What College Coaches Look For
[Editor’s note: Gregg Whitis is one of the best recruiting coordinators in the country. The former Tennessee,
Michigan and Clemson assistant writes about what he looks for when evaluating prospective student
Recently, John Tawa asked me to list the characteristics I looked for in a prospective volleyball recruit. After more
than a decade of collegiate coaching at every level except NCAA Division III, I thought I had a good idea of the
qualities needed for each position on the volleyball court. After some consideration, however, I found that while I
could easily produce a positional list of desired attributes, a few things were common to all good prospects.
This is not meant to be an offer of how all college coaches recruit prospective student-athletes; rather, it is one
former coach’s view of how he evaluated prospects.
“Playing Up”—It is first important to understand that all high school/club volleyball players are “prospects,” and
are playing at a level significantly lower than what they will encounter in a collegiate program. So while they are
often carrying the load or even dominating at the high school or club level, they are still simply prospects for us. I
often told recruits, parents, and high school or club coaches just that—“Sally is a good prospect. When she comes
to college, she will be competing with/against players who are significantly older, stronger and more experienced
than she is. And since most players play in their age group, or at the most, only see opponents who are seniors
when they are sophomores, this will be the most difficult transition she confronts when coming into our
program.” Consequently, I often looked first for prospects that “played up” in club competition. Playing against
older players gave me a look at how a prospect would be able to handle entering a college program as a freshman.
Seeing a 16 or 17 playing with the 18s always attracted my attention.
CoachesThe other important initial indicator for me was who they played for. There are some excellent coaches
doing legitimate player construction at the high school and club level. I always searched the programs of coaches
whose training I trustedcoaches who have spent time at the collegiate level and who intimately understand the
challenges that face college coaches, such as limited scholarship opportunities in each class, time constraints,
etc. Playing for a coach that can train you in your position, one who will push you past your current level of skill
and will increase your volleyball intellect really counted with me.
ExceptionsAnother question guiding my search was, “Is this prospect capable of being better than what we
currently have in our gym?” Much more often than not, that meant you had to have the “measurables” that
college coaches crave. There are always exceptionsthe occasional stud who can enter a program and make an
immediate impact despite not having ideal height or body type. High school/club coaches, or more frequently
parents, would often bring up the exceptions in recruiting conversations; they had done some homework and paid
attention to who was having success in spite of the same limitations their player or daughter also
fought. However, head college coaches aren’t looking for exceptions because it will not often enhance their
programs continually trying to find and sign the next Angie Pressey. There are countless other examples of players
who went on to outstanding college careers who didn’t possess the “measurables” college coaches seek out when
looking for prospects. So, if you are an attacker who is under 6’0 and plays lower than 10’, or a setter who blocks
with your wrists on the tape with below average first-step quickness and oven-mitts on your hands, or a middle
blocker who can only attack in front of the setter and is slow laterally, you need to understand your limitations and
look for opportunities where you can achieve collegiate success.
Athletic AbilityAthletic ability is a surprisingly ambiguous term when speaking with those within the
profession. I loved asking coaches for their definition and loved even more some of their answers, or lack
thereof. Many simply couldn’t explain what the term meant for them. I define athletic ability as first-step (or first
move) quickness, leaping ability, hand-eye coordination, and strength (which really means balance or body
control). It is also important to note that athletic ability has nothing to do with volleyball skill level. They are
totally and completely unrelated.
First-step quicknessInitial movement from a static or still position includes movement both laterally and
vertically. Volleyball is a game of constant stops and starts within a rally. How quick is the initial move to the
ball? Is the first move directly to the “get point,” is a pre-hop necessary to get moving, or are false steps
taken? How quickly does the player get off the floor? How quickly is she on the ball once she has left the floor?
Leaping abiltiyHow high does the prospect play? The first head coach I ever worked for told me to look for
players who, when attacking, have the top of their head above the net tape. That standard served me well at
every leveljunior college; high DII; or low, mid, or elite DI volleyball. Additionally, I began looking at whether a
prospect could jump equally well off one or two feet, especially when evaluating middle and right-side
prospects. Often, the difference can be quite dramatic. Although a middle blocker may be able to chase and
attack the slide, leaping off one foot, she will have to close the block and jump off both feet far more often during
a match. The ability to close big was a huge factor for me when evaluating those prospects.
StrengthUnlike other sports where strength is defined by the ability to bench, squat, run for an hour, or do pull-
ups, I relate strength more to a player’s ability to control her body so that when she reaches the “get point,” she is
balanced and prepared to make a play on the ball. The ability to do that requires strength and flexibility. Can
prospects jump from a standing position and move their hands independently of each other? Can they move
laterally and reposition themselves square to the net and get their hands over and across at a high point? Does an
outside attacker carry speed through her approach, jump fast, and then unload while in mid-air attacking with
range? Can a setter run off the net, turn, square-up, and move the ball from one sideline to the other? Is a player
able to push her platform under and through a ball inches off the floor and then within seconds get up and drive
into her approach? Can a blocker flip her hips allowing her to transition off the net and turn into an
attacker? More telling is whether she is able to be balanced when doing this, or does she look like she is on ice
skates? Ultimately, the evaluation of a prospect’s strength requires the most projection on the part of the
recruiter. I was always trying to imagine how the 15- or 16-year-old would look when she was 20 after being in the
program for a couple of lifting cycles. Strength projection has become more relevant since prospects are often
making recruiting decisions in the first half of their high school careers. Again, flexibility and balance coupled with
a physical frame often lead to prospects thriving once they enter a collegiate program where strength and
conditioning programs enhance the prospect’s physical tools.
Hand-eye coordinationThis crucial attribute can cover shortcomings in any of the aforementioned areas. I have
coached players who were slow, grounded, and generally a mess physically, but their superior hand-eye
coordination allowed them to make plays consistently. Does a player center the ball on her platform while
passing, or do an inordinate number of balls come off one arm? Does a prospect possess overhand contact
control, meaning can a prospect put her hand on the ball and make it go where she intends with the desired spin
or lack thereof? There is much discussion of passing and digging technique and of how to teach first-contact
control, of whether or not good passers are born or can be made in the gym through training. As a recruiter, I was
always watching players while receiving serve to see if they could center the ball on their platform. I never cared
whether they were using linear, non-linear, or tanden passing technique. Remember, most college head coaches
are going to make changes once a prospect arrives in their gym. If a player could center the ball on the first
contact, she usually could learn individual coaching techniques. Third contact control is something talked about
much less often, but something I believe translates to attacking success more than anythingeven leaping
ability. A prospect’s ability to put her hand on the ball and maneuver the ball to an intended area was huge for
me. Often, I would watch gifted jumpers rise fast and high with a perfectly constructed arm-swing and repeatedly
mis-hit the ball, either paint-brushing the bottom causing the attack to flutter harmlessly at the opposition or
cuffing the top of the ball resulting in a 10’ attacker consistently wearing out the tape. Not a good sign.
Volleyball SkillAs I mentioned earlier, volleyball skill is totally different from athletic ability, and generally, it was
not difficult to judge prospects’ volleyball acumen. Coaches spend their careers talking about offensive and
defensive execution, but volleyball always has been and always will be a game of errornot of execution. As it
relates to skill level, it is important to remember two of the oldest adages in sportsize counts and speed
kills. With the advent of rally scoring, volleyball has become a race to 25. The ability to score is only done in one of
three waysserving aces, blocking balls to the floor, and finding kills. Size is obviously a distinct advantage in both
blocking and attacking. While coaches can help develop both blocking and attacking skills, they can’t teach players
to be taller. Speed is truly the most difficult aspect of the game to defend; however, playing fast increases risk,
and increased risk produces a greater number of errors. That means the team that makes fewer mistakes wins
regardless of how tall or physical they are or how skilled or fast they play.
Passing—Can they pass to the target? It’s not enough to simply pass to the target consistently. Recruiters are
looking for players who can not only hold up in serve receive, but also help others by handling a larger part of the
court. Players must have passing and defensive range.
DiggingCan they consistently bring the ball up above the playing surface? Are they fearless? The defenders I
noticed were unafraid and released around the block consistently lining up the attacker. This gave them the ability
to dig hard shots toward the target with control.
SettingCan they make all the sets with consistent tempo and location? Do setters understand that it is their job
to locate (which often means help create) and continue to set the hot hitter? I have seen setters who are
completely capable of setting forward but who have to contort their body like they have entered a limbo contest in
order to produce any type of back-set.
AttackingCan they attack with proper footwork and with a fundamentally sound arm swing? Can they swing fast
and hit hard? How many high school and club attackers can see the block? Not many. Shake any tree, and
attackers who have flawless footwork, a healthy jump, and an arm swing that consistently produces the same shot
over and over will fall out. The truest test of an outside (either left or right) hitter is the ability to attack high-line
BlockingCan they penetrate across the net with their hands? Can pin blockers pick good spots to set the block?
Are they able to move their hands independently? Middle blockers must be able to recognize and defend the first
tempo attack and read and react to everything else. Middles that need help from pin blockers to stop the quick
attack fell off the list…quickly.
ServingCan they serve tough? More importantly, do they seek to control the point from the service line? Players
who mindlessly approach their turn at the service line and lob volleyballs over the net at their opponent resulting
in momentum-shifting, quick middle attacking opportunities are commonplace. I was always looking for players
who used their serve as a weapon. And that doesn’t mean they simply bombed jumpers over the net. I loved
watching a skilled server put the “yo-yo” on a front row attacker driving her deep to pass a ball on the end line,
making her sprint to the net in order to be a part of the offense, and then with the next opportunity making that
same pass/hitter have to peel a short serve off her shoe tops. I watched for servers who knew they could affect
the slide attacker by jamming balls into the opponents’ right-side of the court making the setter turn her back
completely to the net/blockers to face the pass and then still have to execute one of those dreaded back-sets.
Finally, it is important to remember that college coaches, when evaluating, are building a recruiting list.
Remember, evaluation is not recruiting. Hopefully, this article has provided some insight into how the evaluation
process works. It is not an offering on how college programs recruit prospective student-athletes. That is an
individual program/coach process and often reflects the personality and commitment of the head coach of a
respective college team.
Remember, when coaches are evaluating they are building their recruiting board and those recruiting lists can be
substantial. We had established a list "of prospects that we could win with and started recruiting." Although the
prospect in question was ranked 4th or 5th (I really can't remember exactly), she was certainly capable of helping
our program--she was more than capable of "being better than what we currently had in our gym/on our roster."
This is where evaluation ends and recruiting begins...I had identified several other setters who were on the board.
I thought they were all "good enough." They were all sophomores. Specifically, I remember the top prospect had
taken an unofficial visit to our program in the fall. We offered her, but she told us that she would be waiting to
hear from her top choice. We were in her top 5, but realistically she wasn't going to fall to us. The second and
third players on the list were close in ability, but they had only just started the recruiting process. The player that
you ask about was interested and communicated that interest. She was active earlier. She also lived within a few
hours of campus and was able to visit unofficially much sooner. Often a prospect's consistent correspondence
with a coaching staff (I don't mean constant emails, rather invited phone calls), willingness to make an unofficial
visit, or desire to commit early will push them up the board.
Again, I really liked the kid. We had spoken on the phone several times. I believed in her. I didn't want to lose her
to another program...and there were others. I made an argument. I always thought that as a recruiting
coordinator I should be able to "make an argument" for every prospect on the recruiting board that I created.
Head coaches don't have time to evaluate all the prospects that write/send video...that falls on the assistants. I
felt like I always needed to be able to explain why a prospect appeared on the board and the answer, "she wrote
to us" was never the response I wanted falling out of my mouth when I could have been advocating for a prospect.
However, in this instance, the head coach decided that we would wait and focus our attention on the prospects we
had ranked higher even though they were just beginning their respective recruitments.
That is why I said we "slow-played" the prospect. We tried to stretch it out; to watch for continued development
between her sophomore and junior year (which is very telling as several studs at 16 are not as effective when they
are 18). The ability to have a commitment from her early wasn't enough for the head coach. It proved to be a
good and right decision. It worked out for everyone in the end. We got the setter that the head coach wanted
and all the others on our list ended up in good programs with good coaches. The prospect that we all agreed had
"it" continued to do great things on, and most especially, off the court. She has all my respect...always will.
Recruiting is a business and everyone handles their business differently but know this...it is a business. So before I
get questions about "slow-playing" a prospect think about how many kids/families demand a scholarship offer
before considering an unofficial visit or whether kids/families collect scholarship offers like Halloween candy
before making an initial cut on their college list. I will say this--a scholarship offer is the most valuable commodity
that a collegiate program possesses and once that offer has been made, a program relinquishes control of the
recruiting process to the prospect. This is why some coaches will place conditions or a time-frame on their offer--
to keep a measure of control. No college program can or should have their scholarship offer collected and used
against them to entice/influence other college programs to make a decision. And that stuff happens...believe me.
Head coaches are charged with winning. Good experiences and lofty graduation rates will not keep you employed
if losing happens.