Linux and Command Prompt
Basics and How-To
What’s a Command Prompt?
1. Also called Terminal or Bash and is used to execute commands.
2. It is typically a black screen with white font and has a very simple User
Interface. You type in commands, and it interprets these commands and runs
operations in the computer
SSH and How to do it?
1. SSH or “Secure Shell” is essentially a magic way to safely access unsafe
networks. This is commonly used to remotely login to a computer and execute
2. To use SSH to remote login:
a. On Windows: Use an SSH client like PuTTY.
b. On Mac or Linux: In terminal, type “ssh {user}@{host}
”. User refers to the
account you want to access and host is the domain or IP address of the
computer you are trying to access.
3. For a more in-depth understanding of SSH, we recommend this article.
The Swiss Army Knife: Netcat!
1. Netcat is a tool that can help you read or write data over the internet and is
called “The Swiss Army Knife of Information Security” by its fans.
2. It earned its nickname because one can use netcat to perform a lot of different
tasks including file transfer, chatting, port scanning and can even serve as both
a client and a server.
3. The basic syntax for netcat commands is “nc [options] [destination] [port]
”. Here,
a. Options
is an optional argument or “flag” that you can use to change the
behavior of netcat. For example “nc -h” prints helpful information about
b. Destination
, is the IP address of the computer you are trying to contact.
c. Port
is the endpoint and helps identify the type of communication
4. There are many different uses of netcat and in general, you can get all the
information by typing in “nc -h
” into your terminal window! We also
recommend this article to understand how to use netcat. This other article
contains a great list of all the option flags
(look at the “Netcat Command Flags”
Fun With Terminal
1. Terminal has a bunch of useful commands that span a wide range of
functionalities. You can navigate between folders (aka directories) using cd
(“change directory”). You can test your net connection(s). You can create, delete
or even edit files from within Terminal! Here is a great list of everyday
(beginner) commands and even some more nuanced ones to help you do some
really cool things.
2. Warning! Be careful with the rm
(“remove”) command. If you execute “rm -rf
into your terminal, you can delete all your files! So be careful in the terminal.
You have a lot of power (and a lot of responsibility) so make sure you use the
correct command and don’t be afraid to use your favorite search engine
(Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.) to search for something if you are unsure!
3. Command Line Text Editor? One particular section that might confuse some of
you from the article mentioned above is “Intermediate Command 3: nano, vi…”.
If you know what these are, awesome; you can begin your journey doing
everything in terminal. However, if you think nano is an old iPod, then you
should reference the below section on text editors. For now, it is a text editor
like Notepad that you can access from your terminal.
4. Root Privileges! Another important command that usually confuses people is
or “SuperUserDO
”. Essentially, this command allows you to have root
privileges in your terminal. This is very risky as the root user has absolute
power over the system and you can essentially do anything and possibly cause a
lot of harm. But you can also do a lot of cool things so if you’re using sudo, make
sure you know what you are doing and that you’re careful.
5. We explain some more important commands at the end of this document.
Who needs a Text Editor when you got Terminal?
1. There are many terminal text editors out there: Nano, Vim, Emacs
and many
more. They all have similar functionality but each programmer has their own
reasons why one is clearly superior to the other. So, what is your choice of
2. Executing in nano <filename.txt>
or vim <filename.txt>
in your terminal. If a file
with the same name exists, you will open it and if it doesn’t, it will create a new
3. Here is a basic guide to using GNU Nano
in the terminal!
Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!
1. You are most probably familiar with the Base-10 Decimal system! However,
computer understand 1’s and 0’s or Binary (aka Base-2)! There are also other
systems for example, Base-8 or Octal and Base-16 or Hexadecimal. In general, a
Base-N system has digits from 0 to N-1. For example, Base-2 consists of 0 and 1
as digits.
Let’s do an in depth analysis of some of the most important number systems.
Binary (Base -2)
1. Digits
: 0, 1
2. To convert Binary to Decimal
a. Multiply each digit with 2^(position of that number)
b. Add the above for all digits
c. For example: (10011)
= (1*2
+ 0*2
+ 0*2
+ 1*2
+ 1*2
= (19)
3. To convert Decimal to Binary
a. Divide the number by 2
b. Keep track of the remainder
c. Divide the quotient by 2 and keep repeating till you get a quotient of 0
while keeping track of remainders
d. Read off the remainders in reverse order and that is your number in
e. For example: (6)
= 2(3) + 0, (3)
= 2(1) + 1, (1)
= 2(0) + 1. Therefore, (6)
4. Addition:
a. In binary, there are 4 possibilities when adding 1 bit to another.
i. 0 + 0 = 0 with a carry of 0
ii. 0 + 1 = 1 with a carry of 0
iii. 1 + 0 = 1 with a carry of 0
iv. 1 + 1 = 0 with a carry of 1
b. Addition is commutative and works exactly the same way as in decimal.
5. Two’s Complement Representation
: This is a form of representing Binary
numbers which makes it very easy to store both positive and negative numbers
and to find the binary representation of the negation of a given number.
a. The leftmost bit (most significant bit) is the “sign bit” which means that it
tells you whether the number is positive or negative. ‘1’ means that the
number is negative and ‘0’ means it is positive.
b. The rest of the digits represent the absolute value of the number in the
normal Base 2 way.
c. This means that given n-bits to represent a number, we can only use n-1
bits to represent the number. This leads to a largest positive number of
- 1 and smallest negative number as -2
. Can you prove this to
yourself? Try a few examples.
d. Now how do you negate a number?
i. Take the original two’s complement representation of the number
and flip all the bits (1 becomes 0 and vice versa)
ii. Add 1 to this new number and this leads to the negative of the
original number.
e. To convert a two’s complement number to decimal, you first check the
leftmost bit to see if it is positive or negative. If it is positive, you convert
to decimal as normal. If it is negative, negate the number, convert to
decimal as normal, then add the negative sign back in front of it.
f. (4)
= (0100)
in Two’s Complement form. Now let’s apply our little
algorithm! Flipping bits yields (1011)
and when you add 1, you get (1100)
Convert it to decimal and you will see that 1100 is the two’s complement
form of -4.
g. Arithmetic works pretty much the same as normal binary numbers.
Little Endian and Big Endian!
These are ways to store numbers or data in memory addresses. Let’s use a 16-bit word
as example , (0xFEED)
in this case. Let’s also assume we are storing this word starting
at address 0x4000. We store these words in terms of bytes and not bits, so we need
some conversion. Recall that 16 bits is 2 bytes (since 1 byte is 8 bits). The word is stored
in pairs to make up the required 1 byte per memory location so our two parts will be
‘FE’ and ‘ED’.
In this case, ‘word’ means any number in Base-16 or Hexadecimal. So, a 16-bit word is a hexadecimal
number with 16 bits or 4 values.
1. Big Endian
: This refers to big end first, which means that we store the most
significant byte at the smallest memory location and the rest follow normally.
Therefore, to store our word in this case, memory location 0x4000 will have the
byte FE
and memory location 0x4001 will store the byte ED
2. Little Endian
: This refers to little end first and opposed to Big Endian, we store
the least significant bit at the smallest memory address and the rest follow
normally with the most significant bit at the last memory address. So, 0x4000
will have the byte ED
and 0x4001 will have FE
Big Endian is commonly used in Networking application, while Little Endian is most
commonly used in processors.