Cell Phone and Distracted Driving Policy
FMCSA passed the final rule on cell phone use for drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMV)
effective January 3, 2012. This rule restricts a CMV driver from holding a mobile telephone to
conduct voice communication and from dialing a mobile phone by pressing more than a single button.
Limiting the use of cell phones, including texting and hands-free devices, to times when we are not
operating a motor vehicle, will reduce accidents and injuries.
In order to ensure the safety of our company drivers and to comply with state and federal regulations
regarding handheld cell phone usage by commercial motor vehicle drivers. (INSERT COMPANY NAME)
has adopted the following policy while operating company vehicles in interstate and intrastate
commerce effective immediately.
It is (INSERT COMPANY NAME) company policy that drivers only talk on cell phones safely via a
hands-free connection (CarPlay / Bluetooth / Headset) that doesn’t require the physical handling
of the cell phone.
Texting is NEVER allowed while operating a CMV or (INSERT COMPANY NAME) vehicle unless it is sent
via a hands-free connection (Siri / Alexa / Bixby voice assistant).
Texting includes phone texting, PDA/tablet use, satellite communications, any other existing texting
communication device, and any electronic screen usage.
Although a list of activities that could be considered distractions would be too numerous to mention,
(INSERT COMPANY NAME) prohibits the use of the following devices by the driver while the vehicle is
in motion.
Watching any videos
Texting with a cell phone or tablet
Phone screen use
Televisions and CD players
Electronic games
Any device in violation of any applicable local ordinance, state, or federal statute
Not limited to the above list, any device that may cause distraction.
This policy is in effect for anyone driving a (INSERT COMPANY NAME) -owned vehicle, motorized
equipment (i.e. tractor, mules, etc.), or a personal vehicle while performing (INSERT COMPANY
NAME) business.
(INSERT COMPANY NAME) reserves the right to enhance fleet safety measures, including but not
limited to the implementation of technology, which is an investment in our employee’s health and
All (INSERT COMPANY NAME) corporate-owned cellular devices will be automatically enrolled in the
LifeSaver Mobile program. Cellular devices owned by employees of (INSERT COMPANY NAME) that
are also used for (INSERT COMPANY NAME) business purposes may be required to enroll in the
program as a condition of employment; and, may be eligible for a monthly stipend/reimbursement
per (INSERT COMPANY NAME) discretion.
This is a 3-strike policy which could result in termination.
Strike 1: Verbal Warning
Strike 2: Written Warning
Strike 3: Consequences that could result in loss of company vehicle privileges, demotion,
or termination of employment.
Driving is defined as operating a commercial motor vehicle on a highway, including while
temporarily stationary because of traffic, traffic control device, or other temporary delays. Driving
would not include operating a CMV when the driver has moved the vehicle to the side of, or off, a
highway and has halted in a location where the vehicle can remain stationary. Operating equipment
such as tractors, mules, sweepers, etc. also will be defined as driving or operating a (INSERT
COMPANY NAME) vehicle and will fall under the same policy.
This policy is approved by and will be enforced:
____________________________________ ________________________
Employee’s Supervisor Date
I acknowledge that I have received a written copy of the cell phone and distracted driving policy. I
fully understand the policy and agree to abide by the terms, and I am willing to accept the
consequences of failing to follow the policy. I understand that the best practice is for me to leave my
phone alone while I’m behind-the-wheel driving.
________________________________ _________________________________
Employee Signature Date