Syslog Messages Documentation
This document lists all the syslog Error messages generated by AOS. The syslog is used
to log system diagnostic and Error log messages. Refer the corresponding Router/Switch
Manual for further details on configuration of syslog on the AOS. All the syslog
messages listed, are preceded by its Priority. The syslog messages are listed Module wise,
end for each module the options and facility code
Table of Contents
1 Message Priorities....................................................................................................... 5
2 Facility Codes ............................................................................................................. 5
3 Spanning Tree ............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Contact Customer Support For the following log messages..................... 10
3.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 11
3.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 11
3.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 11
3.6 MIP Log Messages ........................................................................................... 13
3.7 Protocol Specific Log Messages....................................................................... 13
4 802.1Q....................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 14
4.2.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages...................... 14
4.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 14
4.3.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages...................... 14
4.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 15
4.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 15
4.6 Protocol Specific Log Messages....................................................................... 17
5 VLAN Manager ........................................................................................................ 17
5.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 17
5.1.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages...................... 17
5.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 18
5.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 18
5.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 18
5.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 18
5.6 Protocol Specific Log Messages....................................................................... 20
6 Link Aggregation...................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 21
6.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 21
6.2.1 Contact Custmer Support for the following log messages........................ 24
6.3 Critical Messages.............................................................................................. 25
6.3.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages...................... 25
6.4 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 29
6.5 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 29
6.6 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 29
6.7 Protocol Specific Log Messages....................................................................... 30
7 ATM.......................................................................................................................... 31
7.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 31
7.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 31
7.2.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages...................... 32
7.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 33
7.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 33
7.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 33
8 Supervision ............................................................................................................... 34
8.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 34
8.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 34
8.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 35
8.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 35
8.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 35
9 Port Management...................................................................................................... 37
9.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 37
9.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 37
9.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 37
9.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 37
9.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 37
10 AVLAN................................................................................................................. 37
10.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 37
10.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 37
10.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 37
10.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 37
10.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 38
11 IPMS ..................................................................................................................... 38
11.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 38
11.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 41
11.3 Critical Messages.............................................................................................. 43
11.4 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 43
11.5 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 43
11.6 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 44
12 DVMRP ................................................................................................................ 44
12.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 44
12.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 49
12.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 49
12.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 49
12.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 49
13 PIM-SM ................................................................................................................ 49
13.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 49
13.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 60
13.3 Alert Messages.................................................................................................. 60
13.4 Alarm Messages................................................................................................ 60
13.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 60
13.6 MIP ................................................................................................................... 60
13.7 Protocol Specific Messages .............................................................................. 60
13.7.1 DRC_LOG_PIMSM_IGMP ..................................................................... 60
13.7.2 DRC_LOG_PIMSM_MISC ..................................................................... 62
13.7.3 DRC_LOG_PIMSM_ASSERT ................................................................ 64
13.7.4 DRC_LOG_PIMSM_JOINPRUNE ......................................................... 68
13.7.5 DRC_LOG_PIMSM_BOOTSTRAP........................................................ 71
14 IPEDR................................................................................................................... 72
14.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 72
14.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 79
14.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 80
15 RIP ........................................................................................................................ 84
15.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 84
15.2 Warning Messages............................................................................................ 87
15.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ............................................................................. 88
15.4 Protocol Specific Messages .............................................................................. 89
15.4.1 RECV........................................................................................................ 89
15.4.2 Send........................................................................................................... 89
15.4.3 SETUP ...................................................................................................... 90
15.4.4 CONFIG.................................................................................................... 91
15.4.5 AGE .......................................................................................................... 92
15.4.6 RDB .......................................................................................................... 92
15.4.7 REDIST..................................................................................................... 93
16 OSPF ..................................................................................................................... 95
16.1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 95
16.2 Warning Messages.......................................................................................... 102
16.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ........................................................................... 102
16.4 MIP ................................................................................................................. 103
16.5 Protocol Specific Messages ............................................................................ 105
16.5.1 Area......................................................................................................... 105
16.5.2 Summary................................................................................................. 106
16.5.3 Vlink ....................................................................................................... 108
16.5.4 DBEXCH ................................................................................................ 109
16.5.5 SPF.......................................................................................................... 110
16.5.6 RDB ........................................................................................................ 110
16.5.7 AUTH ..................................................................................................... 113
16.5.8 LSDB ...................................................................................................... 114
16.5.9 INTF........................................................................................................ 115
16.5.10 State..................................................................................................... 116
16.5.11 Restart ................................................................................................. 117
16.5.12 LSA................................................................................................. 119
16.5.13 Flood ............................................................................................... 119
16.5.14 Host................................................................................................. 119
16.5.15 Helper.................................................................................................. 120
16.5.16 Setup ............................................................................................... 120
16.5.17 Age.................................................................................................. 120
16.5.18 Recv .................................................................................................... 121
16.5.19 Hello.................................................................................................... 123
16.5.20 Setup ............................................................................................... 124
16.5.21 Time .................................................................................................... 124
16.5.22 TM................................................................................................... 124
16.5.23 REDIST............................................................................................... 124
17 BGP..................................................................................................................... 125
17.1 Error Messages................................................................................................ 125
17.2 Warning Messages.......................................................................................... 127
17.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ........................................................................... 127
17.4 MIP ................................................................................................................. 130
17.5 Protocol Specific Messages ............................................................................ 131
17.5.1 AGGR ..................................................................................................... 131
17.5.2 DAMP ..................................................................................................... 132
17.5.3 FSM......................................................................................................... 133
17.5.4 TCP ......................................................................................................... 134
17.5.5 TM........................................................................................................... 135
17.5.6 PEER_INFO ........................................................................................... 136
17.5.7 ROUTE ................................................................................................... 137
17.5.8 SYNC...................................................................................................... 139
17.5.9 LOCAL_ROUTE.................................................................................... 141
17.5.10 POLICY .............................................................................................. 141
17.5.11 REDIST............................................................................................... 142
17.5.12 Misc..................................................................................................... 143
18 IPRM................................................................................................................... 144
18.1 Error Messages................................................................................................ 144
18.2 Warning Messages.......................................................................................... 144
18.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ........................................................................... 144
18.4 MIP ................................................................................................................. 145
18.5 Protocol Specific Messages ............................................................................ 146
18.5.1 REDIST................................................................................................... 146
18.5.2 IPSA........................................................................................................ 146
18.5.3 IPRMERROR ......................................................................................... 146
18.5.4 EVENTIN ............................................................................................... 147
18.5.5 FDB......................................................................................................... 147
18.5.6 IPRMTM................................................................................................. 148
18.5.7 RECV...................................................................................................... 148
18.5.8 SEND ...................................................................................................... 148
18.5.9 TM........................................................................................................... 148
18.5.10 POLICY .............................................................................................. 148
19 UDP Relay .......................................................................................................... 148
19.1 Error Messages................................................................................................ 148
19.2 Warning Messages.......................................................................................... 149
19.3 Alert Messages................................................................................................ 150
19.4 Alarm Messages.............................................................................................. 150
19.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ........................................................................... 151
19.5.1 Debug...................................................................................................... 153
19.6 Protocol Specific Messages ............................................................................ 161
19.6.1 Emerg...................................................................................................... 161
19.6.2 Dump....................................................................................................... 162
20 VRRP .................................................................................................................. 163
20.1 Warning Messages.......................................................................................... 163
20.1.1 SEVERITY_LEVEL_WARN ................................................................ 163
20.2 Info/Debug/Trace Messages ........................................................................... 163
20.2.1 SEVERITY_LEVEL_INFO ................................................................... 163
20.2.2 SEVERITY_LEVEL_DEBUG1............................................................. 163
20.2.3 SEVERITY_LEVEL_DEBUG2............................................................. 165
20.2.4 SEVERITY_LEVEL_DBG3 .................................................................. 167
1 Message Priorities
Emergency : System is unusable
Alert : Action must be taken immediately
Critical : cal conditions Criti
Error : Error conditions
WARNING : Warning conditions
Notice : Normal but significant condition
Information : Informational message
Debug : Debug level message
2 Facility Codes
Kernel : Kernel messages
User : Random User messages
Mail : Mail system messages
Daemon : System Daemon messages
Auth : Security/authorization messages
LPR : Line printer messages
News : Netnews subsystem messages
UUCP : Uucp subsystem messages
Cron : Cron/at subsystem messages
3 Spanning Tree
3.1 Error Messages
Error : MAC request msg send NOK <return value>
Description : sending the base MAC address request to Chassis MAC
Server failed. Contact Customer Support Engineer.
Error : MST <mst_id> not created
Description : The msti instance is not created. Verify the MSTI
instance configuration.
Error : mip_write_ascii_done NOK : <return value>
Description : Bad application reference or no message active on
application block. Contact Customer Support Engineer.
Error : Wrong view table id <tblId>
Description : Unknown MIP table id. Please contact Customer Support
Error : clock_gettime Error <return value>
Description : Invalid clock id or current time is null. Please
contact Customer Support Engineer.
Error : Wrong index number <inIndexCount>
Description : Invalid index number. Please contact Customer Support
Error : Inconsistent nominator type <nominator>
Description : Invalid Mip object type. Please contact Customer
Support Engineer.
Error : Inconsistent Row Status <row_status>
Description : Invalid row status. Please contact Customer Support
Error : mip_registration failure <return value>
Description : Registering the STP application to the MIP library
falied because of Bad application reference or no
message active on application block. Please contact
Customer Support Engineer.
Error : Vlan_id must be lower than 4096 -> <vlan_id>
Description : Vlan id should be greater than 0 and less than 4096.
Verify the VLAN configuration.
Error : !!!Vlan Allocation Error!!!
Description : Invalid vlan id . Vlan id should be greater than 0
and less than 4096. Verify the VLAN configuration.
Error : You can't delete Vlan # <vlan_id>
Description : Vlan 1 cannot be deleted.
Error : Vlan doesn't exist <vlan_id>
Description : Vlan is not created. Verify the vlan configuration.
Error : The list of the ports should be empty <vlan_id>
Description : The ports should be dissociated from the vlan ,once
the vlan gets deleted. Contact customer support
Error : Vlan_id must be lower than 4096 -> <vlan_id>
Description : Vlan id should be greater than 0 and less than 4096.
Verify the VLAN configuration.
Error : ModAdmin: Vlan <vlan_id> doesn't exist
Description : Vlan is not created. Verify the vlan configuration
Error : Vlan <vlan_id> hasn't been created by Vlan Mgr
Description : Vlan is not created. Verify the vlan configuration.
Error : This port <port_id> is mobile or aggregable , don't
try to Qtag it !
Description : Mobile ports and physical aggregate ports cannot be
tagged. Verify the port configuration.
Error : AddQTag: The Vlan <vlan id> doesn't exist !
Description : Vlan is not created to tag. Verify the vlan
Error : port_attach on unknown port ifindex: <ifIndex>
Description : Invalid ifIndex. Contact Customer Support Engineer.
Error : port_recover on unknown port ifindex: <ifIndex>
Description : Invalid ifIndex. Contact Customer Support Engineer.
Error : maximum number of session exceeded for port :
Description : Port exceeds Maximum number of Unidirectional
mirroring sessions supported per chassis. Verify the
port mirroring session configuration.
Error : The given assocID <assocID> does not exist
Description : Invalid port id (port id exceeds maximum value)
Error : The associated vlan_id does not exist <port_id>
Description : vlan is not created to associate with the port
Error : The associated stp_id does not exist <stp_id>
Description : Stp id does not exist to associate to the port
Error : The given port_id does not exist <port_id>
Description : There is no configuration for this port
Error : Creation of MST <mst_id> failed
Description :The mst id does not exists
Error : MST <mst_id> doesn't exist
Description : The mst instance is not created
Error : msti_id must be lower than 4096 -> <mst_id>
Description : Value of Msti id should be less than 4096
Error : !!!Msti Allocation Error 1!!!
Description : The msti instance does not exists when adding a new
msti to a given mst.
Error : !!!Msti Allocation Error 2!!!
Description : The msti instance does not exists when binding a port
to the stp instance. Verify the MST instace
Error : Mst not found 0
Description : The msti instance does not exists
Error : No spanning tree attached to msti <mst_id>
Description : The given stp id does not exists
Error : No CIST found for msti <mst_id>
Description : Msti 0 (CIST) does not exists
Error : ni_down on strange NI <slot_num>
Description : Ni down on Invalid slot number (slot number is 0 or
exceeds maximum number of slots)
Error : ni_up on strange NI <slot_num>
Description : Ni up on Invalid slot number (slot number is 0 or
exceeds maximum number of slots)
Error : NI already up <slot_num>
Description : NI slot is already initialized
Error : !!! vlan - stp id Error : <vlan_id>
Description : The given stp id does not exists
Error : !!! problem in port-stp context association
Description : The given port-stp id association does not exists
Error : STP hot set def vlan fail no vlan <port_id>
Description : The vlan does not exist to associate as default vlan
to that port. Verify the vlan configuration.
Error : STP hot set def vlan fail no pstp object <port_id>
Description : The port-stp association does not exists
Error : stpSock_bind2Evt NOK <sock_event_id>
Description : Binding events to application failed. IPC Failure.
Error : add_qtag on unknown port ifindex: <ifIndex>
Description : Invalid port id (port id exceeds maximum value)
Error : wrong msg from 8021Q
Description : Wrong message id received from 8021q application
Error : mod_def_vlan on unknown port ifindex:<ifIndex>
Description : Invalid port id (port id exceeds maximum value)
Error : wrong msg from VlanMgr
Description : Wrong message id received from Vlan Manager
Error : unsubscribed NI state <NI state>
Description : NI state is neither up nor down
Error : wrong msg from Chassis Sup HSM <msg_Id>
Description : Invalid message id from Chassis Supervision Board
Error : wrong msg from Chassis Mac Server
Description : Invalid message id from Chassis Mac Server
Error : PSM registration NOK
Description : Getting response from Port state Manager failed after
Error : PSM event on unknown port ifindex:<ifIndex>
Description : Invalid port id (port id exceeds maximum value)
Error : wrong msg from VS <msg_Id>
Description : Wrong message id received from STP Vlan stacking
Error : wrong app id <AppId>
Description : Invalid application id received
Error : incorrect portindex in STP_PORTSTATE_REQ from appid
Description : Invalid port id (port id exceeds maximum value)
Error : wrong msg - msgid : <msg_Id>
Description : Invalid message received.
Error : wrong msg from appID <AppId>
Description : Invalid message received from application. Please
contact Customer Support Engineer.
Error : port_update_ctx on unknown global port id:
Description : Invalid port id (port id exceeds maximum value)
Error : Vlan Insert Hash Error!!! vid=<vlan_id>
Description : Creating a new level structure in hash code area
failed. Maximum VLANs with STP is configured. Verify
the configuration.
Error : <function_name>: Invalid vlan object!!!
line=<line_number> stp=<stp_id>
Description : Vlan is not created. Verify the VLAN configuration.
Error : <function_name>: Negative Topology Age!!!
Description : Current time is < Topology time >. Contact Customer
Support Engineer.
Error : <function_name>: Illegal Vid <vlan_id>
Description : Vlan id should be greater than 0 and less than 4096
Error : <function_name>: Null STP Ptr for Cist!
Description : STP id 0 (CIST) does not exists
Error : <function_name> : Failed to map vid <vlan_id> to stp
instance! Line=<line_number>
Description : Msti instance does not exists
Error : [function_name]: Failed to alloc memory!!!
Description : Failed to allocate memory to process messages
Error : [function_name]: STP instance 0 Error!!!
Description : Stp id is greater than 8191 or the first entry in stp
hash table is null
Error : [function_name]: No stp instance mapped to vid
<vlan_number>. Line=<line_number>
Description : Msti instance does not exists
Error : [function_name]: Null STP Ptr for stp <stp_id>.
Description : Stp id does not exists
Error : [function_name]: Invalid pstp <stp_id>
Description : Stp id does not exists. Verify the STP configuration.
Error : [function_name]: Invalid vlan object vid=<vlan_id>
Description : Vlan is not created. Verify the vlan configuration.
Error : STP: PM_Detach during takeover!!! portid=<port_id>
Description : Port cannot be detached when takeover is in progress.
Error : stpCMM newRoot Trap Failed <return_value>
Description : Freeing the resources allocated by the library while
building a MIP message failed.
Error : stpCMM newRoot Done Failed <return_value>
Description : Freeing the resources allocated by the library while
building a MIP message failed.
Error : TRAP:uPort vid=<vlan_id> ifIdx=<ifIndex>
gPort=<globale_port> count=<count> srcOUI=<source_OUI>
Description : MIP request Creation failed. Contact Customer Support
Error : AGR: vid=<vlan_id> ifIdx=<ifIndex> [stp state]
Description : Illegal vlan id . Vlan id should be greater than 0
and less than 4096. Verify the vlan configuration.
3.1.1 Contact Customer Support For the following log messages
Error : Inconsistancy in STP contexts <port_id>
Error : [function_name]: Failed to set def vlan!!!
Error : !!! stpSock_queuemsg Error !!! <return value>
Error : !!! stpSock_sendmsg Error !!! <return value>
Error : stpSock_connect NOK <AppId>
Error : End of Starting Application msg send NOK <return
Error : Takeover ack msg send NOK <return value>
Error : VM registration msg send NOK <return value>
Error : PM registration msg send NOK <return value>
Error : PSM registration msg send NOK <return value>
Error : Port recover - GetDsIdx for ifIdx - <ifIndex> failed
Error : port_assoc on unknown sport ifindex: <sport>
Error : stpSock_declareXErrorFunction NOK <sock_event_id>
Error : stpSock_declareReceiveFunction NOK <AppId>
Error : STP Add Object Error!!! vid=<vlan_id>
3.2 Warning Messages
Not Applicable.
3.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable
3.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable.
3.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Info : VLN: Admin stp=<stp_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Info : VLN: stp=<stp_id> vid=<vlan_id> state1x1=<1x1_state>
stateFlat=< flat_state>
Info : SUD: stp= <stp_id> port= <port_id> Admin=<admin_status>
Mode=<stp mode> Proto=<stp protocol>
Info : SUD: #TC=<topology change timer> Age=<Aging time>
Hello=<hello_time> FwdDly=<fwd_delay_time>
MaxAge=<max_age_time> NBPC= <next_best_root_path_cost>
NBID= <next_best_bridge_id>
Info : BRG: stp<stp_id> Protocol=<protocol>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> Mode=<stp mode>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> Priority=<Priority>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> Priority=<Priority>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> FwdDly=<fwd_delay>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> MaxAge=<max_age>
Info : VPA: stp=<stp_id> ifIdx=<ifIndex>
Info : PUD: stp=<stp_id> ifIdx=<ifIndex> port=<port_id>
role=<port_role> state=<port_state>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> port=<port_id> ManMode=<manual Mode>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> port=<port_id> Priority=<priorty>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp)id> port=x%x pathCost=<path cost>
Info : BRG: stp=<stp_id> port=<port_id> connType=<connection
Info : STP: port=<port_id> vlanStackingState=<state>
Info : STP: Recover ifIdx=<ifIndex>
Info : <function_name>: session=<session_num> slot=<slot>
slice=<slice> ID=<identifier> vid=<vlan_id>
sPort=<source port> dPort=<destination port>
Info : <function_name>: port=<port_id> pmsession=<session id>
Info : Send PortAttach Msg port=<port_num> vid=<vlan_id>
Info : TRAP:newRoot stp=<stp_id>
Info : TRAP:newRootPort stp=<stp_id> port=<port_id>
Debug : <function_name>: stp=<stp_id> id=<identifier>
Debug : <function_name>: stp=<stp_id> id=<identifier>
port_nb=<port_number> ifidx=<ifIndex>
Debug : <function_name>: vid=<vlan_number> stp=<stp_id>
Debug : <function_name>: vlan_id=<vlan_id> state1x1=<port_state>
Debug : <function_name>: vlan_id=<vlan_id> state=<state>
Debug : ModDefVid vid=<vlan_id> before VM AddVlan Msg
Debug : ModDefVid vid=<vlan_id> stp=<stp_id> port=<port_id>
Debug : LA DefVid port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : STP:ATM VC DefVid port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : <function_name>: vid=<vlan_id> port= <port_id>
Debug : QTag Del Msg: slot=<slot> slice=<slice> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : AddQTag vid=<vlan_id> before VM AddVlan Msg
Debug : AddQTag vid=<vlan_id> stp=<stp_id> port=<port_id>
Debug : STP: ATM AddQTag port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : STP PAttach: ifndex=<ifIndex> port=<port_id>
gport=<global_port_number> defvid=<default_vlan_id>
Debug : PUD 10G: gport=<global_port_number> stp=<stp_id>
intIdx=<Internal IfIndex> extIdx=<external ifIndex>
Debug : VID <vlan_id> mapped to INST <instance_id>
Debug : MSG: AddQTagAggr port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: DelQTag port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: DelQTagAggr port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_Add vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_AddSTP_Stat vid=<vlan_id> 1x1=<modeState>
Debug : MSG: VM_Del vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_Ena vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_Dis vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_StpEna vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_StpDis vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: VM_UpdateSTP_Stat vid=<vlan_id> 1x1=<1x1 State>
Flat=<flat Mode State>
Debug : MSG: VM_ModDef port=<port_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Debug : MSG: BoardUp slot=<slot> type=<type>
Debug : MSG: BoardDown slot=<slot> type=<type>
Debug : MSG: PM_ATTACH port=<port_id> TakeOver
Debug : MSG: PM_ATTACH port=<port_id>
Debug : MSG: PM_Admin port=<port_id> stat=<admin_state>
Debug : CMM_service_msg: msgId <msg_id>, len <msg_length>
Debug : Socket Err!
Trace : Vlan Dis stp=<stp_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Trace : Vlan STP Dis2 stp=<stp_id> vid=<vlan_id> FWD
Trace : Vlan STP Ena stp=<stp_id> vid=<vlan_id>
Trace : CMM_msg: appId <Application_Id>, msgId <msg_id>, len
3.6 MIP Log Messages
Not Applicable.
3.7 Protocol Specific Log Messages
Not Applicable.
4 802.1Q
4.1 Error Messages
Error : [function name]: length of sock buffer too small.
PayLoad_len = <PayLoadLength>, msg_len = <msgLength>
Description : Payload length is less than message length. Contact
Customer support engineer.
Error : [function name] : Error in sending packet.Ret. code =
%d, msg_len = <msg_length>
Description : Buffer length is less than message length. Contact
Customer support engineer.
Error : [function name]: MIP registration failed.
Description : Registration to MIP library failed. Contact Customer
Support engineer.
Error : [function name]: registration with port manager
Description : Registration to port manager failed. Contact Customer
Support engineer.
Error : [function name]: registration with port state manager
Description : Registration to port state manager failed. Contact
Customer Support engineer.
Error : [function name]: registration with vlan manager
Description : Registration to vlan manager failed. Contact Customer
Support engineer.
Error : [function name]: zcSocket Error for {vm|gm|stp|psm|sl|
Description : Error in socket connected. IPC Communication failure.
Contact Customer Support engineer.
Error : [function name]: zcBind Error for {vm|gm|stp|psm|sl|
Description : Binding to local addresses failed. IPC communication
failure. Contact Customer Support engineer.
Error : [function name]: sending to {st|vm|ni} retcode =
Description : Payload from zbuffer is null. Contact Customer Support
Error : [function name]: Error creating sock buf
Description : IPC Communication Failure. Contact Customer support
Error : [function name]: Error in zcBufCreate
Description : IPC Communication Failure. Contact Customer support
Error : [function name]: zcSendto Failed
Description : IPC Communication Failure. Contact Customer support
Error : [function name]: Error in zcBufCreate
Description : IPC Communication Failure. Contact Customer support
Error : [function name]: Error creating sock buf
Description : IPC Communication Failure. Contact Customer support
Error : [function name]: Socket Creation Error
Description : Creation of IPC socket failed. IPC Communication
Failure. Contact Customer support engineer.
Error : [function name]: Bind Error
Description : Binding to local addresses failed. IPC Communication
Failure. Contact Customer support engineer.
4.2 Warning Messages
4.2.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages
Warning : [function name]: Unknown Action = <action>
Warning : [function name]: PM_ATTACH if_index = <ifIndex>:
global_port == -1
Warning : [function name] ERROR: if_index = %d:global_port == -1
Warning : [function name] ERROR in PSM_RESP event received for
Warning : [function name] ERROR if_Index = %d, dif_Index = %d:
global_port == %d, dglobal_port = %d
Warning : [function name]: Error in malloc
4.3 Alert Messages
4.3.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages
Alert : [function name]: Error in recvfrom. Error code = %d
Description : Number of bytes received from receive buffer is less
than zero
Alert : [function name]: Message count exceeded
Description : Number of messages exceeds the maximum value
Alert : [function name]: Payload Len < MSG_HDR_S
Description : Payload length is less than the sizeof the message
Alert : [function name]: Invalid Message
Description : Invalid message received from event
Alert : [function name]: Error in recvfrom
Description : Number of bytes received from receive buffer is less
than zero
Alert : [function name]: Unsolicited event
Description : Invalid application id
Alert : [function name]: Tick count exceeded for ni = %d
Description : Tick count exceeds maximum tick delay
Alert : [function name]: Error in zcBufCreate
Alert : [function name]: Length of sock buffer too small
Description : Payload length is less than message length
Alert : [function name]: zcSendto Failed
4.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable.
4.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Debug : [function name]: GetDsIdxFromIfIdx for <ifIndex>
Debug : [function name]: Sent <number of tx bytes> bytes
Debug : [function name]: no more messaage can be padded
Debug : [function name]: message padded successfully
Debug : [function name]: slot_number = <slot_number> and
slice_number = <slice_number>
Debug : [function name]: Staring Q Manager CMM Task(<cmm_state>)
Debug : [function name]: Worked Okay for receive socket
Debug : [function name]: Worked Okay for {vm|gm|st|psm|sl|
esmdrv|qos|pm} socket
Debug : [function name]: Waiting for message
Debug : [function name]: Blocked on zcSelect
Debug : [function name]: UnBlocked on zcSelect
Debug : [function name]: received on the regular socket
Debug : [function name]: received on the port manager socket
Debug : [function name]: received on the vlan manager socket
Debug : [function name]: Received from unknown fd
Debug : [function name]: Number of bytes received = <number of
Debug : [function name]: Embedded messages in payload
Debug : [function name]: End of Initial Configuration received
Debug : [function name]: {PM_ATTACH | PM_DETACH |PM_SUCCESS} event
Debug : [function name]: {PM_ATTACH|PM_DETACH}: type = %d, index =
Debug : [function name]: {PMM_ASSOCIATION_CREATE |
Debug : [function name]: Invalid Message: Message ID = <msgId>
Debug : [function name]: PM_ATTACH if_index = %d, aggregate_number
= %d
Debug : [function name]: CS_NI_STATE event received
Debug : [function name]: CS_NI_STATE event received for WAN board
Debug : [function name]: CS_NI_UP: slot_number = %d
Debug : [function name]: CS_NI_UP: slot_number = %d and Unlike NI
Debug : [function name]: Invalid NI State: NI STATE = %d
Debug : [function name]: SLOT UP slot_number = %d
Debug : [function name]: SLOT DOWN slot_number = %d
Debug : [function name]: LA_PORT_JOIN event received
Debug : [function name]: LA_PORT_LEAVE event received
Debug : [function name]: PSM_RESP event received for {PSM_SET |
Debug : [function name]: ERROR in PSM_RESP event received for {
Debug : [function name]: PSM_NOTIFY_MSGID: {PSM_STATE_AGGREGABLE |
PSM_STATE_FIXED} event received
Debug : [function name]: PSM_NOTIFY_MSGID: ERROR in PSM_STATE_FIXED
event received
Debug : [function name]: ERROR in PSM_NOTIFY_MSGID
Debug : [function name]: VM_MOD_DEFAULT_VLAN_ON_PORT event received
Debug : [function name]: VM_DEL_VLAN event received
Debug : [function name]: VM_ADD_VLAN event received
Debug : [function name]: VM_ADD_EG_PORT event received
Debug : PSM_NOTIFY_MSGID: transition to {q tagged | mobile |
mirror} from fixed rcvd
Debug : ERROR in PSM_NOTIFY. Bad final state
Debug : ERROR message received from %d
Debug : acceptable frame type = <frame type>, return value =
<return value>
Debug : force internal tag return value = <return value>
Debug : add_q_tag return value = <return value>
Debug : RETURN_NI_STATE_8021Q event received from slot =
Debug : END_OF_DATA_8021Q event received from slot = <slot_number>
Debug : ADD_Q_TAG_8021Q event received from slot = <slot_number>,
port = <port_numebr> and vlan_id <vlan_id>
Debug : SET_ACCEPTABLE_FRAME_TYPE event received from slot =
<slot_number>, port = <port_numebr> and
acceptable_frame_type = {all | tagged only}
Debug : FORCE_TAG_INTERNAL event received from slot =
<slot_number>, port = <port_numebr> and
force_tag_internal = {on|off}
Debug : CHANGE_DEFAULT_VLAN event received from slot =
<slot_number>, port = <port_number> and default_vlan =
Debug : SET_PORT_AGGREGATION_STATUS event received from slot =
<slot_number>, port = <port_number> and
aggregation_status = {aggregation_status}
Debug : ADD_Q_TAG_AGGREGATE_8021Q event received from aggregate =
<aggregate_number> and vlan_id = <vlan_id>
Debug : Unsolicited event received
Debug : No Ports configured
Debug : [function name]: action = <action>
Debug : [function name]: slot_number = <slot_number>
Debug : [function name]: port_number = <port_number>
Debug : [function name]: aggregate id = <aggregate_number>
Debug : [function name]: acceptable frame type = <frame_type>
Debug : [function name]: PORT UP
Debug : [function name]: if_index = %d: global_port = -1
Debug : [function name]: PORT DOWN
Debug : [function name]: force_tag_internal = <force_tag_internal>
Debug : [function name]: default_vlan = <default vlan>
Debug : [function name]: port_aggregation_status =
Debug : [function name]: number_configured_vlan = <number of
configured vlan>
Debug : [function name]: Description = [Description]
Debug : [function name]: INFORMATION: MIRRORING PORT <slot>/<port>
Debug : ha_vlan_status <ha_vlan_status>
Debug : [function name]: AGGREGATE UP
Debug : [function name]: AGGREGATE DOWN
Debug : [function name]: aggregate number = < aggregate_number>,
default_vlan = <vlan_id>
Debug : [function name]: slot_number = <slot>, port_number =
4.6 Protocol Specific Log Messages
Not Applicable.
5 VLAN Manager
5.1 Error Messages
5.1.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages
Error : Null pointer value passed to vmcRecoverDynamicVpas
Description : Invalid NULL pointer passed. Contact Customer support
Error : vm tx mult: payload too large
Description : Payload size is greater than buffer size. Contact
Customer support engineer.
Error : vm tx ni: bad ifIndex <ifIndex>
Description : Invalid global port number (gpn == 0xffffffff).
Contact Customer support engineer.
Error : vm tx ni: bad slot number
Description : Invalid slot number (slot number is 0 or greater than
maximum slots). Contact Customer support engineer.
Error : vm: MIP Registration Failed
Description : VM registration with MIP failed. CLI configuration of
VLAN manager will fail. Contact Customer support
Error : vm Error creating falsock buffer.
Description : IPC Buffer creation failure. Contact Customer Support
engineer. Contact Customer support engineer.
Error : Dead socket connection, socketID <socketId>
Description : IPC socket connection failed. Contact Customer Support
Engineer failed.
Error : vm tx Error (<number of bytes>) to: <slot> <slice>
<AppId> <snapId>.
Error : Port alloc problem, [function name], <line_number>
Error : Port alloc problem, [function name], <line_number>
Error : pPort NULL, [function_name], <line_number>
Error : socket assignment Error
Error : vm socket bind Error: index=<index>
locSnap=<loc_snap> socket=<socket Id> Error=<Error>
Error : socket connect Error: locSnap=<locSnap>
5.2 Warning Messages
Not Applicable.
5.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable.
5.4 Alarm Messages
Alarm : Insufficient memory, [function_name], <line_number>
Description : Memory Allocation failed due to insufficient memry in
the system.
Alarm : Port mgr reg unsuccessful
Description : VM registration with Port Manager failed. PM wont be
sending Port_attach/detach and Link status messages to
5.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Debug : Downloaded cfg to globSlice <globSlice>, last vid =
Debug : globSlice <globslice>, slot <slot_num>, slice <slice_num>,
ifIndex %d gpn <global_port_num>, defBv
Debug : vmcSetActualForwardingState(), gpnBase = <gpnBase>
Debug : Vlan = <vlan_id>, StpVctr[<port_vector_count>] =
stp_vector, deltaBv[<count>] = <deltaBitVector>
Debug : Added Mobile Vpa, vid <vlan_id>, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Deleted Mobile Vpa, vid <vlan_id>, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Rx VM_CFG_ACK_DONE msg from slice <slice_num>
Debug : Tx VM_CFG_ACT_DONE to slice <slice_num>
Debug : Rx VM_DYN_RECOVER_ACK msg from slice <slice_num>
Debug : Rx Link Msg for ifIndex = <ifIndex>, status = <status>
Debug : Couldn't create Flood Q on globalSlice <globSlice>
Debug : <function name> <Line_number> Mac address already present n
this vlan
Debug : <function name> <Line_number> cannot allocate memory for
port mac entry...
Debug : <function name> <Line_number> Unable to delete :cannot find
the specified vlanId and mac address
Debug : <function name> <Line_number> slot <slot_num> port
<port_id> is already part of vlan <vlan_id>
Debug : <function name> <Line_number> Cannot allocate memory for
port list entry...
Debug : <function name> <Line_number> slot <slot_num> port
<port_num> is not part of vlan <vlan_id>
Debug : Deleting all config for HA vlan <vlan_id> because port
<port_id> doesn't belong to Coronado 2
Debug : inOidNum = <InputObjectIdNumber> inOid = <object_id>,
<function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : vlanAdmStatus = <admin_status>, <Function_name>,
Debug : vlanAuthentStatus = <authent_status>, <Function_name>,
Debug : vlanIpAddress = <IP_address>, <Function_name>,
Debug : vlanIpMask = <IP_Mask>, <Function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : vlanNumber = <vlan_number>, <Function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : vlanStatus = <vlan_status>, <Function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : vlan1x1StpStatus = <Vlan1x1StpStatus>, <Function_name>,
Debug : vlanFlatStpStatus = <VlanFlatStpStatus>, <Function_name>,
Debug : vlanVoiceStatus = <VlanVoiceStatus>, <Function_name>,
Debug : vlanIpEncap = <IpEncap>, <Function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : vlanMtu = <vlan_mtu>, <Function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : portMacStatus && authn, <function_name>, <line_number>
Debug : enter slMacToPortMacGet...
Debug : enter slMacToPortMacGetNext, inOidNum = <ObjectIdCount>…
Debug : Sent port-mac msg to SL, vid <vlan_id>, portMacType
[portmacType], IfIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Tx flood Q rqst to Q-Driver
Debug : Tx Ingress slice config to SL
Debug : Tx Mac data to SL
Debug : Tx Egress port data to Dot1q
Debug : vmc : RespondIp6Mac NULL vlan ptr <vlan_id>
Debug : vmc : vid <vlan_id> out of range
Debug : cfgState set to VMC_NO_SYNC, InTakeover <vmcTakeOverMode>,
NiDwnRx <Slot Num>
Debug : cfgState set to VMC_CFG_SYNC, InTakeover <vmcTakeOverMode>,
NiDwnRx <Slot Num>
Debug : CS_NI_UP msg received for slot <slot_num>
Debug : CS_NI_DOWN msg Rx for slot <slot_num>
Debug : Downloaded Cfg for globalSlice <globalSlice>
Debug : Sent VM_CFG_RQT_DONE msg
Debug : Port <ifIndex> transitioned from PSM_STATE_MOBILE -->
Debug : Port <ifIndex> transitioned from PSM_STATE_MOBILE -->
Debug : Port <ifIndex> transitioned from PSM_STATE_MOBILE -->
Debug : Port <ifIndex> transitioned from PSM_STATE_MOBILE -->
Debug : Agg Id <Aggregation Id> out of bound, [function_name],
Debug : Enqueued link msg for ifIndex = <ifIndex>, link status
<link Status>
Debug : Del vlan Error: vlan <vlan_id> does not exist
Debug : vmc : Tx VM_DEACTIVATE_IP_VLAN for vlan <vlan_id>
Debug : vmc : Tx VM_DEACTIVATE_IPX_VLAN for vlan <vlan_id>
Debug : vmc : Sent VM_DEACTIVATE_IP6_VLAN for vlan <vlan_id>
Debug : Sent VM_ACTIVATE_IP_VLAN msg for vlan <vlan_id>,
Debug : vmc :pPort->active [VPA Active State], vid <vlan_id>,
vpaState [vpa fwding state], VMC_SET_FWDING_VPA = <vpa
set fwding state bit>
Debug : Added new mirroring session, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Deleting last mirror session
Debug : Comparing vpa, vid <vlan_id>, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Delet vpa, vid <>vlan_id>, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Plan to delete mirroring vpa
Debug : MirdVpa, vid <vlan_id>, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : Finding vpa ....
Debug : Just before calling PMM function
Debug : Deleteing vpa, vid <vlan_id>, ifIndex <ifIndex>
Debug : vmc : portMacStatus = <port_mac_status> for vid <vlan_id>
Info : vmc : vid <vlan_id> ipv6 action <Action>
Info : vmcAcquireRtrMac : vid <vlan_id>
Info : vmc : vid <vlan_id> ip action <Action>
5.6 Protocol Specific Log Messages
Not Applicable.
6 Link Aggregation
6.1 Error Messages
6.2 Warning Messages
Warning : Type of board not on HAWK <board type>
Description : Board type is neither base 24 nor base 48. Verify the
NI board type.
Warning : Device number != 0 on hawk <device_nbr>
Description : Invalid Device Number. Verify the device number or
ntact Customer Support engineer. Co
Warning : Device number != 0.1 on hawk 48 <device_nbr>
Description : Invalid device number. Contact Customer Support
Warning : Erroneous ifIndex or port number <port_idx> !!!
Description : Ifindex exceeds its range or port id is -1. Contact
Customer Support engineer.
Warning : Port id does not match to physical coordinates port
Description : Number of ports exceeds maximum ports per NI or slot
number exceeds maximum NI. Contact Customer Support engineer.
Warning : Port context not found <port>
Description : Number of ports exceeds maximum ports per NI or slot
number exceeds maximum NI. Contact Customer Support engineer.
Warning : Inconsistent aggregate
Description : Aggregate port table is null. Contact Customer Support
Warning : stack port <port> in aggregate <add_id>
Description : Ifindex exceeds its range or port id is -1. Contact
Customer Support engineer.
Warning : Inconsistent Index <index>
Description : Ifindex exceeds its range or port id is -1. Contact
Customer Support engineer.
Warning : prev_Port not aggregable <port>
Description : bop check fails
Warning : prev_Port not OK <port>
Description : the previous port in hw load balancing group
not in the same aggregate
Warning : prev_Port context not found <port>
Description : The pervious port in the load balancing group is not
Warning : unable to prev_Port pm context agg index <agg_id>
Description : Port id does not match to physical coordinates port
Warning : Inconsistent previous port ref
Description : Erroneous ifIndex or port number. Contact Customer
Support engineer.
Warning : bad value for bop_checked port idx: <num> <num>
Description : bop check (hawk) made on the layaout of the pervious
port failed. Contact Customer Support engineer.
Warning : prev_Port not OK <port>
Description : Port context not found or No aggregate ctx is matching
this aggregate id. Contact Customer Support engineer.
Warning : LINKAGG started on Primary CMM by default
Description : CMM state is neither primary nor secondary. Contact
Customer Support engineer.
Warning : Port <port> is already assigned
Description : previously received a PSM notify or PMM association
Warning : static alloc port failed onNI <port>
Description : Erroneous port number or Port ifindex does not match
to a port or This Port is not aggregable on Hawk or No more memory
to reserve a buffer for socket handler or socket handler send failed
Warning : Port Static but agg ctx not found <port>
Description : Given port is not aggregate ,no need to bind.
Warning : Dyn alloc port failed on NI <port>
Description : Erroneous port number or Port ifindex does not match
to a port or This Port is not aggregable on Hawk or No more memory
to reserve a buffer for socket handler or socket handler send
failed. Contact Customer support engineer.
Warning : Port attached but agg ctx not found <port>
Description : Given port is not aggregate. Verify the aggregation
Warning : Unknown Ni diagnostic <diag_type> <diag_Info>
Description : Invalid diag type. Verify the configuration.
Warning : This aggregate id does not exist <agg_id>
Description : Invalid aggregate id. Verify the aggregation id
Warning : This aggregate is out of order <agg_id>
Description : probably a new NI with this aggregate has
already started.
Warning : Slot <slot> link not up because of insufficient Queues
Description :
Warning : Unknown Aggregate diagnostic <agg_id> diag <diag_Info>
Description : Invalid diag Info
Warning : No ctx agg <agg_id> for this port <port> on NI
Description : Aggregate not found
Warning : agg <agg_id> Hw issue for this port <port> on NI
Description : Load balancing programming
Warning : Unknown port diagnostic <port> diag <diag_Info>
Description : Invalid diag Info
Warning : Unknown port join diagnostic <port> diag <diag_Info>
Description : Invalid diag Info
Warning : la_cmm_mgt_creat_static_agg_f agg_id <agg_id> failed
Description : Creating an aggregate object on CMM failed because
Aggregate is already assigned or Wrong aggregate ID
Warning : Selected aggregate number out of order <num>
Description : Aggregate id =0 or greater than maximum aggregates.
Verify the link aggregation configuration.
Warning : No Admin key defined
Warning : Selected Aggregate Number cannot be set on LACP port.
Verify the admin key configuration.
Warning : Error Agg flushed sending err <Error> evt <event_id>
n_id> app<applicatio
Warning : Port was previously aggregable ifdx <num>
Warning : Unwaited Port state aggregable received
Description : Final port state is aggregable
Warning : No object ctx for port <port> (mirroring)
Description : The given port is not an aggregate port
Warning : Port was already not mirrored <port>
Description : The given port is not a mirrored port
Warning : Port aggregable but context not found <port>
Description : The given port is an aggregate port but port context
not found from its identification
Warning : Statistics received on an unselected port <port>
Description : The selected aggregate identification is -1
Warning : Statistics received but no aggregate retrieved for
t>. this port <por
Description : The given aggregate context address index is not found
in aggregate context address table
Warning : Inconsistent aggregate admin state : <agg_state>
Description : The aggregate admin status is neither enabled nor
Warning : Inconsistent trap enable : <num>
Description : The aggregate admin status is neither enabled nor
Warning : Inconsistent aggregate oper state : <agg_state>
Description : The aggregate operational status is neither enabled
nor disabled
Warning : Inconsistent aggregate admin state : <agg_state>
Description : The aggregate admin status is neither enabled nor
Warning : Erroneous port number idx=<num> slot=<slot> !!!
Description : The port number exceeds the maximum number of ports
ner NI
Warning : Erroneous port number idx=<numt> slot=<slot>
port=<port> !!!
Warning : Data inconsistency !!!
Description : Invalid index (index = -1)and port type is 0
(omnichannel aggregate)
Warning : Determination of slice from global port out of order
<num> <num>
Description : Invalid slice (slice is less than 0 or greater than
maximum number of slices per NI)
Warning : Port ifindex does not match to a port <port>
Description : Invalid port ifindex(port id is greater than its
maximum range or equal to 0)
Warning : This Port is not aggregable on Hawk <port> <num>
Description : Aggregate context for the given port does not exists
or invalid port id
Warning : Port ifindex does not match to a port <port> <num>
Description : Invalid port ifindex(port id is greater than its
maximum range or equal to 0)
Warning : Unknown adminstate
Description : Admin state is neither LA_ENABLED nor LA_DISABLED
6.2.1 Contact Custmer Support for the following log messages
Warning : Aggregate Number cannot be modified
Warning : size nominator cannot be modified
Warning : lacp type nominator cannot be modified
Warning : Wrong Number of nominators <nominator>
Warning : Aggregate Number cannot be directly created
Warning : No lacp type nominator defined
Warning : No size nominator defined
Warning : Unknown Aggregate <agg_id>
Warning : Inconsistent alclnkaggAggIndex <agg_id>
Warning : Inconsistent Row Status <status>
Warning : Wrong index number <num>
Warning : clock_gettime Error <ret>
Warning : Inconsistent admin state <admin state>
Warning : Inconsistent oper state <oper state>
Warning : too many nominators <nominator>
Warning : Unknown agg port type <port type>
Warning : Inconsistent dot3adAggPortIndex <num>
Warning : Global port Number cannot be modified
Warning : Selected Aggregate Number cannot be modified
Warning : No selected aggregate number defined
Warning : PSM Error msg not identified <msg_type>
Warning : Port mirrored <num> should be not aggregable
6.3 Critical Messages
6.3.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages
Critical : Inconsistent aggregate type : <type>
Description : Invalid aggregate type(type is neither link agg nor
omnichannel). Verify the link aggregation configuration and contact
customer support.
Critical : This aggregate id does not exist <agg_id>
Critical : <function name> This aggregate id does not exist
<agg_id>. Verify the link aggregation configuration and contact
customer support.
Critical : Erroneous port number <port> !!!
Description : The port number exceeds the maximum number of ports
ner NI. Verify the link aggregation configuration and contact
customer support.
Critical : Port is already assigned
Description : The same id is already recorded. Verify the link
aggregation configuration and contact customer support.
Critical : Max ports reached <num>
Description : Port exceeds the limit of maximum ports. Verify the
link aggregation configuration and contact customer support.
Critical : Port alloc failed <size>
Description : Port aggregate context does not exists,it is null.
Contact customer support.
Critical : Del static port not attached to aggregate <num> <num>
Description : Port index is -1. Contact customer support.
Critical : No aggregate selected for this selected port
Description : Aggregate context does not exists for the given port.
Verify the aggregation configuration.
Critical : Port context not found <port>
Description : Port context does not exists for the given port.
Verify the aggregation configuration.
Critical : NI up received nbr out of order <slot>/<slice>!!!
Description : Slot number is 0 or exceeds the maximum slots
Critical : unable to provide port_id for ifindex: <num>
Description : The given port id is -1 or it exceeds its range
Critical : Audit of link state on slot <slot> slice <slice>failed
Description : No more memory to reserve a buffer for socket handler
Critical : NI down received nbr out of order <slot>/<slice> !!!
Description : Slot number is 0 or exceeds the maximum slots
Critical : No aggregate ctx is matching this id : <agg_id>
Description : Aggregate context does not exists for the given port
Critical : No Port ctx is matching this id : <port>
Description : Port context does not exists for the given port
Critical : Broadcast port leave conf to all NIs failed !
Description : Invalid port id or no more memory to reserve a buffer
r socket handler fo
Critical : Broadcast port leave to all NIs failed !
Description : Invalid port id or no more memory to reserve a buffer
r socket handler
Critical : Broadcast Port Leave to CMM failed !
Description : socket handler send failed
Critical : Port <port> is already assigned
Description : previously received a PSM notify or PMM assoc creation
Critical : Unknown admin status <status>
Description : The aggregate admin status is neither enabled nor
Critical : Port Manager Error MSG evt <event> code <num> val
<num> objid <num>
Critical : agg <agg_id> no Q ressoorce for this port <port>
Description : Diag Info is no more queques
Critical : Q assign err on PORT JOIN <agg_id> <port> on NI
Description : Diag Info is Error on port join from queque driver
Critical : Port state was previously aggregable <port>
Description : Port is already an aggregate port
Critical : !!! Malloc failed for wait aggregable timer !!!
Description : control timer to delay the creation on NI is null
Critical : !!! Malloc failed for timer_req_dyn_map !!!
Description : Null timer cell
Critical : <function name> exceed limit slot: <slot>
Description : Something must be wrong at NIs, no point of keeping
sending map request indefinitely.
Critical : Port Mismatch selection and attachement port id <port>
agg id <agg_id> prev aggid <agg_id>
Description : Port has been already selected with an other aggregate
Critical : No aggregate ctx selected port id <port> agg id
Description : The given port is not selected for link aggregation.
Contact Customer support.
Critical : mode mismatch cmm :<num> ni :<slot>
Description : Mismatch between aggregate corando mode and aggregate
Critical : Error on port join broadcast
Description : No more memory to reserve a buffer for socket handler
or socket handler send failed
Critical : Error PM link status UP msg
Description : Aggregate linkstatus msg send to PM NOK
Critical : Erroneous ifIndex or port number <port> !!!
Description : The given port id is -1 or it exceeds its range
Critical : Error aggregate modification <num>
Description : This aggregate id does not exist
Critical : Unknown Aggregate <agg_id>
Critical : MIP Error <mip_retcod>
Critical : Error in snapshot building <num>
Description : Wrong index number or No aggregate found for this ifdx
Critical : MAC request msg send NOK <num>
Description : sending the base MAC addresse request to Chassis MAC
Server failed
Critical : MAC request msg send to PM NOK <num>
Critical : Erroneous ifIndex Aggregate Number <num> !!!
Description : Invalid ifindex
Critical : Invalid Primary port number <agg_id> !!!
Critical : Erroneous slice from ifIndex <ifindex> <port> <slice>
Description : Invalid slice (slice is less than 0 or greater than
maximum number of slices per NI)
Critical : Strange the port update is normally reserved for one
Description : Invalid slot id (slot id =-1)
Critical : Aggregate ctxt does not exist <port>
Critical : Read objectError <num>
Critical : Error of lagg_Sock_connect of app :<app_id>
Critical : Error of lagg_Sock_bind2Evt evt <event_id> app
Critical : Error of lagg_Sock_declareXErrorFunction evt
Critical : Error of lagg_Sock_declareReceiveFunction sock apid
Critical : Init Socket Handler Connections failure <num>
Critical : Init Socket Handler Emission failure <num>
Critical : Init Socket Handler Reception failure <num>
Critical : End of Starting Application queue msg NOK <num>
Critical : End of Starting Application send msg NOK <num>
Critical : Init CMM esm driver timer NOK <num>
Critical : Init CMM esm driver timer send msg NOK <num.
Critical : Aggregate is already assigned in <agg_id>
Critical : Aggregate alloc failed <size>
Critical : Coronado Version Mixed
Critical : Error reading object <num>
Critical : mip_registration failure <num>
Critical : View table not defined <num>
Critical : mip_write_ascii_done NOK : <num>
Critical : Snapshot failed <num>
Critical : from TRAP MGR id Unknown msgID <event code>
Critical : mip_write_trap failed trap <num>
Critical : mip_msg_done failed trap <num>
Critical : Determination of slice nb out of order : <slice>
Critical : Unable to create static agg for slot <slot>
Critical : Wrong unlike NI value <slot>
Critical : unsubscribed NI state <slot>
Critical : from HSM chassis supervision Event id Unknown msgID
Critical : wrong msg from Chassis Sup msgID <event_code>
Critical : wrong msg from Chassis Mac Server msgID <event_code>
Critical : Sock App id Unknown <app_id>
Critical : from Port Manager Event id Unknown msgID <event_code>
Critical : from Port state Manager Event id unknown msgID
Critical : Invalid CS_NI_DOWN msgs <status> <slot>
Critical : from CMM ESM driver id unknown msgID <event_code>
Critical : from PORT MIRRORING id Unknown msgID <event_code>
Critical : LANI Event id Unknown msgID < _code> from event
Critical : Error port join conf sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error port leave conf sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error static aggregate creation sending err
Error vent_id> app <app_id> < _code> evt <e
Critical : Error dynamic aggregate creation sending err
<Error_code> evt <event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error static port creation sending err <Error_code>
evt <event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error dynamic port creation sending err <Error_code>
<app_id> evt <event_id> app
Critical : Error agregate deletion sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error port deletion sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error port updating sending err <Error_code> evt
_id> <event_id> app <app
Critical : Error agrregate flushing sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error Debug event conf sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error system id sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error config synchronized sending err <Error_code> evt
_id> <event_id> app <app
Critical : Error NI up sending err <Error_code> evt <event_id>
app <app_id>
Critical : Error NI down conf sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error dynamic map request sending err <Error_code> evt
_id> <event_id> app <app
Critical : Error token sending err <Error_code> evt <event_id>
app <app_id>
Critical : Error token job sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Event id unknown <num> Error <Error_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error port aggregable sending err <Error_code> evt
_id> <event_id> app <app
Critical : Error port disaggregable sending err <Error_code> evt
<app_id> <event_id> app
Critical : id unknown <num> Error Error_id> app <app_id> Event <
Critical : Error port join sending err <Error_code> evt
_id> <event_id> app <app
Critical : Error port leave sending err <Error_code> evt
<event_id> app <app_id>
Critical : Error Agg flushed sending err <Error_code> evt
<app_id> <event_id> app
Critical : Event id unknown <num> Error <Error_id> app <app_id>
Critical : App id unknown <app_id>
Critical : Inconsistent Port state: <final_state>
Critical : PSM registration ABORT !!
Critical : Error on received stats inconsistent nbr of ports
Critical : Err inconsistency between length of stat msg rcv and
nb ports from ESMdrv <num> <num>
Critical : Unknown job id from lani_dyn_update <job_id>
Critical : No more memory to reserve a buffer for socket handler
Critical : socket handler send failed
Critical : PM registration msg send NOK <num>
Critical : Logical port creation msg send NOK <num>
Critical : Logical port Deletion msg send NOK <num>
Critical : Aggregate adminstate msg send NOK <num>
Critical : Aggregate adminstate msg send to PM NOK <num>
Critical : Aggregate linkstatus msg send NOK <num>
Critical : Aggregate linkstatus msg send to PM NOK <num>
6.4 Alert Messages
Not Applicable.
6.5 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable.
6.6 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Not Applicable.
6.7 Protocol Specific Log Messages
Log : No aggregate ctx is matching this id :<agg_id>
Log : Port was already checked nok <port>
Log : Erroneous port number <port> !!!
Log : Inconsistent port number <port>!!!
Log : Pm Port ctxt not found <port>
Log : Admin key <admin_key> already assigned to port <port>
that belongs to other group
Log : Wrong index number <num>
Log : Link Aggregation TRACE : MGT_Trace_levels=<level>
LACP_Trace_levels=<level> TOKEN_Trace_levels=<level>
Log : Wrong aggregate ID <agg_id>
Log : Aggregate alloc failed <size>
Log : Max q reserved over passed <aggreable_ports>
ts> <reserved_por
Log : This aggregate id does not exist <agg_id>
Log : Impossible to delete the aggregate there is at least
ched to this one one port atta
Log : The aggregate id attached does match to an existent
Log : Aggregate <agg_id> is blocked
Log : No more port available in this aggregate
Log : Mixed. ok... agg:<agg_id> mode:<mode>
ot_mode> slot_mode:<sl
Log : Max ports reached <port>
Log : Port Manager Error MSG evt <evt> code <code> val <val>
> objid <obj_id
Log : PM Port ctx not found <port>
Log : No aggregate could match this ifdx <agg_id>
Log : Size of aggregate bad defined <value>
Log : Error aggregate creation <num>
Log : Out of order Nominator <nominator>
Log : Unknown adminstate <admin_state>
Log : No aggregate found for this ifdx <num>
Log : No aggregate found for this id <agg_id>
Log : Wrong aggregate index number <num>
Log : Unknown linkupdown trap enable <agg_trap_enabled>
Log : Unknown Nominator <nominator>
Log : Inconsistent alclnkaggAggPortIndex <num>
Log : Config saved
Log : Parameter value out of range <param_value>
Log : Error aggregable port creation <num>
Log : mip_msg_queuing NO <num>
Log : EVT board up received slot <slot> slice <slice> unlike
pe> <num> typ <ty
Log : 10G NI_DOWN Error deleting <slot>/<num>
Log : Stats received port number not found <port> !!!
Log : Port Manager SUCCES
Log : PSM Port not aggregable ifdx <ifindex>
Log : PSM registration confirmed
Log : Statistics received but no ctx port retrieved <port>
Log : Erroneous ifIndex Aggregate Number <ifindex> !!!
Log : Erroneous ifIndex Aggregate Number <ifindex> !!!
Log : Port <port> obj_port_ctx_p malloc already
Log : Ni not ready to receive config <slot>
Log : i not ready to receive config <slot>
7.1 Error Messages
Not Applicable.
7.2 Warning Messages
Warning : unable to form good ifIndex for atmPort!!
Description: Invalid ifIndex given by the SNMP agent
Warning : unable to create Intf tbl entry
Description: May be not enough memory
Warning : Incorrect entry values !!
Descriotion: Invalid values give by SNMP agent
Warning : Couldn't find VC
Description: VC may not be created
Warning : Couldn't modify traffic descr for VC
Descriotin: VC needs to be admin down before any modification
Warning : Couldn't modify service for VC
Description: VC doesnot allow this service
Warning : Couldn't send msg to NI for VC
Description: NI may be down
Warning : Unable to send msg to NI
Description: NI may not be present
Warning : Invalid slot/port <slot/port> in Ifindex
Description: Invalid ifIndex given by SNMP agent
Warning : Unable to find port for this VC
Description: Invalid ifIndex given by SNMP agent
Warning : Unable to find valid traff index for this VC
Description: Invalid ifIndex given by SNMP agent
Warning : Total VCs exceeded
Description: Total number of VCs supported in this system is already
Warning : CAC VC failed
Description: NO available bandwidth in this VC
Warning : memory allocation failed
Description: No memory
Warning : Invalid ifIndex
Description: Invalid ifIndex Given by SNMP Agent
Warning : pmFindIfIndex failed
Description: Invalid ifIndex Given by SNMP Agent
Warning : Unable to find entry for <portId> port
Description: Invalid ifIndex Given by SNMP Agent
Warning : Unable to find Traff entry for <traffic Index>
Description: Traffic descriptor does not exists.
Warning : able to del VC from traff list Un
Description: VC may not be associated with the traffic descriptor
Warning : During runtime, the NI is not up
Warning : During runtime, the port is not up
Warning : During runtime, the port is detached
Warning : Couldn't modify admin state for VC
Warning : Unable to find traff descr entry for <trfc Index>
Warning : Unable to set the VCC conf in intf table
Warning : Unable to find VC entry for <ifIndex>
Warning : ifIndex <ifIndex> or traff index <trfcIndex> is not right
Warning : Unable to set Vcc config for intf entry
Warning : Unable to add the VC in traff list
Warning : VC state in detached state
Warning : Unable to find PORT <ifIndex> in Intf table
Warning : No valid VC in PORT <ifIndex> in VC table
Warning : No mem. allocated for atmIntfEntry
Warning : Invalid slot/port in Ifindex!!
Warning : Unable to find ATM port Ifindex
Warning : Unable to find a good port
Warning : Index out of range
Warning : Invalid traff index
Warning : NI state down in slot <slotId> slice <sliceId>
Warning : not processing PM rsp for <ifIndex> !!
Warning : slot <slotId> slice <sliceId> out of range
Warning : Trying to send Trap!!
Warning : Unable to Send VC trap!!
Warning : received connect from slot <slotId>slice <slice
Warning : Port not in detached state
Warning : Unable to Send VC trap
Warning : Unable to send info to NI!!
Warning : not processing PM rsp for <ifIndex>
Warning : failed to del <ifIndex> in CMM
7.2.1 Contact Customer Support for the following log messages
Warning : Null pointer received
Warning : Unable to insert into the hash table
Warning : Unable to link the VC in phy port list
Warning : Unable to link the VC in the traff list
Warning : Unable to find entry in hash table
Warning : Unable to find entry in Intf table
Warning : Unable to delete the link for phy port list
Warning : Unable to delete the link for traff list
Warning : Unable to delete the VC from Hash table
Warning : Invalid input data
Warning : Unable to find VC entry in hash table for <atmVcIfIndex>
Warning : Bad input
Warning : Unable to find VC <ifIndex> in hash table
Warning : unable to create Intf tbl entry
Warning : receive message error
Warning : unknown socket <sockId>
Warning : Unable to find intf entry for
Warning : Invalid unlikeNi
Warning : headerPtr is null
Warning : unknown message id
Warning : Invalid ifIndex or sonetType
Warning : Unable to find port
Warning : message length error
Warning : Couldn't find ifIndex in temp structure
Warning : Port not in detached state!!
Warning : unable to create Intf tbl entry
Warning : Invalid ifIndex received!!
Warning : Unable to find port!!
Warning : failed sending end of start message
Warning : failed to register with MIP
Warning : invalid connection request
7.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable.
7.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable.
7.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Debug : This is either slot or slot/port with ifIdx <ifIndex>
Debug : IN Range: inOidNum is <objectId>
Debug : [ATM MGR] Slot/Port is <slot/port>
Debug : [ATM MGR] ret Type and inOidL[0] is <retType> and <inOid>
Debug : [ATM MGR] ifIdx before Get is <ifIndex>
Debug : [ATM MGR]: ifIdx received
Debug : [ATM MGR]: vpi/vci %d/%d\n
Debug : [ATM MGR]: inTrafficDescIndex = <trfcIndex>
Debug : [ATM MGR]: inOidNum = <oidNum>
Debug : [ATM MGR]: inSectionIndex = <sectionIndex>
Debug : [ATM MGR]: i/p params ifIdx
Debug : i/p params currIfId is <ifIndex> start sec <start Section>
<vcId> vcId is
Debug : in Start sec with ret = <retCode>
Debug : Service cat sec with ret = <retCode>
Debug : in VC Head sec with ret = <retCode>
Debug Received index : <ifIndex> :
Debug : [ATM MGR]: isExist is <isExist>
Debug : [ATM MGR]: rowStatus is <rowStatus>
Debug : ATM MGR: Received rowStatus is <rowStatus>
Debug : Return of atmTrafficDescrTableAddEntry is <retCode>
Debug : [ATM]: Wrong i/p params
8 Supervision
8.1 Error Messages
Error :Error(<erro code>) Reading Daughter module presence
slot <slot>
Description: Please contact customer support
Error :Error(<Error code>) Reading Daughter module presence
slot <slot>
Description: Please contact customer support
Error :Error setting Temp. Sensor shutdown value!";
Description: Please contact customer support
8.2 Warning Messages
Warning : csPrbNotifyHSM : zcSend failed: <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbNotifyHealthMonitoring : zcSend failed: <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbProcessInterruptData : zcSendto failed to CSM
present): <retCode> (other CMM
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbProcessInterruptData : zcSendto failed to HSM
(other CMM present): <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbProcessInterruptData : zcSendto failed to CSM
(other CMM not present): <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbProcessInterruptData : zcSendto failed to HSM
not present): <retCode> (other CMM
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbProcessTemp: zcSend failed
Description : IPC communication failure
ED_DANGER_SENT): <retCode>
Warning : csPrbProcessTemp: zcSend failed
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbProcessTemp: zcSend failed (PRB_HSM_TEMP_OK):
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrbSendTrap : zcSend failed: <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrb2Main : zcSendto failed to CSM: <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : csPrb2Main : zcSendto failed to CSM: <retCode>
Description : IPC communication failure
Warning : PNo=%s Sl=%d BAD ASIC REV=%d[0x%04x]
x%04x] good=%d[%d:0
Warning : "searching moduleTypes for vendor type failed. 0x%x
8.3 Alert Messages
ALERT : Multiple Interrupts Detected! Please Re-Insert NI
ALERT : Fan #<number> Failure!!
ALERT :"Warning Threshold Exceeded! SPARC Temp <temp>
Threshold <temp>"
8.4 Alarm Messages
Alarm : Danger Threshold Exceeded! Chassis Temp <temp>
Threshold <temp>
Alarm :"Danger Threshold Exceeded! SPARC Temp <temp> Threshold
8.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Info : Error reading <file name> in <path>
Info : Unable to malloc <size> bytes for oem names
Info : slot=<slot>, gbic=<gbic number>, serialType=[%x],
Info : HSMrecv(0x%x) from AppId : <appid>, SnapId : <snapid>, Slot :
<slot> on CCM socket
Info : HSMrecv(0x%x) from AppId : <appid>, SnapId : <snapid>, Slot :
t> on DEV NOTIFY socket <slo
Info : HSMrecv(0x%x) from AppId : <appid>, SnapId : <snapid>, Slot :
t> on MAIN socket <slo
Info : HSMrecv(0x%x) from AppId : <appid>, SnapId : <snapid>, Slot :
<slot> on STACK socket
Info : "T1:Ni Insertion detected on slot <slot>"
Info : "T1:Ni Extraction detected on slot <slot>"
Info : "T5:Ni insertion detected on slot <slot>"
Info : T5:Ni Extraction detected on slot <slot>
Info : T8: Ni Insertion detected on slot <slot>
Info : "T8: Ni Extraction detected on slot <slot>"
Info : === HSM === Power Shelf Power Supply <num> is DOWN\n;
Info : === HSM === Power Shelf Power Supply <num> has been
Info : === HSM === Power Shelf Power Supply <num> has been
Info : === HSM === Power Shelf Power Supply <num> is DOWN\n;
Info : HSMsend(0x%x) to remSlot <num>,remSlice <num>,remAppId
>,remSnapId <num>" <num
Info : csPrbMain: Hawk 48 extension board present! Notify HSM
Info : csPrbMain: Hawk POE daughter board present! Notify HSM
Info : Unable to determine Module 1 type!
Info : Module 1 detected!
Info : Module 1 Pulled!
Info : Unable to determine Module 2 type!
Info : Module 2 Detected!
Info : Module 2 Pulled!
Info : SFP 1 detected!
Info : SFP 1 Pulled!
Info : SFP 2 Detected!
Info : SFP 2 Pulled!
Info : SFP 3 detected!
Info : SFP 3 Pulled!
Info : SFP 4 Detected!
Info : SFP 4 Pulled!
Info : csPrbMonitorStackId: The slot number has changed to #<slot>!,
Info : csPrbMonitorStackId: Unable to commit slot number
Info : Warning Threshold Exceeded! Chassis Temp <temp> Threshold
> <temp
Debug : "csHsmNsmT1NiChange() slot <slot> "
Debug : csHsmNsmT1NiChange() <event> EVENT_NOT_EXPECTED
Debug : "T1:Ni(<slot>) doesn't exist, do nothing"
Debug : "T1:CtxDel(Ni <slot>)"
Debug : "csHsmNsmT2EndAppliStart() receive EOAS"
Debug : csHsmNsmT3EndInitConf() recv EOIC, send SNAP_RQ,
Debug : "csHsmNsmT4SnapshotEnd()"
Debug : "csHsmNsmT5WbNiChange()"
Debug : csHsmNsmT6BroadcastRq()
Debug : "csHsmNsmT7SnapshotRq()"
Debug : "csHsmNsmT7SnapshotRq() <event> EVENT_NOT_EXPECTED"
Debug : HSM sending Ni CTX to sec NI(<slot>) niReady is <slot>,
Debug : "T7 send _SNAP_ED"
Debug : "csHsmNsmT8OpNiChange()"
Debug : "csHsmNsmT9NiListRq()"
Debug : ">>>>csHsmTakeover() begin"
Debug : sec->pri:check ni <slot> P-K
Debug : sec->pri:check ni <slot> P-NK
Debug : send HSM_HSM_NI_INFO_RQ via _STACK_HW_INFO to ni <slot>
Debug : BBB:check ni <slot> in CsChsDesc.pNiCtxQueue agst niBitMask
Debug : BBB2 send HSM_HSM_NI_INFO_RQ via _STACK_HW_INFO to ni <slot>
Debug : BBB: NP-K CtxDel remote ni <slot>
Debug :CCCC: Request update for all remote NiCtx
Debug : "csHsmTakeover() send HSM_PRB_TP_THRESHOLD via _CS_PRB_MAIN
to ni <slot>"
Debug : <<<<csHsmTakeover() end
Debug : "BBB skipNotifyNewSecondary,hawk and kite only"
Debug : BbusPassthruRead ( PT=%d, data=0x%08x , len=%d, Slot=%d,
= %d, Type=%d, Addr = 0x%08x ) , Slice
Debug : Value at 0x%08x = [ 0x%08x , 0x%08x ] ,
Debug : csPrbProcessTemp: Sparc Temp <temp> Threshold <temp>
Debug : csPrbProcessTemp: Chassis Temp <temp> Threshold <temp>
Debug : "FABRIC : HSM allows PRB to process Nis"
Debug : csPtbReceiveMsg: Message Received Appid 0x%x Snapid 0x%x
0x%x, msgId
Debug: csPtbReceiveMsg: Non-Aligned Payload pointer
Debug: csPtbReceiveMsg: Invalid Payload pointer
Debug: csPtbSendMsg: Message Sent Appid 0x%x Snapid 0x%x Msgid
Debug: csPtbMain: Timeout on waiting for ack from other CMM
Debug: "F24 SFP <num> inserted"
Debug: "F24 SFP <num> pulled"
Debug: csPrbProcessTemp: zcSend failed (PRB_HSM_TEMP_UPDATE):
9 Port Management
9.1 Error Messages
Not Applicable
9.2 Warning Messages
Not Applicable
9.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable
9.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable
9.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Debug : portunav: Object <objIndex> does not exist
Debug : DeleteObject: Object <objIndex> does not exist
10.1 Error Messages
Error : Installation problem.\n Unable to locate component %s in
< pkgName > package
Description: Problem in installation phase. Contact Customer Support
10.2 Warning Messages
Not Applicable
10.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable
10.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable
10.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Info : Installation problem.\n File system problem when trying to
check file ,< fullFileName>
11.1 Error Messages
Error : Send Error CS_START_END_APPLI
Description : Sending message to socket failed
Error : *** Send Error CS_PING_ANSWER
Description : Sending message to socket failed
Error : *** Send Error CS_APPLI_TAKEOVER_ACK
Description : Sending message to socket failed
Error : Trying to expire v3src entry in EXCLUDE mode!
Description : current v3source type is exclude mode
Error : [vpn <port id>] [dst <destination ip address>] [vlan
<vlan id>]
Description : The port record does not exists for the given entry
Error : Unable to create static member, cannot allocate
Description : Client already there on a different port for same
Error : Unable to allocate proxy entry
Description : The group and vlan combination does not exists in hash
table for the given entry
Error : *** Unable to add port entry to vpn <port id>
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : *** Unable to add group entry for group <destination
ip address>
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : Unable to add destination port
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : Unable to allocate dport entry
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : *** Unable to add route entry
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : *** Entry does not exist
Description : The next flow matching not found
Error : *** Unable to locate switched forwading entry
Description : Bridging entry not found
Error : Lost connection with the FM task
Description : Index type is IPMFM_IPMEM
Error : Can't locate ID [id <message id of the message>]
Description : Descriptor index is -1
Error : Receive Error from EM task [errno <errno>]
Description : Receiving message from socket failed
Error : *** recv Error on mip socket
Error : *** Unknown message <message id of the message>
Error : recv Error on mip socket
Description : Invalid message id
Error : caught fatal select Error.
Description : Error occurred when the driver's select() routine
as invoked via ioctl().
Error : *** Error encountered
Description : IPMS initialization Error or registration Error or
Unable to spawn FM task or PM tadk
Error : IPMFM task terminated.
Description : ipmfm_grp_hash_init failed or ipmfm_dforward_hash_init
failed or ipmfm_forward_hash_init or initialization Error
Error : Clock skew detected: entry=<address>, entry-
>timeout=<timeout value>, ipms_clock=<ipms clock value>
Description : The entry’s timeout value is less than ipms clock time
Error : Memory exceeded, unable to create proxy entry!
Description : Allocating new space failed
Description : Invalid IGMPv3 report types.
Error : Malformed IGMPv3 packet detected: INVALID LENGTH
Error : Performing IPMS NI reset.
Description : Invalid descriptor type
Error : Performing IPMS NI reset [slot <slot id>]
Error : Receive Error [errno <errno>]
Description : The number of bytes received from a connection-based
(stream) socket is less than zero i.e receiving message failed
Error : IPMFM connected closed from remote end!
Description : Didn’t receive data from the socket.( The number of
tes received from a connection-based (stream) socket is zero) by
Error : *** ipms_recvfrom Error
Description : receiving a message from a datagram socket failed.
Error : socket failed <errno>
Description : Socket not available
Error : bind failed<errno>
Description : invalid socket,because the address is either
unavailable or in use, or the socket is already bound.
Error : send Error <errno>
Description : sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : connection closed <errno>
Description : Didn’t receive data from the socket.( The number of
tes received from a connection-based (stream) socket is zero) by
Error : Malloc Error
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : *** ipms_sendto Error
Description : sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : FATAL ERROR *** ipmem_mip_register
Description : Registration to MIP Library failed
Error : FATAL ERROR *** ipmem_vlan_register
Description : Registering vlan service failed due to any of the
1. The descriptor is not valid
2. The socket descriptor does not reference a socket
3. No buffers of the requested type are available
4. An incorrect parameter value was specified
5. The EIPC manager is not running
Error : FATAL ERROR *** ipmem_connect_psmmgr
Description : Connection failed due to invalid socket, the address
is either unavailable or in use, or the socket is already bound or
sending message to socket failed
Error : IPC buffer allocation Error
Description : Buffer allocation failed due to any of the following
The descriptor is not valid
1. The socket descriptor does not reference a socket
2. No buffers of the requested type are available
3. An incorrect parameter value was specified
4. The EIPC manager is not running
Error : Send Error [index <index value>] [fd <file descriptor
of the index>]
Description : Sending message to socket failed
Error : Update Statistics Failed
Description : Port record does not exist for the given entry
Error : difference=<difference in time >
Description : Invalid current time
Error : caught fatal select Error <errno>
Description : Error occurred when the driver's select() routine
was invoked via ioctl().
Error : Accept Error! Errno <errno>
Description : Adding a new connection using the descriptor failed
cause of invalid descriptor
Error : *** FATAL ERROR: Unable to spawn FM task
Description : memory is insufficient or the task cannot be created.
Error : *** Error encountered
Description : memory is insufficient or the sub task cannot be
ed. creat
Error : ** Unknown proxy VPN [dst <destination ip address>]
_id>] [vlan <vlan
Description : The given entry does not exists
Error : Unable to add neighbor
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : [src { source ip address}]
Error : Unable to find record [vpn <port id>]
Description : The port record does not exists for the given entry
Error : Cannot handle down on ID -1
Description : Invalid index
Error : Port allocation Error
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : Allocation failed
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : Allocation Error
Description : Allocating new space failed
Error : Trying to age an invalid entry
Description : No entry exists
Error : socket call failed: errno=<errno>
Description : socket not available
Error : ckopt IP_HDRINCL failed setso
Description : Error if there is an invalid socket, an unknown
option, an option length greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or
e call is unable to set the specified option. th
Error : Couldn't close socket: errno=<errno>
Description : The file descriptor is invalid.
11.2 Warning Messages
Warning : {group destination ip address}, <vlan id>, <port no>,
<vci>: primary move failed. <primary>,
Description : Moving configurations to primary failed because client
already there on a different port for same group
Warning : Unable to find group for removal
Description : Allocating space failed
Warning : Cannot find qintf entry for vlan <vlan id>
Description : No interface structure is associated with given group
Warning : Accept failed [errno <errno>]
Description : Adding a new connection using the descriptor failed
because of invalid descriptor
Warning : Send Error, closing socket [type <message type>] [id
<message id>] [errno <errno>]
Description : Error message describes no more processes when sending
message in socket failed
Warning : Unknown message type received from CS. [Type <message
essage>] id of the m
Description : Invalid message id
Warning : Send Error [Type <connection type>] [index <index
value>] [fd <file descriptor>]
Description :sending message to socket failed
Warning : Unknown Port Mirroring message. [Type <message id>]
Description : Invalid message id
Warning : Unknown Vlan Manager message. [Type <message id>]
Description : Invalid message id
Warning : Unable to allocate IPC buffer
Description : Buffer allocation failed due to any of the following
The descriptor is not valid
1. The socket descriptor does not reference a socket
2. No buffers of the requested type are available
3. An incorrect parameter value was specified
4. The EIPC manager is not running
Warning : Unable to send IPC message to NI
Description : Allocating space failed
Warning : Unknown message <message type > received
Description : Invalid message id
Warning : Duplicate IP multicast streams detected. Changing
Description : Duplicate flows available on the same VLAN ,
so remove
e old entry th
Warning : {function name} <line no> Unable to find record on vpn
<port id>
Description : The port record does not exists for the given entry
Warning : Unable to add port <port id> to MCVID 0
Description : Vid is not 0
Warning : Adding route for dest vlan that doesn't exist
Description : The vlan entry does not exists
Warning : *** Trying to remove a route pending stream!
Description : The current entry’s flag value is of pending
Warning : Router closed socket, message send aborted
Description : Invalid descriptor (descriptor value is -1)
Warning : *** Unable to find native flow to remove
Description : The next matching specific entry not found
Warning : *** Unable to find native entry to add route
Description : Unable to find the next matching specific entry
Warning : [mdst <Native Multicast IP Address >] [msrc <Native
Source IP Address >] [usrc<Tunnel Unicast Source IP>]
Warning : [svlan <vlan id>] [stype <Source Flow Type >]
Warning : Unable to find port with client attached
Warning : Destination IP {String format of destination ip
} address
Warning : Source IP { destination ip address}
Warning : Duplicate Ports <svpn> <port id>
11.3 Critical Messages
CRITICAL : IPC send retry failure
Description : Error number describes no more processes when sending
message to socket failed ,this results in IPMS NI reset
CRITICAL : IPC buffer alloc failure [slot <slot id>]
Description : descriptor type is IPMEM_FD_NI when buffer allocation
failed, this results in IPMS NI reset
11.4 Alert Messages
Alert : 'ipmpm_mip_register' <return value>
Description : Registration to MIP Library failed
Alert : msgid' <message id of the message>
Description : Invalid message id
Alert : 'add' {destination address}{ source address },
ort id> <svlan>, <p
Description : Adding a policy to the hash table failed
Alert : 'qosIPMSGetPolicy' , {destination address},{ source
address }<svlan>, <svpn>
Description : IPMS port not found or Unknown IPMS request
11.5 Alarm Messages
Alarm : 'socket' <errno>
Description : Socket not available
Alarm : 'bind'<errno>
Description : invalid socket,because the address is either
unavailable or in use, or the socket is already bound.
Alarm : 'select' <errno>
Description : Error occurred when the driver's select() routine
was invoked via ioctl().
Alarm : 'dead'
Description : Ipms task is not in run state
11.6 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Not Applicable.
12.1 Error Messages
Error name}: mq_send failed on EINTR : {fn
Description : While trying to enqueue the message from DVMRP process
to IP Multicast Route Mananger, the enqueue operation failed
Error: {fn name}: Malloc failed
Description : Memory Is low on the box and hence memory allocation
is seen in DVMRP component.
Error: NO graft for (<source address>, <gaddress ) because none
Description : We have not send a prune to this upstream neighbor and
hence no need to send a graft
Error: {fn name}: Unable to find nbr
Description : Neighbor not capable of accepting prune and graft
Error:Unable to send graft since Nbr is a non-pruning Nbr
Description : Neighbor is non-pruning Nbr. Hence no need to send
Error: {fn name}: Unable to enable I<ip index> for Multicast.
Description : Socket operation failed while trying to send graft
message from DVMRP
Error ockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF failed %@IP <source address> : sets
Description : Socket operation from with option as IP_MULTICAST_IF
failed while trying to send DVMRP graft message
Error: {fn name}: Unable to enable I<ip index> for Multicast.
Description : DVMRP tries to send packet on a vlan and it failed due
to socket error
Error: {fn name}: Failed to send GRAFT ACK on <ip index>
Description : DVMRP tries to Acknowledge the received graft message
and it failed due to socket error
Error:I<ip index> Rcvd graft frm non-pruned nbr <source address>
Description : We didn’t receive a prune from this neighbor prior to
this graft. Hence ignore this graft message
Error:I: <ip index> Unable to locate prune state <source address>
Description : We didn’t receive a prune from this source ip address
present in the graft message
Error: {fn name}: Rcvd graft I<ip index> from unknown Nbr <source
Description : Received a graft from an un known neighbor
Error: {fn name}: Recvd Graft on I<ip index> with bad len[length]
src <source address>
Description : Length of the IP packet is not proper on the received
graft message
Error: {fn name}:failed, errno=<errno>
Description :
Error <vlan id> Group <gaddress>already exists
Description : Creation of new group entry failed as an entry with
the same group already exits
Error ame}: no socket : {fn n
Description : Socket error
Error e}: failed to get buffer : {fn nam
Description : Buffer Allocation Failure
Error e}: send failed ENOTCONN : {fn nam
Description : DVMRP message to IPMS failed
Error ame}: send failed EAGAIN : {fn n
Description : Socket operation failed
Error ame}: Skip list insertion failed : {fn n
Description : Addition to internal data structure failed
Error: {fn name}: V<vlan id> SkipList creation failed for Group
Description : Creation of an element in internal data structure
Error Group <gaddress>doesn't exist on V<vlan id>
Description : Group address is not available on this vlan
Error:Bad count (<count>) in IGMP message
Description : IGMP message count not as expected
Error ame}: Entry <count> of <count> : {fn n
Description : Erroneous IGMP count being printed here
Error: {fn name}: mq_send failed on EINTR
Description: Message Send from DVMRP failed
Error: {fn name}: mq_send failed
Description : Message queue send failed
Error: {fn name}: failed. IPMRM not ready!
Description : IPMRM component is still not ready
Error: {fn name}: bad mask received <mask>
Description : Mask not proper
Error: {fn name}: SkipListInsert failed
Description : Addition to internal data structure failed
Error: {fn name}: mq_send 2 failed on EINTR
Description : Message queue send failed
Error: {fn name}: Invalid payload_len:<length> on MIP message
Description : Payload length is not valid on a internal message
Error: {fn name}: IPMS disconnected
Description : Connection between DVMRP and IPMS down
Error: {fn name}: IPV4 Intf socket disconnected
Description : Socket connection created for sending IPV4 got
Error: {fn name}: Malloc failure
Description : Memory allocation failure
Error: {fn name}: Failed reconnection attempt
Description : Failed to reconnect to another module via socket
Error: {fn name}: failed getting dvmrp_socket, errno =<errno>
Description : DVMRP socket operation failed
Error: {fn name}: setting dvmrp_socket to NonBlocking failed
Description : DVMRP socket operation failed
Error: {fn name}: setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF) failed, errno=<errno>
Description : Changing socket parameter failed
Error: {fn name}: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_LOOP) failed, errno
Description : IP_MULTICAST_LOOP socket operation failed
Error ame}: setsockopt(IP_HDRINCL) failed, errno =<errno > : {fn n
Description : socket operation with opt = IP_HDRINCL failed
Error: {fn name}: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_TTL) failed, errno
Description : socket operation with opt = IP_MULTICAST_TLL failed
Error: {fn name}: DVMRP Malloc 1 failed!
Description : System low on memory and hence memory allocation
Error:DVMRP Malloc 2 failed!
Description : Memory not available in system and hence memory
allocation request from DVMRP failed
Error: {fn name}: DVMRP Malloc 3 failed!
Description : Memory not available in system and hence memory
allocation request from DVMRP failed
Error: {fn name}: DVMRP mq_open 1 failed! Errno=<errno>
Description : While attempting to read from message queue, failure
is being observed
Error ame}: DVMRP mq_open 2 failed! : {fn n
Description : While attempting to read from message queue, failure
is being observed
Error: {fn name}: Unable to open M-RIB
Description : Allocation and initalixation of Radix tree failed
Error: {fn name}: Falcon Socket failed
Description : Socket error while trying to open socket from DVMRP to
communicate with MIP
Error: {fn name}: Falcon Socket bind failed
Description : Socket error while trying to bind socket used for
communicating from DVMRP to MIP
Error ame}: MipRegister failed : {fn n
Description : Communication problem between DVMRP and MIP and hence
the attempt from DVMRP to register with MIP failed
Error: {fn name}: Init: setting dvmrp_mip_socket to NonBlocking
Description : Socket error while trying to initialize dvmrp mip
Error ame}: Didn't receive EOIC within timeout : {fn n
Description : DVMRP was expecting EOIC from MIP and didn’t receive
before the timeout.
Error: {fn name}: Unable to create dvmrp socket
Description : DVMRP protocol socket creation failed during
Error: {fn name}: Unable to create IPMS socket
Description : DVMRP’s attempt for creating socket inorder to
communicating with IPMS failed
Error:DVMRP: Timer setup failed
Description : DVMRP timer initialization failed. Timer
initialization happens once during boot time
Error:dvmrpMsgQSignalHandler: LOST MESSAGE: ioctl(FIONMSGS) failed
on pipe
Description : Attempt to send message failed
Error:dvmrpMsgQSignalHandler: LOST MESSAGE: can't send to dvmrp pipe
Description : Attempt to send message failed
Error:registerDvmrpMsgQSignalHandler: mq_notify failed
Description : message queue operation failed
Error: {fn name}: Discarding pkt from <source address>, no ipInd.
Description : No IP interface index and hence discarding packet
from this source address
Error: {fn name}: Discarding from <source address>to <dest address>
on I<ip index>. Bad Length <length>
Description : Packet length is not proper
Error: {fn name}: Discarding non igmp/dvmrp pkt from <source
address>to <dest address> on I<ip index>. Ip Proto <protocol>
Description : Non igmp/dvmrp packet being deleted in dvmrp module
Error: {fn name}: Discarding non-dvmrp (igmp?) pkt I<ip index> from
ess>to <dest address> <source addr
Description : Non igmp/dvmrp packet being deleted in dvmrp module
Error: {fn name}: Discarding bad dvmrp pkt from <source address>to
s> on I<ip index>. Ip TOS <type of service> <dest addres
Description : TOS not as expected on DVMRP packet and hence
Error: {fn name}: Unknown DVMRP Pkt from <source address>to <dest
I<ip index> address> on
Description : Non igmp/dvmrp packet being deleted in dvmrp module
Error:Deleting nonexistent ipInd[<ip index>]
Description : Trying to disable DVMRP on non existent Interface
Error:Route not in db
Description : Route for destination not available in Data base
Error:Can't enable nonexistent intf<ip index>
Description : IP interface is not known to the DVMRP component.
Hence not able to enable DVMRP on the IP interface
Error disable nonexistent intf<ip index> :Can't
Description : IP interface is not known to the DVMRP component.
Hence not able to disable DVMRP on the IP interface
Error:***ERROR No Sub bit, yet Prunes-Recvd?
Description : Unexpected packet received. Not in sync with the
internal data structure
Error:***ERROR Invalid rt, with Prunes-Recvd?
Description : Unexpected packet received. Not in sync with the
internal data structure
Error: {fn name}Error: Fix Code! More than <maximum
neighbours>neighbors on I<ip index>
Description : Exceeding the max supported dvmrp neighbors on one
Error: {fn name}: Unable to enable I<ip index> for Multicast.
Description : Multicast could not be enabled on IP interface as the
DVMRP is not aware of the IP interface
Error:setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF failed<source address>
Description : socket operation with opt = IP_MULTICAST_IF failed
Error: {fn name}: Configuration/Lower-layer problem I<ip index>?
Looping back our PROBEs?
Error: calloc failure(key)
Description : Allocation failed
Error: Skip list insertion failed
Description : Addition to internal data structure failed
Error: {fn name}: mq_send 2 failed on EINTR
Description : Message queue send failed
Error: {fn name}: mq_send failed 2
Description : Message send failed
Error:IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP failed for ipIndx <ip index>, errno=<errno>
Description : Socket error and hence membership drop didn’t get
Error:ERROR: Maximum number of supported tunnels is <maximum
Description : Exceeded the maximum supported tunnel interface
Error:dvmrpGetTunnel(): tunnel <id>isn’t exist!
Description : tunnel interface not available in DVMRP software
Error:Failed to send PROBE
Description : Probe packet was not sent
12.2 Warning Messages
Not Applicable
12.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable
12.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable
12.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Not Applicable.
13.1 Error Messages
Error :SendAssertPkt: setsockopt failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :SendAssertPkt: sendto failed for (<source address>:
<dest address>)
Description :sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error :Assert Pool: blockGrab failed
Description :Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to
invalid parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error :AdminEnable: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed for <vlan>,
errno= <Error number>
Error :Disable: IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP failed for <vlan>, errno=
<Error number>
Error :SendBSOnVlan: setsockopt failed for <source address>
, errno: <Error number>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :BootStrap: sendto <ip dest addr> failed on vlan: <vlan>
, errno; <Error number>
Description :sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error :FwdBSMsg: setsockopt failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :setsockopt failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :FwdBSMsg: sendto failed for (<source address> : <dest
Description :sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error :AcceptBSMsg: calloc() failed
Description :Allocating new space failed
Error :CheckRehash: (<router address>,<group address>
rtRpfNbr(<neighbour addr>) != rpfNbr
Error :{function name}:calloc() failed.
Description :Allocating new space failed
Error :{function name}:GblRPSetAdd failed.
Description :Failed to allocate memory for the leaf node or failed
to add the node to the tree
Error :pimsmSendRP: setsockopt failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :pimsmSendRP: setsockopt TTL failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :SendRP: sendto <destination addr> failed for <source
Description :sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error :SendRP: setsockopt TTL failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :pimsmSendRPDel: setsockopt failed for <source address>
Description :invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length
greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :DeleteCRPAdv: rpfNbr(<neighbour addr>) !=
rtRpfNbr(<neighbour addr>) for RP: <router addr>
Error :DeleteCRPAdv: rpfNbr(<neighbour addr>) != rtRpfNbr(0)
for RP: <router addr>
Error :ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: Bad count:<count>
Description :Igmp message count exceeds max number of IGMP-related
Error :ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: GRP_ADD: invalid mode: <mode>
Description :Igmp command type is neither add nor include
Error :ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: GRP_CHANGE: invalid mode: <mode>
Description :Invalid mode (mode is neither include or exclude)
Error :ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: V3SRC_ADD: invalid mode: <mode>
Description :Invalid mode (mode is neither include or exclude)
Error :SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: failed to get buffer
Description :Failed to allocate a Falcon buffer
Error :SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: send failed ENOTCONN
Description :Socket not connected
Error :SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: send failed EAGAIN
Description :Error number describes no more processes
Error :SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: send failed, errno: <Error
Description :Sending message to socket failed
Error :GetEipcBuf: failed, errno= <Error number>
Description :Buffer creation failed due to any one of the following
The descriptor s is not valid.
The socket descriptor s does not reference a socket.
No buffers of the requested type are available.
An incorrect parameter value was specified.
The EIPC manager is not running.
Error :ReconnectIgmpSocket: failed
Description :Not able to get the socket
Error :SendIpmrmProto: mq_send failed
Description :message queue is full
Error :RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: Rcvd Invalid ifndex: <ifindex>
Description :Invalid ifindex (ifindex > maximum ip interfaces)
Error :RegisterToSPT: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error :SendIpmrmDelEntry: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error :SendIpmrmDelNexthop: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error :SendIpmrmDelEntry: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error :SendIpmrmSGInfo: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : SendIpmrmNullRoute: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : pimsmSendIpmrmRoute: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : SendIpmrmRegisterRoute: for SSM address: <grp>, dropping
Error : SendIpmrmRoute: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : SnedIpmrmRegChksum: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : SendIpmrmRPThreshold: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : Ignoring ( <uaddr>, <group addr>) Join to local Src from
<source addr>
Address already present
Error : SendJoinOrPrune: invalid ifindex: <ifindex> for nbr:
<neighbour addr> (<source address>
<group addr>)
Invalid ifindex (ifindex > maximum ip interfaces)
Error : SendJoinOrPrune: no vif for ifindex: <ifindex>, nbr:
<neighbour addr> (<source address>
, <group addr>)
Interface info not available for the given ifindex
Error : SendJoinOrPrune: no intfs for ifindex: <ifindex>, nbr:
<neighbour addr> (<source address>
, <group addr>)
Local interface not created
Error : SendJoinOrPrune: setsockopt failed for <source address>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : {function name}:unable to send Join/Prune message. MTU size
Packet length exceeds the maximum packet length(1400)
Error : {function name}:sendto failed
sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : setsockopt failed for <source address>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendJoinAndPrune: setsockopt failed for <source address>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendJoinAndPrune: sendto failed
sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : AddToJPList: failed to get jpPoolNode buffer for nbr:
<neighbour addr>
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error : AddToJPList: failed to get jpPool buffer for nbr: <neighbour
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error : StaggerPeriodicJoinPrune: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : ALLOC_JPPOOL: blockAdd for jpPool failed
Adding blocks to the pool failed due to Invalid parameter or
Insufficient memory
Error : BuildJoinPrune: ERROR: (rt == nxt) for nbr: <neighbour addr>
There is no link with the RPF Nbr of this route
Error : BuildJoinPrune: ERROR: ( <router addr>,<grp addr> rtType:
<router type>
There is no link with the RPF Nbr of this route
Error : {function name}:Malloc failure
Allocating new space failed
Error :IprmRegister: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error :IprmDeregister: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : Ignoring Packet from <source address>to <destination addr>
(ifindex: <ifindex>doesn't exist)
Invalid ifindex (ifindex > maximum ip interfaces)
Error :Ignoring Packet from <source address>to <destination addr>
(no vif for ifindex: <ifindex>)
Interface info not available for the given ifindex
Error : Discard pim packet from <source address>to <destination
addr>. Bad Chksum
Invalid checksum
Error :Discard pim packet from <source address>Bad Version: <version
Invalid packet version type and type
Error :InitSockets: failed getting pimsm_socket, errno = <Error
Invalid socket descriptor
Error : InitSockets: setting pimsm_socket to NonBlocking failed
file descriptor does not exist.
Error : InitSockets: setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF) failed, errno = <Error
Error : InitSockets: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_LOOP) failed, errno =
<Error number>
InitSockets: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_TTL) failed, errno = <Error
Error : InitSockets: setsockopt(IP_TOS) failed, errno = <Error
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : InitIgmpSocket: Unable to connect to pimsm_igmp_socket
Init: pimsm_drc_msg malloc failed, errno = <Error number>
Init: pimsm_iprm_buf malloc failed, errno = <Error number>
Allocating new space failed
Error : Init: mq_open of pimsm_msg_q failed, errno = <Error number>
Init: mq_open of pimsm_tm_msg_q failed, errno = <Error number>
message queue is full
Error :Init: Unable to create RIB
Creating sgEntry radix tree failed
Error :Init: pimsm_recv_buf malloc failed, errno = <Error number>
Allocating new space failed
Init: Unable to create pimsm_mip_socket
Init: Unable to bind pimsm_mip_socket
invalid socket,because the address is either
unavailable or in use, or the socket is already bound
Init: MipRegister failed
Registering with the MIP library to receive the initial
configuration failed
Init: setting pimsm_mip_socket to NonBlocking failed
Setting socket failed due to
A file descriptor in the fd_set is not valid.
A file descriptor in the fd_set does not reference a socket.
The value of cmd or arg is not valid.
The EIPC manager is not running.
The underlying call to zcIoctl() failed.
The EIPC manager is not running.
Init: Failed to receive Config within timeout
Init: PIM-SM not started. System Resources unavailable
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set
Init: PIM-SM not started. Unable to create sockets
Socket initialization failed due invalid socket, an unknown option,
an option length greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call
is unable to set
the specified option.
Init: PIM-SM not started. Unable to create IPMS/IGMP socket
Socket initialization failed due invalid socket, an unknown option,
an option length greater than MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call
is unable to set
the specified option.
Init: Error: <Error number> during semaphore initialization
Initializing/opening a semaphore failed due to
the semaphore already exists
the semaphore name is invalid
the semaphore name is too long
the semaphore could not be initialized due to resource constraints
Error :Init:: Timer setup failed
Creating timer failed because if too many timers already are
allocated or the signal number is invalid.
Error : Main: Invalid payload_len: <length> on MIP message
receiving a message from a datagram socket failed
Error : IgmpQueue: Invalid len: <length> on IGMP pkt
Error : IgmpQueue: IGMP socket disconnected
receiving a message from a socket failed
Error : pimsmMsgQSignalHandler: LOST MESSAGE: ioctl(FIONMSGS) failed
on pipe
hitting any of the BAD error conditions in the Signal Handler
Error : pimsmMsgQSignalHandler: LOST MESSAGE: can't send to pimsm
hitting any of the BAD error conditions in the Signal Handler
Error : registerPimsmMsgQSignalHandler: mq_notify failed
message queue is full
Error : GetLocalIfindex(): ifindex doesn't exist for <ip addr>!
Returning no route
Error : TimerSet: timer_create failed, errno = <Error number>
({function name})Error during PIMSM sigaction: <Error number>
signal number is invalid
Error : Cleanup: setsockopt(MRT_DONE) failed, errno = <Error number>
SendHello: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_IF) failed for
<source address>, errno: <Error number>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendHello: sendto <destination addr>failed for <source
address>, errno; <Error number>
sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : Ignoring hello from %@IP: Unknown ifindex
Invalid ifindex
Received hello from my own IP: <source address>. Invalid
Error : SendHelloZero: setsockopt failed, errno: <Error number>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendHelloZero: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_IF) failed for
<source address>, errno: <Error number>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error :SendHelloZero: sendto < >failed for <source
address>, errno; <Error number>
sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : SendHelloZero: setsockopt failed
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : OIF LIST: blockGrab FAILED
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Inserting a node into a skiplist failed
Error : RtSetOifTimer: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RtDeleteOifTimer: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RtSetIgmpFlag: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : IsIgmpMbrOnIntf: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RtClearIgmpFlag: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RtIsOif: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : IsOifTimerPending: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error :OifTimeRemaining: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : CopyOifs: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RemoveOifVlan: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error :RtGetOifState: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RtGetOifState: no oifList for route
Failed to find the key
Error : RtSetOifState: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex>
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : RtSetOifState: no oifList for route
RtGetOifHoldtime: no rtOifs on ifindex: <ifindex?
PIM-SM Module environment has been not set for the given ifindex
Error : pimsmSendNullRegister: setsockopt TTL failed for <source
SendNullRegister: setsockopt failed
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendNullRegister: sendto failed
sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error : SendNullRegister: setsockopt TTL failed for <source address>
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendRegisterStop: setsockopt failed
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SendRegisterStop: sendto failed
sending message to the datagram socket failed
Error :SendRegisterStop: setsockopt failed
invalid socket, an unknown option, an option length greater than
MLEN, insufficient mbufs, or the call is unable to set
the specified option.
Error : SGLookup: no snode->gPart
CreateGEntry: failed to get buffer for (*,<group addr>)
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error : CreateSGRPEntry: failed to get buffer for (<group
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error : CreateSGEntry: failed to get buffer for (<group
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error : DeRegTrigger: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : ReqTrigger: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : AddTrigger: failed to get buffer for addr: <ip addr>
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Error : ReqTrigger: skiplist insert failed
Error : DeleteSGEntry: (<router addr>, <group addr>) rp local and
rpfNbr: <neighbour>
Error : {function name}:ERROR: RT:<pointer> (<router addr>, <group
addr>) already q'd to nbr: <neighbour addr>
{function name}:ERROR: RT: <pointer> (<router addr>, <group addr>)
{function name}:ERROR: RT: <pointer> (<router addr>, <group addr>)
RpfNbr: <neighbour addr> != nbr: <neighbour addr>
{function name}:ERROR: RT: <pointer> (<router addr>, <group
addr>)doesn't exist for nbr: <neighbour addr>
CheckNbrRts: ERROR bad list for nbr: <neighbour addr>
CheckAllNbrLists- ERROR: RT: <pointer> (<router addr>, <group addr>)
on nbrList: <neighbour addr>
DeleteRP: rpfNbr(<neighbour addr>) != rtRpfNbr(<neighbour addr>)for
RP: <router addr>
DeleteRP: rpfNbr(<neighbour addr>) != rtRpfNbr(0)for RP: <router
Error : CreateNewRP: failed to get buffer for RP: <rp addr>
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
Number of RP's exceeded
CreateNewRP: failed to get buffer for remote RP: <rp addr>
Grabbing a block from the pool identified failed due to invalid
parameter or Insufficient blocks
UpdateGblRPSet: calloc() failed
AddAllStaticRpsToRpset: calloc() failed
CheckStaticRPRetryList: calloc() failed
Allocating new space failed
DumpRPRetryList: grp: <group addr>)mask: <group mask addr>, RP: <rp
addr> vlan: <vlan>
Error :StartAgeOifs: mq_send failed
StartAgeSGStates: mq_send failed
SendInitComplete: mq_send failed
SendSubTaskRunning: mq_send failed
SendPingReply: mq_send failed
SendRequestIntfInfo: mq_send failed
pimsmSendHalting: mq_send failed
message queue is full
Error : RecvSubTaskEvent: Error opening IPRM MsgQ: <Error number>
Opening message queque failed due to No space left on device
Invalid argument No such file or directory
Error : RecvSubTaskEvent: Error closing IPRM MsgQ: <Error number>
Closing message queque failed due to Bad file number
Error : pimsmSendHalting: mq_send failed
message queue is full
13.2 Warning Messages
Not Applicable.
13.3 Alert Messages
Not Applicable.
13.4 Alarm Messages
Not Applicable.
13.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Not Applicable.
13.6 MIP
Not Applicable.
13.7 Protocol Specific Messages
Ignoring IGMP JOIN for <gaddress> If: <ifindex>
Ignoring IGMP JOIN for SSM Addr<gaddress>, If: <ifindex>
Ignoring IGMP join for <gaddress> on If: <ifindex>. Not DR
:[<neighbour address>]
Ignoring IGMP join for <gaddress> on If: <ifindex>. No RP
Ignoring IGMP join for <gaddress> on If: <ifindex>. RP <rp address>
RP Addr is <rp address>, indx = <index>, flag = <flags>
Ignoring IGMP join for <gaddress> on If: <ifindex> Can't create
IGMP join for <gaddress> on If: <ifindex> already in OIF list
sgRt->rtAddr =<rt address>
not in Oif: If: <ifindex>
sgRt->flags = <flags>, rtRegisterFlag = <flags>
sgRt->rtRpfNbr = <neighbour address>, intf=<neighbour ifindex>
IgmpJoin: Adding If: <ifindex> to RP route
already in Oif: If: <ifindex>
Rcvd IGMP JOIN for group: <gaddress> on If: <ifindex>
Ignoring IGMP leave from <rtgaddress>on If: <ifindex>
Ignoring IGMP leave: RP <rtaddress> unreachable
ProcessIgmpLeave: send prune to rpfNbr<neighbour address>)
ProcessIgmpLeave: starting RtEntryTimer, no IGMP mbrs left
Rcvd IGMP Leave for group: <gaddress> on If: <ifindex>
Ignoring IGMP Leave for <gaddress> on If: <ifindex>. No (*,G)
IgmpDRChange: on If: <ifindex>
IgmpDRChange: SSM check<source address>,<gaddress>) If: <ifindex>
Rcvd IGMP SSM JOIN for (<source address>,<gaddress>) If: <ifindex>
Ignoring IGMP SSM join on If: <ifindex> Not DR [<neighbour address>]
Ignoring IGMP SSM Join: Src <source address> unreachable
Ignoring IGMP SSM Join: no RpfNbr:<gateway address>
IGMP SSM Join: src: <source address> directly connected
Ignoring IGMP SSM join, Can't create (S,G)
IGMP join for (<source address>,<gaddress>) on If: <ifindex> already
in OIF list
Rcvd SSM IGMP Leave for (<source address>,<gaddress>) on If:
Ignoring SSM IGMP Leave. No (S,G) present
No oifs, deleting entry.
Ignoring SSM IGMP leave. IGMP Members don't exist.
RecvSSMIgmpLeave: send prune to rpfNbr(<neighbour address>)
Rcvd SSM IGMP Remove Exclude for (<source address>,<gaddress>) on
If: <ifindex>
Ignoring SSM IGMP Remove Exclude. No (S,G) present
IgmpSSMRemExclude: No oifs, deleting entry.
IgmpSSMRemExclude: Oifs still exist.
IgmpSSMRemExclude: ERROR: IGMP members on If: <ifindex>
Rcvd SSM IGMP Exclude for (<source address>,<uaddress>) on If:
Ignoring IGMP SSM exclude on If: <ifindex>. Not DR [<neighbour
RecvIgmpSSMExclude: No (S,G) present
Ignoring IGMP SSM Exclude: Src <source address> unreachable
Ignoring IGMP SSM Exclude: no RpfNbr:<gateway address>
IGMP Exclude: src: <source address>IP directly connected
Ignoring IGMP SSM exclude, Can't create (S,G)
RecvIgmpSSMExclude: (S,G) exists
RecvIgmpSSMExclude: no igmp members on If: <ifindex>
Ignoring igmp msg for group: <gaddress>, status down on If:
ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: count:<count>
ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: GRP_ADD: EXCLUDE<gaddress>
ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: GRP_ADD: ignoring INCLUDE
ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: GRP_REMOVE: <gaddress>
ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: V3SRC_ADD: mode = <mode> vs <mode>
ProcessIPMSIgmpMsg: Ignoring message type:<type>
SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: no igmp socket yet
SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: no igmp socket, trying to reconnect
SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: max_msg_size = <size>, len = <length>
SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: msg:<message id> for all pimsm vlans
SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: msg:<message id> vlan:<vlan id>
SendIPMSIgmpStartStop: complete
ReconnectIgmpSocket: succeeded
InitIgmpSocket: socket connected:<value>
RtSetIgmpFlag to <flags>on If: <ifindex>
RtSetIgmpFlag: set expiry to <max age>
RtSetIgmpFlag: If: <ifindex> already set to <flags>
RtSetIgmpFlag : Not setting OifMask, assert loser
{fn name}: Setting Igmp Mask (<type>-<rt address><rt gaddress>) If:
RtSetIgmpFlag: set expiry to <max age>
RtSetIgmpExcludeFlag: If: <ifindex>
RtSetIgmpExcludeFlag: If: <ifindex> already excluded
RtSetIgmpExcludeFlag: not excluded on If: <ifindex>
IsIgmpMbrOnIntf: no list:<pointer to skip list>
RtClearIgmpFlag: Not clearing <flags> flag on If: <ifindex>
RtClearIgmpFlag: Clearing <flags> flag, Saving <members> on If:
DeleteIntfRoutes: If: <ifindex>
PacketIn: intf=<ifindex>, ipsa=<source address>, ipda= <dest
Discarding pimsm pkt: PIM globally disabled
Discarding non-pimsm pkt from <source address> to <dest address> on
If: <ifindex>. Ip Proto <protocol>
Discard pim pkt from <source address> to <dest address>. Opr. stat
down on If: <ifindex>
Discard pim packet(<type>) from unknown nbr: <source address>
{fn name}:Unkwn PIM Pkt from <source address> to <dest address>on
If: <ifindex>
version <version> type: <type>
MsgHandler: Unknown Message <message id> from Task <task id>
{fn name}:Received MIP message.
{fn name}:Exit after <count> msgs
{fn name}:Received DRC message. payload_len<length>
PimsmQueue: Received IGMP packet:<length>
IgmpQueue: Received IGMP packet:<length>
V4IntfQueue: Received IPV4 Intf packet:<length>
{fn name}:Entering select.
{fn name}:select exited with n <no>and errno <errno>
{fn name}:select exited with n <no>
DisableIpIntf: Disabling PIM_SM on If: <ifindex>
Cleanup: closing and unlinking pimsm msg q
SendNullRegister: bad If: <ifindex>
Sent Null Register Message for (<source address>,<gaddress>) to <rp
Received Null Register with data:<length> for (<source address>,
<dest address>)
Received Null Register for (<source address>,<dest address>) from
<source address>
NullRegister: have sgRt
NullRegister: RP is not local
NullRegister: not SPT and Oifs
NullRegister: probe - drop it
NullRegister: have gRt
NullRegister: RP is not local
NullRegister: gRt and Oifs
NullRegister: gRt probe - drop it
NullRegister: gRt not NULL bit set
NullRegister: no gRt
PIM-SM : No entries match the recvd register for (<source
address>,<dest address>)
Received Register Stop for (<source address>,<gaddress>) from
<source address>
RegisterStop: snode =<pointer to node>
RegisterStop: valid snode
RegisterStop: sgRt src:<rt address>
RegisterStop: active sgRt src:<rt address>
Ignoring Register Stop rcvd for (<source address>, <gaddress>) from
<source address>.
No match
Recvd Trigger [#<no of routes>] <next hop address>
RouteTrigger: while rt type:<rtype>
RP is unreachable. Rehashing to other RPs
Unicast route for rtType =<rt type>
Stop trigger for <ip address>
DeleteSGEntry: rt=<pointer >
DeleteGEntry: DeleteSGEntry for SGRPTYPE rt=<pointer>
GetRPF: returning failure, local ip:<ip address>
GetRPF: Success ifIndex: <ifindex>, addr:<gateway address>
GetRPF: returning failure
DebugUcast: returned <ret value>
fForVlan Vif: <ifindex> exists for vlan:<vlan id>
GetUcastInfo for addr=<ip address>
FdbGetSubnetRoutes: num_routes:<no of routes>
FdbGetSubnetRoutes:<no of routes> ipAddr=<ip address>, mask=<mask>
no ifIndex for RT <ip address>
GetSubnetRoutes: gw=<gateway address>, ifIndex: <ifindex>
proto:<protocol> metric:<metric>
GetSubnetRoutes returned success
GetSubnetRoutes returned nbr: <neighbour address>
GetSubnetRoutes we are DR, no nbr
GetUcastInfo: Tracking Addr:<ip address> GW:<gateway address>
AddRpf: nbr:<ip address> already exists
AddRpf: Entry <gateway address> <ip address> already exists
AddRpf: malloc of payload failed
AddRpf: failed to add NBr: <neighbour address>
RpfAdd: Nbr:<gateway address>
AddSrcToRpfList: no srcList
AddSrcToRpfList: malloc of payload failed
AddSrcToRpfList: Addr: <source address>
AddSrcToRpfList: failed to add Src: <source address>
RpfLookup: no Skiplist
RpfLookup: no entry for <gateway address>
RpfLookup: found entry for<gateway address>
RpfNbrTrigger:<next hop address>
RpfNbrTrigger: <source address> doesn't exist in TriggerList
RpfNbrTrigger: <source address> DOES exist in TriggerList
RpfNbrTrigger: new route for src: <source address>
RpfNbrTrigger: delete failed for<neighbour address>
DelRPFNbrTrigger for <neighbour address>
Deleting src: <source address> from RPFList: <neighbour address>
DelSrcFromRPFList: delete failed for<neighbour address>
DelSrcFromRPFList: RPF nbr: <neighbour address> deleted
RefreshAssertTimer: NoInfo
RefreshAssertTimer: restarting rtType:<router type>
SendAssertPkt: sent Assert for (<uaddr>: <grp addr>)
AssertElection: rtType: <router type> metric = <metric> vs <router
AssertElection: metric_pref =<metric pref> vs <assert pref>
AssertElection: returning <I am assert winner>
Ignoring assert from <source address>on vlan <vlan> [<group
addr>,<neighbour addr>], Unknown Nbr
Recvd assert from <source address> on vlan <vlan> [<source
address><group addr>)],
metric [<metric>, metric pref>]
RecvAssert: (*,G) assert
RecvAssert: no (*,G) entry
RecvAssert: found (S,G) entry
RecvAssert: Ignoring (0, <group addr>)) from <source address>vlan
<vlan>: RPT not set
RecvAssert: have SGRPTYPE
RecvAssert: no (*,G) entry
RecvAssert: found (*,G) entry : rtType: <router type>
RecvAssert: found (S,G) entry
RecvAssert: rpfNbr: <neighbour addr>, vlan: <neighbour vlan>
RecvAssert: (S,G) assert on Iif: <vlan>, set SPT
RecvAssert: rtIif = vlan: <vlan>
RecvAssert: Restarting Assert Timer: type: <router type>
RecvAssert: vlan: <vlan> is in OifList, but is Iif
RecvAssert: vlan: <vlan> is in OifList
(*,*,RP) ...
No (<source address>, <group addr>)rpt, RP <rp addr> unreachable
RecvAssert: Creating SGRP Entry
Cannot create (<source address>, <group addr>)rpt
RecvAssert: SGRP Entry already exists
RecvAssert: Inferior Assert from current winner.
RecvAssert: Currently ASSERT LOSER
RecvAssert: Loser on SGRP route restarting timer.
RecvAssert: Moving to ASSERT WINNER
RecvAssert: Restarting Assert Timer: type: <router type>
RecvAssert: ASSERT_NOINFO for vlan: <vlan>
RecvAssert: Assert State: <assert state> for vlan: <vlan>
RecvAssert: looking for (S,G) routes
RecvAssert: found (S,G) entry
GetAssertInfo: no rtOifs on vlan: <vlan>
SetAssertInfo: rtType: <router type> (<router addr>,<router grp
addr>) on vlan: <vlan>
state:<state>winner:<winner>metric:<metric>pref:<metric pref>,
SetAssertInfo: no rtOifs on vlan: <vlan>
ClearAssertInfo: already cleared
ClearAssertInfo: (<router addr>,<router grp addr>) vlan:<assert
AssertCheck: for (<source address>, <group addr>) vlan: <vlan>
AssertCheck: SGRP Type
AssertCheck: WINNER. but Iif = vlan(<vlan>)
AssertCheck: ignore. not on the SPT: <incoming IF> vs <vlan>
AssertCheck: have real gRt: <incoming IF> vs <vlan>
AssertCheck: the sgRt: <incoming IF> vs <vlan>
AssertCheck: LOSER. not directly connected
AssertCheck: moving to WINNER
UnicastRouteChange: Assert Cancel (<router addr>,<group addr>) vlan:
Sending assert on vlan <vlan>for (S= <source address>, G= <group
Sending Assert Cancel for (<router addr>,<group addr>) on vlan:
Sending Assert Cancel to (<router addr>,<group addr>) for vlan:
SendIpmrmProto: vlan:<vlan> state:<state>
RecvIpmrmProto: vlan: <vlan> from proto:<proto>, state: <state>
RecvProtoMsg: Error: Non-existant vlan: <vlan> from proto: <proto>
RecvIpmrmMultiRouteRequests: count=<count>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: Non-existent vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: PIM not operational on vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: !sgRt
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: No RP for G (<ipda>)
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: RP:<rp addr> (indx:<indx>) is local
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: RP: <rp addr> is not reachable
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: RP: <rp addr> (indx: <indx>) is remote
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: is Directly connected and DR
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: creating sgRt
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: Unable to create SG Entry, ({ipda},{ipda}) on
vlan <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: send (S,G) RPT prune
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: send Register Route to IPMRM
RecvIPmrmRouteRequest: RP and DR
Can't create SG Entry, (<ipsa>,<ipda>) on vlan <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: have gRt
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: have rpRt
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: gRt Iif:<rtIif>
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: No Best RP for (<ipsa>,<ipda>)
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: send Register Route to IPMRM
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: No rp
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: Reg Stop in affect
RecvRouteRequest: sending (*,G) Route to IPMRM
RecvIpmrmRouteRequest: sending (S,G) Route to IPMRM
RecvRouteRequest: sending (S,G) Route to IPMRM
RecvRouteRequest: sending (S,G) Route to IPMRM
RecvRouteRequest: sending {PIMSM_GTYPE} Route to IPMRM
RecvRouteRequest: Assert failed, (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan>
RecvRouteRequest: No route for (<ipsa>,<ipda>) on vlan <vlan>
RecvRouteRequest: sgRt exists fo, (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan <vlan>
RecvRouteRequest: sgRt Assert failed, (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan <vlan>
RecvRouteRequest: Iif matches vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRoute: send (S,G,rpt) prune
RecvRouteRequest: Iif don't match vlan:<rtIif> vs <vlan>
Didn't arrive on the SPT, (<ipsa>,<ipda>) on vlan <vlan>
Arrived on outgoing Register Intf: <vlan>
RegisterRouteRequest: (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan> rp: <rp addr>
RegisterRouteRequest: for SSM addr:<ipda>, dropping
RegisterRouteRequest: sgRt
RegisterRouteRequest: SPT set: Send Reg Stop to <reg saddr>
RegisterRouteRequest: No Oifs : Send Register Stop
RegisterRouteRequest: LastHopDR, sending (S,G)
RegisterRouteRequest: SPT failure, sending (*,G)
RegisterRouteRequest: sending (S,G) Route to IPMRM
RegisterRouteRequest: gRt
RegisterRouteRequest: RP is not local
RegisterRouteRequest: Bad RP <rp addr> (expected <rp addr>)
RegisterRouteRequest: sending (*,G) Route to IPMRM
RegisterRouteRequest: No route for (<ipsa>,<ipda>)
RegisterToSPT: (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan>
RegisterToSPT: switch to native flow
RegisterToSPT: src vlan: <vlan> in oif list
RegisterToSPT: deleting dest vlan: <vlan>
RegisterToSPT: delete failed (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan>
RegisterToSPT: SPT set: Send Register Stop: from <rp addr>
RegisterToSPT: Check out new native flow.
RecvIpmrmDelEntry: Non-existent vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmDelEntry: (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmDelEntry: route not found(<saddr>,<gaddr>)
RecvIpmrmDelEntry: delete failed (<saddr>,<gaddr>)
RecvIpmrmRpRate: Non-existent vlan: <vlan>
RecvIpmrmRpRate: RP Threshold disabled, ignoring
RecvIpmrmRpRate: (<ipsa>,<ipda>) vlan: <vlan>
IpmrmRpRate: no gRt
IpmrmRpRate: created sgRt
IpmrmRpRate: Unable to create (<ipsa>,<ipda>) SPT state.
SendIpmrmDelEntry: route not found(<saddr>,<gaddr>)
SendIpmrmDelEntry: sending Register Stop to <tunnel src>
SendIpmrmDelEntry: delete failed (<saddr>,<gaddr>)
SendIpmrmDelEntry: (<src>,<grp>) vlan: <vlan>
SendIpmrmDelNexthop: (<src>,<grp>) vlan: <vlan>, nexthop:<next hop>
SendIpmrmDelNexthop: route not found(<saddr>,<gaddr>)
IpmrmDelNexthop: delete failed (<src>,<grp>) vlan: <vlan>
SendIpmrmDelNexthop: no dests left. removing entry
SendIpmrmDelNexthop: delete failed (<src>,<grp>)
SendIpmrmDelGEntry: (<src>,<grp>) vlan: <vlan>
ProtoEnabledOnVlan(%d) : <vlan>
SendIpmrmSGInfo: failed. IPMRM not ready
SendIpmrmSGInfo: for (<src>,<grp>)
SendIpmrmNullRoute: failed. IPMRM not ready
SendIpmrmNullRoute: for (<ipsa>,<grp>) vlan: <vlan>
SendIpmrmRoute: failed. IPMRM not ready
SendIpmrmRoute: src vlan included in dest:<svlan>
SendIpmrmRegisterRoute: (<ipsa>,<grp>) RP: <rp addr>
SendIpmrmRegisterRoute: igmp members present
"SendIpmrmRegisterRoute: src vlan included in dest: <svlan>
MRIB Skiplist created successfully.
MRIB Skiplist creation failed.
RibLookup: no FIB
RibLookup: no entry for (<src>,<grp>)
RibLookup: found entry for (<src>,<grp>)
AddDests: vlan: <vlan> already exists
AddDests: malloc of payload failed
pimsmAddDests: failed to add dest vlan: <vlan>
pimsmAddDests: Added vlan: <vlan> to route
RibAdd: again (<src>,<rtGaddr>) vlan: <vlan>
RibAdd: need to delete route from src: <vlan>
RibAdd: malloc of payload failed
RibAdd: (<src>,<rtGaddr>) vlan: <vlan>
RibAdd: failed to add Route(<saddr>,<gaddr>
RibAdd: deleting vlan: <vlan>
RibAdd: delete failed (<src>,<grp>) vlan: <vlan>
RibDelete: route not found(<saddr>,<gaddr>)
RibDelete: delete failed (<saddr>,<gaddr>)
RibDelete: deleted (<saddr>,<gaddr>)
RibAddTunnel: (<src>,<grp>) entry already exists
RibAddTunnel: blockGrab of payload failed
RibAddTunnel: failed to add Route(<src>,<grp>)
RibAddTunnel: added Route(<src>,<grp>)
RibAddTunnel: Adding igmp vlan:<bit>
FIB Dest Skiplist created successfully.
FIB Dest Skiplist creation failed.
RibDestLookup: no Skiplist
RibGetNext: no RIB entry
CheckRibForGEntry: grp:<grp> vlan:<vlan>
IpmrmUpdate: grp:<rtGaddr> vlan:<vlan> (include_svlan = <svlan>)
IpmrmUpdate: vlan: <vlan> not set in rt: <rtGaddr>
IpmrmUpdate: Rt = <rt> vs <rt> src:<saddr> grp:<gaddr> svlan:<svlan>
IpmrmUpdate: rtRegisterFlag is set
IpmrmUpdate: include_src_vlan = <svlan>, svlan = <svlan> vs <vlan>
IpmrmUpdate: (<rtGaddr>,<saddr>) vlan:<svlan>, inc_src=<svlan>
IpmrmDeleteVlan: grp: <rtGaddr> vlan<vlan>
IpmrmDeleteVlan: sending update to IPMRM for src:<saddr>
IpmrmDeleteVlan: delete failed (<saddr> <rtGaddr>) vlan: <vlan>
IpmrmDeleteVlan: sending Register Stop to <tunnel src>
RibChangeRtPtr: grp: <rtGaddr> src:<saddr>
RibChangeToSGRPT: grp: <rtGaddr> src:<saddr>
RibChangeToGRT: grp: <gaddr> src:<saddr>
SwitchToSPT: sgRt (SGRP) already exists
SwitchToSPT: sgRt already exists
Unable to create (<ipsa>,<rtGaddr>) SPT state.
SendIpmrmRegChksum: value:<value>
SendRPThreshold: IPMRM not ready yet, send later
SendRPThreshold: threshold:<threshold>
NullRegister: Bad RP <ipda> (expected <rpaddr>)
RegSupprTimerExpiry: No Best RP for (<rtaddr>,<ipda>)
RegSupprTimerExpiry: No RP for (<rtAddr>,<rtGaddr>)
Received (*,*,<rpaddr>) Prune on vlan:<vlan>
Ignoring Recvd (*,*,<rpaddr>) prune on vlan <vlan>
Recvd (*,<gaddr>) prune from <uaddr> on vlan <vlan>
ProcGPrune: no RP
Ignoring Recvd (*,<gaddr>) prune from <uaddr> on vlan <vlan>
Recvd (<gaddr>,<uaddr>)Rpt Prune on vlan <vlan>, holdtime <holdtime>
Ignoring (<gaddr>,<uaddr>)Rpt Prune, SSM Addr
ProcSGRPrune: sgRt
ProcSGRPrune: Ignoring: assert loser on vlan:<vlan>
ProcSGRPrune: sgRt vlan: <vlan> is in oifList
ProcSGRPrune: Ignoring: Iif matches vlan: <vlan>
ProcSGRPrune: PP_STATE, ignoring
ProcSGRPrune: JOINED: starting PP timer
ProcSGRPrune: PRUNED: restarting expiry timer
ProcSGRPrune: Ignoring state:<state>
ProcSGRPrune: NO sgRt
ProcSGRPrune: NO sgRt, but rpRt
ProcSGRPrune: NO sgRt, but gRt
ProcSGRPrune: NO sgRt, but gRt, Rt is oif
ProcSGRPrune: no RP for Grp:<gaddr> indx: <rtRpIndx>
Ignoring J/P. Grp: <gaddr>, RP <rpaddr> unreachable
ProcSGRPrune: creating SGRP entry
ProcSGRPrune: ! rt oifs present
Ignoring (<gaddr>,<uaddr>) Prune on vlan <vlan>, no sgRt
Recvd (<gaddr>,<uaddr>) Prune on vlan <vlan>, holdtime <holdtime>
Ignoring (<gaddr>,<uaddr>)Rpt Join, SSM Addr
Ignoring J/P message. Group: <gaddr>, No RP available
ProcSGRJoin: no RP for grp: <gaddr> indx:<rpindex>
Ignoring J/P message. Group: <gaddr>, RP <rpaddr> unreachable
Ignoring J/P: Grp: <gaddr> Arrived on <vlan> upstream to S[<uaddr>]
Recvd (<gaddr>,<uaddr>)Rpt join on vlan <vlan>, holdtime <holdtime>
Ignoring (<gaddr>,<uaddr>)rpt join. Unable to create (*,G) state
Ignoring (<gaddr>,<uaddr>)rpt join. Unable to create (S,G)rpt state
sgRt: expiry = <expiry> holdtime = <hold time>, interval =
ProcSGJoin: Suppressing J/P, arrived on vlan: <vlan>
Ignoring J/P: Grp:<gaddr>.Arrived on <vlan> upstream to S[<uaddr>]
Recvd (<gaddr>,<uaddr>) join on vlan <vlan>, holdtime <hold time>
ProcSGJoin1: (rtAddr, rtGaddr) local vlan: rtIif flags: rtFlags
(S,G) Join: ignoring vlan: <vlan> assert loser
ProcSGJoin2: (rtAddr, rtGaddr) local vlan: <vlan> flags: rtFlags
(S,G) Join message. Group: <gaddr>, No RP available
(S,G) Join message. Grp: <gaddr>, RP <rpaddr> unreachable
Ignoring J/P message. Unable to create (<route>, <gaddr>)
ProcSGJoin3: (rtAddr, rtGaddr) from <ipsa> vlan: <vlan> flags:
Received (*,*,<rpaddr>) Join on vlan: <vlan>
Ignoring (*,*,<rpaddr>) Join message. RP unreachable
Ignoring (,*,<rpaddr>) J/P join. RP doesn't exist
Ignoring J/P join for <rpaddr>, Unable to create (*,*,RP) state
rpRt: expiry = <expiry> holdtime = <holdtime>, interval = <interval>
ProcRPJoin: Suppressing JoinPrune, arrived on vlan:<vlan>
ProcRPJoin: JP Suppression is disabled on vlan:<vlan>
ProcRPJoin: ignoring vlan: <vlan>, assert loser
ProcRPJoin: SetOifTimer for vlan:<vlan>
ProcRPJoin: ignoring vlan:<vlan>, assert loser
ProcRPJoin: SetOifTimer for vlan: <vlan>
ProcRPJoin: vlan:<vlan> not set
Ignoring (*,<uaddr>) Join, SSM Addr
Ignoring J/P message. Group: <gaddr>, No RP available
Ignoring J/P message on vlan <vlan>.
RP's don't match. Group : <gaddr>, our RP: <rpaddr>, RP in msg
ProcGJoin: no RP for grp: <gaddr> indx:<rpindx>
Recvd (*,<gaddr>) (RP : <uaddr>) join on vlan <vlan>, holdtime <hold
Ignoring J/P join for <gaddr>, Unable to create (*,G) state
grt: expiry = <expiry> holdtime = <hold time>, interval = <interval>
ProcGJoin: Suppressing JoinPrune, arrived on vlan:<vlan>
ProcGJoin: JP Suppression is disabled on vlan:<vlan>
ProcJoinPrunePerGroup: ignoring vlan: <vlan>, assert loser
ProcJoinPrunePerGroup: SetOifTimer for vlan: <vlan>
ProcJoinPrunePerGroup: vlan: <vlan> not set
ProcJoinPrunePerGroup: vlan:<vlan>, no_joins = <no joins>,
no_prunes=<no prunes>
ProcessJoinPrunePerGroup: vlan: <vlan>
ProcessJoinPrunePerGroup: no_prunes:<no prunes>, uaddr:<uaddr>,
HandlePruneOverride: vlan:<vlan>
HandlePruneOverride: (S,G) Prune
HandlePruneOverride: Sending (S,G) Join
HandlePruneOverride: Sending (*,G) Join
HandlePruneOverride: (S,G)Rpt Prune
HandlePruneOverride: (*,*,RP) Prune
HandlePruneOverride: (*,G) Prune
HandlePruneOverride: Sending {PRISM_RTYPE} Join
HandleJoinSuppr: vlan:<vlan>
Suppressing (*,*,<uaddr>) Join on vlan:<vlan>
Suppressing (*,<gaddr>) Join on vlan:<vlan>
Suppressing (<gaddr>,<uaddr>) Join on vlan: <vlan>
Ignoring J/P Msg addressed to <ipda> (not ALL_PIM_ROUTERS)
Ignoring Join/Prune Msg on vlan <vlan>;Num. Groups is zero
Recvd Join/Prune Message addressed to <nbraddr> on vlan <vlan>
Recvd J/P message From <ipsa> For <nbraddr> on vlan <vlan> #groups
<num groups>
RefreshJpSuppressTimer: Error, no vif on vlan:<vlan>
RefreshJpSuppressTimer: (<rtAddr>,<rtGaddr>) t_joinsuppress:
Send Join (<saddr>,<gaddr>) to Nbr <nbraddr> on vlan <vlan> Holdtime
Send Join (<src>,<gaddr>) on vlan <nbr vlan>,bits:<swr flag>
holdtime <hold time>
Send Prune (<saddr>,<gaddr>) to Nbr <nbraddr> on vlan <vlan>
Holdtime <holdtime>
Send Prune (<src>,<gaddr>) on vlan <nbr vlan>,bits:<swr flag>
holdtime <hold time>
Sending Triggered GJoins Joins <no joins> Prunes <no prunes>
{function name} : Unable to send Join/Prune message. MTU size
Unable to fragment Join Prune messages
AddToJPList: SkipListInsert failed for grp:<rtGaddr>
AddToJPList: src:%@IP == rtAddr: <rtAddr>
BuildJoinPrune: no nbr
BuildJoinPrune: invalid vlan: <vlan>
BuildJoinPrune: no vif on vlan: <vlan>
BuildJoinPrune: no nbrs on vlan: <vlan>
BuildJoinPrune: for vlan: <vlan>
BuildJoinPrune: no routes for nbr:<nbrAddr>
BuildJoinPrune: next route
BuildJoinPrune: (*,*,<rtAddr>) route
BuildJoinPrune: RP:<rpAddr> is local
BuildJoinPrune: nbr != rt->rtRpfNbr
BuildJoinPrune: (*,<rtGaddr>) route
BuildJoinPrune: (<rtAddr>,<rtGaddr>) route
BuildJoinPrune: RTLOCAL: adding prune
BuildJoinPrune: !RPBIT
BuildJoinPrune: Iif:<rtIif> != rpfNbr:<nbr vlan>
BuildJoinPrune: Adding Join SBIT
BuildJoinPrune: Adding Prune SBIT
BuildJoinPrune: (S,G,rpt) no oifs
SendPrunes: send prune for (*,<rtGaddr >)
"SendPrunes: send prune for (<rtAddr>,<rtGaddr>)
UcastTrigger: send prune
FillBSMsg: sending bootstrap with BSR: <uaddress>
SemanticFragmentBS: no bmask
BootStrap : Unable to do semantic fragmentation
BootStrap: Packet sent on If: <ifindex> to <dest ip address>
Sent BS ( <BSR address> ) on If: <ifindex>d(Vlan: <vlan id>) ipda =
<dest ip address>
SendBSToNbr: <dest ip address> on If: <ifindex>
Forwarding BSR on If: <ifindex>
AcceptBSMsg: Contents
AcceptBSMsg: Prefix : <gaddress> Mask : <mask>
AcceptBSMsg: RP: <uaddress> Priority : <priority>
AcceptBSMsg: no current rplist
AcceptBSMsg: but rp is reachable
AcceptBSMsg : Unable to add RPSET
Cannot create new RP. <uaddress> unreachable
AcceptBSMsg: current rplist does exist
AcceptBSMsg: current rplist does exist, but !p
Unable to add RPSET
AcceptBSMsg: removing timer
AcceptBSMsg: holdtime changed to <hold time> from <hold time>
AcceptBSMsg: rehashing RP
AcceptBSMsg: bit already set for indx:<id>
AcceptBSMsg: setting bit for indx:<id>
AcceptBSMsg: check Rehash
AcceptBSMsg: Rehash Deleted RP
AcceptBSMsg: Rehash Added RP
Received bootstrap message from <source address>, bsr addr:
<uaddress> on If: <ifindex>
Ignoring Rcvd Bootstrap: Static RP is configured
Received bootstrap indicating we're the BSR.
RPF check failed for bootstrap msg. SA: <source address>,BSR :
<uaddress> IP, If: <ifindex>
RecvBootstrap: old pri = <priority value>, new pri = <priority
RecvBootstrap: old addr = <uaddress>, new addr = <uaddress>
RecvBootstrap: accept_bs = <accept value>
Ignoring less preferred bsr <uaddress>, Pri <priority value>.
Bsr<BSR address>, Pri <priority value>
BSR Not Available
BSR Available : <BSR address>
Originate msg.State change to ELCTD
Becoming BSR: cleaning up global rpset
{fn name}-Entering with Event {event} State : {state} OperStatus
{fn name}: Ignore Transition State {state} Event {event }Status
{fn name}: Ignore Transition State{state} Event {event}
BsrStateTransitions : IPDIS: Invalid State: <state>
State change from ACPT-ANY to ACPT-PREF
CBSR moving to BSR
BsrTimer Expired. State chg ACPT_PREF to ACPT_ANY
BsrTimer Expired. Orig Message No State change
Shutdown BSR
{fn name}: Unknown event {event}
{fn name}-Leaving with Event {event} State : {state} Status
CheckRehash : begin
CheckRehash: rp:<rp pointer>, bsrtree:<pointer>
CheckRehash : bsrtree CLEAR, deleting node
CheckRehash : bsrtree CLEAR, removing timer
CheckRehash: not DUMMYTYPE
CheckRehash: Removing RP <rp address>
CheckRehash : SET adding rp:indx:<rp index>
RehashAddedRP: begin
AttachBsrTree: ptr->node = p
14.1 Error Messages
Error unc name>: select : <f tion_
Description : Error while select in ipedrPing
Error : <function_name>: taskDeleteHookDelete Error
Description : Error while calling taskDeleteHookDelete with the
function pointer of ipedrPingTdFinish.
Error : <function_name>: idTx(<idTx>) taskDelete Error
Description : Error while deleting Tx task in Ping Stats Struct
Error : <function_name>: idTimeout(<idTimeout>) taskDelete Error
Description : Error while deleting Timeout Task in Ping Stats Struct
Error : Traceroute: Error malloc outgoing packets Error
Description : Error while allocating memory for outgoing buffer
Error : Traceroute: Error create icmp socket
Description : Socket Error
Error : Traceroute: Error create raw socket
Description : Socket Error
Error : Traceroute: Error set ioctl IP_HDRINCL
Description : Socket Error
Error : sendto Error
Error Traceroute: wrote <length> chars, ret=<return-value> :
Description : 2 Errors given above come together.
Error : Error start packet Dump timer
Error : <function_name>: Debug wrong board(<board>)
Description : Error in validating the board in ipedrPdBoardNum
Error : [ERR] <function_name>: wrong ethernet type
Description : Wrong ethernet type in the packet
Error : create child socket Error(<sock>)
Description : Error in creating socket to MIP
Error :bind child socket Error(<err>)
Description : Error in binding socket to MIP
Error :Error create message queue
Description : Error in creating message queue
Error : Error spawn tIpedrMsg task
Description : Error in spawning task
Error : Error init sockets
Description : Error while initializing sockets
Error : Error register to chassis supervision
Description : Failure to send register message to CS
Error : Error register to mip
Description : Failure to send register message to MIP
Error : Error register to vlan manager
Description : Failure to send register message to Vlan Manager
Error : Error register to session manager
Description : Failure to send register message to Session Manager
Error : Error init m2Lib
Description : Error in initializing M2 library
Error :Error init timers
Description : Error in initializing heartbeat and statistics timers
Error :init cmm socket Error(<CMM Socket>)
Description : Error in creating socket to communicate with other CMM
Error :bind cmm socket Error(<Error>)
Description : Error in binding socket to communicate with other CMM
Error ni et Error(<NI Socket>) :init sock
Description : Error in creating socket to communicate with IPNI
Error : bind ni socket Error(<Error>)
Description : Error in binding socket to communicate with IPNI
Error ssis supervision mode Error(<primary>) : cha
Description : Neither in primary nor in secondary mode.
Error le to listen on ni socket(<Error>) : unab
Description : Listen call failed.
Error d n a socket Error(<Error>) : bin i dat
Description : Error in binding data socket to communicate with IPNI
Error le to listen on ni data socket(<Error>) : unab
Description : Listen call failed.
Error d i ace API socket Error(<Error>) : bin nterf
Description : Error in binding API socket to communicate with IPNI
Error Error spawn tIpedrPkt task :
Description : Error while spawning task
Error Error create kernel message queue :
Description : Error in Create a message queue and spawn a task for
talking to kernel
Error : Error create packet Dump message queue
Description : Error in creating a message queue
Error : Error create rx packet message queue
Description : Error in creating a message queue
Error : Error spawn tIpedrRxPkt task
Description : Error while spawning task
Error : <function_name> : open socket Error(<socket>)
Description : Socket Error
Error : <function_name>: add boot arp(<address>) Error
Description : Error while adding Boot Arp
Error : <function_name>: Error add ARP for ip(<ip-addr>)
Error : <function_name>: send request to hre Error
Description : Error while sending message in ipedrSendArpToHre.
Error : <function_name>: can't find route for <ipaddr>
Error: <function_name>: <ip-addr> is not link level addr,
_flag(<flags>) rt
Error : <function_name>: rtrequest err(<Error>)
Description : Error while calling function rtrequest.
Error : child task register to mip Error(<Error>)
Error : child deregistration Error(Error)
Error : invalid input parameters, inIndexNum(<number>),
ex>) inIndex(<ind
Description : Invalid index number while verifying the MIP message
Error : invalid input parameters, inIndexCount(<count>),
index>) inIndex[0](<
Description : Invalid index count while verifying the MIP message.
Error alid type=<type> : Inv
Description : Invalid type of MIP object
Error alid length=<length> : Inv
Description : Invalid length of MIP object
Error lid close port penalty value=<value> : Inva
Description : Test failed for members of alaDoSConfig
Error lid decay value=<value> : Inva
Description : Test failed for members of alaDoSConfig
Error lid tcp open port penalty value=<value> : Inva
Description : Test failed for members of alaDoSConfig
Error lid threshold value=<value> : Inva
Description : Test failed for members of alaDoSConfig
Error lid udp open port penalty value=<value> : Inva
Description : Test failed for members of alaDoSConfig
Error alid dos trap control value=<value> : Inv
Description : Test failed for members of alaDoSConfig
Error nction_name> : invalid inIndexNum(<index>) : <fu
Description : Invalid index number
Error : invalid table id(<table-id>)
Description : Invalid Id
Error :data size is between 4 and 60000
Description : Error validating the size for ping.
Error : minimum interval is 1 second
Description : Error validating the timer for ping.
Error : can't get session ID, Errorno(<return-code>)
Error : can't spawn ping task
Description : Failed to spawn the task.
Error : invalid Traceroute options
Error : can't spawn Traceroute task
Description : Failed to spawn the task.
Error : can't get TCP statistics
Description : m2TcpGroupInfoGet failed
Error t get UDP statistics : can'
Description : m2UdpGroupInfoGet failed.
Error : unable to query NI ICMP statistics
Description : ipedrQueryNiStat failed
Error t finish deferred mip answer : can'
Description : mip_deferred_answer failed
Error alid snmp index(<index>) : inv
Description : Invalid index number
Error : unable to find the interface entry
Error : ifAdminStatus has invalid type(<type>)
Description : Error related to ifTable
Error : ifAdminStatus has invalid length(<length>)
Description : Error related to ifTable
Error : ifAdminStatus invalid value(<value>)
Description : Error related to ifTable
Error : unable to set interface entry
Description : m2IfXTblEntrySet failed
Error : ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable has invalid type(<type>)
Description : Error related to ifXTable
Error : ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable has invalid length(<length>)
Description : Error related to ifXTable
Error : ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable has invalid value(<value>)
Description : Error related to ifXTable
Error : setting interface proMiscuous mode is not allowed>)
Description : Error related to ifXTable
Error : ifAlias has invalid type(<type>)>)
Description : Error related to ifXTable
Error : alaIpArpTimeout has invalid value(<value>), valid range 1 -
Description : Error related to alaIpConfig
Error : alaIpClearArpCache has invalid value(<value>)
Description : Error related to alaIpConfig
Error : alaIpDirectedBroadcast has invalid value(<value>)
Description : Error related to alaIpConfig
Error : alaIpClearArpFilter has invalid value(<value>)
Description : Error related to alaIpConfig
Error : unable to query ni ip statistics
Description : ipedrQueryNiStat failed
Error : ipDefaultTTL has invalid value(<value>)
Description : Error related to ip
Error : disable ipForwarding(<value>) is not allowed
Description : Error related to ip
Error : <function_name>: unable to set ip Information
Description : Error related to ip
Error : invalid ip address
Description : Error related to ipAddrTable
Error : ipNetToMediaName has invalid length(<length>)
Description : Error related to ipNetToMedia/
Error le to delete arp entry : unab
Description : ipedrDelInactiveArp failed
Error le to set arp entry : unab
Description : m2IpAtransTblEntrySet failed
Error pArpFilterMode has invalid type(<type>) : alaI
Description : Error related to alaIpArpFilterTable
Error drRouteStatus has invalid length(<length>) : ipCi
Description : Error related to ipCidrRouteTable
Error le to set route entry : unab
Description : m2IpRouteTblEntrySet failed
Error le to get tcp Information : unab
Description : m2TcpGroupInfoGet failed.
Error onnState has invalid value(<value>) : tcpC
Description : Error related to tcpConnTable
Error : unable to set tcp connection entry
Description : m2TcpConnEntrySet failed
Error : unable to get udp Information
Description : m2UdpGroupInfoGet failed
Error : unable to set arp for interface ip address
Description : Error related to ipNetToMediaAugTable
Error : Register to VM
Description : Error while sending register message to Vlan Manager
Error : <function_name> : Error acknowledge takeover message
Description : Error while sending takeover ack message to CS.
Description : Error in retrieving route Information from NI
Description : Error in retrieving arp Information from NI
Error ele ect Error(<return_code>) : pmD teObj
Description : Error while deleting PM object for IP interface
Error : pmSendAdminStatus Error(<return>)
Description : Error while sending admin status for PM object for IP
terface in
Error : <function_name>: zcRecvFrom Error(<Error>)
Description : RecvFrom Socket option Error.
Error : <function_name> : ipNetToMediaIfIndex has invalid
(<value>) value
Error : <function_name> : ipNetToMediaIfIndex has invalid value
Error : ipNetToMediaIfIndex has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipNetToMediaIfIndex has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipNetToMediaIfIndex has invalid value(<value>)
Error : ipNetToMediaPhysAddress has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipNetToMediaPhysAddress has invalid length(<length>)
Error : unable to query NI IP statistics
Error : <function_name>: wrong index number(<oid>)
Error : unable to show IP config
Error : unable to get snapshot Information
Error : unable to get snmp index for(<ifIndex>)
Error : MAC can't be multicast MAC
Error : ipNetToMediaType has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipNetToMediaType has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipNetToMediaType has invalid value(<value>)
Error : alaIpNetToMediaProxy has invalid type(<type>)
Error : alaIpNetToMediaProxy has invalid length(<length>)
Error : alaIpNetToMediaProxy has invalid value(<value>)
Error : ipNetToMediaName has invalid type(<type>)
Error : unable to get arp entry
Error : ipCidrRouteIfIndex has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteIfIndex has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteIfIndex has invalid value(<value>)
Error: Error init pingLib
Error : Error create heartBeatTimer
Error : Error create statTimer
Error : Error create pdTimer
Error : ipCidrRouteInfo has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteType has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteType has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteType has invalid value(<value>)
Error : Debug ip packet already started
Error : Debug ip packet already stopped
Error : ipCidrRouteNextHopAS has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteNextHopAS has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric1 has invalid type(<type>)
Error : init interface API socket Error(<Error>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric1 has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric2 has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric2 has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric3 has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric3 has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric4 has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric4 has invalid length(<length>)
Error : unable to listen on interface API socket(<Error>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric5 has invalid type(<type>)
Error : ipCidrRouteMetric5 has invalid length(<length>)
Error : ipCidrRouteStatus has invalid type(<type>)
Error : unable to get tcp entry
Error : tcpConnState has invalid type(<type>)
Error : tcpConnState has invalid length(<length>)
Error : <function_name>: unable to get udp listener table entry\n",
Error : <function_name>: ipNetToMediaIfIndex has invalid
(<value>) value
Error : Invalid mip type=<type>
Error : Invalid mip length=%d\n",
Error : Invalid port number <number>
Error : Invalid slot number <number>
Error : unable to set arp for non-local ip address
Error : <function_name> : invalid ip
Error : not allowed to set slot/port to EMP interface
Error : Invalid ICMP type=<type>
Error : Invalid ICMP code=<code>
Error : Invalid ICMP control status value=<value>
Error : <function_name> : invalid protocol number = <proto>
Error : alaIpArpFilterRowStatus has invalid type(<type>)
Error : alaIpArpFilterMode has invalid RowStatus(<value>)
Error : get session ID Error, errno(<Errorno>)
Error : session id(<sessId>) is not running
Error : open output dev Error
Error : <function_name>: register to chassis supervision Error
Error : <function_name>: Error answer chassis supervision ping
Error : recv unknown msg(<msgid>) from CS
Error : <function_name>:zcBufDelete Error(<Error>)
Error : close child mip socket Error(<Error>)
Error : receive cmm msg from unknown CMM application(<appid>)
Error : zcSelect Error(<return>)
Error : ni socket is set on secondary cmm
Error : recvfrom Error(<Error>)
Error : recv unknown ni message(<msgid>)
Error : <function_name> : zcSendTo Error(<Error>)
Error : <function_name> : can't allocate zc buffer, msg too long,
Error : child can't take this action(<number>)
Error : create child socket Error(<sockId>)
Error : bind child socket Error(<Error>), sesId(<Id>), snapId(<Id>)
Error : receives unknown msg from session manager
14.2 Warning Messages
Warning : can't get ifindex for gport=<gport>
Description : findIfIndexFromGlobalPort failed.
Warning : recv arp packet on vlan <vlanId> with no i/f
Description : Error validating packet from NI in ipedrRecvNiData.
Warning : <function_name> : sendto drc errno=<Error>
Description : Sendto failed
Warning : <function_name>: sendto vrrp errno=<Error>
Description : Sendto failed
Warning : <function_name>: sendto IPv6 errno=<Error>
Description : Sendto failed
Warning : recv unknown VM msg(<mid>)
Description : Unknown message from Vlan Manager.
Warning : shouldn't get PM msg
Description : No expected PM Messages
Warning : <function_name>: misaligned msg header <pointer>
Description : Error while checking word boundary for messages
received from NI.
Warning : NI <slot>/<slice> goes down, but no active NI
Warning : NI <slot>/<slice> goes down, but no matching active NI\n",
Warning : <function_name>: ifIndex is NULL
Warning : + failed, boot arp “<ipaddr> <mac>” , <slot>/<port
Warning: <function_name>: open socket Error(<sockfd>)
Warning: <function_name>: Error set ioctl SIOCGRAP
Warning: invalid action on interface route
Warning : <function_name> : mip Error(<return>)
Warning : recv pkt with unknown frame type on vlan <vlanid>
Warning : recv pkt too short on vlan <vlanId>
Warning : recv avlan ip pkt on vlan <vlanId> with no i/f
Warning : <function_name> : send Error(<Error>), eipc(<eorror>),
ockId>) sock(<s
Warning : <function_name> : retry send failed for protocol
packet(<Error>), eipc(<Error>), sock((<sockId>)
Warning : <function_name> : set i/f ioctl for unknown address family
Warning : failed(errno=<Error>) to set netmask <ip_mask> on vlan
> <vlanId
Warning : failed(errno=<Error> ) to set ip <ip_address> on vlan
Warning : accept sock(<socket_id>) returned Error(<Error>),
Warning : incorrect app ID (<id>) or snap ID (<id>)
Warning : NI (<slot>/<slice>) socket already set; closing
Warning : unable to mark NI socket non-blocking(<Error>)
Warning : NI (<slot>/<slice>) socket already set; closing
Warning : out of client socket space
14.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Info : receive type=<type> cnt=<count> DoS attack from
INFO : <function_name>: send proto=<proto>, port=<port>, ip=" FIP
INFO : vrrp goes up on vlan <vlan-Id>
INFO : vrrp add arp " <ipaddr> <mac> " ERR
INFO : vrrp del arp " <ipaddr> <mac> " ERR
INFO : + boot arp “ <ipaddr> <mac>”, <slot>/<port>
INFO : + “ <ipaddr> <mac>”, port=<port>, flag=<flag>
INFO : + list " “ <ipaddr> <mac>” ", port=<port>,flag=<flag>
INFO : chg " <ipaddr> <mac>”, port=<port>, flag=<flag>
INFO : refresh " <ipaddr> <mac> ", port=<port>, flag=<flag>
INFO : + list " <route> <mask> " flag = <flag>
INFO : Traceroute: packet size must be 0 <= s < <max>.
INFO : <function_name>: sendto Error
INFO : receive packet too short (<count> bytes) from <names>
INFO : <function_name>: set slot= <slot>, port= <port> , la_port=
<la_port>, gport= <gport>
INFO : recv dhcp discover pkt on vlan <vlanId> with no i/f
INFO : pass to ip stack via default vlan
INFO : + ip <ip_addr> / <ip_mask> on vlan <vlanId>
INFO : polling EMP, <pointer>, <ip_addr>, <ip_mask>
INFO : mark vlan <vlanId> port <port> status <status>
INFO : vlan <vlanId>. port <slot>/<port>(g<port>) goes down
INFO : niIf.vlanId=<vlanId>; niIf.ipState=<state>
INFO : vlan <vlanId>. port <slot>/<port>(g<port>) goes up
INFO : <task_id> : start polling EMP, <pointer>, <ip_addr>,
mask>, <ip_addr>, <ip_mask> <ip_
INFO : recv <msgid>, vlan=<vlanId>. <ip_addr>/<ip_mask>
INFO : recv <msgid>, vlan=<vlanid>. ifIndex=<index>
INFO : Takeover finished
INFO : IPEDR secondary CMM taking over
INFO : <function_name>: send retry fail
DEBUG1 : <function_name>:<line_name>: calling rtrequest(<route>)
n-ecmp case for no
DEBUG1 : invalid msg id =<message-id>
DEBUG1 : invalid size = <len>
DEBUG1 : ipedrGetItf() failed
DEBUG1 : semMCreate() failed
DEBUG1 : send vrrp shutdown Error=<Error>, sock=<socket>
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: boot arp(<address>) added
DEBUG1: <cc> bytes to <name>
DEBUG1: <function_name>: arp who-has <ip>
DEBUG1: put ifnet(<pointer>) to ifnetFreed list
DEBUG1: activating vlan <vlan-id> Error already activated ,
DEBUG1: deactivating vlan <vlan-id> Error, already deactivated
DEBUG1: enable vlan <vlan-id> Error, already enabled
DEBUG1, "disable vlan %d Error, already disabled\n", pIp->vlanId);
DEBUG1 : Init sockets done, cmmSock=<CMM socket>, niSock=<NI Socket>
DEBUG1: register to CS done
DEBUG1: register to MIP done
DEBUG1: register to vlan manager done
DEBUG1: register to session manager done
DEBUG1:register to port manager done
DEBUG1: watchdog timers initialized
DEBUG1: ip ethernet driver cleaning up
DEBUG1: ip ethernet driver cleanup done
DEBUG1: Task tIpedrMsg spawned
DEBUG1 : vrrp goes up on vlan <vlan-id>
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: recv <arp-adds> arp adds
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: recv <arp-chgs> arp chgs
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: recv <arp-refs> arp refs
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: recv <arp-del> arp del
DEBUG1 : get arp " <ipaddr> <mac> " on port <port>, arp_flag=<flag>
DEBUG1 : <function_name>:<line>: calling rt_delete_rn(<route>) for
DEBUG1 : <function_name>:<line>: calling rt_delete_rn(<route>) for
DEBUG1: purge route overlaps " <ip-addr> "/" <ip-addr> "
DEBUG1 : ICMP message [message] from <name>
DEBUG1 : TCPCB(<tp>) MD5 key(<key>)
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: ifIndex=<index>, ip=" <IP-addr> "
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: m2IfTblEntryGet returns Error
DEBUG1 : unable to get ip address entry
DEBUG1 : <function_name> : m2IpAtransTblEntryGet return Error\n s
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: m2IpRouteTblEntryGet returns Error
DEBUG1 : <function_name> : m2IpAtransTblEntryGet returns Error
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: m2TcpConnEntryGet returns Error
DEBUG1 : <function_name> : m2IpRouteTblEntryGet returns Error
DEBUG1 : output file name <file_name>
DEBUG1 : Debug level <level>. Debug mask <mask>
DEBUG1 : recv <type> pkt on vlan <vlanId>, from
/<slice>/<port>(g<global_port>) <slot>
DEBUG1 : send packet on vlan <vlanId>, but it's down
DEBUG1 : Error deque send packets on vlan <vlanId>
DEBUG1 : send <type> pkt on vlan <vlanId> to
<destSlot>/<destSlice>/<destPort>(g<globalDestPort>) via
DEBUG1 : broadcast msg(<msgid>) to ni
DEBUG1: <function_name>: vlan <vlanid> port <port> status <status>
DEBUG1 : recv takeover from CS on secondary CMM
DEBUG1 : receive takeover msg from chassis supervision on primary
DEBUG1 : recv ping from CS
DEBUG1 : <slot> /<port> (gport<gport>) goes down
DEBUG1 : port manager gives ifIndex(<index>) to vlan <vlanId>
DEBUG1 : pmCreateObject Error(<return_code>)
DEBUG1 : port manager gives ifIndex(<number>) to vlan <vlan>
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: ipc write Error
DEBUG1 : <function_name>: ifIndex = <index>, adminStatus = <status>
DEBUG1 : child task receive cmm msg(Msgid>) from <string>
DEBUG1 : receive cmm msg(<msgid>) from <string>
DEBUG1 : ni (slot/slice) connected, data sock(<socket_id>)
DEBUG1 : recv <msgid> from <appid>
DEBUG1 : itf API [<max>] connected, control sock(<sockid>)
DEBUG1: itf API [<index>] recv failed (<Errorno>)
DEBUG1: <function_name>: total msg len(<length>)
DEBUG1: <function_name>: can't send long msg, length(<length>)
DEBUG1: <function_name> : eipcBufCreate on list(<list>)
DEBUG1: <function_name>, bcast on socket = <socket>, len = <length>,
with messages
DEBUG1: send msg(<msgid>) to <string>, length(<length>),
DEBUG1: <count> msgs : <string>
DEBUG1: <function_name> : total msg len(<length>)
DEBUG1: bind sock(<socket>) to snapid(<snapId>)
DEBUG1: close socket(<socket_id>) for snap(<snap_id>)
DEBUG1: Ping: host(<ip_addr>), sesId(<id>), count(<count>),
size(<size>), interval(<interval>), timeout(<timeout>)
DEBUG1 : session <Id> goes up, stdin/out(<msg>)
DEBUG1: session <Id> goes down
DEBUG2: <count>: <pointer>
DEBUG2 : ipedrDebug(<integer>), ipedrDebugLevel(<integer>)
DEBUG2: cmm is in <mode> mode
DEBUG2: send ni alive message
DEBUG2 : mac of <ip-address>=<mac>,port(<port>),arpFlag(<Flags>)
DEBUG2 : ip(<ip>), mac(<mac>) on port <port>, arp_flag <flags>
DEBUG2 : <function_name> no arp to delete for ip(<ipaddr>)
DEBUG2 : <function_name>: Error delete arp for ip(<ip-addr>)
DEBUG2 : <function_name>: vrrp goes down on vlan <vlan-id>
DEBUG2 : send <count> arp entries to hre
DEBUG2 : sending hre arp entry <ipAddr>
DEBUG2 : <function_name>: arp entry <ip-addr> use by hre
DEBUG2: <function_name>: delete <address>/<mask>/<gateway>
DEBUG2 : child task get mip return code(%s) after
DEBUG2 : enter <function_name>
DEBUG2 : enter <function_name>, OID (<index>, <oid>)
DEBUG2 : leaving <function_name>, line = <line>rning MIP_FAILED
DEBUG2 : case <number> <line>
DEBUG2 : leaving <function_name>, line = <line>, returning <return-
DEBUG2 : case default <line> <number>
DEBUG2 : host(<ip-addr>), maxHop(<number>), sesId(<number>)
DEBUG2 : before, index[0] = <index> m2If.index = <index>
DEBUG2 : after, m2If.index = <ifIndex>
DEBUG2 : Arp timeout = <value>
DEBUG2 : Arp flush
DEBUG2 : no_directed_bcasts = <value>
DEBUG2 : Arp filter flush
DEBUG2 : icmp statistics on cmm still valid, won't query ni
DEBUG2 : ip statistics still valid on cmm, won't query ni
DEBUG2 : Set ipDefaultTTL = <value>
DEBUG2 : Set ipForwarding = <value>
DEBUG2 : <number> bytes copied out of <length> bytes from mbuf to
DEBUG2 : <function_name> : skip arp entry <addr>
DEBUG2 : <function_name>: skip host link level entry <addr>
DEBUG2 : <function_name> : skip EMP port route <addr>
DEBUG2 : Child only accept CLI packets
DEBUG2 : Child only accept CLI packets
DEBUG2: recv <msg_id>, len(<length>) from <slot>/<slice>
DEBUG2: <function_name>: send msgs to <string>, total
length(<length>), first msg(<msgid>), msgLen(<msglen>)
DEBUG2: <function_name>, write <msgid>, len = <length>, resLen =
DEBUG2: <function_name> : allocated zcBuf, payload length(<length>)
DEBUG2: create mip socket for child task done
DEBUG2: child process register to mip done
DEBUG2: Traceroute: sesId(<Id>), host(<host>), maxHop(<count>)
DEBUG2: ping: sesId(<Id>), host(<ip_addr>), count(<number>),
size(<number>), int(<number>), timeout(<number>)
DEBUG2: create mip socket(<socket_id>) for child task done
DEBUG2: DNS resolve needs <Time>(sec)
15 RIP
15.1 Error Messages
ERROR: Fn name : Auth type mismatch-Intf=auth-type peer=peer auth
ERROR : Fn name : Auth Key does not match
Description: Error in simple password match.
ERROR ERROR ==> MD5 Auth Digest Mismatch : Fn name :
Description : Error in compare the generated digest and the incoming
ERROR : ( Fn name ) No mem available
Description : Unable to create a RIP interface
ERROR : ( Fn name ) Invalid RIP interface
ERROR : (Fn name) Failure to malloc ip if for addr - ipaddress – IP
ERROR : (Fn name) Failure to get ip if for vlanId VLAN ID
ERROR: Fn name : mq_send
ERROR : Fn name : environment malloc failed
Description : Error in creating our environment.
ERROR : Fn name : DRC msg buff malloc failed
Description : Error in allocating RIP global buffer for drc message
ERROR : Fn name : malloc failed on createRoute
ERROR : Fn name : malloc failed on deleteRoute
Description : Error in allocating two buffers for RIP create/delete
route message
ERROR : Fn name : leaf pool create failed
Description : Error while setting up pool for routes.
ERROR : Fn name : node pool create failed
ERROR : Fn name : IPRM semaphore init failed
Description : Error while initializing a semaphore to use with IPRM
ERROR : Fn name : IPRM MSG Q init failed (RIP_Q)
Description : Error while creating our message Q
ERROR nam M MSG Q init failed TM_Q : Fn e : T
Description : Error while open the TM message Q
ERROR : Fn name : RIP pkt buffer malloc failed
Description : Error while allocating RIP global buffer for packet
ERROR : Fn name : RDB open failed
Description : Error while opening the routing database to store our
s. route
ERROR : Fn name : Filter DB open failed
Description : Error while opening the redistribution filter database
ERROR : Fn name : Peer Table Init failed
ERROR : Fn name : Line number: FATAL: zcVxOpen() failed
ERROR : Fn name : Line number: FATAL:
zcSetSockOpt(FALCONSOCK_SO_ID_TO_FD) failed.
Description : Error while setting up a select()-able file descriptor
ip_falcon_socket. for r
ERROR : Falcon Socket creation failed
Description : Error while creating Falcon socket
ERROR : Unrecognized message ID: Msg Id
Description : Unknown message coming from TM,IPRM or DRC
ERROR : Falcon Socket bind failed
ERROR : Fn name Error during socket call
ERROR Error during bind : Fn name
Description: Error while setting up send sockaddr
ERROR : Fn name: non-blocking ioctl failed
Description : Error while setting RIP socket to non-blocking
ERROR : Fn name: IP_MULTICAST_LOOP ioctl failed
Description : Error while setting the socket so that we don't
ve our own multicast packets recei
ERROR : Fn name: SO_RCVBUF setsockopt failed
Description : Error while setting little extra space for RIP packets
ERROR : Fn name: WARNING: Could not set socket(fd= RIP Socket) IP
precedence option
ERROR : Error hooking SIGTERM
Description Error while hooking the signals :
ERROR : Error hooking SIGINT
ERROR : Error hooking SIGALRM
ERROR : Error creating Timer
ERROR : Error calling timer_settime
ERROR : Error in zcRecvFrom:ret=length
Description : Error while checking Falcon Socket for MIP messages
ERROR : Fn name : Invalid length Payload length
ERROR : Fn name : No peer-> Peer IP Address found in peerTable
Description : Was not able to locate the rip peer.
ERROR : Fn name : Could not alloc leaf for peer-> Peer IP Address
Description : Error while allocating the memory for the leaf node.
ERROR nam ould not add Peer-> Peer IP Address to PeerTable : Fn e : C
Description : Error while adding the node to the tree..
ERROR : Fn name : Could not Delete Peer-> Peer IP address
ERROR : Fn name : peer entry NULL
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to allocate Mem for Radix Tree
Description : Error while creating and initializing the peer Dbase
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to allocate Mem for root leaf
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to open RIP peer Dbase
ERROR : Fn name : setsockopt-> IP_MULTICAST_IF fails
Description : Error while setting socket options for
sending/receiving multicast frames on the interface.
ERROR : Fn name :sendto
ERROR : Fn name :Received packet from unknown interface
ERROR : Fn name : Pkt Recvd from peer's non-RIP port: Socket Port
ERROR : Fn name : Rcvd version RIP Version packet on v1 Recv only
P Address i/f I
ERROR : Fn name : Peer IP Address not found in peerTable
ERROR : Fn name : RIP WARNING:Exceeded RIP DB redist max routes
pin packet limit, drop g RIP
Description : Error if total routes in RIP rdb exceed
ERROR : Fn name : Peer IP Address not found
ERROR : Fn name : ripSendto fails
ERROR : Fn name : Peer Gateway Address not found in peerTable
ERROR : addr = IP Address, mask = IP Mask, key = Key, ksize = Key
ERROR : Fn name : q_send
ERROR : Fn name : Tried to add routes to IPRM, but it" "isn't
r of Routes adds discarded! up....Numbe
Description : IPRM task is not up.
ERROR : Fn name : Tried to delete routes from IPRM, but it ""isn't
.Number-of-Routes deletes discarded up...
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to allocate leaf
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to add leaf to RDB
Description : Unable to allocate/add the route in the redist tree.
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to locate RDB entry within leaf
ERROR : Fn name : have Create msg pending with Number-of-Routes
CRoutes" ""num
ERROR : Fn name : have Delete msg pending with Num-Routes
ERROR : Fn name : Skipping static route Dest IP
ERROR: Fn name : ripRedistStart() Failed
ERROR : Fn name : Redist config not enabled ..
Description : Check whether redist CONFIG has been enabled failed
ERROR name : IPRM not running, redistribution disabled : Fn
Description : IPRM task not up.
ERROR : Fn name : drcSyncSend
ERROR : Fn name : Can't send Dereg msg to IPRM.. task down
ERROR : Fn name : Invalid input
Description : Wrong input to add redistribution into RIP redist
. lists
ERROR : Fn name : Can't send RouteTagSet msg to IPRM..task down
ERROR : Fn name : Can't send RouteTagSet msg to IPRM..task down
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to allocate Mem for Radix Tree
ERROR : Fn name : Unable to allocate Mem for Radix Tree Leaf
ERROR : Fn name : Add of filter to DB failed, Proto = 0xProtoType,
IP ss/Mask ""Addr = 0x Addre
Description : Error while adding the filter into our database.
ERROR : Fn name : Could not find filter node Proto = 0xProtoType "
Address/Mask "Addr = 0x
Description : Can't happen, we just added the filter
ERROR : Fn name : Could not find ACTIVE filter Proto = 0xProtoType,
IP Address/Mask in DB ""Addr = 0x
Description : Can't happen, this is an ACTIVE filter
ERROR : Fn name : Could not find Filter 0x ProtoType / 0xIP Address
ask for loading / 0xM
ERROR : Fn name : Unknown eventType 0xEventType from IPRM
ERROR : Fn name : mq_send Error
ERROR : Fn name : Can't send REDIST_REG msg to IPRM.. task down
ERROR : Fn name : Can't send REDIST_DEREG msg to IPRM.. task down
ERROR : Fn name : Can't send FILTER REG/DEREG msg to IPRM..task down
ERROR nam nload operation failed during Reload : Fn e : U
Description : Error while initiating the reloading of redistributed
routes for a particular filter.
ERROR : Fn name : Load operation failed during Reload
redistribution stopped
redistribution stopped
ERROR : vlanId “VLAN ID” is out of range
15.2 Warning Messages
WARNING : Unknown Object Index
WARNING : Fn name : Unable to add peer IP Address to peerTable
WARNING : Fn name : Reserved field in received RIPv1 header is non-
WARNING : Fn name :Received a version-0 packet on interface IP
WARNING : Fn name : Packet with residual bytes received on interface
IP Address
Description : Packet Error
WARNING : Fn name : Interface IP Address not configured to receive
response packets
Description : Error in validating the "recv version" of the
ce. interfa
WARNING : Fn name : Received an invalid RIP command (RIP Command) on
interface IP Address
Description : Invalid command.
WARNING : Fn name :Response pkt from Gateway IP Address has more
than RIP Max Entry entries
Description : Errors in processing the RIP entries.
WARNING : Fn name :RIP authentication check failed for response
Description : Error while authenticating the request.
WARNING : Fn name :1st field is not authentication field in recieved
RIPv2 pkt
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring an authenticated RIPv2 response packet
P Address from Gateway I
Description : There is NO authentication on this interface and hence
ignore the packet that comes with an authentication
WARNING : Fn name :Ignoring non-route entry->Md5 Digest
WARNING : Fn name :Ignoring route->invalid address family Entry-
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring route Dest with invalid metric Metric
Description : Error while validating the value of "metric" field.
WARNING : Fn name : Invalid nextHop NextHop IP Address in RIPv2
Description : Error in validating the "nextHop" field. It should be
directly reachable on the logical subnet on which we received this
WARNING : Fn name : Invalid route address Dest IP Address in RIPv2
Description : Error validating the destination address.
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring the host route Dest IP in RIPv2
response from Gateway Address
Description : We donot support host routes.
WARNING : Fn name : Invalid subnet mask Dest Mask in RIPv2 entry
from Gateway Address
Description : Error while validating the subnet mask.
WARNING : Fn name : Invalid address-mask pair Dest IP:Mask in RIPv2
entry from Gateway Address
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring route Dest IP Address with invalid
Metric metric
WARNING : Fn name : Invalid route address IP Address in RIPv1 entry
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring a RIP entry with invalid values for
zero fields
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring route -> invalid address family entry-
Description : Not a known address family
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring new route Dest IP Address with invalid
metric Metric
Description : Error while validating the value of "metric" field.
WARNING : Fn name : Ignoring route -> invalid address family
ly reqEntry->fami
Description : Error while validating the destination address.
WARNING : Fn name : Host route Dest IP ignored due to net route
Address Network
WARNING : Fn name : Cannot redistribute RIP route 0x IP Address /
WARNING : Fn name : Redistribution not enabled for proto 0x
pe " "route IP Address / Mask \n", , ProtoTy
WARNING : Fn name : Matching filter not found for trig'd Rt ""
ProtoType / IP Address / Mask "
15.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
INFO : (Fn name) WARNING ! ifNum / vlanId IP interface number out of
range ! ipAddr - ipaddress - IP
INFO : (Fn name) Freeing All IP Interfaces
INFO : in Fn name, vlanId Vlan Id
INFO : in Fn name, vlanId VLAN ID
INFO : (Fn name) :got admin message
INFO : (Fn name) Got DRC msg of type Msg Id from Source task name
INFO : in Fn name
INFO : Fn name: queueing failed with retcod = retcod
INFO : in Fn name , reason REASON
INFO : Closing down DRC TASK NAME msg
INFO : Restoring SIGUSR1
INFO : Deleting RIP timer
INFO : Restoring SIGALRM
INFO : Restoring SIGINT
INFO : Restoring SIGTERM
INFO : Closing down RIP msg Q
INFO : Closing down TM msg Q
INFO : RIP exiting.....
INFO : RIP_CHATTY, Fn name : Enter
INFO : Fn name : Received MIP message
INFO : RIP_CHATTY, Fn name : Exit after count msgs
INFO : Fn name : Enter
INFO : got sync reply
INFO : Fn name : Received DRC message. payload_len Payload length
INFO : Fn name : Exit after count msgs
INFO : Fn name : Received RIP packet:length
INFO : Fn name : Exit after count msgs
INFO : Fn name : RIP pipe not empty. NOT queueing new message
INFO : Fn name : Entering select.
INFO : Fn name : select exited with n size and errno Error number
INFO : Fn name : select exited with n size
INFO : Fn name : *indx1=Index
INFO : Fn name : proto=Proto Type addr=IP Address mask=Mask
INFO : Fn name : looking for peer-> Peer Ip Address
INFO : Fn name : Adding Peer-> Peer IP Address to PeerTable
INFO : Fn name : Deleted Peer-> Peer address
INFO : Fn name : Deleting Peer-> Peer Address
INFO : Fn name : Peer-> Peer Address refreshed.
INFO : Fn name : Peer Table Initialised
INFO : Fn name : Peer Table Closed
INFO : Peer = Peer IP Address, Age = Peer-Age-Time, Rcvd = Number-
Received, Tot = Total Number of Peers
INFO : Fn name : Aging disabled, returning
INFO : Fn name : Currtime= Current Time
INFO : Fn name : Peer-> IP Address aged out... deleting
INFO : "Command = RIP Command, Version = Rip Version
INFO : (Fn name) Dest IP/IP Mask, NextHop IP, Tag, Family, Metric
INFO : Fn name : packet malformed
INFO : Fn name : Sending flush to IPRM
15.4 Protocol Specific Messages
15.4.1 RECV
RECV : Fn name : Packet Auth type SIMPLE
RECV : Fn name : Auth Key matched
RECV : Fn name : Packet Auth type MD5
RECV : Fn name : Rcvd Digest ->
RECV : Fn name : Calculating Digest for len = RIP packet length +
st length Dige
RECV : Fn name : Calc Digest ->
RECV : Fn name : MD5 Auth - Digest Matched
RECV : Fn name : MD5 Digest ->
RECV : Fn name :Received packet from IP Address
RECV : Fn name :Received packet in disabled state
RECV : Fn name :Received my own packet on VLAN Vlan Id of the Intf
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring a packet received on inactive interface IP
Address vlan Vlan ID
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring rcvd packet on `receive None` configured
rface IP Address inte
RECV : Fn name : Rx: RIP cmd req ver=RIP version src=IP Address
=IP Intf port=Port tuples=Num entries len=Packet length inIf
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring the request because we can't send V2
responses on intf IP Address
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring request as we can't send V1 responses on
rface IP Address inte
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring the request due to version mismatch on
interface vlanId
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring host route IP Address in RIPv1 response
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring the request due to version mismatch on
rface IP Address inte
RECV : Fn name : Ignoring host route HOST IP Address in RIPv1
RECV : RIP: dst Dest IP address: taking mask from RecvIntf IP
Address/IP Mask
instead of natural mask IP Mask
15.4.2 Send
SEND : Fn name : Auth Type SIMPLE
SEND : Fn name : Auth Type MD5
SEND : Fn name : Calling setsockopt for intf IP Address
SEND : Fn name : Cannot send request on inactive interface Intf
SEND : Fn name : Entering at RIP_GETTIME
SEND : Fn name : Sending flash update on interface=IP Address,
vlan=Vlan ID
SEND : Entering Fn name
SEND : Fn name[RIP_GETTIME]: Sending REGULAR update on if:IP
Address, last
route:Intf Update Last IP/Mask
SEND : Fn name[RIP_GETTIME]: Next Update for If-> IP Address at
Update Timer
SEND : Fn name : [RIP_GETTIME]: Sending RESPONSE update on if:IP
SEND : Fn name : Tx: RESP ver=v2 dest=IP Address OutIf=IP Address
dport=Dest Port routes=Num Entries len=Packet Length
SEND : Fn name : [RIP_GETTIME]: Sending RESPONSE update on if:IP
SEND : Fn name : Adding tuple(Number of Entries) dst=Dest IP Address
gw=Gateway Address met=Metric
SEND : Fn name : Tx: RESP ver=v1 dest=Dest IP Address OutIf=IP
Address dport=Dest
Port routes=Resp Routes len=Resp Length
SEND : Fn name : Forcing metric for Dest IP Address to INFINITY
(split horizon)
SEND : Fn name : Adding tuple(Num Entries) dst=Dest IP Address
mask=IP Mask
gw=Gateway Address met=Metric
SEND : Fn name : Tx RESP ver=RIP Version dest=Dest IP OutIf=IP Intf
Port routes=Num entries len=packet Len
SEND : Fn name : [RIP_GETTIME]: Reached MAX(Count) routes, last
route Dest
SEND : Fn name : [RIP_GETTIME]: End of REGULAR update for intf
SEND : Fn name : Tx RESP ver=RIP Version dest=Dest IP OutIf=IP Intf
Port routes=Num Entries len=Packet length
SEND : Fn name : [RIP_GETTIME]: Sent Count routes, last route Dest
SEND : Fn name : Can't send REQ on 'send none' configured Intf IP
SEND : Fn name : Sending request on interface IP Address
SEND : Fn name : Tx REQ ver=RIP Version dest=IP Address OutIf=IP
Intf dport=Dest
Port len=Packet LengthWARNING : Fn name : Invalid address class mask
derived for route Dest IP
15.4.3 SETUP
SETUP : Falcon socket bind complete
Description : Error while setting the RIP socket received size so
that it can accomodate 100 1K buffers
Fn name
SETUP : Falcon socket created
Fn name : Line number : FATAL: pipeDevCreate() failed
Fn name : Line number : FATAL: unable to open RIP pipe
Fn name : FATAL: Failed to flush rip pipe
Fn name : mq_getattr(rip_msg_q) failed
Fn name : LOST MESSAGE: ioctl(FIONMSGS) failed on rip pipe
Fn name : LOST MESSAGE: unable to send message to rip pipe
Fn name : mq_notify() failed.
Fn name : Line number : FATAL: prepareRipSelectPipe() failed
SETUP : RIP spawned with rtr id = IP address IP prim addr = Primary
IP address IP, log = log Info
SETUP : rip_sock: RIP Socket , rip_falc_sock: RIP Falcon Socket
Fn name : Line number : FATAL: unable to block signals.
Fn name : Failed to flush rip pipe
Fn name : Line number : FATAL: unable to unblock signals.
15.4.4 CONFIG
CONFIG : Fn name : Buffer STRLEN of ripSnapStr Full, print and re-
init buffer
CONFIG : Fn name : inCount = Incoming Index Count, addr = RIP IP
Address ifType = Intf Type
CONFIG : Fn name : Found a intf - IP intf address
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming Index Count
CONFIG : Fn name : inCount = Incoming Index Count, addr = RIP IP
CONFIG : Fn name : Found an intf IP intf address
CONFIG : Fn name : nominator = OID Nominator
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming index Number
CONFIG : Fn name : Found a route Next Address / IP Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming Index Number
CONFIG : Fn name : inCount = Incoming Index Count, addr = RIP IP
Address, mask =
RIP IP Address Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : Found a filter: Filter Proto Type/RIP IP
Address/RIP IP Address Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexCnt = Incoming Index Count
CONFIG : Fn name : proto=Protocol Type addr=IP Address mask=Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexCnt = Incoming Index Count
CONFIG : Fn name : proto=Protocol Type addr=IP Address mask=Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming Index Number
CONFIG : Fn name : inCount = Incoming Index Count, proto = Proto
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming Index Count
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming Index Count
CONFIG : Fn name : inIndexNum - Incoming Index Number
CONFIG : Fn name : inCount = Incoming Index Number, addr = RIP IP
CONFIG : Fn name : Found a peer -> RIP Peer Address
CONFIG : Fn name MIP Overflow
CONFIG : Fn name MIP Overflow intf=Last Intf Address
CONFIG : Fn name MIP Overflow intf=Last Intf Address
CONFIG : Fn name :Line Number : MIP Overflow disp=Proto Type
filt(Proto Type/Address/Mask)
CONFIG : Fn name :Line Number : MIP Overflow disp=Proto Type
filt(Proto Type/Address/Mask)
CONFIG : Fn name :Line Number : MIP Overflow dest Last Dest IP
Address mask IP Mask
CONFIG : Fn name :Line Number : MIP Overflow dest Last Dest IP
Address mask IP Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : MIP Overflow
CONFIG : Fn name : MIP Overflow
CONFIG : Fn name : tblId=Table Id inOidNum=OID number
CONFIG : Fn name
CONFIG : Fn name : MIP Overflow
CONFIG : Fn name :Line Number : MIP Overflow at intf=IP Intf Address
CONFIG : Fn name : proto = Protocol Type
CONFIG : Fn name : MIP Overflow
CONFIG: Fn name : MIP Overflow: proto Proto Type, addr IP Address,
mask Mask
CONFIG : Fn name : tblId=Table Id, inOidNum=, all=All
: New interface vlanId = vlanId
15.4.5 AGE
AGE : Fn name : peer-> Peer IP Address age set to Age time\n",
15.4.6 RDB
RDB : Fn name : skipping route Dest Address->Gateway IP Address,
RDB : Fn name : skipping route Dest Address->Gateway IP Address,
RDB : Fn name : skipping route Dest Address->Gateway IP Address for
flash update
because FLASH bit isn't set
RDB : Fn name : skipping route Dest Address->Gateway IP Address,
flag Route to
sending interface
RDB : Fn name : skipping route Dest Address->Gateway IP Address,
supernets not
supported in V1
RDB : Fn name : skipping summarized route Dest Address->Gateway IP
wrong interface IP Address (v1)
RDB : Fn name : skipping host route Dest Address->Gateway IP
Address, on local
net (v1)
RDB : Fn name : skipping subnet route Dest Address->Gateway IP
Address for v1
RDB : Fn name : Warning: Adding V1 subnet route Dest Address ,
Gateway IP
RDB : Fn name : skipping summarized route Dest Address->Gateway IP
Address, not
in v1-send mode
RDB : in Fn name
: Fn name : Unable to allocate Mem for Radix Tree
: Fn name : Unable to allocate Mem for Radix Leaf
RDB : in Fn name
RDB : Fn name for IP Address IP mask
RDB : Fn name : Cannot set ageout timer for route
RDB : Fn name : HOLDDOWN bit set
RDB : Fn name : Invalid pointers in node
RDB : Fn name : Invalid pointers in leaf
RDB : Fn name : (time=Current Time) : Begin
RDB : Fn name : Holding an aged out route (Address) ...
RDB : Fn name : nextTime(Next Time) < currTime(Current Time)
RDB : Fn name : (ageTimer=AGE Timer) : End
RDB : Fn name : is called (time=Current time)
RDB : Fn name : Deleting an expired route IP Address ...
RDB : Fn name : nextTime(Next Time) < currTime(Current Time)
RDB : Failed to delete RDB Entry with Dest = 0xprevDest
RDB : Fn name : Adding Number of Routes routes to IPRM database ...
RDB : Fn name : Deleting Number-pf-routes routes from IPRM
RDB : Fn name : mq_send
RDB : Fn name : Deleting redistributed route IP Address : IP Mask
RDB : Fn name : Cannot add unreachable route (IP Dest : Mask) to
IPRM ...
RDB : Fn name : Adding Network Address-> Gateway to FIB
RDB : Fn name : Route Dest IP already being added, ""cancelling
RDB : Deleting Network-Address->Gateway-Address from FIB
RDB : Fn name : Route Dest IP flapping - cancelling "”pending IPRM
RDB : Fn name : Route Dest IP already exists in ""pending IPRM
deletion message
RDB : Fn name : Skipping local route
RDB : Failed to delete RDB Entry with Dest = 0x prevDest
15.4.7 REDIST
REDIST : Fn name : Cannot redistribute RIP route Network Address
m=Metric p=Proto Type g=Gateway Address
REDIST : Fn name : Cannot find a matching intf for gateway Gateway
REDIST : Fn name : Can't add UNREACHABLE route to Network Address
m=Metric p=Proto Type
REDIST : Fn name : Adding redist route Network Address cost=Cost
proto=Proto Type vl=Vlan Id gw=Gateway Address
REDIST : Fn name : Ignoring unreacheable update for Network Address:
m=Metric proto=Proto Type
REDIST : Fn name : Aging out Network Address: m= Metric proto= Proto
Type from RIP rdb
REDIST : Fn name : Ignoring update for Network Address (metric
Metric >= rdb Metric) proto Proto Type
REDIST : Fn name : Updating Network Address metric(o=Metric
n=Metric) gw(o=IP Address n=Ip Address) p(o=ProtoType n=ProtoType)
REDIST : Fn name : Redistribution enabled
REDIST : Fn name : Redistribution disabled
REDIST : Redistribution is ENABLED in RIP.
REDIST : Redistribution is DISABLED in RIP.
REDIST : Redistribution is not enabled for any Protocol
REDIST : Redistribution is enabled for the following Protocols:
REDIST : Fn name : Entering
REDIST : Fn name : No protocols configured to redist, disabling
REDIST : Fn name : Registering with IPRM for Redist with
""ProtoMask = 0xRedistProtoMask
REDIST : Fn name : Redistribution is already disabled
REDIST : Fn name : No protocols configured to be disabled
REDIST : Fn name : De-Registering with IPRM for Redist with
ProtoMask = redistProtoMask
REDIST : Fn name : Redist enabled for Proto Protocol-type, ProtoMask
= 0xMask, RedistStatus = Status
REDIST : Fn name : Redist disabled for Proto Protocol-type,
ProtoMask = 0xMask, RedistStatus = Status
REDIST : Fn name : Redist enabled for Proto Protocol-type, ProtoMask
= 0xMask, RedistStatus = Status
REDIST : Fn name : Redist disabled for Proto Protocol-type,
ProtoMask = 0xMask, RedistStatus = Status
REDIST : Fn name : Redist Reply got from IPRM with ProtoMask =
0xMask " "NumTags = Number-of-tags
REDIST : Fn name : Received rouetTag trigger from IPRM with Number-
Tags tags
REDIST : Redistribution from protocol Protocol-Type not active.
REDIST : Protocol = Protocol-Type, Metric = Metric, Tag = Tag
REDIST : Fn name : Redistribution database initialized
REDIST : Fn name : Added filter ProtoType IP Address / Mask to DB
Ctrl = Control ""Effect = Effect
REDIST : Fn name : Loading Redist routes for Filter ProtoType / 0xIP
Address / 0xMask
REDIST : Fn name : Deferring load at RtAddr 0xIP Address / 0xMask
REDIST : Fn name : Deleting Filter ProtoType / 0xIP Address / 0xMask
after loading
REDIST : Fn name : Loading ALL Redist routes, Protomask = 0xMask
REDIST : Fn name : Loading Redist routes for filter ProtoType / 0xIP
Address / 0xMask
REDIST : Fn name : Deferring load at RtAddr 0xIP Address / 0xMask
REDIST : Fn name : Finding a redist route for IP Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : No IPRM route available for IP Address / Mask.
REDIST : Fn name : Proto Mask does not match. Returning
REDIST : Fn name : Redist not enabled for proto %d. Returning\n", , proto);
REDIST : Fn name : No matching filter found for IP Address / Mask.
REDIST : Fn name : Matching filter IP Address / Mask for RtAddr IP
Address / Mask NOT OK
REDIST : Fn name : RouteTag does not match (filt=Filter Tag rt=Route
Tag) for IP Address / Mask, Continue
REDIST : Fn name : Could not find Filter 0x ProtoType / 0xIP Address
/ 0xMask for unloading
REDIST : Fn name : Unloading Redist routes for Filter 0x ProtoType /
0xIP Address / 0xMask
REDIST : Fn name : Deferring unload at RtAddr IP Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Deleting Filter 0x ProtoType / 0xIP Address /
0xMask after unload
REDIST : Fn name : Unloading ALL Redist routes for Protocol
REDIST : Fn name : Unloading Redist routes for filter ProtoType / IP
Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Deferring unload at RtAddr IP Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Deleting proto 0x ProtoType after unload
REDIST : Fn name : Unloading All Redist routes
REDIST : Fn name : Deferring unload at IP Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Trigger got from IPRM with numEvents events
REDIST : Fn name : Processing event EventType from ProtoCol for
route IP Address
REDIST : Fn name : bypassing EMP route to IP Address / Mask:
REDIST : Fn name : bypassing loopback route to IP Address / Mask:
REDIST : Fn name : RouteTag does not match (filt=Filter Tag
rt=RouteTag) for IP Address / Mask, Continue
REDIST : Fn name : Registering with IPRM for Redist with ""ProtoMask
= 0xProtoMask
REDIST : Fn name : De-registering with IPRM for Redist with
ProtoMask = 0xprotoMask
REDIST : Fn name : Registering Redist Filter Proto = 0xProtoType
Addr = 0xIp Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : De-registering Redist Filter Proto = 0xProtoType
Addr = 0xIp Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Registering ALL Redist Filters for Proto
REDIST : Filter = Ip Address / Mask Ctrl = Control Effect = Permit
Tag = Tag
REDIST : Fn name : De-Registering ALL Redist Filters for Proto
REDIST : Fn name : Calling ProtoFirstEntry for Ip Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Matching filter Ip Address / Mask for RtAddr Ip
Address / Mask NOT OK
REDIST : Fn name : RouteTag does not match (filt=Filter tag rt=Route
tag) for Ip Address / Mask, Continue
REDIST : Fn name : bypassing EMP route to Ip Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : bypassing loopback route to Ip Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Deferring Load from IPRM...
REDIST : Fn name : Loading Completed.
REDIST : Fn name : Unloading All Rts from RDB starting at RtAddr Ip
Address / Mask
REDIST : Fn name : Adding Redist Rt Protocol Ip Address / Mask GW Ip
Address Metric Metric Rttag Routetag
REDIST : Fn name : Deleting Redist Rt Protocol Ip Address / Mask
16.1 Error Messages
ERROR : <function_name>: <line>: Memory allocation failed while
creating Area <Area>
ERROR : <function_name>: <line>: Memory allocation failed while
creating Aggr table for Area <Area>
ERROR : <function_name>: Error - Invalid Lsdb type <type>.
ERROR nct ame>: Error - Area <Area> does not exist. : <fu ion_n
Description: Error while checking whether the corresponding Area is
nt. prese
ERROR ct ame>: Error - Invalid netMask <mask>. : <fun ion_n
Description : Error while checking the network address and mask.
ERROR : <function_name>: Error - Bitwise (netId & netMask) is not
equal to netId.
Description : Error when the result of AND-ing address and mask is
not zero.
ERROR: <function_name>: Error - Invalid network address <netID>.
Description : Error while checking the network address.
ERROR : <function_name>: <line>: Unable to alloc radix tree leaf
Description : Error while allocating a leaf in radix tree
ERROR <function_name>: <line>: Unable to add object to radix tree: :
Description : Error while adding a leaf in radix tree
Error - Unable to create aggr route !
ERROR: <function_name> : (<Area>) Failed to create radix tree for
table ! aggr
ERROR: <function_name> : (<Area>) Aggregate table initialized
ERROR: <function_name>: External lsdb skiplist is NULL
Description : No Ext LSDB skip list
ERROR: <function_name>: Warning - Exceeded max number of
hosts(<Area>) in Area <Area> !
ERROR: <function_name>: Alloc of MD5 entry failed
Description : Error while allocate a new entry and place it properly
in the list
ERROR: <function_name>:(<line>): Failed to queue!! lsaList <list>
ERROR: <function_name>: OSPF: memory allocation failed.
<number>,<number>/<number>,<seqNo>,age <number>)
ERROR: <function_name>: Failed to update Area for Intf <addr>
Description : Unable to update Area for the interface
ERROR: <function_name>: (<line>): Unable to allocate memory for OSPF
intf addr <addr>
ERROR: <function_name>: Failed to add intf(<intf>) ifIndex <number>,
addr <addr> to ifList(<list>) !
Description: Error while adding the interface to the list of
faces for this session. inter
ERROR: <function_name>: Failed to delete intf(<intf>) from
ifList(<list>) !
Description : Error while deleting the interface to the list of
interfaces for this session.
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>)Error - Non-
aggr route <addr>/<mask> exists !
ERROR: <function_name>:(Area <Area>, intf <addr>)
LSA(<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,age <number>, seq <seqNo>) Failed to
ou ry from intf flood list! remove previ s ent
Description : Error while removing any existing instance of this LSA
which is already sitting on the flood queue.
ERROR: <function_name >: Failure to malloc ip if for addr <addr>
ERROR: <function_name >: Failure to get ip if for vlanId <number>
ERROR: <function_name >:(<addr>, (Type <type>, lsId
Error - failed to find LSA list !! <lsID>/<advrtr>))
Description: Error while getting the list for which LSA belongs to
LSDB: <function_name >: <line>:
ERROR: <function_name >:<line>: (<Area>) Memory allocation failure:
(<lsa>, <lsID>/<advrtr>)
ERROR: <function_name >: <line>: ospfPktAlloc failed for Intf addr
> <addr
ERROR: <function_name >: Unable to alloc node for <number> bytes,
idx <number> pool <poolID>!
ERROR: <function_name >: Discarding Bad LSReq, nbr
:( >,<addr>/<addr>) <nbr>/<addr> <addr
Description : Error as the LSA is not available in LSDB.
ERROR: <function_name >: ospfIpSend failed on Intf addr <addr>, ipsa
Description : Failure to send the LSA
ERROR: <function_name >: <line>: ospfPktAlloc failed for Intf addr
> <addr
ERROR: <function_name >: Intf <addr> PPP. nbr <addr> already exists!
Ignored nbr <addr>
Description : Error while adding a new neigbor for a PPP OSPF
interface. Only one static neighbor is allowed for PPP interface.
ERROR: <function_name >: (<addr>) Error - DR <addr> and BDR <addr>
be same!! should never
Description : DR and BDR cannot be same
ERROR: <function_name >: (<addr>) setsockopt failure: grp <addr>,
st /new {string}): {string} opt (prev { ring}
Description: Error while setting the socket option for multicast
ERROR : {function name} : Could not find Filter: Proto
<a s> / <key length> <protocol> ddres
Description: Error while we try to load routes which corresponding
particular redist filter. to a
ERROR : {function name} : mq_send(iprm_msg_q) failed! Reg
protoMask = <proto mask>
ERROR : {function name} : <line>: ERROR - Unable to add object
to radix tree!Redist Filter Proto <protocol> <address> / <key
ERROR : {function name} : Memory allocation Error
Description: Memory allocation failure while allocating defered
redist job structure.
ERROR : {function name} : <line>: Unable to send clear restart
_m ! msg to ospf sg_q
Description: Error while posting a msg onto OSPF recvQ. Since
graceful restart can be exited if an interface goes down/comes up,
etc. we cannot invoke ospfExitGracefulRestart() directly from point
of exit. Hence, we post this msg back onto the OSPF task recv Q, and
process it.
ERROR : {function name} : <line>: Unable to send clear helper
msg to ospf_msg_q !
Description: Error while posting a msg onto OSPF recvQ. Since helper
mode can be exited if an interface goes down/comes up, etc. we
cannot invoke ospfExitHelperMode() directly from point of exit.
Hence, we post this msg back onto the OSPF task recv Q, and process
ERROR : {function name} : Unable to find transit Area <Area id>
in Area list
Description: Not getting transit Area for virtual links.
ERROR : {function name} : Intf <intf addr>, no virtual nbr
exists !
Description: Catch Fatal Error, if no virtual nbr exists.
ERROR : {function name} : Intf <intf addr>: Failed to unicast
Grace LSA to nbr <nbr addr>!
ERROR ; {function name} : setsockopt failure ! Intf <intf addr>
Description: Error to set the multicast socket option for the
ERROR : {function name} : NBR invalid nbr
ERROR ; {function name} : <line>: ospfPktAlloc() failed
ERROR : {function name} : mq_open failed on iprmQ
ERROR : {function name} : Failed to send Halting message to TM
ERROR : {function name} : ERROR unknown trapId(#<trap id>) to
ERROR : {function name} : Error condition in deferred operation,
Description: Error while loading the deferred Ospf redist jobs
ERROR {function name} : <line>: Cant send direct LSUpd to <nbr
addr>:ospfPktAlloc() failed
Description: Error while allocating a new packet, if required, to
send the LSA update back to the neighbor.
ERROR: <function_name > : <number>:(Area <addrr>) Database Checksum
Error !!
Description: Error when verifying checksum of the LSA when the LSA's
age hits a multiple of
Age. check
ERROR: <function_name > : External lsdb skiplist is NULL
ERROR: (<line>): Unable to send continue aging msg to ospf_msg_q
Description : Unable to defer ageing of the message
ERROR: <function_name > : Unrecognized message ID:<number> rcvd on
OSPF recv Q
ERROR: <function_name > : Failed to create OSPF socket. Exiting...
Description : Error while creating the OSPF socket
ERROR: <function_name > : Couldn't set OSPF socket to non-blocking
Description : Error while setting ospf socket to non-block
ERROR: <function_name > : Couldn't set OSPF socket to 'No loopback'
Description: Error while setting ospf socket to no loopback of the
ts originated by us. packe
ERROR: <function_name > : WARNING: Could not set socket(fd=<number>)
IP precedence options!!
Description: Could not setup tos fields
ERROR: <function_name > : set IP_HDRINCL failed for ospf_socket !
Description: Could not setup ospf socket options to be able to send
with our own IP hdr.
ERROR: <function_name > : set SO_DONTROUTE failed for ospf_socket !
Description: Could not setup ospf socket options to indicate don't
route option to IP.
ERROR: <function_name > : Failed to alloc OSPF IP hdr buffer !
Description: Could not initialize header info
ERROR: <function_name >: Failed to create OSPF timer: <number>
Description: Error creating timers
ERROR: <function_name >: Error during OSPF sigaction: <number>
ERROR: <function_name >: OSPF shutting down
ERROR: <function_name >: Error while de-registering from MIP Module!
ERROR: <function_name >: Falcon Socket creation failed
ERROR: <function_name >: Falcon Socket bind failed
ERROR: <function_name >: Didn't receive EOIC within timeout
Description: Error while Receive the Initial Configuration
ERROR: <function_name >: Failed to get socket, errno = <number> !
Description: Error while creating the connection-oriented Falcon
socket to recv IP intf messages
ERROR: <function_name >: Unable to bind ospf_intf_socket <number> !
ERROR: <function_name >: Unable to connect ospf_intf_socket <number>
edr! to Ip
ERROR: <function_name >: Unable to nonblock ospf_intf_socket
ERROR: <function_name >: Didn't receive EOIC within timeout
Description: Error while Receive the Initial Configuration
ERROR: <function_name >: Failed to get socket, errno = <number> !
Description: Error while creating the connection-oriented Falcon
t to recv IP intf messages socke
ERROR: <function_name >: Unable to create IP Intf socket!
Description: Error while creating and initializing Falcon EIPC
socket with IPEDR for IP intf events
ERROR: <function_name >: Error during allocate OSPF global buffer:
Description: Error while allocating OSPF global buffer for drc
ERROR: <function_name >: Error during semaphore initialization
ERROR: <function_name >: Failed to create OSPF Timer Msg queue
<function_name>: <number>.
Description: Error while opening OSPF timer message receive Q -
ocking nonbl
ERROR: <function_name >: Failed to open TM Q <function_name>
Description: Error while opening TM message Q
ERROR: <function_name >: Failed to allocate OSPF's receive packet
Description: Error while allocating OSPF global receive buffer for
packets. OSPF
ERROR: <function_name >: ospfRdbOpen() failed
ERROR: <function_name >: ospfHostListCreate() failed
ERROR: <function_name >: spfNbrListCreate() failed
ERROR: <function_name >: ospfRedistFilterDbOpen() failed
ERROR: <function_name >: Error during allocation of timer msg
r: <number>. buffe
ERROR: <function_name >: Invalid length
ERROR: <function_name >: WARNING: Rcvd OSPF pkt larger than
uf_size(<number>)! May need to enable mtu-checking... rcv_b
ERROR: <function_name >: (<line>): WARNING: Unable to resize
Description: Error while resizing recv buffer for next time
ERROR: <function_name >: (<line>): Retaining old recv buffer
ERROR: <function_name >: OSPF pipe not empty. NOT queueing new
message (<number>)
ERROR: <function_name >: LOST MESSAGE: ospf pipe write() failed
ber>) (<num
ERROR:<function_name > : Unknown Intf msg ! msgID <msgID>, len
<Number> bytes
Description: Unexpected message from TM.
ERROR:<function_name > : OSPF: *** <ptr> already freed ***
Description: Freeing a pointer which is already freed.
ERROR:<function_name > : OSPF: *** <ptr> size (<Number>) is invalid
Description: Freeing a pointer which is invalid.
ERROR:<function_name > : AreaAggr leaf pool create failed
ERROR:<function_name > : AreaAggr node pool create failed
ERROR:<function_name > : Route leaf pool create failed
ERROR:<function_name > : Route node pool create failed
ERROR:<function_name > : Redist leaf pool create failed
ERROR : {function name} : Not configured as an ASBR
ERROR : {function name} : Not configured as an ASBR !!
ERROR:<function_name > : Unable to resize NbrPoolId(<poolID>): errno
= <Number>.
ERROR:<function_name > : Unable to resize LsaQueuePoolId(<poolID>):
errno = <Number>.
ERROR:<function_name > : Unable to resize
ggrNodePool(<poolID>): errno = <Number>. AreaA
ERROR:<function_name > : Unable to resize RedistNodePool(<poolID>):
errno = <Number>.
ERROR : {function name} : Redist entry for Proto <proto> doesn't
ERROR : {function name} : mq_send(iprm_msg_q) failed!
Ma <proto mask> redistProto sk =
Description: Error while sending a message to IPRM to deregister the
ERROR {function name} : Failed to install LSA Type <type> LS Id
d> AdvRtr <dvrtr>in the DB <ls i
ERROR : {function name} : mq_send(iprm_msg_q) failed!
Description: Sending the register message to IPRM failed
ERROR unction name} : Malformed LSA #<counter> from <address> {f
Description: Malformed LSA
ERROR {function name} : Discarding <packet type> packet from an
gh ipsa> unknown nei bor <
Description: Error while associating a neighbor structure for the
received protocol packet. If the receiving interface connects to a
BROADCAST or NBMA or PMP then lookup the neighbor using IP source
address found in the packet's IP header. If the receiving interface
connects to a PPP or VLINK then lookup the neighbor using the
rId present in the packet's OSPF header. route
ERROR {function name} : Dropping {packet type} packet from
invalid NBR <ipsa> (ifNum- <nbr ifnum> ) on INTF- <addr> (ifNum-
m> ) <ifnu
ERROR {function name} : Failed to add to SyncList ! Current
SyncCount = <sync count> msgs
RDB {function name} : Scheduling IPRM Sync [curTime =
<current time>s]
ERROR {function name} : <line>: ERROR - Unable to alloc mem for
<length> bytes ! len =
ERROR {function name} : ERROR - Attempt to delete
node from NULL list
Description: Error while attempting to delete from an empty RDB SYNC
ERROR {function name} : <line>: ERROR - Failed to
Ms m SyncList ! delete sync g fro
Description: Error while deleting the message from the synch list.
ERROR {function name} : Discarding pkt <ipsa>-><ipda> rxd on non-
f <address> multicast i
Description: Receiving a multicast da packet on a non-broadcast or
non PPP OSPF interface.
ERROR {function name} : Discarding packet to <ipda> on intf
<address> because we aren't DR/BDR on that interface
Description: Receiving a packet addressed to all DR routers and we
either DR or BDR. are n
ERROR {function name} : Discarding packet rcvd with invalid dest
Description: Error for a unicast packet. Check failed when it was
ied whether it was addressed to us. verif
ERROR {function name} : Discarding packet received from self,
Description: Error when the packet gets looped back
ERROR {function name} : ospf_socket(<ospf socket>)
{disabled/enabled/unaware} for loopback of outgoing mcast pkts!
Description: Checking socket options for multicast loop.
ERROR {function name} : Discarding packet because of invalid OSPF
Description : OSPF header Error
ERROR {function name} : Discarding packet with src <ipsa> that
ch nterface it was received on {address} doesn't mat the i
Description : Error in validating the source IP address. It should
match with the network address of the interface on which we received
the packet. This check should _not_ be made for PPP links because
the source addresses on such links may not be the real one. This
check should only be made if the AreaId in packet header matches
with the AreaId of the interface on which we received that packet.
If the AreaId is 0 but the interface AreaId is non-zero then we may
not want to do this check because this interface may have been
hed to a virtual link. attac
ERROR:(<function_name >): Nbr <addr>, ifNum <Number> - unable to get
Description : Unable to get the interface
ERROR: <function_name >: malloc() failed in ospfInit()
ERROR {function name} : Synching of external route <route
dest> / <route mask> failed
Description : Failure to synchronize external route to IPRM database
ERROR {function name} : Synching of route <route dest> /
<route mask>in Area <Area id> failed
Description : Failure to synchronize route to IPRM database.
ERROR : {function name}: Discarding, no vlink exists - intf
<address>, src <source ip>, vnbr <router id>
ERROR : {function name} : Unable to create Radix tree for OSPF
routes !
Description : Error while creating a "radix tree" for routes to
orks". "netw
ERROR: <function_name >: Unable to find Area <addr> in Area list
ERROR: (<function_name >) : Unable to create virtual link: AreaId
Id > <addr>, nbr <addr
Description : Error while creating a virtual link for the Area
ERROR: (<function_name >) : Error in creating a neighbor structure
for <addr>
Description : Error while creating OSPF neighbor structure
ERROR: (<function_name >) : Unable to create Area aggregate range:
ERROR: <function_name >: Cannot allocate neighbor (<addr>).
ERROR: <function_name >: Unknown nbr <addr>, cannot delete
Description : Trying to delete a non existen neighbor
ERROR: <function_name >: Cannot delete non-static nbr <addr>
Description : Cannot delete dynamic neighbor entries
ERROR: <function_name >: interface not found for nbr <addr>
Description : Not able to get the interface for the neighbor
ERROR: <function_name >: Cannot allocate new neighbor, nbr <addr>
Description : Error while allocating the memory for the "neighbor"
configuration and copying the data.
ERROR: <function_name >: (<line>): list delete ERROR - Nbr <addr>.
>, >/<addr>, <seqNo>)!! LSA(<Number <addr
Description : Error while deleting the neighbor in neighbor's link-
state request list
ERROR: (<function_name > : <line>) Unable to add OSPF Redist
Protocol <Number>
Description : Unable to add protocol in OSPF redist structure
ERROR: (<function_name > : <line>) Unable to add redist filter :
<Number>, addr <addr>, mask <addr> proto
ERROR: (<function_name > ) Failed to create MD5 Auth Key entry for
addr <addr>, keyid <Number> intf
ERROR:<function_name > : Unable to resize RedistLeafPool(<poolID>):
errno = <Number>.
ERROR:<function_name > : (<line>): Error <return-value> from
ApiMapIpAddrToData(<addr>, <number>)! ipedr
ERROR : {function name}: Discarding, no vlink exists - intf
src <source ip>, vnbr <router id> <address>,
Description : No Vlink exists while the packet is received from a
ERROR : {function name }: rcvd pkt on unknown intf: src <source ip>,
p>, AreaId <Area id> dst <dest i
Description : No interface for the packet received
Area! Src <src ip> , dst <dest ip>
ERROR : {function name} : Rcvd intf(<address>) network mismatch! src
<source ip>, AreaId <Area id>
Description : For a matching Area, interface network should match
source address in the packet. The match failed.
16.2 Warning Messages
WARNING: <function_name>: Area <Area>, lsa time = <time>, curTime =
Aborting! <time>.
WARNING: <function_name>: Built Router LSA: Area <Area> Seq <seqNo>
numLinks <number> Age <number>
WARNING: <function_name>: Built Network LSA for Intf <addr> Area
Area< > Seq <seqNo> RtrCount <number> Len <number>
WARNING: <function_name> : Scheduling Router LSA (Area <Area>)
WARNING: <function_name> : Scheduling Router lsa (Area <Area>, flags
WARNING: <function_name >: WARNING: Intf <addr>; LSA(<number>
);Nbr(<addr>);count=<number>,rxmtQ=<number> ,<addr>
WARNING: <function_name >: Scheduling Build RouterLSA, Area <addr>
16.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
INFO: <function_name > : Disabling OSPF protocol ...
INFO: <function_name >: Disabled OSPF Areas ...
INFO: <function_name >: Reset OSPF Interface Timers ...
INFO: <function_name >: Reset OSPF OperStatus.
INFO: <function_name >: Sending flush to IPRM
INFO: <function_name >: Closed OSPF socket...
INFO: <function_name >: ospf admin status not enabled !
INFO:<function_name > : Resized NbrPoolId (<poolID>)
INFO:<function_name > : Unable to resize RoutePoolId(<poolID>):
errno = <Number>.
INFO:<function_name > : Resized RoutePoolId (<poolID>)
INFO:<function_name > : Resized LsaQueuePoolId (<poolID>)
INFO:<function_name > : Resized RdbSyncMsgPoolId (<poolID>)
INFO:<function_name > : Resized RedistNodePool (<poolID>)
INFO:<function_name > : Resized RedistLeafPool (<poolID>)
INFO:<function_name > : Resized OSPF memory pools !
INFO: <function_name >: Resized ospf recv buffer to <number>
INFO:<function_name > : Resizing OSPF Memory Pools...ERROR :
{function name} : drcSyncSend failed !!
16.4 MIP
MIP:(<function_name >): proto <Number> addr <addr> mask <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: proto <Number> mask <addr>
addr <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): Route (<route>): Dest <addr>, Mask <addr>,
NEXTHOP <Number>, AreaId <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): addr=<addr>/<addr> inOidNum <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): Interface <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): inOidNum=<Number>, inOidL[0]=<oidL>
MIP:(<function_name >): ospfMipView( <oid>, <oid>, <oid>, <oid>,
<oid>, <oid>)
MIP:(<function_name >: <line>) retcod = <Number>; tblId = <Number>,
inOidNum = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): index = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): SnapShotProtocol : index = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): *AreaIndex = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: *AreaIndex = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): *host_index = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: *hostIndex = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): *intf_addr = <intf>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: *intf_addr = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: *AreaID = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): *prevAddr = <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): SnapShotAreaAggr : index = <Number>,
*AreaIndex = <index>
MIP: <function_name >: mip_msg_queueing() failed with retcod =
<number> ; AppId = <number>, pbuf = <buffer>, len = <lenth>
MIP:<function_name > (<Number>): addr <addr>
name {string}: index <Number> addr <addr>/<addr> vlan <Number> mtu
<Number> flags <flag>
MIP:<function_name >: Buffer(<Number>) Full, print and re-init
MIP:(<function_name >): inIndexCount <Number>, inIndex <index>,
lsType <Number>, lsId <addr>, rtrId <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): AreaId <addr>, allFlag <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): AreaId <addr>, type <Number>, ipAddr
<addr>, ipMask <addr>, allFlag <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): ipAddr <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): inOidNum = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): hostID= <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): hostId <addr>, tos <Number>, allFlag
MIP:(<function_name >): Area=<addr> lstype=<Number> lsId=<addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): nbrID= <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: *proto_Index = <Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): proto(<Number>) addr(<addr>) mask(<addr>)
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP Overflow: proto <Number>, addr <addr>,
mask <addr>
MIP:(<function_name >): tblId=<Number>, inOidNum=<Number>,
MIP:(<function_name >): Continuing, index1=<Number>, index2=<Number>
MIP:(<function_name >): MIP_OVERFLOW! table=<Number> inOidNum=<oid>
index1=<index> index2=<index>
MIP:in <function_name >:
RESTART:<function_name > : Planned Restart Initiated; restart
support status is none!
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfAreaTableTest(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: Stub Area <addr>. Initializing default
MIP: <function_name >: NSSA <addr> Summary disabled. Initializing
default Summary-LSA.
MIP: <function_name >: no stubMetric object.
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfStubAreaTableGetNext(<index>,
<index>, <index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfStubAreaTableTest(<ineex>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfStubAreaTableSet(<index>,<index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfLsdbTableGet(<index>,<index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfLsdbTableGetNext(<index>, <index>,
<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: AreaId <addr>, lsType <Number>, lsId <addr>,
rtrId <addr>
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfHostTableTest(<index>,
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfHostTableSet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: (<line>): Unable to create host route <addr>,
tos <Number> !
MIP: <function_name >: <line>) Unable to set Intf Area Id for addr
<addr>, Area <addr>
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfVirtIfTableGet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfVirtIfTableGetNext(<index>, <index>,
<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfVirtIfTableTest(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfVirtIfTableSet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ ospfVirtNbrTableGetNext(<index>,
<index>,<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfExtLsdbTableGet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfExtLsdbTableGetNext (<index>,
<index>,<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfAreaAggregateTableGet(<index>,
MIP: <function_name >: drc_ospfAreaAggregateTableGetNext(<index>,
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfRedistProtoTableGet(<index>,
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfRedistProtoTableGetNext
ospfExtLsdbTableGetNext (<index>, <index>,<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfRedistProtoTableTest(<index>,
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfBdrRouterTableGet(<index>,
MIP: <function_name >: inIndexCnt <Number>
MIP: <function_name >: next Area=<addr> addr=<addr> nhop=<addr>
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfIfMd5TableGet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfIfMd5TableGetNext(<index>,
<index>, <index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfIfMd5TableTest(<index>, <index>)
Description : Not able to create md5 entry
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfDebugConfigGet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfDebugConfigTest(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: drc_alaOspfDebugConfigSet(<index>, <index>)
MIP: <function_name >: nbr <addr> found
MIP: <function_name >: inIndexCount <Number> is neither zero nor
<Number>; Returning MIP_NO_SUCH_INS_EXCPT.
MIP: <function_name >: invalid incount <Number>
MIP: <function_name >: Area=<addr> ipaddr=<addr>
MIP: <function_name >: All rows done
16.5 Protocol Specific Messages
16.5.1 Area
AREA: <function_name>: <line>: Sanity check failed - Area == NULL!!
AREA: <function_name>: <line>: (<Area>) Setting ABR status..
AREA: <function_name > : (<Area>) Scheduling Build RtrLSA for Area
AREA : <function_name>: <line>: (<Area>) Already ABR - importing
into new Area...
AREA : <function_name>: <line>: (<Area>) . Still ABR -
scheduling SPF for Area <Area >
AREA : <function_name>: OSPF global status not active/Area <Area>
already active !
AREA : <function_name>: <line>: Setting Area <Area> active
AREA : <function_name>: <line>: Resetting Area <Area> active
AREA: <function_name>: Cleared Area <Area> SPF candidate list
: Area <Area>
Area <Area>
AREA: <function_name>: No such node ! OSPF Area <Area>, range addr
AREA: <function_name>: Unable to create aggr range ! OSPF Area
Area>, addr <netID>/<mask< >
AREA: <function_name> : (<Area>) TransStabTimer expiry. Flushed
translated Type-5 LSAs.[curTime <time>s]
AREA: <function_name> : (<Area>) Aggregate table deleted
RESTART: <function_name> : (<line>): In restart. Deferring
hronization. sync
AREA: <function_name> : Area <Area>. Scheduling NSSA Trans election
Time=<time>s] [cur
AREA: <function_name>: (<Area>) Failed to create aggregate route
AREA: <function_name>: Failed in creation of aggregate route
r>/<mask> <add
AREA: <function_name>: Linked (ifNum <number>) host <addr> to Area
AREA: <function_name>: De-linked host <addr> from Area <Area>.
AREA: <function_name>: NSSA Area <Area> No change in fwdAddr <addr>
AREA: <function_name>: NSSA Area <Area> fwdAddr set to <addr>
LSDB: <function_name>: NSSA Area <Area>: Updating fwdAddr <addr>
LSA: lsId <lsID> for
AREA: <function_name>: nssa <Area> - updated #<number> nssaExt LSA
ddr fwdA
AREA: <function_name>: NSSA Area <Area>. Translator State enabled -
Setting Nt bit
<Area> Seq <seqNo> Metric <number>
AREA: <function_name>: Scheduling Build RouterLSA, Area <Area>
TIME: <function_name>: Intf addr <addr>, curTime = <time>, deadTimer
ime>, helloTimer = <time> = <t
AREA: <function_name >: (<line>): (Intf <addr>) Resetting Area
<Area> active
AREA: <function_name >: (<line>): Intf <addr> down, but Area <Area>
l active! stil
AREA: <function_name >: Change in NSSA Area <Area>, fwdAddr <addr>
AREA: <function_name >: (<line>): (intf <addr>) Building RtrLsa
Area <Area> for
AREA : <function_name >: (<line>): Scheduled Build RouterLSA, Area
AREA : <function_name >: (<line>): ospfBuildRouterLsa (Area<Area> ,
flags SPF|FLOOD)
AREA: <function_name>: intf(<intf>) ifIndex <number>, addr <addr>,
AreaId <Area> event {string}
AREA: <function_name >: (<line>):(Intf <addr>) Setting Area <Area>
AREA: <function_name >: NSSA Area <Area> active fwdAddr <addr>
Redistribute Type7 LSAs.
16.5.2 Summary
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Calling <function_name>
SUMMARY SUMMARY : <function_name> : AreaId=<AreaID> type=<type>
netId=<netID> mask=<mask> effect=<effect>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, dest <addr>/<mask>)
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, dest <addr>/<mask>)
Summarizing route, cost <cost>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, dest <addr>/<mask>) De-
Summarizing route, cost <cost>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, rt(type <type>, dest
<addr>/<mask>)) not abr / no active Areas.
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, rt(type <type>, dest
<addr>/<mask>)) No LSA in LSDB and route delete event !
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, rt(type <type>, dest
<mask>)) MaxAged ba ML ype <type>,lsId <lsID>/>lsID> <addr>/ d SU SA T
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Area <Area> translator state disabled/none
(<Area>) - Not translating.
SUMMARY: <function_name>:(<Area>, rt(type <type>, dest
<addr>/<mask>)) not translated due to P-bit/FwdAddr !
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>) LSA may have
leted ! been de
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>) Translating route <addr>/<mask>
cost <cost> type <type>
SUMMARY : <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>) Could not
find LSA !
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>)
Creating/updating type-5 LSA !
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>) Failed to
translate type-7 LSA into type-5 LSA !
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>) Deleting
type-5 LSA originated from type-7 LSA
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>)Failed to
translated type-5 LSA locate
SUMMARY : <function_name> : <line> (<Area>) Exporting Summary ASBR
SUMMARY: <function_name> : (<Area>) Summarizing Rt : dest
<mask> cost <cost> <addr>/
SUMMARY : <function_name> : (<Area>, rt <addr>/<mask>) Warning -
stub Area/Summary disabled
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>, dest <addr>/<mask>
cost <cost>,sumEvent <number>,type <type>)
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>) Flushing transient Summary LSA
<lsaAddvrtr> <lsID>:
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>) Flushing Summary LSA
<lsaAddvrtr> <lsID>:
SUMMARY: <function_name>: <function>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: <line>: (<Area>) Flushing summarized
routes, by AreaId <Area>...
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Flagged #<numRoutes> ASBR routes from Area
<Area> for summarization.
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>) Refreshing Area <Area> sumLSA
,<lsID>,seq <seqNo>) (<type>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: <line>: Importing Summarized routes...
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>) Importing Area <Area> sumLSA
,<lsID>,seq <seqNo>) (<type>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Flushing summarized aggr route
<addr>:<mask> in Area <Area>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Summarizing aggr route <addr>:<mask> cost
<cost> Area <Area>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Flushing translated type-7 aggr route
<mask> in Area <Area> <addr>:
SUMMARY: <function_name>: <line>: No routes fall under aggr range
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Intra route for aggr <addr>/<mask>: not
SUMMARY: <function_name>: AggrRange <addr>/<mask> Type <type>
/Updated, Effect <number> Status <number> Created
SUMMARY: <function_name>: AggrRange <addr>/<mask> Type <type>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: No routes present which fall under aggr
range <addr>/<mask> type <type>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Ignoring intra route <addr>/<mask> in Area
<Area>; not in Area <Area>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>) Summarizing route <addr>/<mask>
Cost <cost>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: (<Area>) Flushing summarized route
<mask> Cost <cost> <addr>/
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Translating Type-7 route <addr>/<mask>
Cost <cost> Area <Area>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Flushing type-7 route <addr>/<mask> which
was translated
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Flushing type-7 aggr route <addr>/<mask>
as translated which w
SUMMARY: <function_name>: BEFORE lsId <addr>, Seqno <seqNo>, Time
<time>, Age <number> : NextSeq = <seqNo>
SUMMARY: <function_name>: AFTER lsId <addr>, Seqno <seqNo>, Time
<time>, Age <number> : NextSeq = <seqNo>
SUMMARY {function name} : <line>: ospfLsdbGetMySummaryLsa(<Area
s type>, <ls id>) returned NULL ! *** id>, <l
SUMMARY {function name} : Refreshing the out-of-synch default
Summary LSA in stub-Area <Area id>
SUMMARY : {function name} : Refreshing the out-of-synch Summary LSA
ype> LS Id <id> SeqNo <seq num> Age <age> Time <secs>s Type <t
SUMMARY {function name} : Flushing LSA: Type <ls type> LS Id <ls
it is invalid id>, as
SUMMARY {function name} : Reoriginated LSA: Type <ls type> LS Id
<ls id> Seq <seq>, Age <age>
SUMMARY {function name} : Flushing mySumLSDB LSA Type (<lsa
dest <route dest> / < Area type>) id>
SUMMARY {function name} : (<Area id>, rt(type <path type>,
dest <dest> / <mask>)) "
SUMMARY: <function_name>: Cleaning up SUM LSA: lsId <addrr>/<addrr>
from AreaId <Area>
xAged SUMLSA Type <LStype>,lsId <lsid> / <advrtr>
SUMMARY : {function name} : Flushing mySumLSDB LSA Type (<lsa type>)
dest <route dest> / < Area id>
SUMMARY : {function name} : (<Area id>, rt(type <path type>, dest
<dest> / <mask>)) "
"MaxAged SUMLSA Type <LStype>,lsId <lsid> / <advrtr>
AreaId <addr>, type <Number>, net <addr>
Description : Error while creating the new Area aggregate range
VLINK: <function_name> : Allocated a nbr index for vlink
VLINK: <function_name> : Cannot find route to virtual nbr
VLINK: <function_name> : Cannot find nextHop for vlink
VLINK : <function_name> : virtual nbr <addr> for vlink
<AreaID>:<nbrID> is UP
VLINK: <function_name> : Not bringing up vlink <AreaID>:,nbrID> in
stub Area.
VLINK: <function_name> : (<line>): Invlaid nextHop
VLINK: <function_name> : (<line>): No intf found ifnum=<number>
VLINK: <function_name> : Cannot find nextHop(<number>) or
intf(<number>) for vlink <AreaID>:<nbrID>
VLINK: <function_name> : Cannot create a backbone Area for vlink
VLINK: <function_name> : Allocated local nbr index for vlink
VLINK: <function_name> : Updating virtual nbr <Area>:,nbrID>, src
<addr>, nbr addr <addr>, nh_addr <nextHop>
VLINK: <function_name> : vlink <addr>. Scheduling Build RtrLSA for
Area <Area>
VLINK: <function_name> : Bringing up vlink <AreaID>:<nbrID>....
VLINK: <function_name> : Cannot find IP interface for vlink
VLINK: <function_name> : (<line>): No intf found ifnum=<number>
VLINK: <function_name> : Cannot find nextHop(<nextHop>) or
intf(<nextHop>) for vlink <AreaID>:<nbrID>
VLINK: <function_name>: Added vlink: id <rtrID> data <addr> metric
<number> to backbone rtrLSA [curTime <time>]
VLINK: <function_name>: vlink <rtrID> changed from {string} to
{string}, event {string}.
VLINK : {function name}: Rcvd pkt on vlink <vlink>:<router id>
VLINK : {function name }: No backbone Area found for vlink <vlink>:
<router id>
VLINK : {function name}: Changing dest of vlink <vlink> : <router
id> (IP to <ipsa>)
VLINK : {function name}: Rcvd pkt on vlink <vlink>:<router id>
VLINK : {function name }: No backbone Area found for vlink <vlink>:
<router id>
VLINK : {function name}: Changing dest of vlink <vlink> : <router
id> (IP to <ipsa>)
VLINK: <function_name >: vlink addr <addr>, nbr rtrId <addr>
VLINK: <function_name> : Completed updating vlink <AreaID>:<nbrID>.
vnbr addr <addr>, nHop <nextHop>
VLINK: <function_name> : Bringing down vlink <AreaID>:<nbrID>....
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Added LSUpd (#<number>): LSA ype <type> LS
Id <lsID> rtrId <advrtr> Seq <seqNo>
DBEXCH: <function_name >: #<numbe> LSReqs, intf <addr> from nbr
<addr>/<addr>, ipsa <addr>
DBEXCH: <function_name>:(<line>): Add to lsaList <list>
DBEXCH: <function_name >: START: lsId = <lsID>, rtrId = <rtrrID>
IsType = <number> [curTime=<number>s]
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Force NBR (<addr>) Rxmt List Rxmt Time LSA
: (<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,<seqNo>) oldTime <number>s [curTime
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Added lsType <type>,lsId <lsID>,rtrId
<advrtr>,Seq <seqNo>
DBEXCH: <function_name >: END:
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Rcvd in DBD Pkt from Nbr <addr> LSA : Type
<number> LS Id <addr> rtrId <rtrID> Seq <seqNo> Age <number>
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Processed #<number> LSAs in Rcvd DD
Pkt(seqNum <number>) from Nbr <addr>
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Purging from Nbr (<addr>) Req List LSA :
Type <Number>, LS Id <addr>, AdvRtr <addr>, Seq <seqNo>
DBEXCH: <function_name>:(<line>): list delete ERROR!! lsaList
<list> LSA:(<number>,<number>/<number>,<seqNo>,age <number>)
DBEXCH: <function_name >: Rcv LSreq #<number> for LSA Type <type> LS
Id <lsID> rtrId <rtrID>
SPF: <function_name> : (<Area>) lsaCount=<number>; curTime =
<number>s, nextEvent=<number>
SPF: <function_name> : <line>:(<Area>) Not done yet -
numNodes=<number>, more lsas=<number>.
SPF: <function_name>:[curTime=<time>s]Scheduling SPF
startEvent=<number>, spfInfoTimer=<number>s
SPF {function name} : summarizing Rt <route dest> / <route mask>
Area <Area id>
SPF: <function_name > : <line>: Updating spfInfoHandle from <node>
to <node> !!
RDB: <function_name> : Started synching external routes ...
RDB: <function_name> : Finished synching external routes.
RDB: <function_name> : (<Area>) Synching intra-Area routes,
signature <number>
RDB: <function_name> : (<Area>) Flushing inactive aggregate Summary
RDB: <function_name> : (<Area>) Synching type-7 Ext routes,
signature <number>
RDB: <function_name> : (<Area>) Flushing inactive aggregate type-7
RDB : {function name} : Closing OSPF Routing Database...
RDB : {function name} : IPRM Sync failed - dest <route dest>, mask
<route mask>
RDB : {function name}<line>: Getting next best match for addr
RDB : {function name} : Returning best match <route dest> / <route
mask>, for addr <address>
RDB : {function name} : dest <route dest> / <route mask> cost <route
cost>, nHops <hops>, advRtr <route advrtr>
RDB : {function name} : ( INTRA / INTER ) dest <dest ip> cost <cost>
nhHops <hops>, Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : (<Area>): rtrId <rtr id>, addr <address>,
nHop <hops>
RDB : {function name} : Router <route dest> is no longer ABR/ASBR in
Area <Area>
RDB : {function name} : Router <route dest> is no longer an ASBR in
Area <Area>
RDB : {function name} : Router <route dest> is now an ASBR in Area
RDB :{function name} : Cost to Router <route dest> changed (<route
cost to <lsa cost>), Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : NextHop changed for Router <route dest>
(<route next hop> to <lsa next hop>), Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : Pathtype of Router <route dest> changed
(<route path type> to <path type>), Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : Deleting route to ABR/ASBR <route dest> in
Area <route Areaid>
RDB : {function name} : Delinking ASBR <route dest> in Area <route
Area id> from global ASBR list...
RDB : {function name} : Moving route <dest route> / <route mask>
from Area <route Area id> to <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : Updating the pathtype of route <dest> /
<mask> from <route path type> to <path type>
RDB : {function name} : Updating cost for <route dest> / <route
mask> (<route cost> to <cost>), nHop (<route nexthop> to <lsa
RDB : {function name} : Updating nHop for <route dest> / <route
mask> (<route nexthop> to <lsa nexthop>)
RDB : {function name} : Remote route changed to direct route for
<route dest> / <route mask>
RDB : {function name}(<line>): Change in ASBR route for <route dest>
RDB : {function name}(<line>): Ignoring non-backbone path for <route
RDB : {function name}(<line>): Replacing backbone path for <route
RDB : {function name} : RDB: Replacing obsolete route <route dest> /
<route mask> when updating with type-5 LSA
RDB : {function name} : RDB: Unconditionally replacing existing
route <route dest> / <route mask> from type-7 LSA when updating with
type-5 LSA
RDB : {function name} : Route <route dest> / <route mask> cost
nHop <route hop> matches new cost and nHop
RDB : {function name} : Preferring existing type1 route <route dest>
/ <route mask> over new type2 route
RDB : {function name} : (<line>): Applying External path
RDB : {function name} : Preferring existing type2 route <route dest>
/ <route mask> cost(1) <cost> (2) <cost> over new type2 route cost
(1) <cost> (2) <cost>
RDB : {function name} : Route <route dest> / <route mask>from type-7
LSA cost <cost> NH <next hop> matches with new cost and NH
RDB : {function name} : Preffering existing Route <route dest> /
<route mask>cost <cost> new route cost <cost>
RDB : {function name} : Route <route dest> / <route mask>cost <cost>
nHop <next hop> matches with new cost and nHop
RDB : {function name} : Replacing Rt <route dest> / <route mask>
[LSA <lsa> : <lsa>]
RDB : Old cost <cost> cost2 <cost> NextHop <next hop> PathType
<path type> lsType <type7ext>
RDB : {function name} : Cannot find Area for route <route dest> /
<route mask>AreaId <Area id>
RDB : New cost <cost> cost2 <cost> NextHop <next hop> PathType
<path type>
RDB ; {function name} : Add nHops to Rt <route dest> / <route mask>
[LSA <lsa> : <lsa> ] sigMismatch <sig mismatch>
RDB : {function name} : Route cost <cost> cost2 <cost> nHop <next
hop> Addl NextHop <next hop> PathType <path type>
RDB : {function name} : Trying to add nexthops of different LS Types
route <route dest> / <route mask>
RDB : {function name} : Add nexthop <next hop> to route <route dest>
/ <route mask> failed
RDB : {function name} : Area <Area>, LS Id <lsa>, NextHop <next
hop>, Adv Rtr addr <advrtr>
RDB {function name} : Preferring existing type1 route <route dest>
/ <route mask> over new type2 route
RDB {function name} : Route <route dest> / <route mask>cost <cost>
NextHop <next hop>
RDB {function name} : Adding NextHops to route <route dest> /
<route mask> using type-7 LSA <lsa> : <lsa>Mismatch <sig mismatch>
RDB {function name} : Route cost <cost> cost2 <cost> Old NextHop
<next hop> Addl NextHop <next hop> PathType <path type>
RDB, {function name} : Trying to add nexthops of different type to
route <route dest> / <route mask>
RDB {function name} : Add/Update Rt: dest <route dest> / <route
mask>, nextHop <next hop>
AREA {function name} : (<Area id>): Deleting router
<route dest>cost <route cost>, sumEvt <sum event>,abr? {YES / NO},
asbr? <YES / NO}
RDB {function name} : Duplicate nextHop (<next hop>) in route
(<route dest>)
RDB {function name} : numRoutes (<number of routes>) - Rt. dest
<route dest> / <key length>
RDB {function name} : Adding nextHop (<next hop>) in route (<route
dest>) ...
RDB {function name} : Local Route <route dest> - Deleting
previous remote route.
RDB {function name} : Cannot find IP interface for route (<route
dest>,<route mask>)
RDB {function name} : To IPRM : {ADD / UPDATE / DELETE} Rt
<address> / <key length>, gwy <ip address> m <metric2>, m2 <flags>,
rtType {EXT / INT }(<flags>), tag <route tag>
RDB {function name} : To IPRM : DEL Rt <address> /<key length>,
nHop <next hop>
RDB {function name} : <line>: No route added to IPRM message! (Rt
<address> / <key length>)
RDB {function name} : Flushed out rdbSyncList !
RDB {function name} : No Routes to Sync. Exiting
RDB {function name} : IPRM recv queue stats: maxmsgs = <max
messages>, curmsgs = <current messages>
RDB {function name} : IPRM recvQ is full:
Deferring Sync [SyncCount = <sync count>], curTime = <current
RDB {function name} : iprmReplaceMsgHdr msg full
- sending [numRoutes = <number of routes>]!
RDB {function name} : mq_send(ospf_iprm_msg_q)
RDB {function name} : Synched up [<number of routes] entries to
IPRM. Msg #[<message count>]
RDB {function name} : Sent <message count> msgs to IPRM. Pending
SyncCount = <sync count>
RDB {function name} : Incremented numRoutes (number of routes) - Rt.
dest <address> / <key length>
RDB {function name} : IPRM msg-info to add <route dest> / <route
mask> (cost=<metric>;NH=<next hop>).
RDB : {function name} : Updating the pathtype of route <dest> /
<mask> from <route path type> to <path type>
RDB : {function name} : Updating cost for <route dest> / <route
mask> (<route cost> to <cost>), nHop (<route nexthop> to <lsa
RDB : {function name}<line> route <route dest> / <route mask>
setting local flag
RDB : {function name} : Updating nHop for <route dest> / <route
mask> (<route nexthop> to <lsa nexthop>)
RDB : {function name} : Remote route changed to direct route for
<route dest> / <route mask>
RDB : {function name}(<line>): Change in ASBR route for <route dest>
RDB : {function name}(<line>): Ignoring non-backbone path for <route
RDB : {function name}(<line>): Replacing backbone path for <route
RDB : {function name} : RDB: Replacing obsolete route <route dest> /
<route mask> when updating with type-5 LSA
RDB : {function name} : RDB: Unconditionally replacing existing
route <route dest> / <route mask> from type-7 LSA when updating with
type-5 LSA
RDB : {function name} : Route <route dest> / <route mask> cost
nHop <route hop> matches new cost and nHop
RDB : {function name} : Closing OSPF Routing Database...
RDB : {function name} : IPRM Sync failed - dest <route dest>, mask
<route mask>
RDB : {function name}<line>: Getting next best match for addr
RDB : {function name} : Returning best match <route dest> / <route
mask>, for addr <address>
RDB : {function name} : dest <route dest> / <route mask> cost <route
cost>, nHops <hops>, advRtr <route advrtr>
RDB : {function name} : ( INTRA / INTER ) dest <dest ip> cost <cost>
nhHops <hops>, Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : (<Area>): rtrId <rtr id>, addr <address>,
nHop <hops>
RDB : {function name} : Router <route dest> is no longer ABR/ASBR in
Area <Area>
RDB : {function name} : Router <route dest> is no longer an ASBR in
Area <Area>
RDB : {function name} : Router <route dest> is now an ASBR in Area
RDB : {function name} : Cost to Router <route dest> changed (<route
cost to <lsa cost>), Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : NextHop changed for Router <route dest>
(<route next hop> to <lsa next hop>), Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : Pathtype of Router <route dest> changed
(<route path type> to <path type>), Area <Area id>
RDB : {function name} : Deleting route to ABR/ASBR <route dest> in
Area <route Areaid>
RDB : {function name} : Delinking ASBR <route dest> in Area <route
Area id> from global ASBR list...
RDB : {function name} : Moving route <dest route> / <route mask>
from Area <route Area id> to <Area id>
RDB: <function_name > : :[curTime=<number>s] Synching RDB with
IPRM... Pending SyncCount = <number>
RDB : {function name}<line> route <route dest> / <route mask>
setting local flag
RDB {function name} : Deleting Obsolete Rt: dest <route dest> /
<route mask>, nextHop <next hop>
AUTH: <function_name>: Intf <addr> nbr <addr>
AUTH: <function_name>: Intf <addr>: Auth type <number> mismatch!
recvd pkt = (<number>)
AUTH: <function_name>: Intf <addr>
AUTH: <function_name>: Intf <addr>: rcvd pkt has invalid checksum
AUTH: in <function_name>: Intf addr <addr>
AUTH: <function_name>: Intf <addr> Simple password auth failure!
pktKey = {string}, intfKey = {string}
AUTH: <function_name>: Failed to get Key for pkt: KeyId <keyed>
rcvd on intf <addr>
AUTH: <function_name>: MD5 AuthData Len (<addr>) in pkt is invalid
AUTH: <function_name>: Checksum in MD5 authenticated pkt is non-
AUTH: <function_name>: MD5 auth failed for pkt got on intf <addr>
keyid <keyID>
AUTH: <function_name>: Received MD5 digest = {string}
AUTH: <function_name>: Calculated MD5 digest = {string}
AUTH: <function_name>: Failed in Key Selection for Tx pkt on intf
no <number>
AUTH: <function_name>: Selected MD5 Key is INACTIVE, intf = <addr>
keyid = <keyID>
AUTH: <function_name>: (Intf <addr>, Nbr <addr>) Mismatch! Pkt
seqNum=<seqNum>, Nbr seqNum=<seqNum>
LSDB: <function_name>: Router LSA for Area <Area> has maxSeqNum
LSDB: <function_name>: Default type-7 LSA <addr> for Area <Area>
has maxSeqNum
LSDB: <function_name>: Built default Type-7 LSA for Area <Area> Seq
<seqNo> Metric <number>
LSDB: <function_name>: Updated default Type-7 LSA for Area <Area>
Seq <seqNo> Metric <number>
LSDB: <function_name>: Area <Area>,Intfs <number>;Hosts
<number>;upVlinks <number>;size <number> bytes.
LSDB: <function_name>: Adding router link <linked>/<linkData> in
router LSA of Area <Area>
LSDB: <function_name>: Adding stub link <linked>/<linkData> in
router LSA of Area <Area>
LSDB: <function_name>: Added <number> Hosts to Area <Area> RtrLSA.
LSDB: <function_name>: Grace LSA, intf <addr>, Area <Area> has
LSDB: <function_name >: <line>: LSA: Area <Area> Seq <seqNo>
numLinks <number> Age <number> Flushing LSA
Area(<number>) agetimer; curTime=<number>s
LSDB: <function_name >:Updated LSA(<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,Seq
<seqNo>,Age <number>,Cost <number>,Flags <flag>)
LSDB: <function_name >: LSA flags: original <flag> -> cleared <flag>
-> new <flag>
LSDB: <function_name>: proto <number>,tos <number>,dest
<addrr>/<addrr>,cost <number>," tmetricType <number>,tag
<number>,fwdAddr <addrr>
LSDB: <function_name>: in <function_name>, proto <number>, tos
<number>, dest <addrr>, mask <addrr>, "metric <number>, routeTag
<routeTag>, fwdAddr <addrr>
LSDB: <function_name >: Flushing LSA (<addr>, <addr>) with max
age/max seq
LSDB {function name} : NBR <nbr addr> sent LSA (<ls type>,<ls id> /
<ls advrtr>) too soon
LSDB: <function_name>: Default Summary LSA <addr> for Area <Area>
has maxSeqNum
LSDB: <function_name>: Built default Summary LSA for Area <Area>
Seq <seqNo> Metric <number>
LSDB: <function_name>: Updated default Summary LSA for Area
LSDB: <function_name>: Network LSA for interface <addr> has
INTF: <function_name>:Intf <addr> admin status is disabled !
INTF: <function_name>: Enabling ospf interface <addr>, Area <Area>
INTF: <function_name>: Intf <addr> not enabled: ospf / Area(<Area>)
/ ip intf not up!
INTF: <function_name>: Disabling ospf interface <addr>, Area <Area>
INTF: <function_name>: No OSPF interface exists for ifIndex <number>
addr <addr> !
INTF: <function_name>: Deleted OSPF Interface. addr <addr>
INTF: <function_name>: Updating OSPF Intf - ifIndex <number>, addr
<Area> [curTime <time>s]
INTF: <function_name>: (<line>): Detaching Intf <addr> from Area
INTF: <function_name>: (<line>): Just setting AreaId <Area> for Intf
INTF: <function_name>: Area <Area> already had max intfs: Cannot add
new intf addr <addr>
INTF: <function_name>: (<line>): Attaching Intf <addr> to Area
INTF: <function_name>: Intf ifIndex <number>, addr <addr> AreaId
INTF: <function_name>: Intf <addr>. DD Rxmt. Nbr <nbr>, state
EXSTART [curTime=<time>s]
INTF: <function_name>: Intf <addr>. DD Rxmt. Nbr <nbr>, state
EXCHANGE [curTime=<time>s]
INTF: <function_name>: [curTime <time>s] Rxmt LSReqs - Nbr <rtrID>,
Intf <addr>, ReqCount <number>
INTF: <function_name>: [curTime <time>s] Send Acks - Nbr <nbrID>,
Intf <addr>, AckCount <number>
INTF: <function_name>: Intf <addr> Sent LS Acks [curTime <time>s]
INTF: <function_name>: [curTime <time>s] Rxmt LSUpds - Nbr <rtrID>,
Intf <addr>, RxmtCount <number>
INTF: <function_name>: [curTime=<time>s] Intf <addr>(st
INTF: <function_name>: (<addr>) Change ! PREV {string}; EVENT
{string}; NEXT {string}.
INTF: <function_name >: Intf <addr> resulted in DR = <addr> and BDR
= <addr>
INTF: <function_name >: Interface <addr>, option {string} already
set. Skipping.
INTF: <function_name >: Interface address <addr>, option {string}
INTF: <function_name >: Intf addr <addr>, ifRowStatus ==
INTF: <function_name >: Intf addr <addr>, ifRowStatus == NotReady
(ifStatus <number>)
INTF: <function_name >: Intf addr <addr>, ifRowStatus changed to
Active (ifStatus <number>)
INTF: <function_name >: Scheduling Build RouterLSA, Area <Area>
INTF: <function_name >: Wait Timer Expired for Intf <addr>
INTF: <function_name >:Intf <addr> state < DROTHER. Ignoring
INTF: <function_name >: nbraddr=<addr>
Description : Not able to create the neighbor entry
INTF: <function_name >: Creating nbr <addr>
INTF: <function_name >: nbr=<nbr> intf=intf> flag=<Number>
INTF: <function_name >: Invalid param nbr <intf> intf <intf>
INTF: <function_name >: Invalid nbr type <Number>
INTF: <function_name >: Nbr <addr>, intf <addr> not attached to any
INTF: <function_name >: Attaching nbr <addr> to int <addr> Area
INTF: <function_name >: nbr <addr> Could not alloc local idx
INTF: <function_name >: NBR <addr> not attached to any intf
INTF: <function_name >: Detach nbr <addr> from int <addr>
INTF: <function_name >: No change is interface type
STATE: <function_name >: (<line>):nbrId <nbrID>, curTime = <time>,
nbr->lastExch = <number>
STATE: <function_name>: (<Addr>) DEAD !! curTime=<time>s;
nbr(<addr>) last hello=<time>
STATE: <function_name >: Unknown LS Type in rcvd DDpkt, Nbr event
STATE: <function_name >: nbr <addr>: moving to EXSTART
STATE: <function_name >: nbr <addr>: remaining in 2-Way
STATE: <function_name >: Resetting intf DRID (was <addr>) and intf
DRADDR (was <addr>)
STATE: <function_name >: (intf <addr?>) LSA:(<type>,
<lsID>/<advrtr>) Error - Advertised LSA not in Area LSDB !!
STATE: <function_name >: Resetting intf BDRID (was <addr>) and intf
BDRADDR (was <addr>)
STATE: <function_name >: Resetting neither intf DRID/ADDR nor
STATE: <function_name >: Intf <addr>, bumped
intf_initbrs=<Number>, Area_initnbrs=<Number>,
STATE: <function_name >: Intf <addr> generating NBRCHANGE event.
Intf <addr> generating NBRCHANGE event.
STATE: <function_name >: Clearing Adjacency : NBR <addr>, Intf
addr <addr>
STATE: <function_name >: Start
STATE: <function_name >: End
RESTART: <function_name >: Found nbr <addr>, rtrId <addr> on Intf
STATE {function name} : Intf <intf addr>, nbr <nbr
addr>: LSA instance on lsReq list. BADLSREQ event
STATE: <function_name >: NBR <addr>; EVENT {string}; STATE {string}.
STATE: <function_name >: (<addr>) Change! PREV {string}; EVENT
{string}; NEXT {string}.
STATE {function name} : EXSTART: ddPkt I_M_MS ({Master /
Slave}, {More / No More}, {Init / No Init}) Nbr Addr <nbr addr>len =
<length>, nbr rtrId = <rtr Id>, nbr seqnum = <seq num>, ddPkt seqnum
= <seq num>
STATE {function name} : EXCHANGE (Master / Slave}, {More / No
More}, {Init / No Init}) from Nbr addr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid>
STATE {function name} : <line>: Duplicate DD Pkt from NBR addr
<nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid> in EXCH state
STATE {function name} : NBR addr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid>
seqMismatch in EXCHANGE state
STATE {function name} : ddPkt ({Master / Slave},
{More / No More}, {Init / No Init}) nbr mode {Master / Slave}
STATE {function name} : <line>: seqNum out of seq: Nbr <nbr
addr> / <nbr rtrid> [Master], continuing!
STATE {function name} : Nbr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid> mode =
STATE {function name} : Duplicate DD from Nbr <nbr
addr> / <nbr rtrid>. Resending...ddPktSeq = <seq num>, nbrSeqNum =
<seq num>
STATE {function name} : <line>: seqNum out of seq: Nbr
addr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid> in slave mode.
STATE {function name} : <line>: Nbr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid>
mode neither master or slave - SEQMISMATCH
STATE {function name} : Duplicate DD Pkt from NBR addr <nbr
addr> / <nbr rtrid> when LOAD/FULL
STATE {function name} : LOAD/FULL: seqMismatch! ...invalid
bits/options I_M_MS ({Master / Slave}, {More / No More}, {Init / No
Init}) from Nbr addr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid>
STATE {function name} : <line>: Nbr <nbr addr> /
<nbr rtrid> seqNum mismatch with ddPkt seq [Master]
STATE {function name} : <line>: Nbr <nbr addr> / <nbr
rtrid>mode not slave-hold - SEQMISMATCH
STATE {function name} : <line>: DDpkt seq mismatch with Nbr
<nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid> seq [SlaveHold]!
16.5.11 Restart
RESTART: <function_name> : (Area <Area>) Build rtrLSA event deferred
- in restart![curTime=<time>s]
RESTART: <function_name> : <line> ospfBuildRouterLsa(Area <Area>).
[curTime = <time>s]
RESTART: <function_name> : [curTime=<time>s] Flooding Area <Area>
RESTART: <function_name>: ERR - Intf <addr>, Area <Area> does not
RESTART: <function_name>:(<line>): Found our Grace LSA. Area <Area>,
Intf <addr>
RESTART: <function_name>: Built LSA: Area <Area>, lsId <lsID>, Seq
<seqNo>, Len <number>
RESTART: <function_name>: (<Line>): Nbr <addr> reqList more recent:
LSDB(<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,age <number>, seq <seqNo>)
RESTART: <function_name>: (<Line>): Rmvd from Nbr <addr> reqList:
LSDB(<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,age <number>, seq <seqNo>)
RESTART: <function_name>: (<Line>): Rmvd from Nbr <addr> reqList:
LSA(<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,age <number>, seq <seqNo>)
RESTART: <function_name>: Intf <addr> in restart. nbr <addr> skip
addLsaRxmt event. LSA(<type>,<lsID>/<advrtr>,age <number>, seq
<seqNo>, chksum <checksum>, len <number>)
RESTART: <function_name>: Area <Area>, Intf <addr> in restart.
floodCount = <number>![curTime=<number>s]
RESTART: <function_name>: Intf <addr> in restart. Sending Hello
RESTART: <function_name>: Intf <addr> exiting restart. No Nbrs
found! [curTime=<time>s]
RESTART: <function_name>: Intf <addr>, WaitTimer Expired, no Nbrs.
No Restart!
RESTART: <function_name>: (<line>): Vlink <addr> rtrId list rtrId
<rtrID>, but vNbr rtrId <rtrID> !!
RESTART: <function_name>:(<line>): ntf <addr> nbr rtrId <rtrID>.
nbr(<nbr>) addr <addr> - not done.
RESTART: <function_name> : {string} <addr>, all adj. nbrs FULL.
Restart complete.
RESTART: <function_name>: (<line>): Restart not complete. {string}
<addr>, nbr <nbr> not full.[curTime <time>s]
RESTART: <function_name>: Failed restart, Intf <addr>, nbr <nbr> in
RESTART: <function_name>: Intf <addr> in restart! Attempting Rxmt to
nbr <addr>!
RESTART: <function_name>: Intf <addr> Nbr <addr> dead !! Terminating
RESTART: <function_name>: (Intf <addr>) Build netLSA event deferred
- in restart [curTime=<number>s]
RESTART: <function_name>: (Intf <addr>) Build netLSA event deferred
- in restart [curTime=<time>s]
RESTART: <function_name >: (<line>): Intf <addr> disabled, exiting
graceful restart!
RESTART: <function_name >: Intf <addr> disable, inRestart
RESTART: <function_name >: (<line>): Intf <addr> disabled, exiting
restart helper mode!
RESTART: <function_name>: curTime[<number>]
restartDelayTimer[<number>]. Time to check exit condition <number>s
RESTART: <function_name> : All intfs graceful restart done.
RESTART: <function_name> : (<number>): Restart not yet complete.
Intf <addrr> in restart.[curTime <number>s]
RESTART: <function_name > : Restart done. [curTime=<number>s] Re-
using restartTimer[<number>s]
RESTART: <function_name > : Planned Restart Timer expired. curTime =
RESTART: <function_name > : (<line>): Unknown restart state
RESTART : <function_name > : Restart admin status disabled. Ignoring
RESTART: <function_name > : Initiating Graceful
Restart.[curTime=<number>s], realTime <number>s
RESTART: <function_name > : Handling abrupt restart termination!
RESTART: <function_name > : Handling abrupt helper termination!
RESTART: <function_name >: Intf <addr>, nbr <addr> state FULL.
RESTART: <function_name >: Intf <addr>. Scheduling SPF (Area <addr>)
RESTART: <function_name >: Intf <addr>, nbr <addr> terminating
restart ! [curTime=<Number>s]
RESTART {function name} : Intf <intf addr>, Nbr <nbr addr>
says DR=<dr addr>, BDR=<bdr addr>
RESTART {function name} : Intf <intf addr>, Terminating
restart on intf since DR 0,BDR 0 rcvd.
RESTART {function name} : Intf <intf addr> - Dynamic NBMA/PMP
Nbr <nbr addr>. Now sending Grace LSA...
RESTART {function name} : Nbr <nbr addr> in 1-WAY!
Terminating restart - Intf <intf addr>
RESTART {function name} : {type of vlink}Intf <intf addr>
Detected #<restart nbrs> nbrs from Nbr <nbr addr>
RESTART {function name} : <line>: Intf <intf addr> in restart,
LOADDONE for nbr <nbr addr>
RESTART {function name} : Intf <intf addr>, Nbr <nbr addr>:
Grace-LSA, seq <seq num>, age <age>
RESTART {function name} : <line>: Ignoring self Grace LSA!
Intf <intf addr>,nbr <nbr addr>
RESTART: <function_name>: In Restart - Deferred flooding: LSA
<addrr>/<addrr>, seq<seqNo>, age <number>
RESTART: <function_name > : (Area <Area>) curTime <number>s, spfLast
<number>s. Post-restart clean-up of SumLSAs.
RESTART: <function_name >: Intf <addr> (state <Number>): DR <addr>;
BDR <addr>.
RESTART {function name} : Discarded DD from <src ip>. Intf
<intf addr> restart terminated/failed.
RESTART {function name} : <line>: Intf <intf addr> in
Restart! Rcvd LSReqs from nbr <nbr addr>!!
LSA:(<number>,<number>/<number>,<seqNo>,age <number>)
(<Area>) [curTime=<time>s]: startEvent=<number> ,
LSA: Type <type>, lsId <lsID>/<advrtr>, Seq <seqNo>, Age <number>
FLOOD: <function_name>: (<Area>, intf <addr>, nbr_addr <addr>)
FLOOD: <function_name>: (none) LSA: Type <type>, lsId
<lsID>/<advrtr>, Seq <seqNo>, Age <number>
FLOOD : <function_name>:(Area <Area>, intf <addr>) LSA: Type
<type>, lsId <lsID>/<advrtr>, new Seq <seqNo> new Age <number>:
added new entry to intf flood queue
FLOOD: <function_name>: Flooded #<number> LSUpd pkts - intf
<addr>,Area <Area> [floodCount=<number>]
HOST: <function_name>:creation
HOST: <function_name>: deletion
HOST: <function_name>: hostAddr <addr>, tos <number>, Area <Area>
16.5.15 Helper
HELPER: <function_name>: Intf <addr> Nbr <addr> dead !! Terminating
helper mode.[curTime=<time>s]
HELPER: <function_name>: Intf <addr> ignored restarting(<addr>) nbr
<addr> dead. lHello <time>s,curTime <time>s
HELPER: <function_name >: Intf <addr>, nbr <addr> restarting
[nbrState <number>]. Ignoring rcvd DDSum.
HELPER: <function_name > : (Area <Area>) topChgd = <number>!! LSA
<number>, <addr>/<addr> Age <number>.
HELPER: <function_name > : (Area <addr>) topChgd = <number>!! LSA
<number>, <addr>/<addr> Age <number>.
HELPER: <function_name > : In Helper Mode. Detected topology change
[Area <Area> LSA max-Aged]!
HELPER: <function_name > : In Helper Mode. Detected topology change
[LSA max-Aged]!
HELPER {function name} : New/Chngd LSA: (<ls type>) <ls type> /
<ls advrtr>, Age <age>. Terminating Helper mode !
HELPER {function name} : New/Chngd LSA: (<ls type>) <ls type> /
<ls advrtr>, Age <age>. Skipping strict LSA checking.
HELPER: <function_name >: Returning - Helping nbr <addr>, on intf
HELPER {function name} : GraceLSA: Intf <intf addr>,nbr <nbr
addr>,advRtr <advrtr address> IP,Age <ls age> grace period <period>,
reason <reason>, intf addr <intf addr>
16.5.16 Setup
SETUP : in : <function_name >:
SETUP: (<function_name >): Initialized: ipif_head_sentinel =
<sentinel>, ipif_tail_sentinel = <sentinel>
SETUP: (<function_name >): Freeing : ipif_head_sentinel =
<sentinel>, ipif_tail_sentinel = <sentinel>
SETUP : <function_name >: {string}, mtu <number>, vlan <number>
LSA: Area <Area> Seq <seqNo> numLinks <number> Age <number> Detected
change in len
SETUP : {function name} : Opening Routing Database
SETUP : {function name} : Opening Routing Database
SETUP: (<function_name >): WARNING ! ifNum / vlanId <number> out of
range ! ipAddr <addr>
SETUP : <function_name >: addr <addr>
SETUP : in <function_name >: vlanId <number>
SETUP : <function_name >: Allocated ospf skiplist pool ids
SETUP : <function_name >: size <number>
SETUP : <function_name >: alloced node <node> (<number>bytes) from
pool <poolID>
SETUP : <function_name >: Freeing node <node>
SETUP: <function_name > : ospf_socket (<number>) <function_name> for
loopback of outgoing mcast pkts!(<number>)
AGE: <function_name >: LSA <lsID>/<advrtr> will age in <number>s,
set ospf agetimer; curTime=<number>s
AGE: <function_name >: LSA <lsID>/<advrtr> ages in <number>s, set
AGE: <function_name > : Flushing maxAged type-<number> LSA:lsId
<addrr>/<addrr>, flags <flags> (<function_name>)
HELPER: <function_name > : (
<Line>): topChgd = <number>!! LSA <number>, <addrr>/<addrr> Age
AGE: <function_na me > : Not flushing ASE LSA(<addrr>/<addrr>) while
on rxmt list or nbrs in exch/loading.
AGE: <function_name > : Flushing AGEMAXED LSA: type-<type> LSA:lsId
AGE: <function_name > : Refreshing type-5 LSA: lsId <addrr>/<addrr>
AGE: <function_name > : cur=<number>s:LSA <addrr>/<addrr> will age
in <number>s, reset age timer
AGE: <function_name > : numLsas = <number> - Break out of loop.
AGE: <function_name >: (<addr>) Refreshed LSA: Type <number>,lsId
<addr>/<addr>,Seq <seqNo>
AGE: <function_name >: (<addr>) Flushing maxAgeLSA: Type
<number>,lsId <addr>/<addr>,Seq <seqNo>
AGE: <function_name > : cur=<number>s:LSA <addrr>/<addrr> will age
in <number>s, reset age timer
AGE: <function_name > : Flushing obsolete translated type-5 LSA:
lsId <addrr>/<addrr>
AGE : <function_name > : no LSAs to age
AGE : <function_name>: Flushing obsoleted self-orig SUMNET LSA
AGE : <function_name>: Refreshed self sumLSA (<number>, <addrr>,seq
AGE: <function_name>: djusting age timer for <number> seconds:
AGE: <function_name> (ageCheck <number>)
16.5.18 Recv
RECV: <function_name >: Rcvd LSReq from bogus OSPF interface
RECV: <function_name >: Intf <addr>, Couldn't find nbr <addr> !!
RECV: <function_name >: Rcvd LSReq packet with no LSreq entries!
RECV {function name} : Discarding LSAck from <ipsa>...unknown lsType
<ls type>
RECV {function name} : No such LSA in LSDB: (<ls type>,<ls id> / <ls
advrtr>), Skipping
RECV {function name} : Removing from RxmtList: (<ls type>,<ls id> /
<ls advrtr>)
RECV {function name} : LSAck from <ipsa>[Type <ls type>,lsid<ls id> /
<ls advrtr>] not same instance.
RECV {function name} : [curTime=<secs>s] Rcvd # <lsa count> LSACKs -
Nbr <nbr addr> / <nbr rtrid>
RECV {function name}: Processing LSA from Intf <intf addr>, Nbr Id
<nbr addr> LSA: Type <type>, LS Id <id>, AdvRtr <advrtr>, Length
<length>, Age <age>
RECV {function name} : Invalid LSA instance Type <type> LS Id <ls
type> AdvRtr <advrtr> from neighbor <nbr addr>
RECV {function name} : Duplicate LSA:( <ls type>,<ls
id> / <ls advrtr>) from DR(<dr id>), acking..
RECV {function name} : Rcvd LSA (<ls type>,<ls id> / <ls advrtr>) has
max seq no, setting age to 3600
RECV {function name} : Rcvd non RTR/NET LSA (<ls type>,<ls id> / <ls
advrtr>) has max seq no..discarding
RECV {function name} : <line>: Added to DirectAckPkt - LSA #<num
direct acks>:(<ls type>,<ls id> / <ls advrtr>)
RECV {function name} : Added to Sendback LSUpd! (<ls type>,<ls id> /
<ls advrtr> ,Seq <seq no>,Age <age>)
RECV {function name} : [curTime= <secs>s] Sending
DirectAcks for #<num direct acks>LSAs, nbr <nbr addr>
RECV {function name} : [curTime= <secs> s] Sending back LSUpd with
#<num direct acks> LSAs, nbr <nbr addr>
RECV {function name} : <line>: [curTime = <secs>s] Scheduling send
LSReqs...[REQ_COUNT=<req count>]
RECV: <function_name >: <line> : Scheduled Build RouterLSA, Area
RECV: <function_name >: <line> : Scheduled Build NetworkLSA Intf
RECV : {funaction name }: pkt(src <src ip>IP,AreaId <Area id,rtrId
<router id>) - no match with any Area!
RECV : {function name }: Received an invalid length (<packet length)
RECV : {function name}: Received an invalid version (<version>)
RECV : {function name} : Received an invalid type (<type>) packet
RECV : {function name}(<line>): Received invalid length packet !
[ospf len <length>, ip len <length>
RECV : {function name} : Received packet has an invalid Area (<Area
RECV : {funaction name }: pkt(src <src ip>IP,AreaId <Area id,rtrId
<router id>) - no match with any Area!
RECV : {function name }: Received an invalid length (<packet length)
RECV : {function name}: Received an invalid version (<version>)
RECV : {function name} : Received an invalid type (<type>) packet
RECV : {function name}(<line>): Received invalid length packet !
[ospf len <length>, ip len <length>
RECV : {function name} : Received packet has an invalid Area (<Area
RECV {function name} : Discarding LSUpdate from <npsa>...invalid Nbr
RECV {function name} : [curTime=<secs>s] Rcvd #<numlsa> LSAs from
Nbr <nbr addr>, Intf <intf addr>
RECV {function name} : Parsed Rcvd LS UPD msg for LSA #<counter>LSA:
Type <ls type>,lsId <ls id>,advRtr <ls advrtr>,seq <ls
sequence>,chkSum <ls chksum>,age <ls age>
RECV {function name} : Skipping (<ls type>, <ls address>/<ls advrtr>)
- bad checksum <chksum> (expected <chksum>) !
RECV {function name} : Skipping LSA rcvd from <ipsa> - unknown LSA
Type <type> !
RECV {function name} : Skipping Type5-LSA rcvd from <ipsa> -
stub/NSSA Area.
RECV {function name} : Skipping Type7-LSA rcvd from <ipsa> - non-NSSA
RECV {function name} : Ignoring rcvd Grace-LSA: in
restart or helper admin disabled nbr addr <nbr addr>, advRtr <advrtr
addr>, on intf <intf addr>
RECV {function name} : Discarding link-lcl OpqLSA!
Intf <intf addr>, nbr <nbr addr>. Invalid (OpqType+OpqId) field <ls
RECV {function name} : Grace-LSA err! (Invalid TLV(s))
nbr addr <nbr addr>, advRtr <advrtr address>, on intf <intf addr>
RECV : {function name }: Discarding pkt recvd on a disabled
interface <ip>, AreaId <Area id>
RECV : {function name}: Discarding...intf <address> has no attached
Area! Src <src ip> , dst <dest ip>
RECV {function name} : Discarding LSAck from <ipsa>...invalid Nbr
RECV {function name} : LSA : Type <ls type> lsId <ls id> / <ls
advrtr> Seq <seq num> Age <age>
RECV {function name} : LSDB Entry: (<Area id>) LSA (<ls type>,<ls id>
/ <ls advrtr> ,Seq <seq no>,Age <age>)
RECV {function name} : (<Area id>) Nbr <lpsa>: New
LSA (<ls type>,<ls id> / <ls advrtr>)
RECV {function name} : Removed Self-LSA from
Nbr(<nbr addr>) reqQ: (<ls type>,<ls id> / <ls advrtr> ,Seq <seq
no>,Age <age>)
RECV : {function name }: Discarding pkt recvd on a disabled
interface <ip>, AreaId <Area id>
RECV : {function name}: Discarding...intf <address> has no attached
RECV ({function name} : ) DD from <src ip> is discarded due to
invalid NBR state.
RECV {function name} : <line>: [curTime = <secs>s] Scheduling send
LSReqs REQ_COUNT=<count>]
RECV {function name} : LSReq from <ipsa> is discarded...invalid
length <length>
RECV {function name} : {packet type} pkt, intf <address>: ipsa
<ipsa>, Area <Area id>, ip len <length>
RECV {function name} : Dicarding packet rcvd on disabled interface
RECV {function name} : Discarding packet from <ipsa>, authentication
failure !
RECV {function name} : DD Pkt from <src ip> is discarded due to
invalid length (<length>).
RECV {function name} : DD Pkt from <src ip> is discarded due to
invalid MTU (<mtu>).
RECV ({function name} : ) DD from <src ip> is discarded due to
invalid INTF state.
HELLO {function name} : intf <intf addr>, nbr <nbr addr>.
[curTime = <secs>s]
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip>
discarded...invalid netMask <net mask>
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip>
discarded...invalid helloInterval <hello interval>
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip>
discarded...invalid deadInterval <dead interval>
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip>
discarded...invalid E-option
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip>
discarded...invalid N-option
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip>
has my routerId <router id>
HELLO {function name} : HELLO from <src ip> discard...cannot
find neighbor
HELLO {function name} : Detected second neighbor <src ip> on
PPP link <intf addr>
HELLO {function name} : Error in creating a neighbor structure
for <address>
HELLO {function name} : Discarding HELLO from <address> that
came too soon
HELLO {function name} : Eligibility Mismatch: nbr(<address>)
config(<eligibility>) pkt(<priority>).
HELLO {function name} : NBR-<nbr addr> state is inconsistent
with INTF-<intf addr>
16.5.20 Setup
SETUP: <function_name >: Unable to elect the routerId.
SETUP: <function_name >: Enabling OSPF protocol with router id
SETUP: <function_name >:Enabling OSPF Area <addrr>
SETUP: <function_name >: Falcon socket created
Description : Error while creating Socket to MIP.
SETUP : <function_name >: ospf_intf_socket <number> connected.
SETUP : <function_name >: ospf router id <addrr>, primary address
SETUP: <function_name >: <function_name>: OSPF Router Id set to
16.5.21 Time
TIME : <function_name > : (<line>): Agetimer expired <number>s,
check for maxaged LSAs
TIME: <function_name > : Flushing Ext LSA (LSId <addrr>, rtrId
<addrr>) on timeout ...
TIME: <function_name >: OSPF Timer Deleted : ospf_timerid =
TM: <function_name >: Rcvd msgID (<msgID>) <function_name>
TM: <function_name >: Intf {string} : ifIndex <number> addr <addrr>
[curTime = <number>s]
TM: (<function_name >:<number>) Ignoring ifIndex <number> msg
{string} - out of range.
16.5.23 REDIST
REDIST : {function name} : WARNING - Registration with IPRM delayed
until IPRM becomes available.
REDIST : {function name} : Skipping Redist Register with IPRM for
second time...
REDIST : {function name} : Registering with IPRM : ProtoMask <proto
REDIST : {function name} : Not registered for redistribution -
REDIST : {function name} : De-registering with IPRM : ProtoMask
<proto mask>
REDIST : {function name} : De-registered successfully with IPRM.
REDIST : {function name} : Unloading all redistributed Type-5 LSAs
REDIST : {function name} : Redist entry created: Proto <proto>
Status <UP / DOWN> RedistStatus <UP / DOWN>
REDIST : {function name} : Deleting Redist entry : Proto <proto>
Description : Delete for a protocol which was never added or doesnot
REDIST : {function name} : Enabling Redist : Proto <proto>
RedistStatus <UP / DOWN>
REDIST : {function name} : Disabling Redist for Proto <proto>
RedistStatus <UP / DOWN>
REDIST :{function name} : ProtoMask <proto mask> NumTags <num tags>
REDIST : {function name} : Initiating redistribution of routes into
REDIST : {function name} : Redistribution database initialized
REDIST : {function name} : Closed redist Table radix tree [counter]
REDIST : {function name} : Closed OSPF Redistribution Filter
REDIST : {function name} : Flushed all OSPF redistribution filters
from database...
REDIST : {function name} : Filter Add to Database failed : proto
<protocol> <address> / <key length>
REDIST : {function name} : Added Filter to DB : Proto <protocol>
<address> / <key length>
Ctrl <ctrl> Effect <effect>
REDIST : {function name} : Deleted Filter : Proto <protocol>
<address> / <key length>
REDIST : {function name} : (AreaId <Area id>, proto <protocol>, addr
<address> / <key length>, flag <flags>)
REDIST : {function name} : Not registered for redistribution,
REDIST : {function name} : Continuing previously deferred load:
filter(<filt addr> / <key length>) route(<addr>/ <key length>)
REDIST : {function name} : Pending job exists, adding current job to
deferred list
REDIST: <function_name>: Host route (<addrr>:<addrr>) of proto
<number> is NOT redistributed.
REDIST: <function_name > : [curTime=<number>s] postpone deferred
redist job to next timer cycle
REDIST : {function name} : Received routeTag trigger from IPRM with
<num tags> tags
17 BGP
17.1 Error Messages
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): WARNING - dampAlloc 0 and
dampening <flag>!
ERROR : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): tcpBind
Description : Bind specific address with interface failed.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): Database open failure (intfDb) !
Description : Interface Database Open failure.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): Unable to allocate socket
Description : Socket Allocation failure.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): Unable to bind
Description : Socket Biding failure.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): Unable to connect
Description : Socket Connection failure.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): sigaction failed, errno = <Error>
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): timer_create failed, errno =
Error< >
Description : BGP Timer Creation failure.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): timer_settime failed, errno =
Description : BGP Timer Setting time failure.
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): zcRecvfrom() return length error
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): payload_len <length> bytes
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): mip_msg_queueing() returned error
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): general error receiving MIP msg
from app_id #<appid>
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): Unknown msg read, msgId :
Description : Invalid Message received.
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): sigaction for SIGINT failed
TM: <
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): Fatal Memory Alloc Failure
kGrab), poolID (0x<poolid>)
function_name> (<line>): Allocated all BGP memory pools...
ERRORS: <function_name> (<line>): Fatal Memory allocation Failure
(Calloc). [<length>] bytes
ERROR : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Mem Alloc
Failure\n\tError Code: <mem_Error>. Failed to process path attribute
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): Unable to locate ip intf
ddr>/<mask> in intfDb! <ip_a
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): BGP Setup failed !
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): Database open failure (routeDb)
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): Database open failure (attribDb)
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): Failed to register with IPRM !
ERROR : <function_name> : Unable to locate ip intf for IprmNextHop
ddr>! <ip_a
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): mq_send failed
Description : Message Queue Send Failure.
<function_name> (<line>): could not open listener <err>
<function_name>(<line>): Could not set IP precedence value for
<function_name> (<line>): could not bind to listener <err>
<function_name> (<line>): tcp outbound connect success null peer
<function_name> (<line>): null peer in tcp Error
<function_name> (<line>): Could not set IP precedence value for peer
<ip_addr>, <file desc>
ERROR : <function_name> (<line>): mq_send of request primary
address message failed
Description : Message Queue Send Failure.
ERRORS : <function_name> (<line>): Error closing IPRM MsgQ: <Error>
ERRORS : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): WARNING !!
Probably messing up attribute nlriLen, route(<ip_addr>/<bits>)
ERRORS : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Deletion of
nodes failed
<function_name> (<line>): Unable to locate intfDb node - <ip_addr>;
vlanId <vlan id>
17.2 Warning Messages
WARNINGS : <function_name> (<line>): Didn't expect Redist unload to
be deferred! msgId <msgid>
WARNING : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): WARNING !!
Peer has reached 80 percent of max prefixes allowed. It will be
resetted when max prefixes allowed is reached!
WARNING : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): WARNING !!
Peer has exceeded max prefixes allowed. NOTIFY/CEASE sent.
WARNINGS : <function_name> (<line>): iprmReplace message full, sync
IPRM send to
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t conretry_timer dup attempt to start. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t katimer dup attempt to start. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t holdtimer dup attempt to start. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t holdtimer dup attempt to start. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t conretry dup attempt to stop. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t katimer dup attempt to stop. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t hold timer dup attempt to stop. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t adv timer dup attempt to start. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t adv timer dup attempt to stop. Peer
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t dup attempt to start autorestart tmr.
Peer <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t dup attempt to stop autorestart tmr. Peer
<function_name> (<line>): Rcvd unknown DRC message – msgId <msg id>
, srcTaskId <task id>
<function_name> (<line>): blockResizeTimer dup attempt to start.
<function_name> (<line>): blockResizeTimer dup attempt to stop.
17.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): START at Time <time>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): DEFERRED at Time <time>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): END at Time <time>
INFO : <function_name> : Setting up bgp timers...
INFO : <function_name> : Configuring BGP stuff...
INFO : <function_name> : Initializing BGP Environment...
INFO : <function_name> : Setting up bgp memory space ...
INFO: <function_name> (<line>): Bgp protocol already enabled
INFO: <function_name> (<line>): Enabling bgp protocol
INFO: <function_name> : Setting up bgp memory space ...
INFO: <function_name> : curTime = <time>.
INFO: <function_name> (<line>): Resized all BGP memory pools...
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER WITHDRAW -
Peer deleted while pending update !
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER WITHDRAW -
ming peer withdrawal Resu
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): recv policy re-
eval while earlier withdraw is pending
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): POLICY RCV REEVAL
me DEFERRED at <time> - Ti
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): POLICY RCV REEVAL
me DEFERRED at <time> - Ti
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): POLICY RCV REEVAL
- Deferred msg posted.
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Peer initial
te resumed ! upda
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Peer deleted
e pending recv policy re-eval ! whil
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): peer resume recv
policy re-eval abort peer disabled!
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): FREE UP - Time
T at <time> STAR
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): FREE UP - Time
DEFERRED at <time>
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): FREE UP -
deferred check point [<ip_addr>/<bits>]
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): FDB SYNC START - Time START at
e> <tim
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): FDB SYNC DEFERRED at Time %s
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): REDIST - load filter routes - Time
T at <time> STAR
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): REDIST - Info load proto=<string>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): REDIST - load filter routes -
Time DEFERRED at <time>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): REDIST - load filter routes - Time
at <time> END
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): REDIST - unload filter routes -
Time START at <time>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): REDIST - unload filter routes -
Time DEFERRED at <time>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): reachable #routes to go =
ber> - Time START at <time> <num
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): NH SYNC - reachable - Time
DEFERRED at <time>
INFO : <function_name> (<line>): NH SYNC - reachable - Time END at
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending packed
attributes - Time START at <time>
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending packed
ibutes - Time DEFERRED at <time> attr
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending packed
attributes – blocked
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending
attributes - deferred !
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Packed attributes
. sent
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending packed
attributes - Time END at <time>
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): sending packed
attributes - peer check point [<ip_addr>] !
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Ignoring
mpted deferred sending pree
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): START at Time
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Begin withdraw
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): DEFERRED at Time
ue> <val
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): blocked.
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): END at Time
ue> <val
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): deferred check
point [<ip_addr>/<bits>]
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): peer check point
_addr>] ! [<ip
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Peer[<ip_addr>]
deleted while pending update !
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Resuming update
while update deferred
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Ignoring
mpted deferred update pree
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Peer blocked in
resume update!
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): eer disabled
while reevaluating send policy
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Aborting resume
cy reeval, reevaluation canceled ! poli
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): write blocked -
will restart !
INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER WITHDRAW -
Time START at <time>
<function_name>: Enabling BGP protocol...
<function_name>: Setup not done - will try enabling BGP later...
<function_name>: BGP admin status not enabled / AS number not set.
Exiting !
<function_name> (<line>): Bgp protocol already enabled\n
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling bgp protocol
<function_name> (<line>): Bgp protocol already disabled
<function_name> (<line>): Disabling bgp protocol
<function_name>: Starting BGP protocol
<function_name> (<line>): could not start BGP
<function_name> (<line>): Bgp Id set to <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): stopped BGP protocol
<function_name> (<line>): Stopping BGP protocol
<function_name> (<line>): could not stop BGP protocol
<function_name> (<line>): Closing aggrDb radix tree
<function_name> (<line>): Closing networkDb radix tree
<function_name> (<line>): Closing intfDb radix tree
<function_name> (<line>): Closing routeDb radix tree
<function_name> (<line>): Closing RedistFilterDb[%d] radix tree<TBD>
<function_name> (<line>): Removed bgp_env->aggrList skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Removed bgp_env->dampDb skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Removed bgp_env->peerDb skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Removed bgp_env->peerTmpDb skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Removed bgp_env->attribDb skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Removed bgp_env->nextHopDb skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Freeing, and removing
policyDb.routeMapList skiplist
<function_name> (<line>): Freeing, and removing policyDb.aspathList
<function_name> (<line>): Freeing, and removing policyDb.commList
<function_name> (<line>): Freeing, and removing policyDb.prefixList
<function_name> (<line>): Closed signal and falcon sockets...
<function_name> (<line>): De-registered with MIP
<function_name> (<line>): Stopping and Deleting BGP timer and clock
<function_name> (<line>): Closing message queues
<function_name> (<line>): Sending Halting Message to DRC TM...
<function_name> (<line>): BGP Task shutdown gracefully !
17.4 MIP
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : Error in rowstatus handling
MIP,30 : <function_name> (<line>) : <value> name <string>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : nominator = <value> length =
<value> value = 0x<value>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : Begin process
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : <Error_string>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : inOidNum=<number>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : <Error_string> <nominator>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : ERROR trying to write mip object !
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : Invalid host address
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : ERROR try to modify non existant
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : Error in rowstatus handling
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : inOidL[0]=0x<value>
inOidL[1]=0x<value> inOidL[2]=0x<value> inOidL[3]=0x<value>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : inOidL[4]=0x<value>
inOidL[5]=0x<value> inOidL[6]=0x<value> inOidL[7]=0x<value>
MIP ; <function_name> (<line>) : ERROR try to modify non existant
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : Begin process(inOidNum=<value>)
MIP : <function_name> (<line>) : ERROR reading object
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): zcRecvfrom() OK with length =
MIP: <function_name> (<line>): MIP registration OK
MIP: <function_name> (<line>): Config received OK
MIP: <function_name> (<line>): Getting initial config...
MIP: <function_name> : BGP spawned with RtrId = <ip_addr> prim addr
= <ip_addr> log_level =<vlaue>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): Snapshot overflowed here !
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): Unknown table identifier <tableId>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): Error in table Dump !
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): Error in snapshot parameters
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): Error no such object_id #<id>
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): ERROR creating MIP message
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): ERROR writing trap Informations
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): ERROR sending MIP message
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): peer <ip-addr>
UPD_RX : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Withdrawing
<number> prefixes [Time <time>]
AGGR : <function_name>(<line>): Add rdbEntry failed! aggr
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): simulating...
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): ERROR unknown trapId(#<trapid>) to
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): Show function hit overflow...
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): hit overflow ...prefix
MIP : <function_name> (<line>): ERROR in regular expression
17.5 Protocol Specific Messages
17.5.1 AGGR
AGGR : <function_name> (<line>): Unable to locate aggr
<ip_addr>/<bits> in routeDb !
<function_name>: Added aggr <ip_addr >/<bits> to RDB
<function_name> (<line>): Activating aggregate database
<function_name> (<line>): Deleting aggregate <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling aggregate <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Disabling aggregate <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling Aggregate AS-SET
<function_name>(<line>): Disabling Aggregate AS-SET
<function_name>(<line>): Caching aggregate <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name>(<line>): Withdrawing aggregate from routing database
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling Aggregate Summarization
<function_name> (<line>): Disabling Aggregate Summarization
<function_name> (<line>): Scheduling aggregate <ip_addr>(<ip_addr>)
for processing
Aggr Route <ip_addr>(<ip_addr>) \t *rdbNode=<ptr>; *rdbEntry=<ptr>,
active = <active>
<function_name> (<line>): No contributors for aggr <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name>(<line>): Withdrawing aggr <ip_addr>/<bits> from
<function_name>(<line>): No aggregate path. Aggr <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name>(<line>): rdbE not active: crdb <ip_addr>/<bits>-
<function_name>(<line>): active = <active>: crdb <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name>(<line>): croute(findlocalroute)retval is NULL.\n"
"\t crdb <ip_addr>/<bits>! continuing...
<function_name>(<line>): scheduling contributor
<ip_addr>(<ip_addr>)for aggr processing
<function_name>(<line>): Aggr <ip_addr>/<ip_addr> is inactive
<function_name>(<line>): Withdrawing aggr route <ip_addr>/<bits>
from dbase
<function_name>(<line>): inactive, no aggregate path. Aggr
<function_name>(<line>): Aggr <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>is active
<function_name> (<line>): Aggregate computation done
<function_name> (<line>): Recomputing aggr <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Aggr list processing done
<function_name> (<line>): Updating aggregate parameter
<function_name> (<line>): Hiding path <ip_addr>/<bits> sourced by
<function_name> (<line>): Un-hiding path <ip_addr>/<bits> sourced by
17.5.2 DAMP
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>) : Dampening REUSE should be lower
than dampening SUPPRESS
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>) : Dampening SUPPRESS should be lower
than dampening CEILING
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>) : diff <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>) : ret zero
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>) : frac = <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>) : reuse index[index] = <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): dh <pointer>;tdiff <diff>;
next_slot=<value>; nslots=<value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): already in reuse list
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): inserted at slot[<value>] of reuse
list, next slot2process => <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Reuse timeout examining <slot>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): found damp hist F.O.M = <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): decaying F.O.M...
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): decayed F.O.M = <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Reusing route [<ip_addr>/<bits>]
from [<ip_addr>,<as>]
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Freeing up damp history
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Reuse timeout done
DAMP : [<ip_addr>,<AS>] <function_name> (<line>): Damp event for
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): No damping history found
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): damping history exists FOM =
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): new FOM = <value>
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): no dampening
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Un-suppressing the route
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): suppressed now. DAMP :
<function_name> (<line>): stays suppressed. DAMP : <function_name>
(<line>): recorded reachability event
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Freeing up damp history
DAMP : [<ip_addr>,<AS>] <function_name> (<line>): Route
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Alloc'ed dampHist; Set FOM to 1.0 –
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): damp hist already exists,FOM =
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): New FOM = <value> for
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): unlinking from reuse list
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Unlinking route <ip_addr> &
inserting into reuse list
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): (fatal Error) bad dampening state
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Flap dampening cannot start -
invalid parameters
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): (fatal Error) can allocate required
memory !
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Damp reuse slots= <value>.
DAMP : <function_name> (<line>): Reuse array init of <value>
elements complete
17.5.3 FSM
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name>: ENTRY: [PEER_STATE <state>]
EVENT <event>
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name>: EXIT : EVENT <event>
[NEXT_STATE <state>]
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Start Event
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): About to idle.
Freeing resources
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Notification
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Completed
initialization. Stopping connretry timer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending Open msg
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Completed
Initialization. Starting Hold Timer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Restarting Connect
Retry Timer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Starting Connect
Retry Timer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Connect failed
(<Error>) closing connection
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): going active
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Stopping large
hold timer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Restarting Connect
Retry Timer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Closing tcp
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending
Notification [cease]
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending
Notification [fsmerr]
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Sending
Notification [holdtimeout]
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Open msg
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Processed Open
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Bad Open msg!
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): starting keepalive
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): sending keepalive
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Keepalive
msg. Completed initialization.
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Bad Keepalive
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): peer established
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): restarting hold
timer [<time>] sec
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Update msg
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Processed Update
msg. restarting Hold Timer [<time>]
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Bad Update
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Route Refresh
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Processed Route
Refresh msg
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Rcvd Bad Route
Refresh msg!
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): connect retry
timer expired for non-existent peer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Connect Retry
Timer Expired
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): keep alive timer
expired for non-existent peer
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): hold timer expired
for non-existent peer[<pointer>]
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): stopping autostart
FSM : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>):
FSM : <function_name>: aborting temp peer <ip_addr>, fd
<descriptor>, lport <port_num>
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name>: [PEER_STATE <stateStr>]\n"
"\t aborted <out/in>-bound peer! Event <eventStr>
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Exceeded max. autostart attempts, no
successful update. \n" "\tDisabling peer <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Autostart scheduled to restart peer
<ip_addr>in <time> sec
17.5.4 TCP
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): reacquiring TCP
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): tcpBind OK
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Initiating TCP
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): connect ok
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): closing
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): opening connection
TCP : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): tcpConnect()
failed[<Error>] going to active state
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): outBound=<value>,rport=<value>,fd
<value>,peer <ip_addr>, new inc rport <value>,newfd <value>
TCP : <function_name> : TCP MD5 auth. setup failure for (<string>)
peer <ip_addr>, AS <as>, socFd <value>!
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): listen failed
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): TCP port <port> ACCEPTED
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): TCP port <port>. fd <descriptor>
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): TCP port <port> write failed
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): TCP port <port> read failed
TCP : <function_name> (<line>): errno=<Error>, len=%d - EOF/ tcp
read Error !
<function_name> (<line>): Inc TCP cnx from [<ip_addr>,port=<port>]
<function_name> (<line>): Unconfigured peer attempted connect
<function_name> (<line>): Nbr [<ip_addr>] in connect expected (update
src) "
"laddr [<ip_addr>] got [<ip_addr>]
<function_name> (<line>): Outbound TCP cnx not yet ready.
getpeername(<file desc>) errno <err>
<function_name> (<line>): getsockopt(<file desc>) failed, errno <err>.
clearing fdwrite
<function_name> (<line>): so_Error <so_Error>(<so_err>), clearing
<function_name> (<line>): Outbound TCP cnx failed. getpeername(<file
desc>) errno <err>
<function_name> (<line>): Outbound TCP cnx succeeded [raddr
<function_name>: outbound TCP cnx (fd <file desc>, raddr <ip_addr>,
port <port>) failed !\n\t ioctl(FIONBIO) failed errno <err>
<function_name>: outbound TCP cnx failed (fd <file desc>, raddr
<ip_addr>, port <port>) connect failed errno <err>
<function_name> (<line>): outbound TCP cnx IN PROGRESS (fd <file desc>,
raddr <ip_addr>, port <port>)
<function_name> (<line>): outbound TCP cnx inline success!! (fd <file
desc>, laddr <ip_addr>, port <port> ,raddr <ip_addr>, port <port>)
<function_name> (<line>): TCP send not complete, len_send=<len>,
len_to_send <len>
17.5.5 TM
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized aggr DB...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized intf DB ...
TM: <function_name> (<line>): bgpClock created with size <number>,
prealloc <number>, tick_time <number>
TM: <function_name> (<line>): Sending Init complete to DRC TM ...
TM: <function_name> (<line>): Getting initial config...
TM: <function_name> : BGP admin status not enabled / AS number not
set. Exiting !
TM: <function_name> (<line>): Router ID <ip_addr> not valid.
TM: <function_name> (<line>): Primary address (<ip_addr>) not
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized network DB...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized peer DB...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized policy DB...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized bgp database skiplists
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized damp DB...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized route DB & attrib DB ...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Initialized sync DB...
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Send task BGP running to TM.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Reply with ping message to TM.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Request Info to TM.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): ved IPRM Task Up Msg.Recei
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Error opening IPRM MsgQ: <Error>
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Send halting message to TM.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Received Primary address (<ip_addr>)
from TM.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Primary address received (<ip_addr>)
from TM not valid.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Received Router ID (<ip_addr>) from
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Router ID received (<ip_addr>) from
TM not valid.
TM : <function_name> (<line>): Received IPRM Task Down Msg.
17.5.6 PEER_INFO
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Aborting
outbound peer for incoming cnx.
PEER_INFO : <function_name> (<line>): Peer <ip_addr> transitioned
PEER_INFO : <function_name> (<line>): Peer <ip_addr> transitioned
to IDLE state.
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Set peer
ifAddr <ip_addr>, mask <mask>
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER
WITHDRAW - Time DEFERRED at <time>
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER
WITHDRAW - deferred msg posted !
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER
WITHDRAW - Time END at <time>
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): PEER
WITHDRAW - Peer withdrawal terminated correctly
PEER_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): sending
packed attributes - but Peer[<ip_addr>] deleted!
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t cleaning up tmp peer <ip_addr>(<as>)
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): aborting peer
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>):\n\t merging temp peer onto
real db peer
<function_name> (<line>): starting all peers
<function_name> (<line>): stopping all peers
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): clearing statistics
17.5.7 ROUTE
<function_name> (<line>): Adding Routing Database Entry
<function_name> (<line>): Deleting Routing Database Entry
<function_name> (<line>): RDB entry <ip_addr>/<len> deleted
<function_name> (<line>): \n\tAllocating path for [<ip_addr>/<len>]
from [<peer>] proto [<proto>]
<function_name> (<line>): \n\tInserting path for [<ip_addr>/<len>] from
[<peer>] proto [<proto>]
<function_name> (<line>): Unfeasible route adding at end
<function_name> (<line>): No other feasible route adding at begin
<function_name> (<line>): Med always enabled straight insertion
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): No path from this AS,
prefix <ip_addr>
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>):Path from this AS changed,
prefix <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): \n\tRemoving path for [<ip_addr>/<len>] from
[<peer>] proto [<proto>]
<function_name>: Direct removal -<ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Removing and resorting remaining routelist\n
<function_name> (<line>): Med-always direct removal
<function_name>: Not bestInAS(<ip_addr>): direct removal -
<function_name>: lastInAS (<ip_addr>): direct removal -<ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Reinserting AS group -<ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Rt <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Deleting active path for<ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): New active path for<ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Remove old path from peer sourcing the best
<function_name> (<line>): Clearing upd bit for source peer
<function_name> (<line>): Cannot advertise active path
<function_name> (<line>): Withdrawing path <ip_addr>/<bits> sourced by
<function_name> (<line>): Withdrawing Unfeasible path
<function_name> (<line>): Withdrawing Inactive <path/multipath>
<function_name> (<line>): Withdrawing Active Path
<function_name> (<line>): Alternate Path is available
<function_name> (<line>): No Alternate Path is available
<function_name> (<line>): Withdrawing prefix <ip_addr>/<bits>from
neighbour <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Ebgp route withdraw dampening unreach event
<function_name> (<line>): Policy path reject event
<ip_addr>/<bits>sourced by <bgpRouteProtostring>
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to create route entry for rejected
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to allocate route for rejected path
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to allocate route for rejected path
<function_name> (<line>): Dampened route now policy rejected clearing
<function_name> (<line>): Inactive <path>path policy rejected
<function_name> (<line>): Policy rejected path staying so
<function_name> (<line>): Active path policy rejected
<function_name> (<line>): Unsynchronized path policy rejected
<function_name> (<line>): Path Dampen event <ip_addr>/<bits> sourced by
<function_name> (<line>): Inactive <path> path is dampened
<function_name> (<line>): Active path is dampened
<function_name> (<line>): Dampened path staying dampened
<function_name> (<line>): damp event bad state!
<function_name> (<line>): \n\tIncoming path event <ip_addr>/<bits>
sourced by <bgpRouteProtostring>
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to allocate routing database entry for
new prefix" <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to allocate route for new prefix
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to allocate route for active prefix
<function_name> (<line>): Unfeasible path becoming feasible
<function_name> (<line>): Previously active path updated
<function_name> (<line>): No change in attributes and pref
<function_name> (<line>): Previously inactive path updated
<function_name> (<line>): No change in attributes and pref
<function_name> (<line>): Failed to allocate route while activating
prefix <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Unfeasible path becoming active
<function_name> (<line>): bad state-event!
<function_name> (<line>): \n\tIncoming path <ip_addr>/<bits>from <as>
bgp-nexthop <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): node <ptr>; leaf<ptr>; rdbEntry <ptr>
<function_name> (<line>): Inbound policy rejects the path
<function_name> (<line>): Peer is not soft reconfigured. Dropping path
<function_name> (<line>): Peer is soft reconfigured. Storing path
<function_name> (<line>): Memory Error while processing rejected path
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop is unreachable, path is
<function_name> (<line>): Prefix <ip_addr> is synchronized
<function_name> (<line>): Error while processing path event for synched
prefix <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Prefix <ip_addr> is un-synchronized
<function_name> (<line>): Error while processing ASPATH change for path
" to <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): no dampening
<function_name> (<line>): Error while undampening path to
<function_name> (<line>): path stays dampened
<function_name> (<line>): path is dampened
[<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>):\n\t Ignoring
<ip_addr>/<bits>, since less specific route <ip_addr>/<bits> exists !!
<function_name> (<line>): Injecting feasible path, <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Error while injecting feasible path to
<function_name> (<line>): Reusing dampened path <ip_addr>/<bits> from
<function_name> (<line>): Adding Local route to <ip_addr>/<bits>from
proto <bgpRouteProtostring>
<function_name> (<line>): Updating Local route to <ip_addr>/<bits>from
proto <bgpRouteProtostring>
<function_name> (<line>): Deleting Local route to <ip_addr>/<bits>from
proto <bgpRouteProtostring>
<function_name> (<line>): policy re-evaluation accepted path
<ip_addr>/<bits> prefix is unsynchronized
<function_name> (<line>): policy re-evaluation accepted path
<ip_addr>/<bits> nexthop is unsynchronized
<function_name> (<line>): no soft reconfig dropping route
<function_name> (<line>): deleting path <ip_addr>/<bits> sourced by
<function_name> (<line>): Unsynchronized path event <ip_addr>/<bits>
sourced by <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Active path unsynchronized
ROUTE : <function_name> (<line>): Retaining previous path as best
for <ip_addr>/<bits>...
17.5.8 SYNC
<function_name> (<line>): FDB Sync got deferred
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Nexthop [<ip_addr>] not reachable
<function_name> (<line>): Network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr> is synchronized
with FDB
<function_name> (<line>): Removing route <ip_addr>/<bits> from FDB
<function_name> (<line>): Dampened path unsynchronized now
<function_name> (<line>): Feasible <route> path unsynchronized
<function_name> (<line>): Unsynchronized path staying so
ROUTE : <function_name> (<line>): Marking multi-paths for
<ip_addr>/<bits> ...
ROUTE : <function_name> (<line>): Selecting path with lower BGP Id
for <ip_addr>/<bits>...
ROUTE : <function_name> (<line>): (prevBest <expression> curBest)
for <ip_addr>/<bits>!
ROUTE : <function_name> (<line>): Best <expression> path update to
IPRM - Rt <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Starting Fdb sync..
<function_name> (<line>): Route synchronization list is not empty
<function_name> (<line>): Network list is not empty
<function_name> (<line>): RedistFilter list is not empty
<function_name> (<line>) :Sync rescheduled.
<function_name> (<line>): IPRM recv msgQ stats: maxmsgs=<max msg>,
curmsgs=<cur msg>
<function_name> (<line>): IPRM recv Q is full: rescheduling sync
<function_name> (<line>): Rescheduling(mq_send): nRoutes=<nroutes>;
<function_name> (<line>): Synched up [<nroutes>] entries to FDB. Msg
#[<no msg>]
<function_name> (<line>): Sent <no msg> msgs to IPRM
<function_name> (<line>): Some more entries – rescheduled
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Ignoring reachable nextHop [<ip_addr>]
since BGP proto
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Nexthop [<ip_addr>] is reachable (proto
<function_name> (<line>) : Network Add/Update trigger from FDB
<function_name> (<line>) : Network Delete trigger from FDB
<function_name> (<line>):Adding (<L/P>) <mpath>route :\n"
"\t Dest <ip_addr>/<bits> via <ip_addr> vlanID[<vlan id>] rtag[<tag>]
<function_name> (<line>): IPRM is down
<function_name> (<line>): Accept trigger <ip_addr>/<as>]\n"
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Failure of sending message to IPRM
(XSO Note: We shouldn't be there
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Deregistering prefix
<ip_addr>/<bits> with IPRM.
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Nexthop [<ip_addr>] unreachable
<function_name> (<line>): Ignore trigger <ip_addr>/<as>]\n"
"\t Cached Info via [<ip_addr>/<as>] is more specific
"\t Cached Info via [<ip_addr>/<as>] is less specific
<function_name> (<line>): Accept trigger <ip_addr>/<as>]\n"
"\t Cached Info [<ip_addr>/<as>] - caching new Info
<function_name> (<line>): Cache updated
<function_name> (<line>): Nothing of interest to cache process
<function_name> (<line>): Cache updated. Was unreachable, now reachable
via <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop & prefix sync'ed; generating path
event for <ip_addr>/<bits>sourced by <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop sync'ed; prefix is not for
<ip_addr>/<bits>sourced by <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop sync'ed; generating path event for
<ip_addr>/<bits>sourced by <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop [<ip_addr>] lookup not found
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop [<ip_addr>] lookup found (proto
<function_name> (<line>): Mysterious IPRM Error code returned (...)
<function_name> (<line>): Unknown IPRM code returned !
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop [<ip_addr>] is still reachable via
<ip_addr>/<bits> Simulate reachable event
<function_name> (<line>): No route to Nexthop [<ip_addr>].
<function_name> (<line>): Nexthop unsync'ed; generating path unsync
event for <ip_addr>/<bits> sourced by <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): IGP prefix add/upd trigger <ip_addr>/<bits>
sourced by <str>
<function_name> (<line>) : Synchronizing with OSPF router id <ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): IGP prefix delete
trigger<ip_addr>/<bits>sourced by <str>
<function_name> (<line>): event <evt_type>, <ip_addr>/<bits>
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Failure of sending BGP SHUTDOWN
message to IPRM
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Failure of sending message to
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): iprmReplaceMsg full(@prefix
<ip_mask>), sending [nRoutes=<number>]!
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Registering prefix
<ip_addr>/<bits> with IPRM.
SYNC : <function_name> : Similar Redist filter[proto <string>;
<ip_addr>/<bits>] exists - skipping!
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Nexthop [<ip_addr>] (proto
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): no NH peer listed.
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Process PNH[0x<address>]
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): END PROCESS
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Process route[<ip_addr>] from
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Ignoring reachable nextHop
[<ip_addr>] since BGP proto
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): unreachable - Time DEFERRED at
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): Ignoring <string> event
[<ip_addr>] since BGP proto
SYNC : <function_name> : Dumping iprmNextHopInfo contents for
nextHopAddr <ip_addr>. proto <string>; netAddr <ip_addr>; mask
<ip_mask>; routeTag 0x<number>; gwCount <count>
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): tgwy[#<number>]: gwAddr <ip_addr>;
vlanId <value>
SYNC : <function_name> (<line>): adjusting nextHop <ip_addr>
vlanId(<value>) to <value>
<function_name>: Added IntfDb Entry[#<count>]:<ip_addr>/<ifMask>,
vlanId <vlan id>
<function_name>: Deleting IntfDb Entry
[#<count>]:<ip_addr>/<ifMask>, vlanId <vlan id>
<function_name> (<line>): Registering network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr> with
Routing manager
<function_name> (<line>): Registering network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr> with
Routing manager canceled :"" IPRM is down”
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Network is synchronized with FDB
<function_name> (<line>): No local route for network <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Caching network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Activating networks
<function_name> (<line>): DeActivating networks
<function_name> (<line>): Deleting network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Disabling network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr>
<function_name> (<line>): Network <ip_addr>/<ip_addr> is unsynchronized
with FDB
<function_name> (<line>): Updating network parameter
<function_name> (<line>): No local route for network <ip_addr>/<bits>
LOCAL_ROUTE : <function_name> (<line>): Failure of sending message
17.5.10 POLICY
<function_name> (<line>): handling policy chg [string]
<function_name> (<line>): handling policy chg [string] done
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Aspath filter list <name><match str> path
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Prefix filter list <name><match str>
prefix <ip_addr>/<len>
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Community List <name><match str>
community <bgpCommunityStr>
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t No Active Inbound Policy. Accepting
prefix <ip_addr>/<len>
<function_name> (<line>):\n\t Inbound Policy ,<accepts/rejects> rejects
prefix <ip_addr>/<len>
POLICY : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Re-evaluating
peer's recv policy
17.5.11 REDIST
<function_name> (<line>): Registering with IPRM for Redistribution
<function_name> (<line>): Rt <ip_addr>/<bits> \n"
proto < bgpRouteProtostring>, gwy <gw_addr>, metric <metric>, lpref
<lpref>, origin <origin>
<function_name> (<line>): Rt <ip_addr>/<bits> protocol <proto>
<function_name> (<line>): Unable to find Redist filter db for proto
<function_name> (<line>): Adding Redist filter <proto> <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Deleting Redist filter <proto>
<function_name> (<line>): Registering Redist filter canceled : IPRM is
<function_name> (<line>): Deregistering Redist filter canceled : IPRM
is down
<function_name> (<line>): Loading route for filter proto <str>, addr
"<function_name> (<line>): Redist proto <str> route: \n"
"\t dst <ip_addr>/<bits>, metric <metric>, metric2
<metric2>, rtType <EXT/INT>(<flag>), tag <tag>
<function_name> (<line>): Injecting Rt <ip_addr>/<bits> \n"
", gwy <gw_addr>, metric <metric>, lpref <lpref>, tag <tag>
<function_name> (<line>): Filter deletion complete <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Route not found in FDB
<function_name> (<line>): UnLoading route <str> <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Removing route from database
<function_name> (<line>): Route not found in database
<function_name> (<line>): Filter deletion complete
<function_name> (<line>): Loading routes for filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Attempting to load route from FDB <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Excluding route for the filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Overridden By Child Filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Already loaded by Child Filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Ignoring invalid addr <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Rt <ip_addr>/<bits> \n" "\t proto < Str>, gwy
<gw_addr>, metric <metric>, lpref <lpref>, tag <tag>
<function_name> (<line>):Filter Deletion complete <str>
<function_name> (<line>): UnLoading routes for filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Attempting to unload route from database
<str> <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Excluding unload-route for the filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Check override by childfilter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Route <str> <ip_addr>/<bits> unload
Overridden by Child Filter
<function_name> (<line>): Unloaded route from database
<function_name> (<line>): Filter Deletion complete <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Unloading route for filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Loading route for this filter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling filter <str> <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Disabling filter <str> <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Enabling filter subnet match <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Disabling filter subnet match <str>
<function_name> (<line>):Setting Filter Effect to Permit <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Setting Filter Effect to Deny <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Updating filter parameter <str>
<function_name> (<line>): Loading Redist filter db...
<function_name> (<line>): BGP Redist Proto <proto> not
<function_name> (<line>): Loading Redist filters for Protocol <proto>
<function_name> (<line>): Filtering for <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Deferred while loading addr <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Completed loading Redist filter db.
<function_name> (<line>): Registering Redist filters ...
<function_name> (<line>): Deregistering Redist filters...
<function_name> (<line>): BGP Redist Proto <proto> not
<function_name> (<line>): Deregistering filters for protocol <proto>
<function_name> (<line>): Deregistering filter proto <proto>, addr
<function_name> (<line>): Completed Deregistering Redist filters
<function_name> (<line>): Insert/Update Event - proto <proto>, addr
<function_name> (<line>): Trigger ignored
<function_name> (<line>): Found associated filter <ip_addr>/<bits>
<function_name> (<line>): Ignoring invalid addr <ip_addr> mask <bits>
<function_name> (<line>) : Delete Event – protocol <proto>, addr
<function_name> (<line>) : No route to delete. Ignoring trigger
17.5.12 Misc
BGP_INFO : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): POLICY RCV
REEVAL - Time START at <time>
UPD_TX : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): WARNING Found
len mismatch in ougAttr(<pointer>), oa->len = <length>
UPD_TX : <function_name> (<line>): ** Outgoing
attribute...(saveP=<pointer>, p=<pointer>, (p-saveP)=<number>)
UPD_TX : <function_name> (<line>): Set correct len in outgoing
UPD_TX : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Clearing
ougAttrList, size = <length>
Error me> : inOidNum = <oidnum>
Error : <function_name> : looking up <ip_addr>
UPD_RX : [<ip_addr>,<as>] <function_name> (<line>): Advertised
<number> prefixes [Time <time>]
18.1 Error Messages
: <function_na
Description : Error in OID Number
Description : Lookup failed
Error : <function_name> :Failed to add DRC interface
Error : <function_name>: Failed to find DRC interface
Error : <function_name>: Failed to delete DRC interface
Error : <function_name> : enable of DRC interface failed
Error : <function_name> : unable to locate drcIntf for vlan <vlanId>
Error : <function_name> : disable of DRC interface failed
Error : Error in zcRecvFrom:ret=<len>
18.2 Warning Messages
Warning : <function_name> : Default root in PDB already exists
18.3 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
INFO : <function_name>: entering...
INFO : <function_name>: Adding Interface (<vlanId>)
addr>/<ip_mask> <ip_
INFO : <function_name> : Deleting Interface <ip_addr>
INFO : <function_name> : Enabling interface vlanId=<vlanId>
INFO : <function_name> : Disabling interface vlanId=<vlanId>
INFO : <function_name> : disabling EMP
INFO : <function_name> : not enabled
INFO : <function_name > : Modifying interface(vlanId <vlanId>) to
0x<ip_addr>/0x<ip_mask> addr
INFO : There are %d routes waiting for IPDA parents
INFO : IPSA Source Gateway IPDA Gateway
ocol VLAN Prot
INFO : <ip_addr> <gateway>
INFO : <ip_addr>
INFO : <vlanId>
INFO : <proto>-<id> <vlanId>
INFO : <ip_addr> <vlanid> <flags>
INFO : Got DRC msg of type <msgId> from <task>
INFO : Restoring SIGUSR1
INFO : Restoring SIGALRM
INFO : Restoring SIGINT
INFO : <function_name> : Exit after <count> msgs
INFO : <function_name>: Exit after <count> msgs
INFO : <function_name> : Enter
INFO : <function_name> : Received DRC message. payload_len <length>
INFO : <function_name>: IPRM pipe not empty.NOT queueing new message
INFO : IPRM spawned with rtr id = <ip_addr> prim addr = <ip_addr>
level =<level> log_
INFO : <function_name> : Entering select.
INFO : <function_name> : select exited with n <number> and errno
INFO : <function_name> : select exited with n <number>.
INFO : <function_name> :IPDA Tree <number> not valid
INFO : <function_name>: Proto <proto>/<session> is creating a
Redist Node for <ip_addr>/<ip_mask>
INFO : proto <proto>/<session> subnets <subnet> permit <permit> tag
<tag> flags <flag>
INFO : Policy Database - Redist
INFO : Destination Match Action Flags
INFO : ----------- ----- ------ -----
INFO : Flushing msg off Q
18.4 MIP
MIP : <function_name> : mask <ip_mask> (<ip_mask>) not
MIP : <function_name> : queueing failed with retcod = <return_code>
MIP : <function_name>: got EOIC
MIP : <function_name>: considering rt at <pointer>, <ip_addr>
MIP : <function_name> : snapshot: <ip_addr> mask <ip_mask> gateway
MIP : in <function_name>
MIP : <function_name> : got overflow, setting to <pointer>
MIP : <function_name> : view: <ip_addr> <ip_mask>
-> <ip_addr>, metric <metric>
MIP : <function_name>: handle = (<pointer>, <pointer> , <length>)
MIP : <function_name> : overflowed from RIB
MIP : returning handle = (<pointer>, <pointer> , <length>)
MIP : <function_name> : overflow from list1
MIP : <function_name>: overflow from list2
MIP : <function_name>..tblId=<id>, inOidNum=<oid>, all=<all>
MIP : <function_name>: filter_dest = <ip_addr>
MIP : inIndexNum == <index_num> should be 13
MIP : addr = <ip_addr>, mask = <ip_mask>, gwAddr = <ip_addr> , tos =
MIP : <function_name> : Couldn't lookup leaf for route
MIP : <function_name> : Couldn't find route with correct TOS
MIP : <function_name>:, Couldn't find right GW
MIP : pObject->nominator = <number>
MIP : <function_name>: Couldn't find next route
MIP : <function_name>: next node values...addr = <ip_addr> , mask =
MIP : inIndexNum == <index_num> should be 12
MIP : <function_name>: Found route but it isn't static
MIP : <function_name>: Found route, but no gateway
MIP : <function_name>: Found route, but wrong gateway <ip_addr>
MIP : <function_name>:, Couldn't find route
MIP : <function_name>: octet <number> > 255
MIP : <function_name>: Failure on reading object
MIP : <function_name>: dest is wrong length (<length>)
MIP : <function_name>: metric (<metric>) is bogus
MIP : <function_name>: host route rejected, dest and gw same
MIP : <function_name>: mask not contiguous <ip_addr>
MIP : <function_name> : Tried to create a static route
MIP : <function_name>: Tried to set rowStatus to <number>
MIP : <function_name>: gwAddr <ip_addr> is not on a local net
MIP : dest = <ip_addr>
MIP : mask = <ip_mask>
MIP : gwAddr = <ip_addr>
MIP : metric = <metric>
MIP : status = <status>
MIP : <function_name> : Adding static route <ip_addr>-><ip_addr>,
metric = <metric>
MIP : <function_name>: iprmFdbCreateRoute returned Error
MIP : <function_name>: iprmFdbDeleteRoute returned Error
MIP : <function_name> : snapshot: <ip_addr> mask <ip_mask> gateway
<ip_addr> metric <metric>
18.5 Protocol Specific Messages
18.5.1 REDIST
REDIST : <function_name>: Proto <proto> has registered, requesting
Redist from
REDIST : <function_name>: Slave for <proto> already registered
REDIST : <function_name>: Module <task> (proto <proto>) has de-
18.5.2 IPSA
IPSA : <function_name> : Insert Trigger for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Node has a parent with IPSA routes attached
IPSA : <function_name> : Testing IPSA route <ip_addr>/<size>
against new node
IPSA : <function_name> : Moving IPSA route to new node
IPSA : <function_name> : Flushing Update for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Flushing Delete for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Testing new node against <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Update Trigger for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Delete Trigger for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> Flushing ARP Delete for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Flushing ROUTE Update for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Flushing ROUTE Delete for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Purge Trigger for <ip_addr>/<size>
IPSA : <function_name> : Moving SA route <ip_addr>/<size>
to DA node <ip_addr>/<size>
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :! Entry exists for <ip_addr>/<size>
Description : Not able to locate the node for the given route
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : rdxObjLocate failed for
ze> <ip_addr>/<si
Description : Not able to locate the node for the given route
IPRMERROR : <function_name>:! iprmCreateLeaf() failed for <ip_addr>
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :! rdxObjAdd() failed for <ip_addr>
IPRMERROR : AF_ROUTE socket call failed
Description : Error creating and initialize the routing socket.
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : non-blocking ioctl failed
Description : Error while making the routing socket non-blocking.
IPRMERROR : Failed on PoolCreate for FDBDANodePool
Description : Error in initializing the DA FDB pool
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :iprmDAFdbOpen() failed
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :iprmSAOpen() failed
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :iprmPdbOpen() failed
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :iprmPdbNHSOpen() failed
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : Error with rt_buff malloc
Description : Error while setup buffer to use when receiving routing
sock Info et
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : iprm_falcon_socket
Description : Error creating Falcon Socket
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : bind iprm_falcon_socket
Description : Error while binding Falcon Socket
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : iprmPdbNHROpen failed
IPRM : <f
Description : Not in proper context in
ERROR unction_name> : Unknown context <context>
IPRMERROR : <function_name>: Error opening PDB.
Description : Message does not fit in the buffer
ERROR <function_name> : iprm_drcmsg buffer too small
IPRMERROR : <function_name>: failed in iprmCreatePdbLeaf
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : node <addr> not found
IPRMERROR : <function_name> : sem_post failed for <taskid>
Description : Error in posting the semaphore so that the SyncSend
can be completed.
IPRMERROR : <function_name> :malloc
Description : Error in malloc
IPRMERROR : (<function_name>) Error opening <task> msg Q
Description : Error in opening message queue for task.
IPRMERROR : <function_name>:mq_send
Description : Error in mq_send
18.5.4 EVENTIN
EVENTIN : <function_name> : Creating (<ip_addr>/<size>) ...
EVENTIN : <function_name> : Created route <ip_addr>/<size>
EVENTIN : <function_name> : Deleting (<ip_addr>/<size>) ...
EVENTIN : <function_name> : <string> (<ip_addr>/<size>) ...
EVENTIN : <function_name>: Gateway <ip_addr> resolved to node
EVENTIN : <function_name> : Gateway not currently resolvable
EVENTIN : <function_name> :! Route for <ip_addr>/<size> already
EVENTIN : <function_name>: Deleted route <ip_addr>/<size>
EVENTIN : <function_name> :! Route for <ip_addr>/<size>
not found.
EVENTIN : <function_name> :! Unknown function for Route <ip_addr>
18.5.5 FDB
FDB : FdbCreateRoute failed
FDB : <function_name>: <ip_addr>/<ip_mask>-><ip_addr> metric
FDB : <function_name> : Found gw on interface <ip_addr> <ip_mask>
FDB : <function_name> : gw on local, adding to RIB
FDB : <function_name>: gw on local but disabled
FDB : <function_name>: gw on EMP, adding to RIB
FDB : <function_name> : gw on LOOPBACK intf, adding to RIB
FDB : <function_name> : gw not on local, saving....
FDB : <function_name> : able to delete from RIB
FDB : <function_name> : RIB lookup succeeds
FDB : <function_name>: Found static in RIB
FDB : <function_name> : Gateway matches
FDB : <function_name> : looking on list
FDB : <function_name>: found addr/mask
FDB : <function_name> : found gwAddr too
FDB : <function_name> : for intf <ip_addr> <ip_mask>
FDB : <function_name> : <ip_addr> <ip_mask> -><ip_addr>
FDB : <function_name> : moving <ip_addr> <ip_mask> -><ip_addr> from
RIB to list
18.5.6 IPRMTM
IPRMTM : (<function_name>) Got <string> event for <task>
18.5.7 RECV
RECV : (<function_name>) [#<count>] Added route <ip_addr>
(gwCount=<count>) into FIB
RECV : <function_name>: Got flush from <task>
RECV : Adding static default to <ip_addr>
RECV : Unrecognized message ID: <msgid> <taskid>
RECV : <function_name>: Invalid length <length>
RECV : <function_name>: Received MIP message.
RECV : read from rt-socket <length> bytes
RECV : Error reading from rt_socket
18.5.8 SEND
SEND : <function_name> :mq_send failed
18.5.9 TM
TM : <function_name>:level=<level>
18.5.10 POLICY
POLICY : <function_name>: returning because no SUBNET and not match
POLICY : <function_name>: returning, EXTERNAL flag set in route
19 UDP Relay
19.1 Error Messages
Error : allocate_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in socket creation: Error
code = <Error message>
Error : init_socket_ipc_cmm(): Error in zcBind
Error : handle_event_cmm(): select Error = <rror message>
Error : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: Length of sock buffer
too small
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x06600008
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x0660000c
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x06600010
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x06600020
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x06600014
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x06600018
Error : Unable to read the register at 0x0660001c
Description : Error while configuring the addresses to read from
Error : {function name }: Error in zcBufcreate
Error : {function name }: Length of sock buffer too small
Error : {function name }: zcsendto failed
Error : {function name }: Message sent to vlan manager
Error : init_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in socket creation: Error code
= {Error code}
Error : init_socket_ipc_cmm(): Error in zcBind
Error : handle_event_cmm(): select Error = {Error number}
Error : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: Length of sock buffer
too small
Error : REQ: socket busy problem
19.2 Warning Messages
Warning : udp_relay_table_add_ip_address: Diff in Database
Description : Problem in adding IP address
Warning : udp_relay_table_remove_ip_address: Diff in Database
Description : Problem in deleting IP address
Warning : allocate_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in setsockopt: Error code
= <Error message>
Warning : allocate_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in setsockopt: Error code
= <Error message>
Warning : allocate_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in bind: Error code =
<Error message>
Warning : Service <service number> xmt socket Error <Error message>
Warning : Service <service number> xmt setsockopt(sndbuf) Error
<Error message>
Warning : handle_event_cli_cmm: Invalid Message ID
Warning : handle_event_cs_cmm: SLOT_DOWN: slot_number =
Warning : init_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in setsockopt: Error code =
{Error code}
Warning : init_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in setsockopt: Error code =
{Error code}
Warning : init_bsd_socket_cmm(): Error in bind: Error code = {Error
Warning : Service <index>, xmt socket Error {Error number}
Warning : Service <index>, xmt setsockopt(sndbuf) Error {Error
Warning : hndle_event_cli_cmm: Invalid Message ID
Warning : handle_event_cs_cmm: SLOT_DOWN: slot_number = <slot
Warning : avl_bootp_send_resp: not in the list
19.3 Alert Messages
Alert : udpRlyMain(): MIP registration failed
Description : UDP-RELAY module registration with MIP failed.
Alert : udpRlyMain(): vlan manager registration failed
Description : UDP-RELAY module registration with VM failed.
Alert : init_data_cmm(): malloc Error
Description : Memeory Allocation Failure during UDP_RELAY
Alert : enqueue_to_ip: Error in Pkt enqueued in the IP queue
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Error in malloc
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Length of sock buffer too small
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Error in malloc
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Length of sock buffer too small
Alert : wait_takeover_cmm: Error in receive
Alert : wait_takeover_cmm: Takeover message received
Alert : wait_takeover_cmm: Unwanted message received. Message ID =
<id>, Sending APPID= <app id>
Alert : send_end_of_start_cmm: short payload Error
Alert : send_basemac_req_cmm: short payload Error
Alert : add_mac_list_cmm(): malloc failed
Alert : udpRlyMain(): MIP registration failed
Alert : udpRlyMain(): vlan manager registration failed
Alert : init_data_cmm(): malloc Error
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Error in malloc
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Length of sock buffer too small
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Error in malloc
Alert : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Length of sock buffer too small
Alert : wait_takeover_cmm: Error in receive
Alert : wait_takeover_cmm: Takeover message received
Alert : wait_takeover_cmm: Unwanted message received. Message ID =
<msg id>, Sending APPID= <app id>
Alert : send_end_of_start_cmm: short payload Error
Alert : send_basemac_req_cmm: short payload Error
19.4 Alarm Messages
Alarm : aaaDhcpAddToList : Error in zcBufCreate
Description : IPC Buffer allocation failed.
Alarm : aaaDhcpAddToList : zcSendTo failed
Description : IPC sending buffer failed.
Alarm : {function name}: Error in zcBufCreate
Description : IPC Buffer allocation failed.
Alarm : {function name}: Error in sending BOOTP packet
Description : Sending BOOTP packet failed.
Alarm : {function name}: Error in sending DHCP DISCOVER packet
Description : Sending DHCP DISCOVER packet failed.
Alarm : {function name}: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : {function name}: Error in sending DHCP REQUEST packet
Alarm : Error in zcSocket: init_socket_ipc_cmm
Alarm : handle_event_ipc_cmm: Error in zcrecvfrom
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: zcSendTo ailed
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: zcSendTo ailed
Alarm end_end_of_start_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate : s
Alarm : send_end_of_start_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : send_basemac_req_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : send_basemac_rq_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: zcSendto Failed
Alarm : Error in zcSocket: init_socket_ipc_cmm
Alarm : handle_event_ipc_cmm: Error in zcrecvfrom
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Error in sending packet
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Error in sending packet
Alarm : send_end_of_start_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : send_end_of_start_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : send_basemac_req_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : send_basemac_rq_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: zcSendto Failed
Alarm : BOOTP REP: sendto problem: {Error message}
Alarm : BOOTP REP: socket busy problem
Alarm : avl_bootp_send_resp: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : avl_bootp_send_resp : Error in sending packet
Alarm : bootpGWHandleRequest(): sendto problem: { Error message}
Alarm : genericHandleRequest(): sendto problem: {Error message}
Alarm : enable_reg_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : enable_reg_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : disable_reg_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate\
Alarm : disable_reg_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : display_reg_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm : display_reg_cmm: Error in zcSendto
Alarm : modify_reg_cmm: Error in zcBufCreate
Alarm :modify_reg_cmm: Error in zcSendto
19.5 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
INFO : aaaDhcpListLoop: clock gettime problem
INFO : aaaDhcpListLoop: entry removed: MAC: <Mac Address>
INFO : aaaDhcpListLoop: aging time/time: <aging time> / <time>
INFO : aaaDhcpListLoop: finding: MAC: <Mac Address> SVPN: <Source
Virtual Port Number>
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList: MAC or SVPN was zero
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList: MAC: <Mac Address> SVPN: <Source Virtual
Port Number>
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList:Received DHCP msg type <DHCP msg type> for
MAC <Mac Address> with bootpIpAddr = <IP
Address> and vlan_number = <vlan Number>
INFO :aaaDhcpAddToList: adding MAC: <Mac Address> SVPN:
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList: Unable to alloc memory for DHCP Processing
<Source Virtual Port Number>
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList : PER VLAN mismatch for server = {address}
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList : PER VLAN match for server = {address}
INFO : aaaDhcpAddToList : Send Release msg to AAA
INFO : aaaDhcpCheckList: MAC was zero
INFO : aaaDhcpCheckList: The list has never been initialized because
no element have been inserted in the list
INFO : aaaDhcpCheckList: return value = <return value>
INFO : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGet: Entry not found
INFO : Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGet: Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGetNext: Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxPropertiesTableGet: Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxPropertiesTableGetNext: Entry not found
INFO : iphelperxStatTableGet: Entry not found
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: IP address belongs to the switch
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: destination mac = <mac address>
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: source mac = <mac address>
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: destination ip = {ip address}
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: source ip = {ip address}
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: destination mac =
broadcast.Enqueueing to Ip stack
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: destination mac != router mac&&
destination mac ! = VRRP mac. Not Enqueueing
to Ip stack
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: destination mac == router mac.
Enqueueing to Ip stack
INFO : Received unknown packet for the bootp service opcode rec'd=
<packet opcode type>
INFO : handle_event_ipc_cmm: Invalid message ID
INFO : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved invalid message from the NI
INFO : handle_event_cs_cmm: Invalid message
INFO : add_mac_list_cmm: existing entry
INFO : add_mac_list_cmm: non existing entry
INFO : search_mac_list_cmm: match found
INFO : search_mac_list_cmm: match not found
INFO : delete_mac_list_cmm: match found
INFO : delete_mac_list_cmm: match not found
INFO : Received packet fro the unknown service on bsd socket
INFO : handle_event_ipc_cmm: Invalid message ID
INFO : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved invalid message from the NI
INFO : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: IP address belongs to the switch
INFO : handle_event_cs_cmm: Invalid state
INFO : handle_event_cs_cmm: Invalid message
INFO : BOOTP REP: BOOTP Reply reached
INFO : BOOTP REP: no i/f for reply to {address}, <address>
INFO : BOOTP REP: unknown flags set=<flags>
INFO : BOOTP REQ: received a tweaked packet
INFO : BOOTP REQ: Discarding packet AVLBOOTPMODE only
INFO : BOOTP REQ: Haven't waited long enough: secs=<secs> s/b >=
INFO : BOOTP REQ: BOOTP Request reached hop limit (<realy service
number), dropping.
INFO : BOOTP REQ: no i/f for request from {addr_str}
INFO : BOOTP REQ: vlan_number = <vlan number> is not enabled, pkt
INFO : BOOTP REQ: vlan_number = <vlan number>
INFO : BOOTP REQ: PER VLAN mismatch for server ={address}
INFO : BOOTP REQ: PER VLAN match for server = {address}
INFO : BOOTP REQ: rec'd req on same i/f as svr, NOT fwding: s:
<address> d: <address>
INFO : BOOTP REQ: no direct i/f for server at {address}
INFO : {function name} : no i/f for reply to {address},<address>
INFO : {funcation name }: outbound interface address = <address>
INFO : NON-BOOTP REQ: rec'd req on same i/f as svr, NOT fwding: s:
<address> d : <address>
INFO : NON-BOOTP REQ: no direct i/f for server at {address}
INFO : NON-BOOTP REQ: vlan_number = <vlan id> is not enabled, pkt
INFO : NON-BOOTP REQ: vlan_number = <vlan number>
INFO : eoic_udp_relay_cmm called
INFO : udp_relay_iphelperTableGet: Entry not found
INFO : Entry not found
INFO : udp_relay_iphelperStatTableGet: Entry not found
INFO : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBTest: INVALID forward delay
INFO : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBTest: INVALID max hops
INFO : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBTest: INVALID forward option
INFO : mip_iphelperBootupOption: INVALID bootpOption
INFO : mip_iphelperBootupOption: INVALID bootpPacketOption
19.5.1 Debug
DEBUG1 : handle_event_cs_cmm: CS_BASE_MAC_ADR_RS event received
DEBUG1 : aaaDhcpAddToList : release request sent to AAA
DEBUG2 : {function name}: SLOT= <slot>,SLICE= <slice>, VLAN = <vlan>
DEBUG : {function name}: Sending BOOTP to SLOT= And SLICE=:
<socketaddr slot>,<socketaddr slice>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: BOOTP Message sent to NI after secs =
DEBUG2 : {function name}: Sending DHCP DISCOVER it to SLOT= And
SLICE=: <socketaddr slot>,<socketaddr slice>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: DHCP DISCOVER Message sent to NI afer secs
= <secs>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: msg_type = <msg type>, length = <length>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: yipaddr = <your ip address>, giaddr =
<gateway ip address>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: Already received reply. Ignoring this
DEBUG1 : {function name}: ip mask derived from server = <ip mask>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: ip mask derived natural = <ip mask>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: router address derived from server =
<router address>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: Message sent to vlan manager
DEBUG1 : {function name}: Applying static default route with gateway
= <router address>
DEBUG2 : {function name}: Sending DHCP REQUEST it to SLOT= and
SLICE=: <socketaddr slot>,<socketaddr slice>
DEBUG1 : {function name}: DHCP REQUEST Message sent to NI
DEBUG1 : {function name}: Already received ack. Ignoring this
DEBUG1 : delete_active_service_entry: UDP service for port <key> not
DEBUG1 : delete_active_service_entry: UDP service <key> not found
DEBUG1 : delete_active_service_entry: UDP service {service name} not
DEBUG1 : add_active_service_entry: UDP service table is full
DEBUG1 : add_active_service_entry: input service <service number> is
DEBUG1 : Service {service name} is already in table
DEBUG1 : Service type <service number> is not predefined
DEBUG1 : Port <port number> is already in use for service {service
DEBUG1 : UDP Relay: Unable to allocate service name buffer
DEBUG2 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGet called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGet: Number of entries
in the index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGet: Index =<index>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGetNext called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGetNext: Number of
entries in the index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGetNext: Index =<index>
DEBUG1 : out index is = <service>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGetNext: name
DEBUG2 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableGetNext: status
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: Number of entries
in the index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: required object
missing: status
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: service <service>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: row status <row
status> invalid (duplicate add)
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: action = ADD
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: row status <row
status> invalid (delete missing row)
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableTest: action = DELETE
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableSet:
add_active_service_entry <ret cod>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxServicePortAssociationTableSet:
delete_active_service_entry < ret cod >
DEBUG2 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGet called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGet: Number of entries
in the index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGet: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGetNext called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGetNext: Number of
entries in the index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableGetNext: Index =
DEBUG1 : out index is = <port>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: Number of entries
in the index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: required object
missing: status
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: port <port>
invalid (enumerated)
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: port <port>
invalid (duplicate add)
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: action = ADD
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: row status <row
status> invalid (delete msssing row)
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: action = DELETE
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: Description bad
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest: Description
length <length> invalid
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableSet: calling
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableSet: modified
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableSet: unable to modify
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest:
add_active_service_entry <ret cod>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPortServiceAssociationTableTest:
delete_active_service_entry <ret cod>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxPropertiesTableGet called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPropertiesTableGet: Number of entries in the index
= <index num>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPropertiesTableGet: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxPropertiesTableGetNext called
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPropertiesTableGetNext: Number of entries in the
index = <index count>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxPropertiesTableGetNext: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : snapshot_udp_relay_cmm_service called
DEBUG2 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_instance called ")
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_instance: Number of entries in
the index = <index number)
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_instance: Index =<index>
DEBUG2 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service called
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service: Number of entries in the index
= <index number>
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service: Invalid parameter count <index
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service: Port not found
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service: Service not found
DEBUG2 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_stats called
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_stats: Number of entries in the
index = <index number>
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_stats: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_service_stats: Invalid parameter count
<index number>
DEBUG2 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension called
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension: Number of entries in the
index = <index number
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension: SERVICE
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension: DESTINATIONS
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension: SERVICE STATS
DEBUG1 : view_udp_relay_cmm_extension: UNKNOWN<id>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxStatTableGet called
DEBUG2 : pheperxStatTableGet: Number of entries in the index =
<index number>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxStatTableGet: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : value passed is = <value>
DEBUG2 : out index is = <index>
DEBUG2 : conv byte is = <converted byte>
DEBUG2 : conv int = <converted int>
DEBUG1 : iphelperStatTableTest called
DEBUG2 : phelperStatTableTest: Number of entries in the index =
<index count>
DEBUG2 : iphelperStatTableTest: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : iphelperxStatTableTest: calling
DEBUG1 : iphelperxStatTableTest: find_stat_entry_udp_relay_cmm
DEBUG1 : iphelperxStatTableSet called
DEBUG2 : iphelperxStatTableSet : Number of entries in the index =
<index count>
DEBUG2 : iphelperxStatTableSet: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : init_data_cmm(): Init Ok
DEBUG3 : handle_event_cmm(): Waiting for bsd socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cmm(): Received on bsd socket
DEBUG3 : handle_event_cmm(): Waiting for ipc socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cmm(): received on ipc socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_bsd_cmm: Recieved message from the bsd socket
DEBUG1 : Received <relay data length> bytes from bsd socket <relay
received socket>
DEBUG1 : We got in a tweaked zero IP address packet on bsd socket
DEBUG2 : Recvd on bsd socket pkt from, rtr-port
addr={received address},<socket address>
DEBUG1 : Recvd pkt on bsd socket from IP addr={received
address},<socket address>
DEBUG2 : Received (and tossed) short packet from {address}, len=
<length> bytes
DEBUG1 : Received short packet from bsd socket from {address},
len= <length> bytes
DEBUG2 : Received request packet for the bootp service on bsd socket
DEBUG2 : Received reply packet for the bootp service on bsd socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved message from the NI
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved message from the NI for
regular UDP packet
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved message from the NI for AAA
UDP packet
DEBUG2 : allocate_socket_bsd_cmm(): Bind worked okay for service
<service number>
DEBUG3 : init_socket_ipc_cmm(): Bind worked okay
DEBUG3 : handle_event_cmm(): Waiting
DEBUG2 : GENERIC SERVICE: RECEIVED address, dropping it
DEBUG2 : Generic Service: Recived our own packet: dropping it.
Recived socket address = <socket address>
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ipc_cmm: num of bytes received = <number of
DEBUG2 : enqueue_to_ip: Pkt enqueued in the IP queue
DEBUG1 : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Packet sent to IP using IPC
DEBUG2 : Message content: srcGlobalPort = <port>, avlIpaddr = <ip
address>, srcVlanGid = <vlan id>, svpn =
DEBUG2 : Message content: srcMac = <Mac address>
DEBUG1 : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Packet sent to IP using IPC
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cli_cmm: EOIC recieve
DEBUG2 : send_end_of_start_cmm: Message sent to CS
DEBUG2 : send_basemac_rq_cmm: Message sent to CS
DEBUG2 : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: Message sent to
chassis supervision
DEBUG2 : hex_Dump_cmm: Printing the buffer at address = [address]
DEBUG1 : handle_event_cs_cmm: CS_NI_STATE event received
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cs_cmm: SLOT_UP: slot_number = <slot number>
DEBUG1 : handle_event_cs_cmm: CS_BASE_MAC_ADR_RS event received
DEBUG3 : is_router_mac_cmm: destination mac = <Mac Address>,
remote_slot_number =<remote slot number>
DEBUG3 : s_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_lt_low = <router mac lt low>
DEBUG3 : is_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_lt_high = <
DEBUG3 : is_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_gte_low = <
DEBUG3 : is_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_gte_high =
DEBUG1 : is_router_mac_cmm: destination mac is in the range
DEBUG1 : is_router_mac_cmm: destination mac is not in the range
DEBUG3 : in_range_cmm: destination mac = <Mac Address>
DEBUG3 : in_range_cmm: high mac = <Mac Address>
DEBUG3 : in_range_cmm: low mac = <Mac Address>
DEBUG3 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: destination mac = <Mac Address>,
remote_slot_number = <slot number>
DEBUG3 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_gte_low =
DEBUG2 : {function name }: VM_MOD_DEFAULT_VLAN_ON_PORT rcvd
DEBUG2 : {function name }: VM_DEL_VLAN rcvd. vlan_number = <vlan
DEBUG2 : {function name }: VM_ADD_VLAN rcvd vlan_number = <vlan
DEBUG2 : {function name }: Invalid message: Message ID <msg ID>
DEBUG3 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_gte_high =
DEBUG1 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: destination mac is in the range
DEBUG1 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: destination mac is not in the
DEBUG3 : in_vrrp_range_cmm: high mac = <Mac Address>
DEBUG3 : in_vrrp_range_cmm: low mac = <Mac Address>
DEBUG3 : handle_event_cmm(): Waiting for bsd socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cmm(): Received on bsd socket
DEBUG3 : handle_event_cmm(): Waiting for ipc socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cmm(): received on ipc socket
DEBUG2 : handle_event_bsd_cmm: Recieved message from the bsd socket
DEBUG3 : init_socket_ipc_cmm(): Bind worked okay
DEBUG3 : handle_event_cmm(): Waiting
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved message from the NI;
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved message from the NI for
regular UDP packet
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ni_cmm: Recieved message from the NI for AAA
DEBUG3 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_lt_low = <
DEBUG3 : is_vrrp_router_mac_cmm: router_mac_lt_high = <
DEBUG2 : init_data_cmm(): Init Ok
DEBUG2 : init_socket_bsd_cmm(): Bind worked okay
DEBUG2 : handle_event_ipc_cmm: num of bytes received = <num of
DEBUG1 : enqueue_to_ip_using_ipc: Packet sent to IP using IPC
DEBUG1 : WARNING! Mwssage recieved from AAA with avl_bootp_ifaddr =0
DEBUG2 : {function name} : changing giaddr to <address>
DEBUG1 : enqueue_to_ip_aaa: Packet sent to IP using IPC
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cli_cmm: EOIC recieve
DEBUG2 : send_end_of_start_cmm: Message sent to CS
DEBUG2 : send_basemac_rq_cmm: Message sent to CS
DEBUG2 : handle_event_secondary_takeover_cmm: Message sent to
chassis supervision
DEBUG2 : hex_Dump_cmm: Printing the buffer at address = [address]
DEBUG1 : handle_event_cs_cmm: CS_NI_STATE event received
DEBUG2 : handle_event_cs_cmm: SLOT_UP: slot_number = <slot number>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: sending reply to ip yiaddr = {address},
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: sending reply to ip giaddr = {address},
DEBUG2 : entry found in search list. AVL = <vlan>
DEBUG2 : entry not found in search list
DEBUG2 : avl_bootp_send_resp_ent success
DEBUG2 : FLAGS = <flags>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: Broadcast bit set for reply
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: Reply being sent on bcast=<address>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: Reply being sent unk flags to bcast=0x
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: relayBcastReplay =1 or
dhcp_relay_unset_bcast_flag = 1
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: Reply being sent forced on bcast=<address>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: Couldn't set ARP entry, Error= <-1>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: ARP entry set OK
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP relayUcastReply=1: sending unicast reply to ip
yiaddr = {address}, <address>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP relayUcastReply=1: cannot send unicast reply to
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: relayUcastReply = 1 Couldn't set ARP entry,
Error= <-1>;
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: relayUcastReply = 1 ARP entry set OK
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REP: IP Source Address is ={address}, <address>
DEBUG2 : tavl_bootp_send_resp: xid: <id> has svpn :<svpn>,secs:
<seconds>, flags: <flags>, hops: <hops>
DEBUG2 : avl_boot_send_resp: retval from aaaDhcpCheckList = <value>
DEBUG1 : {fuction name } : sending reply to ip yiaddr=
DEBUG2 : avl_bootp_send_resp: Sending it to SLOT= And SLICE=:
DEBUG1 : avl_bootp_send_resp: Message sent to NI
DEBUG2 : BOOTP REQ: entry found in search list. AVL = <avlan>
DEBUG2 : BOOTP REQ: entry not found in search list DISCARDING
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: secs= <secs> hops= <hops>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: manually forcing ifa_from to loopback address
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: req recd on i/f addr = <address>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: I assume this is heading toward a router...
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: to: <address> fr: <address>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: changing relay agent to: <address>
DEBUG2 : BOOTP REQ: Forwarding packet to addr : <address>
DEBUG1 : BOOTP REQ: fwd xmit i/f addr= {address}
DEBUG1 : NON-BOOTP REQ: I assume this is heading toward a router...
DEBUG : NON-BOOTP REQ: Forwarding packet to addr {address}
DEBUG1 : NON - BOOTP REQ: req recd on i/f addr = <address>
DEBUG1 : NON-BOOTP REQ: fwd xmit i/f addr = <address>
DEBUG1 ; enable_reg_cmm: Message sent to NI = <value>
DEBUG1 : disable_reg_cmm: Message sent to NI = <value>
DEBUG1 : display_reg_cmm: Message sent to NI = <value>
DEBUG1 : modify_reg_cmm: Message sent to NI = <value>
DEBUG2 : view_udp_relay_cmm called
DEBUG1 : inOidNum = <Oid Num>
DEBUG1 : Invalid index length
DEBUG1 : first_time = <ip address>,ip_address[0] = <ip
address>,ip_address[1] = <ip address>,
ip_address[2] = <ip address>, ip_address[3]
= <ip address>
DEBUG1 : print_iphelper_cmm exit. BOOTP inactive
DEBUG1 : current_index = <index>
DEBUG1 : next_ip_address[0] = <ip address>,next_ip_address[1] = <ip
address>, next_ip_address[2] = <ip address>,
next_ip_address[3] = <ip address>
DEBUG1 : first_time = <ip address>,ip_address[0] = <ip
address>,ip_address[1] = <ip address>,
ip_address[2] = <ip address>, ip_address[3]
= <ip address>, current_vlan = <vlan>,
current_vlan_print = <vlan>,
forward_address_print = <address>
DEBUG1 : print_iphelper_pervlan_cmm exit. BOOTP inactive
DEBUG1 : vlan_index = <index>, ip_address_index = <address index>,
vlan_print = <vlan>, address_print =
DEBUG1 : next_ip_address[0] = <ip address>,,next_ip_address[1] = <ip
address>,, next_ip_address[2] = <ip
address>,, next_ip_address[3] = <ip
address>,, next_vlan = <ip address>,,
next_vlan_print = <ip address>,
next_address_print = <ip address>
DEBUG1 : first_time = <ip address>,,ip_address[0] = <ip
address>,,ip_address[1] = <ip address>,,
ip_address[2] = <ip address>,, ip_address[3]
= <ip address>,,current_vlan = <vlan>,
print1 = <print1>, print2 = <print2>
DEBUG1 : print_iphelper_stat_cmm exit. BOOTP inactive
DEBUG1 : ip_address_index = <index>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperTableGet called
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_ipheperTableGet: Number of entries in the index =
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_iphelperTableGet: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : out index is = <out index>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableGetNext: Five called
DEBUG1 : conv byte is = <byte>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableGetNext: eleven called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperTableGetNext: Three called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableGetNext: vlan called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableTest called
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableTest: Number of entries in the
index = <Index Count>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableTest: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_TableTest: action = <action>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableTest: action = ADD
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableTest: action = DELETE
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableTest: action = INVALID
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableTest: VLAN IP = <vlan ip>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableTest: VLAN <vlan number>
IP not found
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableTest: calling
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableTest: calling
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableSet called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRealyTableSet: Number of entries in
the index = <index count>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableSet: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableSet: action = ADD
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableSet: action = DELETE
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableSet: VLAN IP = <vlan ip>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_vIPRouterRelayTableTest: VLAN <vlan> IP not
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableSet: calling
udp_relay_table add_ip_address
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipiphelperTableSet: calling udp_relay_table
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_iphelperStatTableGet called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_ipheperStatTableGet: Number of entries in the
index = <index number>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperStatTableGet: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_iphelperStatTableTest called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperStatTableTest: Number of entries in the
index = <index count>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperStatTableTest: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipiphelperStatTableTest: calling
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayStatTableSet called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRealyStatTableSet: Number of entries
in the index = <index count>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayStatTableSet: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBGet called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_ipheperMIBGet: Number of entries in the index =
<index number>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBGet: Index = <index>
DEBUG3 : Number one
DEBUG3 : Number two
DEBUG3 : Number three
DEBUG3 : Number four
DEBUG3 : Number five
DEBUG3 : Number six
DEBUG3 : Number seven
DEBUG3 : Number eight
DEBUG3 : Number nine
DEBUG3 : Number ten
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBTest called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBTest: Number of entries in the index =
<index count>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBTest: Index = <index>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableTest: forward delay = <mib
object value>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBSet called
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBSet: Number of entries in the index =
<index count>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_iphelperMIBSet: Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBSet: Setting forward delay
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mipvIPRouterRelayTableTest: forward delay = <mib
object value>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBSet: Setting max hops
DEBUG1 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBSet: Setting forward delay
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBSet: forward option = <forward
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBSet: Setting bootpOption = <bootp
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBSet: Setting bootpPacketOption =
<bootp Packet Option>
DEBUG1 : Index = <index>
DEBUG1 : value passed is = <value>
DEBUG2 : udp_relay_mip_iphelperMIBTest: forward option = <forward
19.6 Protocol Specific Messages
19.6.1 Emerg
Emerg : cannot create static queue
Emerg : main_ni: Error in zcRecvfrom
Emerg : main_ni: Message Count exceeded
Emerg : main_ni: Payload Len < MSG_HDR_S
Emerg : init_socket_ni: Socket creation Error
Emerg : init_socket_ni: Bind Error
Emerg : handle_event_queue_dispatcher_ni: Error in malloc
Emerg : send_msg_to_cmm_udp_ni: Error creating sock buf
Emerg : send_msg_to_cmm_udp_ni: length of sock buffer too small
Emerg : send_msg_to_cmm_udp_ni : Error in sending packet
Emerg : dispatch_pkt_ni: Not able to enqueue the packet. retcod =
<ret code>: qid = <qid>
Emerg : handle_event_takeover_ni: Error creating sock buf1
Emerg : handle_event_takeover_ni: Error creating sock buf2
Emerg : handle_event_takeover_ni: length of sock buffer too small
Emerg : handle_event_takeover_ni : Error in sending packet
Emerg : Cannot create static queue
Emerg : send_task_init_ni: Error creating sock buf
Emerg : send_task_init_ni gth of sock buffer too small: len
Emerg : dispatch_pkt_ni: Error in qDriverGetDefaultQueue, Error code
= <ret cod>
Emerg : broadcast_local_ni: Not able to enqueue the packet, Error
code = <ret cod>
19.6.2 Dump
Dump : main_ni: waiting for message
Dump : main_ni: Number of bytes received = <bytes>
Dump : Message received from cmm
Dump : Message received from unexpected sneder
Dump : main_ni: For NISUP_ADVISE_MSGID, invalid <status>status
Dump : main_ni: From appid =<id>, invalid message received with
msg_id = <msg id>
Dump : Message received from unexpected sender
Dump : main_ni: Message length = <msg len>
Dump : main_ni: Embedded messages in payload
Dump : init_socket_ni: Bind worked okay
Dump : Message received from Q-DISPATCHER
Dump : Invalid message received from Q-DISPATCHER
Dump : Invalid message received from AAA
Dump : send_msg_to_cmm_udp_ni: Sent <number> bytes
Dump : UDP_RELAY_XMT_PKT Message received from cmm
Dump : UDP_RELAY_ENABLE_REG Message received from cmm
Dump : UDP_RELAY_DISABLE_REG Message received from cmm
Dump : UDP_RELAY_DISPLAY_REG Message received from cmm
Dump : UDP_RELAY_MODIFY_REG Message received from cmm
Dump : Invalid message received from CMM
Dump : dispatch_pkt_ni: FLOOD QID= <qid>
Dump : dispatch_pkt_ni: UNICAST QID= <qid>
Dump : Return code= <ret code>
Dump : dispatch_pkt_ni: QID= <qid>
Dump : dispatch_pkt_ni: packet enqueued successfully
Dump : handle_event_takeover_ni : Sent <value> bytes
Dump : Message content: srcGlobalPort = <port>, avlIpaddr =
<address>, srcVlanGid = <vlan id>DUMP
Dump : send_task_init_ni : Error in sending packet
Dump : send_task_init_ni : Sent <number of bytes>
Dump : dispatch_pkt_ni: qDriverGetFreeHWBuffer returned Error
Dump : dispatch_pkt_ni: packet enqueued successfully
Dump : broadcast_local_ni: qDriverGetFreeHWBuffer returned Error
Dump : broadcast_local_ni: packet enqueued successfully
20.1 Warning Messages
Warning known authentication type : un
Description : Invalid Authentication Type.
Warning thentication failure : au
Description : VRRP Authentication Failed.
Warning : Virtual router VRID= <vlan router id> VLAN= <vlan id>
Warning : authentication type mismatch
20.2 Info/Debug/Trace Messages
Info : VLAN <vlan id> IP address change conflicts with virtual
router VRID=<vlan router id>
Info : Virtual router VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> state is
up back
Info : Virtual router VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> state is
Info : Virtual router VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> state is
Info : Virtual router VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> disabled
Info : Virtual router VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> enabled.
Info : {fn name}: Advertising granularity rounded to supported value
Info : {fn name}: Advertising interval reset to system minimum.
VRID= <vlan router id> VLAN= <vlan id> INT= <advertisement
Debug : {fn name}: problem with vrrpSemTake() errno=<Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: problem with vrrpSemGive() errno=<Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: problem with vrrpSemDelete() errn Error number> o=<
Debug : {fn name}: Unable to allocate buffer errno=<Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: send failed Error <bytes sent>
Debug : {fn name}: unable to start timer
Debug : {fn name}: select failed errno=<Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: memalign failed for receive buffer
Debug : {fn name}: recvfrom failed errno= <Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: mip_msg_queueing()
Debug : {fn name}: CS Takeover received by primary
Debug : {fn name}: failed for IP_MULTICAST_LOOP with errno = <Error
Debug : {fn name}: failed for IP_MULTICAST_TTL with errno = <Error
Debug : {fn name}: failed for IP_TOS with errno = <Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: unable to create IP socket errno= <Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: Unable to create IPC socket
Debug : {fn name}: Unable to bind IPC socket errno= <Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: unable to create semaphore errno= <Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: unable to create timer
Debug : {fn name}: unable to create SOS descriptor
Debug : {fn name}: MIP registration failed
Debug : {fn name}: for <source address> failed with errno <Error
r> numbe
Debug : {fn name}: unknown command <show id>
Debug : {fn name}: VLAN query failed
Debug : {fn name}: Index format
Debug : {fn name} : Unknown object
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpNotificationCntl type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpNotificationCntlvalue
Debug : {fn name}: No such instance (no VR)
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAdminState type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAdminState value
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperPriority type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperPriority value
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAuthType type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAuthType value
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAuthKey type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAuthKey length
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAdvertisementInterval type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperAdvertisementInterval value
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperPreemptMode type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperPreemptMode value
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperProtocol type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperProtocol value
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperRowStatus type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperRowStatus value
Debug : {fn name}: IP not enabled
Debug : {fn name}: No IP addresses
Debug : {fn name}: only C&W or destroy
Debug : {fn name}: subnet mismatch
Debug : {fn name}: Network address
Debug : {fn name}: Broadcast address
Debug : {fn name}: Active, notInService or destroy
Debug : {fn name}: VRID in use
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpVrGet rc = <Error>
{fn name}: No such IP associated
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpAssoIpAddrRowStatus type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpVrIpAdd failed
Debug : {fn name} : alaVRRPStartDelay write Error
Debug : {fn name} : mip_read_object #2
Debug : {fn name} : alaVRRPStartDelay type <object type>
Debug : {fn name} : alaVRRPStartDelay value<time value>
Debug : {fn name}: Error adding ARP entries for vrid= <vlan router
Debug : {fn name}: Error deleting ARP entries for vrid= <vlan router
Debug : {fn name}: memalign failed
Debug : {fn name}: setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_IF) failed!, errno =
<Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: recvfrom errno <Error number>
Debug : {fn name}: short packet <recv length>
Debug : {fn name}: bad packet len= <recv length> vs <ip length>
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid VRID <vlan router id>
Debug : {fn name}: ipAddrCnt == maximum
Debug : {fn name}: memalign (<size> bytes) failed
Debug : {fn name}: vlan = <vlan id>
Debug : {fn name}: Subnet mismatch on VLAN up indication
Debug : {fn name}: VRID= <vlan router id>VLAN=<vlan id> is disabled
Debug : {fn name}: VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> was
address owner
Debug : {fn name}: VRID<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> state is
alized initi
Debug : {fn name}: VRID<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> state is
r maste
Debug : {fn name}: RDP state change. Vlan=<vlan id>
Debug : {fn name}: VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> was not
ss owner addre
Debug : {fn name}: VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> is address
Debug : {fn name}: VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> will
e owner becom
Debug : {fn name}: VRID=<vlan router id> VLAN=<vlan id> state is
Debug : {fn name}: msgID=<msg id>
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid VLAN_ACTIVATE length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpVlanUp #1
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid VM_ACTIVATE length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpVlanUp #2
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid VLAN_DEACTIVATE length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpVlanDown #1
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpVlanDown #2
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid VM_DELETE length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpVlanDown #3
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid MOD_IP_VLAN length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpVlanModified
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid ACK length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpMipGetVlanInfoDone-ACK
Debug : {fn name}: ACK for unexpected vid
Debug : {fn name}: Invalid NAK length <msg length>
Debug : {fn name}: call vrrpMipGetVlanInfoDone-NAK
Debug : {fn name}: NAK for unexpected vid
Debug : {fn name}: unknown message <msg id>
Debug : {fn name}: generate vrrpTrapAuthFailure
Debug : {fn name}: generate vrrpTrapNewMaster
Debug : {fn name}: unknown trapId <trap id>
Debug : {fn name}: unknown message <msg id>
Debug : {fn name}: IP packet
Debug : {fn name}: Msg (<app id> . <snap id>)
Debug : {fn name}: Unknown CS event <msg id>
Debug : {fn name}: Unknown AppID <app id> MsgID <msg id>
Debug : {fn name}: starting VRRP
Debug : {fn name}: addr = <source address>
Debug : {fn name}: addr = <source address>
Debug : {fn name}: id <snapshot id> idxCnt <index count> all <all>
Debug : {fn name}: specific for vr <vrid>
Debug : {fn name}: split - resumeCode = <resume code>
Debug : {fn name}: all start at vr <vrid>
Debug : {fn name}: indexCount= <index count> all= <all>
Debug : {fn name}: inIndexCount != 1
Debug : {fn name}: trap sent
Debug : {fn name}: mip_msg_done failed
Debug : {fn name}: mip_write_trap_Info failed
Debug : {fn name}: mip_create_msg failed
Debug : {fn name}: write_trap_Info failed
Debug : {fn name}: traps not enabled
Debug : {fn name}: Successful= <successful> gotAck= <gotAck>
Debug : {fn name}: mip_deferred_answer rc= <rc>
Debug : {fn name} : vlan <vlan id> vr VRID range
Debug : {fn name} : check adminState
Debug : {fn name}: check operPriority
Debug : {fn name}: check primaryIpAddr
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperPrimaryIpAddr type
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpOperPrimaryIpAddr value
Debug : {fn name}: check authType
Debug : {fn name}: check authKey
Debug : {fn name}: check advertisementInterval
Debug : {fn name}: check preemptMode
Debug : {fn name}: check protocol
Debug : {fn name} : check rowStatus
Debug : {fn name} : rowStatus = <value>
Debug : {fn name} : adding new entry
Debug : {fn name} : modifying entry
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpVrGet rc = VRRP_ERROR_NOENTRY - add new entry
Debug : {fn name}: MIP_DEFERRED
Debug : {fn name}: vrrpVrGet rc = VRRP_OK - modify entry
Debug : {fn name} : setting object values
Debug : {fn name} : setting adminState=<value>
Debug : {fn name}: setting priority= <priority>
Debug : {fn name}: setting authType= <value>
Debug : {fn name}: setting authKey
Debug : {fn name}: setting advertisementInterval= <interval>
Debug : {fn name}: setting preemptMode= <value>
Debug : {fn name}: setting rowStatus= <value> (maybe)
Debug : {fn name}: deleting row
Debug : {fn name}: enabling virtual router
Debug : {fn name} : entry exists
Debug : {fn name} : deleting entry
Debug : {fn name} : adding entry
Debug : {fn name}: create new packet
Debug : {fn name}: vlan = <vlan id>, vrid = <vlan router id>,
priority = <priority>
Debug : {fn name}: RDP state change. Vlan= <vlan id>
Debug : {fn name}: vlan = <vlan id>, vrid = <vlan router id>, state
= <state>
Debug : {fn name}: vrid <vlan router id> (<vlan id>)
Debug : {fn name}: received too small packet <length>
Debug : {fn name}: bad packet
Debug : {fn name}: bad len = <length>
Debug : {fn name}: bad IP TTL <ip ttl>
Debug : {fn name}: bad checksum
Debug : {fn name}: unknown Auth type
Debug : {fn name}: bad Auth Type
Debug : {fn name}: bad passwd
Debug : {fn name}: bad version <version type>
Debug : {fn name}: bad type <type>
Debug : {fn name}: bad adver_int <advertisement interval>
Debug : {fn name}: bad Address list!
Debug : {fn name}: state = <state>
Debug : {fn name}: Master priority = <priority> vs <priority>
Debug : {fn name}: recvLen = <received length>, len = <length>
Debug : {fn name}: invalid parameters
Debug : {fn name}: no IP addresses
Debug : {fn name}: check for existing entry
Debug : {fn name}: entry mismatch
Debug : {fn name}: create new entry
Debug : {fn name}: add to table
Debug : {fn name}: add to sorted list
Debug : {fn name}: first entry
Debug : {fn name}: add at end
Debug : {fn name}:insert
Debug : {fn name}: size= < max size of ipAddr array> cnt= < number
of IP
Debug : {fn name}: first address
Debug : {fn name}: space available
Debug : {fn name}: allocate more space
Debug : {fn name}: ipAddrCnt= <number of ip addresses>
Debug : {fn name}: startup delay ended
Debug : {buffer}
Debug : {fn name}: vrid= <vlan router id> pri0= <priority>
Debug : {fn name}: VRID <vlan router id>(<vlan id>) sent <length>