Fast Facts
Advertising Guidelines For Contractors
The methods to advertise a business can take many forms: newspapers
and radio, business cards, lettering on a vehicle, brochures, directories
like the yellow pages, a contract proposal, and any website or post that
solicits business on the Internet.
Put your license number on all advertisements
Licensed contractors must include their license number in all construction
contracts, subcontracts, and calls for bid, and all forms of advertising.
The civil penalty for not complying with this requirement is between $100
and $1,000 for a first offense.
Advertising and business vehicles
C-36 Plumbing, C-45 Sign, and C-57 Well Drilling contractors must
display their business name and address and license number on each
side of every commercially-registered vehicle in letters at least 1 ½
inches high.
All other contractors must display their business name and contractor
license number on each of their commercially-registered vehicles in a
clearly visible location in print type of at least 72-point font or letters at
least ¾ of an inch high and wide.
Asbestos removal contractors
In addition to meeting all other relevant advertising guidelines, ads
soliciting asbestos removal must include your contractor license number,
the name you are certified and registered under, and the California
Department of Industrial Relations Division of Health and Safety
(DOSH/Cal-OSHA) certification and registration numbers for anyone
doing asbestos work.
Advertise within your license classification
You cannot advertise for construction work outside of areas for which you
are licensed. For example, a C-29 Masonry contractor cannot advertise
for electrical work, unless he or she also holds a C-10 Electrical
contractor license. (Licensed “A” General Engineering and “B” General
Building contractors can advertise as general contractors.)
Don’t advertise about bonding
The law prevents you from noting in your advertising or any presentation
to the public that you are bonded. Such a statement could lead a
consumer to believe that bonding offers a higher level of protection than
might be the case.
Fast Facts (continued)
Avoid false advertising
It is a misdemeanor to use false, misleading, or deceptive advertising to
induce clients to enter into improvement contracts if they might be misled
or injured. It also is illegal to include in an ad for home or other
improvements any false, deceptive, or misleading claims.