Marketing Yourself Effectively
What is a Résumé?
A résumé is a marketing tool, a personal advertisement, used to help you get an interview. It is a one-page
(sometimes two-page) document that briefly highlights your educational background, experience, and
skills. It is not an autobiography. The most eective résumé must be well written, concise, organized and
clearly focused on a specific job title and address the employer’s stated requirements for the position. The
more you know about the duties and skills required for the job – and organize your résumé round these
points – the more eective your résumé will be.
General Guidelines
Your résumé has 15-20 seconds to catch an employer’s eye and get an interview. Make it count!
When printing your résumé for submission by mail or in person, use high-quality paper in conservative
colors (white, ivory, or very pale gray). Do not use paper with visible flecks in it.
Utilize the same header on all documents (résumé and list of references). Include your name and your
complete contact information. Be certain your email address sounds professional (e.g., not
“prettypinkprincess@whatever.com”) and make sure your voicemail message is professional. Do not use
your work email address. Put your name at the top of page two on a two-page résumé.
Font & Styling
Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, Garamond). Avoid casual fonts like Comic Sans. Text
size should be 11-12 points. Your name and section headings can and should be a bit larger. Utilize styling
tools such as bolding, • bullets, italics and ALL CAPITALS carefully for ease when skimming.
Readers lose interest as they read down and across the page. Prioritize information in order of importance,
with the most important text up high and to the left where it is most likely to be read.
Numbers & Abbreviations
Spell out numbers under and including ten; use the numerical form for numbers over and including 11 (as a
general rule), unless they are the first words in a sentence. Spell out abbreviations unless they are
unquestionably obvious.
Formulate bulleted statements rather than using paragraphs of text:
Use white space between sections of writing as appropriate.
Keep sentences as short and direct.
Maintain uniformity, such as either using periods or not using them after all bulleted statements.
Start each bulleted statement with an action verb. Use present tense verbs for jobs you are still doing,
and past tense verbs for tasks you have completed or are no longer doing.
Information to Avoid
Do not include personal information such as age, height, weight, health status, marital status, number of
children, military classification, photographs, etc. unless it is required for the specific position.
Templates and Sample Résumés
Templates and sample résumés will give you an idea of what the format of your résumé should look like.
However, there is no one right way to write your résumé. You can use a template as a guide, but customize
it to fit your needs. We recommend avoiding Microsoft Word templates.
Overview of Résumés
Parts of a Résumé?
An objective is optional. The purpose of an objective statement is to let the employer know what position
or type of job you are applying for, and your qualifications for that position in a short concise statement.
Focus on what you have to oer rather than on what the job can oer you.
This section should be listed first on your résumé as long as you are in school. Begin with your most recent
level of education and degree and list in reverse chronological order. Include the name and location of
schools, expected date of completion (not dates of attendance), major fields of study, and degrees
Do not list your high school information unless you are a freshman or sophomore.
Do not include schools you transferred from unless you received an Associate’s Degree.
Your GPA should be included if it is above 3.0.
Honors and awards that are directly related to your academics may also be listed under this section.
This section can include full-time, part-time, internship, and volunteer experiences – both paid and unpaid.
Start with your most recent employer. Give dates of employment, your job title, name of the company, and
the company’s city and state.
This section should detail your accomplishments, transferable skills, and important responsibilities. It
should not be a listing of your job duties.
Begin each statement using action verbs. See the list of action verbs included in this packet.
Avoid “Responsible for” or “Duties Included…
Use numbers and percentages to provide measurable results when appropriate (e.g., number of people
supervised; number of children in classroom; size of event; budget you oversaw, etc.).
It is important to show involvement throughout college in areas other than the classroom. This is an
optional section where you can list campus activities, as well as job-related professional, humanitarian, or
other groups. These activities may be worth mentioning, particularly if you were an ocer or were active in
some other way.
Honors & Awards
This section can showcase any special honors and awards you may have received. If the only awards
received were in school, put those under the Education section.
Skills & Certifications
List skills such as knowledge of foreign languages, computers (operating systems, relevant applications),
and relevant certifications. Other skills or special abilities (e.g., quick-learner, people-oriented, dynamic
public speaker) should be demonstrated through your experience section.
Other Sections
Because each person has diverse experiences and strengths, there are many dierent categories that can
be included in a résumé. This is not a comprehensive list of all of the sections you might choose to include
on your résumé. You might also choose to include any of the following sections:
Leadership Experience
Project Experience
Professional Aliations & Memberships
Relevant Coursework
Community Involvement
Volunteer Experience
Publications & Research Experience
Conferences & Presentations
1 2
Action Verbs
The following are action-oriented verbs that can be used throughout your résumé and personal presenta-
tions to convey energy, accomplishments, and skills. You do not want to use “Responsibilities include...
which appears regularly on résumés. A prospective employer doesn’t want to know what you were
supposed to do; he or she needs to know how you discharged the duties!
These words should be the lead words in phrases, which tell you what you really did. This list is not all-in-
clusive, so use your own action verbs when you don’t find the right words here. REMEMBER: if you are
currently doing the task, keep the action verb in present tense. Try not to end the action verb using –ing.
Additional Tips
11-12 pt. font looks best.
Customize your résumé to fit each employer and position. This will take some research on your part.
Consider the overall aesthetics of your résumé.
The chonological format is preferred by employers (start with most recenter experience).
Failure to customize.
Your résumé should be tailored to the targeted opportunity. Be prepared to revise your résumé
many times throughout your job search and into your career. Your résumé should convey why you
are the perfect candidate for a specific job.
Highlighing job duties instead of accomplishments and transferable skills.
Employers don’t care as much about what you’ve done as what you’ve accomplished in your
various activities. Highlight accomplishments and transferable skills.
Use of personal pronouns.
Eliminate any use of personal pronouns such as I, my, we, our, they, their, them.
A poorly worded objective statement.
Give employers something specific and, more importantly, something that focuses on their needs,
not your own.
Listing references.
References should be listed on separate document. Avoid writing “References available upon
Use of abbreviations.
In general, avoid using abbreviations except for two-letter state abbreviations. If using an
abbreviation, spell out the full name the first time and include an abbreviation in parentheses
before using throughout the rest of the résumé.
Inconsistent or unattractive format.
Your résumé should have a simple, clean structure and be very easy to read. Be sure bulleted
statements are in line, margins are approximately 1” on all sides, spacing between sections is
consistent, and headings are easy to find.
Typos and grammatical errors.
Your résumé needs to be perfect from a grammatical standpoint. One typo, misspelled word, or
grammatical error could eliminate you from consideration.
Using graphics or pictures.
Unless you are applying for a job in a creative field, graphics should not be used on a résumé. And
your picture should never go on your résumé. If it’s necessary, include it as an attachment.
Failure to include a cover letter.
A cover letter should always accompany your résumé. Your cover letter is an introduction to your
résumé and should clearly articulate why you are the best person for the job. When submitting
your résumé via email, your email message will serve as your cover letter.
Top 10 Résumé Mistakes
Before finalizing your résumé, make sure you don’t commit any of these mistakes:
What is a Cover Letter?
A well-written cover letter should always accompany your résumé. The cover letter gives you the
opportunity to draw an employer’s attention to specific skills and experience outlined in your résumé,
convey your research and knowledge of the organization, and expand upon information which
particularly matches you to the position for which you wish to be considered. If you are emailing your
résumé to a potential employer, your email message can serve as your cover letter. Remember that the
cover letter is a reflection of your writing skills, so take time and care to proofread your document.
Format & Content
Cover letters should be one page in length, and three to four paragraphs long. The structure of the cover
letter typically consists of an introductory paragraph, a middle paragraph identifying your specific strengths
matched to the employer’s needs, and a concluding paragraph restating your interest in the position and
requesting an interview. They should be written in professional business format and printed on the same
paper as the résumé. Cover letters are not form letters. They should be targeted to each position and
should address the specific employer’s qualifications. Cover letters are also more eective when
addressed to an actual person rather than “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.
The heading of the letter should include your return address, the date, the person you are sending the
letter to and the business address. That will be followed up by a proper salutation (e.g., Dear Mr. Jones).
Paragraph 1 - Explain Your Purpose
Clearly identify the position for which you are applying or state why you would be the right candidate
for a specific job.
If answering an ad or a job posting, state where you heard about the opening. If someone referred you
to the position, mention that person’s name.
If you do not know whether the employer has an opening, indicate the type of position you are seeking.
Paragraph 2 - Your Sales Pitch
Explain your qualifications and why you are interested in the position and the company.
Generate the reader’s interest in you by referring to an enclosed résumé. Do not repeat your résumé;
rather, highlight specific examples of your experience and qualifications as they relate to the desired
Paragraph 3 - Your Plan of Action
Identify what you will do next.
Make a request for an interview. If you know you will follow up, state that.
Keep this paragraph short, positive and avoid sounding aggressive or “pushy” in tone.
Thank them for their time and indicate your eagerness to speak with them.
Include your contact information (phone and email address).
At the end, you must include a signature block. Be sure to sign the letter before it is sent!
Overview of Cover Letters
Failure to customize.
Your cover letter should be tailored to match each specific position that you are applying for.
Remember that it tells the hiring manager which position you’re applying for; and it is the
introduction to you and your résumé.
Too long.
Your cover letter should not exceed one page. Get to the point – which is to get them to read your
Too short.
Most cover letters should be one full page. Many people make them too short because they think
that cover letters don’t really matter. But, keep in mind that the point of the cover letter is to make
the hiring manager want to read your résumé.
Too casual.
Remember that you are not writing a letter to your friend, but to your potential employer. Be polite
and friendly, but not too casual. Use formal business letter format.
Spelling erros and typos.
This simply mistake can cost you the job.
Addressing the letter “To Whom It May Concern.
Do you like getting junk mail that’s addressed to “current resident”? Of course not! Neither does
the hiring manager of the company you’re applying with. Take the time to learn about the compa-
ny and who does the hiring for them. Then, include their name and title in the cover letter.
Writing vague statements.
Your cover letter is the place to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Pick specific achieve-
ments to highlight. Use lots of specific adjectives to describe yourself. Match them with the ones
in the job posting if possible. If they want a “highly motivated and outgoing person”, be sure to use
those words in your cover letter.
Long paragraphs.
Your cover letter should be easy to read, and easy to skim. Use short paragraphs, sentences
and words.
Using graphics or pictures.
Do not include any graphics and pictures that might distract the reader.
Forgetting to sign the letter.
It give an important personal touch!
Top 10 Cover Letter Mistakes
Before finalizing your cover letter, make sure you don’t commit any of these mistakes:
Prospecting Letters
The purpose of this letter is to inquire about possible vacancies, have someone read your résumé, and to
generate an interview.
Networking Letters
This letter is sent to individuals requesting information about a career or company. Normally, a résumé is
not attached to this type of letter because the focus is on generating information not generating job oers!
It’s excellent used as a way to ask for an informational interview.
Follow-Up Letters
A letter requesting the status of your application while noting your continued interest in the position. You
should also oer to provide any additional information that would assist the employer in making a decision.
Due to time sensitivity, this letter is often emailed.
Interview Confirmation Letters
Once an interview appointment has been made between you and a prospective employer over the tele-
phone, it is sometimes best to follow-up that conversation with a confirmation letter or email indicating:
Restatement of the date and time of the interview appointment
Other pertinent details discussed on the phone
Your appreciation of the employers further consideration of your qualifications
Post-Interview Thank You Letters
This is one of the most important yet least used letters in a job search. It is used to show good will and
appreciation. A thank-you letter should always be sent with 24 -48 hours after an interview. It can be a
handwritten note, business letter or sent via email. A well written thank- you reminds the employer who
you are, your background and qualifications, shows your enthusiasm and continued interest and conveys
your sincere appreciation for their time.
Job Acceptance Letters
Congratulations if you’ve made it to this stage in the job search! This letter is sent to an employer when
an oer has been made. Use it to accept the oer and confirm the terms of employment (start date, salary,
medical examinations, etc.). It is an excellent way to positively reinforce the employer’s decision to hire you.
Job Oer Letters of Declination
A letter sent to formally decline an oer of employment or to remove you from consideration as a
candidate. Rejecting an employment oer must be done thoughtfully. Indicate that you have carefully
considered the oer but that it was not the best job fit for this stage in your career. Do not say that you
have obtained a better job. You want to express your thanks while keeping the door open for future
Job Oer Clarification Letters
This letter is used to clarify any details about a job oer which can help you in making a decision. You can
request clarification in two ways: over the phone or formally by letter.
Other Letters
Iwanna Jobb
Current Address Permanent Address
3 Eagle Avenue 123 Parents Street
Statesboro, GA 30458 Hometown, USA 98765
(912) 681-5197 (980) 765-4321
Objective Target the organization or the title for which you are applying. Keep it short and simple!
Education Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Bachelor of Arts (or Science) in (Major), Graduation Date, GPA (if 3.0 or higher)
Relevant Most Recent Employer, City, State
Experience Position Held Date held position (Month, Year)
List your duties & responsibilities – something you did or learned
Cite an accomplishment you achieved while working (need at least 2)
Begin each bullet with an action verb
Previous Company(s) You Worked At, City, State
Position Held Date held position (Month, Year)
List at least two, up to five duties
Concentrate on accomplishments, skills, and responsibilities
Project Project Name/Class Name, Semester, Year
Experience Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
List goals, objectives, & outcome of the project
Begin each bullet with an action verb
Courses *If you need a filler or have little experience in your field
Leadership Position Title, Organization Name –describe accomplishments
Experience Position Title, Organization Name
Position Title, Organization Name
Honors Dean’s List, Awards, Scholarships, HOPE
*If you have earned a scholarship, or were recognized for some type of achievement list it.
Computer Outline your technical skills, list all programs you know or are familiar with.
Specify 2-4 skills that relate.
Use bullet format
Activities Organization Name, Date of Involvement (2017 – Present)
*If you belong to a club, organization, sorority, and/or fraternity, list it along with any leadership
positions held and dates.
Outline your talents, name proven abilities that support your objective
Class Title(s) in bullet format (not every course, but only those that support your objective)
Résumé - Basic Template
Résumé - Chronological
Your Name 1 Eagle Lane, Statesboro, GA 30458 | 555.555.5555 | [email protected]
To obtain a Programmer position at Google utilizing my education, skills, and experience.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, May 2020
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Database Programming
Network Administration
Web page Design
Systems: Windows Vista | UNIX | LINUX
Software: Microsoft Oce Suite | Adobe Photoshop | DreamWeaver | FrontPage
Programming Languages: C | C++ Å HTML | XHTML | Java |Visual Basic
Student Assistant, September 2019-Present
Department of Computer Science, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Maintain department website including content, programming, and troubleshooting
Create graphics and other visual elements to include on website
Assist sta with administrative tasks
Senior Project, Spring 2020
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
As part of a four-member team designed, developed and implemented a web based survey system
Created beta database program to organize survey results and provide easy access
Utilized XHTML on an Apache Tomcat Server to write program
Intern, May 2016-July 2017
The Game Shop, Atlanta, GA
Located and correct programming code in prototype software
Brainstormed new ideas for gamming scenarios in sta meetings
Assisted with the development, testing and implementation of fantasy game products
Career Educator, September 2017-May 2018
Georgia Southern University Oce of Career and Professional Development, Statesboro, GA
Helped students, alumni, and other populations with career resources
Aided sta in administrative duties and at on-campus events
Presented workshops on oce services and résumés to classes and student groups
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Member, Fall 2019-Present
Participated in regional and national programming competition
Alpha Beta Alpha Honor Society, Member, Fall 2018-Present
Intramural Soccer, 2018-2019
Habitat for Humanity, Spring 2017
Computer Software Engineering
Programming Visual Basic
Operating System Pragmatics
Résumé - Functional
Your Name
Summary of Qualifications
For the summary limit it to 4-6 bulleted statements highlighting your strongest attributes
List achievement or skills that would relate to the position applying for
List these as short bulleted statements
This is where you begin to sell yourself to a potential employer
Areas of Eectiveness
Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills
List achievement, skills, experience in this functional area
Begin each bullet with an action verb
List in short bullet format
List 4-6 statements describing your experience from your past positions.
Try to list significant achievements, awards, accolades, etc.
Customer Service and Sales Skills
List achievement, skills, experience in this functional area
List in short bullet format and begin each bullet with an action verb
List 4-6 statements describing your experience from your past positions.
Try to list significant achievements, awards, accolades, etc.
Managerial and Supervisory Skills
List achievement, skills, experience in this functional area
List in short bullet format and begin each bullet with an action verb
List 4-6 statements describing your experience from your past positions.
Try to list significant achievements, awards, accolades, etc.
Marketing and Public Relations
List achievement, skills, experience in this functional area
List in short bullet format and begin each bullet with an action verb
List 4-6 statements describing your experience from your past positions.
Try to list significant achievements, awards, accolades, etc.
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, May 2019 GPA: 3.5
Employment History
Job Title, Company Name, City, State, Dates of Employment
Job Title, Company Name, City, State, Dates of Employment
Job Title, Company Name, City, State, Dates of Employment
Computer Skills
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, SAP
123 Eagle Court | Statesboro, GA 30458 (912) 444-5555 [email protected]
Joe Eagle
Veteran’s Preference: N/A
Federal Civilian Status: N/A
Country of Citizenship: United States of America
DATE OF BIRTH Month Day, Year
ANNOUNCEMENT Announcement #0000000000, Job Title (GS #)
EDUCATION Georgia Southern University — Statesboro, GA 30460
Degree: Bachelor of Arts/Science in [Major], May 2019
Major: Biology Major GPA: 3.85/4.0 Overall GPA: 3.76/4.0
Academic Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Dean’s List 2008-2012
Relevant Coursework: List any classes that you have taken that are relevant
to the job in which you are applying.
Statesboro High School, Statesboro, GA 30458
College preparatory curriculum, Received Diploma, June 2015
HONORS/ Dean’s List, 2015, 2016, 2017
AWARDS Golden Key Honor Society, 2015 - 2016
CERTIFICATIONS List any certifications that you may have
TRAINING Leadership Skills for a Global Society, LeadersSHAPE Conference, Georgia
Southern University Spring 2017
COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient in Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS.
LANGUAGE SKILLS Bilingual - Proficient in Spanish and English. Able to interpret and translate
documents and correspondence for both Spanish and English.
EMPLOYMENT Job Title Month Year – Month Year
HISTORY Company Hours: # of hours worked/week
Physical Address Ending Salary: $ per hour
City, State Zip Beginning Salary: $ per hour
Supervisor: First & Last Name, Phone # May Contact: Yes or No
List ALL of your duties and responsibilities in sentence/paragraph format. Begin
each sentence with an action verb. Try to be as descriptive as possible, but
Accomplishments: Make sure to include any accomplishments achieved.
VOLUNTEER Title Month Year Month Year
EXPERIENCE Organization Name Hours: # of hours worked/week
Physical Address
City, State Zip
Supervisor: First & Last Name, Phone # May Contact: Yes or No
List ALL of your duties and responsibilities in sentence/paragraph format. Begin
each sentence with an action verb. Try to be as descriptive as possible, but
ACTIVITIES Organization Name Dates of Involvement
Résumé - Federal
123 Southern Drive (912) 555-1212
Statesboro, GA 30458 [email protected]
Résumé - No Work Experience
Susie Eagle
Current Address Permanent Address
3 Eagle Avenue 123 Parents Street
Statesboro, GA 30458 Hometown, USA 98765
(912) 681-5197 (980) 765-4321
To obtain an internship with a non-profit organization to utilize my skills and education.
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
, May 2022 GPA: 3.5
Ability to write clear, comprehensive and grammatically correct documents
Demonstrated skill in managing change and maintaining flexibility in a variety of challenging
Experienced in using various research methods for both academic and community
service projects
Ability to work in diverse teams and to communicate well with others
Experience in fund raising and recruiting volunteers for fund raising events
Experience with both PC and Macintosh computers; Proficient in Microsoft Oce
Leadership, 2020- present
Volunteered to assist in campus awareness campaigns on domestic violence
Led group discussions at Georgia Southern University on the pros and cons of various
issues: teen intervention, abortion, etc.
Initiated outreach to local migrant farm workers and their families to encourage them to
seek higher education
Organization, 2019
Compiled community outreach data into a concise report, presented to the Community
Awareness Group at Georgia Southern University
Helped coordinate the Peachtree High School food drive
Raised $1,200 cash donations
Distributed over 780 cans of food to local targeted populations
Cover Letter - Template
Your Street address
City, State Zip
Street Address
City, State Zip
Dear Mr./Ms. Employer:
(Address the letter to a specific individual. Do the research necessary to find the name of the individual
hiring for the position-if you cannot locate the individual, use a reference line in place of the salutation.)
First paragraph: Why are you writing
Indicate the reason for writing, the specific position or type of work for which you are applying, and how you
learned of the opening. Express your knowledge about and enthusiasm for this particular organization, its
products, or its services.
Second paragraph: What you have to oer
Indicate what you can do for the employer. This is your opportunity to convince the employer that you can
make a unique contribution to their organization. Do your research! Highlight your skills, experience,
knowledge, personal qualities, academic background, and accomplishments most relevant to the job
description. Link these positive features to ways you can benefit the employer. Use specific examples to
support claims you make about yourself. Link your strengths and examples to the employer’s needs and to
the stated job requirements. You may refer to the enclosed résumé, but try not to repeat the exact
information that the reader will find there. If necessary, this can be two paragraphs.
Third paragraph: What happens next
Conclude by restating your interest in the position and the organization. Refer the reader to the enclosed
résumé or application form that summarizes your qualifications, training, and experience. Indicate your
desire for a personal interview and repeat your contact information (i.e. phone number and email address).
Close with a statement that will encourage a response. For example, state that you will be in the city where
the organization is located on a certain date and would like to set up an interview. Or, simply state that you
will call on a certain date and time to inquire about an interview. Thank the individual for their time and
Your handwritten signature (in blue or black ink)
Your Typed Name
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Cover Letter - Full-Time Job
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2018
Ms. Jane Grey
Director of Personnel
Large Bank Corporation
111 North Street
Atlanta, GA 32121
Dear Ms. Grey:
I am writing to express my interest in the marketing research position you advertised in the August 20th
edition of the Atlanta Journal Constitution. With my undergraduate research background, my training in
psychology and sociology, and my work experience. I believe I could make a valuable contribution to Large
National Bank Corporation in this position.
In May 2019, I will complete a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Sociology from Georgia
Southern University. As part of the requirements for this degree, I am involved in a senior marketing
research project which has given me experience interviewing and surveying research subjects and
assisting with the analysis of the data collected. I also have completed a course in statistics and research
In additional to academic work, my experience also includes working part-time as a bookkeeper in a small,
independently owned restaurant with an annual budget of approximately $150,000. Because of the small
size of the business, I have been exposed to and participated in most aspects of managing a business,
including advertising and marketing. As the bookkeeper, I produced monthly sales reports that allow the
owners to project seasonal inventory needs. I also assisted with the development of ideas for special
promotional events and calculated sales proceeds after each event in order to evaluate its success. My
résumé, with additional information about my qualifications, is enclosed.
I believe that the combination of my business experience and social science research training is well-suited
to the marketing research position you described. Would you please consider my request for a personal
interview to discuss my qualifications and to learn more about this opportunity? I shall call you during the
week of July 23rd to discuss further. Should you need to reach me, please feel free to contact me at
912-555-1212 or via email at [email protected].
John Glenn
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Cover Letter - Internship
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2020
Ms. Jane Grey
Director of Human Resources
ABC Magazine
111 North Street
Atlanta, GA 32121
Dear Ms. Grey:
I am responding to your fall internship posting placed on Georgia Southern University’s
Handshake system. After reviewing the job description, I believe my academic and leadership
background in news writing and editing makes me an ideal candidate for your internship as an
Editorial Assistant.
Since 2017, I have been a member of the university’s newspaper sta where I constantly apply
classroom knowledge to real world applications. In this environment, I work with a small team of
sports writers as well as a larger newspaper sta to produce a weekly publication. My ability to
work with the team members to edit and write copy while always meeting strict deadlines would
be an asset to your
My résumé is enclosed, but I look forward to meeting with you in person to discuss how my
skills and experience would benefit your company. Please contact me at (912) 555-5555 or
[email protected] at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.
John Glenn
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Prospecting Letter - Internship
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2020
Mr. R U Hiring
Personnel Director
Atlanta History Center
190 W. Marietta Center
Atlanta, GA 30305
Dear Mr. Hiring:
I am currently a junior at Georgia Southern University seeking a summer internship that will
enable me to develop my skills managing historical exhibits and apply the concepts learned
in my undergraduate studies. I became acquainted with the Atlanta History Center by reading
your recruitment literature at the Georgia Southern University Oce of Career and Professional
As you will note in the enclosed résumé, I have had a volunteer experience with the
Milledgeville History House. In addition, I have worked as a customer service specialist in a retail
setting. These and other experiences have enabled me to begin to develop a variety of skills
including problem-solving, interpersonal communication, and time management. Therefore, I
know that I would be able to make a meaningful contribution to your organization.
I would like the opportunity to further discuss summer internship opportunities with you in
person. I am from Atlanta and plan to be home during my Spring Break March 16-20. I will
contact your oce in about two weeks to discuss the possibility of meeting during that week.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Name, typed
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Prospecting Letter - Full-Time Job
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2020
Mr. J. B. Price
Director of College Recruiting
You Buy It Stores
4500 Sunshine Drive
Chicago, IL 60601
Dear Mr. Price:
I have been reading about You Buy It Stores in the Georgia Southern University Handshake system and
would like to inquire about employment opportunities in your management training program. I want to
work in retail management and would like to relocate to the Chicago area.
I shall receive my Bachelor of Arts degree in English this May. Although I studied English, my interest
in business started with my membership in the Future Business Leaders of America organization while
in high school and developed further through a variety of sales and retail positions during college. My
internship with Nordstrom’s convinced me to pursue a career in retailing. When I researched the top
retailers in the Chicago area, You Buy It Stores emerged as having a strong market position, an excellent
training program, and a reputation for excellent customer service. In short, you provide the kind of
professional retail environment I seek.
My résumé is enclosed for your consideration. My education and experience match the qualifications
required of your management trainees, but I would like to learn more about the intricate qualities that
you seek in your management team. I know from customer and supervisor feedback that I have the
interpersonal skills and motivation needed to build a successful career in retail management. Further, my
practical experience gives me confidence in my career direction and in my ability to perform.
I am very interested in talking with you further about possible employment opportunities with You Buy It
Stores. I will plan to call you in the next two weeks to see if we can arrange a meeting time that is
convenient to your schedule.
Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to talking with you.
Name, typed
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Networking Letter
Your Address
City, State, Zip
Mr./Ms. ________
Job Title
Company Name
City, State, Zip
Dear Mr./Ms. _______________,
I was delighted to find your name listed as an alumni of Georgia Southern University in
CareerShift because I am seeking an opportunity to speak with an experienced
professional regarding career opportunities in (state the career field). Although I have
held an internship with (company name), I am hoping to learn more about (state what
your areas of interest are).
As an intern for (company name), I gained/learned (state the knowledge acquired).
I have developed (state the skills you developed) through my studies in (subject/courses),
participation in (name the student/professional organizations you are involved in), and (state any
other experience you have had i.e. study abroad experience). My goal is to find the best way of
presenting my skills and abilities to potential employers.
I would greatly appreciate having an opportunity to talk with you about your work and your
point of view on eective job search strategies for graduating seniors like me. I will call
you in the next week to see if we might be able to arrange a convenient time to talk. In the
meantime, feel free to contact me at (phone number) or by email at (email address).
Thank you for considering my request.
Name, typed
Post-Interview Thank You Letter
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2020
Ms. Katherine Ortiz
Director of Development
WLMR - Channel 57
10656 Columbia Parkway
Atlanta, GA 31301
Dear Ms. Ortiz:
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the Assistant Director of Development
position at WLMR – Channel 57. I enjoyed our interview very much.
This opportunity sounds exciting and challenging for someone with my energy level and
commitment to public television. The Assistant Director of Development position oers an
experience suited for someone with my skills and abilities.
I would be happy to provide any additional information that you many need regarding my
Thank you so much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Name, typed
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Follow-Up Letter
Your Address
City, State, Zip
Mr./Ms. ________
Job Title
Company Name
City, State, Zip
Dear Mr./Ms. _______________, (unless you were instructed to use first name):
In the first paragraph, you should remind the recipient of the interview that took place, along
with the date. You can also include a little bit of information on what was discussed or key things
that will help remind the reader of that particular interview and the position you applied for.
In the body of the letter, tell the employer that your interest in the company still remains high.
Reiterate your strengths briefly and how you would be an asset to the company. Also include
that you would like to be contacted on the company’s decision, whether or not you are oered
the position.
In the closing, thank the reader for his or her time and state a specific action statement. For
example, I will call your oce on Tuesday afternoon to talk about the next steps. Be clear that
you are flexible in meeting again.
Name, typed
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Job Oer Acceptance Letter
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2020
Ms. Katherine Ortiz
Director of Development
WLMR - Channel 57
10656 Columbia Parkway
Atlanta, GA 31301
Dear Ms. Ortiz:
I want to thank you for oering me an opportunity to join you development team at WLMR –
Channel 57. I am very pleased to accept the Assistant Director of Development position. I
believe that this position is exactly the kind of work I want to do and I know I will serve you
organization well.
As we discussed, I shall begin work on August, 1, 2018. In the meantime, I will complete all
necessary employment forms and locate housing. I plan to be in Atlanta within the next two
weeks and would like to deliver the paperwork to you personally. At that time, we can handle
any remaining items pertaining to my employment. I will call next week to schedule an
appointment with you.
I have enjoyed my interviews with you and I look forward to beginning my career as a part of
your development team.
Name, typed
Enclosure: Résumé & References
Job Oer Declination Letter
9066 Herty Street Apt C
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
June 30, 2020
Ms. Katherine Ortiz
Director of Development
WLMR - Channel 57
10656 Columbia Parkway
Atlanta, GA 31301
Dear Ms. Ortiz:
It was indeed a pleasure meeting with you and your development team on May 30 to discuss
your needs for an Assistant Director of Development. I cannot thank you enough for your
decision to oer me the position; however, at this time I am unable to accept your oer of
As I discussed with you during our meeting, I have a strong interest in international
communications and specifically in developing relationships with international stations. After
careful consideration, I have realized that I would be better suited for a position that
concentrates on international markets in addition to domestic markets.
Should a position that would concentrate on international markets become available, I would
be pleased to be among those considered for the opening. You have a fine organization and I
would enjoy being a part of it.
Best wishes in your search.
Name, typed
Enclosure: Résumé & References