Medicare Marketing Guidelines
For Medicare Advantage Plans
, Medicare Advantage Prescription
Drug Plans, Prescription Drug Plans, Employer/Union-Sponsored
Group Health Plans, Medicare-Medicaid Plans, and Section 1876
Cost Plans
Table of Contents
(Issued: 06/10/2016)
10 Introduction ................................................................................. 1
20 Materials Not Subject To Marketing Review ....................................... 3
30 Plan/Part D Sponsor Responsibilities ................................................ 5
30.1 Limitations on Distribution of Marketing Materials and Activities .. 5
30.2 Co-branding ......................................................................... 5
30.2.1 Co-branding with Providers or Downstream Entities ................ 5
30.2.2 Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s Relationships with State Pharmaceutical
Assistance Programs (SPAP) ............................................................. 6
30.3 Plan/Part D Sponsor Responsibility for Subcontractor Activities
and Submission of Materials for CMS Review ...................................... 6
30.4 Anti-Discrimination ................................................................ 7
30.5 Requirements Pertaining to Non-English Speaking Populations .... 7
30.5.1 Multi-Language Insert ......................................................... 8
30.6 Required Materials with an Enrollment Form ............................. 8
30.7 Required Materials for New and Renewing Enrollees at Time of
Enrollment and Thereafter ................................................................ 9
30.7.1 Mailing Materials to Addresses with Multiple Enrollees ........... 10
30.8 Enrollee Referral Programs ................................................... 10
30.9 Star Ratings Information from CMS ....................................... 11
30.9.1 Referencing Star Ratings in Marketing Materials ................... 11
While Medicare Advantage “plans” are specific benefit packages offered by a Medicare Advantage
“organization,” in this chapter, “plan” is used both to refer to the MA plan and to the MA organization offering the
30.9.2 Plans with an Overall 5-Star Rating ..................................... 12
30.9.3 Low Performing Plans ........................................................ 13
40 General Marketing Requirements ................................................... 14
40.1 Marketing Material Identification ........................................... 14
40.1.1 Marketing Material Identification Number for Non-English or
Alternate Format Materials.............................................................. 15
40.2 - Font Size Rule ..................................................................... 15
40.3 - Reference to Studies or Statistical Data .................................. 16
40.4 Prohibited Terminology/Statements ....................................... 16
40.5 Product Endorsements/Testimonials ...................................... 18
40.6 Hours of Operation Requirements for Marketing Materials ......... 18
40.7 Use of TTY Numbers ............................................................ 19
40.8 Marketing of Multiple Lines of Business .................................. 19
40.8.1 Multiple Lines of Business - General Information ................... 20
40.8.2 Multiple Lines of Business - Exceptions ................................ 20
40.8.3 Marketing Materials from Third Parties that Provide Non-
Benefit/Non-Health Services ........................................................... 20
40.9 Providing Materials in Different Media Types ........................... 21
40.10 Standardization of Plan Name Type ...................................... 22
50 Marketing Material Types and Applicable Disclaimers ....................... 23
50.1 Federal Contracting Disclaimer .............................................. 23
50.2 Disclaimers When Benefits Are Mentioned .............................. 24
50.3 Disclaimers When Plan Premiums Are Mentioned ..................... 24
50.4 Disclaimer on Availability of Non-English Translations .............. 25
50.5 Disclaimer on SNP Materials ................................................. 25
50.6 Disclaimer When Cost-Sharing is Mentioned on D-SNP Materials
Targeting Potential Enrollees ........................................................... 26
50.7 Disclaimer for Private Fee-for-Service Plans Targeting Potential
Enrollees ...................................................................................... 26
50.8 Disclaimers for Medicare Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs)
Targeting Potential Enrollees ........................................................... 26
50.9 Disclaimer for Materials that are Co-branded with
Providers/Pharmacies .................................................................... 27
50.10 Disclaimer on Advertisements and Invitations to Sales/Marketing
Events ......................................................................................... 27
50.11 Disclaimer on Promoting a Nominal Gift ................................ 27
50.12 Disclaimer for Plans Accepting Online Enrollment Requests ..... 27
50.13 Disclaimer When Using Third Party Materials ......................... 28
50.13.1 Disclaimer When Third Parties List a Subset of Plan Options . 28
50.14 Disclaimer When Referencing Star Ratings Information .......... 28
50.15 Mailing Statements ............................................................ 29
50.16 Disclaimer for Other Formulary Documents ........................... 30
50.17 Disclaimer When Discussing Services from Out-of-Network/Non-
Contracted Providers ..................................................................... 30
50.18Pharmacy/Provider Network and Formulary Disclaimers ......... 30
60 Required Documents.................................................................... 31
60.1 Summary of Benefits (SB) .................................................... 31
60.2 ID Card Requirements ......................................................... 32
60.2.1 Health Plan ID Card Requirements ...................................... 32
60.2.2 Part D Sponsor ID Card Requirements ................................. 33
60.3 Additional Materials Enclosed with Required Post-Enrollment
Materials ...................................................................................... 33
60.4 Formulary and Formulary Change Notice Requirements ............ 34
60.4.1 Abridged Formulary .......................................................... 35
60.4.2 Comprehensive Formulary ................................................. 37
60.4.3 Changes to Printed and Posted Formularies .......................... 38
60.4.4 Other Formulary Documents .............................................. 38
60.4.5 Provision of Notice to Enrollees Regarding Formulary Changes 39
60.4.6 Provision of Notice to Other Entities Regarding Formulary
Changes ....................................................................................... 39
60.5 Part D Explanation of Benefits ............................................... 39
60.6 Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and Evidence of Coverage (EOC)
................................................................................................... 40
60.7 Other Mid-Year Changes Requiring Enrollee Notification ........... 41
70 Promotional Activities, Rewards, Incentives, Events and Outreach ..... 41
70.1 Promotional Activities .......................................................... 41
70.1.1 Nominal Gifts ................................................................... 42
70.2 Marketing of Rewards and Incentives Programs ...................... 43
70.3 Exclusion of Meals as a Nominal Gift ...................................... 43
70.4 - Unsolicited Electronic Communication Policy ............................ 43
70.5 Marketing through Unsolicited Contacts .................................. 44
70.6 Telephonic Contact .............................................................. 45
70.7 Enrollment and Verification Requirements .............................. 46
70.8 Prospective Enrollee Educational Events ................................. 49
70.8.1 Enrollee-Only Educational Events ........................................ 50
70.9 Marketing/Sales Events and Appointments ............................. 50
70.9.1 Notifying CMS of Scheduled Marketing Events ...................... 51
70.9.2 Personal/Individual Marketing Appointments ........................ 52
70.9.3 Scope of Appointment ....................................................... 52
70.9.4 Beneficiary Walk-ins to a Plan or Agent/Broker Office or Similar
Beneficiary-Initiated Face-to-Face Sales Appointment ........................ 53
70.10 PFFS Plan Provider Education and Outreach Programs ............ 54
70.10.1 PFFS Plan Terms and Conditions of Payment Contact and
Website Fields in HPMS .................................................................. 54
70.11 Marketing in the Health Care Setting .................................... 54
70.11.1 Provider-Based Activities ................................................. 56
70.11.2 Provider Affiliation Announcements ................................... 57
70.11.3 SNP Provider Affiliation Information................................... 58
70.11.4 Comparative and Descriptive Plan Information .................... 58
70.11.5 Comparative and Descriptive Plan Information Provided by a
Non-Benefit/Non-Health Service Providing Third-Party ....................... 58
80 Telephonic Activities and Scripts ................................................... 58
80.1 Customer Service Call Center Requirements ........................... 58
80.2 Informational Scripts ........................................................... 60
80.3 Enrollment Scripts/Calls ....................................................... 62
80.4 Telephone Sales Scripts (Inbound or Outbound) ...................... 63
90 The Marketing Review Process ...................................................... 63
90.1 Plan/Part D Sponsor Responsibilities ...................................... 63
90.2 Material Submission Process ................................................. 63
90.2.1 Submission of Non-English and Alternate Format Materials .... 64
90.2.2 Submission of Websites for Review ..................................... 65
90.2.3 Submission of Multi-Plan Materials ...................................... 66
90.2.4 Submission of Mobile Applications ....................................... 68
90.3 HPMS Material Statuses ....................................................... 69
90.3.1 - Approved ......................................................................... 69
90.3.2 - Disapproved ..................................................................... 69
90.3.3 - Deemed ........................................................................... 69
90.3.4 Withdrawn ....................................................................... 70
90.3.5 – Accepted ......................................................................... 70
90.3.6 Alternate Format, SA/LIS, and Populated Template ............... 70
90.4 - Resubmitting Previously Disapproved Pieces............................ 70
90.6 - File & Use Process ................................................................ 71
90.6.1 - Restriction on the Manual Review of File & Use Eligible Materials
................................................................................................... 71
90.6.2 Loss of File & Use Certification Privileges ............................. 71
90.6.3 File & Use Retrospective Monitoring Reviews ........................ 72
90.7 Model Marketing Materials and Language ............................... 72
90.7.1 Standardized Model Materials ............................................. 72
90.7.2 Non-Standardized Model Materials ...................................... 73
90.7.3 Standardized Language ..................................................... 73
90.8 - Template Materials ............................................................... 74
90.8.1 - Static Templates ............................................................... 74
90.8.2 - Standard Templates .......................................................... 75
90.8.3 - Template Materials Quality Review and Reporting of Errors .... 75
90.9 - Review of Materials in the Marketplace ................................... 76
100 Plan/Part D Sponsor Websites and Social/Electronic Media .............. 76
100.1 General Website Requirements ............................................ 76
100.2 Required Content .............................................................. 77
100.2.1 Part D Sponsor Required Content ...................................... 79
100.2.2 Required Documents for All Plans/Part D Sponsors .............. 80
100.3 - Electronic Enrollment .......................................................... 82
100.4 Online Formulary, Utilization Management (UM), and Notice
Requirements ............................................................................... 82
100.5 Social Media ..................................................................... 84
100.6 Mobile Applications ............................................................ 85
110 Reserved .................................................................................. 85
120 Marketing and Sales Oversight and Responsibilities........................ 85
120.1 Compliance with State Licensure and Appointment Laws ........ 85
120.2 Plan Reporting of Terminated Agents ................................... 85
120.3 Agent/Broker Training and Testing ....................................... 86
120.4 - Compensation Applicability and Definitions ............................ 86
120.4.1 General Rules Regarding Compensation ............................. 88
120.4.2 Compensation Payment Requirements ............................... 88
120.4.3 Compensation Recovery Requirements (Charge-backs) ........ 91
120.4.4 Payments other than Compensation .................................. 94
120.5Additional Marketing Fees ................................................... 94
120.6 Activities That Do Not Require the Use of State-Licensed
Marketing Representatives ............................................................. 94
130 - Employer/Union Group Health Plans ............................................. 95
140 Reserved .................................................................................. 97
150 Use of Medicare Mark for Part D Sponsors .................................... 97
150.1 Authorized Users for Medicare Mark ..................................... 97
150.2 Use of Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark on
Items for Sale or Distribution .......................................................... 97
150.3 Approval to Use the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program
Mark ............................................................................................ 98
150.4 Prohibition on Misuse of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
Program Mark ............................................................................... 98
150.5 Mark Guidelines ................................................................. 99
150.5.1 Mark Guidelines - Negative Program Mark .......................... 99
150.5.2 Mark Guidelines - Approved Colors .................................... 99
150.5.3 Mark Guidelines on Languages ........................................ 100
150.5.4 Mark Guidelines on Size ................................................. 100
150.5.5 Mark Guidelines on Clear Space Allocation ....................... 101
150.5.6 Mark Guidelines on Bleed Edge Indicator.......................... 101
150.5.7 Mark Guidelines on Incorrect Use .................................... 101
150.6 Mark Guidelines for Part D Standard Pharmacy ID Card Design
................................................................................................. 102
160 Allowable Use of Medicare Beneficiary Information Obtained from CMS
...................................................................................................... 103
160.1 When Prior Authorization from the Beneficiary Is Not Required
................................................................................................. 104
160.2 When Prior Authorization from the Beneficiary Is Required ... 104
160.3 Obtaining Prior Authorization ............................................ 105
160.4 Sending Non-plan and Non-health Information Once Prior
Authorization is Received ............................................................. 107
Appendix 1 Definitions .................................................................... 108
Appendix 2 Related Laws and Regulations ......................................... 114
Appendix 3 Pharmacy Technical Help/Coverage Determinations and
Appeals Call Center Requirements ...................................................... 117
10 Introduction
The Medicare Marketing Guidelines (MMG) implement the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) marketing requirements and related
provisions of the Medicare Advantage (MA, MA-PD) (also referred to as
Plan), Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) (also referred to as Part D
Sponsor), and except where otherwise specified, Section 1876 cost plans
(also referred to as Plan) rules, (i.e., Title 42 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Parts 422, 423, and 417). These requirements also apply to
Medicare-Medicaid Plans (MMPs), except as modified or clarified in state-
specific marketing guidance for each state’s demonstration. State-specific
guidance is considered an addendum to the MMG. State-specific marketing
guidance for MMPs will be posted to http://www.cms.gov/Medicare-
These requirements do not apply to Program of All-Inclusive Care for the
Elderly (PACE) plans or section 1833 Health Care Pre-payment Plans unless
otherwise noted in the MMG.
The term “marketing” is referenced at Section 1851(h) and 1860 D-4 of the
Social Security Act (the Act), as well as in CMS regulations. The scope of the
definition of “marketing materials” extends beyond the public’s general
concept of advertising materials.
Pursuant to 42 CFR Section 417.428, Section 422.2260, and Section
423.2260, the following materials, while not an exhaustive list, may fall
under CMS’ definition of marketing materials:
General audience materials, such as general circulation brochures,
direct mail, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards,
yellow pages, or the Internet;
Marketing representative materials, such as scripts or outlines for
telemarketing or other presentations;
Presentation materials, such as slides and charts;
Promotional materials, such as brochures or leaflets, including
materials circulated by physicians, other providers, or third-party
Membership communication materials, including: membership rules,
subscriber agreements, enrollee handbooks, and wallet card
instructions to enrollees (e.g., Annual Notice of change (ANOC),
Evidence of Coverage (EOC));
Communications to enrollees about contractual changes, such as
changes in providers, premiums, benefits, plan procedures;
Communications related to membership activities (e.g., materials on
rules involving non-payment of premiums, confirmation of enrollment
or disenrollment, or non-claim specific notification information); and
The activities of a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s employees, independent
agents or brokers, Third Party Marketing Organizations (TMO)
(downstream contractors), or other similar organizations that
contribute to the steering of a potential enrollee toward a specific plan
or limited number of plans, or may receive compensation directly or
indirectly from a Plan/Part D Sponsor for marketing activities, among
In addition, 42 CFR Section 417.428, Section 422.2268, and Section
423.2268 define the standards for marketing. CMS’ authority for marketing
oversight, and the MMG, encompasses not only marketing materials but also
marketing/sales activities. As Plans/Part D Sponsors implement their
programs, they should consider the following guiding principles:
Plans/Part D Sponsors are responsible for ensuring compliance with
CMS’ current marketing regulations and guidance, as well as the
Related Laws and Regulations in Appendix 2 (e.g., Section 1557 of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). This includes monitoring
and overseeing the activities of their subcontractors, downstream
entities, and/or delegated entities. If CMS finds that, the Plan/Part D
Sponsor failed to comply with applicable rules and guidance, CMS may
take compliance action, including intermediate sanctions and/or civil
money penalties.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are responsible for full disclosure when
providing information about plan benefits, policies, and procedures.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are responsible for documenting compliance
with all applicable marketing requirements described in the MMG.
It is important to note that the marketing guidance set forth in this
document is subject to change as policy, communications technology, and
industry marketing practices continue to evolve. Any new rulemaking or
interpretative guidance (e.g., annual Call Letter or Health Plan Management
System (HPMS) guidance memoranda) may supersede the guidance
provided in this document. While the “approved” (or “accepted”) designation
provided to submitted marketing materials does not have an expiration date,
the status remains valid only as long as the material remains compliant with
the most current law and version of the MMG. Plans/Part D Sponsors have
responsibility to review older submissions that are still in active use to
ensure that they are compliant with the latest version of the MMG, and to
resubmit those materials with the needed corrections when they are not.
Specific questions regarding a marketing material or marketing practice
should be directed to the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s Account Manager or
designated Marketing Reviewer.
20 Materials Not Subject To Marketing Review
42 CFR 422.2260, 422.2262, 423.2260, 423.2262
The following types of materials are not subject to CMS marketing review,
should not be submitted in HPMS, and do not require a material ID number.
However, Plans/Part D Sponsors are still responsible for maintaining such
materials and must make them available, through HPMS or other means,
upon request.
Provider/Pharmacy Directories (For submission requirements, MA and
Section 1876 cost plans should refer to chapter 4 of the Medicare
Managed Care Manual; Part D Sponsors should refer to Chapter 5 of
the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual.)
HIPAA Privacy notices (which are subject to enforcement by the Office
for Civil Rights);
OMB-approved forms/documents, except when otherwise specified by
Press releases that do not include any plan-specific information
(examples of plan-specific information include information about
benefits, premiums, co-pays, deductible, how to enroll, networks);
Enrollee newsletters that do not include any plan-specific information
(examples of plan-specific information include information about
benefits, premiums, co-pays, deductible, benefits, how to enroll,
Blank letterhead/fax coversheets/blank pages that do not include
promotional language;
General health promotion materials that do not include any specific
plan related information (examples of general health promotion
materials include health education and disease management
materials). In general, health promotion materials should meet CMS’
definition of “educational” (Refer to section 70.8, Educational Events);
Non-Medicare beneficiary-specific materials that do not involve an
explanation or discussion of Part D, MA, or Section 1876 cost plans
(examples of materials within this category include notice of check
return for insufficient funds, letter stating Medicare ID number
provided was incorrect, billing statements/invoices, sales, and
premium payment coupon book);
Documents to recruit or train sales/marketing representatives;
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program materials (see
definition in Appendix 1);
Ad hoc Enrollee Communications Materials (see definition in Appendix
Materials used at educational events for the education of beneficiaries
and other interested parties (also see section 70.8);
Coordination of Benefits notifications (as provided in Chapter 14 of the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual);
Health Risk Assessments;
Mail order pharmacy election forms;
Enrollee surveys and focus groups;
Value-Added Items and Services (refer to Chapter 4 of the Medicare
Managed Care Manual) See definition in Appendix 1;
Documents encouraging enrollees to use preventive services;
Mid-year Change Enrollee Notifications (see section 60.7);
Informational Scripts;
Marketing materials created by State government; and
Password protected websites that only current enrollees can access;
Note: Marketing materials included on the website are still subject to
review (e.g., Plan/Part D Sponsor advertisements).
30 Plan/Part D Sponsor Responsibilities
30.1 Limitations on Distribution of Marketing Materials and Activities
42 CFR 422.2262(a), 423.2262(a), 422.2260, 423.2260, 422.2268(e),
Plans/Part D Sponsors cannot market for an upcoming plan year prior to
October 1. Plans/Part D Sponsors must cease current year marketing
activities to anyone other than beneficiaries who are eligible for a valid
enrollment (e.g., aging-ins, special enrollment period (SEP)) once they begin
marketing benefits for the new contract year. Current year materials may be
provided upon beneficiary request and enrollment applications may be
Plans/Part D Sponsors are prohibited from advertising outside of their
defined service area unless unavoidable. For unavoidable situations, (e.g.,
advertising in print or broadcast media with a national audience or with an
audience that includes some individuals outside of the service area, such as
a Metropolitan Statistical Area that covers two regions), Plans/Part D
Sponsors must clearly disclose their service area in the marketing materials.
Joint enterprises (see definition in Appendix 1) must market their plans
under a single name throughout a region. Joint enterprise marketing
materials may only be distributed where one or more of the contracted
Plans/Part D Sponsors creating the single entity is licensed by that State as
a risk-bearing entity or qualifies for a waiver under 42 CFR 423.410 or 42
CFR 422.372.
30.2 Co-branding
42 CFR 422.2268(n), 423.2268(n)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must enter in HPMS any co-branding relationships,
including any changes in or newly formed co-branding relationships, prior to
marketing it. Plans/Part D Sponsors should reference the HPMS Bid User’s
Manual for instructions on entering co-branding information (see section
90.2 for information on the material submission process).
30.2.1 Co-branding with Providers or Downstream Entities
42 CFR 422.2262(a), 422.2268(n), 423.2262(a), 423.2268(n)
Plans are prohibited from displaying the names and/or logos of co-branded
providers on the Plan’s member identification card, unless the provider
names and/or logos are related to a member’s selection of a specific
provider/provider organization, (e.g., physicians, hospitals). Part D Sponsors
are prohibited from displaying the names and/or logos of co-branded
providers/pharmacies on the Part D Sponsor’s member identification card.
Plans/Part D Sponsors that choose to co-brand with providers/pharmacies
must include on marketing materials (other than ID cards) the language in
section 50.9. Neither the Plan/Part D Sponsor nor its co-branding
providers/pharmacies, whether through marketing materials or other
communications, may imply that the co-branding partner is endorsed by
CMS, or that its products or services are Medicare-approved. Co-branded
marketing materials must be submitted to CMS by the Plan/Part D Sponsor.
Note: Consistent with the National Council for Prescription Drug
Program’s (NCPDP’s) “Pharmacy and/or Combination ID Card”
standard, the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) name may be included
on a enrollee ID card.
30.2.2 Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s Relationships with State Pharmaceutical
Assistance Programs (SPAP)
A Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s logo may be used in connection with the coverage
of benefits provided under an SPAP and may contain an emblem or symbol
indicating such a relationship.
30.3 Plan/Part D Sponsor Responsibility for Subcontractor Activities and
Submission of Materials for CMS Review
42 CFR 422.504(i), 423.505(i), 422.2262(a), 423.2262(a)
Plans/Part D Sponsors are responsible for all marketing materials used by
their subcontractors to market their plan(s). All marketing materials used by
Plans/Part D Sponsors or their subcontractors must be submitted by the
Plan/Part D Sponsor (or its designee) to CMS for review and approval (or
Employer group health plans should refer to section 130 of this guidance,
Chapter 9 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual, and Chapter 12 of the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual for more guidance.
Materials created by agents or brokers that mention plan specific benefits
must be submitted by the Plan/Part D Sponsor to CMS. Materials that include
an agent’s/broker’s phone number should clearly indicate that calling the
agent/broker number will direct an individual to a licensed insurance
Note: The following types of materials do not need to be submitted
into HPMS:
Business cards that do not mention plan specific benefits
Materials, except for websites, that only indicate the products (e.g.,
HMO, PPO, or PDP) an agent sells. Plans/Part D Sponsors must
submit agent/broker websites that reference specific MA/Part D
products in HPMS (see section 90.2 for information on the material
submission process).
This guidance in no way precludes the application by the Plans/Part D
Sponsors of more stringent rules or contractual obligations in order to
further restrict agent or broker communication and activities.
30.4 Anti-Discrimination
42 CFR 422.110, 422.2268(c), 423.2268(c)
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not discriminate based on race, ethnicity,
national origin, religion, gender, age, mental or physical disability, health
status, claims experience, medical history, genetic information, evidence of
insurability or geographic location. Plans/Part D Sponsors may not target
beneficiaries from higher income areas or state/ imply that plans are only
available to seniors rather than to all Medicare beneficiaries. Only Special
Needs Plans (SNPs) and MMPs may limit enrollments to individuals meeting
eligibility requirements based on health and/or other status. Basic services
and information must be made available to individuals with disabilities, upon
30.5 Requirements Pertaining to Non-English Speaking Populations
42 CFR 422.111(h)(1), 422.112(a)(8), 423.128(d)(1)(iii), 422.2264(e),
All Plans’/Part D Sponsors’ call centers must have interpreter services
available to call center personnel to answer questions from non-English
speaking or limited English proficient (LEP) beneficiaries. Call centers are
those centers that receive calls from current and prospective enrollees. This
requirement is in place regardless of the percentage of non-English speaking
or LEP beneficiaries in a plan benefit package (PBP) service area.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must make the marketing materials identified in
sections 30.6, 30.7, 30.9, and the Part D Transition Letter(s) available in
any language that is the primary language of at least five (5) percent of a
Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s PBP service area. Final populated translations of all
marketing materials must be submitted in HPMS (see section 90.2 for
material submission process).
Note: The enrollee ID card is excluded from this requirement.
30.5.1 Multi-Language Insert
42 CFR 422.111(h), 422.2262(c), 422.2264(a) and (e), 423.128(d)
423.2262(c), 423.2264(a) and (e)
The Multi-Language Insert is a document stating,We have free interpreter
services to answer any questions you may have about our health or drug
plan. To get an interpreter, just call us at [1-xxx-xxx-xxxx]. Someone who
speaks [language] can help you. This is a free service.” The following
languages are included on the multi-language insert: Spanish, Chinese,
Tagalog, French, Vietnamese, German, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Italian,
Portuguese, French Creole, Polish, Hindi, and Japanese. If the five (5)
percent service area threshold (See 30.5) is applicable to a language not
currently on the Multi-Language Insert, the Plan/Part D Sponsor must add
that particular language to the statement above.
Regardless of the five (5) percent service area threshold (see section 30.5),
all Plans/Part D Sponsors must include the CMS Multi-Language Insert with
the Summary of Benefits (SB), Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)/Evidence of
Coverage (EOC), and the enrollment form. Plans/Part D Sponsors have the
option to incorporate the Multi-Language Insert as part of these materials or
provide it as a separate document.
The Multi-Language Insert cannot be modified except to include additional
languages and/or to insert the Plan/Part D Sponsor logo/name.
Note: Dual SNPs (D-SNPs) that contract with states that have more
stringent language requirements must work with CMS to determine
whether those requirements can be incorporated into the CMS Multi-
Language Insert or may be met another way.
30.6 Required Materials with an Enrollment Form
42 CFR 422.111, 422.2264, 423.128, 423.2264
The following materials are required to be included with an enrollment form:
Star Ratings document (as specified in section 30.9),
Summary of Benefits,
Multi-Language Insert (see section 30.5.1)
Note: For online enrollment requests, the Plan/Part D Sponsor must
make these materials available electronically (e.g., via website links)
to the potential enrollee prior to the completion and submission of the
enrollment request.
30.7 Required Materials for New and Renewing Enrollees at Time of
Enrollment and Thereafter
42 CFR 422.111(c)(1), 423.128(c)(1), 422.2264(a), 423.2264(a)
Plans/Part D Sponsors are required to provide the following materials for
new and renewing enrollees at the time of enrollment. The materials are
required annually thereafter except where noted.
ANOC/EOC or EOC, as applicable (see section 60.6 for additional
Low Income Subsidy (LIS) Rider (Part D Sponsors only, see the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 13, section 70.2
for additional information ,including timeframes for delivery
Comprehensive formulary or abridged formulary, including information
on how the beneficiary can obtain a comprehensive formulary (Part D
sponsors only, see chapter 5 of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
Manual for additional information)
Pharmacy directory (see chapter 5 of the Medicare Prescription Drug
Benefit manual for additional information)
Provider directory(see chapter 4 of the Medicare Managed Care manual
for additional information)
Membership identification card (required at time of enrollment and as
needed or required by Plan/Part D Sponsor post-enrollment; see
section 60.2 for additional information)
These documents are expected to be provided to all new enrollees no later
than ten (10) calendar days from receipt of CMS confirmation of enrollment
or by the last day of the month prior to the effective date, whichever is later.
For exceptions to the 10-day requirement related to the LIS Rider, please
see Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 13 - Premium and
Cost-Sharing Subsidies for Low-Income Individuals, 70.2 - Enrollee
Notifications. Plans/Part D Sponsors should refer to the date of the
Transaction Reply Report (TRR) that has the notification to identify the start
of the ten (10) calendar day timeframe.
30.7.1 Mailing Materials to Addresses with Multiple Enrollees
42 CFR 422.111, 423.128, 422.2264, 423.2264
Every enrollee must receive the materials noted in section 30.7 at the time
of enrollment. Plans/Part D Sponsors may combine the mailing of these
materials to enrollees at the same address after receiving consent from all
the enrollees. Individuals in apartment buildings are only considered to be at
the “same address” if the apartment number is the same. Individuals living
in community residences, (e.g., group homes or nursing facilities), must
each receive their own materials, regardless of whether they have the same
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors may not mail one membership
identification card to an address where multiple enrollees reside; all
enrollees must receive individual membership identification cards.
30.8 – Enrollee Referral Programs
42 CFR 422.2268(a), (b), and (d), 423.2268(a), (b), and (d)
The following general guidelines apply to referral programs under which a
Plan/Part D Sponsor solicits leads from enrollees for new enrollees. These
include gifts that would be used to thank enrollees for devoting time to
encourage enrollment.
A Plan/Part D Sponsor can ask for referrals from enrollees, including
names and mailing addresses, but cannot request phone numbers or
email addresses
Plans/Part D Sponsors may use enrollee provided referral names and
mailing addresses to solicit potential new enrollees by conventional mail
Any solicitation for leads, including letters sent from Plans/Part D
Sponsors to enrollees, cannot announce that a gift will be offered for a
Gifts must be of nominal value (refer to sections 70.1.1, 70.2, and 70.3
for additional guidance on limits for gifts provided to enrollees or
prospective enrollees)
30.9 – Star Ratings Information from CMS
42 CFR 422.2264(a)(4), 423.2264(a)(3)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must provide Star Ratings information to beneficiaries
through the standardized Star Ratings information document. The Star
Ratings information document must be distributed when the SB and/or the
enrollment form is provided to beneficiaries. The Star Ratings information
document must also be prominently posted on plan websites.
Star Ratings are generally issued in October of each year. Plans/Part D
Sponsors are required to use updated Star Ratings information within 21
calendar days of the release of the updated information.
New Plans/Part D Sponsors that do not have any Star Ratings information
are not required to provide Star Ratings information until the next contract
year. Small Plans/Part D Sponsors that do not have complete Star Ratings
information due to insufficient sample sizes for certain measures must
include the standardized Star Ratings information document with any
enrollment form and/or the SB, as described above, and must also post the
Star Ratings information document prominently on their websites.
To create the Star Ratings information document, Plans/Part D Sponsors
must download Star Ratings information from HPMS using the following
navigation path: HPMS Homepage >Quality and Performance >
Performance Metrics > Star Rating and Display Measures > Star Ratings
Marketing Template.
Plans/Part D Sponsors have the option to add their plan logo to the Star
Ratings information document. No additional alterations may occur unless
otherwise directed by CMS through instructions. Plans/Part D sponsors must
include applicable disclaimers from section 50 of the MMG.
30.9.1 Referencing Star Ratings in Marketing Materials
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 422.2268(e), 423.2262, 423.2264,
Plans/Part D Sponsors may only reference a contract’s individual measures
in conjunction with its overall Rating (for MA-PDs), its Part C summary rating
(for MA-only contracts), or its Part D summary rating (for PDPs) in
marketing materials. Therefore, whenever individual measures are
mentioned, the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s overall (summary) rating must be
clearly presented with equal or greater prominence. Plans/Part D Sponsors
may not use their Star Rating in an individual underlying category or
measure to imply higher overall or summary Star Ratings in their marketing
materials. For example, a Plan/Part D Sponsor that received an overall rating
of 2-stars, and a 5-star rating in the category of customer service may not
promote itself as a “5-star plan.”
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not use their Star Ratings in a manner that
misleads beneficiaries into enrolling in plans based on inaccurate
Plans/Part D Sponsors must include the disclaimer noted in section 50.14
on materials that refer to Star Ratings
Plans/Part D Sponsors’ written or graphical reference to a contract’s
overall Star Rating must make it clear that the rating is “___out of five
(5) stars.” Plans/ Part D Sponsors may use letters, numbers, or a
combination of both for the rating.
Plans/Part D Sponsors with one or more contracts that do not have the
same overall rating across contracts must not create or disseminate
materials in a way that implies that all of their contracts achieved the
same rating. Plans/Part D Sponsors must be clear regarding the rating for
each contract identified in the material.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may direct beneficiaries to www.Medicare.gov for
more information on Star Ratings
Plans/Part D Sponsors may only market their Star Ratings for contracts in
the geographic service area for the specific contract marketed as
specified in section 30.1-
Limitations on Distribution of Marketing Materials
and Activities
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors are responsible for translating Star
Ratings information as specified in section 30.5. Translation of Star
Ratings information will not be considered an alteration of the
30.9.2 Plans with an Overall 5-Star Rating
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 422.2268(e), 423.2262, 423.2264,
Plans/Part D Sponsors with overall 5-star ratings may market their ability to
enroll beneficiaries through the 5-star special enrollment period
(SEP). However, they may not specifically target enrollees in poor
performing plans or direct enrollees to request an SEP.
Plans/Part D Sponsors with an overall 5-star rating have the option to
include CMS’ gold star icon on marketing materials. The icon must be
included in a way that is not misleading and makes it clear to the audience
that the 5-star rating is for a specific contract(s), as applicable. CMS’
Regional Offices will provide the gold star icon to Plans/Part D Sponsors each
Plans/Part D Sponsors with an overall 5-star rating under a Parent
Organization with one or more contracts that do not have an overall 5-star
rating must not create or disseminate materials in a way that implies that all
of their contracts achieved this rating. Materials should list specific contracts
with overall 5-star ratings.
If a Plan/Part D Sponsor with an overall 5-star rating is evaluated as having
a rating of less than five (5) stars for the upcoming year, the Plan/Part D
Sponsor must discontinue marketing for the purpose of accepting
enrollments under the 5-star SEP by November 30 of the current year.
30.9.3 Low Performing Plans
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 422.2268(e), 423.2262, 423.2264,
Plans/Part D Sponsors assigned a Low Performing Icon (LPI) may not
attempt to discredit or refute their LPI status by only showcasing a higher
overall Star Rating. If an MA-PD plan has been assigned an LPI, due to low
Part C and/or Part D ratings, the Plan/Part D Sponsor must clearly indicate
its LPI status when referencing its Star Rating. For example, an MA-PD plan
has a 3-star overall rating but has an LPI because of its low Part C ratings
may advertise that its overall Star Rating is 3, but it must also include that it
has an LPI for low Part C performance. In addition, the Plan/Part D Sponsor
must state that its LPI status means that it received a 2.5-star or below
summary rating in either Part C and/or Part D for the last three years. In
cases where the Plan/Part D Sponsor received an LPI due to alternating low
performance on Part C and Part D ratings, the most recent low rating must
be noted. The LPI icon must be included in all marketing materials that
reference the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s Star Rating. Changes are not
permitted to the icon.
Plans/Part D Sponsors cannot encourage beneficiaries to enroll based on a
claim that if the beneficiary is later dissatisfied with a plan that they can
request an SEP and change to a higher-rated plan.
If Plans/Part D Sponsors wish to respond to CMS-issued beneficiary notices,
the proposed response must be approved by CMS prior to use. Prior CMS
approval is required unless identical materials have been previously
reviewed and approved by CMS. Outreach materials may focus on the efforts
of the Plan/Part D Sponsor to improve its Star Ratings, but cannot:
dispute the validity or importance of CMS’ Star Ratings;
dispute the validity of the plan’s low rating; or
state or imply that the enrollee is responsible for the plan’s poor rating
and/or needs to take specific actions for the plan’s future success.
40 General Marketing Requirements
40.1 Marketing Material Identification
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262, 422.2264, 423.2264
Plans/Part D Sponsors are required to place a unique marketing material
identification number on all marketing materials (except as indicated below)
to facilitate CMS review of and oversight of marketing materials.
The material ID is made up of two parts: (1) Plans/Part D Sponsors contract
or MCE number, (i.e., H for MA or Section 1876 cost plans, R for regional
PPO plans (RPPOs), S for PDPs, or Y for Multi-Contract Entity (MCE)
identifier) followed by an underscore; and (2) any series of alpha numeric
characters chosen at the discretion of the Plans/Part D Sponsors. Use of the
material ID on marketing materials must be immediately followed by the
status of either
(for websites only), or
Y1234_drugx38 Approved). Please note that Plans/Part D Sponsors should
include approved statuses only after the material is approved and not when
submitting the material for review.
Unless specifically requested to do so by CMS, Plans/Part D Sponsors should
not submit non-marketing materials into HPMS. If applicable, Plans/Part D
Sponsors that are directed to submit non-marketing materials to HPMS
should not include a status after the material ID during or after submission.
The following marketing materials do not require a marketing material ID
number on them:
The enrollee ID card (although PDP or MA-PD enrollee ID cards must
include the CMS contract number and Plan Benefit Package (PBP) number
on them)
Envelopes, radio ads, outdoor advertisements, banner or banner-like ads,
and social media comments and posts
Note: Refer to section 90.2.3 for additional guidance on the multi-plan
material ID requirements.
40.1.1 Marketing Material Identification Number for Non-English or
Alternate Format Materials
42 CFR 422.2264(e), 423.2264(e)
Non-English or alternate format materials must be given a unique material
ID using the method outlined above. When submitting these materials,
Plans/Part D Sponsors must designate that they are non-English or alternate
format versions in HPMS. See sections 90.2.1 and 90.3.6 for additional
information about the submission of non-English and alternate format
40.2 - Font Size Rule
42 CFR 422.2264(a), 423.2264(a)
All text included on materials, including footnotes, must be printed with a
font size equivalent to or larger than Times New Roman twelve (12)-point.
The equivalency standard applies to both the height and width of the font.
Television Ads
ID cards
Internal tracking numbers
Logos/logos with taglines
If a Plan/Part D Sponsor publishes a notice to close enrollment in the
Public Notices
section of a newspaper, the Plan/Part D Sponsor does
not need to use twelve (12)-point font and can instead use the font
normally used by the newspaper for its
Public Notices
Note: For internet marketing materials, the twelve (12)-point
font requirement refers to how the Plan/Part D Sponsor codes
the font for the Web page rather than how it actually appears on
the user’s screen.
40.3 - Reference to Studies or Statistical Data
42 CFR 422.2264(a)(4), 422.2268(e), 423.2264(a)(3), 423.2268(e)
Plans/Part D Sponsors may only compare their plan to another Plan/Part D
Sponsor by referencing a study or statistical data. If a Plan/Part D Sponsor
uses a non-CMS study/survey in its marketing materials, the Plan/Part D
Sponsor must include the following information, in text or as a footnote, on
marketing pieces:
Statement that the study/survey or statistical data is not endorsed by
The name of the organization sponsoring the study;
Information about the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s relationship with the
entity that conducted the study; and
The publication title, date, and page number.
Note: This information should also be included in the HPMS marketing
material transmittal comments field when submitting the document
that includes the reference. Marketing reviewers/Account Managers
may request additional information about the study/survey.
Additionally, if the marketing piece references a non-CMS award, Plans/Part
D Sponsors must:
State that the award was not given by Medicare;
State the plan’s official CMS Star Rating can be found at
www.Medicare.gov; and
Give equal prominence (font size and/or screen time) to the
Medicare Star Rating information relative to other awards or
surveys mentioned.
40.4 Prohibited Terminology/Statements
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 423.2262, 423.2264, 422.2268(e),
CMS prohibits the distribution of marketing materials that are materially
inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise make misrepresentations.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not:
Claim that they are recommended or endorsed by CMS, Medicare, or
the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS).
Use absolute superlatives (e.g., “the best,” “highest ranked,” “rated
number 1”) and/or qualified superlatives (e.g., “one of the best,”
“among the highest rank”) unless they are substantiated with
supporting data provided to CMS as part of the marketing review
process or they are used in logos/taglines. The superlatives used and
the data provided must be in context and may not mislead consumers.
For example, a Plan/Part D Sponsor that is the only plan in the area
that received a 5-star rating in customer service, but received an
overall rating of 3 stars, may not promote itself as the highest ranked
plan in a service area where other plans have a higher overall rating.
Market that they will not disenroll individuals due to failure to pay
Other than the exceptions noted in section 40.3, compare their
Plan/Part D Sponsor to another Plan/Part D Sponsor by name without
written concurrence from all Plans/Part D Sponsors being compared.
This documentation must be included when the material is submitted
in HPMS.
Use the term “free” to describe a zero dollar premium.
Use the term “free” in conjunction with any reduction in premiums,
deductibles or cost share, including Part B premium buy-down, low-
income subsidy or dual eligibility.
Note: MSA plans may not:
Imply that the plan operates as a supplement to Medicare.
Use the term “network” to describe a list of contracted preferred
Plans/Part D Sponsors may:
State that the Plan/Part D Sponsor is approved for participation in
Medicare programs and/or it is contracted to administer Medicare
Use the term “Medicare-approved” to describe their benefits and/or
services within their marketing materials.
When discussing benefits, use the term “free” in conjunction with
mandatory supplemental benefits that are provided at a zero dollar
cost share for all enrollees.
40.5 Product Endorsements/Testimonials
42 CFR 422.2264, 423.2264, 422.2268, 423.2268
Product endorsements and testimonials for marketing purposes can be
helpful in enabling beneficiaries to make informed decisions and, therefore,
are not considered misleading if they adhere to the following:
The speaker must identify the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s product by
Medicare beneficiaries endorsing or promoting a Plan/Part D Sponsor
or a specific product must be current enrollees of that Plan/Part D
If an individual is paid to endorse or promote the plan or product, this
must be clearly stated (e.g., “paid endorsement”).
If an individual, such as an actor, is paid to portray a real or fictitious
situation, the ad must clearly state it is a “Paid Actor Portrayal.”
An endorsement or testimonial by an individual cannot use any quotes
by physicians or other health care providers.
A contracted or employed physician or health care provider cannot
provide an endorsement or testimonial.
An endorsement or testimonial cannot use negative testimonials about
other Plans/Part D Sponsors.
Note: Re-publication of individual users’ content or comment that
promotes a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s product from social media sites
(e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Scan Code, or QR Code)
is considered a product endorsement/testimonial and must adhere to
the guidance in this section.
40.6 Hours of Operation Requirements for Marketing Materials
42 CFR 422.111(h), 422.2262(c), 423.128(d), 423.2262(c)
A Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s hours of operation are required to be included
when any (current or prospective enrollee) customer service number is
provided, excluding ID cards and the standardized Star Ratings information
document. Similarly, a Plan/Part D Sponsor must list the hours of operation
for 1-800-MEDICARE on every material where 1-800-MEDICARE or Medicare
TTY appears (i.e., 24 hours a day/7 days a week).
Note: The hours of operation needs to only be listed once in conjunction
with the customer service number and 1-800-MEDICARE; they do not
need to be listed every time a customer service number is provided.
The Plan/Part D Sponsor customer service number must be a toll-free
Customer service call center hours must be the same for all individuals
regardless of whether they speak another language or use assistive
devices for communication.
Refer to section 80.1 for additional guidance for customer call centers.
40.7 Use of TTY Numbers
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
A TTY number must appear in conjunction with the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s
customer service number in the same font size and style as the other phone
numbers except as outlined below. Plans/Part D Sponsors can use either
their own TTY number or State relay services, as long as the number
included is accessible from TTY equipment. TTY customer service numbers
must be toll-free.
Outdoor advertising (ODA) or banner/banner-like ads
The Multi-Language Insert
Radio ads and radio sponsorships (e.g., sponsoring an hour of public
In television ads, the TTY number may be a different font size/style than
other phone numbers to limit possible confusion.
40.8 Marketing of Multiple Lines of Business
42 CFR 422.2268(e), (f), and (h), 423.2268(e), (f), and (h)
Plans/Part D Sponsors cannot market non-health related products to
prospective enrollees during an MA or Part D sales activity.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may provide marketing materials describing other
health-related lines of business when marketing covered plans to
prospective enrollees, provided that such materials are in compliance with
applicable State law and Federal Medicare regulations.
40.8.1 Multiple Lines of Business - General Information
42 CFR 422.2268(e) and (f), 423.2268(e) and (f)
Plan/Part D Sponsor marketing materials sent to current enrollees describing
other health-related lines of business are expected to contain instructions
that describe how individuals may opt out of receiving such communications.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure individuals (including non-enrollees) who
ask to opt out of receiving future marketing communications are not sent
such communications. In marketing multiple lines of business, Plans/Part D
Sponsors must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules (outlined generally in Appendix 2) and the
guidance in section 160 regarding the use of beneficiary information.
Plans/Part D Sponsors that advertise multiple lines of business within the
same marketing document must keep the organization’s Medicare lines of
business clearly and understandably distinct from the other lines of business.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must not include enrollment applications for
competing lines of business (e.g., MA-PD or MA plans and Medigap products)
or for other non-Medicare lines of business in mailings that combine
Medicare plan information with other product information.
40.8.2 – Multiple Lines of Business - Exceptions
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Plans/Part D Sponsors that send non-renewal and termination notices may
only provide information regarding other Medicare products (such as other
MA-PDs available in the service area) to those enrollees receiving the non-
renewal and termination notices. Plans/Part D Sponsors may include
additional materials in a separate enclosure within the same envelope.
Enrollment applications may not be provided in the same envelope with non-
renewal or termination notices.
40.8.3 Marketing Materials from Third Parties that Provide Non-
Benefit/Non-Health Services
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Third parties that provide non-benefit/non-health services (“Non-
benefit/non-health service providing third party entities”) are organizations
or individuals that supply non-benefit related information to Medicare
beneficiaries or a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s membership, which is paid for by
the Plan/Part D Sponsor or the non-benefit/non-health service-providing
third-party entity.
Example A: Company XYZ promotes health and wellness and develops
materials targeted to the Medicare population.
Example B: An individual that provides summaries of Plans/Part D
Sponsors or highlights Plans/Part D Sponsors using CMS statistical
data or other research data sources available to them and offers their
services and/or materials to the Plans/Part D Sponsors. The Plan/Part
D Sponsor would distribute or allow the non-benefit/non-health
servicing third party individual to distribute the materials to their plan
membership and/or to prospective enrollees.
Example C: Materials created by organizations like the Red Cross and
American Cancer Society.
If a non-benefit/non-health service-providing third party wishes to develop
and/or provide information to a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s enrollees and/or
prospective enrollees, plans must review such materials and ensure
compliance with the MMG requirements prior to distributing materials to the
Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s membership. See section 50.13.
40.9 Providing Materials in Different Media Types
42 CFR 422.64, 422.111, 423.48, and 423.128
Plans/Part D Sponsors may provide materials using different media types
(e.g., electronic or portable media like email, CD, or DVD). However,
Plans/Part D Sponsors must receive consent prior to providing materials in
this format (i.e., individuals must opt-in) in order for the materials to satisfy
Medicare notice and disclosure requirements. When requesting consent, the
Plan/Part D Sponsor must specify to the beneficiary the media type and the
documents to be sent in such media format. After giving consent for
electronic mailings, the enrollee must be able to opt out and receive hard
copy mailings upon request.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may provide Provider and/or Pharmacy Directories
electronically without prior consent from the enrollee. Please see chapter 4
of the Medicare Managed Care manual and chapter 5 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit manual for additional information.
In addition, Plans/Part D Sponsors electing to provide any materials using
different media types must:
Provide instructions on how and when the electronic documents may
be accessed if they are not sent directly to the enrollee. For example,
posting the document on a plan website is not sufficient, even if an
enrollee has opted into receiving electronic communications. Plans
must also provide an email or hard copy notice informing the enrollee
where the document will be posted and when the documents will be
available. See chapter 4 of the Medicare Managed Care manual and
chapter 5 of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit manual for
requirements specific to the Provider and Pharmacy Directories.
Provide hard copies (excluding plan web pages) of all enrollee
materials available to enrollees upon request.
Have safeguards in place to ensure that enrollee contact information is
current, communication materials are delivered and received timely
and appropriately, and important materials are identified in a way that
enrollees understand their importance.
Have a process for automatic mailing of hard copies when electronic
versions or choice of media types are undeliverable (e.g., an expired
email account).
Ensure compliance with HIPAA and privacy rules.
40.10 Standardization of Plan Name Type
42 CFR 422.2268 (q), 423.2268 (q), sections 1851(h)(6) and 1860D-4(l)(3)
of the Social Security Act
Plans/Part D Sponsors must include the plan type in each plan’s name using
standard terminology. Plans/Part D Sponsors enter and maintain their plan
names in HPMS. Plans/Part D Sponsors must include the plan type on all
marketing materials when the plan name is mentioned.
The plan type label must be placed at the end of each plan name. For
instance, an HMO plan named “Golden Medicare Plan” would appear as
follows: “Golden Medicare Plan (HMO).” Plans/Part D Sponsors containing
the plan type at the end of the plan name (e.g., Gold Plan PFFS) are not
required to repeat the plan type in the plan name.
Inclusion of the plan type is not required throughout an entire document.
However, plans must include the plan type on the front page or at the
beginning of the document. Model documents to which the only modification
is the addition of the required plan name type will be considered a model
without modification.
50 Marketing Material Types and Applicable Disclaimers
42 CFR 422.2262(c), 422.2264, 423.2262(c), 423.2264
The disclaimers described in this section are required, when applicable, on
all marketing materials created by the Plan/Part D Sponsor except those
noted below. Disclaimers must be prominently displayed on the material and
must be of similar font size and style (refer to section 40.2 for more
Disclaimers are not required on:
ID cards
Call Scripts
Banners and banner-like ads
Outdoor advertising
Text Messages
Social Media
Note: If a communication written for social media has the potential to
be disseminated via other mediums, disclaimers must be included. For
example, a video produced for YouTube must include disclaimers
because the video has the potential to be disseminated by other
Note: Unless otherwise instructed by CMS, updates to existing disclaimers
do not require the resubmission of marketing materials.
50.1 Federal Contracting Disclaimer
42 CFR 422.2264(c), 423.2264(c)
All marketing materials must include a contracting statement either in the
text or at the end/bottom of the piece. The statement should include the
legal or marketing name, the type of plan (e.g., HMO, PPO, PFFS, PDP), and
who the contract is with (e.g., Medicare, Federal Government, State
Medicaid program).
Plans/Part D Sponsors are responsible for creating their own disclaimer,
which meets the requirement specified in the regulation text cited above. An
example of a disclaimer is as follows:
“[Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s legal or marketing name] is a [plan type]
with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in [Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s legal
or marketing name] depends on contract renewal.”
Note: In addition to the exceptions noted in the introduction to section
50, radio, television, and internet banner ads do not need to include
the Federal contracting disclaimer.
50.2 Disclaimers When Benefits Are Mentioned
42 CFR 422.111(a) and (b), 422.2264, 423.128(a) and (b), 423.2264
The following disclaimers must be used when benefit information is included
in marketing materials:
“This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the
plan for more information.”
“Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply.”
“[Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance] may change
on January 1 of each year.”
Plans/Part D Sponsors may select the options within the brackets that are
applicable to the marketing piece. For example, if an advertisement
mentions co-payments, but does not mention premiums, the disclaimer does
not need to specify that the premium may change January 1.
50.3 Disclaimers When Plan Premiums Are Mentioned
42 CFR 422.111(a)(2), 422.2264(a), 423.128(a)(2), 423.2264(a)
All plan materials that mention plan premium information must include the
following disclaimer:
“You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium.”
This statement is required even if the plan premium is $0. This disclaimer is
not required if the Part B premium is entirely paid by rebates under the plan.
D-SNPs where the State pays the Part B premium should indicate that the
Part B premium is covered for full-dual enrollees.
50.4 Disclaimer on Availability of Non-English Translations
42 CFR 422.2264(e), 423.2264(e)
Plans/Part D Sponsors that meet the five (5) percent threshold for language
translation must place the following alternate language disclaimer on all
marketing materials:
“This information is available for free in other languages. Please call
our customer service number at [insert customer service and TTY
numbers, and hours of operation].”
The alternate language disclaimer must be placed in both English and all
non-English languages that meet the five (5) percent threshold for the Plan
Benefit Packages (PBP) related to the document. The non-English version
must be placed below the English version and in the same font size as the
English version.
Note: ID cards are excluded from this requirement. Radio, print ads,
and post cards are only required to include the disclaimer in the same
language as the ad.
50.5 Disclaimer on SNP Materials
42 CFR 422.4(a)(1)(iv), 422.111(b)(2)(iii), 422.2264(a)(4), 423.2264(a)(3)
SNP plans must place a disclaimer related to enrollment eligibility on any
materials targeting potential enrollees. Some examples are:
“This plan is available to anyone with Medicare who meets the Skilled
Nursing Facility (SNF) level of care and resides in a nursing home.”
“This plan is available to anyone with Medicare who has been
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.”
“This plan is available to anyone who has both Medical Assistance from
the State and Medicare.”
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not discuss numeric SNP approval scores in
marketing materials or press releases. Plans/Part D Sponsors may only
include the following information related to their NCQA SNP approval:
“[Insert Plan Name] has been approved by the National Committee for
Quality Assurance (NCQA) to operate as a Special Needs Plan (SNP)
until [insert last contract year of NCQA approval] based on a review of
[insert Plan Name’s] Model of Care.”
50.6 Disclaimer When Cost-Sharing is Mentioned on D-SNP Materials
Targeting Potential Enrollees
42 CFR 422.4(a)(1)(iv), 422.111(b)(2)(iii), 422.2264, 423.2264
The following disclaimer must be on D-SNP materials targeting potential
enrollees that mention cost-sharing information. The disclaimer is not
required on materials for beneficiaries residing in the territories.
“[Premium, co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles] may vary based
on the level of Extra Help you receive. Please contact the plan for
further details.”
50.7 Disclaimer for Private Fee-for-Service Plans Targeting Potential
PFFS materials targeting potential enrollees must include the following
“A Private Fee-for-Service plan is not Medicare supplement insurance.
Providers who do not contract with our plan are not required to see
you except in an emergency.”
50.8 Disclaimers for Medicare Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) Targeting
Potential Enrollees
42 CFR 422.111(b)(2), 422.2264(a)(4), 423.2264(a)(3)
MSA materials targeting potential enrollees must include the following
“MSA Plans combine a high deductible Medicare Advantage Plan and a
trust or custodial savings account (as defined and/or approved by the
IRS). The plan deposits money from Medicare into the account. You
can use this money to pay for your health care costs, but only
Medicare-covered expenses count toward your deductible. The amount
deposited is usually less than your deductible amount, so you
generally have to pay out-of-pocket before your coverage begins.
“Medicare MSA Plans don’t cover prescription drugs. If you join a
Medicare MSA Plan, you can also join any separate Medicare
Prescription Drug Plan.”
“There are additional restrictions to join an MSA plan, and enrollment
is generally for a full calendar year unless you meet certain
exceptions. Those who disenroll during the calendar year will owe a
portion of the account deposit back to the plan. Contact the plan at
[insert customer service and TTY] for additional information.
50.9 Disclaimer for Materials that are Co-branded with
42 CFR 422.2268(n), 423.2268(n)
Plans/Part D Sponsors that enter into co-branding relationships with network
providers/pharmacies must include the following disclaimer:
“Other <Pharmacies/Physicians/Providers> are available in our
50.10 Disclaimer on Advertisements and Invitations to Sales/Marketing
42 CFR 422.2268(e) and (o), 423.2268(e) and (o)
Advertisements and invitations to sales/marketing events (in any form of
media) used to invite individuals to attend a group session with the
possibility of enrolling those individuals must include the following
statements on marketing materials:
“A sales person will be present with information and applications.”
“For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings
call <insert phone and TTY number>.”
50.11 Disclaimer on Promoting a Nominal Gift
42 CFR 422.2268(b), 423.2268(b)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must include a written statement on all marketing
materials promoting drawings, prizes or any promise of a free gift that there
is no obligation to enroll in the plan. For example:
“Eligible for a free drawing and prizes with no obligation,” or
“Free drawing without obligation.”
50.12 Disclaimer for Plans Accepting Online Enrollment Requests
42 CFR 422.2262(c), 423.2262(c)
Plans/Part D Sponsors accepting enrollment requests through their Online
Enrollment Center (OEC) must state the following disclaimer on their
“Medicare beneficiaries may also enroll in <plan name> through the
CMS Medicare Online Enrollment Center located at
50.13 Disclaimer When Using Third Party Materials
42 CFR 422.2264, 423.2264
CMS does not review materials developed by a non-benefit/non-health
service providing third-party entity that is not affiliated or contracted with
the Plan/Part D Sponsor. An affiliation is defined as a mutual agreement of
understanding (includes, but is not limited to parent organization
relationships). Plans/Part D Sponsors choosing to provide marketing
materials and/or services created by non-benefit/non-health service
providing third-party entities must include the following disclaimer on all
“Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information.”
The disclaimer must be prominently displayed at the bottom center of the
first page of the material, or in the case of a website, on each page, and be
a similar font size and style as the message.
50.13.1 Disclaimer When Third Parties List a Subset of Plan Options
42 CFR 422.2264, 423.2264
Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure that materials developed by a third-
party providing information on a subset of plan choices that lists, compares,
or names available plans, must prominently display the following disclaimer
on all materials:
“This is not a complete listing of plans available in your service area.
For a complete listing please contact 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users
should call 1-877-486-2048), 24 hours a day/7 days a week or consult
50.14 Disclaimer When Referencing Star Ratings Information
42 CFR 422.2264, 423.2264
Plans/Part D Sponsors must include the following disclaimer on all materials
referencing Star Ratings information:
“Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Star
Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the
50.15 – Mailing Statements
42 CFR 422.2268(e), 422.2272(b), 423.2268(e), 423.2272(b)
To ensure that beneficiaries can quickly and easily identify the contents of a
Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s mailing, all mailings to prospective or current
beneficiaries must prominently display one of the following five statements,
verbatim, on the front of the envelope. If no envelope is being sent, the
disclaimer must be on the mailing itself. Plans/Part D Sponsors may meet
this requirement using ink stamps or stickers, in lieu of pre-printed
statements. Any delegated or sub-contracted entities and downstream
entities that conduct mailings on behalf of a Plan/Part D Sponsor must
comply with this requirement.
Advertising pieces “This is an advertisement”
Plan information other than a mailing with the Annual Notice of
Change “Important plan information”
Plan information when a mailing with the Annual Notice of
Change“Important information about changes to your
Medicare drug and health plan” (remove either “drug” or health”
if not applicable)
Health and wellness information “Health and wellness or
prevention information”
Non-health or non-plan information - “Non-health or non-plan
related information” (see section 160.4 for examples)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must use these statements.
In addition, Plans/Part D Sponsors must include their plan name or logo on
every envelope to current and prospective enrollees (either on or visible
from the front of the envelope, or on the mailing when no envelope
accompanies the mailer).
Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to include a material ID on
envelopes; however all envelopes must be submitted to HPMS with an
associated marketing material ID number. CMS does not require
resubmission of envelopes based only on a change in the envelope size. If a
plan uses the same mailing statement on three (3) different mailing
packages (e.g., 8 x 12 envelope, letter size envelope, and box) the envelope
with each mailing statement only needs to be submitted once, provided the
required mailing statement remains unchanged and additional information is
not included.
50.16 – Disclaimer for Other Formulary Documents
42 CFR 423.128(a) and (b)
The following disclaimer must be displayed prominently on the cover of other
formulary documents referenced in section 60.4.4:
“This is not a complete list of drugs covered by our plan. For a complete
listing, please call <Customer Service Phone and TTY Numbers/> or visit
<website address>”.
50.17 – Disclaimer When Discussing Services from Out-of-Network/Non-
Contracted Providers
42 CFR 422.2264
In general, Plans should educate their enrollees when seeking services from
Out-of-network/Non-contracted providers. All PPO plans must include the
following disclaimer on marketing materials:
Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to
treat <Plan/Part D Sponsor> members, except in emergency
situations. For a decision about whether we will cover an out-of-
network service, we encourage you or your provider to ask us for a
pre-service organization determination before you receive the service.
Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of
Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies
to out-of-network services.
50.18Pharmacy/Provider Network and Formulary Disclaimers
42 CFR 422.111(a) and (b), 423.128(a) and (b)
The following disclaimer must be included on materials whenever formularies
and/or provider/pharmacy networks are mentioned:
“The [Formulary, pharmacy network, and/or provider network] may
change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary.”
Plans/Part D Sponsors may include only the relevant elements in the
Part D Sponsors with limited access to preferred cost sharing pharmacies
must include the following disclaimer on materials that reference preferred
cost sharing pharmacy networks and/or preferred cost sharing benefits:
“<insert organization/plan name>’s pharmacy network offers limited
access to pharmacies with preferred cost sharing in <insert geographic
area type(s) and state(s) for which plan is an outlier)>. The lower
costs advertised in our plan materials for these pharmacies may not be
available at the pharmacy you use. For up-to-date information about
our network pharmacies, including pharmacies with preferred cost
sharing, please call <insert Member Services phone number and TTY>
or consult the online pharmacy directory at <insert website>.”
60 Required Documents
60.1 Summary of Benefits (SB)
42 CFR 422.111(b)(2), 423.128(b)(2)
Beginning CY 2017, HPMS will no longer generate the SB. Plans/Part D
Sponsors must develop their own SB based on their bid data in HPMS and
within the parameters of CMS’ SB guidance. The required data elements for
the SB are provided in the SB guidance memo. Plans/Part D Sponsors must
include the SB when providing an enrollment form and upon an enrollee’s
request. Additionally, Plans/Part D Sponsors must provide the multi-
language insert any time they distribute an SB (see section 30.5.1).
Medicaid Benefits:
D-SNPs must provide each prospective enrollee prior
to enrollment with a comprehensive written statement that
- The benefits that the individual is entitled to under Title XIX
- The cost-sharing protections that the individual is entitled to under
Title XIX (Medicaid); and
- The description of the benefits and cost-sharing protections that are
covered under the D-SNP.
The SB must be submitted in HPMS as one document under the File & Use
process. SBs may not be submitted as a template (see section 90.2 for
information on the material submission process).
Plans/Part D Sponsors offering more than one plan may describe several
plans in the same SB document by displaying the benefits for different plans.
60.2 ID Card Requirements
42 CFR 417.427, 422.111(i), 423.120(c)
All Plans/Part D Sponsors must create ID cards following the National Council
for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) or Workgroup for Electronic Data
Interchange (WEDI) standards.
Combination health and drug plan ID cards must follow the WEDI standard
and must include the required information in sections 60.2.1 and 60.2.2
All Plans/Part D Sponsors must issue and reissue (as appropriate) enrollee
ID cards that enrollees may use to access covered services under the plan.
ID cards must include:
The Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s website address
The Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s customer service number
The CMS contract number/PBP number
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not use the social security number (SSN) or
Healthcare Insurance Claim Number (HICN) as the enrollee identification
number on the ID card.
ID cards are not required to include:
The marketing material identification number
Hours of operation of the customer service center
Disclaimers noted in section 50
Health Plan Identification Number (HPID) (for more information on
HPID, review the regulations published by CMS’ Office of E-Health
Standards and Services (CMS-0040-F). 77 Fed. Reg. 54664 (Sept.
5, 2012), as corrected 77 Fed. Reg. 60629 (Oct. 4, 2012))
(See section 30.2.1 regarding co-branding requirements related to ID
60.2.1 Health Plan ID Card Requirements
Other than exceptions cited in section 60.2, the health plan enrollee ID card
(for MA or Section 1876 cost plans) must meet the standards for medical ID
cards in the most recent version of the WEDI Health Identification Card
Implementation Guide. Visit www.wedi.org to find the Guide.
PPO and PFFS Health plan ID cards must also include the phrase “Medicare
limiting charges apply.”
60.2.2 Part D Sponsor ID Card Requirements
Other than any exceptions cited in section 60.2, the Part D Sponsor enrollee
ID card must meet the most recent version of the NCPDP’s “Pharmacy
and/or Combination ID Card” standard. This standard is based on the
American National Standards Institute ANSI INCITS 284-1997 standard
titled Identification Card Health Care Identification Cards.
The front of the Part D Sponsor ID Card must include the Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark (see section 150 for more
60.3 Additional Materials Enclosed with Required Post-Enrollment Materials
42 CFR 422.111, 423.128
Unless otherwise directed, Plans/Part D Sponsors are permitted to enclose
other materials related to benefits or plan operations in their post-
enrollment packages (e.g., health education newsletters, Medication Therapy
Management Program (MTMP) materials, mail service forms for Part D
drugs, etc.).
Informational materials that are enclosed with the post-enrollment mailing
must be:
Distinct (e.g., folded, different color pages, tabbed) from the required
document within the mailing envelope. All documents must be distinct
if binding additional materials with required documents.
These materials must comply with all relevant laws and regulations,
and may not include materials advertising additional products such as
Medigap by the Plan/Part D Sponsor.
Note: Materials, other than those described in this section, may not be
included in the ANOC/EOC mailing unless otherwise specified (e.g.,
ANOC/EOC instructions).
60.4Formulary and Formulary Change Notice Requirements
42 CFR 423.120(b)(5), 423.128 (b)(4), 423.2262(a), 423.2268(e)
Part D Sponsors must provide a list of drugs, known as a formulary, to
enrollees at the time of enrollment and at least annually thereafter. While
the print version of the formulary may be abridged, each Part D Sponsor
must provide a comprehensive formulary on its website. See Chapter 6 of
the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual for program guidance regarding
formularies, change notices, and utilization management
Part D Sponsors must ensure that each formulary marketed for a specific
plan is consistent with the HPMS formulary file approved by CMS for that
Each covered drug must be displayed at the correct cost-sharing tier
and with the approved utilization management edits (i.e., prior
authorization, step therapy or quantity limits)
The formulary drug category and class must be consistent
The applicable HPMS approved formulary file submission ID number,
which is the HPMS formulary submission ID number of the approved
formulary that is being marketed, and version number must be
Indicate when the document and search tool (if available) was last
updated by including the phrase, “Updated MM/YYYY” or “No changes
made since MM/YYYY”
Any drug adjudicated as a formulary drug at the point of sale must be
included in the Part D Sponsorsmarketing materials. This applies to drugs
that exist on the approved HPMS formulary as well as drugs covered as Part
D formulary enhancements to the approved formulary. Generally, these
drugs are expected to relate to newly approved brand or generic drugs
(including new formulations and strengths) that do not currently reside on
the Formulary Reference File (FRF), but that would likely be added during
subsequent FRF updates. These marketed formulary drug enhancements
must be added to the HPMS formulary once the drugs are represented on
the FRF.
A Part D Sponsor may market enhancements (such as adding a newly
available drug to the formulary), but not negative changes, to its formulary
prior to receiving CMS approval. For more details, see Chapter 6 of the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, section 30.3
In the event that a marketing discrepancy is identified, the Part D Sponsor
must continue to cover the drug(s) at the more favorable cost share or with
less restrictive utilization management for the affected enrollee (as defined
in 42 CFR 423.100) through the end of the contract year.
60.4.1 Abridged Formulary
42 CFR 423.128, 423.2262(c), 423.2268(e)
Part D Sponsors are expected to provide an abridged formulary document
that includes at a minimum:
Sponsor Name on cover page
“<Year> Formulary (List of Covered Drugs)” on cover page
Advise enrollees that the document includes a partial list of drugs; that
enrollees can visit the website or call the plan for a complete list of
covered drugs
Contact information on both the front and back cover pages
The following statement: “Note to existing enrollees: This formulary has
changed since last year. Please review this document to make sure that it
still contains the drugs you take.”
The definition of a formulary as compared to an abridged formulary (42
CFR 423.4 defines “formulary” as “the entire list of Part D drugs covered
by a Part D plan”)
An explanation of how to use the Part D Sponsor’s formulary document
The following statement: “<Part D Plan Sponsor Name> covers both
brand name drugs and generic drugs. A generic drug is approved by the
FDA as having the same active ingredient as the brand name drug.
Generally, generic drugs cost less than brand name drugs.”
A statement describing the Part D Sponsor’s general utilization
management procedures
The date the formulary was last updated and describe how to obtain
updated formulary information
A statement that if a drug is not on the formulary, enrollees may contact
the Part D Sponsor to obtain a list of alternatives or to apply for
exceptions to coverage rules
An explanation of how to obtain an exception to the Part D Sponsor’s
formulary, utilization management tools or tiered cost sharing
A description of the Part D Sponsor’s drug transition policy
A statement that enrollees may contact the Part D Sponsor for additional
information or questions on the formulary
A chart (the CMS-approved formulary) of covered drugs organized by
therapeutic category that includes at least two covered drugs for each
therapeutic class. Exceptions to this include when only one drug exists in
the category or class or in the case where two drugs exist in the category
or class, and one is clinically superior to the other. The category or class
names must be the same as those found on the CMS-approved Part D
Sponsor formulary.
Note: While Part D Sponsors must ensure that at least two drugs per
therapeutic class are included within the abridged formulary, Part D
Sponsors have the option to include the therapeutic classes as
subheadings within the abridged formulary, as this level of detail may
be confusing for enrollees. The row of the chart must include at least
the three items described below.
Drug Name: We suggest capitalizing brand name drugs (e.g., LIPITOR),
and listing generic drugs in lowercase italics, (e.g., penicillin). Part D
Sponsors may include the generic name of a drug next to the brand name
of the drug. The abridged formulary may only consist of drugs included
on the CMS approved HPMS formulary. Formulary drug enhancements
described in section 60.4 may not be included in the abridged formulary
Tier Placement: Part D Sponsors that provide different levels of coverage
for drugs depending on their tier should include a column indicating the
drug’s tier placement and the corresponding tier label description (e.g.,
Generic or Preferred Brand) from the approved PBP. Part D Sponsors may
also choose to include a column providing the co-payment or co-
insurance amount for each tier.
Utilization Management (UM): Part D Sponsors must indicate any
applicable UM tools (e.g., prior authorization, step therapy, and quantity
limit restrictions) for the drug. A description of the indicator used to
describe the UM tools must be provided somewhere within the document
(e.g., in footnotes). For example, a Part D Sponsor may choose to
designate a prior authorization on a drug by placing an asterisk next to
the name of the drug.
Note: Every enrollee must be able to tell by examining the complete
formulary whether a specific drug is coveredincluding those drugs
that have varying dosage forms or strengths at different formulary
statuses, tier placements, and/or utilization management
procedures (e.g., prior authorization, step therapy, quantity limit,
or other restrictions). If there are differences in formulary status,
tier placement, quantity limit, prior authorization, step therapy, or
other restrictions for a drug based on its differing dosage forms or
strengths, the formulary must clearly identify how it will treat the
different formulations of that same drug.
- An index listing drugs in alphabetical order that directs the
reader to the page containing complete information for that
drug, (e.g., name, tier placement, and utilization
management strategy)
- A symbol or abbreviation, as well as an explanation, to
identify any utilization management restrictions, drugs that
are available via mail-order, excluded drugs, free first fill
drugs, limited access drugs, drugs covered in the coverage
gap, and drugs covered under the medical benefit (for home
infusion drugs only)
- Part D Sponsors may not include OTC drugs in the formulary
table, but are expected to provide a separate list or table
60.4.2 Comprehensive Formulary
42 CFR 423.4, 423.120, 423.128(c)(1)(v)
The comprehensive formulary must include the same information provided
within the abridged formulary document, except that the comprehensive
formulary must include the entire list of drugs covered by the Part D
Sponsor (for instance, drugs covered as an enhancement) and would not
inform beneficiaries that they can obtain a comprehensive formulary by
contacting the Part D Sponsor. Drugs adjudicated at the point of sale as
formulary drugs that are not found on the CMS approved HPMS formulary
must be included in the comprehensive formulary. This may include drugs
that are not found on the CMS approved HPMS formulary as described in
section 60.4.
60.4.3 Changes to Printed and Posted Formularies
42 CFR 423.120(b), 423.128(a)-(c)(d)(2)(ii)
Part D Sponsors will be expected to update all impacted abridged and
comprehensive printed formularies with any applicable formulary changes.
Part D Sponsors may make any necessary formulary changes via errata
sheets mailed to affected enrollees. While Part D Sponsors retain the
flexibility to utilize other processes for notifying enrollees of non-
maintenance changes to their printed formularies, CMS expects Part D
Sponsors to send out errata sheets with formulary changes no less than
monthly to the extent that any negative non-maintenance formulary
changes have occurred and that affected enrollees will receive a hard copy of
such changes (website updates alone will not suffice). Consistent with
formulary errata sheets and hard copy notifications, website updates for
applicable negative non-maintenance formulary changes must also be made
no less than monthly. Errata sheets must include a statement explaining
that the plan will continue to cover the drugs in question for enrollees taking
the drug at the time of change for the remainder of the plan year as long as
the drug continues to be medically necessary and prescribed by the
enrollee’s physician and was not removed for safety reasons. Refer to the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 6, sections and This requirement does not extend to mid-year maintenance
changes defined in section of the Medicare Prescription Drug
Benefit Manual (http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-
Coverage/PrescriptionDrugCovContra/PartDManuals.html). Changes to
previously printed formularies resulting from mid-year maintenance changes
may be made at the time of the next printing. This is not a substitute for the
required advance 60 days’ notice to affected beneficiaries.
60.4.4 Other Formulary Documents
42 CFR 423.128(b)(4)
In addition to comprehensive and abridged formularies, Part D Sponsors
may choose to develop a formulary that lists all of their preferred drugs or is
tailored to individuals with specific chronic conditions, as long as these items
supplement the two required documents rather than replace them and
include the disclaimer in section 50.16.
60.4.5 Provision of Notice to Enrollees Regarding Formulary Changes
42 CFR 423.120(b)(5)
Part D Sponsors must provide at least sixty (60) days’ notice or a 60-day
supply with notice to affected enrollees before removing a Part D drug from
the Part D Sponsor’s formulary (e.g., adding prior authorization, quantity
limits, step therapy or other restrictions on a drug), or moving a drug to a
higher cost-sharing tier. A sixty (60) day notice must be provided in writing
unless a beneficiary has affirmatively elected to receive electronic notice.
Part D Sponsors should refer to Chapter 6 of the Medicare Prescription Drug
Benefit Manual, section
If a Part D Sponsor does not provide 60 days advance written notice to an
affected enrollee, the Part D Sponsor must provide a 60-day fill of the
prescription under the same terms as previously allowed, with written notice
of the change.
60.4.6 Provision of Notice to Other Entities Regarding Formulary Changes
42 CFR 423.120(b)(5)
Prior to removing a covered Part D drug from its formulary, or making any
change in the preferred or tiered cost-sharing status of a covered Part D
drug, a Part D Sponsor must provide at least sixty (60) days’ notice to CMS,
State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs, entities providing other
prescription drug coverage, authorized prescribers, network pharmacies, and
pharmacists prior to the date such change becomes effective. Part D
Sponsors should refer to Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter
6, section (http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-
60.5Part D Explanation of Benefits
42 CFR 423.128(e)
Part D Sponsors must ensure that enrollees who utilize their prescription
drug benefits in a given month receive their Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
by the end of the month following the month in which they utilized their
prescription drug benefits.
MMPs that use the Part D EOB model are expected to include all Medicaid-
required excluded drugs/OTCs, which are submitted on the Additional
Demonstration Drug (ADD) file. For more information, please refer to the
Part D EOB Model instructions.
Note: An EOB does not need to be generated by the Part D Sponsor
when retroactive changes apply to prior benefit year prescription fills.
For example, a Part D Sponsor’s final EOB for CY 2015 must be sent in
January 2016, for December 2015 fills. Once the final EOB for CY 2015
has been sent, Part D Sponsors are not required to send an EOB for
any retroactive adjustments for prior benefit year fills (prescription fills
made prior to December 31, 2015).
60.6Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and Evidence of Coverage (EOC)
42 CFR 417.427, 422.111(a)(3), 422.111(d)(2), 423.128 (a)(3)
All Plans/Part D Sponsors, including Section 1876 cost plans that do and do
not offer Part D benefits, must send the ANOC/EOC for enrollee receipt by
September 30 of each year. New enrollees with an effective date of October
1, November 1, or December 1, should receive both an EOC for the current
contract year and an ANOC/EOC for the upcoming contract year. New
enrollees with an effective date of January 1 or later must receive an EOC
for the contract year of coverage. Stand-alone EOCs do not need to be
resubmitted in HPMS.
D-SNPs may choose to send the ANOC for enrollee receipt by September 30,
and the EOC for enrollee receipt by December 31. D-SNPs that choose this
option must also send an SB with the ANOC. D-SNPs that send a combined
ANOC/EOC for enrollee receipt by September 30 are not required to send an
SB to current enrollees.
Employer/union group plans must send the ANOCs and EOCs for enrollee
receipt no later than fifteen (15) days before the beginning of the
employer/union sponsor’s open enrollment period (refer to Chapter 9 of the
Medicare Managed Care Manual and Chapter 12 of the Medicare Prescription
Drug Benefit Manual).
To ensure that Plans/Part D Sponsors are mailing their ANOC/EOC timely,
Plans/Part D Sponsors must indicate the actual mail date and the number of
enrollees that were mailed the documents in HPMS within 15 days of
mailing. This includes mail dates for alternate materials. Plans/Part D
Sponsors that mail in waves should enter the actual mail date for each wave.
Organizations may enter up to ten waves of mailings. For instructions on
meeting this requirement, refer to the Update Material Link/Function section
of the Marketing Review Users Guide in HPMS.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must use the standardized ANOC/EOC errata model to
correct any errors and must submit the errata model for review via HPMS.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure corrected versions of the ANOC and EOC
are on their websites. Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to post the
ANOC/EOC errata model on websites.
60.7Other Mid-Year Changes Requiring Enrollee Notification
42 CFR 422.111(d)(3) and (e), 423.128(g)
CMS requires enrollee notification of mid-year benefit changes at least 30
days prior to the effective date. Examples of changes include National
Coverage Determinations (NCD), legislative changes in benefits, plan rule
changes, or provider network changes. Guidance on significant mid-year
provider network changes can be found in Chapter 4 of the Medicare
Managed Care Manual. If an NCD or legislative change in benefits is
announced or finalized less than 30 days prior to the effective date,
notification is required as soon as possible. Mid-year benefit changes due to
an NCD or legislative change in benefits must be reflected on the Plan/Part D
Sponsor website. See also Chapter 4 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual,
section 90.3 - General Rules for NCDs.
For NCDs or legislative changes in benefits that result in a new mid-year
benefit, Plans/Part D Sponsors must publish the notification in the next plan
newsletter or other mass mailing not specifically dedicated to the NCD
notification. Alternatively, Plans/Part D Sponsors may choose to provide this
information to enrollees via email (if the enrollee has opted to receive
communications via email as described in section 40.9 of the Medicare
Marketing Guidelines) or one-time mailings specific to this issue. NCD
communications do not need to be submitted in HPMS.
Plans/Part D Sponsors should refer to the appropriate guidance for the
requirements of each change. For more information visit:
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual
70 Promotional Activities, Rewards, Incentives, Events and Outreach
70.1 Promotional Activities
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Generally, promotional activities are designed to attract the attention of
prospective enrollees and/or encourage retention of current enrollees. In
addition to the guidance on nominal gifts, any promotional activities or items
offered by Plans/Part D Sponsors must:
Have only nominal value (be worth no more than $15) based on the
fair market value of the item or less, with a maximum aggregate of
$50 per person, per year;
Be offered to all people regardless of enrollment and without
Not be items that are considered a health benefit (e.g., a free
checkup); and
Not be tied directly or indirectly to the provision of any other covered
item or service.
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors should track and document items
given to current enrollees. Plans/Part D Sponsors are not
required to track pre-enrollment promotional items on a per
person basis; however, they may not willfully structure pre-
enrollment activities with the intent to give people more than
$50 per year.
70.1.1 Nominal Gifts
42 CFR 422.2268(a), (b), and (c), 423.2268(a), (b), and (c)
Plans/Part D Sponsors may offer gifts to potential enrollees, as long as those
gifts are of nominal value, provided regardless of enrollment, and without
The following rules must be followed when providing nominal gifts:
If a nominal gift is one large gift (e.g., a concert, raffle, drawing), the
total fair market value must not exceed the nominal per person value
based on attendance. For example, if 10 people are expected to attend
an event, the nominal gift may not be worth more than $150 ($15 for
each of the 10 anticipated attendees). For planning purposes,
anticipated attendance may be used, but must be based on actual
venue size, response rate, or advertisement circulation.
Nominal gifts may not be in the form of cash or other monetary
rebates, even if their worth is $15 or less.
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors should refer to the Office of Inspector
General’s website regarding advisory opinions on gifts and gift cards.
70.2 Marketing of Rewards and Incentives Programs
42 CFR 422.134(c)(2)(ii), 422.2268
Rewards and incentives programs are for current enrollees only. However,
Plans may include information about rewards and incentives programs in
marketing materials to potential enrollees, as long as those communications:
Are not used to target potential enrollees;
Are provided to all potential enrollees without discrimination;
Are provided in conjunction with information about Plan benefits; and
Include information about all rewards and incentives programs offered
by the Plan, and are not limited to a specific program, or a specific
reward or incentive within a program.
For information regarding rewards and incentives program requirements,
please see Chapter 4 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual.
Note: Nominal gifts that are part of a promotional activity are different
from rewards and incentives.
70.3 Exclusion of Meals as a Nominal Gift
42 CFR 422.2268(p), 423.2268(p)
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not provide or subsidize meals at
sales/marketing events. However, Plans/Part D Sponsors may provide
refreshments and light snacks. Plans/Part D Sponsors should use their best
judgment on the appropriateness of food products provided, and should
ensure that items provided could not be reasonably considered a meal
and/or that multiple items are not being “bundled” and provided as if a
Meals may be provided at educational events, provided the event meets
CMS’ strict definition of an educational event, and complies with the nominal
gift requirement in section 70.1.1.
70.4 - Unsolicited Electronic Communication Policy
42 CFR 422.2268(d), 423.2268(d)
A Plan/Part D Sponsor may not initiate separate electronic contact (e.g.,
email, direct message, text message), unless an individual has agreed to
receive those communications. If an individual comments, likes or follows a
Plan/Part D Sponsor on social media, this does not constitute agreement to
receive Plan/Part D Sponsor communications outside of the public social
media forum. Plans/Part D Sponsors may not initiate separate
communications to specific social media users. Pop-ups or targeted
advertisements that comply with all marketing rules are permitted.
In addition, Plans/Part D Sponsors may respond to a question or statement
initiated by the beneficiary on a public social media forum, but may not
address subjects beyond the scope of the question or statement.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are prohibited from renting or purchasing email
lists to distribute information about MA, PDP, or Section 1876 cost
plans, and may not send electronic communications to individuals at
email addresses or on social media obtained through friends or
Plans/Part D Sponsors must provide an opt-out process for enrollees to
no longer receive email or other electronic communications.
70.5 Marketing through Unsolicited Contacts
42 CFR 422.2268(d), 423.2268(d)
In general, Plans/Part D Sponsors may not market through unsolicited direct
contact, including but not limited to:
Door-to-door solicitation, including leaving information such as a
leaflet or flyer at a residence or car
Approaching potential enrollees in common areas (e.g., parking lots,
hallways, lobbies, sidewalks, etc.)
Telephonic or electronic solicitation, including leaving electronic
voicemail messages or text messaging
Note: Agents/brokers who have a pre-scheduled appointment with
a beneficiary that becomes a “no-show may leave information at
the no-show potential enrollee’s residence.
The prohibition on marketing through unsolicited contacts does not
extend to conventional mail and other print media (e.g.,
advertisements, direct mail).
In addition, if a potential enrollee provides permission to be called or
otherwise contacted, the contact must be event-specific, and may not
be treated as open-ended permission for future contacts.
70.6 Telephonic Contact
42 CFR 422.2268(d), (e), and (f), 423.2268(d), (e), and (f)
Agents may contact their own clients and Plans/Part D Sponsors may contact
current enrollees at any time to discuss plan business. Prohibited telephonic
activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Bait-and-switch strategies - making unsolicited calls about other
business as a means of generating leads for Medicare plans.
Calls based on referrals - if an individual would like to refer a friend or
relative to an agent or Plan/Part D Sponsor, the agent or Plan/Part D
Sponsor may provide contact information such as a business card that
the individual may give to a friend or relative. Otherwise, as instructed
in section 30.8, a referred individual needs to contact the plan or
agent/broker directly.
Calls to former enrollees who have disenrolled, or to current enrollees
who are in the process of voluntarily disenrolling (except as permitted
below), to market plans or products. Enrollees who are voluntarily
disenrolling from a plan should not be contacted for sales purposes or
be asked to consent in any format to further sales contacts.
Calls to beneficiaries who attended a sales event, unless the
beneficiary gave express permission at the event for a follow-up call
(the Plan/Part D Sponsor must have documentation of permission to
be contacted).
Calls to beneficiaries to confirm receipt of mailed information, except
as permitted below.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may conduct the following telephonic activities:
Call beneficiaries who submit enrollment applications to conduct
quality control and/or agent/broker oversight activities.
Call their current MA and non-MA enrollees or use third-parties to
contact their current MA and non-MA enrollees about MA/Part D plans.
Examples of allowed contacts include, but are not limited to, calls to
enrollees aging-in to Medicare from commercial products offered by
the same organization and calls to an organization’s existing
Medicaid/MMP plan enrollees to talk about its Medicare products. When
discussing Medicaid products, Plans/Part D Sponsors must follow all
applicable Medicaid marketing rules.
Call their current MA enrollees to promote other Medicare plan types or
to discuss plan benefits (e.g., sponsors may contact their PDP
enrollees to promote their MA-PD offerings; Plans/Part D Sponsors that
are also Medigap issuers may market their MA, PDP, or cost plan
products to their Medigap enrollees).
Call their current enrollees, including via automated telephone
notification, to discuss/inform them about general plan information
such as Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) dates, availability of flu shots,
upcoming plan changes, educational events and other important plan
Call their current enrollees to conduct normal business related to
enrollment in the plan, including calls to enrollees who have been
involuntarily disenrolled to resolve eligibility issues.
Call former enrollees after the disenrollment effective date to conduct
disenrollment surveys for quality improvement purposes.
Disenrollment surveys may be conducted telephonically or mailed.
Surveys conducted in either manner may not include sales or
marketing information.
Under limited circumstances and subject to advance approval from the
appropriate CMS Account Manager, call LIS-eligible enrollees that a
plan is prospectively losing due to reassignment to encourage them to
remain enrolled in their current plan.
Call individuals who have expressly given permission for a plan or
sales agent to contact them, for example, by filling out a business
reply card (BRC) or asking a customer service representative (CSR) to
have an agent contact them. This permission applies only to the entity
from which the individual requested contact, for the duration of that
transaction, for the scope of product, (e.g., MA-PD plan or PDP),
previously discussed or indicated in the reply card.
Return phone calls or messages from individuals or enrollees, as these
are not considered unsolicited contacts.
70.7 Enrollment and Verification Requirements
42 CFR 422.2272(b), 423.2272(b)
Plans/Part D Sponsors are required to maintain a system to ensure
beneficiaries are enrolled into the plan they requested and understand
the rules applicable to that plan. This system must be maintained for all
agent/broker assisted enrollments, including enrollment requests in
which an independent or employed agent/broker provided plan-specific
information to the individual, thus potentially influencing the individual’s
plan choice and/or assisting in a subsequent enrollment request.
Plans/Part D Sponsors have the option to complete the enrollment
verification process by telephone, email (if beneficiary opted-in for email) or
direct mail. The beneficiary must be contacted within fifteen (15) calendar
days of receipt of the enrollment request. Plans/Part D Sponsors may
integrate the enrollment verification process into an existing practice, such
as Welcome Calls, without making a separate call for enrollment verification.
If the Plan/Part D Sponsor chooses to utilize a telephonic contact but is
unable to speak with the individual or his or her appointed/authorized
representative directly, the Plan/Part D Sponsor must either continue call
attempts or follow up with a written communication.
The timing and method of contact must be documented and the following
information should be provided:
Introduction and Plan/Part D Sponsor name;
Reason for call, email or letter;
Confirmation of receipt of application into plan (specific plan name);
Request additional information if needed to complete the enrollment
Explanation as to how the plan works (e.g., HMO, PFFS, Section 1876
cost plan);
Inform beneficiary that additional enrollment material is forthcoming,
including ID card;
Provide at least two cost sharing/coinsurance examples, such as PCP
and specialists visits;
Explain the monthly premium (LIS and non-LIS);
Explain physician/pharmacy network may change and that they can
find an up-to-date list on the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s website;
Explain that beneficiary may cancel enrollment within seven (7)
calendar days from the date of the email, letter or phone call or by the
last calendar day of the month prior to the enrollment effective date,
whichever is later. For AEP enrollment requests, the cancellation date
is December 31. (For more details on the election periods that apply in
this situation, see Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 section 30
Offer to address basic questions regarding cost-sharing for PCP and
specialists office visits; and
For beneficiaries enrolled in Part D: explain pharmacy access and drug
The following agent/broker-assisted enrollments are excluded from the
enrollment verification process:
Enrollments into employer or union sponsored plans
Enrollments from one plan to another plan within a parent organization
involving the same plan type or product type (e.g., PFFS to PFFS, D-
Plans/Part D Sponsors should not delay the processing of the enrollment
request (including, but not limited to, activation of benefits and submission
of enrollment request data to CMS) while completing the enrollment
verification process. If the enrollment request is incomplete upon initial
receipt, Plans/Part D Sponsors are expected to conduct the enrollment
verification process while attempting to obtain the information needed to
complete the enrollment request.
Enrollment verification contacts should be made to the applicant only after
the enrollment request is received. The Plan/Part D Sponsor is expected to
ensure that enrollment verifications are not conducted by sales agents. Also,
if calling or emailing applicants, Plans/Part D Sponsors are expected to
ensure that sales agents are not physically present with the applicant at the
time of the verification. CMS expects enrollment verification calls to be
interactive. Plans/Part D Sponsors may not use automated calling
technologies to conduct enrollment verifications via telephone.
If the Plan/Part D Sponsor makes a determination to deny an enrollment
request prior to completing the enrollment verification process, it is expected
to discontinue the process and instead inform the individual of his or her
ineligibility. If the Plan/Part D Sponsor receives a transaction reply report
(TRR) from CMS rejecting the enrollment prior to completing the enrollment
verification process, it is expected to suspend the process, but must resume
if the Plan/Part D Sponsor determines the rejection to be erroneous, such
that the enrollment will be resubmitted to CMS.
70.8 Prospective Enrollee Educational Events
42 CFR 422.2268(l), 423.2268(l)
An educational event is an event designed to inform Medicare beneficiaries
about Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug or other Medicare programs
and does not include marketing (i.e., the event sponsor does not steer, or
attempt to steer, potential enrollees toward a specific plan or limited number
of plans). Educational events may be hosted in a public venue by the
Plan/Part D Sponsor or an outside entity. These events cannot be held at in-
home or one-on-one settings.
Educational events for prospective enrollees may not include any sales
activities including the distribution of marketing materials or the
distribution/collection of plan applications. This includes the distribution of
any material with plan-specific information (including plan-specific
premiums, co-payments, or contact information). Educational events must
be explicitly advertised as “educational,” otherwise they will be considered
as sales/marketing events.
The intent of this guidance is not to preclude Plans/Part D Sponsors from
informing beneficiaries about their products; rather, it is to ensure that
events that are advertised as “educational” are only educational and comply
with CMS’ requirements. More specifically, Plans/Part D Sponsors may
provide education at a sales or marketing event, but may not market or sell
at an educational event.
The following are examples of acceptable materials and activities by
Plans/Part D Sponsors or their representatives at an educational event:
A banner with the plan name and/or logo displayed
Promotional items, including those with plan name, logo, and toll-free
customer service number and/or website. Promotional items must be
free of benefit information and consistent with CMS’ definition of
nominal gift
Responding to questions asked at an educational event
At educational events, Plans/Part D Sponsors or their representatives are
prohibited from the following:
Discussing plan-specific premiums and/or benefits;
Distributing plan-specific materials;
Distributing or displaying business reply cards, scope of appointment
forms, enrollment forms, or sign-up sheets;
Setting up individual sales appointments or getting permission for an
outbound call to the beneficiary;
Attaching business cards or plan/agent contact information to
educational materials, unless requested by the beneficiary; and
Advertising an educational event and then have a marketing/sales
event immediately following in the same general location (e.g., same
70.8.1 Enrollee-Only Educational Events
§ 1851(j)(1)(D), 42 CFR 422.2268(l), 423.2268(l)
Plans/Part D Sponsors that hold enrollee-only educational events may
not conduct enrollment or sales activities, as described in section 70.8,
during these events. Plans/Part D Sponsors may discuss plan-specific
premiums and/or benefits and distribute plan-specific materials to
enrollees. In this context only (i.e., events for existing enrollees only),
this discussion of benefits is not considered a sales activity.
Educational events must be explicitly advertised as “educational;”
otherwise, they will be considered by CMS as sales/marketing events.
Any marketing of these events must be done in a way that reasonably
targets only existing enrollees (e.g., direct mail flyers), not the mass
marketplace (e.g., radio or newspaper ad).
70.9 Marketing/Sales Events and Appointments
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Marketing/sales events and appointments are designed to steer, or attempt
to steer, potential enrollees toward a plan or limited set of plans. At
marketing/sales events and appointments, plan representatives may discuss
plan specific information and collect applications.
There are two main types of marketing/sales events: formal and informal.
Formal marketing/sales events are typically structured in an
audience/presenter style with a sales person or plan representative formally
providing specific Plan/Part D Sponsor information via a presentation on the
products being offered.
Informal marketing/sales events are conducted with a less structured
presentation or in a less formal environment. They typically utilize a table or
recreational vehicle (RV) with a sales person or Plan/Part D Sponsor
representative who can discuss the merits of the plan’s products.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit all sales scripts and presentations for
approval to CMS prior to their use during the marketing/sales event and/or
At marketing/sales events and appointments, Plans/Part D Sponsors may
Conduct health screening or other like activities that could give the
impression of “cherry picking.
Require beneficiaries to provide any contact information as a
prerequisite for attending the event. This includes requiring an email
address or any other contact information as a condition to RSVP for an
event online or through mail. Plans/Part D Sponsors should clearly
indicate on any sign-in sheets that completion of any contact
information is optional.
Use personal contact information obtained to notify individuals of raffle
or drawing winnings for any other purpose.
70.9.1 Notifying CMS of Scheduled Marketing Events
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268, 422.504(f)(2), 423.505(f)(2)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must notify CMS of all formal and informal
marketing/sales events via HPMS prior to advertising the event or seven (7)
calendar days prior to the event’s scheduled date, whichever is earlier.
Changes to marketing/sales events (e.g., cancellations and room changes)
should be updated in HPMS at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the
scheduled event.
If a sales event is canceled before its originally scheduled date and time, the
Plan/Part D Sponsor must cancel the event in HPMS, more than forty-eight
(48) hours prior to the originally scheduled date and time of the event,
whenever possible.
70.9.2 Personal/Individual Marketing Appointments
42 CFR 422.2268(f)-(h), 423.2268(f)-(h)
All Plans/Part D Sponsors conducting one-on-one appointments with
beneficiaries, regardless of the venue (e.g., in home, telephonic, or library),
must follow the scope of appointment guidance (see section 70.9.3).
Note: One-on-one appointments are not entered in the HPMS
marketing events module.
The Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s representative may not do the following:
Discuss plan options that were NOT agreed to by the beneficiary
Market non-health care related products (such as annuities or life
Ask a beneficiary for referrals
Solicit/accept an enrollment request (application) for a January 1
effective date prior to the start of the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)
unless the beneficiary is entitled to another enrollment period
70.9.3 Scope of Appointment
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2268(g) and (h), 423.2262, 423.2268 (g) and (h)
When conducting marketing activities, in-person or telephonically, a
Plan/Part D Sponsor may not market any health care related product during
a marketing appointment beyond the scope that the beneficiary agreed
before the meeting with that individual. The Plan/Part D Sponsor must
document the scope of the agreement 48 hours prior to the appointment,
when practicable. Distinct lines of plan business include MA, PDP and Cost
Plan products. If a Plan/Part D Sponsor would like to discuss additional
products during the appointment in which the beneficiary indicated interest,
but did not agree to discuss in advance, the Plan/Part D Sponsor must
document a second scope of appointment (SOA) for the additional product
type to continue the appointment.
SOA documentation is subject to the following requirements:
The documentation may be in writing, in the form of a signed
agreement by the beneficiary, or a recorded oral agreement. Any
technology (e.g., conference calls, fax machines, designated recording
line, pre-paid envelopes, and email) can be used to document the
scope of appointment.
Date of appointment
Beneficiary contact information (e.g., name, address, telephone
Written or verbal documentation of beneficiary or
appointed/authorized representative agreement
The product type(s) (e.g., MA, PDP, MMP) the beneficiary has agreed
to discuss during the scheduled appointment
Agent information (e.g., name and contact information)
An explanation why the SOA was not documented 48 hours prior to
the appointment, if applicable
A statement clarifying that:
- beneficiaries are not obligated to enroll in a plan
- current or future Medicare enrollment status will not be impacted
- that the beneficiary is not automatically enrolled in the plan(s)
A beneficiary may sign an SOA at a marketing/sales event for a future
appointment. Marketing/sales events, as defined in section 70.9, do not
require documentation of beneficiary agreement.
Note: All business reply cards (BRC) used for documenting a
beneficiary’s SOA, agreement to be contacted, confirmation of
attendance to a sales/marketing event, or request for additional
information must be submitted in HPMS. Plans/Part D Sponsors should
include a statement on the BRC informing the beneficiary that a sales
person may call as a result of their returning a BRC. See section 90.2
for information on the material submission process.
70.9.4 Beneficiary Walk-ins to a Plan or Agent/Broker Office or Similar
Beneficiary-Initiated Face-to-Face Sales Appointment
42 CFR 422.2268(g) and (h), 423.2268 (g) and (h)
In instances where a beneficiary visits a Plan/Part D Sponsor or an
agent/broker office on his/her own accord, the Plan/Part D Sponsor or
agent/broker must document the SOA prior to discussing MA, PDP, or cost
70.10 PFFS Plan Provider Education and Outreach Programs
42 CFR 422.114, 422.202
PFFS Plans should conduct effective outreach to providers to help them
understand how PFFS plans work and address concerns about the timeliness
and accuracy of payments. They should ensure that they clearly inform
providers about how to obtain their terms and conditions of payment, how to
get payment or coverage questions answered, and how to appeal payment
70.10.1 PFFS Plan Terms and Conditions of Payment Contact and Website
Fields in HPMS
42 CFR 422.114, 422.202
PFFS plans must provide CMS with their plan terms and conditions of
payment contact and website information via HPMS. All PFFS Plans must
complete the data entry for these fields in HPMS and update the information
as needed in order for CMS to make the determinations required under 42
CFR 422.114.
The “PFFS Terms and Conditions of Payment Contact for Public Website” field
should be populated with the contact that will facilitate provider access to
the MAO’s PFFS plan terms and conditions of payment. Use the following
navigation path in HPMS to enter the appropriate information for this new
contact: HPMS Homepage > Contract Management > Contract Management
> Select a Contract Number > Contact Data.
The “PFFS Terms and Conditions of Payment Website” field should be
populated with the web address for where the Plan maintains its PFFS plan
terms and conditions of payment. Use the following navigation path in HPMS
to enter the appropriate information for this new web address: HPMS
Homepage > Contract Management > Basic Contract Management > Select
a Contract Number > Org. Marketing Data.
70.11 Marketing in the Health Care Setting
42 CFR 422.2268(e), (j), and (k), 423.2268(e), (j), and (k)
Plans/Part D Sponsors that have agreements with providers in connection
with plan marketing activities should ensure that those agreements address
marketing activity in a manner consistent with Medicare regulations.
Plans/Part D Sponsors should ensure that if a provider advertises non-health
related items or services, such advertisement does not suggest or imply a
relationship with or coverage by the Medicare plan.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not conduct sales activities in health care
settings except in common areas. Common areas where marketing activities
are allowed include areas such as hospital or nursing home cafeterias,
community, recreational, or conference rooms. If a pharmacy counter area is
located within a retail store, common areas would include the space outside
of where individuals wait for services from or interact with pharmacy
providers and obtain medications.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are prohibited from conducting sales presentations,
distributing and accepting enrollment applications, and soliciting
beneficiaries in areas where individuals primarily receive health care services
or are waiting to receive health care services. These restricted areas
generally include, but are not limited to, waiting rooms, exam rooms,
hospital patient rooms, dialysis center treatment areas (where individuals
interact with their clinical team and receive treatment), and pharmacy
counter areas (where patients interact with pharmacy providers and obtain
medications). The prohibition against conducting marketing activities in
health care settings extends to activities planned in health care settings
outside of normal business hours.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are only permitted to schedule an appointment with a
beneficiary residing in long-term care facilities (including nursing homes,
assisted living facilities, board and care homes, etc.) upon request by the
Plans/Part D Sponsors may use providers and/or facilities to distribute
and/or make available, Plan/Part D Sponsor marketing materials as long as
the provider and/or the facility distributes or makes available Plan/Part D
Sponsor marketing materials for all plans with which the provider
participates. CMS does not expect providers to proactively contact all
participating plans; rather, a Plan/Part D Sponsor must only ensure that a
provider/facility agrees to make available and/or distribute plan marketing
materials and accept future requests from other Plans/Part D Sponsors with
which the provider/facility participates. Plans/Part D Sponsors may also
provide materials for a provider’s/facility’s common area, such as the waiting
room. Additionally, Plans/Part D Sponsors may provide long-term care
facilities with materials for admission packets announcing all plan contractual
SNPs may provide long-term care facility staff, an explanatory brochure for
each I-SNP with which the facility contracts. This material may only be
distributed to residents who meet the I-SNP criteria for enrollment. The
brochure may explain the qualification criteria and the benefits of being
enrolled in an I-SNP. The brochure may have a reply card or telephone
number for the resident or responsible party to call to request a meeting or
additional information.
70.11.1 Provider-Based Activities
42 CFR 422.2268(e) and (j), 423.2268(e) and (j)
Although providers may not be fully aware of all plan benefits and costs and
may face conflicting incentives when acting as a Plan/Part D Sponsor
representative, Plans/Part D Sponsors may not prohibit contracted providers
from engaging in discussions with beneficiaries should a beneficiary seek
advice. To ensure that providers do not appear to be a Plan/Part D Sponsor
agent, Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure through their agreements with
providers, that contracted providers are advised of the need to remain
neutral when assisting with enrollment decisions. Plans/Part D Sponsors
should ensure that a provider assists a beneficiary in an objective
assessment of his/her needs and potential options to meet those needs.
Plans/Part D Sponsors should ensure that any assistance provided to a
beneficiary by a contractual, co-branded, or otherwise affiliated provider,
results in a plan selection that is always in the best interest of the
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not allow contracted providers to:
Offer scope of appointment forms
Accept Medicare enrollment applications
Make phone calls or direct, urge or attempt to persuade beneficiaries
to enroll in a specific plan based on financial or any other interests of
the provider
Mail marketing materials on behalf of Plans/Part D Sponsors
Offer anything of value to induce enrollees to select them as their
Offer inducements to persuade beneficiaries to enroll in a particular
plan or organization
Conduct health screening as a marketing activity
Accept compensation directly or indirectly from the plan for enrollment
Distribute materials/applications in an exam room
Plans/Part D Sponsors may allow contracted providers to:
Provide the names of Plans/Part D Sponsors with which they contract
and/or participate (see section 70.11.2 for additional information on
provider affiliation)
Provide information and assistance in applying for the LIS
Make available and/or distribute plan marketing materials in common
Refer their patients to other sources of information, such as SHIPs,
plan marketing representatives, their State Medicaid Office, local
Social Security Office, CMS’ website at http://www.medicare.gov/ or
Share information with patients from CMS’ website, including the
“Medicare and You” Handbook or “Medicare Options Compare” (from
http://www.medicare.gov), or other documents that were written by
or previously approved by CMS
70.11.2 Provider Affiliation Announcements
42 CFR 422.2262(a), 422.2268, 423.2262(a), 423.2268
Plans/Part D Sponsors may allow contracted providers to announce new or
continuing affiliations with specific Plans/Part D Sponsors.
Continuing affiliation announcements may be made through direct mail,
email, phone or advertisement. The announcement must clearly state that
the provider may also contract with other Plans/Part D Sponsors.
New provider affiliation announcements may be made once within the first
30 days of a new contract agreement. In the announcement, Plans/Part D
Sponsors may allow contracted providers to name only one (1) Plan/Part D
Sponsor. This may be done through direct mail, email, or by telephone.
Neither the Plan/Part D Sponsor nor the contracted provider is required to
notify beneficiaries that the provider may contract with other Plans/Part D
Sponsors in new affiliation announcements.
Any provider affiliation announcement materials that describe plan benefits,
premiums, or cost sharing, must be submitted through HPMS. Materials that
only announce the affiliation do not need to be submitted through HPMS.
70.11.3 SNP Provider Affiliation Information
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Plans/Part D Sponsors may allow contracted providers to feature SNPs in a
mailing announcing an ongoing affiliation. This mailing may highlight the
provider’s affiliation or arrangement by placing the SNP affiliations at the
beginning of the announcement and may include specific information about
the SNP and must include the appropriate disclaimer (refer to section 50).
This includes providing information on special plan features, the population
served, or specific benefits. The announcement must list all other SNPs with
which the provider is affiliated.
70.11.4 Comparative and Descriptive Plan Information
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Plans/Part D Sponsors may allow contracted providers to distribute printed
information provided by a Plan/Part D Sponsor to their patients comparing
the benefits of all of the plans with which the provider contracts. Materials
must include the appropriate disclaimer (refer to section 50). Materials may
not “rank order” or highlight specific plans and should include only objective
information. The Plans/Part D Sponsors must determine a lead Plan to
coordinate submission of these materials in HPMS for review (see section
90.2 for more information on submission of marketing materials).
70.11.5 Comparative and Descriptive Plan Information Provided by a Non-
Benefit/Non-Health Service Providing Third-Party
42 CFR 422.2268, 423.2268
Plans/Part D Sponsors may allow contracted providers to distribute printed
information comparing the benefits of different Plans/Part D Sponsors (all or
a subset) in a service area when the comparison is done by an objective
third party (e.g., SHIPs, State agency or independent research organizations
that conduct studies). For more information on non-benefit/non-health
service providing third party providers, refer to section 40.8.3.
80 Telephonic Activities and Scripts
80.1 Customer Service Call Center Requirements
42 CFR 422.111(h)(1), 423.128(d)(1)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must operate a toll-free call center during usual
business hours for both current and prospective enrollees, seven (7) days a
week, from at least 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (according to the time zones for
the regions in which they operate). Current and prospective enrollees must
be able to speak with a live customer service representative. Plans/Part D
Sponsors may use alternative technologies on Thanksgiving and Christmas
Day. For example, a Plan/Part D Sponsor may use an interactive voice
response system or similar technologies to provide the required information
listed below, and/or allow a beneficiary to leave a message in a voice
mailbox. A customer service representative must then return the call in a
timely manner, no more than one (1) business day later.
Note: From February 15 to September 30, Plans/Part D Sponsors may
use alternative technologies on Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal
The use of a call center and the provision of information through a call
center is a mandatory requirement for all Plans/Part D Sponsors; CMS will
consider call centers compliant if they meet the following operating
Provide information in response to inquiries outlined in sections 80.2-
Note: If callers are transferred to a third party for provision of
the information listed in sections 80.2 and 80.4, all other
requirements in section 80.1 apply to the services as performed
by the third party.
Follow an explicitly defined process for handling customer complaints.
Provide interpreter service to all non-English speaking and LEP
Inform callers that interpreter services are “free.” Interpreters should
be available within seven (7) minutes of reaching the CSR.
Provide TTY service to all hearing impaired beneficiaries. CSRs
available through the TTY service should be available within seven (7)
minutes of the time of answer.
Limit average hold time to two (2) minutes. The average hold time is
defined as the time spent on hold by the caller following the interactive
voice response (IVR) system, touch-tone response system, or recorded
greeting and before reaching a live person.
Answer 80 percent of incoming calls within 30 seconds.
Limit the disconnect rate of all incoming calls to five (5) percent. A
disconnected call is defined as a call that is unexpectedly dropped by
the Plan/Part D Sponsor while the caller was navigating the IVR or
connected with a CSR.
Hold time messages (messages played when an enrollee or prospective
enrollee is on hold when calling the plan) that promote the plan or include
benefit information must be submitted in HPMS for review as marketing
materials (see section 90.2 for material submission process). Plans/Part D
Sponsors are prohibited from using hold time messages to sell other
For Pharmacy Technical Help or Coverage Determinations and Appeals Call
Center requirements, refer to Appendix 3.
80.2 Informational Scripts
42 CFR 422.111(c), 422.2262, 422.2264, 422.2264(e), 423.128(c),
423.2262, 423.2264, 423.2264(e)
Informational scripts may not ask the beneficiary if s/he wants to be
transferred to a sales/enrollment department nor can the Plan’s/Part D
Sponsor’s call center staff automatically transfer the call. In some instances,
a beneficiary may initiate a request for information and subsequently
request enrollment into a plan. Informational calls may lead to
sales/enrollment calls (or transfer to the appropriate sales/enrollment
department). However, such enrollment transfers may only come at the
request of the beneficiary.
Example: A beneficiary calls customer service and requests to hear
information about a particular plan. Based on the information
provided, the beneficiary states that s/he wants to enroll in the plan.
The customer service representative may process the enrollment (if
state law allows CSRs to process enrollments) and/or transfer the call
to the appropriate area for processing because the beneficiary initiated
the request.
Any change in the nature of a call from informational to sales/telephonic
enrollment must clearly inform the beneficiary regarding the change. This
must be done with the full and active concurrence of the beneficiary, ideally
with a yes/no question.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to enter informational scripts into
HPMS. However, they must retain all scripts and make them available upon
request to CMS. Informational scripts must be written in a way that do not
mislead or confuse Medicare beneficiaries or misrepresent the Plan/Part D
Sponsor. At a minimum, Plans/Part D Sponsors must develop scripts that
respond to inquiries from prospective and current enrollees about the
following subjects:
Best Available Evidence (BAE) policy (applicable to Part D Sponsors)
Request for pre-enrollment information
Benefit information
Cost-sharing information
Formulary information
Pharmacy information, including whether a beneficiary’s pharmacy is
in the Part D Sponsor’s network
Provider information, including whether a beneficiary’s physician is in
the Plan’s network
Out-of-network coverage
Claims submission, processing and payment
Formulary transition process
Grievance, organization/coverage determination (including exceptions)
and appeals process
Information on extra help, including how the beneficiary can obtain
extra help
Current TROOP status (for Part D Sponsors and MA-PDs)
Information on how to obtain needed forms
Information on replacing a enrollee identification card
Service area information
Plans/Part D Sponsors may NOT:
Include information about other lines of business in scripts
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors can ask if the caller would like to
receive information about other lines of business offered by the
Plan/Part D Sponsor.
Request beneficiary identification numbers (e.g., Social Security
number, HICN) except as required to verify membership, determine
enrollment eligibility or process an enrollment request
Use language in scripts that imply they are recommended or endorsed
by, calling on behalf of or asked to call the enrollee by CMS, Medicare
or DHHS.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not transfer outbound calls to inbound
lines for telephone enrollment. Enrollment by telephone is limited to
calls initiated by the beneficiary (i.e., “inbound” calls). If a beneficiary
requests enrollment over the telephone via an outbound call, the agent
can provide information as to how the beneficiary can enroll in the
plan telephonically. Alternatively, the agent may set up a face-to-face
appointment with the beneficiary for application assistance.
80.3 Enrollment Scripts/Calls
42 CFR 422.60(c), 423.32(b)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit enrollment scripts into HPMS. Plans/Part
D Sponsors should incorporate all relevant requirements outlined in these
Guidelines (e.g., hours of operation) into their scripts.
Telephone enrollment scripts must be submitted in their entirety (bullets or
talking points are not acceptable). In developing and submitting enrollment
scripts, Plans/Part D Sponsors must:
Follow all requirements described in the CMS Eligibility and Enrollment
Guidance in Chapter 2 and Chapter 17, Subchapter D, of the Medicare
Managed Care Manual, as well as Chapter 3 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Manual;
Clearly state the individual is requesting enrollment into [plan name]
and the plan type;
Provide confirmation of having accepted the telephone enrollment
request, such as a confirmation tracking number or other tracking
Provide a statement that the individual will receive a notice
acknowledging receipt of the enrollment (e.g., acknowledging request
for additional information or denial of enrollment); and
Provide contact information for questions including toll-free telephone
and TTY numbers.
Note: Plans may accept enrollment requests via an incoming (in-
bound) telephone call only. Outbound calls are permitted for
enrollment verification purposes (see section 70.7).
80.4 Telephone Sales Scripts (Inbound or Outbound)
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 422.2268, 423.2262, 423.2264, 423.2268
Any telephone sales scripts must be submitted to HPMS verbatim (bullets or
talking points are not acceptable). Plans/Part D Sponsors must follow all
guidance in sections 70.4 and 70.5. This guidance also extends to telephone
sales services provided on behalf of the Plan/Part D Sponsor by all
downstream contractors.
In addition, when a beneficiary makes an inbound call directly to a sales
department or agent, the sales department or agent must clearly inform the
beneficiary if/when the nature of the call moves from a sales presentation to
telephonic enrollment. This must be done with the full and active
concurrence of the beneficiary, ideally with a yes/no question.
Outbound sales calls must include a privacy statement clarifying that the
beneficiary is not required to provide any health related information to the
sales agent unless it will be used to determine enrollment eligibility.
90 The Marketing Review Process
90.1 Plan/Part D Sponsor Responsibilities
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 423.2262, 423.2264
Plans/Part D Sponsors must conduct a quality check and ensure that all
marketing materials are consistent with this chapter and all other relevant
CMS issued guidance and instructions prior to submitting materials for
review to CMS. Generally, CMS does not review marketing materials for
typographical or grammatical errors, unless such errors render the materials
inaccurate or misleading.
90.2 Material Submission Process
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit marketing materials for review through
the Marketing Module of HPMS, which is an automated tool used to enter,
track, and maintain materials submitted to CMS for review and approval.
The HPMS Marketing Module User Guide provides extensive information on
how to use HPMS. Plans/Part D Sponsors should refer to the User Guide for
any questions regarding the Marketing Module or how to submit materials in
If there are any changes or corrections to materials (e.g., the benefit or
cost-sharing information differs from that in the approved bid), the Plan/Part
D Sponsor will be required to correct those materials for prospective
enrollees and send errata sheets/addenda/reprints to current enrollees
within a reasonable timeframe.
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors must conduct a thorough review of their
Summary of Benefits documents and reprint the document if
inaccuracies are identified.
Under certain circumstances, and with prior approval from CMS, materials
may be submitted outside of HPMS. The review period begins when CMS
receives the materials.
90.2.1 Submission of Non-English and Alternate Format Materials
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264(e), 423.2262, 423.2264(e)
Non-English and alternate format material must either be based on
previously approved or accepted English/standard print versions of the same
material, or include an English translation with the non-English/Alternate
Format material submission. Both non-English and alternate format
materials should be submitted as Alternate Format materials in HPMS. If the
alternate format cannot be submitted to HPMS (e.g., braille), the Plan/Part D
Sponsor should contact its Account Manager about other methods of
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors do not need to resubmit large print
materials as an Alternate Format material in HPMS, as long as the only
change to the material is an increased font size and layout changes
due to the increased font size.
There are two exceptions to the above guidance. The first exception is for
the submission of non-English and alternative format materials under a
specified errata code, such as “Errata Formularies” (code 1020) and
“Errata - Summary of Benefits” (code 1019). When submitting materials
under specified errata codes, the non-English and/or alternative format
materials must be included as a part of the original submission via a zip file.
All materials included in the zip file will have the same material ID.
The second exception is for the submission of non-English and alternative
format required website content referenced in section 100. As outlined in
section 90.2.2, Plans/Part D Sponsors may make the English/standard
website available for public use during the CMS review period. Non-English
and alternative format required website content may be made available prior
to the English/standard website’s approval. The Plan/Part D Sponsor should
first upload the English/standard website, and then enter the
English/standard website’s pending material ID into the “Alternate Formats
Original Material ID” data entry field when submitting any non-English and
alternative format versions. All other requirements outlined in section 90.2.2
Plans/Part D Sponsors may also submit multi-lingual material that contains
English and another language (or languages). A material will only qualify as
multi-lingual if it always incorporates English and the other language(s).
Plans/Part D Sponsors should include a note in the comments field specifying
that the material is multi-lingual. Multi-lingual material should not be
submitted as an Alternate Format material in HPMS.
Any changes or revisions that are made to the original English version
should be accurately reflected in non-English and alternate format material
and re-submitted as required.
See Appendix 1 for a definition of alternate format materials.
90.2.2 Submission of Websites for Review
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 423.2262, 423.2264
Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit in HPMS all required website content
listed in section 100 for review. Plans/Part D Sponsors should submit their
websites via links on a document. CMS reviewers should be able to review
the information as it will be displayed on the website. The link may provide
access to a live website or a test website, provided that the test site displays
information as it will appear to the beneficiary/consumer. Submitting screen
shots or text on a document is not acceptable. If the option to view online is
not feasible, the Plan/Part D Sponsor should contact their Account Manager
prior to submission to receive permission to submit information in a manner
other than a live link.
Once a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s website is reviewed and approved in its
entirety, the Plan/Part D Sponsor may update specific pages of the same
website by submitting only the pages to be changed via links on a document
in HPMS. Any updates to pages should be submitted with their own unique
material ID and date stamped accordingly. Plans/Part D Sponsors must
resubmit webpages for review when changes are made to plan benefits,
premiums, or cost-sharing.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may make the website available for public use during
the CMS review period; however, Plans/Part D Sponsors must indicate that
the website is pending CMS review until CMS has either approved or
disapproved the website. If the website or portions of the website are
disapproved, Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit the revision to CMS within
20 days.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to resubmit materials that have
received prior approval for posting on their website. Any documents that
require submission to HPMS should not be posted on the website until they
are approved or accepted by CMS.
See section 100 for required website content.
90.2.3 Submission of Multi-Plan Materials
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Multi-Plan Materials are materials that are created by a third-party on behalf
of several Plans/Part D Sponsors. Plans/Part D Sponsors are accountable for
the marketing practices of their third-party organizations and must ensure
that all materials developed on their behalf are and remain compliant with
the most current CMS requirements.
Relevant terms for the multi-plan submission process include:
Primary Material
-- The base marketing material that serves as a
model for submission by multiple Plans/Part D Sponsors.
Auxiliary Material
-- The secondary marketing materials developed
based on the CMS-approved Primary Material.
Coordinating Entity (CE)
-- The third-party entity that develops the
Primary Material for use by the Plans/Part D Sponsors with which it
Lead Plan/Part D Sponsor (LP)
-- Contracted Plan/Part D Sponsor that
submits the Primary Material for CMS review.
Non-Lead Plan/Part D Sponsor
) -- A contracted Plan/Part D
Sponsor that produces and submits the Auxiliary Material to CMS,
based on the approved Primary Material.
When submitting a multi-plan marketing material, the CE that develops the
material must coordinate with the LP to obtain CMS’ approval. The CMS Lead
Region will be the region that has account management oversight and
marketing review of the LP. Upon approval, the LP will inform the CE, who
then provides the NLPs with the primary material’s material ID and
marketing code, so the NLPs may submit their auxiliary materials in HPMS.
Communications pertaining to this process should be documented for
tracking purposes.
The LP must insert the following in the applicable comment fields in HPMS:
must be inserted in the first line of the comments field.
The name and role of the CE who created the material (e.g., ABC FMO
or XYZ PBM) must be inserted in the second line of the comments
A list of all MCE or Plan/Part D Sponsor contract numbers for which the
material is applicable.
Any applicable information related to the piece that will assist CMS
with the review.
The material ID for multi-plan marketing materials is made up of two parts:
the word “MULTI-PLAN;” and any series of alpha numeric characters chosen
at the discretion of the Plan/Part D Sponsor.
The material submission by the LP should be done using the same material
type that would be used if the material was being submitted under the
standard submission process. If the material is disapproved, the CE must
resubmit disapproved pieces through the same LP.
When a NLP receives direction from a CE that a multi-plan “Primary”
material has been approved/accepted, the NLP should submit the “Auxiliary”
material in HPMS using the material type “Multi-Plan Auxiliary Submission”
found under the same category as the LP’s initial submission. For example, a
multi-plan formulary notice created by a PBM would be submitted by the LP
using material type “Other Formulary/Drug Notices (5040).” Once approved,
all NLPs would submit the corresponding auxiliary material under “Mutli-Plan
Auxiliary Submission (5XXX).”
Additionally, NLPs must submit the previously approved/accepted piece
WITHOUT MODIFICATION, except as allowable by CMS. Permissible
modifications are restricted to populating variable elements and adding a
plan name/logo. Materials that have additional modifications are not eligible
for the multi-plan submission process.
When submitting, the NLP must insert the following in the comments field:
text must be inserted in the first line of the comments field.
The name and role of the CE who created the material.
A brief description of the material’s previous submission history (e.g.,
This Multi-plan website was previously approved by CMS on
Month/Day/Year. It was initially submitted by ABC123 Health Care
under XXXX material type).
The material ID for auxiliary materials must be identical to the previously
approved/accepted “Primary” material.
NLP multi-plan auxiliary marketing materials will qualify as File & Use
submissions and may not be distributed until the five (5) calendar day
waiting period has passed.
Note: There may be instances where a CE wants to use a material for
a Plan/Part D Sponsor not identified in the original LP submission (e.g.,
if the CE solidifies a contract with a new Plan/Part D Sponsor). To do
so, the NLP should submit the material and provide an explanation in
the comments of HPMS for why it was not listed in the initial listing of
contract numbers (e.g., they were not contracted with the CE during
the initial submission). The Plan/Part D Sponsor should also include
the name, phone, and email contact of the CE.
90.2.4 Submission of Mobile Applications
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
If a Plan/Part D Sponsor would like to use a mobile application (app) for
marketing to prospective enrollees, the mobile app must be submitted for
approval (see section 100.7). A Plan/Part D Sponsor should submit a
document in HPMS with either:
A link to access the mobile app online; or
A statement that the app will be submitted to the Account Manager
outside of HPMS. Include the name(s) of the person(s) at CMS who will
receive the app for review.
If the option to view the mobile app online is not feasible, the Plan/Part D
Sponsor should contact their Account Manager to discuss how they will
provide access to the app. It is not acceptable to submit screen shots or text
on a separate document unless instructed by the AM/Marketing Reviewer.
90.3 HPMS Material Statuses
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
All marketing materials in HPMS will have an indication of their disposition,
such as a final status of accepted, approved, disapproved, deemed,
withdrawn, alternate format, SA/LIS, or populated template.
Note: If a Plan/Part D Sponsor does not have an executed contract
with CMS, all submitted marketing material will be considered and
marked as conditional.
90.3.1 - Approved
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Material marked as “approved” indicates that it is approved for use in the
format in which it was submitted and may be distributed by a Plan/Part D
Sponsor. However, CMS may at any time require a Plan/Part D Sponsor to
change previously approved marketing materials, if they are found to be
inaccurate, altered, or otherwise non-compliant.
90.3.2 - Disapproved
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Material marked as “disapproved” indicates that the material does not
comply with applicable standards, such as regulations, laws, and standards
discussed in the MMG or other relevant guidance. CMS will provide a reason
for the disapproval in HPMS.
90.3.3 - Deemed
42 CFR 422.2262(a)(1), 423.2262(a)(1), 422.2266, 423.2266
If CMS does not approve or disapprove marketing materials within the
specified review time frame, the materials are deemed approved and can be
used by the Plan/Part D Sponsor. The following conditions will apply:
Materials subject to a 45 day review period will be given the status of
“deemed” on the 46
Materials subject to a 10 day review period will be given a status of
“deemed” on the 11
Marketing materials from a Plan/Part D Sponsor without an executed
contract with CMS will receive a conditional deemed approval. After
the contract is awarded, the material disposition will be changed to
“deemed” and can be used by the Plan/Part D Sponsor.
90.3.4 Withdrawn
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Plans/Part D Sponsors may request to withdraw a marketing submission
prior to CMS reviewing the material. Plans/Part D Sponsors should submit a
written request to their Account Manager or Marketing Reviewer stating the
reason(s) for the withdrawal.
90.3.5 Accepted
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
A material status of “accepted” indicates that the material, submitted as File
& Use, is accepted for use in the format in which it was submitted. The
material may be distributed by a Plan/Part D Sponsor five (5) calendar days
after the date of submission. However, CMS may at any time require a
Plan/Part D Sponsor to change previously accepted marketing materials if
found to be inaccurate, altered, or otherwise non-compliant.
90.3.6 Alternate Format, SA/LIS, and Populated Template
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
When submitted in HPMS, non-English and alternate format materials will
receive a status of “Alternate Format”.
Populated standard templates should be submitted in HPMS under “Final
Expedited Review” codes. These documents will receive a status of
“Populated Template (see section 90.8.2).
The SA/LIS material status applies to special categories of materials. Please
see the HPMS User Guide for an explanation of when this status is applicable
(see section 90.2 for information on the material submission process).
90.4 - Resubmitting Previously Disapproved Pieces
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Plans/Part D Sponsors should clearly indicate all changes/updates made to a
material, which has been previously disapproved, when it is resubmitted.
This will expedite the review process. Plans/Part D Sponsors should highlight
any text changes and/or insert notes to altered areas on the material.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may develop an alternative process for identifying
changes (e.g., bulleting all changes made within the comments section of
HPMS when submitting the material), provided they receive approval from
the Account Manager.
90.5 - Time Frames for Marketing Review
42 CFR 422.2262(a), 423.2262(a)
Based on the material type, and as indicated by HPMS, marketing materials
submitted in HPMS for prospective review will have a review timeframe of 10
or 45 days. The marketing review time period begins on the date a material
is submitted in HPMS.
90.6 - File & Use Process
42 CFR 422.2262(b), 423.2262(b)
Under the File & Use process, Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit eligible
marketing materials in HPMS at least five (5) calendar days prior to their
distribution and certify that the materials comply with this guidance.
The HPMS Marketing Module identifies those materials that qualify for File &
Use under the material code look-up functionality.
Plans/Part D Sponsors without an executed contract with CMS may submit
File & Use materials. Once the contract is executed, the appropriate officer
of the Plan/Part D Sponsor is essentially attesting to the Plan’s/Part D
Sponsor’s compliance with the File & Use requirements.
90.6.1 - Restriction on the Manual Review of File & Use Eligible Materials
42 CFR 422.2262(b), 423.2262(b)
Plans/Part D Sponsors using File & Use must submit at least ninety (90)
percent of their marketing materials that qualify for File & Use under this
process; meaning that they cannot request a manual review of more than
ten (10) percent of materials that qualify for File & Use (including, but not
limited to model materials that qualify for File & Use submission).
90.6.2 Loss of File & Use Certification Privileges
42 CFR 422.2262(b), 423.2262(b)
Plans/Part D Sponsors may lose File & Use Certification status or face
compliance action if they:
Submit or use materials that do not meet the requirements of this
guidance; or
Fail to file material(s) at least five (5) calendar days prior to their
If CMS revokes a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s File & Use Certification privileges,
the Plan/Part D Sponsor may be reinstated after the Account Manager
and/or Marketing Reviewer has determined through manual review that the
compliance concerns have been resolved.
90.6.3 File & Use Retrospective Monitoring Reviews
42 CFR 422.2262(b), 422.2264, 423.2262(b), 423.2264
CMS will periodically conduct retrospective reviews of materials that were
submitted under File & Use to ensure compliance by those Plans/Part D
Sponsors that utilize this process.
90.7 Model Marketing Materials and Language
42 CFR 422.2262(c), 423.2262(c)
CMS defines two different types of model marketing materials
standardized and non-standardized. These material types affect the
Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s timing of use and ability to make changes to the
documents. When a Plan/Part D Sponsor uses a CMS provided model without
modification (verbatim), it results in a 10 day marketing review period or it
may be submitted via File & Use. To facilitate review, Plans/Part D Sponsors
must indicate the model/exhibit title and applicable CMS chapter/manual or
HPMS memorandum date within the comments section of HPMS.
90.7.1 Standardized Model Materials
42 CFR 422.2262(c), 423.2262(c)
Standardized model materials are marketing materials created and provided
by CMS that, other than the limited exceptions provided below, a Plan/Part D
Sponsor must use without changing the content, format, or order. CMS
allows Plans/Part D Sponsors to make the following changes to all
standardized materials:
Populating variable fields;
Correcting grammatical errors;
Adding customer service phone numbers;
Adding plan name/logo;
Adding required disclaimers; and
Adding the CMS marketing material identification number.
Note: Plans/Part D Sponsors should reference section 30.9 for
acceptable changes to the Star Ratings information document.
90.7.2 Non-Standardized Model Materials
42 CFR 422.2262(c), 423.2262(c)
Unlike standardized model materials, the use of non-standardized model
materials is at the discretion of the Plan/Part D Sponsor. Plans/Part D
Sponsors that choose to modify the model language must ensure that all
content contained in the model is included in the non-model document. In
addition, any change made to a non-standardized model material, except as
noted below, will result in that material being subject to a 45-day review
period. To facilitate review, Plans/Part D Sponsors should clearly indicate
these changes in the material when it is submitted. Plans/Part D Sponsors
should follow the process in section 90.4 to identify changes.
The following allowable alterations to CMS non-standardized model materials
will still render the material eligible for the 10-day review period or
submission via File & Use:
Populating variable fields;
Adding fields for a name, address, date, or enrollee ID;
Correcting grammatical errors;
Changing the font;
Adding any applicable disclaimers;
Adding the customer service phone number and/or hours of operation;
Adding the plan name/logo; and
Adding the CMS marketing material identification number.
Unless otherwise required, Plans/Part D Sponsors may choose to retain the
title of the model document or modify the title to make it more beneficiary
friendly. Any reference to the words “exhibit,” “model,” or “appendix”
contained within the title of the model document must be removed. Any
other modification made to the document will make the material subject to
the standard 45-day review process and/or ineligible for File & Use
Note: D-SNPs may remove references to LIS from model materials.
90.7.3 Standardized Language
42 CFR 422.2262(c), 423.2262(c)
Standardized language refers to language developed by CMS, which is
mandatory for use by Plans/Part D Sponsors and cannot be modified in any
90.8 - Template Materials
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
“Template materials” are materials that include placeholders for variable
data to be populated at a later time by the Plan/Part D Sponsor. CMS
classifies template materials as either static templates or standard
When submitting unpopulated templates, Plans/Part D Sponsors must show
how the placeholders in will be populated by inserting the name of the field
or listing all variables (e.g., “<date>”, “<$10.00 Copay/$15.00 Copay>”).
Changes to non-variable text in a template must be submitted in HPMS (see
section 90.2 for material submission process). If there are changes or
corrections to final materials (e.g., the benefit or cost-sharing information
differs from that in the approved bid), the Plan/Part D Sponsor must make
corrections for prospective enrollees and send errata
sheets/addenda/reprints to current enrollees within a reasonable timeframe.
Note: Identical materials submitted separately and not noted as
template materials are subject to separate review.
90.8.1 - Static Templates
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Template material is considered “static” when it includes placeholders for the
following variable data fields ONLY:
Addresses, phone or fax numbers;
Hours of operation;
Organization or company names;
Plan/Part D Sponsor name;
Federal contracting statement/disclaimer;
Persons’ names and pronoun variations;
Enrollee specific variables, (e.g., case numbers, drug specific
Co-branding information;
Email and web addresses;
LIS Rider;
OEV Scripts and Letters; and
Page number references.
Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to submit populated static templates
in HPMS.
To be considered a static template, ALL variable data fields within the
material must be among those listed above. Since populated static
templates are not resubmitted, Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to
indicate that the unpopulated submission is a template when submitting the
material in HPMS.
90.8.2 - Standard Templates
42 CFR 422.2262, 423.2262
Marketing materials that include placeholders for variable data not listed in
section 90.8.1, such as plan specific benefits, premiums, and cost sharing,
are considered “standard” templates. Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit
final, populated versions of standard templates in the HPMS Marketing
Module using the associated “Final Expedited Review” code within 30 days of
use. If the template does not have a “Final Expedited Review” code,
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not submit the document as a standard
template. The document must instead be submitted with all fields
populated, other than those listed in section 90.8.1. Refer to the HPMS
Users’ Guide for technical template submission instructions.
90.8.3 - Template Materials Quality Review and Reporting of Errors
42 CFR 422.2262, 422.2264, 423.2262, 423.2264
CMS may conduct retrospective reviews, quality checks, or audits of
populated templates. When errors are discovered, Plans/Part D Sponsors
may be required to remedy the error by providing enrollees with updated
information via errata sheets or addenda.
Similarly, when errors are discovered by Plans/Part D Sponsors, the
Plans/Part D Sponsors must report the errors to their Account Manager. In
addition, Plans/Part D Sponsors may be required to remedy the error by
providing enrollees with updated information via errata sheets or addenda.
Note: Any materials, such as errata sheet or addenda, must be
reviewed and approved by CMS prior to their use.
90.9 - Review of Materials in the Marketplace
42 CFR 422.504(f)(2), 422.2268, 423.2268, 423.505(f)
CMS periodically conducts reviews of Plan/Part D Sponsor materials. Reviews
may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
Review of on-site marketing facilities, products, and activities during
regularly scheduled contract compliance monitoring visits; and
Random review of actual marketing pieces as they are used.
100 Plan/Part D Sponsor Websites and Social/Electronic Media
42 CFR 422.111(h), 422.2264, 422.2268, 423.128(d), 423.2264, 423.2268
All Plan/Part D Sponsor websites must be clear and easy to navigate. Any
marketing materials that include a web address for the Plan’s/Part D
Sponsor’s website are expected to link directly to the organization’s
Medicare-specific pages.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not provide links to foreign drug sales. This
includes links from advertisements that appear on the Plan’s/Part D
Sponsor’s website.
Plans/Part D Sponsors should note that there may be additional non-
marketing website requirements found in the Medicare Managed Care
Manual, the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, and HPMS
memorandums or emails. Updates to marketing website requirements may
also be released through HPMS memoranda or emails.
100.1 General Website Requirements
Plans/Part D Sponsors must:
Maintain their current contract year website for current beneficiaries
through December 31 of each year.
Notify individuals that s/he will leave the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s
Medicare information website, if there is a link that will take an
individual to non-Medicare information or to a different website.
Ensure all websites that market the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s products
are in compliance with the applicable requirements.
Include applicable disclaimers on each webpage.
Plan/Part D Sponsor websites must not:
Include content that discusses plan-specific benefits, premiums, cost-
sharing, or Star Ratings for products offered in the next contract year
prior to October 1, except as noted in section 100.2.2.
Require any information be entered by an individual, other than a zip
code, county, and/or state for access to non-beneficiary specific
website content.
Include notification that Plan/Part D Sponsor is not responsible for the
content of their social media pages or the websites of any downstream
entity that provides information on the Plan/Part D Sponsor’s behalf.
All Plans/Part D Sponsors are expected to:
Maintain a separate and distinct section on their website for their
Medicare information, if the Plan/Part D Sponsor markets other lines of
Review and update website content at least monthly. See section
90.2.2 for instructions about when these updates require resubmission
of webpages for approval.
Note that the status of the website is “pending” until CMS has granted
an approval/disapproval (see section 90.2.2). If a portion of the
Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s website is disapproved, the disapproved
portion must be removed from the website immediately.
Include a date stamp on each webpage with the date the page was
last updated.
Clearly label any links.
100.2 Required Content
42 CFR 422.111(b) and (h)(2), 42 CFR 423.128(b) and (d)(2)
All Plans/Part D Sponsors must include the following information on their
The toll-free customer service number and hours of operation, TTY
number, and either a physical or Post Office Box address;
Information on beneficiaries’ and Plans’/Part D Sponsors’ rights and
responsibilities upon disenrollment;
The Plan/Part D Sponsor service area;
A list of premiums and cost-sharing (e.g., co-payments, co-insurance
and deductibles), including any conditions and limitations;
All out-of-network coverage rules;
Instructions on how to appoint a representative and a link to the
downloadable version of the CMS Appointment of Representative Form
(CMS Form-1696); and
A description of and information on how to file a grievance, an
organizational/coverage determination, and an appeal. This must
- Procedures for filing an organizational/coverage determination, a
grievance, and an appeal;
- A direct link to the Medicare.gov complaint website at:
where a enrollee can enter a complaint in lieu of calling 1-800-
- Phone number(s) for receiving oral requests;
- Mailing address for written requests;
- Fax number for written requests;
- Links, if applicable, to any forms created by the Plan/Part D
Sponsor for appeals and grievances;
- Information on how to obtain an aggregate number of
grievances, appeals, and exceptions filed with the Plan/Part D
Sponsor; and
- Contact numbers for enrollees and/or physicians to use for
process or status questions.
PFFS Plan websites must also include a link to Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s Terms
and Conditions of Payment.
MSA Plan websites must also include the following statements:
“You must file Form 1040, US Individual Income Tax Return, along
with Form 8853, “Archer MSA and Long-Term Care Insurance
Contracts” with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for any
distributions made from your Medicare MSA account to ensure you
aren’t taxed on your MSA account withdrawals. You must file these tax
forms for any year in which an MSA account withdrawal is made, even
if you have no taxable income or other reason for filing a Form 1040.
MSA account withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are tax free,
while account withdrawals for non-medical expenses are subject to
both income tax and a fifty (50) percent tax penalty.”
“Tax publications are available on the IRS website at
http://www.irs.gov or from 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).”
100.2.1 Part D Sponsor Required Content
42 CFR 423.128(b) and (d)
In addition to the requirements in section 100.2, Part D Sponsor’s websites
must include:
Immediate access to the coverage determination and redetermination
processes through a secure location prominently displayed on the
website; and
Quality assurance policies and procedures, including Medication
Therapy Management (MTM) information, and drug and/or utilization
management information.
Part D Sponsors are also expected to include a separate section or page
about MTM programs, written in plain language appropriate for enrollees,
Part D Sponsors’ specific eligibility requirements;
A statement informing enrollees about who to contact at the Part D
Sponsor for more information, with customer service personnel
prepared to answer questions about the MTM program;
A high level summary of services offered as part of the MTM
A statement explaining the purpose and benefits of MTM, and that
this is a free service for eligible enrollees;
A description of how the enrollee will be notified by the Part D
Sponsor that they are eligible and enrolled in the MTM program;
Statements on how they will be contacted and offered services by
the Part D Sponsor, including the comprehensive medication review
and targeted medication reviews, and a description of how the
reviews are conducted and delivered, including time commitments
and materials beneficiaries will receive; and
A statement on how the enrollee may obtain MTM service
documents, including a blank copy of the Personal Medication List
posted on the website. A statement clarifying that these programs
are not considered a benefit.
100.2.2 Required Documents for All Plans/Part D Sponsors
42 CFR 417.427, 422.111(a)(3), (b) and (h)(2), 423.128(a)(3), (b) and
(d)(2), 164.520(c)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must post the following materials on the Plan’s/Part D
Sponsor’s website:
Summary of Benefits;
Multi-Language Insert;
Annual Notice of Change/Evidence of Coverage (most current version);
Provider directory and/or pharmacy directory, as applicable (see
chapter 4 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual and chapter 5 of the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual and the HPMS memo for
Online Provider/Pharmacy Directory requirements);
Privacy Notice under the HIPAA Privacy Rule (privacy notices are
subject to enforcement by the Office for Civil Rights);
CMS Star Ratings document;
Any form developed to be used by physicians when providing a
supporting statement for an exceptions request;
Any form developed by the Plan/Part D Sponsor to be used by a
physician or enrollee to satisfy a prior authorization or other utilization
management requirement; and
All required translated materials identified in sections 30.6, 30.7, and
30.9, except in cases in which the translated documents will be sent to
specific enrollees (e.g., the LIS Rider) if Plans/Part D Sponsors have
service areas that meet the five (5) percent language threshold.
Plans/Part D Sponsors, including Section 1876 cost plans that do and do not
offer Part D benefits, must post the following information on the website by
September 30 for the upcoming contract year:
Annual Notice of Change/Evidence of Coverage
Provider and/or Pharmacy Directory
Formulary and Utilization Management Documents
Multi-Language Insert
The following are exceptions to the above requirement:
Existing D-SNPs and MMPs that mail the ANOC and EOC separately
must post the ANOC by September 30 and the EOC by December 31.
All other information must be posted by September 30 as noted above.
New plans must post the required documents, except the ANOC,
between October 1 and December 31.
CMS expects Plans/Part D Sponsors to post the following on the Plan/Part D
Sponsor website:
Enrollment instructions and forms;
Any form to be used by physicians when providing a supporting
statement for an exceptions request; and
Any form to be used by a physician or enrollee to satisfy a prior
authorization or other utilization management requirement.
Additionally, Part D Sponsors must post the following documents:
Current Comprehensive Formulary (see section 100.5 for detailed
Utilization Management Documents;
Prescription Drug Transition Policy;
LIS Premium Summary Chart; and
CMS Part D Model Coverage Determination and Redetermination
Request Forms.
100.3 - Electronic Enrollment
Except as described below, all Plans/Part D Sponsors must accept enrollment
requests submitted through the Medicare Online Enrollment Center (OEC):
The OEC is not available to individuals seeking enrollment in Medicare
Savings Account (MSA) plans and 800 series employer group waiver
plans; and
SNPs, Section 1876 cost plans, and Religious Fraternal Benefit plans
may, but are not required to, accept enrollment requests through the
Plans/Part D Sponsors may also develop and offer electronic enrollment
mechanisms that permit enrollment requests to be submitted via a Plan/Part
D Sponsor-owned electronic device or the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s secure
internet website. Plans/Part D Sponsors may obtain technical and related
services from outside entities in support of its online enrollment mechanism,
such as licensed software.
Plans/Part D Sponsors using enrollment software on Plan/Part D Sponsor-
owned mobile devices (e.g., smartphones or tablets) must submit the mobile
pages following the website submission guidance (see section 90.2.2).
Plans/Part D Sponsors may use downstream entities, such as an
agent/broker or third party website, as a means of facilitating enrollment
requests and capturing the enrollment request. However, Plans/Part D
Sponsors retain complete responsibility for the appropriate handling of any
sensitive beneficiary information provided as part of electronic enrollment,
including those portions of the process that are facilitated or managed by
downstream entities.
See Chapter 2 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual, Chapter 17d of the
Medicare Managed Care Manual, and Chapter 3 of the Medicare Prescription
Drug Benefit Manual for specific electronic enrollment requirements.
100.4 – Online Formulary, Utilization Management (UM), and Notice
42 CFR 423.128(d)(2)(ii)
The online formulary must be the Part D Sponsor’s comprehensive formulary
and the Part D Sponsors must provide a definition of a comprehensive
formulary. It must display all information contained within the HPMS
approved formulary files and meet all the requirements of the model
comprehensive formulary. Part D Sponsors may make minor modifications to
address issues such as abbreviations and/or grammatical truncation.
The online formulary should be downloadable. Part D Sponsors may also
provide an online formulary search tool, but the search tool should not
substitute for the downloadable formulary.
The downloadable formulary, any search tools, and utilization management
documents are expected to:
Be updated at least once per month; and
Indicate when the document and search tool (if available) was last
updated by including the phrase, “Updated MM/YYYY” or “No changes
made since MM/YYYY”.
If a search tool is provided, it should be searchable by drug name. When
search results indicate a drug is not covered, it should provide an
explanation or a link to an explanation of how to obtain an exception to the
Part D sponsor’s formulary, utilization management tools, or (if applicable)
tiered cost sharing.
Part D Sponsors may include formulary and non-formulary alternatives;
however, the formulary alternatives are expected to be clearly marked as
formulary drugs without the need for further navigation. Each search result
that appears in the search tool is expected to:
Indicate whether a drug is covered, its tier placement, and any
applicable utilization management requirements. If quantity limit
restrictions apply, the quantity limit amount and days’ supply is
expected to be displayed. If prior authorization or step therapy
restrictions are applicable, then the criteria are also expected to be
Include the following statement for drugs with a Part B versus Part D
administrative prior authorization requirement: “This drug may be
covered under Medicare Part B or Part D depending upon the
circumstances. Information may need to be submitted describing the
use and setting of the drug to make the determination.”
When the online formulary search tool results indicate a drug is not
covered, explain or link to an explanation of how to obtain an
exception to the Part D sponsor’s formulary, utilization management
tools or tiered cost sharing both by an introductory screen and when
search results indicate a drug is not covered.
Provide an indicator to identify mail-order availability, excluded drugs,
free first fill drugs, limited access drugs, drugs covered in the coverage
gap, and drugs covered under the medical benefit (for home infusion
drugs only).
Utilization management documents (detailing the criteria needed to satisfy
the prior authorization and/or step therapy requirements) and the transition
policy document are reviewed and approved as part of the HPMS formulary
review process and not the HPMS marketing process. See the Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 6, section 30.2.7
Part D Sponsors may post online the notice of formulary changes, provided
that it:
Includes all changes associated with removing or changing a Part D
drug or adding authorization, quantity limits, step therapy, changing
the cost sharing status, or any other restrictions on a drug
Meets all requirements for written notice specified in the Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 6, section 30.3.4
Coverage/PrescriptionDrugCovContra/PartDManuals.html). This
information must be maintained on the website until the next annual
mailing of the updated formulary.
100.5 – Social Media
42 CFR 422.111(h), 422.2264, 422.2268, 423.128(d), 423.2264, 423.2268
Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit to HPMS social media (e.g., Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Scan Code, or QR Code) posts that meet the
definition of marketing materials, specifically those that contain plan-specific
benefits, premiums, cost-sharing, or Star Ratings.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must not include content on social/electronic media
that discusses plan-specific benefits, premiums, cost-sharing, or Star
Ratings for products offered in the next contract year prior to October 1.
If a Plan/Part D Sponsor posts required information (see sections 100.2 and
100.3) to a social media site, that information must also be posted on the
Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s official website to comply with the disclosure
requirement. Both plan enrollees and members of the public should be able
to view the required information without having to join a third-party social
media website.
Additional guidance on social media has been incorporated into relevant
sections of the MMG. For example, see section 40.1 for information on social
media and material IDs, section 50 for information on social media and
disclaimers, and section 70.9 for information on requirements for virtual
sales/marketing events held through social media.
100.6 – Mobile Applications
42 CFR 422.2260, 422.2262, 422.2268, 423.2260, 423.2262, 423.2268
Mobile applications (apps) that provide information to current enrollees
about their current Plan or provide non-Plan-specific health information do
not require submission to HPMS for marketing review. If the app is targeted
to potential enrollees, it must be submitted in HPMS (see section 90.2 for
the material submission process). Plans/Part D Sponsors must also provide
CMS access to their mobile apps upon request.
If Plans/Part D Sponsors do not provide complete plan benefit, premium,
and co-payment information in the app, the selection of information must
not be misleading. The app must also instruct beneficiaries where to find
complete information.
If the mobile app contains provider and/or pharmacy directory information,
it must include and give equal prominence to all in-network
providers/pharmacies, although it may limit the information by geographic
area and/or by the search criteria. The app must clearly indicate if it limits
the information to a geographic area.
110 Reserved
120 Marketing and Sales Oversight and Responsibilities
120.1 Compliance with State Licensure and Appointment Laws
42 CFR 422.2272(c), 423.2272(c)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must comply with applicable State licensure and/or
appointment laws when engaging with marketing representatives to sell
Medicare products.
120.2 Plan Reporting of Terminated Agents
42 CFR 422.2272(c)-(e), 422.2274(f), 423.2272(c)-(e), 423.2274(f)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must immediately report the termination of any
agents/brokers to the State (adhering to state requirements for reporting
terminations to the state) and the reasons for the termination, if State law
requires the reasons to be reported. Plans/Part D Sponsors must report for-
cause terminations to CMS Account Managers, via email or letter. Plans/Part
D Sponsors must also report to CMS Account Managers any sales of
Medicare products, which were made by agents without a valid license.
If a Plan/Part D Sponsor discovers an enrollment application was submitted
by an unlicensed agent or broker, the Plan/Part D Sponsor must immediately
terminate the agent or broker and report this action to the state where the
application was submitted. Additionally, Plans/Part D Sponsors must notify
any beneficiaries who were enrolled by unqualified agents/brokers (e.g.,
unlicensed, not appointed, or has not completed the annual training/testing)
and advise those beneficiaries of the agents’/brokers’ status. Beneficiaries
may request to make a plan change under 42 CFR 422.62(b)(3)(i) or
120.3 Agent/Broker Training and Testing
42 CFR 422.2274(c) and (d), 423.2274(c) and (d)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure that all agents/brokers
(employed/captive or independent) selling Medicare products are trained and
tested annually on Medicare rules, regulations, and on details specific to the
plan products that they sell. This means that training and testing must take
place prior to the broker/agent selling the product. In addition,
agents/brokers must obtain a passing score of at least eighty-five percent on
the test.
CMS provides updated guidance annually for agents/brokers training/testing.
Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure that their agents/brokers training/testing
programs are designed and implemented in a way that maintains the
integrity of the training and testing, and must have the ability to provide this
information to CMS upon request.
120.4 - Compensation Applicability and Definitions
42 CFR 422.2274, 423.2274
All compensation requirements contained in this section apply to
independent agents/brokers. Agents/brokers employed by a Plan/Part D
Sponsor are exempt from compensation requirements, except where noted
(e.g., referral/finder fees). However, all other marketing and sales
requirements must be met.
Compensation includes monetary or non-monetary remuneration of any kind
relating to the sale or renewal of a policy including, but not limited to,
commissions, bonuses, gifts, prizes, awards, and referral/finder’s fees.
Compensation DOES NOT include:
The payment of fees to comply with State appointment laws;
Testing costs;
Reimbursement for mileage to, and from, appointments with
beneficiaries; or
Reimbursement for actual costs associated with beneficiary sales
appointments such as venue rent, snacks, and materials.
Initial Compensation:
Initial compensation may be paid at or below the fair market value (FMV)
cut-off amounts published by CMS annually.
Renewal Compensation:
Renewal compensation may be paid for each enrollment in Year 2 and
beyond. Renewal compensation may be paid up to fifty (50) percent of the
current FMV, published by CMS annually.
Referral/Finder’s Fees:
Referral/Finder’s fees paid to agents and brokers, including independent,
employed, and captive agents and brokers, may not exceed $100 ($25 for
PDPs). This amount is not reasonably expected to provide enough financial
incentive for an agent or broker to recommend or enroll a beneficiary into a
plan that is not the most appropriate for the beneficiary’s needs.
Additionally, referral/finder’s fees paid to all agents and brokers must be part
of total compensation and must not exceed FMV for that contract year.
A “like plan type” enrollment includes:
A PDP to another PDP
An MA, MA-PD, or MMP to another MA, MA-PD, or MMP
A Section 1876 cost plan to another Section 1876 cost plan
An “unlike plan type” enrollment includes:
An MA or MA-PD plan to a PDP or section 1876 cost plan
A PDP to a section 1876 cost plan or an MA (or MA-PD) plan
A section 1876 cost plan to an MA (or MA-PD) plan or PDP
Note: For dual enrollments (e.g., enrollment in an MA-only plan and a
stand-alone PDP), the compensation rules apply independently to each
plan. However, when dual enrollments are replaced by an enrollment
in a single plan, compensation is paid based on the MA movement
(e.g., movement from an MA-only plan and PDP to an MA-PD plan
would be compensated at the renewal compensation amount for the
MA to MA-PD “like plan type” move).
120.4.1 General Rules Regarding Compensation
42 CFR 422.2272(c)-(e), 422.2274(c) and (d), 423.2272(c)-(e),
423.2274(c) and (d)
Plans/Part D Sponsors may not pay compensation to agents/brokers that do
not meet state licensure/appointment requirements or those that have been
terminated for cause.
When a Plan/Part D Sponsor and/or a contracted independent agent/broker
terminates an agent/broker contract, any future payment of existing
business will be governed by the terms of the contract, subject to the limits
in the regulation.
Note: Non-agents/brokers receiving referral fees are not subject to the
general compensation rules (e.g., training/testing/licensure).
120.4.2 Compensation Payment Requirements
42 CFR 422.2274(a), (b)(4), and (g), 423.2274(a), (b)(4), and (g), 422.516
(a)(6), 423.514 (a)(5)
Each year, Plans/Part D Sponsors may decide whether they are using
employed, captive, and/or independent agents, as well as the amount within
CMS’ FMV limits they will compensate independent agents/brokers. Each
year, CMS issues an HPMS memo that notifies Plans/Part D Sponsors of the
FMV, and requires them to inform CMS yearly by the end of July whether
they will use agents/brokers, including the types of agents/brokers, as well
as the compensation payment rates or ranges.
In addition, Plans/Part D Sponsors must have in place their full agent/broker
compensation structure for initial and renewal enrollments by October 1
each year. This structure supports the compensation payment rates or
ranges submitted earlier in the year and must be made available to CMS
upon request. The compensation structure must include details of how the
Plan/Part D Sponsor plans to disseminate compensation, including specifying
payment amounts for initial and renewal compensation. The compensation
structure must stay the same for the compensation year that was put in
place by October 1. This does not preclude Plans/Part D Sponsors from
entering into/re-negotiating, or modifying agent/broker contracts or
payment policies provided the payment rates fall within the specified
submitted ranges.
The agent/broker compensation year is January 1 to December 31.
Compensation payments must be calculated on a January to December
enrollment year. They may not be made on a rolling basis or on an
enrollment year basis. For example, if a beneficiary’s enrollment is effective
September 1, then the initial enrollment year for that beneficiary ends on
December 31 and the beneficiary’s “renewal” year would begin in January of
the following year. Plans/Part D Sponsors should consult the MARx
agent/broker compensation report to determine whether an initial or renewal
payment is appropriate. This report is automatically released and
disseminated monthly by the MARx system.
Plans/Part D Sponsors have the flexibility to make compensation payments
annually, quarterly, monthly, or by a different schedule. However,
compensation payments must be paid during the year of enrollment. In
other words, enrollments during the preceding year for effective dates
January 1 (or later) of the following year, should not be compensated until
January 1 or after. Payments for enrollments effective at any point during a
calendar year must be paid in full by December 31 of the calendar year of
enrollment. In addition, compensation payments should be based on the
number of months a beneficiary is enrolled during a calendar year.
Referral/finder’s fees may not exceed the amounts stated in section 120.4.
In addition, referral fees paid to agents must be part of total compensation,
not to exceed the FMV for initials and 50% of FMV for referrals.
Plans/Part D Sponsors that contract with third-parties to sell MA/Part D
products must ensure that compensation payments to these third-parties are
no greater than the Plans’/Part D sponsors’ initial and renewal compensation
amounts. Additionally, third parties must comply with agent broker
compensation guidelines.
Initial Compensation is paid:
The beneficiary’s first year of enrollment in any plan (MA, PDP,
MA-PD, Cost) where the MARx report has a prior plan type of
A beneficiary moves from an employer group plan to a non-
employer group plan (either within the same Parent Organization
or between Parent Organizations);
A beneficiary changes plans during their initial enrollment year;
A beneficiary makes an “unlike plan change.”
Initial Compensation may be paid in full or pro-rated for:
The beneficiary’s first year of enrollment in any plan (MA, PDP,
MA-PD, Cost) where the MARx report has a prior plan type of
None; or
A beneficiary moves from an employer group plan to a non-
employer group plan (either within the same Parent Organization
or between Parent Organizations).
Initial Compensation must be pro-rated when:
A beneficiary enrolls in an “unlike plan type,” during their
renewal year; or
A beneficiary changes plans during their initial enrollment year.
Renewal compensation may be paid to agents/brokers under the following
three scenarios:
Following the initial year compensation;
A beneficiary enrolls in a new “like plan” within the same Parent
Organization or between two different Parent Organizations; or
A beneficiary enrolled in an MMP switches to an MA plan or an
MA-PD plan (and vice versa), if applicable per state MMP policy.
Renewal Compensation must always be pro-rated.
Other compensation scenarios are highlighted below:
the MA compensation amount should be paid when a
beneficiary enrolls in an MA-PD plan, not the MA compensation
the PDP compensation amount.
When a beneficiary enrolls in both a Section 1876 cost plan and
a stand-alone PDP, compensation should be paid for both
120.4.3 Compensation Recovery Requirements (Charge-backs)
42 CFR 422.2274(a)(4)(ii), 423.2274(a)(4)(ii)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must recover compensation payments from
agents/brokers under two circumstances: 1) a beneficiary disenrolls from a
plan within the first three months of enrollment (rapid disenrollment), and 2)
any other time a beneficiary is not enrolled in a plan.
CMS expects Plans/Part D Sponsors to retroactively pay or recoup funds
based on retroactive beneficiary changes (retroactive
enrollment/disenrollment) for the current calendar year and the previous
calendar year. Plans/Part D Sponsors are not required to recoup or pay
compensation for years prior to the previous calendar year. However, if a
Plan/Part D Sponsor chooses to recoup payments from a prior calendar year,
it must also pay funds retroactively that would have been due during that
same year.
Rapid Disenrollment
Rapid disenrollment applies when an enrollee moves from one Parent
Organization to another Parent Organization, or when an enrollee
moves from one plan to another plan within the same Parent
Rapid disenrollment compensation recovery does not apply when a
beneficiary enrolls in a Plan/Part D Sponsor effective October 1,
November 1, or December 1, and subsequently uses the Annual
Election Period to make changes to their current plan for an effective
date of January 1 of the following year. If, however, a beneficiary
enrolls for October 1, November 1 or December 1 and disenrolls from
the plan (unrelated to the AEP), the Plan/Part D Sponsor should
recover compensation based on the rapid disenrollment.
Rapid disenrollment compensation recovery does not apply when CMS
determines that recoupment is not in the best interests of the
Medicare program. Such situations include when a beneficiary
disenrolls within the first three months for any of the following
Other creditable coverage;
Moving into or out of an institution;
Gains/drops employer/union sponsored coverage;
CMS sanction against the plan/contract violation;
Plan terminations and non-renewals;
In order to coordinate with Part D enrollment periods;
In order to coordinate with a State Pharmaceutical Assistance
Becoming dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid;
Qualifying for another plan based on special needs;
Becoming LIS eligible;
Qualifying for another plan based on a chronic condition;
Due to an auto, facilitated, or passive enrollment;
Moves out of the service area;
Non-payment of premium;
Loss of entitlement;
Retroactive notice of Medicare entitlement; or
When moving to a plan with a 5-star rating or from an LPI
plan into a higher rated plan.
Other Compensation Recovery
Plans/Part D Sponsors must recover a pro-rated amount of initial
compensation when an enrollee disenrolls from a plan. The amount
recovered must be equal to the number of months not enrolled. For
example, an enrollee ages in effective April 1. The enrollee disenrolls
effective September 30 of the same year. The plan initially paid a full
initial compensation. Since the enrollee disenrolled (not a rapid
disenrollment), the Plan/Part D Sponsor must recover from the agent
or broker 6/12ths of the initial compensation (January through March
and October through December).
Plans/Part D Sponsors must recover a pro-rated amount of renewal
compensation when an enrollee disenrolls from a plan. This amount
must be equal to the number of months not enrolled. For example, a
renewal enrollee disenrolls effective February 28. The Plan/Part D
Sponsor must recover from the agent or broker 10/12ths of the
renewal payment if the renewal payment had been paid for the entire
12-month period.
Plans/Part D Sponsors have the option to pay the agent or broker
either full or pro-rated compensation for initial enrollments that are
effective later than January 1 and the enrollees have no prior plan
history. However, if the Plan/Part D Sponsor pays a full initial
compensation and the enrollee disenrolls during the contract year, the
Plan/Part D Sponsor must recoup a pro-rated amount for all months
the beneficiary is not enrolled, regardless of whether it is a change
from one Parent Organization to another Parent Organization or from
one PBP in one organization to another PBP within the same
organization. This would include months prior to the enrollment. For
example, a beneficiary ages into Medicare and elects an MA-PD plan
(Plan A), effective April 1. The beneficiary moves and is eligible for a
special enrollment period. The beneficiary elects a new MA-PD (Plan
B), effective November 1. Plan A must recoup 5/12ths of the initial
compensation (January through March and November through
December) to account for the months the beneficiary was not enrolled
in Plan A. Since the beneficiary had prior plan history when enrolled in
Plan B, Plan B may only pay a pro-rated initial compensation equal to
2/12ths (November through December).
Plans/Part D Sponsors must recover from the agent or broker a pro-
rated amount of compensation when there is a “like plan change” from
an MA or MA-PD to MMP. Compensation is not to be paid for the
months the enrollee is in the MMP for that compensation cycle year.
For example, a renewal enrollee makes a “like plan type” change from
an MA to MMP effective July 1 of the compensation cycle year. The MA
Plan must recover 6/12ths of the renewal payment.
120.4.4 Payments other than Compensation
42 CFR 422.2274, 423.2274
Payments made to third parties for services other than enrollment of
beneficiaries (e.g., training, customer service, or agent recruitment) must
not exceed FMV and must not exceed an amount that is commensurate with
the amounts paid by the Plan/Part D Sponsor to a third party for similar
services during each of the previous two (2) years.
120.5Additional Marketing Fees
42 CFR 422.2274, 423.2274
A Plan/Part D Sponsor may not charge a beneficiary or allow its marketing
representatives to charge a beneficiary a marketing fee. All costs associated
with the marketing of a plan are the responsibility of the Plan/Part D
Activities That Do Not Require the Use of State-Licensed Marketing
42 CFR 422.2272(c), 423.2272(c)
The following activities conducted by a plan customer service representative
do not require the use of State-licensed marketing representatives, unless
otherwise stated by state law. These include:
Providing factual information;
Fulfilling a request for materials;
Taking demographic information in order to complete an enrollment
application at the initiative of the prospective enrollee;
“For-cause” review of materials and activities when complaints are
made by any source, and CMS determines it is appropriate to
investigate; and
“Secret shopper” activities where CMS requests Plan/Part D Sponsor
materials such as enrollment packets.
However, if Plans/Part D Sponsors use licensed agents/brokers (employed or
contracted) as customer service representatives, they cannot act as both a
customer service representative and a sales/marketing agent/broker.
130 - Employer/Union Group Health Plans
Sections 1857(i) and 1860D-22(b) of the Social Security Act, 42 CFR
422.2276, 423.458, 423.2276
Plans offering employer group health plans are not required to submit
informational copies of their dissemination materials to CMS at the time of
use. However, as a condition of CMS providing particular waivers or
modifications to employer group plans, CMS reserves the right to request
and review these materials in the event of beneficiary complaints or for any
other reason it determines to ensure the information accurately and
adequately informs Medicare beneficiaries about their rights and obligations
under the plan.
CMS waivers to employer group plans are limited in scope to their stated
parameters, and employer group waiver plans must follow all Part C and D
rules unless explicitly waived. For specific guidance regarding these waivers
or modifications of marketing and disclosure/dissemination of information
requirements for employer/union-sponsored group health plans, please refer
to Chapter 9 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual, and Chapter 12 of the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual.
Table 130.1 - Marketing Provisions Employer/Union Group Plans
Marketing Provisions that apply to Employer/Union Group Plans
These requirements are applicable for the transaction between the
agent/broker selling the plan to the employer/union. All activities
conducted by the employer/union or its designees to sign up individual
employees to the plan(s) selected by the employer/union are excluded
from these provisions.
Note: This table contains a partial list of exclusions.
Applicable Provisions
(Not Waived)
Not Applicable Provisions
Nominal Gifts
Unsolicited Contacts
Sales/Marketing in Health Care
Sales/Marketing at Educational
Scope of Appointments
Provision of Meals
Appointment of Agents/Brokers
Agent/Broker Compensation
State Licensed
Agent/Broker Testing
Reporting of Terminated
Agent/Broker Training
Agents must be thoroughly
familiar with the products they are
selling, including the plan specific
details and the Medicare rules that
apply to the specific products. The
organization/sponsor is
responsible for ensuring that the
agents selling for them have
sufficient knowledge.
140 Reserved
150 Use of Medicare Mark for Part D Sponsors
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
All Part D Sponsors must sign a licensing agreement to use the official
Medicare Mark via the HPMS contracting module. All applicant and renewing
Part D sponsors sign the Medicare Mark licensing agreements via the HPMS
electronic signature process. The license agreement is effective for a single
contract year and Part D sponsors must renew annually to continue using
the Medicare Mark.
150.1 Authorized Users for Medicare Mark
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
All Part D Sponsors are authorized to use the Medicare Prescription Drug
Benefit Program Mark only after electronically executing the Medicare Mark
License Agreement in HPMS. In certain circumstances, the Medicare Mark
License Agreement may be signed in hard copy rather than electronically.
Only a CEO, CFO, or COO who is designated as an authorized signer in HPMS
is eligible to execute the Medicare Mark License Agreement. Part D Sponsors
may use the mark on marketing materials consistent with this chapter.
Unless otherwise approved, no individuals, organizations, and/or commercial
firms may distribute materials bearing the Medicare Prescription Drug
Benefit Program Mark.
150.2 Use of Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark on Items
for Sale or Distribution
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
All Part D Sponsors may use the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program
Mark on items they distribute, provided the item(s) follow(s) guidelines for
nominal gifts, as provided in Appendix 1 and section 70.1.1. Items with the
Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark cannot be sold for profit.
150.3 Approval to Use the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The process to grant authorized users access to the Medicare Prescription
Drug Benefit Program Mark for use on Part D marketing materials is
described below:
1. The Part D Sponsor electronically signs the Medicare Mark License
Agreement in HPMS (or signs a hardcopy, as applicable);
2. CMS counter-signs the Part D Sponsor’s contract; and
3. CMS sends the Medicare Mark URL to the Part D Sponsor.
After receipt of the URL, organizations may begin using the mark on
marketing materials (including the Part D membership ID card) that are
required to be submitted to CMS for review.
Requests to distribute other items (materials that are not included in this
chapter) bearing the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark must
be submitted to CMS at least thirty (30) days prior to the anticipated date of
distribution. Requests should be sent to:
Office of the Administrator/Office of Communications Visual & Multimedia
Communications Group
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
Once a request has been approved the following will apply: 1) approval will
be effective for a period not to exceed one year; and 2) approval will be
granted only for those items for which use of the mark was requested in the
request letter and for which written approval was granted.
150.4 Prohibition on Misuse of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
Program Mark
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
42 U.S.C. section 1320b-10 prohibits the misuse of the Medicare name and
marks. In general, it authorizes the Inspector General of the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) to impose penalties on any person who
misuses the term Medicare or other names associated with DHHS in a
manner which the person knows or should know gives the false impression
that it is approved, endorsed, or authorized by DHHS. Offenders are subject
to fines of up to $5,000 per violation or in the case of a broadcast or telecast
violation, $25,000.
150.5 Mark Guidelines
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark is a logotype
comprised of the words Medicare Rx with the words Prescription Drug
Coverage directly beneath.
Always use reproducible art available electronically. Do not attempt to
recreate the Program Mark or combine it with other elements to make a new
graphic. Artwork will be supplied in .EPS, .TIFF or .JPG format after
notification of approval into the program. Other file formats are available
from CMS’s Office of External Affairs upon request.
150.5.1 Mark Guidelines - Negative Program Mark
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark may be reversed out
in white. The entire mark must be legible.
150.5.2 Mark Guidelines - Approved Colors
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The two (2)-color mark is the preferred version. It uses PMS 704 (burgundy)
and sixty-five (65) percent process black. It is recommended that if the CMS
mark is used in conjunction with the brand mark, that the black versions of
those logos be used.
The 1-color version in grayscale is acceptable. The mark elements are one-
hundred (100) percent black except for the word “Medicare” which is fifty-
five (55) percent black.
The 1-color version in one-hundred (100) percent black also is acceptable.
150.5.3 Mark Guidelines on Languages
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The Spanish version of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark
may be used in place of the English language version on materials produced
entirely in Spanish. The two (2)-color version is preferred, but the grayscale,
black and negative versions may be used.
150.5.4 Mark Guidelines on Size
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
To maintain clear legibility of the Program Mark, never reproduce it at a size
less than one (1) inch wide. The entire mark must be legible.
150.5.5 Mark Guidelines on Clear Space Allocation
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The clear space around the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark
prevents any nearby text, image or illustration from interfering with the
legibility and impact of the mark. The measurement “x” can be defined as
the height of the letter “x” in “Rx” in the Program Mark. Any type or graphic
elements must be at least “x” distance from the mark as shown by the
150.5.6 Mark Guidelines on Bleed Edge Indicator
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
The Program Mark may not bleed off any edge of the item. The mark should
sit at least one-eighth (1/8) inch inside any edges of the item.
150.5.7 Mark Guidelines on Incorrect Use
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
Following are rules for preventing incorrect use of the Medicare Prescription
Drug Benefit Program Mark:
Do not alter the position of the mark elements;
Do not alter the aspect ratio of the certification mark. Do not stretch or
distort the mark;
Always use the mark only as provided in the CMS approval/license
Do not rotate the mark or any of its elements;
Do not alter or change the typeface of the mark;
Do not alter the color of any of the mark elements;
Do not position the mark near other items or images. Maintain the
clear space allocation;
Do not position the mark to bleed off any edge. Maintain one-eight
(1/8) inch safety from any edge;
Do not use any of the mark elements to create a new mark or graphic;
Do not use the mark on background colors, images or other artwork
that interfere with the legibility of the mark.
150.6 Mark Guidelines for Part D Standard Pharmacy ID Card Design
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
Usage of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program Mark on an ID Card
must be consistent with section 60.2 of the MMG.
160 Allowable Use of Medicare Beneficiary Information Obtained from CMS
In addition to limits CMS places on the data it provides to Plans/Part D
Sponsors, compliance with the HIPAA privacy and security rules (45 CFR
Parts 160, 164) may require greater protection of information from and/or
about enrollees. Plans/Part D Sponsors should also consult with their counsel
and the many resources offered by the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to
ensure their compliance with the HIPAA requirements. CMS does NOT
provide guidance on HIPAA privacy and security compliance; the OCR
provides such guidance. These Marketing Guidelines are about compliance
with CMS and Medicare requirements only. For information on HIPAA privacy
and security requirements, please visit:
All MA, Part D, PACE, and Section 1876 cost plans sign a data use
attestation under which they agree that they will restrict the use of Medicare
data to those purposes directly related to the administration of the Medicare
managed care and/or outpatient prescription drug benefits for which they
have contracted with CMS to administer. Plans/Part D Sponsors also agree
not to use that information to develop, market, or operate lines of business
unrelated to their Medicare plan operations.
For purposes of these Data Use Attestations, CMS-provided data includes
information provided by beneficiaries in the course of their enrollment in a
Medicare plan as well as data obtained solely as a result of access to CMS
systems granted to the contracting organization or sponsor because it is a
Part C, Part D, PACE or Section 1876 cost plan contractor. Except in cases in
which the enrollee gave information as part of a commercial relationship
prior to enrollment in the Medicare plan, the contracting organization or
sponsor was only given the information on the application as a result of the
contract with CMS.
While Plans/Part D Sponsors with a previous commercial relationship with
Medicare beneficiaries (and employers offering Medicare plans) may have
obtained personal data through that relationship, and therefore are not
obligated to follow the Data Use Agreement in connection with such data, we
encourage Plans/Part D Sponsors to follow these data use guidelines as a
good business practice for protecting beneficiaries from potentially
unwelcome marketing and other communications. Examples of what is
considered a previous commercial relationship include membership in such
products as:
Long-term care insurance;
Life-insurance policies;
Non-Medicare employer or retiree plans; or
Medigap policies.
While it is important to protect Medicare beneficiaries from potentially
unwelcome marketing and other communications, we also recognize
Plans’/Part D Sponsors’ interest in contacting their enrollees on issues
unrelated to the specific plan benefit that they contract with CMS to provide.
This section contains additional guidance for Plans/Part D Sponsors on the
distribution of other types of non-plan related information.
160.1 When Prior Authorization from the Beneficiary Is Not Required
Plan/Part D Sponsor marketing materials describing health-related lines of
business to current enrollees do not require prior authorization (See section
40.8 for additional information). Examples of health-related information that
do not require prior authorization include:
Long-term care insurance;
Separate dental or vision policies;
Information about current plan coverage or other Medicare products
offered by the Plan/Part D Sponsor;
Plan and health information in monthly newsletters;
Information on disease management programs;
Mailings describing benefits changes; and
Information on Medicaid and other community or social services
160.2 When Prior Authorization from the Beneficiary Is Required
To comply with CMS and Medicare policies and rules, Plans/Part D Sponsors
must obtain authorization from an enrollee prior to using or disclosing the
enrollee’s protected health information for marketing purposes. Examples of
non-health related issues plans may communicate after receiving prior
authorization (“opt-in”) of current enrollees include:
Accident-only policies;
Life insurance policies;
Volunteer or community activities;
Pending State or Federal legislation; and
Joining grassroots advocacy organizations and information about such
160.3 Obtaining Prior Authorization
To comply with CMS and Medicare policies and rules, Plans/Part D Sponsors
must receive the enrollee’s “opt-in” authorization prior to sending any non-
plan or non-health related information. Plans/Part D Sponsors should keep
evidence of authorization for audit purposes. Following are examples of how
the authorization required under section 160.2 may be obtained.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may send, at their own expense, written
authorization “opt-in” forms to enrollees.
Plans/Part D Sponsors may direct an enrollee to a website to provide
consent. If the Plan/Part D Sponsor uses a website for the “opt-in”
process, the link from the plan’s Medicare product website must inform
the enrollee that he or she is leaving the Medicare product website and
going to the non-Medicare product website, as provided in section
100.1. Once a beneficiary “opts-in,” the Plans/Part D Sponsors must
be clear that the enrollee will receive additional information that may
be non-plan or non-health related.
Enrollees can complete a written authorization in person at marketing
events, health fairs, or other public venues.
Enrollees can complete the authorization over the telephone, provided
the authorization is recorded. The call must be a enrollee-initiated
inbound telephone call and scripts for such calls must comply with all
guidance in section 80.
Enrollees can complete the authorization via an email to the plan,
provided that the authorization includes an electronic signature.
Regardless of the method by which the authorization is obtained (e.g.,
written, telephonic, on a website), the following rules apply:
The request must include one or more types of information for which
authorization is being sought. If authorization is being sought for more
than one type of information, a check box (or verbal agreement, if a
telephonic authorization) needs to be assigned to each type of
information. Furthermore, the type of information can only be
described in general terms. For example, “Check the boxes of the
types of information you would like to receive: life insurance, long-
term care insurance, pending State and Federal legislation, grass-roots
The request for authorization should not include any non-plan or non-
health related content, nor should it be included in the same mailing
as information on non-health related issues, unless the Plan/Part D
Sponsor has previously received prior authorization to send that
particular non-health related information to that enrollee. For example,
a request for authorization to send information about life insurance
should not include a statement like “Make sure your spouse’s future is
secure, with a life insurance policy from us,” and/or should not be sent
with documents that include details about the life insurance policy.
The request for authorization can be included in the same mailing as
plan-related or health-related mailings to enrollees, as provided in the
MMG. The request for authorization may not be included on the
enrollment form (whether in hard copy or in electronic forms available
via the plan’s website) or made during the processing of a telephonic
The request for authorization should not be confusing or misleading to
enrollees by purporting to have current plan benefit information or by
suggesting that the content includes official information from the
Medicare program.
These requests for authorization are not subject to review by CMS, and
should not be submitted in HPMS. However, per section 20, Plans/Part
D Sponsors are still responsible for ensuring that all materials intended
for Medicare beneficiaries meet the requirements of this chapter and
applicable law (e.g., the HIPAA Privacy Rule), and for maintaining such
materials so as to make them available, through HPMS or other
means, upon CMS’ request.
Compliance with the HIPAA privacy and security rules (45 CFR Parts 160,
164) may require greater protection of information from and/or about
enrollees. Plans/Part D Sponsors should also consult with their counsel and
the many resources offered by the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to
ensure their compliance with the HIPAA requirements. CMS does NOT
provide guidance on HIPAA privacy and security compliance; the OCR
provides such guidance. Additional details on what is required for an
acceptable attestation can be found at 45 CFR 164.508.
160.4 Sending Non-plan and Non-health Information Once Prior
Authorization is Received
Non-plan and non-health related content can be provided to enrollees once
prior authorization is received.
Non-health related content cannot be delivered with plan-related
materials, including in mailings, on websites, or during outbound
telephone calls related to current plan information.
In addition, these materials should include the disclaimer, “Medicare has
neither reviewed, nor endorses, this information.”
Appendix 1 Definitions
422.111, 422.2260, 423.2260, 422.2268, 423.128, 423.2268
The following definitions apply for purposes of the MMG only.
Ad Hoc Enrollee Communication Materials
Ad hoc enrollee communication materials are informational materials that
are targeted to current enrollees, are customized or limited to a subset of
enrollees, apply to a specific situation or cover enrollee-specific claims
processing or other operational issues, and do not include information about
the plan’s benefit structure. In addition, these communication materials are
not tied to regularly occurring events such as aging into Medicare, the
Annual Enrollment Period, or a new contract year. These materials are not
considered marketing materials. Examples include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Letters about a shortage of formulary drugs due to a manufacturer
recall letter;
Letters to communicate that an enrollee is receiving a refund or is
being billed for underpayments;
Letters describing enrollee-specific claims processing issues; or
Correspondence pertaining to unique questions or issues that affect an
individual or small subset of the plan’s enrollment.
Note: Enrollment/disenrollment materials are not considered ad hoc
enrollee communications.
Advertising materials are primarily intended to attract or appeal to a
potential Plan/Part D Sponsor enrollee. Advertising materials contain less
detail than other marketing materials, and may provide benefit information
at a level to entice a potential enrollee to request additional information.
Alternate Formats
Alternate formats are used to convey information to individuals with visual,
speech, physical, hearing and intellectual disabilities (e.g., braille, large
print, audio).
Banner and Banner-Like Advertisements
Banner advertisements are typically used in television ads, and flash
information quickly across a screen for the sole purpose of enticing a
prospective enrollee to contact the Plan/Part D Sponsor to enroll or obtain
more information. A “banner-like” advertisement is usually in some media
other than television, e.g., outdoor advertising and internet banner ads.
Banner advertisements are intended to be brief and to entice someone to
call the Plan/Part D Sponsor or to alert someone that information is
Co-branding is defined as a relationship between two or more separate legal
entities, one of which is an organization that sponsors a Medicare plan. Co-
branding is when a Plan/Part D Sponsor displays the name(s) or brand(s) of
the co-branding entity or entities on its marketing materials to signify a
business arrangement. Co-branding arrangements allow a Plan/Part D
Sponsor and its co-branding partner(s) to promote enrollment in the plan.
Co-branding relationships are entered into independent of the contract that
the Plan/Part D Sponsor has with CMS.
Direct mail
Direct mail is information sent to an individual to attract his/her attention or
interest and allow him/her to request additional information.
Educational Event
Educational events are designed to inform Medicare beneficiaries about
Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug or other Medicare programs and do
not include marketing (i.e., the event sponsor does not steer, or attempt to
steer, potential enrollees toward a specific plan or limited number of plans).
Enrollment Materials
Enrollment materials are materials used to enroll or disenroll a beneficiary
from a plan, or materials used to convey information specific to enrollment
and disenrollment issues such as enrollment and disenrollment notices.
Health Plan Management System (HPMS) Marketing Module
Plans/Part D Sponsors must submit marketing materials for review through
the HPMS Marketing Module, which is an automated tool used to enter,
track, and maintain materials submitted to CMS for review and approval.
The HPMS Marketing Module User Guide provides extensive information on
how to use HPMS. Plans/Part D Sponsors should refer to the User Guide for
any questions regarding the Marketing Module or how to submit materials in
Joint Enterprise
A joint enterprise is a group of organizations that are State-licensed as risk-
bearing entities that jointly enter into a single contract with CMS to offer a
Regional Preferred Provider Organization (RPPO) plan or PDP in a multi-State
region. The participating organizations contract with each other to create a
single “joint enterprise” and are considered an “entity” for purposes of
offering a RPPO or PDP.
Marketing is the act of steering, or attempting to steer, a potential enrollee
towards a plan or limited number of plans, or promoting a plan or a number
of plans.
Marketing Materials
Marketing materials include any informational materials targeted to Medicare
beneficiaries which:
(1) Promote the Plan/Part D Sponsor, or any Plan/Part D Sponsor
offered by the MA organization;
(2) Inform Medicare beneficiaries that they may enroll, or remain
enrolled in, a Plan/Part D Sponsor offered by the MA organization;
(3) Explain the benefits of enrollment in a Plan/Part D Sponsor, or
rules that apply to enrollees; or
(4) Explain how Medicare services are covered under a Plan/Part D
Sponsor, including conditions that apply to such coverage.
Marketing materials exclude ad hoc enrollee communications materials.
Marketing/Sales Event
Marketing/sales events are events designed to steer, or attempt to steer,
potential enrollees toward a plan or a limited set of plans.
Marketing Appointments
Marketing appointments are individual appointments designed to steer or,
attempt to steer, potential enrollees toward a plan or limited number of
plans. All individual appointments between an agent and a beneficiary are
considered marketing/sales appointments regardless of the content
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program materials
MTM program materials are:
o Materials provided to enrollees enrolled in the MA or PDP plan
who are eligible for the plan’s MTM program;
o Materials as a result of MTM services that address issues unique
to individual enrollees; and
o The Part D MTM program comprehensive medication review
summary in CMS’ standardized format that is provided to a
Note: MTM program materials must not include any marketing
messages, or promotional messages.
Model Document
Model documents are materials for which CMS has provided model language
which, when used without modification, qualifies for a 10-day review or for
submission through the File & Use process.
MultiContract Entities (MCE)
MCE is a designation available for Plans/Part D Sponsors that have multiple
MA/PDP contracts with CMS. Being designated as an MCE allows a Plan/Part
D Sponsor to submit template materials to CMS that are representative of all
or a selection of the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s contracts.
Nominal Value
Nominal value is defined as an individual item/service worth $15 or less
(based on the retail value of the item).
Outdoor Advertising (ODA)
Outdoor advertising is outdoor marketing material intended to capture the
attention of a passing audience (e.g., billboards, signs attached to
transportation vehicles), and to influence them to request more detailed
information on the product being advertised.
Post-Enrollment Marketing Materials
Post-enrollment marketing material is a subset of marketing materials used
by a Plan/Part D Sponsor to convey benefits or operational information to
current enrollees.
Pre-Enrollment Marketing Materials
Pre-enrollment marketing material is a subset of marketing materials used
prior to enrollment. Pre-enrollment materials may contain plan rules and/or
benefit information.
Promotional Activities
Promotional activities are activities performed by a Plan/Part D Sponsor, or
by an individual or organization on a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s behalf, to
inform current and potential enrollees of the products available.
Scripts are standardized text. Informational scripts are designed to respond
to beneficiary questions and requests and provide objective information
about a plan or the Medicare program. Sales and enrollment scripts are
intended to steer a beneficiary towards a plan or limited number of plans, or
to enroll a beneficiary into a plan.
Standardized Language
Standardized language is language developed by CMS or another Federal
agency that is mandatory for use by the Plan/Part D Sponsor and cannot be
modified except as noted by CMS (e.g., ANOC/EOC, SB, Plan Ratings).
State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (SPAP)
An SPAP is a state program which helps pay drug plan premiums and/or
other drug costs for people with Medicare.
Template Materials
Template materials are any marketing materials that include
placeholders for variable data to be populated at a later time.
Third Party Marketing Organization (TMO)
Third-party marketing organizations are entities such as a Field Marketing
Organization (FMO), General Agent (GA), or similar type of organization that
has been retained to sell or promote a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s Medicare
products on the Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s behalf either directly or through
sales agents or a combination of both.
Value Added Items and Services (VAIS)
Value-Added Items and Services (VAIS) are items and services that are not
plan benefits, are not part of the Plans’/Part D Sponsor’s benefit package
and may not be marketed to prospective enrollees, or used as an
inducement or incentive for enrollment. VAIS are non-Medicare covered
services or items, typically discounts, offered by a VAIS provider to the
enrollees of an MA plan.
Note: VAIS information cannot be included in or bound with materials
intended for prospective enrollees, or posted on parts of the website
directed at prospective enrollees.
Appendix 2 Related Laws and Regulations
(Not an exhaustive list)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Federal agencies must provide notice concerning the need for reasonable
accommodation for its beneficiaries, as well as providing those
Use of the Medicare Name
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act
Under Section 1140 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 1320b10, it is
forbidden for any person to use words or symbols, including “Medicare,”
“Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,” “Department of Health and
Human Services,” or Health & Human Services” in a manner that would
convey the false impression that the business or product mentioned is
approved, endorsed, or authorized by Medicare or any other government
agency. This rule extends to Plans, Part D sponsors, and downstream
contractors that may be directly or indirectly involved in marketing Medicare
plans. Plans/Part D Sponsors should ensure that their subcontractors are not
using the Medicare name in a misleading manner.
Privacy and Confidentiality
42 CFR 422.118, 423.136
Plans/Part D Sponsors and providers must follow all Federal and State laws
regarding confidentiality and disclosure of patient information to Plans/Part
D Sponsors for marketing purposes. This obligation includes compliance with
the provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule and its specific rules regarding uses
and disclosures of beneficiary information. HIPAA and privacy documents
(e.g., a HIPAA/privacy document for a beneficiary’s signature in a provider’s
office) are not considered marketing documents and therefore do not need
to be submitted in HPMS. Refer to section 20 regarding materials not subject
to review.
Additional information on the HIPAA Privacy Rule and its disclosure
requirements can be found at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/.
Telephonic Contact
Federal Trade Commission’s Requirements for Sellers and Telemarketers
apply including:
Federal Communications Commission rules and applicable State law;
National-Do-Not-Call Registry;
“Do not call again” requests; and
Federal and State calling hours.
Use of Federal Funds
Division F, Title V, section 503(b), Departments of Labor, HHS, and
Education Appropriations Act, 2009, as enacted by section 5, Omnibus
Appropriations Act, 2009, Pub. L. 111-8, 123 Stat. 524, 802 (March 11,
CMS prohibits the use of Federal funds for non-plan related activities that
are designed to influence State or Federal legislation or appropriations, by
MAOs, Part D sponsors, Section 1876 cost plans, PACE plans, and MA
demonstration plans. Specifically, the Department of Health and Human
Services’ Annual Appropriations Acts states that no appropriated funds may
be used to pay the “salary or expenses of any grant or contract recipient, or
agent acting for such recipient, related to any activity designed to influence
legislation or appropriations pending before the Congress or any State
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended by the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220), August 7, 1998
All Plans/Part D Sponsors must have an internet website that is compliant
with web-based technology and information standards for people with
disabilities as specified in section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. For additional
information, please go to the following website address:
Note: These Federal requirements are extended to all Plans/Part D
Sponsors through the requirements for non-discrimination under
Federal grants and programs (29 USC 794).
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
All Plans/Part D Sponsors must ensure effective communication with
individuals with disabilities and to provide auxiliary aids and services, such
as alternate formats (e.g., braille, audio, large format), to individuals with
disabilities to ensure an equal opportunity to access the agencies’ programs.
These and other prohibitions against discrimination based on disability can
be found in the DHHS Section 504 regulation at 45 CFR Part 84.
Mailing Standards
Plans/Part D Sponsors must comply with the mailing standards of the United
States Postal Service contained in the Domestic Mail Manual.
Plain Writing Act of 2010
P.L. 111-274, 124 STAT. 2861 (October 13, 2010)
Plans/Part D Sponsors are required to write all Medicare publications, forms,
and publicly distributed documents in a clear, concise, and well-organized
Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Section 1557 is the nondiscrimination provision of the Affordable Care Act
(ACA). The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, age, or disability in certain health programs or activities. Section
1557 builds on long-standing and familiar Federal civil rights laws: Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act
of 1975. Section 1557 extends nondiscrimination protections to individuals
participating in:
Any health program or activity any part of which received funding from
Any health program or activity that HHS itself administers
Health Insurance Marketplaces and all plans offered by issuers that
participate in those Marketplaces.
Appendix 3 Pharmacy Technical Help/Coverage Determinations and
Appeals Call Center Requirements
Pharmacy Technical Help Call Center Requirements
42 CFR 423.128(d)(1)
Part D Sponsors must operate a toll-free pharmacy technical help call center
or make available call support to respond to inquiries from pharmacies and
providers regarding the beneficiary’s Medicare prescription drug benefit;
inquiries may pertain to operational areas such as claims processing, benefit
coverage, claims submission, and claims payment. This requirement can be
accommodated through the use of on-call staff pharmacists or by contracting
with the organization’s PBM during non-business hours as long as the
individual answering the call is able to address the call at that time. The call
center must operate or be available during usual business hours, which CMS
interprets to mean during the entire period in which the Part D Sponsor’s
network pharmacies in its plans’ service areas are open (e.g., Part D
Sponsors whose pharmacy networks include twenty-four (24) hour
pharmacies must operate their pharmacy technical help call centers twenty-
four (24) hours a day as well).
To be considered fully compliant with the regulatory requirement to meet
standard customer service business practices, the pharmacy technical help
call center operates within the following standards:
Average hold time not to exceed two (2) minutes (the average hold
time is defined as the time spent on hold by the caller following the
interactive voice response (IVR) system, touch-tone response system,
or recorded greeting and before reaching a live person);
Eighty (80) percent of incoming calls answered within thirty (30)
seconds; and
Disconnect rate of all incoming calls not to exceed five (5) percent.
Part D Sponsor Coverage Determinations and Appeals Call Center
423.128(b)(7), 423.128(d)(1)(iv), 423.566(a)
All Part D Sponsors must operate a toll-free call center with live customer
service representatives available to respond to providers or enrollees for
information related to coverage determinations, including exceptions, prior
authorizations, and appeals. Part D Sponsors are required to provide
immediate access to the coverage determination and redetermination
processes via their toll-free call centers. The call centers must operate
during normal business hours, which CMS interprets to mean from at least
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; in the time zones for the
regions in which they operate. Part D Sponsors are expected to accept
requests for coverage determinations/redeterminations outside of normal
business hours, but are not required to have live customer service
representatives available to accept such requests outside normal business
hours. Additional details are available in Chapter 18 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Manual.
Voicemail may be used outside of normal business hours and the voice mail
message should:
Indicate that the mailbox is secure;
List the information that must be provided so the case can be worked,
(e.g., provider identification, beneficiary identification, type of request
(coverage determination or appeal), physician support for an exception
request, and whether the enrollee is making an expedited or standard
For coverage determination calls (including exceptions requests),
articulate and follow a process for resolution within twenty-four (24)
hours of call for expedited requests and seventy-two (72) hours for
standard requests; and
For appeals calls, information should articulate the process information
needed and provide for a resolution within seventy-two (72) hours for
expedited appeal requests and seven (7) calendar days for standard
appeal requests.