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Questions addressed
Page 1:
What is an OCM
communications plan?
What do you need to
include in an OCM
communications plan?
Page 2:
Is there a best practice
process for building an
OCM communications
Who needs to be
involved in building an
OCM communications
Page 3:
What does a good
OCM communications
plan look like?
How do I build an OCM communication plan?
An organizational change management (OCM) communication plan is a documented strategy for how you will tell your
organization about the changes that are occurring as part of the ServiceNow implementation. A good OCM
communication plan details how you’ll provide detailed information about your ServiceNow projectand why it’s
beneficialto the right people at the right time.
An effective, targeted communication plan is critical to ensure that the people in your organization aren’t just simply
aware of your project and how it will change their work but are convinced to actively support and commit to the change.
In your plan, define the: Why is this important? Start by asking yourself:
Target audiences Understanding your audiences lets you to target
communications to specific groups and improves
the chance that you reach them.
What different groups do we need to
communicate with? About what?
Appropriate messaging
and tone
You need to sell your project’s value without
causing anxiety and concern about the change.
Make sure to distinguish between strategic,
tactical, and operational audience/messaging.
What’s the most important thing I
need to communicate? Are there
any sensitivities I need to avoid?
Delivery formats
You’ll reach more of your intended audiences by
using multiple channels, like town hall meetings,
videos, internal project websites, etc.
What channels should we use when
communicating with this audience?
Timeline and cadence Timely communications can help people see
and internalize your messages.
When do we communicate with this
audience? How frequently?
Responsibilities and
Clearly defining who is responsible for certain
communication tasks ensures they get done.
Who is responsible for leading
communications with this audience?
Evaluation plan Always evaluate the effectiveness of your
messages to identify how to improve them.
How can we track how effective our
communications are?
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Is there a best practice for building an OCM communication plan?
Follow these four steps to make sure you involve the right people at the right time and finish with an approved plan that considers all the
components defined on page 1:
Who needs to be involved in building an OCM communication plan? (by process step)
OCM program lead
Responsible for setting
Now Platform owner
and project manager
Informed of
communication goals
OCM program lead Responsible for
defining and documenting OCM
communication plans or delegating
responsibilities to other roles
Marketing/communication groups
Involved as needed to support
OCM communication planning
ServiceNow Champions Consulted
as representatives of your audiences
to inform planning
Executive sponsor
Responsible for
approving OCM
communication plan
and vetting with peers
OCM lead and project
manager Work together
to review and finalize plans
ServiceNow champions
Consulted to review
communication plans
Submit the plan to your
ServiceNow executive
sponsor for final
Ask your executive
sponsor to vet the plan
with leadership peers.
Review and finalize
Review your
communication plan with
project leaders and
audience representatives.
Incorporate feedback and
finalize the plan for
Establish goals
Set and vet goals for
what you need to
accomplish with
Explain why you’re
doing this.
Document the communication plan
Articulate messaging for each
Document how you plan to deliver
on your communication goals.
Define your audiences, messaging,
formats, timelines, responsibilities,
and evaluation plan (see page 1).
How do I build an OCM communication plan? (Continued)
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What does a good OCM communication plan look like?
The most effective OCM communication plans are built in a project plan format that includes information across all plan components in one place and
can be easily updated to track communications efforts over time. We recommend the format below (populated with example information).
Activity Communication objectives/message Audience Delivery format Time frame Responsibility
Create a buzz and drive awareness
Announce kickoff event
Email ASAP, followed
up with
biweekly emails
team and OCM
program lead
Kickoff for all
hands (event)
Exec sponsor speaks to the project’s
Provide overview of what to expect
Introduce theme and have some swag
affected by
the change
Town-hall style
meeting and
webinar for
remote workers
At beginning of
Executive sponsor
Related resources
Success Playbook and Checklist Create a change management plan
Success Quick Answer How do I start organizational change management?
Success Quick Answer How can I assess if my organization is ready for ServiceNow?
If you have any questions on this topic
or you would like to be a contributor
to future ServiceNow best practice
content, please contact us.
How do I build an OCM communication plan? (Continued)