoteApp
programs. If set to 1, the RemoteApp programs can be set up in
the FreeRDP connection editor and are visible among the RD Web
Access resources. See also: remoteApp, windowMode, application
and directory.
If set to Remote Computer, a direct RDP connection to
a remote computer is done. If set to RD Web Access, a
connection to an RD Web Access service is done rst to retrieve a
feed of the published RemoteApp resources.
If set to 1, RemoteFX in the style of RDP 7.1 is used if available.
This setting is deprecated and might disappear in a future release
of HP ThinPro. This setting should be disabled only in the case of a
defect specic to RemoteFX protocol. Disabling this setting might
also disable more advanced codecs.
If set to 1, the Remote Desktop Client refuses to connect to
servers that do not oer suitable protections. This addresses
Microsoft security vulnerability CVE-2018-0886.
If a precongured smart card login is selected, this gives an
identier corresponding to the certicate on that smart card to
be used for authentication.
If a precongured smart card login is selected, this gives the PIN
or password for that smart card.
If set to 1, all local smart card readers are redirected to
the remote host but are not used for the Network Level
Authentication (NLA) of the RDP session.
NOTE: If credentialsType is set to smartcard or
is set to 1, scRedirection is ignored, depending on
the HP ThinPro version. In this conguration, the smart card
readers are always redirected.
If set to 1, window decorations are disabled. This can be desirable
in a multi-monitor conguration to allow the connection to be set
to the size of the primary monitor.
Sets the certicate security level. If set to 0, all connections
are allowed. If set to 1, remembered hosts are selected and a
warning dialog is shown if verication is not passed. If set to 2,
remembered hosts are not selected and a warning dialog is shown
if verication is not passed. If set to 3, all insecure connections are
Sets the thin client hostname that is sent to the remote
host. If left blank, the system hostname is sent. The
registry key root/ConnectionType/freerdp/general/
sendHostname must be set to hostname for this key to be
This is a diagnostic function. If set to 1, when the session starts, a
separate program will be started to graph the connection's health.
If set to 1, when the session starts, a separate window displays
RDP performance and status.
If set to 1, local smartcard authentication to the remote host is
allowed. Currently, this will disable Network Level Authentication
128 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the playback and recording devices are redirected
to the remote host via the Audio extension. If set to 0,
the extension is disabled. If set to 2, the USB audio devices
are redirected as
congured in USB Manager. Generally, HP
recommends setting this value to 1 so that high-level audio
redirection is used. This will improve audio quality and ensure
that client audio redirected via other extensions (such as
Multimedia Redirection) matches local audio settings.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after losing the
connection before giving up on reconnecting with the server. If
set to 0, reconnection is attempted forever.
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after losing the
connection for networking to recover without trying a forced
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after losing the
connection before warning the user that the connection has been
If set to 1, when an end-to-end connection drop is detected, a
dialog is displayed and the screen will turn grayscale. Otherwise,
messages are written to the connection log and the session
If set to 1, end-to-end connection health checks are done.
Sets the version of Transport Layer Security to be used during the
early stages of negotiation with the RDP server. Either set this to
match the version of TLS used by your RDP server, or try setting it
to auto.
NOTE: There are some server-side defects in some unpatched
RDP servers that can cause the auto setting to fail, so it is not the
default setting.
If set to 0, redirection is disabled for all other USB
devices except those handled by sound, printerMapping,
portMapping, usbStorageRedirection, and
localPartitionRedirection. If set to 2, all other USB
devices are redirected to the remote host as congured in USB
If set to 1, USB storage devices are redirected to the remote host
via the Storage extension. If set to 0, the extension is disabled.
If set to 2, USB storage devices are redirected as congured in USB
Sets the default user name to supply to the remote host during
login. Generally, this setting is used for kiosk-style applications
where a generic user name is used for login.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
freerdp 129
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to Remote Application, RDP will run in Remote
Application Integrated Locally (RAIL) mode. This requires that
the RemoteApp server allows the desired application to run as a
remote application. The application will be displayed in a separate
window within the desktop environment, making it look like the
application is part of the local system. Also see the
registry key. If set to Alternate Shell, a non-standard shell
is invoked. Also see the application and directory registry
This is a diagnostic function. If set to 1, X11 operations are
captured for later playback.
This is a diagnostic function. The value sets the directory for X11
capture les.
This is a diagnostic function. If set to 1, the X11 logle is more
frequently ushed to disk.
This is a diagnostic function. The value sets the path to the X11
This is a diagnostic function. If set to 1, X11 operations are
This is a diagnostic function. If set to 1, X11 operations are not
Sets an XKB layout ID for bypassing the system keyboard. To see
the list of available IDs, enter the following command in an X
terminal: xfreerdp --kbd-list.
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
If set to 1, the operating system does not generate a dialog
indicating that networking is down because the connection
protocol handles such situations.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
130 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the number of seconds to wait for an initial response from
the RDP server before giving up.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
If set to 1, the connection is monitored under the name specied
by appName. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
Lets Connection Manager know what type of parameters to pass
to the wrapper script.
If autoReconnect is enabled, this key sets the number of
seconds before timing out any error dialogs for the connection.
If set to 0, the dialogs wait
indenitely for user interaction.
When a remote login fails due to bad credentials, the user is
presented with a button that brings up a dialog for updating their
password. If this key is set is 1, that button and dialog are not
Sets the default audio backend for high-level audio redirection
(both in and out).
Sets the pattern used to build the RD Web Access URL. The host
of the URL, e.g. myserver.com, is replaced by the value of the
connection's Address eld. This pattern is not used when the
address is already a URL.
freerdp 131
Table G-7 ConnectionType/freerdp registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This setting ensures a better compatibility with the expected
underlying Windows driver SerCx2.sys, SerCx.sys, or Serial.sys.
If set to 1, errors for unsupported features will be ignored.
SSH registry keys.
Table G-8 SSH registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the general
settings for this connection type using Connection Manager. This
key has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the hostname or IP address to connect to.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Species the application to run.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before reconnecting
the session. The default of 0 will cause the connection to
reconnect immediately. This setting only takes eect when
autoReconnect is set to 1.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Sets the background color for the connection.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
Enables compression for an SSH connection.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
132 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-8 SSH registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
Sets the font size for the connection.
Sets the foreground color for the connection.
If set to 1, the Fork into background option is enabled for the
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
If set to 1, the Server box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
If set to 1, the User Name box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
Sets the port number to use when contacting the SSH server. The
default is 22.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
If set to 1, the Force TTY allocation option is enabled for the
Sets the default user name to supply to the remote host during
login. Generally, this setting is used for kiosk-style applications
where a generic user name is used for login.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
If set to 1, the X11 connection forwarding option is enabled for
the connection.
ssh 133
Table G-8 SSH registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
If set to 1, the connection is monitored under the name specied
by appName. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
134 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-8 SSH registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Address widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Run application widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto reconnect widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Background color widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Compression widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Fallback Connection widget in Secure
Shell Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Font widget in Secure Shell Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Foreground color widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Fork into background widget in Secure
Shell Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
ssh 135
Table G-8 SSH registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Show icon on desktop widget in Secure
Shell Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Name widget in Secure Shell Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Port widget in Secure Shell Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Force TTY allocation widget in Secure
Shell Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the User name widget in Secure Shell
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Wait for network before connecting
widget in Secure Shell Connection Manager. If set to active, the
widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the X11 connection forwarding widget in
Secure Shell Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget
is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
ConnectionType/telnet registry keys.
Table G-9
ConnectionType/telnet registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the general
settings for this connection type using Connection Manager. This
key has no eect on Smart Zero.
136 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-9 ConnectionType/telnet registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the hostname or IP address to connect to.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Sets the background color for the connection.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
Sets the font size for the connection.
Sets the foreground color for the connection.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
Sets the locale of the connection.
telnet 137
Table G-9 ConnectionType/telnet registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Server box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
Sets the port number to use when contacting the server. The
default is 23.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when the General
Settings Manager is launched for this connection type. This key
should not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
138 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-9 ConnectionType/telnet registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Address widget in Telnet Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Auto reconnect widget in Telnet
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in Telnet
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Background color widget in Telnet
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Fallback Connection widget in Telnet
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Foreground color widget in Telnet
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
telnet 139
Table G-9 ConnectionType/telnet registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Show icon on desktop widget in Telnet
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Name widget in Telnet Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Port widget in Telnet Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Wait for network before connecting
widget in Telnet Connection Manager. If set to active, the
widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If
set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
TTerm registry keys.
Table G-10
TTerm registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, end users have permission to modify the
connection settings for this connection.
If set to 1, end users have permission to run this connection.
<UUID>/ loginfields/password
If set to 1, the Password eld is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the
eld is hidden. If set to 3, system
settings take precedence.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until
networking is available so that, on a slow network, the
connection does not launch before networking is available,
which could cause a failure.
If set to 1, the connection restarts when it is closed or
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for
future use. Do not change this value.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On
Smart Zero, this is typically set to Default Connection
and does not show in the UI.
140 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-10 TTerm registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Runs the connection in full-screen mode, if set.
Runs the connection in maximized mode, if set.
If it is not in full-screen mode, set it to 0 to clear session
panel at start.
Prole name is saved here. Do not edit it manually; use
connection manager instead.
Prole le is saved here. Do not edit it manually; use
connection manager instead.
For pinned desktop icons, an x,y pair. For oating icons,
leave this string blank.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection starts automatically
after the system starts, with the value of 1 having the
highest priority.
Sets the host name or IP address to connect to.
Sets the locale of the connection.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled.
This key has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with
the connection.
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with
the connection.
Sets the command to run after the connection has been
Sets the command to run after the connection has been
Sets the command to run before the connection starts.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already
started, the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an
error will be returned stating that the connection is already
TTerm 141
Table G-10 TTerm registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for
future use. Do not change this value.
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
<UUID>/ connectionEndAction
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for
future use. Do not change this value.
VMware Horizon View registry keys.
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to enter command-line
arguments in VMware Horizon View Connection Manager.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the general
settings for this connection type using Connection Manager. This
key has no eect on Smart Zero.
Species extra arguments for the VMware Horizon View client.
Run view_client --help or vmware-view --help from
an X terminal to see all available arguments.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
If set to 1, allows VMware Horizon View connections to enable the
H.264 feature with AMD open-source graphic drivers. If set to 0,
VMware Horizon View connections disable hardware acceleration
with blacklisted drivers (such as AMDGPU and Radeon).
If set to 1, all applications for this connection will be displayed in
the taskbar menu.
If set to 1, all applications for this connection will be displayed on
the desktop.
Sets the size in which the VMware Horizon View client will launch
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
142 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before reconnecting
the session. The default of 0 will cause the connection to
reconnect immediately. This setting only takes eect when
autoReconnect is set to 1.
If set to 1, the VMware Horizon View client will attempt to log in
automatically if all elds are provided. If set to 0, users have to
select Connect manually in the VMware Horizon View client, log in,
and select a desktop.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
If set to 1, the connection is ended after the rst desktop is
closed. If set to 0, the VMware Horizon View client returns to the
desktop selection screen. This is enabled by default to prevent
users from accidentally leaving the connection at the desktop
selection screen after logging o.
If set to 1, the VMware connection will be disconnected if it is
roamed to another place..
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Species the credential type between anonymous
(unauthenticated access), sso (single sign-on), startup
(credentials are requested at startup), password (precongured
user/domain/password), or smartcard (precongured smart
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
If specied, the named desktop will launch automatically upon
login. By default, if there is only one desktop available, it will
launch automatically without needing to be specied.
Sets the size in which the VMware Horizon View client will launch
the desktop.
If set to 1, window size settings for maximized applications are
Sets the domain to provide to View Connection Server. If no
domain is specied, the default domain for the server is used.
view 143
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Client Drive Redirection add-on is enabled.
If set to 1, the Multimedia Redirection add-on is enabled via the
Blast/PCoIP protocol, causing supported codecs played through
Windows Media Player to be redirected to the client. This
greatly improves full-screen and high-denition video playback
for codecs such as WMV9, VC1, and MPEG4. Video is rendered
locally using the CPU power.
If set to 1, the VMware Horizon Virtualization Pack for Skype
Business component is enabled. This component enables Linux
users to redirect Skype for Business calls with the VMware
Horizon View Client.
If set to 1, the VMware Horizon View client starts applications in
seamless window mode.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
If set to 1, the VMware Horizon View client launches in full screen
mode when started.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
If set to 1, the top menu bar within the desktop is hidden. This bar
is used to manage remote devices and start other desktops.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
If set to 1, end users are prevented from changing the server
If set to 1, the Domain eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
If set to 1, the Password eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
If set to 1, the Remember me check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden.
144 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Server box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
If set to 1, the Show password check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden.
If set to 1, the Smart card login check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden. This check box might
not appear if no smart card is detected, even if this option is
If set to 1, the User Name eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
Allows the selection of the network conditions for the best
Sets the default password to supply to the remote host during
login. This value will be encrypted. Generally, this setting is used
for kiosk-style applications where a generic password is used for
Sets the preferred protocol.
If set to 1, all printers dened locally via CUPS are redirected to
the remote host via ThinPrint. If set to 0, the printer mapping is
disabled. If set to 2, the USB printers are redirected as congured
in USB Manager.
Sets the address of the remote host to connect to. This is typically
a URL such as http://server.domain.com.
If set to 1, locally-attached smart cards are forwarded to the
remote host, allowing them to be used by applications on the
remote host. This only enables smart card login for the remote
host, not for View Connection Server.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
view 145
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the HP scripts do not create a new /etc/vmware/
config le, and the VMware Horizon View client uses the
current /etc/vmware/config le.
Sets the default user name to supply to the remote host during
login. Generally, this setting is used for kiosk-style applications
where a generic user name is used for login.
If set to Refuse insecure connections, the VMware
Horizon View client will not allow a user to connect to View
Connection Server if the server's SSL
certicate is invalid. If set to
Warn, the VMware Horizon View client will display a warning if the
server's certicate is not able to be veried, and if the certicate is
self-signed or expired, the user still will not be allowed to connect.
If set to
Allow all connections, the server certicate will
not be veried and connections to any server will be allowed.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Sets the average milliseconds of oset between the audio stream
and the display of corresponding video frames after decoding.
If set to 1, clipboard functionality is enabled between dierent
RDP sessions and between RDP sessions and the local system.
This setting is deprecated. It is used to reduce the color depth
of the connection below that of the native desktop resolution.
Frequently, this has been used to reduce network bandwidth.
Reducing color depth to a level not supported by the video driver
can cause screen corruption or launch failures.
If set to 1, compression of RDP data sent between the client and
the server is enabled.
If set to 1, multimedia redirection is disabled if a valid RemoteFX
session is established.
If set to 1, the Multimedia Redirection add-on is enabled, causing
supported codecs played through Windows Media Player to be
redirected to the client.
Sets the number of video frames the server can push without
waiting for acknowledgement from the client. Lower numbers
result in a more responsive desktop but lower frame rate. If set
to 0, frame acknowledgement is not used in the client-server
If set to hostname, the system hostname is sent to the
remote host. This is typically used to identify the thin client
associated with a particular RDP session. The sent hostname can
be overridden using sendHostname in the connection-specic
settings. If set to mac, the MAC address of the rst available
network adapter is sent instead of the hostname.
146 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to hostname, the system hostname is sent to the
remote host. This is typically used to identify the thin client
associated with a particular RDP session. The sent hostname can
be overriden using sendHostname in the connection-specic
settings. If set to mac, the MAC address of the rst available
network adapter is sent instead of the hostname.
This value is the load balancing cookie sent for brokering
purposes to the server upon connection and corresponds to the
loadbalanceinfo eld in the .rdp le. By default, the value is
If set to 0, mouse motion events are not sent to the server. This
can prevent some user feedback such as tooltips from functioning
If set to 0, o-screen bitmaps are disabled. This can increase
performance slightly but will cause blocks of the screen to
update asynchronously, causing screen transitions to update non-
If set to 1, desktop composition (such as translucent borders)
is allowed if supported by the server. Turning o desktop
composition can improve performance for low-bandwidth
connections. Generally, this only aects RemoteFX. If set to 2,
the value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, font smoothing is allowed if supported by the
server and enabled. Turning o font smoothing can improve
performance on low-bandwidth connections. If set to 2, the value
is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, cursor blinking is disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, mouse cursor shadows are disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, menu animations are disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, user interface themes are disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, the desktop wallpaper is disabled, which can improve
performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. If set to 2, the
value is selected based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, full-content window dragging is disabled, which can
improve performance on low-bandwidth RDP connections. The
window outline is used instead. If set to 2, the value is selected
based on the thin client performance.
If set to 1, the following serial and parallel ports are redirected to
the remote host: ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyS2, ttyS3, ttyUSB0, lp0.
If set to 1, all printers dened locally via CUPS are redirected to
the remote host.
If set to 1, non-RemoteFX graphics performance is increased at
the cost of less frequent screen updates.
view 147
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, RDP 8 codecs are used if available. This setting should
be disabled only in the case of a defect specic to RDP 8 codecs.
Disabling this setting might also disable more advanced codecs.
If set to 1, standard RDP encryption is used to encrypt all data
between the client and the server.
If set to 1, RDP 8 H.264 codecs are used if available. This
setting has known visual errors, particularly in multi-monitor
congurations, and should be considered experimental and
unsupported. Enabling this setting simply advises the server that
the thin client supports H.264 for desktop display. The server
must also support H.264, and the server makes the nal decision
on what codecs are used. This setting aects only the desktop
codecs. It does not aect multimedia redirection codecs.
If set to 1, RDP 8 progressive codecs are used if available. This
setting should be disabled only in the case of a defect specic
to RDP 8 progressive codecs. Disabling this setting might also
disable more advanced codecs.
For redirection, the RDP client is given several destination
possibilities. It normally tries them in the following order: FQDN,
Primary IP, IP List, NetBIOS. If FQDN is not desired, one of the
alternatives can be tried rst by setting this registry key. If the
specied method does not work, the RDP client falls back to the
original order. A setting of auto forces the original order.
If set to 1, RemoteFX is used if available.
Sets the thin client hostname that is sent to the remote
host. If left blank, the system hostname is sent. The registry
key root/ConnectionType/view/connections/
must be set to hostname for this key to be used.
If set to Bring to this computer, sound is redirected from
the remote host to the client using a standard virtual channel.
If set to
Leave at remote computer, sound is left at
the remote host. This can be useful when using a redirected
USB audio device. If set to any other value, audio is disabled.
Generally, HP recommends setting this value to Bring to
this computer and not redirecting USB playback devices to
the remote host. This will improve audio quality and ensure
that client audio redirected via other virtual channels (such as
Multimedia Redirection) matches local audio settings.
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after losing the
connection before giving up on reconnecting with the server. If
set to 0, reconnection is attempted forever.
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after losing the
connection for networking to recover without trying a forced
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after losing the
connection before warning the user that the connection has been
If set to 1, when an end-to-end connection drop is detected, a
dialog is displayed and the screen will turn grayscale. Otherwise,
messages are written to the connection log and the session
148 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, end-to-end connection health checks are done.
Sets the version of Transport Layer Security to be used during the
early stages of negotiation with the RDP server. Either set this to
match the version of TLS used by your RDP server, or try setting it
to auto.
NOTE: There are some server-side defects in some unpatched
RDP servers that can cause the auto setting to fail, so it is not the
default setting.
Sets an XKB layout ID for bypassing the system keyboard. To see
the list of available IDs, enter the following command in an X
terminal: xfreerdp --kbd-list.
Indicates if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
view 149
Table G-11 ConnectionType/view registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
If set to 1, the connection is monitored under the name specied
by appName. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
Lets Connection Manager know what type of parameters to pass
to the wrapper script.
Options specied here will be forwarded directly to the RDP client
if RDP is used as the display protocol for the VMware Horizon
View connection. To see a full list of options, enter the following
command in an X terminal: rdesktop --help.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in VMware
Horizon View Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget
is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Fallback Connection widget in VMware
Horizon View Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget
is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Name widget in VMware Horizon View
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
AVD registry keys.
Table G-12
AVD registry keys
Registry key Description
<UUID>/ loginfields/server
If set to 1, the Server eld is shown in the login dialog for
the connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If
set to 0, the
eld is hidden. If set to 3, system settings take
150 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-12 AVD registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
<UUID>/ loginfields/username
If set to 1, the User Name eld is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the
eld is hidden. If set to 3, system
settings take precedence.
<UUID>/ loginfields/password
If set to 1, the Password eld is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the
eld is hidden. If set to 3, system
settings take precedence.
<UUID>/ loginfields/showPassword
If set to 1, the Show password button is shown in the
login dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the button is
shown but disabled. If set to 0, the button is hidden. If set
to 3, system settings take precedence. For ThinPro 6.2 and
later, use the systemwide security setting instead.
<UUID>/ loginfields/domain
If set to 1, the Domain eld is shown in the login dialog for
the connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If
set to 0, the
eld is hidden. If set to 3, system settings take
<UUID>/ loginfields/smartcard
If set to 1, the Smart card login check box is shown in
the login dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box
is shown but disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden.
If set to 3, system settings take precedence. This check box
might not appear if no smart card is detected, even if this
option is enabled.
<UUID>/ loginfields/domainAwareUsername
If set to 1, the user name is domain aware, whatever the
visibility of the domain eld. Typically, the user name can be
an email address.
<UUID>/ loginfields/rememberme
If set to 1, the Remember me check box is shown in the
login dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is
shown but disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden. If
set to 3, system settings take precedence.
<UUID>/ seamlessWindow
If set to 1, window decorations are disabled, which can
be useful in a multi-monitor conguration to allow the
connection to be set to the size of the primary monitor or
full desktop.
<UUID>/ windowType
This setting is ignored for Smart Zero.
<UUID>/ windowSizeWidth
Width of the xed window. This setting is ignored for Smart
<UUID>/ windowSizeHeight
Height of the xed window. This setting is ignored for Smart
<UUID>/ displayScalePercent
Amount to scale display in percent. Range is from 100% to
<UUID>/ autofillCredentials
If set to 1, the credentials are automatically set in the
Microsoft authentication dialog.
<UUID>/ rememberMe
If set to 1, the credentials are automatically set in the
Microsoft authentication dialog.
<UUID>/ headlessMode
If set to 1, an attempt is made to authenticate with
the available credentials without showing the Microsoft
authentication dialog.
AVD 151
Table G-12 AVD registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
<UUID>/ autostartWorkspace
Species the workspace from which a resource is to be
started automatically. Not required for a resource to start
<UUID>/ autostartResource
Species a resource to be started automatically.
<UUID>/ autoCloseAvdFeed
If set to 1, the AVD feed window is closed automatically
when a resource is closed.
<UUID>/ disableMenuBar
If set to 1, the menu bar is not shown in the session window.
<UUID>/ disableDropdown
If set to 1, the drop-down menu that appears in full-screen
mode will not be present.
<UUID>/ dropdownClose
If set to 1, the drop-down menu will have a button to close
the window.
<UUID>/ dropdownMaximize
If set to 1, the drop-down menu will have a button to
maximize the window.
<UUID>/ dropdownMinimize
If set to 1, the drop-down menu will have a button to
minimize the window.
<UUID>/ dropdownMinimize
If set to 1, the drop-down menu will have a button to
minimize the window.
<UUID>/ dropdownCtrlAltD
If set to 1, the drop-down menu will have Ctrl +Alt + Delete
as a keyboard shortcut.
<UUID>/ localTimezone
If set to 1, the session time zone is set based on the local
system time zone.
If set to 1, audio playback through AVD connections is
If set to 1, audio recording (microphone) through AVD
connections is enabled.
If 0, le system redirection is disabled; if 1, the list in
filesystemList is redirected; if 2, only removable
media le systems are redirected.
A comma-separated list of redirected directories when
filesystem is 1.
If set to 1, smartcards can be accessed in this AVD
If 0, AVD clipboards are not shared with the ThinPro; if 1,
the clipboard is shared with all ThinPro applications; if 2, the
clipboard is shared only between AVD sessions.
If set to 1, the AVD virtual channel is enabled.
If set to 1, cameras can be accessed in AVD connections.
152 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-12 AVD registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species extra arguments for the AVD-client. Run wvd-
feed --help from an X terminal to see all available
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the
connection settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to run this
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until
networking is available so that, on a slow network, the
connection does not launch before networking is available,
which could cause a failure.
If set to 1, the connection is restarted when it is closed or
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before starting
the connection after the system starts. The default of 0
causes the connection to start immediately. This setting
takes eect only when autostart is set to 1.
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before
reconnecting the session. The default of 0 causes the
connection to reconnect immediately. This setting only
takes eect only when autoReconnect is set to 1.
This registry key works only when Allow connections
to manage their own settings is selected in
the Web Browser Connection General Settings Manager.
The les listed in this registry key's value are removed
before the Web Browser connection is started. The le
names should be separated by a comma, and a wildcard
is supported. For example: *.rdf,cookies.sqlite
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with
the connection.
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with
the connection.
<UUID>/ extraEnvValues/<UUID>/
Species whether credentials are to be supplied by
Single Sign-On, requested at startup, or a supplied as a
precongured user, domain, and password.
Sets the default user name to supply to the remote host
during login. Generally, this setting is used for kiosk-style
applications where a generic user name is used for login.
If the credentialsType is password, this setting
supplies the default domain to the remote host during login.
If a domain is not
specied, the default domain for the
remote host will be used.
<UUID>/ SingleSignOn
If enabled, the user, domain, and password combination
of the RDP connection is saved to be used to unlock the
AVD 153
Table G-12 AVD registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the default password to supply to the remote host
during login. This value will be encrypted. Generally, this
setting is used for kiosk-style applications where a generic
password is used for login.
Sets the workspace URL to provide to wvd. If no URL is
specied, the default URL for the AVD is used.
<UUID>/ allowInsecureConnections
If set to 1, the insecure connection will be allowed to
<UUID>/ securityLevelclcl
Sets the certicate security level. If set to 0, all connections
are allowed. If set to 1, remembered hosts are checked, and
a warning dialog is shown if verication is not passed. If
set to 2, remembered hosts are not checked, and a warning
dialog is shown if verication is not passed. If set to 3, all
insecure connections are refused.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for
future use. Do not change this value.
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection starts automatically
after the system starts, with the value of 1 having the
highest priority.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for
future use. Do not change this value.
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled.
This key has no eect on Smart Zero.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already
started, the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an
error will be returned stating that the connection is already
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI.
On Smart Zero, this will typically be set to Default
Connection and does not display in the UI.
For pinned desktop icons, an x,y pair. For oating icons,
leave this string blank.
Sets the command to run after the connection starts.
Sets the command to run after the connection stops.
Sets the command to run before the connection starts.
154 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-12 AVD registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
<UUID>/ connectionEndAction
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for
future use. Do not change this value.
XDMCP registry keys.
Table G-13 XDMCP registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the general
settings for this connection type using Connection Manager. This
key has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the hostname or IP address to connect to.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
Sets the color depth of the display for the connection.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
xdmcp 155
Table G-13 XDMCP registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
Sets the address of the font server to use. The registry key
useFontServer must also be set to 1.
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
If set to 1, the Server box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
Sets the refresh rate of the display for the connection.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
Sets the XDMCP connection type. If set to chooser, all available
hosts are listed and the user can select which one to connect to.
If set to
query, an XDMCP request is sent to the specied host
directly. If set to
broadcast, all available hosts are listed and
the rst one is connected to automatically.
If set to 1, the font server is enabled. If set to 0, the local font is
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Sets the window size of the connection.
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
156 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-13 XDMCP registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
If set to 1, the connection is monitored under the name specied
by appName. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Address widget in XDMCP Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
xdmcp 157
Table G-13 XDMCP registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Auto reconnect widget in XDMCP
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in XDMCP
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Font server widget in XDMCP Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Show icon on desktop widget in XDMCP
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Name widget in XDMCP Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Type widget in XDMCP Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Use font server widget in XDMCP
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Wait for network before connecting
widget in XDMCP Connection Manager. If set to active, the
widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
158 Appendix GRegistry keys
ConnectionType/xen registry keys.
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an end user has permission to add a new connection
of this type using Connection Manager. This key has no eect on
Smart Zero.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the general
settings for this connection type using Connection Manager. This
key has no eect on Smart Zero.
If set to 1, the connection shares credentials with the screen
Sets the address of the remote host to connect to. This is typically
a URL such as http://server.domain.com.
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
Sets the command to execute after the connection has been
If set to 1, all applications for the connection are displayed in the
taskbar menu.
If set to 1 and appOnDesktop is enabled, all applications for
the connection are displayed in a broker window. If set to 0,
the applications for the connection are displayed directly on the
If set to 1, all applications for the connection will be displayed on
the taskbar.
If set to 1, all applications for the connection will be displayed on
the desktop.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to modify the connection
settings for this connection.
If set to 1, an end user has permission to execute this connection.
If set to 1, and if only a single published application or desktop
is returned by the Citrix server, that resource will be launched
If set to 1, the connection will be restarted when it is closed or
If set to 1, the system will attempt to reconnect any active or
disconnected Citrix sessions upon initial login.
Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before reconnecting
the session. The default of 0 will cause the connection to
reconnect immediately. This setting only takes eect when
autoReconnect is set to 1.
xen 159
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the amount of time in seconds before the resources are
cleared and refreshed again from the server. Set to -1 to disable.
It is normally not required to frequently refresh the resources
from the server.
If set to 1 and if autoStartResource is empty, the rst
desktop to become available when the connection is started will
be launched automatically.
Sets the name of the desktop or application to start automatically
when the connection is launched.
If set to 1, the connection tries to launch autoStartDesktop
or autoStartResource rst. If the connection cannot launch
either successfully, it tries to launch another resource by
If set to a value of 1–5, the connection will be started
automatically after the system boots, with the value of 1 having
the highest priority.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the command to execute before the connection starts.
Sets the Citrix connection mode for the connection.
Denes the action to be done when the connection is ended from
Connection Manager. The available options are disconnect and
If set to 1, after resetting the password, the connection continues
to launch with the new password. If set to 0, after resetting the
password, the current connection closes.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Species the credential type between anonymous
(unauthenticated access), sso (single sign-on), startup
(credentials are requested at startup), password (precongured
user/domain/password), or smartcard (precongured smart
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Sets the domain to provide to the XenDesktop server. If no
domain is specied, the default domain for the server is used.
CAUTION: This functionality is unsupported.
If set to 1, the user will be prompted before connecting for a
security token value to use when authenticating with NetScaler
Sets the name of an extra environment variable for use with the
Sets the value of an extra environment variable for use with the
160 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the fallback connection via its UUID.
If set to 1, only HTTPS connections are allowed.
If set to 1, the Citrix client launches in full-screen mode when
If set to 1, the desktop icon for this connection is enabled. This key
has no eect on Smart Zero.
Sets the x,y coordinates of a pinned desktop icon. If not specied,
the icon oats.
If set to 1, certicate checks are ignored for the connection.
Sets the connection name that is displayed in the UI. On Smart
Zero, this will typically be set to Default Connection and
does not display in the UI.
If set to 1, the Domain eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
If set to 1, the Password eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
If set to 1, the Remember me check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden.
If set to 1, the Server box is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the box is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the box is hidden. If set to 3, the system settings are used.
If set to 1, the Show password button is shown in the login dialog
for the connection. If set to 2, the button is shown but disabled. If
set to 0, the button is hidden.
If set to 1, the Smart card login check box is shown in the login
dialog for the connection. If set to 2, the check box is shown but
disabled. If set to 0, the check box is hidden. This check box might
not appear if no smart card is detected, even if this option is
If set to 1, the User Name eld is shown in the login dialog for the
connection. If set to 2, the eld is shown but disabled. If set to 0,
the eld is hidden.
Sets the default password to supply to the remote host during
login. This value will be encrypted. Generally, this setting is used
for kiosk-style applications where a generic password is used for
If set to 1, a connection only lists the resources without launching
them or downloading icons.
xen 161
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This is an internal value. If set to ToBeAsked, the script prompts
the user. If set to Auto, the script does not prompt the user, and
whether the URL is saved depends on the case. If set to Yes, the
user asked to save the new URL. If set to No, the user asked to not
save the new URL.
Species the security module to use for a smart card connection.
If set to the default focus and the connection is already started,
the connection will be given focus. Otherwise, an error will be
returned stating that the connection is already started.
If set to 1, only subscribed resources for the connection are
Sets the action to perform when a smart card is unplugged during
a connection. disconnect will disconnect the current session.
close will close all the opened resources. noaction will do
Sets the default user name to supply to the remote host during
login. Generally, this setting is used for kiosk-style applications
where a generic user name is used for login.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Species if this connection type is USB-relevant. If it is, it might
have a USB plugin for redirecting USB devices.
Sets the internal application name to use for this connection type.
This key should not need to be modied.
This setting applies to Citrix servers with multiple published
resources. If less than 0, no auto-logout is performed. Otherwise,
this setting dictates the number of seconds between the closing
of the last Xen published resource and when the user is logged
out automatically and returned to the initial login screen. Citrix
process delays might extend the auto-logout time.
This setting applies to Citrix servers with multiple published
resources. If less than 0, no auto-logout is performed. Otherwise,
this setting dictates the number of seconds allowed to pass
while no applications are launched before the user is logged
out automatically and returned to the initial login screen. Citrix
process delays might extend the auto-logout time.
Sets the internal application class name to use for this connection
type. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the Citrix connection utility for the connection.
Species whether the Connection Manager caches the credentials
for further use.
162 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the internal application name to use when Connection
Manager is launched for this connection type. This key should
not need to be modied.
Sets the internal application name to use when the General
Settings Manager is launched for this connection type. This key
should not need to be modied.
Species the icon from the icon theme set to use for this
Sets the path to the 16 × 16 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 32 × 32 pixel icon for this application.
Sets the path to the 48 × 48 pixel icon for this application.
Reserved for future use.
Sets the name to display for this connection type in the UI.
Sets the priority of this connection type when it is displayed in
Connection Manager and the Conguration Wizard that displays
during initial setup. A higher value will move the connection type
towards the top of the list. If set to 0, the connection type is
hidden from Conguration Wizard and is shown last in Connection
Manager. Connections types with the same priority are listed in
alphabetical order.
This setting applies when a virtual machine is restarting and is not
yet available to launch as a Citrix resource. If set to a negative
number, reconnection is not attempted. Otherwise, it gives the
time (in seconds) that HP ThinPro attempts to reconnect to the
virtual machine.
Sets whether a server name or address is unused, optional,
or required for this connection type.
Sets the behavior that should occur when connection-mgr
stop is called on this connection. By default this is close,
which will send a standard kill signal to the process. When set
to kill, the process specied by appName will be forcefully
killed. When set to custom, a custom execution script specied
by wrapperScript will be executed with the argument stop
to terminate the process gracefully.
Species the relative importance of this connection type and the
order in which it is listed in the Create menu.
If set to 1, the connection is monitored under the name specied
by appName. This key should not need to be modied.
Sets the script or binary to execute when launching this
connection type. This is the primary script handling all connection
settings and command line arguments for the connection. This
key should not need to be modied.
Lets Connection Manager know what type of parameters to pass
to the wrapper script.
xen 163
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the CGP address using the syntax hostname:port.
Optionally, instead of specifying the hostname, you can type
an asterisk (*). This will use the value from the connection’s
address registry key as the host. For example: *:2598
The port value is optional. If you do not specify a port value, the
default of 2598 is used. If a connection on port 2598 fails, the thin
client tries to establish a connection on port 1494.
Controls seamless mode for published applications. This setting
directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting TWIMode.
This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
allowReadOnA ... allowReadOnZ
If set to 1, a user can read the mapped drive.
allowWriteOnA ... allowWriteOnZ
If set to 1, a user can write to the mapped drive.
If set to 1, asynchronous polling is enabled. This setting directly
maps to the Citrix .ini le setting CommPollSize.
If set to 1, automatic session reconnection is enabled. This is
not the same as the connection-specic auto-reconnect. This
occurs internally within the Citrix client without restarting the
connection. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
Sets the minimum size for bitmap caching. This
setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
Sets the screen area of the bottom monitor to show the virtual
desktop. If set to 0, the monitor is not used to show the virtual
Forces a specic color depth for all connections. This is usually
done only in specialized environments where the automatic depth
selection fails or in very slow networks to reduce congestion.
If set to Shared - Approximate Colors, approximate
colors from the default colormap are used. If set to Private
- Exact Colors, precise colors are used. This setting directly
maps to the Citrix .ini le setting ApproximateColors.
If set to 1, links from web content are sent from the server to the
client so that the client can try to open them locally.
If set to 0, no debug log is created. If set to 3, an error level log
is created. If set to 4, a warning level log is created. If set to 7, all
debug level logs are created.
Controls the protocol used to locate the host for the connection. If
not specied, the default value from the [WFClient] section of
wfclient.ini is used. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le
setting BrowserProtocol.
drivePathMappedOnA ... drivePathMappedOnZ
Sets the local lesystem directory to map to the remote host.
Typically this is set to /media to allow all connected USB drives
to be mapped to the remote host via a single drive letter.
164 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, Windows alert sounds are enabled. This setting
indirectly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting DisableSound.
If set to 1, clipboard redirection is enabled.
If set to 1, enables Citrix Desktop Viewer in the session user
interface. By default, this setting is set to 0 (disabled) on the client
side because this value is set on the client by the ICA le for a
desktop session.
If set to 1, colored cursors are enabled. Setting this to 0 might x
graphical cursor corruption in some cases.
If set to 1, data compression is enabled. This setting directly maps
to the Citrix .ini le setting Compress.
If set to 1, mapping and redirection for USB storage devices is
If set to 1, directories on the local lesystem can be forwarded to
the remote host via a virtual drive. Typically /media is mapped
to Z to allow USB drives to be forwarded to the remote host.
If USB redirection is enabled, this setting should be disabled to
prevent storage
conicts. To be properly mapped to the remote
host in this fashion, the USB device must use one of the following
lesystems: FAT32, NTFS, ext2, ext3.
If set to 1, USB storage devices will be dynamically mapped on the
Citrix server. If set to 0, dynamic mapping of USB storage devices
is disabled.
If set to 1, H.264 compression is enabled. The H.264 codec
provides better performance of rich and professional graphics
applications on WAN networks than the JPEG codec.
NOTE: This feature is supported for the 32-bit version of HP
ThinPro only.
Controls the behavior of HDX Flash Redirection. If set to Always,
HDX Flash Redirection is used if possible, and the user is not
prompted. If set to Ask, the user is prompted. If set to Never,
the feature is disabled.
NOTE: This feature is supported for the 32-bit version of HP
ThinPro only.
Controls the behavior of HDX Flash Server-Side Content Fetching.
If disabled, the client will fetch for content.
If set to 1, HDX MediaStream is enabled. If set to 0, media les will
still play via standard streaming, but the quality might not be as
If set to 1, and if enableH264Compression is also set to 1,
hardware compression for H.264 is enabled. If set to 0, H.264
compression will be handled by software.
enableMapOnA ... enableMapOnZ
If set to 1, a local lesystem directory can be mapped to this drive
on the remote host. The corresponding drivePathMappedOn
registry key must be set to a valid local directory for drive
mapping to work properly.
xen 165
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, multimedia is enabled. HDX Lync might have a conict
when this setting is enabled. This setting maps directly to the
multimedia in the virtual channels section of the Citrix .ini le
settings. Enable this setting when HDX MediaStream is enabled.
If set to 1, the server can use the X PixMap format for o-
screen drawing. This reduces bandwidth in 15-bit and 24-bit
color modes at the expense of X server memory and processor
time. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
If set to 1, Citrix Session Reliability is enabled. Session Reliability
changes the way sessions are resumed after losing a network
connection. See Citrix documentation for more information on
Session Reliability.
If set to 1, small non-H.264 rectangle updates are enabled for
H.264. enableTextTracking must also be enabled for this to
have an eect.
If set to 1, smart card login is enabled.
If set to 1, optimized lossless text overlays are enabled for H.264.
If set to 1, USB storage devices will be redirected.
Sets the level of encryption. Encryption protocols for all levels
are dened in the [EncryptionLevelSession] section of
module.ini. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
Sets the font smoothing type.
Sets the hot key to forward to the remote session when the key
or key combination set in the corresponding hotKeyShift is
Sets the key or key combination used to activate the hot key set in
the corresponding hotKeyChar.
Sets the keyboard key for disabling the transparent keyboard
mode. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
Sets the keyboard key combination for disabling the transparent
keyboard mode. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le
setting KeyPassthroughEscapeShift.
Species a keyboard mapping le for a Citrix session. By default,
the startup script selects a keyboard mapping le based on the
keyboard layout.
166 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the number of mapped serial ports. If set to 0, serial port
mapping is disabled.
Sets the screen area of the left monitor to show the virtual
desktop. If set to 0, the monitor is not used to show the virtual
Controls keyboard latency reduction. This setting indirectly maps
to the Citrix .ini le setting ZLKeyboardMode.
If set to Off, network connectivity is not monitored. If
set to Local network link status only, only the
local network link status is monitored. If set to Server
online status, both the local network link status and server
connectivity are monitored.
Controls mouse latency reduction. This setting indirectly maps to
the Citrix .ini le setting ZLMouseMode.
If set to 1, middle mouse button paste emulation for Windows
sessions is enabled. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le
setting MouseSendsControlV.
If set to 1, the client manager (wfcmgr) will not display when
a client session terminates. This setting directly maps to the
Citrix .ini le setting PopupOnExit.
If set to 0, printer mapping is disabled. If set to 1, printers dened
locally will be mapped to the connection. If set to 2, USB printers
are redirected as congured in USB Manager.
Sets the proxy address to use if a manual proxy setting is selected
via proxyType.
Sets the proxy password to use if a manual proxy setting is
selected via proxyType. This password will be encrypted using
rc4 encryption.
Sets the proxy port to use if a manual proxy setting is selected via
Sets the type of proxy to use for XenDesktop connections. The
value Use Browser settings is only supported if a local
browser is installed.
Sets the proxy username to use if a manual proxy setting is
selected via proxyType.
Sets the screen area of the right monitor to show the virtual
desktop. If set to 0, the monitor is not used to show the virtual
If set to 1, detailed log information is saved after the session
ends. This log information will be saved to the following
directory: /tmp/debug/citrix/<date>/
If set to 1, session-sharing requests are sent to other Citrix
sessions on the same X display. This setting directly maps to the
Citrix .ini le setting EnableSessionSharingClient.
xen 167
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the session reliability timeout in seconds. This
congures the Session Reliability Time To Live (TTL).
If set to 1, the virtual desktop will be shown on all monitors.
Species the path to the CoolKey PKCS #11 smart card
security module.
Species the path to the Gemalto .NET smart card security
Sets the sound quality. This setting indirectly maps to the
Citrix .ini le setting AudioBandwidthLimit.
Sets the screen area of the top monitor to show the virtual
desktop. If set to 0, the monitor is not used to show the virtual
Controls how certain Windows key combinations handled. If set to
Translated, the key combinations apply to the local desktop.
If set to Direct in full screen desktops only, the
key combinations apply to the remote session only when it is
in full screen mode. If set to
Direct, the key combinations
always apply to the remote session as long as the window has
focus. This setting indirectly maps to the Citrix .ini
le setting
Sets the transport protocol. If set to On (default), the connection
uses UDP and does not fall back on TCP if there is a failure. If
set to
Off, the connection uses TCP. If set to Preferred, the
connection tries to use UDP
rst and falls back on TCP if there is a
Controls the number of screen areas that will be tracked in
ThinWire to prevent redundant drawing of bitmap images. An
adequate value for 1024 × 768 sessions is 300.
If set to 1, an alternate address is used for rewall
connections. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le setting
168 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the persistent disk cache is enabled. The persistent
disk cache stores commonly-used graphical objects such as
bitmaps on the hard disk of the thin client. Using the persistent
disk cache increases performance across low-bandwidth
connections but reduces the amount of available disk space on
the thin client. For thin clients on high-speed LANs, usage of the
persistent disk cache is not necessary. This setting directly maps
to the Citrix .ini le setting PersistentCacheEnabled.
Controls the use of Extended Unicode Keyboard Support (EUKS) on
Windows servers. If set to 0, EUKS is not used. If set to 1, EUKS is
used as a fallback. If set to 2, EUKS is used whenever possible.
If this setting is enabled, the local X input method is used
to interpret keyboard input. This is supported for European
languages only. This setting directly maps to the Citrix .ini le
setting useLocalIME.
The string from this key will be presented by the Citrix client and
will be helpful for administrators to know where the connection
request is from.
If set to 1, the connection will not be launched until networking
is available. This ensures that, on a slow network, the connection
does not launch before networking is available, which could cause
a failure.
Controls the HDXWebCamFramesPerSec variable in the
All_Regions.ini le.
Controls the HDXWebCamHeight variable in the
All_Regions.ini le.
Controls the HDXWebCamQuality variable in the
All_Regions.ini le. Valid input ranges from 1 to 63.
If set to 0, the webcam and webcam audio are disabled. If set to
1, the webcam and webcam audio are enabled, with compression.
If set to 2, USB redirection of the webcam and webcam audio is
Controls the HDXWebCamWidth variable in the
All_Regions.ini le.
Sets the height of the window in pixels if windowSize is set to
Fixed Size.
Sets the size of the window as a percentage if windowSize is
set to Percentage of Screen Size.
If set to Default, the server-side settings are used. If set to
Full Screen, the window is maximized without borders on all
available screens. If set to Fixed Size, the windowWidth
and windowHeight registry keys can be used to specify the size
of the window in pixels. If set to Percentage of Screen
Size, the windowPercent key can be used to specify the size
of the window as a percentage. For Percentage of Screen
Size to take eect, enableForceDirectConnect must be
set to 1 and TWIMode must be set to 0. This setting only works
with XenApp and only if the server allows direct connections. This
setting does not work with XenDesktop.
xen 169
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the width of the window in pixels if windowSize is set to
Fixed Size.
If set to 1, the Xen Desktop panel and its taskbar are
disabled. This is usually used when autoStartResource or
autoStartDesktop is enabled.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Service URL widget in Citrix Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Show applications on taskbar widget in
Citrix Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show applications on desktop widget in
Citrix Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto reconnect widget in Citrix
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto Start Desktop widget in Citrix
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto Start Resource widget in Citrix
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Auto start priority widget in Citrix
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Domain widget in Citrix Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
170 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-14 ConnectionType/xen registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Fallback Connection widget in Citrix
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Show icon on desktop widget in Citrix
Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Name widget in Citrix Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Password widget in Citrix Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Username widget in Citrix Connection
Manager. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Wait for network before connecting
widget in Citrix Connection Manager. If set to active, the widget
is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
If set to true, the taskbar auto-hides.
Sets the default position of the taskbar when more than one
published desktop or application is available.
If set to 1, the taskbar is completely hidden, but only if
autoStartResource or autoStartDesktop is enabled.
This folder exists to support temporary registry keys that are added when the system acquires a DHCP lease.
No modication is necessary.
Dashboard registry keys.
NOTE: The dashboard is the same thing as the taskbar.
Table G-15 Dashboard registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the clock is shown on the taskbar.
If set to 1, the domain-user icon is shown on the taskbar if the
system is in domain-login mode.
If set to 1, the power button is shown on the taskbar.
If set to 1, the Search button is shown on the taskbar.
If set to 1, the system tray is shown on the taskbar.
If set to 1, the application area is shown on the taskbar.
If set to 1, the taskbar auto-hides.
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds before the taskbar will
hide or show when AutoHide is enabled.
Sets the size of the icons on the taskbar.
If set to -1, the size of the icon is based on the width of the
Sets the length of the taskbar.
If set to 1, the length of taskbar is xed and equal to the length of
the side of the screen to which it is anchored.
Sets the side of the screen to which the taskbar is docked.
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that it takes for the
taskbar to hide or show when AutoHide is enabled.
Sets the width of the taskbar.
If set to -1, the width is scaled based on the height of the primary
Imprivata registry keys.
Table G-16
Imprivata registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, Imprivata ProveID Embedded will be enabled. By
default, it is 0.
If set to 1, the Window Manager right click menu is enabled. This
is useful when the regular desktop is not available. The menu
items are adjustable according to the Power Manager and the
Customization Center conguration.
If set to 1, the Window Manager shortcuts are enabled. By
default, the shortcuts are disabled to preserve the Imprivata
agent environment.
URL of the Imprivata Server. Setting root/users/user/apps/hptc-
imprivata-mgr/authorized to 1 allows the current user to modify
the Imprivata setup.
172 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-16 Imprivata registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Lists some USB devices with a predened redirection rule
specic to the remote connections launched using the Imprivata
environment. For each USB device, the redirection rule is given by
the setting: forcedState. Requires OneSign ProveID Embedded 6.2
with the ability to use the vendor scripts set.
If enableImprivata is true, /etc/X11/Xsession.d/19-imprivata-
session-fork takes over the X session. x11SessionFilter denes
the X session les that are ltered out of the X session list of les.
x11SessionFilter is a semicolon separated list of the session les
to be excluded. Wildcards are usable.
If set to 1, the HP's helper scripts are used to launch a VDI
session. The legacy and deprecated scripts are used otherwise.
For this setting to take eect, the X session has to be restarted.
Imprivata.conf setting: use-vendor-launch-script
Template of the .rdp le that is completed by the RDP helper with
the "full address" eld.
Path to the Citrix wca client.
The string returned by the hptc-hwsw-id --hw command is used
by default. Set the value to get a more relevant string.
Path to the Imprivata partner logo.
Path to a folder where the ProveID Embeded components
can be stored, eg: /writable/imprivata-sys-info-data or /writable/
misc/imprivata-sys-info-data if the folder contents need to be
part of a prole.
If empty the primary monitor is automatically detected. Set the
value to force a specic monitor, eg: DisplayPort-0.
Path to the Microsoft RDP client.
Path to the Microsoft RDS client.
Path to the VMware Horizon View client.
id>:<product id>/forcedState
Sets whether this device is forced to be mapped to the remote
host as follows: -1=Ignore Device; 0=Do Not Redirect; 1=Use
Defaults; 2=Redirect.
id>:<product id>/info
Device information.
If set to 1, the connection will skip certicate revocation list check
for VMware Horizon Client 5.4 or later.
If set to 1, the HP script does not create a new /etc/vmware/cong
le and the view client uses the current /etc/vmware/cong le.
InputMethod registry key.
Table G-17 InputMethod registry key
Registry key Description
Network registry keys.
Table G-18 Network registry keys
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Additional DNS servers for domain name resolution can be
specied here. The specied servers will be used in addition to
any servers retrieved via DHCP. Up to three IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
can be specied, separated by commas.
Sets the default hostname pattern to use when generating a
new hostname. This is used if the Hostname registry key
and /etc/hostname are both empty. The hostname pattern
% as a delimiter. In the example HPTC%MAC:1-6%, HPTC
would be the prex, and the rst six characters of the thin client
MAC address would follow. So if the MAC address of the thin
client is
11:22:33:44:55:66, the generated hostname would
be HPTC112233. If the pattern is TC%MAC%, the generated
hostname would be TC112233445566. If the pattern is
HP%MAC:7%, the generated hostname would be HP1122334.
If set to 1, the password is encrypted.
Sets the FTP proxy address. HP recommends using the following
format for this value because the http prex is better supported:
Sets the hostname of the thin client.
Sets the HTTP proxy address. HP recommends using the following
format: http://ProxyServer:Port
Sets the HTTPS proxy address. HP recommends using the
following format for this value because the http prex is better
supported: http://ProxyServer:Port
Sets the destination address for the IPSec rule.
174 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the authentication method for the IPSec rule. PSK is for
using a pre-shared key, and Certificate is for using certicate
If the authentication method is Certificate, the CA certicate
le path is saved in this registry key.
If the authentication method is Certificate, the client
certicate le path is saved in this registry key.
If the authentication method is PSK, the pre-shared key value is
saved in this registry key.
If the authentication method is Certificate, the private key
le path that corresponds with the client certicate is saved in this
registry key.
Sets the phase 1 Diie-Hellman group.
Sets the phase 1 encryption algorithm.
Sets the phase 1 integrity algorithm.
Sets the phase 1 lifetime.
Enables phase 2 AH.
Sets the phase 2 AH integrity algorithm.
Enables phase 2 ESP.
Sets the phase 2 ESP encryption algorithm.
Sets the phase 2 ESP integrity algorithm.
Sets the phase 2 lifetime.
Sets the description for the IPSec rule.
If set to 1, the rule is enabled.
Sets the name for the IPSec rule.
Sets the source address for the IPSec rule.
Sets the tunnel destination address for the IPSec rule.
Enables tunnel mode for the IPSec rule.
Sets the tunnel source address for the IPSec rule.
Network 175
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, previously-congured DNS servers and search domains
not generated by the Network Manager will be kept in resolv.conf.
If set to 0, resolv.conf will be overwritten completely.
Additional search domains for FQDN resolution can be specied
here. The specied domains will be appended to any incomplete
server denitions in an attempt to generate an FQDN that
can be resolved via DNS. For example, a search domain of
mydomain.com will allow the server denition myserver to
resolve properly to
, even if the
DNS server does not have myserver in its name resolution
tables. Up to ve additional search domains can be specied.
If set to 1, VPN starts automatically when the system starts up.
Sets the PPTP domain.
Sets the PPTP gateway.
Sets the PPTP user password.
Sets the PPTP username.
Sets the VPN type.
Sets the endianness of the DPD sequence number (see rfc3706).
0: big endian; 1: little endian. Try toggling this if the session
aborts intermittently for no apparent reason.
Sets the DPD interval (see rfc3706) in seconds.
Sets the debug level to either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 99. This generates a
lot of logs. Enable this only when you need to troubleshoot a VPN
Sets the VPNC domain.
Sets the VPNC gateway.
Sets the VPNC group.
Sets the VPNC group password.
Sets the VPNC IKE Diie-Hellman group.
Sets the local UDP port to use for VPNC. If set to 0, a random
port will be used. This setting is valid only when the NAT traversal
mode (NATTMode) is cisco-udp.
Sets the VPNC NAT traversal mode.
Sets the VPNC user password.
Sets the VPNC Diie-Hellman group to use for Perfect Forward
Secrecy (PFS).
Sets the VPNC security level.
Sets the VPNC username.
If set to 1, the network icon is visible in the system tray.
Sets the default gateway the device will use to communicate with
the Internet. Typically this is the IP address of the router. This
setting takes eect only when Method is set to Static.
176 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the default gateway will also be the name server.
Sets the link speed of the primary Ethernet network interface.
Automatic allows the fastest available link speed to be used,
which is usually 1 Gbps or 100 Mbps/Full depending on the switch.
The link speed can also be forced to a single speed (100 Mbps or
10 Mbps) and duplex mode (Full or Half) to support switches and
hubs that do not perform appropriate auto-negotiation.
Sets the IPv4 address of the thin client. This setting will only take
eect when Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, IPv6 is enabled.
Sets the default Ethernet interface or NIC.
Sets the MTU. It does not matter if the IP address is static or
If set to Automatic, the thin client will use DHCP to attempt to
retrieve network settings. If set to Static, the values of the
IPAddress, SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry
keys are used. HP does not recommend using Static in a
generic client prole because it will cause all thin clients to receive
the same IP address.
If set to 1, automatic connection to the network is enabled.
Sets the link speed of the primary Ethernet network interface.
Automatic allows the fastest available link speed to be used,
which is usually 1 Gbps or 100 Mbps/full depending on the switch.
The link speed can be forced to a combination of a single speed
(100 Mbps or 10 Mbps) and duplex mode (Full or Half) to
support switches and hubs that do not perform auto-negotiation.
Sets the IPv4 address of the client. This setting takes eect only if
Method is set to Static.
Sets the default gateway that the device uses to communicate
with the Internet. Typically, this is the IP address of the router.
This setting takes eect only if Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, IPv4 is enabled for this prole.
If set to Automatic, the client uses DHCP to attempt to retrieve
network settings. If set to Static, the values of the Address,
SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry keys are used.
HP does not recommend using Static in a generic client prole,
because all clients would use the same IP address.
Sets the subnet mask of the device, such as (for a
standard class C subnet). This setting takes eect only if Method
is set to Static.
Sets the IPv6 address of the client. This setting takes eect only if
Method is set to Static.
Sets the default gateway that the device uses to communicate
with the Internet. Typically, this is the IP address of the router.
This setting takes eect only if Method is set to Static.
Network 177
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, IPv6 is enabled for this prole.
If set to Automatic, the client uses DHCP to attempt to
retrieve network settings. If set to Static, the values of the
Address, SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry keys
are used. HP does not recommend using Static in a generic client
prole, because all clients would use the same IP address.If set
to Automatic, the client uses DHCP to attempt to retrieve
network settings. If set to Static, the values of the Address,
SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry keys are used.
HP does not recommend using Static in a generic client prole,
because all clients would use the same IP address.
Sets the subnet mask of the device, which is usually the IPv6
prex length. This setting takes eect only if Method is set to
Sets the MTU. It does not matter if the IP address is static or
acquired by DHCP.
Reserved for wired network.
Sets the anonymous identity for PEAP authentication.
Sets the path to the CA certicate le for PEAP authentication.
Sets the PEAP inner authentication protocol.
Sets the PEAP version.
Sets the password for PEAP authentication.
Sets the username for PEAP authentication.
Sets the path to the CA certicate le for TLS authentication.
Sets the identity for TLS authentication.
Sets the path to a private key le for TLS authentication.
Sets the password to a private key le for TLS authentication.
Sets the path to a user certicate le for TLS authentication.
Sets the anonymous identity for TTLS authentication.
Sets the path to a CA certicate le for TTLS authentication.
Sets the TTLS inner authentication protocol.
178 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the password for TTLS authentication.
Sets the username for TTLS authentication.
Sets the wired authentication type.
Sets the wired interface for the prole.
Sets the path to CA certicate le.
If set to 1, machine authentication for PEAP is enabled.
Sets the identity or anonymous identity.
Sets the PEAP inner authentication protocol.
Sets the TTLS inner authentication protocol.
Stores the machine account name when machine authentication is
Stores the machine account password when machine
authentication is enabled.
Sets the PEAP version.
Sets the password.
Sets the path to a private key le. This is only used for TLS
Sets the 802.1x authentication type.
Sets the path to a user certicate le. This is only used for TLS
Sets the username.
Sets the subnet mask of the device, such as (for a
standard class C subnet). This setting will only take eect when
Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, the wired connection is congured in prole mode,
which can connect to multiple wired networks. If set to 0, it can
connect to only one wired network.
If set to 0, a wired network and a wireless network can be
connected simultaneously. If set to 1, the wired network takes
priority over the wireless network; that is, if the wired network
cannot connect, a congured wireless network is used.
Sets the default gateway the device will use to communicate with
the Internet. Typically this is the IP address of the router. This
setting will only take eect when Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, the default gateway will also be the name server.
If set to 1, wireless functionality is enabled. If set to 0, wireless
functionality Is disabled.
Network 179
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the IPv4 address of the thin client. This setting will only take
eect when Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, IPv6 is enabled.
Sets the default wireless interface or wireless network adapter.
If set to Automatic, the thin client will use DHCP to attempt to
retrieve network settings. If set to Static, the values of the
IPAddress, SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry
keys are used. HP does not recommend using Static in a
generic client prole because it will cause all thin clients to receive
the same IP address.
If set to 1, power management of the wireless network card is
If set to 1, automatic connection to the SSID is enabled.
Sets the IPv4 address of the client. This setting takes eect only if
Method is set to Static.
Sets the default gateway the device uses to communicate with the
Internet. Typically, this Is the IP address of the router. This setting
takes eect only if Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, IPv4 is enabled for this prole.
If set to Automatic, the client uses DHCP to retrieve network
settings. If set to Static, the values of the Address,
SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry keys are used.
HP does not recommend using Static in a generic client prole,
because all clients using that prole would use the same IP
Sets the subnet mask of the device, such as (for a
standard class C subnet). This setting takes eect only if Method
is set to Static.
Sets the IPv6 address of the client. This setting takes eect only if
Method is set to Static.
Sets the default gateway the device uses to communicate with the
Internet. Typically, this Is the IP address of the router. This setting
takes eect only if Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, IPv6 is enabled for this prole.
If set to Automatic, the client uses DHCP to attempt to retrieve
network settings. If set to Static, the values of the Address,
SubnetMask, and DefaultGateway registry keys are used.
HP does not recommend using Static in a generic client prole,
because all clients would use the same IP address.
Sets the subnet mask of the device, which is usually the IPv6
prex length. This setting takes eect only if Method is set to
If set to 1, power management of the wireless network card is
180 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Denes the priority of the network. For a wireless network, a
larger number means a higher priority. High priority is preferred
for a wireless network connection.
Sets the wireless access point to use via SSID.
Species whether the SSID of the wireless access point is hidden.
Sets the anonymous identity for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the provisioning option for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the path to the PAC le for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the password for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the username for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the anonymous identity for EAP PEAP authentication.
Sets the path to the CA certicate le for EAP PEAP
Sets the PEAP inner authentication protocol.
Sets the PEAP version.
Sets the password for EAP PEAP authentication.
Sets the username for EAP PEAP authentication.
Sets the path to the CA certicate le for TLS authentication.
Sets the identity for TLS authentication.
Sets the path to a private key le for TLS authentication.
Sets the password to a private key le for TLS authentication.
Sets the path to a user certicate le for TLS authentication.
Sets the anonymous identity for TTLS authentication.
Sets the path to a CA certicate le for TTLS authentication.
Sets the TTLS inner authentication protocol.
Network 181
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the password for TTLS authentication.
Sets the username for TTLS authentication.
Sets the password for PSK authentication.
Sets the wireless authentication type.
Sets the WEP authentication type.
Sets the WEP password.
Sets the WEP password index.
Species the frequency range selection. Select Auto to scan all
wireless channels; select 2.4GHz to scan only 2.4 GHz channels;
select 5GHz to scan only 5 GHz channels.
Sets the wireless interface for the prole.
If set to 1, wireless roaming options are congurable.
Species how often, in seconds, to scan for an access point with
a stronger signal when the signal strength is above the roaming
threshold. The default is 60.
Species how often, in seconds, the connection sleeps when the
wpa_applicant status changes. This helps reduce spurious Wi-Fi
events from breaking live connections when roaming occurs.
Sets the minimum signal strength, in dBm, allowed before
attempting to roam to a stronger access point. Note that this
value is negative.
Sets how often, in seconds, to scan for a stronger access point
when the signal strength is below the roaming threshold.
Sets the wireless access point to use via its SSID.
Species if the SSID of the wireless access point is hidden.
Species a whitelist for wireless access points. If this registry key's
value is not empty, only the SSIDs specied in the value will be
shown in the wireless access point scan results. Use a semicolon
to separate the SSIDs.
Sets the path to CA certicate le.
Sets the path to the PAC le for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the provisioning option for EAP-FAST authentication.
Sets the identity or anonymous identity.
182 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the PEAP inner authentication protocol.
Sets the TTLS inner authentication protocol.
Sets the PEAP version.
Sets the password.
Sets the path to a private key le. This is only used for TLS
Sets the wireless authentication type.
Sets the path to a user certicate le. This is only used for TLS
Sets the username.
Sets the WEP authentication type.
Sets the WEP password index.
Sets the subnet mask of the device, such as (for a
standard class C subnet). This setting will only take eect when
Method is set to Static.
If set to 1, the wireless connection is congured in prole mode,
which can connect to multiple wireless networks. This is useful
for mobile computing. If set to 0, only one congured wireless
network can be connected.
Species the frequency range selection. Select Auto to scan all
wireless channels; select 2.4GHz to scan only 2.4 GHz channels;
select 5GHz to scan only 5 GHz channels.
Species the driver used by wpa_supplicant (wext by default).
nl80211 is the only other driver that is currently supported.
Overrides the country value from the BIOS in case the BIOS does
not have the necessary value. The bcmwl driver accepts the
wl_country option, which is retrieved from BIOS values on an
as-needed basis (only Indonesia is supported currently). A system
restart is required for any changes to take eect.
If set to 1, user accounts cannot create wireless proles from the
wireless system tray.
If set to 1, the wireless menu of the wireless system tray icon is
disabled for the user account.
If set to 1, the wireless menu of the wireless system tray icon is
If set to 1, if a user tries to connect to a wireless AP and fails,
the wireless module tries to connect wirelessly using all available
proles. If set to 0, if a user tries to connect to a wireless AP and
fails, the wireless status is set to disconnected. This is a fallback
If set to 1, the left-click menu for the network system tray icon is
If set to 1, the right-click menu for the network system tray icon is
Network 183
Table G-18 Network registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the left-click VPN menu accessible from the network
taskbar icon is enabled.
If set to 1, and if the network settings have been modied by the
user, the network settings are preserved when importing a client
This registry key is set to 1 automatically after the network
settings have been modied by the user. You normally do not
need to modify this setting.
Registry keys for power settings.
Table G-19 Power registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the battery icon is displayed in the system tray.
If set to 1, the logout function is available.
If set to 1, the power function is available.
If set to 1, the powero function is available.
If set to 1, the reboot function is available.
If set to 1, the Sleep function is available.
This registry key selects which power plan is used. This is
automatically set to default.
Sets the default brightness percentage level for when the mobile
thin client is plugged in.
Sets the CPU mode for a power plan while the computer is
connected to AC power. By default, it is set to performance.
Sets the action that occurs when the computer lid is closed while
the computer is connected to AC power. By default, it is set to
Sets the action that occurs when the power button is pressed
while the computer is connected to AC power. By default, it is set
to shutdown.
Sets the value (in minutes) that the computer waits before it
enters the Sleep state while the computer is connected to AC
power. By default, it is set to 30. If set to 0, the computer never
enters the Sleep state.
Sets the value (in minutes) that the computer waits before the
display turns o while the computer is connected to AC power.
By default, it is set to 15. If set to 0, the computer never enters
standby mode.
This key is currently not in use.
Sets the default brightness percentage level for when the mobile
thin client is not plugged in.
184 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-19 Power registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the CPU mode for a power plan while the computer is not
connected to AC power. By default, it is set to ondemand.
Sets the action to perform when the battery is at the critical
charge level, dened by criticalBatteryLevel.
Sets the percentage threshold for when the battery is considered
to be at a critical level of power.
Sets the action that occurs when the computer lid is closed while
the computer is not connected to AC power. By default, it is set to
Sets the default brightness percentage level for when the battery
is running low on power.
Sets the CPU mode (performance or on demand).
Sets the percentage of battery power left for when the battery is
considered to be at a low level of power.
Sets the value (in minutes) that the computer waits before it
enters the Sleep state while the computer is not connected to AC
power. By default, it is set to 30. If set to 0, the computer never
enters the Sleep state.
Sets the value (in minutes) that the computer waits before the
display turns o while the computer is not connected to AC power.
By default, it is set to 15. If set to 0, the computer never enters
standby mode.
This key is currently not in use.
Species what to do when power button is pressed.
Sets how many minutes to wait before entering Sleep. 0 = never.
Sets how many minutes to wait before turning o the display. 0 =
This key is currently not in use.
ScepMgr registry keys.
Table G-20
ScepMgr registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, certicates will be renewed automatically before they
Sets the number of days before a certicate's expiration date that
the SCEP Manager will try to renew the certicate automatically.
Sets the common name to use for SCEP identifying information,
such as your name or the Fully-Qualied Domain Name (FQDN) of
the device. The FQDN is used by default if this value is left empty.
Sets the country or region to use for SCEP identifying information.
ScepMgr 185
Table G-20 ScepMgr registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the email address to use for SCEP identifying information.
Sets the locality name to use for SCEP identifying information,
such as a city name.
Sets the organization name to use for SCEP identifying
information, such as a company name or government
organization name.
Sets the organizational unit name to use for SCEP identifying
information, such as a department name or section name.
Sets the state or province to use for SCEP identifying information.
The registry key is used only to inform other applications that a
certicate le has changed. This should not need to be modied.
This registry key is used for https only. If set to 1, the SCEP
client does not verify the server certicate. This key is set to 0 by
Sets the key size to use for the generated key pair.
Sets the SCEP server name.
Sets the SCEP server URL, which is necessary for the SCEP client
to enroll a certicate.
Contains the status code of the SCEP enrollment. This value is
Contains detailed information about the SCEP enrollment. This
value is read-only.
Search settings registry keys.
Table G-21
Search settings registry keys
Registry key Description
186 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-21 Search settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Serial device registry keys.
Table G-22 Serial device registry keys
Registry key Description
Sets the speed of the serial device.
Sets how many bits are in each character.
Species the serial device attached to the system.
Sets the ow control of the serial device, which is used to
communicate stops and starts of the serial communication.
Species the Windows device port for communicating with the
serial device.
Sets the parity bit of the serial device. The parity bit is used for
error detection. If set to none, there is no parity detection.
System Information registry keys.
Table G-23
System Information registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 0, the General tab of the System Information window is
hidden from end users.
If set to 0, the Software License tab of the System Information
window is hidden from end users.
If set to 0, the Net Tools tab of the System Information window is
hidden from end users.
If set to 0, the Network tab of the System Information window is
hidden from end users.
If set to 0, the Service Packs tab in the Software Information
section of the System Information window is hidden from end
If set to 0, the Software Information tab of the System
Information window is hidden from end users.
If set to 0, the Software Installed tab in the Software Information
section of the System Information window is hidden from end
If set to 0, the System Logs tab of the System Information window
is hidden from end users.
Serial 187
Table G-23 System Information registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 0, the System Information button on the taskbar is
disabled for end users.
Task Manager registry key.
Table G-24 Task Manager registry key
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Task Manager window is always on top.
USB registry keys.
Table G-25 USB registry keys
Registry key Description
root/USB/Classes/<Defined at Interface
Sets the USB class ID number.
root/USB/Classes/<Defined at Interface
Sets the USB class name.
NOTE: Dened at Interface level.
root/USB/<Defined at Interface level>/
Sets whether the class is mapped to the remote host.
NOTE: Dened at Interface level.
root/USB/<Defined at Interface level>/
Sets whether the class is shown in the UI, not shown in the UI, or
NOTE: Dened at Interface level.
Sets the name to show in USB Manager. If not supplied, USB
Manager will attempt to generate an appropriate name using
device information.
Sets the product ID of the device.
Sets whether this device is mapped to the remote host as follows:
0 = Do Not Redirect; 1 = Use Defaults; 2 = Redirect.
Sets the vendor ID of the device.
If set to 1, the remote USB protocol will switch automatically
based on which protocol is chosen.
If set to 1, mass storage devices will be mounted automatically
when the protocol is local.
If set to 1, when mass storage devices are mounted automatically,
they will be mounted as read-only.
188 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-25 USB registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets which protocol owns remote USB. Valid values depend on
which protocols are installed on the system but can include
local, xen, freerdp, and view.
If set to 1, the Classes section is shown in the USB Manager.
Registry keys for Automatic Updates.
Table G-26 Registry keys for Automatic Updates
Registry key Description
Sets the default root directory for DNS alias mode on the server
hosting HP Smart Client Services.
Species the timeout (in minutes) after which the screen will
unlock during an automatic update. If set to 0, the screen will be
unlocked throughout the entire automatic update until the update
is complete.
If set to 1, the DHCP tag, DNS alias, and broadcast update
methods for Automatic Update are disabled. When performing a
manual update, the password, path, protocol, user, and
ServerURL registry keys must be set to ensure the update
server is known.
If set to 1, the thin client performs periodic scans of the Automatic
Update server to check for updates. If set to 0, the thin client will
only check for updates at system startup.
Sets the amount of time to wait between scheduled update scans.
This should be specied in the HH:MM format. Intervals longer
than 24 hours can be specied. For example, to have the scans
occur every 48 hours, set this to
Thin clients will randomly activate their scheduled scan
throughout the dened period. Using a long period avoids cases
where all thin clients update at exactly the same, which could
cause network congestion. The period should be specied in the
HH:MM format. For example, to spread thin client updates over a
2.5-hour period, set this to
Sets the start time of the rst scheduled update scan period in the
format HH:MM, using the 24-hour time format. For example, 4:35
p.m. would be 16:35.
Sets the IP address or domain name of the update server used
when ManualUpdate is enabled.
If set to 1, the Automatic Update system tray icon is enabled.
If set to 1, the certicate signature is veried.
If set to 1, the custom packages signature is veried.
Reserved for future use.
If set to 1, the packages signature is veried.
auto-update 189
Table G-26 Registry keys for Automatic Updates (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the proles signature is veried.
If set to 1, the screen locks while an automatic update is in
If set to 1, Automatic Update is enabled at system startup.
If set to 1, the left-click menu for the Automatic Update system
tray icon is enabled.
If set to 1, the right-click menu for the Automatic Update system
tray icon is enabled.
Controls the state of the Enable manual conguration widget in
the Automatic Update tool. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Server widget in the Automatic Update
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Enable Lock Screen when Automatic
Update widget in the Automatic Update tool. If set to active,
the widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If
set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Enable Automatic Update on system
startup widget in the Automatic Update tool. If set to active,
the widget is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If
set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Password widget in the Automatic
Update tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI
and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the Protocol widget in the Automatic Update
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the User name widget in the Automatic
Update tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and
the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Sets the password used when ManualUpdate is enabled. This
is only used when protocol is set to ftp. This value will be
Sets the relative path from the default server URL for when
ManualUpdate is enabled. Typically, this is empty or set to
190 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-26 Registry keys for Automatic Updates (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the current thin client conguration settings will be
preserved when an image update occurs via Automatic Update.
Sets the protocol used when ManualUpdate is enabled.
This registry key is obsolete. It previously set the tag number
used for DHCP (137). This is now detected via the tag name
Sets the username used when ManualUpdate is enabled. This is
only used when 'protocol' is set to 'ftp'.
Background Sysinfo registry keys.
Table G-27 Background Sysinfo registry keys
Registry key Description
Sets the Background Sysinfo text alignment.
If set to 1, system information is displayed on the desktop
background (Background Sysinfo).
Sets the Background Sysinfo location on the X-axis in a
Sets the Background Sysinfo text refresh interval in seconds.
Sets the Background Sysinfo preset le to use. If set to none,
you can customize the settings in Background Manager.
Sets the Background Sysinfo shadow color.
Sets the Background Sysinfo shadow oset. If set to 0, the
shadow is disabled.
Sets the Background Sysinfo text. For more information, see the
HP ThinPro white paper Login Screen Customization (available in
English only).
Sets the Background Sysinfo text color.
Sets the Background Sysinfo text size.
Sets the Background Sysinfo location on the Y-axis in a
Species the solid color, the background color if any is visible
behind the image, or the top color in a gradient.
If theme is set to gradient, this key stores the bottom color in
the gradient.
If theme is set to either none or image, this key stores the
desktop background image path used by the user-dened theme.
If theme is set to none, this key stores the last used directory.
background 191
Table G-27 Background Sysinfo registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If theme is set to none, this key stores how the background
image is placed on the desktop (such as center, tile,
stretch, fit, and fill).
Species the system theme setting. This value is set via the
Background Manager tool in Control Panel. The valid values
depend on the themes that exist on the system. This can be set
to none or image to let the user dene a background image,
to auto to have the system automatically set the appropriate
protocol's theme for Smart Zero, or to
default to use the
default theme for ThinPro, or one of several
predened themes.
Sets the background refresh interval in seconds.
Boot registry keys.
Table G-28 Boot registry keys
Registry key Description
Cong-wizard registry keys
Table G-29
Cong-wizard registry keys
Registry key Description
Species, in a space-separated list, which conguration wizard
options are displayed. By default, all options (language,
keyboard, network, datetime, end) are listed.
If set to 1, all checks at startup are disabled. If set to 0, you can
enable/disable each type of check individually with the registry
keys enableConnectionCheck, enableNetworkCheck,
If set to 1, the conguration wizard at system startup is enabled.
If set to 1, the connection check at system startup is enabled.
If set to 1, the network check at system startup is enabled.
If set to 1, the network settings button is shown in the network
check window.
Desktop registry keys.
Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-30 Desktop registry keys
Registry key Description
Species whether to arrange icons by name or type.
Species the font used for desktop icons.
Species, in pixels, the desktop icon grid size. If set to a value less
than 64, the size is computed as a proportion of the monitor size.
Species the color that glows behind the desktop icon when
a pointer hovers over it. Valid strings are in the style
QColor::setNamedColor(). If not set, the system chooses
a color that contrasts with the background.
Species the percentage of the grid size to use for the icon. If the
value is greater than 0, it is calculated as a proportion of the grid
Species the shadow color behind the desktop icon and text.
Valid strings are in the style QColor::setNamedColor().
If not set, the system chooses a color that contrasts with the
Species whether users can use the arrange function on the
Species whether users can create connections from the right-
click menu on the desktop.
Species whether users can drag and drop icons on the desktop.
Species whether users can lock the screen from the right-click
menu on the desktop.
Species whether users can log out from the right-click menu on
the desktop.
Species whether users can switch to administrator mode from
the right-click menu on the desktop.
Species whether users can access the power submenu from the
right-click menu on the desktop.
Species whether users can turn o the system from the right-
click menu on the desktop.
Species whether users can restart the system from the right-
click menu on the desktop.
Species whether users can put the system into the Sleep state
from the right-click menu on the desktop.
Species the height of the desktop menu text in pixels. If
nonpositive, the height is calculated as a proportion of the
monitor size.
Species the margin between the screen edges and icons.
Species whether to bold the text.
Species the text color for the desktop icons. Valid strings are in
the style QColor::setNamedColor(). If not set, the system
chooses a color that contrasts with the background.
Species the shadow color behind desktop icons and text. Valid
strings are in the style QColor::setNamedColor(). If not
set, the system chooses a color that contrasts with the text color.
desktop 193
Table G-30 Desktop registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the height of the desktop icon text in pixels. If
nonpositive, the height is calculated as a proportion of the
monitor size.
Sets the command that is run by the shortcut.
If set to 1, the shortcut is enabled.
Sets the shortcut name.
Sets the shortcut mode.
Domain registry keys.
Table G-31 Domain registry keys
Registry key Description
Species the organizational unit associated with the thin client's
domain membership.
This key is currently unused.
If enabled, a hash of domain login credentials is saved to disk
so that subsequent logins can occur even if the Active Directory
server is inaccessible.
If enabled, the thin client attempts to update the DNS server with
its hostname and IP address during each DHCP renewal.
Species the domain to which this thin client is joined or to which
this thin client is authenticating against.
If enableDomainAdmin is enabled, members of this AD group
can switch the thin client to administrator mode.
Species a comma-separated list of domain controllers to use
with this domain.If left blank (recommended), automatic lookup
of domain controllers is performed using DNS instead.
Indicates if the thin client has been formally added to the domain.
If enableDomainUsers is enabled, domain logins are limited
to direct members of this group.Nested groups are not supported
for this feature.
If set to 1, members of the group listed in domainAdminGroup
can switch the thin client to administrator mode. If set to 0, the
local root account must be used to perform local administrative
If set to 1, domain logins are limited to members of the group
listed in domainUserGroup. If set to 0, any valid domain
credential is permitted to log in to the thin client.
If set to 1, the user can change their domain password directly
from the thin client.
194 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-31 Domain registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If enabled, encrypted current credentials are cached in memory
and they can be reused when starting remote connections.
If set to 1, and if the thin client has been added to a domain, a
login screen is displayed when the thin client starts up. Otherwise,
the legacy ThinPro shared desktop is displayed at startup.
If set to 1, any custom setting changes made by the user are
retained between login sessions.
Species the workgroup or “short domain” associated with the
thin client's domain membership. This is also referred to as the
NetBIOS domain name during creation of the Active Directory
domain. This value is usually auto-detected during domain
authentication by looking up the value from a domain controller.
Entries registry keys.
Table G-32 Entries registry keys
Registry key Description
Registry keys for rewall settings.
Table G-33
Registry keys for rewall settings
Registry key Description
entries 195
Table G-33 Registry keys for rewall settings (continued)
Registry key Description
hwh264 registry key.
Table G-34 hwh264 registry key
Registry key Description
HP does not recommend changing the value of this key.
In some Citrix H264 desktop congurations, large desktop
streams with dual monitors cause a ickering eect. H264 is
usually disabled for large streams due to this issue.
Registry keys for keyboard settings.
Table G-35
Registry keys for keyboard settings
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the keyboard system tray icon will draw the language
locale string instead of using static images.
If set to 1, the right-click menu on the keyboard system tray
icon oers an option to open the Keyboard Layout tool in Control
If set to 1, the right-click menu on the keyboard system tray icon
oers an option to open the Language tool in Control Panel.
If set to 1, the right-click menu on the keyboard system tray icon
oers an option to open the virtual keyboard.
If set to 1, the keyboard system tray icon is displayed and
indicates the current keyboard layout.
This is an internal key used to map to an XKB keyboard layout.
This key should not need to be modied.
196 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-35 Registry keys for keyboard settings (continued)
Registry key Description
This is an internal key used to map to an XKB keyboard model.
This key should not need to be modied.
This is an internal key used to map to XKB keyboard options. This
key should not need to be modied.
This is an internal key used to map to an XKB keyboard variant.
This key should not need to be modied.
If set to 1, the secondary keyboard layout can be switched to via
the keyboard shortcut dened by switch.
Sets the primary keyboard layout.
Sets the secondary keyboard layout.
Sets the primary keyboard model.
Sets the secondary keyboard model.
If set to 1, the Num Lock function is enabled at system startup.
This registry key is intentionally ignored on mobile thin clients.
Sets the keyboard shortcut for switching between the rst
and second keyboard layout (enable2 must also be set to
1). Valid values are as follows: grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,
grp:ctrl_alt_toggle, grp:alt_shift_toggle.
Sets the primary keyboard variant.
Sets the secondary keyboard variant.
Registry keys for license notiaction settings.
Table G-36
Registry keys for license notiaction settings
Registry key Description
If set to 1, systray notications are enabled as license expiration
If positive, number of hours between courtesy notications.
If positive, courtesy notications start this many days before
If not blank, this text is used in courtesy notications. %1 is
replaced with the number of days left before expiration; %2 is
replaced with the expiration date.
This value is ready-only.
Logging registry keys.
Table G-37 Logging registry keys
Registry key Description
Sets the debug level. This value will be leveraged by other
modules to generate the corresponding logs.
If set to 1, the Debug level option on the System Logs tab of the
System Information window will be available to end users. If set to
0, the option is available to administrators only.
Login settings registry keys.
Table G-38 Login settings registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Conguration button is available at the login
If set to 1, the System Information button is available at the login
If set to 1, keyboard layout settings can be congured at the login
If set to 1, language settings can be congured at the login
If set to 1, mouse settings can be congured at the login screen.
If set to 1, the onscreen keyboard is available at the login screen.
If set to 1, the power button is available at the login screen.
If set to 1, the shut down function is available at the login screen.
If set to 1, the restart function is available at the login screen.
If set to 1, the button drawer containing additional options is
available at the login screen.
If set to 1, the Sleep function is available at the login screen.
If set to 1, touch screen settings can be congured at the login
screen. The registry key root/touchscreen/enabled must
also be enabled.
Mouse settings registry keys.
Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-39 Mouse settings registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 0, the mouse is right-handed. If set to 1, the mouse is
Sets the acceleration of the mouse pointer. Typically, a value from
0 to 25 is in the usable range. A value of 0 completely disables
acceleration, causing the mouse to move at a constant slow, but
measurable pace.
Sets the number of pixels before mouse acceleration is enabled.
A value of 0 sets the acceleration to a natural curve that
gradually scales acceleration, allowing for both precise and quick
If set to 1, the trackpad will temporarily be disabled while typing.
If set to 0, the trackpad will not be temporarily disabled while
If set to 1 (default), Natural Scrolling is enabled on the trackpad. If
set to 0, Natural Scrolling is disabled on the trackpad.
If set to 1, the trackpad is enabled. If set to 0, the trackpad is
If set to 0 (default), the tap-to-click behavior of the trackpad is
disabled. If set to 1, tap-to-click behavior is enabled.
If set to 1 (default), two nger scrolling is enabled on the
trackpad. If set to 0, two nger scrolling is disabled on the
Registry key for restore-points.
Table G-40
Registry settings for restore-points
Registry key Description
Species which snapshot to use for a factory reset.
Species which snapshot to restore after each restart. If not set,
nothing is done.
Screensaver settings registry keys.
Table G-41
Screensaver settings registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the screen saver slide show will be shown on all
monitors. If set to 0, the slide show will be shown on the primary
monitor only.
Sets the interval in seconds for switching images in the screen
saver slide show.
restore-points 199
Table G-41 Screensaver settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the directory that contains the images for the screen
saver slide show.
If set to 1, the Conguration button is available while the screen is
If set to 1, the System Information button is available while the
screen is locked.
If set to 1, keyboard layout settings can be congured while the
screen is locked.
If set to 1, language settings can be congured while the screen is
If set to 1, mouse settings can be congured while the screen is
If set to 1, the onscreen keyboard is available while the screen is
If set to 1, the power button is available while the screen is locked.
If set to 1, the shut down function is available while the screen is
If set to 1, the restart function is available while the screen is
If set to 1, the button drawer containing additional options is
available while the screen is locked.
If set to 1, the Sleep function is available while the screen is
If set to 1, touch screen settings can be congured while
the screen is locked. The registry key root/touchscreen/
enabled must also be enabled.
If set to 1, the custom image dened in logoPath is used for the
screen saver.
If set to 0, monitor power management is disabled. This causes
the monitor to always stay on unless turned o manually.
If set to 1, the screen saver is enabled.
If set to 1, Sleep is enabled.
If set to 1 and you are logged into administrator mode, a
password is required to return to the desktop from the screen
If set to 1 and the system is in domain mode, a password is
required to return to the desktop from the screen saver.
If set to 1 and you are not logged in as an administrator and the
system is not in domain mode, a password is required to return to
the desktop from the screen saver.
Sets the path to a custom image to use for the screen saver.
200 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-41 Screensaver settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the rendering mode for the screen saver image (such as
Center, Tile, Expand, and Stretch). If set to Default, the
image is displayed without any processing. If set to SlideShow,
the screen saver will cycle through images in the directory
specied by SlideShowPath.
Sets the timeout delay in minutes before the monitor turns o.
This is the path where the custom image is saved when mode is
set to Default.
If useSolidColor is on and enableCustomLogo is o, this
solid color is used for the screen saver.
Sets the timeout delay in minutes before the monitor goes into
standby mode.
Sets the timeout delay in minutes before the monitor goes into
suspend mode.
Sets the timeout delay in minutes before the screen saver starts.
Sets the timeout delay in minutes before the thin client goes into
the Sleep state.
If set to 1 and enableCustomLogo is o, the value of the
solidColor key is used by the screen saver.
Security settings registry keys.
Table G-42
Security settings registry keys
Registry key Description
Controls whether mitigations for Speculative Store Bypass
(CVE-2018-3639) are enabled. By default, these mitigations are
not enabled. To enable them, set the key value to on.
For any change to this key to take eect, reboot the computer.
Sets the approximate time, in milliseconds, to delay after a failed
login attempt. The actual time will vary plus or minus 25% of
this value. For example, use a value of 3000 to obtain a delay of
approximately 3 seconds.
If set to 1, the domain is expected to be entered in a separate
text eld labeled Domain. if set to 0, the domain is expected to be
entered as part of the User eld.
If set to 1, administrators can override the screen lock of a local
If set to 1, password and PIN dialogs will have a button that, while
selected, will show the entered password/PIN in clear text.
security 201
Table G-42 Security settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Sets the algorithm for symmetric encryption of a secret. All
algorithms use an appropriate amount of random salt, which is
regenerated each time the secret is stored. The encryption key is
dierent on each thin client, and encryption and decryption are
available only to authorized programs. The supported cipher list
includes most OpenSSL ciphers and ChaCha20–Poly1305.
Sets the number of seconds since the last successful login that
a stored encrypted secret will be considered valid. If set to a
negative number, encrypted secrets will not time out.
Species the number of seconds that a stored, non-SSO encrypted
secret is considered valid. If set to a nonpositive number,
encrypted secrets do not time out.
Sets the algorithm for creating a hash of a secret. Key Derivation
Functions (KDFs) such as scrypt or argon2 are better than
straightforward hashes because it is not quick to compute a
rainbow dictionary using a KDF. All algorithms use an appropriate
amount of random salt, which is regenerated each time the secret
is hashed. The supported list includes scrypt, Argon2, SHA-256,
and SHA-512 (though the latter two are not KDFs).
Sets the number of seconds since the last successful login that
a stored hashes of secrets will be considered valid. If set to a
negative number, hashes of secrets will not time out.
If set to 1, all users are forced to log in before accessing the
Shutdown settings registry keys.
Table G-43
Shutdown settings registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, a progress bar is shown in the shutdown/restart/logout
conrmation dialog box. If the question is not answered in time,
automatically shutdown/restart/logout.
Sets the wait time for automatic shutdown timeout.
sshd registry keys.
Table G-44
sshd registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, disable the CBC mode cipher and other known weak
ciphers, such as 3DES, arcfour, etc.
If set to 1, disable 96 bit hmac and any sha1–based and md5–
based hmac.
202 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-44 sshd registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, disable key exchange algorithms that have DH with
If set to 1, the SSH daemon is enabled and the thin client can be
accessed via SSH.
If set to 1, end users can connect to the thin client via SSH.
Time and date settings registry keys.
Table G-45 Time registry keys
Registry key Description
Species NTP servers to use via a comma-separated list.
Private NTP servers or large virtual NTP clusters such as
pool.ntp.org are the best choices to minimize server load.
Clear this value to return to using DHCP servers (tag 42) instead of
a xed list.
An optional way to override the long date format used in
various ThinPro tools. For formatting, do a web search for
QDate::toString. If left blank, a locale-specic string is
usually used.
An optional way to override the short date format used in
various ThinPro tools. For formatting, do a web search for
QDate::toString. If left blank, a locale-specic string is
usually used.
An optional way to override the long date&time format used
in various ThinPro tools. For formatting, do a web search for
QDate::toString. If left blank, a locale-specic string is
usually used.
An optional way to override the short date&time format used
in various ThinPro tools. For formatting, do a web search for
QDate::toString. If left blank, a locale-specic string is
usually used.
A semicolon-separated list of countries that you want hidden in
the time zone selection GUI.
If set to 1, the map is not drawn. This might be preferable in
instances where boundaries are in dispute.
A semicolon-separated list of Windows-format time zones, such
as “(UTC+2:00) Tripoli,” that you want hidden in the time zone
selection GUI.
A semicolon-separated list of Linux-format time zones, such
as “America/Denver”, that you want hidden in the time zone
selection GUI.
An optional way to override the long time format used in
various ThinPro tools. For formatting, do a web search for
QDate::toString. If left blank, a locale-specic string is
usually used.
time 203
Table G-45 Time registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
An optional way to override the short time format used in
various ThinPro tools. For formatting, do a web search for
QDate::toString. If left blank, a locale-specic string is
usually used.
Sets the time zone. Time zones should be specied as dened by
Linux Timezone in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel, and
they should be in the following format:
If set to -1, the system chooses the format automatically
according to the locale. If set to 0, the a.m./p.m. format is used. If
set to 1, the 24-hour format is used.
If set to 1, the thin client will attempt to set the time zone via the
Active Directory domain controllers auto-discovered on the local
network. It does this via the following DNS query for SRV records:
If set to 1, the thin client will attempt to set the time zone via
DHCP. To properly set the time zone via this registry key, ensure
that the DHCP server for the thin client forwards the tcode DHCP
tag (which is usually tag 101, although 100 and 2 can work also).
If set to 1, the use of NTP time servers to synchronize the thin
client clock is enabled. If this is enabled, ensure that an NTP
server is specied via DHCP or via NTPServers.
Touchscreen settings registry keys.
Table G-46
Touchscreen settings registry keys
Registry key Description
Denes whether the thin client beeps when the touch screen is
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
If set to 1, touch input is enabled.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Species the port that is connected to the touch screen.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
204 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-46 Touchscreen settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Species the controller type of the touch screen.
Translation settings registry keys.
Table G-47 Translation settings registry keys
Registry key Description
These are internal keys used to provide the text string next to
the appropriate language on the language selector. These keys
should not need to be modied.
Sets the locale for the thin client. This locale will also be
forwarded to the remote connection. Valid locales are en_US
(English), de_DE (German), es_ES (Spanish), fr_FR (French),
ru_RU (Russian), ja_JP (Japanese), ko_KR (Korean), zh_CN
(Simplied Chinese), and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese).
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the locale setting widget in the Language
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
USB-update registry keys.
Table G-48
usb-update registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, an administrator password is required to do USB
If set to 1, USB update auto-detection is enabled.
Sets the height of the USB Update window in pixels.
Sets the depth of subdirectories to be searched for updates.
Setting a high search depth can cause delays on USB ash drives
that have thousands of directories.
The width of the USB Update window in pixels.
translation 205
User settings registry keys.
Table G-49 User settings registry keys
Registry key Description
If enabled, logins to the local root administrator account are
enabled. If disabled, only Active Directory administrators can
change the thin client to administrator mode.
Sets the administrator password. If empty, administrator mode is
Species the idle timeout (in minutes) after which administrator
mode will be terminated. If set to 0 or negative, administrator
mode will never be automatically terminated.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
If set to 1, Wake On LAN (WOL) is enabled.
If set to 1, only the systems listed under root/users/user/
xhosts are allowed to remotely control the thin client.
If set to 1, the Change Domain Password Control Panel item is
accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Active Directory Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the HPDM/HPCEM Agent Control Panel item is
accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Automatic Update Control Panel item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, the Background Manager Control Panel item is
accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Certicate Manager Control Panel item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, the Compatibility Check Control Panel item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, the Component Manager Control Panel item is
accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Initial Setup Wizard Start menu item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, Create a Connection is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, Control Panel is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Date and Time Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the DHCP Options Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Display Control Panel item is accessible by end
206 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-49 User settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Easy Update Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Factory Reset Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Firewall Manager Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Language Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Ibus Input Method Control Panel item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, the Imprivata Setup Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Keyboard Layout Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, Connection Manager is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, HP License Agreement is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Sound Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Mouse Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Network Manager Control Panel item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, the Power Manager Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Printers Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, Registry Editor is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Snapshots Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the SCEP Manager Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Security Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Serial Manager Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Keyboard Shortcuts Control Panel item is accessible
by end users.
If set to 1, the Snipping Tool Start menu item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the SSHD Manager Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
users 207
Table G-49 User settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, Switch to Administrator/User is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, System Information is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Task Manager Start menu item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Text Editor Start menu item is accessible by end
If set to 1, theThinState Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, the Touch Screen Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, Check for Updates is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the USB Manager Control Panel item is accessible by
end users.
If set to 1, the Customization Center Control Panel item is
accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the VNC Shadow Control Panel item is accessible by end
If set to 1, Wireless Statistics is accessible by end users.
If set to 1, the Citrix general settings are accessible by end users.
If set to 1, X Terminal is accessible by end users.
CAUTION: Enabling X terminal access is a security risk and is not
recommended in a production environment. The X terminal
should only be enabled for use in debugging a protected, non-
production environment.
Species the percentage to increase or decrease the size of
desktop elements. If set to 100 (default), standard scaling is used.
If set to 50, half the size of standard scaling is used. If set to 200,
double the size of standard scaling is used.
If enabled, logins to the local shared account user are enabled.
If set to 1, desktop panels such as the taskbar are not started or
shown in the desktop.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
If set to 1, Connection Manager launches at system startup.
If set to 1, the right-click menu for the desktop is enabled.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
If set to 1, switching to administrator mode is enabled.
Reserved for future use.
208 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-49 User settings registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Species the IP address or hostname of a system that will be
allowed to remotely control the thin client when XHostCheck is
vncserver registry keys.
Table G-50 vncserver registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the VNC shadowing server for the thin client is enabled.
Sets the notication message that is shown to the user when
someone is attempting to connect to the thin client using VNC.
If set to 1, only a localhost or loopback address is allowed for VNC
If set to 1, Num Lock is on by default. If set to 0, Num Lock is o by
If set to 1, a timeout is applied to the notication dialog that is
shown to the user when someone is attempting to connect to the
thin client using VNC.
Sets the timeout in seconds for the notication dialog that is
shown to the user when someone is attempting to connect to the
thin client using VNC.
If set to 1, a notication is shown to the user when someone is
attempting to connect to the thin client using VNC.
Sets the password for VNC shadowing. The key
vncUsePassword must also be enabled.
If set to 1, VNC shadowing will operate in view-only mode.
If set to 1, VNC requests are refused automatically if the user does
not interact with the notication dialog before the timeout.
If set to 1, an always-on-top button is shown on the left corner of
the screen. Selecting that button disconnects the VNC session.
If set to 1, VNC settings take eect immediately after being
If set to 1, HTTP port 5800 is open for VNC connections.
If set to 1, the password specied in vncPassword is required
for VNC shadowing.
If set to 1, SSL is used for VNC connections.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
vncserver 209
Table G-50 vncserver registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
This registry key is either used internally or reserved for future
use. The value should not be changed.
Controls the state of the Enable VNC Shadow widget in the VNC
Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI
and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the User Notication Message widget in the
VNC Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the
UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Allow Loopback Connections Only widget
in the VNC Shadow utility. If set to active, the widget is visible
in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Show Timeout for Notication
widget in the VNC Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget
is visible in the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to
inactive, the widget is hidden. If set to read-only, the
widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the numerical widget in the VNC Shadow
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Notify User to Allow Refuse widget
in the VNC Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the Set Password widget in the VNC Shadow
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Read Only widget in the VNC Shadow
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
Controls the state of the Refuse connections in default widget in
the VNC Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Stop Shadow button widget in the
VNC Shadow utility. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
210 Appendix GRegistry keys
Table G-50 vncserver registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
Controls the state of the Re-set VNC server right now widget in
the VNC Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in
the UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Use HTTP Port 5800 widget in the
VNC Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the
UI and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the
widget is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the
read-only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Use Password widget in the VNC
Shadow tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI
and the user can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget
is hidden. If set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-
only state.
Controls the state of the VNC Use SSL widget in the VNC Shadow
tool. If set to active, the widget is visible in the UI and the user
can interact with it. If set to inactive, the widget is hidden. If
set to
read-only, the widget is visible in the read-only state.
Smart Zero registry keys.
Table G-51
Smart Zero registry keys
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Congure button is available in the login or Smart
Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the System Information button is available in the login
or Smart Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Keyboard Layout selection is available in the login
or Smart Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Locale selection is available in the login or Smart
Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Mouse selection is available in the login or Smart
Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the on-screen keyboard option is available in the login
or Smart Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Power button is available in the login or Smart Zero
credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Powero option is available in the login or Smart
Zero credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Reboot option is available in the login or Smart Zero
credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, buttons are displayed in the login or Smart Zero
credentials dialog box.
zero-login 211
Table G-51 Smart Zero registry keys (continued)
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the Sleep option is available in the login or Smart Zero
credentials dialog box.
If set to 1, the Touchscreen selection is available in the login or
Smart Zero credentials dialog box.
NOTE: The root/touchscreen/enabled key must also be
This table describes the SNMP registry keys.
Table G-52 SNMP
Registry key Description
If set to 1, the SNMP daemon is enabled and the thin client is
accessible via SNMP. Be sure that you have a security SNMP
conguration or work in a secure network environment.
If set to 1, the SNMP daemon uses a user custome setting
le for some advanced features but does not generate
snmpd.conf from the registry.
This option does not work well with DHCP service, so please
set this area blank when you use only one wired interface
card or use a wireless card. Set this value to SNMP daemon
listen Interface for security, only the specied interface on
system can access ThinPro via SNMP.
NOTE: If this area is blank, the agent is listening to all of
the network interfaces.
{UUID}/ communityName
Community Name, only specied community name can
access ThinPro.
{UUID}/ permission
Specied a community permission. Read-only can only get
system information and read-write can change ThinPro
{UUID}/ accessibleOID
Only OIDs that start with this value can be accessed.
212 Appendix GRegistry keys
Active Directory 69
add-ons 1
administrator mode 3
audio redirection
RDP 33
VMware Horizon View 39
Automatic restart 106
Background Manager 80
Certicate Manager 68
installing 68
VMware Horizon View 41
HP True Graphics 51
settings 19
client prole
adding les 88
adding symbolic link 90
certicates 88
customization 87
loading 87
registry settings 88
saving 90
advanced settings 16
conguration 14
hiding 80
Control Panel
Active Directory 69
Background Manager 80
Customization Center 80
Date and Time 58
DHCP Option Manager 64
Display 78
Easy Update 69
Factory Reset 58
Keyboard Shortcuts 77
Language 80
lbus 77
Mouse 77
Network 59
overview 58
Power Manager 58
SCEP Manager 66
Security 66
Serial Manager 77
Snapshots 58
Snipping Tool 56
Sound 77
SSHD Manager 69
Task Manager 56
Text Editor 56
See HP ThinState
Touch Screen 77
utilities, hiding 80
VNC Shadow 74
Wireless Statistics 56
X Terminal 56
custom connections 49
date and time settings 58
device redirection
RDP 32
VMware Horizon View 39
DHCP options 64
display management 78
display proles 78
Easy Update 69
Ephemeral 105
factory reset 58
nding more information 1
getting started 1
Connection Manager (ThinPro
only) 15
desktop 10
overview 10
taskbar 11
HP Cloud Endpoint Manager 2
See HPCEM Agent
See also remote management
HP Device Manager 2
See HPDM Agent
See also remote management
HP Disk Encryption 3
HP Smart Client Services 2
installing 83
overview 83
Prole Editor
See Prole Editor
See also remote management
supported operating
systems 83
HP True Graphics 51
HPCEM Agent 69
HPDM Agent 69
image updates 1
See HP ThinState
keyboard shortcuts 77
kiosk mode 17
language settings 80
lbus 77
mass storage redirection
RDP 32
See multimedia redirection
mouse settings 77
multimedia redirection
RDP 32
network settings
accessing 59
General 63
wired 59
wireless 60
On Boot Snapshot 105
OS conguration, choosing 1
parallel printer conguration 90
passwords, change 66
power management settings 58
Power Manager 58
printer conguration 90
printer redirection
RDP 33
printers 78
Prole Editor 87
audio redirection 33
device redirection 32
mass storage redirection 32
multi-monitor sessions 31
multimedia redirection 32
printer redirection 33
RemoteFX 31
settings, per-connection 27
smart card redirection 34
USB redirection 32
registry keys 112
remote management service,
choosing 2
RemoteFX 31
Restart Plan 106
SCEP Manager 66, 68
screen saver settings 58
Secure Shell 48
security settings 66
Serial Manager 77
serial printer conguration 90
Sleep state 58
smart card redirection
RDP 34
VMware Horizon View 40
Smart Zero
See OS conguration
snapshots 58
Snapshots 81
Snipping Tool 56
sound settings 77
SSHD Manager 69
system diagnostics 94
System Information 105
Task Manager 56
Telnet 49
text editor 56
thin clients
See updating thin clients
See OS conguration
See HP ThinState
touch screen settings 77
troubleshooting 93
network connectivity 93
using system diagnostics 94
updating thin clients
broadcast update 85
DHCP tagging update 85
DNS alias update 86
manual update 86
USB redirection
RDP 32
USB Manager 78
VMware Horizon View 39
user mode 3
VMware Horizon View
audio redirection 39
certicates 41
changing protocols 41
device redirection 39
keyboard shortcuts 39
multi-monitor sessions 39
settings, per-connection 34
smart card redirection 40
USB redirection 39
webcam redirection 41
VNC Shadowing 74
Web Browser
settings, per-connection 43
webcam redirection
VMware Horizon View 41
Citrix support 1
HP support 1
Microsoft support 1
VMware support 1
wireless statistics 56
X Terminal 56
214 Index