TM-100 - Instructions (REV 05/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State
Instructions for Completing the
Trademark / Service Mark - Application for Registration (Form TM-100)
To protect your trademark/service mark that is used in California, you must file a Trademark / Service Mark Application for
Registration (Form TM-100) with the California Secretary of State. Duration of a registration of Trademark or Service Mark is five
(5) years. The registration is active for five (5) years from the date filed by the Secretary of State. Within six (6) months of the
end of five (5) years, the mark may be renewed for another five (5) years. The mark may be renewed every five (5) years as long
as the mark is in continual use.
A trademark is any words, names, symbols or devices, or any combination thereof, used to distinguish a good or product
from those manufactured or sold by others.
A service mark is any words, names, symbols or devices, or any combination thereof, used to identify and distinguish
services from those services provided by others.
Registration of the mark in and of itself does not guarantee exclusive ownership of a mark. To ensure that all issues are
considered and addressed appropriately, you should consult with private legal counsel.
To register your Trademark or Service Mark in California (Checklist):
You must be using the mark in commerce in California.
If the mark is merely descriptive (i.e. the mark describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature,
purpose or use of the goods or services), it may not be registerable.
You must complete a separate Application if the mark is both a Trademark and a Service Mark.
You must have a drawing of your mark on an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper.
If any part of your mark is not in English, you must submit a certified translation in English.
You must have Three (3) Identical (three of the same) Specimens that show the mark in use in commerce. If the
Application is signed by an individual on behalf of the Owner (Registrant), you must include a copy of the agreement
signed by the Owner (Registrant) authorizing the individual to sign the Application on behalf of the Owner
Include filing fee(s) of $70.00 per classification code. If more than one classification code is listed, then a $70.00
filing fee is required for each classification.
Fees: $70.00 per Classification Code
Copies: Upon filing, we will return one (1) plain copy of your filed Application for Registration for free and will certify the copy
upon request and payment of a $5 certification fee. To obtain additional copies or certified copies of the filed Application of
Registration, include payment for copy fees and certification fees at the time the Application for Registration is submitted.
Additional copy fees are $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each attachment page. For certified copies, there is an additional
$5.00 certification fee, per copy. In addition to the copy, you will receive a one-time Certificate of Registration of
Trademark/Service Mark.
Payment Type: Check(s) or money orders should be made payable to the Secretary of State. Do not send cash by mail. If
submitting the document in person in our Sacramento office, payment also may be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
If you are not completing this form online, please type or legibly print in black or blue ink. Complete the Application for
Registration (Form TM-100) as follows:
Item Instruction Filing Tips
1. Check the appropriate box: Trademark or
Service Mark
A trademark is any words, names, symbols or
devices, or any combination thereof, used to
distinguish a good or product from those manufactured
or sold by others.
A service mark is any words, names, symbols or
devices, or any combination thereof, used to identify
and distinguish services from those services provided
by others.
Trademarks and service marks must be filed on
separate Applications. They require separate fees and
submittal of separate specimens.
2. Enter information related to the Owner
(Registrant) of the Mark
Enter the complete name of Owner (Registrant).
If the owner of the mark is an entity, use the complete
name of the entity.
If the owner of the mark is an entity, the entity structure
must match in Item 3.
TM-100 - Instructions (REV 05/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State
2.b. Enter the complete business address, city, state
and zip code of the Owner (Registrant).
The complete business address is required, including
the street name and number, city, state and zip code.
Do not abbreviate the name of the city.
A post office box address is acceptable.
The Declaration of Ownership is required.
Do not alter.
This declaration is required by law and must not be
3. Identify the business structure of the (Owner)
Registrant by checking the appropriate box.
If the Owner (Registrant) is a corporation,
limited liability company, limited partnership or
general partnership, list the state or country
of origin.
If none of the boxes apply, check the box:
Other and describe.
If the owner of the mark is an entity, the entity structure
must be consistent with the entity name in Item 2.a.
(i.e., if the business structure listed in Item 3 is a
Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Limited
Partnership, or General Partnership, the name of the
business entity must be listed as the owner or
registrant in Item 2.a.)
4. Enter the name(s) of the general partner(s), if the
Owner (Registrant) is a limited partnership.
If the mark is
without a design, list only
those words.
If the mark is words and a design, provide the
words and a brief written description of the design.
If the mark is a design only, provide a brief
written description of the design in the space
provided without making any reference to the
Drawing Page: Submit a drawing of your mark
on an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper with your
Application. A drawing is a visual representation
of the mark. Do not include phrases or designs
that are not included in Item 5. The drawing can
be hand written, hand drawn, or computer
generated. If your mark is a “word mark,” list only
those words on the 8 ½ x 11” sheet of paper.
Do not paste, tape, or staple a specimen in Item 5.
If the mark or any part of the mark is not in English, you
must submit a certified translation in English with your
application. You may wish to consult the following
websites for assistance with a certified translation:
o California Government Code section 27293
o The Judicial Branch of California at
o American Translators Association at
If a name and design are used together and constitute
one complete mark, they may be filed on the same
If a name and design are used separately, as two
separate marks, then two separate applications with
separate fees and two sets of specimens must be
If the mark is merely descriptive (i.e. the mark
describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic,
function, feature, purpose or use of the goods or
services) it may not be registerable.
6. If your mark includes a design element, using
the Design Search Code Manual developed by
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, include
the appropriate design code(s) that describe
your design element.
Include the design code(s) that relate to the significant
elements of the design as represented on the drawing
Do not include a design code for marks containing only
If you do not provide a design code, one or more
design codes will be assigned by the California
Secretary of State upon review and filing.
7. Disclaimer if the mark includes a descriptive
word or design, it must be disclaimed.
A disclaimer is an acknowledgment by the registrant
that words included within the mark are “merely
descriptive” and may not be owned by anyone. (i.e., if
the applied for mark is “Westside Dry-Cleaning” and
dry-cleaning is listed as the services provided in Item
9.a., the words “Dry-Cleaning” must be disclaimed.
8.a. Enter the date the mark was first used anywhere.
The date the Mark was first used anywhere must be
the same or earlier than the date the Mark was first
used in California.
Enter the date the mark was first used in
California. If this date is the same as Item 8.a.,
The mark
must be in use in California prior to
TM-100 - Instructions (REV 05/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State
enter “same.”
If a Trademark, the goods or products must have
actually been sold or otherwise distributed in
If a Service Mark, the advertised services must actually
be provided in California.
The mere advertising of future goods or services does
not constitute use of a Trademark or Service Mark.
9.a. Enter the specific goods or services.
If a Trademark, list only the specific goods or
products sold or distributed with the mark
If a Service Mark, list only the specific services
provided or advertised.
Do not use general terms.
Be specific.
9.b. Enter the Classification Code(s) for the goods or
services listed.
If more than one classification of goods or
services are listed, a $70.00 filing fee is
required for each Classification Code.
The list of Classification Codes of goods and services
can be found through the United States Patent and
Trademark Office website or at 37 Code of Federal
Regulations, part 6, section 6.1.
10. U.S. Patent and Trademark Information. If the
Registrant or a predecessor in interest has
attempted to file your mark at the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office, please provide all
information regarding registration or refusal to
If this section is not applicable, ensure to mark the box
in 10.e. indicating this item does not apply.
10.a. Enter the File Date of the Federal Registration.
10.b. Enter the Serial/File Number of the Federal
10.c. Enter the Status of the Federal Registration.
Examples of the current filing statuses with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office Include:
Allowed or In Use
10.d. If refused, enter the reason why the Federal
Registration was refused.
10.e. Check the box you or a predecessor in interest
has not attempted to file your mark at the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office.
11. Indicate how the mark is used? Check the
appropriate box.
If a Trademark, how is it applied to the goods or
products? By label, tag, or imprinting on the
goods or their containers?
If a Service Mark, how is the mark used, in
advertising, on brochures, or business cards?
If you are applying for registration of a Trademark,
check each of the Trademark boxes that apply. Do not
select boxes relating to Service Marks.
If you are applying for registration of a Service Mark,
check each of the Service Mark boxes that apply. Do
not select boxes relating to Trademarks.
12. Specimens are required to show current use of
the mark. Include with the Registration three (3)
identical (meaning: three of the same) original
pecimens that show the mark in use in
commerce on the goods or in connection with
services provided in California.
The original specimens should be no larger than
8 ½” x 11” and should lay flat. Original
specimens that have been altered or defaced in
any manner are not acceptable.
A specimen demonstrates how the mark is being
presented to the public.
Specimens can be in a wide variety of forms. Examples
Trademarks: Labels, tags, wrappers, or three clear
identical photographs of the goods or products showing
the mark clearly affixed.
TM-100 - Instructions (REV 05/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State
Trademark: Submit 3 identical specimens that
are affixed to your goods or products.
Service Mark: Submit 3 identical specimens
from which the type of services listed in Item
9.a. can be determined.
Service Marks: Business cards, brochures, flyers, or
other forms of advertisements are acceptable if
identifying the services as indicated in Item 9.a.
Envelopes, invoices and matchbooks are not
Note: Business cards may be used as specimens only if
the business cards display the services indicated in
Item 9.a.
Photocopies, computer printouts, or camera-ready
layouts are not accepted as specimens. The
Registrant must have gone into production and have
released the product or service into the market prior to
registration of the trademark or service mark with the
Secretary of State.
Do not submit metal of any kind, words typed on cards
or sheets of paper. Computer generated prototypes
are not acceptable.
Declaration of Accuracy. The registrant must
make a Declaration of Accuracy and will be
subject to a civil penalty of not more than
$10,000.00 for willfully stating in the application
any material fact known to be false.
Date, sign, and print the name and title of the
person signing the Registration.
Declaration of Accuracy is required. Do not alter
If the Registrant is a corporation, an officer of the
corporation must sign the Registration. Include the
title of the officer (i.e. President, Vice-President,
Secretary, etc.)
If the Registrant is a limited liability company, a
member or manager of the limited liability company
must sign the Registration. Include the title; either
Member or Manager.
If the Registrant is a limited partnership, a general
partner of the limited partnership must sign the
Registration. Include the title, General Partner.
If the Registrant is a general partnership, a partner of
the general partnership must sign the Registration.
Include the title, Partner.
This office will accept a statement attached to the
application that the individual signing the application is
authorized to do so for the Registrant.
Mail Submission Cover Sheet (Optional): To make it easier to receive communication related to this document, including the
copy of the filed document, complete the Mail Submission Cover Sheet. For the Return Address: enter the name of a designated
person and/or company and the corresponding mailing address. Please note the Mail Submission Cover Sheet will be treated as
correspondence and will not be made part of the filed document.
Where to File: Mail your completed Registration along with drawing, specimens, and filing fee of $70.00 per classification, to
the Secretary of State, Trademark Unit, P.O. Box 942870, Sacramento, CA 94277-2870 or delivered in person (drop off) to the
Sacramento office, 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. Confirm the following are included with your submission:
- Completed Registration (Form TM-100)
- Drawing Page
- 3 Identical Specimens Showing the Mark Used in Commerce
- $70.00 per Classification Code
- Mail Submission Cover Sheet (Optional)
- If applicable, a certified English Translation
- If applicable, an agreement signed by the Owner (Registrant) authorizing an individual to sign on behalf of the
Owner (Registrant).
Legal Authority: General statutory filing provisions are found in the Model State Trademark Law, California Business and
Professions Code sections 14200 et seq. unless otherwise indicated.
Secretary of State
Business Programs Division
Trademark Unit, P.O. Box 942870, Sacramento, CA 94277-2870
Doc Submission Cover Trademark (05/2019)
Mail Submission Cover Sheet
Return Address: For written communication from the Secretary of State related to this document, or if
purchasing a copy of the filed document enter the name of a person or company and the mailing address.
Complete and include this form with your submission. This information only will be used to communicate with you
in writing about the submission. This form will be treated as correspondence and will not be made part of the filed
Make all checks or money orders payable to the Secretary of State.
Optional Copy and Certification Fees:
If applicable, include optional copy and certification fees with your submission.
For applicable copy and certification fee information, refer to the instructions of the specific form you are submitting.
Contact Person: (Please type or print legibly)
First Name:
( )
Mark Information: (Please type or print legibly)
Name of Mark:
Name of Owner (Registrant):
Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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TM-100 (05/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Trademark / Service Mark
Application for Registration
REG. NO. _______________________
ASS NO.(S) ___________________
IMPORTANTRead instructions before completing this form.
Filing Fee – $70.00 per Classification
Copy Fees First page $1.00; each attachment page $0.50;
Certification Fee - $5.00 plus copy fees
Above Space for Office Use Only
1. Application for Registration of (Check one): Trademark Service Mark
2. Owner (Registrant) Name, Address and Declaration of Ownership
a. Name of Owner (Registrant)
b. Business Address
City (no abbreviations) State Zip Code
c. Declaration of Ownership (Do not alter.)
Registrant declares that the Registrant is the owner of the mark, that the mark is in use, and that to the Registrant’s knowledge, no
other person has registered the mark in this state, or has the right to use the mark, either in the identical form or in such near
resemblance as to be likely, when applied to the goods or services of the other person, to cause confusion, to cause mistake, or to
3. Business Structure of Registrant (Only check one and fill in the blank)
Corporation (State of Incorporation): __________________________ Sole Proprietor
Limited Liability Company (State of Organization): _______________ Spouses, as Community Property
Limited Partnership (State of Organization): ____________________ Domestic Partners, as Community Property
General Partnership (State of Organization): ____________________ Other (Describe): ________________________
4. Name(s) of General Partner(s), if the Registrant is a Limited Partnership
5. Name and/or Design of Mark (For design, provide a brief written description that can be pictured in one’s mind without reference to the specimens.
Attach a drawing of the mark to the Application. Do not draw the design on the Application.)
6. Design Code(s) (If your mark includes a design element, using the Design Search Code Manual developed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office, please include the appropriate design code(s) that describe your design element.)
Design Code(s): _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
7. Disclaimer (If Applicable) No claim is made to the exclusive right to use the term(s) below:
8. Dates of First Use of Mark
a. Date the Mark was First Used Anywhere b. Date the Mark was First Used in California
inue on Next Page
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TM-100 (05/2019) 2019 California Secretary of State
9. Ide
ntification of Goods or Services
a. If a Trademark, list specific Goods or Products. If a Service Mark, list specific Services.
b. Classification Code(s): _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
10. U.S. Patent and Trademark Information
Indicate whether an application to register the mark, or portions, or a composite of the mark, has been filed
by the Registrant or a predecessor in interest with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.)
a. File Date b. Serial/File Number c. Status of Application
d. If Refused, Why?
e. Check here if this Item 10 does not apply
11. Manner in Which the Mark is Used (If Trademark, only check Trademark options; If Service Mark, only check Service Mark options)
For Trademark Only (Check all that apply to Trademark)
On Labels and Tags Affixed to the Goods
On Labels and Tags Affixed to Containers of the Goods
By Printing Mark Directly onto the Goods
By Printing Mark Directly onto the Containers of the Goods
Advertisement/Branding on Webpage
Other __________________________________________
For Service Mark Only (Check all that apply to Service Mark)
On Business Signs
On Advertising Brochures
On Advertising Leaflets
On Business Cards
On Letterhead
On Menus
Advertisement/Branding on Webpage
Other __________________________________________
12. Specimens (If Trademark, only check Trademark option; If Service Mark, only check Service Mark Option. Include three (3) identical original
specimens showing current use of the Mark.)
For Trademark Only (Check one box and enclose three (3) specimens)
Actual Labels
Actual Tags
Photographs of Goods / Containers Showing the Trademark
Front Panels of a Paper Container Bearing the Trademark
Other __________________________________________
For Service Mark Only (Check one box and enclose three (3) specimens)
Business Cards
Advertising Brochures
Advertising Leaflets
Menus showing the Service Mark
Other __________________________________________
Declaration of Accuracy and Signature
I declare that all the foregoing information contained in this Application for Registration is accurate, true and correct and that I am
authorized to sign this Application for Registration. I understand that if I willfully state in this Application for Registration any material
fact that I know to be false, I will be subject to a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
_____________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Date Type or Print Name of Authorized Person Signature
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