Robotics Warfare Specialist Rating Conversion Fact Sheet
POC : RWCM Christopher Rambert/RWCOMMGR.FCT@Navy.mil
March 2024
NAVADMIN 036/24 announces the establishment of the Robotics Warfare Specialist Rating (RW). RW Sailors will
serve as operators, maintainers, and managers who plan and control operations of robotic systems.
Who needs to know?
Active Duty and Selected Reserves (SELRES) Sailors
Command Career Counselors
What you need to know key points
Sailors will retain special pay following conversion if they continue to have the same responsibility as their
previous rating and an Exception to Policy (ETP) is submitted by their command
The first active duty RW Navy-wide advancement exams will begin in the fall of 2024.
Rating conversions will be accepted on a rolling basis, but there are cutoff dates for the Navy-wide active duty
RW advancement exam.
Sailors will be released to the RW community upon completing their current assignment if they are not already
serving in a converted billet.
Sample POD/POW Notes
Are you interested in being part of the future of warfighting? The Navy announced the establishment of the
Robotics Warfare Specialist Rating (RW). Sailors interested in submitting a cross-rating application should
review NAVADMIN 036/24 and contact the RW ECM.
Q. What does a conversion application look like?
A. Sailors can submit a request to convert through the C-Way application process outlined in MILPERSMAN 1440-010.
Q. When will Sailors begin taking RW Navy Wide Advancement Exams?
A. The first active duty RW Navy-wide advancement exams will begin in the fall of 2024. The active E-5 and E-6 exams
will be given in September 2024. The active E-7 exam will be offered in January 2025.
Q. When will Sailors be released to the RW community?
A. Sailors will be released to the RW community upon completing their current assignment if they are not already serving
in a converted billet.
Q. Is there a Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)?
A. Currently, there is no SRB for RW. Sailors who were authorized a SRB and have started to receive it in their parent
rating will continue to receive their SRB payouts.
Q. Is there any special pay, such as sub or flight pay?
A. Currently, there is no special pay for RW Sailors. RW Sailors may qualify for sub or sea pay when supporting specific
Q. What if I am already receiving special pay? Will I be able to keep it?
A. The Navy will support retention of any special pay provided that Sailors who convert continue to
have the same responsibility as their previous rating and an Exception to Policy (ETP) is submitted
by their command. For example, if a Sailor was getting flight pay or SDAP as a UUV operator, they
would continue to receive it if they continue to do the same job. If a Sailor converts and their job
duties change, then they are not meeting the intent of SDAP or flight pay and the ETP request would likely be
recommended for disapproval.
Q. What are the requirements for SELRES conversion to RW?
A. SELRES specific requirements and conversion and advancement dates will be published at a later date.
Q. When are the first RW advancement exams?
A. The first Navy-wide active duty RW advancement exams will be as follows:
E-5 and E-6 (Active Duty) September 2024 (Cycle 264)
E-7 (Active Duty) January 2025 (Cycle 266)
The following is the first E-7 and E-8/E-9 RW selection/screening board schedule:
E-8 and E-9 (Active Duty): March 2025 (FY26 Board)
E-7 (Active Duty): July 2025 (FY26 Board)
All Sailors that have successfully screened to compete for a higher paygrade billet in the Senior Enlisted Marketplace will
have the remaining portion of the two-year screened status honored in the RW rating. Sailors that have been selected for
advancement but have not yet incremented will be accessed into the RW rating at the higher paygrade.
Q. When will conversion packages be accepted?
A. The RW rating will not be established in Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) until July 2024. Until
then, the RW Enlisted Community Managers will coordinate with commands on Sailors selected for conversion to RW.
Initially, to align with the first E-5/6/7 exam cycles and E-8/9 selection board eligibility timelines, Active Duty Sailors
competing for advancement in the Navy-wide advancement exam cycles will be converted to RW within the timelines
listed below:
September 2024 (Cycle 264)
E-5 and E-6 (Active Duty) 25 March to 4 April 2024
January 2025 (Cycle 266)
E-7 (Active Duty) 22 July to 1 August 2024
FY-26 Spring 2025 (Cycle 265)
E-7 and E-8 (Active Duty) 26 August to 5 September 2024
Q. What should be included in a conversion package?
A. Sailors should include a completed EPAR 1306/7, their last three evaluations, command history, PRIMS report, and
list of awarded NECs.