Features and Benefits
Asset Optimizer Messenger Service
Version 2.1
The Messenger Service consists of the Asset Optimizer Server
and Messenger system extensions to Operate
IT ™
Portal A. It includes aspect systems and other components
that are packaged for installation on Process Portal A.
When the Messenger Service is added to Process Portal A, it
provides the opportunity to send messages based on alarm
and event information to user devices such as mobile
telephones, pagers, and e-mail accounts. Text messages can
be sent to pagers and mobile telephones via the Email Device
or Modem Device. The Messenger Service is easily
customized for specific application requirements.
A block diagram of the Messenger Service is shown in
Figure 1. It shows the data flow from the time the Alarm and
Event List is notified of an event. The Messenger Service
consists of several components (refer to Messenger Service
Components). When an alarm is generated, it is sent to the
Alarm and Event List. A Messenger Service component, the
Alarm and Event Message Source, monitors the Alarm and
Event List associated with it. When it senses an event it
formats a message (based on configured values) and sends
the message to the Message Handler. The Message Handler
sends the message to destinations (individual users or user
groups) subscribed via the Message Subscriber.
Alarm conditions sent directly to
various devices: Messenger Service
sends messages with alarm
information to pagers, mobile
telephones, and e-mail accounts
configured to receive them.
Configurable user groups: Place
individual users in groups so that
only members of that group
receive desired messages. Make
users members of any or all
Alarm grouping: Define groups of
events to be sent to the same group
of people.
Message handler: Allows
specification of message source
and destination, time to wait for
acknowledge before resending,
and number of attempts before
changing destination (based on
configurable priority).
Message scheduling: Allows
configuration of times of day and
days of week that each user
receives messages.
Flexible message format: Specify
message content, length, etc.
Asset Optimizer Messenger Service
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The Message Schedule determines which users receive messages based on their schedule. If it
determines a user is scheduled to receive a message via modem or e-mail, the message is sent to
that user.
Messenger Service Components
The Messenger Service contains the following components that can be added to objects in the
Process Portal A product structures:
Alarm and Event Message Source.
Message Handler.
Message Subscriber.
Message Schedule.
Modem Device.
Email Device.
Notification Log.
Alarm and Event Message Source
The Alarm and Event Message Source allows the user to select the Alarm and Event list to
monitor, the content of alarm and event messages, and edit the message field length.
Figure 1. Messenger Service Block Diagram
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
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Message Handler
The Message Handler allows the user to select the Alarm and Event Message Source, the message
destination, and configure other parameters.
The message is sent to the top destination first. If the message is successfully sent and the user
acknowledges the alarm within the configured time limit and/or number of attempts, the rest of
the destinations do not receive the message. If the user does not acknowledge the alarm line
corresponding to the message within the timeout interval, the message is sent again provided the
attempts parameter is greater than one. If the attempts count on the first destination is exhausted
without acknowledgement, the Message Handler moves to the next destination in the list (if there
is one). If the destination is a group, the message is sent to the device with the highest priority for
every group member before timing begins; however, the lower priority devices do not receive
messages. Acknowledgement of the alarm by one member of the group is considered successful
notification of the entire group.
Message Subscriber
The Message Subscriber identifies users who receive event messages, specifies devices available to
each user, and configures those devices.
Message Schedule
The Message Schedule allows the user to schedule the days of the week and the time period each
user will receive event messages.
The Message Schedule is configured for each user with the following options:
Always Deliver: User receives messages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Delivery Based on Schedule: User receives messages on scheduled days of the week and time
range for those days.
Never Deliver: User receives no messages.
Figure 2 shows a configuration where the user receives messages Monday through Friday
between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (17:00).
Figure 2. Message Schedule
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Modem Device
The Modem Device allows specification of the paging device (pager or mobile telephone capable
of receiving text messages) access information. The Phone Number: field contains the toll-free tele-
phone number for the provider’s central paging terminal. The PIN: field contains the 10-digit
personal number for the current user.
Email Device
The Email Device contains the user’s e-mail address (usually in the format of pin@provider, e.g.
599154@SkyTel.com) where messages are sent. It also contains the e-mail address that appears in
the From: field where error messages may be sent (e.g. delivery failure).
Notification Log
The Notification Log is a circular log of the last 500 notification events. It provides more diagnostic
information than is available in the Log tab in the Message Handler. It contains information on
how many messages were successful, why a user did not receive a message (e.g. they are not on
schedule), and the reasons why a message was not successfully sent (e.g. wrong PIN, service not
accessible, modem not turned on, etc.). Figure 3 shows a sample Notification Log.
Asset Optimizer Server
The Asset Optimizer Server system extension consists of a base functionality that is common to
more than one system extension (Messenger Service, CMMS Connectivity, Asset Monitor
The Asset Optimizer Server system extension consists of the Asset Tree aspect system, which
consists of the following aspects:
ACTViewer (Asset Condition Tree Viewer).
ACTReporter (Asset Condition Tree Reporter).
The Asset Condition Tree shows the status of associated plant objects (assets) based on Plant
Explorer hierarchies. Assets can be control system hardware components, control system
Figure 3. Notification Log
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networks, control system devices, fieldbus networks, fieldbus components, machines, pumps,
motors, process equipment (boiler, reactor), etc.
Asset Condition Tree indicators propagate the most severe condition up the Asset Condition Tree.
Asset Condition Tree indicators distinguish the level of severity using OPC and Asset Monitor
severity range (1 to 1,000). Each Asset Condition Tree indicator represents composite severity of an
object and all children beneath the object for the current structure.
In addition to displaying composite severity for each asset, the Asset Condition Tree displays, and
propagates up the tree, the quality of the condition (or the Asset Monitor itself, i.e. bad
configuration or not downloaded), as well as fault report availability. Fault report availability is
indicated by bold text. Quality has three states:
Good: Displays only Asset Condition Tree indicator.
Bad: Displays Asset Condition Tree indicator plus X.
Uncertain: Displays Asset Condition Tree indicator plus ?.
Table 1 shows and describes the Asset Condition Tree severity indicator icons.
Table 2 shows and describes the quality indicator overlay icons that appear over the Asset
Condition Tree severity indicator icons to represent quality.
Table 1. Asset Condition Tree Severity Indicator Icons
Icon Description
No ACTReporter or Asset Monitor
associated with the asset.
Normal subcondition.
Non-normal subcondition with severity
between 0 and 250.
Non-normal subcondition with severity
between 251 and 500.
Non-normal subcondition with severity
between 501 and 750.
Non-normal subcondition with severity
between 751 and 1,000.
Table 2. Quality Indicator Overlay Icons
Icon Description
Uncertain quality.
Bad quality.
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ACTViewer (Asset Condition Tree Viewer)
The ACTViewer (Figure 4), when added to an object, allows the Asset Condition Tree to be
displayed. When displayed, the Asset Condition Tree shows the condition of that object and all its
children. The Asset Condition Tree visually indicates the presence of a fault report by displaying
items in bold text. Context menus permit fault report submission directly from within the
ACTViewer. Right-clicking on the item of interest produces a context menu such as the one shown
in Figure 4.
The ACTViewer is accessible within the Plant Explorer Workplace on the Asset Optimizer Server
and rich client Asset Optimizer Workplaces. It is also accessible on thin client Asset Optimizer
Workplaces. When the ACTViewer is active in the Plant Explorer Workplace in the rich clients, the
status of the assets in the view update automatically when values change. Thin client views
require a manual refresh to update the view.
ACTReporter (Asset Condition Tree Reporter)
The ACTReporter (Figure 5) is a detailed view of an asset condition. It displays the severity
indicator for an object itself. It displays information available to it from all Asset Monitors and
their corresponding current subconditions. For each condition, the ACTReporter will provide
information about current subconditions, severity, Asset Monitor status, fault report availability,
and work order availability. Right-clicking on the item of interest produces a context menu such as
the one shown in Figure 5.
Table 3 lists the color scheme that appears in the Severity column of the ACTReporter and how
the colors relate to the subcondition severity levels.
The ACTReporter must be added to each object that needs to be propagated up the Asset
Condition Tree in the ACTViewer.
The ACTReporter is accessible within the Plant Explorer Workplace on the Asset Optimizer Server
and rich client Asset Optimizer Workplaces. It is also accessible on thin client Asset Optimizer
Workplaces. When the ACTReporter is active in the Plant Explorer Workplace, the status of the
assets in the view update automatically when values change. Thin client views require a manual
refresh to update the view.
Figure 4. ACTViewer
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Figure 5. ACTReporter
Table 3. ACTReporter Color Scheme
Severity Level
Gray Normal
White 1 to 250
Blue 251 to 500
Yellow 501 to 750
Red 751 to 1,000
Asset Optimizer Messenger Service
WBPEEUS350259A1 Litho in U.S.A. May 2003
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