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December 2021
This User Guide will provide you with the
information needed to user Patent
Center to file and view patent
applications electronically. A brief
overview of the process and screen
shots that identify critical components of
the tool are included.
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Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
PATENT CENTER Real-Time Status Information .......................................................................................................... 5
Patent Center Users .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Web Access ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Registered Patent Center user ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Complete Two-Step Authentication .............................................................................................................................. 5
Guest Patent Center user ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Patent Center Viewing and Retrieval ................................................................................................................................... 9
Searching ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Application Data ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Workbench .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Saved Submissions ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Applications .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Correspondence .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Manage .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Sponsorships ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Manage customer numbers ........................................................................................................................................... 15
View saved and completed requests .......................................................................................................................... 17
Patent Center eFiling ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Application Types ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Registered User ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Guest User ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Existing Submission .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Patent Filing Navigation ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
portant Information about Documents ....................................................................................................................... 20
Application Data Sheet ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Uploading Documents ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Validation Errors .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Multi-Doc PDF ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Calculate Fees ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Not Paying Fees? ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Proceed with Fee Calculation and Payment ............................................................................................................ 26
Submit Application ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
eFiler Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Submission Receipt ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
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Pay Fees ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Registered Users .................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Guest Users ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Credit Card Payment ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Payment Receipt. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
File More Papers ....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Training Mode ........................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Questions? .................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Contact Information for EBC ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Other Help Guides Available ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Training ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
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Welcome to Patent Center. Patent Center is the new tool in development, which features a unified
interface, with all of the capabilities from today's tools in a single place, and so much more. Patent
Center will replace the Electronic Filing System - Web (EFS-Web), the current web-based patent
application and document submission tool; and the Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR)
system, the current web-based solution to retrieve and download information regarding patent
application status.
Before you file electronically there are a few important items you should know:
Patent Center is a web-based tool that can be accessed from any web-
enabled computer anywhere in the world.
Patent Center is a patent application and document submission solution that
utilizes standard web-based screens and prompts the user to submit
documentation in multiple formats including PDF, DOCX, TXT, etc. directly to the
Patent Center is not a patent application authoring tool. It allows the user to
use the same tools and workflow processes used to produce paper-based
patent application documents.
Patent Center is legally equivalent to paper-based patent application and document
submission methods and provides filers with the same protections as traditional
Submission Receipt Legally binding proof of the date and time of the
submission. (An official filing receipt will be mailed from the Office of
Patent Application Processing).
Patent Center has been designed to be simple to use.
In a matter of minutes, the user can complete a submission and
receive electronic confirmation that it has been received by USPTO.
New incorporated safeguards that alert the user to possible problems
with the patent application before it is submitted, providing a flexible
and forgiving platform that can ease the submission process.
Patent Center allows the user to submit industry-standard PDF (portable document
format) files.
Although PDF is an open standard, not all PDF files are the same. Users
are urged to review information about compatible PDF files is detailed in
the Quick Start Guide
and in other documentation.
Patent Center incorporates e-commerce capabilities to provide multiple options for
paying for the patent application or document submission.
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PATENT CENTER – Real-Time Status Information
Patent Center allows Independent Inventors, registered patent attorneys/agents, and practitioner
support individuals the ability to access all of the content of Patent Center, as well as real-time status
information, application documents and transaction history for pending patent applications using a
secure internet connection.
Applications associated to the Customer Numbers listed in a Registered User’s profile are available for
To access all features of Patent Center, you must:
Be a registered patent attorney/agent, practitioner support individual, or an Independent
Have a Customer Number assigned to the profile
Have a login to obtain secure transmission of the application to the USPTO
Patent Center Users
Patent Center allows for both registered and guest users.
Web Access
A computer, a web browser and an Internet connection are all that is needed to electronically file and
view applications. Users can access Patent Center by navigating to
Registered Patent Center user
A Registered Patent Center user has both a account and is registered with Patent Center. To
gain full access to Patent Center features, users must sign in to Patent Center using a two-step
authentication process for secure communication with the USPTO.
Complete Two-Step Authentication
User authentication is a safe and secure method which grants access to registered Patent Center users
for application submissions and retrieval. Two-step authentication involves providing a valid
account and password, then providing a valid one time pin sent by email or mobile authenticator.
1. Click Sign in near the upper right corner of the Patent Center home page. (Figure 1)
2. Enter login credentials ( account email and password). (Figure 2)
3. Select preferred method and click Next. (Figure 3)
4. Retrieve PIN and enter where directed in the Two-step authentication window. (Figure 4)
a. Indicate if the computer is trusted and used regularly and click Verify.
i. If the checkbox is selected for “This is a computer that I trust and use regularly”,
this allows the user to re-authenticate using the same computer and browser
within 24 hours, without being required to provide a One-time PIN.
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Figure 1
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Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Guest Patent Center user
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Patent Center Viewing and Retrieval
Patent Center accesses patent information held in the USPTO internal Patent Application Locating and
Monitoring (PALM) system and presents it in two different views: Public and Private. Patent Center
provides web-based access to public and pending patent information and eases the process of tracking
patents, patent applications and follow-on documents through the USPTO approval process.
Public view provides access to all issued patents and published patent applications. Some data such as
fees are not available.
Private view allows registered users to access application information that has not been made public in
addition to what is also available through the Public view. Other private information such as fees are
Customers using the Patent Center system can search for patent applications on both the Home page
and the Search page. The user will have the option to select Application #, Patent #, PCT #, Publication
#, and Intl. Design Reg. #.
Select the search option, enter in the corresponding number, and click on the magnifying glass to
obtain results.
The user is directed to the Application data page after performing a search.
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Application Data
Detailed information for the searched application is displayed. Various hyperlinks provide access to a
range of application information that is available to the user.
If the application is associated to the user’s profile, a Private view indicator will display under the
application number at the top. This allows the user to make changes to the attorney docket number
and view additional information that is not available for public inspection. If the application is not
associated to the profile, the Public view indicator will display.
Customers using the Patent Center system have access to Saved Submissions, Applications associated
to their profile, and Correspondence.
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Use the Refine by area to control the information displayed. Click the expand/collapse button to use
the full window to review results.
Saved Submissions
On the Saved Submissions tab, users have access to all submissions that have been saved over the
previous fourteen (14) calendar day period. Users can continue with a submission by clicking the
hyperlink for the Patent Center ID.
Practitioners will have the option to filter data by Created in and Created by and the Practitioner
Support Users have the ability to sort by Created by and Filed on Behalf of.
All data may be sorted by selecting the desired header.
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Users have the option to filter by Docket Number, Status Category, and Status Date. The Docket number
filter can be used for Exact match, Starts with, or Contains options to sort the list of applications. Status
category allows the user to filter based on All, New, Pending, Issued, Abandoned, and Other status for
the applications. Status Date provides specific search parameters up to 365 days and includes Custom
range option.
Columns are customizable and can be added or removed based on the user’s preference. Many
columns are sortable by selecting the desired header.
Download bib data in XML for the listed applications by selecting the checkboxes on the right hand
column for specific application(s) or the Select All checkbox which will select all applications listed.
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Users have the option to filter by Correspondence method, Date type, and Image date. If the Correspondence
method of Regular correspondence only is selected, the user will have the option to filter based on Image date. If the
method of e-Notifications only is selected, the user will have the option to filter based on eNotification date. Both the
Image date and eNotification date filers provides specific search parameters up to 90 days and includes
Custom range option.
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Two-Step authenticated Registered Users have additional tools under Manage. Users can manage:
Customer Numbers
View saved and completed requests; and
Update application address (Coming soon)
Once the Sponsors users link has been selected, the user will have access to see all support staff that
are being sponsored by their profile, the history of the requests, view any pending requests, or sponsor
additional users.
Many columns are sortable by selecting the desired header. Sponsorships can also be removed by
selected the “x” next to the practitioner support user information under the Active header.
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To add additional Support staff personnel, select the Sponsor user’s button and enter their
account email address in the provided box. Separate emails by a semi-colon to add more than one
individual at a time. More information can be found on the Sponsorship Tool Guide
Manage customer numbers
Users have the option to create a new customer number or select a customer number to update the
associated information. The customer number column is sortable by selecting the desired header.
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To review or update the information for a customer number, the user will select the hyperlink for the
customer number which will direct the user to an edit screen.
If the user selects the Create new customer number option, the user will be directed to the create
customer number screen. As a Practitioner, the user will have the option to import the Address and/or
the Registered practitioners from a customer number currently associated to their profile. Independent
Inventors will have the option to import an Address from another customer number currently
associated to their profile.
The practitioner registration numbers can be added by entering their practitioner registration number
in the box provided. Separate registration numbers by a space to add more than one individual at a
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View saved and completed requests
Users have the option to filter by Type, Status, and Date range. Type can be filtered to All, New, and Data
change. Status can be filtered by All, Failed, Submitted, and Saved. Date range provides specific search
parameters up to 90 days and includes Custom range option.
Columns are sortable by selecting the desired header. Saved requests can be deleted selected the “x”
next to the Request information.
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Patent Center eFiling
Application Types
Patent Center accepts new Design, International Application for filing in the US receiving office,
Provisional, Utility, and National Stage applications under 35 USC 371.
Patent Center allows both Registered and Guest users to file patent applications electronically.
New Submissions
Regular Submissions
Utility Nonprovisional
Utility Provisional
Design Nonprovisional
U.S. National Stage under 35 USC 371.
International PCT Application
Special Patent Initiatives
Track One Prioritized Examination
Accelerated Examination Utility
Accelerated Examination Design
Existing submissions
Upload Documents / Pay Fees
Web 85b - Issue fee transmittal
eTerminal Disclaimer
Petition to make special based on age
Request to Withdraw as Attorney or Agent of Record
Petition to withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.31(c)(1)
or (2))
Petition to withdraw from Issue after Payment of the Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.313(c)(1)
or (2) with Assigned Patent Number)
Request for Reissue
Request for Reexam by Patent Owner
Request for Reexam by Third Party
Registered User
Registered Users will see their Workbench and Manage information below the application search field.
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Guest User
Guest Users will see Patent Center account below the application search field. This section provides
information for obtaining an account.
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Existing Submission
Only Registered Users may file documents in existing applications and patents. Patent Center may be
used by a Registered User to file the following follow-on documents:
Upload Document/Pay Fees for an existing application
Patent Filing Navigation
Once the user has entered Patent Center and begun the application process, the train stop feature at the
top of the screen expands to show the multiple components of the application process.
NOTE! Use train stops to move forward and backwards within the Patent Center pages. Use
train stops to automatically save changes while moving through the filing.
Important Information about Documents
Upload only DOCX, PDF, TXT or PCT Zip file types.
Each document may not exceed 25MB.
Sequence Listings in TXT format may not exceed 100MB.
Upload up to 100 documents for each submission.
Multi-Doc splitting is limited to 60 lines of document description (each line equals a document).
Patent Center allows for documents to be uploaded via Drag and Drop or Select and Attach.
Correct document errors by removing the file, correcting the issue, and reattaching.
Documents are automatically validated when uploaded.
There are three (3) Application Data Sheet (ADS) filing options.
Web ADS - Provides the user the required sections for completing the ADS.
Upload ADS (PDF)User will attached an ADS.
No ADSRequires entry of data.
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Title of invention, the first named inventor, and the correspondence address are required when the No
ADS option is selected.
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All Application Data Sheet options provide a link to change ADS filing method to allow the user to
change the ADS creation or submission method.
WARNING! Provide Customer Number. The submitted application will not be viewable under the
Workbench section when a customer number associated with the profile is not used.
Bibliographic data entered by the user is echoed back after the user clicks Continue. If any errors are
found, the user can go back to correct them by clicking the Application Data train stop.
TIP! The Tab key on the keyboard can be used to move from one input field or button to
the next available field or button. Shift-Tab will reverse the direction of the Tab key.
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Uploading Documents
Following the bibliographic data screen is the screen for uploading documents. Users have two options
for uploading documents:
1. Drag and Drop; and
a. Select document(s) and drop into the Upload documents area on the screen.
2. Select and Attach.
a. Click the Select file(s)… button to navigate to document(s).
Attach only DOCX, PDF, TXT, and PCT Zip files.
100 documents is the upload limit.
Each document may not exceed 25MB.
o Exception: One sequence listing in TXT of up to 100MB may be uploaded per
For multi-section documents the user will have the option to indicate the document description
and the corresponding pages.
Enter the document description when not detected by the system
Add more documents by clicking the Select file(s) button
Need to remove a file? Click on the three dot button to the right of the corresponding document
and select Remove
SEQUENCE LISTING NOTE! A warning will display when an uploaded sequence listing does not
conform to the ST.24 or ST.25 format.
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Validation Errors
Documents cannot be validated when they do not comply with requirements and limitations. Errors
occur for issues such as:
Uploaded document is not a DOCX, PDF, TXT or PCT Zip file.
Document file size exceeds 25MB.
Sequence listing in TXT format exceeds 100MB.
No document description has been selected.
o Use drop down list to select description and use type ahead feature.
Multi-Doc PDF
PDF files that contain multiple documents must be separately indexed for proper identification in the
USPTO Content Management System (CMS).
For example, patent applications and amendments which are uploaded as one file, need to be split and
labeled as individual document parts, for example:
Application Parts
Amendment Parts
Response description
Specification (when amended)
Claims (when amended)
Arguments and Remarks
First upload the multi-doc PDF in the Upload documents page by selecting “Select file(s) button and
once file uploaded select “Split document”.
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Select a Document Description for each document and enter the page ranges for each section so that
the documents are properly displayed in the CMS. Add more documents by clicking Add another
document as needed and if you add too many, you can Remove a document line. Amendments should
be separated as well. Then select Done to continue on with the filing.
After selecting Done, user is shown separated pdf files for each document part and has option to
Download all documents or Preview them.
NOTE! The Done button needs to be selected after the documents are indexed to ensure the
indexing remains in the Image File Wrapper.
REMEMBER! At least one attachment other than the Patent Center generated fee sheet is
required for New Applications.
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Calculate Fees
Fees are dynamically generated based on the values entered by the user.
Indicate the entity status (Regular Undiscounted, Small, or Micro)
Micro? Applicants are required to provide certification for micro entity status. See PTO/SB/15A
and PTO/SB/15B
Provide appropriate values:
o Number of pages in the specification
o Total Dependent Claims
o Total Independent Claims
o Identify if Multiple Dependent Claims are being filed
Check box(es) for other items such as a petition filed as part of the application
Not Paying Fees?
Click the Skip fees for now link or the Continue button. Additional fees may be incurred.
Proceed with Fee Calculation and Payment
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Click Calculate fees to be directed to the next page where the user will select the fees to pay.
WARNING! Clicking Cancel submission on any screen displays a message indicating that all
saved information will be lost. User must select either No, continue submission or Yes,
cancel submission. Clicking Yes, cancel submission directs the user to the login screen.
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Submit Application
Confirm and Submit marks the final opportunity to:
Review and confirm or edit application data;
Edit fees associated with the application; and
Remove or edit the documents associated with the application.
Attempting to submit without calculating fees results in the below warning. Warning indicates that fees
have not been calculated and provides an option to Calculate fees now.
Warning Text: Fee(s) were not calculated for this submission. Please remember to pay any
required fee(s) on time to prevent delay in the application process and to avoid any additional
surcharge. Calculate fees now?
eFiler Information
Guest Users Only. Only guest users are required to provide user information on the Submit screen.
This information is automatically retrieved from the profile for Registered Users and no additional
information will be required.
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Submission Receipt
A Submission receipt is provided once the application has successfully been submitted. User may print
or save the receipt which provides:
Application Number;
Confirmation Number;
Receipt Date;
Bibliographic and other information.
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Pay Fees
Users have the opportunity to either pay the fees at this time or indicate that the fees will be paid at a
later time. Selecting to pay fees later requires an acknowledgment that additional charges may be
incurred by selecting skip fees for now.
Registered Users
Fees may be paid to USPTO via Financial Manager using one of three means:
USPTO Deposit Account
Credit Card
Electronic Funds Transfer
Guest Users
Only acceptable form of payment for guest users is credit card.
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Credit Card Payment
Filing fees may be charged to a VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover by providing and
confirming credit card and billing formation.
User is directed back to Patent Center once the payment has been accepted.
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Payment Receipt
The Payment Receipt provides the time (Eastern Time) and date the submission was received as well as
displaying bibliographic and payment information.
The Payment Receipt screen also allows you to do any of the following:
Print receipt
Save receipt
File another patent application
Access Patent Center home page
File More Papers
Click File another patent application to start a new submission. User is directed to the home page.
FUTURE PLAN! User will have the option to select File an assignment of ownership and be directed to
the Assignments filing system.
TIP! Confirmation Number and Application Number are both required to file a follow-on submission
to an existing application. This pairing ensures documents are filed to the correct application.
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Training Mode
Click Switch to training mode on the bottom of the Home screen to access a simulation of filing and
viewing an application.
Once in training mode, the user will be able to access the steps of filing and viewing an application. The
message “You are currently working in training mode.” Will display at the top of each screen. To leave
the simulation, click Quit Training Mode and the user will be directed back to the Home page.
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Contact Information for EBC
Call, e-mail or send a fax (or letter by regular mail) to the USPTO regarding any questions regarding the
Patent Center steps, new features, or related matters. The USPTO Electronic Business Center (EBC) can
be contacted directly using the following telephone numbers or address information.
Weekday Operation: Monday Friday: 6 AM - Midnight (Eastern Time)
1-866-217-9197 (toll-free) 571-272-4100 (local)
Fax: 571-273-0177
Mail S
top EBC
Commissioner for Patents
PO Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
Other Help Guides Available
Several Quick Start Guides are available from the Patent Center website that can help you understand
how to use specific features in Patent Center.
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Quick Start Guide
Submit DOCX
Retrieve DOCX
Training Guides are provided on the USPTO Patent Center page.